The form of the technological map of the lesson on fgos sample. Technological map of the lesson on fgos: sample. Benefits of a routing

Subject skills are formed in students only in the process of teaching a given academic subject and are used mainly in this subject and partly in related subjects.

In modern conditions technological map of the lesson is an innovation that has a number of specific features such as:

  1. interactivity,
  2. structuredness,
  3. Algorithm when working with information,
  4. manufacturability,
  5. generalization.

Figure 2. Creation methodology technological map lesson

Currently, there are several different approaches to creating a technological map of a lesson. All of them are aimed at schematizing the processes in the lesson. Most of them can be called superficial due to exaggerated stereotypes. However, if we turn to those approaches to drawing up a technological map of a lesson that meet the requirements of the new generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, then three key trends can be identified:

  1. Growth in demand and popularity of the technological map of the lesson in the pedagogical environment;
  2. Technological maps of the lesson differ in the number and list of selected sections depending on the degree of detail of the lesson;
  3. The developers of lesson flow charts change and expand their structure by introducing elements that reflect the content features of the subject they teach.

One of the key features of the technological map of the lesson it is safe to call the increased requirements for the teacher. Key requirements for a teacher when designing a lesson map include:

  1. possession of constructive planning skills;
  2. knowledge of the goals and objectives of the training course, subject, discipline;
  3. the ability to navigate in relevant educational and methodological sets on a given subject;
  4. knowledge of learning conditions and age characteristics;
  5. taking into account the level of general development of students of this class.

The form of recording a lesson in the form of a technological map makes it possible to detail it as much as possible even at the preparation stage. An important nuance in favor of replacing plan notes with a technological map is the ability to assess the rationality and potential effectiveness of the selected means, types and approaches to organizing educational activities at each stage of the lesson. This fact allows the modern teacher to assess the rationality of the selection of the content of the material, the adequacy of the applied forms and methods of work in their totality.

Figure 3. The structure of the technological map of the lesson

The technological map allows you to see the educational material holistically and systematically, as well as to design the educational process for mastering the topic, taking into account the purpose of mastering the course. In addition, a properly drawn up technological map of a modern lesson makes it possible to flexibly use effective methods and forms of work with children in the classroom and coordinate the actions of the teacher and students.

The technological map of the lesson includes in its structure such elements as:

  1. subject;
  2. target;
  3. tasks;
  4. motivation for their adoption;
  5. planned results: knowledge, abilities, skills;
  6. personality-forming orientation of the lesson.
The purpose of the lesson is to provide information on the topic of the lesson in a way aimed at revealing its main components and fulfilling educational and educational tasks.

The purpose of the lesson is determined by the following factors:

  1. Planned lesson outcomes
  2. Ways to implement a fixed lesson plan.

The objectives of the lesson are the goal of the activity given in certain conditions, which must be achieved by transforming these conditions, according to a certain procedure.

The full cycle of productive thinking includes the setting and formulation of the task by the subject himself, which occurs when he is presented with tasks, the conditions of which are of a problematic nature.

Tasks may arise in practice or be created intentionally. A hierarchically organized sequence of tasks forms a program of activity.

It is necessary to foresee the planned results of the lesson immediately. The formulation of the planned results also requires uniformity and compliance with the tasks: how many tasks - so many planned results should be. At the main stage of the lesson, it is extremely important to prepare each student for active learning activities.

Reference table for constructing a technological map of the lesson

Educational tasks of the lesson

Possible Methods and methods of implementation

Organizational stage

Greeting, check of readiness, organization of attention

Report of the attendant, fixation of those absent, poetic mood, etc.

Checking homework

Establish the correctness, completeness and awareness of homework, identify and eliminate the problems found during the check

Tests, additional questions, continue the answer ..., multi-level independent work

Preparing students for work at the main stage

Provide motivation, actualization of subjective experience

Communication of the topic and purpose (in the form of a problematic task, in the form of a heuristic question, through showing the final results, using a technological map of mental activity - a cluster. At the beginning of the lesson, a riddle is given, the answer to which will be opened when working on new material

Stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action

Provide perception, comprehension and primary memorization of the studied material

To promote the assimilation of methods, means that led to a certain choice

Working with definition

Using everyday analogies

Presentation of the main material simultaneously in verbal and sign-symbolic forms, presentation of the studied material in comparative and classification tables, story, lecture, message, modular training, use of a computer textbook, problem-based learning, collective learning, building a structural-logical scheme, genetic teaching method

Primary check of understanding of the studied

To establish the correctness and awareness of the material studied, to identify gaps, to correct gaps in understanding the material

Reference text, preparation by students of their questions, their examples on new material

The stage of consolidating new knowledge and methods of action

To ensure, in the course of consolidation, an increase in the level of comprehension of the studied material, the depth of understanding

Using reciprocal tasks, question-answer communication, inventing your own tasks

Application of knowledge and methods of action

Ensure the assimilation of knowledge and methods of action at the level of their application in various situations

Multi-level independent work, business game, learning situations, group work, discussion

Generalization and systematization

To ensure the formation of an integral system of leading knowledge of students, to ensure the establishment of intra-subject and inter-subject communications

Construction of the "tree" of the "theme", construction of the "building of the theme". Building a block formula: minuend-subtracted=difference. Learning situations, "themes intersection"

Control and self-control of knowledge and methods of action

Identification of the quality and level of assimilation of knowledge and methods of action

Multi-level independent and control work, tests, tasks for highlighting essential features (depth) of the task, for designing several ways to solve the same task (flexibility), tasks with redundant, conflicting data (ability for evaluative actions)

Correction of knowledge and methods of action

Carrying out correction of identified gaps in knowledge and methods of action

The use of exercises divided into small stages and links

Application of detailed instructions with regular monitoring. Tests, tasks with gaps, structural logic diagrams with gaps

Homework Information

Ensure students understand the purpose, content and methods of doing homework

Three levels of homework:

Standard Minimum



Summing up the lesson

Give a qualitative assessment of the work of the class and individual students

Message from the teacher, summing up by the students themselves


Initiate students' reflection on their psycho-emotional state, motivation of their activities and interaction with the teacher and classmates

Telegram, SMS, unfinished sentence, coordinates

So, why do we need a technological map of the lesson? First of all, it allows you to see the educational material holistically and systematically. In addition, the technological map of the lesson is aimed at designing the educational process, taking into account the goal of mastering a particular subject within the framework of the school curriculum. The use of a technological map allows the flexible use of effective methods and forms of work with children in the classroom, organizes independent activities of schoolchildren in the learning process, and also implements an integrative control of the results of educational activities.

Figure 4. The meaning of the lesson flow chart

The technological map will allow the teacher to:

  1. Implement the planned results of the second generation GEF;
  2. Determine UUD, which are formed in the process of studying a specific topic, the entire training course;
  3. Systematically form universal learning activities among students;
  4. To comprehend and design the sequence of work on mastering the topic from the goal to the final result;
  5. Design your activities for a certain period by moving from lesson planning to theme design;
  6. Free up time for creativity;
  7. Determine the possibility of implementing interdisciplinary knowledge;
  8. In practice, to implement communications common to all subjects and ensure coordinated actions of all participants in the pedagogical process;
  9. Perform diagnostics of the achievement of the planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic;
  10. Ensure the improvement of the quality of education.


  1. Technological map of the lesson as a tool for designing a modern lesson in an elementary school. Methodological guide / Author-compiler S.S. Pichugin. - Ufa: RIO RUNMC MO RB, 2013. - 50 p.
  2. Fridman L. M., Kulagina I. Yu. Formation of students' general educational skills: - M .: Publishing House of the Russian Open University, 1993. - 34 p.
  3. Yakushina E.V. Preparing for the lesson in the conditions of the new Federal State Educational Standards // URL:

Technological map of the lesson is one of the most modern ways of organizing the educational process, a table in which the teacher describes how he will teach children. Most often used in primary grades (1st to 4th), but suitable for both middle and primary schools.

Functions of the technological map of the lesson

The functions of the technological map of the lesson are:

1. Organization of the educational process in strict accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) (for the teacher).
2. The emergence and development of not only educational, but also all other - developing and educational skills. In other words, the technological map provides comprehensive training (for students).
3. Planning the educational process not for one or several lessons, but for a more serious period - a quarter, half a year and even a year (for a teacher).
4. Application in practice of interdisciplinary connections (for students).
5. Diagnosing the level of mastering the material by stages of the topic (for the teacher).

Technological map and abstract: how do they differ from each other

The most obvious, but not the main difference between the technological map and the abstract is that the first one has the form of a table.

Other differences between the technological map and the abstract are presented in the table:

Routing Abstract
It is a description of the activities of both the teacher and students at all stages of the lesson, provides an opportunity to understand how the teacher interacts with students It is a description of what the teacher should do in the lesson, and then in general
Contains a description of the activities of students with an indication of universal learning activities (UUD) after each stage of the lesson Contains only forms of pre-completion of the material in the lesson
Allows you to mark the results after each stage of the lesson and, if necessary, make adjustments to the educational process Allows you to mark the results only after the lesson

A few tips on how to make a lesson flow chart

The Russian legislation does not say what the technological map of the lesson should be. Therefore, we will only give recommendations regarding this document.

Firstly, do not discount the "hat", it is the basis of the basics. "Hat" consists of several items:

● the name of the subject;
● title of the topic of the lesson;
● type of lesson;
● results that I would like to see after the lesson (subject, interdisciplinary and personal);
didactic means;
● equipment.

Secondly, do not make the flow chart very detailed, this will only cause confusion and make it difficult to present the material. Optimal option:

Third, if necessary, the technological map can be supplemented with the columns "Duration", "Used information and communication technologies (ICT)" and "Method of pre-checking the level of mastering the material" (independent, laboratory, control, etc. work).

Fourth, despite the fact that it is customary to write “classic” stages of the lesson in the technological map, you can not follow this rule. In particular, based on the type of lesson, you can exclude or combine some of them.

Fifth, when prescribing universal learning activities (UUD) and the results that I would like to see, it is best to use the work program.

At sixth, in no case should we forget that a modern lesson should be built in such a way that students develop and develop not only educational, but also all other developing and educational skills.

Seventh, at the bottom of the technological map, you can put additions: examples of exercises, tests, etc.

And the last. There are programs that simplify and speed up the work on the technological map. They contain work programs, universal learning activities (UUD) and the results that we would like to see. No one forbids resorting to their help.

Work on the technological map of the lesson

Work on the technological map of the lesson includes:

1. Determining what role this particular lesson plays in the whole topic, choosing the type of lesson (typical or unusual, for example, a conference lesson).
2. Making a list of the most important and auxiliary objectives of the lesson. They can be taken from any block - educational, developing, educational.
3. Structuring the lesson depending on what type it belongs to (schedule by stages).
4. Formulation of tasks for each of the stages of the lesson.
5. Designation of the results that I would like to see after each of the stages of the lesson.
6. The choice of forms of presentation of the material in the lesson.
7. Writing the features of the activities of the teacher and students.

The main stages that make up the technological map of the lesson:

1. Preparation for the lesson. At this stage, the teacher activates the students with a very small oral introduction, and the students get into a business rhythm - they begin to learn.
2. Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the guys. At this stage, the teacher establishes how well the old material is learned, and the students do the task to test some skill.
3. Setting the most important goal of the lesson. At this stage, the teacher creates a problem that should be solved at the end of the lesson, and the students set subgoals and, if necessary, ask clarifying questions.
4. Development of a project for solving the problem. At this stage, the teacher explains in general terms how to solve the problem (offers several options), and the students choose the most optimal means for this (algorithm, model, etc.).
5. Consolidation of new material. At this stage, the teacher summarizes what has been covered, and the students perform standard exercises.
6. Independent work on new material (individually or in groups). At this stage, the teacher creates conditions for the use of new material, and students control themselves by referring to the standard.
7. Lesson reflection, i.e. summarizing. At this stage, the teacher creates the conditions for reflection, and the students compare whether the main goal of the lesson corresponds to what they have achieved.

The steps of a lesson depend on the type of lesson selected.

Thus, the technological map is an effective form of interaction between the teacher and students. Thanks to it, the educational process is optimized. And both sides benefit from this: both the teacher and the students. The teacher does not go beyond the federal state educational standards, systematizes his work, and the students develop comprehensively.

An example of a lesson flow chart:

Interdisciplinary lesson in algebra and computer science

in grade 11 on the topic "Solving problems for percentages using spreadsheets"

Lesson type: integrated combined lesson of the complex application of knowledge in algebra and computer science.

The purpose of the lesson:
Create conditions for the formation:
- personal UUD (self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical assessment);
- regulatory UUD (planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation);
- cognitive UUD (general educational, logical);
- communicative UUD (planning, asking questions, managing the behavior of a partner, the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient accuracy);
means of the subject of algebra in the study of the topic "Percentage".
- contribute to the formation of motivation for studying the topic by creating a problem situation through the questions of the questionnaire;
- to update the knowledge of students through their participation in the frontal survey;
- organize group work of students on the analysis and processing of textual information, as well as solving problems from real life;
- organize students' reflection of their own knowledge by comparing their answers with real data;
- organize self-assessment by students of their activities.
Expected results:
- students show interest in studying the topic;
- students realize how important the topic of the lesson is for them
- students are able to plan and determine the sequence of actions;
- students are able to predict the result of their actions;
- students are able to control the correctness of their actions;
- students are able to correct their actions;
- students are able to evaluate their own activities and the activities of classmates;
- students are able to accept the goals of educational activities and search for means of its implementation;
- students are able to arbitrarily and consciously build a speech statement;
- students are able to find the most effective way to solve problems;
- students are able to carry out analysis and synthesis, formulate conclusions;
- students are able to put forward hypotheses and substantiate them;
- students are able to determine the goals and functions of the participants in the interaction;
- students are able to carry out initiative cooperation in the process of working in a group;
- students are able to control and evaluate the actions of a partner;
- Students are able to express their thoughts with sufficient clarity.
– students know the formulas for finding percentages
- students are able to apply the acquired knowledge in real life

- Students are able to use spreadsheets

Teaching methods:

- method of problem presentation;

- partial search.

Means of education:

  1. Handout: Appendices 1-10
  2. Presentation "Percentage".
  3. Multimedia complex.

Organizational forms:

- frontal;

– individual;

- group.

Pedagogical technologies: technology of dialogue interaction with elements of technology for the development of critical thinking.

Lesson plan

The content of the teacher's activity Assignments for students The content of the student's activity Which UUDs are prioritized
Stage of the lesson: organizational
Greets students.

Checks readiness for the lesson

Creates a positive atmosphere in the classroom

Welcome teachers.

Included in the business rhythm of the lesson

KUUD: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

RUUD: organizing your own learning activities

Stage of the lesson: Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students
Organizes the completion of the questionnaire with the help of a presentation and clarifying comments Answer the questions in writing (Appendix 1) Fill out the questionnaire using your life experience
Organizes the comparison of students' answers with the correct answers. Discussion of answers Compare your answers to questions 1-4 with the correct ones. Write the correct answers on the questionnaire next to your answers.
Organizes the goal-setting of educational activities in the lesson Determine the theme of the lesson Formulate the purpose of the lesson LUUD (sense formation): “what is the meaning, the meaning of the teaching for me”, and be able to find an answer to it
LUUD (moral and ethical assessment): assessment of digestible content, providing a personal moral choice based on social and personal values
PUUD (general educational): formulation of a cognitive goal;
Stage of the lesson: Actualization of knowledge
Asks questions on the topic “Percentage” Remember the rules for finding percentages Answer questions on the topic "Percentage" WPUD (general educational): search, selection, structuring of information;
Organizes distribution into groups using lots Divide into 4 groups. Discuss and complete the task. Distribution into 4 groups. Refinement of the task. PUUD (general educational): arbitrary and conscious construction of a speech statement;
WPUD (general educational): the choice of the most effective ways to solve problems.
Organizes group work on problem solving Prepare for Public Presentation Group work: performance of tasks on the forms "Assignment to Group 1" (Appendix 2), "Assignment to Group 2" (Appendix 3), "Assignment to Group 3" (Appendix 4) and "Assignment to Group 4" (Appendix 5).

Joint discussion and problem solving. Preparing an oral presentation

QUUD (questioning): proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information
Organizes presentations of group representatives based on the results of assignments. Present the results of group activities Explain problem solving. Answer the questions asked PUUD (logical): synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts, incl. replenishment of missing components;
KUUD (the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient accuracy)
Organizes a discussion of the question: “How is the USE different from real life?” Discuss the answer to the question: “How is the USE different from real life?” Take part in the discussion of the question: “How is the USE different from real life?” LUUD (self-determination): motivation for learning, formation of the foundations of a person's civic identity
WPMP (logical): analysis to highlight features (essential, non-essential);
WPMP (logical): hypotheses and their justification
Stage of the lesson: Applying knowledge and skills in a new situation
Organizes group work to solve real-life problems using spreadsheets Get the next group assignment. Perform calculations Group work: perform tasks on the forms "Assignment to Group 1" (Appendix 6), "Assignment to Group 2" (Appendix 7), "Assignment to Group 3" (Appendix 8) and "Assignment to Group 4" (Appendix 9).

Refine tasks. Discuss and solve problems together. Prepare oral presentation

LUUD (sense formation): “what is the meaning, the meaning of the teaching for me”, and be able to find an answer to it
KUUD (planning): definition of the goal, functions of participants, ways of interaction
QUUD (questioning): proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information
KUUD (partner behavior management): control, correction, evaluation of partner actions
KUUD (the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient accuracy)
Stage of the lesson: Generalization and systematization of knowledge
Organizes a discussion of problem solutions and their comparison with the correct answers Compare your solution with the correct answer Explain the solution to their problem. Compare your solution with the correct answer. Discuss the solution of their problem and the solution of problems of other groups RUUD (control): in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard
Stage of the lesson: Reflection (summing up the lesson)
Organizes the calculation of the error made when filling out the questionnaire at the beginning of the lesson Compare your answers to the survey questions with the correct answers Compare their answers in the questionnaire with the correct answers and calculate how many percent they were wrong RUUD (correction): making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the real action and its product
Organizes a survey Evaluate your performance in class. Write a review about the lesson Fill out a questionnaire. Evaluate their own work and the work of their classmates according to specified criteria LUUD (sense formation): “what is the meaning, the meaning of the teaching for me”, and be able to find an answer to it
RUUD (prediction): anticipation of the result and level of assimilation, its temporal characteristics
Stage of the lesson: Information about homework, instructions for its implementation
Assigns homework and gives instructions on how to complete it Get homework Get to the bottom of homework. make sense of it RUUD (control): in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard


Technological map of the lesson.

Structure, content, basic principles of compilation


II . The content and basic principles of compiling a technological map

III . 1. Stages of creating a technological map of the lesson

2. The structure of the technological map of the lesson

3. Stages of a modern lesson

basic general education

IV . conclusions

Annex 1."Types and structure of lessons"

Appendix 2"Codifier of universal learning activities"

Appendix 3"The results of the development of the subject (PML)"

Appendix 4"Reference table for modeling a training session in accordance with

GEF requirements"

with technological map"

Appendix 6“Russian language lesson in 5th grade. Topic: "Phrase" (technological map

Appendix 7 Literature lesson in 5th grade. Theme "Gerasim and his entourage in the work

I.S. Turgenev "Mumu" (technological map of the lesson)

Presentation " Technological map of the lesson. Structure, content, basic principles

compiling »

I . Introduction. Organization of an effective educational process

SLIDE 1. “The illiterate in the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn,”- wrote the American philosopher Alvin Toffler. Over the past decades, society has undergone dramatic changes in the understanding of the goals of education and the ways of their implementation. The goal of education is the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, which provides such a key competence as the ability to learn.

The design of a universal toolkit (technological map) is aimed at achieving the results stated in the second generation standards. The standards answer the question: "What to teach?", the technological map - "How to teach", how to help the child effectively master the content of education, achieve the required results.

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn.

Therefore, teachers need to look for and use new approaches in working with students in order to achieve modern educational goals. Today it is necessary to understand how to form universal learning activities for students in the classroom. SLIDE 2.

What does the use of a technological map give? Modeling and conducting a lesson using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal learning activities). Advanced teachers have been involved in drawing up technological maps of the lesson for a long time. Compared to traditional “manuals”, the technological map reveals the topic of studying the material, and not just one lesson, which makes it possible to systematically master the content from the goal to the result, set and solve the tasks of achieving not only subject results, but also personal and meta-subject results. SLIDE 3.

The technological map will allow the teacher to:

Implement the planned results of GEF;

Systematically form universal learning activities among students;

Design your activities for a quarter, half a year, a year by moving from lesson planning to theme design;

In practice, to implement interdisciplinary connections;

Perform diagnostics of the achievement of the planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic;

Monitor the implementation of the program and the achievement of planned results, as well as provide the necessary methodological assistance.

At each stage of the lesson, we monitor our activities and the expected actions of students.

The lesson flow chart can be viewed as a product of the teacher's brainstorming session. And for him, the visual image of the lesson is important, which has its own parameters.

Benefits of a routing

    the use of ready-made developments on topics frees the teacher from unproductive work;

    frees up time for the teacher's creativity;

    real meta-subject connections and coordinated actions of all participants in the pedagogical process are provided;

    organizational and methodological problems are removed;

    the quality of education is improved.

II . Content and basic principles of compilation

technological map of the lesson

The technological map is the new kind methodological products that ensure the effective and high-quality teaching of training courses at school and the possibility of achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational programs at the stages of primary and basic education in accordance with the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards.

SLIDE 5. The question arises: why exactly a technological map, and not a lesson summary? The fact is that the lesson outline is built strictly on the requirements of the programs, the content of the textbook, and is often determined by its logic. Usually, when defining in the summary of the lesson the knowledge formed and developed on it, we select students for the content. Technological card is coming from the student, we select forms of activity for each of them in the zone of actual development. This allows you to implement the function of designing the course of an individual intellectual development of each child, proceeds from the fact that he is an active participant in the educational process.

The task of the technological map, as you know, is to reflect the so-called “activity approach” in teaching. The technological map in a didactic context presents a project of the educational process, which provides a description from the goal to the result using innovative technology for working with information. SLIDE 6.

The technological map has the following distinctive features:



algorithmic when working with information;

manufacturability and generalization.

Technological map of the lesson is a way of graphic design of the lesson, a table that allows you to structure the lesson according to the parameters chosen by the teacher, for example:

1) the name of the stage of the lesson;

2) objectives of the lesson stage;

4) the activities of the teacher;

5) activities of students;

6) forms of work;

7) result.

III . 1. Stages of creating a technological map

1. First stage- diagnostic goal-setting, analysis of the future activities of students, the purpose of learning, the nature of the tasks, the characteristics of this age group of students; the choice of an adequate pedagogical technology for the purposes and conditions; determination of the content of training within the boundaries of a given educational area, allocation of modules, educational elements; variant of the product of the educational process within the boundaries of a particular area of ​​development.

2. Second phase– choice of organizational forms; actualization of knowledge and skills necessary for educational work in this DM, i.e. search- preparatory work and the specifics of its organization; preparation and collection of materials; clear planning and design of the lesson; mastering the specific educational material necessary to achieve the basic level; checking the volume and degree of workload of students; the possibility of a significant deepening and expansion of educational material for individual students (multi-level differentiation of the educational process);

3. Third stage. Creating a technological map A technological map is a kind of passport for the project of the future educational process in a given class. The technological map holistically and succinctly presents the main parameters of the educational process that ensure the success of training: these are goal-setting, diagnostics, dosing of homework, the logical structure of DM, correction. With mastering the technology of constructing a technological map, a new pedagogical thinking of the teacher begins:definition,structuredness, clarity of the methodical language, the emergence of a justified norm in the methodology.

4.Fourth stage. At the stage of reflective activity, students correlate the result obtained with the goal (introspection - regulative action) and evaluate the activity (self-assessment - personal action) for mastering the topic. Unlike other teaching aids, using a map, at each stage of training, the teacher can confidently say whether he has achieved a result or not. And if, in accordance with the result predicted by the teacher, more than 60% of the students in the class completed the diagnostic work at a particular stage, then we can say with confidence that the material is understood, mastered, and you can move on. If the task is correctly completed by less than 60% of the students, then the teacher needs to return to the material covered and complete its full development. Only then can you move on to the next stage.

5. Technological map allows you to:

1) to implement the standard of education;

2) to understand and apply in the system the proposed technology for the formation of students' universal learning activities;

3) to form a complete picture of the world through the use of "metasubject connections";

4) to fully use the educational potential;

5) determine the level of disclosure of the material and correlate it with the material being studied in subsequent classes;

6) implement regional and school material;

7) realize your creative potential;

8) individualize and differentiate the educational process.

SLIDE 7. Stages of work on the technological map.

1. Determining the place of the lesson in the topic under study and its type.

2. Formulation of the purpose of the lesson.

3. Designation of the stages of the lesson in accordance with its type.

4. Formulation of the goal of each stage of the lesson.

5. Determination of the results of each stage (formed UUD, product).

6. The choice of forms of work in the lesson: individual, frontal, pair, group.

7. Development of characteristics of the activities of the teacher and student.

A unified, well-established form of a technological map does not yet exist. Maps vary in the number and list of selected sections depending on the degree of detail of the lesson; the developers of lesson flow charts introduce elements into their structure that are designed to reflect the content features of the subject they teach.

Below is a version of the technological map of the lesson, developed by T.N. Truntseva and printed in the manual “Designing technological maps for literature and Russian language lessons. Grades 5-9" (M.: VAKO, 2015). UUD are spelled out according to the codifier proposed at the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Monitoring and Evaluation of Educational Achievements in the Russian Language in the Context of New Educational Standards" (see Appendix 1).

SLIDES 8,9. Technological map of the lesson ______________________________________________

(subject, class)

FULL NAME. teachers ___________________________________________________________________________

Theme of the lesson _____________________________________________________________________________

The form of the lesson ________________________________________________________________

The purpose of the lesson ____________________________________________________________________________

Type of lesson ____________________________________________________________________________

Lesson stage

Purpose of the stage


Teacher activity

UUD students

Student results




Subject and meta-subject



The technological map of the lesson is a form of generalized graphic planning of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and students, expression of the scenario of the lesson, the basis of its design, a means of representing individual methods of work. The map reflects the route of formation of subject, meta-subject and personal results of students. In it, one can see how not only the position of the student, but also the position of the teacher changes in the process of forming meta-subject results. The teacher creates the conditions for positive emotions, interest, motive of educational activity and participates in setting a personally significant goal of the student, the achievement of which is important for his self-development. new standard for the first time obliged to introduce an activity-based approach to the organization of the educational process. The teacher is now required to organize in the classroom with the help of modern educational technologies such educational activities that will ensure the achievement of new educational results and allow students to develop their abilities. According to the data of modern genetic studies, intelligence is more dependent on hereditary factors, and creativity on environmental factors, it becomes possible to create a special activity-based research environment at school for the emergence and manifestation of creativity. At the same time, the student does not listen to the teacher so carefully, but in the process of activity masters knowledge and skills. Therefore, in the development of each topic, it is important to understand what kind of student activity you specifically organize, and what result you expect to get.

When designing a flow chart, many different factors must be considered. Below are presented what the structure and content of technological maps can be, compiled taking into account the two most significant factors (the type of lesson and the form of the lesson).

2 . The structure of the technological map.

1st stage. “Self-determination to activity. Organizing time".

The activity of the teacher: inclusion in the business rhythm. Oral communication from the teacher.

Student activities: preparing the class for work.

2nd stage. “Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in activities”.

The activity of the teacher: reveals the level of knowledge, determines typical shortcomings.

Student activities: perform a task that trains individual abilities for learning activities, mental operations and learning skills.

3rd stage. "Formulation of the educational task".

The activity of the teacher: activates the knowledge of students, creates a problem situation.

Student activities: set goals, formulate (clarify) the topic of the lesson.

4th stage. "Construction of the project of an exit from difficulty".

The activity of the teacher: building a project for getting out of the difficulty. Student activities: draw up a plan to achieve the goal and determine the means (algorithm, model, etc.).

5th stage. "Primary fastening".

The activity of the teacher: establishes the awareness of perception, organizes the primary generalization.

Student activities: solve typical tasks with speaking the algorithm aloud.

6th stage. “Independent work with self-checking according to the standard”.

Teacher activity: organizes activities for the application of new knowledge.

Students' activities: independent work, carry out self-examination, step by step comparing with the standard.

7th stage. “Reflection of activity (the result of the lesson)”.

Teacher's activity: organizes reflection.

Students' activities: carry out self-assessment of their own educational activities, correlate the goal and results, the degree of their compliance.

3. Stages of a modern lesson

Consider the stages of the lesson in accordance with its type and content (goals, technologies used), as well as the activities of the teacher and what needs to be achieved at each stage.

SLIDE 11 .

First stage - organizational (motivational).

The purpose of the stage: the creation of conditions for the inclusion of students in educational activities at a personally significant level.

T e khn o l o g and i: collective activity.

The activities of the teacher: creating a situation of motivation for learning (starting desire to learn).


    formation of an atmosphere of research, creativity, co-creation;


    readiness for self-education;

    readiness to choose a specialized education;


    independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

    problem formulation.



    on the basis of existing knowledge, life experience, expressing doubts about the reliability of information;

    discovery of the value or unreliability of information, ways to fill gaps;


(What will the student learn, what skills will he acquire?)

    pronounced stable educational and cognitive motivation and interest in learning;

    observance of moral standards in relation to adults and peers in the classroom;

    sustainable cognitive interest and the formation of meaning-forming functions of the cognitive motive;

    awareness of oneself as the driving force of one's teachings.

SLIDE 12 .

Second phase - goal setting.

The purpose of the stage: setting the goal of educational activity based on the correlation of what is already known and learned, and what is unknown: the choice (design) of ways and means of its implementation.

Technologies: individual and collective project activities (construction of an individual route for the implementation of problem areas in the studied material, the formation of UUD, personal results).

The activities of the teacher: the choice of means and methods that are adequate to the goals set (collective performance of tasks with the advisory assistance of the teacher to create a dialogue situation).



    presentation of specific content;

    communication in written and oral forms;


    determination of the purpose of educational activity independently or with the help of a teacher;

    formation and retention of the learning task;

    determination of the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result;


    formation of subject concepts, skills of systematization of knowledge on the subject;

    clarification of the essence research work as an indicator of the success of educational activities.



    the use of practical skills of introductory, studying, viewing ways of reading in accordance with the task;

    use of methods of working with a textbook, with information sources;


    development of cultural heritage - Russia and the world.


Third stage - actualization of subject, meta-subject, personal results.

The purpose of the stage: primary reflection (fixing individual difficulties in a trial action) - control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard, that is, the formulation of the research problem.

Technologies: critical thinking, research activities; self-analysis, self-diagnosis of the results of educational activities.

The activities of the teacher: assistance in formulating the goal and educational results in the language of skills (competences).



    expressing your point of view;

    explanation and argumentation of the point of view;


    implementation of the reflection of their activities and their behavior during the training session and their correction;

    control, correction, evaluation of the partner's actions; the ability to discuss;


    the ability to take the position of an expert regarding the demonstrated competencies in different types activities and their evaluation according to the relevant criteria.



    implementation of practical skills in individual and collective activities;

    adequate self-assessment of the correctness of the performance of the action and making the necessary adjustments to the performance - both at the end of the action and in the course of its implementation;


    an adequate assessment of their ability to achieve a goal of a certain complexity in various areas of independent, pair and collective activities.


The fourth stage - learning new things.

The purpose of the stage: the initial design of an individual route for the increment of a new one.

Technologies: project activities, phased formation mental actions.

The activities of the teacher: inclusion in educational activities in accordance with the intended results; taking into account the individual abilities of students to participate in independent and group (collective) activities.



    assessment of judgment and one's point of view; establishing working relationships with others;

    effective cooperation and promotion of productive cooperation;

    integration into a group (pair) and building productive interaction with peers and adults in the context of solving a substantive problem;


    implementation of the reflection of their activities and their behavior in the process of the training session and their correction;


    establishing rules for productive independent work and learning activities based on them.



    drawing up an algorithm for solving a practical problem;

    formation of the ability to work according to the algorithm;

    editing the response text;


    use of experience gained, information to enrich subject knowledge.


Fifth stage - consolidation of knowledge (fixation of subject, meta-subject and personal results).

The purpose of the stage: the construction, fixation and application of the new (subject, meta-subject and personal results) - the inclusion of the new in the system of the learned; consolidation of the new in the performance of practical tasks; primary design of an individual route for filling problem areas in the studied topic, in the formation of meta-subject and personal results.

Technologies: phased formation of mental actions, a differentiated approach to teaching, project activities.

The activity of the teacher: actualization of the leading methods of research, analytical, thought-creative activity of students in all forms of action.



    formation of questions;

    cooperation in the search and collection, processing of information;

    determining the correctness of the action and making the necessary correctors in the execution;

    accurate, consistent and complete communication to the partner in the process of communication of the necessary information as a guideline for building a new action;

    construction of a monologue contextual statement;


    inclusion in the educational activities for the preparation and implementation of algorithms for oral and written responses;


    definition of the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction;

    an adequate assessment of their ability to achieve a goal of a certain complexity in various areas of independent, pair and collective activities.



    drawing up a subject portfolio in order to accumulate auxiliary material that guides the implementation of home, independent tasks and contributes to systematic preparation for the final certification;


    implementation of ascertaining and anticipatory control on the result and on the method of action;

    actual control at the level of voluntary attention;

    self-analysis of the results and self-assessment of readiness to perform tasks of different levels of complexity.

SLIDE 16 .

Sixth stage - diagnostics (self-diagnosis), reflection of subject, meta-subject and personal results.

The purpose of the stage: self-testing the ability to apply the new in typical conditions - highlighting and understanding what has already been learned and what else can be learned; awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; performance evaluation.

T e kh n o l o g and i: self- and mutual diagnostics of results.

The activity of the teacher: creation of conditions for individual and collective work of students, taking into account the individual "zones of loss" (problem zones) of students with participation in independent and group activities; designing methods and forms of individual-personal and collective educational activities based on the identified and indicated in the summary (collective) diagnostic card individual difficulties of students.



    display in speech (description, explanation) of the content of the actions performed - both in the form of socialized speech and in the form of inner speech;


designing methods and forms of individual-personal and collective educational activities based on the individual difficulties of students identified and indicated in the summary (collective) diagnostic map;


    filling in an individual diagnostic card in order to develop an individual route to overcome problem areas (difficulty areas).



    creation and transformation of models, schemes, algorithms, recommendations for solving an objective problem for such a type of speech as reasoning;


    formation of a program of personal achievements, overcoming problem areas in knowledge and methods of activity.

SLIDE 17 .

Stage seven - designing differentiated homework.

The purpose of the stage: drawing up an individual route for doing homework as part of a collective project in accordance with the individual capabilities and subject preparation of the student.

Technologies: individual and collective project activities, differentiated learning.

The activities of the teacher: orienting students to the use of memos and algorithms when performing differentiated homework.



    complete and accurate expression of one's thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;


    on the basis of existing knowledge, life experience, expressing doubts about the reliability of information;


    the use of introductory, studying, viewing ways of reading in accordance with the communicative task;

    discovering the value or unreliability of information, gaps in information and finding ways to fill the gaps;

    participation in a group discussion of problems.



    self-analysis of the results and self-assessment of readiness to perform tasks of different levels of complexity;

    compiling a linguistic portfolio in order to accumulate auxiliary material that guides the implementation of home, independent tasks and contributes to systematic preparation for the final certification;


    independent control of their time and the ability to distribute it;

    ascertaining and anticipating control by the result and by the method of action; actual control at the level of voluntary attention.

Applications 6,7,8 present different forms of technological maps of the lesson.

The use of the technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of education, because:

The educational process for mastering the topic (section) is designed from the goal to the result;

· are used effective methods work with information;

· stage-by-stage independent educational, intellectual-cognitive and reflective activity of schoolchildren is organized;

conditions are provided for the application of knowledge and skills in practical activities.

In the structure of the technological map of the lesson, it is necessary to provide possibilitiestechnological map:

    the possibility of careful planning of each stage of activity;

    the most complete reflection of the sequence of all ongoing actions and operations leading to the intended result;

    coordination and synchronization of actions of all subjects of pedagogical activity;

    introduction of self-assessment of students at each stage of the lesson

Self-assessment - one of the activities. Self-assessment is not related to grading, but is related to the procedure for evaluating oneself. The advantage of self-assessment is that it allows the student to see his own weaknesses and strengths.

Obviously, this gives rise to a number of requirements not only to the content, but also to the form of organization of the educational process. For the teacher, the ability to plan and build a lesson in such a way as to consciously carry out the formation of learning outcomes becomes especially relevant. This need determined the structure of the proposed technological map of the lesson, designed to record not only the types of activities of the teacher and students in the lesson, but also the expected educational results.

4. Results of mastering the main educational program

basic general education

1. Personal results m can be structured into three blocks:

self-determination - the formation of the internal position of the student;

sense formation - search and establishment of personal meaning, teaching by students on the basis of a stable system of educational, cognitive and social motives;

moral ethical orientation - knowledge of basic moral standards and orientation; development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior.

One of the most serious questions is how to evaluate what cannot be measured, i.e. personal results, on the formation of which this system works. Is it possible to assess how much a student has a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland? One of the ways to assess personal results is a self-assessment sheet that is filled out at the end of the year or a reflective portfolio that reflects all significant events for the student: educational achievements, participation in extracurricular activities(circles, electives, excursions), volunteering, socially useful work. The portfolio has a reflexive character, which also contributes to the formation of personal results (the ability to assess one's growth, one's achievements, determine the direction of the future path).

Psychological and pedagogical support also plays a significant role in this process. Psychologists and teachers have to write the characteristics of students and assess the level of formation of individual personal results, which are manifested in:

compliance with the norms and rules of conduct adopted in an educational institution;

participation in the public life of an educational institution and the immediate social environment, socially useful activities;

initiative and responsibility for learning outcomes, readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and learning;

readiness and ability to make a conscious choice of their educational trajectory, including the choice of the direction of specialized education, the design of an individual curriculum at the senior level of general education;

value-semantic attitudes of students: the values ​​of a healthy and safe way of life, awareness of the importance of the family in the life of a person and society, the value of respect for another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, faith, etc. Formed in the educational process, the system of value relations of students - to themselves, other participants in the educational process, the educational process itself and its results.

2. Subject learning outcomes.

Subject results are understood as the results that are achieved by students in the process of studying the subject. The requirements for subject learning outcomes are reflected in the document "The Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education". It lists the basic elements of scientific knowledge in each subject.

These results are traditionally prescribed in all teaching aids, in a large number of publications in any school discipline. Subject knowledge is tested in the USE and GIA tests, and therefore it is to them that teachers are accustomed to give the main attention.

Unfortunately, most teachers and parents still evaluate the work of the school from the point of view of subject knowledge, without giving due importance to the development of universal learning skills and personal growth of children. Substantive results should also be enhanced through the formation of such metaskills, How:

Theoretical thinking (generalization, systematization, classification, proof);

Information processing skills (analysis, synthesis, interpretation, evaluation, argumentation, ability to collapse information);

Critical thinking (the ability to distinguish facts from opinions, determine the reliability of a source, see logical inconsistencies);

Creative thinking (vision of a problem in a standard situation, alternative solution, combination of known ways activities with new ones);

Regulatory skills (the ability to ask questions, formulate hypotheses, set goals, plan, make choices, control, analyze, correct one's activities);

3. Metasubject: methods of activity mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all subjects, applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations.

The principle of "metasubjectivity" is not to give specific knowledge and skills, but to teach general techniques, techniques, schemes that lie above objects, but which are reproduced when working with any subject material. Thus, the student learns two types of content at once - the content of the subject area and activity. Therefore, metasubjectivity can be viewed as a kind of machine for doubling labor productivity within the same study time. The meta-subject approach not only helps students to master the material, but also reveals the relationship of various things and phenomena, pushes them to understand their essence.

Modern education is becoming more and more student-oriented. Society comes to understand that the true result of education is not just the acquisition of knowledge, but cognitive and personal development students in the educational process. There is a merging of the pedagogical and psychological goals of training and education. It is quite obvious that the subject, meta-subject and personal learning outcomes cannot be separated from each other and represent the triune task of modern education. These abilities, skills, attitudes are qualified in the new educational standard as personal universal learning activities to be formed and developed by students at all levels of education - UUD.

Since the planned learning outcomes are a system of student-centered educational goals, there is no need to single out a separate column in the map structure dedicated to the intended purpose of the designed lesson.


SLIDE 18. The technological map allows you to see the educational material holistically and systematically, design the educational process for mastering the topic, flexibly use effective methods and forms of working with children in the classroom, coordinate the actions of the teacher and students, organize independent activities of schoolchildren in the learning process; carry out integrative control of the results of educational activities.

The use of the technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of education.

With the correct use of the technological map in the work, there is a reorientation from planning one lesson to designing a topic (from the whole to the particular and again to the whole).

It becomes possible to implement personal, subject and meta-subject goals through the algorithm for mastering the material, encouraging the student to active and independent activity.

There is an expansion of the choice of the proposed forms of work, it becomes possible to holistically and systematically master the educational material, conduct diagnostics and control at each stage of mastering the topic.

The technological map provides a forecast and reflection of the ways of mastering the content throughout the course of the basic school.

The technological map is an administrative tool. All of the above on working with the technological map refers to the work of the teacher. However, the technological map is essentially a document that directly works as an administrative tool:

1) goal-setting, built on the principles of new generation standards, makes it possible to navigate not only in terms of objective goals, but also to understand what goals the teacher sets when raising a child, in what directions the work on the formation and development of universal learning skills is going;

2) the thematic principle of building a technological map allows the school administration to clearly track the passage of the program, to provide methodological assistance;

3) the built-in system for diagnosing and monitoring learning outcomes, both subject-based and in the formation of universal learning activities, will help the administration to ensure a systematic check of the results of the teacher's activities and student learning.

Training using the technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure its productivity in the implementation of subject skills and UUD, in accordance with the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Annex 1.Types and structure of lessons

Lesson type

Assimilation of new knowledge

A lesson in the integrated application of knowledge and skills (consolidation).

Lesson of actualization of knowledge and skills (repetition)

Lesson of systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills

Lesson of control of knowledge and skills

Lesson of correction of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Combined lesson.

1. Organizational stage.

3. Actualization of knowledge.

6. Primary fastening.

7. Information about homework, briefing on its implementation.

8. Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

1. Organizational stage.

2. Checking homework, reproduction and correction of students' basic knowledge. Knowledge update.

4. Primary fastening

§ in a familiar situation (typical tasks),

§ in a changed situation (constructive).

5. Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks).

6. Information about homework, briefing on its implementation.

7. Reflection (sub-maintaining the results of the lesson).

1. Organizational stage.

2. Checking homework, reproducing and correcting the knowledge, skills and abilities of students necessary for the creative solution of the tasks.

3. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

4. Actualization of knowledge: in order to prepare for the control lesson;

in order to prepare for the study of a new topic.

5. Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation

6. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

7. Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

8. Information about homework, instructions for its implementation.

1. Organizational stage.

2. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3. Actualization of knowledge.

4. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Preparing students for generalized activities.

Reproduction at a new level (reformulated questions).

5. Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation.

6. Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

7. Reflection (summarizing the lesson). Analysis and content of the results of the work, the formation of conclusions on the studied material.

1. Organizational stage.

2. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3. Revealing knowledge, skills and abilities, checking the level of formation of students' general educational skills. (Tasks in terms of volume or degree of difficulty should correspond to the program and be feasible for each student).

Lessons of control can be lessons of written control, lessons of a combination of oral and written control. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed.

4. Reflection (summarizing the lesson).

1. Organizational stage.

2. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3. Results of diagnostics (control) of knowledge, skills and abilities. Identification of typical mistakes and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate them and improve knowledge and skills.

Depending on the diagnostic results, the teacher plans collective, group and individual ways of teaching.

4. Information about homework, instructions for its implementation.

5. Reflection (summarizing the lesson).

1. Organizational stage.

2. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

3. Actualization of knowledge.

4. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

5. Initial check of understanding.

6. Primary fastening.

7. Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

8. Information about homework, briefing on its implementation.

9. Reflection (summarizing the lesson).

Appendix 2Codifier of universal learning activities

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD

Personal UUD

General Educational universal actions

Implementation search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;

usage sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving problems;

conscious and voluntary

construction speech

statements in oral and written

search varied

ways to solve

structuring knowledge.

Understanding the possibility of different positions of other people, different from one's own, and orientation to the position of a partner in communication

and interaction;

accounting different opinions and pursuit to the coordination of various positions in cooperation;

formulation own opinion (position);

skill negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interest;

construction statements that are understandable to the partner, taking into account what he knows and sees and what he does not;

skill to ask questions;

control partner's actions

usage speech to regulate their actions;

adequate usage speech means for solving various communicative tasks;

construction monologue statement;

possession dialogical form of speech

Adoption And preservation

learning task;

planning their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan;

accounting rules in planning and control of the solution method;

implementation final and step-by-step control by result;

adequate perception

teacher assessments;

discrimination method and result of action;

grade the correctness of the performance of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment;

introduction necessary

corrective action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made;

performance learning activities in a materialized,

loud speech and mental form

C Self-determination

Implementation civil

identification personalities

(awareness their ethnic

affiliation and cultural

identity based on the awareness of "I" as a citizen of Russia);

formation pictures of the world, culture as a product of labor object-transforming human activity ( familiarization with the world of professions, their social significance and content);

development"I-concepts" and self-esteem of the individual ( formation self-identification, adequate positive self-esteem, self-respect and self-acceptance)

Logic learning activities

Implementation semantic reading of artistic and cognitive texts; selection essential information from texts of various types; analysis objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential features; implementation synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts; comparison, seriation and to lassification given criteria;

establishing cause-and-effect relationships; construction reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and relationships; proof;

nomination hypotheses

and them justification.

Meaning formation

Formation valuable

guidelines and meanings of educational

activities based on:

development cognitive

interests, educational motives;

formation motives for achievement and social recognition;

formation the limits of one's own knowledge and "ignorance"

Problem posing and solving



independent Creation ways to solve problems

Moral and ethical orientationI

Development basic moral norms (fair distribution, mutual assistance, naturalness); performance moral standards;

solution moral problems based on decentralization, grade their actions in accordance with the norms of morality

Appendix 3The results of the development of the subject (PML)




1. The idea of ​​the main functions of the language, the role of the Russian language as the national language of the Russian people, as the state language of the Russian Federation and the language of interethnic communication, the connection between the language and culture of the people, the role of the native language in the life of a person and society.

2. Understanding the place of the native language in the system of the humanities and its role in education in general.

3. Mastering the basics of scientific knowledge about the native language; understanding the relationship of its levels and units.

4. Mastering the basic concepts of linguistics: linguistics and its main sections; language and speech, speech communication, oral and written speech; monologue, dialogue and their types; the situation of verbal communication; colloquial speech, scientific, journalistic, official business styles, the language of fiction; genres of scientific, journalistic, official business styles and colloquial speech; functional semantic types of speech (narration, description, reasoning); text, text types; the main units of the language, their features and features of use in speech.

5. Mastering the main stylistic resources of the vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language, the basic norms of the Russian literary language (orphoepic, lexical, grammatical, spelling, punctuation), the norms of speech ethics and their use in their speech practice when creating oral and written statements.

6. Recognition and analysis of the basic units of the language, grammatical categories of the language, the appropriate use of language units adequately to the situation of speech communication.

7. Carrying out various types of word analysis (phonetic, morphemic, word-forming, lexical, morphological), syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences, multi-aspect analysis of the text in terms of its main features and structure, belonging to certain functional varieties of the language, features of language design, use of expressive means of the language;

8. Understanding the communicative and aesthetic possibilities of lexical and grammatical synonymy and using them in your own speech practice.

9. Awareness of the aesthetic function of the native language, the ability to evaluate the aesthetic side of the speech statement in the analysis of fiction texts.

1. The ability to independently determine the goals of one's learning, set and formulate new tasks for oneself in learning and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of their cognitive activity.

2. The ability to independently plan alternative ways to achieve goals, to consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems.

3. The ability to correlate one's actions with the planned results, to control one's activities in the process of achieving the result, to determine the methods of action within the framework of the proposed conditions and requirements, to adjust one's actions in accordance with the changing situation.

4. The ability to assess the correctness of the implementation of the educational task, their own ability to solve it.

5. Possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice in educational and cognitive activities.

6. Conscious possession of the logical actions of defining concepts, generalizing, establishing analogies and classifications based on an independent choice of bases and criteria, establishing generic relationships.

7. Ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and conclusions.

8. The ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational and cognitive tasks.

9. Ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group; find a common solution and resolve conflicts on the basis of coordinating positions and taking into account interests; formulate, argue and defend your opinion.

10. The ability to adequately and consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication: to display one's feelings, thoughts and needs, planning and regulating one's activities; possession of oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech.

11. Formation and development of competence in the field of using information and communication technologies.

12. Application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life; the ability to use the native language as a means of obtaining knowledge in other academic subjects; application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of the analysis of linguistic phenomena at the interdisciplinary level (at the lessons of a foreign language, literature, etc.).

13. Communicative expedient interaction with people around in the process of verbal communication, joint performance of any task, participation in disputes, discussions of topical issues; mastering the national and cultural norms of speech behavior in various situations of formal and informal interpersonal and intercultural communication.

Appendix 4Reference table for modeling a training session in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Stages of the training session

Educational tasks

UUD formed at this stage

Possible methods and techniques of execution

1. Organizational stage. Self-determination to activity.

1. Organize the updating of the requirements for students in terms of educational activities.

2. Create conditions for the emergence of internal needs, inclusion in educational activities.


Volitional self-regulation;


Meaningfulness (I have to look...)


Planning educational cooperation with the teacher and with peers.

Officer's report; greeting teacher musical, poetic; psychological mood.

2. Checking homework.

Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in activity. Statement of the educational task.

1. Organize the actualization of the studied methods of action, sufficient to build new knowledge.

2. Fix the updated methods of action in speech (repetition of the rules).

3.Fix actual methods of action in signs (standards, schemes, support according to the rules).

4. Organize a generalization of the updated. Ways of action. Motivate for learning action.

5. Organize the implementation of the educational action by students.

6. Record learning difficulties (group or individual).


General educational skills to structure knowledge, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities.

Brain teaser:

Analysis, comparison, synthesis.


Control and evaluation of forecasting (in the analysis of educational action).

Additional questions.

Continue student's answer.

Call to the board of several students.

Survey on a separate item of the plan.

Message of the topic and purpose in the form of a problem task.

Topic message in the form of a heuristic question.

Drawing up a map of thoughts of activity drawing up a cluster.

3. Building a project for getting out of a difficulty

Organize build project learning new knowledge:

1) students set the goal of the project (goal - topic);

2) students determine the means (algorithms, models, reference books, the Internet ...);

3) students formulate the steps that need to be taken to achieve the goal.


Goal-setting as a setting of an educational task;




The ability to structure knowledge, the formulation and formulation of a problem, the ability to consciously and arbitrarily build speech statements.

General education:

Modeling, the choice of the most effective ways of solving problems.

Work with the definition of introductory concepts.

Use of household analogies.

Representation of the main material in verbal and symbolic forms.

Representation of the main material in comparative and classified. Spreadsheets, modular learning, project-based learning.

4. Primary fastening.

Implementation of the constructed project and consolidation of the studied methods of action.

1. Organize the implementation of the constructed project in accordance with the plan.

2. Organize the fixation of a new mode of action in speech.

3. Organize the fixation of a new action in signs.

4. Discussion of the possibility of applying a new method of action to solve all tasks of this type.

5. Organize the assimilation by children of a new mode of action in external speech (in pairs or groups, frontally)


Planning of educational cooperation.


Search and selection of necessary information;

semantic reading;

Construction of a logical chain of reasoning.

Drawing up a map of thought activity.

Question-answer communication.

group work

5. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Control and self-assessment of knowledge and methods of action.

1. Organize the student's independent performance of typical tasks for a new mode of action.

2. Organize comparison of work with the standard for self-examination.

3. According to the results of the independent implementation, organize a reflection of the activity on the application of a new way of activity.


Control and correction in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard.


The ability to consciously and voluntarily build statements.

Multilevel work.

Design tasks in several ways of solving.

Tasks for highlighting essential features.

6. Correction of knowledge and methods of action

1. Organize the identification of task types where a new mode of action is used.

2. Organize the repetition of the educational content necessary to ensure meaningful continuity.



The use of special Tasks divided into small steps.

Structural-logical schemes.

Tasks with redundant, conflicting data.

7. Summing up the lesson, information about homework.

1. Organize the fixation of the new content studied in the lesson.

2. Organize the fixation of unresolved difficulties in the lesson as directions for future learning activities.

3. Organize discussion and recording of homework.


Ability to structure knowledge;

Evaluation of processes and results of activity.


Volitional self-regulation;

Awareness of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned.

3 levels of homework (best option).

Teacher's report on class work; debriefing themselves-mi learn-Xia.

8. Reflection

1. Organize students' reflection on their psycho-emotional state.

Motivation, their activities, interaction with the teacher and classmates.


Ability to express your thoughts;

Evaluation of the quality of one's own and general educational activities.




Organizing time

Motivation for learning activities

inclusion in educational activities at a personally significant level.

1. Conditions are created for the child to have an internal need to be included in educational activities (“I want”).

2. The requirements for it from the side of educational activity are being updated (“must”).

3. A thematic framework is established (“I can”).

Good wishes, moral support, motto, etc.;

conversation, communication, self-examination of homework according to a ready-made model, etc.

6 m.

Actualization of basic knowledge

Readiness and awareness of the need to build a new way of action (preparation and motivation of students for the proper independent implementation of a trial educational action, its implementation and fixation of individual difficulties are organized).

1. Actualization of the studied methods of action, sufficient for the construction of new knowledge, and their generalization and sign fixation.

2. Actualization of the corresponding mental operations and cognitive processes.

3. Motivating students to a trial educational action (“must” - “can” - “want”), and its independent implementation.

4. Fixation by students of individual difficulties in the performance of a trial educational action or its justification.

Collective forms of work: communicative interaction in groups or frontal; inciting dialogue, etc.;

individual forms of work: tasks for self-fulfillment, vocabulary dictation, etc.;

verbal fixation of various solutions and the lack of a studied justification for them.

Determining the topic of the lesson, setting the goals of the lesson.

Identification of the place and cause of difficulty and setting the goal of the activity.

Construction of a project for getting out of difficulty (goal, method, plan, means),

those. construction by children of a new way of action and the formation of abilities for its implementation.

Comparison of actions by children with the method used (where?); identification and verbal fixation of the cause of the difficulty (why?). On this basis, students set the goal of the activity, offer a variant of the wording of the topic of the lesson, which is specified by the teacher. Students choose a method for solving a learning problem - a property, concepts, an algorithm, a model, etc. - and on its basis they build a plan to achieve the goal, put forward, justify and test hypotheses; determine means, use objective actions with models, diagrams, etc.; a new way of action is fixed - verbally and symbolically; the process is led by the teacher: at first, with the help of a leading dialogue, then with a prompting one, and then with the help of research methods)

Communicative interaction, leading dialogue, encouraging

dialogue; inclusion of an emotional component: “bright spot”, praise, etc. Communicative interaction, leading dialogue, encouraging dialogue, brainstorming, etc.; the use of motor activity, material and materialized models.

6 m

Primary fixing

Primary consolidation of a new mode of action with pronunciation in external speech.

Students in the form of communicative interaction (frontally, in groups, in pairs) solve typical tasks for a new method of action with pronunciation of the solution algorithm aloud, draw up new algorithms.

Commutative interaction based on verbal and sign fixation;

"chains", competitions, game situations, etc.

7 m

Independent work

Independent work with self-examination and self-assessment, consolidation of a new way of action; reflection of the achievement of the goal.

Independent completion of a task for a new method of action; self-checking according to the algorithm; creating a situation of success; those who make mistakes identify their cause and correct errors.

Training in the procedure of competent self-control;

written work of a small volume, narrow typical orientation;

individual activity.

6 m


The inclusion of "discovery" in the system of knowledge; repetition and consolidation of what was previously studied. At this stage, the limits of applicability of new knowledge are identified and tasks are performed in which a new mode of action is envisaged as an intermediate step. Organizing this stage, the teacher selects tasks in which the use of previously studied material is trained, which has methodological value for the introduction of new methods of action in the future. Thus, on the one hand, there is an automation of mental actions according to the studied norms, and on the other hand, preparation for the introduction of new norms in the future.

Students are offered tasks in which a new mode of action is associated with previously studied ones; training tasks are systematically included; bringing previously formed abilities to the level of automated skill; correction of errors, preparation for the study of the following topics.

Communicative interaction - mainly in groups or pairs;

the ability to choose tasks for students;

inclusion of design elements.


Reflection of educational activities in the lesson (the result of the lesson)

Reflection of learning activities in the classroom (realization of the method of overcoming difficulties in activities, the limits of applying new knowledge), self-assessment of the results of activities.

Organization of reflection and self-assessment by students of their activities in the lesson; fixing the correspondence between the results of activities and the set goal; planning further activities and determining tasks for self-study (homework with elements of choice, creativity).

Conversation, independent work; discussion of questions: What new did you learn? How did you complete the task? Where is this method used? What are the results? What else needs to be done?

It is possible to use special signals: color, sign, scale, etc. to indicate the degree of achievement of the goal of the activity.

Appendix 6Russian language lesson 5th grade

Subject:« Phrase "

Type: lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge

Goals:activity: the formation of students' skills to implement new ways of action

to achieve personal results: development of the ability to self-esteem based on observation of one's own

speech (oral and written), the formation of value orientations,

the formation of the boundaries of one's own knowledge and ignorance

to achieve meta-subject results: development of the ability to extract information from various sources,

the ability to adequately understand information, the ability to build oral

statements, the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions,

argue your point of view

on achievement of substantive results: formation of the concept of a phrase, ways of connecting words in

phrases, types of phrases,development of the ability to find and

highlight phrases in a sentence, find the main and dependent

word, determine the type of phrase.


Lesson stage

Actions of the teacher

Student activities

Universal Actions

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD


1. Stage of motivation (self-determination) for learning activities

Organizes the beginning of the lesson, checks the availability of writing materials

Students write down the date, check the readiness for the lesson

Goal setting

2. Actualization of knowledge, formulation of an educational problem

Look out the window at what the weather is like outside: autumn, gloomy sky, rain, slush. And I suggest that we all go to the summer, to the sea. ( Slide #1)

Look at the screen, tell me what you see on the slide? Let's write these words: Sun, sea, beach, weather, vacation .

And now let's pick up adjectives for them, verbs that will help us describe everything we see. ( Blue sea, bright sun, relaxing on the sea, lying on the beach, calm weather, swimming in the sea, white clouds ). (slide number 2)

Write down the words

Make up phrases

Independent choice of the most effective ways to solve this task

Planning learning collaboration with teacher and peers

3. Discovery of new knowledge

So what have we done? ( Compiled phrases ).

Let's try to determine the topic of our lesson. ( phrase ). (slide number 3)

Fine. Now let's return to our phrases and think about why it is impossible to say, for example: blue sun, bright weather? (Words in a phrase are connected in meaning ).

What do you think, where is the main word in our phrases, and where is the dependent? How can this be determined? ( Ask a question from the main word to the dependent ). Let's define in our phrases. ( slide number 4)

Blue ocean

bright sun

seaside vacation

lie on the beach

calm weather

swim in the sea

White clouds

What parts of speech are the main words? ( Noun and verb ).

Maybe someone will try to determine what 2 types of phrases exist? ( nominal and verbal ). And now indicate the type of our phrases. ( slide number 5).

Let's take a look at the textbook. What information was new to you? ( The grammatical stem is not a phrase; Words are connected grammatically: with the help of an ending or ending with a preposition).

Participate in a new topic

Determine the main and dependent word

Read §26

Modeling, the ability to structure knowledge, the ability to consciously and arbitrarily build a speech statement

Proactive cooperation in the search and selection of information

Planning, forecasting, evaluation, correction, control

4. Primary consolidation of new knowledge

You and I made up phrases, determined the main and dependent words, types of phrases. And now we will work with sentences and try to write out phrases from them. (work in pairs)

Exercise: To make a syntactic analysis of sentences, write out phrases, parse them, determine the type of phrases.

1. Here are the last leaves flying around from the trees.

The last leaves (adj. + n.) them. s/s

They flew from the trees (v.+n.) ch. s/s

2. Live nature sensitively responds to the seasons. (slide number 7)

Wildlife (adj. + n.) them. s/s

Sensitively responds (adv. + ch.) ch. s/s

Seasons (noun + noun) them. s/s

Responds to seasons. (v.+n.) ch. s/s

3. A carpet of wet leaves covers gardens and parks. (slide number 8)

Carpet of leaves (n. + n.) them. s/s

Wet leaves (adj. + n.) them. s/s

Covers gardens (ch.+n.) ch. s/s

Covers parks (ch.+n.) ch. s/s

4. Large drops of night rain hung on the bare branches. (slide number 9)

On bare branches (adj.+n.) im.s/s

Drops hung (v.+n.) ch. s/s

Raindrops (n.+n.) im. s/s

Night rain (adj.+n.) im.s/s

Work in pairs. Trainers write off sentences, perform syntactic analysis, write out phrases.

Choosing effective ways to solve tasks

Control, correction and evaluation of the partner's actions

Accept and save the learning task, make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made

5. Stage of independent work with subsequent self-test according to the standard

Well done. And now I propose to solve the test. And you will evaluate it yourself. ( Slide number 10, 11, 12)

1. In what phrase wrong key word highlighted:

A) walk fast;

B) Silver river;

IN) Wet from the rain;

D) fervently dance.

2. What combination of words is not phrase:

A) visit the museum;

B) Exhibition hall;

B) Close to home

D) The school is closed.

3. Specify nominal phrase:

a) play snowballs

B) Mobile children;

B) looking far away

D) You go out with your friends.

4.Specify verbal phrase:

A) hot tea

B) lies on the lawn;

B) playing volleyball

D) Help for parents.

Slide number 11:

slide number 12:

Test evaluation criteria:

    No errors - "5"

    1 error - "4"

    2-3 errors - "3"

    4 errors - "2"

Students take a peer-reviewed test.

Be able to control the actions of a partner

Control, correction and awareness of what has already been learned and what is still to be learned

6. Reflection of activity

And now I will ask you to answer a series of questions and continue the sentences:

(slide number 13)

    Today in class we remembered...

    Today in class we talked about...

    Today in class I learned...

Participate in class discussions

To be able to formulate one's own opinion and position, to be able to negotiate and come to a common decision

7. Homework

§26, ex. 132, 134

Record D/Z.

Appendix 7. Technological map of the lesson __Literature in 5th class ___

(subject, class)

FULL NAME. teachers _Truntseva T. H. _____________________________________________________

Lesson topic _Gerasim and his entourage in the work of I.S. Turgenev "Mumu" __________________________

Lesson form _creative workshop __________________________________________________

The purpose of the lesson _write a speech on behalf of the mute Gerasim; make your final piece ________________

Lesson type _reflection lesson _____________________________________________________________________

Lesson stage

Purpose of the stage


Teacher activity

UUD students

Student results




subject and meta-subject


Creating conditions for the inclusion of students in educational activities at a personally significant level - conditions for working in a creative workshop (preparation of algorithms and memos for compiling oral and written speech statements)

Self- and mutual diagnostics in order to identify problem areas in the topic under study (analysis of episodes of the story); collective activity in the organization of a creative workshop (diagnostics in order to determine the personal role of the student)

Creating a situation of motivation for learning: organizing a creative workshop. Individual project assignments as part of a group to create a heuristic situation. For example:

Answer the questions. What was “remarkable” about the janitor Gerasim, one of the mistress’s numerous servants? What gave it solemn importance?

Readiness for self-education (preparation for designing an individual route for replenishing problem areas in the analysis of a narrative text); formulating questions necessary for organizing one's own and collective activities and cooperation with a partner during a creative workshop (composing a written speech statement)

Independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal (to develop an algorithm for analyzing an episode); formulation of the problem (how to build and implement an algorithm for analyzing a prose text); question the reliability of information based on existing knowledge, life experience (reviewing expressive reading)

Formation of an atmosphere of research, creativity, co-creation (the distribution of roles in the study of the text, the compilation of an individual and collective written / oral speech statement)

Definition in the work of plot elements, composition, figurative and expressive means of language, understanding of their role in revealing the ideological and artistic content of the work (elements of philological analysis); possession of elementary literary terminology in the analysis of a literary work

Expressed stable educational and cognitive motivation and interest in learning; observance of moral standards in relation to adults and peers in the lesson; stable cognitive interest and the formation of meaning-forming functions of a cognitive motive; awareness of oneself as the driving force of one's learning

Setting the goal of educational activity on the basis of weighing what is already known and us-military, and what is unknown: choosing (designing) ways and means of its implementation

Individual and collective project activities (construction of an individual route for filling problem areas in the studied material, formation of UUD, personal results)

The choice of means and methods adequate to the set goals. Collective performance of tasks with the advisory assistance of a teacher to create a dialogue situation. For example:

Based on the statement given below by V.I. Kule-shov, answer the questions. "Mumu" is a story about the powerful need of a person to overcome the feeling of loneliness in the world. Why are the lady, Gerasim, Tatyana lonely? How do they overcome their loneliness? Do you agree that Mumu is a story about a powerful human need to overcome the feeling of loneliness?

Independent or with the help of a teacher, the determination of the purpose of educational activity; formulation and retention of the educational task; mastering the basics of familiarization, search, studying, assimilating reading; determination of successive intermediate goals, taking into account the final result

Formation of subject concepts, skills of systematization of knowledge on the subject; structuring the text, understanding the essence of research work as an indicator of the success of educational activities

Presentation of specific content and its communication in written and oral forms

The use of practical skills of introductory, studying, viewing methods of reading and analysis in accordance with communicative, subject tasks; use of methods of working with information sources

Readiness for self-education, choice of specialized education; mastering the cultural heritage of Russia and the world; mastering social norms, rules of conduct, roles and forms of social life in groups and communities, including adults and social communities

Primary reflection (fixing individual difficulties in trial action): control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard, that is, setting the research problem

Critical thinking, research activity; problem learning; self-analysis, self-diagnosis of the results of educational activities

Assistance in formulating the goal and educational results in the language of skills (competencies). Tasks for the development of artistic thinking and speech. For example:

Find out the hero of the story "Mumu" by description

Realization of reflection of one's activity and one's behavior in the process of training session and correction; implementation of control, correction, evaluation of the partner's actions; persuasion

The ability to take the position of an expert in relation to demonstrated competencies in various types of activities and evaluate them using appropriate criteria

Arguing your point of view

Implementation of practical skills in individual and collective activities in accordance with the technology of critical thinking

An adequate assessment of one's ability to achieve a goal of a certain complexity in various areas of independent, pair and collective activity; adequate self-assessment of the correctness of the actions and making the necessary adjustments to the execution (both at the end of the action and in the course of its implementation)

(fixation of PML results)

Primary design of an individual route for the replenishment of problem areas in the studied topic, in the formation of meta-subject and personal results

Step-by-step formation of mental actions, diagnostics of subject, meta-subject and personal results

Diagnostics of the leading methods of research, analytical, thought-creative activity; inclusion in educational activities (compilation of algorithms for oral and written statements). Tasks for creating a situation of criticism of the implementation, followed by mutual verification by memo. For example:

Based on the statement below, answer the questions. “We are a young and strong people who believe and have the right to believe in their future ...” (I.S. Turgenev.) Do you agree with the writer?

Reflection of one’s activity and one’s behavior in the process of a training session and correction of their results

Establishment of rules for productive independent work and learning activities based on them

Evaluation of judgment and one's point of view; establishing working relationships with others; effective cooperation and promotion of productive cooperation; integration into a group (pair) of peers and building productive interaction with peers and adults in the conditions of solving the subject task

Drawing up an algorithm for solving a practical problem (editing oral and written speech statements), work on the algorithm (analysis) of the episode; reviewing oral and written speech statements; determination in the work of the elements of the plot, composition, figurative and expressive means of the language, understanding their role in revealing the ideological and artistic content of the work (elements of philological analysis); possession of elementary literary terminology in the analysis of a literary work

Using the experience gained, information to enrich subject knowledge; formation of stable cognitive interests; formation of a holistic worldview, corresponding to the modern level of development of science and social practice, taking into account social, cultural, linguistic, spiritual diversity modern world

(self-diagnostics) and reflection PML results

Self-examination of skills to apply forming skills in typical conditions: isolation and awareness of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned; awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; performance evaluation

Self- and mutual diagnostics of PML results

Creation of conditions for individual, collective work, taking into account individual difficulties in independent and group activities; designing methods of activity based on the individual difficulties of students identified and indicated in the summary (collective) diagnostic map. Collective performance of the task, followed by self-checking according to the algorithm for its implementation. For example:

Write a speech on behalf of the mute Gerasim. What feelings is it filled with?

Designing methods and forms of individual-personal and collective educational activities based on the individual difficulties of students identified and indicated in the summary (collective) diagnostic map; an adequate assessment of one's ability to achieve a goal of a certain complexity in various areas of independent, pair and collective activity

Filling in an individual diagnostic card in order to develop an individual route to overcome problem areas (difficulty areas)

Display in speech (description, explanation) of the content of the actions performed, both in the form of loud socialized speech and in the form of inner speech

Creation and transformation of models, schemes, algorithms for filling in individual and collective diagnostic maps of typical errors in the performance of a subject task, recommendations for solving a subject task for such a type of speech as reasoning

Formation of programs for personal achievements, overcoming problem areas in knowledge and methods of activity; the formation of a conscious, respectful, friendly attitude to another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, language, faith, citizenship, history, culture, religion, traditions, languages, values ​​of the peoples of Russia

Designing a differentiated home-machine task

Drawing up an individual route for homework as part of a collective project in accordance with the individual capabilities and subject preparedness of the student

Individual and collective project activities; differentiated learning

Orienting students to the use of memos and algorithms when performing differentiated homework.

For example:

Write your fi-nal "Mumu". What would you change in Gerasim's behavior?

On the basis of existing knowledge, life experience, question the reliability of information; discover the value or unreliability of information, find gaps in information, ways to fill gaps

The use of practical skills of introductory, studying, viewing ways of reading in accordance with the set communicative task

Participation in a collective discussion of problems; the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication

Drawing up an individual route for replenishing problem areas in PML areas of activity

Independent control of your time and the ability to distribute it; ascertaining and anticipating control by result and by method of action; actual control at the level of voluntary attention; self-analysis of results and self-assessment of readiness to perform tasks of different levels of complexity


    Truntseva T.N. Designing technological maps for literature and Russian language lessons. 5 - 9 grades. – M.: VAKO, 2015. - 176s. - (Workshop of the teacher-philosopher).

    Tsvetkova G.V. Russian language. Grade 5: technological maps of lessons according to the textbook by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.A. Trostentsova [and others]. I part. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015. - 315s.

    Bondur N.G., Pichugina M.A., Churilova T.G. Designing a technological map of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Approbation of the technological map of the lesson [Electronic resource]// Access mode:

    Zaitseva I.I. Technological map of the lesson. Guidelines. [Electronic resource.] // Access mode:

    IN AND. Gromova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philological Education, State Autonomous Educational Institution DPO "SarIPKiPRO". Basic principles of drawing up a technological map of the lesson

    Master class "Creating technological maps of the lesson." Posted by: Irina Anatolyevna Fomenko - Thu, 19/02/2009 - 23:19

    Creating a technological map of the lesson Monakhova Galina Konstantinovna, teacher primary school, MBOU "Avsyuninskaya secondary school". [Electronic resource.]

The technological map allows you to design the educational process. The task of the teacher when creating it is to show the so-called activity approach in the learning process. Describing each stage of the lesson in a technological map, the teacher designs his own activities and the expected actions of students. Below are the requirements for the technological map of the lesson in the primary grades and a description of its structure.

Modern lesson ideas (i.e. lesson requirements):

The purpose and objectives of the lesson are set out clearly and specifically;

The main goal is to achieve specific results (universal learning activities);

Pupils are motivated to activity;

A problem situation has been created in the lesson;

The relationship between the activities of students in the lesson with the goal (achievement of planned results) is traced;

Conditions for independent work of students are created;

The requirements of SanPin are taken into account;

At the lesson, the teacher creates conditions for the formation of the evaluation activity of students and reflection.

Flow chart structure:

1. The goal that the teacher wants to achieve in the lesson (only one goal is indicated, it should not be confused with the concept of "lesson objectives"). If possible, the problem (i.e. idea) of the lesson, the objectives of the lesson (ways to achieve the goal) are stated. Planned results of the lesson (formed at the UUD lesson) - verbs are used in an indefinite form (see GEF). Used educational technologies and methods (including listing health-saving technologies). Used teaching aids (electronic and printed resources, textbook, teaching aids, visual aids, equipment).

2. The course of the lesson. Created from two columns. The first column is called "Teacher's Activities" (during each stage of the lesson, you need to briefly describe the teacher's actions using such words as: "organizes, creates, reads, promotes, helps", etc.). The second column is "Students' activities" (it can be described using the words: "read, analyze, make assumptions, generalize, agree", etc.). At the end of each stage of the lesson, the teacher necessarily organizes the control and evaluation activities of students, and students conduct self-assessment of learning activities and results.

The course of the lesson consists of 4 main stages, which must be reflected in the map. The teacher can break each stage into smaller ones, depending on his own design. It is necessary to describe the actions, not the expected responses of the students. Direct speech should be used as little as possible, only if it is not possible to replace it with a descriptive phrase.

Stage 1. Statement of the educational task. The teacher creates a problem situation and organizes the actions of the students so that they themselves (if possible) formulate the problem. Together with the teacher, the children determine the topic of the lesson. An audit is being carried out on the existing this moment children have the knowledge and skills that will be necessary to solve the formulated problem.

Stage 2. Organization of cognitive activity. The teacher and students plan the work for the lesson. In the course of performing special tasks, new knowledge is discovered, UUDs are formed, a previously formulated problem is solved, etc.

Stage 3. Consolidation and inclusion in the knowledge system. The teacher organizes independent activities of students aimed at consolidating, generalizing, accepting, including new knowledge or skills in the system of existing knowledge, self-control and self-esteem, etc.

Stage 4. Reflection of learning activities in the classroom. Correlate the goal set at the beginning of the lesson with the planned results. Diagnosis of achievement of planned results. Self-assessment of the activities of students (and teachers) in the lesson. The final results of solving the problem (or learning task) formulated at the beginning of the lesson. Practical application of new knowledge and skills.

The technological map of the lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard is a form of planning the pedagogical relationship between the student and the teacher, which contains a number of actions to achieve the goals of highly qualified education in the sequence displayed at the stages of the lessons. The use of such a sequence helps to optimize the process of forming the personality of schoolchildren and their development.

In contact with


This concept came into being from the terms used in industry, where it was used as technological documentation in the form of a map (table) located on one sheet and containing a description of the ongoing process, which includes a certain type of object, actions regarding it, time mode and forecasting.

The technological map of the lesson today is an innovation in which such specific features as manufacturability, generalization, ideological content, interactivity, consistency in working with information material are noticeably revealed. These characteristic phenomena are aimed at improvement of methods teaching students in schools and other educational institutions.

Technological map of the lesson on GEF. Tasks of the teacher

To create a "holistic picture of the lesson", the teacher is invited to use this form of methodological products to structure the lesson and conduct it in a modern way, that is, to realize his vision in planning classes in terms of disclosing the material.

The lesson should have a developing and at the same time problematic character, arouse the interest of students and promote the activity of schoolchildren.

When using this method of teaching a lesson, regardless of the subject (mathematics, in English, labor, physical education, etc.), the teacher should focus on the motives and tasks on the basis of which the achievement of educational results by students will be obtained, while they should be formulated not in the form of a list of the usual formulations (skills, abilities and knowledge), but in the form of ways of their activity (for example, actions in the lesson).

The teacher must be able to constructively planning abilities; know the goals and objectives of the subject; be able to navigate in the most effective educational and methodological materials in their subject; take into account the learning conditions and age characteristics of students; monitor the level of the general development of the class.

The technological map according to the Federal State Educational Standard is a graphical table that is intended for recording during the course of the lesson (mathematics, English, physics or any other subject; including for elementary grades).

The task of the teacher is to develop a table and reflect it contains the following points:

This card is an important aspect for the teacher in that it serves as an assistant in the more developed formation of the lesson and in the formation (status) of the teacher in the eyes of the students, taking into account the innovations of modern life. Recordings in it enable the teacher, even during preparation, to detail as much as possible lesson content and effectively reflect the main points of the planned program corresponding to the topic of the lesson; and also allow at each stage to assess the potential efficiency and rationality of the chosen way of work, form, method, means and type of teaching activity.

How to develop a technological map of the GEF lesson?

This issue affects many teachers and is considered especially difficult today for employees of regional secondary educational institutions. However, one should not take such an innovation negatively, since everything in the world improves over time, including the specifics of education. Scientists believe that this system of conducting training sessions is most necessary for students in rural schools, because it is aimed at achieving deep knowledge of schoolchildren and their conformity with modern lifestyle.

There are four main trends in the preparation of the technological map of the lesson according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

Structure, form and content

A new way of conducting lessons allows you to see the educational material systematically and holistically, as well as to design the learning process in schools in order to master the topic under study. Therefore, a properly designed flow chart will contribute to the effective perception of students and the coordination of the actions of the teacher and students, which will ultimately lead to to a positive result both the work of the teacher and the success of the students.

The requirements for the development of this document are not regulated at the legislative level, i.e. the form and structure can be created at the discretion of the teacher, taking into account the goals and work for the result; However, there are a number of recommendations that are worth listening to.

The technological map reflects the essence of the lesson, therefore, among required elements should be:

The purpose of the lesson should be a way of presenting information on a specific topic in a way that is aimed at fulfilling educational and educational tasks, as well as at the full disclosure of the subject. It is determined by such factors as the ways of implementing the planned lesson and the planned results.

Lesson objectives - is the purpose of the activity under certain conditions, which is based on the achievement by transforming these conditions, according to certain actions. The necessary cycle of productive thinking is closely related to the setting and formulation of tasks by the subject himself when performing tasks of a problematic nature (especially in such complex subjects as mathematics, physics and chemistry). Tasks may be intentional or occur in practical tasks; the hierarchical sequence of tasks helps to form the program of activities.

Planned results needed foresee. Their wording should reflect the relevance to the objectives (i.e. the number of tasks corresponds to the number of results); uniformity is recommended.

Let us give as an example the development of a technological map of a lesson in the Russian language.

Technological map of the Russian language lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard

To design the "header" of the table, it is enough to indicate the name of the subject (for example, "Russian language"; topic of the lesson (example: " Synonyms. Meaning in Russian.„); lesson type (it can be „ open lesson of new knowledge" or " presentation“); predicted results (reflecting the goals and methods of learning in tasks (requiring knowledge from students)); didactic tools (meaning textbooks, tasks on cards, etc.); equipment (various layouts, stickers, etc.).

The table and entries in it should be concise and clear, as redundant information will make it difficult to use. developed lesson plan. A few main sections are enough, the notes in which emphasize the essence, intent and result of the lesson.

Suggested sections:

  • lesson stages;
  • form, methods, system of work;
  • content of teacher-student interaction;
  • activity of the teacher;
  • activities of students;
  • achievements in UUD;
  • lesson results.

Fill Features

The forms of organization of the lesson include: individual, frontal, work in pairs, work in groups. When filling out the table, it is necessary to take into account these types of training sessions.

Regarding the traditional stages of the lesson, the arrangement of the teacher's actions is as follows: the stages directly depend on the type of lesson; it is allowed to exclude or combine the stages of classes. This section makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness and rationality of the selected methods and approaches in organizing a lesson in a temporary mode and analyze the content of the material, the correctness of the applied forms and methods of work. Initially, there is a greeting, then the preparation of students for active actions and their actions regarding the task. The components of the steps are: Organizing time, motivation and orientation of students, results and reflection (state of students).

When indicating the achievements of UUD and summing up the results, it is allowed to use the working material of the educational program.

As for the activities of the teacher, it is necessary to calculate in advance all the actions that will come from him. You can indicate your actions with the help of phrases: "greeting students", "checking students' readiness", "voicing the topic of the lesson", "creating a favorable environment", "promotion of the problem", "formulation of the task", "control over the performance of work", "organization of self-examination", "assessment".

Planning the activities of students can be reflected in the following phrases: "work with a notebook", "commenting", "reading", "writing a dictation", "giving examples", "highlighting the main thing", "analyzing", "self-examination", "expressing one's own opinion" "presentation" etc. For elementary grades: "answering questions", "working with cards" and so on.

The predicted results are divided into personal, meta-subject and subject.

Personal predictable results include learning methods that are entered in the table in the form of the following statements: "teach how to test yourself", teach how to evaluate your actions", "teach how to work in a team and evaluate your contribution to common activities" and so on.

Metosubject predicted results reflect goals such as: “to teach to highlight the main and analyze” or “to teach the algorithm of actions” etc. ; subject, in turn, reflect the requirements of the teacher and specify the topic of the lesson: "define synonymous words", "give examples of synonymous words" and etc.

Important present the lesson like this so that he stimulates schoolchildren to develop and at the same time educates them. You need to use phrases like “contribute to education (development or formation)…”, “create conditions for education (development or formation)…”. To the content of the technological map, you can add various drawings and solutions (for lessons in mathematics, physics and other computational sciences), texts (for lessons in English or Russian and other humanitarian subjects), goals and ongoing oral assignments for primary school students and other additions.

To improve and speed up the process, it is recommended to use computer programs on the development of the table and its content. There are also programs regarding a specific subject with a description of all UUD and the effectiveness of the predicted outcomes. Using the "electronic constructor", the work of the teacher in terms of development is greatly simplified; the program is almost completely automated (when typing the name of the topic of the lesson and the number of the lesson, the rest of the parameters are entered into the table template automatically; manually, only the text is entered into the content section and the necessary correction is carried out).

A sample flow sheet for a lesson on GEF

It is not so difficult to make a technological map of the lesson. It is enough to rely on the principles of a systematic approach. The content and number of vertical columns are based on the course of the session and the role of the participants, while the number of rows determined by lesson type, which indicates the dynamism of the technological map.