Soviet breastplates. The most expensive icons of the USSR. What are they: icons of the USSR

Want to buy the icons of the USSR Or profitable to sell available? Welcome to the Internet auction of, where all the tasks are solved as simple as possible, quickly and without problems! Our catalog of the USSR icons is always at your service! It has a lot of valuable, for example, dear icons or Soviet icons, etc.

What are they: icons of the USSR

The first icons of the USSR, the value of which, accordingly, high, appeared in the first years, as the country of Soviets was formed. To date, numerous hundreds of episodes on different topics are known: Sports, Olympic Games, International Exhibitions, etc.

In Soviet times, they were massively produced, almost every significant event or an anniversary in the Union. In addition, there were also a series dedicated to minor events or even subjects, for example, "Horseshoe" for happiness. Therefore, the task "buy the ISSR icons" was solved very quickly.

Many distinctive breastplas were produced by large circulations, but there were also small lots. Thus, the Komsomol members became almost all adolescents who reached the 14th anniversary, but by the deputies of the Supreme Council - only the most deserved and dear people. Accordingly, the breasting deputies were issued by limited circulations, and the cost of these Icons of the USSR is higher than common Komsomolsk.

As materials for the manufacture of most products served:

  • alloys and metals (brass, bronze, stainless steel, aluminum, duralumin)
  • glass
  • wood
  • different types of plastics
  • enamel and varnish
  • self-auction stones.

Stamped them with a small buttons. Very often, they replaced jewelry to Soviet fashionists and fashionistas. Popular as decorations for children were mans with cartoon heroes. To buy them offered every store of the USSR icons, and the price was originally small.

In the Soviet years, breastplates were issued, which noted belonging to the Committee of the State Security and the Gods of Troops. For many years, no one wears them, but the sale of the USSR icons is relevant, because they are popular collectibles that Soviet rarities appreciate.

Almost eight decades, the County Councils massively produced products in honor of the anniversaries of various outstanding figures, as well as military, sports and revolutionary events. There were interesting series on military topicswho are very popular today. Premium signs also mentioned merit in front of the homeland. For such miniature little things, the Soviet era can now be studied by the history of the Union. And the cost of these old icons of the USSR is considerable.

Another remarkable category is the political icons of the USSR (prices for some samples are high, and they can be very profitable to sell). As you know, almost all Soviet citizens consisted of societies and organizations. First-graders took the first years of study on their school uniform, a five-pointed asterisk with a legendary portrait of little Lenin was blocked on their school uniform. In 10 years, almost everyone has entered the pioneers and changed the product. The first breast goods accessories to the Komsomol, who had the inscription Kim, dated 1922. When the organization changed the name, the products in the form of the flag panel were decorated with the image of Lenin and the inscription of the WLKSM. In the Union itself, the booster is October, as well as the Pioneer and Komsomol samples did not imagine much interest in collectors, as it was necessary to wear them with almost all schoolchildren, and even young people to thirty years. Meanwhile, after the collapse of the country, a gradually separate direction of phablestics was formed, which include products that have noted belonging to any organizations, participation in social resources, party congresses, folk debris. These are valuable collectible icons of the USSR, the cost of which is higher than the average.

Basic assessment groups of icons

The cost of the icons of the USSR times, made of aluminum and in the design of which there is nothing unusual, is very small. Interest for pharmalists, of course, is rare circulations, products with engraving. Persers, made of heavy metal and seen light until 1960. Taking into account the price, they are divided into the following groups:

  • simple performed having significant circulation (more than 10 thousand copies) - in the range of 300-3000 rubles.
  • complexed by mass products of space topics, having small parties (from 3500 rubles)
  • rare varieties without interesting history (from 6000 rubles)
  • exclusive samples, informative, supplied by documents (approximately from 9000 rubles)
  • rare products with a complex design (500-1000 dollars)
  • rindets in good condition (from 1000 dollars).

Of course, how much the USSR badges are, it is determined in each particular case, and one or another store catalog or the site puts its prices.

Quickly buy and profitably sell the icons of the USSR can always be at the!

Russia's icons have a rich history, but Russian phallesthes in last years Attracts the rare icons of the USSR, which was released in the Soviet period a large number. They were then a penny, but with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the cost of them sharply rose. Now collectors are chased behind the icons and the breastplate signs of that era.

Many Soviet people had a passion - to collect, i.e. Collect me something, hobbies, as they say now. Especially such a passion for collecting was manifested in children, in young people. But even adults, the elderly people sometimes were not alien to collecting. They also got out of their eyes at the sight of a rare, valuable thing or subject.

What often collected collectors of all ages?

  • icons;
  • postcards;
  • match labels;
  • envelopes.

Not everyone immediately and remember that the kids and adults were collected in the Soviet country. All the items listed in the list were easy to purchase, buy cheap, exchange. Not needed large investments to replenish their collections. Occupied little space, in contrast, for example, from antique furniture or car rarities. Age in collecting brands, badges, matching labels etc. There was no value.

Faleristics, along with Filateli, was in the Soviet Union the most popular view of collectibles. The main reasons:

  • large selection of icons;
  • a small price;
  • diverse topics;
  • a large number of phallovers societies.

Hobbating icons began at the guys almost with preschool age. And at school, young collectors could no longer be quietly passing by the "Soyuzpex" kiosks, specialized stores, where there was such a variety of bright, colorful, interesting icons on the shop windows. Some young phallers for their purchase sacrificed with their breakfasts, dinners at school. They copied the money issued to the parents, not to mention it, and then bought the icon liked. Having matured, most of these collectors lost interest in phablestics.

Topic of the icons of the USSR

The theme of the USSR icons is so extensive and diverse, which is sometimes impossible to determine which one of them is the specimen of one or another. The most interest was the icons of the Soviet era on the themes:

  • space;
  • sport;
  • anniversary dates;
  • military;
  • state, political, public figures;
  • history;
  • transport;
  • heraldry;
  • portraitistics;
  • architecture, etc.

In the Soviet Union, about one and a half dozen enterprises were engaged in the release of icons and other breastplate signs. Some were produced by large parties, the edition of others was limited to a small amount, whose copies are now listed in the catalog of the most valuable. The price of them sometimes at auctions exceeds more than 1.5 thousand dollars. This confirms the interest of phablestovers around the world to Soviet icons.

Massoom was produced in the Soviet country the icon, which can be called political. In the USSR there were many different children's and adult public organizations, societies for interests, etc. Many of them had their own icons.

For example, first-graders took the school in October. In this children's organization, younger students consisted of 3-4 years and wore an icon in the form of a five-pointed star with a little Volodya Ulyanov (Lenin). Then they were taken to pioneers, and at the age of 14, they entered the ranks of the All-Union Leninist Communist Union of Youth (WLKSM), with the obligatory wearing of the Komsomol Icon.

The political icons include signs that were manufactured and issued, for example, members of the voluntary people's squad (DND), deputies of party congresses, winners of socialist competition, fifteer strikers, etc. Currently, they do not represent values, but, nevertheless, some collectors are interested in them.

In honor of the outstanding political, state, party leaders of the USSR, the icons were produced by large parties. Each collector could buy them, and then exchange. At the time, the price of them was small. However, not all icons were sold in the Soviet country. There were those who were rewarded by the transfer of production, for example, "Drummer of Communist Labor", "Had of the Five-Year Plan" (indicated the number of five-year plan: 9, 10, 11, etc.). There were those who were produced under the numbers, they were issued a certain category of people.

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For the manufacture of badges, breastplate, emblems were used by materials:

  • brass;
  • aluminum;
  • duralumin;
  • bronze;
  • stainless steel;
  • glass;
  • stones gems;
  • plastic of different types;
  • varnishes;
  • enamel;
  • rare wood.

Dear icons of the USSR

Expensive Icons of the USSR are rare and valuable specimens that are highly appreciated by collectors. You can buy them at auctions for sufficiently high prices, which sometimes constitutes over one and a half thousand dollars. Let's see what factors affect the determination of the value of one or another instance of the icon or the breastplate, produced in the current state of the USSR.

  • the material from which the icon or sign is made;
  • year when they were made;
  • circulation, i.e. the number of instances released;
  • the presence of engraving on the sign;
  • copy state;
  • stories related to the icon.

In demand for expensive signs of phallovers, those specimens that are made of heavy metals are used. The price of aluminum icons is very low.

Extremely, and, accordingly, the year of its manufacture affects the value of the sign. The sooner he was born, of course, above his age. Especially valued at collectors, rarities released in the first years of the Young Soviet Republic and until the first half of the last century.

Affects the value of the icon put on the auction. The smaller the copies were made, the more expensive its cost.

Much joy causes Falerists the presence of engraving on signs. Such instances are rare and valuable.

The poorly preserved badges and signs are not particularly popular with collectors do not use, even despite the fact that they suddenly be rare instances. The condition of the product is an important factor in determining its price.

These instances that have one or more interesting storiesrelated, for example, with a circulation, with the previous owners of Rareitta.

The icons of the USSR, issued by a small circulation, can cost today at auction to 10 thousand dollars. The smaller the edition circulation was, the higher the cost of collectors. The price also affects the status of the icon.

In the Soviet years, many icons, brands, medals and coins have been made. Therefore, now collectors are looking for as actively and buy the most rare and expensive specimens that can be beneficial at the auction. The most expensive icons of the USSR in those days were worth a penny, and over time grew in price.

general information

Consider the features of collectible models. At that time, the icons were produced in different subjects:

  • sport;
  • cosmonautics;
  • warfare;
  • politics, significant historical dates;
  • culture;
  • political figures;
  • transport.

In Soviet times there were dozens of enterprises engaged in the release of icons. Most of them were produced by a big circulation, so the search was simple. However, rare specimens produced by small parties were. Such models were interested and interested in collectors so far.

Many are ready to give huge amounts to replenish the personal collection by another unique old object. Therefore, the price of only one of the rarest Icons of the USSR can reach 10,000 dollars, and maybe more.

Interesting video on this topic:

Also earlier, political topics were very popular, she was trying to promote in all layers of the population. For example, some belonged to public organizations or political parties. Icons were issued to children when they became October. Many children for several years have wore breastplates in the form of a five-pointed star, in the center of which was the portrait of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) in childhood.

Also related to political icons:

  • komsomolsk;
  • pioneer;
  • drummers of labor;
  • druzhnikov.

The following materials were used in the manufacture:

  • brass;
  • bronze;
  • aluminum;
  • glass;
  • stainless steel;
  • gems;
  • plastic;
  • lucky and so on.

Expensive icons include only those who are hunting skilled collectors with thick wallets, ready to give thousands of dollars for them, just one small piece of metal.

At the price of the old icon, many factors affect the most important:

  • circulation;
  • manufacturing date;
  • status icon;
  • material;
  • availability of engraving;
  • historical value.

Of interest cause models made of precious or heavy metals (gold, copper, brass,). They were produced in the 50s of the 20th century.

Additional Information. Appearance is one of the main factors in determining value. Furious or damaged to anyone are not interesting.

We divide them by a special monetary scale:

  1. Aluminum, produced after the 60s of the 20th century with huge circulations. Their cost does not exceed 50 rubles.
  2. Metal in the most common performance and large circulation do not cost more than 50-70 dollars. Sometimes the price comes to 100 dollars, it all depends on small factors.
  3. Ordinary badges, but in complex design are sold at a price of 100 to 200 dollars.
  4. Rare, but without historical value for sale at a price of 300 to 500 dollars.
  5. The rarest and exclusive, with an incredibly complex design, a big history, ideal appearance and released by a small party can cost up to 10,000 dollars at auction, and with great competition, the price can significantly jump.

Dear icons

To be able to add to your collection at least one of the exclusive vintage signs, you will have to see months, otherwise you search the auctions and be quite wealthy and generous person. Very appreciated by those that were manufactured in the first years of the Young Republic.

Interestingly, the pioneer badges thrown out or did not attach them any value. But now you can get much more decent money for modern standards (50-100 dollars). For the sale of 10 products that fell in the garage, you can buy a flagship phone. Or even the car of those times - "Gas Volga".

In Fallistik, there is one very obvious rule: the deeper the story the icon is immersed, the more expensive it will be. To familiarize yourself with the catalog of the most expensive and rare instances of that time. Almost all of them were taken in the 20-40s:

For labor achievements

  1. "Dobole". Was produced from 1923 to 1927. Cost: 150,000 rubles.
  2. "Honored pilot test of the USSR". Was produced in 1959. Cost: 125,000 rubles.
  3. "Excellent Mosovet farms." Was produced in 1940. Approximate cost: 500 000 rubles. This is the rarest icon, find, and even more so buy it now - the mission is impossible.
  4. "Excellent Socialist Competition." Was produced in 1944. Cost: 95 000 rubles.
  5. The most expensive - "For the country's industrialization!" Was produced in 1929. Cost: 600,000 rubles.
  6. "Excellent NCPP." Produced in 1937 from silver. Cost: 40 000 rubles.

Also, there were also significant value badges issued for success in labor. For example, an "Excellent of the Moscow economy" icon, which is made of silver, is covered with gold. Huge value has a badge "Hader", which is also made of silver with gilding.

Military badges

  1. "Excellent torpedo". This is a very rare sign on the chest. Cost: 29 000 rubles.
  2. "Great Maine." Began to be manufactured in 1942. Cost today: 27,000 rubles.
  3. "Great fireman." The sign was approved in 1944. Cost: 28,000 rubles.
  4. "Excellent pontoon." This is a sign of distinction, which was approved in 1943. Cost: 27,000 rubles.

Training breastplates

They most often received graduates with diplomas. All of them are also very expensive:

  1. "The sign of the Higher Engineering and Technical School of Komostava RKKKA." Was produced from 1919 to 1921. Approximate cost: 90 000 rubles.
  2. "MZI graduate sign." Made of silver. Cost: 11,000 rubles.
  3. "The sign on the end of the VMFAK, 1 type." Cost: 50,000 rubles.

Copies dedicated to historical events

  1. "20 years of the cinema of the USSR", number 1458 is made of enamel silver. Made to the anniversary of the cinema of the Soviet Union. They were awarded the good and distinguished workers. In 1940, 1800 icons produced. Cost: 22 000 rubles.
  2. "Mourning sign to death V. I. Lenin." Made of silver 84 sample. Cost: 24,000 rubles.

Common icons

  1. The Sign "Olympiad-80" was produced in different versions. They are interested in people who collect artifacts of the Moscow Olympiad. The average cost: 50 rubles. But having a hundred such, you can help you retrieve a good amount for sale.
  2. "Guard". Issued all the guardsmen. The most expensive models are about 500 rubles.

The average price of these signs is very low. Sell \u200b\u200bat auction is almost impossible.

All these species can also be added to aviation and chemical production icons, defense facilitation society. These rarities were produced in 20-30 years of the 20th century, practically using manual labor man. They were released by little circulation, so now they are rare and very expensive.

Higher education. Orenburg State University (Specialization: Economics and Management at heavy engineering enterprises).
November 8, 2018.

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