Edri Berdz game shoot from slingshot play. Free slingshot games. Game series Angry Birds

Saga about evil birds, who have cunning pigs stole eggs, embodied in the most successful mobile game recent years! Angry Birds became incredibly popular around the world and opened a new page in the entertainment history. Angry Birds games did not just have won the love of gamers, they possess bright graphics and simple, but phenomenally delaying gameplay. In addition, this fun develops abstract thinking, reaction, eye meter and primary concepts about physics and ballistics. Now play Angry Birds can be completely free directly on your computer. Choose your favorite online game and help evil birds to achieve your goal!

  • War bad pigs with aliens

    An exciting shooter with physics in the genre "Angry Birds". Help the superhero pigs defeat aliens, shooting out of slingshot.

  • The game "Pigeon bomber" is a funny arcade, in which you will drive a malicious bird, adoring to shit on the head passersby.

    An interesting shooter with physics for fans of a military confrontation of evil birds and green pigs. Crubble with angry birds barricades enemy from slingshot.

    Pigs are rushing into battle! Help them get the card, which marks the nest of evil birds, in the game Angry Birds: Bad piglets!

  • Classic Angry Birds - Angry Birds Star Wars

    Meet your loved classic game Angry Birds - Predecession and Paterial famous game Angry Birds. Star Wars.!

  • Always dreamed of going on new level In the fight against evil? We defeat comic pork together with birds in the game Angry Birds Space (Game Evil Birds in Space)!

    Harmful pigs decided to hide from birds among volcanoes. Naive pigs! Lava and stones will not stop birds in the game Volcinated Angry Birds!

    Meet Halloween - the most sinister holiday of the year - along with the game Angry Birds 2 (Evil Birds 2) - Angry Birds with pumpkins!

    In Japan, everything is not our own! And there are birds with cats there, and instead of slingshots of a gun ... Evaluate the features of the Japanese color in the game Japanese Angry Birds!

    Evil birds rush to revenue with their comrades in the game Angry Birds Rio (Rio Evil Birds Game)! Join them!

    The recipe for good mood is simple: a little free time and an exciting online game. What else is needed for happiness?

    Sorry piglets? Then it's time to take revenge on them with evil birds! Grab a rifle and do it in the game Angry Birds: Shooting on the birds!

    Test your reality in the game Angry Birds: Double birds! Stroy birds ranks and watch them disappear!

    Angry birds They hit the sight! Avenge the friends of piglets in new game Angry Birds shooting!

    Use logical thinking and granted to the instrument to sink pirates and drive them out of caves, full gold and treasures.

    Not yet evil birds fly and charge yourself into slingshot! You can already afford more refective ways to combat hated pigs. For example, the game Angry Birds: Space Moped!

    Catching tropical birds and earn gold in the game Angry Birds: catching birds! Grab Hunting Networks and Forward!

    Shot a stack of pigs from a slingshot in the game Angry Birds: Shipping shooting! Prove to all your accuracy!

    Voracious pigs spoiled photos of evil birds. Try to restore pictures on several difficulty modes.

    If you like the cartoon "Angry Birds" and shooting out of a slingshot, then hurry to have fun in this online game with physics.

    Do you like the game Angry Birds or evil birds? If so, then this game is obligatory you will enjoy, especially if the birds are slightly fed.

    On the ship of nightmarish pig collars, lodging horror on the ships of the entire fairy-tale ocean, ammunition ended.

    "Bird's madness" is a fun destructive toy in which you get over to the side of the feathers. It is difficult to imagine what hamsters were able to pump birds, but the challenge was thrown and the war began.

    Before you the next clone famous and popular Game "Angry Birds".

    Fascinating shooting of a slingshot about the confrontation of Engri Birds and pigs. Make a tale, pull the enemy to knock the enemy pushed.

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Knowing the love of gamers of the whole world to games about evil birds, we collected the best of them on this page! However, let's try to learn a little more about this, without exaggeration, the iconic fun of recent years.

Angry Birds is a game created by Rovio Entertainment. An inspired by a roller about uncultivated stylized birds, the game was initially implemented for the IOS operating system - to work on Apple phones in 2009. Over the past time through the AppStore, Apple's license store, the game has already downloaded about 12 Millon times. The first time was released only in the form designed for the touch screenshots on smartphones and tablet computers running iOS, Symbian, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone. However, the growing popularity of the game has also developed versions for PCs and gaming consoles.

Plot game

"What was I so angry? Because I did not have a bike ... "Postman Pechkin

Of course, every evil character has its own individual secret of a bad character. Do not think that the heroes of the game are angry birds - an exception! Of course, they have their very good reasons for not to love disgusting green pigs with eidny physiognomies! The fact is that cute homemade pigs, which we used to consider them because of their stereotypical, brought up on fairy tales about the patch, thinking, in reality - the worst enemies of birds, curling nests on Earth! The voracious pigs without a revelation of conscience ruin the nest in search of eggs - their favorite delicacy.

It can not continue to continue indefinitely, and one day the evil birds annoying. Their anger on the pigs passes the boiling point, and evil birds are going together to strike on the enemy. Since the majority of our birds cannot fly, they have to invent another way for a productive attack! There are slingshots - the favorite weapon of school hooligans, as a rule, against the birds and used. Angry Birds themselves become projectiles - and they are not embarrassed that after the shot they fall to the ground to death, and after and they are scattered with a bunch of feathers. Evil, bubble in their small, but very proud hearts, just needed! And they are ready to die soon, but brutally take revenge on the runers of their nests.


In the game of Engri Bers, the player controls the group of blowing birds, whose goal is to destroy all the pigs that are in their radius of defeat. At the start of the level of the pig are located inside special shelters made from different materials, such as wood, ice or stone, and the goal of the level - to get and destroy all available boars. Using a slingshot, the player launches birds with an intention or hit directly by a pig, or so chitfully destroy the protective design around the enemy so that it would destroy and cover the pig in the fall. At various levels of the game additional objects, such as explosive boxes or stones, located among the scenery, can be used in conjunction with birds to destroy hard pigs.

The game has to manage evil birds of several different types. At the earliest levels of the game, Engri Bers, a novice player is available to the only shell - a red bird ed. When the player is gaining experience and moves further along the game, he is beginning to come across other types of birds. Some of them are effective for the destruction of certain materials, and some have special features for use caused by the fact that they can be activated by the player already during the flight in the air. For example, the yellow bird chuck can accelerate, and the blue bird can break up on three birds (Jay, Jack and Jim). The Black Bird Bom knows how to explode, and the white bird of Matilda dumps exploding eggs from the air.

However, the pigs are also each with their character and level of survivability! So small pigs are relatively weak and easily destroyed even from easy blow from the side of the collapsing scenery. Larger pigs can be destroyed only with something more severe, otherwise you may need several shots. In addition, on some pigs have a means of protection in the form of caskens, which make them more resistant to the danger. Self strong blows Capable to withstand royal pigs and pigs with a mustache.

At the beginning of each level, Engri Berx, a certain number of birds of different types are distinguished. If all the pigs were destroyed at the time when all birds were spent, it is believed that the level is passed, and the player becomes available to the next. Glasses During the game, evil birds are charged for each killed pig, taking into account how difficult it was to destroy, as well as for each destroyed element of scenery; Also accrued bonus glasses for each unused bird. At the end of the level, the player receives an asterisk: one, two or three pieces - depending on the final account. The player can replay the open level as much as possible if it certainly needs to complete it more successfully and earn more prize points and get more stars.

Game series Angry Birds

The first classic version came out in December 2009 for iOS. In the game he was proposed to fill ptahi from a slingshot in piglets, standing on or behind the various designs, in order to destroy all the piglets located on playground. As the experience gained, the player became available to various types of bright birds with their special abilities that could be activated in the game. Rovio Mobile distributed the game with several free updates.

Angry Birds Seasons

The game includes a special release for Christmas, Halloween, St. Patricks Day, Valentine's Day; As well as oriental, summer, Chinese, Japanese and other releases - sometimes with repeating themes.

Engri Bers Rio

The game was released in 2011, at the beginning of spring, and is based on the Animation film Rio, shot by the 20th century Fox.

Angry Birds Space.

This game released under the franchise of evil birds appeared in March 2012. It includes elements typical for previous versions Angry Birds, but contains several modified physics. Since the game comes between different planets, the gravity forces are in common in the game.

Angry Birds Star Wars

The game was released at the end of 2012. The plot of it is significantly intersecting with the classical series of films Star Wars.

Millions of people around the world help evil birds to defeat their enemies. Together with the games of Angry Birds, you can participate in all the adventures of brave pernate heroes, and do it right online and completely free!

Very ancient, but efficient to our time weapons. Although in our time the slingshots are increasingly used by children to defeat any goals. It looks like a weapon it is elementary simply, it is ordinary two sticks between what a rubber band is stretched. Here in this gum and ammunition are inserted, after which the rubber band is delayed as much as possible and due to the tension force they are shot by the ammunition. The slingshot is a very dangerous tool, with the wrong handling of this weapon, you can cause a serious injury to your comrade or neighbor. Street hooligans love to use slingshots for breaking down window sibs or lanterns that illuminated the streets. In addition to it, you can shoot in birds and even get, in principle, kill the bird with a slingshot may not work, but it all depends on the place of hit.

Slingshots can be made of various materials. The material of which created this tool determines its power and durability. Children in the courtyards make slingshots from the tree, choose the place where the branch branches into two uniform branches. As a gum use any rope that comes with hands. Slingshots that create on factories and specifically for orders can be created from a type of metal, more often use aluminum or iron. Aluminum slingshots are characterized by special ease and ease of use. In these slingshots, special gums are used, which have a good stretching and are able to start some kindle very far. Such slingshots can be used as gift souvenirs or even as a collectible copy, there are people who even collect this type of weapons.

As ammunition in slingshots, a variety of inventions can be used. Each such invention determines the degree of danger of this weapon. In the courtyards, children use conventional brackets, which are created from some soft metal - aluminum or copper. These brackets are very dangerous, because when you get to the human body, abandons and bruises leave, and if they fall into the eye, they can knock him out at all. In professional slingshots, some balls from light metal or plastics can be used. Such balls fly more equally unlike brackets and cause a damage of another nature.

In online slingshot games can be used as a weapon and way to launch some huge object. Sometimes you will need to run an animal or even a person, but there are games in which you will need to run yourself, for this your hero will be launched into a huge slingshot and gradually pulls it away. These funny Games It will make you laugh and here it is definitely not boring, on this play the slingshots better online than truly, because there is always a danger to someone's injury.

Apparently some games on the family it was written to be outstanding and the series of games of Angry Birds just belongs to their number. Invented evil birds Finnish developers from Rovio in 2009 and initially the gameplay was focused on mobile platforms with touch screen. In the Angry Games proposed to you Birds onlineThat we have collected in this section of our site, management is certainly carried out by the mouse. Any fan of evil birds, play online for free, in which he can easily directly in the beloved browser on our game site, can be attributed to lovers of destruction. After all, the entire gaming process with angry feathers is built on the destruction of building structures, which built the enemies of evil birds - green pigs.

Evil birds gameplay

In the game on the similarity of Angry Birds, the player uses a slingshot to run the feathery towards barricading pigs and far from the first time will be able to do so accurate shotSo that all opponents of evil birds were buried under the collapsed buildings. As the practice of Angry Birds online games shows, any level can be passed from one shot, but such a shot has a very low percentage of probability. Sometimes, playing the same level of evil birds, lacks all the available feathers and have to replay it again and again. If you do not have an iPhone device or phone with operating system Android, then the game evil birds you can play online for free right on our website. Some games with angry birds are practically complete copies of their mobile analogues. Others only have a remote similarity. However, the fan of a series of games about evil birds and green pigs will also be appreciated by those and others.

Variety of types of evil feathered

Playing free games about evil birds, you will come across several types of feathered, which caused the structures, erected by their opponents. A red bird is simple, which is a symbol of the game and having no special abilities except tweet. Blue Bird - able to disintegrate on three, which allows you to hit a decent square. The yellow triangular bird bird has the ability to accelerate in flight, which adds power to it for damage. Black birds can be used as explosives. White feathers drop eggs, like small bombers. In the new games of Angry Birds online you will come across with other types of feathered and their abilities will reveal already during gameplay or preliminary demonstration roller before the new level. Each type is effective for different types of designs - wood, glass, stone, iron and others, so choose the direction of flight and the collision of the desired bird with the design is thought thoughtfully, which is not replaying a level several times. We have on the site we tried to collect all the most significant versions of Angry Birds online - Angry Birds Rio, Angry Birds Seasons, Angry Birds Space and many others, so come, play and get the maximum pleasure from your favorite games about evil birds.