Ships on the map online in the black sea. Passing the quest "Treasure Hunt" in Prey. Search and determination of the position of the vessel

There are services that provide information about ships online in real time on the map. These services are an indispensable tool for the charterer, as he must know the approximate time of arrival of the vessel at the designated port for loading or unloading. Some contracts indicate that the delivery of cargo must be carried out within a certain period of time and the ship is not allowed to enter ports for its own needs and take accompanying cargo. It follows from this that if the vessel deviates from the course, the contract may be terminated.

MarineTraffic is an online service for tracking the route of ships

The site provides information on the whereabouts of ships online. This is a world map with ship icons in different colors. Each color represents a species, speed, control method and other information.

There are icons and icons around the map for control and customization. On the left in the menu there are buttons for configuring the map, such as layers, filter, traffic density maps, weather and others. Here you can find a ship by name, specifying the information in a special field. When you click on one of the ships on the map, information appears in the window about:

  • Name of the ship.
  • The speed at which the ship is traveling.
  • Well. Where and where it should come from.
  • Status.
  • Type of ship (passenger, tanker, etc.)

When you click on the name of the vessel already in the window that opens, a more complete page opens with detailed information about the ship in real time.

How to find a ship by name online on MarineTraffic

If you have some information about the ship you are interested in, then it will be easy to find it. Necessary:

  1. Go to the website -
  2. In the upper right window titled "Ship / Port" enter your information.
  3. In the window that appears, you need to click on the name of the vessel or port for detailed information.

By visiting the site, you will notice that the information is provided on English language... It can be changed by going down to the bottom of the page and clicking on the "Language" item. Select Russian from the drop-down menu.

The online map of ships is updated in real time, but you need to know that the movement of ships on the ocean is relatively small. The reason for the "freezing" of the ship can also be associated with the system itself, because it is not perfect and has flaws. Although it is improved from time to time, there are still areas of the ocean in which the signal disappears. In this case, you must wait for the signal to appear in order to continue tracking the vessel.

How AIS Works

Today, in order to ensure safety, all ships have an AIS identification system on board. It informs about the location of this or that vessel in the ocean and does not allow collisions. The distance the vessel can move away from the ground receiver is almost 400 km. The ground receiving system must be above sea level, and the ship's system must have a strong signal and a high-quality antenna. In this case, visitors can use the services of the service. - providing information on the whereabouts of ships online

Sea Tracker is a seafarer's portal that provides news and various files, mainly on the maritime scene.

By clicking the link in the top menu "Ais" we get to political map world, which also contains icons of ships, painted in different colors, depending on the type and purpose. The map menu on the service is a simplified version of the MarineTraffic service. Here, on the left in the menu, there are only 3 buttons - search, filter and layers. On the right there are 2 buttons that regulate the decrease or increase of the mini-map. Above the map there is a search window for a ship or port by name.

Colors of ships on the map of online services

Online maps of the oceans have the same color codes for the two listed services.

How to use the Seatracker real-time map of ships

  1. On the site follow the link at the top "Ais".
  2. On the map page, you can use the search and enter the name of the vessel.
  3. For convenience, on the left of the menu, there is a "Filter" button, using it you can select a vessel by color.
  4. Here, in the menu on the left, there is an icon with layers, by selecting which you can add or remove ports, station names, beacons and images to the map.

All information on the site comes from AIS data. The current time of the ship's stay, departure from the port and arrival at the port may vary by approximately 1 hour. The information on the online coordinates of all ships provided by the service is for informational purposes only and should not be used for navigation.

In contact with

Going through the registration procedure on the liner, the first thing you do is receive a ship card. it a plastic card with a magnetic stripe that is the key to your cabin... In this regard, it is no different from a key in a modern hotel. Upon entering the cabin, you need to unlock the lock by inserting the card into the reader.

This is how the ship charts of different companies look like.

The card usually contains your surname and first name, the date of the start and end of the cruise, the name of the restaurant in which you will have dinner, the number of the meal change and the number of the table. There should also be an identifier for the assembly point for the exercise and in the event of an emergency.

Also, this card will serve as your pass to the liner. When boarding the ship for the first time, each passenger is photographed and entered into the database. Later, when entering / leaving the ship, the ship's security service identifies you by the map, checking your face against the photo in the base. Thus, if you already have a card, you do not need a passport when entering / leaving the ship.

Calculation tool on the liner

The card has another important function - it is a means of payment with which you will pay for all services on board. An important point - n You cannot pay with personal money and a bank card on the ship... Each passenger on the liner is assigned a personal onboard account, the funds on which must be guaranteed either by a cash deposit or by linking to bank card... Any payments are made from the onboard account using the ship's card.

All this seems a little unusual, but in fact it is very convenient. While on board, you do not need to carry documents, cash, bank cards with you. You can leave your wallet in the cabin safe. All you need is a plastic ship card.

Fancy a cocktail at the bar? No problem, place an order and give the ship card to the waiter - the order amount will be debited from your onboard account. Along with the cocktail, the waiter will bring a check, which you will need to sign. Need to buy a tour or go for a massage? Just grab your ship's card. You can always check the status of the on-board account either in special machines, or through interactive TV in the cabin, or by requesting a statement at the reception. If you lose your card, you must contact the reception. The card will be blocked, and you will receive a new one.

As I wrote above, the onboard account is secured with either a cash deposit or a credit card - of your choice. Both methods have their pros and cons.

Linking to a bank card is more convenient in the sense that you do not need to monitor the state of the account, whether the funds have run out there. The downside is that the cruise company blocks the funds you spent on the card during the cruise and then, after the end of the cruise, debits the full amount. At the same time, previously blocked money can hang in the block for up to 40 days (depending on your bank). Thus, a temporary double write-off of funds is formed. Of course, the blocked money will be returned, but not immediately. For Europeans and Americans, this is not a problem, since they use credit cards and it is not their money that is blocked, but the bank's money. Russians, in 90% of cases, use debit cards, and their own money is blocked, which they may be counting on. This can come as an unpleasant surprise.

Making a deposit in cash in this plan is more convenient, no one will block your money. If you run out of money on your account, you will need to top up your account during the cruise. If at the end of the cruise money remains in the account, they will be returned to you.

In my opinion, the most convenient way is to link a card, but a credit card, with an interest-free maturity period... Nowadays many banks offer such cards. Thus, you will avoid blocking your money, and you will not have to think about the state of your account on vacation.

Always control whether your card is returned by the waiter, it happens that they get confused and you find yourself with someone else's card in your hands. You will have to contact the reception to block the old card.

A ship card is usually not taken away when disembarking, it remains with you - this is a good idea for collecting. Especially if you understand that cruise sickness struck you, and the completed cruise is not the last :)



Ship tracker

All ships on the map in real time. The map shows the location and coordinates of ships that participate in the program of the International Meteorological Organization and make meteorological measurements.

Https: // www.


MarineTraffic - ships on the map in real time.
There is a Russian language.


  1. Google map diagram,
  2. Google map satellite photo,
  3. OpenStreetMap.
Of course, there is a lot of information. An ordinary person doesn't need that much. I don’t know why you need a paid account, there’s enough free one. There is information on the ships, they are highlighted in different colors.

Https: // www. ...


Maersk ship routes and ship positions in real time.
A Google map is used - a satellite or a diagram. You can compare the size of the ship with the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, the Leaning Tower of Pisa ...
There is a visual insight into the history of the company.
There are panoramas of the ship, you can take a walk inside.

Https: //

Global Fishing Watch

More than 35,000 fishing boats on the map. You can see where they are at what time of the year. There is a time for catching each type of fish and a place.
Now we will know the most fishy places in the whole world! But in fact, the main task of the site is to help identify poachers.
We know poachers who fish for themselves, eat and sell to someone.
But much big problem creates poaching on large ships, it depletes the world's fish stocks. These are the ones that can be identified here.

The map represents the Far Eastern islands in the North Pacific Ocean. This quiet and calm region, which has been visited by many scientific expeditions, has become the arena for many fierce naval battles. The map is available for battles at levels III – V.


The map represents an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, located off the coast of Portugal. In the past, it was a strategically important position to control the movement of Allied convoys to Africa and Europe. The map is available for battles at IX-X levels.

Big Race

One of the cards for entry levels... It is characterized by a large peninsula in the southwest, an archipelago in the center and relatively free passage in the northeast. The archipelago in the center of the map can be skillfully used for unexpected ambushes and quick maneuvering combat, and the vast areas of open water along the flanks can be used for artillery duels at long and medium distances. The map is available for battles at levels III – V.


The battles at this location will take place in an archipelago of small and deserted islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The islands, located on the outskirts of the British metropolis, were formed under the influence of constant oceanic winds, which affected the harsh, but especially beautiful nature of these places. The map is available for battles at levels VII – X.

Mountain chain

South China Sea, a zone of disputes and military conflicts from the 18th century to the present day. The sea was the scene of active battles during the Second World War. It was here that, for the first time in history, a connection of battleships, which had complete freedom to maneuver on the high seas, was sunk exclusively by aircraft. The map is available for battles at IX-X levels.


The prototype of the map "Greece", available for IX-X levels, was the waters of the island of Santorini, but the atmosphere on the map is rainy and inhospitable.

Two brothers

The map is a small archipelago reminiscent of the northwest coast of the United Kingdom. The central element of the location is two very large islands separated by a strait. The map is available for battles at levels VII – X.

To the pole!

A special map for battles on ships of the first tier levels in the "Supremacy and" modes Standard fight". We can say that these are "Ice Islands" for younger levels. A small area of ​​the map, intended for dynamic battles of lower levels, dotted with ice islands and is ideal for fierce maneuvering battles. The map is available for battles at levels I – III.


It is a group of small tropical islands scattered in the Pacific Ocean that outwardly resemble Hawaii. They are located on the border of the interests of the forces of the allies and the fleet of the Japanese Empire. The map is available for battles at levels IV – VI.

The land of volcanoes

The map contains many volcanic islands and four extinct volcanoes. The main feature of the map is the respawn system: each team is divided into two groups that appear diagonally from each other. The abundance of small islands and narrow straits allows light, mobile ships to evade enemy fire, quickly find cover and hide from detection. The map is available for battles at levels VIII – X.

Ice Islands

The map is an area of ​​cold waters of the Far North and consists of several areas: clusters of small islands in the southern part of the map, larger islands in the north, large areas of open water in the center, in the west and east. The map is available for battles at IX-X levels.

Fault line

The map represents the northernmost part of the Pacific Ocean. Here, the US Navy carried out patrols to protect the borders of America. Small islands framing the center of the location and separated by narrow straits, as well as an open water area along the edges of the map, make this map universal for all ship classes presented in the game. The map is available for battles at levels V – VII.


The Trap map, available for Tier VIII – X battles, is a group of strategically important islands in the heart of the Pacific Theater of War. According to legend, between the rocky tropical islands and the vast atoll in the center, intense battles were fought between the American and Japanese fleets.

A new dawn

The map is a complex tropical landscape - a scattering of islands, behind which destroyers and cruisers can easily hide. Perfect for both squadron battles and single flank raids. Wide straits between land ledges will allow even a battleship to hide. The map is available for battles at levels IV – VII.

Sea of ​​Hope

The map is an interesting water area located in the waters between France and Britain. The map is available for battles at levels IX – X.

Tierra del Fuego

The map "Tierra del Fuego", available for Tiers VIII-X, is based on the South American coast, rich in deposits of strategically important resources. It is a very dangerous area: navigation on the map is hampered by the large number of islands with large copper mines. A unique feature of the location is narrow and oblong rock ridges, capable of sheltering small ships behind them.


The location is a vast, island-free area of ​​open water and therefore imposes special specifics on the tactics of the game. The Ocean map is ideal for squadron battles and long-range battles of heavy artillery ships. The map is available for battles at X levels.


The map was created on the basis of a real-life area near the Japanese island of the same name. The concept of the map was proposed by players O_sa070707zzzMELODY, lazerandr, NRG_9I and primus___ at the WoWs_Cartographer contest in September 2015. The map is available for battles at IX-X levels.


The Shards card offers the opportunity to fight among the islands of the North Sea, somewhere between Iceland and the Scandinavian Peninsula. The harsh landscape is decorated with a few settlements of fishermen and naval bases that support ships for the protection of polar convoys. The map is available for battles at levels VII – IX.


A small but very picturesque map, perfect for a first acquaintance with World of Warships. The main actions take place in the straits between the islands located in the central part of the map, where destroyers and light cruisers can use their advantage in speed and maneuverability, and heavy artillery ships can realize their potential at medium and short distances. The map is available for battles at levels I – III.

First frontier

The map on which the introductory mission for beginners takes place. In other aspects, the game is not used.

A loop

The map represents the intersection sea ​​routes in the Atlantic Ocean. The map is available for battles at levels IX – X.


The location was created based on the Mediterranean theater of war. The location will allow you to engage in battle off the coast of Italy, where the British fleet heroically defended Malta and the first massive attack of heavy ships by carrier-based aircraft took place. The map is available for battles at levels IV – VI.

Warrior's path

The location is an archipelago geographically located off the coast of Canada, surrounded by a cold and inhospitable sea. The teams will have to find a way to each other through numerous islands. The map is available for battles at levels IX – X.


The map shows the picturesque islands off the north Atlantic coast of Canada. Not far from them were important transport routes of convoys bound for Europe and Russia. The map is available for battles at IX-X levels.


The location represents harsh and inhospitable waters off the coast of Scandinavia, which in the 20th century have repeatedly become the arena of confrontation between the leading maritime powers of Europe. Huge map of three large islands and wide straits will allow each of the ship classes to fully unleash its combat potential. The map is available for battles at levels VI – X.

Search and determination of the position of the vessel

based on data from AIS. All positions of ships, departure from the port and arrival at the port of destination in real time.

Attention! Positions of ships sometimes they may not correspond to real ones and lag behind by an hour or more. All coordinates of the positions of the vessels are presented for informational purposes only. Search data from AIS cannot be used to plot a route

When searching, you will find accurate information about the movement of ships on the map according to the data AIS and you can see their photos. In order to find the ship, select the sector on the map, where the number of those who are there in this moment ships. We click with the mouse, for example, on the region of Europe and we get the picture that you see above.

If you zoom in on the area, you will see specific ships. The map receives updates every few seconds. When you hover the cursor over the steamer, you can see its name, on the site you can get other information you are interested in for searching.

To find the steamer you are interested in, you should enter the name of the vessel and, if possible, its localization in the search bar and press the search key. The AIS map will show the ship's position in real time.

This card informs not only about the ships, but also about the goods transported on them, which can be useful for the charterers of ships. Be with us and not one ship will be lost.