New Tank Tank in WORLD. Premium Store World of Tanks. Where to find out the schedule of actions

Perhaps the most popular and most important paid content in the game "World of Tanks" is a premium technique. These unique machines have a high ratio of profitability, an unusual gameplay and other interesting features. It is about the best prem tanks and will be discussed in today's guide.

Premium levels

First, it should be noted that not all premium tanks are able to cope with its main task - farm. As a rule, it concerns machines to the 7th level, which do not have a fairly high yield factor. Relying on this fact, we decided to exclude the best tanks of low levels from our guide, leaving only representatives of levels 7 and 8. All models that will be discussed today, they combine good farm indicators.

In this case, premium low-level premium has its strengths. Usually their outstanding characteristics are used to increase the percentage of victory battles and efficiency (efficiency). Also, such machines can be useful for the following purposes: Pumping crew, collectibles and fan.

But back to the review of the premium tanks of the 7th and 8th levels. It was already about the fact that the technique of this category has excellent returns. Such a characteristic allows you to farm up to 50-60 thousand game silver per battle.

Premium 7th level

All tanks of the 7th level occupy a tight transitional niche in the interval between the test sandbox and higher game levels. It is this category that is considered the most comfortable for the game. The list of premium technology of the 7th level includes rather interesting models whose characteristics and features provide not only a good farm, but also worthy of gameplay.

We decided to stop only two models: SU-122-44 and Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger. We could consider other than the best plans of the 7th level tanks suitable for farm, but the game on them is usually obtained by severe and not very comfortable. Also, our guide does not affect the review of special promotional tanks, like E-25, for the simple reason that they cannot be purchased for ordinary money.


Let's start with the review of the Tank model of the SU-122-44, whose gun causes an average damage of 390 units and performs breakage. Giant damage and good rapidity compensate for low breaks in 175 mm. Forces of one Su-122-44, you can easily deal with the loose tank of the 8th and even the 9th levels. This formidable car has a rather low price for repair and cheap shells.

If we talk about the minuses of the Su-122-44, then it is worth mentioning the presence of not the most accurate tools with low armority. In addition, the car sometimes turns out to be at the bottom of the list - at the ninth level, where low penetration of 175 mm has no weight.

Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger

German Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger is good option For those who want to apply a high damage to their opponent. Tank has a 8.8 cm gun, which is capable of sending several shells in a row in the same goal. It is also worth noting a high level of punching in 203 mm and the acceptable power of a total damage in 240 units. The disadvantages of PT-SAU Waffenträger are considered the following indicators: bad acceleration, a small speed of movement, the absence of any armored cover and open cutting. This machine can be very farm, but for this you will have to use the right tactics.

Premium Technology 8th level

The eighth level opens access to the largest selection of premium techniques. We, in turn, will focus on several, the most striking examples. Each tank has its own unique features, and thanks to the high earning ratio, we can quickly face the necessary amount of game silver. It is worth saying that the 8th level is one of the most expensive, so the purchase of technology will have to be spent. Fortunately, all costs pay off in full, so the shortage of silver at this level can not be speech.


Opens a list of techniques of the 8th level Soviet premium model. This heavy tank It has a powerful engine that allows it to develop a good maximum speed. Circular armor is used as the housing protection. It should be noted that the level of armor-proof of KV-5 is considered the worst at the entire eighth level, which, of course, is reflected in the damage applied to them. Fortunately, this minus is not very striking, thanks to high rapidity.


The Löwe Tank has a reputation as the most profitable tank prem in everything WOT, largely due to the increased pharmine ratio and a very good tool. Just thanks to a powerful gun, Löwe is able to confront sufficiently strong opponents in the tenths. In addition to the high breaking in 234 mm and amazing accuracy (0.33), the tank will delight enough good protection of sides, an excellent mask and a rack tower. Another advantage of Löwe is in an excellent review, which is about 400 meters.

As for the main disadvantage of this machine, everything is resting in a high cost. Löwe is not only the most profitable prem tank, but also the most expensive. Among other disadvantages, you can allocate gameplay: weak frontal protection, thin and bulky NLD, low speed of movement, lack of normal dynamics, expensive repair maintenance and high cost of shells.


Completes our today's troika of the best tanks 8 level T-34 model. This heavy American machine has a very powerful gun and a practically impenetrable tower. Many players put T-34 to second place in popularity among premium level 8 levels, especially if you consider the fact that it used to spread freely.

Among key features This machine can be noted: a good breakdown in 248 mm, an impenetrable tower, as well as a damage of 400 units, applied for one shot. The shortcomings lie in a long reloading tools, low mobility, the slowness of individual parts (tower and housing) and, finally, in the middle review.

Final choice

What prem tank is better? It is impossible to give an accurate answer to this question, since all the above tanks are perfectly coping with their main tasks. We remind you that the technique of the premium class is a serious cash contribution, so the final choice should be based on the style of the player, its tactics and opportunities.

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... For Americans, this news was not, for the announcement was made in advance. This sale of the wheeler is somewhere anywhere after the February Marathon. In fact, the news is minor, but you wrote so much about it in a personal, so keep. Waiting for his appearance in Europe, and even more so we have on RU, but no, not exactly. [...]

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In honor of the birthday wargaming in a premium store for you available special offers. From August 2, 12:00 (MSK) to August 5, 12:00 (MSK) discounts up to 50% for packages with constant premium technique. Watch sets in the store: from August 2, 12:00 (MSK) on August 12, 12:00 (MSK) Tank Premium Account on a large amount [...]

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From August 2, 09:00 (MSK) to August 5, 08:30 (MSK): 50% discount on premium tanks II-V levels. 30% for premium tanks VI-VII levels. 15% on premium tanks VIII level. 50% discount on the slots in the hangar. 15% discount for 30 days Premium Account. 10% discount on 1 day [...]

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Actually, here looks track. 2 months in tanks. Amounted to very understandable and beautiful map. From the undeclusive generally remained "Shop" [End of September]. No information. And it is not very clear: "Festival Fair" [mid-August - mid-September]. What festival without a fair? Every day, a new premium tank will be put right in the client [...]

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Open the "Tank Festival 2019" series of tasks with the Czech "accent", which are not only veterans, but also beginners. "Czech holidays" will continue from August 9 to 19. Players will be able to assemble a whole yarn of fragments of drawings for Czech world branches Of Tanks and get a unique 3D-style ( for the Czech premium tank VIII level Skoda T 27 - and this [...]

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News and promotions WOT, - August 1/2 2019. Available 7 package Twitch Prime. (Promotion: direct ether), "Golf" (Golf). You can connect here: \u200b\u200bwith the opening of the servers will begin the "Tank Festival" 2019, which will last 2 months. Discounts on some packages with a tank premium account. On sale SU-130PM (with a discount). [...]

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Buns on the birthdays of tanks and VG. And other shares. And for those who have not played for a long time, WG offers to follow the link and get gifts to return to the game. Try and write in the comments that there was (personally I just have a discount coupon 15%, but I played the day before yesterday): ... #wg #wot #worldoftanks # stocks # Karina

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Dates: August 6 (with the opening of servers) - October 7. In honor of the ninth anniversary of our game on August 6 (with the opening of the servers), we launch the 2019 Tank Festival with many activities for anyone who loves World of Tanks. We have prepared a grand program with a huge number of discounts and gifts. Try your hand in new gaming events And [...]

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Vargeiming announces a whole kaleidoscope of shares for two months - "Tank Festival"! These are two months of special events: racing, front line, marathon, discounts and other activities! ... #wg #wot #worldoftanks # stock

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Before we all join during the "Tank Festival" and begin to celebrate the birthdays wargaming and ...

... World of Tanks, I would like to spend a survey associated with gift tank. Interesting your opinion! After all, the probability, as is known: 99.9%, but there is always a 0.1% chance of surprise, and this is much unexpected and more pleasant than +/- 25% random! However, it may happen that no one happens for the efforts of colleagues from a well-known independent public, only [...]

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… the festival). Next, the translated quote: "[August-September] in August starts a very long event called" World of Tanks Festival ". Because of this, we will have to change the usual schedule for the release of shares and special sentences. Over the next two months, you can expect a series of small events and adding a new content to the game, including that content you have long been waiting. [...]

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Czechoslovakia, and what about this nation in the game? Nothing, only premie, which has a style and prem which was ponerflen ( Hmm, as sure most noted, the tank at a very fast "marathon". ŠKODA T 27 (Czechoslovakia, St-8, Prem, Drum), for the first time, the SuperTest Tank arrived on January 25 of this year (, in 1.5 tank [...]

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The 7 Package "Golf" (Golf) was released in the framework of the "Direct Ether" (Twitch Prime) for August. The dates of the share of the 7th Package: from July 29 20:01 to August 27, 19:59 (MSK) 2019. PC, all regions. The package goes in the German stylist, all its contents corresponds. _______________________________________ The most complete set: Ferdinand "Der Käfer" Folk (1 pc.) - [...]

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Remains from 7 Twitch Set (Twitch Prime Wot) for August Month. Everything is known, except for the 2nd monthly tank for rent (6-7 LVL). Recall that the package is called "Golf" (Golf), and the taste for rent will be the interesting Ptška Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 ( The whole set goes under the flags

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… release date. - Hack-and-Slash RPG action from Mad Head Games and Wargaming will be released in the world release on August 27, together with a large update 1.0 Now it is in early access. The game is waiting for a full story campaign, 2 new characters, school magic, new tree abilities, click-to-move and full support for the controller. "Release version will continue to grow and develop after [...]

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The update will be released immediately after the event is completed. Previously, 1.6 EN will be released on August 6 (Tuesday), or rather on the night from 5 to 6 August. The rest of the regions as always on the day later. The Bz Events "Last Frontier" will work ~ to 03:30 Moscow time on August 6 (before the servers shutting down). Will the patch be preloaded - unknown. [...]

Dear tankers!

So the time has come to post the assembled material about developer plans for the next year. Here we included as a strategy development world. Of Tanks for 2016, information from the project top managers interviews, information provided by WOTANKS portal from Wargaming offices, WOT hot news and other key information. Some results have already been made public, but we did not separate only the information that was not announced and laid out everything that is currently known. We hope this material will make you an idea of what work workers work Currently, and what to wait from the game in the future.

What is located in development now? Let's make a list:

  • Physics 3.0, will be released in patch 9.15 (so far everything goes according to plan). . The physical model will appear in March-April 2016 in World of Tanks:
  1. Pressing the gap You can deploy a 180 degree tank;
  2. Rotate diagonally will be sharp if you release w;
  3. The system of passability of tanks in various soils is completely redesigned;
  4. The possibility of shooting outside the UVN with a tank roll maneuver;
  5. Hide the stern of the tank over the angle of the building can be holding the S, Space keys and the turn arrow. Does not work for medium and light tanks;
  6. In the new physics will be customizable suspension stiffness to regulate the tank jumps (see the details on the link above);
  7. After the taran, the tank enemy will turn over, it will be possible to drive along the tank;
  8. The tank will turn over if they dramatically turn to the side at full speed.
  • Absolutely new sound design on the WWISE engine is now being finalized;
  • Multi-core. Testing within, use 4 cores;
  • Bonus for tanking and cutting tanks. This Perk has been in development for 2 years;
  • Replacing Tank FV215B on " Super Conqueror"or" ChiefTain MK 6 ", the decision on the need for replacement has already been accepted;
  • Input Paris and Detroit deadlines gradually until the end of the summer 2016;
  • Gaming currency "Steel" will appear in addition to loans and gold. For the steel you can buy tanks and personal reserves. In plans for the long-term prospect of the development of the game;
  • The hangar will add the function of searching for the clan, the warehouse and a store in one interface will be monitored;
  • Ready to release a complete tree of development of Polish tanks, the output is scheduled after two updates since the beginning of 2017;
  • In the development of new trees and grass, deadlines are still unknown;
  • Translation of cards by new level Charts after switching on DirectX 11 support, the search and correcting of bugs is searched;
  • Rebalance artillery. The following is known:
  1. reducing alpha damage;
  2. increase in accuracy of hits;
  3. the number of contusions of the enemy crew will increase.
  • PVE Survival mode. A team against several waves of tanks managed by AI. The award grows proportional to the time of survival. Bots are already created under this mode;
  • There are plans to use bots in other gaming modes - exactly in historical battles in the form of low-level extras;
  • Launch of the buffet of tank development in the second half of 2016;
  • World of Tanks will appear Italian tanks on the plans at the end of 2017;
  • The Hungarian branch of tanks is scheduled at the beginning of 2017;
  • crews, deadlines are not announced;
  • Game location Poland (the project name "Studyanka") is preparing for the exit for the WORLD of the Tanks;
  • The crew will be solid without separation on tankers, the crew is suitable for a tank, regardless of the requirements of the machine to the number of crew members. The concept is similar to the crew in World of Warships.
  • There is already full processing of skills and perfumes of the crew in order to increase the amount of pumping options. Run is scheduled for 2017;
  • Which Chinese SAU and PT-SAU will appear in the game. Compiled, sent to development. Terms - 2017;
  • Japanese SAU and PT-SAU are designed in parallel with Chinese. Enter the plans for 2017;
  • Customization of tanks on the principle of collaps is preparing;
  • The processing of historical battles is being recycled, new historical companies are being created, special gaming locations;
  • The tanks will appear for several towers. Multipleness is relevant only for specialized tanks that have historically several towers. There are no more than 10 pieces of such tanks in World of Tanks. Priority for timing the lowest;
  • Havok game engine of its own design.


How do you see, the main directions of development of World of Tanks for 2016 and 2017 Concentrated around the expansion of the game functional. Of course, players are more waiting for familiar innovations - new tanks and cards. And less waiting for what have not yet seen. But in development, as we see the lion's share of projects for the specialty. The article will be complemented as new information about the WOT development strategy appears.

World of Tanks regularly pleases pleasant bonuses both their loyal admirers and those who are just going to join the Tanker team. Shares B. game world. Of Tanks go almost every day. It can be large events that are confined to important events, and is rather minor. But even such small bonuses can be used with a sense - a trifle, and still nice.

Thus, the developers from wargaming hold the audience in the game. Shares in tanks always attract lovers to get something "on free", so during their holding and online excavation.

Shares in the world of tanks are an interesting and important topic for conversation, and therefore will pay for them due attention.


Why are Shares in the WORLD OF TANKS? The answer is simple. First of all, they help attract new players and hold old. It is on promotional days that players can afford to make more purchases, win a valuable tank or just a few days of the prem account.

Premium products can be free and other way - by purchasing them for real money. But why buy, if you can play "Right Days"?

Where to find out the schedule of actions

Where to learn about the nearest promotions in World of Tanks? There are two ways.

calendar of events

One of them is the "event calendar" on the official website of the game - worldoft It shows all the existing events and those that will begin very soon.

The calendar is a kind of share schedule in World of Tanks and, using them, you can always get on the right days. With the help of the calendar, you can always be able to learn about the upcoming WORLD OF TANKS promotions when it is possible to snatch something valuable, and for free.

Personal Area

You can find out when the coming stock in Wot can also be in the game itself.

How to do it:

  1. Go to the hangar.
  2. A special icon is located in the upper left corner of the screen - "combat missions and stocks".
  3. Click, and here we first pop up the window with all the current and upcoming discounts and promotions in World of Tanks.

You can also see the process of performing a particular combat task in this window, in order to receive a well-deserved prize for it.

Types of shares

Shares in WOT are very diverse, they all differ in each other, and therefore it is reasonable to talk about their varieties.

Special offers Prem Store

They are an opportunity to buy special sets or just tanks prem-store for a good discount. For low levels - this is 50% of the base value, for tanks a little more abruptly - 30%, and for prem-tanks of the VIII-level - 15%.

Similar shares can be confined to special events, like the company's birthday, etc.

Combat tasks

Under combat tasks, one should understand the phased game tasks, for the execution of which the player receives a remuneration.

Combat tasks are usually valid. For their implementation, you can earn loans, experience, equipment, reserves and even prem-technique.


What are discounts, not worth explaining. Thanks to them, tanks, equipment, gold, reserves and other useful gaming content can be purchased at a lower cost, for example, for 50% of the base price.


Events are special promotions, during which all players, for example, is given to "kill" a person from the WG command. For the destruction of such a player, gold and other valuable rewards are earned.

Examples of stocks

To players can better imagine what events are held in the game, we offer examples of shares on tanks in World of Tanks, in which you can participate regularly or periodically.

Seasonal stocks

Seasonal shares are held every year, for example, in new Year holidays, or by the Victory Day. For participation in such promotions, players receive prem accounts and special offers of Prem store. In promotional days, it is very often possible to catch excellent discounts for technique in WOT.

Invite a friend

"Invite a friend" is a special program to attract new players, which, besides, encourages the mentor of the new player auction tank VIII level.

Combat tasks

About combat actions have already been discussed above. It should only add that in the future the developers promise to significantly expand and diversify them, going towards players. An example of such a task is to fill 250 thousand damage per month on the technique of each of the nation. This share was not so long ago, and the prize of the VIII-level prem-tank was performed.

Random stocks

Random shares are held in honor of the historical events in which tanks participated. This may be, for example, famous tank battles and military operations of the Second World War.

If you are not only a passionate tanker, but also an expert of history, then it will not be difficult for you to even predict future World of Tanks bonus events, dedicated to significant events.

One-time shares

One-time shares are the most generous, as they are confined to special events, like "15 years of the company Wargaming" or "100th anniversary of tanks".

Such bonuses will delight any participant, even the least active. Discounts in the WORLD OF TANKS during one-time events will allow you to buy even X-level tanks in half of their cost.


Cards with Cacheback feature have already managed to firmly enter our life. For those who are not yet informed: Cashback is a refund of a certain percentage of the amount spent on the purchase of the amount. Only it is worth considering that in tanks money is returned not by rubles to your card, but gold - on gaming balance.

On the site you can order a Cashbank card tied to WOT. With it, you can get the "gift" gold in the game, paying for purchases in the following services:

  • Aliexpress;
  • Mediamarkt;
  • Lamoda and others are only more than 50 stores.

Using the cachek, you can not even wait when there are discounts in the World of Tanks, because, making the necessary daily purchases, you will then accumulate gold on your balance in WOT.


You can learn about the cachek-card in more detail from our video.

Hundreds of thousands of people play every other world-world online game - World of Tanks, this is a game where the outcome of the battle directly depends on the skills and skill of the player. In-game technique (tank) also plays an important role. In our premium store website You can choose for yourself a gaming premium tank at prices that many will find adequate and low. Good premium The tank is a necessary tool for each responding player, yes it may require certain investments, but it is definitely worth it. With high-quality premium technique for WORLD OF TANK Pumplace will go much faster than with ordinary technique, each fight will be profitable and interesting! Uniting the level of skill of the player together with high-quality premium machines - will make you a real professional game universe WORLD OF TANK.

Our premium tank shop opens up wide horizons of opportunities. It happens that an interesting premium technique can already be discontinued (it sometimes happens with strong tanks for Pharma), but it does not mean at all that it ceases to exist in the game and distribute with bonus codes for third-party stores, distributed at exhibitions , festivals and for various shares with Wargaming partners.

What advantages gives premium technique?
- This is a unique technique that does not require research.
- increased credit accrual and experience for each fight
- the ability to exchange earned combat experience in free
- Accelerated crew training and improving it
- Changing the crew without fines and compulsory retraining on the same type of equipment

Our premium tank shop allows you to buy a tank into the WORLD OF TANK to each, we work daily and constantly increase the choice of premium cars so that everyone can enjoy them to fully. Store support is ready to help on any issue almost around the clock: by phone, in the online chat on the site or by email. Support always consults and helps with any question, will help to solve any client's problem. With most tanks in the kit there is a gaming gold or premium account for World of Tanks, sometimes sometimes sometimes, which is a pleasant addition to buying. With any technique always attached slot in the hangar for a tank, you can not worry if you do not have free slots at the time of purchase of the tank.

How to buy a premium tank for World of Tanks?

Any purchase in our premium store does not take a lot of time, we tried to make the site as comfortable as possible and intuitive. You can get acquainted with the principle of the store and once again to make sure of the decency of our store you can in the unique game roulette World of Tanks over which we worked for a long time to offer the most advantageous offer for each player. We would really like to highlight the main differences of our store before others so that everyone can make conclusions for themselves:

More than a year of impeccable work, for a short time we have implemented more than 10 thousand units of gaming technical, gold and other goods
- Absolute transparency in financial transactions. Payment gateway is provided by a large Russian bank
- The presence of a public legal entity. We are not lovers - we are a company with your offline sales point, we pay tax with each purchase in our store
- Hundreds of positive feedback from grateful customers, in section