Board's board game Rules. "Cartagena": more than three not going! Impressions and reviews

Today we have on review - table game "Cartagena" (Cartagena). Relatively fast, uncomplicated, but at the same time attractive and deep from a tactical point of view. "Cartagena" I bought one of the first games, she attracted me with her simplicity. Suitable for both children and adults. It is perfect for beginners, "Cartagena" is a great opportunity to take people into the world of board games.

Idea and idea game

According to one old pirate legend, it is that in the distant 1672, approximately three dozen of the most real pirates made escape from the Kartagena fortress, which was in the Caribbean. This fortress-prison was considered absolutely impregnable and the escape was impossible, but this gang managed to escape, processed the underground tunnel. After that, according to the same old pirate legend, this game has appeared on the islands in the Caribbean Sea - "Cartagena". Since then, she remained unchanged and I have on this moment finds the original of this game ... joke

Here is such a surcharge to this game. We will have to manage the gang of pirates and the first to reach a saving boat, which can be saved to lustful freedom.

Exterior view of the box and components

Let us turn to the review of the packaging and components of the game. They are extremely uncomplicated here, but allow us to play quite deep, in the tactical plan, party.

Click on image to enlarge

The box itself is small: 22,5х22,5х50 mm, it seemed to buy me that the box is big. Inside - a simple organizer, everything is fine in it, lies freely and does not interfere with each other.

- tiles of tunnels;

Left below lies stack of tilesFrom which our game field is consumed:

The tiles themselves have the form of zy and remind our letter r, the amount is 6 pieces. To form a playing field, he tunnel for escapeThey need to be docked with each other. Starting them to docile, we understand that it is possible to do absolutely different tunnels every time. According to the developers of the game, we have several million combinations of absolutely different tunnels.

Here are examples of tunnels that I laid out literally in a few seconds:

You can not bother and make such a simple and laconic design:

As we have already noticed, there are 6 characters on each tunnel tunnels: a key, a saber, a pirate flag (fun Roger), a red triangle, a gun and a bottle. On each tile, these characters are arranged in an arbitrary order, i.e. Tiles are absolutely different from each other in terms of characters applied on them. Plus, the tiles are bilateral, i.e. Figure is applied on both sides.

- cards;

In the game is present deck of cards. The size is small, the number of cards 102 pieces.

The cards are depicted on the same symbols as on tunnel tiles.

- chips of pirates;

Our prats are represented by multi-colored figures, 5 colors of 6 pieces, i.e. Here they are your 30 fugitives who need to have the first to bring to the boat to leave the glood prison.

- boat, she is a boat;

Yes, there is a real boat in the game. Made from dense cardboard. Beautiful art boat invariably attracts attention. The inner part of the boat and its bottom to the same extent beautifully painted:

So prats look in this rescue agent:

Comparison with a new edition

It is time to warn everyone again, as it was already with the game "" namely, it will again go about different editions of the game "Cartagena". I really like this warm yellow-brown edition, which was published in 2008 (the date is on me on the box). However, it completely came out of print, at the moment a new edition prevailed on the market, in my opinion, 2014. This is full of trash!

The warm gamma of the old edition was replaced by poisonous-green, the colors of the pirates lost standard colors and painted in almost indistinguishable shades from each other. Includes now not 6, and 5 tunnel tiles - the game has become smaller and shorter, but its price has grown!

I want to warn you from buying a poisonous-green edition and, if possible, look for an old warm yellow brown gamut.

For this reason, I have been looking for a long edition for a long time and found, but also, it was printed for the Scandinavian countries, but it did not prevent anything at all, because The game is completely diabecue.

Stroke Game

The game has 2 game modes - this is "Jamaica" and "Tortuga".

When playing in the "Jamaica" mode, players hide their cards, when playing in "Tortuga" - all cards lie in the open. We always play "Jamaica", because it is more fun and more canonical, "Tortuga" makes everyone look at the opponents' cards and additionally think for others, i.e. Requires the calculation of the possible moves of the opponent. This is accompanied by a tense silence, an enhanced snap-off and creaking, and I don't like this very much. If I want the squeaks of the sorry, then I can get chess, by the way, "Tortuga" and turns into chess, only the movement goes in one direction without loss of figures.

In the review, I will only consider mode of the game "Jamaica".

I'll show a couple of moves on 2 players. First alignment:

Top - red , Nizhny green player. 6 Pratics occupy a place at the start, each 6 cards. We run on the left - to the right.

How is the move? Each player holds on the hands of cards with symbols, the same characters are drawn in the tunnel. Resetting a specific card, the player can move one pirate to this icon. For the course you can make 3 actions.

Red resets the card with a saber and immediately moves his pirate on the near image saber.

The third card was a gun, the player decides to move a non-new pirate, but moves the pirate already in (so it is possible) and moves it on the nearest Pistol symbol:

His cards lie in reset:

It is a queue green Player move his figures.

He plays the card with a tri-fingered and moves his pirate on the nearest free The triangle symbol. Now this symbol is located a little further, because Middle busy:

And once again carries the card of the triangles, now his pirate jumps even further:

At the end of his turn latest card Walking fun Roger. Pirate moves on the nearest Symbol of funny Roger:

Played maps green The player also goes into reset:

In the end, cards from the players go to the reset and comes, approximately such a situation. How to walk on and how to be? Consider this moment more.

In "Cartagena" you can walk not only forward, but to go back. Consider on the example red player.

Please note that his pirate has moved 1 step back to one cage along with green Pirate, for this red gets one card on hand from the deck.

The second action, he moves another pirate back to two others and immediately receives not 1, and 2 cards. Those. I met one friend - get one card, met two friends - get 2 cards, everything is logical and simple. Mean with three friends - prohibited! On one cell there may be a maximum of 3 pirates. And you can not jump through pirates, back you can only shine to the nearest pirates.

Well, the third action remains. You can also go to how Liyo Pirates back to get a map either you can play a map and move the pirates forward to the boat.

How can I advise from myself if you have the opportunity to get 1 or 2 cards and not hard to roll back, then take cards. Maps on hand - it is always profitable.

At the end of the round you can take such a picture: green - All in the boat, and red Do not have time. In this case, the boat sails and the victory is awarded to the green player. Seven one is not waiting!

Impressions and reviews

Excellent game for both children and adults. With the help of "Cartagena" you can easily trigger newcomers into the world of board games, works on excellent. The game is quite excite, because There is a lot of feeling of the present race, in fact, the game and is a race. The influence of the logical calculation of the movement of the Praticists, the most logically thoughtful player wins in the game. The tactical component in this simple game can be compared with chess, however, not so to compete with this ancient game, but anyway…

The game makes thinking, calculate the moves, invent a strategy on the laying path. Board's board game "Cartagena" - a great way to strain a little and severely relax. The degree of voltage will depend on the skill of your rivals. It is very interesting to play with experienced players, which can strain all your gyruses.

However, children refuse to play with me, I do not always manage to succumb to them and I constantly win. We need to slow down the turnover and give them to win in several parties. In general, as I said, such scaling reminds me of chess - you can play in full force, and you can slow down a little. By the way, children will be useful to play with strong rivals, let them learn and move convulsions.

In general, the game is commemorated, pretty cheerful and logical. In my game collection "Cartagena" is a valuable acquisition. I recommend everyone.

  • *Information
    • Number of players: 2-5
    • Game Type: strategy
    • Game time: 30-45

    18.04.2016 , In the section & nbsp

    Brief description of the game:

    Publisher: Hobby World.

    Number of players: 2-5

    Play time:30 minutes.

    Age of players: 8+

    Preparation time: minimum

    In 1672, Pirates were made from prison in the fortress of Cartagena. In desktop game Cartagena / Cartagena. You must repeat this feat and, ahead of your opponents, translate all your pirates to the boat, which stands at the end of the dark corridors of the prison tower. The boat is one and someone will not fall on it.

    A little about the rules:

    The game field is Cartagena Corridors. Is made up of 6 parts - paths, they join each other in random order to each a new game It was a bit diverse. Each section has six characters in random order. Symbols: Lantern, Boat Anchor, Jug, Weapon, Keys and Telescope. At the disposal of each participant at the beginning of the shoot of 5 cards. In turn, the player takes one additional map. Each map repeats the same characters as on the game field. All participants disassemble 4 pirates and place them at the beginning.

    A player can do one of two actions to his move: play the card and move the next unoccupied space, which corresponds to the symbol of the card (in one course of no more than three cards). Or you can move back to the first space with one or two pirates. What is the benefit of this? You ask. Very big if the pirate's chip becomes a cage with one friend in misfortune, then you take one card on the hand from the stack if your Gentleman Good lucki got on the field with two pirates, then take 2 cards. More than three pieces of fugitives on one cell can not stand and have to move on back to the place with one or two chips. It is necessary to think about moving back and make cards or maybe now not the moment. Here and turns on the strategic part of the game Cartagena.

    If you play a map with an illustration that does not find your coincidence on the open space, in the corridor or before the pirate you move, it turns into a boat.

    There are still advanced rules of the game Cartagena / Cartagena. And the game is open. But here we will not explain it. In the rules of rules to the game, everything is clearly described. They are present in materials for download.

    In general, about the game:

    "Cartagena" - fast funny gamewhich is most suitable for family Entertainment. As you may notice, the rules in the game are very lungs and quickly mastered even a child, explained in 5 minutes.

    Components for this game are pretty made and illustratives please the eyes and, most importantly, it is clearly transmitted to the actions that need to be done in their turn. Rules are easy to read and follow them.

    In Game "Cartagena"the player will need More or less strategically thinking and considerable luck to win this game. For example, it happens very useful to spend the move and move the pirate of the pirate back to take two cards in hand, even if the participant has something to play. But sometimes just the presence of the right cards in the correct time wins the game for you.

    Cartagena is such a city. From his fortress in 1672, a group of pirates fled: they started the underground tunnel, booted into the boat and got to the cake, where the forest paths went into the shelter. An incredible escape is made in legends and materialized in this desktop game. Rules are pretty simple, accessible to children from eight years. And it is very cool that in a small box, thanks to bilateral components, you can play gradually in the entire history of escape, from prison to shelter.

    Basic Game: Prison - Boat

    You set the field with underground strokes up, and all participating pirates put in prison. On the other side of the tunnel - the cherished boat. Win the one who will throw on her all his pirates and sails.

    Pirates are moved by cards. On each map of those that go to players, some symbol is depicted. The same characters are on each cell of the field. Put the map - rearranged the pirate. They can move forward or back, with different effects.

    Next Party on Tortuga

    Turn over the field, get the jungle. From a very worn boat, all pirates are poured ashore and try to get to the shelter at the end of the trail. And you can also combine the fields of the field so that in order for one party to play the whole escape from beginning to end. There are some new rules that will need to be observed to be interesting and honest. What? Fair? Oh, well, we are not playing like pirates.

    Give her connoisseurs

    • Of course, the most real pirates,
    • And small pirates who adore books and films about brave thieves,
    • Those who love the story and buzzing from playing different plots on the table,
    • Lovers of Spain and Latin America - everything is so historical here,
    • Fans of films about shoots (not plants, and people),
    • A family that often travels to know what to do if they hit a foreign prison.

    What is inside

    • 8 bilateral parts of the field: on one side of the path, to another underground move,
    • Plot with prison,
    • Plot with boat
    • 102 cards with symbols: 6 types,
    • 30 wooden pirates of five colors,
    • 8 tokens with chests,
    • 2 boat tokens,
    • Rules of the game.

    1672 year. Pirates finally managed to get out of the prison compartment Fort Cartagena. They descended into the dungeon, hoping to find a way out and escape. But not everything is so simple! Although it was found that underground passages lead to the port, the boat there is only one there. All pirates do not fit in it. So ... only those who will get to the saving boat will run out of the Cartagena!

    "Cartagena" (Orig. "Cartagena") is a race for a company from two to five people. Players take under their management on the team of pirates, trying to bring them to the boat. Wins the one who will do it first. To move forward, players will need cards, but to get them, you will have to move back ... dilemma!

    Boat not for everyone

    The playing field in Kartagena is created from six sections. At one end are the teams of pirates, on the other - the saving boat. At the beginning of the party, players arrange their chips of pirates (each of them six), get starting cards and are preparing to perform actions. You can play a card and move the pirate forward to the first unoccupied cell with the same symbol as on the map, or move back to the cell on which other pirates are located, and get new cards.

    When the pirates reach the boat, they sit down in her and wait for their team. But every step towards victory will be made harder and harder. Sometimes it may turn out that you have to perform actions that did not fit into the original plan at all. So it is important to think over your strategy and take into account the events siting during the party. In "Cartagena" only the one who will plan all the absolutely pirates in the boat will win.

    • 6 bilateral areas gaming field (Each section - a segment of an underground stroke with six declines-symbols: flag, saber, gun, key, bottle, triangle);
    • Cardboard boat;
    • A deck of 102 cards (17 with each symbol);
    • The arrow card (used in the "Tortuga" version);
    • 30 pirates (6 wooden chips of each of the five colors);
    • Rules of the game;
    • Illustration with example game.

    Preparation for the game

    Collect the underground stroke of six sections of the field, the plots can be put on any side and in any order - there are thousands of possible combinations. In any case, you must have a single underground stroke with 36 symbol divisions. Each player receives 6 pirates of the pirates of the same color. Unnecessary chips clean the box. Players put all their pirates from one end of the underground stroke, and the other boat moored. Postpone the map with the arrow. If you play "Tortuga", it will be needed a little later, and for the "Jamaica" is not at all useful. Drag a deck and hand over each player for 6 cards.

    If you have not yet decided, in what option rules to play, it's time to do it.

    "Jamaica" - cards hidden, victory to a greater extent depends on the luck. The players hold their cards on her hand, without showing rivals. The deck lies next to the field also chopped; During the party, players take cards from the deck.

    "Tortuga" - cards disclosed, victory to a greater extent depends on the calculation. The players hold their cards in the open, on the table in front of them. Distributing cards to players, lay out a number of 12 open cards from the deck in the middle of the table. Map with an arrow Put horizontally next to open cards (So \u200b\u200bthat it pointed to the right or left). During the party, players take a map from this row in the order indicated by the arrow. When the cards are ended in a number, lay out 12 new cards from the deck.