An example of a treasure map for children. DIY antique pirate map. How to draw a treasure map with your own hands: a few easy ways

The encrypted treasure map is not only a game that brings a lot of happiness to boys, but also an excuse to unleash creativity. I realized this when the school asked for the "Best Cryptographer" competition to prepare some kind of cipher text on a poster. I approached this lesson responsibly, and what came of this venture - see for yourself.

Usually we do all school crafts together with our son. But this time we had a lot of crafts for the school that needed to be prepared in 2 days. We distributed tasks among ourselves, and I had to encrypt the information. But this is even better, since at recess the son could decipher not only other posters, but also this one - he was interested.

Just want to tell you why I chose the treasure map. It seemed to me that ordinary puzzles and similar encrypted texts for children in grades 1-4 would be too boring. A treasure map with encrypted names of continents, islands, oceans and mountains, deserts and lakes is something that will interest children more than the usual encrypted text.

I imagined myself small and imagined a wall with posters, codes and puzzles. The treasure map would definitely grab my attention. Especially if she was almost like the real thing. I think if you make such a card for your children (just like that, and not for a competition), then they will be happy to spend time and be able to develop logical abilities.

To make a treasure map you need:
- thick paper
- colour pencils
- red felt-tip pen
- scissors
- stickers or pictures on a pirate theme
- glue
- matches

To make the card as similar as possible to the real one, I set fire to thick paper from all sides and extinguished it as soon as the edges took on the desired shape of a charred card.

On the hotel sheet, I printed out a note about the cipher, with which I decided to encrypt everything that was on the card.

For the map, I encrypted the legend of pirate treasure... This is how it looked in finished form. I printed it out on a separate sheet of paper and cut it out (as chaotically as possible).

I found pictures on the pirate theme on the Internet. I cut them out so that I could stick them in the right places later.

I glued an encrypted legend and a decryptor plate to the map. Where there was free space, I painted continents and islands.

Using a knife, I rubbed the lead of a soft, simple pencil.

She rubbed her pencil with a piece of paper. I painted some places (lakes, deserts, etc.) with colored pencils.

I distributed the pirate-themed pictures on the map and pasted them with a glue-pencil.

With a red felt-tip pen, I drew the line of the ship's path to Treasure Island.

She signed the encrypted names of mountains, lakes, oceans, islands. In general, there are fantasies where to roam =)

I hope you enjoyed the idea of ​​making a DIY treasure map.

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In modern culture, not a single canonical image of a pirate is complete without such an attribute as a treasure map. It is thanks to their wealth that pirates have received a fair share of their popularity. A free sea wolf, who has been in the very hell and has borrowed hundreds or thousands of gold coins, secretly hiding them on one of the islands of the archipelago, simply cannot but arouse interest... And it doesn't matter that most of these stories about treasures are just a myth, because even a well-thought-out invention presented on the pages of a book can win the hearts of many readers, Stevenson, one of the first to mention a treasure map in his work, is a vivid example of this.

Place marked with a cross on maps

Pirate maps with a cross marked where the treasure is buried is one of the most famous pirate attributes, but it is a complete fiction, the invention of which would be indebted to Robert Louis Stevenson and his. His stepson, Lloyd Osborne, wrote: “Armed with paints, I painted the island that I had painted before. Stevenson walked in as I was finishing, and with genuine interest and love for everything I did, he leaned over my shoulder. Soon he was already working on the individual details of the map and giving them names. I will never forget the excitement that gripped me when the skeleton of the Skeletons, the Spyglass Hill appeared on it, and the delight that squeezed my heart when three red crosses were inscribed one after another! But I experienced even greater delight when he wrote “Treasure Island” in the upper right corner. What a fairy tale it will be! " - I exclaimed. " Over the next three days, Stevenson wrote the first chapters of this work, which has become a classic of the pirate novel.

Pirate Treasure Chests

The treasure chest present in all pirate novels is just a tribute to the legends.... Yes, the pirates came across jewelry, but generally the loot was much more prosaic. Pirates usually took away what they could eat, drink, or sell quickly. Among other treasures valued by pirates were good clothes, spices, cotton bales, corned beef, weapons, ropes, slaves. All this, of course, could not be hidden in a chest and buried in reserve.

Are you having a loud pirate party? Wonderful! Of course, there will be a lot of trouble, but it's worth it. So, games and contests are ready, awesome outfits are sewn, tasty treats spread an amazing aroma throughout the apartment ... It's just a little: how to draw a pirate treasure map for children.

Namely, to discover, together with curious little pirates in a bottle of rum (a bottle of children's champagne is also perfect), the main attribute of the upcoming sea adventure - an old, time-worn treasure map and start sailing.

Making such a map is not at all difficult.

What you need to do from scratch

  • A sheet of paper (I used A4 plain office paper).
  • Strong welding (for primer).
  • Cotton swab.
  • Black gel pen.
  • Colour pencils.
  • Scissors.
  • A ribbon or piece of string.

How to draw a pirate treasure map for kids

How to achieve the effect of paper as if faded in the sun and aged by time? Very simple: brew tea tightly or (if you want to darken the leaf) instant coffee.

Thoroughly moisten a cotton swab in liquid.

And we process a sheet of paper on both sides.

For a while, we leave the paper to dry; to speed up the process, you can put the sheet on a heating radiator. The result is a beautifully primed, slightly warped during drying (which is also wonderful) textured base for the future card.

Now we begin to place the necessary objects on the map. You can choose a suitable motive and sketch from it, or you can sketch out a small sketch in advance. We draw directly on the map with a gel pen. You can also print the text with tasks in block letters.

It turns out beautifully when graphic lines are lightly "highlighted" with color. In my case, these are ordinary colored pencils. You can paint in several ways - gently shade or rub the rubbed lead over the surface of the paper.

When putting objects on a pirate map, show all your imagination - interesting frightening names will delight little travelers (it's good when they also coincide with the names of contests and challenges that arise "on the way"). And, of course, do not forget to mark the place where the "old treasure" is hidden.

With the help of scissors we make out the edges of the card, as shown in the photo.

And carefully over the candles "smoke" the sheet and burn the edges. Here - the main thing is not to gape and not to let the fire spoil all the work done.

The map is ready! We roll it up into a tube, rewind it with twine or satin ribbon and hide it in a suitable bottle.

How to draw a pirate treasure map for kids for a holiday.

Was the lead pirate. Children got an interesting experience and an unforgettable experience. And Angelina kindly shares her best practices with us. Explore and use!

“The script of the holiday was still spinning in my head, and I had already sent letters from Old Flint to the future participants as follows:

“The pirate Old Flint is assembling a team to search for treasures.

The pirate ship "Barracuda" will be moored there at 10 am! (in case of bad, rainy weather, it will not be able to go to sea and the collection of pirates is postponed to the next week).
The first task for the pirate is to come up with a real pirate name and arrive at the specified time at the meeting point in a pirate costume.

Show Old Flint the black mark. "

I wrote the letter by hand, drew a pirate flag, photocopied it in the required quantity, and put it in envelopes with black marks. Black marks can be cut out of cardboard, and I made them from plasticine. The kids were intrigued, counted the days before the event and took the preparation very seriously!

When preparing a quest, the script always relies on the location of the holiday and the age of the participants. In our case, these were children of 3-5 years old, most of the tasks were hidden at home and in the surrounding area.

Quest preparation:

1. Encrypted message.

2. Key to the cipher- a note, with pictures of the code and letters.

3. Multicolored butterflies- 14 pieces. Butterflies of seven colors, letters are written on the back. Collected in pairs butterflies with letters add up to the name of seven notes. The task implies that the children will sort the butterflies by color, see the letters and put together the words-notes: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, etc.

4. Treasure map. I sealed the drawn card tightly with cellophane, sparing no scotch tape for tightness, and placed it in a plastic box, which I filled with water and froze. To make the map drown, I pressed it to the bottom with a few pebbles. When the water froze, it turned out beautifully, you could add seashells, it would be even better!

5. Pirate Flag, Drawn by hand with black chalk on a sheet of A3 paper. Taped to the gate (we called this place the Island of Shadows), under the flag - an envelope with a new assignment.

6. The inscription "Barracuda" to designate a ship. Actually, the house itself was a pirate ship, the room was a cabin, the kitchen was a galley, etc.

7. Envelopes with riddles and tasks.

8. Buy Balloons(about 10 pcs), crackers and a rubber spider. As treasures - kinder surprise eggs. Flint used clappers to provoke young pirates during the game, to raise morale :). And in the balls I put several notes with riddles. The inflated balloons were tied higher, so that the children themselves could not reach them in any way.

9. Find pirate songs(Pirates song from c / f Peppy Longstocking and theme from c / f Pirates of the Caribbean).

10. Prepare riddles about the sea,(see Attachment).

For the whole adventure, we only needed one thing actor- Pirate Flint, who played the role of the host.


When all the children were gathered, Flint announced that the team would start looking for the treasure.

In order for the ship to move it is necessary to raise the sails.(There are roller blinds hanging on the veranda, they symbolized the sails.) Having unrolled the curtains, the kids discovered encrypted message and the main pirate explained: to read the code, you need "key", he is with his girlfriend, a huge spider, which is hiding somewhere in the garden.

The children went to roam the garden and soon the spider was found. There wasenvelope with keyto solve the cipher.

For the age of our team, the message was too long, and they had to show a fair amount of patience and keep naming the letters, matching them with the pictures. With the help of parents we read: "Listen to the rustling of butterflies inside the white jellyfish."

What in our house looked like a huge white jellyfish? The children looked around in bewilderment until someone guessed that it was a stole hanging from the ceiling (a mosquito net). I tied it in the middle in advance and put paper butterflies there. The children rushed to the jellyfish, untied it and all the butterflies scattered across the bed.

Flint suggested that need to collect pairs and guess what these short words mean. When the children realized that these were notes, they were asked to find the next task where the notes are hidden - in musical instrument... In our case, it was a harmonium. The children lifted the lid and found an envelope with the next task:“Pirates are very cheerful people, together, dance merrily pirate dance

I turned on the song, and everyone danced, jumped.

When the children had calmed down, Flint suggested select from among the crew members the chief mate in the following way:"Whoever knows more than all the fish and marine life will be the captain's mate." Everyone sat in a circle and took turns calling the fish, who could no longer remember anything - dropped out. So the one who had the honorable assignment to go to the galley and bring a tray of watermelon for the whole team was determined.

While the pirates and their parents were refreshing themselves with watermelon and sandwiches, I turned on a song from "Pirates of the Caribbean" for the background, we imagined sailing on a ship, the sails are inflated, the waves are hitting the board, the sun is above the clouds, etc.

When the pirates and their parents completed this delicious task, it turned out that on the back of the tray, at the bottom, an envelope is glued! The assignment said:“With the help of the Thousand Devils spell, transform into a monster with eight legs, two mouths and two eyes. Only such a monster can pluck the enchanted balls, inside is a new task! "

Children in turn climbed onto the shoulders of an adult and blindfolded cut off the balls suspended high. So everyone was in the role of a monster, and everyone had a balloon in their hands.

Further they had to burst, to read the notes hidden inside. It turned out fun, they just flopped on them with their booty on the grass and then collected the scattered pieces of paper. On small pieces of paper were riddles about the sea (see Attachment), and another task: “Go to the Isle of Shadows, where the pirate flag hangs. The island is bewitched, to get to it build a bridge of shadows. "

The task meant that the children in a chain stand on a concrete path and chalk outlines the shadows each other, moving towards the island.

Having thus reached the gate, our pirates tore the flag and found a new envelope with a note:"Look for a map in the country eternal ice". The kids guessed that we had a refrigerator and found a frozen map. But how to get it from there? they carried her into the sun, poked with forks, all to no avail!

Flint came to the rescue, he brought a bowl of hot water and poured it into the box, then the ice floe melted and fell out of the box. They smashed her on the concrete paths and took out a pirate map!

The map identified where the treasures were hidden“I didn't have to persuade anyone for a long time in the country of“ Melatia ”- the kids happily went to the pool, where they found their well-deserved treasures under a tree, bathed, refreshed and went home, filled with impressions and positive emotions.”

Application:(click to download).

We have learned so much information about pirates for a lifetime. But there is one more detail, and it is called a treasure map. Everyone remembered, and boarding, and liters of rum, even a parrot, but they forgot what attracted everyone to become a pirate - treasures. And today we have a chance to hide our personal treasures and find out how to draw a map to find them.

Why pirates buried wealth and drew a map remains a pleasant mystery. The first thought that came up was that rum had shortened their memory so much that they had to draw a path back and forth. Probably, the same rum somehow magically influenced the desire to bury something in the ground. But it was not there. Not all are found around with squirrels. After thinking a little, the second thought came - it is not so easy to carry tons of looted gold with you on one ship. But with a pirate ship it is not so easy to enter the port - right away for the festive hanging of bodies. Therefore, pirates buried treasures on the nearby shores, and the map served as a wikipedia for the traveler. But disagreement lived among the pirates, they did not trust each other. The more people knew about the treasure, the less people began to know about the treasure. That is why they believe that a pirate is a friend to a pirate only on the deck of a ship, while on land there are enemies, and this is the pure truth, since they descended on land with only one purpose. But there were treasures for which it was an honor and a duty, not a crime, to kill several complete pirates. For example, such:

  • Recently, on the territory of Ireland, we found a ship that sank very recently in 1941, from the side of which the lucky ones lifted 48 tons of silver. Their happiness was not measure, but the Irish people are harsh, they did not distribute coins to the poor and needy, but threw them into the development of the seafaring industry. What if they find something else.
  • Mel Fisher is a legend among treasure hunters. It was he who found the Atach ship in 1985, which sank, just think, back in 1622. Briefly about the prices. More than 200 gold and 1,100 silver ingots and all kinds of jewelry for the ladies were lifted from the ship. This is how much dough? Come on, robot, I will become a treasure hunter.
  • But the largest production fell in honor of 2007, when the Odysseus company (as it was symbolically named) found the merchant ship Merchant Royal, on board which was lifted a cargo totaling $ 500 million. This is not a booger from your nose. The company will receive 90% of the total amount. And I would have at least one gold coin.

Before, how to draw a map, you hide something, then draw and let your friends search. And do not forget yourself what and where lies. Go ahead, treasure seekers.

How to draw a treasure map with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Step two.

Step three.

Step four.

Step five.

If the map has already been drawn, but no one can find the treasure, and even you have forgotten where it is - do not be discouraged, the end of the world is soon, so you can draw something else.