Game with ribbons on the carnival. Games and fun on Maslenitsa: We celebrate the Russian People's Day. Video: Fragments of carnival holiday in kindergarten on the street

Maslenitsa is a special festive cycle that allows you to fully enjoy a variety folk entertainment. The number of games, competitions and other options is capable of amazing. What options are the most worthy?


Participants must become one row and take up hands, creating a chain. On the right side you need to define a leader who will run with the change of direction. Other participants should move for the leader. At the same time, only the leader can know the direction of movement. In this regard, the main task becomes the desire to keep balance and maintain a chain, and this turns out to be extremely difficult. It should be noted the following nuance: players who are far from the leader, harder to keep equilibrium, as the risk is constantly present or fall. Despite this, the participants who fall out come out. The main task is to hold out to the very end.

"Geese and goose."

The game comes with folk customs that exist has long been. It is known in almost every state of the world, but it differs in the names. The game is pleased with the simple rules: players must become a circle, turning to the center. From the back of the back should approach each participant, touching the back. The participants receive their names, namely, "goose" or "goose". If the player was called a goose, he must remain in his place. If the participant was called Gusem, he must move away from his seat and rest all those who gathered, and then to take his place. The complexity lies in the following: the leading circle in the opposite direction. Free space occupies a lead or player. The one who has lost the place should lead game process according to the described scheme above.

Competition "Here, Damn".

This competition has a close attitude towards the attributes of the carnival. Each kid must come up with a poem with certain words, namely: damn, carnival, winter, spring, sun. If a child appears certain difficulties with this task, you can ask for help from parents. For this reason, parents can also take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the game. The winner must submit the most interesting and unusual verse. At the same time, it should be taken into account how active was the help of adults.

The game "Surprise".

Guests must become or sit in a circle. Then the participants take the box of large sizes and begin to transmit it, listening to music. The presenter may stop music at any time. The guest who had a box should open it and put his thing inside. After the participants are separated enough, the box must again be launched in a circle. Now the rules change: every stop of music requires that the participant put the thing to themselves, but it is impossible to look into the box. The subject will need to be agreed.

The game "Elephant".

Elephant is a Russian game that exists for a long time. Participants can be adolescents or even older. It is important to note that the gameplay is aimed at checking force and endurance, so boys are called the greatest interest. If you wish, participants may be girls. In any case, the commands must be equivalent. It is important to note that the game not only shows the physical strength of the participants, but also allows you to prepare, improve and even learn to jump through the goat.

At the very beginning, players are divided into two teams that possess the same number of participants and are equal to the forces. One team becomes an elephant. Another team should jump on it.

The participant, which is the most stronger and strong, must be ahead, turning face to face. He rests on his hands on the wall, bends and lowers his head. The next player worst participant for the belt, hide her head. According to such a scheme, all the rest are valid. They must be visually an elephant, trying to resist each other.

Representatives of another command will be required in turn to scatter and jump on the back of the elephant depicted. At the same time, it is necessary to try to sit down as follows as follows forward, because the place should be enough for the following players. The whole team should stay on the back of an elephant. In this case, it is necessary to remain on the back for 10 seconds.

Now there is an opportunity to swap roles.

The game "Reniece".

Participants must get up in the dance, take up their hands and start slowly moving around in a circle. Some people can walk inside the circle. Each walking gets his handkerchief, after which he chooses the "sacrifice" of the opposite sex from the dance. The scarf must be spread before the "victim". After that, the participant leaves the dance, becomes knees on the scarf. And then a kiss takes place. "The victim" receives a handkerchief, and the "walking" should get up in the dance. For an interesting game, it takes about 10 to 15 minutes and several scarves.

Game "Earth, Air, Water, Fire".

Participants must become in a circle, in the middle of which will be the leader. The leading should throw the ball to the participants and say the name of one of the four elements. "Earth" means the need to pronounce the name of the animal, "water" - fish, "air" - birds. With the word "fire", all participants must make their hands. After that, the point gets again gets the ball. If the participant did not have time to call a word or made a mistake, you need to "pay" a phanta, after which the possibility of further game appears.

"Sour" game.

The optimal number of participants is 2 - 4 people. For players, 2 plastic cans of sour cream, 2 scarf or ropes, crowd. Competition can be carried out with the presentation of different prizes. The main goal is to quickly eat sour cream, but at the same time the hands will be kept behind the rear. The spectacle promises to be unusual and truly exciting!

Competition "Delicious pancakes."

Such a competition is perfectly carried out during the celebration of Carnival. Participants must independently prepare pancakes with an unusual filling and to prevent them from them on a plate. Other people must guess the cooked stuffing and evaluate the design of the design. The winner must surprise with its culinary skills and bright, extraordinary design of pancakes.

Competition "3 legs".

Participants should crash. Then each pair allows you to bind my legs according to the following scheme: the right leg of one person is tied to the left foot of another person. Couple in such a position should reach the turning flag, and then return to the start line.

Battle bags.

For this contest, you need to upset a small territory. Then one hand should remain tightly pressed to the lower back. You can take action only with the help of one hand. To win, you need to be able to move and feel what the enemy does. The results largely depend on how the enemy inertia is used.

Snow labyrinth.

At the site, first need to draw a square or round labyrinth, provided 2 outputs that are recommended to be placed on opposite parts. Snow must be used to lad out the inner parts of the labyrinth, then walls. At the same time, the height of the walls should not exceed the meter. Only in this case can be easily understood who lost in the labyrinth. The optimal width of the moves ranges from 80 to 100 centimeters. If there is a lot of snow, you can create a maze differently: the snow should be removed by a shovel, and then put on different sides of the moves. Another option is to protruding in the territory of the move, trying to confuse participants. In any case, the pastime promises to be interesting and exciting.

Snow shooting.

You can set the target for throwing snowballs. In the form of targets, it is recommended to use shields with a size of 1 * 1 meters with stacked circles, the diameter of which can be 30, 60 or 90 centimeters. Shields need to be installed on blurred columns. Targets can be shot down by snowballs. Such a tire also allows you to feel the charms of winter.

Ice pillar.

You can put a high pillar that will be required by cold water. After the pillar becomes ice, you need to hang a few gifts. Players must overcome numerous obstacles in order to get to the top of the top and get an expensive present.

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the Russian people. Many love him for carefree temper, for fun entertainment after a cold winter. For parents who have little children, this graceful time joint Games, exciting fun, communicating with your baby. In addition, participation in festive festives can be used as a means of developing and upbringing their children. A good opportunity appears to replenish the knowledge of the national traditions, to see all the traditional actions, to teach feedback the rules of communication and behavior in the mass event. In the Games on Carnival for children, you can expand knowledge about folk creativity: Teasts, patters, sweatshops, shafts. If it is impossible to go with the child to the city walk and take part in common entertainment, it is easy to organize such a holiday in the near surrounding: in the family, in the country with relatives. However, not all parents know how to properly use holidays for educational purposes and how to prepare small children. Experts meanwhile remind of the need to adhere to special rules.

Rules for preparing preschoolers for the holiday

Important: In order for festive entertainment to do not become for preschool stress, psychologists advise to prepare for such events in advance.

The experience of pedagogues of the kindergarten made it possible to draw up a number of rules that will help parents:

  1. We must remember that holidays - It is not only fun and fun, but still a bustle, close communication with strangers. All this can be a source of stress for children. Starting holiday planning will help prevent problems.
  2. It is best to think in advance how to prepare a child that a long-term and noisy walk negatively affected his rosie of life. Pedagogues remind that the baby should sleep well, taste tightly. Before leaving the house, it is undesirable to excite it with irritated tone, excessive notations. From the evening it is necessary to prepare warm and comfortable clothes for winter entertainment, which does not constrain movements, sledges for riding from the slides and other necessary items.
  3. On the eve of the holiday, it is advisable for all actions to discuss with the child, which will create an additional interest in the event. With the senior preschooler, you can make a joint entertainment program. Little - tell about the rules of behavior on the walk, not to get into the difficult situation. Preliminary preparation and briefing are important, as they allow you to keep a good mood throughout the entire event.
  4. Parents need to be understood that their expectations of certain behavior from their child must comply with its nature, psychological characteristics, age. If the preschooler is calm, do not wait for it to have fun on a par with moving guys. And on the contrary, it is impossible to demand from an energetic child so that he does not participate in lively events.

What do you need to tell kids about Maslenitsa?

In order for children to be interesting and understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba holiday, in which the family is going to participate, you need to tell in an affordable form about its content. You can read books from recipes, see pictures on the Internet. Nevertheless, the emotional affordable adult story will help the child better feel the upcoming event. In this case, parents can tell children about Maslenitsa?

Maslenitsa is a holiday, symbolizing the farewell with a batching winter and a meeting with the long-awaited spring. The tradition of passenger days has always been a stormy fun and a generosity manifestation, since our ancestors considered it the key to rich yields, abundance in the coming year. The holiday lasted for seven days, every day was called and was celebrated in a special way. The main thing is the whole week - pancakes, symbolizing the spring sun. A fun design of the event was the construction of a straw doll or stuffed, named after the holiday by Maslenitsa. The scarecrow was put on the main square, where the walk was held (you can give a small straw pupa with a preschooler). Calling by the sun, Maslenitsa tried to please, shouted the shafts:

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
Come visit us
On a wide yard.
On the mountains to ride
In pancakes to wear
Hearts to rush!

Traditional for the holiday was, contests, dances. People sang, joked, ridiculed the carnival. In the last carnival day, the straw doll was burned, rejoicing the upcoming spring days. Unfinished, but exciting entertainment: Sanya riding, taking snow fortresses - attracted both small and adults.

Entertainment on the holidays of Maslenitsa

Traditional entertainment will support the interest and desire of children to participate in fun events.

Important: By organizing games on the carnival for children, the main thing is to correctly choose game actions, respectively, the age and the possibilities of the baby.

The great pleasure of the defer will deliver dads and mothers who will also take an active part in the fun and competitions. So the large educational effect is achieved, the unity of parents and children, which is not easy to get. Therefore, adults should take advantage of the opportunity to communicate, play, compete with their children, encourage them for the successes achieved. In the folk pedagogy there are exciting games, competitions that can be organized at home if for any reason parents will not go with a child for massive entertainment. Recomply visiting kindergarten know and love traditional fun, home children parents are taught during family leisure. On holidays like Maslenitsa, it is simply necessary to use the creative potential of the people (chastruums, sweatshirts, songs) to expand knowledge about traditions, child development.

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, we can't grab you,
Come to visit us on a wide yard
We play with children, ride on the slings!

"Pancakes in a frying pan"

Entertainment Like the guys of any age. Adults take an active part in it, the preparation is minimal: to spread the round gaming field (frying pan). Participants keep tightly by arms and try to push each other into a circle so that the player-blinking "baked" in a frying pan. The participant wins, who has never been in a circle. At the end of the game, everyone is treated pancakes.

"Complete scomeros"

In this theatrical action, parents are preparing caps, they are learning a song, for example, on the poem L. Orlova:

I am a cheerful buckle!
Look, I'm not bad.
For a penny (better five)
I will jump and dance.
You will not give me to bother!
Who is ready to fool?

On the players wear hats of crochets, you can simply sew bright balls (bubber) to the baby's hat. Under the gyrob, children imitate the rupty bear habits at the fair, an important walking of a rooting, the fight of goats by foreheads. Good use funny musical accompaniment.


With the participation of the childs of different ages. To carry out a fun, an adult must be changed into an old sharperman, pick up a monkey or parrot toy, a music box as a scarmer, write notes for children depicting "buyers." Entertainment will be more interesting if souvenirs are prepared for participants who need to be hidden in different places. The lead sings the song about the scarmer or reads the pit:

With an old scarmer, I will not break anywhere
She gives everyone to joy and distinguishes sadness!

Adult, depicting a sharperman, shouts: "Sold happiness!".

Children - "Buyers" pull the notes, the sharperman reads their content, for example: "look for your happiness under the Christmas tree", "Your happiness per bench".

"We ride a carousel"

A classic mobile game for the preschool of any age, well-known defector in kindergarten. The presenter (adult or senior preschooler) raises up a stick with multi-colored ribbons tied to it. Participants choose a ribbon, leading is spinning in place, depicting a carousel. Players perform rhythmic actions by leading:

Barely barely barely
Split carousel.
And then, then, then
All run, run, run!
Quieter, quieter, do not rush
Carousel stop.
Once or twice, only two,
That ended the game.

"Find out, bubble"

Classic ancient entertainment, familiar and beloved by all reoxoites. Horror's game is often spent in kindergarten. For gaming action You need to stand in a circle and perform certain movements in accordance with the words:

Bloat, bubble,
Big-premie participants gradually expand the dance, the "bubble" is inflated)
Stay such
And do not be sick!
He flew, flew, flew ( playing keep hands, run in a circle)
And for the string of thread.
Thread fell, ( all stop)
The bubble did not!
Bach! Burst: sh-sh-sh ( the circle narrows, the bubble "bursts")!

"Old Malania"

Fun for all kids, very fun playing. Well, if adults will take part that children can imitate. At first, the parent is chosen ("Malanya"), then you can transfer the role of the senior preschooler. Players stand in a circle driving - in the center. For the words of fun (it can guess her choir), the driving portraits different funny actions, the rest of the participants reproduce them:

Malania, the old woman
Lived in a small hut
Seven daughters, seven sons,
All without eyebrows ( eyebrows are covered with her arms).
With such eyes ( "Malanya" shows funny glazes playing copying),
With such ears, with such noses, ( driving builds mischievous faces),
With such a mustache, with such a head, with such a beard.
Did not eat anything, sitting all day,
They looked at her, did so ... ( a cheerful posture is depicted, which all players copy).

Wins and receive a prize participant, more fun of everyone showing "Malanu".

"Dudar Dudarishche"

The ancient entertainment will perfectly fit into, create a fun mood in adults and children. Maslenitsa - Suitable time for similar vintage fun. Previously need to tell the guys who are such a dense (playing on a pipe), what is a deck (a thick fledged tree). The leading first becomes an adult, and then the role is transmitted to children. For entertainment, a large territory is required, so they play on the site. Participants are going round, rhythmically pronounce or sing:

Dudar, twir, dudarishche, old, old old old.
Its under the deck, under the raw, under rot.
Ladar, twir, what hurts?

Dudar says plaintively, pointing to any part of the body, for example: "Fucking fell ill", playing with a laughter enough for the finger of a neighbor and move on.

Or: "Pereyka hurts," take hands, continuing the dance with the words: "Dudar, a dense, what hurts?"

Ladar crying: "Barrel fell ill", the participants with laughter are enough each other for the sides, the game continues.

Ends fun words of Dudar: "Nothing hurts!"

Everyone is running out, leading them to catch them.

"Rent on horses"

Cellular events are impossible without horse riding. During the guys, you can ride with children on the sleigh hidden by horses. At home, skating is imitated by the game. Adult on a beautiful ribbon binds bells, suggests to make a "sled", putting on a ribbon on one child - this is a "horse". Babies grab about ribbons and shout:

A knock-knock, the tra-ta, call the gate!
Take the gate! Let's leave the yard! But!

With these words "Horse runs", linking the bells, children run after her. When the guys play, the lead says: "TPRU, horse, stand!".

To diversify the game in the "horses", it will be interesting to theatrize the flower "like a thin ice ...":

Like a thin ice
Putting a white snowball.
Potted white snowball
Vanya-boyfriend was driving.
Vanya was driving, she hated
From his horse fell.
He fell yes lies
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Two girlfriends saw
Soon to Vanya ran.
Soon to Vanya ran up
It was planted on his horse.
On the horse Vanya planted,
The road has shown.

Maslenitsa - traditional time for fun with snow, reoxoite will like to play with parents in the "Snow Fortress", "Snow Tir", "King of the Mountain".

Important: In rolling games with snow, adults should not leave the kids unattended to avoid injury.

In such games on Maslenitsa, as "rope pulling", "burn, burn, clearly ..." and in other similarities you can take part in the whole family. We wish you a cheerful wide carnival!

Irina Mikhalev


Children get up in a circle, hands hold behind her back, and one of the players - "Zarya"

he goes from behind with a ribbon and says:

Zarya - Zarnitsa,

Red maiden

On the field went,

Keys dropped,

Gold keys,

Blue ribbons,

Rings wounded -


With the last words, drivening carefully puts the tape on the shoulder one of

playing who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run into different

parties in a circle. The one who remains without a place becomes "gouring." The game

repeated. Runners should not cross the circle. Playing ne.

turn around while the driving chooses who put the tape on the shoulder.

post office

The game begins with the players watering with players:

Din, Din, Ding!

Who's there?

From the city …

And what in the city do?

The leading can say that in the city dancing, sing, jump. All playing

must do what the leading leading. And the one who does bad task

gives Phanti. The game ends as soon as the leading will get 5 phantom.

Playing whose phantas in a leading, should buy them. Drinking comes up

for them interesting tasks. Children consider poems, tell funny

stories, remember riddles, mimic the movements of animals. Then choose

a new leading, and the game is repeated.

Give sympathy handkerchief

A knottance with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which

thin threads are suspended with colored nasal handkerchiefs, at different heights.

Competition participants need to be expeded, bounce and disrupt one

from handkerchiefs, and then call the name of the girl and give her your torn.


On the site draws a circle. There are two players in a circle. Each of the players

rises on one leg, another bends in the knee, supports her for the heel one

hand. The task of playing is to push the enemy from the circle without using

this hand and standing on one leg. (Pushing each other shoulders).

Malchenoe Calea

Playing choose a leading.

Each player takes a small wand (20-30 cm long). Everything

pronounce words:

Melchen - Kalechina,

How many hours

Left until the evening

To winter?

After the words "before the winter?" put a wand on the palm or any finger of your hand. how

only put sticks, the presenter believes: "Once, two, three, ... ten."

Wins one who longer longer the subject. The presenter can give different

tasks: Playing, holding a stick, should walk, squat,

turn to the right, left, around itself.


Fight bags

For the battle bags need to disperse the platform. This kind of struggle where

one hand must be kept tightly pressed to the lower back, you can only act

one hand. Here the ability to move is more important.

feel the movement of the enemy, use it inertia.


Snow Tir

In the winter town you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs.

Best if it is wooden shields 1 * 1 m with drawn

on them with concentric circles with a diameter of 30.60 and 90 cm. Shields can

install on the pillars in the ground, hang on a deaf wall or fence.

Probably, it is worth making a special wall of a dira that can be put

targets, their guys will shoot down in snowballs.

Treating rope

Let it be on the carnival not quite traditional. Preparation - like in

conventional rope tug, but the teams are taken for him, standing back to each other

snow Hill

The slide height can be different, it is important to have a large space.

The corner of the slide should be in length three or four times the greater e-height. Width

platforms where the guys are preparing for a descent, and the tracks on Raskat - at least 1 m,

and the width of the sledge gauge is 1.5 m. To make a slide, it is necessary during the thaw

range Snowball and folded their bunch. Then the snow is tumped by legs or

shovel, cut off excess snow and make a barrier or ladder from it. Pole

horny cold water, otherwise it may be formed. You can build I.

a more complex slide with turns, intermediate lifts and descents,

decorative arches. The difference between starting and finish levels should

range 3-5 m.


Three feet

Playing broken into pairs, each pair binds legs (right leg

one with the left foot of the other). Couple on "TRX HOGA" Speys to Rotary

checkbox and returns to the start line.


Command relay, where the breakdown on the pair is required. One of the pair will have to

become a wheelbarrow - truck with one pitch and two handles.

The role of the bag will play hands, and the handles are legs. At the command Player - "Tacchus"

falls on the ground, making focus on the hands, and the "driver" takes his partner for

legs so that the housing "cars" was parallel to the ground. "Tacchus", moving on hand,

have to get to the turning flag and go back where it is ready for

the movement is another "car".

Russian leg

Comic championship in throwing brooms to the distance. Broom is more convenient to take without

Who is faster on the broom

On the site are shown in the chain. Need to run on a broken broom

snake and not knock down the bow. The one who is less than everyone will betray them.

  • Games and fun - this is a mandatory attribute of Carnival
  • Vintage games And Fun for Maslenitsa 2019
  • Ideas of street contests and games to carnival for sledding for children
  • Competitions on the carnival, which can be held in the room
  • Ideas of street contests and games to carnival for sledding for children
  • Each Slavic holiday has a rim of interesting fun and traditions. Folk holiday Maslenitsa is especially rich for them.

    The entire carnival week is a variety of fairs with delicious treats, festivities, dances, as well as contests for adults for adults. In addition, this time is especially loved by children. They gladly build snowy locks, ride a sleigh, play snowballs, descend from the ice sludge and watch the adults having fun on this day.

    Vintage games and fun on Maslenitsa 2019

    Skiving on a snowy hill

    Snow Tir

    ice sculptures

    manufacture of stuffed

    Ideas of street contests and games to carnival for sledding for children

    Competitions on the carnival, which can be held in the room

    Delicious pancakes

    Vintage games and fun on Maslenitsa 2019

    Maslenitsa is rooted in the distant paganism. On this holiday, our great-grandfathers said goodbye to the cold winter and expected the arrival of the long-awaited spring. After Kievan Rus Accepted Christianity, the church joined the spring holiday with a cheese week in one.

    The feature of the carnival is that every day its celebration is distinguished by the title, rites and symbolism. Therefore, the contests for Maslenitsa can be devoted to every day of the celebration: Monday is a meeting; Tuesday - pleasing; Wednesday - Nakompa; Thursday - rampant; Friday - Teschina evening; Saturday - Zolovkina gathering; Sunday - Forgive Day.

    Skiving on a snowy hill

    The main contests for Maslenitsa in ancient times began with skiing on a snowy hill. It was started to build such a slide in advance of the passenger week: men thoroughly tumbled a large amount of snow and formated a slide, and then neatly and evenly covered with cold water. During the night, the hill was covered with ice. Also on the sides, the fencing was mastered that the players would fly out beyond the design, which was usually in width around the meter (but the length always depended on the diligence of masters). From this, the first contests for Maslenitsa began. Participants were arranged on the sleigh on the boards and in bags and proceeded to the competition, which of them snarling and fast.

    Snow Tir

    Another interesting fun was at our ancestors - snow shooter. For this, the wooden targets of 1x1 meters are made in advance and fastened them for stable pillars with a height of 1.5-2 m. And thus competed in the accuracy of their throw. The winners were awarded delicious pancakes, rams and candy.

    Ice sculptures and the creation of stuffed

    Also contests for Maslenitsa did not pass without structures ice sculptures. The masters then competed in their skills on ice and put their creations for the general review. In ancient times, these contests for Maslenitsa were considered a real riding skill and art. Many residents for the sake of these sculptures threw all their affairs to admire how there are wonderful ice contests for Maslenitsa.

    The most symbolic contests for Maslenitsa passed when residents competed with each other in manufacture of stuffedwhich is mastered personally. All those present voted for the most unusual and beautiful stuffed, which at the end of the Carnival celebration burned on a universal ferris.

    Ideas of street contests and games to carnival for sledding for children

    Usually contests with riding on sledding is only in determining the one who is faster or further erupt. But in fact, the contests using Sanok can be thought of very and very much. As ideas for such fun, we recommend using our examples:

  • collection of branches (sticks with flags), placed on the highway: the one who will win the maximum number of flags will be defeated;
  • snowflows in the target during the slope from the slide: at the bottom of the track you need to install the target, in which all participants in the riding in turn will throw snowballs, moving down;
  • "Hunting" for gifts: High sticks are placed on the left and on the right and the threads are stretched between them; Toys, sweets and souvenirs are attached to threads themselves (it is better to fix them with weak clothespins so that they can simply be ripped without damaging the entire design); Giving down the child should grab a gift.
  • You can also carry out a sloping of a slide together or a train. The main task of command and paired competitions should be a mandatory descent of all participants.

    Competitions on the carnival, which can be held in the room

    Give sympathy handkerchiefs - for those who have long wanted to express their sympathy. Previously, colored handkerchiefs were hanging on the special knots on the threads, which was not so easy to reach. Participants had to scatter, bounce to disrupt one of the handkerchiefs. But honestly won handkeepers, at all, they gave a girlfriend like everyone. Be sure to come up with something similar. After all, if you do not show sympathy now, when?

    Here, damn is a competition, for the smartest.The rules are quite simple. Each participant must come up with a poem in which there will be words: damn, carnival, sun, winter, spring. Wins the author of the best poem.

    Delicious pancakes - Competition for Lavoca. Each participant must offer a pancake with the most original stuffing and an interesting design. Winner will determine the unbiased jury.

    Funny games on Maslenitsa on the street for children - contests with riding on sledding

    Folk mass walkings on the carnival do not cost without riding on sledding. But it is possible to carry out such fun not only for pleasure, but also for obtaining different gifts. Below we told what games on the street with sleds can be held for children on Maslenitsa to give them the brightest and kind memories from this holiday.

    Ideas of street contests and games to carnival for sledding for children

    Usually contests with riding on sledding is only in determining the one who is faster or further erupt. But in fact, the contests using Sanok can be thought of very and very much. As ideas for such fun, we recommend using our examples:
  • collection of branches (sticks with flags), placed on the highway: the one who will win the maximum number of flags will be defeated;
  • snowflows in the target during the slope from the slide: at the bottom of the track you need to install the target, in which all participants in the riding in turn will throw snowballs, moving down;
  • "Hunting" for gifts: High sticks are placed on the left and on the right and the threads are stretched between them; Toys, candies and souvenirs are attached to threads themselves (it is better to fix them with weak clothespins - so that they can simply be disrupting without damaging the entire design); Giving down the child should grab a gift.
  • You can also carry out a sloping of a slide together or a train. The main task of command and paired competitions should be a mandatory descent of all participants.

    Interesting contests for Carnival on the street for children and adults - examples of games and fun

    Street mass walkings on the carnival must leave maximum positive emotions and adults and children. For kids and their parents perfectly spent this holiday, we recommend including unusual games based on classic fun for them. After reading our examples, you will learn what funny and cool contests for Maslenitsa can be held on the street for children and adults.

    Competition for eating pancakes on Maslenitsa Outdoor - Folk Games for Adults

    Without a contest on eating pancakes, it is difficult to carry an exciting carnival. But the usual competition can be supplemented with new conditions to make it more unusual and fascinating. For example, eating can be carried out blindfolded. You can also conduct "feeding" pancakes of your teammate.

    An example of an interesting game with pancakes on Carnival for children - for holding on the street

    Before each participant, the game is placed a plate with a pancake and several glasses with different ingredients (and sweet, and salty). Children should make the most delicious filling for a pancake, which will only be able to come up with. Parents or detached adults and children can be tastering.

    Video examples of folk fun on Carnival on the street for children and adults

    You can also choose interesting examples of contests and games on the carnival in our video prompts. They will help you familiarize yourself with the classic, and with original fun.

    Folk games for Maslenitsa on the street for all ages - examples of contests and fun

    Celebration of Maslenitsa in cities and villages always passes with a special scope. Therefore, at such events can not do without people and competitions for participants in any age. With such fun, each of the guest guests can show himself and show talents. Below we led examples of the most interesting mass games on the carnival on the street for children and adults of all ages.

    Mass folk game "Snowballs" on the carnival for holding on the street - for children and adults

    Tissue or wooden targets hang on the trees (on the walls or other supports). Participants should throw snowball as closely as possible to enter the center. Each of the players who came to the central mark receives sweet gifts. Such a game can be carried out both for individual participants and for teams.

    Folk street fun "Fishing rod" for Maslenitsa for participants of any age

    Participants of the game are in the circle, the lead - "Fisherman" becomes in the center with a pan, to which the rope is tied and a small bag with sand. The fisherman waves a fishing rod, conducting a rope under the feet of the participants, trying to hook them. Those in turn should jump over the rope. If the participant touched the rope - he drops out of the game. As a fisherman, it is recommended to choose a strong man who can easily swing such a fishing rod.

    Simple games for Maslenitsa in the premises for preschoolers - examples of contests

    It is possible to conduct a cheerful holiday of Carnival not only on the street, but also indoors. Therefore, garden teachers should also organize interesting fun for students. It can be contests, dance to music and just entertaining dancing and drawing. Below we told what kind of carnival games can be held for preschoolers indoors ( act of the Hall or garden gaming room).

    Examples of games and contests for the holiday of Maslenitsa for preschoolers

    To please the children with unusual competitions in the kindergarten in honor of the holiday of Carnival will help the inclusion in the scenario of various contests and games. Active fun is recommended to alternate with calm contests. To compile the original program, you can use the following examples of contests and fun:
  • Making carnival figures.
  • Her children can simply draw on the speed or sculpt from girlfriend. They can also be made in the teams to make carnival from balloons.
  • Drawing pancakes.
  • Preschoolers should draw as much pancakes as much as possible and paint them for the allotted time. You can also hold a contest for drawing the most beautiful pancake (drawing children can decorate any "fillings").
  • Game "Gate".
  • A couple of children becomes opposite each other and, raising her hands up, form a gate. The remaining kids should run in pairs between them. Periodically, the "gate" (for example, when the music turns off) will give hands and catch children running between them. Caught couple becomes new gates. Ensure at the end of the holiday dedicated to Maslenitsa, it is worth a sweet table with pancakes, gingerbread and other sweets. Do not forget about the present of gifts to winners and all participants.

    Original games on Carnival indoors for schoolchildren - to compile a script

    To please the school students and create a fascinating holiday of winter wires to you will help our interesting fun. After reading the examples, you will learn what games can children play in primary and high schools. Optionally, our contests you can remake somewhat. Such games on the carnival for schoolchildren can be held in any room: class, acts or gym.

    "Oh, Valenki" game for students among schoolchildren

    For the game it will be necessary to prepare real boots or similar free shoes (for example, Uggs). Children are divided into teams, then a couple of participants from different teams puts the boots and jumps to the noted point and back. Then they pass their pair of shoes from other participants. The team wins, the participants of which were able to fulfill the relay.

    Original Children's game "Tale of Maslenitsa" for the scenario of the holiday

    It is necessary to make the workpiece in advance with the words "Winter", "Maslenitsa", "pancakes", "Sun", as well as other thematic words. Children in turn call the adjectives that will be inscribed before the specified words. Then the finished tale with selected schoolchildren adjectives is read.

    Funny contests for carnival indoors with adults - for the holiday script

    Carnival holiday can be celebrated both in friendly friends and colleagues. To compile the original event scenario, we recommend including the most cool games and fun. With ridiculous adult competitions on the subject of Carnival, which can be carried out in the room, you can find in our examples.

    Funny contest "Teschina Pancakes" on the carnival for adults - indoor games

    3-5 participants are selected for the game. Before each of them put a plate with a pancake. The task of players is to bite off as a larger piece of pancake and call the adjective, exactly describing the mother-in-law (well, or mother-in-law, if 5rd men in the company did not turn out). Then go a piece of pancake. The relay between the participants should be transmitted very quickly. The person who fastest the rest will eat damn.

    Adult contest "Dancing with a Bear" on the carnival for holding indoors

    As the main character, a person moves to a bear suit (or with the appropriate grima). He chooses the participants and shows a short dance to the music. Each of the participants must repeat the dance. The one who will make the largest mistakes in the speech is removed in the hall. The last participant will win more precisely to repeat the movement of the Mishki.This fascinating, interesting and cheerful holiday of Maslenitsa will help us with us selected examples of folk fun for children and adults. Mass games on the street and merry contests In the room will allow each of the participants to show themselves and show their talents. We selected contests and games on the carnival can be changed or complemented by their ideas. So, you can easily compile an unusual scenario of the winter holiday festival for guests of all ages.

    This is an old Russian game that children love. Children get up in a circle, take hands. The center is the lead, and the players go in a circle and say the words:

    And uncle trifon
    There were seven children
    Seven sons
    They did not drink, did not eat,
    They looked at each other.
    Did you do how I!

    With the last words, everyone starts to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated movements is best becoming a new lead, and the old lead turns into an ordinary player.

    Game "Burners (burn, Gori clear)"

    Iglocks stand in papia. Include all on the dassuity of two steps worth "driving". Igoclons are not allowed:

    GUI, GOPI Clearly,
    So as not to go out.
    Still a little
    Loose in the field
    Go there tubachi
    Yes eating Kalachi.
    Look at the sky:
    Stars go
    Zhuvli kpyat:
    GU, GU, UYLA.
    Times, two, not inten,
    And run like fire!

    After the last words, children standing in the last pape run from two stones along the columns. GoCelka stains one of them. If the running games managed to take a dpug for the bumps, triggering than the guard stains one of them, then they get along with the breaking pap, and the goage again goes. The game is repeated. If the cereflage is able to stain one of the running in the pap, he gets up with him inspected the entire column, and the one who remained without pap.

    I need IPA:
    The car should not look around. He catch up with running money around, as soon as they pope by him.

    Gossi and Goose game

    This is an old folk game. Almost every country of the world is known under different names. The rules of the game are very simple: all players become in a circle face in the center. From the back of the back, he walks the lead and everyone, touching the back, gives the name "goose" or "goose". If he is touching the player and calls him a "goose", then the player stands on the spot, but if he calls the player "Gusem", then the player leaves his place and tries to restart the whole circle of those who gathered and take his place. The complexity is that the presenter also cuts the circle, but runs in the opposite direction, and as a result, free space occupies or a player or lead. The one who remained without a place becomes the lead, and the game is repeated.

    Game "Wolf in Ravy"

    To play, you will need to draw two parallel lines at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other, between these lines will be ditch. In the rock sits a leading - wolf. Participants of the game stand on one of the sides of the RVA. According to the signal of the leading participants, jump over the ditch. The wolf at this time is trying to catch them, but he cannot go out from the Rib. All those who come in the ditch or who will catch the wolf, become wolf assistants and try to catch the rest of the participants.

    Game "Hot-Cold"

    This game is a kind of ordinary hide and seekers. Only in this case two people are chosen - "leading", and the remaining guys are hiding. One of the two "leaders" from the very beginning closes his eyes and believes to thirty, and the second looks at who is hiding. When the first "leading" opens his eyes and begins to look for the rest of the guys, the second tells him: if one of the hiding close to the first "watering", he says "hotly", and if far, then "cold". The most interesting thing is when there are several guys next to the first "lead", then the second "leading" can inadvertently confuse his colleague.

    Game "Give Sloves Sympathy"

    A knottance with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads, at different heights. Participants in the competition must be disperse, bounce and disrupt one of the handkerchiefs, and then name the name of the girl and give it a torn handkerchief.

    Game "Snow Tir"

    In the winter town you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if it is wooden panels with a meter size on a meter with a concentric circles drawn with a diameter of 30, 60 and 90 cm. The shields can be installed on the pillars in the ground, hang on a deaf wall or on the fence. Probably worth making a special wall of the Tira, on which you can put a target, their guys will shoot down in the snowballs.

    Game "Talking a rope"

    The long-awaited carnival for a whole week pleasing to us with delicious pancakes and Oladia, folk festivities and a perky mood. Everyone has already missed the magnificent celebration after the last year of New Year's Days. And the rim of the games and the fun on Maslenitsa returns us fun and carelessness. Wire nobles may be accompanied by countless entertainment, which will now be sorted out.

    Ancient traditions of folk festivities

    The original Slavic, the pagan feast of the Maslenitsa existed since the old time, when one-story carved huts covered the ground, ruddy women went to beautiful floral scarves, and men in embroidered shirts, the day began with the clique of early roosters.

    The colorful culture of the ancient Slavs is full of mysteries, mystics and folk wisdom. The ability to have fun with a scope and generosity is an important feature of the people. After all, it is only well resting, you can count on excellent performance in the future, and this is the key to rich yields and all possible abundance. Therefore, the Slavs did not limit themselves in eating or in entertainment in the days of Maslenitsa.

    And who this time spent a scoop and boring, he, according to believing, the whole next year was not particularly lucky.

    So, what kind of winter fun of our ancestors:

    Modern carnival fun

    Many of the current games on Carnival moved from the past. Men and women put on traditional folk clothes, musicians get harmony, bubrentes and whistles. Songs, dancing, contests and fun fill the cities. The warmer days are smeared on the street, and the household names are friends and close to the home holiday, where it is also easy to arrange thematic competitives.

    Well, when there is a leading, who knows about all sorts of games and relay. He says the preface about the holiday, his stories, and then the fun begins:

    Being indoors, competitions are chosen less mobile. For example, the "cheerful tambourine" is a game when the children's tambourine sitting at the table is transmitted to each other, while the belonging is striking like: "Round the cheerful tambourine hand. Whoever he stays, he will sing, will drive us! ". The loser must be danced and sing, entertaining the company.

    Street contests are usually arranged for strength and agility, often carry ritual. For example, to drag the rope to two teams give the name "Winter" and "Spring". Joyful if "Spring" wins, then you can continue the celebration.

    Other sports games for Carnival may be such:

    Sweet tooths will like the competition for the speed of eating pancakes or pancakes. Mistols can compete in the amount and variety of prepared pancakes.

    1. "Three legs". The game begins in this way: participants are divided into two, each pair is binding to the legs together (the left leg of one person and the right one). As a result, with the help of three "limbs", the couple tries as soon as possible to reach the finish.
    2. "Wheelbarrow". Competition for couples: One person plays a wheelbarrow, leaning his hands to the floor, the other holds him behind his feet, playing the role of the driver. On the team, this "construction" begins to move to the cherished finish, overtaking the rest.
    3. "Movement on the broom." On the site there are kegli in a row, and you need to run between them on the broom, knocking down as few of them.

    Street games for Maslenitsa - Video

    Games on Maslenitsa in kindergarten

    Babies adore the fun week of Maslenitsa. To create a festive attitude for them, educators in kindergarten organize special contests with gifts:

    • Cellular burners will help not freeze children on a walk.

    The game begins with a stream. The guys are proposed to be divided into pairs and stand in a row. Children holding a handle, raise them up. The very last pair begins to run in the resulting corridor under the extended hands and becomes in front.

    After each pair breaks the stream, everyone singing a song "Gori, Gori clear!". And then standing the first couple runs away, and the leading should catch one person. If the children managed to escape to the end of the row and take up his hands again, the driving continues to catch the next pair. And if one participant was caught, then leading to the end of the stream with him. The lost pair becomes leading.

    • Dawn.

    For the game you need to prepare a satin bright ribbon. Babes form a large circle and hide their hands behind the back. Driving through the dance, holding a ribbon or a bright handkerchief in his hands and singing a song about Zara. Doping a verse, it stops and leaves a bright tape on the shoulder nearby the standing participant and runs away.


    who stayed with the ribbon, you need to run in the opposite side to take your place faster than the leading.

    Host to take an abandoned place, the participant remains in the dance, and if the first will be leading, the loser is now playing the role of "dawn".

    • Snow fortress.

    If you are lucky to catch a lot of snow on the carnival, you can play this exciting fun. Children are divided into teams, and each sculpts from the snow its combat strengthening and snow shells. At the sign of an adult kids attack the snowballs of the Fortress of opponents. The team whose fortress will be destroyed first, loses.

    In this mobile game, not only accuracy is needed, but also caution.

    For security reasons, before the start, the educator proclaims the rule: throwing snow in the face of other children can not, otherwise you will have to get out of the team.

    • Maslennic bats.

    For children are preparing "swords": balls are inflated in the shape of sticks. Thus, the guys are fun and safely played into battle.

    • Contest "Snowdrops".

    To start

    You need to harvest a large amount of artificial colors or colored balls for the street. Babies are divided into two teams. The choir come across funny points about the spring, while the driving out of the snow flower. As soon as the song calms, the guys rushes to collect flowers. The team defeats the largest bouquet or more balls.

    Fun for schoolchildren

    Guys younger school age Will be glad and kindergarten games. You can also choose carnival fun who are suitable for all ages.

    Twisted such games for schoolchildren on Carnival:

    • Tightening the rope.

    The most ancient carnival game can be organized for children. To be even more fun, instead of the usual rope take the rubber hose.

    The tutor divides the children into two equal commands using readers. In the snow there is a bright line with the help of paints. The judge gives a whistle signal, and the rope pulling begins. The guys can stand unusual way - back to the line to be more interesting. Casting a group of children loses behind the line.

    • Wheel.

    In the carnival week there was a tradition to ride a slide burning wheel. Whose wheel will ride further, that fate promises great luck.

    For schoolchildren, fun is somewhat modified. The site is put on a row of kegiles. Two wooden wheels are taken, which are given to two teams of schoolchildren. The guys become each friend, and in turns roll the wheel between the kegs. The relay is completed when the first team of the participants will ride and return to the start of the wheel.

    • Rope.

    Sports aya fun will like the girls.

    The same rope is taken or a long robust rope. Two adults (or the guys themselves, if they are strong enough) begin to twist this rope. The rest run and jump over it.

    Considers notice who has more than once jumped up the rope, and announces the prize.

    This fun is accompanied by songs and couplets, you can specifically turn on the tape recorder.

    • Ice hill.

    For children, a hill is preparing in advance: aligned and poured with water overnight, sides are formed.

    • King Mountains.

    One schoolboy is closed on a very high slide of snow and proclaimed the king of the mountain. The rest of the children are trying to climb on the top to reset the self-proclaimed and take his place. A fun and active struggle must be safe: it is forbidden to fight and rudely pushed. Pre-schoolchildren gives the task to learn the poem "King of the Mountain" of the author E. Uspensky.

    In school in the lesson of literature, you can ask your own poem, in which it is necessary to have these words: carnival, spring, damn, sun, winter.

    Who will compose the best work, he will receive a prize or several excellent marks.

    Adults can organize a cooking lesson for schoolchildren, because to study the preparation of delicious pancakes and pancakes is very exciting. Made the most beautiful and delicious damn it will get an incentive prize, and the rest of the participants are also mandatory sweet gifts.

    Maslenitsa is always bright and joyful, on the street or at home, it warms and combines the hearts of people. From kindergarten and schools you need to instill this good tradition of celebrating with games and gifts.

    The once richer holiday of Slavs and is no longer forgotten, because the fun on the carnival and all sorts of contests will be in the souls of people of fantasy about long-time, when everyone else loved to have fun and enjoy the imminent onset of blooming spring.

    Hi friends! Agree, there is a time when games and fun for children and adults "legalized" the traditions of our people. And even I will say more, a person who is not having fun during this period, very surprising all people. Of course, we are talking about a holiday. And, if more precisely, about the most cheerful holiday, when we call the spring with your perky mood! And at least our main theme of the conversation will be maslenitsa games for children, I ask you not to forget that, having fun with the babies, we ourselves are fun. And therefore, we will turn the holiday into mischief and balletness for the whole family!

    Conditionally divide all fun on those who will pass on the street, and those we we will play in the house or in kindergarten. Why conditionally? Because much will depend on other factors. For example, if the weather is favored, why not transfer the entire scheduled program to the courtyard, to the country, and just in the park? It will be very nice! I have already made up list of games, some of them will tell in more detail. If you are not familiar with some fun, ask. And if you have, than to supplement the list, share in the comments!

    I have already clearly showed that when it comes to entertainment, age does not play a big role, we all love is interested and have fun. And yet, it is worth considering that the guys preschool age Nevertheless have some restrictions that should be considered. For example, they are weaker physically, and therefore the program should not be strongly rich and long. It is better to break it into several stages. And the kids are not so quickly able to count and write, they are not so smart and intelligent, they do not know much, and in the fun with the thousand rubles they can get confused. If all this take into account and, accordingly, make a program, will work out to be a great time to the whole family.

    So, what entertainment may include a script with the games in the apartment:

    • Contests;
    • Musical part, poems and songs;
    • Theatrical game with dressing up.

    And do not forget about the treats. Although this is not a game, but no holiday will cost without this part of the program, especially such as Maslenitsa! Moreover, there is an old Russian fun - games with pancakes.

    And do not forget that every day Maslenitsa means something, on some days they rode on the rolsters, they played to others in the game, they went to third parties.

    And now more about entertainment in the room


    They may involve group of children and adults, and it is possible that each competed separately. "Check" will be all, speed, intelligence, the ability to draw.

    Three feet

    Playing broken into pairs, each pair binds their legs (right leg of one with the left foot of the other). Couple on "three legs" Rotary flag and returns to the start line.


    Command relay, where the breakdown on the pair is required. One pair will have to become a wheelbarrow - truck with one wheel and two handles. The role of the kneel will play hands, and the handles are legs. At the team, the player - "Tacchus" falls on the floor, making focus on his hands, and the "driver" takes his partner for his feet so that the packaging "cars" was parallel to the earth. "Tacchus", moving on his hands, should get to the rotary flag and go back, where the other "car" is ready for the movement.

    Who is faster on the broom

    On the playground the bottles in the chain. It is necessary to run a ride on the broom of the snake and do not bring down the bottle. The one who is less than everyone will betray them.


    It comes up most of all to the crumb. But it will be interesting and more adult kids. Put in the room 2 tables at a distance from each other. On each Put on the sheet of paper for drawing. In the middle of the room, place a table with finger paints (different colors). By the way, you can and make them yourself in advance for the holiday.

    The challenge is that the karapubuses spared to the paints, lubricated them with their palms, and then fled to their table and painted the sun. Who will draw faster, he won! But! The conditions of the competition allow the winners to be somewhat, for example, if someone had a creative sun.

    Musical fun

    Well, what carnival without songs? If you distributed instructions in advance, to learn the rhymes, dance or song-dance, then this contest will be able to fame. If the crumb is too small, you can help him in this. And further! Impaired improvisation.

    Pancake. With the help of music portals, make a selection of songs, respectively, the subject of the carnival. The task of the contestant himself is to be fun to steal. If the kids will understand the condition of the competition, then complicate the tasks. For example, the audiences are riddown, how to steal. For example: "Stashuyu, as it would be a round pancake," or, like the sun, like a goal, like a bear, like dad ... and other event participants. Believe me, the fantasy of Croch will tell them how the bear is dancing.


    Merry sketches with dressing up - this is what I like the crumbs.

    Musician with harmonic and bear. Referent with crumbs in a musician and a bear. Their task is to show a cheerful room where the "bear" will dance, and the "musician" play. That's just what will play, decide for yourself. Many options: for example, give it a harmonicker carved from cardboard, and turn on the music yourself. Or, use the music box. But it is possible that the child "playing", picking up simple songs.

    Fun for kids on the street

    The concept of the carnival itself is that spring struggle is in winter. And therefore Russian folk Games On the street is, in most part, sports, where the team or individual participants are measured by force: the struggle, tugging the rope, throwing snowballs, etc. But at the same time, there will be a peaceful fun here, for example, a dance or design of a cute stuffed straw, which will become a symbol of fun.

    Vintage customs included riding on a sleigh. Arrange it to your karapauz, just, use sledges. Or, you can ride the ice slings. Babies love companies, they are more fun when mass games. Therefore, invite Karapuz's friends to participate in the fellow. And do not forget that this is a time of treats. Hot pancakes will be by the way. Treat your children themselves and reinforce your strength!


    The course of the game. Players are built in pairs after each other - in the column. Children are taken by arms and raise them up, forming a "gate". The last pair passes "under the gate" and becomes ahead, the next couple is following it. "Burning" becomes ahead, steps for 5-6 from the first couple, back to them. All participants sing or sentence:

    Gori, Gori clearly, not to go out! Looks at the sky, birds fly, bells ring: - Din-Don, Dean-Don, run away rather!

    Once, two, not rave, and run like fire!

    "Burning" tries to catch up with the runners. If the play is to take each other's hands before one of them caught the "burning", they get up ahead of the column, and "burning" again catches, i.e. "burning". And if "burning" will catch one of the running, he gets up with him, and leads the player who remains without a pair.

    "Bell ringer".

    The remaining players are covered in place. On the word "ringing" leading turns to the player standing near him and, clapping three times in his hands, bowed.

    Dili-don, Dili-don, guess where the ringing come from.

    On the word "ringing", watering with cotton and a bow invites the next player to engage in the game. So the game continues until 4-6 people will be behind the water.

    Play with the sun.

    The course of the game. In the center of the circle - the "sun" (a hat with a hat with the image of the sun is put on his head). Children choir pronounce:

    Gori, the sun, brighter - in the summer it will be hotter, and winter warmer, and spring Mile.

    Children are going round. On the 3rd line approached the Sun, the narrowing circle, bow, on the 4th - depart, expanding the circle. On the word "grief!" - "Sun" catch up with children. "Glory to the Sun" Slah-Wa on the non-Blue Sun-CSU you-co-Mu, Slah! SLA-A -A!


    Children get up in a circle, hands hold his back, and one of the players - "Zarya" walks behind with a ribbon and says:

    Zarya - Zarnitsa, a red maiden, walked around the field, dropped the keys, the keys are golden, the ribbons are blue, the rings are wounded - the water went!

    With the last words, driven carefully puts the tape on the shoulder one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they are both running in different directions in a circle. The one who remains without a place becomes "gouring." The game is repeated. Runners should not cross the circle. The players do not turn while the leading chooses who on the shoulder put the ribbon.

    Give sympathy handkerchief

    Snow Tir

    Treating rope

    Everyone knows this traditional Russian fun. Let it be on the carnival not quite traditional. Preparation - as in the usual pulling of the rope, but the teams are taken for him, standing back to each other.

    Well, a little paraphrasing the hero of Vasily Shukshina in "Kalina Red", sum up: the people to merry and the meeting of Maslenitsa is ready! And therefore, use tips from the article, and after the holiday we can get together once again to discuss how these days we have passed! Therefore, subscribe to the news to always stay up to date with events on our website. Share information and reference to our resource with your friends. And do not forget that we have a joyful event ahead - Spring Meeting. So, we will prepare to it further!

    I'm saying goodbye to new meetings!

    Fishing rod

    The leading rotates around himself "fishing rod" - a rope of 3-5 meters long, by the end of which the bag with sand is tied. You can vary the height - twist higher from the floor or lower. Standing around bounce so that the rope or bag does not hit the legs. Who hurt, he drops out.


    Rivals are becoming different sides of the line drawn on Earth, they associate hands with a frame (belt or belt). The middle of the Cushama is weakened, the left hand is laid behind the back. The task for participants is to drag the rival behind the line. Loses the one who stands behind the enemy's line.

    Golden Gate

    Two players get together opposite each other and holding hands, raise hands up. It turns out the "gate". The rest of the children get up each other and put their hands on the shoulders going ahead, or just take hands. Getting a chain must go under the goal.

    "Gate" utter:

    Golden Gate
    For the first time says
    Second is prohibited
    And for the third time
    Do not miss you!

    After these words, the presenter sharply lower his arms, and those children who were caught, also become a "gate." Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all children become a "gate."


    Two participants at speeds must pass on the stilts to the mark and back, the winner who will fulfill the task faster.

    Valenka throwing

    The essence of the game is enclosed in the title. Wovenok rope, accuracy, the proximity of the fall of the second boots from the first.

    Suitable for the Big Hall, but better, of course, to spend this game on the street.

    Find their own

    An animator forms two isometric commands. Assistants tie their eyes to children and stir them with each other. One team grunts, the other is meowing.

    Task: ahead of rivals, gather your team in a bunch.

    Treating rope

    This is the traditional games for Maslenitsa. Two and more participants can participate in it, competing into a pulling rope. A group of winners gets small prizes, such as chocolate medals.

    post office

    The game begins with the players watering with players:

    Din, Din, Ding!

    From the city …

    And what in the city do?

    The leading can say that in the city dancing, sing, jump. All players must do what the leading leading. And the one who does not fulfill the task gives the phanta. The game ends as soon as the leading will get 5 phantom. Playing whose phantas in a leading, should buy them. The leading comes with interesting tasks for them. Children consider poems, tell funny stories, remember the riddles, imitate the movements of animals. Then choose a new leading and the game is repeated.


    The course of the game. Players are built in pairs after each other - in the column. Children take hands and raise them up, forming a "gate". The last pair passes "under the gate" and becomes ahead, the next pair is following it. "Burning" becomes ahead, steps on 5-6 from the first couple, back to them. All participants sing or sentence:

    Gori, Gori clearly,

    So as not to go out!

    Look at the sky

    Birds fly away

    The bells are ringing:


    Run Rather!

    At the end of the songs, two guys, being ahead, are scattered in different directions, the rest of the choir shout:

    Times, two, not rave

    And run like fire!

    "Burning" tries to catch up with running. If the play is to take each other's hands before one of them caught burning, then they get up ahead of the column, and the "burning" catches again, that is, "burning". And if the "burning" caught one of the running, he gets up with him, and leads the player left without a pair.

    Bell ringer

    The course of the game. Children get up in a circle. It is considered to choose. He is going to a circle and sentences:

    Dili-Don, Dili-Don,

    Guess where the ringing come from.

    The remaining players are covered in place. On the word "ringing", the lead turns to the player standing near him and, having slammed three times in his hands, bowed.

    The player also slams three times in his hands, bowed and gets up for leading. Now they are together walk in a circle, saying:

    Dili-Don, Dili-Don,

    Guess where the ringing come from.

    On the word "ringing", driven by cotton and a bow invites the next player to engage in the game. So the game continues until 4-6 people will be behind the water.

    After that, the children remaining in a circle clap, and the divergent and chosen grave are ashamed. With the end of music, driving and other players must stand in pairs. To whom the couples did not have enough - he becomes leading.

    Play with the sun. The course of the game. In the center of the circle - "Sun" (a hat with the image of the sun is put on his head). Children choir pronounce:

    Burn, sun, brighter -

    In the summer it will be hotter,

    And winter warmer,

    And spring Mile.

    Children are going round. At the 3rd line, the "Sun" shortcuts are suitable, the narrowing circle, bow, on the 4th - depart, expanding the circle. On the word "grief!" - "Sun" catch up with children. "Glory to the Sun" Slaya on the non-Be Sun-Tsu you-co-ko, Slah! SLA-A -A!


    Children get up in a circle, hands holding his back, and one of the players - "Zarya" walks behind with a ribbon and says:

    Zarya - Zarnitsa,

    Red maiden

    On the field went,

    Keys dropped,

    Gold keys,

    Blue ribbons,

    Rings wounded -


    With the last words, driven carefully puts the tape on the shoulder one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they are both running in different directions in a circle. The one who will stay without a place becomes a "gursing". The game is repeated. Runners should not cross the circle. The players do not turn while the leading chooses who on the shoulder put the ribbon.

    Give sympathy handkerchief

    A knottance with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads, at different heights. Competition participants need to be fused, bounce and disrupt one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the name of the girl and give her her torn.

    Snow Tir

    In the winter town you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if it is wooden panels with a size of 1 * 1 m with concentric circles drawn with concentric circles with a diameter of 30.60 and 90 cm. The shields can be installed on the pillars burst into the ground, hang on a deaf wall or on the fence. Probably worth making a special wall of the Tira, on which you can put a target, their guys will shoot down in the snowballs.

    Treating rope

    Everyone knows this traditional Russian fun. Let it be on the carnival not quite traditional. Preparation - as in the usual pulling of the rope, but the teams are taken for him, standing back to each other.

    Three feet

    Playing broken into pairs, each pair binds their legs (right leg of one with the left foot of the other). The couple on the "three legs" rushes to the turning flag and returns to the start line.


    Command relay, where the breakdown on the pair is required. One pair will have to become a wheelbarrow - truck with one wheel and two handles. The role of the kneel will play hands, and the handles are legs. By teammate, the player - "car" falls on the ground, making focus on his hands, and the "driver" takes his partner behind his feet so that the package "cars" was parallel to the earth. "Tacchus", moving on his hands, must reach the rotary flag and go back, where the other "car" is ready for the movement.

    Who is faster on the broom

    On the site are shown in the chain. It is necessary to run a ride on the broom of the snake and not to knock down the bow. The one who is less than everyone will betray them.

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    In an old carnival was one of the most beloved and fun holidays, because the passenger week marked the end of the cold winter and the beginning of warm spring. In the carnival and adults, and the children have fun, organized folk festivities and mass games, went to visit with whole families and, of course, baked pancakes. The tradition has fun to celebrate the carnival preserved to this day, and in the cities and towns of our country are arranged games on the carnival on the street for all ages, contests for eating pancakes and other fun fun. In families, people are also actively celebrating the end of winter, invite to visit the pancakes relatives and friends and organize in the place of the game for children and adults. And here we will share scenarios of the most fun and exciting games and contests for the shops for preschoolers and schoolchildren, as well as the ideas of fun in which children can take part on a par with adults.

    The carnival week is celebrated before the beginning of the Great Post and falls into for different years or at the end of February or at the very beginning of March. At this time, in most regions of Russia on the streets of cities and settlements Snow is still lying, and the sun is only time from time from time because of heavy clouds. Therefore, on the carnival and adults, and the children spend a lot of time on the street, to completely play in winter games, roll on the sledding and shaking snowmen until the snow melted. And the games on the carnival on the street for children are most often massive fun with riding on sledding and ice skating, races on sledding, throwing each other with snowballs and creating fabulous sculptures from snow.

    Competitions, games and fun for children on Carnival are organized by the city authorities as part of the celebration of the Maslenic Week, and educators in kindergartens, and teachers of junior classes in schools. Also tell children about an interesting game, provide them with all the necessary inventory and send to play the street, may also have parents who have invited their friends on Maslenitsa to themselves.

    Ideas of children's games on Maslenitsa on the street

    On Carnival, if weather conditions allow, children can play in almost any mobile winter games. And here we will tell about the most exciting and interesting games for children in which you can play on the street on Carnival.

    Vintage Russian game "Wolf and Sheep"

    Play this game can 4 and more children, and as a place for games will suit Like a fenced courtyard of the private house, and the space near the playground near the apartment building. By drawing, one of the children is prescribed by a wolf, and the rest will be lamb. Lamb fit the wolf and say: "Magic, let us take a walk in your forest!".

    The wolf is responsible for lambs: "Go, walk, don't eat herbs!". Lamb diverges around the entire platform for the game, as far as possible from the male, and then say loudly "We are glad green grass, and the wolf is dirt on the shovel!".

    Then the wolf begins to chase lambs, which, of course, do not stand still in place, and run away from him. And when the wolf succeeds in someone to catch someone, his "mining" will change with him places and the game will resume.

    Game on sledging "Who will stand?"

    For this game you need a pair number of participants, and the more children will play, the more fun. Sanki will also need - on each couple of participants alone. Place for the game - smooth filthy snowy platform.

    Children become on one side of the site and divided into couples. One child becomes in Sanki, and the other should drive him along the snow to the finish line, which is in the opposite side of the site. At the command of the leader, the participants of the game that had the role of "cabers", they begin to pull sledges to the finish line, and those that stand on sleds do everything so as not to lose the balance and not falling out.

    Teams in which the participant fell out of Sanok or sat down, drop out of the race, and wins the pair of guys who were the first to get to the finish. Winners get from leading a prize (candy, cookies, delicious pancakes), and then the game is renewed, only participants in a pair are changing roles.

    Playing on Sangs "Father Purpose"

    This game is very interesting and fascinating, and you can play for a long time. It will take a snow-covered slide and sledges for all participants. At the beginning of the game, the children make a snowman at the foot of the slide, and then everyone climbs to a slide, sit in Sanki and go from a slide so that it is cut into the snowbank below and knock her down. Whoever gets down the goal, he becomes the winner. If after all moved from the slide, the snowman remained whole, the children go to the second descent. Then the shot snowman can be restored and continue the game until each participant does not once any goal.

    Merry fun and contests for carnival for children and adults on the street

    Widow to have fun at Maslenitsa not only children, but also adults. People's walking in honor of Maslenitsa people come with all families, and the organizers of the fun arrange many interesting games With pancakes and contests for participants of all ages. And before solemnly burn the scarecrow to the carnival winter and taste pancakes, all those present at the holiday are watching the theatrical performance and take part and games and competitions.

    In many cities in recent years, contests and games invented by our ancestors often organize in Maslenitsa. These contests on the carnival on the street for children and adults are very simple, but nevertheless interesting and fascinating, and small, and adult guests of the holiday will be happy to take part in them.

    Competition for eating pancakes "Maslenic relay"

    Take part in this competition for eating pancakes any age can any age. All participants need to be divided into two more or less equal in the number of the command, and then members of each team should be at the start with each other. Opposite each team at a distance of 15-20 meters, there are tables on which an empty glass is standing, a blank plate, a large bottle with any drink and a large dish with pancakes.

    At the command of the leading one by one participant with each team should run up to your table, pour a drink into a glass and return back. After the first participants return, the second run to the table to put one pancake with dishes on a plate. The third participants will be lucky the most - their task is to quickly eat pancake from a plate, drink a drink from a glass and return back.

    Fourth participants repeat the actions of the 1st, fifth - 2, and so in a circle. The team will win, which is the first to cope with the carnial treat.

    Competition "How many bagels?"

    This simple contest can be held on the street and in a large room, the main thing is that there are many participants. For the competition, a braid is required 1-1.2 meters long, bagels and comic medal "The best Barancupid".

    The master must be pre-driven on the bagel bracket and accurately count them. Then the host shows all the participants knitting bagels and proposes to guess their exact number. Each of the participants calls its version as long as someone does not gues. The one who guesses the number of bagels on the braid, the master puts on a knitting with a treat on the neck and gives him a comic medal as another prize.

    Games with sleds on Carnival on the street for all ages

    On the days of the Maslenkaya week, many people are whole families go to the parks and in nature to have time to enjoy winter gameswhile the snow was not melted, and spring did not enter their rights. Therefore, to find a company to get together, playing games for Maslenitsa for all ages, will not be no difficulty. The main thing is to come out of the house, warm to dress and take a sled and a fun mood with you.

    Ideas of games with sleds and without them in the snow in the carnival week

    Games in which you can play both children and adults on the carnival, a lot. And here we will share the most fascinating ideas of the Gamenitz games on the street for all ages. Moreover, if you need sledges for one game, then for another - nothing but good mood.

    The game "Two Cities"

    For this game on a snow-covered platform, two plots are to be distinguished - "City 1" and "City 2" and outline the road between them. The distance between cities should be at least 20 meters. All participants are divided into two equal teams, and then the first team becomes "City 1", and the second is along the road between cities. The task for players of the first team is to run in the "City 2", and players from the second team in the meantime should interfere with them to do it by throwing them in the snow.

    Players with the first team, who will fall along the way or run out of the line, denoting the roadside "Roads", drop out of the game. When all participants in the first team either leave, either overwhelm in the second "city", you need to check how many players got to the destination, and appoint the first team the corresponding points.

    Then the teams change roles, and those who fled from the first "city" in the second, become along the road, and the team that rushed in snowballs, now they will run between cities. According to the results of two occasions, the team will win in which a larger number of players managed to get from the first "city" in the second. If you wish, the game can be continued either before any command will not get a certain number of points, or until each team does not do 3, 5, 7 or 10 race between cities.

    Game on the sledging "Tanya-Polkay"

    In this cheerful game Players are divided into pairs, and each couple sits down in sledge so that the sitting turned out to be back to each other. The task of each couple is to help their legs, faster for other participants to overcome the previously indicated distance. The couple that will first get on sledding from the start to the finish line, will win the game.

    Playing on Sledge "Who Who?"

    For this game you need two sleds that are set at a distance of 3-4 meters "face" to each other. There is a damn between the sleds, and then in every Sanki sits down one player, who take the rope from other skeins.

    The task of each player is to drag sledges with the opponent through the line to its side. The legs of the players must necessarily be raised so that they cannot rest about snow. If, as a result of the Sledge Competition, the players encounter each other right on the line, a draw is declared.

    Scenario and Games for the celebration of Maslenitsa in the premises for preschoolers

    In school I. preschool education More and more attention is paid to the revival of the traditions of our people, and children from the most tender age are told about the customs of the ancestors. Such a large folk holiday like Maslenitsa is necessarily included in the educational program. In kindergartens on Thursday or Friday of the Maslenic Week, it is necessary to hold a holiday in honor of the farewell with the winter, on which the teachers tell the kids about the traditions of Maslenitsa and the burning of the stuffed, they treat the carnival pancakes, and of course, organizing games on the shops in the premises for preschoolers.

    Carnival scenario in kindergarten

    Below is an example of a matinee scenario in honor of Carnival in kindergarten. This script is suitable for the holiday in the middle and preparatory groupAnd the matinee will definitely like the kids. The scenario can also be supplemented with contests for eating pancakes and on the knowledge of the facts about Maslenitsa, moving games and other fun.

    Sounds music

    Parsley leaves:

    Come, honest people

    Interesting you waiting!

    Come in a hurry

    Rest, having fun!

    We invite everyone for the holiday

    Wires of the Russian winter are starting!

    Two scrolls run away.

    1 Build:

    Please, guests dear, please,

    Merry you and joy!

    For a long time we wait for you, we will wait,

    The holiday is not starting without you.

    2 Build:

    We slipped the fun for you for you:

    Who is a joke to whom the song, and who is crowned.

    All children dance - water dance or fulfill another simple dance.

    1 Build:

    Maslenitsa, come early, meet you pretty!

    2 Build:

    Dear Guest Carnival, Guest Important, long-awaited,

    The sun warm in the sky teases, our bow to you, Guest Carnival!

    Skomoroche sing:

    There are ears in pea

    Worms on hook.

    We are funny crumbs like skids in a pod.

    Crude, you are a crochet,

    Get out with a shoe on the threshold.

    And the people from the heart of the Spea Chastushka and Warred.

    Castlechiks are published - boys and girls in folk costumes.

    Wider circle, wider circle,

    Stand in the circle wider.

    Not one go dancing -

    Four goes us.

    I danced three legs,

    Lost boots.

    Looked back -

    My boots lie.

    If there was no water -

    It was not b and mugs.

    If there were not girls -

    Who would sing a chastushki?

    1 Build:

    Berezol-whistle calls Spring: "Spring-spring is long-awaited,

    Where are you so walking for a long time, when will the carnival come to us?

    2 Build:

    Where are you, carnival annual, our guest is expensive?

    Come, Carnival, visit on a wide yard!

    Music is important to the carnival.

    Just seven days I came to you.

    My first day is a meeting, and the seventh - the wires.

    1 Build:

    Our carnival expensive did not come to us for a long time?

    2 Build:

    We thought for seven weeks, and it turned out for seven days ...

    And who did you come with, Guest Maslenitsa?


    And I came to you with my girlfriends - Matriots.

    The smallest participants are published. They line up and sing the song "We are funny matryoshki."


    Meet me out of the Posku century, hearty and contentment. The richer carnival meeting, the riche will be the richer.

    Silent pickups:

    And we encounter you pancakes and punish.

    (Transfer to the carnival loop).

    All children sing:

    Kuma had a sister

    The furnace pancakes is the master.

    Jailed their heap six,

    Seven is not to eat.

    Oh you, maiden, red sun,

    Get up from the furnace, Pequi Kalachi!

    We have not flown pancakes for a long time,

    We wanted pancakes.

    Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

    You are my pancakes.

    On the tray pancakes put

    And take the threshold!

    Host: Guys (apply to the hall), and let Maslenitsa ask the treat!

    Children, Choir: Tinka, Tinka, Give a Blink!

    All together sing the song "Oh, pancakes, pancakes."

    How pancakes were baked on an oil week.

    Come, come in, treats you with pancakes.

    Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, oh, my pancakes.

    Poems about the spring performed by some of the children.

    Maslenitsa: a good meeting and good facilities you prepared me. And now I have time ...

    It goes to the music .. The whole hall applauds in tact of music.

    All children fulfill the Russian folk song "That's what the winter passes" or songs about the spring.

    Parsley: And now, dear guests, taste delicious rosy pancakes.

    (At the end of the hall, there are tables with pancakes and jam).

    Continuation of the holiday on the street in the courtyard, where the stuffed carnival is installed. Children are built around. Scarecrow burned as a symbol of the outgoing winter and cold ...

    Maslenitsa games for the smallest

    A variety of holiday scenario can be games on the carnival for preschoolers, which can be played indoors. But also in these games, children can play with their friends and at home, because a children's room or a living room is suitable as a platform for the game, and as incentive prizes, all the winners are baked tasty pancakes with honey or jam and candy.

    Game "hot-cold"

    This game is a bit modified and more interesting option. Among children are chosen by two leaders who become in the center of the room. The first leading closes his eyes and slowly considers to 10 until the rest of the participants are hiding. The second leading in the meantime remembers where players hid, and prompts the leading where to look for them using only the words "hot", "warm" and "cold".

    Movable game with a bear

    Among the children, the draw is chosen by the bear, then the eyes tie him up and laid on the sofa. Then one of the children is touched by the "bear", and wakes it. The "Bear" rises from the sofa and tries to catch someone from the players who, meanwhile, evade him. Those whom the "Bear" will catch, drop out of the game. The remaining child will be the winner, and it is him that he will fall out the role of "bear" in the next game.

    By the way, in mass games like this kids can play both indoors and on the street.

    Games and contests for carnival indoors for schoolchildren

    In schools, as in kindergartens, merry and massively celebrate Maslenitsa. In some schools in the courtyards, they even establish the scarecrow to the carnival to solemnly burn it after the festive events, and the girls in the work lessons study the bakes of the pancakes, which are then treated and boys and teachers. And of course, the teachers on the classic hours organize games on the carnival indoors for schoolchildren, so that the children could relax from the lessons and rejoice in the fast arrival of spring.

    Game "Basal conversation"

    This game will definitely enjoy the children of younger and middle school age, and they can play it as 4-5 people and the whole big friendly class. To begin with, all participants are issued 5 phantoms, and then the presenter becomes before the children and says: "You came to the bazaar, you have 100 rubles, what you want, then buy," Yes "and" No "do not say black-white Take. "

    Next, the presenter begins to lead with each of the participants of the "market conversation", asking provocative questions and forcing one of the prohibited words (for example: "Will you buy ice cream?", "What bread can buy - white or black", etc. ). A player who will say one of the forbidden words gives the lead one phanta.

    The game lasts until the age of half the players will not end the phantas. Then the losers will have to buy their phantas from the lead, performing any funny tasks.

    Game "Zhmurki in place"

    This game is very old, and she gladly played our grandparents. You can play this game in the room, and on the street. Among the participants, the lead is chosen, the eyes tie to him and they say to twist around themselves 5 times (to knock down a benchmark in space). While the lead is spinning, all participants are sinking as long as possible around the room and get silent in secluded corners.

    Then leading with tied eyes and stretched forward with his hands goes to look for other players. When he finds someone to the touch, he still needs to guess who he found. In case the lead guessed, he removes a bandage from his eyes and gives it a caught participant, and the game continues on the second round.

    Game "Korchag"

    "Korchaga" is another of the old mass games for teens indoors. This game can play from 5 to 15 people. The draw from the participants choose Korchag and leading. All players, in addition to these two, become a circle. The participant who fell to be Korchagi, plant in the center of the circle and cover his head with a dense handkerchief. The leading comes to each of the players and quietly, so that Korchag does not hear, they tell them their gaming nicknames: "Grasshopper", "flower", etc.

    Then leading becomes near Korchagi and pronounces the nickname of one of the players. The named player is suitable for a sitting, lightly shines him with his palm on the shoulder, and then returns to the place in a circle and claps his hands. Next, the drive removes a handkerchief from Korchagi and asks what a player came to him. If Korchag is giving up, it changes with the players places, and if not, the drive again covers it with a handkerchief and the game continues.

    Funny contests for carnival indoors with adults

    At the celebration of Maslenitsa, not only children are having fun, but also adults. In offices and at home, noting the fast arrival of spring, our fellow citizens arrange fun and contests on the carnival indoors with adults, joking, having fun and having fun. Ideas for contests for adults for adults, and the most popular of them are:

    • Competition for high-speed eating pancakes
    • Competition "Leschina Pancakes" for guessing the fillings in pancakes blindfolded by smell
    • Competition for the most original stuffing for pancakes
    • Competition for the fastest wear Embroidery and jog
    • Competition for the most beautiful national costume for the thematic party in honor of Maslenitsa, etc.

    On the video below you can also see interesting folk fun And contests for carnival for adults, which can be carried out in a large room, and on the street.

    Games and contests for Maslenitsa - a fun way to spend winter and greet the spring

    A list of what games play on the carnival is almost endless, because the last week before the great post is the main thing - to relax well and have fun. Many funny and fascinating contests and chainning games on the street and indoors for children and adults were invented by another centuries ago, and today our fellow citizens play both in the old and in the newest mass games. Maslenitsa is a holiday for all ages, so the children along with adults ride sleds, participate in competitions and fun, because for preschoolers and schoolchildren, the carnival week will not only be a reason for fun and recreation, but also to learn more about the traditions of our ancestors.