Tasks for the quest with young teachers. Quest game in kindergarten for older preschoolers. Preparatory group. Images in the presentation

February 21, in preparation for the pedagogical council "Improving the forms of development play activities preschoolers, through the introduction of modern technologies and techniques "with the teachers, the quest game" Traveling along the waves of pedagogical science "was held.

Purpose of the game: to summarize and systematize the knowledge of teachers in the development of the game activity of preschoolers.

The teachers of the institution were divided into two groups:

Masters (experienced teachers with the first and the highest qualification category, more than 10 years of work experience);

Beginners (teachers with less than 5 years of work experience in preschool educational institutions).

The form of the event was not chosen by chance. Quest is popular game among young people. Quests are also relevant and interesting for preschoolers. How to learn to organize such a game with pupils? Only by trying to play it yourself.

The game began in the head office. Tatyana Viktorovna presented a group of novice teachers with a travel map along the waves of pedagogical science. The map indicated the objects that must be visited in order to get to the prize. It was possible to find the object by solving the riddle.

At the stations, master teachers were waiting for novice teachers, who prepared for colleagues interesting tasks allowing teachers to demonstrate their knowledge in the field of play activities of preschoolers. Each of the experienced teachers played the role of a fairytale character.

First point. The participants of the game are met by Freken Bock. She invited travelers to solve a crossword puzzle on the classification of play activity.

Second point. Vasilisa the Wise welcomes the teachers. Vasilisa offers teachers tasks on the knowledge of the features of the developing subject-spatial environment, which is necessary for the development of the play activity of preschoolers.

Third point. What a game without the mischievous Baba Yaga. Sly granny tested the knowledge of teachers in the field of planning play activities.

Fourth point. Meeting with a kind mystery grandmother. The grandmother, although kind, but prepared very complex riddles, on the knowledge of the peculiarities of the development of the play activity of preschoolers.

Each of the masters encouraged the participants in the game with small surprises: coins, berries, cheesecakes, bagels. Thanks to this, the most active participant was identified in the game - Trukhanova Anastasia Arkadyevna.

At the end of the game, a surprise awaited the participants - an invitation to a tea party, which took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

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The federal state educational standard, which is currently in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, puts forward quite a few requirements for the competencies of teachers. One of the most difficult at times is the ability to find an individual approach to absolutely every child. In this regard, there is a need for new forms of work and informal approaches to interaction with teachers.

Per last years in our country, a rather new leisure space has appeared for Russia - quests in reality. This type of activity provides for the solution of non-standard tasks in a limited space for a certain period of time. The new direction finds acceptance among the broad masses of the population and it can be quite used to work with teachers, parents and children.

The quest game "Magic Button" is suitable for working with both teachers and parents of pupils. Practice shows that adults like this form of work very much. Who among us doesn't like surprises? And in quests, they lie in wait at every turn!

Quest objectives:

Removing psychological stress from teachers

Creation of conditions for informal communication of the teaching staff

Team building

Demonstration of the capabilities of the game in solving complex pedagogical problems

Supporting the desire to look for an individual approach to each child, to feel children

Developing the ability to think outside the box

Improving pedagogical self-esteem.

As practice shows, the results of using quests in working with adults sometimes exceed expectations. If you put a certain metaphor in the script - after the end of the event, the teachers ponder for a long time about the path of the quest, discussing their points of view. According to teachers, for many, the quest turns out to be "an emotional and intellectual shake-up that is sometimes necessary."

Preliminary: to distribute invitations to teachers for the psychological quest "Magic Button" ( Appendix # 1)

Note: the quest is usually carried out with minimal prompts and the intervention of the quest creator. The main characters are educators, who have the task of finding the “magic button”. However, some of the tasks may be too difficult or unusual, so you can give teachers hints at their request.

Stages of the passage of the quest

1. Psychological room (hall)


  • To seat fellow assistants in the hall, dressing them up with “children” (panamas, bibs, etc.).
  • Set a password on the computer and separately - a password for the presentation.
  • Open presentation title slide

Teachers come in, sit in empty seats in the hall.

Educator-psychologist: Hello dear colleagues!

Today we have to go through a difficult, but exciting and interesting path. The search path for the "magic button". Needless to say, we sometimes lack such a button. Pressed - and the most desperate bully calmed down ... Pressed - and all, without exception, the children learned poems for the holiday. I pressed - and all the children became cheerful, happy, but at the same time obedient and smart.

We all remember the wonderful film "The Adventures of Electronics" ( Slide number 1), where one of the heroes - Stump - asked the eternal question “And yet, where is his magic button?”, the answer to which he could not find.

For more than a century, many teachers and psychologists have been trying to find the magic button. And in each era it has its own.

In general, as psychohistorian Lloyd DeMose writes in his book: "Childhood history is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to awaken." ( Slide number 2)

L. Demoz identifies six eras and six styles of raising children:

1) The style of infanticide (antiquity until the 4th century AD) This stage corresponds to the image of Medea killing her children. ( Slide number 3) When the parents feared that the child would be difficult to raise or feed, they simply killed him. As a terrible example for us, we can cite a letter from a Roman addressed to his wife: “Greetings to Hilarion to his dear Alice, as well as to dear Berous and Apollinarion. We are still in Alexandria. Don't worry if I stay late and the others come back early. Look after our baby. As soon as I'm paid, I'll send the money. If - I pray to the gods - you give birth safely, leave the boy, and throw the girl away. " By observing the news periodically, we can come to the conclusion that some people still support the moral principles of this era.

2) Abandoning style (IV-XIII centuries A.D.). Adults gradually began to realize that a child is not a thing to be thrown away. At this stage, people realized that the child also has a soul. But the parents believed that the best way to raise a child was to abandon him, send him to a nurse, to a monastery. A symbol of this style can be Griselda, who abandoned her children in order to prove her love for her husband. ( Slide number 4) The child could easily be sold to someone else as a commodity. From an early age he was dressed in adult clothes. Literally from the age of three, he could already work in the field on an equal basis with adults and help parents. Nowadays, there are also parents who prefer to give their child to professionals for upbringing.

3) Ambivalent style (XIV-XVII centuries). The task of the parents at this stage was to forge a person from a child, as if to carve a correct, beautiful obelisk from granite. ( Slide number 5) Many children were regularly beaten. Various whips and whips, sticks and much more were the instruments of whipping. Even important crowned persons could not escape this fate. So, for example, while still small, Louis XIII often woke up at night, fearfully awaiting the morning flogging. And even on the day of his coronation, eight-year-old Louis was flogged, and he said: "I would rather do without all these honors, if only I would not be flogged."

4) Imposing style (XVIII century). Parents at this stage began to try to gain power over the child's mind and thereby control his inner state. ( Slide number 6) Tight swaddling was very common. And not temporary, but almost permanent. It was very convenient for the parents - the child thus brought little trouble.

5) Socializing style (XIX century - mid XX). Violence is gradually receding. Parents begin to socialize their children. At this time, fathers became more active participants in the educational process. ( Slide number 7)

6) Helping style (from the middle of the 20th century). This style assumes that the child knows his needs better at each stage of development. Parents began to be interested in the reasons for this or that child's behavior. Adults began to create conditions for the development of the interests of their children. ( Slide number 8)

What is happening with us now? Can we tell what's on this moment does our society have a single concept of upbringing? And is she needed? We come to one specialist, he tells us that our child is interesting, creative, agile. Another specialist may tell us that we pay too little attention to raising our child, that he is too spoiled and it would be worthwhile to introduce certain sanctions and even punishments.

(Educator Assistant discreetly closes the presentation and puts the computer into hibernation mode)

Let's see...

Ouch! The screen went out! And we still have our magic button there. The creator of the presentation told me it was hidden inside ... (trying to restore the computer to work) What is this? The computer asks for a password ... It seems to be hidden somewhere here in this room. Dear teachers, all hope is on you ... Maybe our “children” will help you?

We start the game. Helpers-“children” behave “badly” in different ways, they need a special approach, then they give the number for the password from the computer ( Appendix 2).

- First mate- cries, he needs to be stroked on the back. If the teacher guesses and does this, finds an approach, then the “child” gives the first number “2”

- Second mate- sits, clenching his fists with a hint - you need to stroke the handles, relax the fists. If the teachers do everything right, the child will give back a piece of paper with the second number "0"

- Third assistant- scatters toys - you need to come up with a game to remove all these toys. The child gives the third digit "1" to shrewd teachers

- Fourth assistant- he just sits and says “I can’t” at everything (I can’t unclench my finger, I can’t give a hint, etc.) We must try to raise his self-esteem, convince “You can bend one finger like this. That's it, well done! You could!". Gives the fourth digit “6”.

Educators enter the password on the computer, the desktop opens, but the presentation does not open. Password is required again. To find it, pictures are shown ( Appendix No. 3): “Peter first"(J.-M. Nattier) - number 1," Again deuce"(F.P. Reshetnikov) - number 2," Ninth shaft "(IK Aivazovsky) - number 9," Seven deadly sins ”(I. Bosch) - number 7.

The presentation opens, the teachers go to the last slide, hoping to see the magic button, but instead they see a hint: "Dear Colleagues! Experts say that the child's development also helps in the search for the magic button. Please go to the development room! ”

Educator-psychologist escorts the educators to the office or group, where the “Development room” is equipped.

2. Development room


  • Hide the key to the room in the balloons. Teachers will need to find him.
  • Lay out 8 sheets of paper on the tables, on each write a part of the code with wax: “A-3”, “B-2”, “A-1”, “B-3”, “A-4”, “B-5”, “B-4”, “B-2” (looking ahead, I will say that B-2 is repeated twice because there are two identical letters in the encrypted clue word)
  • Place brushes, paints, jars of water on the tables (so that teachers can paint over the sheets and a wax code appears on them)
  • Put a blank sheet of paper and a pen so that teachers can record the correspondence of the code to the letters.
  • Arrange chairs in three rows. The first row, we sign with the letter "A", the second - "B", the third - "B". Next, we number the seats, as in the theater: “1”, “2”, “3”, etc. ( Appendix No. 4) We will need some places to "confuse" the teachers. We attach letters to each place in accordance with the code drawn with wax on paper. For example, in place A-3 we attach the letter "M", B-2 - the letter "A", A-1 - the letter "T", B-3 - the letter "R", A-4 - the letter "E", B -5 - the letter "W", B-4 - the letter "K". ( Appendix No. 5) We attach any letters to the rest of the chairs to complicate the task a little. Thus, teachers will need to spell the cipher to add the word "MATRESHKA".
  • Place several nesting dolls in different corners of the room, put a note in one of them: “ Dear teachers, devoting yourself to children, sometimes do not forget about rest. Please go to the rest room”. (Appendix No. 6)

The teachers complete the tasks and follow the teacher-psychologist into the recreation room.

3. Rest room.


  • Hide the key to the room, for example, among the folds of the blinds in the corridor.
  • On the outside of the bottom of one of the mugs, write “in”, lay out the pies / muffins, in one of which bake “go through” (so that the note does not get wet during the baking process - you can wrap it in foil), put “please” among the tea bags, in put a note in a book or magazine (“hall”). ( Appendix No. 7)
  • Educator-psychologist: Welcome to the break room. Here you can read, have tea, have a snack. But don't forget about the tips!
  • Educators collect the phrase “Please go to the hall” and return to the hall where the presentation was left.

4. Finishing room (hall).


  • While the teachers are drinking tea in the break room, open slide 11 of the presentation.
  • Teachers enter, in front of them is a screen with the inscription: “Magic button” (Slide number 11), they click on it with the mouse, slide number 12 appears: “Congratulations! You are wonderful educators - you managed to find the magic button. As in raising a child, your path was difficult, but interesting, wasn't it? I would like to wish you patience, creativity in raising your kids and let the magic button not hide too far from you. "
  • Educator-psychologist: Dear colleagues, thank you for interesting work! I wish you interesting and true paths to the magic buttons of your pupils! And in memory of our meeting, I would like to give you a certificate for the magic button ( Appendix No. 8)


1) Lloyd De Mose. Psychohistory. - Rn-D: Phoenix Publishing House, 2000

2) F. Aries. Child and family life under the old order. - ECB: Publishing house of the Ural University, 1999

3) Pushkareva N.L. Motherhood as a socio-psychological phenomenon [electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.bim-bad.ru/biblioteka/article_full.php?aid=631

Images in the presentation.

1) Images of buttons - Vasina E.S.

2) Shot from the film "The Adventures of Electronics" -

Tatiana Bogdanova
Quest game for teachers of preschool educational institution "Theory and practice of cognitive research"

Scenario for carrying out intellectual quest for teachers

« Theory and practice»

Target: Professional development pedagogical competence in the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process in terms of the implementation of tasks for the organization in children cognitive research activities.


Develop creativity educators, their competence in the implementation of the tasks of the organization cognitive research activities of preschoolers.

Activate mental activities of educators.

Promote the cohesion of all educators, team members,

Learn educators interact and understand personal responsibility for achieving the overall result.

Date and venue: 03/23/2018, MDOU kindergarten "Mishutka".

Equipment: tokens for drawing lots, station name plates, route sheets, 2 envelopes (yellow and green) with tasks, letter cards (I know, experience, a guide for making a laptop (glue, scissors, cards, etc., various material for the experiment.

Event progress

At the entrance to the hall, educators take the chips and sit down at the table on which the chip is of the same color.

It is impossible to imagine our society without such a necessary profession as a kindergarten teacher. It is in preschool age that moral principles and views, the foundations of a life position are laid, and the character of a child is formed. Therefore, the educator must be a wise and kind, competent specialist, for whom raising children is not just a profession, but also a vocation.

I would like to start our meeting today with words Confucius:

What I heard I have forgotten.

What I saw, I remember.

What I have done, I know.

Modern scholars have interpreted the saying attributed to Confucius and expressed it in language digits: What we hear is 10%. What we see is 50%. What we do ourselves is 90%.

Therefore, I invite you to participate in quest«».

You need to go through all the stations, according to the route sheet, if there is a command at the station, another, upon arrival at it, cannot complete the task, but moves to the next station. All stations are located in the kindergarten building, each station is marked with a sign. You need to go through all the tests and find the treasure. For each challenge passed, each team receives one letter. Finishing quest, both teams collect a word from these letters, without which no theory nor practice.

Transit time quest - 45 minutes... Penalty points are awarded for being late.

To determine the results of the game and identify the strongest, I present the composition jury:

This game is a team game, therefore, we have 2 teams at different tables and before we start quest, you need to warm up.

Warm up "Sonneteer": - 5 minutes

You all know how to rhyme words, so the teams are invited to finish the poem they have begun using support words (FSES, curiosity (ny, experiment (experience, children)... Upon completion, the poem is read out.

1 team

1. In the morning, the mood is bad,

I can't make up my eye in any way ...

2. In spring, there are puddles everywhere,

Ships sail in streams ...

3. Everyone loves obedient, friendly kids,

Capricious, stubborn - no one likes ... Team 2

1. Parents, often angry and scolding.

They lose their emotional connection with the child ...

2. Genetics can be blamed for everything,

You shouldn't even blame the mirror ...

3. To show the importance to another,

You don't need to puff your cheeks at all ...

Leading. So, let's not waste time, let's start our game.

The first task, the teams need to come up with a name and introduce themselves within 3 minutes.

Teams present their business cards, then route sheets are given to them, start and finish times are determined.

station "Smart person"- letter "O", "Z" (manager's office)

Teams are offered 3 tasks from the area « Cognitive development» :

Task number 1. Correct the error in the definition

Cognitive development is a combination of quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in cognitive mental processes, due to age, under the influence of the environment and the adult's own experience.

Answer: (child)

Task number 2. What the educational area does not include « Cognitive development» according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Development cognitive research activities.

Familiarization with the subject environment.

Exploration of space

Familiarization with the social world.

Acquaintance with the natural world.

Answer: Familiarization with space.

Task number 3. What types activities allow you to implement the content of the educational area « Cognitive development» preschoolers?


1. Musical activity

2. Labor activity

3. Communicative activity

4. Informative- research activity

5. Reading fiction

6. Productive activity

7. Playroom activity

8. Motor activity

station "Ugadaikino"- letter «!» , «!» (senior teacher's office)

Teams are asked to solve a crossword puzzle that contains words related to cognitive research activities.


1. One of the stages of research.

2.…. development is a combination of quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in cognitive mental processes, due to age, under the influence of the environment and the child's own experience.

3. One of the leading forms of development cognitive activities preschoolers.

4. Scientific assumption, put forward to explain some phenomena.

5. The main research method. This is a scientific process, purposeful impact, with the successful implementation of which the hypothesis is supported or refuted.


1. The quality of the child, which characterizes him as striving to receive more and more new knowledge, abilities and skills.

2. By the actual method cognitive child development preschool age is an?

3. The ability of human thinking for critical introspection.

4. Inference.

5. Unconscious striving for cognition, inherent not only to humans, but to many living beings.

station "Pay attention"- letter "T", "A" (office of the manager)

Teams are offered 2 tasks for reflection.

Task number 1. What age is the experience?

1. The teacher puts the mill in an empty bowl, scoops sand on the blades with a scoop (2-3 years)

2. Two bulbs of a plant, identical in shape, are placed in different Wednesday: one into the water, the other into the soil. Observe their growth and conclude where the plant grows faster (5-6 years old)

3. The teacher takes the magnet and brings it to different toys, the children observe its actions. Then he gives the children a taste of how a magnet attracts metal objects. (3-4 years)

4. Water has no form. Pour water into containers of different shapes and explain to the children that it takes the form of the container it is poured into. Then pour it on the floor. What happens to the water? (4-5 years old)

Task number 2. Pedagogical situation

Children ask us adults a lot of questions on various topics. Let's imagine this situation.

Mom and son are walking down the street. It began to rain suddenly. A son asks: "Mom, why did it rain?"- and hears answer: "You cry and the sky is crying".

Do you agree with mom's answer? ___

How do you think to answer the questions "why" so that the interest in the question does not fade away, but develops? ___

Is it always helpful to give a straightforward, comprehensive answer to a child's question? ___

What should be considered when answering children's questions? ___

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky advised us, adults, to leave something unsaid so that the child would again and again want to return to what he had learned.

station "Crazy hands"- letter "NS", "N" - (hall on the 2nd floor)

Teams are invited to make a laptop "Young researcher".

station "Laboratory"- letter "NS", "NS" (last station - music hall)

An experiment is not born simply:

Sometimes - from a naive question.

Sometimes - with a strange answer.

It matures for a long time in secret somewhere

When there are no more doubts -

He breaks free

It gives itself to us at mercy:

Look! Something worked out.

Let's see what happens with us? Dear colleagues, now I would like to ask you to play the role of children and experiment.

Task number 1. Come up with an experience from the proposed material. Demonstrate (1-2 minutes) (educators various materials are offered).

The final stage.

It remains to compose words from the received letters. What did you do? What treasure did you find today? The reward for all participants in the game was the acquisition of knowledge that educators can put into practice.

“I have always hated the role of an outside observer.

What am I if I don't participate?

To be, I have to participate. "

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

This is how we ourselves should not stand aside when thirst rages in a child. knowledge. "Want to know everything", says the child, "I will be your guide along this path", echoes him an adult, be it an educator, teacher or parent.

Leading. I ask our jury to sum up the results of the game.

While the jury sums up the results, we will apply the knowledge you have.

Creative task for educators

Give examples of characters from works of fiction for children who are distinguished by vivid search activity, a tendency to experiment, and the ability to make non-standard decisions in different situations.

Dunno, Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Nils, Alice.

Is the behavior of these characters exploratory?

Dunno - research behavior, constantly looking for new opportunities to implement their ideas.

Winnie the Pooh - not exploratory behavior, rather informative and curious... This behavior is determined by the peculiarities of thinking, character.

Carlson is an exploratory behavior, constantly looking for new opportunities for adventure.

Nils - research behavior, is constantly in search of a gnome to find out the secret of his spell.

Alice - her behavior is not exploratory, rather cognitive and inquisitive.

What, in your opinion, is missing for this?

For a full-fledged research activities lack of focus and conclusions that this activity involves.

Do search activity and character experimentation always fit into accepted norms of behavior?

Mostly they do not fit into the norms of behavior, since their experimentation is too fantastic. For example: Dunno himself flew on a rocket to the moon, Carlson walked on the roof with a baby, which is also unacceptable. Winnie the Pooh ate honey in a pot intended for a donkey as a birthday present.

Is this good or bad, from your point of view?

For child development this behavior is not positive, but based on the behavior of these characters, at the same time, the child learns not to be afraid to experiment, to accept different solutions in situations, their own activity increases.

Summing up, rewarding.

And finish our quest-a game I would like Proverbs "Happiness".

God blinded a man out of clay, and he had an unused piece. “What else is there to blind you? God asked. "Make me happy," the man asked. God did not answer, and only put the remaining piece of clay in the man's palm.

What did God mean by leaving the piece of clay? (answers)

All in our hands:

“Argue, be mistaken, be mistaken, but for God's sake, meditate and even crookedly, but yourself,” Gothold Efraim Lessing.

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Scenario of the pedagogical Quest game "Travel"

Target: Activation of the mental activity of teachers; disclosure of creativity; optimization of interpersonal relationships.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Today I want to invite you to be in the role of contestants, to test your strength, to demonstrate your abilities. Our game is a team one. Therefore, before we start, I propose to draw lots. Now, each in turn must draw a token from the bag.

So the draw is over. Today we have with you not just a game. We have an exciting train journey ahead of us. The team that received red tokens is one train train, the team with blue tokens is the second train. The task of the trains is to successfully go the hard way and get to the station of the intellectuals. The path is quite long - 100 km. There are different distances from station to station. And the more successfully you cope with the proposed tasks, the more chances you have to get to your destination.

Now the teams need to choose the chief of their composition and come up with a name for the train.

Well done! Are the trains ready to hit the road? (sounds musical accompaniment- moving train).

It's great when a lot of friends hit the road with you.

It immediately becomes more fun for everyone, I want to move mountains.

Here comes the first stop!

    Station "Razminochnaya" (Not Evaluated)

Solve riddles where the conceived word consists of several independent words.

The first word over the teapot melts

Second, dad grows under the lip.

And the whole sea wind blows

And invites us to sail with you (Steam mustache)

The first syllable is a note, the second is also,

But in general - it looks like peas(Beans)

The preposition is at my beginning

At the end there is a country house.

And the whole - we decided everything

Both at the blackboard and at the table (Task)

The beginning is the note, then the deer decoration.

And together - a place of busy traffic (Road)

    Station "Memorize"

Older people are said to become distracted and forgetful. In reality, forgetfulness is not at all a “privilege” of the elderly. Alas, “people of different ages can have a leaky memory. What memory do you have?

Task number 1: 25 words are read out -Elephant, bed, camel, umbrella, notebook, pencil, bird, coat, glass, phone, flower, man, tree, ball, apple, bag, rose, orange, pyramid, tea, doll, vase, sparrow, hat, bear.

Each team must write down all the words that they managed to remember. Words can be written in any order (For each word 1 km is charged.)

Task number 2: What is depicted?

Each team is shown 3 slides with an interval of 5 seconds. Then questions are asked about the content of the slides, each team 3 questions (For each correct answer, 2 km are awarded.)

    Station "Savvy"

Participants need to replace phraseological units with one word

Call out eyes

Nod off

Beat the thumbs

Bite your tongue

Like snow on your head

Hang your nose

Soar in the clouds

Dress down

Nick down

Wait for the weather by the sea

Sharpen the fringes

Give a word

Tremble like an aspen leaf

Write like a chicken paw

Walk on your head

Keep in mind

Speak from three boxes

Keep your mouth shut

After the rain on Thursday

(For each correct answer, 1 km is credited.)

    Station "Fantasy"

Participants of each team are invited to finish drawing 10 identical images. Drawings should not be repeated (For each original drawing, 1 km is charged.)

    Station "Ponimai-ka"

Teams are given cards with 10 words. Within 3 minutes, the members of the first team must explain as many words as possible to their opponents, while not using the same root words. Then they switch roles.






Semolina kascha





Fairy tale








Speech therapy


(For each correct answer, both teams are awarded 1 km.)

    Station "Mathematical"

The boy has as many sisters as brothers, and his sister has half as many sisters as brothers.

How many brothers and sisters are there in this family? (4 brothers and 3 sisters)

When my father was 31 years old, I was 8 years old, and now my father is twice my age. How old am I now? (23 years old. The difference between the years of the father and the son is 23 years, therefore, the son must have 23 years for the father to be twice his age).

Points are awarded to the team that was the first to name the correct answer. For each correct answer, 5 km are awarded.

    Kvakushkin station

In the early morning frogs croak loudly at the edge of the forest.

There are many words, and all words always contain "kwa" in themselves.

In the middle, and at the beginning, and in a breakdown, and in a row ...

You have met words more than once, let them speak!











( For each correct answer, 1 km is awarded.)

    Station "Soul"

We have traveled a long way and found ourselves literally a stone's throw from the coveted station. And intelligence, in my opinion, is measured not only by the power of the mind, but also by the power of the soul. Each team now has to take turns to give compliments to their rivals. And the more there are, the more likely you are to get to your destination.

Let's exclaim, admire each other,

No need to be afraid of lofty words.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all happy moments of love.

In this competition, every compliment has its own value. The more original the compliment, the more kilometers awarded for it.


So, according to the results of all the stages, each team managed to cover a distance of one hundred kilometers. This means that our group employs the most intellectual educators... Congratulations! You have arrived at your destination - at the station of the Intellectuals.

    Station "Intellectuals"

Outside the windows, the air temperature is the most comfortable, the sky is cloudless, Atmosphere pressure fine. When leaving, please do not forget your good mood. Those interested can leave their wishes in the book of comments and suggestions. Good luck!