The cost of the most expensive coin of Russia. Rare coins - Photo. Jubilee Russian coins

The most expensive coin of modern Russia will be presented at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. At par 50 thousand rubles, its cost is estimated at 50 million, and weighs such a coin of as many as 5 kilograms. After the end of the exhibition, the rare exhibit will be sold in a private collection.

Circulation - 15 copies

The coin, superior in the cost of all the others, was released by the St. Petersburg Mint for Sberbank in 2016 and is dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the savings business in Russia. It is made of the gold of the 999th sample. Its diameter is 130 mm (13 centimeters), it weighs 5 kilograms.

The coin reaches 13 centimeters in diameter and weighs 5 kilograms. Photo: AIF / Veronica Tummotsev

The coin is framed, respectively, the date to which was released. Thus, fragments of engraving, campaign and advertising posters are located on the reverse, reflecting different stages of the development of a savings event in Russia. For example, a fragment of engravings depicting the building of the guardian council of the Moscow Educational House on Solyanka Street in the capital. This house is known for the one that the first Moscow savings office opened here. There are inscriptions around the circumference: at the top - "Savings business in Russia", below - "175 years."

Circulation raritet - only 15 copies.

Investment or collection?

From June 1 to June 3, the coin will be exhibited for sale in an exoforum. Price - 50 million rubles. The staff of the coin boutique hope that buyers will find an expensive thing.

"Our coins are in demand," said Inna Andreeva's sales center, said. - Only this year we sold more than 5 thousand coins totaling 27 million. It is in demand and the nearest "sister" of our golden beauty: the second at the cost of the coin weighs 1 kilogram, it has a denomination of 10 thousand rubles and costs 10 million. In private collections of connoisseurs today there are already 30 such coins. "

Cost of coins - 50 million rubles. Photo: AIF / Veronica Tummotsev Buying similar rarities is rather love of art than investing money. However, there are investment coins that differ from the collectible lack of VAT. Recently, one of the customers acquired 1.5 thousand gold "Georgiev of the Victorious" with a par with a par with a face value of 50 rubles.

By the way, the boutique regulars are not always millionaires. After all, the cost of coins here begins from 2 thousand rubles.

"In the exposition of the coin boutique, over 600 species of precious coins are simultaneously represented," explains Sberbank Oleg Pleagnese deputy chairman of the North-West Bank. - The main demand for buyers enjoy commemorative coins of silver, which are most often purchased for gifts to colleagues and loved ones. Popular coins of collectible thematic series - cities, animals, floristics.

"Double Eagle"

The most expensive coin in the world is considered the Golden "Double Eagle" Saint-year. In 1933, 445,000 gold coins "Double Eagle" were mined. At this time, President Franklin Roosevelt decided to reform the US Golden Standard's American monetary system and ordered to destroy all gold coins. However, several "double eagles" have been preserved. For the fate of the "surviving" intently followed the secret service of the US Department of Finance. After some time, the noise around the coins of the clouds, and already in 2002 the golden "double eagle" of Saint-year was bought for $ 7,590,20 and became the most expensive coin in the world.

The exposition of the coin boutique contains more than 600 species of precious coins. Photo: AIF / Veronica Tummotsev

Do you have old coins? Sometimes one small antique coin It may cost more than a whole treasure. After all, its price is determined not with a par and not even the material from which it has been powdered, but uniqueness.

Square penny sample 1726

The rarest coin of the Russian Empire. Today it is known about ten preserved copies. It is valued for its unusual square and weight. Coeth coined in 1726 in Yekaterinburg. Size of a penny - 23 x 23 millimeters, weight - 16.38 grams.

Square coins in the Russian Empire were minted after Peter I's death under Empress Catherine I from copper. The country was in a difficult financial situation, and the Ural copper was the cheapest. Reached to Curise: a ruble copper coin had a size of 188 x 188 millimeters and weighed as much as 1 kilogram of 636 grams and minted two years: in 1725 and in 1726. Poltina weighed 800 grams, half-power - 400 grams. Square pyataks and pennies were produced only in 1726. Square coins have become a rarity after Catherine ordered to remove them from circulation and send to the melt. The cost of a square penny comes to 2,000,000 rubles.

Ruble "Anna with chain"

This rare coin is minted in 1730 during the reign of Empress Anna John. The ruble was received by the ruble due to the fact that the Empress Anna Ioannovna itself was depicted on the obverse of the coin, and in addition to the imperial coat of arms and the three crown, the chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. There are only three such coins with numismators, and therefore they are very expensive. The last time this coin was sold at the Russian Auction "Coins and Medals" in 2007 for 21,995,260 rubles. At that time, it was 700,000 US dollars.

20 rubles 1755

"Anna with chain" in the cost overthrown the golden Russian coin with a par value of 20 rubles, which was minted in 1755. Prior to this year, coins with such a par in Russia did not minimize. There are only two copies of this unique coin: one is stored in the Hermitage, and the second was sold to a private collector six years ago at the Auction of St. James in London for an impressive amount of 1,550,000 pounds. This absolute record at the cost of Russian coins does not break until now.

"Konstantinovsky ruble"

The coin was minted in 1825 from silver. Its weight was 20.73 grams.

Numismatists note that the history of the coin is shrouded in a mystery, because in Russia there has never been an emperor with the name Konstantin. Most likely, the test coins were minted in anticipation that after the death of Alexander I, the brother of Emperor Konstantin Pavlovich, who in 1819 hesitated the throne in favor of Brother - Nicholas I. It is believed that the reaction document was kept secret, and In 1823, Emperor Alexander I, knowing about him, signed a manifesto, in which the heir of the throne recognized Nicholas.

After the death of Alexander, before the manifest was made public, Konstantin Pavlovich had time to swear and Guard, and his brother Nicholas, which was legally erected by Konstantin for the throne. It was at that moment that five trial coins with a portrait of Constantine were minted. And the complex situation with the inheritance of the throne led to the uprising of the Decembrists and events in Senatskaya.

The coins were kept in the archive of the Ministry of Finance in St. Petersburg and only in 1880 were transferred to the Romanov family.

Two "Konstantinovsky ruble" are stored in Russian museums, one is in the United States, in the Smithsonian Institute, the rest - in foreign private collections. The cost of the ruble comes to 100,000 US dollars.

12 rubles from platinum

The Russian Empire became the only country in the world, where for the usual appeal under Nicolae I, coins from platinum were minted. Such experiments tried to spend in the UK, but there it did not go on the trial chasing. In Russia, coins from platinum were minted from 1829 to 1845. In turn entered coins with a par value of 3 rubles, 6 rubles and 12 rubles. The most rare steel coins with a nominal value of 12 rubles of the sample of 1839. Data on the number of coins in the sources differ. But it is known that the cost of platinum coin with a par value of 12 rubles ranges from 3,000,000 to 4,650,000 rubles.

5 rubles 1907

About the same amount gold coin Nominal in 5 rubles of the 1907 sample. These coins were specifically minted by a limited edition of 100 copies in honor of the century of participation of the Life Guard equestrian shelf in a battle with Napoleon near Friedland. 91 Golden coin was placed in the foundation of the church of St. Olga church near St. Petersburg. Nine coins were presented to the participants in the hosting ceremony - members of the imperial family. It is these coins periodically pop up at auctions. Their price ranges from 2,700,000 to 4,350,000. Rubles.

50 kopecks 1929

The most expensive coin, which mined in the Soviet Union, became a coin with a nominal value of 50 kopecks, issued in 1929.

Her origin is also shrouded in secret. At this year, the Soviet government decided to replace silver coins on copper-nickel. The fact is that the population at this time actively copied silver in the cubes, and the authorities had to minimize new coins. The Government of Soviet Russia decided to limit the population in income, and silver send to the needs of industrialization.

Historians argue that the reform was preparing secret. The coins of different nominal nominal were minted, but for some reason, rubles and adhesives did not go to turnover, it was decided to destroy them. Until recently, it was believed that these coins simply do not exist, but a few years ago suddenly "surfaced" the only instance of the feast of 1929. In 2011, on the Russian auction, the "sign" he was bought by an anonymous collector for 10,000,000 rubles. Thus, the Fillingman became the most expensive coin issued in the Soviet Union.

I'll tell you not just about the most expensive , Namely, those that can be found in wallets. About rare and means expensive coins who can meet everyone, when receiving a delivery in the store, or can be found in a bunch of "not necessary" trivia, when analyzing their honeycomb and broken piggy banks. Agree, it is very nice to know that the coin costs not 5 kopecks, as it is written on it, and 15 - 20 thousand rubles. But for this you need to know which coins are expensive and how to distinguish them from other little things that in front of you.

When examining available coins, the overall scheme of actions is as follows - as the nominal coin is understandable immediately, so I look at the first time for a year, then on possible signs that are inherent in expensive varieties and finally, on how the coin is executed, some mint marriages are very valued by collectors. Now about all this details

1, 2 and 5 rubles in 2003, thousands of these coins are obtained for surrender and in the future sold at the specified prices.

1. The most expensive coins of Russia found in monetary circulation

1, 2 and 5 rubles 2003.In 2003, only amateur denominations were minted by mass circulation. But a small amount of 1, 2 and 5 ruble coins were made on the C-PB of the mint of the courtyard to compile annual souvenir sets. Even colorful packaging envelopes dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Peter were printed, but for unknown reasons everything was broken. The collectors did not see them, and the delegations who came to the celebration of the anniversary remained without gifts. As a result, all 15 thousand coins of each nominal packed in bank bags and sent to the repository, where they were safely lacquered for almost three years. And only in March 2006, ruble denominations with the date 2003 began to appear in the usual monetary circulation, causing shock in numismatons. After all, before that it was believed that they simply do not exist, how to admit the 2001 coins. Since then, prices for them are constantly growing, reaching 30 thousand for 1 ruble coins and 20 thousand for 2 and 5 ruble. New coins find constantly who in a Kubashka digs, who will receive for surrender, but every year they are less and less. Maybe you are lucky! See and look for cherished figures of 2003.

5 rubles 1999.This is a coin of the ghost, at the moment there are only 3 copies of them. Officially, the Central Bank is dismissed from the fact that they were produced, although all three coins are indisputly genuine and manufactured on SPMD. The question is only for what and how then they hit the money circulation, and not on the smelting. At the extreme, one of those sellers who put them on sale for 210.000 rubles. I tried to convince the "numismatic public" that I received this five in a minibus. Maybe so, although what you can not say for an extra hundred thousand rubles. But if you believe, look for ... for information: in the first two years, the chasing new coins 1997-1998. There were so many 5 rubles that they did not make them ten years until 2008. In 2002, they were released only for souvenir sets (if they suddenly get out - the price of 10 thousand rubles), I wrote about 2003 above. Single specimens are known 5 rubles 2001 and 2006, are also genuine and also with a very foggy history of the appearance.

5 kopecks 1999. At the moment, in the collections of numismatons there are only about 5 pieces; Everyone was found among ordinary coins, more than ten years after the release. For the first time, they became known in 2013, after one of the "flea" markets Kemerovo, a certain granny "attached" a local merchant a bag of unnecessary little things. After reviewing it, he discovered 5 kopecks of 1999 considered not existing ones. The sale of the coin was carried out through the Internet forum of numismatists, the trading began with 600 thousand rubles and on the figure of 300,000 "Wishlist" of the seller and the buyer's desire numerically coincided.

Where did they come from these two rarities with the date 1999. It is possible that new stamps were prepared on the SPMD, they made their working tests and ready-made coins of all denominations, as usually mixed with a total circulation dated 1998. And everything would be used if anything, if The central bank suddenly did not make the decision of these denominations in 1999 not to compose. The batch of coins, on which new stamps with three nines in the date, was already separated by regions, and no "reinforcements" did not follow the main circulation. So it is quite likely to hundreds of such pyataks and pyataks still waiting in the wings, passing away in the cubes.

Bimetallic coins of 2010 - Perm region, Chechnya, Yamalo-Nenets JSC.In 2010, according to the Central Bank of the Central Bank, it was planned to release all 10 ruble coins in the series "Regions of Russia" in conventional circulation of 10 million pieces. But interruptions with deliveries to MD bimetallic blanks broke these ideas. Coin Coin Perm Region ceased at a mark of 200 thousand pcs. With even less circulation, 100 thousand copies, coins dedicated to the Yamalo-Nenetskom JSC and the Chechen Republic came out.

With a certain proportion of luck, they can be found in the turnover, they still produced to appeal, and most of them got there. The only question is how much time they stayed there. In any case, it is necessary to know their approximate cost. The dozen devoted to the Perm region is estimated at 3000 rubles. The most expensive coin in the selection - "Yamalo-Nenets JSC", its price comes to 12.000 rubles. But if you get "Chechen Republic" is also good, collectors buy them at 10,000 rubles. a piece.

So looked after the coins, if the rare combinations of the year - the nominal did not find, do not be discouraged, the most interesting thing begins - the search for varieties that are inherent only in a small part of the circulation.

1 ruble 1997 and 1998 - Wide Cant, very rare and expensive variety.

2. Dear varieties of Russian coins. Rare versions

1 ruble 1997 and 1998 - Wide Cant.Among the coins with a par value of 1 ruble, mined in 1997, a particular interest among collectors enjoys a type, which is found only at one of the ten thousand ruble coins of this year. It can easily be determined by Kant - it is much wider than that of ordinary coins. This difference is clearly visible on the side with a par. Part of the upper right leaf is overlapped by Crate, while most coins, the sheet is just slightly in contact with it. But this is not all, there are two options for the fulfillment of a wide edge. Most often occur in the form of steps, the price of such an instance in the numismatic market is 3-4 thousand rubles. The second option, with a flat wide edge, is much less common. For such a coin in good condition, more than 10 thousand rubles can be obtained. So do not be lazy to view ruble coins in search of expensive varieties. A similar, but less pronounced wide Kant meets on rubles 1998 - the price of the issue of 6 thousand rubles

2 rubles of 2001 Gagarin - without a monogram.In 2001, a commemorative two ruble coin was issued to the 40th anniversary of the flight Y. Gagarin to space. The chasonka was carried out on both monetary courtyards of Moscow and St. Petersburg. This is evidenced by the MMIM monogram and SPMD placed on the side with the face value, which is located among the leaves, slightly rightly the figures 2. But very rarely encountered instances without a monogram, their price among collectors reaches 12,000 rubles. Obviously viewed, and on one of the stamps, the monogram did not appline. As a result, several tens of thousands of coins were in appeal undeveloped. If you buy such an instance to the collection, be careful, fakes are often found. With ordinary Gagarin rubles "Masters" simply cut off the monogram in order to deceive numismatists.

5 kopecks 2002 and 2003. - Without a monogram, rare varieties are found and among 5 penny coins 2002 and 2003. This is due to the lack of a part of the designation of the mint of the coil, on which the coin is produced. That is, the letters of the joint venture or m under the front left hoof. If you got such a 2003 coin, its value is 3000 rubles, the stakes of 2002 without a monogram in this place are much more expensive, they can be sold for 10 thousand rubles.

5 kopecks 2002 and 2003 - without the designation of the mint (there is no letter M under the horses hoof).

These are only the main and most valuable varieties, but if you are interested in deepening in the topic, you can see a few more examples from what is online:

  • 10 kopecks 2001- Cloak with transverse folds - price of 3000 rubles
  • 50 kopecks 2003 . - SPMD, bud does not concern five - the price of 500 rubles.
  • 10 rubles 2010 - Lines inside the zero touch the walls - the price of 1000 rubles.

3. Defective coins, with various types of technological marriage

Means of coins that received various defects due to violation of production technology in the process of chasing, but they were not discarded by the monetary courtyard control system and got into regular money circulation. It looks like the most ordinary coins, just with their manufacture there was some kind of failure. It happens not often and therefore among collectors they are valued very expensive. The more defect - the more expensive.

Minced on non-standard blanks - color, size.This occurs when the array of the blanks on which coins are minted, circles are intended for another nominal, although close, but still differ in size, and sometimes on metal. So for example, yellowish brass blanks for 50 kopecks (19.5 mm.) Total per millimeter less than nickel blanks for 1 ruble. Sometimes it happens, although not often.

This ruble (see below), by the words of the first owner of the coin he brought from the post office. The girl, the cashier behind the counter was very leaning that one of the rubles she prepared for the passage to the client, strange yellow color And some small. The young man standing next to the queue offered her to replace this ruble with his dozen. A few days later, this copy was sold for almost 30,000 rubles and not a trifle and nice. The postalman was ten times rewarded for attentiveness, and a young man received thousands of times more just for what he knew the "issue price" and disassembled in coins. As a result, both left very satisfied with themselves.

Sometimes inland mugs for bimetallic coins, which are significantly thicker than standard blanks, the price of such heavy rursts can reach 20 thousand rubles.

Double impact shift.Double blow is a very rare defect of the chasing. It appears due to a re-hit by the press on the ready-made coin. This is possible when it is partial jam in a stamp. When re-applying the image, it is obtained with some shift, and the larger the shift is the higher the coin of collectors is valued. In fact, on the mint of the courtyard, such marriages are sifted and sent to the smelting. But coins, albeit with small displacements, can well slip not very vigilant controllers. With essays in hundreds of millions of copies, it is quite likely. The cost of coins with a strong shift can reach 15-20 thousand rubles. But even if there are simply small defects of chasing and, at least the minimum shift of the image, collectors are ready to pay from thousands of rubles and more for such instances.

Split stamp.Sooner or later, the stamps come into disrepair, some simply split and replace them. Coins minted with such a stamp before it is replaced are of interest to collectors. Metal falls into the resulting crack and a single protruding strip is obtained on a coin. The stronger the crack on the stamps, the fat and the longer the resulting convex line, respectively, the coin is more expensive. Large and complete splits are especially valued - this is when the thick line goes from one edge of the coin and comes to another. The collective value of such rarity exceeds 1000 rubles.

Rotate the image. With incorrect assembly or breaking the snap-in used in the process of the chasing, there is a turn of working stamps. As a result of this image, on one side of the coin, it turns out to be rotated relative to the other. Small turns (up to 45 degrees) are of particular interest, but stronger, for example, for 90 grams. Already make a coin ten times more expensive than the nominal. Especially in demand from collectors of turns of 180 degrees, if you meet this, then this is the cost of several thousand rubles.

And these are only the main options for coin marriages, more details about the types and prices of marriage on the coins. Of course, you can find such coins in everyday life, but keep in mind that it's not so simple. The presence of rare and expensive varieties, among money traffic, led to close cooperation of numismatic dealers and cashiers, through the hands of which a huge number of coins passes. Dealers are ready to pay good money to cashiers of banks and stores for making such rarities for them.

2 rubles of 2001, "Gagarin" - without a monogram of the mint.

4. How much is most expensive to implement such coins

The answer would seem fairly simple - it is necessary to find collectors of numismatics and, if possible, avoid dealers. Where these collectors are located. Here, too, so far everything is simple - on the thematic forums in numismatics. Name the most popular of them, on which there are sections for the sale of coins. Somewhere these sections are basic, somewhere related, communication of collectors is quite large consisting of mutual sales - purchases. Bidding everywhere go in the form of free communication in the subject, who will offer more, the buyer. So: - "CFN" is the oldest platform of all existing ones. The owner is a sort of brutal numismat, on the one hand is unceremonious, and with another, quite experienced, as the professional dealer itself on Soviet and Russian coins itself. As a result, created one of the most authoritative sites with strict rules and a rigid system of participants ratings, the opportunity to run into deception under the transaction is minimal. - "Drying" - the peer of the previous resource. In fact, this is the largest Russian-speaking platform on phablestics (signs - awards), but also the section of numismatics is presented with decent. There are almost no random visitors and everything is also reliable too. The trading process itself is based on extremely simple rule, gave the word - keep. Its execution is controlled by the forum moderators and the violators are punishable quite strictly.

The sale of each of these coins began on one of the specified forums. - The so-called Samara Forum, this is the most visited area visited by numismatics. The reason for its popularity is possible in the fact that the situation there is extremely democratic. The forum is more aimed at selling - the purchase of relatively ordinary coins, ranging from the flow rate of 50 to 100 rubles to rarities at 100 thousand. - Elite numismatite club, although mainly specializes in pre-revolutionary coins, but also the section of modern coins is also well presented. Everything is intelligent and respectable.

But before putting up your valuable find for sale, everywhere first need to just read themes. See what and how it was sold, rummaged in the archives, because you can certainly find sales of such a lot. This will help to navigate in terms of prices. If this is not for you, then at least consider - with direct sales from hand to hand, most likely come to the dealer. He will not give more than half the price, he also needs to earn at you.

Then a clean theory, about the real most expensive coins of Russia, but such copies at a price of hundreds of thousands of rubles and higher in circulation are no longer found. These are or test specimens stolen with MD, well, or something made according to the "special" order, in one word to the uniqueness ...

5. The most expensive coins of Russia, their cost. Not circulation issues

The reason for the release is why and for what purposes such coins are not known, only hypotheses can be built. Documents of the State Bank and Mint Coefort could shed at this light, but they will ever ever be disclosed. Meet these coins in the monetary circulation are not really real, they are known only in the number of several pieces. Upon design, no difference from ordinary circulation coins, only the unusual combinations of the nominal, year of production and the monogram of the mint turn them into the unicumes.

The most expensive 5 ruble coins of 1999 and 2006. The real price can significantly exceed the above.

5 kopecks and 5 rubles in 1999.In 1999, the SPMD were minted 5 kopecks and 5 rubles. The circulation of coins until today remains a mystery. Numismatis experts confirmed the authenticity of only three copies with a par value of 5 rubles and one 5 ammunition coins. Their appearance after ten years after the date indicated on the coins was produced by a real extension in numismatic circles.

In 2009, a lot of 5 rubles in 1999 was put at the auction. The starting price for trading was declared 210,000 rubles. But none of the collectors risked to participate in the auction, fearing the appearance, after some time, several more such coins, and as a result - a sharp decline in price. It is worth noting that by the present time their number has not yet increased. It can be said that 5 kopecks and 5 rubles of 1999 confidently occupy the leading positions of one of the most rare and expensive coins of modern Russia

50 kopecks, 1, 2 and 5 rubles 2001 Four coins that are on the network more rumors and speculation than real facts. Only one thing is unquestioned that they were minted in 2001 at the Moscow Mint.

About existence 50 kopecks 2001. It became known somewhat earlier than about other coins of this year. It can be said, more promoted as rarity, and therefore often becomes the object of attention of fake manufacturers. Yes, and the cost of this coin per 100 thousand rubles declared in some directories, also contributed to this. In general, Milknikov 2001, 2004 and 2007 are very similar among themselves, and all fakes usually make the coins of the fourth and seventh year. Nevertheless, there are a number of differences for which attention should be paid in determining the authenticity of the sample. In 2004, the letter writing font was somewhat changed - I. The beveled wand acquired a peculiar and well-visible shelves at the top and below the letter, the original 50 kopecks of 2001 such shelves do not have. Also, overhang 4 in 1 can be found on the position and design of the unit in the designation of the year. Converted from the Four, she will look, unlike the original, on the other side of the dragon's paws. Well, 2007 in the counterfeit is easily founded with the help of a magnet, since it is the magnetized steel base. Coins of 2001 were made of non-magnetic brass.

1 ruble 2001 In the field of view, collectors got almost simultaneously with 50 kopecks. of the same year. For a long time, this pair remained a permanent "legend of modern numismatics", so about other raritents known now (5 cop. And 5 rubles. 1999, 2 and 5 rubles 2001, 1, 2 and 5 rubles. 2003 MMD) has not yet been known. 2 rubles 2001 - This is another mystery coin, known in single specimens. 5 rubles 2001 For the first time "lit up" in 2014. First on the Internet, its photos were put up on one of the forums. A little later, authoritative specialists of numismatics, looking at her "live", confirmed the authenticity of the coin. The exact cost of 2001 coins is still not possible, since there was no public auction sales, but it can be assumed that the price for each of them more than 150 - 200 thousand rubles.

1, 2 and 5 rubles 2003 MMD.In 2003, ruble rates were limited to SPMD for the formation of collection annual sets (15 thousand ex). But for some reason, all these coins instead of souvenir kits were sent to the usual money turnover. And only in 2013 there were information that there are 1, 2 and 5 rubles of 2003 made on the Moscow Mint, the unit specimens of which came to collectors.

Very similar to the fate and one more coin-riddles - 5 rubles in 2006. For the first time, her photos were shown only in 2012 on one of the numismatic forums.

The coins of regular Chekana SPMD 2011 and 2012.In 2011 on C-PB. Only memorable coins were manufactured by the mint. So initially news about the existence of a complete line of all denominations for regular handling of the MONogram of SPMD met with distrust, but they exist, however, in the number of just a few copies. In some directories, this selection was immediately rated at 1.5 million rubles, i.e. According to the "habitual" price of 150 - 200 thousand rubles for each coin known in a piece execution. In 2012, similar coins with a monogramm of SPMD appeared again, but without 1 and 5 kopecks, so when buying a set of 2012, you can try to meet only 1 million rubles.

6. Speculative issues imitating expensive coins

The mint today is a high-tech and registered enterprise, which is engaged in coin coin on the order of the State Bank. Working to get into production and exit it, there are several stages of inspection. This largely eliminates the illegal removal of money by employees. But the desire to get rich in the stroma pushes someone to all sorts of tricks. Ordinary coins There is no point in making sense, which you will not say about rare mint marriages and exclusive homemade coins. The demand for which in numismatists also generates the attacks of "creativity" in the unfair masters of the mint.

Clerts mainly work in three directions:

- Rare technological marriage and imitation.The most flattened type of marriage, besides, quite lightweight with its artificial imitation, it is the implementation of several blows with a stamp on one billet, and it is desirable with a "beautiful" shift. At one of the auctions, an instance was sold, where the alleged stamp "by chance" five times (!) It was over one billet. But the most popular image shifts in the second strike, and not a little bit, and so, "from the soul" of percent for 30-40 (as they only do not embroider the fingers ...) What happens at the exit, then sell 10 - 15 thousand per item.

- Cover. Not standard combinations of images on the facial and reverse sides. In the good old days, this really happened, especially with stamps 3 and 20 kopecks, which are close to diameter. Now there are no such close diameters for coins, so manufacturers have to fantasize full, collecting and combining various non-natural combinations. One side from 10 kopecks, the other from the ruble coin, the stamp for 50 kopecks is combined with a snap for a chasing 2 rubles. 2 rubles 50 kopecksWell, of course, it is not uncommon when the "special" chasing is produced so that one coin turns two facial or two rounds.

- Third The direction of "creativity" is a chasing on non-typical blanks. Allegedly experimental coins of a coin yard, etc. In the collection of numismatons there are bimetallic 10, 50 kopecks 2015 and rubles 2014 - 2015But not in one directory there is no information about the production of such a coin. How did she go beyond the limits of the mint? Everything is also worked out and delivered to flow, numismatic dealers, for a certain remuneration, ordered from workers to inhibit similar coins for the walls of MD. By paying several thousand per copy, they later try to sell them several times more expensive to gullible numismators.

All this is a kind of counterfeit and should (?) Praise by law. This collectors should be learned to learn to intuitively distinguish these products from real varieties and natural coin marriages, which were written above.

Modern numismaties all the time "chase" with rare coins. They do not ask about the price, they simply buy the most expensive coins of the USSR and other times. For them, the main thing is to complement your collection.

10th place. 20 kopecks in 1941 50,000 - 100,000 rubles.

The coin is a nominal in 20 kopecks of 1941, it is known that it was 4 species. One option was the main and unacceptable. And the remaining three had their own characteristics. Now such money can be sold for 50,000-100,000 rubles. For 1 kopeck.

20 kopecks, Avers "pieces 1.11"

The usual is unmodesting coin. Standard 11 turns of ribbons on the coat of arms of the USSR, a small and flat star. The weight was 3.6 grams, diameter - 21.8 millimeters, thickness - one and a half millimeters. This money was additionally protected from fakes (attempts to fake 20 kopecks were recorded repeatedly).

AVERS "PC 1.21" - Special Chackan

The coin was made specifically for an important political guest from Europe. In total, the order of several dozen, of which most of which was distributed to high-ranking people, and only then given to collectors of the country.

The main feature is that the lower left ray of the sun is not suitable for eight, but six apartments.


The difference from the main coin is the star, it consists of 5 convex rhombid fragments. The money was knocked out with a stamp "PCS 1.1" from 3 kopecks of the sample 37

Stamp 35

Getting into the hands of collectors, it was studied along and across. People noticed that the asset was wrong and instead of 11 turns of the tape of them only 7.

Now it is the rare trifle with a parity of 20 and the date of 1941 - the category of its rarity "P5", which means the number of such money can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

9th place. 10 kopecks of 1946 - 100,000 rubles.

In those days, 10 kopecks were minted in large quantities. There were also erroneous, and with a special check - they all did not imagine much value. But dozens of years, the value of tremendously increased.

Stamp "PCS 1" 1935

The maximum degree of rarity "P5" suggests that the money was minimized by the workers error and was not predicted to special attention. In turn, she did, as is the usual. But over time, people realized that something was wrong with her. The number of tapes does not coincide with the usual penny.

At this time, such value can be purchased for 100,000 rubles, but if it is very well preserved, the price can raise.

8th place. 10, 15, 20 kopecks of 1931 - 150,000 rubles.

In 1925, I was looking for a replacement for silver for chasing. We experimented on the little things with a par value of 10, 15 and 20. Total alloys tried. Only in 1930 came to the conclusion that instead of silver you can use Melchior.

Also, together with the material they decided to change the drawing. As a basis, campaign motifs depicted on posters took. Such a drawing was already on silver rubles 1924 and Fullies of 1927, the reverse is decorated with a hammer.

Now old coins are highly rare, although there were many of them. For a penny of an old sample made of silver, collectors are ready to pay about 150,000 rubles.

7th place. Golden Chervonets from 1923 - 150,000 rubles.

Chervonets was minted in the Petrograd Mint from 1923 to 1924. For the external economy of the Soviet Union. Despite the circulation of 2,750,000 copies, the grivennik was not used in the internal circulation, and to our time reached in small quantities.

A larger number of vintage Chervonsev was repulsed back to gold bars and surrounded into new money with different dates posed by rear. All this was done, as the old royal gold caused greater trust in the market than the new socialist.

Collectors "chase" behind the worm of the old sample. For him, they are ready to lay out 150,000 rubles.

6th place. 5 kopecks in 1961 - 200,000 rubles.

For chasing 5 kopecks of 1961, three face stamps were used (2.1; 2.2; №3) and two negotiable (a; b). Facial stamps were distinguished by the number of stems between the second and third lower right ribbons. Also used a stamp for 50 kopecks, but there was little such samples. The difference was in the distance between the letters of the C and P in the abbreviation of the USSR.

The rare is considered a coin having a combination of 2.2-b. They are so little that it is ready to buy out for 200,000 rubles.

5th place. 1 kopeck 1957 - 600,000 rubles.

Breaks were produced since 1926 and before the collapse of the USSR. The little coin had weight in one gram and was in the diameter of one and a half centimeters. In the thickness, she barely reached one millimeter.

The chasenka with the date of 1957 and the par with 1 pennies began at the end of 1956. They made a single-handed coin until 1959, the circulation amounted to more than 100 million pieces. The most desired aluminum bronze trifle differs from others in that it has 16 turns of the ribbon instead of 15. Her rarity rating "P5".

In 2010, she was put up for sale with an initial price of 150,000 rubles. Many wanted a valuable instance to get a valuable copy. At the end of trading, the price of an expensive penny of the USSR amounted to 600,000 rubles. Further fate of the costly coin is unknown.

4th place. 15 kopecks of 1947 - 1 million rubles.

The fate of 15 kopecks of the 1947 sample is very sad. It was minted as a trial version, but did not hit the turnover - they destroyed the whole game. The reason is unknown so far. How many things were minted, also remains a mystery. All that know about the coin is its weight - 2.7 grams and diameter - 20 mm.

The small number of samples has been preserved, and those stand on demonstrative stands, so it is impossible to buy them. But people who were able to find originals were found. They are not in a hurry to sell exclusive, but still evaluated such a valuable thing about 1 million rubles.

There are craftsmen who fake a coin and, issuing for the real, sell at a low price.

3rd place. Special coins for 1958 vending machines - 40,000-3.5 million rubles.

In 1958, it was decided to make special money for vending machines. This was done to increase the country's budget. Thanks to the use of automata, it was possible to abandon the sellers and save on the salary. The coins of the major nominal were produced, since the money was used only for small purchases.

For the manufacture of new major money, they wanted to use a new material with the calculation that the machine will not take old Soviet coins. But, by realizing all the inconveniences of the simultaneous existence of two types of money with a different course, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR refused the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking new money.

After reform in 1961, the old trifle again became suitable for trade, the part was given to provincial banks. The money for automata made in 1958 was not recycled. But, despite the ban on their use, a lot of coins were stolen.

Nobody needs the necessary money in those days has now become very rare. For a well-preserved sample can pay up to 3.5 million rubles.

2nd place. Copper Chervonets from 1925 - 5 million rubles.

Chervonets was released in 1925 with the coat of arms of the USSR. New coins were made of copper, and not from gold, like old. According to other qualities, the Chervonians were identical.

For 2018, the Copper Chervonets 1925 is a rarity. They are so rarely found that in 2008 at auction, one of the copies was sold for 5,000,000 rubles.

1st place. 50 kopecks of 1929 - 10 million rubles.

In 1930, new copper coins are beginning to be minted at 10, 15 and 20 kopecks. Variants of large nominal was decided to stop producing. But after a long time, in the archive of the Leningrad Mint, documents are found on the existence of equipment for the manufacture of complete twilights of 1929. True, the records were questioned until the same coin appeared on one of the auctions.

On the front side, a peasant is depicted behind the wheel of the tractor, and in the back - one-story houses and a country road.

Filnicker was made of copper-nickel alloy as a test sample. There are no more information about the existence of such copies in the world, which makes this instance truly unique. In 2011, at the "sign" auction, a coin was sold for 10 million rubles.

Reference materials

In the period of the formation and heyday of Soviet power there was a lot of monetary reforms. New samples of certain nominal coins were minedly every two to three years. With each of these "annual" samples issued in the appeal of "annual" samples. Lovers of numismatics will be interesting to get acquainted with the varieties of early Soviet coins.

Table 1. Interesting "annual" Soviet coins for the period from 1921 to 1958.

Appearance Description Market price, in rubles Interesting Facts

1 ruble of 1921. Decorated with a five-pointed star surrounded by a wreath of laurel and oak.

10 rubles 1923. 150 000 Changing from gold and was intended for future foreign economic calculations. However, almost the entire circulation of 3 million pieces had to be overpowed back into the ingots - the money of the new Bolshevik Union was not popular in the international market.

2 kopecks of 1925. 60 000 Limited circulation. The event occurred after the first monetary reform. To see such a sample of the Soviet period today is a big rarity.

2 kopecks of 1927. 100 000 An even more rare guest in the collection of numismatics.

10, 15, 20 kopecks of 1931. 150 000 Silver coins - after this year, precious metals were no longer used in the manufacture of money.

5 kopecks of 1933. From 9000 to 20 000. Very small circulation.

The whole circulation of 1947. The amount exceeded 200,000 euros (1 million. Rubles for each coin). Almost the entire 500 millionth edition went to the smelting. You can see today only instances for exhibitions.

The line of coins of 1958. From 40,000 to 3.5 million rubles. 3 kopecks of this year were released specifically for use in vending machines.

Errors happen even with a chasing of money. They can be explained: from 1924 to 1957, 4 coat of arms of the USSR changed. The difference was in the number of tapes, which were denoted to the republic's associated communist powers. How much does it cost each of these errors that the story has saved for us?

Table 2. Samples of Soviet coins of erases with errors and typos of the 1947-1992 periods.

Appearance Description Market price, in rubles Interesting Facts

10 kopecks in 1946.

20 kopecks in 1941.

50 000 - 100 000 rubles. Sample of the coat of arms of 1937 (7 tapes instead of 11).

2 kopecks in 1948. 70 000 rubles. 11 tapes instead of laid 16.

1 kopeck in 1957. 600 000 rubles. Coat of arms of 1956 of 16 tapes (it is necessary 15).

10 kopecks (1956). 50 000 rubles. 16 tapes instead of 15.

10 kopecks in 1957. 50 000 rubles. A similar previous error.

3 and 20 kop 1931 - 1934.

From 100,000 rubles and higher.

Digger on the site of the abbreviation of the state name in 3 kopecks.

Nominal in 20 kopecks the name of the USSR was repeated twice.

Another marriage of 20 kopecks of the 1934 sample. A worker with a hammer is depicted, the nominal frames the shield, there is a full name of the state - most of the marriage is released.

10 rubles 1992. 15 000 rubles. Error - in the minted name "Bank of the USSR".

Samples of trial coins can be seen in museums (there is in the St. Petersburg Hermitage) or, in the presence of admission, in the archives of the State Bank. An interesting fact: we developed not a separate nominal value, but the entire mint line. Thanks to such experiments and "born" familiar to the majority of us mint culture.

The coins include:

Table 3. Samples of trial printed Soviet coins 1925-1961

Appearance Description Market price, in rubles Interesting Facts

Copper Chervonets from 1925. 5 million rubles.

50 kopecks of 1929. 10 million rubles. The most expensive and beautiful with the design in the aesthetics of the Soviet NEP.

Several dozen species of coins 1953 and 1956. From 250,000 to 700,000 rubles.

2 rubles from the circulation of 1958. up to 50,000

0.5 kopecks in 1961. 200 000 The strangest coin is "half". Trial circulation proved inappropriateness and inconvenience of using such money - they often lost and just did not like the people. Today, these coins left no more than a hundred.

At the beginning of the 60s, many penny denominations were very rarely minor. This circumstance made them very valuable among collectors. How much money is worth the period of the 60-90s

Table 4. Top 3 expensive penny coins 1960-1990s

Appearance Description Market price, in rubles Interesting Facts

50 kopecks of the beginning of the 60s. He had the name "Piglet Ilyich" - a monument to Lenin was depicted on it.

5 and 10 kopecks of 1991. 30 000 We are talking about those money on which the letters "M" and "L" (Moscow and Leningrad courts, respectively)

10 bimetallic rubles 1991. 30 000 There is a MMD monogram.

Dear and unusual Soviet coins are easiest to find among the anniversary copies. There was a number of special issues dedicated to certain dates and holidays.

A total of 76 types of coins. Popular ruble rates are given further:

Table 5. Top 3 copies of ruble coins from special anniversary issues

Appearance Description Market price, in rubles Interesting Facts

1965 year 10 000 rubles. The rationale for the release is the twenty years of victory in the Great Patriotic War. Depicting a monument to the warrior liberator. The coin went in real monetary turnover.

1977 year Several tens of thousand rubles. 60-year anniversary of the October Revolution.

1980 year Moscow Olympiad.

See more information Look in the video:

Alexander Igorevich

Reading time: ~ 29 minutes

Numismat, who is seriously interested in collecting coins, is definitely interested in their history, as well as the most expensive, rare, large in the history of numismatics. The most expensive coins of Russia can be found in our article.

Who underestimates the wisdom of "penny ruble", he is very much mistaken! Takes up and as! And reasons for this, at least three:

  • first of all, money has their own energy and can accumulate, multiply - not from scratch, but with a penny for sure;
  • the ruble exchange rate, like the true weight of a penny on the market in different times, is different, and the proverb does not oblays - it works as before;
  • the numismatic cost of a modest penny can be significantly higher than its value nominal.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the CO, in which you will also find interesting representatives from the world of numismatics.

The uninitiated people often think that only coins of "old deep", who were in circulation of many centuries ago, are expensive, and therefore rarely falling on the market. Indeed, there are several positions in the list of this category, for which collectors hunt. But this article will be discussed about the most valuable coins of modern Russia. Among them, the palm of the championship claims for a completely understandable reason for the coin of precious metals. Their cost is calculated by millions of rubles. In general, the following factors affect the numismatic significance of modern gold coins:

  • the quality of gold from which they are made;
  • sizes of coins, thickness and weight;
  • the degree of complexity and painstream labor of designers, technologists and medalkers;
  • the volume of circulation of collectible metal money;
  • beauty and design topics.

The latter is not so clearly determines the direct price of the money, but attracts the attention of buyers for which gold coins of 1997-2014 are most accessible. The claimed cost is 1000 rubles, and the actual - 250 thousand. Metal quality excellent - 999 sample. This gold weighing 155.5 grams, or 5 oz. Coins are quite large in thickness - 6 mm and have a diameter of 50 mm. During all the time they produced 17 species. The circulation is quite large for such a category of drag coins - about 500 pieces. However, the design of them, by conclusion of specialists and the opinion of ordinary inhabitants, can be considered highly artistic, the quality of the chasing too. Therefore, it turns out that with the relative availability of these valuable copies, they gain weight at auctions and cause close attention to themselves. So the above their price is actually significantly growing. Judge for yourself:

  • metal money released in 1997-2009 with a circulation of 250 copies. rose in price to 500-800 thousand rubles;
  • later coins that see the light since 2010 are not so expensive due to the larger circulation of 500 pieces, but also well evaluated - at 350-400 thousand rubles.

All this combines them with "highly nominal" coins of gold, which are also called "kilogramoviks". This is another level of numismatics. We advise you to watch the video: the most expensive coins of Russia.

The most expensive coins of Russia on varieties

We are talking about a whole group of golden monetary signs that are stated above all with a powerful weight - from one kilogram to five. They are manufactured as status signs that demonstrate the capabilities and ambitions of the mint. According to them, it is possible to judge the technological resources of the yard, and the function of them is to promote the position of their enterprise in the world market.

From 1996 to the year 2002, these coins were published periodically, then their annual release was adjusted. Here is a list of modern Russian gold "heavyweights":

  • the largest and most expensive coin of gold with a par value of 50,000 rubles with a numismatic price of 8 million rubles, manufactured in St. Petersburg to the 150th anniversary of the Bank of Russia;
  • polar bear and the Amur Tiger from the series "Save our World" with a par with a par 10,000 rubles and a collectible price of 1.5 million rubles;
  • Sochi Olympic coins of "Matsesta" and "Prometheus" (the latter was named the coin of the year at the COINS-2014 - the international exhibition of numismatic values);
  • 4 coins of 25,000 rubles, the release of which was launched from 2008 and which was dedicated to the significant events of the 190th anniversary of the State Dawn, the history of the monetary circulation in Russia, the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the Great Patriotic War with Napoleon 1812 and the victorious for Russia Olympiad 2014 in Sochi. The circulation of such coins is not great, but the sizes of each instance are impressed: 3 kg of weight, 120 mm in diameter and thickness - 16 mm. The price of such a metal reaches without a small 5 million rubles.

The largest coin of Russia

The largest in the nominal and most severe coin of modern Russia are, of course, 50,000 rubles issued on February 1, 2010 and dedicated to a hundred fiftieth anniversary of the Central Bank of Russia. This luxurious money came out with a circulation of only 50 copies, made of pure gold and weighs no not much 5 kilos. You can learn more about this beauty in another article dedicated to the most expensive memorable coins Russia.

Prior to this, the coin of 25,000 rubles was the largest, minedly 50 units circulation and the 190th anniversary of the "Goznak". Its weight amounted to 3,017 grams, and the release date is August 11, 2008

The smallest coin of Russia

In 1700, a rare exchange rate was released during the Great Peter, the denomination of which was only one eighth penny or a quarter of money, or half of the half. Circulation was very small, and copper became metal for the chasing.

The largest coin of the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation

If we consider the largest payment facilities of the mass issue (not commemorative and not investment), then the payment means of the maximum nominal value are bimetallic 100 rubles issued in 1992 and copper-nickel 100 rubles, minted in 1993.

Heavy Coins of Russia

To date, the most difficult is the same five-kilogram golden disk, which we have already told above.

Before that, the palm of championship was for commemorative silver coin The 900th Sample, which was issued in appeal on November 22, 1999 and was dedicated to the 275th anniversary of the SPMD (Mint of St. Petersburg). She came out with a circulation of 150 copies, the denomination amounted to 200 r., And the total weight - 3 342 gr.

A little later, other 200-ruble coins were also released - 300 copies of 900 sample silver and 200 copies, minted from the sample precancetal 925.

As for the payment facilities from the metal times Russian Empire, the square plate made of copper with the advantage of only 1 ruble was glorified by their weight, but weighing 1,638 grams. The size of such a square was 188x188 mm, and the thickness is 0.5 cm. He was called the ruble of Catherine first, he was minted in 1725-1726 by order of Peter I, and today, this weighty money is among the most rare coins of Russia . In the center of the square indicated the nominal, and in four corners the coat of arms of the Russian Empire are depicted. In the central part in a circle, the inscription "Price Ruble. Yekaterinburg. 1725. " Today, the cost of such a raritet is more than 100 thousand in American currency.

The hardest five in the history of the country

In the same years, when the hardest ruble was released, it was minimal and the most weighty in the literal sense of the word PIQ. This happened in 1725-1727, and the weight of the five-terrible coin was 81.9 grams. It also had a square form of 4.5x4.5 cm in size and was regularly minted at the boat yard of Yekaterinburg.

A few years ago, the most expensive coin of Russia was the famous Konstantinovsky ruble, which was sold for 550 thousand US dollars at the famous New York Auction Markov. The story of this coin is very interesting. After the death of Tsar Alexander, the first managers of minting courtyards were considered that the younger brother of Tsar Konstantin Pavlovich would rise to the throne and hurried to release several rarities with his image. But by the actual Russian emperor, Nicholas I became, so Konstantinovsky rubles were very quickly disappeared from the appeal.

Earlier earlier in the leaders "went" Reikhevskaya Poltina - for this test coin, minted in honor of the twenty-year stay on the throne of Nikolay first in 1845, the buyer gave 350 thousand US dollars.

Since 2007 officially the most expensive coin sold at auction is "Anna with chain" - This is a test ruble of chasing 1730, released during Anna John. The auction was held in August 2007 by the company "Coins and Medals" with the support of the "Russian numismatic home", the starting price amounted to 15,000,000 rubles (At that time, the amount in US dollars was equal to 629 thousand), and in fact the price of sale amounted to 15.5 million rubles, which became an absolute record for coins of Russia.

Interestingly, just a few years before that, exactly the same "Anna with the chain" went with the auction for only 200,000 US dollars.

Rating of the most valuable coins of modern Russia

A place

Nominal banknote

Year of issue

Approximate price, rub.







2-ruble with the image of Gagarin

The rarest coins of Tsarist Russia

Although during the existence of Russia, many rare copies have accumulated, but single payment means of the royal period are particularly interesting. These include:

  1. Already mentioned Konstantinovsky ruble,
  2. The famous burgundy sign, mined in 1705, which was obliged to pay as a duty of the boyars who did not want to shave beard. And although this duty caused quite righteous anger of the entire Russian Orthodox Church, no one dared to go against the will of the Sovereign, so I had to either chant the beard, or pay a burgundy sign for your will. From the appeal, the coin came out only after the death of Peter the Great, as well as the duty itself, which was canceled.
  3. The rarest are "2 rubles of 1722", which are known in just two copies that have survived to this day. They minted from 1718 to 1785, and today one rarity is in the Hermitage, and the second is at the Institute of Smithson in the United States.
  4. Very rare and very interesting is the "Trial Golden Ruble", which was mines with Elizabeth first in 1756. This miniature coin was produced very rarely and today is a dream of any numismat.

Nominal banknote

Year of issue

Approximate price, rub.













The most unique trial instances

The so-called russes and historians are of great interest in numismatists and historians - whole kits of coins are worth 5, 10 and 15 rubles, which were issued in 1895 at the end of the reign of Tsar Alexander III. Then an attempt was made to rename the Russian national currency.

Just about five sets of such trial moneyFrom which one takes place in the Historical Museum, the second - in the Hermitage, the third - in the famous Smithsonian Institute of the United States of America, the fourth - in a private museum, and the copies of the fifth set have found their place in various private collections.

The very first gold coins

First payment Tool From gold appeared in Kiev Rus closer towards the end of the 10th century. This is a scenario, on the obverse of which was the portrait of the Grand Duke Vladimir, and on the back side - the face of Jesus Christ. Today it is known about 11 such rarities, ten of which occupy an honorable place in various museums, and the location of the eleventh gold one is unknown.

The world of numismatists is fulfilled by fascinating situations for finding rare coins, and in the mass of their reason for collecting is inexhaustible. But it is possible that someone from these problems can detect the most expensive coins of Russia in their wallet, which contain a small or big treasure. So be careful to your money, and they will answer you reciprocity!