Research tree wot. Soviet branch of tanks World of Tanks. German development branch "World of Tanks"

In the Soviet development branch, vehicles of all available classes in World of tanks are represented. You will have to start pumping Soviet tanks from the pre-war MS-1.

The USSR research tree contains such legendary tanks as T-34, KV-1, IS-1, T-54 and self-propelled guns SU-85, SU-100, SU-152, ISU-152.

Top fighting vehicles in the Soviet development branch in World of tanks become anti-tank self-propelled guns Object 261 and Object 268; medium tanks - T-62A, Object 430, Object 140; heavy tanks IS-4, IS-7; self-propelled artillery installation object 261.

The Soviet development branch in World of tanks is shown in the following figure... Click on the picture to enlarge

For heavy tanks of the Soviet WoT development tree typical, good one-time damage, mediocre accuracy and low depression angles of the gun, and, as a rule, good all-round armor.

  • Branch with top-end IS-7 features good mobility for heavy tanks.
  • In the development tree ending with IS-4 tanks are better armored.

Soviet tank destroyers please the owners with good one-time damage, while the guns of these combat vehicles are quite oblique.

Most Soviet medium tanks, have good mobility and a low silhouette.

Soviet tanks boast good armor, moreover, located at rational angles, guns capable of inflicting high damage in one shot. However, they are not very accurate. Tanks of the USSR rarely lose much to their rivals in terms of characteristics, but they rarely get ahead significantly.

Soviet tanks - universal soldiers on the field battlefield WoT and is suitable for both beginners and more experienced players.

On April 13, another batch of developers' responses was published on the Status Report website. This time there were answers about Italian tanks and the tree of its development in World of Tanks in general. We have translated all the material for you from of English language so that you can read them and create your own impression of this nation. Make yourself comfortable as there are so many answers. The consultant on the Italian nation - Vollketten answered the questions.

Q. Is the Italian tree next?

A. Let's hope. It is high time

Q. Are there any ideas for the heavy tank tree? If not, what levels are the TTs recruited to?

A. There are heavy tanks, suitable for the heavy class, similar to the low-tier NbFz, but to add them to the game, you will have to add a German tiger (of which Italy received one variant for a short period until September 1943 at Armistice). M60A1, which OTO Melara builds under license and Kpz 70, for which Italy took some part in the development. I suppose it is possible, but unlikely. In fact, I don't like how the heavy tank line looks at high tiers, so the TT line will only be up to half, so that everything is reasonable. The absence of the TT branch does not disqualify a nation from having a tree in the game, but their presence will not be superfluous.

B. Will new branch SPG?

A. Despite the fact that Italy is capable of having a full-fledged artillery branch, it is unlikely that the VG will add new SPGs based on the current game dynamics, and recently there was even a comment that if new mechanics arts will not enter, then it will have to be removed from the game. Simply put, Italy can have a branch of artillery, if required, and if the VG nevertheless deduces this class, then the branch can be reworked for other roles in the game.

Q. I know that Italian tanks are practically copied from other nations besides some carropesante (HT) Fiat. I'm only interested in medium tanks (Panther, Patton, Leopard) at 7-10 lvl. But here's the question: what national feature will Italian tanks have? (for example, I know that OTO Melara has developed a prototype Leopard with an automatic loader)

A. The backbone of Italy's tank forces in World War II were the L6 scouts and the M13 and Semovente series of medium tanks based on them. None of these tanks can be described as copies of tanks from other countries. It can be said that the CV.3 originated from Carden-Loyd, while the Ansaldo 12t was actually a British design.

Q. Il Duce super heavy will be the crown of the TT line?

ABOUT. Super tank IlDuce is a complete fantasy and has no place in the game.

Q. Will the P43 be a medium or heavy tank?

A. Technically, the P43 is a heavy tank (P = Pesante = heavy). The tank was used for attack, but by the time of its construction, it was compared with medium tanks of other nations, so for game purposes the choice is to make a TT out of it, but at a lower level, so that the armor makes it feel like a full-fledged heavy. My opinion is to keep its class and the feeling of heaviness, but as a tank that will be useful for game purposes.

Q. What other interesting tanks did they have?

A. The most interesting are the Semovente, based on medium tanks. I think the P43 Bis will be the most interesting tank for most players.

Q. Do you have an idea to make a national outfit in the form of pasta or pizza?

B. Premium food will be LotsaSpaghetti

Q. What about canned sardines and red wine?

A. In World War II, the rations of the Italian army were AmministrazioneMilitare, which literally translated as "dead donkey." The Germans knew their canned rations as, ArmerMussolini, which meant "poor mussolini," and is probably indicative of the relatively terrible nature of the canned food.

Other military preservatives included sardines, tuna, tomatoes, and even cheese, and the staples were bread and dry pasta. In North Africa, the Allies have also recorded many fruit shipments. Obviously Italy is famous for its coffee and chocolate, but there is already German chocolate and French coffee in the game, so Italians need something different. You can simply have an "additional combat ration", as this is implemented by the USSR (Doppayek) and the Chinese (improved diet). I would recommend “bread and tuna” or “tomatoes and cheese” or my own instead of stereotypical Italian foods.

"Mozzarella and Tomatoes"

"Sandwich with tuna"

Q. What are the general features of the Italian tank tree

A. I recall the comment from the WG, which said that they were not trying to give a particular nation features, although earlier the developers still tried to give each nation some special feature (USSR - armor, Germany - accuracy, France - drum, etc.). It is difficult to say what the character of the Italian nation will be. I was thinking of a tree that has good stealth, since all tanks are generally low, and the rate of fire. The disadvantage is likely to be weak booking. Even TTs will not have high booking rates.

Q. Will there be new maps with an Italian theme?

A. Maps? I have no idea about maps, but it would be a nice addition. Something historical, with gothic elements or the cross-country terrain of Sicily would be great.

Q. Will they have unique game mechanics like the Swedes' air suspension? For example, a temporary increase in speed, a quick detour, an increase in stealth, better ground resistance, so that there is at least some difference from the German and American branches.

A. The mechanics are wise, but they don't need anything new or special like a siege mode. If the WG deals with fixing the mechanics of HESH shells, then Italy will have an advantage, since most of the guns use this type of shell.

Q. Do you still agree that the 9th level is the OTO / Melara M47 Patton II, and the 10th OTO Leopard / Centauro with the loading drum? Or do you agree with Spidergrenadier, which puts them in reverse?

A. As for the OTO Centauro ("self-loading Leopard"), it is an excellent option for the Tier 10 CT, except that it will be the same or the best way German Leopard. The other tank is actually the Lion tank, which is essentially the predecessor of the OF-40. It is still very dangerous, but lacks an autoloader of projectiles, and the welded turret differs significantly from the Leopard's cast turret. It was manufactured in May 1974. The converted M.47 and OTO Melara with elements of M60 tanks and 105mm cannon are best suited, in my opinion, for Tier 9, and if that were to happen, there are a ton of engines and other modules available for it. Even for tier 8, but without the 105mm cannon, the tank will do.

OTO Melara Lion

Q. What will the standard tank emblem be?

A. The emblem is a white cross. The flag for the tree should be a modern, tricolor Italian flag, not a WWII version or RSI version, which has hundreds of historical decals, logos and inscriptions.

Q. Is there any plans for LT10 in Italy?

A. As far as I know, reaching level 10 will require the introduction of some late 1970s paper models that do not fit the official WoT timeframe.

Q. The console version has confirmed the development of a prefab tree which will include those countries that cannot form historical trees or branches on their own. This will likely include Italian tanks as well. Do you expect this to be the direction the WG PC will take for "small" countries, and would you be delighted if Italian tanks were represented in this way?

A. I personally hate the idea of ​​a prefab tree for a variety of reasons. I have never played the console version, but I know there are some differences from playing on a PC. I would be very unhappy if Italy was presented in this way.

Q. Could we see wheeled vehicles?

A. Yes, Italy is very well rich in wheeled vehicles and has a variety of designs that can be included if needed. There are even a couple of interesting armored vehicles.

Breda 52

Q. Will we see lightweight reckless wedges as a separate branch?

A. I'm not shy about saying that I love CV3. I know they are small and unhurried (except for the Rossini version). I know they (the Rossini version) are lightly armored, but very fast, very maneuverable and really very small. Historically, this was a big breakthrough in tank building, so it makes absolutely no sense not to include them in the game. Hopefully not seeing a boring and rather ugly Fiat 3000 in Level 1, even if it's a simple and lazy placement. CV3, capable of carrying a 20mm cannon (including the automatic version), a 20mm cannon, or a short 37mm cannon.

Q. Will there be one branch from 1 to 10 levels, or will there be several branches that merge into one tank?

A. No, I do not support it. It would be prudent for WG to release a premium medium tank first, followed by the main tree.

Q. Did you find a suitable option for the 8th level, something really original, and not a copy of "Panther"?

A. I think it's fair to say that level 8 was a headache for Italy. This is the most important level in the game and it is not perfect, I had to use the Italian license created by Panther to fill the gap. Italy did receive licenses for the production of panthers and PzIII and IV tanks in Italy, but no tanks were eventually produced.

Q. When will we see the Italian tree?

A. We'll see that when WG gets to him. Now they are busy with other things, but I was told that they consider WoT as a long-term project, and therefore they are not in a hurry with the introduction of nations.

Q. Will there be a Fiat 2000 level 1 instead of a Fiat 3000 Renault clone? Or they could be a two-tiered nation, where the Fiat 2000 climbs onto a heavy pallet and the Fiat 3000 climbs up the light to the centerline.

A. I hope not. Not because I like the Fiat 3000, but because the Fiat 2000 can be played as big, ugly, but heavy nonetheless.

Q. Where do you think CarroArmato L6 / 40 belongs, if it belongs in the game at all? Do you think CV-33 CC can get into WoT?

A. It would be strange to miss any of these vehicles, as they formed such an important part of the Italian armored forces during World War II. A CV.33 CC with a 20mm cannon would look great despite not having a turret, fast, low and tiny would be a tough target. The L.6 / 40 is obviously larger and with a turret it will not only have a 20mm Breda, but possibly co-ordinate with a shorter 37mm. Both tanks are perfect for low tier

L.6 / 40

CV.33 CC

Q. What exactly will the Tier 10 tank be? Will it be OF-40 (if not considered too modern) or some other archival project?

A. OF-40 is too new for the WG timeslot, the earlier "Lion" is much closer and different from the German Leopard. In my opinion, Lion is best suited for level 10, even though it is 1970. It had at least reached the prototype stage, while the Leopard autoloader was just a paper version.

Q. Semovente 90/53 will be tank destroyers or self-propelled guns? (I read that it was used for both roles) It would be interesting to see how the Semovente 90/53 is played as a tank destroyer with artillery capabilities balanced so that it can only carry 6 rounds. What do you think about it?

A. 90/53 is a tank destroyer that can also be used for indirect fire. Semovente M42, etc. would be PT. We have a full line of SPGs that most likely won't exist, so there shouldn't be any problems with the AT branch.

Semovente 90/53

Q. Will there be a Polish tank tree?

A. I hope so. I'm not a Pole, but they have interesting tanks. I don't know enough about Polish tanks, and I don't know if they can have their own tree or not. Even if they can only get one branch, I would love to see it.

Q. I look forward to the Italian line. The M15 / 42 looks pretty good.

A. It was a very respectable tank. It was surpassed by the time it entered service.

Q. Is Ariana's artillery mount more suitable as an SPG or tank destroyer?

A. There is a prototype for Ariane and his final appearance, which is slightly different. They are ideal as SPGs. If there is no self-propelled gun at all, then personally I don't know if such a lightly armored unit with a 155-mm gun can be a high-tier tank destroyer. The OTO "Automatic" system with a drum loader can find its role in the game, being used on PTs, for example, on the SP-70. This is an ACS project of the 70s, built on the basis of the Leopard tank, which perfectly suits the role of the PT-10.


Q. Will we see German tanks in the Italian tree? For example premium Pz4 or Panther?

A. Italy received a dozen Panzer IVs, a dozen Stugs and one Tiger tank operated by Italian forces. There were exchanges of production contracts and the Panzer III, Panzer IV and Panther were also discussed. German tanks are very popular and a premium German tank for Italy will be a very nice addition, especially since they will be able to use some of their own modules and modifications, which may differentiate them from the German variants.

Q. Will a Fiat 2000 heavy tank fit into tier 1? It would be original to start pumping from a heavy tank. And it will be better than the Italian FT version.

A. At the moment, there are no plans to introduce a Tier 1 tank, and I do not think that this will happen. WG doesn't seem to be particularly interested in low levels, despite the unique appearance Fiat 2000. The turret gun is decent for him, but his mobility is disgusting. A later version with a 37mm cannon in each corner would be phenomenally fun if WG ever expressed support for multi-turret. I hate Fiat 3000.

This is basically just another FT clone and doesn't give anything interesting for the first level. And the 47mm cannon on it is too good for the first level, one way or another, it will need a nerf to balance it. Fiat 3000 as the first level is lazy and boring and not even necessary as there are other options instead. The only historical value for this is obviously the production and maintenance of them, but this did not really lead to anything, the design was a dead end and the choice followed in favor of British design instead of French.

Fiat 3000

Fiat 2000

Q. Is the P.75 design and concept sufficient to be Tier 2 and 3 heavy tanks?

A. Concepts P.75 "a" "b" and "c" are large and slow and noticeably different, but too well armed to be balanced for level 2. The Ansaldo 9t / 12t is better suited for the TT2 alongside the Fiat 2000, which is likely to be premium because it is significant for the TT line and leads to a bunch of early P.75s.

Ansaldo 9t

P.75 Prototype

Q. The Italian M26 Pershing may not have the experimental equipment that the M26 USA possesses, noting the cannon as well, since the Italian equipment was not used on the M26. Taking this into account, does the Italian Pershing M26 have a chance to be at level 7?

A. The M26 Pershing in Italian service did have a few minor modifications, for example the front of the hull was redesigned and the hatch was "sealed". An upgrade was planned for the 90mm Cockerill cannon, but this was a short-term solution for Italy and basically ended with only turret reinforcement being carried out.

Q. Wargaming confirms that the tank tree should be up to level 10? In particular, heavy tanks and tank destroyers.

A. Levels 9 and 10 are indeed the most lucrative for WG as people spend gold converting experience to get these machines. This is one of the reasons why the artillery was extended to level 10 and the same thing happened with light tanks... The TT branch, if it appears, will be the most controversial.

Q. I would like to know what the PT branch will be? What will be their characteristics and what is their priority for entering the game?

A. The main trait of Italian PTs will be stealth, they are small and low, and no one has armor. As a fan of the CV.3 light tank, I would like to see the CV.2 with the 20mm Solothurn as the originator of the AT branch, as well as the CV.3 with the 47mm gun. This is followed by a 75mm unit based on the L.6 (M.6). Small, light, well-armed. Little armor, but lots of firepower.

Q. Will we see OF-40 at level 11 of the Italian tree?

A: Too new and too advanced, even the Mk.I.

Q. How long did it take to decide on the 7th, 8th and 9th level for an Italian tree?

A. Level 7 can be satisfied with the P.43 bis, and line 9 with the OtoMelara M47 version, which is the one with the 105mm cannon and M60 components. Level 8 took a long time to solve. There was an option to include the Italian panther, but with special modifications to the modules. I do not approve of this because it is not a historically accurate option. An Italian panther would be good at level 7, but since we have a level 7 candidate, it would be best suited as a premier. Level 8 remains a "hole" and is significant. As a result, I see no other option than the M47 itself. There are many more engine options besides the very best for the Tier 9 version and other 90mm guns. The visual differences from the USA M47 are very minor, but the USA tree does not have the M47 anyway, and they hardly used it as they went for export. This may not be the best solution, but it is historically and does not affect anything else.

A newcomer to World of Tanks, having opened the research section in the hangar for the first time, will get lost in the endless rows of tanks. He will have a reasonable question: "Where to start?" We will answer this question in this article.

What to download?

World of Tanks features about 450 serial and experimental vehicles of eight nations. USSR, Germany, USA, France, England, China, Japan, Czechoslovakia. Soon, the collection will be replenished with cars from Sweden and Poland. The WoT time frame covers the period from the 20s to the end of the 60s of the twentieth century. All equipment is divided into 5 classes: heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, anti-tank self-propelled guns (PT-ACS) and artillery (ACS). They are all divided into 10 levels.

They rank combat vehicles by strength, which, with rare exceptions, corresponds to the time period when this or that vehicle was in service or a project in development. As it is not difficult to guess, the division into classes and levels build "branches" of development, where the cherry on the cake is the "top" - a tank of level 10. Most of the branches of development have the first three nations, which appeared in the game USSR and Germany with the release and the USA a little later. For three, this is more than 20 tops, the rest are content with fewer branches.

In World of Tanks, each vehicle has its own style of play. Conventionally, they can be divided into: tanks with armor and "cardboard" tanks without armor; small and "shed"; fast and slow; accurate and oblique; rapid-fire and with a large alpha-strike (damage per shot). Also, tanks can have traditional reloading and the so-called drum loading, thanks to which you can fire several shells in a short time, but pay for it with a long reloading time.

Tanks with different play styles have different requirements for the player's skill. So, slow tanks with armor forgive the mistakes of their tankers, but a fast light tank or a cardboard medium tank painfully punishes for careless play. To understand which tanks are not worth exploring ahead of time, let's try to divide all the vehicles in the game into the corresponding categories by class. And let's start with heavy tanks.

Heavy tanks

If you came to World of Tanks to dominate the battlefield and crush everyone with your steel tracks, then heavy tanks are your choice. They combine strong armor, powerful weapons and are capable of pushing through directions, "tanking" damage, while less armored STs come in from the flank and rear. But everything is not so simple here. In WoT, there are TTs that do not fit the description above.

For example, the French AMX 50 100 and AMX 50b will outperform many fast tanks in terms of dynamics and have no armor. But they have a cannon with a drum for 6 and 4 shells, respectively. This is the choice of experienced players, they can show impressive results on these machines. Whereas a beginner who opens AMX 50 100 may be disappointed after playing several unsuccessful fights. And the thing is that an inexperienced player has a thought in his head: “Egegey, I have a fast tank, I have to go up that hill in the center and take it!”. This usually leads to dire consequences.

Another good example of a branch not for beginners is the British top-end TT FV215b. The path to it is long and thorny - from 5 to 7 levels you will have to ride almost the same Churchill with different guns and booking. At level 8, there is a deplorable, against the background of classmates, Caernarvon (do not break your tongue!) With mediocre armor, dynamics and damage of 230 units per shot. And what does a player who opens a British level 10 TT get? And he gets the most comfortable gun among heavy classmates, good tower armor and a slippery layout, which imposes its own difficulties on the game. Add to that the 76mm NLD and two HUGE tanks just behind the armor, which leads to fires two to three times per battle. Then you will understand why beginners dislike this tank so much. But, players with experience, despite all the disadvantages of the machine, use it in clan battles on global map and are very happy with it.

The ideal option for mastering the TT class is the Soviet and German branches of the IS-7 and E 100. The IS-7 is a legend in the World of Tanks, a long-awaited dream of any tanker. It has an impenetrable turret, good armor, a 130 mm cannon and the famous Soviet "vertukhan" (the ability to hit on the move and without targeting). E 100 is 130 tons of gloomy German genius. It has good armor and damage of 750 units. If not standing in an open field, then he is able to live for a long time and reflect the hail of shells that fly in his direction. On the way to both cars awaits you nice game on such iconic tanks as KV-1, IS, IS-3, T-10, Tiger, Tiger 2 and E 75.

Medium tanks

ST is a universal class in WoT. Favorite class good players... They can inflict damage, repulse shells, carry out reconnaissance and illumination, carry out raids on the rear, return and shoot down the capture of the base, and some can do everything at once. Striking representatives are three twin brothers from the Soviet tree of development - T-62A, Object 140 and Object 430. An inexperienced player will not see the difference in the performance characteristics of these machines, although there is a difference. The T-62A has an impenetrable turret and better gun stabilization, the Ob. 140 is slightly better than UVN ( vertical guidance) and the dynamics of motion. About. 430 has a higher damage per minute. T-62A should be opened first, then Ob. 140.

German E 50 ausf. M and Chinese 121 are good vehicles with armor and powerful cannons. They can be upgraded instead of Soviet tanks, but the E 50 has a tricky branch, and it is very large, and SPGs like to shoot at it. Chinese 121 is good for everyone, except for UHN: and you can only shoot into the sky. The gun tilts down just a couple of degrees.

Many will pay attention to the French CT Bat. - Chatillon 25 t. He rightfully bears the title of one of the best ST tanks in the world. Speed, 5-round drum, universal love. But do not rush, because "batchat" is very demanding on the ability to play a combat vehicle. Inexperienced players, having opened "batchat", end the battles ingloriously, which often causes a storm of curses from the allies. "Fast Tank Syndrome" in action. The branch before it consists entirely of light tanks up to level 8, which we will talk about below, which does not contribute to comfortable pumping. In general, we advise you not to take on the French medium until you have learned how to play the medium tank class. The situation is similar with the "Czech" TVP T 50/51.

Leopard 1, AMX 30 B, STB-1, M48A1, and Centurion Action X are primarily undesirable for leveling. The first three have no armor, and the American and the British also have impressive dimensions. All tanks, except for М48А1, have complex pumping branches. It is better to postpone these machines until the moment when you have experience with the game.

Light tanks

It is rightfully the most difficult class of tanks in the game. In the "sand" most of the tanks are light, and therefore playable and fun. But, starting at level 5, they are assigned the important role of the team's eyes. Not all newbies understand this and merge in the "rush in the center", depriving their team of "light". You should start pumping high-level LT only when enough battles have been played and an understanding of various game mechanics World of tanks.

Tank destroyer

Anti-tank self-propelled guns - snipers in the world of tanks. At high levels, they have the best weapons among other vehicle classes. There are two subspecies of anti-tank guns: glass cannons and assault self-propelled guns.

Glass cannons are combat vehicles with precision penetrating guns mounted on a chassis, whose armor protects only from rain and wind. Typical representatives are the waffentrager branch with the Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager, aka Borsch, and Grille 15. This type of TD relies on camouflage and its painful cannons.

Assault PTs, in addition to powerful guns, also have good armor, but they pay the price for this with their slowness and lack of a turret. The Jagdpanzer E 100 and T110E3 can compete on the front lines of heavy tanks. But players do not like to climb forward on them, preferring to stand in a nearby bush with glass cannons.

In general, any branch of tank destroyers is friendly to newcomers. The gameplay is simple and straightforward - stand in the bushes, shoot at the tanks. Except, perhaps, Grille 15 due to the lack of armor, there are no particularly difficult branches, so you can download any of them. Moreover, at low and medium levels, there are many nice cars that you want to leave in the hangar, such as the T67, M18 Hellcat, SU-100, ISU-152.


How many broken copies around the question of necessity Art-SAU in battles. And while Wargaming is thinking what to do with her on his test servers, we'll try to figure out if a newbie needs to start with "art" and which branch to explore first.

If you look impartially, you can understand why art is so popular with players. It allows you to deal damage with impunity without traveling far from the base. With a successful hit, you can kill the enemy in one shot. No strong tension and concentration required. On the other hand, after several nerfs, the art game became very uncomfortable. Long reload time, long mixing, huge spread. The gameplay on the ACS resembles a roulette wheel: you can avoid hitting a standing enemy during the whole battle and then send a CT or LT to the hangar, which rushes at full speed, not at all reducing to the target.

As an introduction to the class, it will not be superfluous to play the SPG, but it is highly discouraged to download any of the branches to the end. First, besides the top SPGs, walk-through vehicles, with rare exceptions, are very uncomfortable. Secondly, pumping is slow, you need to earn a lot of experience, but you can't do it consistently. Thirdly, after the level 10 art has been researched, it is very difficult to sit down and learn to play on normal tanks.

So where do you start?

Which branch to open first completely and completely depends on the player. Someone, out of a sense of patriotism, begins with the tanks of the USSR. Someone, being an ardent Germanophile, opens Maus and E-100. In this article, we have given only general information about the development branches, which are difficult to learn for beginners and do not forgive mistakes. Be careful when choosing the first branch. Perhaps you choose your favorite tank, on which you will carry terror and sow destruction in the enemy camp.

28.3.2017 5247 views

The players pay particular attention to the Soviet branch of World of Tanks tanks of all kinds, because many people choose this technique not only for its unique and enjoyable gameplay, but also for its historical attachment to this technique.

Almost all tanks of the Soviet Union have a low chance of engine fire, which greatly increases the survivability of these vehicles, and the variety of gameplay will allow you to choose the type of equipment that will bring the player maximum pleasure.

The main task of a light tank is to detect the enemy and help the team by transmitting intelligence information about the movement of enemy forces.

This type of tank has a rather complex gameplay, because all tanks of this type have a relatively small margin of safety, lack of strong armor, and in most cases have a gun with low damage per shot.

But at the same time, players who choose to play on light Soviet tanks receive excellent mobility, camouflage (which remains invariably high when moving and in a stationary vehicle), as well as an excellent visibility indicator.

Light tanks of the Soviet research tree have excellent speed and power density indicators compared to similar vehicles of other nations. Most of the light tanks of the USSR have excellent camouflage, which allows for the right game remain unnoticed and confidently transmit intelligence to allies throughout the battle.

With relatively low damage per shot, the guns of these tanks have high damage per minute, which is often decisive in a duel with enemy light tanks or when breaking through to artillery.

The Soviet medium tank research tree features a wide variety of vehicles that are quite different from medium tanks of other nations.

The main tasks of the vehicles are flank breakthroughs into the rear of enemy forces and inflicting a large amount of damage to enemy vehicles.

But the uniqueness of Soviet medium vehicles lies in the fact that all high-tier tanks have excellent turret armor, which makes it possible to fight almost on equal terms with enemy heavy tanks, while hiding the vehicle body in the relief.

Another not insignificant advantage is the excellent weapons that have excellent damage per minute. This fully compensates for the relatively low armor penetration parameter of the basic projectile and allows you to confidently fight even against several vehicles at the same time.

The disadvantages of medium-sized vehicles of the USSR include mediocre gun depression angles and mediocre maximum speed.

The most popular tanks of the Soviet Union are heavy tanks. These machines have so many advantages that they are ideal for those new to the game. At the same time, experienced players can show simply breathtaking results on this type of technique.

The peculiarity of heavy tanks of the USSR is their strong armor, relatively excellent mobility and good indicators of one-time damage of guns. Almost all heavy tanks in the Soviet the World branch of Tanks are famous for their impenetrability and are capable of holding back entire directions alone.

High-tier Soviet heavy tanks have simply impenetrable turret armor and, if played correctly, are capable of record-breaking blocked damage. Also, some vehicles have armor of the "Pike nose" type hull, which allows, with the correct positioning of the hull, to beat off enemy shells, even of colossal calibers.

The disadvantage of this arrangement of armor is the impossibility of turning the body of the vehicle due to a sharp drop in the value of the reduced armor. The guns of these vehicles are rather inaccurate, but this is more than compensated for by the huge one-time damage, heavy tanks of level 7 can take a third of their level of strength from the enemy in one shot, and such legendary vehicles as the KV-2 can send most targets to the hangar with one shot. especially lightly armored.

The role of tank destroyers on the battlefield is to destroy all enemy tanks in the player's field of vision. The best suited for this task are tank destroyers of the Soviet Union. Vehicles of this type have cannons with huge one-time damage and armor penetration.

Excellent camouflage of Soviet vehicles allows you to destroy enemy vehicles without the risk of being detected. Often players on Soviet tank destroyers remain undetected throughout the battle.

The disadvantages of this type of technique include a very poor overview, but the correct selection additional equipment and a properly trained crew can compensate for this deficiency.

Poor armor and, in some cases, lack of mobility also make some inconveniences when playing this vehicle, but all this is compensated by the pleasure of the weapon. It's so nice to fire at an enemy who has no idea where he is coming from.

Due to these features of Soviet technology, players often inflict mind-boggling damage values.

Soviet SPGs have gameplay that is strikingly different from other types of vehicles. They have the ability to fire at almost any point on the map, while remaining safe in the vicinity of their base.

The main shells of such equipment are high-explosive fragmentation, which have a high chance of disabling the internal modules and crew members of the enemy vehicle. Large caliber guns allow not only to disable several modules of an enemy vehicle, but also to hit several vehicles at once.

As you explore the branch of Soviet SPGs, the player will have the opportunity to play vehicles with relatively good mobility, guns with high one-time damage, or guns with high damage per minute. The disadvantage of this technique is the almost complete lack of booking, which makes it vulnerable in close combat, poor accuracy of the gun and the speed of the projectile.

Also a significant disadvantage is the lack of good view.

Premium vehicles in the game World of Tanks include a set of vehicles of different types, which have an increased profitability in comparison with similar tanks of the same tiers.

Owners of such equipment almost never have problems with the in-game currency - silver. Also, such vehicles have an accelerated time for pumping crew perks and do not need to retrain the crew when transferring it from a non-premium vehicle.

Soviet premium tanks are presented in almost all classes except for artillery. Such a variety of cars will greatly simplify the speed of development in the game. In addition, most of the Soviet premium tanks have a preferential level of battles, which will allow the best possible deployment of the vehicle in tank battles and earn a lot of silver from every battle.

World of Tanks is the most popular game online game Europe. This guide was written for its novice players and contains tips for pumping Soviet branches of technology, as well as recommendations on how to fight for them.

General about Soviet technology.

It is no secret that the USSR technique is the most popular on the Russian game server, and it is clear why =)) But this is not the only reason. The developers of the game really made the tanks of the USSR really strong, and better than their German and American counterparts. Detailed comparison the best technique will be below.

Beginner's set.

A beginner's kit is a small package of files that any beginner player should have - they make the game much easier and more convenient. All of the following files are installed by replacing the files in the game folder.

Attention! - This method is officially allowed by the game developers.

Soviet Technique

Armed with the necessary software, you can proceed to a direct acquaintance with Soviet technology. We will consider 4 main branches: the Heavy Tanks (TT) branch, the Medium Tanks (ST) branch, the PT-ACS (PT) branch, and the SPG (artillery) branch.

General scheme of branches (click on the picture to enlarge)

A branch of Soviet heavy tanks.

FROM "MS-1" by "T-28" we gain experience in the game, learn to shoot, memorize maps and the most convenient places for defense / attack. It is worth noting here that you can do without a premium account for these periods. But starting from a tank of level 5 and higher, you need to take a premium. It is also worth noting that every time you purchase a new tank, you should replant and retrain its crew in order to pump the skills of the crew. The crew that has gone through at least 2-3 thousand battles will have maximum skills, and the commander will have the highest rank in the game for a USSR tanker - "Senior Lieutenant".

"KV"- Tier 5 tank of the USSR TT branch. You will remember this tank for a long time. It is from him, armored and clumsy, that we begin to learn how to play for TT. If before there was no point in hiding behind houses, now you will desperately need it. While playing for him, you remember that this tank is bad in attack because very slow and in open areas easy prey for artillery, and in the near easy fight loot for STs, which will pick your stern (rear of the tank), while you rotate the hull and turret. And not only ST, but also light tanks (LT) with a good cannon and nimble PTs. Try to keep your distance from your opponent. Learn to be patient and sit on the defensive and anyone who pops into your line of fire will quickly turn into a pile of burning metal!

About the "KV" and about any tank of the 5th level, I would also note that it is very easy to earn credits on them. And it's not that shells and repairs cost little. If you go to and right-click on "KB" you can see the 4 "Additional" tab, which, by the way, is not in the game. It has an indicator "Credit ratio" which is equal to 0.99. This means that you get 99% of the total indicator for a battle on "KB". For example, for "MS-1" this coefficient is 0.69. All tiers have a different coefficient, but tier 5 tanks have the highest. To feel the difference, here is a summary of the USSR TT branch:

Tank / Credit Ratio
Level 1 "MS-1" / 0.69
Level 2 "T-26" / 0.69
Level 3 "T-46" / 0.69
4 level. "T-28" / 0.86
Level 5 "KB" / 0.99
Level 6 "KV-3" / 0.76
Level 7 IS / 0.76
Level 8 IS-3 / 0.69
Level 9 IS-4 / 0.68
10 lvl. IS-7 / 0.70

(This coefficient is even higher for tanks for gold).

Thus, you can thoroughly delay on "KV" in order to earn as many credits as possible (on a day with a premium, you can thus earn 1kk of credit). Moreover, while you are earning, you will be able to open not only all the improvements and make "KV" from the stock state (a tank in your own store equipment) to the top (when everything has been studied and installed best equipment), but also to open the next tank "KV-3", as well as, if desired, gain experience on the "S-51" and "KV-1s".

Also, take this opportunity to purchase non-removable equipment for your main tank. It is expensive, but you bought it once and will stay with your main tank forever. Of the non-removable equipment, the best:

1) Large caliber gun rammer - increases reload speed by 10%
2) Reinforced drives aiming - increase the speed of aiming weapons by 10%
3) Large anti-splinter lining - reduces damage by 15% from explosions (for example, when an artillery shell explodes nearby) and rams.

For TT, this is the best set. When changing the main tank, they can be dismantled for 10 gold, which is equal to 1.1 rubles, which, in fact, is not money =))
Also, starting with the next tank, we accumulate "Free experience" and do not spend it on various improvements. This experience will be used to upgrade the branch of Soviet tank destroyers.

"KV-3"- a tank of the 6th level of the TT USSR branch. A worthy successor to the KV tank. You will have more HP, and in top condition you will have a turret with 130mm frontal armor. Thus, hiding behind a low obstacle, you can fire to defeat, without fear that any of the opponents, below level 5, will be able to pierce you.

"IS"- a tank of the 7th level of the TT USSR branch. Compared to KV-3, you will feel the loss. the tower will become less durable, but this is more than offset by its maneuverability. Also, in comparison with other tanks of the 7th level "IS" will significantly dominate. It is also worth noting that shells will cost from 1k credits per shot, and the game without a premium account will be at a loss. That's why the game developers are cunningly calculating that no one can reach a level 10 tank without buying a premium account.

"IS-3"- a tier 8 tank of the USSR TT branch. This is a wonderful tank. By switching to it, you will feel more confident. in comparison with the IS, you will again have a strong forehead near the turret, but if opponents above level 6 could penetrate the forehead of the KV-3, then the forehead of the IS-3 will be pierced only by tanks of 9-10 levels with top guns. This opens up completely new opportunity, which could not be used before: On the IS-3 you drive at the enemy head-on into a ram, so that you stand face to face, at the same time, do not let the enemy drive back, so that the distance between you does not increase. If the enemy is stupid, he will try to break through the forehead of the tower. when the tanks stand up, the sight cannot be lowered head-on to the enemy's turret. If the enemy is below level 9 and shoots you at the tower, he will not penetrate it. And as soon as he makes his shot, you drive back on the IS-3 so that the front body of the enemy is visible in the sight, and inflict damage on him, then again press the enemy in the forehead. Repeat the procedure until the enemy is completely destroyed, while if the enemy is squeezed, for example, between the city ruins, then he will not even have a chance to escape. With such tactics, you can defeat many opponents without losing HP, and even tanks of level 9. I will also say about the IS-3 that it is a breakthrough tank. Its main task is surprise attacks from the flank. The later the enemy detects you, the more effective your attack will be. For direct attacks, the IS-3 is still rather weak. This initiative, as before, will belong to tanks of 9 and 10 levels.

"IS-4"- Tier 9 tank of the USSR TT branch. A worthy example of a Tier 9 tank. In the stock state, it will seem extremely slow and not agile (the clumsy "KV" will immediately come to mind). But in top condition it is an excellent vehicle with a high level of armor (the IS-4 has more armor than the IS-7). Also, the IS-4 has a relatively slow speed, which is why it is often compared to the German Maus. Moreover, in one of the future updates, they want to make the IS-4 a tier 10 tank. Therefore, even now, many do not even switch to the IS-7, but remain to play the IS-4. It is also important here that the repair of the "IS-4" costs 17k credits, and the repair of the "IS-7" 30k credits. That is, if you can still make money on the IS-4, then you won't be able to make money on the IS-7 even with a premium account.

IS-7- a level 10 tank of the USSR TT branch. The strongest heavy tank presented for the side of the USSR. As already mentioned, it has less armor than the IS-4. But this figure is insignificant. But his speed and maneuverability are a cut higher. So if "IS-4" accelerates to 35 km per hour maximum, then "IS-7" can accelerate to 50 km per hour. By the way, this is the highest speed among all Soviet TTs. And this will save him. Given the importance of the IS-7 on the battlefield, it will always be the main target of enemy artillery. And good speed will be a tangible salvation.


IS-7 vs Maus
In the open field, the Mouse will be easy prey for the IS-7 as they pierce each other in the same way, but only the IS-7 has high maneuverability. Mouse is good against low-level opponents who are not able to penetrate it, but not against the IS-7, and even less against the American T30, which will not only penetrate Mouse with a bang but also inflict higher damage.

IS-7 vs E-100
The E-100 is a new German tier 10 tank. Has less hp and armor than Mouse, but at the same time his speed is higher. In the Duel with the IS-7, he will have an equal chance of winning.

IS-7 vs T30
IN this battle T30 will have an advantage as his damage is higher. Nevertheless, it is significantly inferior to the IS-7 in terms of armor, which makes it an easy prey for lower-level opponents, so the IS-7 is preferred in this comparison.

A branch of Soviet tank destroyers.

FROM "AT-1" by "SU-85" we are pumping only on the free experience accumulated during the pumping period on the TT and immediately sit down on the "SU-85".

Starting from the SU-85 we ride up to ISU-152... When playing for these vehicles, remember that Soviet tank destroyers have the weakest armor, which makes them easy prey for any enemy, but at the same time the best cannon, which allows them to inflict not weak damage to the enemy. So it is worth remembering that the Soviet PTs have the highest rate of invisibility in motion and in a standing position.

Stealth ratio PT [in motion / standing]
Level 2 AT-1 - 0.35 / 0.55
Level 3 SU-76 - 0.38 / 0.53
4 level. SU-85B - 0.4 / 0.5
Level 5 SU-85 - 0.2 / 0.6
Level 6 SU-100 - 0.2 / 0.6
Level 7 SU-152 - 0.1 / 0.37
Level 8 ISU-152 - 0.1 / 0.37
Lvl 9. "Ob. 704" - 0.2 / 0.3

That is, playing as Soviet ATs, you should acquire a camouflage net that will reduce the tank's visibility by another 25% and you will become invisible even if the enemy is 20 meters away from you. From which it follows that your main role will be ambushes and attacks from the bushes at long distances. This game will be for all Soviet ATs up to ISU-152, and it will change little when you move from car to car. But everything will change when you get to "Rev. 704" ...

"Ob. 704"- Tank destroyer of the 9th level of the Soviet branch of tankers. Possesses one of the strongest guns in the game. The damage from its projectiles is 2 times higher than that of any tank of level 9 and 1.5 times more than that of tanks of level 10. 2 of his shots is enough to kill the IS-4. 1 shot is enough to send any opponent of level 6 and below to the dump. But high damage is not all. At first glance, it may seem that the Ob. 704 has too little armor (the Ob. 704's frontal armor = 120 mm), but in fact, it is enough of it. The fact is that "Ob. 704" has a rational angle of inclination of the frontal armor, which ricochets most of the enemy shells. And armor "Jagdtiger" and "T95" can be pierced knowing weak spots(for this you need to use the skins of the penetration, which were mentioned at the very beginning of the guide). It is also worth noting that the "Ob. 704" will be more maneuverable than the "Jagdtiger" and much more maneuverable than the "T95" whose maximum speed is 13 km per hour (slower than the "Mouse"), while the "Ob. 704" has a maximum speed 37 km per hour. Thus, with an equal amount of HP and an equal penetration rate of each other, we obtain that the Ob. 704 has the highest damage and the highest maneuverability - which makes it not only the best AT in the game, but also one of the best tanks Level 9.

A branch of Soviet medium tanks.

This branch can be downloaded in two ways:
1) Directly through "BT-2"
2) Bypassing through the "KV"

Personally, I recommend using the "KV" as it was said earlier on "KV" earnings go very well. In addition, it will already be top-end, which will make the game even easier.
But if you want to download a direct branch of Soviet medium tanks, then it is worth noting that the game for them will be interesting and different from riding a TT.

"BT-2" , "BT-7" and "A-20" you will love them for their speed. The main thing here is to keep track of where you are going and not at whom you are shooting. After all, if you hit an obstacle, they will immediately bite you. In order to roll and shoot, it is enough to attach the sight to the enemy by right-clicking on it, and constantly press the fire while not ceasing to follow the road. Here the software that was posted earlier will help us. Having removed the map to the skies, we can see where to go and where to shoot and where the opponents are, and how to maneuver so as to remain inaccessible to enemy fire. That is, the task will be greatly simplified. It is also worth remembering one rule of playing for "A-20" when you find yourself in battles against opponents superior to you by the head. "A-20", like the German "Leopard", are light-carrying tanks. That is, intelligence that detects enemies. Many novice players make the mistake of thinking that they can do something to help being in the rear and hiding behind obstacles playing as fireflies. This is a gross mistake. The fireflies have one task - to shine. As the battle begins, immediately go to the enemy base in order to find as many enemies as possible. And it doesn't even matter that you will be killed right there. The mechanics of the game are such that experience and credit are given to everyone, not only for damage and kills, but also to those who are the first to detect enemy tanks. Thus, having spotted more than 9 opponents, you will not only receive the "Scout" medal, but also get quite a lot of experience and credits - by the way, a very good income in just 1 minute of the battle. Difficulties will begin with the "T-34" ...

"T-34"- a tank of level 5 of the ST branch of the USSR. Unfortunately, the legendary tank in the game is not shown in the best way. For most opponents, you will be easy targets. Actually, this is why I recommend downloading the ST branch through the "KV". But as soon as you switch to T-34-85 it will become much easier.

"T-34-85"- Tier 6 tank of the ST branch of the USSR. Unlike its level 5 counterpart, it has significantly higher damage. By correctly maneuvering, you can remain inaccessible to enemy attacks. Actually on the "T-34-85" you will learn the basics of playing for the ST and this style will remain until the "T-54"

"KV-1s"- a tank of the 6th level of the TT USSR branch. If you still decide to download the ST branch through the "KV" then you will like this tank. It will surpass the "T-34-85" in armor, which will rarely, but all the less, save, despite the fact that the speed is not much lower.

"KV-13"- a tank of the 7th level of the ST branch of the USSR. Final transformation of the KV into a medium tank. And although after it you will have to spend a little more time to transfer to another ST of the 7th level "T-43", it will be worth it. the armor of the "KV-13" essentially remained the same as that of the "KV", and the speed was a cut higher.

"T-43"- a tank of the 7th level of the ST branch of the USSR. Perhaps, this tank will seem terrible to many. It will be agonizing not to have enough armor. Any opponent will punch you, and the game will be extremely difficult. Of course, a new powerful cannon will ease the situation, but nevertheless, time goes by. to "T-44" will be one of the most difficult.

"T-44"- a tier 8 tank of the ST branch of the USSR. After the "T-43" it will seem to you a very good car. Remember the main thing. STs drive in a small flock of 3-4 cars. They are also called the "Wolf Pack". Such a flock can easily destroy any TT without loss or damage. Pack tactics are simple. While the first one distracts the enemy's attention to himself (the muzzle of the enemy should look in the direction of the distracting one), the rest are picking the back side of the enemy's tower (by the way, many tanks have ammunition storage there). If the enemy starts to turn the muzzle towards those who are picking him, the one who distracts him will immediately begin to beat. This is the main combat tactic of the CT. Therefore, you should make loyal friends and together with them in a platoon, coordinating your actions via voice communication, go on a steel hunt!

"T-54"- a tank of level 9 of the ST branch of the USSR. As soon as you change to this tank from the "T-44" the game will go to the real pleasure! The T-54 will mark the crown of the Soviet tanks' ST in the game. It is fast maneuverable, and the rational slope of the armor makes it not penetrable yet. The main rule to remember is: 1 is not a warrior in the field. You only need to ride a T-54 like a wolf pack with faithful companions. It is also worth noting that the "T-54" is not only the best Soviet ST, but also the best ST in the whole game. You can verify this by comparing the main characteristics of the 9th level of different nations. The German E-50 will be slightly faster than the T-54, but it has a much slower turning speed, which makes the T-54 much more maneuverable. In addition, it is much larger than the "T-54", which makes it an easy target, but about the fact that the "E-50" and the damage is weaker finally puts an end to the dispute. Comparing the T-54 with the American Patton, we can only note that Patton is even less maneuverable than the T-54, and maneuverability is the main factor in comparing the ST. Therefore, the verdict is simple - the best ST in the game is the T-54.

A branch of the Soviet artillery.

The branch of the Soviet artillery can be pumped either directly, or again through the "KV". If we take the branch of Soviet artillery, then it is worth noting that the first Soviet self-propelled guns will be relatively fast-firing (on average, up to 9 rounds per minute), but towards the end the shots will become less and less frequent. But the damage will increase significantly.

General recommendations for all SPGs: Your task on the battlefield is to take a rear position in order to get the largest part cards. It is worth noting that many make the mistake of not watching where your allies will go. You need to take a position in the rear part where more allies went to the front line so that it did not work out so that you went wherever you wanted and were left alone without forward cover. Having taken a position, remember the same - your target is the strongest enemy tanks. Be patient, don't waste time recharging on small things. Wait for the appearance of the main enemy tanks and strike at them. A few direct hits on them and you will ensure your team is victorious.

Directly on specific ACS, I will note: the first 4 ACS with "SU-18" by "SU-8" will have a range that does not cover the entire map. But already with a level 6 self-propelled gun "SU-14" and "S-51" you will be able to cover the whole map entirely. Actually, this is where the differences between ACS end. "Ob.212" and "Ob.261" will differ from their predecessors in their speed of aiming weapons, rate of fire, damage and the amount of hp. But this does not affect much since the task of artillery from a safe distance to fire at the enemy and hit each time. Such indicators as armor, damage, maneuverability in comparison with self-propelled guns do not matter because they do not participate in close combat by definition. Therefore, it is impossible to determine which of the Tier 8 SPGs is the best, by analogy with other types of tanks.


So in the hangar of the veteran World games of Tanks, you can see all the Soviet top equipment: "IS-7", "Ob. 704", "T-54" and "Ob. 261" and "KV" with "Leopard" on which you can earn very good credits ... =))

The official website of the game - sometimes it is useful to be aware of the news))
The official forum of the game - contains a lot of useful tips and readings for the novice player.
Tank calculator - very useful if in the course of a battle you want to find out where the enemy's armor is weaker, or just compare the vehicles without being in the game.