Role playing surrounding alcoholic. Psychological game "Alcoholic". Ways to help families of patients with alcohol addiction

Household Games

In ordinary social conditions, all games are important, perhaps, even decisive influence on the fate of the players; But some games are more suitable as a lifelong classes, and relatively innocent unauthorized persons are often involved in them. The appropriate name for this group of games is household games. It includes: "Alcoholic", "Debtor", "Give me Pinka," "got caught, Sukin Son!", "That's what I have done because of you", with their main options. They are adjacent on one side to married games, on the other - to the games of the criminal world.

1. Alcoholic

Thesis. In the analysis of games are not engaged in alcoholism or "alcoholics"; Only the role of an alcoholic in a specific game is considered. If it is true that the primary stimulus of drunkenness is biochemical Il "Physiological abnormality - which is not yet quite clarified - the study of this part of the case belongs to ordinary medicine. In the analysis of games, it is interested in completely different types of public interactions related to this kind of abuse. Hence the name of the game.

In full, this is a game with five participants; However, it is possible to combine roles, and then from beginning to end two can play. The central role is played by the subject of the game, "Alcoholic", let it be Mr. White. The main supportive role is a pursuer, as a rule, a representative of another sex; Usually it is a spouse (or spouse). The third role is a deliverant, it is usually performed by the face of the same sex as an alcoholic, for example, a good-natured home doctor who participates in the patient and interested in the problem of drinking. The classic situation is that the doctor successfully eliminates the patient from its vice. After the six-month abstinence White and the doctor congratulate each other. But the next day White is found in the ditch.

The fourth role is a patron or nipple. In the literature, her seller or bartender plays, providing White a loan, throwing a sandwich or a cup of coffee, not having fun and not trying to save it. In life, this role is more commonly performed by the mother of White, who gives him money and often sympathizing with him about his wife, who does not understand him. At the same time, the game requires from White a believable pretext for the receipt of money - a plan, which both as if believed - although they know where the most part of this money goes as usual. Sometimes the patron is knocked on another, not so important, but a friendly role - an instigator, "his boyfriend", offering funds even in its own aspiration: "Let's go with a drink! (Why do you kide down faster). "

In all the games associated with drinking, a supporting role is played by a professional, a bar or seller. In the game "Alcoholic", he performs the fifth role: this is a supplier, a direct source of drinks, understanding the speech of a drunk; In a sense, this is the most important face in the life of the drunkard and drug addict. The difference between the supplier and other players is the same as between professionals and lovers in any game: a professional knows when to stay. At the right moment, the skillful seller refuses to serve an alcoholic, which remains without drinking - if only he does not manage to find a more indulgent supplier.

In the initial stage of "Alcoholic", a wife can play all three supporting roles: At midnight, she is a patronage, undressing husband, cooking him coffee, allowing him to cuddle to himself; The next morning she is a pursuer, implacing his bad behavior; In the evening - a galator, whoaring him to fix it. In the later stages, sometimes due to the deterioration of health, the pursuer and the elimination can be superfluous; They suffer if they are ready to serve as a source of supply. Now White is ready to go to a charity dining room and be delivered for a free feeder, or to endure a cumulative - amateur or professional, if the hand in it follows.

As can be seen from the available data, the remuneration in the game "Alcoholic" (as it is characteristic of games at all) comes from its aspect, the least attracting the attention of most researchers. The analysis of the game shows that the drink itself is only a passing pleasure that delivers additional benefits; This is a procedure leading to genuine climax of the game, which is a hangover. The situation is the same as in the game "Helmem": all the disgraces that attract the most attention, for White only a pleasant way to the junction - to make forgiveness from Black.

For an alcoholic, hangover is not so much a physical suffering as psychological flour: Favorite entertainment drunks are "Martini" (how many drinks and how they were mixed) and "and the outflow" (let me tell you about my hangover). "Martini" is played predominantly drinking in the company; Many alcoholics prefer a tough psychological school "A Nouvero", and organizations of alcoholics like AA ["Anonymous Alcoholics" - the organization of former alcoholics, which is aimed at riding others from this vice. (Approx. Transl.)] Deliver to them unlimited possibilities.

Visiting the psychiatrist after the next cycle, the patient willingly suck himself with offensive nicknames; Psychiatrist is silent. Later, remembering this in the therapeutic group, White will argue that his psychiatrist called these nicknames. In the therapeutic situation, the main interest of the conversation consists for many alcoholics not in the drunkenness itself - mentioned, apparently, more from the reverence of pursuers - and in the subsequent suffering. In the sense of interactions, the goal is, besides his own pleasure, in creating a situation in which the child receives a harsh, not only from the inner parent, but also from some parental personality from his environment, quite interested in to fulfill such a role. Therefore, the therapy of this game should be focused not on drinking, but on the "next morning" - on self-defense through self-defense. However, the type of winding drunks occurs, which do not have a hangover, and which do not belong to the category under consideration.

There is also a game "dry alcoholic", in which White passes the path of financial or social fall without a bottle, but with the same sequence of moves and with the same self-vaccination. In this case, the culmination again is the "Next Morning". It is this similarity between the usual "alcoholic" and the "dry alcoholic" emphasizes that both are - games; In both cases, the procedure leading to dismissal from work. The game "Addict" is similar to the "alcoholic", but more dying, dramatic, develops sensational and faster. This game, in any case, in our society, more needs the preset; The patrons and reliefers are few and rare, and the supplier plays a much more important role.

In the game "Alcoholic" takes part different organizations - local, national, and even international. Many of them publish the rules of the game. Almost all of them explain how to play the role of an alcoholic: drink before breakfast, spend money intended for other purposes, etc. They clarify the functions of the ridder. For example, anonymous alcoholics continue to play the same game, encouraging, however, an alcoholic take on the role of a delightman. For this role, former alcoholics are preferable, for they are better familiar with the game and have a higher qualification for the performance of supporting roles than those who have not played before. There are cases when the members of the AA section did not find alcoholics with which it would be possible to work, and, without having the opportunity to continue the game in the role of the ridder, again began to drink.

There are organizations seeking to improve the fate of other players. Some of them put pressure on the spouse of alcoholics, encouraging them to change the role of the pursuer to the delighthouse. One organization, apparently, the closest to the theoretical ideal of treatment, works with teenagers - children of alcoholics, encouraging them at all to break with the game, instead of changing roles.

Psychological treatment of an alcoholic is also to force it to completely throw the game, and not just change one role on another. Sometimes this manages to achieve, although it is not easy to find an alcoholic to another occupation, as interesting for him as a continuation of the game. Since the classic sign of an alcoholic is the fear of close, the replacement will rather another game, and not free from the game relationship. The so-called healing alcoholics often represent in the social sense of low-interest partners; Their life seems to be devoid of strong impressions that he constantly knocks them on her old road. The criterion of valid "cure from the game" is that a former alcoholic can drink in the company without exposing itself to risk. The usual treatment with "complete abstinence" is considered by experts on the analysis of games as unsatisfactory.

As can be seen from the description of the game, there is a strong temptation to play "I just try to help you"; For the pursuer - in "That's what you did with me"; For a patron - in the "glorious guy". As a result of the dissemination of stock organizations, popularizing the idea that alcoholism is a disease, alcoholics taught playing in a "wooden leg". The law is very interested in such a public, is currently inclined in favor of this game. The main role is now relying not to the pursuer, but to the ridder; The position "I am a sinner" is replaced by the position "What do you want from a sick person?" (which is part of the general trend of modern thinking, removing from religion towards science). From an existential point of view, such a change of positions seemed controversial; From the practical side, it hardly led to a decrease in the sale of drinks drinks. And yet, for most people, anonymous alcoholics remain the best introduction to the treatment of superpower.

Antithesis. As you know, in the "Alcoholic" play hard, and it is difficult to refuse this game. In one case, a woman alcoholic, placed in the therapeutic group, took a very small participation in it until, as it seemed, she did not know enough about other members of the group to start their game. Then she asked them to tell her what they thought about her. Since she behaved quite nicely, a number of members of the group spoke about it approvingly; But she objected: "I need another. I want to know what you really think. " She made it clear that she needs a derogatory reviews. Other women, however, refused to pursue her. Then she went home and told her husband that if she once again hesitated, he had to either divorce her, or put her in the hospital. He promised her; In the same evening she got drunk until the inequality, and the husband sent it to the sanatorium. In this case, other members of the group refused to play the persecution roles that Mrs. White intended; It turned out to be unable to withstand this antithesis, contrary to the general desire to strengthen the understanding of the process that has already achieved it. At home she found a person, consonant to fulfill the role necessary for her.

However, in other cases, it is possible to prepare the patient so much that it can part with the game, and then seek this public cure, and the therapist refuses to play both the pursuer and the deliverant. Equally not therapeutically on his part to play the role of a patron, allowing the patient to neglect its schedule and financial obligations. From the point of view of the theory of interactions, the correct therapeutic procedure is that the doctor after careful preparatory work takes the contracting position of an adult and refuses to play any of the roles; It expects that the patient will be able to withstand the refusal not only from drinking, but also from playing his game. If he cannot, it is better to send him to some delight.

The antithesis is particularly difficult for the reason that the drunkard in most Western countries is highly valued as an object of condemnation, care or generosity, and any, refusing to play one of these roles, risks attaching the indignation of society. The rational approach can be alarmed even more than an alcoholic, which sometimes leads to sad consequences for treatment. One group of researchers who worked in clinical conditions was seriously interested in the game "Alcoholic" and tried to achieve a valid cure by stopping the game, and not a simple "deliverance" of patients. When it was noticed, the Trustees Committee, financing the clinic, hurried to get rid of these people, and none of them were subsequently attracted to the treatment of such patients.

Related games. Interesting gameAn accompanying "alcoholic" is called "one". She was opened with one attentive researcher engaged in industrial psychology. White and his wife (non-drinking pursuer) go to a picnic with Black and his wife (both patrons). White says Blakes: "Let's drink one!" If they agree, it makes it possible to drink four or five. If Blacks refuse, the game is exposed. According to the Wype feeding rules, in this case it has the right to insult, and it will find more suitable companions for the next picnic. The fact that at the public level seems to be generosity of an adult, at the psychological level, it turns out to be an act of arrogance, with the help of which the child of White receives parental permission from the Black, right under the nose from Mrs. White, deprived of the opportunity to protest. In fact, Mrs. White agrees to all this event precisely because it will be "powerless" to protest. In fact, it is also interested in the continuation of the game in his role a pursuit, like Mr. White - in his role alcoholic. It is not difficult to imagine her accusations of her husband next morning after a picnic. This option may cause complications if White is the Blackhead Head.

Generally speaking, "patrons" are not so bad "earn" in the game. Often they are lonely people who make considerable benefits of their kindness to alcoholics. A merchant playing a "glorious guy" acquires many acquaintances; He can earn a good reputation in his social environment not only as a generous person, but also as a good narrator.

By the way, one of the options of the "glorious guy" is that the player is looking for advice everywhere, how best to help people. This is an example of a cute and constructive game that deserves encouragement. The opposite game is "Blouth", taking lessons of violence or asking how best to harm people. Although the lessons never apply in practice, the player extracts the advantage, associating himself with real thieves, playing to the end, and can shine in their reflected glory. This is a kind of the fact that the French is called un Fanfaron de Vice [Powder Powder (Fr.). (Approx. Trans.)]


Thesis: That's what I'm bad! Try to keep me!

purpose: Self-session.

Role: Alcoholic, Persecutor, Relief, Patron, supplier.

Dynamics: Oral deprivation.

Examples: (one). Try to catch. The prototype of this game is difficult to associate with it because of its complexity. However, children, especially the children of alcoholics, often do a number of maneuvers characteristic of the "alcoholic". "Try to keep me" - a game, including deception, the harness of things, attracting offensive comments, the search for benefactors, for example, a favorable neighbor who can take the hand in, and so on. Self-session is often postponed to a later age. (2). Alcoholic and his environment.

Public sample: Adult - adult.

Adult: "Tell me that you really think about me or help me to quit a drink."

Adult: "I will be frank with the oboe."

Psychological sample: Parent - child.

Child: "Try to keep me1"

Parent: "You must stop drinking, because ..."

Shoes: (one). Provocation - charge or forgiveness. (2). Confidentiality - anger or disappointment.

Benefits: (one). Internal psychological: a.) Drunkenness as a procedure - riot, self-satisfaction; b) "Alcoholic" as a game - challenge (probably). (2). External psychological: avoiding sexual and other forms of proximity. (3). Internal public: Try to keep me! (four). An extrest public: "A Nouvero", "Martini" and other entertainment. (five). Biological: alternating love and angry exchanges. (6). Existential: everyone wants to hurt me.

People playing [Psychology of Human Relationships] Bern Eric

1. "Alcoholic"

1. "Alcoholic"

Thesis. In the analysis of games there is no such concept as "alcoholism" or "alcoholic", but there is a role in the game of a certain type, which is called "alcoholic". Whether the cause of drunkenness is biochemical or physiological deviations from the norm (this point of view has not yet been proven) - let the therapists are engaged in this issue. We are engaged in analyzing games, and interests us completely different - social transactions that are associated with alcohol abuse. Hence the name of the game "Alcoholic".

In full form, this game is designed for five participants, although one player can execute several roles, so the game can begin and end with two participants. The central role is the role of an alcoholic, novice game, is fulfilled by White. The main secondary role is the role of the pursuer, which the face of the opposite sex usually plays, most often the spouse (spouse). The third role is the role of the Savior, usually executed by the face of the same sex; Often it is a family doctor who is interested in the patient and alcoholism problems. In the classical situation, the doctor successfully eliminates an alcoholic from his pernicious addiction. After White did not take a drop in her mouth for six months, they congratulate each other. And the morning White is lying in the ditch.

The fourth role belongs to the simplet. In the literary work, this is usually a delicate person who dodges White money, gives him a sandwich for free or a cup of coffee and does not try to persecute nor save him. In life, this role is usually performed by the mother of White, which gives him money and often gives him when he says that his wife does not understand him. Communicating with a simple, White has to look for a plausible explanation, why does he need money. And both pretend that they believe him, although both know what he will spend most of the money. Sometimes the prostacy begins to fulfill another role, not the most significant, but also characteristic of the situation - the role of an instigger, a "good guy", which supplies alcohol, even when they do not ask for: "Let's go with a drink (and ride down even faster)."

Auxiliary character Any. alcohol Game - Professional, such as a bartender or alcohol seller. In the game "Alcoholic", this fifth role is the role of an intermediary, a direct supplier of alcohol, which understands the language of alcoholics and is an essential character in the life of the drunkard. The difference between the intermediary and the rest of the players is the difference between a professional and lovers in any game: a professional knows when you need to stop. IN certain moment A good barman refuses to serve an alcoholic, which turns out to be deprived of the supplies, if only does not find a more indulgent supplier.

At the initial stages of the "Alcoholic", all three secondary roles can perform a wife: at midnight, she strides the hero at midnight, gives him coffee and allows for himself evil; In the morning, in the role of the pursuer, he wakes her husband for his behavior; And in the evening, pulling the mask of the Savior, the throat of her husband refuse alcohol. At the later stages, when the physical condition of the husband usually worsens, it can do without a pursuer and the Savior, but may endure them if they serve as an additional source of drinking. White may appear in a charitable organization and allow "save" himself if he is given there to eat for free; Or it can delete the spread, amateur and professional, if only then receive a challenge.

Based on the modern level of knowledge, we argue that the remuneration in the "alcoholic" (as is characteristic of the games at all) it turns out where most researchers do not expect it to detect him. Analysis of this game shows that drinking itself is only an additional pleasure on the way to true climax - a hangover. The same thing in the game "Stretchable": the missions themselves who attract the greatest attention and the pleasure of White, for him only a way leading to the main thing - to obtain the forgiveness of Black.

For an alcoholic, the hangover is not so much physical pain as psychological torture. Two favorite forms of drinking pasties: "Cocktail" (as much as they drank and what they mixed) and "And the next morning" (I will tell you about my hangover). In the "cocktail" play people who are playing at parties. Many alcoholics prefer psychologically tougher "and the next morning", and organizations such as "anonymous alcoholics" provide them for this unlimited possibilities.

The patient who visited the psychotherapist after the roar, usually scolding himself; Psychotherapist listens to silently. Later, retelling this episode in the psychotherapeutic group, White declares that it is a psychotherapist he has turned him. When alcoholism is discussed in the psychotherapeutic group, it is not interesting for most alcoholics - they speak it only from respect for the pursuer - and their subsequent suffering. The transactional target of the drunkenness, in addition to the personal pleasures that it brings is to create a situation in which the child could be strictly served not only by the inner parent, but also of any nearby and binding to BroƱa's parent figure. Therefore, the therapy in this game should focus not on the very drunkenness, but next after the serpentine: you need to tear an alcoholic to engage in self-vacation. However, there are very drinking people who do not have a hangover; They do not belong to this category.

There is also a game of "non-drinking alcoholic" in which White passes the process of financial or social degradation without a bottle, making the same sequence of moves and needing in the same auxiliary roles. And here the main thing is the next morning. This similarity between the "non-connecting alcoholic" and the usual alcoholic version emphasizes that in both cases this is a game: for example, in both cases, the procedure for losing work is. The "addict" is also similar to "alcoholic", but this game is much more sinister and dramatic, it unfolds faster and leads to more serious losses. At least in our society, it strongly depends on the pursuer, which is always ready. Space and Savior meet much less often, but the role of the mediator increases sharply.

There are many organizations involved in the game "Alcoholic" - national, international and local. Many publish the rules of this game. Almost everyone explains how to play the role of an alcoholic: drink to breakfast, spending money for other purposes, and so on. They also explain the functions of the Savior. For example, in "Anonymous Alcoholics" White continues to participate in the same game, only he is offered to try as the Savior. Former alcoholics are preferred, because they know the rules of the game and are better prepared for auxiliary roles than those who have never participated in this game. There are also cases when the reserve of former alcoholics in the organization dried up and its members resumed drunkenness: another way to continue the game in the absence of people who need to be saved, they did not have.

There are also organizations whose goal is to improve the position of other players. Some insist that the spouses change the role of the pursuer to the role of the Savior. The organization that is closer to the rest approached the theoretical ideal of treatment, works with children of alcoholics: these young people help to get out of the game at all, and not just change the role.

The psychological cure of the most alcoholic itself is also a refusal of the game, and not in changing the role. In some cases, it was possible to achieve, although it is difficult: nothing is not interested in the alcoholic itself, as a continuation of the game. Since it is afraid of intimacy, the way is to replace one game of another, and not in finding life, generally free from games. Often the so-called healing alcoholics are not very interesting in society, they themselves lack life interests and constantly experience temptation to return to her old life. The criterion of genuine "healing from the game" is: a former alcoholic is able to drink at a party, without exposing himself to danger. The usual "complete abstinence" does not satisfy the analytics of the game.

From the description of this game, it is clear that the Savior has a strong temptation to play "I just try to help you," at the pursuit - in "see what you did with me", and the simpler - in "Nice Small". With an increase in the number of organizations that argue that alcoholism is a disease, alcoholics learn to play "Wooden leg (cripping)". The law, which is especially interested in such people, is inclined to maintain such a point of view. The emphasis shifted from the pursuer to the Savior, from "I am a sinner" to "What can I ask from the patient?" (This is a part of the total turning trend from religion to science). From an existential point of view, the displacement is doubtful, and practically it does not reduce the amount of alcohol sold by drunkards. Nevertheless, "anonymous alcoholics" for the majority still personify therapy, not deprived of sympathy.

Antithesis. It is well known that in the "alcoholic" usually playing seriously and parting with this game is very difficult. In one case, the patient suffering from alcoholism almost did not participate in the work of the psychotherapeutic group, until she decided that he had enough participants to start her game. She asked them to say everything they think about her. Since she behaved fine, there were different pleasant things about her, but she objected: "I wanted not this. I need to know what you think in fact. " She absolutely made it clear that she needs critical comments. But the members of the group refused to act as a pursuer. Then, returning home, this woman told her husband that if she once again goes out, he would have to either divorce her or send to the hospital. He promised, on the same evening she got drunk, and he sent her to the hospital. In the above example, the remaining members of the group refused to act as the pursuers, which Mrs. White took. Such an antithesis behavior was not able to take out, although everyone tried to help her deeper to understand the situation in which she was. And at home she found a person who agreed to play the role necessary for her.

In other cases, however, it is possible to successfully prepare the patient to refuse to play and try to achieve genuine healing, and the therapist refuses to play the role of the pursuer or the Savior. It is just as incorrectly from the therapeutic point of view to take the role of a simple, allowing the patient to neglect its financial and other obligations. The correct therapeutic procedure from a transactional point of view is that after careful preparation to take the position of an adult and refuse to participate at all in the game in any role, hoping that the patient will withstand not only abstaining from alcohol, but also the end of the game. If he cannot do it, it should be sent to the Savior.

The antithesis is especially difficult, since the short-shaped alcoholic is considered in most Western countries as the desired object of censure, care or generosity, and the one who refuses to play one of these roles, risks cause public indignation. The rational approach may be for the Savior even more intolerable than for the alcoholics themselves, and sometimes it is due to the most undesirable consequences for therapy. In one clinic, a group of employees was seriously interested in the game "Alcoholic" and tried to achieve complete healing by refusing the game, and not just helping patients. As soon as it became clear, the charity committee, financing the clinic, refused the services of these employees, and no longer invited anyone to help these patients.

Related games. In the game "Alcoholic" there is an interesting episode called "Let's drink one". For the first time, one insightful student who was engaged in issues of industrial psychiatry drew attention to him. White and his wife (non-drinking pursuer) are departed on a picnic with Black and his wife (both spaces). White says Blake: "Let's drink one!" If they drink one, White has four or five permission. If Black refuses to drink, it reveals the game White. According to the rules of Drins, White must feel offended and for the next picnic will find a more convocating companion. The fact that at the social level seems to be generosity of an adult, at the psychological turns out to be keen: the child of White receives the parent condescension from the side of Black by open bribe under the nose of Mrs. White, which is powerless to do anything. In fact, Mrs. White only pretends that it is powerless, because I agreed to all this idea: she also seeks to continue the game, fulfilling the role of the pursuer as Mr. White - as an alcoholic. It is easy to imagine how she will blame him the next morning. If White is Black Boss, the option may be associated with further complications.

In general, the simpleness is not as simple as it seems on this name. Space - often lonely people who get a lot from what are kind to alcoholics. For example, the owner of a diner playing "nice small", thus not only acquires many dating and reputation as a generous person in his social circle, but also considered an excellent storyteller.

By the way, one of the options for "glorious small" is played when a person asks the Council, as it is better to help people. This is an example of a cheerful and constructive game that you should maintain. Her opposite is a "cool guy", which takes violence lessons and asks advice, how to cause people more pain. Although the advice is never implemented in practice, the player has the right to associate with real steep guys who play this game seriously, and can swim in the reflected light of their glory. This is a representative of the breed that the French call un fanfaron de vice.


Thesis. What I was disgusting. Let's see if you can stop me.

Purpose. Self-suming.

Roles. Alcoholic, pursuer, Savior, Space, Intermediary.

Dynamics. Oral deprivation.


1. Try to catch me. The prototype is difficult to correlate with the game itself because of its complexity. However, children, especially the children of alcoholics, often enjoy maneuvers characteristic of alcoholics. Children playing in "try to catch me", lie, hide things, suggest themselves, looking for those who emphasize them, and usually find a compassionous neighbor, giving them a handy, etc. Self-session is often postponed for subsequent years.

2. Alcoholic and its circle.

Social paradigm. Adult - adult.

Adult: "Tell me that you really think about me, or help me stop drinking."

Adult: "I will be frank with you."

Psychological paradigm. Parent - child.

Child: "Try to catch me."

Parent: "You must stop drinking, because ..."

Moves. 1. Provocation - accusation or forgiveness. 2. Confidentiousness - anger or disappointment.

Benefits. 1. Internal psychological - a) drunkenness as a procedure - recycling, consolation and satisfaction of desire; b) "Alcoholic" as a game - self-vaccination (possibly). 2. External psychological - the ability to avoid sexual and other forms of intimacy. 3. Internal social - "Let's see if you can stop me." 4. External social - "And the next morning", "Cocktail" and other methods of pastime. 5. Biological - alternating exchange of manifestations of love and anger. 6. Existential - "Everyone wants to offend me."

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Games, as well as rituals and pastors, help people struduce their free time with closest relationships. Schematically, they can be described as a set of hidden and additional transactions flowing in a certain order, with a certain and predictable result. Allegedly, the relationship system is ordinary and plausible, but then it turns out that there was hidden intent, catch or trap. Main features of the game:

hidden motifs;

availability of winning.

The fact that people when communicating with other representatives of their kind are hidden motives (to seduce, put out something, sell, etc.) - these are special explanations does not require. Winnings, however, may have a material embodiment or deliver purely psychological pleasure. Of course, it is more acceptable for a person when it comes to both.

The games present in the families of alcoholics, or games that the alcoholics themselves will have one common feature - they are destructive for the most alcoholic and its loved ones.

Destruction of the destructive game proceeds by certain rules:

It turns out the "weak place" of the opponent ("slack");

"Primanka" is thrown, with the calculation of a certain reaction of the victim;

The victim reacts the expected way to the "bait";

The presenter produces a "switch", as if changing the initial goal to the true or "real goal" of the game.

Payback (or losing) opponent.

Examples may be an explanation to Figure 7 and below the following dialogue:

Patient: Can you cure me?

Doctor: Of course!

Patient: Do you think you have such high qualifications?

What is happening in this dialog becomes more understandable due to the scheme - the structure of relationships in destructive games or the Karpmann triangle, which was developed by analyzing the game "Alcoholic".

The "Triangle Karpman" himself looks like this (Fig. 7):

Fig.7. Triangle Karpman.

At the corners of the triangle are the roles performed in the game. The arrows show how the "player" during the game can change roles. The above example is easy to understand from the point of view of changing roles and becomes clear how the game is built and where it ends.

P: Save me! - The role is the victim. (Casting the "bait" on the potency of execution by the opponent's role of the Savior. Weakness V. - the role of the Savior).

W.: I save you! - The role is the Savior. ("Primanka" is swallowed.)

P.: Wait! Melnik found! - The role is a pursuer. (Switching or catching - the true goal of the game was revealed - to disrupt the treatment and accuse this V.).

B. He is discomfort - the role is the victim. ("Caught ...").

The person who participates in such games well knows how to perform all other roles, and can easily switch to their execution during the game that began.

"Remuneration", obtained in the game process, everyone has its particular importance for people participating in these games.

"Remuneration" received by the participants of all games characteristic of patients with alcoholism and their loved ones:


Maintaining biological homeostasis (stability) of the body is carried out by exchanging "strokes".

2. Execution system.

The life position of the players is mainly that all the persons of the opposite sex are equally the same in essence and are not at all perfect (tyranny, "saws", drunkards, hooligans, bore, models, etc. etc.) that The world is working badly, and it is not at all comfortable for existence in it, that other people (including specialists in the treatment of drug addiction) cannot and do not want to understand the suffering of patients with alcoholism of persons and, of course, cannot help them.

3. Interene psychological.

These "remuneration" are directly related to the economy of mental energy, thanks to the resumption of person to participate in familiar games. That is, the human psyche is protected from excessive voltage and the loss of mental energy, for example, due to the relief, during the inclusion in the familiar game system (situation), bouts of fear, primarily associated with the adaptive process in the person who has previously fallen into the unknown Situation.

4. Ensuring psychological.

Evasion from dangerous situations through the game allows you to produce a provocation of other people to certain, easily predictable, player action (for example, the role of the pursuer or savior) and the accusations of them in the emergence of the problems that are caused by the player with its own inconsistency and fear.

However, there are remuneration that are different for all games.

1. Internal social.

This "remuneration" is in the name of the game and allows the player to structure chat with close surroundings using this name.

2. More Social.

The use of a player encountered in the process of situations, for social contacts with less close or few familiar people, which often leads to reinforcement of the player's opinion on the feasibility of obtaining "remuneration" received from his participation in various games.

The game is an alcoholic (drug addict) is the main game in patients with dependence on psychoactive substances (first of all from alcohol) and their environments. Its duration can occupy almost all the life of a sick person, and sometimes all the lives of those who live with such a person. It is important to understand that in the analysis of the game "Alcoholic" there is no need to navigate in biochemical violations in the work of the brain in the patient with addiction from surfactants, a description of the social aspect of the behavior of a patient with alcoholism (alcoholic), helps to continue drunkenness - that's what is considered, first of all , When analyzing this game. Also, in the structure of this game, it makes no sense to consider the social functioning of alcoholics who have achieved thanks to drunkenness, full or pronounced degradation of the individual, because They are no longer looking for their alcohol behavior and further consumption of alcohol.

This game, The game "Alcoholic" requires at least four main roles, and perhaps one additional, if we consider instead of the role of an alcoholic - the role of a drug addict.

The main roles needed for the game:




Preluach (he is an instigator).

Intermediary (additional role).

The role of an intermediary is most important for the game "Addict." In such a game, the mediator - a person who delivers drugs is often engaged in this professionally and to maintain the sales market can actively provoke refused by the consumption of drug addicts to the resumption of anesthesia.

The role is an alcoholic.

The main task of an alcoholic in this game is to drink / consume. For this task, all people surrounding people are involved, especially those who are speaking or already performs other roles of the game. Other players are involved in order to justify their own drunkenness of an alcoholic.

The pursuer constantly controls, scolding and accesses an alcoholic, being in a state of my parent, which, naturally, causes a protest in a child of an alcoholic. The protest is usually an alcoholic expresses a resumption or enhancement of drunkenness. The next pursuer, generates his "prosecution" "justified" with an alcoholic with his "prosecution" than completely helps to justify the drunkenness of an alcoholic in his own eyes, and sometimes in the eyes of other participants of the game,.

Of particular interest and even - excitement causes an alcoholic with an opportunity to "hold" the pursuer and get drunk, despite active control on his part.

The Savior is actually constantly engaged in "salvation" of an alcoholic: leads his own and his clothes in order after preventable drunken, engaged in "soul" conversations and persuasion about the cessation of drunkenness and his harm, "hanging" an alcoholic in the "heavy minutes" of firing abstinence syndrome, He asked from work, if he is not in the thymus to go to work the day after drinking (the round at his own expense, the doctor may issue sick leave, etc.), feeds and dress it, even if it does not work for a long time and does not bring money ( or almost everything earned), etc. etc. The Savior, therefore, helps an alcoholic not to face problems created by drunkenness of the same alcoholic, constantly solving them instead of him. Alcoholic loves to "inlets" the Savior, drinking after the next promise to him "Never, never get drunk", while having several "remuneration":

switch the actor's role of the Savior to execute the role of the pursuer, after which he was offended by the pursuer and continue "reasonably" drunkenness;

call up the reaction to the disorder from the Savior, provinging its "incretion", as well as showing the Savior to his inability to help an alcoholic abandon the consumption of alcohol. Such actions on the part of an alcoholic, cause a sense of powerlessness and guilt from the Savior. The Savior indulges "suffering" about the above feelings and to cherish the very "guilt" before the alcoholic begins to regret it. This is also an alcoholic that would again continue drunkenness.

achieve, thanks to the above actions, practically complete control over the Savior due to the predictability of his behavior, and manipulate them to continue their relatively unpunished drunkenness at their discretion, then, playing the guilt of the Savior for the "inability" to help an alcoholic to drink, then provoking it on Execution of the role of the pursuer.

Moreover, if an alcoholic cannot actually find people in his environment to perform the roles of the pursuer or the Savior, even creating all sorts of provocations and actively manipulating them (especially in the treatment process or on group therapy), then an alcoholic may invent and attribute these rollers or group members (Game in thoughts).

Prostac - the next role in the game "Alcoholic". He either believes absolutely all alcoholic explanations, especially if he asks for something very "necessary" (although it is clear that for drinking), believes all the "reasons", according to which the alcoholic got drunk, or can agree to joint drinking, allowing An alcoholic take more than himself, and sometimes even himself provokes an alcoholic for drunkenness, right offering drink or indirectly hinting about drinking.

The prostacle allows an alcoholic to feel "smarter than others", thereby supporting his self-deception on the problems that arise in a patient with alcoholism due to alcohol consumption.

Now it is necessary to find out who among the people around the surrounding people perform the above roles.

Pursuer. Usually, this role is performed: mothers / fathers, wives / husbands, brothers and sisters, children, etc., in short, all relatives, as well as militia, employees at work, friends, those who participate in the treatment of alcoholism, And many other people.

Savior. This role is performed by all the same faces that are listed above.

Simpleton. Again you have to deal with the same personalities.

The execution of close alcoholic roles of the pursuer and the Savior from the point of view of common logic can be understood - and the one and the other role is aimed at combating alcoholization and its consequences. Let ineptly, ineffective, but it is clear why this struggle goes and what is aimed at. However, why the role of an alcoholic role is the role of a simple, it is necessary to disassemble in detail. It is clearly clearly visible - the alcoholic alcoholic is clearly given (permission is actually given), and the frank provocation for its continuation of drunkenness does not lead to an improvement in family relationships and, of course, to the cessation of alcohol consumption at the alcoholic itself.

To clarify the above questions regarding the motives of the behavior of native alcoholic, to begin with, it is necessary to determine which "remuneration" will receive the Savior and the Persecutor.

Remuneration of the pursuer (called remuneration specific for this game):

Internal social - "Deputy God on Earth." Favorite phrases -Position: "I see everything, I know everything, I control everything", "Well, the villains got caught", etc.

External social - pastime: "Everyone is drinking around," "Nobody cannot be trusted," And I caught it (a) ... "," imagine what horror ... ", etc.

Savior's remuneration:

Internal social - "Holy Martyr (Martyr)". Favorite phrases - positions: "Another would have thrown it ...", "do not live for yourself ...", "Well, why it happens only with me ...", "Who is still needed ...".

External social - pastime: "He is such a fool ...", "He will disappear without me ...", "He again deceived me ...", "He is a special case ...", "he loves so much (loved ) drink up...".

When an alcoholic throws to drink for a long time and begins to gradually raise his social status, his relatives and friends begin to gradually lose all the "remuneration" listed above, and even those who are characteristic of all games, because It is difficult, sometimes, continue to play an alcoholic game (or similar to it) in general. Considering the fact that people do not like to change over the years and generations accumulated behavioral schemes (roles), the easiest way to return everything back - do not give a patient with alcoholism to stop performing the role of an alcoholic. This is where all the tricks that use spaces are used, in order for alcoholic to drink, from the "blind" faith for anything, to a straight alcoholic provocation for drinking.

The main opposition to this game, which can be carried out as native alcoholics and alcoholics themselves, is the refusal to execute roles in the game of alcoholic and the gradual cessation of its participation in it. This process, usually, rather complicated and long-term and except for psychotherapy during this period, a visit to the groups engaged in the program "12 steps" can help: for alcoholics - groups of anonymous alcoholics, for their relatives - Alanone groups, for drug addicts - anonymous drug addicts, etc. d. The feasibility of visiting these groups is that, thanks to the classes on them, people who constantly play the game "Alcoholic" ("addict") may notice a decrease or even the absence of discomfort previously arising from the absence of "remuneration" obtained in the game. It is the removal of such a tension, the acquisition of behavioral experience on the care of the game or the acquisition of experience in conducting the role of the Savior without destructive impulses (although then this role is already difficult to call this role) people are obtained in groups using the program "12 steps".

I would like to pay special attention to those games that lead patients with alcoholism (alcoholics) in the process of psychotherapeutic treatment, on group therapy or at meetings of groups of anonymous alcoholics. Many of these games are a modification of the previously described game "Alcoholic", but the analysis of some of their characteristics will easily help recognize similar manipulative sequins, both psychotherapists engaged in the treatment of patients with addiction and patients themselves - alcoholics.

"Why don't you ... yes, but ..." - the game begins when the patient's lead game, asks or provokes the surrounding Council, which arose in his life and "not solved" with them Forces, a problem. The surroundings begin to give such a person all sorts of advice, but according to the "respectful" reason, using quite good arguments and arguments, the player refuses all these advice and proposals. The more tips will be rejected, the more grounds for the alcoholic player to continue alcohol consumption. The way to leave this game is not very difficult, if other patients are well acquainted with the theory of games and can easily have it, if not recognized, then at least remember, you can play a group to play such a game, and then, thanking the player, disassemble with patients What they did. Frequently often members of the group themselves refuse to keep this game, or referring to the player about what he does, or simply ignore his attempts to start manipulation.

"Bates me ..." - is that the patient is constantly trying to provoke members of the therapeutic group, and more often the leading group (therapist), on the manifestation of aggression against themselves (player), which allows him in the future, he sat down The desired result, or get drunk, or refuse further treatment (due to the "injustice" in relation to it). Basically, this game is observed when the patient does not have a treatment for treatment and enters it under its native pressure. The main task in such a situation is to search for "respectful" reasons for refusing treatment, and it begins to violate the rules adopted in the group and in the separation or actively call the scandal or staff of the department or other patients or the therapist itself. If after that, even innocuous remark from the above-mentioned personnel will follow, then it will be perceived and compounded as an attack on the identity of the player. After these events, such a patient says: "Ah, so!", - And he writes a refusal of treatment. Some players, on the contrary, are trying to do so that they would be discharged from the department for violations of the regime, which is fairly easy to achieve, constantly violating the established rules of behavior in the hospital. After such actions, players are very easy to continue consumption, referring to the fact that no one wants to help get rid of drunkenness.

"Kaleka" - when the patient does not agree with the fact that he is sick of alcoholism, but already learned that this disease is incurable, he immediately begins to pull out everything that he will be in mind as if showing - "I am a sick person. What do you want from a sick person? ". Conveniently in connection with this to refuse treatment: "I am an alcoholic and must continue to drink, because the disease is incurable. Without alcohol, I can not exist. " For a while, such a position may even reduce the feeling of guilt in such a player for his drunkenness, but as long as there is no true recognition of the disease, the patient will continue to alcoholized. The main thing that needs to be done to counteract this game is to understand an alcoholic that he is still responsible for its social behavior, and especially during the period of sobriety.

"Thank you, the doctor, only you helped me," the player hopes to cause the role of the Savior from the therapist or a doctor, who will be a proud of this recognition of his "merit" in "cure" of this alcoholic. If the patient is achieved by this result, after a short period of time, it will start and will surely seem at the psychotherapist and says: "Everyone you are good, the doctor, but here it did not help ...". Such actions of the patient should cause, in his opinion, a strong emotional disorder from a doctor. Naturally, psychotherapists that occupy the parental position (the Savior - "cure, by all means") and preaching parental treatment methods, very often come across this game, sometimes even emotionally experience their failures and, most importantly, have a very low Success in psychotherapy of alcoholics.

"Iskan" - a typical way to rationalize the refusal of therapeutic measures. There is any lack of a specialist who leads psychotherapy. This can pass by the type of "identification" - "And you yourself drink?" - Any answer to this question gives the ground for negative reflection: "If he drinks what he treats me? If not drinking, it's lying. And how can you be treated for a doctor who is lying? ". Sexual sign can also be withdrawn: "She is a woman! She never understand the male soul! " However, as the experience shows, non-service the therapist to the glorious tribe of alcoholics (if dealing with people, slightly familiar with the program "12 steps") is also a major drawback: "The fact that you are not an alcoholic harm you, as a specialist involved in the treatment of alcoholism "Or" I am ready to be treated only at an alcoholic! "," Not an alcoholic I do not understand. " However, the alcoholics consultants (having a large term sobriety) regularly impose a claim to another species: "What can these alkashi teach me?!". Practically, any "prosperity" or "disadvantage" player in this game can declare "flaw" and calculate the reason for the reason not to engage in its treatment. If there is a sufficient proportion of irony and humor to such realizations, then such "flaws" are quickly ceased to be seen by patients.

"A, tell me this is what ..." - a game that is used as a great way to distract the psychotherapist, proud of your knowledge in narcology, and all participants in the group from the discussion unpleasant in the process of group therapy for such a patient (player) themes . As a rule, this game goes together with the game "Why don't you ... yes, but ...", which greatly allows you to avoid "dangerous" situations, and leave the treatment process on the same zero level (support for most patients of the group of this game Provided). It is desirable for the therapist, not to give opportunities to develop this game, otherwise it is instead of patients to speak, as well as to be treated in class in a small group, there will be a psychotherapist itself.

"Fool" is a game that allows the patient to do nothing during the medical process, referring to its stupidity. There have been cases when the patient seemed really not able to understand many things after the group told him: "There is enough fool to build it!", - I started to understand the tasks quite normally, to formulate phrases well and even express well-minded thoughts.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the ways of caring from the patients suffering from alcoholism, games. The first and most important is a clear understanding of the specialist that games are being conducted with absolutely serious persons and players never speak each other about what they know about the opponent plans, hiding this knowledge until the very last moment - until the game is completed. The following to pay attention to is that games serve as a maximum care from openness in relationships between even close people. Of all the above, it is necessary to bring three main strategic ways to oppose the fun games:

1. Does not apply to games seriously. The proportion of irony, and, sometimes, and the portion of good laughter, often can break the game at the very beginning and to beat off the desire from the opponent to impose it in the future.

2. Using the methodology of paragraph No. 1., you can safely speak the opponent (player) about his gaming plansIf you know what game he started, or about my suspicions about some kind of game, which he tries to impose you if you failed to identify it.

3. It is often enough to interrupt any long-lasting game ("games for the whole life") (or get away from it) it is necessary to establish enough open human relationship with the opponent (player). This approach, naturally, is most appreciated for intra-family relationships.

Adhering to these three main ways to counter games, it is possible to get out of any complex game situation with honor, and in the future and invent a lot of other ways to curb your involvement in the game.

After a long use of alcohol, epileptic seizures occur. Their essence lies in the appearance of convulsion. At first, the person falls into the unconscious state, then the face becomes pale, but after the blue color. At the end of convulsive seizures, a person manifests itself, he comes into consciousness. And it happens that the alcoholic after the attack falls asleep for several hours.

At chronic alcoholic, the epileptic seizure has already happened again. Epilepsy in alcoholics becomes chronic phenomenon, disease. And the seizures will occur without drinking alcohol. Because the long-term adoption of alcohol will provoke an irreversible process in the human brain, and then the body will not need alcohol, the seizures will be happening without a dose.

Why does the attack arise?

An explicit cause of epilepsy becomes daily intoxication of the body alcohol. Especially destroying the body use of surrogates, the content of toxic substances in which maximum. To aggravate the situation and provoke an epileptic seizure can infection, head injury and other diseases.

The main symptoms of seizures with epilepsy in alcoholics are:

  1. Cramps.
  2. Unconscious, missing condition.
  3. The attack of wild pain in the muscles.

Rarely, in very hard cases, the fitness occurs periodically after a very short period of time. In alcohol-dependent people in the next morning, wild, unbearable pain in the limbs. A seizures are absent, and muscles in their hands and legs reduces.

We give examples of the characteristics of cramps in drinking people:

  • May occur even after the cessation of alcohol abuse.
  • In the process of seizures, alcoholic can occur hallucinations. This feature is inherent in the same alcoholics.
  • There is a breakdown of sleep, the appearance of alcohol delirium, the so-called white and white chicken.
  • Drinking person is inherent syradiability, reducing attention, surfaction. There may be a violation of speech, coarse and cruel behavior.

Each case in which the seizure has happened, becomes even more dangerous to human health and life. After all, during the attack, he may unsuccessfully fall and get serious injuries. Also, when a person suffering from a disease, a person can easily shake the tongue and, accordingly, if it is not enough to get it, suffocate and die. If you are nearby in such a situation, then you will have first aid, and thread will cause ambulance.

Scary with these convulsions and seizures is that there is a high probability of applying injuries and injuries during falls, as well as the possibility of the emergence of mental illness. And the heavier dependence in an alcoholic, the more he is subject to mental changes in consciousness.

Consequences of epilepsy in alcohol-dependent people

People suffering from convulsions after drinking, more often than others suffer from failures in memory, they are more irritable other, more quick-tempered. Will lack them in their strength to resist the surrounding stimples of peace. Companies surround such people on each way. Alcohol meets the patient after each angle, and he drinks with each. As a result of a long use of an alcohol man completely descends, the final degradation of the personality occurs.

Alcoholics have a circle of their personal interests suffered, it thinks he thinks it is extremely rare. As a result, a person completely loses mental abilities. From labor, he will dissuade, as it is occupied only by drinking alcohol. Soon, labor abilities are lost completely.

These people teach discipline to break the foundations. They rush hysterics, start fighting on people, houses roof peace and order. In the period of hangover, they are rude, evil and very aggressive.

Saves after alcohol

Frequently, drinking people have such a phenomenon as a psychic disorder, which in the future leads to depression. Under the action of this state, a person can cause injuries. Sometimes sometimes think about suicide. Sometimes at first everyone thinks that this is a game of public, but in the future everything can be incarnated.

Thoughts about interruption of life in patients appear due to a sense of inferiority in life, after problems at work, due to the scandals of the house. This feeling is present for many years, because the disease occurs for a long time, the convulsions appear not immediately, and the troubles are always present and the sick person to suicidal thoughts. In addition, it is difficult for a person to accept and get along with health problems, and they will appear sooner or later. Cirrhosis, gastritis and this is an incomplete list of sores that appear after use in large doses of alcohol.

According to statistics, alcohol convulsions suffer aged from 25 and to 45. And they drink 7-9 years to that time. However, if you constantly drink for two or three years, then the attacks of epilepsy and alcohol convulsions may also appear.

But convulsions of epilepsy after the feed may appear even after a two-year systematic admission of alcohol. Their frequency is largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a drinking individual. And how fast they will turn into chronic with accuracy it is impossible to say. Someone systematics will appear after the first attack. And someone and dozens of times will not lead to a chronic manifestation. There are sick, after each battlefield, who appear convulsions, and there are those whom such fate does not overtake.

The appearance of epilepsy in an alcoholic testifies only to the fact that the alcohol damaged their central nervous system and the process is almost irreversible.

If you have witnessed a person's convulsions, you need to give first aid. Although he happens suddenly and unexpectedly, a specific feeling appears before that, the suffering appear. He is either very warm or very cold. In the eyes flashes items or their dimensions are becoming unrealistic. Perhaps the appearance of noise in the ears or not at all pronounced sounds. Perhaps he really wants to eat or drink. In general, something will be precursor.

Well, after the patient, it falls into fainting, it shouting loudly. The chest muscle is reduced and the cry is straight out of the pharynx.

Epilepsy attack: first aid

If all these symptoms are obvious, then the fall of the man's fall so that he does not hit and not get injured. Do not hold the limbs of the patient during cramps. Move a person, leave where it lies. The main thing is that you do not lose calm.

Place under the head and legs pillows. And objects that can harm, move away. So that the alcoholic does not fall the tongue and he does not choke, turn his head to the side. Free it from the close, shining the movement of the clothing.

Do not try to break your teeth in order not to lose your fingers, just try to push something rigid into the jaw, wrapped in a napkin. Clear shutters for a few minutes, after which the patient needs peace.

If the attack has a duration of more than thirty minutes or the attacks are repeated one by one, it is necessary to call an ambulance. After a person who has such a fit, it must be visited by a neuropathologist.

So that the attacks stop are, it is mandatory to eliminate the use of alcohol. After all, he, damaging some organs, after will continue to spoil and others.

Treatment must be started immediately after the first case of an epilepsy attack. No need to hope for a miracle. The earlier begin treatment, the more likely it will be fully cured. But it should be complete and durable and should not be interrupted. Otherwise, everything is useless and health will suffer even more.

There are many diseases in the world. Most of them are healing, you only need to make efforts. One of numerous diseases is alcoholism. The disease is considered precisely because a person cannot cope without the help of doctors.

Alcohol addiction is a disease relating to toxicizing. Characterize ethylism addiction from ethyl alcohol. The definition of the disease occurs when the patient refuses help and physical weakness occurs. The main factor is the emergence of psychological dependence on alcohol.

Alcoholism occurs with increasing doses and permanent admission of alcohol-containing drinks.

Accompanied by a hangover (by abstinence syndrome) and increasing doses to satisfy. Alcohol dependence is accompanied by an organism poisoning (that is, toxic lesion), memory losses and other disorders.

Stages of alcohol addiction

There are many decisions of this issue, but first it is necessary to consider the development stages and will determine which it is the patient. Alcoholism has some symptoms: it is psychological and physical dependence. It begins with increasing doses of reception and carries heavier consequences. There are 3 main stages that are described below.

  1. Stage first. It is characterized by a difficult mental barrier to overcome alcohol. The patient has a strong desire to drink. If you wait, it goes out for a while, but if an alcoholic drinks, a sense of measure is lost. A person becomes irritable and loses self-control. A brief loss of memory and intoxication of the body is possible. Alcoholic begins to justify himself and becomes an aggressor. Most often the first stage goes into the second.
  2. Stage Two. It is at this stage that physical dependence on alcohol appears. Accompanied by excessive loss of control over drunk. There is already impairment in the body as a whole. At this stage, diseases may develop on the basis of alcoholism (psycho-neurological disorders, liver cirrhosis, etc.). At this stage, a hangover develops. There is irritability, headache, thirst, insomnia. After a while, the hands should be trembling and the whole body, taking tingling in the heart area. In the second stage without medical care Throw very hard. If there is a refusal of alcohol, psychosis develops.
  3. Stage of the third. Without alcohol, it is impossible to live. The body has already been saturated, but a small dose is needed every day. A minor amount of drinking alcohol leads to intoxication. Violations in the psyche of the patient often leads to amnesia. Alcoholic degradation as a person increases. The patient no longer understands when he drank and how much. In this case, there is only an irresistible desire to replenish the dose of alcohol in the body. Violations in the psyche of the patient is irreversible. To tie, you need to ask for help from specialists, since the body is already exhausted and the psyche is broken.

Diagnosis of alcoholism

Alcohol addiction is called a terrible disease, in which a person kills himself by taking alcohol-containing drinks and organism poisoning. In Russia, many people suffer from this disease. Therefore, for its diagnostics there are some signs:

  • the absence of a vomiting reaction when taking large doses of alcohol;
  • off-corporate drinking of alcoholic beverages;
  • hangover;
  • short-term loss of memory or amnesia;

In accurately establishing alcohol addiction, the amount of dosage, other possible diseases in the patient, the time of drinking beverages, as well as behavior and response with alcohol is used.

Alcoholism can lead accompanying diseases. This very often happens, especially at 2 and 3 stages of alcohol dependence. So, a list of possible add-ons: arrhythmia, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer (esophagus, intestines, stomach), anemia, cardiomyopathy, gastritis, pancreatitis, brain hemorrhage and this is not a complete list. The reason for alcohol addiction can be raised, even to a deadly outcome. Diseases arise due to irreversible changes in the internal organs and the impact on them alcohols. This leads a long and constant passion for alcohol. The change occur due to the damage to the membrane cells in human bodies. They increase the vessels, making them thinner (hemorrhage may occur), the activity of neurotiator systems is disturbed, dehydration of the body with increased urine release is created and the production of acids in the stomach increases.

Consequences of alcohol addiction

Outcomes of people different. Often lead to death the main cardiovascular diseases on the basis of alcoholism. It strikes the muscular shell of the heart (myocardium), and heart failure begins. The next cause of death is cirrhosis of the liver and intoxication. Mortality is also common due to psyche violations, including suicide.

The main problem of alcoholism is expressed in society. Children suffer especially suffer. People born from alcoholism suffering are doomed to psyche disorders and weak health (the heart suffers, the liver and kidney vessels) from birth. Families, where anyone suffers from alcohol addiction, become coined. When dried in intoxing, patients often do not make aware of the actions and can harm their family and others.

Alcohol treatment treatment

Anyone can use each. Only rarely, which of people's patients with alcoholism are referred to as help. Alcoholic dependence syndrome is better not to run, otherwise there is a possibility of a deadly outcome. There is a huge number of methods for treating this difficult disease.

  1. Medical. The method is carried out by drugs in the patient's body. The injected medicines make the patient feel the fear of death and help to recycle alcohols. Such drugs are often incompatible with alcohol, so when mixing can cause complications.
  2. Mental. Work with psychologists who will help the patient will learn how to deal with alcohol addiction. They will explain that drunkenness is harmful and without it can cope.
  3. Social rehabilitation. Assistance to personality awareness. Enter a person in society. The method is only beginning to use in Russia.
  4. Detoxification. Preparations that are intravenously administered to a patient with a sharp refusal of alcohol. They help rapidly remove toxins from the body and improve physical condition. The method is good, only there is no moral support from doctors. Therefore, patients of this method are often returned to alcohol addiction.
  5. Rationing. Determines a specific dosage of alcohol intake. Encouraged abstinence. If the method just started, then the dosage is gradually reduced to a minimum.
  6. Complex. This method combines several above-mentioned methods for treating alcohol addiction. Choose personally for each patient.

For Russia, drunkenness is a global problem. Since we are alcoholism - the most common disease. Alcohol addiction suffers from 40% of the working man's population of the country. Such abuse is ruined by the people. Many families deprive the healthy future of their children and constantly doubt. And the reason for this is one, and is called alcohol addiction. If you decide to correct the situation, then experienced doctors are always ready to help each wishes.

What is psychological games. Alcoholism and drug addiction as a psychological game. Types of psychological games with alcoholism and drug addiction. Treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction as a way out of psychological games.

Psychological game - It is such an interaction with people in which it is apparent is one goal of interaction (the so-called social goal), but the main thing is the other hidden from the person himself, an unconscious goal (psychological goal). That is, in a psychological game, a person sees one reason for his actions, while in fact they managed completely different subconscious reasons.

Psychological games appear in the interaction of people due to the fact that there are unsatisfied needs, the direct satisfaction of which is impossible for any reason. The most common cause of psychological games is the unsatisfied need for proximity. For example, a married couple consists of people who have not learned to give and take positive attention. However, the need for proximity remains, and then the spouses try to get attention from each other with a negative way - with the help of a scandal. The scandal in this case is a psychological game: a declared conscious goal for a scandal one (occasion), the real reason is the unsatisfied need of both spouses in proximity. Psychological goals of games can be completely different: emotional regulation, liability, liability, lifting self-esteem, Structuring pastime, etc.

A deeper psychological game can be described using a person adult personality scheme, parent, child (e). This model assumes that the personality of a person consists of three levels: an internal adult (performs the functions of responsibility, realistic assessment of problems, decision making, building plans, etc.), an internal parent (performs social functions of regulating socio-moral norms and values, templates of social behavior and social skills, etc.), an inner child (the functions of spontaneity, proximity, emotional energy, etc.). The basis for the psychological game is the conflict between the internal parent (P) and the inner child (e). So some needs D can be under the "Parental" ban. Then D creates a situation in which these needs are satisfied with the bypass of the prohibitions of r not direct, but indirectly. For example, in childhood, a person received a "parental ban" on the expression of direct aggression and discontent ("you need to be polite!"). Then the person remains unsatisfied need to protect their borders and defend their rights. In this case, in adulthood, he can begin to "play" in psychological games, in which its need is satisfied in the expression of aggression in an indirect way. For example, if he becomes the boss, at work, it can unconsciously give subordinate to the impossible tasks, after the failure of which he receives the "psychological law" to express them aggression. Similarly, the indirect expression of aggression with the help of psychological games will occur in the family. This model also easily explains the main harm from psychological games. Since any psychological game primarily pursues bypassing prohibitions P, then at the end of the game should always be pay - Punishment from P to D for the violation of these prohibitions (albeit indirect). Typically, the rules are negative feelings, but there may be material losses, damage to health, psyche, etc.

Recognize psychological games in which you play, you can ask yourself a few questions:

1. What interaction is repeated from you in similar options with different people and in different social situations, leaving negative feelings?

2. What is the usual sequence of moves in this interaction (I, I, I, etc.)?

3. What purpose do you usually declave (explicit social goal) for your behavior in this interaction?

4. What negative feelings usually leads this interaction (this is the payment for violation of parental prohibitions)?

5. How do you after this negative interaction situation "Take care" about yourself or do something for yourself: give you the opportunity to regret, increase your self-esteem, do something pleasant for yourself, etc.? This is the true unconscious goal (psychological goal) of your game.

Here are some examples of psychological games: 1.) "Everything because of you ..." man makes a mistake, and then vinit another in failure (not noticing his responsibility). Psychological goal - elevation over another person. 2.) "Stump me ..." a person attacks others to then be in the situation of response aggression. The hidden goal is to understand that the "world is not fair", lifting self-esteem. 3.) "Yes ... But ..." A person asks for help to then appreciate it. Hidden goal - elevation over others, "I will do you!"

A mature personality has no need for psychological games, as such a person is able to achieve intimacy and satisfy its psychological needs openly.

The sequence of output from the psychological game is:

1.) Awareness of the psychological game, the moves in it and the situations in which it arises.

2.) Awareness of hidden psychological goals in the game, what unmet needs in this game are satisfied with an indirect, indirect way.

4.) Search for other ways to meet psychological needs.

5.) The study of the "parent" prohibitions that prohibited the direct satisfaction of psychological needs.

Often the awareness of psychological games and the yield of them is possible only in the process of psychotherapy.

At one time, psychologists of the direction of transactional analysis (TA) described the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction through psychological games. Rather, they determined alcoholism, drug addiction and other dependencies as one species of a psychological game, where one goal is clearly postulated (for example, the pleasure of consumption), and the hidden goal is completely different (for example, obtaining negative proximity in the family).

So to establish that Eric Bern described the psychological game of an alcoholic. In full form, this game is five players, but at the same time one person can perform several roles, so the minimum number of participants comes down to two. Roles in the game: an alcoholic, a pursuer (most often a spouse or spouse), the Savior (for example, a narcologist, who "treats" the patient), a simpler (usually a friend who can lend money), an intermediary (selling alcohol, alcohol corporations). The game begins with the fact that the alcoholic agrees to treatment and goes to the rescuer, which "successfully" eliminates alcoholism (for example, encodes). After the "successful" encoding for the year, an alcoholic does not drink, for example, about two five months. And then "unexpectedly" alcoholic goes into pie. Scandals appear in the house, an alcoholic company is being conducted, as a result, he is sent to new course treatment (new encoding, rehabilitation center, etc.). And then everything is repeated first. The prostacle is usually alcoholic in this situation, you will see it for free and does not try to persecute him or save him. Sometimes the prostacy begins to perform another role, not the most significant, but also characteristic of the situation, - the role of an instigator, a "good guy", which provides alcohol, even when he is not asked: "Let's go." In the game "Alcoholic", the role of the mediator is the immediate supplier of alcohol, which understands the language of alcoholics and is the most important character in the life of the drunkard. In the game alcoholic, all three roles, except for the alcoholic itself, can execute a wife: as a simple role, it helps him solve the problems caused by use, inks for work, distributes debts; In the role of the pursuer, he scolds her husband for his behavior; The role of the Savior persuades her husband to refuse alcohol navigating his promise not to drink. Bern claims that the remuneration in the "alcoholic" itself is not at all, it is only a means on the way to a true goal - hangover and other negative consequences of use. In this state, the alcoholic gets negative attention and proximity (which he did not receive in a sober state), relieves responsibility (which he was difficult to carry in sobriety), expresses indirectly aggression (punishes others with his drunkenness), etc. In this case, exit from the game and, in fact, the treatment of alcoholism from the point of view, there will be a realization of the psychological game by all its participants and obtaining the satisfaction of psychological needs by other, non-destructive ways.

Claude Steiner (student and follower Eric Bern) described three more games in which alcohol is involved: "drunk and proud", "drunkard", "Alkash".

The game "Drunk and proud." In this game there are three roles: an alcoholic, a pursuer, a simpler, and the roles of the pursuer and the simplest are alternately played by one person. An alcoholic in the game "Drunk and proud" subconsciously strive to bring the other player to the state of the extreme wrath, so that he felt his powerlessness. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the alcoholic can drink all the salary, lose valuables, change his wife (and so that she recognized), etc. When, after sipped, the wife begins to scold him, the alcoholic sincerely apologizes, while experiencing strong feelings of guilt and shame, and promises that this will no longer happen again. The wife-pursuer has two alternatives: either she will apologize and goes into the role of a simpler, or continues to remain as a pursuer. And since the alcoholic: 1.) Sincerely repents with complete depression, shame and wine; 2.) He really did all these things in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication and did not control himself, then long prosecution seems absolutely unacceptable, turning his wife in a ruthless bitch. Alcoholic sooner or later receives forgiveness, and after a while everything repeats first. The true psychological goal of the game is the ability to express aggression. It should be reminded that here, as in the Alcoholic game, all the moves in the game are made absolutely unconsciously, the alcoholic begins to drink, sincerely consider that this time he will not do anything and he controls everything, after drinking, he is absolutely sincerely apologizes, experiencing guilt and shame, The wife perfectly sincerely believes him (although this was repeated more than once).

"Drunkard". The game is a reaction to the lack of warm attention and the sexual coldness of the partner. Alcoholic is usually plays into it with a partner who is not able to exercise heat and spontaneous sexuality. There is also a drunkenness of an alcoholic with a partner in that while drunkenness continues, his own emotional inferiority and asexuality do not bring obvious problems. This game is usually played by three roles: an alcoholic, the Savior (spouse or spouse) and almost always there is a specialist who plays or the Savior, or a simpler. An alcoholic in the game "Drunka", in fact, prompts attention. Since the spouse (or spouse) usually does not provide it with them, he is content with those who are expensive to him in the process of salvation from drunkenness. While the alcoholic in the "drunk and proud" usually drinks outside the house, alcoholic in the "drunk" usually drinks at home.

"Alkash". In the game "Alkash" an alcoholic, earns attention and participation by bringing him to the state of physical exhaustion. His readiness to sacrifice itself leads to a threat to life, which practically forces others to take care of him. In such circumstances, those who come to his aid mainly play the role of intermediaries. Drug addicts play such a game, bringing themselves to the state of destruction to get to the rehabilitation center (this goal, again, subconscious).

You can, in fact, describe much more psychological games where the use of psychoactive substances is involved. Eating when it has reached the destructive sizes is always a psychological game, where an explicit goal is to use, although in fact use is a means of achieving others, subconscious purposes.

Here short description Of various psychological games with alcoholism and drug addiction, which I noted in my psychological practice:

  1. "Tusovka". Psychological goal - belonging to the team. An alcoholic or drug addict begins to eat in order to feel belonging to the team. The way out of the game is to join the team, to belong to which there is no need to use (in many respects, in such principle, the effect of mutual assistance groups like anonymous alcoholics or anonymous drug addicts). From a psychotherapeutic point of view, it is necessary to work with the parental ban "Do not belong!".
  2. "Here I am!" Psychological goal - getting attention. Dependent uses to get negative attention. Exit from the game is to look for sober ways to get attention. Psychotherapy - work with the ban "Do not be loved!".
  3. "I will do you!" Psychological goal is the expression of protest, obtaining freedom. Eating is a struggle for its independence. Exit from the game is to learn to protect your borders and be independent without psychoactive substances. Psychotherapy - work with the ban "Do not be adult!" And with the ban on the expression of aggression.
  4. "I will punish you!" Psychological goal is the punishment of significant persons. Eating acts as a way to punish loved ones for something. Exit from the game is to learn to express aggression and dissatisfaction with a direct way. In psychotherapy, work is necessary with the ban on the expression of aggression.
  5. "From me bribes a smooth!" Psychological goal - withdrawing responsibility. An alcoholic or drug addict when the situation occurs in life with too much responsibility, it begins to eat to get rid of her, saying that it seems to be "what to take me, an alcoholic drug addict." Exit from the game - learn to be responsible. Psychotherapy - work with the prohibitions "Do not be adult!", "Do not achieve!".
  6. "I will punish myself!" Psychological goal - the fulfillment of children's message "I have to be punished!". Dependent uses for the sake of self-telling for anything (for some misconduct or achievement that contradicted parental prohibitions or just like this). Exit from the game is to learn the self-assessment. Psychotherapy - work with autoagression, forbids "Do not be yourself!", "Do not!", "Do not reach!", "Do not!".
  7. "I'll kill myself!" PSYCHOLOGICAL OBJECTIVE - The fulfillment of children's message "Umci!". The dependent consumes, in fact, for the sake of suicide. Exit from the game is to get an internal permit for yourself "Live!". Psychotherapy - work with the ban "Do not live!".

The treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction from the point of view of transactional analysis and the theory of psychological games is not a simple cessation of consumption, but a refusal of a psychological game of use: awareness of unsatisfied needs, parents, their psychotherapeutic study and the search for a new "non-game" interaction with others. Complexity in psychotherapy of dependencies is that the participation of parental prohibitions can be prohibited not earlier than the year of sobriety (and usually only 3-4 sobrility), and before that time a person needs to somehow refrain from use. Then, in practice, the work is divided into two stages: the first time is consulting work, the main goal of which is to stabilize sobriety (also to hold sobriety can be used by the help of groups of mutual assistance or rehabilitation centers), and only then go to deeper psychotherapeutic work. Unfortunately, many, having achieved a more or less long period of remission, forget that the true purpose of the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction is not to abstain from alcohol and drugs, and the "Okayne" life without psychological games and the ability to directly sustain their needs and realize their values. And without this, any remission will be unstable and a high probability of recurrence will always be present.

Sincerely, practical psychologist Denis Starkov