Hide and seek is a useful game for children's health. History of the game of hide and seek Game of hide and seek history of origin

Hide and seek

The history of the game of hide and seek is ancient. There are various assumptions about where it could come from, how it could arise. Someone suggests that hunting traditions are at the origins of it. Personally, it seems to me and many other researchers of the issue that magic rituals are at the heart of this game. However, no matter where the game comes, the kids play it without hesitation.

Hide and seek and disguise are branches of the same tree. Their essence is the same. After all, what is the most common way to change yourself and your life, when you are not comfortable in your soul, it’s hard, everything is enough? Women most often go to a beauty salon and try to change, dye their hair, get a new haircut, and change their image. Men ... Well, more often than not they go not to the salon, but to the gym, fortunately. But still, the essence is the same. They go in order to qualitatively change.

Already one change of image - appearance, image, there is a disguise. And when does a person resort to disguise? When hiding, hiding. When you need to transform not only the surrounding reality - the situation, but also yourself. Enemies are not asleep, which means that disguise will help to hide from them.

Moving, both from one district of the city to another, and from the country in the north, somewhere to the south, one field of berries. An escape of this kind, if you also add the first method (external disguise) to it, will help in almost any situation when you need to qualitatively change something in your life. But here there is one important nuance: When resorting to this method of influencing events for changes in life, one should not forget that hide and seek, or disguise, is still more about external changes.

“You can't run away from yourself,” says popular wisdom. And rightly so, for it is almost never possible to run away from oneself. The memory is all the same, the sticky tape will hold tightly by the throat, reminding of the little things that add up the puzzle of every human destiny. Consequently, changes "from external to internal" state will not always serve as a panacea for current problems. But if you approach this issue thoroughly and try to change everything to the maximum in external, again, conditions, then the results will be much higher.

So, for example, a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation, often intuitively (but more often on the advice of a witch), uses the so-called "layer encryption method." The layers of their energy fields, covering them from any external influence. This work begins, which is most logical to assume, from the beginning with a change in appearance.

The external appearance (and the image, in the context of the image) of a person is his photo on a business card. This is the face that he shows to the people who immerse him (among whom there may be those from whom one should hide). It is not difficult to change your appearance, and you can do it, both to a minimum (hairstyle and hair color), and to a maximum (plastic surgery).

This first stage also includes changing your body (lose weight - get better - work out in the gym).

Then comes the second, qualitatively higher stage. This is a name change. Oh, changing your name is a favorite method used by people for centuries, in a variety of situations. From the choice of a name, not only the character of a person will depend, but also the external conditions in which he will find himself after. However, one should not forget that a new name, which a person consciously chooses, will be prompted to him by his own "old" subconscious. Or it will carry the burden of associations; or it will be temporary, influenced by circumstances, impressions, and other conditions. This is not scary, but it is better when it comes to disguise in order to hide from oneself, and the previous life, nevertheless choose the name correctly.

How to choose a name in such a situation, each magician-advisor will say his own. My opinion is that, first of all, you always need to focus on a specific person who wants to change his name. If, for example, we are talking about a young man, then changing the name from Fedor to Theodor is a bad option. In the mind of a young man, it is easy to keep within this change of consonants and vowels, and he himself will not give qualitative changes. But if Fedor (subject to other conditions) suddenly becomes August, having prepared in advance the corresponding "legend" (as a background to such a change), then the purely external result will be more noticeable both in terms of timing and quality.

A middle-aged woman, for example, could change her simple name to a complex one, for example, from Yana to Marianna, or from Irina to Iraida. In order to cut off ties to past problems, so that they do not follow a "renewed" personality in a train, it is good to create names - charades. The name and surname can form a new, independent name, and give the bearer the opportunity, at the same time to remain in the image familiar to him (her) over the years of wearing, creating an independent associative array.

So, for example, the letters in the combination of the first and last name change: Yana Ogurtsova becomes Anya Gorutsova. Or Julia Belova - Alei Lobovoy. It's funny, of course, but it works!

Next, the most interesting element of the game of hide and seek, or escape. In modern reality, it is quite feasible, and does not even require special material investments. Does a person who needs protection here and now have relatives (ancestors) from a distant village in the south of the country? So maybe it is worth looking for shelter in the land of the ancestors?

Or remember the great-grandmother who fled to Paris in the first wave of emigrants? By the way, such returns of the past on a new level (the inverted Empress rules :)) always work. It turns out that, without knowing it, at times, great-granddaughters and great-grandchildren will repeat the fortunate destinies of their relatives. And in connection with the changed external conditions, and knowledge of family history, they will successfully avoid the "shoals" made by previous generations.

But this is already free fantasies, and if we return to the topic, then hide and seek with Fate is a mutually favorite game of both people and Fates. Take all life, for example. No one, it would seem, is running anywhere, deliberately not hiding. But life itself provides conditions that cannot be circumvented. Life changes every year, every decade. And what has developed successfully for the generation of great-grandfathers, for great-grandchildren can turn out no less successful, but taking into account the mistakes passed.

Just as shamans paint their faces, dress themselves in special shamanic vestments, and in this form knock on the Spirits, people behave at all levels of their being. As soon as a person thinks about how he can change his life in better side, he understands that all the so-called "given" - the conditions of life, rules of behavior, all "I want" and all "I can" live in the minds of people! And, having gathered his strength, any person can become, even for a moment, the creator of his destiny, at least throwing off his hateful office jacket and, putting on the cheerful mask of the Joker, become not “hey, Vasya”, but some kind of Knut Red. What will happen next with this "Knut"? How will he earn his food tomorrow? Does not matter! Because if the one who left the office “hey, Vasya” decided to change, took the first step, the road of his life will certainly lead him to a new path. And he will turn onto this new path. And life will never be the same again.

Politicians, bureaucrats, and all civil servants wear obligatory suits; All employees of firms, corporate enterprises, and other crap have a mandatory dress code. Creative people, the so-called "bohemia" is also recognizable from a mile away by its appearance. Someone looks in all this masquerade organically, and on someone that they don’t wear, everything sits like a saddle on a cow, but, nevertheless, as a disguise of his personality, his true image, his face before Infinity - it works !

If everything goes awry, everything has been broken for a long time, or you see the usual bursting at the seams - finish it off! Do not hold on to the slivers of a sinking boat. Jump off. In the end, not a single captain of a hopelessly sinking ship, a ship going to the bottom, rescued by his stubbornness alone.

Change! Changing your life - change yourself. And, conversely, change yourself by changing your life. These are not the same rules for the whole game of hide and seek. In the first case, sometimes uncontrolled by you, a factor - changes in living conditions, can lead to changes in yourself. In the second case, just the changes you created in your character, behavior, appearance, create changes in the space around you.

And who knows what horizons will open, you can hardly hide like thisway :)

Buckles(another name: "Tuki-ta") (the described version of the rules in some places is called Moscow hide and seek) is a child's play.

Description of the game

At the beginning of the game, everyone gets together, then the driver, facing the wall, counts loudly to 100 (or another number). Sometimes tens of up to 100 or 200. Others hide at this time. Having counted to the required number, the driver goes to look for those who have hidden. Sometimes before that it is supposed to say “one-two-three-four-five, I go [all of you] to look for”, “it's time, it's not time, I'm going out of the yard” or “whoever didn't hide, I'm not to blame”. Seeing the hiding one, he must be the first to run to the place from which he began the search, and touch the wall with his hand, pronouncing the agreed words that differ in different regions ("check", "magic wand", "pali-vyry", "tra-ta ta "," kuli-kuly "," tuki-ruki "," tuki-tuki for yourself "," ban-drum for yourself "," knock-knock for yourself "," knock-ta "," fired-knocked " , "I knocked, fell," "tuki-baki", "tulle-ya", "knock of a stick I"). Everyone who hides tries to be the first to do the same. The next driver is the one who hid who was salted (“checked”) first, and if no one was salted - the same as last time. You cannot hide behind the back or next to the driver. Sometimes, as an option, the last player can help out all "caught" and the driver drives again. To give dynamism to the game, according to the conditions, the last one "caught" becomes the driver.

Free players can help those not found yet by shouting hints like:

  • "Ax-ax, sit like a thief and do not look out into the yard" - means that the moment for the appearance is very unfavorable;
  • "Saw-saw, fly like an arrow" - the opposite meaning: there is an opportunity to overtake the driver, which means it's time to jump out of cover.

In the west, a variant of the game called "sardines" is also widespread. In this version, one is hiding, and all the others are looking for him. Whoever finds him first hides with him. Then the next one who finds them joins them, then all the others take turns. The game ends when the last player joins the rest. He is declared the loser and usually hides next. Sardines are often played in the dark.

Also in the west, a version of the game of hide and seek is known using the name and surname of the famous Venetian traveler Marco Polo. In this game, the hunter commits to answer "Polo" when the seeker says "Marco". Often used in TV shows.

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Excerpt from Hide and Seek

“Is it coming soon? Is it coming soon? Oh, these unbearable streets, shops, rolls, lamps, cabbies! " thought Rostov when they had already written down their vacations at the outpost and entered Moscow.
- Denisov, we have arrived! Sleeping! He said, leaning forward with his whole body, as if by this position he hoped to speed up the movement of the sleigh. Denisov did not respond.
- Here he is at the corner of the crossroads where Zakhar the cabby is standing; here he and Zakhar, and still the same horse. Here is the shop where they bought gingerbread. Is it coming soon? Well!
- Which house then? - asked the driver.
- Yes, at the end, to the big one, as you can't see! This is our home, - said Rostov, - this is our home! Denisov! Denisov! We’ll come now.
Denisov raised his head, cleared his throat and said nothing.
- Dmitry, - Rostov turned to the footman at the irradiation. - It's our fire, isn't it?
- So exactly with and at papa's office lights up.
- Haven't you gone to bed yet? A? how do you think? Look, don't forget, get me a new Hungarian coat at once, 'added Rostov, feeling his new mustache. - Come on, - he shouted to the driver. - Yes, wake up, Vasya, - he turned to Denisov, who again bowed his head. - Come on, let's go, three rubles for vodka, let's go! - shouted Rostov, when the sledges were already three houses from the entrance. It seemed to him that the horses were not moving. Finally the sleigh took to the right to the entrance; overhead Rostov saw a familiar cornice with broken plaster, a porch, a sidewalk post. He jumped out of the sleigh on the move and ran into the passage. The house also stood motionless, unhappy, as if it didn’t care who had come to it. There was no one in the hallway. "Oh my God! is everything all right? " thought Rostov, stopping for a minute with a sinking heart and immediately starting to run further along the entryway and the familiar, curving steps. All the same door handle of the lock, for the uncleanness of which the countess was angry, also weakly opened. One tallow candle burned in the front hall.
Old man Mikhaila slept on a chest. Prokofy, a visiting lackey, the one who was so strong that he lifted the carriage by the back, sat and knitted bast shoes from the edges. He glanced at the opened door, and his indifferent, sleepy expression suddenly changed into ecstatic frightened.
- Fathers, lights! The count is young! He cried out, recognizing the young master. - What is it? My dear! - And Prokofy, shaking with excitement, rushed to the door to the drawing-room, probably to announce, but apparently changed his mind again, came back and leaned on the shoulder of the young master.
- Are you healthy? Asked Rostov, pulling his hand away from him.
- Thank God! All glory to God! just ate now! Let me see you, your Excellency!
- All right?
- Thank God, thank God!

Active play

From 2 players

Not regulated

Short story

Now we all know hide and seek as a child's game, but before it was a game played by adults. In England, there was a custom when, with the onset of spring, people went to the forests and fields to find flowers and birds there. What they found there, they brought to the village to demonstrate that spring had indeed come. The search for the first signs of spring in the forest where they were hiding became a game of hide and seek.

The rules of the game and its name changed depending on the country. If the rules are very similar everywhere, then the names differ greatly. For example, in the Balkans and Turkey the game is called "Do you love your neighbor?" But still, regardless of the names and small differences in the rules, this game is widespread and loved all over the world.


The game of hide and seek, which originated a thousand years ago, is an integral part of every child's childhood. There are many variations of hide and seek in different countries... This game helps the child to develop both physically and in the development of thinking and imagination.


At the beginning of the game, everyone gets together, then the driver, facing the wall, counts loudly to 100 (or another number). Sometimes tens of up to 100 or 200. Others hide at this time. Having counted to the required number, the driver goes to look for those who have hidden. Sometimes before that it is supposed to say “one-two-three-four-five, I'm going [all of you] to look for”, “it's time, it's not time, I'm leaving the yard” or “whoever didn't hide, I'm not to blame”. Seeing the hiding one, he must be the first to run to the place from where he began to search, and touch the wall with his hand, pronouncing the agreed words that differ in different regions (“check”, “magic wand”, “pali-vyry”, “tra-ta- ta ”,“ kuli-kuly ”,“ tuki-ruki ”,“ tuki-tuki for oneself ”,“ ban-drum for oneself ”,“ knock-knock for oneself ”,“ knock-ta ”,“ fired-knocked ” , “I knocked-fell”, “tuki-baki”, “tulle-ya”, “knock of a stick I”). Everyone who hides tries to be the first to do the same. The next driver is the one who hid who was salted (“checked”) first, and if no one was salted - the same as last time. You cannot hide behind the back or next to the driver. Sometimes, as an option, the last player can help out all the “caught” and the driver drives again. To give dynamism to the game, according to the conditions, the last one "caught" becomes the driver.

The mobile game "Hide and Seek" is very old folk game... For many centuries (or rather, millennia) it has been a popular children's entertainment. Hide and seek not only has no time, but also no geographical boundaries. Anywhere in the world you will meet guys who enthusiastically play one or another version of hide and seek. And no wonder! After all, hide and seek and - obviously oldest games on earth, with their origins in the natural, hunting essence of man.
Hide and seek is not only fun gambling but also useful. She develops ingenuity and endurance, teaches to work in a team. It is more fun to play the popular outdoor game "Hide and Seek" in a company of 8-12 people, but it is also possible for two. You can hide and look everywhere - both at home and on the street. The main thing is, before starting the game, to stipulate where you can and where you can not hide. Usually, as a condition, it is stipulated not only that one cannot run too far, but also vice versa, one cannot stand immediately behind the driver's back or hide too close to the “home”.

"Kulyuchki" - Russian folk outdoor game of hide and seek

This is a simple game of hide and seek. Any driver is chosen. The driver faces the wall and closes his eyes. The place where the driver stands at the beginning of the game is considered his "home". You can simply leave the driver in the center of the site, covering his head with a large scarf or jacket. All other players run up and hide, and the driver speaks the following words:

Kulu-kulu-baba, don't gouge out your eyes!
Son under the window, pig under the basket!
Is it time or what?

You can choose any other word, for example:

Kulu-kulu-kulichi, do not sit on the stove!
I'll go around the city, find all the Easter cakes!
I go out into the field. Is it time to look for something?

To the question of the driver, the one who did not have time to hide shouts: "No!" Then the driver begins to say the words again until silence is the answer to his question. It means that all the children are hiding, and you can go to look for them. When the driver notices one of the guys, he must point his hand at him and call him by name. If it really is a found player, then he will drive. Everyone emerges from their hiding places and the game begins again. If the driver made a mistake and named the player incorrectly, then he continues to search. To confuse the driver, players can use a "military trick" - to change clothes.

"Stick-stukalochka" - Russian folk outdoor game of hide and seek

Such hide and seek is an outdoor game. Before the start of the game, they choose a place - "home". Then one of the players takes a stick and tries to throw it as far as possible. The driver must run after the stick, pick it up and return it to the "house". While he is doing all this, the rest of the children scatter and hide. As soon as the stick is returned to the "house", the driver starts looking for players. Seeing someone, the driver loudly shouts his name and rushes towards the "house". After all, it is not enough to find a player, you also have to "knock" him. To do this, the driver grabs a stick, knocks it and says: “Knock-knock, stick! Beat Borya! " (called the name of the found player). Now the one who was "knocked" should be near the "house" until all the players are found or he is not "rescued". Any player who has not yet been tapped can help out. He must get into the "house" and take possession of the wand before the driver. After that, hitting with a stick, first of all, shout: “Knock-knock, stick! Help me out! " If time remains, then you can "help out" and the rest of the "captives". To do this, you need to pronounce all the names in turn: “Knock-knock, stick! Help Borya, Luda, Nina ... ”But you can only“ help out ”until the driver gets to the“ home ”. As soon as this happened, the stick is thrown as far as possible and, while the driver returns it to the "house", all the "rescued" players run up and hide. Of course, in the event that the player runs to the "house" together with the driver who found him, he has little time left - to have time to "help out" himself. But, hiding not far from the "home", the player can seize the moment when the driver will go far, jump out of his hiding place and "help out" all his comrades. The game ends when the driver has managed to catch and "knock" all the players.
Look the same

V modern world threatened by. Children began to move very little: they prefer spending time at the computer for walks, instead of books they choose the Internet, virtual communication with friends in in social networks interested in more than the real. We need to save the situation! Summer is ahead - the best time for walks and fun outdoor games on fresh air.MedAboutMe will tell you about one of the most beloved and popular children's games - hide and seek and its variations.

Outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the health of children. Especially if children are playing outdoors. During outdoor games in children, all joints work, all muscle groups are involved. The load on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems increases, which is a good workout for them. The brain is supplied with sufficient oxygen.

A child who spends a lot of time in the fresh air and is engaged in outdoor games has an excellent appetite and is less sick. Such children are, as a rule, in good physical shape, they have no problems with sleep.

Playing outdoor games, the child learns to work in a team, help out his comrades, ask for help, and help the younger ones. He learns to win and accept failure. Obeying the rules of the game helps you learn discipline. Children develop agility, strength, endurance, creative imagination and ingenuity. And memorizing new counting rhymes will serve as an excellent memory training during the summer holidays. In addition, you can easily and naturally study the account.

One of the most famous outdoor games that have a beneficial effect on the health of children is the game of hide and seek. There are many ways and options to play. Parents can remember how they played hide and seek as a child and teach it to their children.

Simple hide and seek is the easiest version of the game. You can even play together. At first, parents can play simple hide and seek with their children to explain the rules of the game and teach them to the child. The driver is selected by agreement or by counting. He turns to the wall and counts up to a conditional number (up to 10, up to 50, etc.). During this time, the rest of the players need to have time to hide.

Having counted to a certain number, the water goes to look for the hidden children. Usually this moment is accompanied by the well-known chants: “One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look. If someone hasn’t hid, then I’m not to blame! ”,“ It's time, not time - I'm going out of the yard! The player found first becomes water in the next game.

Players negotiate in advance the territory where they can hide and forbidden places where they cannot climb. It's a good idea if the parents look around the area where the kids are planning to play. This is necessary to ensure the safety and health of children.

"12 sticks" - a game for a large group of children

This game is the most fun to play big company... You will need simple attributes for the game: twelve wooden sticks, a board and a support for it (a stone, a log, etc.) A board like a "swing" is installed on the support. Sticks are placed on the end of the board, which lies on the ground. Then one of the children jumps to the other end of the board, after which the sticks fly off in different directions. While the driver looks for and collects all the sticks back, all the children are hiding. Having found all the sticks, the search begins. The first one that catches the eye of the seeker becomes water the next time.

The task is complicated by the fact that any player can quietly jump out of his hiding place, run to the board, jump onto it again and break the sticks. In this case, the driver is sent back to collect them and then resumes the search. If he noticed that one of the children is rushing to the board, then his task is to get ahead of this player and break the sticks himself. Then the player who was outstripped becomes the driver.

"Tuki-tuki" - an entertaining version of the game "hide and seek" for children

The details of this game are similar to the previous one: you can save yourself and your comrades. Before the start of the game, a conditional place is selected where the driver will mark those he has found ("tap"). It can be a tree, a fence, a wall of a house, etc. The beginning of the game is like in simple hide and seek - the driver counts, and the rest of the children are hiding.

After the driver has found one of the players, he must run to the designated place first and "catch" the found player. To do this, you need to knock on the wall with the words: "Tuki-tuki, Misha" or "Knock-knock, Nastya!" These words may differ in each region. Then the driver goes in search of the others.

The task of the hidden children is to get ahead of the driver. You can run out of your hiding place while the water has left at the other end of the site, or just looks the other way. If the player managed to reach the conditional place first, you need to say the words: "Tuki-tuki, for yourself!" He is considered "saved in the game."

The last hidden player is given an excellent opportunity to save all his comrades. To do this, he must get ahead of the driver, touch the conditionally place and say: "Tuki-tuki, for himself and for everyone!" In this case, the driver remains the same.

Children play this entertaining outdoor game less and less. There are many variants of the game of "Cossack-robbers", they can differ significantly in different regions. Therefore, the best way to explain the rules to children is their parents, telling them how they had fun in their free time. Previously, children from all over the village or from several courtyards in the city gathered to play "Cossack-robbers". Parents can take part in the game with their children to demonstrate the rules and subtleties of the game.

Children are divided at will or by lot into two teams: "Cossacks" and "robbers". The "robbers" are hiding, and the "Cossacks" are looking for them. The task of the "Cossacks" is to catch all opponents or to find out the secret word of the "robbers", which they come up with at the beginning of the game. While the "robbers" are hiding, the "Cossacks" are equipping the dungeon. The dungeon can be bushes, some specific place in the playground. The prisoners are "tortured" there. Torture is negotiated in advance. They must not harm the health of children. The safest "torture" is tickling.

The "robbers" are trying to confuse the "Cossacks" while they are hiding. They draw arrows on the asphalt with chalk or with a stick on the road, in which direction they ran to hide. Some arrows turn out to be false. The found "robber" is taken to the dungeon, he has no right to run away. Only his comrades can save him by touching him. In some variations of the game, the keepers remain near the dungeon. With the help of "torture" they try to find out the secret word. The children's play continues until the secret word is found out or the "robbers" are overfished.