Completing Blackrock (Hearthstone) on Normal difficulty. Hearthstone: Blackrock Mountain Walkthrough Nefarian Deck Normal Mode

The Secret Laboratory is the last wing of Blackrock Mountain and Nefarian's secret hideout. In it, you will once again meet not three, but four opponents at once: a modified security system "Omnitron", a mixture of a dragon and alchemist Maloriak, a blind Atrameda victim of an unsuccessful experiment and, of course, Nefarian (aka Lord Victor Nefarius), whom we beat -beaten, but never finished off in.

(Secret Laboratory)

I must say right away that I am terribly disappointed with the last wing. No, the opponents here are quite interesting and each has its own "chips". But how simple they are. Omnitron, Maloriak, Atramed were defeated the first time, and Nefarian the second. Not so difficult I expected from the final bosses. Thank God there is still a heroic regime ...

Omnitron system

(Rogue Valeera VS Omnitron System)

Your first opponent will be the Omnitron system, developed by the Dark Iron dwarves. Omnitron, with the help of his hero power, lays out cards (thrones) on the playing field, which have different properties and have different costs. It can be:

Charotron- both players take damage from spells +2. Requires 0 mana and is laid out on the first turn.
Toxitron- at the beginning of each turn, Omnitron deals 1 point of damage to all other creatures. Requires 4 mana.
Electron- all spells, both yours and your opponent's, cost 3 less mana. Requires 6 mana.
Magmatron- every time you play a card, Magmatron deals 2 damage to your hero. Requires 8 mana.

It is difficult to advise anything on the strategy. Omnitron is a very simple opponent and I didn't notice any super cool cards. As for the thrones - sometimes it makes sense not to destroy some of them at once, since their properties can benefit you too.

(one step away from victory)

For defeating the Omnitron system, you will receive two Volcanic Dragon cards.

(open cards "Volcanic Dragon")


(Mage Jaina VS Maloriak)

Maloriak has a passive hero power "Alchemist", which changes the attack and health of the creature, every time it is laid out on the field. Is it good or bad? Normal, especially for a hero like Jaina. After all, most creatures have much less health attack, so such creatures become easy prey for you. Well, when large creatures come into play, it doesn't really matter what and where they change.

(Feugen and Stalagg as a pair "don't care" about the strength of Maloriac's hero)

For defeating Maloriak, you will receive two Blackwing Slayer cards.

(open cards "Blackwing Destroyer")


(Hunter Rexxar VS Atramed)

Atramed is a blind dragon with the power of the Echolocation hero for a point of mana. Echolocation equips Atramed with a weapon called Dragon's Teeth, which initially has zero attack. But the point is that as soon as you play a card, Atramed "hears" it (he's a blind dragon, as you remember) and his weapon immediately gets +1 to attack. It would be rather unpleasant, but at the very beginning of the game you get three “Rolling Gong” cards in your hand, destroying Atramed's weapon. The main thing here is not to rush to use it immediately after Atramed took out his weapon, so as not to be left completely helpless in the end. Wait until he has accumulated enough damage, and then act.

(now Atramed will lose half of his health)

For defeating Atramed, you will receive two Draconid Crusher cards.

(open cards "Draconid Crusher")


(Paladin Uther VS Nefarian)

Nefarian is the final boss of the wing. In addition to health, he has ten points of armor and has a rather primitive hero power "Bone Minions", which for two mana summons bone creatures with 2/1 parameters to the field.

(the layout on the field is quite in our favor)

After you strip Nefarian of his armor, he will summon his sister Onyxia with the power of the hero "Nefarian's Flame" and the weapon "Claw of Onyxia" in his place.

(Onyxia just tears and flies)

If you defeat Onyxia, Nefarian will appear again, but before he appears, he will destroy all of your creatures. It took me by surprise and that's why I lost the first time. Then I was already ready for this turn of events, Nefarian even did me a favor :).

Nefarian is the final boss of Blackwing Descent. Deathwing's son Nefarian, risen from the dead, and his sister Onyxia are ready to show their true strength to the raid. Fighting this boss tests most of your raid skills - the ability to heal, knock down spells, deal good damage, kite, escape from fire, and a whole bunch of other things. In a word - a great reincarnation of a great encounter.

First phase

Onyxia's abilities

Electric Strike - A powerful bolt of lightning that strikes the ground and inflicts 128700 - 131300 Arcane damage. nature damage to all enemies.
Spark Discharge - Deals 23400 - 24600 Arcane damage. Nature damage to enemies from Onyxia.
Breath of dark fire
Cleave strike
Tail Lash - A sweeping tail lash that strikes all enemies behind the dragon. Deals 43750 - 56250 damage. damage and stuns for 2 sec.
Children of Deathwing - When close, Nefarian and Onyxia attack 100% faster.

Nefarian's abilities

City of bones
Cleave - Deal 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and their nearest ally.
Breath of Darkfire - Deals 35000 Shadowflame damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster. Resurrects living bone warriors in the area.
Tail Lash - A sweeping tail lash that strikes all enemies behind the dragon. Deals 43750 - 56250 damage. damage and stuns for 2 sec.

Animated Bone Warriors

Second phase


Chromatic prototype

Flash Star of Fire - Inflicts 34,800 to 45,200 Shadow damage. fire damage to all enemies.

Third phase

Hail of Bones - Deals 23987 to 26512 damage. Shadow damage to nearby enemies.
Cleave - Deal 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and their nearest ally.
Breath of Darkfire - Deals 35000 Shadowflame damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster. Resurrects living bone warriors in the area.
Shadow Flame Burst - A raging fire engulfs the nearby area, spreading rapidly around it.
Shadow Flame Deal 35000 Shadow damage. Shadow damage from fire to all enemies within a radius of 0 yards.

basic information

Description of the battle

The encounter begins with Nefarian bringing Onyxia back to life in his human form. After that, he takes the form of a dragon and takes off, and after 30 seconds he descends to take part in the battle. Although Nefarian is available for attack in the first phase, attempts to attack him will lead to the fact that he will begin to destroy the raid with Electric Strikes. And if you do not beat Onyxia, then it will also accumulate electrical charges (energy scale) - and if it accumulates the maximum, it will kill the raid. Both dragons must be separated at a distance of 60 meters or more, otherwise they will buff each other, receiving a 100% bonus to speed. The first phase ends when Onyxia dies. As you might guess, you need to kill Onyxia first, and Nefarian just tank on the sidelines. The bone warriors, whom Nefarian summons several times per phase, you just need to kite (you should not tank - if the adds hit in melee, they are strengthened) - they have a lot of health, but they themselves die over time.

When all Chroma Preimages are killed or 3 minutes have passed, lava flows out and Nefarian lands one last time, marking the beginning of Phase Three. Reanimated Bone Warriors spawn under the influence of Darkfire. You need to kite them. And at this moment the race for survival begins, and the raid needs to finish off the boss as quickly as possible. In addition to his main abilities, Nefarian now uses Shadowflame Flame - a circle of fire on the ground that appears as a burning point and expands over time into a large ring, and then disappears. This fire is not hard to avoid, but as Nefarian throws it to the ground more and more over time, it becomes more difficult to cope. That is why you need to remove as much HP as possible in the previous phase.

It is best to tank the boss in this phase on the outer circle of the "room", so that it is more convenient to react to flames and kite adds.


So only the last wing of the Black Mountain adventure - the Secret Laboratory - remained not passed. In retrospect, many might argue that there is little to surprise them now. However, do not rush to become cynics! The next 4 bosses will be waiting for you in this part of the adventure, and these four types can surprise anyone unpleasantly.

Omnitron system

And to meet you in the Secret Laboratory with open arms there will be not one type, but several robots at once. The powers of the hero of the System "Omnitron" - Activation of Charotron, Activation of Toxitron, Activation of Electron, Activation of Magmatron and Activation! - will be used in the same order as they are given here. The cost of the initial System ability - Activating Charotron - is 2 mana crystals, however, each subsequent power of the boss's hero will cost two more mana, that is, Toxitron will be summoned on the fourth turn, Electron - on the sixth, Magmatron - on the eighth. The only exception here will be the Activation ability! - this ability will always cost 4 units of mana and will allow the boss to summon a random throne on the battlefield.

Omnitron's 6 unique cards are those that are summoned with the help of its hero power (Charotron, Toxitron, Electron and Magmatron), as well as Magmar and Reload.

Deck System "Omnitron"

  • Arcane Missiles х1
  • Fire cannon х2
  • Iron sensei x2
  • Earth Shock x2
  • Ancient Healer x2
  • Arcane Golem х2
  • Miracle zeroer X-21 х2
  • Clockwork Gnome х2
  • Gear Master x2
  • Dragon Mechanic х2
  • Mechano-amplifier х2
  • Mechanicractor х2
  • Microbot х2
  • Gnome Technician x2
  • Reload x2
  • Magmar x1

Strategy of the game against the Omnitron System

In the normal game mode, the confrontation with the Omnitron is built around the thrones he summons. Since their passive abilities apply to both players, try to make the most of them. So, given that Charotron gives a good bonus to spells, include the maximum number of them in your deck. In this regard, the Mage and Rogue classes will be most suitable in the confrontation with the first boss of the last wing of the Blackrock adventure.

There are no other features in the game with this boss - make profitable exchanges, destroy his creatures with the help of your spell removal, and you can easily defeat him.

Basic Deck Mage vs. Omnitron System

Cheap Shaman Deck vs. Omnitron System


Two copies of the Volcanic Dragon card - this will be your reward after passing the first boss of the Secret Laboratory.


The second boss of the Secret Laboratory is Maloriak. The strength of his hero - Alchemist - swaps the attack / defense indicators of all played creatures in places. Moreover, this ability is passive and always affects both the creatures of the boss himself and his opponent.

Maloriac has only one unique card - Aberration Liberation! - Summons three Aberrations with the dash ability on the battlefield.

Maloriac deck

  • Anti-magic х2
  • Bifurcation х2
  • Manazmey x2
  • Transformation x2
  • Drain life х2
  • Merciless Blast х2
  • Void Demon x2
  • Acid Ooze x2
  • Mad Alchemist х2
  • Dragonkin Crusher х2
  • Faceless Manipulator х2
  • Carnivorous Ghoul х2
  • Mad Scientist х2
  • Slime Belcher x2
  • Liberation of aberrations! x2

Strategy against Maloriac

The confrontation with Maloriak will be reminiscent of the game with the other boss of Naxxramas' adventure - Thaddius. Therefore, you can follow the same strategy: play a large number of cheap creatures with high health. Also, it would be nice to include a couple of copies of the Nerubian Egg card in the deck - a 4/4 creature for two units of mana is not bad at all, isn't it? In addition, you can use a trick: By playing the Leader of Dire Wolves or Hero of Stormwind, you will either restore the lost attack indicators of the summoned creatures, or increase these indicators even more.

It should be noted that there are a large number of secrets in the Maloriac deck, so in your deck it is desirable to have cards such as Illuminating Rocket and Kezan's Mystic, which will help you painlessly remove these secrets. In addition, the boss deck is based on the use of a large number of spells, so if you are playing as a Mage, try to include Anti-Magic in your deck, and also use those creatures that cannot be the target of spells and powers of the hero Faerie Dragon, Phantom Knight.

Refrain from choosing the Shaman class when confronting Maloriak - 3/4 of your totems will be destroyed immediately after they appear.

Hunter vs Maloriak base deck

Warlock vs. Maloriak Deck


Two copies of the regular Blackwing Slayer card will be your reward for defeating the second boss of the Secret Laboratory in normal gameplay.


Atramed will be the penultimate step towards the full passage of the Black Mountain adventure for you. The strength of his hero is Echolocation

Equips the boss with the Dragon's Teeth weapon. At first glance, this weapon may seem rather weak, especially since you will be given three copies of the Rolling Gong card, with the help of which it will not be difficult to deal with the gun, but this is far from the case. It will cost almost nothing to upgrade Atramedes' weapons - just one mana crystal, while Dragon's Teeth will increase their attack rate in proportion to your played cards.

Atramed has two unique cards - Magmar and Wave Breath.

Deck of Atramed

  • Dragon's breath х2
  • Holy Vigil x2
  • Twilight Whelp x2
  • Azure Dragon x2
  • Mad Alchemist х2
  • Blackwing Technician x2
  • Dark Iron Dwarf x2
  • Dragonkin Crusher х2
  • Dragon Egg х2
  • Emperor Thaurissan x1
  • Faerie Dragon x1
  • Obsessed Slider x2
  • Onyxia x1
  • Twilight Dragon x2
  • Volcanic Dragon x2
  • Magmar x1
  • Wave breath х2

Strategy of the game against Atramed

The main threat in the confrontation with Atramed will be his formidable weapon - Dragon's Teeth. Even though you will be presented with three copies of The Rolling Gong Card, don't relax! Anyway, include cards like Acid Ooze / or Harrison Jones in your deck - they will definitely come in handy. Also, when composing your deck, do not forget to include in it a large number of provocateurs through which it would be problematic for Atramed to break through - not only will they absorb some amount of damage, but also cause some amount of damage to the opponent's hero.

An excellent option for confronting Atramed would be the choice of the Freeze Mage deck. A frozen enemy will not be able to damage you in any way, no matter how hard he tries.

Basic deck Mage vs. Atramed

Cheap Deck Mage vs Atramed


As a reward, you will be offered two copies of the Draconid Crusher card that cannot be disenchanted.


The last jerk is left to you for full passage adventures of Black Mountain. Only Nefarian stands before you and the desired reward. However, this boss can rightfully be considered one of the most difficult in the second Hearthstone adventure - it's not in vain that he completes it.

The confrontation with Nefarian can be divided into three phases. In the first and third phases, you will fight against Nefarian himself with the power of the hero Bone Minions. This ability allows the boss to summon two [Bone Creatures] on the battlefield.

In the second phase, Onyxia will oppose you. The power of her hero - Nefarian's Flame - deals a certain amount of damage to the opponent's hero. This ability is activated automatically at the beginning of each turn of Onyxia, and the amount of damage depends on the turn - so, on the first turn, the power of the hero will inflict one unit of damage on you, on the second - 2, on the third - again one, on the fourth - 3, on the fifth - 1 and on the sixth - 4. On the seventh turn you will not receive damage from this ability, but on the eighth and subsequent turns the amount of damage will become constant and will be equal to twenty units.

There are two unique cards in Nefarian's deck - that's LAVA! and [Onyxia's Claw].

Nefarian deck

  • Dragon's breath х2
  • Twilight Whelp x2
  • Overwhelming Power x2
  • Flame of Darkness х2
  • Soul Burn х2
  • Blackwing Technician х3
  • Chromaggus x1
  • Dragon Egg х2
  • Dragon-sorcerer х2
  • Dragonkin Crusher х2
  • Nerubian Egg x2
  • Twilight Dragon x2
  • Volcanic Dragon x2
  • LAVA! x2
  • Tail smash х2

Strategy against Nefarian

It should be noted right away that Nefarian, even in the normal mode of the game, can cause a lot of problems for the player and greatly fray his nerves. However, without this, completing the Black Mountain adventure would seem like an easy walk, right?

So, in the first phase, you should try to play creatures with the deathrattle ability - such as Nerubian Egg, Obsessed Crawler, and Harvest Golem are great for this stage of the game. Nefarian's creatures should be destroyed exclusively with the help of cleansing spells (such as Shaman's Thunderstorm or Warrior's Whirlwind), trying not to activate the death rales of the summoned creatures.

After all of Nefarian's armor has been canceled, Onyxia will take his place. Here you should not yawn and try to destroy it as quickly as possible. It would be great to use spells like Bloodlust or Wild Roar.

After you defeat Onyxia, the third phase will come. The enraged Nefarian will arrive and take her place, as well as destroy all your creatures. This is where creatures with the deathrattle ability come in handy.

Defeating Nefarian in Stage Three won't be so bad. challenging task- by this time he should have exhausted his hand and he should not have answers to your actions. Take total control of the table and then deal a lot of damage to the final boss of the Blackrock adventure.

You can try to remove all of Nefarian's armor and destroy Onyxia in the same turn - then at the beginning of the third stage, Nefarian will not be able to destroy your creatures and continue the battle with the same board.

If you cannot quickly kill Onyxia, then, in this case, it is better to refrain from calling her until you have a strong table to quickly eliminate her.

There is one bug in the confrontation with Nefarian - if you kill Onyxia with the Scourge of Fate spell, Nefarian will not be summoned, and the third stage of the game will not come, but the game will still be considered complete.

Mage vs Nefarian base deck

Cheap Priest vs. Nefarian Deck


After defeating Nefarian, you will be offered two copies of the Wizard Dragon card that cannot be sprayed. And after completing the entire adventure of Black Mountain, your collection will be replenished legendary card Nefarian.

Nefarian and Onyxia is the fourth and the last boss Secret Laboratory, fifth and final block. In this guide, we're going to tell you about the cheap decks you can use to defeat this boss in Normal and Heroic modes.

Tactics and decks for Nefarian and Onyxia

The fight with Nefarian has three phases. In the first of them you will have to fight with Nefarian himself. The phase lasts until the boss's armor is destroyed. After that, Nefarian will be replaced by Onyxia, who will pour fire on the field every turn.

The fight with Onyxia is the second phase, which ends after the death of the dragon. During the second phase, Onyxia is holding a weapon that must be quickly destroyed. In the third phase, Nefarian returns to battle and destroys all enemy creatures. You need to prepare for this moment by accumulating enough cards to continue the fight. If possible, use Kel "Tuzada, capable of reviving all dead creatures.

We present to your attention several decks with which you can defeat Nefarian and Onyxia:

Basic Mage Deck (Normal, Video)

This is the standard base deck magician with minor changes. First of all, Elven Archers and Gunsmiths of Ironforge have been added to it, with the help of which you can control the small creatures of Nefarian, summoned by the power of the hero. In addition, there are Acid Ooze in the deck for the second phase.

Key combat points are the moments at which Nefarian transforms into Onyxia and back. At the end of the first phase, when Nefarian's armor wears off, he calls on Onyxia for help. Onyxia starts the fight with a powerful weapon in her hands, so you shouldn't move Nefarian into the second phase if you don't have an Acid Ooze in your hand.

During the phase with Onyxia, it is very important not to overload the board and just kill it with the minimum number of creatures, because at the beginning of the third phase, all creatures will die, and you will have to start all over again. If by this moment you have several powerful creatures in your hand, you can quickly regain control and continue the fight.

Best option: Cheap Priest Deck (Heroic, Video)

The main goal when playing this deck is to deal over 30 damage to the boss. damage in one turn and thereby bypass the second and third phases. To do this, you will need to expose the Lord of Death and strengthen it with the help of Dark Cultists, Temple Fighters, Power Word: Shield, Chosen One Velen, Divine Spirit and, finally, Inner Fire.

In addition to these cards, the deck provides means to combat the power of the hero Nefarian. Smite and Ring of Light allow you to very effectively deal with 4/2 creatures, and Mental techniques prevent the boss from gaining control.

Despite the fact that the battle can be won without Kel "Tuzada, if you expose this creature in the presence of the Lord of Death, you are guaranteed to win, because. artificial intelligence the boss cannot get around it. If Kel "Tuzad is hidden behind a provocateur, the boss stops attacking altogether, even if his creatures are able to clear the entire board. If you manage to recreate this situation, you can wait necessary cards as much as required. After that, you will only have to strengthen the Lord of Death and inflict more than 30 damage to Nefarian. damage per turn.

While waiting for cards, you should knock down all of the boss's armor, except for 1 unit, so as not to transfer him to the next phase.

Legendary Paladin Deck (Heroic)

The fight with Nefarian has three phases. It is imperative to be aware of their features and make effective decisions. At the beginning of the third phase, when Onyxia transforms back into Nefarian, all your creatures will be destroyed. At this point, Kel "Tuzad comes into play. During the first and second phases, you should expose as many creatures as possible, and after clearing, expose Kel" Tuzad and let him resurrect the dead.

In addition, the deck uses Harrison Jones, despite the fact that the boss can be defeated without him. Try to choose the time to transform Nefarian into Onyxia so that you destroy her weapon when it appears and draw as many as 6 cards.

The rest of the battle is not particularly difficult. Use the Equality + Consecration combo to clear the table and steal the boss creatures with the help of Mental Techniques.

Submit your decks for Nefarian and Onyxia and We will add them to this guide.

- the fourth and final boss of the Secret Laboratory (fifth wing) and the entire Black Mountain adventure. Onyxia is also involved in the confrontation with this boss. In this guide, you will find out what decks you can use to defeat this boss in normal and heroic mode.

Decks for passing

Hero strength

Phases 1 and 3: Nefarian

Hero Strength - Bone Minions. In normal mode, this hero power allows the boss to summon two creatures with indicators of 2/1, in heroic mode, the indicators of these creatures increase to 4/2. In both modes, the cost of using the hero's power is 2 mana crystals.

Phase 2: Onyxia

Hero Power - Flame of Nefarian. This power of the boss hero takes effect automatically at the beginning of each turn and is used completely free of charge. Onyxia's Hero Power deals damage directly to your Hero, and its use is accompanied by Nefarian's comments. The value of the damage dealt depends on which turn of Onyxia it is used on (1 turn - 1 point of damage, 2 - 2, 3 - 1, 4 - 3, 5 - 1, 6 - 4. On the seventh turn, the power of the boss's hero does not damage your hero, but on the eighth and each subsequent turns the damage is 20 points).

Unique cards

Unique cards used by bosses in this game - and.

Nefarian deck


Nefarian's last appearance on the adventure will be challenging for you.

At the beginning of the battle, you will be opposed by Nefarian himself, armed with the power of the hero Bone Minions. As soon as his armor value is depleted, the action will be stopped immediately, and Nefarian will fly away, and Onyxia will take his place. This usually happens during a player's turn.

While Onyxia is alive, her hero power Nefarian's Flame at the beginning of each turn will inflict damage to the player's hero, with each turn the value of the damage dealt will change. Taking into account the increase in the value of damage, it is obvious that it is desirable to destroy Onyxia as soon as possible.

After the destruction of Onyxia, Nefarian returns with the same total health. When Nefarian appears, which is likely to occur during a player's turn, all of the player's creatures on the board will be instantly destroyed. After the destruction of Nefarian, the final victory will be achieved.

Due to the difference in the phases of the battle, it makes sense to deliberately restrain the pace of the game in order to most painlessly transfer the effect of the power of Onyxia's hero Nefarian's Flame. You should also prepare for cleaning the board, which will follow the destruction of Onyxia, and plan your further actions. In this case, you need to try to lose as few creatures as possible or use creatures that have a useful ability (for example, or). Alternatively, you can prepare a crushing blow in order to finish off the armor of Nefarian and destroy the appeared Onyxia within one turn. In this case, you will not only be saved from the effects of the power of the hero of Onyxia, but you will also be able to bypass the mechanism of cleaning up your creatures when Nefarian reappears. For this strategy, a class with its combo, including cards and is perfect.

Control Decks Using Ability

Multiple classes can effectively use this strategy, and class is a prime example. The essence of the strategy is to minimize the damage caused by the power of the hero Nefarian's Flame, and to take advantage of the clearing of the board, carried out before the start of the third phase. To do this, you need creatures with the deathrattle ability (s) and expensive cards control. A card-based shaman deck is ideal.

During the first phase, use destruction cards (or for class) to neutralize numerous creatures and clear the side of Nefarian's board while you saturate the board with your own creatures. For effective exchange, the shaman can use, created by the map, and totems summoned by the power of the hero, reinforced by the card. At the same time, it will be more important for you not to increase the pace of the game, but to ensure a strong presence on the board and its control. After a while, Nefarian will start playing strong cards, such as, which will not be too dangerous for you due to the high health of your hero.

If you manage to maintain control of the board, Nefarian will eventually run out of his hand completely. From this moment you can proceed to the second phase of the game. During this phase, your hero will receive inevitable damage, so you need to go through it as quickly as possible. If you managed to collect moderate forces on the board, then there should be no problems with the destruction of Onyxia, you may even be able to do it within one move. However, after the destruction of Onyxia, your creatures on the board will also be destroyed. This is where your deathrattle creatures (, etc.) come in handy, which will allow you to quickly return to the game after clearing your ranks.

During the first two stages, your hero's health should not drop too much, so after the second appearance of Nefarian you should not have any problems. At this stage, expensive strong cards (, and) will be extremely effective, in addition, Nefarian will no longer be able to play more than one card during each turn, which gives excellent chances for powerful attacks with your strong creatures. Even having survived the second stage of everything with a couple of creatures that had the deathrattle ability, you still have a good chance of success, you just need to beware of cards and.

Using this class, you need to strive to create conditions for achieving victory within one turn. In this case, the strategy of creating a monster using spells is used,

To implement this tactic, you will need to create a creature with an attack rate of at least 31. Do not forget that destroying Nefarian's armor without destroying him will result in the appearance of Onyxia and the transition to the second phase of the game. So you will have to reduce the boss's armor to 1 and keep him in that state until you are able to realize your blow.

The main difficulty with this strategy lies in the collection of the necessary cards and keeping your creature on the board until it accumulates the necessary power. Nefarian's arsenal lacks really powerful tools of destruction, however, you should avoid bringing your base creature into play too early. Wait until everything is collected in your hand required maps Until then, focus on clearing the boss's creatures and try to lure out of his hand the cards and that can neutralize your creature before you can strengthen it for the final attack.

The reward for completing the entire Blackrock adventure will be a Legendary Neutral Card.

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