Tamagoti Frank Com. TAMAGOTCHI FRIENDS. Return to the legendary toy. Tamagoti toy feedback

Probably, many of us who had childhood in the 90s held their pets of Tamagotchi. And I had one, and not one.

For electronic friend, it was necessary to care: feed, play with him, treat, if he fell ill, to clean behind him, bathe ... and of course, not to leave without attention for a long time, because the pet could get sick and die.

And so, after 20 years it came out updated version Famous Tamagoti! Toy manufacturer - all the same firm Bandai. Not only a daughter, but I ended with enthusiasm to grow our little friend.

From the manufacturer

Electronic toy "Tamagotchi Friends: Amethyst" - a new version of legends toys. Bright design, new games and accessories, and most importantly - an innovative data transfer system in one touch: Now you can send short messages to each other, share items, walk to each other. Modernized game that teaches care and responsibility. New heroes - 24 different characters with individual development. Choice - You yourself choose an egg that will be your pupil. New games (three starting and two will be unlocked) to achieve a certain level. New items - new foodsnacks. New accessories - 60 items for a collection that you can win playing games, buy in the store or exchange with friends. New places - walk your Tamagotchi in the park, go for a date. And of course feeding, cleaning, games, upbringing. New NFC Technology (Middle Communication). Innovative data transmission system in one touch - Bump (friends). Friends to share - objects or accessories with friends. Friends to go to visit - your hero visits your friend's device. Friendly to find out how strong your friendship is - with the "Friends" BFF Bump (" Best Friends. Forever "), show how much you love your friends! Friends to increase the level of "to the" Friend Meter "- every time, using the" Friends "feature, you dial a friend's glasses! Teach for communication - send small messages. Friends and create communities - all the characters you have been friends will be reflected in the device's memory. You will be able to marry your hero on one of them. It is necessary to purchase 2 batteries with a voltage of 1.5V type "AAA" (not included).

Disappointment we have suffered immediately - very low screen contrast. (Batteries, by the way, did not enter the kit). Contrast can be increased, but despite it can be seen anyway very badly. To figure out where Tamagotchi himself, and where the interior items are difficult. There is no backlighting screen.

What did the manufacturer of Tamagotchi come up with for us?

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ design Cute. A new toy is a little more than old;

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ the ability to choose a pet (although it was possible to choose);

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ New Tamagotchy rusified. He says he is hungry. All items, food is signed;

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ There was an opportunity to go to the store and buy products and jewelry for pet. Due to this, a personal account increases. Money can be earned during the game.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ From Tamagoti, you can go to the park and ride a swing.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ When Tamagotchi turns around a week, he has the opportunity to go on a date. Then, as in life, he marries and his cub is born. The game in the end goes in a circle.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ Games are only three and they are completely elementary and not interesting. Over time, two more games appear.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ And the most important difference - the possibility of friendship between Tamagotchi appeared. You can exchange objects, go to visit to a friend, writing short messages, etc. But since our acquaintances have no Tamagotchi, we do not use this function.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ Tamagotchi is not such a "demanding" as before. If you forget it at least for a whole day, nothing will happen. Pet will not die.


How do you see the differences between old version few. It seems to me that the century of the newest technologies could come up with something more interesting. At least the screen is made color. And pet moves smoother.

So Tamagotchi was interested in children 20 years ago, and now he is simply not relevant.

The daughter's toy at first liked, but interest is quickly fading. Tamagota grows alone.

There is a toy in store chain " Child's world" 1300 rubles. This money, and even a third of this price, Tamagotchi should not.

I put 3 points only for the sense of nostalgia.

Thank you very much for your attention!

We present to your attention the electronic game Tamagotchi Friends.

After turning on the toy Tamagotchi Friends, you need to install the source time parameters, the dates, come up with the name of the pet and then 3 eggs appear on the screen. You can choose the desired pet desired and literally after a minute it will hatch.

The screen will appear "Happy Birthday!"

The Tamagotchi electronic game has different menus.

Let us dwell in more detail on each of them.

1. Information. In this menu you can see information about your friend-Tamagotchi: Paul, age, generation (genus), name, earned points, condition (hunger, happiness), friend's glasses.

2. Food. In this menu, you can choose food or snack to feed your friend Tamagotchi.

You can diversify the ration of a friend of Tamagotchi, by purchasing food in the store (the submenu that is in the door menu) and it will be stored here.

3.Wall. When your pet Tamagotchi goes to the toilet or make a mess, then it's not necessary to remove him. Information about this will appear on the screen on the right in the form of pyramids.

4. Door. This menu contains a few submenu: shop, park, game, computer.

Thus, with your friend-Tamagoti, you can go shopping, play in the park, as well as in place for dates to get married later.

In the store you can buy food, decorations, snacks. To acquire these positions, you must first earn points by winning games.

5. Function (Bump) is friends. Thanks to this new feature, the Tamagotchi Friends series can be exchanged gifts, Tamagotchi pets can go to visit each other.

To make the Bump function, it is necessary to attach Tamagotchi to each other with the back side.

6. Text messages. You can write and share text messages with friends via BUMP connection. Text can be entered using the A and B buttons to confirm. To go back, you must click simultaneously A and C.

7. Jewelry box. We have already mentioned that in the store you can buy a variety of decorations (rings, necklace, crowns) and they can be stored in this box or give to your friend, who also has an electronic game Tamagotchi Friends.

8. Memory. Your tamagotchy friends are registered when you connect the car's BUMP function to be friends. You can also see your pets of Tamagotchi, who you brought up before.

9. Medicines. If your pet Tamagotchi is sick, then you need to give him medicine to cure him and he continued to rejoice.

10. Attention. It is lit icon with leachers in the lower right corner, if your friend Tamagotchi needs help any (hungry, sick, etc.). If you don't care for a pet, he will leave, "while" will appear on the screen. For the birth of a new pet, you need to press and hold two buttons A and C until new eggs appear.

5 games are available in Tamagotchi: 3 immediately and 2 even additionally upon reaching a certain level.

Let us dwell on the 3rd games.

- Challenge the game, collect. In the game to get glasses you need to collect musical notes, but do not collect pyramids. If the pyramid falls into the bag, then the defeat in the game.

Buttons: A - movement left, C - movement to the right.

- Choose-get game. In the top line, the picture and the amount that must be collected during a certain time. Buttons: A - choose, in - get, C - update.

- The game of the simulator. Watching the hero on the right changes pose. As soon as he stops, you must stop your hero in the same position by clicking on any button.
You can buy the original electronic game Tamagotchi Friends in the online store: http://www.nashmalysh.com.ua/tamagotchi.html
You can also get a discount on Tamagotchi, if you enter a coupon in the basket: 3DXO1BF6MK

Honestly, I did not even think that such a toy as Tamagotchi still exists. I remember my childhood, I remember the few of these Tamagotchi, who caused me indescribable delight, but it seemed to me that now, in modern times, these toys like records and floppy disks in the summer. But it turned out that it was not so - and now you can buy such a toy.

Tamagoti Franc

I did not know whether this toy would be interesting to my daughter - after all, the current children in which they do not play, and they are accustomed more to computer gamesrather than others. It was for us in a novelty to have such a thing as Tamagotchi ...

Where can one buy

Looking at the price of the toys I was surprised - in my childhood she cost more accessible, and now the prices for it are quite high. But I still decided to acquire such a gift for the holiday for the holiday.

I decided not to buy in a simple store, although they are there, but to order on the Internet. When we make an order, pay attention to the color of the toy itself, the Tamagota itself - there is a grayish leopard, there is just gray, blue and red, and there is pink. I chose it.

Tamagoti toy feedback

Came a box with a toy - by weight and form approximately the same as in my childhood. The toy is thoroughly packed in packaging from cardboard and transparent parts, Tamagotchi itself sits in it reliably, when transporting should not suffer.

Packaging contains all the necessary information, there is a manufacturer's address (of course China) and a lot of different. The font, of course, is fine, but you can disassemble.


Immediately buy 2 AAA batteries, as they are not included. I bought in advance that as soon as the parcel comes, immediately insert, and not run to the store.


Separately, I want to note that while you open this packaging, many pictures from possible games on this small device are dispersed.

Under the Tamagoti themselves there is a cardboard with drawings of characters that you can choose - run, so to speak, on this Tamagotchi.

I remember, before, at my time, there was one character, which could be launched. Now the child is a choice from different pets.


Pets are as many as 8 pieces - choose anyone who will like more.

What is interesting - every pet is still growing changes its appearance. That is, at first he is small later, after a couple of days, the child wakes up in the morning and discovers that the pet has grown. So much joy was my daughter! I remember, I myself enjoyed this, especially since I didn't know what he would be transformed!

As soon as we got Tamagotchi, reveal it, open the panel on the back (it is possible to do this only with the help of short screwdrivers) and insert 2 AAA batteries there. Make it easy, cloves are unpretentious. As soon as you insert batteries - Tamagotchi sing fun.

After that, run the start button and choose the character. Of course, it is best to do it with the child. This button is in the recess (so as not to click on it) - the button is responsible for the complete failure and reboot.

Do not make mistakes with the date, as how Tamagotchi will fuse you with the holidays.

Do not make mistake with time, because according to the time you set the toy will go to sleep.

Be sure to read the instructions - it will help you to figure it out in the process of choosing and "birth" toy baby.

After the creature is born, the child will take care of him - feed, drink, clean, teach and treat.

My daughter is very pleased, still plays him and does not release from the hands, and has already passed since the purchase of about 7 months.

The toy is definitely worth his money. I advise you to purchase.

What is Tamagotchi? This is a friend who is always near you! It is easily placed in a bag or pocket and will never give the owner to bother. The first model of Tamagota was released in November 1996 - at that time the popularity of the gadget was incredible. Toys were known worldwide! Almost every child in different countries He knew what Tamagotchi was. For all the years, almost 80 million copies were sold and finally the Japanese Bandai company in May 2014 submitted its novelty - toy Tamagotchi Friends of the new generation.

IN new version Mass of exciting surprises. For example, now it is possible to choose from 24 characters! You, as before, will care for them, to raise, play and feed, that's just now pets will be able to be friends and even walk to each other! If attention and care will not be enough, now the pet does not die, but flies to his planet, and you will begin the game with the new hero. Another innovation is an opportunity to care for one virtual friend, but for a whole company!

Owners of Tamagotchi Franc now will have a chance to send messages to each other, as well as share accessories and bonuses that they will be able to purchase on earned virtual glasses. All this has become available thanks to the new socio-oriented BUMP function. New places appeared, you can walk your virtual friend in the park or go on a date. Tamagomi will be able to create a family and even have their own baby. They will go to school, study in musical, culinary or many other classes. In addition, it will now be possible to explore the map of the relationship of Tamagotchi on the site. And all the characters with whom you will communicate, and, of course, your own pets will be saved in the memory of Tamagotchi.

That's not all! In the new version of Tamagoti, FranDs has changed appearance Characters that have become brighter, living and memorable. In addition, users do not miss, the gadget offers at the same time five mini-games, in which funny kittens will perform the main characters.

As for the size and screen of the device itself, they practically did not change and all also look at nostalgia about childhood: black and white screen With color inserts of 6 * 6.5 * 3.5 cm. There are three control buttons. The colors of the accessory itself are very bright and varied. As they say, for every taste and color.

This small gadget opens a huge virtual Mirin which the child will learn responsibility, love and care.

?? Tamagotchi toys (Tamagotchi) appeared on the Russian market in 1996 and immediately won great popularity. Girls really liked to have virtual petBehind which needs to be careful: to feed, play with him, to clean up after it. It was possible to observe how he grows, control his mood, teach his etc..
In 2014, an updated version of Tamagotchi appeared on the Russian market - Tamagoti Franc. Manufacturer - Japanese company Bandai. The main feature The updated Tamagochi will be the virtual connection of toys among themselves with the help of socio-oriented function to be friends. Read more about the possibilities of this function can be found in the article. Tamagati interaction
Toys are Russified, all menus and inscriptions on the screen in Russian!

BEGINNING OF THE GAME. Birth of Tamagati

First you need to insert batteries in Tamagotchi. To do this, you need to unscrew the opening compartment at the bottom of the toy and insert 2 AAA type batteries in it. After installing the batteries, it is necessary to ride the compartment cover and spin the bolt.

Next, you must click on the RESET button (it is from behind in the right side of the case, in the recess). To press it, it will take something long and sharp (for example, a clip).

The settings menu will appear on the screen in which you want to set the current date and time. The date is set in the month / number format (for example, May 10 should be displayed as 5/10). The time has a division into 2 time ranges: AM - time to noon (from 00.00 to 12.00), PM - time after noon (from 12.00 to 00.00). For example, if now 10 o'clock in the morning, the time is 10.00 am, and if now 10 pm, then the time is 10.00 pm.

Next, you must set the date of birth of the owner of Tamagotchi, so that the animal can celebrate such an event with his master. The date is also set in the month / number format.

The next step is to enter your own name (no more than 8 letters). Button A - Choice of letters, button B - confirmation of the selection. To return to 1 letter back, you need to press buttons A and with at the same time.

After entering all the information, the main screen with three eggs will appear. You need to choose one of these eggs - it will be your animal of Tamagotchi! After selecting the pet hatching out of the egg within 1 minute.

Pet information, basic settings

All information about pet can be seen in the section INFORMATION (First menu item). On the first tab, half a pet, its age, weight and generation (first, second, etc.) will be indicated. The second tab indicates the name of the pet and the number of points (points are earned in games, see in the section ENTERTAINMENT. GAMES). The third tab indicates the levels of hunger and happiness. And finally, a friend's glasses are indicated on the fourth tab - this is the level of interaction with other Tamagotchi. Read more about the glasses of a friend can be read in the article Tamagotchi interaction.

Using different combinations of buttons A, B and C, you can adjust your Tamagotchi:

In addition, if you press the B button, the screen will appear current date and time. Therefore, Tamagotchi can even be used as a full watch!

The main functions of Tamagati

The basic need of your pet is of course the food. To feed the pet, you need to select the menu item FOOD And feed the pet. By default, bread is proposed as a meal, and for snacks - milk. However, the diet of his pet can be diversified. For this you just need to buy food or snack in the store (you can read more about the purchase in the section Shopping). After eating you can check the level of hunger of your pet ( INFORMATION - Goloden).

If the pet make a pile (the pyramid in the lower right side of the screen), you need to remove it. To do this, select in the menu RESTROOM A hand is cleaned, and the pet will start happily jumping and publishing funny sounds.


Tamagoti, like any other pets, love to have fun. For Tamagoti, there are 5 types of entertainment: Game, shop, park, computer, date (available only with 6 years). To play with your pet, you need to choose the menu A DOORTHE GAME. A pet runs out of a hive house, runs around the city and gets into the city of games. Here it is possible to choose from 5 games: throw it - collect, choose - get, simulator, catch the pie and pick the flowers. However, the last 2 games will be available only after certain conditions are performed. Rules for each game can be found in the article Games for Tamagotchi. According to the results of each game, the player accrue points. In the future, these points can be paid in the store when buying food, snacks or jewelry (see purchases in the section Shopping).


To please your pet, you can drive it into the amusement park. To do this, select the menu item Door - Park. A pet runs out of his house, runs through the city and runs into the park. In the park to the pet comes his friend, and they begin having fun swing on the swings. After Tamagotchi Park, satisfied and happy, resorts back to his house.

Prompt! In order not to wait every time the pet runs around the city, you can simply press any key, then the pet, bypassing the city, will come run immediately to the amusement park.


Perhaps one of the most favorite activities of any girl is shopping! Here you can walk shopping and make purchases along with your pet. To do this, you need to select the menu item Door - Store. The menu will open with three sections: food, snacks, decorations.

In the Food section, you can buy delicacy for your pet, for example:

By purchasing food, it appears in the Food section menu. Thus, you can choose how to feed the pet: standard bread or pampering his delicious delicacy m. One kind of food can be purchased only once, after buying this food for a while disappears from the store menu.

Also, in addition to meals, you can pamper your pet with various snacks:

And finally, the most expensive purchases are decorations. Decorations There are 4 types: crown, necklace, bracelet, ring. In each of the category 15 types of jewelry (for example, in the Corona category there is a korona crown, a crown of cherries, Diadem etc.). All kinds of decorations, as well as their cost can be seen in the article. Decorations for Tamagati . After buying the decoration it will appear in the menu Casket (see section Jewelry box). Moreover, one and the same decoration can be bought several times. The number of decorations is displayed in the box (digit in the upper left corner).

Jewelry box

In the package for decorations, all the decorations that were purchased in the store are stored or transferred from another Tamagotchi using the BUMP function. To look into the casket, you need to select the menu item Casket. At the very beginning, the number of decorations of the decorations from 60 possible (in each group of decorations of 15 species, total there are 60 decorations). For example, the inscription 15/60 denotes that you scored 15 decorations of 60 possible. To view the list of decorations collected by you, go to the appropriate category (for example, the crown). All purchased jewelery will be displayed in the form of a name with a picture, and still unsalted decorations - just question marks. Thus, you can simply define what decoration is not enough to buy it in the store and collect a complete collection!


Tamagoti contains in the memory of all friends with whom he ever contact (menu item Memory - friends). Also, you can see all your pets that you have brought up before (menu item Memory - Memory).


Sometimes it happens that the pet is ill (the corresponding sign will appear on the screen). In this case, you need to provide a pet as soon as possible. medical care (menu item Medicine ). In an ordinary life, when a pet is healthy, he will refuse drugs (to displete head head).


Sometimes pet just need your attention. When he wants this, Tamagochi will publish characteristic short signals, and the menu item will turn around on the screen. ATTENTION And an exclamation mark will appear. In this case, you will need to simply press any key. Pet, rejoicing what they took care of him, starting fun jumping, hearts will appear on the screen, and his mood improves significantly.

Dating, Wedding, Baby Baby

When your Tamagotchi is 6 years old, he will have the opportunity to go on dates. To do this, select the menu item Door - dates. Tamagotchi will come from the house and comes running in the park for dates. There, Tamagoti will be presented to choosering 3 candidates for a couple (for the Tamagochi-Girls to choosering 3 boys and vice versa). After choosing a candidate, you can immediately get married. If you answer the question positively, your pair will appear on the screen, and the egg will appear between them - their baby. After some time, Tamagotchi-Parents will disappear, and one Tamagotchi will remain on the screen - the baby. He will now now our main pet. And the Tamagotchi-Parent goes into history (it can be seen in the menu Memory - Memory). Now in the information of our new Tamagotchi, the result is the result (point of the family on the first tab of the information).