Assassins Creed Revelations Where to find Pages of Memoirs. Assassin's Creed II - Revelations (Revelations). My notebook passing. Characteristics of the Armor of Ishak Pasha in Assassin's Creed: Revelation

In this part - the passage additional tasks in Game. Passage of the plot - in parts 1 and 2.

Tasks of the headquarters of fractions

The tasks of the fractions, in contrast to the brotherhood of blood, decreased significantly in quantities, and from each fraction you will receive only one task. We have already fulfilled the task of the Gypsies fraction, and here you will learn the passage of tasks of thieves and mercenaries.

The tasks of fractions are unlocked in sequence 3.

Guild of mercenaries

Unlucky son

Full synchronization: Free the prisoners so that you are not noticed.

Reward: 700 accumulate unlocks the fighter club

You have to help one of the mercenaries to save his son from the captivity of Byzantine. To achieve goal, you need their help. Follow them to the camp of the Byzantines and save the Son and other prisoner mercenaries.

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Full synchronization: Seam the group of mercenaries on Byzantines. In the turmoil you will not pay attention - just go to the captive to save them.

It turned out that the Son was sent - rather carry him to the doctor, eliminating the Byzantines on your way. Divided the patient to the doctor, arrange the defense and protect the son and the doctor before its full recovery.

The task is completed, and now a fighting club is open to you - you can fight there against other mercenaries in a fistful battle for limited time and betting.

Thieves Guild


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Full synchronization: Using a thieves group, pull out the patron of the baseballs from the safe zone, then kill it.

Reward: 700 accca

The thieves opened the hunt, and you need to find someone who arranged and eliminate it.

Interesting fact: Noticed that during the mission plays music from the blood fraternity?

Follow the thief to the chest with a bribe. The chest is guarded by Janchars, and that the thief can get to him, you need to help group of thieves nearby. Hide them and order to lead the Janicharov.

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With the help of the eagle alone, identify the baseer and follow it to the patron. Moving to him kill and rob it.

Full synchronization: Not far from the patron and his bodyguards you will meet two groups of thieves. Hire one of them and order them to lead a patron. As soon as it goes beyond the limits of the forbidden zone, kill it, but take care of the guards nearby!

Assassins recruitment tasks

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Although in most cases you will recruit assassins, saving them from the paws of Byzantines (as in the blood fraternity), in some cases the task is slightly different ....

In total, in the game 6 unique recruitment tasks (not counting the plot task from the sequence 3), and they will be available, even if all the students' slots are already occupied, although the assassin in this case you will not receive.

The assassin recruitment tasks will be available when the area is released, in which this task starts from the influence of the Templars.

North Quarter Konstantin


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Reward: 350 ACCHE

One of the citizens like to show everyone who is cool here. Show him who is cool in fact, beating it. But after the first time it does not give up and attacks you again.

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Beating in his second time, head to the bookmaker, but immediately you will have to fight a citizen on the third and last time. After that, he will finally take his defeat and can join you.

Southern Quarter Konstantin


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Reward: 350 ACCHE

On our way we encounter a young man who claims that he is Assassin ... Well, we will show him what Assassin is. Run the points as quickly as possible ...

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It turns out that our "assassin" is "Assasin" to show yourself to his girlfriend ... But, nothing, now he will be a real assassin!

District Galat.


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Reward: 350 ACCHE

We encounter a seriously wounded person, asking us to kill the offender. Go to the south and protect the family of a citizen from Byzantines, then return back.

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South Quarter Bayazida


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Reward: 350 ACCHE

The Byzantines attacked the young woman, and robbed her house. You need to protect it.

After you figure out the opponents with a group of opponents, follow the Acrobatka on the roofs of the buildings, until you reach the Almogavrov group - you should figure it out as soon as possible, they can quickly donate acrobat.

Southern Imperial Quarter


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Reward: 350 ACCHE

Near the port you will meet a person talking about a kind of woman putting a coin in the pockets of citizens. With the help of the eagle, Follow it with the following, find and stop it.

Northern Imperial Quarter


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Reward: 350 ACCHE

At one of the squares, you have to find a pocket - you can easily find it with the help of Orlin Alone. Talk to her and show what you are capable of building 150 accumulates from citizens.

Animus Data Fragments and Desmond Wear

In Constantinople and Cappadocia, you can find 100 animus data fragments hidden in different parts of cities. What do they give?

\u003e 5 fragments open access to the first wanderland of Demormand on Animus Island

\u003e 10th, 15th, 20th, 30th fragments open the second-fifth parts of the dismondness of desmond respectively

\u003e After collecting 25 fragments, you can buy a map of Memoirov Askhak Pasha (about them and award for their collection - below)

\u003e After collecting 50 fragments, the remaining 50 will open.

\u003e For the collection 100 you will get an achievement. This, in fact, all (for 100% of the passage they are not needed), so it is not necessary to look for fragments after finding the 30th low.

Several tips on finding:

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\u003e Use the Eagle Face! It will be much easier for you to see white symbols on a deep blue background. In addition, the fragments found with the help of Eagle Fragments and other secret items will be marked on the map (note that the labels are not shown when the flair is enabled!). You may not even see them, but they will still celebrate.

\u003e In addition, the game is saved when a fragment label is added to the card! This can be used as a sort of "radar" to find fragments.

\u003e At least one fragment of the memory of the animus can be found on each monument.

Maps with fragments labels (unfortunately, incomplete, but at least 50 fragments there are definitely):

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Constantinople 1.

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Constantinople 2.

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So, you have gathered enough fragments and are now ready for desmond travel ... Return to Animus Island and move to the portals on the island's hill. Each of the parts presents the interesting and simple puzzle under the monologue of Devmond, telling about his past. Writing about their passing will be too difficult, so guided by the video. At the levels you can also find 10 emblems for network game.

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Emblem number 1 (accidentally been taken by me)

You are unlikely to miss this email - it can be found before returning to the main hall in the first part.

Emblem number 2.

After receiving the opportunity in the first part of the platform, go through the main hall in the "farm", and in the room after it, climb the created platforms to the column in the opposite side.

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Emblem number 3.

In the second part, you will soon fall into the hall with two "flows down". Above the second you can find the third ebony.

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Emblem number 4.

Before carefully descending into the hole, look after the wall with a running person.

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Emblem number 5.

The third part. In the first descent, put the platform right after the red field. Eblema will be at the very top in the middle.

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Emblem number 6.

In the hall with a waterfall look into the opposite output part.

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Emblem number 7 (also was accidentally taken, do not judge strictly)

Fourth part. Finding into a laser corridor, look at the left first.

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Emblem number 8.

Practically in addition to the end of the level you will fall into the hall with a strange laser stripe. Hold on the right, eblema will be under the "bridge".

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Emblem number 9.

Fifth part. Passing on the left side of the "Hall with animus", look in the direction of the left wall. Do not miss.

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Passage ACR. Part 3 (additional tasks)

Emblem number 10.

Before completing the passage of desmond travel, wrap the left to the table on which the animus was located and go upstairs. On the "vent pipe" you will find the latest emblem for the network game.

Part 1: Doubts

Emblem number 1 - 4:30

Emblem number 2 - 5:10

Part 2: Training

Emblem number 3 - 2:00

Emblem number 4 - 4:00

Part 3: Escape

Emblem number 5 - 0:30

Emblem number 6 - 3:15

Part 4: Megapolis

Emblem number 7 - 1:18

Emblem number 8 - 3:55

Part 5: regret

Emblem number 9 - 1:25

Emblem number 10 - 3:55

For the execution of all tasks, you will get the skin Devmond for travel in Constantinople:

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Tasks Master Assassins

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During the plot, we have already made an assassin of the commander of the Galat Base. But we still have 6 databases, to which we can attach our assassins.

And you knew that: Master Assassins can not be killed. In cases where the student dies, Master-Assassin is only getting wound and becomes inaccessible to one game day.

In each database, you can get 2 tasks related to the search and destruction of the Templar, occurring in the network game. For the first task you can get a reward in the form best gear In the game, and your future commander can pump out higher level 10.


\u003e 1st task - the Turkish Sword of Yusuf

\u003e 2nd task - Dagger Mehmet

\u003e 3 Task - Almogaurus ax

\u003e 6th assignment - Master-Assassin Armor

The second task becomes accessible when your assassin reaches the top 14 level - after its execution, it becomes a full commander. For some tasks you unlock the item for a character in a network game ...

Northern Bayazidova Base

Deacon, part 1

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Full synchronization: Find a representative of the church from the first attempt.

Reward: 700 accca

Someone plans to kill the Orthodox Patriarch in Constantinople, and you with your student you need to find it and neutralize ...

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Follow the church, and with the help of Orlin alone, find a representative of the Church, who knows about this killer.

Full passage: Do not pay attention to those who stand at the bottom of the people and immediately close the stairs - the man at the top and we will need.

It turned out that the killer - Cyril Rhodes, who was expelled from the church for his worldview ... Follow the indoor bridge next to the square and with the help of the Eagle alone distinguish the real deacon. But then your student interferes, and all spoils ...

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Conduct your student to the sea, passing the detachment of Byzantines and condemn the student for his hasty.

Deacon, part 2

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Full synchronization: Kill your goal hidden blade.

Reward: 1400 accca

In the port you will meet your student. You have a second chance - Kirill Rhodes somewhere nearby. Follow the church and see the crime of the Dyakon - the time to include the Eagle Face and follow the next.

Not far from the crime scene you will see the deacon himself. While your student distracts him, follow him to a quiet place and kill with a hidden blade from the back.

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Northern Konstantinova Baz

Fraud, part 1

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Full synchronization: None of the gypsies should die.

Reward: 700 accca

One of the Gypsies, Mirloil, so he all numbered that she was decided to be expelled from the coagus. You need to make sure that none of the gypsies will suffer. Follow the student to the Gypsy group, one of which will go to exile.

The gypsy path will not be calm - the loyal killer fraud will stand on the way with evil intentions. Discover them in advance with the help of eagle and neutralize.

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Interesting fact: While the killers do not attack the gypsy, none of them move the finger, while you will kill them / stun.

The fraud was expelled, but she didn't leave it so easily - she poisoned poison and killed. And the guards accused of this other gypsies. Disarm them until they caused any harm.

Full synchronization: The guards kill the Gypsies very, very long, and you have more than enough time to disarm them.

Fraud, part 2

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Full synchronization: Kill the fraud with poison.

Reward: 1400 accca

Your student managed to track a fraud - and now it's time to take revenge for her atrocities. Using the Eagle Face, go along the trail of the Mella. After a while you will meet her. When she runs away from you, shoot it with poisoned darts.

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Tip: Full synchronization will be completed when you get into it with darts. You can then bring her faster death, attacking weapons.

South Bayazidova Base

Champion, part 1

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Full synchronization: Stay on the roofs for all the time surveillance.

Reward: 700 accca

Your student learned that the Templars hunt the local printer. While your student accompanies it, you must protect them both of the insights of the Templars.

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After a while, your student will face the main of the attackers - the champion, and the press in fear will run into the park. Rather, follow him until your student fights the champion, and kill the attackers of Byzantines. Return to your student.

Full synchronization: To keep on the roofs is very simple, the main thing is to have small arms - arbeth, hidden pistol, throwing knives.

Champion, part 2

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Full synchronization: Heracking should not lose their health.

Reward: 1400 accca

The champion failed to attack a book product product, but now he decided to attack his father - herald. You need to protect it from the attacks of the Templars.

Full synchronization: A rather difficult condition. I advise you to use smoke checkers and short weapons for fast killings.

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After several attacks, the champion himself will come. Take it out and call your student to end the champion attacks and his Templars and complete the student's training.

South Konstantinova Baz

Guard, part 1

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Full synchronization: Do not enter into an open conflict during the investigation.

Reward: 700 accca

It seems that the Templars in the area are captivating merchants to strengthen their influence. Follow your student to investigate these events.

In the market you will meet the guard that bribed the next merchant. With the help of the eagle, find the chests with the money of the Templars, and then interrogate one of the merchants.

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The merchant will indicate you on the rich theodore - follow him in the estate and interrogate it. Be careful - his estate is teeming by Byzantine.

Full synchronization: Fortunately, before arriving at the collision market with the Templars, the complete synchronization does not fail. But after it should be especially careful - destroy the enemies with the help of crossbow or poisoned darts until they noticed you.

Guard, part 2

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Full synchronization:

Reward: 1400 accca

Theodore calmed down, and said that he had to bribe merchants under the threat of murder. But to help us, he is ready to lead us to the guard, the Template you have seen before.

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Full synchronization: Your enemies can not be on the way. Kill the almogoota from the back, and then move through the wall behind your student.

Theodore, however, gives our presence (for which he receives), and the guardia, along with another soldier, run away from you in different directions. Catch up and kill the soldier, and then the bellitis and the guard itself.

Northern imperial base

Vizier, part 1

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Full synchronization: Win the race with your student.

Reward: 700 accca

Without a noteworthy day in the life of Assassin ... Run a chance with your student.

Full synchronization: Most of the path goes through the streets, and your student runs clearly not in a hurry.

Climbing on the roof, you will notice a strange Templar ... you need to trace it. When he descends on the square, stand next to your student and follow the covered bridge.

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This man stole something at Vizier! Rather, catch it up. Soon your student will be able to get it. It remains only to return the stolen owner.

Vizier, part 2

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Full synchronization: Get to your student in less than 1 minute. Do not get involved in an open conflict.

Reward: 1400 accca

Your student got into trouble! Use the Eagle Face and go along the trail of the messenger who won you.

Full synchronization: Noticed a pillar of light? Your student there. You can very quickly reach the roofs there, and at the same time you will go around all the shutters.

Having met your student, continue to get out of a big bazaar, passing by the Byzantines in their path. Soon you will meet a sight, which has not been "helped not so long ago. Fortunately, your student will pick up to him from behind and kill him. It remains only to eliminate Almogavrov.

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Southern Imperial Base

Actress, part 1

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Full synchronization: Do not allow your student to be harmful.

Reward: 700 accca

A certain actress, under the pseudonym of the Lesstructure, on suspicion of your student, is involved in numerous killings of important persons. Travelers with your student behind it and find out the truth.

Full synchronization: During the surveillance, the Byzantines will meet, who, seeing your student, will immediately attack him. Eliminate them before they can harm or even notice your student.

In the hippodrome you will put an actress for the murder of another victim! But the attack of your student was unsuccessful - the actress throws a smoke bomb and runs away. Follow her follows to see the evidence of its atrocities.

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Actress, part 2

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Full synchronization: Kill the actress before your student makes it.

Reward: 1400 accca

The actress decided to give another idea, and you have opened a chance to kill her. Follow your student at a convenient point. The actress will come to the presentation along with the security - then you go.

Passage: Even no one obliges you to be secretive. If you have problems with the performance of complete synchronization, you can simply run down the street, jumping through the Templars on the way to actress.

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Now, after the assassination of the actress, you need to urgently escape from this place - the Templars here do not count.

Memoirs and Armor Askhak Pasha

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In addition to the animus memory fragments, you can find 10 memoirs of Askhak Pasha in Constantinople. The last you will find in arsenal, so you will not get them to sequence 5. Applicable to fragments tips apply to memoirs, but you can also assemble 25 animus fragments and buy a map.

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The red dot is also one of the memoirs.

After the collection of 10 memoirs of Askhak Pasha, you will open a hidden tombs in Ayia Sofia, where you can find the best armor In the game (along with the armor of the master-assassin), the Armor of Askhak Pasha.

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Ayia Sofia Secret

Sequence 1 - "as if return".

Memories of 1 - "Palace".

The Templars are going to hang Ezio to edify everyone who dares to get on their way. But the Ezio itself has other plans ...

An interesting video from Ezio Claudia (Sister-Assasina), do nothing.

Memories of 2 - "Hardening Escape".

This trouble does not prevent ECIO to open the secrets of Altair. Enter the Citadel, find Ecio's equipment and find the library.

Full synchronization (PS.) - Kill the Byzantine Templary by counterattack.

Go to the Central Citadel Masiaf.

At the start of the game of Ezio 5 health cells (5/20), and from weapons fists.

Reaching the first place, beat the guard or go first to workout (watching the list "Task", it is cyclically), if you do not miss the hint or continue your way, scroll on the wall of the fortress.

I advise you to inspect all the corpses, cash will soon be needed.

A task: Punch fist, capture, disarmament.

A task; Stan the enemy.

A task; Capture, throw.

A task: Combo killing.

A task: Evasion.

A task: killing counterattack.

A task: Series of murder 0/4.

A task: Response race with capture, retaliatory grip with throw.

A task: counter theft.

A task: Fractions of guards (to raise Ottomanian guards on Byzantine Straders).

A task: Kill militias.

A task: Kill bombers.

A task: Kill shooters.

A task: Kill Almogavarov (counterattacks).

A task: Murder of Varyags (rebound and attack).

A task: Kill dextering (counterattack).

A task: Elite (counterattacks).

A task: Yanychars (counterattacks).

A task: Identify the goal, kill the goal.

A task: Main attack, auxiliary attack.

A task: Kill the remote goal.

A task: Throw a bomb, aim and throw a bomb.

A task: Lubricate the guard, kneel the guards, kill the guardian (different bombs).

A task: Muck guard, kill the opponent by a trap.

A task: Murder with heavy weapons (throw).

A task: Run with capture, capture with throw (hidden blades).

A task: Quiet murder (hidden blades).

A task: Double murder (hidden blades).

A task: Instant murder.

A task: Blocking an attack.

Climbing the wall, fix the CT near the Tower with Ecio Equipment.

The platform with 4 guards (Templars) can be run and use the elevator, but any of them is suitable for testing memories, so carry out a counterattack (when holding PCM, press the LKM at the time of the opponent's attack).

After an acrobatic lift to the Tower site (CT). Along the way, the first guard reset from the ledge, and the second kill the quiet blade.

On the roof of the tower, reset the statue of the eagle and after the unauthorized lion of the faith, get ready to combat any guards attack (CT).

To start the following memory, remove 4 running guards in the hall, take things and talk to the surviving guy.

Memories of 3 - "Some diary".

In Masiaf Templar, a certain mysterious diary was brought. Lay the captain of the Templars and take the diary from him.

+ (Ps.) - Do not fail a single surveillance (not to give yourself to detect and not miss the enemy out of sight).

Find the captain of the Templars who has a diary.

Follow a couple of checkpoints before exiting the Citadel's courtyard.

Templars are going to the village. Mind on the tail at at least one of them and trace where it goes.

I advise you not to spend the parachute, but just go down the gate of the citadel, such an opportunity is.

In the village of 9 of the Templars (groups), but you can conduct one (one). So follow the hidden on the roofs of the right buildings counterclockwise, before the exit from the village, the next memory will start automatically.

Memories 1 - "prisoner".

The man was arrested for taking food. Show the poor fellow compassion.

+ (Ps.) - Stay out the guard from the pocket key.

Find the guard from which the key is.

Go to the search zone from the river, climbing on the pier. Goal on a platform with a tree. Go out the structure on the front of the left passage and bring it imperceptibly through the fence to the right, with the transition to the crowd on the site for the purpose.

Notify where the victim of theft is longer, in the place and steal with subsequent departure of water spaces.

Release the prisoner.

After this memories are unlocked testing "Job Guild" All factions (assassins, thieves, mercenaries, gypsies and a bombist).

While the test lists can only be viewed through the DNA section, later they will be available at the accounting papers of fractions (see the Guild Test List at the end of the notepad).

I want to notice that the nearest cart with hay, in front of the arched pass, is a comfortable place where three groups of guards are intersecting, from which a series of tests can be achieved.

So far, you have two student, go around 3 more points of review of the new quarter (9/22), without increasing fame, but using the challenge of students on the guards (students will not appear together, someone one).

When the student sticks, control his health so that he does not die, you yourself are imperceptible to help him, applying a hidden blade, throwing knives and poison.

Provocive single opponents on the roofs take up the weapon and call the student in battle, but avoid battles themselves to complete the first series of brotherhood.

The last view point (10/22) in a quarter under the control of the Templars until you capture the third database.

If you decide to raise glory to a maximum, having 3 assassin bases, then the Templars will not attack the first base (not on the script), so you can freely undergo trials of fractions and update the imperial quarters, which are not blocked by templars. With high glory, an official will always appear (-50% of glory) or a pursuer (-100% of glory).

I advise you to reveal the entire card, except the Arsenal quarter, it is not yet available.

Synchronize the points of view 21/22 But, without lighting the signal lights on the towers of the new base, so you will know the opponent's ability and where the captains are located. If there are desires, empty the chests ..

Get the maximum trial of the probe fraction, thieves, mercenaries and gypsies.

In the course of the inspection of the quarters, update everything available: Book benches - 5/15, banks - 4/14, blacksmiths - 5/15, tailors - 5/15, doctors - 4/14, Big Bazaar, Ayia Iria and Ayia Sofia.

If there is a desire, unlock the achievements: « Assassin Spidal» , « Braggart» , « Prompt fingers» , « Monstrous dance », « Maniac killer» .

According to the tests of the factions, see the entries in the section " Guild tasks»This notepad.

After 2/10 tests were performed for killers (Series 1), for mercenaries 9/10 (Nekobor Combo), for Gypsies 9/10 (no bomb) and thieves 9/10 (no suitable height for water jump ), Be incognito and return to the first database to continue the script.

Select the Commander of the Base (I have one student reached 10 levels (rank 2), and the second 8 (rank 1)), my choice is older, there is no alternative.

To continue the plot, talk to the newly minted commander of the base.

Memories of 1 - "Yanychars".

Ezio and Suleiman suspect that Tarik Barley, Captain Janachars, is associated with the Templars. Arrange the surveillance after it to learn more.

+ (PS) - distract the two guards with bombs.

Find Tarika Barleti.

Track the barlet target.

Use the crowd. Tarik will leave the market, and you stay inside, it will come back. When Tarik says that he shouldn't have a tail on his tail, throw the bomb the bait into the corner of the yard, but do not go to the corner, but go around the left pass and the guard. After the second exit from the market, it will not return, but will often turn. Take advantage of the roofs, calling the brotherhood to remove the shooters.

Memories of 1 - "in the shade."

Ezio wants to interrogate Tarika Barleti for the location of the army of the Templars. To come down to the tariff, get on the Janacharsk uniform.

+ (PS) - Kill the goal from the shelter.

Find a lonely Janchar.

When you find, it is necessary to kill it from shelter. Remove the sussins of the nearest guard, but imperceptibly and attach the Yanychar bomb to the haystack, in which they are tightened.

Memories of 6 - "Escape".

The Templars, who are now headed by Prince Ahmet, threaten to kill Sofia, if Ezio does not give the keys of Masiaf. Leave Cappadocia and rather return to Constantinople.

+ (PS) - Do not lose more than half of your health.

Leave the underground city.

There are twenty cells, you can donate not more than 10 cells. First you need to get rid of 9 guards or just to tear them to achieve CT, without losing health, come in handy (save the game).

At the next stage, you must not get the maximum damage from explosions. If you can not immediately go away, go back to the island to start with CT.

One advice, riding and nearest route. Upon exit from the CT cave and battle, minute it, running until the next CT.

Memories of 7 - "Transmission of the relay". 1257, Altairu 92.

Having spent more than a month in training with Altair, the Polo brothers are ready to return to Constantinople. However, the path of the Mongol detachment was blocked. Help the polo brothers leave the village.

Transfer relay.

Go to the gate of the citadel. Press the PM to subordinate enemies. Let the brothers lie at the gate, apply the power of the apple. And then call the brothers.

Passing the second descent, CT.

Apply Apple's magic from CT to CT.

Upon completion of the sequence, returned to Constantinople and unlock the achievement « Old boss, new boss».

Memories 1 - "Opening".

Prince Ahmet threatened to harm Sofia. Find and protect it.

+ (PS) - if you are attacked, kill 5 guards in the near battle, without getting injuries.

Find Sofia!

Instead of Sofia, the corpse of a friend of Yusuf.

Examine the body.

Find Ahmeta and kill it.

Sturm Arsenal Let your students begin. Let them remove the guard over the arsenal passage, then it will be possible to enter the site and attract with a dozen guards. Dazzling them with a smoke bomb, follow the combo-series test.

There are two other side entrances on the territory of Arsenal, I advise you to approach them. Otherwise, the fight will be infinite.

To the Sultana, it is necessary to come closely, Ezio will attack himself, but will not kill.

Memories 2 - "Exchange".

Collect Masiaf keys and take them to Akhmet to save Sofia.

+ (PS) - Save Sofia until she lost more than 50% of health.

Collect your comrades-Assasins so that they provide your safety during exchange.

Get out of asylum when restoring all the cells of the call of assassins.

In the Cemetery, Ezio expects all his masters. Before communicating with them, check that there are parachute in the equipment.

Meet with Ahmet and make an exchange.

Scooter on the tower and save Sofia.

The time limit is launched 2:00, have time.

Use parachute to get into the courtyard.

Keep the course on the tree, if required, then call Assassins. Avenue to lady, cut the rope.

Memories 1 - "home".

Ezio and Sofia arrived in Masiaf after long journey weeks. It is time to open a library.

Together with Sofia, come to the door of the library.

30 years of Ezio in the struggle as Assassin.

Use the Masiaf keys to solve the puzzle and open the library doors.

Use eagle vision, out of 3 shapes the right right (5 disks).

Explore the Altair library.

In the library, only the corpse of Altair and the disk. Next, video and game for Altair.

Guild of the killers - 7/7.

Series 1:

1.1 - Call Assassins in battle 25/25.

1.2 - Specify the assassins goal 20/20.

Award: Assassins sent to tasks will act more effectively.

Series 2:

2.1 - Use the shower of 15/15 arrows.

2.2 - Call Assassins in historical task 5/5.

Reward: Assassins signal recharges faster.

Series 3:

3.1 - Apply Assassins 12/12.

3.2 - Teach recruits to the level of Assessina 7/7.

3.3 - Successfully protect the base 3/3.

Award: Unlock the Assassin Fractional Weapon (Dagger Mehmet (5/5/5)).

Mercenary guild - 10/10.

Series 1:

1.1 - Online the mercenaries on the guards 10/10.

1.2 - destroy the stage, throwing someone 5/5 on them (you can citizens, but not all at once).

1.3 - destroy the enemy with a 0/5 throwing weapon (heavy weapons (teak, ax ...)).

Award: The cost of hiring mercenaries is reduced (150/75a).

Series 2:

2.1 - disarm the guard and kill it with a weapon 5/5.

2.2 - Kill the Byzantine Almogavara 25/25 (experience with an ax).

2.3 - Perform capture with a throw of 10/10 (you can grab the people for breasts).

Award: Unlock the fractional ability of mercenaries.

Series 3:

3.1 - Take a double murder 10/10.

3.2 - Kill 5 guards in hand-to-hand combat less than 10 seconds 1/1.

3.3 - Spend a combo series at least 5 kills 10/10.

3.4 - Kill the Ottoman Yanychar 25/25 (guard in masks).

Award: Unlock a fractive weapon of mercenaries (two-handed sword Espadon (5/4/4)).

Guild Gypsies - 10/10.

Series 1:

1.1 - Online Gypsies on the guards 10/10.

1.2 - run in, hiding from persecution (crowd / shelter) 10/10.

1.3 - Kill the guards from the crossbow, remaining unnoticed 20/20 (s).

Award: The cost of hiring gypsies is reduced (150/75a).

Series 2:

2.1 - Use tactical bombs to escape from the guards 10/10.

2.2 - Kill the pursuer without receiving a knife in the back of 5/5.

2.3 - Kill the guards using poison 15/15.

Award: Unlock the fractional ability of Gypsies (take the opponent behind you).

Series 3:

3.1 - Kill the guards with the help of bombs, remaining unnoticed 20/20.

3.2 - Kill the guard, coming up from behind 10/10.

3.3 - Kill the guard from the shelter 5/5.

3.4 - Kill 3 opponents, stunned chimneyuntil smoke 1/1 dissipated.

Award: Unlock the Roma Fractional Weapon (Gypsy Stiletto (5/3/4)).

Guild of thieves - 10/10.

Series 1:

1.1 - Infall the thieves on the guards 10/10.

1.2 - Job without stopping 300 meters 1/1.

1.3 - Perform a mileage with capture 15/15 (Candle).

Reward: The cost of hiring thieves is reduced.

Series 2:

2.1 - Pursue of faith 40/40.

2.2 - Small a total of 1 kilometer on the walls 1/1.

2.3 - Detect the money of the response theft 205 / 250a (theft during the battle).

Award: Unlock the fractional ability of thieves (steal with everyone, even from corpses).

Series 3:

3.1 - Drop from a height of at least 30 meters 1/1.

3.2 - Kill the guard by throwing knives 25/25.

3.3 - Murder the guard in the air from the 5/5 beam.

3.4 - Murder on a 10/10 rope.

Award: Unlock Fractional Waving Weapons (???).

Bombs - 10/10.

Series 1:

1.1 - Print the bomb to the guard 10/10 (replay of the task of Peel).

1.2 - Kill the purpose of the task using the 1/1 bomb.

1.3 - distract the guard using bombs 20/20 (find the place where 3 groups are intersecting, coast with arrivals).

1.4 - Kill one bomb of 5 guards 1/1 (when completing 1.3).

1.5 - Kill the guards bomb on stretching 20/20.

Series 2:

2.1 - Make a bomb with all types of enclosures 1/1 (4 housing).

2.2 - Use a 50/50 bomb.

2.3 - Kill the guard, disabled bomb 25/25.

2.4 - Make one bomb with each type of 1/1 effect (10 effects).

2.5 - Use twice all effects 1/2 bombs (counts immediately after the first cycle 2.4, if used).

Award: Additional ingredients for bombs appear on the databases.

Additional memories:

View points - 22:

Galatsky: 4/4.

Imperial: 5/5.

Konstantinov: 5/5.

Bayazid: 5/5.

Arsenal: 1/1.

Topkapi: 1/1.

Animus data fragments - 100:

Galata: 11/11.

Constantine Quarter - North: 10/10.

Konstantin - South: 11/11 (one with parachute).

Arsenal Quarter: 11/11.

Bayazida Quarter - North: 12/12 (1 in the quarter of Constantine).

Bayazida Quarter - South: 11/11 (1 in the territory of Konstantin Quarter).

The Imperial Quarter is the north: 11/11 (one fragment in the "Topkapi" quarter, the other in Bayazid).

Imperial Quarter - South: 11/11.

Cappadocia: 12/12.

Pages of Memoirov Ishak Pasha - 10:

Arsenal Quarter: 1/1.

Bayazida Quarter - North: 1/1.

Bayazida Quarter - South: 1/1.

Konstantin Quarter - North: 2/2.

Konstantin - South: 2/2.

Imperial Quarter - North: 1/1.

Imperial Quarter - South: 1/1.

Galata: 1/1.

Treasures - 106:

Arsenal Quarter: 6/6 (one is assigned to another quarter).

Bayazida Quarter - North: 12/12.

Bayazida Quarter - South: 12/12 (one out of the quarter, on the tower emerging to the southern berth for mercenary guild).

Konstantin Quarter - North: 12/12.

Konstantin - South Quarter: 12/12.

Imperial Quarter - North: 16/16 (7 on the territory of the Topkapi Palace).

Imperial Quarter - South: 12/12.

Galata: 12/12.

Cappadocia: 12/12.

Treasures (hidden places) - 15:

Basil tank: 3/3.

Maiden Tower: 3/3.

Bull Forum: 3/3.

Galat Tower: 3/3.

Ayia Sofia: 3/3.

Codex Bombs (4 Corps and 10 Effects):

1.1 Impact housing.

1.1.1 Split bomb (Shrapnel - lethal).

1.1.2 Bomb with spines (spines - tactical).

1.2 Corps with cast.

1.2.1 Sound bomb (coal dust - lethal).

1.2.2 Bloody Bomb (Sheep Blood - Tactical).

1.3 Stretching.


1.3.2 Bomb-bait (sulfur - sabotage).

1.3.3 Smoke-free bomb (Selitra - Diversion).

1.3.4 Golden bomb (pyrite coins - sabotage).

1.4 sticky bomb.

1.4.1 Smoking curtain (phosphorus - tactical).

1.4.2 Bomb-smelute (odorant - tactical).

Indian / Arabic / British powder \u003d 2 meter lesions radius / 3 meters / 4 meters.

Defense of the Mediterranean.

Send your assassins to captured cities.

1. Alexandria (8):

1.1 Raise the riot - 1/6 hidden blade, 410A, 10HR, 3:19 (-5% control of the Templar).

1.2 Fake Documents - 2/6 Arbalet, 986A, 37hp, 6:12 (-10%).

1.3 Attack on the merchant - 3/6 Arbalet, 949a, 115HR, 6:48 (-15%).

1.4 Piri Reis: Study of the region - with the presence of 1500A, 2/6 * Crossets, 0a, 130HR, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient at Peri (Corps with fan)).

1.5 Alexandria: Mentor's study - 3/6 *, 2000a, 3000hr, 5:00 (-15%).

1.6 attack on beggar - 4/6 Arbalet, 1692a, 536xp, 11:28 (-20%).

1.7 Alexandria: Printing Memory, Part 1 - 4/6 *, 1500a, 3500HR, 20:00 (-20%).

1.8 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500A, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

1.9n Kill Captain - 2/6 Arbalet, 417A, 30HR, 4:04 (-10%).

1.10n to poison food - 4/6 Crossets, 1766A, 545HR, 11:50 (-20%).

1.11N Bribe the heated - 4/6 Arbalet, 893a, 436., 7:28 (-20%).

1.13N The enemy of the press - 4/6 Arbalet, 1650A, 531HR, 11:15 (-20%).

1.14n attack diplomat - 2/6, 933a, 36hr, 6:00 (-10%).

1.15n Stealing weapons - 4/6, 1536a, 517 chr, 4:50 (-20%).

1.16n kill the guards - 4/6, 1343a, 492., 9:43 (-20%).

1.18n Stealing clothes - 3/6, 916a, 113hp, 6:40 (-15%).

1.19n Alexandria: Printing Memory, Part 2 - 5/6 *, 4500a, 4500HR, 20:00 (-25%).

Under the control of assassins (such tasks and in other cities).

Prevent sabotage - 1/6, 329a, 10hr, 3:05 (+ 5%).

Help the notable lady - 3/6, 1112A, 128hr, 7:27 (+ 15%).

Kill the lawyer - 3/6, 733a, 98hr, 5:56 (+ 15%).

Improvement of trade relations - with 2500A 2/6, 0a, 150HR, 12:00 (+ 10% + profit 250a).

Lent a new base - with 2500A 2/6, 0a, 150HR, 12:00 (+ 10% + 1, Assassin in the city).

Expand the city port - with 2500A 2/6, 0a, 150HR, 12:00 (+ 10% + profit 100a).

Expand the city bazaar - with 2500A 2/6, 0a, 150HR, 12:00 (+ 10% + profit 250a).

Support local actors - if there are 5000a 2/6, 0a, 150HR, 12:00 (+ 10% + 200h rubles from the city).

Ensure the safety of routes - with 2500A 2/6, 0A, 150HR, 12:00 (+ 10% + profit 100a).

Edit the city - with the presence of 1500a 2/6, 0a, 150HR, 12:00 (+ 10% + profit 150a).

Business perspectives - with 1,500A 2/6, 0A, 150HR, 12:00 (+ 10% + profit 150a).

Build the foundry - with 1,500A 2/6, 0a, 150HR, 12:00 (+ 10% + profit 150a).

Support a local scientist - if there are 5000a 2/6, 0a, 150HR, 12:00 (+ 10% + 200h rubles from the city).

Deliver the report - 4/6, 613a, 401хр, 6:04 (+ 20%).

Kill Politics - 1/6, 924a, 14HR, 4:47 (+ 5%).

Education of mercenaries - 4/6, 793a, 424hr, 6:58 (+ 20%).

Improving the defense of the city - 4/6, 793a, 424., 6:58 (+ 5%).

Attack the owner of the hotel - 3/6, 1087a, 126xp, 7:21 (+ 15%).


Assassins control 50% (maximum).

Money + 1550A / day.

Experience + 750hp / day.

Ingredients - Sere X5.

If the city's control falls up to 20-25%, then the Templars are attacked.

Protect the city - 6/6 *, 1000a, 1500., 19:19.

2. Algeria (7):

2.1 Steal food - 1/6, 813a, 13HR, 4:28 (-5% control of the Templars).

2.2 Steal victory - 2/6, 702a, 33xp, 5:08 (-10%).

2.3 Steal the Kiss - 3/6, 702a, 97hr, 5:53 (-15%).

2.4 Algeria: All Royal Rail, Part 1 - 2/6 *, 1200a, 250HP, 8:00 (-10%).

2.5 Algeria: Aid search - 3/6 *, 2000a, 3000hr, 5:00 (-15%).

2.6 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500a, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

2.7 Throw up the list - 6/6, 983a, 4539., 15:12 (-30%).

2.8N Algeria: All Royal Raint, Part 2 - 3/6 *, 3000a, 1200HR, 12:00 (-15%).

2.9n attack the courier - 4/6, 1133a, 466., 8:40 (-20%).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1400A / day.

Experience + 700hp / day.

Ingredients - stretching x3.

Protect the city - 6/6 *, 1500a, 1500HR, 4:27.

3. Bursa (8):

3.1 Leave a message - 1/6, 574a, 11HR, 3:47 (-5% control of the Templar).

3.2 Print Speech - 2/6, 684a, 33xp, 5:04 (-10%).

3.3 Bursa: Go for money, part 1 - 3/6 *, 3000a, 300hp, 20:00 (-10%).

3.4 Bursa: The best laws for money - 3/6 *, 2000a, 3000hr, 5:00 (-15%).

3.5 Kill the doctor - 4/6, 1696a, 537 chr, 11:29 (-20%).

3.6 Little Prince (Scenario) - 3/6 *, 500A, 13500HR, unknown (-15%).

3.7 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500A, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

3.8 Family Dryazgi - 6/6, 2425a, 5226., 18:38 (-30%).

3.9Н Bursa: Go for money, part 2 - 4/6 *, 1300a, 1200HR, 12:00 (-20%).

3.10n Bursa: Go for money, part 3 - 4/6 *, 1400a, 3500HR, 20:00 (-20%).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1400A / day.

Experience + 650hp / day.

Ingredients - sticky bomb x3.

4. Athens (6):

4.1 Examine scientists - 1/6, 830a, 13HR, 4:31 (-5% control of the Templars).

4.2 Visit the banquet - 3/6, 1366a, 149., 8:28 (-15% control of the Templar).

4.3 Athens: the problems of the first civilization - 3/6 *, 2000a, 3000hr, 5:00 (-15%).

4.4 Protect Brotherhood - 4/6, 1443a, 505HR, 10:13 (-15%).

4.5 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500A, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

4.6 Stealing Values \u200b\u200b- 6/6, 1865a, 4959., 17:18 (-30%).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1750A / day.

Experience + 600hp / day.

Ingredients - phosphorus x4.

Protect the city - 6/6 *, 1000a, 1500., 6:02.

5. Damascus (5):

5.1 Feed horses - 2/6, 768a, 34xp, 5:23 (-10% control of the Templar).

5.2 Kill the supplier - 3/6, 783a, 102hr, 6:08 (-15%).

5.3 Steal relic - 4/6, 1283a, 485., 9:25 (-20%).

5.4 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500a, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

5.5 attack on mercenary - 6/6, 1529a, 4799Hp, 16:30 (-30%).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1650A / day.

Experience + 700hp / day.

Ingredients - Donman X4 powder.

Protect the city - 6/6 *, 1000a,, 5:43.

6. Genoa (7):

6.1 Kill the merchant - 1/6, 533a, 11HR, 3:40 (-5% control of the Templar).

6.2 Listen to Confession - 2/6, 919a, 36xp, 5:74 (-10%).

6.3 Destroy gunpowder - 3/6, 791a, 103HR, 6:10 (-15%).

6.4 Piri Reis: Study of the region - with the presence of 1500A, 2/6 * Crossets, 0a, 130HR, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient at Peri (shock case)).

6.5 Genoa: Purchase of influence - 3/6 *, 2000a, 3000hr, 5:00 (-15%).

6.6 Searches for excess - 4/6, 736a, 417 chr, 6:41 (-20%).

6.7 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500A, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1550A / day.

Experience + 700hp / day.

Ingredients - coal dust x3.

Protect the city - 6/6 *, 1000a, 1500HR, 6:37.

7. Jerusalem (6):

7.1 Full reconnaissance - 1/6, 731a, 13HR, 4:14 (-5% control of the Templars).

7.2 Protect the herald - 2/6, 1168a, 39hp, 6:53 (-10%).

7.3 Make friends with the enemy - 3/6, 1208a, 136xp, 7:50 (-15%).

7.4 Jerusalem: behind the Cross - 3/6 *, 2000a, 3000hr, 5:00 (-15%).

7.5 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500A, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

7.6 War for exhaustion - 6/6, 1494a, 4783., 16:25 (-30%).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1500A / day.

Experience + 600hp / day.

Ingredients - spines x3.

Protect the city - 6/6 *, 1000a, 1500., 4:20.

8. Lisbon (8):

8.1 Stealing contracts - 1/6, 364a, 10HR, 3:11 (-5% control of the Templar).

8.2 Play nobleman - 2/6, 928a, 36xp, 5:59 (-10%).

8.3 Lisbon: Colonies, part 1 - 2/6, 1500a, 1250HR, 8:00 (-10%).

8.4 Piri Reis: Study of the region - with the presence of 1500A, 2/6 * Crossets, 0a, 130HR, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient at Peri).

8.5 Lisbon: Popular studies - 3/6 *, 2000a, 3000hr, 5:00 (-15%).

8.6 Steal information - 4/6, 1419a, 502hr, 10:06 (-20%).

8.7 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500a, 1500., 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

8.8 Visit the banquet - 6/6, 2040a,, 17:43 (-30%).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1250A / day.

Experience + 640hp / day.

Ingredients - shock case x3.

Protect the city - 6/6 *, 1000a, 1500., 11:24.

9. Madrid (7):

9.1 Save the reputation - 1/6, 871a, 14HR, 4:38 (-5% control of the Templar).

9.2 Kill the priest - 3/6, 879a, 110xp, 6:31 (-15%).

9.3 Piri Reis: Study of the region - with the presence of 1500a, 2/6 * Crossets, 0a, 130HR, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient at Peri).

9.4 Madrid: Cannon meat - 3/6 *, 2000a, 3000hr, 5:00 (-15%).

9.5 Attack the priest - 4/6, 1379a, 497hp, 9:54 (-20%).

9.6 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500a, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

9.7 Steal real estate - 6/6 *, 1410A, 4743., 16:13 (-30%).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1450A / day.

Experience + 600hp / day.

Ingredients - Shrapnel X3.

Protect the city - 6/6 *, 1000a, 1500xp, 11:15.

10. Marseille (7):

10.1 Kill the guards - 2/6, 631a, 32Khr, 4:52 (-10% control of the Templar).

10.2 Prevent coup - 2/6, 631a, 32Khr, 4:52 (-10%).

10.3 Piri Reis: Study of the region - with the presence of 1500a, 2/6 * Arbalet, 0a, 130HR, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient at Peri).

10.4 Marseille: Ancient art - 3/6 *, 2000a, 3000hr, 5:00 (-15% control of the Templars).

10.5 Release the captive - 4/6, 1183a, 472., 8:55 (-20%).

10.7 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500a, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

10.8 Defender in court - 6/6 *, 1879a, 4966xp, 17:20 (-30%).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1450A / day.

Experience + 600hp / day.

Ingredients - British powder x3.

Protect the city - 6/6 *, 1000a, 1500., 3:29.

11. Tripoli (8):

11.1 Protect the ally - 1/6, 603a, 12HR, 3:52 (-5% control of the Templar).

11.2 Kill Herack - 2/6, 1133a, 39hp, 6:45 (-10%).

11.3 Listen to Confession - 3/6, 649a, 91xp, 5:36 (-15%).

11.4 Piri Reis: Study of the region - with the presence of 1500A, 2/6 * Crossets, 0a, 130HR, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient at Peri (Sheep Blood)).

11.5 Tripoli: Bomb Man, Part 1 - 2/6 *, 1000a, 130HR, 8:00 (-10%).

11.6 Tripoli: to the base - 3/6 *, 2000A, 300HR, 5:00 (-15%).

11.7 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500a, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

11.8 Distribute rumors - 6/6 *, 1018A, 4556., 15:17 (-30%).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1550A / day.

Experience + 700hp / day.

Ingredients - Arabic Powder x3.

12. Tunisia (8):

12.1 Protect the spy - 1/6, 714a, 12HR, 4:11 (-5% control of the Templars).

12.2 spoil weapons - 2/6, 475a, 30HR, 4:17 (-10%).

12.3 Piri Reis: Study of the region - with the presence of 1500a, 2/6 * Arbelt, 0a, 130HR, 8:00 (-10%, new ingredient at Peri).

12.4 Tunisia: Through your fingers - 3/6 *, 2000a, 3000 ° C, 5:00 (-15%).

12.5 Visit the view - 4/6, 1593a, 524., 10:58 (-15%).

12.6 Tunisia: Goods and services, Part 1 - 3/6 *, 3600a, 1250HR, 20:00 (-15%).

12.7 Return the city - 5/6 *, 2500A, 1500HR, 10:00 (this city is controlled by Assassins).

12.8 Accompany Ally - 6/6, 655a, 4526., 15:08 (-30%).


Assassins control 50%.

Money + 1550A / day.

Experience + 700hp / day.

Ingredients - Sheep Blood X3.

13. Rhodes- Play on all Rhodes maps in a network game to unlock this city.

In the imperial quarter there appeared a book marker " Hidden tomb" Going to the shop of Sofia, find a book on the rack on the side of the book on a stack of books, on the map of Konstantin, another brand "Dunmark Vlad Pierce" will appear.

"Tomb of the pierce".

Explore the abandoned dungeon of Vlad "Pierce" chain.

Span. - Pass the level for 7 minutes.

CT1 (6:31). If the next CT has a delay, perform a reboot with return to the island.

After the cable in the next room on the front wall, shifting to the right, jump back.

Jump into the room and on the left walls, go to the bridge of the right wall and the beam to the lamp.

Having reached a swivel lamp, do not turn the corner on it, and jump directly to the balcony with the subsequent leap of faith. Coming out of the water CT2 (5:34).

Through the closed gate, climbing on the wall on the right, and after performing a jump to the side (left).

Next, a long transition to a tier room. In this room, pick up the tier on the right, at the top of the tier to the blocks on the wall. Looking on blocks, jump on the wall on the right, and from it to the site on the left (side), where CT3 (4:23).

Jump on a suspended cage, moving on the left side and up with the hook.

From the cell to cling to the drain on the wall, on the beam with the hook. Switching to the opposite stock, shifting blocks on the wall on the right, jump back, climb the wall staircase, the transition to the ropes, the hook on the chain, jump back to the passage of the passage, where CT4 (3:26).

From the conventional place to take « Sword of Vlad Tseresh» (4/4/4), Timer Stop (3:10).

Return to the city.

"The Secret of Ayia Sofia."

In the underground robber, to get into which the remains of Ishak-Pasha, Turkish Assassin, famous for his valor and courage, are reached from al-Sofia.

+ (PS) - pass the level within 6 minutes.

Inspect Ayia Sofia.

Through the barrier, the beams on the left wall, then jump back on the right and mixed up to the lamp, jump back on it, followed by the transition to new Hall, there KT (5:23).

On the wall, jump back on the lamps and left to the cable. After the fall of the wall staircase CT (4:53).

On the tier, shift to the left and run to the right, there, through the lamp long jump. To the wall, upstairs, mixing to the right and jump on the lamps with the back, from the lamp on the cable. On a couple of beams on the right, then pair on the left and a long jump. Through the obstacle and on the big beam in the hall, with her on the wall on the right and above. Jump back and above to the lamp, there KT (3:42). On the lamp, shift along the wall to the left, a little up and jump back.

After the cable upstairs and on the eaves to the right, lifting by the window and jump back on the lamp, and from it to the main lamp lever.

Jump in a secret pool under the Basilica floor.

After the jump of the faith CT (2:35).

Open the tomb of Assassin.

First, empty the chest 3/3, and then inspect the tomb, time to stop (2:34).

The award will become « Armor Ishak Pasha» They are comparable to Assassin's armor.

Return to the city.

Deslimndand travel, part 1/5 (after the selection of 5 fragments):

Enter the center of the Animus kernel and go down to the central playground. It is necessary to get to the screen in this room, but immediately cannot be reached.

Follow the passage of the left, where you need to activate the tolerance panel to disable the screen in the next pass.

When Dismond starts talking, it means that you have passed control point And when you have a lethal, start from a fixed place.

Second hall, activation key on a tier. Minute the passage hall and a room with descent. Use mobile panels for the lifting.

Hall with new activation keys. Up to the second, run bypass through the mobile platform, and not try to jump.

After receiving the ability to install the platforms, remember that each subsequent after the fourth will destroy the first completed.

Going to the next room, you can change the form of the platform. Go out moving blocks, return to the first room, where you can now move to the output panel.

Deslimndand travel, part 2/5 "Training" (after selection of 10 fragments):

In the airflow zones, the appeared figures are shifted. In laser zones are destroyed. The first such room can be passed and in the free flight through the laser sector to ensure the drop in the outlet from the stream. In the air flow down, use inclined figures for a permanent lift. Several halls will combine mixed streams. In the hall with a projection on the corner wall, find the cube, it is 4th emblem Network game (monkey).

The descent in the stream requires a slalom to bypass the death zones.

Deslimndand travel, part 3/5 "Escape" (after selection of 15 fragments):

Bypassing a simple room, go through the following in the fall, exposing the block after the passage (fall) of the laser zone.

To the key of the transition riding. In the laser zone on the side protrusions and beams. After activating the key, back and in the passage to the left.

Room with a mobile laser screen, follow the left flank to the site, followed by a removable laser.

A small transition by narrow corridor and a new hall.

Go around the screens horizontally and vertically, there are no problems.

River river. Each unit is lower, until I will switch to the first place. Consider the passage of the river to reach the second platform. Next to the conditional waterfall and on the platform on the right.

Free drop with landing on a block and room with lasers. Follow the right flank on the bottom beam.

The passage between two moving lasers. Pass with a laser and flow, then exit.

Deslimndand travel, part 4/5 "Megapolis" (after selection of 20 fragments):

A pair of rooms with a rotating laser, a room with stationary lasers. Well with replaceable laser screens.

Room with the bridge, cross the conditions for change. Switching over a laser in the near corner to the right. The transition of the bottom to the next corner. Transition with glomage up and in the stream to the key. A lounge with a sinusoidal laser riding, through the beams. Next, nothing awake.

Wandering of Desmond, part 5/5 "Regret" (after the selection of 30 fragments):

Landing in an elevator and went to the third floor to the third floor. Before the first place, then the side pass to the left to the second. Obstacle with stream and alternating screens. Slomal between cubes. Pass with a movable laser, use niches on the right flank.

New elevator with self-service. Pass with screens. Room with former animus, check the beams.

Armor (main price / reduced by 15%):

After p1_v1 "Azap Shoulders" - 403 / 343a.

After p2_v7 "Azap Bracery" - 1150/978a.

After p3_v10 "Azap's napes" - 1265/1076a.

After p4_v3 "Azap Bib" - 2875/2444a.

After p4_v6 "Bracery Mamluka" - 4002/3402a.

After p4_v6 "Mamluk's napes" - 4416 / 3754a.

After p5_v7 "Mamluka's Shoulders" - 7038 / 5983a.

Ishak Pasha was the state and military leader of the Ottoman Empire. Twice became a visira at different ruler: when Mehmet II, the conqueror, after the registered killing of Vlad Charesh, with the help of a Boyar briber, and Bayazid II, when the Turkmen from the Anatolian city of Aksaray in Constantinople was forcibly reached worst enemy In the face of the Templar Shah-Kula, who paid himself with the offender of his people a couple of years later, won the dagger in his back at the grave of his mother in the Dessaloniki, where he went after the revival of the Brotherhood of Assassins in Constantinople. After the death of Ishak-Pashi, the title of master of the Order switched to Yusuf Tazim. The favorite occupation of the Vizier was a blacksmith. From the Father he got a scroll with secrets, which described the methods of handling of edema particles. Thanks to them, he made his own armor, not inferior to anyone. Get the armor of Ishak-Pasha in Assassin's Creed: Revelation stored in the Mosque of Ayia Sophia in the northern part of the Imperial Quarter, will help 10 pages of memoirs hidden throughout Constantinople. The map with their location appears on sale in bookstores after finding 25. Together with the armor of Ishak-Pasha, capable of withstanding bullets and arrows, the achievement of "Sacred Wisdom" and the reward for the network game opens.

Location of ISHAK Pasha Memoir Pages in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. Quarter Galat.: At the top of the Galat Tower.
  2. : The Tower for the Military Camp of Janchar, northeast of the Fatih Mosque.
  3. Northern Quarter Konstantin: On the southern minaret of the Fatih mosque.
  4. : In the locked transition to the north of the main asylum of Gypsies.
  5. Southern Quarter Konstantin: On the roof of the cemetery mosque south of the tunnel for a quick transition.
  6. Arsenal: under the roof of the shed at the western wall.
  7. Southern block of bayazid: At the top of the little Ayi-Sofia.
  8. Northern Quarter Bayazid: At the top of the northern minaret of the mosque of Bayazid.
  9. : on the dome of the Big Bazaar.
  10. North of the Imperial Quarter: On the eastern minaret of Ayia Sofia Mosque.

Characteristics of ISHAK-Pasha armor in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  • Icyc-Pasha Shoulders: Health - 4, armor - 8.
  • Bib Ishak Pasha: Health - 5, armor - 8.
  • Weeping Ishak-Pasha: Health - 3, armor - 8.
  • Icyckers Pashe: Health - 3, armor - 8.

The side effect of frequent stay in Animus is " Effect of seepage"When the experienced events are mixed with each other and provoke the occurrence of hallucinations. Visions from the past begin to occur by themselves and are not controlled. The brain with the nervous system does not cope with the load, which leads to a psyche disorder and leads a person crazy. In such a trap, once turned out to be the "object 16", who was unable to experience the incident and committed suicide, leaving a bloody message from mysterious glifs by the future prisoners of Abstergo. And Dismond was tirelessly throughout the Assassin's Creed series. Transferred loads and the strongest shock will eventually affect his mind. In Assassin's Creed: Revelation His consciousness will be locked in the depths of Animus, where there will be a meeting with the "object 16", which in an integration will explain what needs to be done to awaken and return to real worldwithout becoming a victim of mergers with the ancestors - Altair and Ezio.

Animus Data Fragments in Assassin's Creed: Revelation Replaced and. They are closely connected with five memories of the life of the desmond, which can be survived again by entering the portals on the virtual island. To open portals, you need to find and collect while traveling in Constantinople and Cappadocia 30 out of 100 animus fragments. If, when entering the portal, the game hangs and flies on the desktop, you need to update the game with patch to version 1.01 or higher, where this error has been fixed. Most of the animus fragments are located in the reach area - in the Earth or at low heights, the remaining are only available with parachute (sold at tailors). During flight it is important to control the speed of the descent and direction (the [W], [A], [S], [D] keys). With due dexterity and skill, the animus fragments can be collected in a free fall, hovering from the parachute with the key. After finding the first 50 fragments on the map, tags are automatically appear with the location of the remaining (all of them affect 100% the passage of the game).

Animus data fragments in the Galati quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On the wall on the way to the western inside of the area.
  2. At the rack in the water near the tower in the western part of the area.
  3. At the crossbar above the arch in the north-western part of the area.
  4. At the crossbar between the houses along the way to the shelter of Assassins.
  5. On the platform from the western side of the Galat Tower. To get to the animus fragment, you need to jump from the nearest window along the way to the top or from the roof of the tower on the parachute, and in flight to thank the developers for the damn cart with hay.
  6. On the chimney on the roof of the house at the wall, southwest of the Galat Tower.
  7. On the road along the street in the center of the district, south of the Galat Tower.
  8. On the smoke tube on the roof of the house in the center of the district, south of the Galat Tower.
  9. On the smoke tube on the roof of the house in the center of the area, southeast of the Galat Tower.
  10. On the arch between the houses near the Eastern Wall of the Area.
  11. At the crossbar on the south side of the lighthouse on the pier.

Animus data fragments in the northern part of Konstantin Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On the watchdog in a military camp, east of the Fatih mosque.
  2. On the northern minanare of the Fatih mosque.
  3. In the fountain in the courtyard of the Fatih mosque.
  4. On the aqueduct opposite the entrance to the Fatih mosque.
  5. At the top of the signal tower on.
  6. On the wall next to the Fight Platte, where one of the recruits was recruited, west of the Assessin base. To climb a crossbar, you need to face the wall, clamp the [W] + [Space] + [PKM] keys and press the [A] + [Space] + [PCM] keys, having completed a complex side jump, similar to the letter "G".
  7. On the roof of the Fenari Isa Mosque, southwest of the Assessin base.
  8. Along the cable over the area between the houses, in the southern borders of the area.
  9. At the top of the marcian column in the center of the area.
  10. On the column among the ruins of the southeastern borders of the district, south of the aqueduct of the Valentelf.

Animus data fragments in the southern part of Konstantin Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On the western wall of the city next to the mosque, north of the main asylum of Gypsies. To climb the platform, you need to face the wall, clamp the [W] + [space] + [PCM] keys and press the [D] + [Space] keys to press the [D] + [PCM] keys, having completed a complex side jump, similar to the letter "G".
  2. On the arch of the mosque at the western wall of the city, north of the main asylum of Roma.
  3. On the roof of the mosque, south of the river Licac. To pick up an animus fragment, you need to jump with a parachute from the neighboring minaret.
  4. On the cable between houses in the center of the district, north-east of the main asylum of Roma.
  5. On the roof of the mosque, north of the Assessin base.
  6. In the alley under a canopy between houses, east of the Assessin base.
  7. At the top of the signal tower on the basis of Assassins.
  8. In the courtyard south of the main asylum of Gypsies.
  9. On the western wall of the city, south of the main asylum of Roma.
  10. Among the graves in the cemetery, south of the tunnel for a quick transition.
  11. On the column next to the cemetery mosque, south of the tunnel for a quick transition.

Animus data fragments in Arsenal in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. At the stern of the first ship.
  2. On the roof of the house, northwest of the first ship.
  3. Over the arch of the Western Gate.
  4. In the yard next to the wall, north of the first ship.
  5. On the roof of the house, north of the second ship.
  6. At the top of the mast of the second ship.
  7. In the housing of the unfinished koryabl.
  8. On the platform in front of an unfinished ship.
  9. On the platform near the northern wall.
  10. Under the roof of the house near the northern wall.
  11. At the crossbar under the roof of the barn, east of the second ship.

Animus data fragments in the northern part of the Bayazid Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On the roof of the mosque in the southwestern borders of the area, west of the tunnel for a quick transition.
  2. On the roof of business attacks from the west side of the Bayazid mosque.
  3. At the top of the Bayazid Mosque.
  4. On the roof of the database of thieves.
  5. On the column for the Zeirek mosque.
  6. On the column opposite the main entrance to the Bayazid mosque.
  7. In the arc of the aqueduct of the Valen. You can get to the fragment on the cable passing through the arch between the houses.
  8. On the roof of the highest house, south of the signal tower at the Assessin base.
  9. At the top of the tower in the harbor, north of the tunnel for a quick transition.
  10. On the roof of the port building in the harbor, north of the tunnel for a quick transition.
  11. At the water itself next to the ship in the harbor, north of the tunnel for a quick transition.
  12. On the extension next to the mosque in the harbor, north of the tunnel for a quick transition.

Animus data fragments in the southern part of the Bayazid Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. On the first tower next to the southern harbor.
  2. On the flagpole on the top of the second tower next to the southern harbor.
  3. On the roof of the little Ayi-Sofia.
  4. On the roof of the alert to the little Ayi Sofia, east of the mosque.
  5. On the roof of the house, east of the church of MiroLon.
  6. On the roof of the arch in the eastern part of the district, between the Church of Mirhelon and the Hippodrome.
  7. On the roof of the house next to the mosque in the northern part of the area, north-east of the church of Mielon.
  8. On the roof of the observation tower, north of the tunnel for a quick transition.
  9. On the roof of the mosque to the west of the base of Assassins.
  10. On the roof of the observation tower, west of the tunnel for the rapid transition.
  11. On one of the columns of the bullish forum.

Animus data fragments in the northern part of the Imperial Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. Above the arch between the pier and the city in the harbor.
  2. At the crossbar above the street, west of the base of Assassins.
  3. To cross the port wall, northeast of the Assessin base.
  4. On the charm trade shopeast of the Assessin base.
  5. At the crossbar above the road to the Palace of Sultan in Topkapi, east of the Assessin base.
  6. At the crossbar under the roof of the market.
  7. At the crossbar above the road, south of the tunnel for the rapid transition next to the shop of Sofia.
  8. At the crossbar behind the house, north of the tunnel for the rapid transition next to the shop of Sofia.
  9. At the top of the Northern Minaret of Ayia Sofia Mosque.
  10. On the roof of the arbor in the garden of Ayia Sofia Mosque.
  11. On the balcony next to the playground, where the last meeting with Prince Suleiman will take place, in the Topkapi Palace Complex.

Fragments of Animus data in the southern part of the Imperial Quarter in Assassin's Creed: Revelation:

  1. At the top of the Southern Minaret of Ayia Sofia Mosque.
  2. On the rope between the houses behind the mosque of Ayia Sofia.
  3. At the crossbar behind the houses next to Konstantin's forum.
  4. At the top of the minaret next to the mosque, southeast of the Forum Konstantin.
  5. At the crossbar between the houses, southeast of the hippodrome.
  6. On the rope between the houses next to the city wall, close to the harbor.
  7. On the roof between the houses, southeast of the Assessin base.
  8. At the crossbar above the entrance to the harbor, south of the base of Assassins.
  9. On the passing arch between the base of assassins and the hippodrome.
  10. At the crossbar above the road, west of the hippodrome.
  11. At the crossbar above the entrance in the hippodrome, north-west of the tunnel for a quick transition.