Circle for playing darts. Rules game in darts. Tactics games in darts

Darts is a popular game in which participants are methemit darts in a special target. For someone it is a hobby and an interesting hobby, and someone plays a professional level. This sport is interesting to what they can do at any age, even in children, at least in advance. For training, you do not need a lot of space, besides, material costs in order to start studying, relatively small. Thanks to such a democracy, the game is gaining popularity, therefore it is interesting to consider the rules of the game in Darts. Also, parents should be remembered that the game develops the child accuracy in the child.

Targets and darts

First, you should find out what equipment is necessary for this sport. For the production of targets, natural fiber is used, which is obtained from Agave leaves. This material is called a sisal. It is from its compressed fibers that targets are made, their full diameter is 451 mm (+/- 10 mm).

On the front side there are sectors of different colors, a wire is attached from above, dividing the target for radial sectors (20 pcs), also has rings of doubling and tripling. In the center there is the green sector "Bull" and red - "Bull-ah". According to the rules of the game in darts, markup and determines the number of points obtained by the player.

Also for the game requires darts that can be brass or tungsten. Their weight should not be more than 50 g (usually 20-24 g), and length up to 30.5 cm. Each dart consists of such parts:

  • barrel, that is, a metal part, in which the needle is pressed;
  • the shank is a replaceable part of metal or plastic, screwed into the barrel;
  • the plumage is inserted into the shank, it is intended to stabilize the flight.

It is better to buy high-quality equipment, even if it will cost more. This will protect against the extra dart scribing.

How to consider glasses according to the rules of the game in darts?

You can play together or by a team consisting of 2 or more participants. The draw is determined who will begin first. According to the rules of the game in the darts, the distance to the center of the floor of the floor should be 1.73 m, and from the line with which the throws are performed - 2.37 m.

Each team should reckue 2 sets of darts, after that they are removed from the target. The throw will not be counted if the line has passed behind the line, as well as when the dart is stuck in another dart or fell out of the target.

Calculation of points is carried out as follows:

  • hitting the sector field is considered by the number specified in the sector;
  • throw in the outer ring leads to doubling the number on the sector;
  • hitting the inner ring triples the number of sectors;
  • the green sector gives 25 points, red - 50.

These are the classic rules of the game in darts, but there are various options that are also worth saying a few words.

Samoa popular game It is "501", according to it, official competitions are held. Each player or team at the initial stage is given 501 points and they need to write off the countdown during the competition. It is necessary to close the last points through the doubling sector. If it turns out that in the last approach, the player received more points than it was on his residue, he will remain with the result that was before the throws.

One more famous game - Cricket, the essence of which is to first close certain numbers on the target. So, the game takes part sector from 15 to 20 and "Bull". In the "Creek" to close the sector, you need to gain tripled number of points in it.

Of course, the rules of the game in darts for children can be simplified or different. It also needs to be understood that for the child the target should hang below, at the level of its growth. Darts can become excellent family hobbies and leisure way.

Darts - Gorgeous sports game For gambling people who love to defeat. Skills are developing with experience.

Much depends on human sport training: muscles are involved in the game different parts Bodies, since the throw is made not only by hand, many different muscles take part in the process.

The value of a person's pose, its possession of the body, the ability to calculate the weight of the dart, the distance to the target and the force of impact.

The human vision is important, the level of development of its vestibular apparatus. The rules are different: there are options for beginners, and merciless games for professionals.

Options for darts:

Name Essence Additional Information
501 Every 501 points are accrued. Points earned by participants are deducted from the amount. Wins the first who, having received 501 points, will bring their quantity to zero Comable view for players of any level, for beginners will seem too long due to lack of skills
Bull Ahead of ahead, only falling into the center or green sector Competition for warming up before a real battle
American cricket It is necessary to close each sector triple hit, is not allowed to hit Develops Skills: A participant learns to fall into a specific place; arbitrary throws
Cricket The principle resembles the previous description, but here players arbitrarily define sectors for closing Duration depends on selected sectors and accuracy of throws. Doubles
7 lives Players define the number of throws for victory over the opponent, each player has 7 such lives Reminds the rules 501.

Any type of competition may be a pair or command, which depends on the number of participants. Many put on a concrete bet.

It is determined by the players in advance before the start of the tournament, and go to the winner.

The bid can be anything:

  • Dinner at the expense of the loser.
  • Money.
  • A wish.
  • Binge.
  • Thing, object.
  • Agreeance to make a specific action.
  • Sex.

The rate increases the interest of the participants, incites the excitement. In order to preserve the property, it is necessary to put the installation in advance not to play large amounts of money and expensive things.

Avoid participating in contests with unfamiliar jerking people offering big bets. It will not lead to good.

More often, darts is a friendly competition, during which people communicate, speak different topics, compete.

It helps to keep the dialogue quietly and dismissed, as a person is less distracted by speech and the response to words.

How to count the glasses?

There is a certain system for calculating points in darts.

They are focused on all types of comments:

  • The center is accepted for 50 points.
  • A narrow green zone around it - 25.
  • The next ring multiplies the number of points on 3. Points are indicated on the table itself.
  • The last ring means multiplying the points obtained by 2.

This system is not complicated, it is remembered by the first time, using in all subsequent competitions.

For each game, the calculation will be based on these values, but the individual rules of each type of competition are also taken into account.

Their diversity makes darts interesting, everyone chooses its way to compete.

Counting rules:

  1. Game in Bull Ensures the counting of entering the center and the green sector, the rest of the sectors do not participate.
  2. In 501 is taken into account Each hitting target. The participant makes three throw, folds the result and deducts from the initial points, the number of which determines the name of the game.
  3. There is a game, Which differs from ordinary: its essence in a certain number, and not in the sector. The number of points is multiplied by the number.
  4. Cricket game It implies the consolidation of sectors for players. If you managed to do this, further hit will multiply the result on a certain number.
  5. American cricket Allows you to take the opponent's glasses if the player falls into his sector. Rules are modified at the request of the players.

History of the game

It is known that the game originated in wartime. Her historic homeland is considered to be the islands of Britain. The first competitions were carried out in the pubs 150-200 years ago.

First, the target served the bottom of the unfolded beer barrel, and the arrows served as a dart. After, more convenient darts and targets began to design.

The first official competition took place in the UK in 1927. In 1945, the country formed the Darts Special Committee - the Darts National Association.

Today there are several types of darts, they are distinguished by the type of material, shape, edging, weight. All these parameters are taken into account when buying a set for the game.

Today, Darts has become more popular than other games, advantages are part of several factors:

  • It is not necessary to have a certain experience, playing for the first time, everyone will be able to get to the target.
  • The accessibility of the inventory makes darts favorite entertainment in bars.
  • You can compete in any form of clothes, it does not hurt.
  • The game is sports, but it does not exhaust so like volleyball or football.
  • The minimum space is necessary.

Important! The game is dangerous if you do not follow the precautions.

Participants must be at a distance from the target during the opponent's throw so that the dart does not please in them.

There are cases when the dart fell into the participants of the game. The situation is not fatal, but losing sight is a terrible thing. If he falls into the artery on the neck, a fatal outcome is possible from blood loss.

For this reason, it is not necessary to compete in the ability to get a dart into the target, being in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Even if one player is confident that he controls himself, it is always the second that may accidentally be injured.

Observe the precautionary rules, then the game will bring you only pleasure. Purchase the beginner skills will succeed in practice. Touch the skill and defeat!

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    Related records

Here are the main simple rules For all varieties of the game in Darts:

  • the center of the target must be installed at an altitude of 1.73m from the floor level;
  • the minimum distance from the target to the player must be 2.37m;
  • the starting feature length should be at least 43 cm. The starting line, spent on the floor, should be clearly visible.

The standard target for darts is divided into twenty numbered sectors, usually black and white colors, each is awarded a number from 1 to 20. In the center there is an "apple" (English Bullseye), which is estimated at 50 points, surrounded by a green ring around it ( 25 points). The external narrow ring means doubling the nominal sector, the internal narrow ring means the tripling of the sector nominal. These rings are traditionally painted in red and green colors. Dart hit in "Milk" (zone between the external narrow ring and the edge of the target) does not bring points. If the dart does not remain in the target after the throw, it also does not bring points. Usually, glasses are counted after the player produces 3 darts, which is called the approach. After that, the right to implement the approach moves to another player. You can determine the sequence of players with the help of a draw: Each player throws along the dart, he whose dart turned out to be closer to the center of the target and starts the game.

There are many options for playing darts, but the most popular is of course the game "501".It can be played as a team to the team and one on one. When playing together, they are often played in "501" or in "301". Teams are more likely played "701" or "1001".
The goal of the game is to write off the points accrued at starter (501 or 301, etc.). He wins the one who will reach 0. It is considered to get into all sectors, also sectors of doubling and tripling (when entering the tripling sector, sector glasses are multiplied by 3). Glasses scored for 1 approach (3 darts) are summed up and deducted from the amount of points after the previous approach.
Complete and makes an additional intrigue to the game mandatory closing rule of recent points through the doubling sector. For example, if there are 40 points left, then you need to get into the doubling of the "20" sector, and if there are 32 points left, then you need to get into the doubling of the "16" sector. Beginners are usually played without this rule. By agreement of the players, you can end in the one-piece sector or any sector.
It should also be paid to the part of the existence: if the player knocked out more points in the last approach, than its residue or the residue remains 1 point, then the points scored are annulled. The player remains the same result as the approach. For example, if instead of the necessary 47 points in the last approach, 57 is scored, then Togka still remains 47 points, and he is waiting for the next approach to the next attempt "closing". Similarly, if 46 points are knocked out, the result is not counted, because For the remaining one point there is no doubling sector.

Cricket is the second most popular game in Darts after "501", which you can also play a team to a command or one to one. It is believed that this game originated in America, so the American cricket is also also called it.
The purpose of each player or team to close all sectors from 15 to 20 (15, 16, 17, 18, 19) and Bull (green sector in the center of the target), while typing as much or more points than the opponent. To close each sector, you must dial the maximum amount of points in this sector (that is, tripled). This can be done in different ways, for example:

  • to get the first dart into the "doubling", and the second is simply in the sector;
  • get three darts in the sector.
  • get in one dart immediately in the tripling of the sector.

In the "Bull" sector, 75 points must be scored for closure. Those. Getting 3 times in Bull (green sector - 25 points) or 1 time in Bull and 1 time in Bull-ah (red sector - 50 points).
Sectors can be closed in any sequence. To complicate the task of the enemy on the set of glasses, you can begin to close with the largest sectors (20, 19, etc.). Wins in this game the one who was first closed all sectors and at the same time he has more points. If you have already closed all sectors, but you have fewer points than the opponent, then you are forced to continue the game and dial the missing glasses on the "unclosed" enemy sectors.
Newbies can choose a simplified version of cricket - "Cricket without a dialing of glasses." Rules are simplified due to the absence of a set of points. Wins one who first closed all the play sectors (from 15 to 20 and "Bull").

There are also games, perfectly suitable for the collective time-transmission or for warm-up before the big game:

In this game, all the throws are produced in the center of the target. They are considered to enter only "Bull ah" (red center of the target) and "Bull" (integral sector around the Red Center). The player wins the player who first picks up the number of points that agreed before the game.

5 lives.
This total collective game. The more players in this game, the more fun, the together will be too fast and not interesting. The goal of the game is for one approach (three throw) to score more points than the previous player. Each player has the right to 5 attempts ("lives"). If an attempt is unsuccessful and bypassing the previous player failed, one attempt is deducted from the participant. After the 6th unsuccessful attempt, the player drops out.

Sector 20.
How can I understand from the name, all the throws in this game are produced in the sector 20. You can play alone or with opponents. Task - to dial the maximum number of points for 10 approaches (30 darts). It is considered to fall into the sector 20. One hit gives 1 point, getting into doubling gives 2 points, getting into triple gives 3 points. After 10 approaches, a total amount is considered.

Round doubling
One of the few darts games in which you can play and alone helps to train and establish personal records. In the process of the game, you need to get alternately into all doubling, starting with the 1st and ending with the 20th sector, spending the minimum possible number of darts. If you play with the opponent, then there must be less darts for the game than the opponent. While the player does not fall into the doubling of the 1st sector, it does not go to doubling the 2nd sector, etc.

Why is the game in darts is such a popular? How should you play darts? We consider the basic rules of the game and the features of the technique of throws.

Boredom sometimes makes the engine of progress, as well as thrust for entertainment. According to legend, the game in darts appeared thanks to the soldiers who Bored I. from nothing to do throwing your arrows in the woods or bottom of the barrels.

If the arrows appear in this story, then how it is not difficult to guess, the history of the game is quite longbut exactly saying nothing practically until the end of the 19th century when a certain carpenter from a small English city invented the standard markup of the Darts field.

The invention of the target popularized the game, and in the first half of the 20th century, a method was invented to make a surface from a suitable material.. Thanks to this, the darts fields spread through cities and countries.

Now every year around the world (mainly in Europe) professional dartsmen are going to competitions, and fans to support athletes. Besides, darts remains a popular bars game and other entertainment spaces.. Many play darts at home and in the office.

Official Modern Rules game Darts

Next, consider the classic version of the rules that is used on most competitions. However, these rules are not the only there are many options for playing darts: and training, and entertainment.

Each darts board has 20 sectors, 20th is located at the very top, the rest is a bit chaotically. One way or another, there are sectors that determine the number of points recorded by the cast.

there is narrow ringswhich are denoted by green and red colors. These rings give multiplication of sector points. External ring - doubling. Interior - tripling.

Besides, there is a central part, the hit in which 50 points gives. The entry into the rim of the central part gives 25 points.

Each player has the right to three throw., then throws the next and so in turn.

The purpose of the standard game is to write off the 501 score, That is, points are not added, but deduct. Initially, each player has 501 scores of which submitted the amount gained for each throw.

A feature of the rules is completion of the partythat it should be performed only by doubling, that is, by throwing into an external ring. In addition, the completion of the party is possible by throwing the very center of the target, which is also considered a doubling. The essence is to doubt the remaining points exactly to zero.

Thus, the completion of the batch is required to be performed accordingly. It is required to carefully calculate points and select sectors for throws.

Tactics games in darts

How it is not difficult to understand from the previous paragraph, the most "tailed" sector for shots is tripling 20. If each dart turns out there, the player receives 180 per attempt.

Ideally, the player performs two such attempts, after which 141 points remain, which is possible to write off in various ways. For example: Morning 20, tripling 17 and doubling 15.

Of course, this is not always possible, and for the most part, the throws are attempts to maximize the darts in the tripling sector 20, but the darts are often in the next sector, that is, they give only 20 or 100 points, it is often written off 140 or 100 points.

The main goal is competent to end the partyFor this you need to be able to count points and throw confidently in any sector.

After all, if there is a bust or challenge on the final ships (maybe only a unit), then the points for this attempt are not counted, and the player will need to be thrown again.

Therefore, it is best to accurately appreciate your own opportunities and see what completion to doubling it is possible to graduate from the party.

Technique throws: how to throw darts?

The basis of the effectiveness of the game in Darts is the ability to throw a dart to the target on its own choice. This requires accuracy that is provided by the confident shots technique. The technique, in turn, is determined by a stable and regular training, accumulated experience.

In the throw of the basis is the formulation of the body and hand. The case should be put in a half-one to the board and slightly tilt ahead.

A small slope is performed in order to slightly reduce the distance to the target. This technique is quite admissible and professionals throw darts just like that without waving their hands and without moving the case.

So, after you put the body into a half-turn and turned on one side with the inclination, you need to install the elbow smoothly perpendicular to the floor surface. The throw is performed only by the elbow joint and a little brush. Fingers are easy to compress the dart and keep the shell at about the eye level.

Try to set the tip of the dart opposite the target and right in front of your eyes. Need to feel and brush and mind how you send a dart exactly in target.

In fact, the distance is quite short, and you should only send a dart to almost an even trajectory, actually put in the target. Although if you see professional throws, then they performed by a small arc, Including throws into the upper sectors.

By the way, if the casts are performed in the upper and lower sector, then the forearm is moved a little, reduce or transfer slightly higher. Thanks to this, the dart is again located almost completely before the desired sector.

If you need to deliver a dart into the side sector, then move along the plane of the cast line to the side. Use this technique, as the throws on the diagonal and deviation of the housing to the side are not effective technique, and do not give the desired accuracy.

For, to understand how to make accurate throws, workout will be required.that are to improve their own technique and to develop an optimal manner for you to keep and throw darts.

How to play darts and count points?

In general, this item was considered in previous paragraphs. Therefore, we note here additional features Darts games:

  • Round game. It is possible to play with you, and with rivals. The goal is to alternately throw in the sector from 1 to 20. As a rule, the game is completed with doubling or tripling or any series of similar throws.
  • One thousand. Thursts are performed only in sectors 25 and 50. The goal is to write off a thousand points.

Darts - Distance to target, height

In darts setting the target is performed relative to its center. The height from the floor to the center is 1.73 meters, the distance to the front side of the target from the mark, from where the darts are thrown from, is 2.37 meters.

Features of darts and targets

Inventory for playing darts conditionally divided into professional and non-professional. Professional, as usual, is more expensive, but also has more efficiency in the process of use, and is more reliable and is less wearing.

What are these differences express? Consider the target for the beginning, which, as a rule, is made of the material called "Sizal", which is a compressed Agava.

The target has a separation wirewhich can be:

  • standard - that is not a professional and have a form that gives the greatest number of rebounds;
  • triangled - semi-professional and allowing darts to roll down the edges towards the field;
  • thin - professionalwhich gives the minimum number of rebounds and is used on most tournaments.

Now consider the darts, which represent a very complex design.

However, we will consider a simplified version that provides for the presence of such elements in the dart as:

  • tip - metal or pointed needle if it comes to electronic darts;
  • barrel - part for which the dart holds;
  • plumage - Four part, which defines aerodynamics.

The maximum length is 30.5 centimeters, and the mass of 50 gramsBut, mostly, darts are used by a mass of about 20-25 grams.

Finally, we note the high availability of darts for development. Today you can fully acquire professional kits for the relatively low cost.And for training it will take a small space.

And, despite the large number of professional athletes, even today, lovers can easily go to the professional level for a relatively small number of workouts.

Couples are quite enough to get initial discharges., and perhaps and reach a higher level. Therefore, if you always wanted to achieve heights at least in some sport, then the darts are for this an excellent option.

Darts, as a full sport, has acquired its popularity in the UK (where, in fact, it appeared) in the middle of the 20th century, after, over time, it has spread in Europe and finally came to Russia. Since the species of this game exists at present a huge amount, most beginners confuse the rules similar to each other species and do not know how to count the glasses in Dartse. The main difference between the main species (for example, "501", "goat" and so on) is just in the way the glasses are considered; The game Darts is often called one of the most democratic games, as people of all ages can compete in it, even disabled people.

The game takes part either single players or the three or four people formed in advance. Depending on how many people take part in the party drawing, the rules of the game in Darts are changing; How to consider points in this case, it is recommended to know in advance, since familiarization with the principles of the game "On the Go" is very much preventing the dynamics.

Classic rules Meaning the rally of the party on the system "501", which is successfully used in international competitions of any rank (and when identifying the world champion including). Its meaning is simple: the winner of the game becomes the player who knocked exactly 501 points; If scored less, for example, 500 points, the player undertakes to knock out exactly 1 point. In the event that the participant scored more taught points, he gives the Game opponent (tribute to the gentlemen tradition, which implied the ability of a man to recognize their defeat).

However, such a strict approach to the score set system is now of great popularity, because the glasses are simply annulled. You can track the action of the rules on the example: players are suitable for the drawing of a throw with three darts, each of which is allowed to use only once. 501 The point is played out in the reverse order, but in recent moves, it is required to enter the closure of points through doubling (that is, with 60 points and less than 60 points. If the odd quantity is taken to this moment, then you should knock out the "interfering" units and finish the residue through doubling. With incompassion of doubling, the last throws are canceled, and the move is replayed in turn.

The "cricket" is also particularly popular, which differs from the previous system in that only sectors are involved in the game, which allow you to gain 15-20 points and the "apple" (the circle in the center with a slightly large diameter, usually painted In the green shade), and secondly, the principle of the party's draw as a whole. The task is that it is necessary to dial the tripled number of points in each sector to close the game.

Actually, the action of the rules "Cricket" can be traced on the example: to begin with, you should knock out the tripled number of points in the 15 sector (that is, 45 points dial). For this, you can either get into the doubling of points, or immediately in triple (to fall at least once for the approach to doubling or tripling it is necessary according to the regulations, three ingress in the usual field are not counted). Similarly, you can close the "apple" sectors: it is enough to get into its core, and after - in doubling. Sectors can be closed in any sequence, this item is not described by the rules, because it all depends on individual preferences. The game ending at the moment when any of the players closed all sectors, after which points are calculated, and they are recorded in the game plate; The game continues to the victory of one of the players in two sets (one set consists of 6 gami).

There is also a type of the game "Kozl", the essence of which is the need to repeat one player of the rolls of another: that is, if the first one has gained 56 points in any way, then the second undertakes to dial the same amount (no matter how exactly) points. If the player has not relief or, on the contrary, he went through this value given by the first participant, then it conventionally gets the letter "K". The next progress makes the first player. When the second, finally, pulls the same number of points as the first, the right of the first turn turns towards him.

More complex variations of the goat imply the need to completely copy the first player: so, if he scored 50 points through a double hit in the 20 "and doubling" 5 "sector, the next must reproduce its action (the sequence is not important). Instead of a "goat" you can use any other word by agreement, everything depends on the fantasy of the participants.