Godville is a game for inadequate people. Game score Godville

Short review ZRPG (Zero Player Game) on the example of the game "Godville"


This genre appeared relatively recently and initially did not receive much fame. The main idea in it is based on the fact that your game character- a completely independent person and does not need control "from above". Is that, in advice or an indication of the general vector of development.
Thus, the player assumes the role of an outside observer without the possibility of direct interference in the game. "Boring!" - you may say, but, oddly enough, there were so many people willing to "play without playing" that the ZRPG genre has firmly taken its place in the minds and hearts of users.
To the most famous games this genre includes "Progress Quest", "Godville" and "Fairy Tale"
The ambitious project, which was the first to occupy the niche of Russian-speaking ZRPGs, is now a classic of the genre.
The player is invited to try on the role of a god and acquire a kind of apostle - a hero who will develop completely independently, take and complete tasks, have pets, build a temple to his god and do other things that the player with pleasure or without it performs in the RPG.

It is noteworthy that the game was conceived as a continuous parody of, literally, everyone and everything. Therefore, the names of objects, cities, creatures, bosses, and even simple actions of the hero, about which he constantly reports to the player, are all allusions, jokes and references to famous games, books, films and personalities.
Like ordinary players, our hero has a character, and only you are responsible for what he will become in the future. Will your hero help the suffering and donate kidneys left and right, growing them with living water? Will he beat babies with pre-selected candy? Or will he be known as an inveterate indifference and will try to stay away from good and evil? All this will be on your conscience.
Your hero learns and develops in the image and likeness of his god, that is, you. And to influence the ward, you have only two options: "Do well" and "Do bad". Not only the instant result of using divine powers depends on your choice, but the character of your hero.

As such, you do not have a goal - this is a purely contemplative game. But as the hero develops, new opportunities will become available to him, which not so much expand the gameplay in front of you as open up new opportunities for fun. So play, watch and have fun!

Genre score
You don't need to have gaming skills. Relax and have fun.
Humor. Lots of humor. More humor.
Games in this genre are not just changeable - they are created by the ideas of the players themselves.
The mechanics of ZRPG require so few resources that you can enjoy the game even from the most fossil computers.

Boring. Unfortunately, no matter how many changes there are, sooner or later everything gets boring. In this case, as a rule, it is not the game that bothers you, but the whole genre.
The almost complete lack of activity of the player himself. On the other hand, you have been warned.

Game score Godville
All of the above and ...
Absolute game flexibility. You yourself determine the degree of your presence in the game world, although you cannot directly influence under any circumstances.
Simple and intuitive interface.
An original world, living according to its own rules and traditions.
Continuously expanding content.
The presence of a sane Viki, directly inscribed into the game and being its integral part. In the game itself, it is nicknamed Encyclobogia.

Music lovers will have to put something of their own in parallel with the game.
Sometimes, the heroes begin to do something completely unnecessary. For example, they leave the guild in which they have reached a high rank. And you still cannot influence it in any way.
The game is not addictive. As a rule, it remains at the "parallel with something active" level.

Both the entire genre, and specifically Godville, are perfect for those who seek to take a break from the constant intense fights and large-scale battles. Calmness, humor and a sense of your own divine greatness - what else is needed for pleasure?

Online game Godville

Free browser online game Godville is a representative of the rare genre ZPG (zero player game), where the player is not even required to directly participate in the life of the character.

Have you dreamed of becoming a god? Who wouldn't want a comfortable heated throne with lots of soft pillows? And also sip on viscous nectar, listen to the play of a sweet-voiced harp and periodically go out into the blooming Garden of Eden? Do not worry, you will only dream of peace now!

You create your own ward - an unlucky vagabond with a neutral character, without equipment, penniless and, apparently, without a drop of a sense of self-preservation. As soon as he turns his back, the hero immediately squanders money in a tavern, fights with a terrible monster (and, of course, is defeated), allows himself to be deceived by some seller ... In general, he leads a riotous life. So you can't do without your divine intervention. We treat a weakened ward who has entered the arena with herbs and wonderful rain, we encourage him in every possible way, but as soon as he goes along the slanting path, we scare him with lightning.

Rare genre Online Games Godville allows you to observe the actions of the character, which are recorded in his diary. Thanks to the prano-remote control, you can give certain commands to your ward, encourage his actions, or vice versa - show your displeasure. In this masterpiece madness, your character will master the skills of "the grace of a hippopotamus" or "childish surprise", arm himself with a cat-control unit, fight with a scarecrow and tame the ceiling lamp-blast.

Feel like a god!

It's about the browser game Godville. This game, frankly speaking, is unusual, if only because you don't actually need to play it (i.e. you don't have to do almost anything in it).

Previously, I could sit for hours, and sometimes for days, staring at the monitor and playing computer games... I went through some of the igroprom creations several times (Age of Empires 2, Quake 3: Arena, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Fable, StarCraft, Disciples 2, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and many others) and about each of them separately it would be possible to write a separate note, but now we are not talking about them.

GodVille is completely different from all these games. In it you do not have to jump, run, solve puzzles, etc. You will need to sit in front of the monitor in an easy chair and observe what is happening on the screen, occasionally interfering with game process... Actually in the game there is no beautiful graphics(there are only letters and numbers), no music or any sounds, no gameplay in the usual sense, no ... In general, let's move on to what it has, and this: humor, jokes and various ridiculous.

Now to the heart of the game. You act in the role of a deity and you are given a hero to look after. Your hero will travel to various places with funny names (Pustosvyatovo, Bolshie Boduny, Yomayovo, etc.) and fight no less funny monsters and monsters (Abracadabr, Cthulhuloid Lovecraftoid, Poloskuns Raccoon), as well as with other heroes. Gradually, increasing the levels, your hero will acquire all sorts of goodies (new armor, weapons, pet, skills, friends, rank in the guild) and over time you can even take a high place in one of the Pantheons (of which 14).

There are several ways to influence the hero: you can "Do it well" or "Do it badly" (provided that you have enough prana, which is restored over time after the prayers of your hero or after you charge it yourself), or you can order him to do something by writing directions. But in the second case, your hero is unlikely to understand what you want from him (as a rule, it reaches him 5-8 times).

The main goal of the game is to build a temple in your honor, and this process is very long. You can speed it up by fighting in the arena and by defeating other heroes, for which you will receive bricks, from which your hero will build a temple. In general, the game has a lot more interesting things (for an amateur, of course), so it's better to see once than hear a hundred times. By the way, if everything is great with humor, then you can contribute to this game by inventing and adding your own creativity to it.

Now a few numbers, by example. In more than 2 months, my hero ZloyIchigo reached level 23 and collected 7% of the necessary bricks for the temple, and also killed about 9000 monsters. From these numbers it becomes clear how long it will take me to build the temple.

The game is constantly being improved, something new appears in it, and the unclaimed, on the contrary, disappears. There is no limit to human imagination, so the game can be improved endlessly and it pleases.

The main plus GodVille games the fact that you do not need to sit in it for hours, it is enough to look into it once or twice a day. And the rest of the time you can spend on something more important.

After all, the Internet is a very funny thing. In addition to being the largest information dump in the world, the World Wide Web can also be considered a portal to other dimensions. No, this is not about mysticism and magic - although, about them too. In all honesty, it should be said that there are a lot of online games (especially fantasy-themed ones). So much so that even such a giant as World of Warcraft slowly began to lose ground, reluctantly giving way to assertive newcomers, promising and not very promising. So much so that from all this variety of names and worlds it is already dazzling in the eyes, and the next runner-cutters with elves, orcs, gnomes and other fantasy animals have already managed to set the teeth on edge.

A couple of enthusiastic developers, who were tired of this endless kaleidoscope, once thought about this. And they decided to create a game Godville.net (Godville). Yes, not just a game, but Zero Player Game, in which the player, taking on the role of God, only creates his character, but does not control him. Well, and, since it comes to that, dashingly go through all the cliches, patterns and stereotypes role-playing games and not only online. And so the Abode of the Gods - Godville - was born.

If you haven't figured it out yet, then Godville is text game with elements of the PRG genre, but with many of its own nuances. It is necessary to delve into this world gradually, slowly, and not everyone will understand it. The complete lack of graphics, I think, will immediately scare off many. Although the loyal public very warmly accepted this text ZPG, the main pillars of which are unrestrained banter over everything and everyone. This is approximately how it looks game world games (clickable).

Godville has guilds, cities, battles with monsters, quests, trophies, duels, etc. On godville.net you will find a game newspaper with various interesting reading materials (there is a Godville crossword puzzle), as well as a link to an encyclopedia containing all information about the game (in the style of Wiki).

Mobile app for Godville

You can watch your hero not only through the browser, but also using mobile app, which very skillfully transfers all this hotbed of positive role-playing to smartphones and tablets. The developers did their best on this application, because they succeeded in the seemingly impossible - just two megabytes fit a whole site, stuffed with a whole lot of java scripts responsible for the presence of a great and merciless randomness. You can find it in iTunes and Google Play. There is also a client for Windows Phone.

Of course, the application allows you to enjoy the adventures of the hero, "created in the image and likeness", only if you have an Internet connection - it's still an online game! But at the same time, the main site scripts were fully transferred to the application. Due to this, instant synchronization with the source site occurs, which has the best effect on the performance of the application.

The mobile Godville also has a pretty nice color scheme - just like on the original game site, you can choose a color scheme for every taste. Speaking further about the design, one cannot fail to note its ergonomics - all the necessary character screens are within walking distance; you just need to scroll to the desired tab to go to the hero's inventory or to the Divine Intervention Panel.

There is also a built-in browser that allows you to navigate to the Encyclobogia - the local counterpart to Wikipedia - and other Godville online services. It would not be superfluous to notice that the game is constantly being updated, and the news of the next update can be obtained without even going to Google Play or the AppStore - the application itself will notify about the next update and offer to read about what new has been introduced this time to mobile Godville.

To put it in one word about the application, the word will be “delicious”. This is really a very "tasty" application that allows you to play your favorite online ZPG anywhere, anytime. And the number of Godville fans, thanks to him, continues to grow. And the truth is, who will pass by the game in which the player is required only one thing - to sit, read everything that happens to the unlucky hero, and tear his stomach with laughter!

The game is in Zero Playing mode, which means that your character develops independently of you. He simply exists, lives his own life, and you, from the height of your divine cloud (yes, you are playing here the role of a god who has only one single admirer!) Can only bring a small amount of positive or negative into his life. That is why many people say that Godville is a game for inadequate people. We'll put it more simply - this is a wonderful way to kill some free time for those who have very little time. Here's a paradox.

Once you start playing Godville, you will not be able to stop, at least our employees still have not succeeded. Our entire editorial team joined the same clan, and from time to time we go to look at our heroes, send out a couple of lightning bolts, or shower them with heavenly manna. And, of course, neighing. After all, the world of Godville is filled with humor, sarcasm, and a bunch of gags that await the characters on their difficult life path.

Godville is a game for inadequate people

Heroes (the characters you created as a god and who spoil your life at times) are incredibly stupid creatures, and they have only one thing on their minds. Chop as many monsters as possible into cabbage, collect trophies from them, and drink in the nearest tavern. These mundane dreams are sometimes interrupted by you sending your ablotus another voice, in the hope of somehow reasoning the mindless creature, and making him do at least something useful for society. However, the voices do not always reach the consciousness clouded with alcohol. And this is not the worst thing. It is more terrible when the voices do not reach completely, in the manner of a deaf telephone - in this case ablotus will go and do some dirty trick, piously believing that his Great, or Great, ordered him to do this.

Special attention should be paid to trophies and monsters. In the vastness of this game there are no boring orcs, ogres, Klingons, zerg, and other fantastic creatures. But here in abundance there are evil nonsenses, Pocheshir cats, puffs, grunting zelyuki, and other pretty guys, from which a bundle of nerves, tea "Not small too", or vanilla bullshit may well fall out (as a loot). In fact, the list of monsters and items is huge, because it is replenished daily by the players themselves.

Playing Godville is very simple. You see only the text in front of you - these are the entries of your hero in the diary, which he keeps constantly. In the diary, the hero describes his adventures, and what he is doing at a given moment in time, here and now. You have two buttons "Do Bad" and "Do Good". By clicking on each of them, you carry out the corresponding effect on the hero. But remember that it will be random, and may well lead to exactly the opposite consequences. For example, when you press "Make it good", the hero can fall asleep with fluffy bunnies, and on "Make it bad" - your formidable lightning will sweep past and jump right at his opponent.

The main goal of the game at first is to accumulate a thousand gold bricks. After that, your hero will build a temple in your honor, and will be able to worship you, and you, in response, will work miracles (a third button will appear with the name "Make a miracle"). Miracles a) have one hundred percent random positive impact on the hero, or on the situation around him, and b) glorify your name among the people of Godville. After the temple is completed, the hero begins to collect wood to build the ark. When the ark is ready, the collection of monsters will begin, each creature in pairs. So, you and your ablotus, for the next five years, fun is assured. And there, who knows, maybe the Demiurges will invent something else.

Godville secret voices

The legend that in the game Godville, serket voices still exist, goes only among novice players trying to curb the fantasy of the Demiurges, the stupidity of the characters, and the unyielding will of the Great Random from the height of the divine heavens. In fact, there are no secrets here, and there cannot be. Not a single voice is able to give one hundred percent result, and make your heroic hero do exactly what you need. No. If he wants, he will do, but if he does not want to, he will act according to his own understanding. But this is precisely the beauty of Zero Playing.

As for useful voices in Godville, here are the main ones.

Voices that make the hero dig, for example, are very useful - if he obeys, ablotus will be able to dig up a gold brick (which is used to build a temple), or a bold trophy (such items are highlighted in bold type in the inventory, and when sold are much more expensive than others), or an underground boss monster (for killing it, the hero will be given a lot of experience). In order for the character to start digging the ground, it is necessary to use phrases containing the words "dig", "search", "search", "find", and other similar roots, and the words "gold" and "brick" also help. For example:

Dig the ground, look for the golden brick!
Find gold, dig right here!

A second useful category of voices are those forcing diligence in combat. Fights in Godville can take place both in the ring (in the arena) and outside (during travel, exploring dungeons, etc.). With the help of voices, you can remind the hero that it is time to drink green stuff, and get medical treatment, or to cheer up your fighter so that he hits harder. For example:

Get treatment soon, or you will die!
Roundhouse kick him!

The third category is voices that force you to craft something. You can craft one trophy from the other two if both original trophies are named after the same letter. Usually, this process does not make sense, as the resulting item will almost certainly turn out to be as useless as the two old ones. But sometimes quite fat things turn out for themselves, and in any case, it's cool, especially for inadequate people. To craft two trophies in Godville, you need to say something like the following:

Connect b shot glasses and b ratan encyclopedia!

To force the hero to go to the nearest city, you need to tell him about it:

Go back to the city (here you can add a name and check if it works or not?)!

In order to gain some experience, and get closer to the end of the current quest, use the word "think", "teach", or "read", and it does not matter in what context.

Read Anna Karenina, learn the letters!
Think before you speak!

We hope this article will help you at least a little to understand the twists and turns of a new browser toy for you. After all, Godville is a source of positive and good mood for each of his players!