Unbreakable Union 561. Great country - a great past, the game "Unbreakable Union". Get help

Vlad Savin

Unbreakable Union (MV-10)

“It’s interesting that it’s like another great conqueror, Karl, Friedrich, Napoleon, Wilhelm or Hitler, starts up in Europe, so he is sure to look for living space in the east? As if our Russian land is ownerless, who will get it? We are finally tired of it - and so that war never again comes to us from German territory, we will stay here forever! So why should we rob and burn our future vassal? "

From JV Stalin's interview to the Washington Post correspondent.

“That evening my father told me that the Russians intend to deal with Europe the same way we did half a century ago with the Philippines, freed from Spanish slavery. It seems that the Russians are seriously going to build a new Empire, the World Soviet Union. the owner is like on a ship, only one captain. "

From the memoirs of Eliot Roosevelt.

Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich. Submarine K-25 Voronezh. Mediterranean Sea - Italy, La Spezia. May 1944.

There is only one readiness - for battle!

Atomarina glides like an almost soundless ghost at a depth of two hundred. On the tactical board there are two "swarms" of target points - our own to the north of us, and alien to the south-west. They converge on overlapping courses - and they already see each other well with radars. Well, we, the acoustics of the twenty-first century, heard this crowd two hours ago.

Two battleships, two heavy and six light cruisers, more than twenty destroyers. Thirty miles behind - an air strike force, two large aircraft carriers, also surrounded by cruisers and destroyers. And even further there should be an amphibious fleet - fifty transports, guarded by a dozen escort aircraft carriers, four old slow-moving battleships, and a heap of anti-submarine trifles. And this has not yet been counted those who are now landing on the western tip of Sicily, and on the "toe" of the Italian boot.

Admiral Da Zara in the cockpit of the flagship "Cesare" probably feels like the embodiment of Rozhdestvensky in front of Tsushima. The enemy has an overwhelming advantage in carrier-based aviation, and a very significant one in light forces, as artillery, and in combat training. "New Jersey", "Wisconsin", "Hornet", "Wasp" - all new, with commanders and crews that passed the Pacific Ocean, under the flag of Admiral Lee, who defeated the Japanese at Guadacanal (when the "Kirishima" was sunk) - and four old "Cesare", veterans of the last war, four cruisers, including our "Voroshilov", thirteen destroyers (including four Soviet ones). "With a twofold superiority in ships and twentyfold superiority in carrier-based aviation - talk about naval art indecent "who said this, or something like that, in a different story, after the Battle of Okinawa in 1945?"

Only we are here - a trump ace up our sleeve. Or even a whole joker - the SF nuclear submarine, which inexplicably sank in time, from 2012 to 1942. Thanks to this, the war in this reality (by the consensus of scientific luminaries recognized as "parallel", as another branch branching off from our river of time), went completely differently. Unlike other heroes of "alternative fiction" (not a fan, but managed to read Konyushevsky), it was easy for us to convince our ancestors of our timelessness (which may be a better proof than a ship of twenty thousand tons, which has no analogues at this time) - but what could we do it alone if the outcome of this great war was decided not at sea, but on land? And not our merit, but our ancestors, that history moved the arrow and turned on completely new way- if even in this time "alternative" novels will be written, I would like to tell the authors, never consider your ancestors more stupid than yourself! The information that we passed on fell on fertile soil - well, we only helped modestly, to the best of our ability. We worked as the "Flying Dutchman" of the Soviet Union - thanks to which, for example, uranium from the Congo did not reach the American "Manhattan", but got to Kurchatov, who had started the Soviet atomic program two years earlier. ( approx. - about that see "White submarine" - V.S.). The North from the German Arctic Fleet was cleared, now we will curse in the Mediterranean - and the humor is that we were going here in 2012, on the way, we knew how to fall into a "time hole".

Until the summer of 1942, everything went like in our history, then changes began, from the liberation of the Arctic Circle and the breakthrough of the Siege of Leningrad in October 1942, to the "Big Saturn", which was carried out here and completely succeeded. The death of two German army groups (instead of one Paulus army) led to the fact that ours reached the Dnieper in the spring of 1943 - and crossed it in the summer, with minimal losses. Was not here Kursk Bulge because there was no our defeat near Kharkov in February 1943 - and therefore the crossing of the Dnieper immediately turned into the liberation of all of Ukraine, but the Germans were never able to replace their dead veterans; the accumulation of combat experience for ours went faster, due to smaller losses, and vice versa for the Fritzes.

And so, ours took Berlin a year earlier! New technique, new tactics- the winner is the one who learns faster, and the fool was Suvorov-Rezun when he wrote about the "dash to Europe" of the Red Army of the forty-first year model! Here we, now corresponding to the forty-fifth of that story, walked for almost three years to the Rhine and the Alps! In the north of the Italian "boot" the People's Republic, led by comrade Togliatti, in the south, Mussolini has not yet been hanged. And now we went to Taranto, where part of the Italian fleet had been stuck since February, with the people's revolution. The Americans are preparing a landing in Sicily - it looks like there will be two Italians in this story instead of two Koreas. So let's not give the ships over to American puppets!

April 28, the fleet of People's Italy (battleships "Cesare" and "Cavour", cruisers "Gorizia", ​​"Garibaldi", "Abruzzo", nine destroyers) together with the Mediterranean squadron of the USSR ("Voroshilov", "Soobrazitelny", "Capable", " Bouncy "," Brisk ") left La Spezia for a hike. German aviation in the last days I practically didn’t fly, so we passed directly, by the Strait of Messina, without a single shot from the coastal batteries. On April 30, we approached Taranto, wearing a "boot" heel. Much resistance was not expected, when the outcome of the war was already obvious, then even convinced Nazis and Blackshirts preferred to flee rather than fight - and there was ferment among the crews of the southern squadron from the very beginning, they openly said that they would flood ships when they tried to capture them by the Germans and admitted "People's" Admiral Da Zara to his commanders (standing in a fascist base!). But, not relying on proletarian internationalism, our troops landed a landing of the marines, from destroyers and cruisers, right on the piers, as in Feodosia in 1942, and Soviet aviation from the airfields in Corfu was ready to strike. It was only supposed to provide refueling of ships at the berths with empty bunkers - but the appetite comes with eating, and on the morning of May 2, the caravan barely crawled out of Taranto into Return trip... The Italian comrades grabbed everything that was kept on the water, immersed everything of value there, and everyone who wanted to go to the communist north, while in the port, everything that could not be taken out was drowning, burning, exploding. Part of the convoy, most of the slowest ones, was sent east to Venice. And the squadron, leading a dozen transports, lay on the course to Messina, and through the strait, home. And at 15.00 the American fleet was discovered.

Yuri Siloch

The union is unbreakable ...

These were not enough yet ... - one of the policemen hissed when he saw me getting out of the black service "Volga". He knew that I would hear him - he could not help but know - and therefore the phrase was clearly a deliberate insult. But I really wanted to sleep and, on the contrary, did not want to waste precious time on fools. Twenty steps from the high stone border of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, along which bright "Muscovites" and "Lada" rushed through the night. With a habitual movement, I lifted the sleeve of my coat, and a wrist-projected ID was woven in the air, trembling in the cold October air.

Major Ivanov, - I introduced myself. - KGB. Step back behind the fence and wait for further instructions.

People in uniform and in civilian clothes silently and without bickering stepped aside, piercing me with hostile glances. We lit a cigarette. The one who swore looked with particular anger, as if I had taken something from him.

Ivanov, of course, - he muttered under his breath. - All of them ... Ivanovs.

Yes, yes, all the same old songs. Nobody likes the employees of the Office: not least because the overwhelming majority of them are not full-fledged people, but clones with an implanted personality. And the times of "black funnels" are still too fresh in the people's memory.

I exhale, and a white cloud of vapor erupts from my mouth and rises, dissipating. And against its background, right above me, rises the bulk of the Palace of Soviets - almost a kilometer of bright illumination, steel, concrete, statues, glass and the renewed teaching of Marxism-Leninism. In order to see the top, where the statue of Lenin, brightly illuminated by huge anti-aircraft searchlights, revolves, you need to lift your head straight up. The palace overhangs, overwhelms, awe-inspires. The absurd and grotesque center of the New Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. A stupid attempt to imitate the style of the famous Stalinist skyscrapers, standing on the bones of the even more ridiculous Moscow City complex. It's even good that he was bombed to hell.

On a cobbled sidewalk, the width of a factory floor, lay a corpse without a piece of its head. Coming closer, I looked at the face - or rather, the part that had survived - and it was covered with a bright green scanner mesh invisible to outside observers. The animated white circle of the loading spun - and the dossier of the murdered person appeared before my eyes. I yawned wide, sending another cloud of steam flying into the air.

Zolotarev Mikhail Danielevich. "Interesting middle name." There is a date of birth, but the date of death has not yet been filled in - a mess, again the program crashes. Russian. In the party almost from birth. He was not brought to criminal responsibility. Not married. But this is strange, especially nowadays, when many Russian men lie "in the fields beyond the Vistula sleepy."

However, let's not get distracted. Labor path: working school, at the age of nine he was attached to the Arzamas tank plant. Then the state institute of municipal administration. He fought: the first Middle Eastern front, courses for political workers, the first Belarusian front, wounded and served on the second Siberian front in Lemeshev's army. And, it’s understandable why he’s not married: all Siberia has been polluted by Chinese dirty bombs, it’s surprising that a corpse doesn’t glow in the dark ...

Further growth in the rank of colonel of the political service, party work, transfer from active units to Moscow and the crown of a career - the warm seat of a deputy of the People's Assembly. Great career, to say the least. I decided to skip the photo and video archive, the correspondence and the history of searches on the Web too - I will deal with this later.

I looked at the murdered deputy and again turned my gaze to the shining building of the Palace. Pal Palych will not get off alive until the killer is found and indicatively convicted: where has this been seen, in the center of Moscow, a stone's throw from the Palace of Soviets, not just someone was killed, but a whole deputy. Not that they were particularly important - the Assembly could only be called the legislature in quotation marks - but all the same. It was a spit in the face.

I'm in place, - I reported to Pal Palych, when the call from him buzzed in my skull. The photographs of the killed were replaced by the image of the chief - bald, plump, similar to the artist Leonov, but, unlike him, with the colorless gray eyes of a real Chekist.

Give me a picture, ”he ordered, and I switched my eyes to camera mode. - Is that exactly him? the chief asked hopefully.

Your mother, - moaned the boss with such longing in his voice that I even felt a little sorry for him. - Well, your mother! .. Have you already started the examination?

No, I'm just welcome ...

Then get started! - Palych said sharply, and the pity vanished at once. - Do not wait for the rest of the guys, when they still arrive. And keep me posted. Look, he himself will rape me, and I will rape you. Along the chain.

Yes, I know, I know, ”I grimaced. - You didn't need to remind me.

Pal Palych passed out.

It's a complete sin, damn it, - I swore and started examining.

To begin with, I got acquainted with the conclusion of the ballistic examination and whistled in surprise: a bright red line hanging in the air led to the spire of the destroyed hotel "Ukraine". Someone who shot pretty damn well managed to climb to the very top of the building, which had long been going to be restored, but still could not take it. It had stood like this for several decades, grinning with broken windows from behind an ugly reinforced concrete sarcophagus wall - like an ancient haunted castle full of deadly treasures. During the first dirty atomic bombing, the guests were inside, and the valuable contents of the hotel survived, but godlessly phono, killing unlucky marauders.

The bullet was found ten meters from the corpse. She pierced her head through and through, hit the pavement, knocking out a hefty chunk of stone, and bounced off towards the avenue. I walked over and sat down, examining her in more detail. Nothing special, ordinary army ammunition of seven-sixty-two caliber. I swore softly: it was unrealistic to track down the simplest bullet in the world, where the war had been going on for several decades and weapons with ammunition were produced in a continuous flow. When the real me, now deceased, worked in the Moscow criminal investigation department of the 2000s and 10s, it would not have been difficult. There were acquaintances, there were agents, and there were about ten guns capable of such a thing all over Moscow at a time. And then ... However, to put aside the decadent mood. If we don't track the bullet, we'll track something else. And then we will take by the balls the bastard who is shooting deputies right at the workplace, and we will show that he was grossly wrong. We will write out a ticket to the uranium resorts on the southern coast of the Arctic Ocean.

I was already returning to the car when I again heard the disgruntled hiss of a policeman and finally decided to turn my attention to him. I turned around. A young starley, blond hair, blue eyes, large Slavic features, the shape is perfectly ironed, the dossier is flawless. At least immediately on the poster.

Comrade senior lieutenant, - I exhaled wearily. - What's the matter?

The policemen standing nearby, as if on command, turned to their bewildered colleague and looked at him gloomily, as if saying: "I jumped, you fool."

On Monday, at twelve o'clock, I'll be waiting for you in my office.

Letyokha gritted his teeth tightly, but saluted and said: "Yes!"

Angry. Well, go to hell. It's time and let go in peace, maybe he will still live, you fool, will bring up the right instincts. If you learn, who you can yap at and who you can't.

Let's go to Ukraine, ”I commanded, sitting in the back seat and nearly pinching my coat on the door. The Navigator-M autopilot installed in the driver's seat, which looked like a beer keg with wires, squeaked and drove to the nearest junction, which stood on huge piles over the broken concrete teeth of the old third transport ring.

Houses swept by - both new and pre-war, reconstructed. Lights, lights, lights. Yellow, blue, white, purple and, of course, red are the most of them. Lanterns, streamers with bulbs, diodes, windows, building illumination, visual agitation. On the gigantic wall of the Palace of Soviets, scarlet phrases run one after another: "The party is our helmsman", "A deputy from the people is a servant of the people", "Victory will be ours" and for some reason "Develop pig breeding."

The navigator took a very strange route, guided by some of his own principles. We drove onto the restored section of the third ring, then turned into a dark street full of ruined houses, darted around the area, rushed through an empty tunnel and got to Berezhkovskaya embankment. I mentally cursed the autopilot, because I hated the Moscow River. The first time after replication, I was, like all the other employees, shocked, but later I somehow got used to the world around me. Everything except the Moskva River.

Everyone has tried carbonated water, but what does the machine that produced this water look like? Or who said this phrase: "Have you already been released from the insane asylum?" And many other interesting and nostalgic questions that must be answered in order to earn gold coins.

The game "Unbreakable Union" is built in such a way that you will not need to answer the same questions. There is audio, video, and photos. There is where to unfold your nostalgia.

Passing the game "Unbreakable Union" in Odnoklassniki is a creative process and may require the involvement of all family members, up to the very elderly. But be careful, there is a chance of losing space near the computer if a more reputable family member expresses a desire to play it.

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We begin to compose answers to the game "Unbreakable Union" from the Odnoklassniki social network. The questions in the game are somewhat reminiscent of the tasks from the "Remember the USSR" application - they are also inextricably linked with the Soviet Union.
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Note! There are several games on social media with a similar theme. These applications are similar in meaning, but differ in names and icons. And of course we have clues to different games about the USSR:
USSR - answers
Remember the USSR - answers
Forward to the USSR - answers

Unbreakable Union game Levels 1-30 Answers

Level 1
What was the most popular pioneer camp?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 2
What is Triple Brezhnev?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 3
Who said this phrase?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 4
Who are these words about?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 5
Which actor most often voiced the heroes of Jean-Paul Belmondo in the Soviet box office?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 6
How much did an ice cream in a waffle glass cost in the 80s?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 7
What kind of footwear is also named after the city in which it was made?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 8
Who is the author of the music of the USSR anthem?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 9
What would Shurik do if Ulyana Andreevna were his wife?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 10
What did this phrase of Khrushchev begin to symbolize for the Americans?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 11
What kind of dance is the lecturer performing when he leaves the stage?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 12
Who voiced the cat Matroskin?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 13
What animal named Lucy starred in both "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and "9th company"?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 14
Who is speaking?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 15
What professions are required to watch this film?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 16
Who, not being the head of state, was honored to wish the people a Happy New Year?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 17
What letters did Mayakovsky engrave on the ring of his beloved?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 18
What goalkeeper could become a great hockey player, but preferred football?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 19
What sausage was intended to "improve the health of those who suffered from the tyranny of the tsarist regime"?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 20
Who voiced the wolf in "Wait a minute!"

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 21
What movie is this song from?

The game "Unbreakable Union": the answer to Level 22
Which Soviet actor is shown in the photo as a child

How does this form of democracy "work" and is it protected from the processes that take place in last years in the country? Of course no. Moreover, such partnerships and cooperatives in miniature represent what is happening today in big politics. If today in Izhevsk de facto it is possible, without particularly bothering to comply with the procedures prescribed by law, to start construction where only someone's heart desires, in the same way it is possible, without the permission of the authorized bodies, to build a squatter building even on a garden plot, even in a garage cooperative. If the developer has enough money and impudence, then he can do everything. On the other hand, both in society and in public organizations (which, in fact, are partnerships and cooperatives), there is a tendency to seize any more or less suitable source for the direct receipt of money. This is, first of all, of course, retail space. The change of signs on buildings known to more than one generation of Izhevsk residents is evidence of a change in ownership, which did not always take place peacefully, but was often accompanied by blackmail, extortion, threats, and even beatings, up to contract killings. Where today, if not in a cooperative, is there "real" money? Most of the townspeople contribute their hard-earned money to the cash desks of gardening partnerships and garage cooperatives. Moreover, it is easy to see that payments from year to year only increase. Now you can not be on duty and not work out - everything has its own rate. Finally, land. There are fabulous rumors about the prices for it in Izhevsk. But what is a garden town or a box garage if not a piece of land that can be properly registered in ownership and then sold. But in addition to the cadastral valuation (also mostly unknown to ordinary residents of the city), there is also a free market, where the price is set spontaneously. It is not for nothing that such battles of local importance are now taking place on the territory of the amateur gardening association on Kholmogorov. You can also recall the story about the "house manager" ("D" # 14 dated 04/13/2006), which created the HOA (homeowners' association) for himself, arranged everything, opened an account, but did not even intend to report to the members of the partnership. Nobody knows what kind of money was circulating there. But a friend changed 16 cars in a fairly short period of time. So to take in the hands of the "helm" of such a public organization as a garden, housing or garage cooperative is like becoming the owner of your own small "candle factory". With a commercial acumen, you can always secure your own income at the public expense. It all depends on appetite. V this moment there is a precedent with the initiation of a criminal case against the now former chairman of the cooperative of individual developers, who spent 164 thousand rubles laying a water pipeline, which Vodokanal now does not accept due to the facility's non-compliance with any norms.
Each cooperative has its own boards and audit commissions. So often, in order to take control of some garage or garden area, nimble peasants have to oust living people who are not always going to leave their post. A situation of “hostile takeover” arises. Just like in the "big" economy! Even the methods are the same - blackmail, pressure, intrigue, provocation. Creation of an atmosphere of legal absurdity, from which any normal person's head will go dizzy. Most of the member-shareholders, of course, do not want to participate in any intrigues. And, as a rule, they indifferently watch the mess going on around their common property and money. In the same way, as it happens in politics, when the majority of people do not go to elections or do it under pressure or for material gain. They are slowly pulling beer in their gardens and in garages, and they consider it beneath their dignity to interfere in "squabbles". Then they are surprised that “good fellows” are already sitting on their necks - fingers like a fan. The specific story told to the editorial staff by Leonid Lobanov, chairman garage cooperative "Union" clearly illustrates a typical situation in one of the "self-governing" territories in Izhevsk. According to Leonid Nikolayevich, for two years now their cooperative has been in a fever because of the deliberate "subversive" work of a group of shareholder members who are determined to change the management of the garage at all costs in order to take it under themselves. At first, says Lobanov, they offered him in plain text - give up your post, and we will make you a deputy, you will not be left behind. And when the matter did not work out on a voluntary basis, “force methods” were used. And all the members of the group trying to take power in the "Union", former and current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the UR. The regional OBEP, according to one of the initiators of this story, studied the accounting department of the garage, sent it for examination to the Ministry of Internal Affairs - no crime was found. They refused to initiate a criminal case. However, the district prosecutor's office twice overturns the investigator's decision to refuse to initiate a case, insistently setting the task of finding at least something. A curious moment - the most active figure in this group is a certain Nikolai Zhelonkin, a current officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the UR, Major. According to Lobanov, in order to impress the shareholders, he appears in the garage in his official uniform and threatens to "bring everyone out into the open." Collecting signatures against the current leadership. Meanwhile, some members of the "capture group" do not even try to hide their mercantile motives. So, according to Lobanov, the same Nikolai Zhelonkin, on the land plot allocated to him for free for the construction of a second garage, intended to build not one, but two boxes, and even delivered concrete blocks and two iron gates for this purpose. Moreover, these garages, if built, will tightly close the fire break, which, in addition, serves as a place for workers to enter the enterprise by agreement with the administration of a nearby brick factory. Checks by firefighters, sanitary doctors, traffic police inspectors follow one after another almost continuously. The seizure of accounting documents paralyzes the work of the cooperative. Now Lobanov, as a defendant, has been brought to court at the request of the same Zhelonkin, who decided to prove through the court that Lobanov is not the legally elected chairman of the Soyuz garage cooperative, since the reporting and election meeting allegedly did not have a quorum. And the other day, two tax inspectors of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 8 even staged a real provocation, first offering the watchman 30 rubles for guarding the Gazelle left on the territory of the array, and then “catching him by the hand” forced him to write an explanatory note and sign some kind of “test purchase act” ... Interestingly, the management of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 8 knows about what the employees of Dityatyev and Bikerov were doing on the territory of the Soyuz on May 16? Or were they there providing a commercial service to someone who intrigues around the chair of this auto-cooperative? Today, in Izhevsk, federal courts are considering many cases related to conflicts within non-profit public organizations. This is the sphere of civil relations, although, as mentioned above, crime also happens there. But if civic activity, economic "savvy" and legal erudition of members of such partnerships were higher, the matter would not reach the courts: the general meeting, as the highest self-government body, has the right to make the decision that, in the opinion of the sane majority, is the most correct and fair on this moment. And if the majority is silent, then there will always be those willing to take advantage of this silence. "D" opens a new topic - conflicts in the territories of partnerships - and will try to trace how the litigation will end in one of them - in the auto-cooperative "Soyuz".