Where better to pierce is 3. Heavy weapon in the stern

A simple and straightforward guide about the places of tank penetration in World of Tanks.

Let's figure out where to penetrate tanks, which parts of the tank have thin armor. It is not difficult to find out the penetrated places of the tank if you know the locations of the modules and the crew. Each combat vehicle has its own vulnerabilities, such as:

  • stern,
  • boards,
  • "cheeks".

It is often possible to successfully punch the "cheeks" of a tank with large-caliber guns.

Tank vulnerabilities

If the armor of the tank is thick, and the penetration ability of the projectile is below this thickness, then the shot will not penetrate the tank. Armor for all cars in World of Tanks different thickness in different places. The places with the smallest armor thickness are called vulnerabilities (tank penetration points). To know where to punch a tank, you need to know where its weak points are with the smallest thickness of protection. Hitting such places will give the highest probability of breaking through the armor.

Influence of the angle of impact of the projectile on the penetration of the tank

But perhaps the most important thing is not where the projectile will hit, but the angle at which the shot will be fired at the tank. In World of Tanks, there is a concept of reduced armor. This means that the penetration coefficient of the projectile is calculated as the difference from the normal equal to 90 degrees from the plane of the armor to the angle of impact of the projectile. This is how the thickness of the armor that the projectile has to go through at the moment of impact is calculated. The angle of impact directly affects the penetration of tanks.

Where to penetrate tanks with thick armor

Some heavy tanks, such as the IS-4 and Maus, have a high degree of protection. In particular, Maus is a powerful all-round defense. And the IS-4 has a high frontal. Such tanks can be penetrated with high-explosive fragmentation shells. Alternatively, you can use gold shells from medium or close range. It is worth aiming at highly armored tanks by modules and crew, such as

  • ammo rack,
  • engine,
  • gunner,
  • charging.

This tactic will make it possible to penetrate tanks with a high probability.

Don't forget about protruding details

Each tank has protruding parts on the hull, such as

  • driver's hatch,
  • commander's turret,
  • observation window,
  • additional tanks.

To successfully penetrate, aim at the protruding parts of the tank. The effectiveness of hitting protruding parts is high, but often these parts of the tank have small size, so you should shoot at them from close range.

Punch twice in the same place

Many tank modules presented in World of Tanks have a specified number of damage points (HP). You can damage the module from the first shot. If you see that the projectile has successfully penetrated the tank's armor and damaged the module or incapacitated a crew member, shoot at the same place again. A double hit on the same place of the tank guarantees the repeated penetration of its protection.

Shoot between the body and the tracks

The vulnerabilities of most tanks are hidden under the protection of the hull. But there is a place, hitting on which a projectile can pierce the hull and damage the engine or undermine the ammunition rack. This place is located between the hull and the tracks of the tank. At the very bottom of the hull, try to shoot a projectile just above the caterpillar so that the shot hits the part of the tank to which the chassis is attached. The level of protection there is minimal and almost every shot will end with a penetration of the hull, damage to a module or a crew member.

Aim at the gun and under the tower

Very often there is a situation when you have a tank with 100% hp in front of you, and you need to win with less than 25% health points from your own combat vehicle. Shots at the wider part of the tank's gun from the side will help here. With a broken gun, the tank will lose more than half of its combat effectiveness and become an easy target for you. You can find a penetrable place under the tower. Penetrate the tank between the hull and the turret. This will jam the rotation of the turret and the tank will not be able to turn the gun in your direction.

This video guide from JMR is dedicated to the game sectors on one of the most famous vehicles in World Of Tanks - the Soviet Tier 8 IS-3 heavy tank. At the end of World War II, at the time of its appearance, this tank became a breakthrough in world tank building. Pike-nosed flattened turret, mobility that medium tanks could envy. These innovations in the IS-3 set the tone for the entire tank industry for a long time. And in the game, the tank shows the features laid down by the designers. It is a mobile and dangerous enemy that can avoid damage from being hit by shells of any weapon.


The IS-3 is a tier 8 tank in the fast Soviet heavy line in World of Tanks. He follows the IS tank and receives from it a top engine, a pre-top radio and a D25T cannon.

The tank plays quite well in the rack. Its armor provides adequate protection, and the gold shells, which, although not cheap now, are sold for silver, make up for the lack of penetration of our first weapon. But the IS-3 will fully show itself, of course, when you research and install all the modules on it.

In comparison with classmates, it has the smallest mass - less than 50 tons, and, as a result, almost the minimum amount of HP - 1500. With such a mass, we recommend using a ram very carefully. You can often take more damage than you do. All indicators related to mobility are above average. Engine power - 14.4 HP for 1 ton. The maximum speed is almost 40 km / h. And the tank picks up this speed not from a hill, when it is pushed by fireflies, but independently on level areas. Hull and turret rotation - 56 degrees per second. But because of the poor running of the IS-3, it is really possible to twist on surfaces with low traffic. The tank shows the declared traverse speed only on solid ground.

By the way, the carrying capacity of the first running IS-3 is sufficient for the installation of all modules and equipment. Therefore, a logical question arises: is it necessary to spend 14,000 experience on its research because of the difference in the rate of rotation of 3 degrees per second? Necessary. In addition to the documented indicator of the turning speed, the chassis also affects the dynamics of the tank, as if taking on some of the engine's power, and the cross-country ability. To demonstrate this, let's take two identical tanks with the same equipment and crew, but with different chassis, and drive them a short straight segment: on a good road and over rough terrain. The difference, which was not noticeable on asphalt, is especially evident on soft soils.

But let's continue talking about the tactical and technical characteristics. Like all heavy Soviet tanks of this tier, the IS-3 has a very small overview... Top-of-the-line weapons are neither very accurate nor fast. But in close combat, these shortcomings will often not be noticeable. The rate of fire is small, but the one-time damage is one of the best. Ideally, the tank should fire and go behind cover in order to wait out reloading, preventing it from firing on its own. Penetration of 225 mm is average at the level, and quite sufficient for any opponents. Few have weak points in frontal projection, but even those IS-3 will be able to bypass and find weak points.

IS-3 penetration tests, its booking

Now we will learn how to penetrate the IS-3 tank, where to shoot so that there is no ricochet, or what places should be hidden from the enemy. Shells with 112 mm penetration: their owners - light tanks - can pose a threat to the IS-3 only by bypassing it from the side or from behind, or firing from above. We advise you to download the skin mod with World of Tanks penetration zones from the "Red Star" unit to see all the weak points of the equipment right in the battle.

170 mm: penetration of armor-piercing shells of medium and some heavy tanks of the 8th level, incl. Soviet "prem". At a short distance, the tank also breaks through from the front - the armor plates are located towards us at a lesser inclination - and from the side.

258 mm of penetration ¬– armor-piercing shells of top guns and gold classmates. For them, the problem is the side of the tank in a rhombus, the edges of the tower and the parts of the pike nose located at a large slope.

Conclusions: the triangular shape of the hull and the domed shape of the turret make the task of penetrating this tank very difficult. In front, apart from the hatches for the towers, only the sections of armor located at the greatest angle are confidently broken. And if the tank "plays" with the body left and right, the enemy will have to constantly move the sight, trying to guess the time for a successful shot. If the IS-3 is located just below the enemy and is being fired at from above, a huge cover over the gun becomes available. Many opponents with a high-positioned weapon, such as the Soviet KV-5 or the Chinese model 110, can easily punch it in the clinch. A slightly lower enemy will be able to target the NLD. On the left and right, the nearest cheekbone of the pike nose is confidently taken. Every time a particular part becomes available for penetration, the reduced armor of the others becomes much larger, so the IS-3 under fire must actively move. Thus, you will receive a lot of non-penetrations and ricochets.

By the way, the fact that it has bulwarks further complicates the task of inflicting damage on this tank. A projectile passing through the tracks or empty superstructures located above them does not harm the crew and the tank module in any way, and therefore does not reduce its durability. And the thin cover above the gun breaks through only if the angle between its plane and the line of entry of the projectile is more than 20 degrees. Translated into Russian, this means that you can only punch it from above, otherwise it will just ricochet.

IS-3 gun overview

More or less sorted out with the armor. Now let's see how the top gun of this tank works.

First test: shooting from the maximum distance of its own visibility - 440 m.

200 m: here the gun also behaves capriciously. Yes, we find ourselves in the silhouette of a tank, but we don't have to think about targeting pain points of well-armored opponents.

And from 100 m in motion, the spread of the gun does not give any guarantees of hitting the target.

So, although our weapon is capable of dealing damage from long distances under the best circumstances, its mediocre accuracy, as well as good mobility and armor make the IS-3 preferable for close combat.

Combat tactics on the IS-3

We can be the first to take advantageous positions, emerge from unexpected directions, inflict damage and quickly go behind cover. At the same time, it is necessary to clinch other tanks with caution: the low silhouette of this vehicle gives many opponents the ability to easily pierce the roof of the tower.

This tank is the first of the Soviet heavy tanks, in which you will have to get rid of the habit of standing in front of the enemy in a diamond. The best way to avoid damage on the IS-3 is to place the body exactly along the axis of the intended shot, playing a little left and right so that the enemy has to target the nearest part of the pike nose longer. Moreover, the tank must stand exactly not only horizontally, but also vertically. If the enemy is slightly lower or slightly higher, he will confidently punch our tank into the NLD or into the roof. However, the usual caterpillar tanking for other vehicles may well be operated on the IS-3. It has very strong sides, allowing it to take shots from any opponents without damage.

The only "but": the nose of the tank should completely drive over the cover and the cheekbone of the pike nose closest to the enemy should not be visible.

The IS-3 is not as fast as the French, but very mobile nonetheless. Enemies push through the flank half a map away - the IS-3 can take off and help. We rested in a well-defended direction, it is dangerous to get out under the shots ¬– the IS-3 can move away and soon appear from a completely different side.

It's hard to name the IS-3 the best tank Level 8 in the game - all tanks are good in their own way - but I am sure that this unique and very interesting vehicle will hardly leave you indifferent.

Crew skills and equipment for the IS-3

And finally, let's go over the configuration of the tank. As usual, with the first set of skills, the tank's crew studies the repair and the sixth sense, the second - the overview for the commander, the main turn of the turret for the gunner, for the driver-mechanic, take the "King of the off-road" (improving the vehicle's cross-country ability), and for the loader - the contact ammunition rack. Soviet tanks often burst with one blow, like soap bubbles. And this risk must be minimized. The third set is fighting brotherhood. The tank burns very rarely, so in the usual setup of equipment - a fire extinguisher, a repair kit and a first-aid kit - it is quite possible to replace the fire extinguisher with Lend-Lease oil or even a tightened speed regulator. The latter must not be forgotten to turn off immediately after taking the desired position. As long as it is on, the strength of the engine will gradually decrease.

The choice of equipment for the IS-3 is not difficult. We install a gun rammer to increase the rate of fire, stabilizers vertical guidance- to reduce the spread of the gun and ventilation - to slightly improve all the characteristics of the tank.

And this is where I conclude WoT overview about the Soviet heavy tank IS-3. Now you know all the features of the game on this tank, what to install, what to learn and how to break it.

The IS-3 is a tier 8 USSR heavy tank. High-speed and damage tank. It can be effectively used both offensively and defensively. It has poor visibility, long aiming time and vulnerable ammo rack.


  • Research requires 77,000 experience points. Previous tank - IS;
  • First of all, we investigate the top gun with a decent penetration;
  • Next, we study the top tower. It increases the level of protection of the tank, its visibility and the number of HP;
  • We study and install the top-end chassis, which will have a positive effect on the tank's maneuverability and allow the installation of heavy equipment;
  • Last but not least, we will increase the communication range and buy a top-end walkie-talkie;
  • The next tank in the tree is the IS-8. To research it, 164,700 experience is required.

Top-end equipment


As in real life, and in the game IS-3 is the development of the IS tank and IS-2, the style of play will be approximately the same - support at medium and close range, breakthrough directions with weak defense, flank attacks and base defense.

The armor, in comparison with the IS tank, has been greatly improved, and it protects against weapons like the D-25 and ZIS-6, but practically does not save against long-barreled 105-mm cannons. The turret is better armored than the hull.

The forehead of the tower fully protects against the top guns of the Royal Tiger and other tanks, but has a thin cover that breaks through according to the rule of three calibers. The sides have bulwarks that absorb projectiles of any guns and calibers without damage.

The powerful BL-9 top gun has good armor penetration, damage and rate of fire, but poor accuracy, which makes it impossible to use it at long distances.

The length of the hull does not allow hiding behind small houses, but at the same time the tank has a low silhouette, so you can camouflage the tank well.

Due to the small elevation angle, you have to completely show the enemy the thin side of the hull and turret, and poor visibility does not allow you to see the hidden tank destroyer before being detected yourself, however, good maneuverability and high speed allow you to quickly get out of the fire and take defense.

Also, the "pike nose" of the forehead makes it difficult to tank the diamond.


  • High alpha damage
  • The speed and maneuverability of a medium tank
  • Strong tower forehead


  • Long reload time and flattening of the top gun
  • Poor accuracy
  • Small elevation angle
  • Weak hull armor
  • Combustion tendency

Crew skills and abilities

Equipment and gear


The tank is capable of many things. Here you will have an attack in the forefront and support of allies and defense of the base. The most powerful weapon. But, given such a large spread, you can't snipe too much.

The review is lousy. To see enemy tank we need to close the distance, which we can do very well. Thanks to the engine with good top speed.

How to break through the IS-3

The angular armor of the IS-3 can give you a lot of ricochets and non-punches if you don't know where to shoot. You can easily spend some of your shells trying to shoot through a turret with excellent frontal armor or sides at a high angle.

Sore spot heavy tank The IS-3 is considered to be an ammunition rack, which is located both in the turret and in the hull, therefore, when the opportunity arises, we criticize it. The IS-3 crew in the turret is reasonably well protected. The mechvod located behind the sloping frontal armor will be much easier to get.

Reservation IS-3

Weak spots

  • In the frontal part of the hull there is a vulnerable area in the form of a driver's hatch. The reservation for this area is only 60 mm.
  • The roof of the tower is poorly protected. The thickness of the armor in this place is only 20 mm.

Location of modules

On the left side, the IS-3 has one big problem in the form of ammunition storage located along the entire front half of the tank, including the turret. While the engine and fuel tanks are located at the rear of the tank.

On the right side, a similar situation is observed, except that the ammo rack area is slightly increased. In general, the right side is practically the same as the left. The turret is the hardest part of the tank, so it is best to shoot at the sides in the hope of damaging the ammo rack, engine or fuel tanks.

In the frontal projection, the damage goes to the lower armor plate, but if you find yourself in the clinch, then direct all the fire to the observation devices. The upper armor plate is at a steep angle, which leads to massive ricochets.

The rear of the tank makes it possible to damage the engine in the event of a penetration. Engine damage will lead to loss of tank speed or fire. The rear of the turret is a difficult target, especially if it rotates.

Historical reference

Decision No. 5583 of April 8, 1944 began the design of a new heavy tank. At the 100th plant, where the leading tank engineers were G.N. Moskvin and V.I. armor plates inclined to the vertical plane, rotated in plan at a large angle.

From above, these sheets were covered with a triangular roof, inclined to the horizon at an angle of 7 °. In this roof, directly over the head of the driver, there was a hatch through which he could get into the tank and leave it. Subsequently, such a constructive solution was named "pike nose".

The IS-4 assault tank in the distant patch 0.7.3 was transferred to level 10 of the USSR development tree. To do this, they added strength points to him and significantly patched the mechanic drive hatch. After all, it was this hatch that was the most vulnerable point of this combat vehicle - all the players complained about it. But the 10th level changed the characteristics of the combat vehicle, and where is the IS-4 now to penetrate?

Strengths of the tank:

  • chic tower booking;
  • enhanced side armor;
  • small size of the tank;
  • satisfactory dynamics.
Each player faced this formidable level 10 war machine in battle. If there were problems with targeting vulnerable points, then carefully, remember the tips written below from personal experience. In addition, it is possible to damage ammo, tanks, depending on which part of the hull the damage will pass to. certainly a fire or explosion of an ammunition rack, it's like good focus with magiclesson-shop.ru, you can't do it without a special set and hard training. Train and you get a trick, in our case the expected breakout.

Where to punch the IS-4 head-on

When your tank is at close range to the IS-4 and you only need to penetrate it in the frontal projection, there are a couple of weak points. Undoubtedly, the lower armor plate is the most vulnerable spot, the thickness of the armor plate is 160 mm - it is possible to penetrate from level 9 and 10 guns without much hassle.

If the lower armor plate is hidden (behind a stone), then you can shoot at the mechanic drive hatch and the sheet under it. The mechanic drive hatch is armored 200 mm, and the sheet under it is 140 (plus the angle of inclination). An additional plus - when penetrating the mechanic drive hatch, the driver will be shell-shocked, the tank will sharply lose its maneuverability.

Also in the frontal clinch, it is easy to punch the IS-4 into a weak spot at the beginning of the turret roof. There is only 30 mm of armor, the main thing here is to accurately target the hit point - not higher (ricochet) and not lower (gun mask). The commander's hatch for high-profile tanks is also a good point to deal damage, with armor around 230mm coming out.

Where to punch the IS-4 in a rhombus

Often the IS-4 will be tanked with a side, this is his strong point and an experienced player can just dump a colossal amount of damage. But often in close combat, you will see the IS-4 become a diamond, so that it is more difficult to pierce the lower frontal part.
But it opens up a new vulnerable spot for penetration - the armor in the headlight area, it becomes almost at a right angle to us.

If the enemy has turned the hull towards us even more strongly, then boldly aim at the indicated second place in the figure, in the area of ​​the rink. The IS-4 ammunition rack is located there.

Penetration of the IS-4 into the sides and stern

When the IS-4 is turned on its sides, it is simply the main thing to break through it, not to hit the tracks, but to shoot in the zones between and slightly above the rollers. Reservation there is 160 mm, there will be no problems with penetration. In addition, it is possible to damage the BC, tanks

IS-7 for World of Tanks. The legendary Soviet top ten, aka "grandfather", "lunokhod", "seven" is worth your attention, if only because it was the first heavy tier 10 introduced into the game simultaneously with Mouse. This happened at a time when the drumming French were in the distant plans of Wargaming, and the top art was level six. More than a dozen tanks have been introduced and removed from the game since then, and the IS-7 has remained, having undergone minimal changes. Let's try to figure out the secret of his success.

Overview and technical characteristics of the IS-7


  • Frontal armor at good angles. If you hide the NLD, then the "pike nose" is almost impenetrable;
  • Side armor reinforced with screens allows you to effectively tank with rhombus and reverse rhombus;
  • An almost invulnerable tower. It lacks protruding parts like commander's turrets;
  • Low silhouette;
  • Versatility. You can equally effectively tank with heavy weights or occupy key positions with a medium;
  • High top speed. From the mountain, you can dial up to 70 km / h;
  • High alpha.

However, there are no tanks without minuses. Let's see what makes playing World of Tanks on the IS-7 less comfortable.


  • Low gun accuracy. The indicator is even worse than the average among the tens;
  • Long mixing. Does not allow to implement alpha per cd;
  • Low damage per minute;
  • Small margin of safety. The tank is vulnerable when outflanked from the stern;
  • Low dynamics. The tank is not gaining maximum 60 km / h. The average speed in a straight line is only 38-40 km / h.

What equipment should be installed on the IS-7?

Play on a top tank without modules - merge battles. Let's figure out what equipment to install on the IS-7 in order to maximize the potential of the tank. There are two main configurations.

Basic setup:

  1. Gun rammer.
  2. Ventilation.

Alternative placement:

  1. Gun rammer.
  2. Stabilizer vertical guidance.
  3. Reinforced drives tip-off.

As you can see from the table, the equipment on the IS-7 consists of classic heavy modules. The rammer and the stabilizer are two required items. Without them, the tank cannot compete in firepower. You can experiment with the third module - put ventilation in order to bring the tank closer to the ST or aiming drives in order to infuse damage even more efficiently.

The cannon has normal penetration, so you don't need to carry a lot of gold, the maximum is a quarter of the ammunition. It is not bad to have one land mine to shoot down, but since the ammunition load is not large, it is up to you to decide whether to take it.

For the crew, it is enough to take a standard first aid kit, a belt and a fire extinguisher.

What skills (perks) to pump on the IS-7?

Combat skills are special skills that open after one hundred percent pumping the team. Let's see, the IS-7 crew perks give a special advantage.

Commander skills:

  • Light bulb 6 sense. Required skill. It is important to know exactly when the tank is found.
  • Repair.
  • Eagle eye. To collect information about opponents during the battle.
  • Combat brotherhood.


  • Repair.
  • Smooth tower rotation. To come down faster.
  • Sniper. For crits inflicted on enemies, bonuses are provided in the form of money, experience and medals.
  • Combat Brotherhood

Driver mechanic:

  • Repair.
  • Smooth running. It will take to start rolling from a smaller circle.
  • King of the off-road. Improves poor tank dynamics on sticky soils.
  • Combat brotherhood.


  • Repair.
  • Non-contact ammo rack. Although BCs are not knocked out in every battle, additional protection does not hurt.
  • Intuition. Quickly changing the types of projectiles will help you react faster in dynamic battles.
  • Combat brotherhood.


  • Repair.
  • Desperate. A small durability can run out pretty quickly, however, if you take an advantageous position, you can play from armor. Risky tactics can also be used with this skill.
  • Radio interception. Allows you to control the entire battlefield.
  • Combat brotherhood.

I think there are no questions left about which perks to put on the IS-7. If you pump four skills to the crew, the chances of winning will increase significantly.

Where to punch the IS-7? Penetration zones and weak points.

The IS-7 is a reliable friend in the hands of an ally. If the opponent controls the seven, it turns into a formidable obstacle. Let us determine where to pierce the IS-7 using a practical example.

It is clear from the diagram that the optimal penetration zones of the IS-7 are the sides under the screen, the stern. If the maneuverability of the tank allows you to bypass the "grandfather" from the stern, it is better to do just that. Owners of precision guns can try targeting the area between the screen and the track, or shoot at random between the rollers.

The situation is somewhat different in urban battles. In such a situation, you need to know where to punch the IS-7 in the clinch. There are two main points:

  1. The roof of the tower. Tall tanks with good UVR, like the E100 or Tapkolva, can penetrate a seven into an unprotected turret cover. The same goes for art.
  2. Rangefinder. It is located directly under the gun. By shooting at him, you can not only inflict damage, but also break the enemy's optics, significantly reducing the view.

How to play?