Upgrading weapons and armor. Aion (Aion). Upgrading weapons and armor Where to find magic stones

And it's hard to get in the game. After the March update 8.0, chests for the last hit on the Island Guardian were removed, and now you can get Hades and Apollo through events in the game and by exchanging Secret Shop points. Today I will tell you how to make the first evolution of a light and dark sylph, as well as where to get the Divine Shard in Demon Slayer.

Evolution of the satellite

Comrades can be developed with sarcophagi, upgraded with holy stones and evolution. Evolution unlocks new combat talents, abilities of the sylph and changes the appearance of the sylph himself.

Materials for the first evolution of Apollo and Hades:

  • Divine Shards in Demon Slayer 3 (x500);
  • Star tears (x10);
  • Star sand (x1000).

Where can I get materials for evolution?

  • Divine Shards in Demon Slayer 3. Many players are concerned about the question: where can I get Divine Shards in Demon Slayer 3? Exchange Secret Shop points, kill elite monsters in the Sylph Expedition. Take an active part in monthly events and exchange event items for divine shards;

  • Star Sand. Complete two hundred weekly circular quests and search for Heavenly Path portals every day to earn Star Sand to develop the Sylph;
  • Star tears. Receive tears for clearing the portals of the Heavenly Path, and also create them in the forge from particles of star tears. You can get shards in Demon Slayer 3 by completing all the floor portals in the Sky Path, that is, by clearing the floor.

Lilia Artie specially for RBK Games


In this guide, we will tell you about one of the features of Reborn - divinity. By using this feature, your character will acquire additional skills with which he can transform into a special form of deity - a guardian angel. An angel, in addition to the main combat skills of the hero, Divine skills are also available, much more powerful than ordinary ones.

Gaining Divinity

To join the ranks of the gods and begin your advancement up the holy ladder, first of all, you need to take the corresponding task “ Soul cleansing» from NPC Officer Valkyrie in Asgard ( x571; z964). Be careful - it is only open to those players who have already reached level 30 and above.

Having accepted the quest, immediately complete it and turn it in, after which you will receive the skill “ Soul cleansing" To prepare it for use, you need to open the skills window with the “K” key on your keyboard and select the “ Sphere" Also, a special item will be automatically added to your inventory - “ Purification Potion”, which is consumed when using the “Cleanse the Soul” skill (one at a time when using the skill).

Then head to the NPC Angel Forsythe (x676; z920), from whom you can take the next quest " Attempt at cleansing" to gain divinity skills. After accepting the task, you will receive " Enchanted bottle"- this item containing the Spirit of Darkness will be automatically placed in your inventory. By using it, you will free a special monster that must be destroyed, after first applying the “Cleanse the Soul” skill to it. After killing the spirit, turn in the quest to Forsyth - as a reward you will receive experience, money and faith points. Take care of them, because they will be useful to you for the next task. It must be taken from the same NPC.

Having accepted the quest " The power of faith", the goal of which is to obtain first-level divinity, click on the "H" button and in the divine skills window that opens, click on the red " Begin" After this, the process of converting faith points into divinity points begins. In the future, you need to keep in mind that the higher your divinity level, the more faith points you need to increase it. After completing the transformation, you will receive the first level of divinity and the opportunity to choose your first divine rank " Hero" To do this, click on the central button “ Promote", which is located in the lower right part of the window " Divine Skills" Only after this you will have the opportunity to turn in the quest to the NPC Angel Forsythe.

Once you reach your first deity rank, you will gain several new skills:

1. Awakening- will turn you into a guardian angel, who will be able to use the corresponding skills of the divine rank that you have acquired.

2. God of death— deals enormous damage to all enemies surrounding the hero, and also sends a curse on them, which causes additional damage for some time.

3. Justice- takes away a colossal amount of health points from surrounding enemies, and also reduces the damage from their weapons, increases the power of your attack and reduces the damage your character receives.

In the future, all additional skills that your hero will receive when reaching higher divine ranks can be viewed and prepared for use in the " Skills"(Key "K"), in the section " Sphere».

Receiving faith points and new divine ranks

Having reached the rank " Hero", you will just begin your ascent in the pantheon of gods of the world of Reborn. Full list You can see divine ranks by clicking on the " View diagram", which is located in the upper right part of the window " Divine Skills"(button "H"). To reach the next rank, you must meet minimum requirements, which are displayed in the same window (column (Conditions), depending on the next selected divine status that you are striving for.

Typically, these restrictions relate to your character's level, gender (higher levels of holy ranks), amount of physical or magical attack, and divinity level. And if the level and attack indicators can be increased by pumping up your hero and strengthening your equipment, then achieving new levels of divinity is possible only through the accumulation of faith points.

These points can be obtained and using the item " Potion of Faith", which can be obtained from monsters with the "Halo of Evil" effect, after first applying the skill " Soul cleansing", as well as performing daily tasks NPC " Angel Forsythe"(Asgard, 670;940 )

Having received a certain number of faith points, transform them into divinity points - the more of them you have, the higher the level of divinity, which will allow you to receive the next divine rank.

Upgrading Items in Aion

Weapons and armor– the main components of any character’s equipment. They add stats to the character, give various bonuses in the form of attack speed or movement, and others. The choice of weapons and armor is extremely important. But even after making this choice correctly, you should not be content with what you have. For what? If you can improve a thing!

Types of item improvement in Aion:

  • Sharpening with magic stones.
  • Inserting magic stones.
  • Divine Stone Insertion.
  • Enchantment.
  • Combining two-handed weapons.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.


Magic stones- these are the so-called points, material for strengthening objects, they can be of different levels.

What items can be improved with magic stones? All types of weapons, top and bottom armor, signets, boots, shoulder pads, shields.

What bonuses does the upgrade give? After improvement with magic stones, the stats of the item increase.

When sharpening armor, the following parameters are added:

  • Magic Block
  • Physical Crit Block
  • Health

When sharpening a weapon, attack parameters are added (magic power, attack, etc.)

When sharpening a shield, a percentage of damage block is added.

If the item already had the above parameters, they are not added, but simply increased. The value of the parameter depends on the level of improvement: the higher the level of improvement, the higher the parameter. And a video for the lazy (don't forget to put good quality!).

Improvement process

Items of different ranks have different maximum level improvements.

If during enchanting from level 1 to 10 the enchanting fails, the level of the item is reduced by 1. Thus, if after you enchant the item to 3 you have 3 failures, the improvement level will again be 0, that is, there will be no improvement at all :)

If the bad luck passes during sharpening from 11 to 15, the improvement level is reset to 10. For example, you have a + 13 spear, the bad luck passes, and it becomes a +10 spear.

How to improve items with magic stones?

It is believed that you can increase the chance of successful improvement by following the following recommendations:

1. When starting to sharpen an item, use the lowest level points you have. If you sharpen them to at least +1 or +2, you'll save a couple of high level points.

2. When sharpening an ordinary (white) item, it is enough to use stones whose level is 10-15 higher than the item’s level. It is believed that this is enough for a successful sharpening of +10.

3. When sharpening Rare (green) items, you can use points +10-15 levels to the level of the item. This is considered the best option for sharpening to the maximum.

4. When sharpening Legendary (blue) items, it is recommended to proceed according to the following scheme:

  • From 1 to 2, use low level points, and if sharpening fails,
  • From 1 to 5 use stones +7-10 levels to item level
  • From 6 to 10 - +15-20 levels to the level of the item.

5. When grinding gold, I advise experienced players to take magic stones with a level of +20 levels and higher. And for sharpening from +11 to +15, the higher the better.

6. When it comes to enchanting heroic items and mythical items, go for the maximum.

7. Use amplifiers. Read about them below.

How to get magic stones in the game?

Method 1 and the simplest: buy at auction. If you have enough kinara, you can not burden your mind with thoughts of how to get magic stones in Aion, but simply buy them at auction, from hand, or from the personal shop of another daeva. There is no NPC selling magic stones in the game!

Method 2: Parsing objects. Disassemble unnecessary things (weapons, armor or shields) and get magic stones from them. But in the process of analysis, there is a nuance:

How better thing, which you are parsing, the better the points will not turn out.

The level of the point you receive is determined randomly! Even a level 55 heroic can get level 55 points if the great Korean is not on your side.

Method 3: Quests and time zones. For some quests, the NPC is ready to give you a bag of magic stones.

Theoretically, this bag could fall out magic stone any level, which is determined randomly.

In temporary zones, mobs drop bags of supplies for hunters and travelers, green bags. From them you can get consumables, magic and enchantment stones.

As a rule, each dungeon has its own level of points, for example, from the bags of the temporary zone Theobomos Laboratory you can get magic stones of level 72-73.

Myths about sharpening objects with magic stones

Myth No. 1. Some things, for example, purchased with coins, have a higher chance of enchanting than, for example, those taken from a dungeon of the same rank.

It is not true. Items of the same rank have the same chance. It’s just that one day you were lucky, and another time you weren’t.

Myth No. 2. If you take a magic stone, the level of which will be many times higher than the level of the item being sharpened, then the chance of sharpening will be 100%.

This is pure myth. There is no 100% chance! Of course, the higher the level of the point in comparison with the item being improved, the higher the chance of successful enhancement. But even if you sharpen 25 gold with a level 100 point, you may still fail.


Magic stones– special stones with stats that are inserted into the corresponding slots of armor and weapons.

Magic stones vary in levels and ranks.

Regular (white) magic stones – add 1 indicator (attack, physical crit, magic power, etc.)

Rare (green) magic stones– add 1 indicator, but its value is greater than that of a regular stone.

Legendary (blue) magic stones – add 2 stats.

All stones have their own specific level. And the higher this level, the more stats the stone adds. Weapons and armor have restrictions on the level of magic stone that can be used to improve them. You can see this limitation in the item description.

Inserting magic stones

To insert a magic stone, you will need the magic stone itself and the thing into which we will insert it. We activate the stone with the right mouse button or double-click with the left one and click on the thing we want to insert into.

What items can be enhanced with magic stones? Any that have slots for reinforcement with magic stones are elements of armor and weapons.

Removing magic stones

If for any reason you decide that the inserted magician. you no longer need the stones and decide to replace them, you will need an NPC who removes the inserted magic. stones. You can find it in major cities and capitals of races. Removed stones are not returned to inventory!

Where can I find magic stones?

In the world of Aion, magic stones are perhaps the most common drop. From ordinary mobs, from elite mobs, from bosses, from bags for quests - magic stones fall from everywhere. Stones are transferable, they can be sold and bought. An alchemist can also combine stones. From stones of a low level, make stones of a higher level.


Stone Booster– This is a consumable item that increases the chance of inserting a magic stone, as well as the chance of successfully improving with a magic stone.

Stone amplifiers come in different ranks and levels.

Where can I get amplifiers in Aion?

You can purchase amplifiers from the NPC merchant. In the table below, you will find information about which amplifiers and where you can buy.

How many amplifiers will you need?

It all depends on the level and rank of the thing that you are going to strengthen.


Divine Stone– a special stone for insertion into weapons, endowed with a magical effect.

What items can be improved with a divine stone? Only weapons. But any.

What does inserting a divine stone give? Each stone has a specific effect, for example, it silences for 6 seconds with a 5% chance, or blinds the target with the same chance. When inserted into a weapon, it gives the item its own property.

How to insert a divine stone?

We find the corresponding NPC in the capital and insert the stone... (see video)

Where can I get the divine stone in Aion?

Divine stones drop from mobs. There is a chance to knock out a divine stone from ordinary mobs, elite and bosses. In general, from any.

You can get a divine stone for free not only by destroying myriads of mobs. An alternative option is to get the divine stone through a chain of quests.

For Asmodean:

The entire chain consists of 11 quests. All quests are given in the abyss, and all quests are for killing Elyos.

The first 5 quests are given by NPC Lasanya. It is located in the Abyss, in the citadel of Frimum.

1). Killing 9th rank Elyos warriors (you need to kill 10 9th rank Elyos, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 26

2). Killing 8th rank Elyos warriors (you need to kill 10 8th rank Elyos, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 27

3). Killing 7th rank Elyos warriors (you need to kill 10 7th rank Elyos, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 28

4). Killing 6th rank Elyos warriors (you need to kill 10 6th rank Elyos, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 29

5). Killing 5th rank Elyos warriors (you need to kill 10 5th rank Elyos, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 30

The next 4 quests are given by NPC Simutr, he is also in the Abyss. The quests are similar to Lasagna's quests.

6). Killing 4th rank Elyos warriors (you need to kill 10 4th rank Elyos, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 31

7). Killing 3rd rank Elyos warriors (you need to kill 10 3rd rank Elyos, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 32

8). Killing 2nd rank Elyos warriors (you need to kill 10 2nd rank Elyos, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 33

9). Killing 1st rank Elyos warriors (you need to kill 10 1st rank Elyos, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 34

You can take two quests from him, for completing which you will receive a reward in the form of a divine stone of your choice.

10). Quest to kill Elyan officers. To receive the quest you need to be a warrior of rank 1 or higher and have level 40.

For completion, you will receive 1 divine stone of your choice:

  • Divine Stone: Traufnir's Roar
  • Divine Stone: Sueron's Threat
  • Divine Stone: Sif's Imprisonment
  • Divine Stone: Silence of Sigin
  • Divine Stone: Aigir's Keen Eye
  • Divine Stone: Pacifying Nera
  • Divine Stone: Freyr's Intuition

eleven). Quest to kill Elyan generals. To receive the quest you need to be level 45 and an officer of any rank or higher.

  • Divine Stone: Jikela's Pride
  • Divine Stone: Rumiel's Magical Power
  • Divine Stone: Markutan's Tranquility
  • Divine Stone: Triniel's Cold Blood

For Elyos:

A chain of quests consisting of 11 tasks to kill Asmodians of various ranks. All quests will be in Teminon citadels

NPC Ascalon begins the chain of quests

1). Battle with 9th rank Asmodians (you need to kill 10 9th rank Asmodians, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 26

2). Battle with 8th rank Asmodians (you need to kill 10 8th rank Asmodians, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 27

3). Battle with rank 7 Asmodians (you need to kill 10 rank 7 Asmodians, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 28

4). Battle with rank 6 Asmodians (you need to kill 10 rank 6 Asmodians, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 29

5). Battle with rank 5 Asmodians (you need to kill 10 rank 5 Asmodians, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 30

Continues the chain of NPC Sakmis

6). Battle with rank 4 Asmodians (you need to kill 10 rank 4 Asmodians, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 31

7). Battle with rank 3 Asmodians (you need to kill 10 rank 3 Asmodians, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 32

8). Battle with 2nd rank Asmodians (you need to kill 10 2nd rank Asmodians, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 33

9). Battle with rank 1 Asmodians (you need to kill 10 rank 1 Asmodians, no matter in the abyss or in another location). The quest is available from level 34

And at the end, NPC Faranis gives 2 quests for divine stones.

10). Quest to kill Asmodian officers. To receive the quest you need to be a warrior of rank 1 or higher and have level 40.

You can choose from it.

  • Divine Stone: Boreas' Untamed Fury
  • Divine Stone: Vatallos' Punishment
  • Divine Stone: Hecate's Chains
  • Divine Stone: The Silence of Juventos
  • Divine Stone: Telemachus' Splendor
  • Divine Stone: Ferento's Loyalty
  • Divine Stone: Thrasymedes' Equanimity

eleven). Quest to kill Asmodian generals. To receive the quest you need to be level 45 and an officer of any rank or higher.

For completing the quest, you will be given the opportunity to take 1 stone to choose from:

  • Divine Stone: Nejakan's Courage
  • Divine Stone: Kaisinel's Fear
  • Divine Stone: Soul of Justiel
  • Divine Stone: Baizel's Will

Removing a Divine Stone

It will not be possible to remove a divine stone like a magic one. But if you decide to replace the stone you have inserted with another one, simply place the new stone in the weapon on top of the previous one. The old stone will disappear, and the weapon will acquire the properties of the new stone.


Enchantment– a special process for improving arena items.

The enchantment is performed independently, using

Stone of divine enchantment.

Holy Stone of Divine Enchantment.

Find the appropriate NPC in the capital of your race and enchant items from him.

Remember, that the enchantment is consumed every time a character dies!

What bonuses will you receive by enchanting an item, and to what level can you enchant an item? Look for answers to these questions in the description of the item itself.


Combination- the process of combining two objects into one, preserving the properties of both objects.

What items can be combined?

Any two-handed weapon: staves, orbs, grimoires, bows, two-handed swords, spears

What bonuses can you get by combining two-handed weapons?

When combining, you transfer the properties of one item to another. Therefore, bonuses will directly depend on the weapons that are combined.

How to combine two-handed weapons?

To combine two-handed weapons, contact the NPC in the capital of your race. Place two weapons in the slot and press the confirm button.

How to remove a registration?

The same NPC. Select the "remove registration" option and place the item from which you want to remove the registration.

Remember, after deleting the alignment, additional weapon not coming back!

So that the result of the combination does not make you disappointed, remember a few nuances:

  • When combining two objects, be extremely careful, because the object you put as an additional one will disappear (combine with yours).
  • The appearance of the combined item will correspond appearance main
  • Alignment and removal cost money. The higher the level and rank of the combined items, the greater the amount.

P.S. Well, if you don’t want to “feed” the developers, you can use our exchange, where you can be both a buyer and a seller, selling and buying game assets.