Teso How to Be White Clear. Elder Scrolls Online: Something about the washingats. Pros and disadvantages of vampires and iswolves

Welcome to our ESO Werewolf Handbook. Werewolves make awakening return to Elder Scrolls Online., allowing players to get infected and turn into wild animals in battle. In this guide, we will consider what benefits and disadvantages we get from transformation, where and how to get used, how it works, and all the skills that we get access. If you sought to join them and hunt your booty, this is a guide for you.

Advantages and disadvantages

Listing Starting works a little different than an analogue vampirism. Instead of being forced to feed and pass stages, we control our conversion from a person to the beast. In battle we will create Ultimate glassesAnd then we divide our rage, temporarily turning into a fluffy beast to break our goal on the nurses.

Bonus for health regeneration while using Ultimate, we can be super tank And getting a huge damage, while Ultimate is active.
+ Your character does not change appearance Outside transformations.
+ Our susceptibility to the attacks "poison" and "physical damage" does not apply outside the form of a werewolf.
- We can use our active abilities only in the transformation process.
- Makes us very susceptible to endurance in Syrodial.
- Huge 300 end and 30 seconds of duration make for shorter views of being in shape.

If something of this sounds attractive for you, and you are ready to snatch the throat from your enemies, the next section explains how to get in your hands from these forces.

How to become bluff

There are 3 different ways to get a lycantrophopy and become clouded in Elder Scrolls Online;

1) enter into battle in the final zone of each fraction. They appear every 8 in play days or full moon. Join the battle and let him bite you, you will learn when you have become infected.

2) Go to one of the sanctuary of Girqina and use a full-fledged player to bite you. This is the easiest way.

3) Pay 1500 CROWNS to get the instant shape of the curse, allowing you to use the quest to perform your journey.

There are zones with rare mobs, and shrines.

After a bite, you will see a quest marker, which will appear above the shrine, giving you the quest "Gift from Hircine's." You will need to enter the kingdom of Girqina, pass your first transformation and hunting wildlife in the territory. During this time, you will have access to all your base transmortmort skills, and your WEREWOLF timer will not decrease until you finish it. This is the perfect time to feel how the battle works, and study your skills. After completion, your skill line is a revolt will be completely reset, and you have to pump it to restore the skills that you have in the textbook.

How Licycartopy works

During your search, you were in a state of a werewolf and had access to end and active abilities. Now that your quest is over, you may seem like "How can I get them again?" Unlike a vampire or your ordinary school skills, the werewolf requires you to be in the form and fir the corpses of enemies. The most remarkable is that there are no requirements of the NPC type, any corpse is suitable!

Unlike vampirism, there are no deficiencies or maintenance of your lycantropy, your only requirement is to create a huge amount of glasses to release the beast. As soon as you turn into the beast, you will have a certain time in the form that can be increased in murder and feeding depending on passivity. It is best to use undead or daedra, since you naturally get more ultimate, fighting with them, and you can eat several corpses at a time.

Werewolf skills


Werewolf transformation I. - Turn yourself to the bloodthirsty beast, increasing endurance, armor and sprint speed. Your light attacks add bleeding effect that applies X Physical Damage for x seconds. Your transformation also leads to the fact that the enemies surround fear.

WEREWOLF BERSERKER I. - Turn yourself to the bloodthirsty beast, increasing endurance, armor and sprint speed. Your light attacks add the effect of bleeding, inflicting X physical damage for x seconds plus an additional X%. Your transformation also leads to the fact that the enemies surround fear. New effect: increases damage from the bleeding Light Attack on x%

WEREWOLF PACK LEADER I - Turn yourself to the bloodthirsty beast, increasing endurance, armor and sprint speed. Your light attacks add bleeding effect that applies X Physical Damage for x seconds. Your transformation also leads to the fact that the enemies surround fear. Your presence increases the duration of the transformation of the waswolf near the nearest ally on the X seconds, each time they activate the heavy attack. Your transformation also leads to the fact that the enemies surround fear. New effect: Allies get ultimate faster.

Active skills

Pounce I. - Scroll to the enemy with rage to drive the X Physical Damage damage and stun them if they are not balanced

Roar I. - Roar with thirst for blood, to put horror to X closest enemies, hitting them with fear and laying them on the balance within x seconds.

Howling - Distribute the enemy to a deafening warmill, inflicting X physical damage and knocking it from the feet for 3 seconds.

Infectious claws - Muula enemies in front of you with your spoiled claws, X Physical Damage intercourse and additional damage to X DiSease for x seconds.

Passive skills

The pursuit - Allows you to get additional endurance at a hard attack. Helps, since our active skills stand mostly from endurance!

Email - Let's stay in the root endlessly; While there are corpses on which you can saw. It takes 2-3 seconds to completely twist the enemy.

Bloody rage- Take Damage increases our time in shape, without stopping for feeding.

Bloody Moon- Let's bite other players to give them a lycantrophopy. Good in order to help comrades in a guild or make money on bite.

Desert power - Increases the scale of our arms damage with a huge amount in the form, which gives a disgusting additional damage.

Group call - makes a grouping with a short, increasing the time of trouble-free operation of Ultimate, and folding up to 4 times. Useful to extend your high damage and tanning capabilities.

How to get rid of the island

If at any time you will be tired of scratching fleas or huge hair, you can go to the guild of the magician of the main city in any of the final zones of the factions (in the same zones where NPC caviars and shrines are located), and find the priest Arkay. He will delete your blessing for a small amount of about 600 gold, completely removing the skill line from your access. You can return the lycantrophopia again at any time if you want it, and your skill development line will remain the same as and when you stopped. There are no restrictions on getting or removing lidutropia, so do not feel that you need to act wisely with this tool!

Werette, they are Licycountures (Lycanthropes.) - It is cruel semi-semi-semi-bodied, living around Tamriel. The causes of this strange disease are unknown. In the afternoon, the patient does not differ from an ordinary person, at night, especially in the full moon (two moons) turns into a terrible beast. Claws werewolves - their natural magic weapon. Despite the fact that the term "lycantropy" should only apply to the Vervolfam, these are just subtleties of semantics. Of course, there are some differences between the family of the described forms of lycantropy in Tamriele, but mostly all cases are similar. Listing trips cannot exist without fresh blood and flesh. To maintain its vitality in the influence of the beast, they must at least once for the night eat meat freshly produced mining, most often a person or elf. The creator of Licatrop is considered to be Hirsin, Daederic Prince of Hunting. Hirsin is intently observed from their hunting grounds, because after the death of wheels are doomed in the eyelids eternal to stay in captivity of the Oblivion Plan.

Vervolph (Werewolf.) - The most common type of lycanthountropov, having dwelling throughout Tamriel. Turns into a bloodthirsty spinning wolf. In battle with frightening efficiency uses powerful claws. Despite the fact that it is said in the legends, the Vervolphs are not returned to the human form after death, although some cases when Listing Trust after death still took its true appearance, they were documented, but this happened very rarely. Lidutrope's corpses are made to burn on the fire.

Become Vervolph B. The Elder. Scrolls Online. It is possible if the player bit a special monster (which appears only in the full moon), which appears in the last location of each alliance, if another player bites it, or you can buy the beginning of the task in the crown store for 1500. After that, the task of "Dar Hirsina" will begin, in which Hirsin will give the player to the gift of Likantropy.

Places to worship Hirsin are located near the road sanctuary of the Sphinx Moth (death mark), the road sanctuary of Troll's toothpick (Bangkrai), Rift (Ripten). If the character is infected with a monster, he will have to search in the city of the character named Torie, which will explain to him how to become a versolph. If your hero was bited by another character, it is possible to become a versolph, simply reading the scroll and entering the portal that appeared.

To cure a lycantrophopia, you need to visit the priests of the Arkey Prelate Sabina in the magician guild of the last field of the player's alliance (Riephet, Evermore or Roll "Ha). For cure, it will require a certain amount of gold based on how much your character is hampered. When curing a player not Returns of skills spent in the lidantropy branch are returned.


The ability to be grouped into one skill branch. When applying active abilities, it is consumed either the reserve of power (Stamina) or magic (Magica).

  • Each ability has one type of purpose from the list of possible:
  1. Enemy - The ability is applied to a single hostile goal from a certain distance (distance is the minimum allowable / maximum allowable, in meters), if the description does not specify otherwise.
  2. To myself - The ability applies to the player's character, if the description does not indicate otherwise.
  3. To the ground - The ability is applied at some distance (the distance is the minimum allowable / maximum permissible, in meters) from the player and operates in a certain zone (radius - in meters).
  4. Region - The ability is applied immediately for several purposes in the form of a cone emanating from the player. Sets either the maximum distance of action in meters or a circle with a player in the center and the designated radius in meters.

Absolute ability

Icon Name Ur. View A type purpose Time Price, units. abs. from. Description
WEREWOLF TRANSFORMATION. 1 Absolute Instant To myself 30 sec. 400 Cost: absolute ability.
3 4 2356 8 9966 units. If chosen, increases the reserves of the reserve of forces on 15 %.
Pack Leader. 1 Development Instant To myself 30 sec. 300 Also calls on two wolf comrades that fight on your side.
Turns you into the monster, scaring up 3 Nearest opponents for 4 sec. After transformation of yours ordinary attacks cause bleeding 2356 units. physical damage for 8 p., And your physical resistance and resistance to spells increase on 9966 units. Calls 2 Wolves comrades during the actions. If they are killed, they appear again through sec. If chosen, increases the reserves of the reserve of forces on 15 %.
WEREWOLF BERSERKER. 1 Development Instant To myself 30 sec. 300 Damage from bleeding caused by conventional attacks is increased.
Turns you into the monster, scaring up 3 Nearest opponents for 4 After the transformation, your usual attacks cause bleeding, apparent 2356 units. physical damage for during 8 sec. And additionally 40 %, and your physical resistance and resistance to spells increase on 9966 . If chosen, increases the reserves of the reserve of forces on 15 %.

Active abilities

Icon Name Ur. View A type purpose Dist. / Rad. Price, stock Description
Pounce 2 Active Instant Enemy Dist. 5-22 M. 4050 2 p. if it is derived from balance.
Brutal Pounce 2 Development Instant Enemy Glad.
5 M.
4050 Apply an additional damage to the goal and to all the nearest opponents.
Attacks the enemy with primitive rage, inflicting units. physical damage and stunning it on 2 p. if it is derived from balance. Applies extra units. Physical damage goal and closest opponents.
Feral pounce 2 Development Instant Enemy Dist. 5-22 M. 4050 Throw with at least 10 meters increases the time of stay in the form of Werevolf.
Attacks the enemy with primitive rage, inflicting units. physical damage and stunning it on 2 p. if it is derived from balance. Attack from a distance of at least 10 Meters adds sec. By the time of finding in the case of Vervolf.
Hircine "S Bounty 3 Active Instant To myself 4590
of magic
units. Health.
Hircine "S Rage 3 Development Instant To myself 4590
of magic
Increases arms damage.
Imposes a blessing of the hunter, healing you on units. health and increasing arms damage on 10 % during from.
Hircine "S Fortitude 3 Development Instant To myself Dist. 20 meters 4590
of magic
Gives the effect of healing a long action.
Imposes a blessing of the hunter, healing you on units. health and additionally on 1976 units. Health for 8 s.
Roar. 5 Active 1 sec. Region Glad.
8 M.
4163 sec. It affects the maximum for the 3 nearest opponents.
Ferocious Roar. 5 Development 1 sec. Region Glad.
8 M.
4163 The murder of frightened goals takes out of equilibrium and disorientates the nearest opponents.
The bloodthirsty roar instills horror in the next opponents, forcing them to scatter in fear and withdrawing from equilibrium on 4.3 sec. It affects the maximum for the 3 nearest opponents. If the affected enemy dies, the surrounding enemies are disorient and output from equilibrium on from.
Rousing Roar. 5 Development 1 sec. Region Glad.
8 M.
4163 Increases the damage from weapons of the nearest allies.
The bloodthirsty roar instills horror in the next opponents, forcing them to scatter in fear and withdrawing from equilibrium on sec. It affects the maximum for the 3 nearest opponents. Gives the closest allies of Major Brutality, raising arms damage to 20 % on the from.
Piercing Howl 6 Active Instant Enemy Dist. 10 M. 4050 3 from.
Howl of Despair. 6 Development Instant Enemy Dist. 10 M. 4050 Gives synergies greedy devout, which strengthens the usual and strength attacks of the allies.
Crushes the enemy with a stunning roar that inflicts units. physical damage and knocks down on 3 sec. Allies can activate synergies greedy devouring, increasing the damage from ordinary and power attacks on 10 % on the 15 from.
Howl of Agony 6 Development Instant Enemy Dist. 10 M. 4050 Applies additional damage to opponents under the action of fear.
Crushes the enemy with a stunning roar that inflicts units. physical damage and knocks down on 3 sec. Damage to opponents under the action of fear increases on 30 %.
Infectious Claws. 9 Active Instant To the ground Glad.
7 M.
3240 [x] Bol. damage for 10 c.
Claws of Anguish 9 Development Instant To the ground Glad.
7 M.
3240 The affected goals get less healing.
Crushes claws damage all enemies in front of you units. physical damage and additionally disease damage during 10 c. Major Defile also affects opponents, reducing the effectiveness of their healing on 30 %, during the effect of the effect.
Claws of Life. 9 Development Instant To the ground Glad.
7 M.
3240 It gives healing a long action, the size of which depends on the damned damage applied.
Crushes claws damage all enemies in front of you units. physical damage and additionally disease damage during 10 c. Also restores health on 50 % of the damned damage applied.

Passive relationship

Icon Name Level A type Description
Pursuit. 3/7 Passive (In the form of Vervolf) On the % increases the amount of strength that restore your strength attacks.
Devour. 3 Passive (In the form of Vervolf) Allows you to devour the corpses of human-like creatures to extend the stay in the Worsere officer on 12 seconds.
Blood Rage 4/8 Passive (In the form of Vervolf) Every time you are applied damage, the time of stay in the form of the Werevolf increases on 3 seconds. This effect can work more often than once in 5 c.
Bloodmoon. 6 Passive Allows you once in 7 DAYS infect another player Licycotropy. It is necessary to return to the velvef ritual. Players already infected with Sangwinar Vampiris cannot be infected with Libanopia.
Savage Strength 6/7 Passive (In the form of Vervolf) Increases arms damage on %.
Call of the Pack 7/10 Passive (In the form of Vervolf) Reduces the cost of staying in the form of Vervolf to % for each faced versolf in your group, including you, up to %.

Also, the Vervolph in any form has the following passive effect:


To increase the skill and ranks of the abilities, you must kill in the form of Verfolf. The more murders, the faster the level rises. Below is a complete table of the required number of murders for promotion.

Rank Required killings
for a trail. rank
All murders
for rank
1 25 0
2 50 25
3 75 75

In order to become a vertalph of you first, you must infect the other waswolf. After you succeed, you will be able to be an interesting condition - Sanies Lupins..

The first way of infection

The situation is completely similar to the vampirism. You need to find the place of the wronken roof in locations: REAPER'S MARCH, BANGKORAI or THE RIFT. He will be spawned exclusively at the dark (and for some rumors in the full moon phase, that as for me the purest water is fiction).

The points of the possible appearance of rapid vetulphs coincide with the venues of the vampires.

in Locations Bangkorai.

in the location of REAPER'S MARCH

After the werewolf beat you and you were convinced that in the characteristics window the character acquired a state - Sanies Lupins Go to the nearest travel stone. Here you will be asked to task the 38th level - " Hircine's Gift", On the execution of which you will become a full-fledged iswolf.

The second way of infection

Another player who has already acquired a passive skill " Bloodmoon."(The 6th level of the veterinary skills branch is required), can turn you from the ritual altar. After that you can start performing a quest " Hircine's Gift", By studying an active scroll on the altar itself.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Increased endurance, armor and damage applied are the main advantages of the Licotherop. The transformation at times enhances these bonuses.
  • Being cluttered, you can consist in the military guild.
  • Transformation truly captures the Spirit, be sure to try it!
  • To use some special abilities, you must adopt the shape of the Werewolf. This uses ultimative ability and a large amount of endurance.
  • The greatest threat to the isorted is members of the fighters guild (their passive ability allows you to apply additional damage from the veservations of the Vervulfam).
  • Being cluttered, you become more sensitive to the poison and get an additional 50% of its main damage, even when you are in the "human" guise. So, if you met an archer that basing his build on damage from poisons, most likely the meeting will end with him by defeat.
  • You will no longer spread bonuses when you are in the "human" guise.
  • The choice of the Werewolf path is not the best solution for magic classes.
  • The transformation in the animal form takes a lot of time.

How to heal Likantropy

Visit the same NPS, which is started for the quest " Hircine's Gift"And in the dialogue with him, he will offer you to visit the neighboring city, where the priest for a reasonable fee is ready to cure you from the curse.

Bear on the land of Online Tamriel. As in the single-player games of the series, in Teso, the player can become both worn, and a vampire. I propose translation short Guide According to the Wolvers: Skilles and peppers, as well as all "for" and "against", "as" and "why".

How to become worn?
Very simple: purulent lupus (Sanies Lupinus) can be infected with another player, and you can "pick up" it yourself. In The Elder Scrolls Online, the Werewolves can pay the other player once a week - in a special ritual place (one of these places, for example, is in Reaper's March). In the active abilities menu, the corresponding icon will appear, and starts new Quest - Dar Girqina (Hircine's Gift). After completing this quest, you will be able to become a "full-fledged" rest - or, on the contrary, heal from Sanies Lupinus.

In the first weeks after the release, you are unlikely to find a lot of people who want to turn you into the Werewolf: Warrock players will "bite", first of all, their friends and cooging people. So you will have to take for a work yourself: fighting with NPC-werewolves in the hope of cherished bite! Werewolves appear mainly in mid-light zones, but if you do not wait to upgrade to Messer and a second - there is a way out. In any case, for those who play for the Ebergard Covenant: there is a quest in Mornhold, during the execution of which it will have to fight back from the attacks of the root - here without bite you will not go!

How to be members of Dominion Aldermery and Covenant Daggerfall - I don't know yet, but for sure and in their territories there are zones where there are somewhat shorten with an active life position, which will not pass by a fresh player, you just need to look for them!

Well, of course, do not forget: the one who is sick of vampirism, will not be able to become worn: here either one or another ...

Werewold skills
After completing the quest Girqin (Hircine's Gift) and becoming a Werewolf, you will get a unique skill line, available exclusively for Vervolphs. To take advantage of these abilities, make a transformation (for this you need to run the appropriate skill: WEREWOLF TRANSFORMATION). This "veil" icon will appear in a slot of ultimative ability.

The player who accepted the Vervolf Cup is increasing the Stamina and the damage applied to them, the speed of running and armor increases. But it cannot use weapons and any other skills that are not related to the "Wolf" line. In addition, instead of five active skills, you will have only two, and both, for obvious reasons, belong to neighboring battle.

    Pounce. Werevolf's back. Active ability. The player is pounced on the target, inflicting her physical damage and stunning opponents who have lost their equilibrium.

    Roar. Animal roar. Active ability. The player makes a animal roar, leaving, disorienting and withdrawing 3 nearest opponents from equilibrium in a radius of 6 meters.

    Blood Rage. Bloody rage. Passive ability. Generate 2/5 ultimates, causes damage. Having placed the ability to hotbar, you can use it not only in the guise of a pillar.

    Devour. Devouring. Passive ability. Allows you to devour the corpses of Humanoids, in order to stay in the crew of the Vervolf longer.

    Bloodmoon. Bloody Moon. Passive ability. Allows you to pay another player every 7 days - in a ritual place.

    Pursuit. Chase. Passive ability. The player who is in the crew of the Vervolf increases the maximum of the stamps.

    Savage Strength. Wild power. Passive ability. Each murder increases the maximum of 3%. The effect is summed up to 5 times.

    Call of the Pack. Call of flocks. Passive ability. Allows the allies to rest longer to stay in the guise of the pillar. Acts 5 allies within a radius of up to 15 meters, up to 5 times.

    Transformation. Transformation. Passive ability. Also draws a player in the washingal, he instills fear in the nearest enemies. Increases armor, speed of movement and stamina. The strength of the attack and the damage caused by the stock of the stamps.

Werewolves: "For" and "Against", the advantages of conversion to the islandis are obvious and listed above. Let me remind you that pumping the "wolf" abilities, you can morphize them (as well as all other abilities in The Elder Scrolls Online): That is, choose which additional effect you want to extract - increase the attack speed applied damage, etc. .

Well, the main minus is a powerful enemy: the guild of fighters! The fighters are not only universally persecuted, but also have special skills, designed for the effective destruction of the Warves (although initially these skills were aimed exclusively on the struggle against undead and daedera).

Another weakness Verolka - Increased (50%! - approx. Perev.) Vulnerability to poison. The worst thing is that she "remains" with the character and after the return transformation, when he will take his human (well, or orocy / Hajditsky / Argonian, etc.) appearance. While the game is not a lot of abilities associated with the use of poison, but they all act from a large distance - apparently to properly balance the increased speed and strength of the Vervolphs.

Whether to turn around?
The pros and cons of the conversion to the wasp were listed, so solve themselves. Just keep in mind that the waswolf is the choice, more appropriate for a player who causes damage mainly at the expense of the fair, and not mana. The one who wants to fully use peppers, linked to mana reserves, it is better to think about the vampire ...

Listing Startopia is a virus or illness, after which you can become clouded. It can be infected if you bite or scratches the other waswolf.

So, how can I get a lidantropy or, simply speaking, become a worn in the game The. Elder Scrolls Online.? The answer is quite simple and we will now consider in detail several ways to implement this idea to life.

Initially, I would like to say what you need to become worn. First of all, the embodiment in this character gives its advantages, among which is additional damage, speed, endurance and armor. But, like everywhere, there are devices. Turning completely into the Werewolf, you will no longer be able to use weapons and skills from your other skills. In addition, wolves are very vulnerable to the poison, although this type of attacks in Teso is still not enough, it's still a significant drawback.

Now, how does it still reincarnate into the iswolf? First of all, you can not be infected with vampirism, as it immediately makes it impossible to turn into a werewolf. If you are not infected, then you have 2 ways:

  1. Infect a disease from another infected
  2. To get directly from a roar.

Consider more of the first case. Sanies Lupinus infected with the Sanies Lupinus virus is quite difficult, all the more make him bite you. But it sometimes happens. It is best to do this at low levels, besides, a prerequisite is also the fact that the player must be in a special ritual place. After you still have become infected with the virus, you can only complete the task, completely reincarnated in a werewolf, or healing from the disease. To do this, you will see the Sanies Lupinus icon on the screen in the existing effects.

The first case is not easy and because it is quite difficult to find an infected player who will agree to bite you. Everyone wants to leave this privilege for himself and their fellow guilds.

Therefore, there is a second way. Everything is much easier here. You find a revolf at high levels, fight him and infect from bite or scratch. Werewolves are quite often appearing on high-level locations, but if you are intense, then you can always go to the task in which they will definitely. This is a task in Mornhold and here you will have to be quite difficult, since you will attack the irrelevant number of these monsters. Performing this task You cannot avoid infection from these creatures.

When bitten, you will again be offered a choice: we will reincarnate or cure. By choosing the first option, you will be worn around and acquire unique fighting skills and characteristics.

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Well, if you have not played in Teso, then we can offer you