Linguistic games as a means of developing communication in preschoolers. Linguistic studies of language games Linguistic games for children

Mastery of words as a tool of communication is an invaluable skill, and it is laid and developed from childhood. The more words a child has in his vocabulary, the easier it is for him to establish contact with people, to become familiar with the spiritual values ​​of humanity through books, to receive information and to explore the world.

Games with words are interesting and useful because they activate vocabulary, replenish it, discover new sides of seemingly familiar combinations of letters and sounds, and teach observation skills. Such tasks can be used in lesson mode (both for intellectual exercise and methodically connecting with the material being studied). For example, at the beginning of the lesson the game “Auction of Synonyms” is played. Words are written on the board: army, limitless, shine, fight, fight, fear, storm, fast, object, hot, cruel, news, interesting, beautiful, scream, small, ugly, misfortune, bad, durable, talk, brave, disturb , smart, tired.

The circle members are divided into two teams and choose a captain. The presenter names the words and gives a word to each of the teams in turn (slowly counting to ten). During this time, the team must have time to find a synonym for the named word; then the right to answer passes to the other team, which also names a synonym for the word. And so work on the word continues until one of the teams names the last synonym for the word.

For each correctly named synonym, the team receives one point. If the named word is not a synonym for the given word, then the answer to the command is not counted. And if, within the allotted time, the team did not manage to name the synonym correctly, then it receives a penalty point. Then the results of the game are summed up: the total number of points received by each team is calculated.

To deepen the concept of antonyms, to show their stylistic role in speech - this is the goal of the lesson.

Students are offered the game “Look, don’t make a mistake!” The game develops attention and teaches you to quickly select antonyms for words. In addition, during the game, schoolchildren become convinced that not all words have antonymous pairs. The participants of the game are divided into two teams and sit in a semicircle. The presenter names words that have antonyms and words that do not. In the first case, the students raise their hands, the leader asks one of the students, and he gives the antonym for this word. If the answer is given correctly, the team gets a point. Team members answer in turns. If the word does not have an antonym, you should not raise your hands. If any team member raises their hand, the team is penalized (one point is deducted).

Words for the game:

Big (small), a lot (little), glass, high (low), camel, floor, cheerful (sad), house, good (bad), clock, tea, end (beginning), light (dark), chalk, me , long (short), you, deep (shallow), he, this, left (right), head, first (last), we, upper (lower), sharp (dull), you, iron, two, white (black ), tenth, wet (dry), who, sweet (bitter), hundred, tram, stingy (generous), trolleybus, Igor, brave (cowardly), Volga, smart (stupid), which, clean (dirty), he, golden, hand, dear (cheap), mountain, laugh (cry), rejoice (sad), plane, say hello (goodbye), raise (lower), east, water, heat (cool), apple, eyes, labor (idleness) , song, truth (lie), peace (war), freedom (slavery), noise (silence), iron, black (white), blue, ice, friend (foe), right (wrong), humane (inhuman).

The lesson can begin with checking the “linguistic health” of schoolchildren. Students are given the task of creating phrases like “adjective + noun” with the following words: mouse, tulle, roofing felt, shampoo, callus, path, flannel, overcoat, piano, potato, surname, queue, shoe, vestibule.

With the help of this task, students’ ability to correctly use nouns of different genders in speech is improved. Then students are asked to place stress in the following words: agent, alphabet, watermelon, nap, anger, nettle, hyphen, document, quarter, belt, combiner, rubber, whooping cough, store, hatred, parterre, call, paralysis, belt, silo, convocation , symmetry, case, carpenter, freak, decoration, porcelain, cement, gypsy, sorrel.

In order to activate the vocabulary of schoolchildren, a vocabulary dictation - a crossword puzzle - can be conducted.

1. Completion, the end of something (final). 2. Drawing of winnings in a loan or lottery (draw). 3. Memento (souvenir), etc.

At the final stage, the game “Spelling Lotto” can be played in order to repeat some of the rules for spelling nouns.

The essence of the game is as follows. Letters are written on the cards to indicate certain spellings. The teacher or one of the students says out loud phrases or short sentences that contain the corresponding spelling. Students find the letters on the cards that represent these spellings and cover them with counters (round or rectangular pieces of cardboard). When all the cells of the table are covered with chips, students raise their hands. This means the game is over.

Game “Who knows the cases better?” Students sit in a semicircle, each chooses a case and pins the corresponding letter on their chest: I, R, D, V, T, P. The leader slowly reads sentences or a connected text, and the participants in the game, having heard the word in the case they need, stand up and explain, how they determined the case. If the answer is correct, the answerer gets a point; if the answer is incorrect, the point is deducted. The student is also fined for not standing up while the word in the required case has already been spoken. A student who scores three penalty points is eliminated from the game. The one who scores the most points wins.


Task 1. The third wheel.

From a group of words, cross out one that is not related to the other two.

Water, driver, flood.

Drawing, rice, sketch.

Highlander, mountainous, mountainous.

Stretcher, big nose, tray.

Mountain, burn, tanned.

Table, table, century.

Answers. Driver, rice, grief, big-nosed, mountain, century.

Task 2. Tables.

The free cells of the rectangle must be filled with letters so that in each horizontal row you get a common noun in the singular, nominative case.



Answers. 1) Trough, cornet, king, cinnamon, crown...; 2) candle, change, stage, tear...

Task 3. Do you want a prize?

Remember the words in which the word prize is “built in”. For example, whim.

Answers. Gratitude, sign, illusoryness, sign, capricious...

Task 4. Anagrams.

Anagrams are words that differ from each other only in the order of the letters they contain, for example, bush - knock.

Make chains of two to four anagram words:

Clown, mole, pressure, paradox, spaniel.

Answers. Clown - slope - cleaver - pendant; mole - court...

Task 5. Metagrams.

Metagrams are words created by replacing one letter with another.

Complete a chain of transformations, changing only one letter at each move. All intermediate words must be meaningful, for example: Mom - Lama - LaPa - Papa.

Wolf...goat; hour...year;

dough...bun; fly...elephant;


Task 6. Pseudo-anagrams.

Recover words in which the letters are rearranged.






Answers. Foam, moon, flag, awl, bark...

Task 7. Palindromes.

Make up words and phrases that read the same from left to right and from right to left.

Possible answers: pop, cook, grandfather, hut, Argentina beckons a black man, I eat a snake, he eats hay, we know even the hedgehog has NZ at home, I’ll be at the oak tree, I’ll wait a year, there’s milk around Misha, Olesya is having fun, but the belt is no measure, look taxi, right there...

Task 8. Magic square.

Arrange the letters in the free cells of the square so that the same words are written in columns and rows with the same numbers.

Answers. 1) Hand, pattern, bark, Arab; 2) peat, donkey, turnip, flag.

Task 9. Test.

Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second. For example, custom.

me()lad; y()ova;

fornik(); hor()lad;

zhel()syn; na()nya;

there(); za()ets;

you()at; svir()nik;

dra()ura; kar()na;

kish()ey; by()atka;

kar()emets; am()ak;

you()amida; go()cat;

vos()ar; vok()ar;

wok()hedgehog; forge();

by() outflow; cab()eye.


Me(shock)olad; u(goal)ova;

for(el)nik; gore(shock)olad;

Zhel(tok)syn; on (relatives);

There(bur)ka; for (fight)ets;

Vam(pyr)amide; go(boy)cat;

Vos(tok)ar; wok (hall) eat;

Kow(boy)nya; by(mol)outflow;

Cab(bow)eye; you(pir)at;

Svir(el)nik; dra(kon)ura;

Kar(ton)na; quiche(lac)ey;

Po(horn)atka; card (ace) German;


Task 11. Find the word.

Solve the following problems using the example key.

Separate the fruit from the plant: SOSHISNSHAKA.

Solution: by crossing out the letters of the word cone, we get a pine plant. Other problems are solved in the same way.

1) Remove your clothes and find a coin. DSARRAAHFMANA.

2) What kind of relatives are there? LET'S WEAVE TUNNNRIAC.

3) Where was the little boy kicked out from? SHNEKOZNLAYKA.

4) Find numbers that are multiples of two. CHEVTOSYERMYE.

5) Name the day of the week and month. ASRVGEDUAST.

6) What grades does the careless student have? DLOVDYOYRKYI.

7) Who is knocking on my door? ADDITIONAL

8) Find out the flower in the armful. BFLUKOECTS.

9) Who ate all the cheese? SEMYRSHAKYA.

Answers. 1) Drachma - sundress; 2) sister - nephew; 3) school - dunno; 4) four - eight; 5) August - Wednesday; 6) twos - a quitter; 7) kind postman; 8) bouquet - phlox; 9) gray mouse.


B.T. Panov. "Extracurricular activities in the Russian language."

Lyudmila Borisenko
Linguistic games, as a means of developing communication among preschoolers

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of compensatory type d./s. No. 22 “Why”

"Linguistic games as a means of developing communication in preschoolers"


Borisenko Lyudmila Viktorovna

Sayanogorsk 2012

The game accepts everyone

Words words words

Everything has a name -

Both the beast and the object,

Things around are full - full

And there are no nameless ones!

And all that the eye can see

Above us and below us

And everything that is in our memory

Signified by words.

They are heard here and there,

On the street and at home:

One thing has long been familiar to us,

The other is unknown...

Language is both old and eternally new!

And it's so beautiful -

In a huge sea - a sea of ​​words -

Swim every hour!

A. Shibaev

Games for 2ml. gr.

"Different words."

This game, in all its diversity and variability, allows the child to see the “similarity” of a wide variety of objects, objects, and phenomena to each other, promotes the development of observation and the ability to cognize the multifaceted essence of the surrounding reality.

For example:

“dog” - big, shaggy, kind, cheerful, hunting, old, etc.

And vice versa, a noun is selected for the original adjective word.

For example:

“green” - tomato, grass, spruce, house, etc.

Poetic works can serve as an emotionally attractive basis and incentive to participate in the game.

What words are there?

There is a sweet word - candy. There is a word stubborn - goal.

There is a quick word - rocket. There is a green word - spruce.

There is a sour word - lemon. There is a book word - page.

There is a word with a window - carriage. There is a forest word - tit.

There is a prickly word - hedgehog. There is a fluffy word - snow.

There is a word for wet - rain. There is a cheerful word - laughter.

M. Plyatskovsky


The goal of the game is to recognize a subject or object by a group of adjectives, epithets or a group of action words. The words offered as initial support should be related to the child’s sensory and practical experience. For example, “green, curly, slender, white-trunked” - birch; “sparkles, warms the earth, disperses darkness” - the sun.

Games with words need to be gradually made more difficult, not only increasing the child’s vocabulary, but also training his ability to easily find the right word. In order for a child to “scoop out” the necessary word from memory without much difficulty, it is necessary to diversify the game options (“What happens?”, “What does it do?”). In the future, the main rule of such games becomes the absence of repetitions.

Games for Wed. gr.

"Chain of words."

This game is used with middle age children preschool age and is carried out mainly in the verbal version, since it can be quite difficult to predict children’s answers and quickly select corresponding pictures for them. The essence of the game is to select words - nouns and adjectives, which in their combination characterize an object with similar qualitative characteristics (cold - wind, ice cream, water; wet - clothes, hair, paper, asphalt; cannot swim - brick, earth, screw and so on.). That is, children make up a kind of “train” of words, where the word-cars are connected to each other.

For example, the original word is “cat”.

What kind of cat is there?

Fluffy, affectionate, colorful...

What else comes in different colors?

Rainbow, dress, TV...

What else could a dress be?

Silk, new, straight...

What else could be direct?

Line, road, look...etc.

"Who's doing what".

This game enriches children's vocabulary with words-actions (verbs) and allows not only to activate monologue speech, but also the expressiveness of non-verbal (non-speech) means of influencing listeners. Within this option, there are several ways to organize the game action.

a) To play, you need a set of object pictures (picture, hammer, umbrella, watch, cat, dog, ball of thread, newspaper, etc.). Children are shown pictures (one at a time) and asked questions: “What can you do with this? What is it for?" You can do the following: ask questions reflecting the specific use of the object, and the children point to one or another picture.

For example: “What can you hang on the wall? Where can you hide from the rain? Who guards the house? What can you read? How to hammer nails? How to find out what time it is? Who catches mice?

b) With older preschoolers, the game can be played without a visual basis. The presenter names an object, a phenomenon, an object, and the players take turns calling the action performed by this object and a noun word for the next player.

For example, the presenter says: “Car.” The child answers: “He’s going.” Artist". Next player: “Draws. Hand”, etc. Later, several verbs are invented for one noun word.

For example, “wind” howls, raises dust, tears off leaves, inflates a sail, refreshes, disperses clouds, etc.

c) The game can be complicated through the use of non-verbal means of expression: gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes. The children's task is to name the activity based on one or more actions.

For example, an adult raises both hands - this action can mean lifting an object, hanging laundry on a line, etc.

"It flies - it doesn't fly."

This game helps to enrich children's vocabulary, develops observation, attention, and develops the ability to verbally formulate comparison results.

It is easy to organize and accessible to children of any age. It is based on elementary forms of comparison (based on one criterion, comparisons, using which you can come up with a wide variety of options: for example, “swims - does not swim”, “draws - does not draw”, “grows - does not grow”, etc. .

What is the difference

What is the difference between sprat and river,

What is the difference between a stable and a sheep?

What is the difference between a cook and a dinner -

It's so interesting and necessary to ask.

Meticulous old man

The old man was meticulous, but pleasant to the taste.

He came up and asked: - Or rather?

What are potatoes? - More precisely,

Small orange. tanned watermelon,

Or more precisely? buried in the ground

More precisely, because it’s hot.

hippopotamus without a tail, - Or rather?

without ears and without neck, - More precisely,

without teeth and without a mouth, it's time for me to have lunch.

very very lazy

G. Kruzhkov.

Games for Art. gr.

"Drawings in a circle."

This game requires the participation of at least 3-5 children. Each child receives a blank sheet of paper and a simple pencil. At a signal from an adult, children begin to draw. After 1-2 minutes, a conditioned signal is given, and each child passes his sheet to the child sitting to his right. Having received the started drawing from a neighbor, the child continues it for 1-2 minutes and again passes it on at a signal. And so on several times (depending on the number of participants in the game, until the sheet on which he first began to draw is returned to him. You can talk with the children about what their original plan was, and how it changed along the way games. Not only drawings, but also collages can be made in a “circular” way, which, in turn, serve as an excellent support for inventing fables, fantastic stories and other products of children's literary creativity.

"I want to draw."

Each of the participants in the game takes turns communicating the idea of ​​the picture that he would like to draw, and the adult tries to combine everything said into a single plot. For example, one child says that he would like to draw an aquarium, another - a bear, a third - a rocket, etc. The adult generalizes: “We draw an aquarium in which bears live, rockets fly and ....” As they draw, children can make additions to their drawing, detailing objects (a bear wearing a diving mask and fins, etc.). Usually such drawing is accompanied by children's laughter and the writing of funny stories.

"Funny pictures".

To organize the game, you need a set of pictures, illustrations or postcards (at least 20 pieces) of both subject and plot content. The essence of the game is as follows: pictures are laid out one after another (one at a time) in a completely meaningless order, but at the same time they try to connect the content (image) of each subsequent one with the previous one in such a way as to create a story, a fairy tale or a story. After the literary work is completed, the pictures are collected and mixed thoroughly. The children’s task is to consistently and as accurately as possible reconstruct the entire work invented from the pictures.

You can also use the so-called “express” table as a support for composing stories. It is compiled as follows: a sheet of paper is drawn into 20 squares. Children name any words in turn, and the adult records each word in a separate square using the appropriate picture. When the table is completely filled out, you can begin to compose stories in which each subsequent picture acts as a starting point, but a connecting link in inventing subsequent plot events. In the future, children can independently compose such supports and exchange them with each other, composing stories based on the tables of their playing partners and peers.

"Color Stories".

This game also has the goal of developing children's literary creativity. Unlike the previous game, as an initial visual material, children are offered a strip of paper consisting of 8-10 squares of different colors, arranged in two rows, on the basis of which a story or fairy tale is actually invented. The game proceeds as follows: children are presented with a colored strip, point to the uppermost square and ask: “What does it look like? What color is this? Based on the child's answer, the adult comes up with the first sentence, and all the rest are composed by the children based on the associations of each subsequent colored square with the realities of the world around them.

For example, children are presented with a strip consisting of: 1 (top) row - green, blue, yellow, white squares; 2 (bottom) row – brown, red, orange, purple squares. The work might look like this: “The green forest rustled its leaves welcomingly. The blue sky above the forest was clean and transparent, and the dazzlingly bright yellow sun warmed everyone who came under its rays with its warmth. A forest bird is perched on a white birch branch. Having cleaned her brown wings, she sang cheerfully, welcoming the new day. The forest inhabitants greeted her singing with approval: the strawberries turned their red heads towards the sun; the orange little fox sisters chattered together, telling each other their dreams; the beetle spread its purple wings and flew off on business. The forest was filled with sounds, and a new day began.” To complicate the game, it makes sense to invite the child to rely on the association of color with mood and situation in the process of creating a literary work.

Games for preparation gr.

"Guess the mood."

First, children are introduced to various emotional states and analyzed means of expression that allow others to correctly understand them. Then various situations are proposed for which it is necessary to select the most appropriate mood, state, feeling. For example, the situation “lost in the forest” - what mood, feeling arises immediately (sadness, fear, fright); what quality of a person is most useful in a given situation (decisiveness, resourcefulness, courage, etc.).

In this game you can use any means of expression (facial expressions, gestures, pantomimes). For example, invite the children to display a certain gesture (“Stay still!”, “I’m afraid”, “You can’t do this”, “Come with me”, “Hello!”, “See you soon”, “Who did this?”, “Let’s make peace”, “I’m afraid”, etc.) and choose a picture (or express it facially, corresponding to the partner’s emotional reaction to this gesture. Or show with parts of the body (shoulders, body, arms, head, nose, ears, eyes) certain states: “I’m proud”, “I’m the strongest”, “No”, “I don’t like this”, “I really love these candies”, “I see a rainbow in the sky”, “I’m hiding”, “Where are you?” "etc.

The range of human feelings is very wide and children can master it with the help of the magic word “as if,” which has a special magical appeal for them. It is in the proposed circumstances that, as K. S. Stanislavsky believed, lies a powerful creative impulse. Offer the children the following tasks:

a) pass a book to each other as if it were a bomb, a brick, a crystal vase, a flower;

b) take a thread from the table as if it were a snake, beaded beads, a hot baked potato, a fidgety grasshopper;

c) walk along the chalk line as if it were a rope, a wide road, a narrow path or a narrow bridge over a river;

d) walk along a “seemingly” crowded street, like a soldier, like a very old man whose shoes are too tight, like a ballerina, like a fashion model, like a “nerd,” like a person who carries a heavy burden.

Empathic ability is important not only in communication between people, it plays a special role in literary creativity, is a kind of exponent of the author's style, and serves as an indicator of the originality of the work.


The author of this game, Lucio Lombardo Rodice, called it “The Guessing Game.” He wrote about it like this: “This is one of the most fruitful and useful games from the point of view of intelligence and the accumulation of cultural baggage.” Indeed, this game is more than just a way of guessing. This is the main method of human intellectual activity, the ability to classify and combine experience data into a concept. During the game, children master the ability to ask questions, hone their wording, and enrich their speech practice. The atmosphere of the game is always filled with mystery and humor. The rules of the game are quite simple: one of the players conceives something or someone, and the other participants in the game, using questions to which they can answer either “Yes” or “No,” try to determine what they have planned. You can illustrate with the help of a poem that adults read by role:

I made a wish for an object.

Is this a watering can?

Not a watering can?

It's a cat?

Is this a midge?

Maybe a button?

So there's a traffic jam!

I can't find the answer.

After reading, you can ask the children: “Guys, why do you think they couldn’t guess the object? How to ask questions so that, without guessing and going over different names, guess what’s in store?” - and analyze with them examples of the correct formulation of questions. For example, the word “grandmother” is guessed.

Question answer:

Is the item alive? - Yes.

This animal? - No.

Is this a plant? - No.

Is this a person? - Yes.

Man? - No.

Lives in our city? - Yes.

Lives with you? - Yes.

It's your sister? - No.

Mother? - No.

Grandmother? - Yes.

The content becomes more complex - the objects being guessed, the situations may be endowed with contradictory characteristics; “Yes-no” is invented by the children themselves.


This game has several varieties, the course of which is always accompanied by a special emotional state of children - the child “gets used to” the role of an adult and explains, clarifies, shares his knowledge, and therefore is full of confidence and self-esteem. But he doesn’t speak “the way it should be,” not according to a scheme, but as he himself understands it. Explaining the essence of the objective world to others is very interesting to a child. A child will explain the meaning of a particular word, concept, purpose (function) of an object with pleasure and more confidence only when there is an immediate need for this, which is not difficult to create by including real or game character, interested in a detailed explanation. An adult may well “temporarily” become an alien or Dunno, who wants to know and be able to do everything, or a forest, fairy-tale resident, to whom many things in the city are a wonder, because he sees it for the first time in his life.

This is how children explain the meaning of some words:

A museum is a place where people go to see paintings, a new exhibition, learn about many things and have fun.

A cloud is fluffy, soft air, like a pillow, which often changes its shape. This is a part of the sky that is difficult to see at night if there are no stars and moon, but you can guess that it is at the top.

In the future, children are involved in the interpretation of various actions and their results. This practice not only expands the child’s speech range, but also allows him to comprehend the behavior of others and his own, enriches the experience of social interaction, and contributes to the formation of realistic self-esteem. First, literary works are used as analytical material (M. Gorky “Sparrow”, V. Oseeva “Blue Leaves”, “The Magic Word”, etc., and then move on to explaining the qualities, emotional states of a person, his actions that children encounter directly in real life.

We wish you success!

And then the game ended...

We have to close the book.

But we hope that with her

You have become a little smarter -

You learned a lot of funny words

And a lot of stuff.

And if you remember them -

Your day is not wasted!

Manage to save this valuable treasure!

We don't say goodbye, see you again!

B. Zakhoder.


1. Belobrykina O. A. Speech and communication. A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”. 1998

We communicate using words. Words describe all our feelings, the surrounding nature and everything created by human hands.

The word is a very gentle creature. Replacing, adding or subtracting one letter can completely change the meaning of a word. Words, like people, are born, live and die. But there are long-lived words that live for thousands of years (bread, water, air).

Even in early childhood, as soon as we learn to speak, we begin to change existing words and invent new ones.

At GOU Secondary School No. 832 of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, the curriculum includes a number of non-standard academic subjects aimed at studying the word: linguistics, literacy courses, rhetoric. To form a modern linguistic personality, the lessons in the Russian language school course that are included in the program are not enough. True mastery of a language consists of more than just mastering spelling, punctuation, etc. Schools should develop in children an attitude towards human language as universal tool and the object of knowledge. The linguistics course, introduced several years ago, is designed to teach children to compare, analyze linguistic facts, and develop interest in language. Linguistics lessons are taught at our school in gymnasium grades 5-7; in grades 8-9 there is a creative laboratory “Linguist”, designed to support the project and research activities of students.

In these lessons, I often introduce word games to the children. These can be crosswords, chainwords, squares, linewords related to philological work, tasks on searching and constructing words. They contain a large amount of vocabulary and fragments of works of art. They illustrate the richness and possibilities of the Russian language. The vocabulary of such exercises is very diverse. Such different linguistic material contributes to successful mastery of words and an increase in literacy levels.

In linguistics lessons I pay special attention to problem solving. Precisely tasks, because, unlike various kinds exercises and tasks, it needs to be solved, i.e. the answer does not lie on the surface, but is achieved as a result of certain logical operations, while the solver can prove the correctness of the answer. The self-sufficiency of the problem is manifested in the fact that all the material necessary to solve it is contained in the condition and the solver is not required to have special knowledge or training. The linguistic task thus embodies the principle of problem-based learning, modeling in simplified conditions many elements of students’ creative activity. Students solving problems become familiar with the methods of analyzing linguistic material used in linguistics and independently “discover” many linguistic concepts, such as phoneme, morpheme, agreement and many others, although special terms are not used in the problem material itself.

Another feature of the tasks is also very important: they introduce students to a wide range of linguistic phenomena belonging to a variety of languages. Such tasks reflect the connection between linguistics and other sciences, for example, mathematics.

Problems on Russian language phenomena represent a special type. In addition to the data explicitly contained in the condition, the solver can use the information that he has as a native speaker.

Such phenomena allow us to gradually, sometimes unconsciously, solve a number of pedagogical problems:

  • Develop skills and abilities to work with words, identify their meanings, look for the necessary concepts, determine spelling patterns, make anagrams, etc.;
  • Actively expand the vocabulary of schoolchildren; actively use new vocabulary;
  • Raise the level of culture of thinking and speech culture;
  • Turn to literary works and thereby repeat material on literature and world artistic culture;
  • Develop skills and the need to use explanatory and other dictionaries;
  • Learn to clearly define specific goals in each case when solving a problem;
  • To develop a taste for working with words, passion for solving intellectual problems, the ability to persevere in overcoming difficulties and not leave things unfinished.

I widely use such linguistic material in extracurricular activities when organizing quizzes, competitions, KVN, as well as in the above lessons. These engaging activities are age-appropriate and will arouse and maintain interest in the subject.

I will give examples of such tasks (various sources were used in their development: Alexandrova G.V. Entertaining Russian language. A fun textbook, 1998; Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Zepalova T.S. Develop the gift of speech, 1990; Rakov V.I. Philological crosswords and tasks, 2006; Zhurinsky A.N. Linguistics in tasks, 1995). The lesson topics below correspond to the thematic planning of the “Linguistics in Secondary School” program (

Fun questions that can be used in lessons on the topic “Homonyms”

Assignment: Answer the questions

  1. What line can't any scientist read? ( Line, stitched on a typewriter).
  2. Which forest never has leaves? ( Bor- chemical element).
  3. Is all steam capable of rising? (Can't get up steam- arable land left without sowing).
  4. Is every drum - musical instrument? (Drum also called parts that have the shape of a whole cylinder).
  5. What kind of rocker can fly? ( Rocker- a genus of large dragonflies).
  6. What key cannot open the lock? ( Key– source, musical sign).
  7. What shoes don't have heels? (U shoes– devices for braking cars).
  8. Which animal and which warship have the same name? ( Armadillo).

Exercises for use in the topic “Synonyms”

Task: Select the “third extra” word in each of the given groups of words, keeping in mind that the combination of two words in all groups is associated with the same lexical phenomenon (which?)

Fire, autumn, flame.

Alphabet, calligraphy, alphabet.

Naughty, cavalry, cavalry.

Throw, throw, jump.

Hurricane, rain, blizzard.

Task: Guess the joke riddles.

Which state is difficult to wear on your head? (Panama).

Which European capital stands on mown grass? (Paris on the Seine).

Which city flies? (Eagle).

Which river can you cut with a knife? (Rod).

What land never grows old? (New Earth).

Which wing never flies? (Airplane wing).

Game “Who is faster?” (used in the lesson “Phraseological Units”)

Assignment: choose phraseological units that begin with verbs:

Give (give the head to be cut off, give the floor, back up, hit the hat, give the heat).

Go (go uphill, keep up, go against the grain, go your own way).

Stand up (stand on your left foot, stand across your throat, stand in a dead end, stand across the road).

Take (pull yourself together, take over, take the bull by the horns, take over).

Get out (get away with it, get out of patience, go into orbit, get out into people, lose your temper).

Hold (keep a tight rein, keep a stone in your bosom, keep yourself in hand, keep your gunpowder dry, keep your eyes open).

Tasks used in the lesson “Grammar - the way language is structured.

Why do we need grammar?

Task: Phrase mother loves daughter usually understood as follows: “(who?) mother loves (who?) daughter.” But in some cases (for example, with special intonation or in context not the father, but the mother loves the daughter it can be understood differently: “(who?) mother loves (who?) daughter.” Come up with 5 other Russian phrases of the form “subject + predicate + object”, in which such ambiguity can also arise (i.e. the subject can be mixed with the object). All 5 phrases must have different grammatical parses (for example, differ from each other in gender or number of any of the members of the sentence); in this case, however, the predicate must be expressed by a verb in the present tense . (Answer: for example, seas surround continents. The sea resembles a steppe. Metal replaces wood. Haste increases fear. Silver replaces gold).

Tasks offered to students in the lesson

“Phonetic level of language. Sounds of speech"

Task: Determine whether the two words in the pair contain common consonant sounds and, if so, which ones:

  1. row-yar
  2. table-year
  3. cat hatch
  4. region-south
  5. haystack guest
  6. row-beast
  7. pit-may
  8. by her
  9. royu-yar
  10. mouth-shadow
  11. tulle-south
  12. spruce-net
  13. awesome

Problems used in the Parts of Speech lesson

Assignment: given are complex numerals found in manuscripts and epics of the 12th-17th centuries: half a third hundred (250), half a hundred (55), half a fifth (4.5). What quantities were represented as numerals? half a hundred and half a third? Are there situations when we use this logic for denoting quantity when speaking in modern Russian? Are there any words in modern Russian that go back to complex numerals of this type? (550, 25. Designations such as half past six, quarter past two. One and a half).

Assignment: Try to come up with as many words as possible consisting of only prepositions. For example: the word SCOOP consists of five prepositions. To form words, use the following prepositions: in, to, for, on, over, about, from, by, under, with, for, with, at. ( Taste, wax, goat, bite, piece, bite, eye, slope, brace, pose, mow, blanket, taste, suction, radio, radius, skok, bevel, cattle, juice, sauce, bough, vinegar, bite, etc. d.)

Problem used in the topic “Slavic and Baltic languages”

Assignment: Russian words and phrases and their translations into Bulgarian are given in a mixed order: 1) rudder, awning, fan, brig, seine, sail, cobblestone, steering wheel, cherry jam, gear; 2) golyam kamak, ship paid, sail, old two-masted pay boat, stern kololo, helm, sweet from cherries, golyama ribarska mrezha, jagged kololo, canopy from toll. Set the translation of all Russian words and phrases.(rudder-helm, awning-canopy from the toll, fan-sail, brig-ancient two-masted toll boat, seine-golyama of the Ribarska mrezha, etc.)

Game “From Word to Word” (suggested for use in the lesson

“The word is the basic unit of language”)

Task: pairs of words are given. Having replaced two letters in any pair of words and formed new words, move on to another word. The order of letters cannot be changed.

WINTER-SUMMER (winter-strength-sieve-summer)

SPRING-AUTUMN (spring-mouth-lash-deer-fire-autumn)

DEW-FROST (dew-risk-start-proc-drain-inok-frost).

Entertaining poems used

in the lesson “Stress and intonation”

Assignment: Complete the poems with words, placing the correct emphasis in them.

*Open the tap and water will flow.
How did she come here?
-In the house, garden, vegetable garden
carried out...(water supply O d).

*If only I had a friend
There will be...(dos at G).

*Even though I'm called Sugar,
But I didn’t get wet from the rain.
Large, round,
Sweet to the taste.
Did you recognize it? I - ...(st. e cla).

*It tastes sweet, friends,
And his name is...(arb at h).

List of used literature:

  1. Mechkovskaya N.B. Social linguistics. – M.: JSC Aspect Press, 1994
  2. Alexandrova G.V. Entertaining Russian language. A fun textbook. – St. Petersburg: Triton, 1998
  3. Drozdova O.E. Methodological recommendations for linguistics lessons in grades 5-8. M.: Vlados, 2003
  4. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Zepalova T.S. Develop the gift of words. – M.: Education, 1990
  5. Drozdova O.E. Linguistics lessons for schoolchildren. 5-8 grade. – M.: Vlados, 2003
  6. Rakov V.I. Philological crosswords and problems. – M.: Ilexa, 2006
  7. Zhurinsky A.N. Linguistics in problems. – M.: Indrik, 1995

Maxim Gorky said: “It is through playing with words that a child learns the intricacies of his native language, assimilates its music and what philologists call the “spirit of language.”

What is a game?

A game for a primary school student is not just entertainment, it is a child’s creative, inspired work, it is part of his life. It is in play that the child speaks fluently and says what he thinks.

Play is a creative activity that has internal motivation.

Game is a special form of communication, cooperation, community, which brings the child’s capabilities to the level of a thinking, creative person.

This article will describe some linguistic games that can be used in second grade Russian language lessons. These games are interesting to children, unobtrusively involve them in learning activities, and give them an initial understanding of linguistics. Of the many similar games, we present here only those that, in our experience, arouse the greatest interest among children. All games are arranged in the order of studying topics in the Russian language in grade 2 according to the textbook by A. V. Polyakova.

Games can be used at different stages of the lesson.

Topic: "Word. Letters and sounds."

Game "Words and riddles".

Let's start with the common one, exciting game Logogryphs.

The words are given. It is necessary to remove a letter in the left column, and add one letter to the right column to make a new word.

This game is also available in a poetic version:

I plow in the field all day long,
But the letter To at the end of the annex -
I run in the forest, in the wild,
My night you can hear howling . (WOLF - WOLF)

I am rain and lightning and thunder.
But G let's remove from the word -
And I am an irresistible flower,
Although with thorns, but beloved. (THUNDERSTORM - ROSE)

This game develops vocabulary and makes it possible to feel the language and understand how one letter can completely change the meaning of a word. Despite the fact that this is a fascinating game form, it helps to form linguistic thinking at the initial stage of learning, forcing the child to pay attention to the letter and sound , understand their semantic functions.

Topic: "Capital letters in first names, patronymics, last names."

Game "Say the full name"

When they arrive at school, not all children know their full names, much less the names of their parents and grandparents.

The teacher throws the ball to any student; each child says his full name. You can also play to remember the names of relatives (first name, patronymic).

In this game you can tell the children about the most common name in the world, the longest name.

The longest female name was invented by the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands, we would not have enough width of the entire board to write it down, because... it contains 65 consonant letters only.

  • The most common name in the world is Ivan (in Russian),
  • Ioinnes (in Greek-Byzantine),
  • Johann (in German),
  • Juhan (in Finnish and Estonian),
  • Giovanni (in Italian)
  • John (in English)
  • Jan (in Polish),
  • Jean (in French)
  • Ivane (in Georgian),
  • Hovhannes (in Armenian),
  • Joan (in Portuguese)
  • He - (in Bulgarian).

Do we have children in our class with the same names? (Yes.)

How to distinguish such people? (By last name.)

Does it happen that people have the same last names, but they are not relatives?

What are these people called? (Same namesakes.)

This is interesting: One of the most common surnames in our country is Kuznetsov. Other nations also have very common surnames with a stem meaning “blacksmith.” For example, the most common English surname is Smith, the most common German surname is Schmidt.

Game "Name Meaning".

It also tells us that the word Name very ancient. In ancient times, people gave each other only meaningful names, calling their children with words that they thought were appropriate. The American Indians may have named the child Wee-Wees, which means “owl.” The ancient Greeks used the names Phokas - “seal”, Chrysis - “gold”. Here are a few Russian names that were given based on a person’s appearance: Mal, Kudryash, Chernysh. Names were also given based on character traits: Clever, Kind, Nesmeyana. Now there are a great many names. They were born both here and in other countries.

1. It is proposed to explain the meaning of the names:

Vladimir, Svyatoslav, Lyudmila, Vera, Nadezhda, Love.

2. It is proposed to explain the meaning of your name. (Children cannot).

Conclusion: The names Vladimir, Svyatoslav, Lyudmila, Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov are of Slavic origin, and children can explain their meaning. Many names came to us from other languages.

In the course of completing this task, attention to the structure of the word is formed; children begin to understand that structure helps to understand the meaning.

As a developmental task, it is suggested to compose or find names at home that the children themselves could explain. (Lyubomir:)

Topic: "Narrative, interrogative and incentive sentences."

Game "Find out the offer"

The students' task is to determine the type of sentence by intonation.

The teacher calls the beginning of the sentence, and the children should stomp their feet if it is motivating, spread their arms if it is interrogative, raise their hands up if it is declarative.

  • Who are you with, guests: (Interrogative)
  • Once upon a time in the cold: (Narrative)
  • And you go yourself: (Incentive)
  • On the shore of desert waves: (Narrative)
  • Where is mine: (Interrogative)
  • Let it line up: (Incentive)

This game develops linguistic hearing, understanding a sentence not by its meaning, but by its intonation.

Also, children themselves pay attention to the words that helped them determine the purpose of uttering a sentence.

Topic: "Offer".

Game "Say it in different ways."

In this game we will work on intonation and lexical stress in a sentence.

The cat caught a mouse in the garden

What sign can we put at the end of this sentence? (Period, question mark, exclamation point)

When reading an interrogative sentence, attention is paid to logical stress.

  • Cat Did you catch a mouse in the garden?
  • Cat caught is there a mouse in the garden?
  • Cat caught in the garden mouse?
  • Cat caught in the garden mouse?

This game shows that punctuation marks and intonation carry meaning in a sentence.

Topic: "What is a noun."

One of the most difficult parts of speech in terms of its meaning is the noun .

Concept name noun is introduced through the semantics of the word. A noun denotes not only an object, but something that exists around us.

Game "Groups of words".

The teacher names groups of words, and students need to replace them with one word.

Which one of you is ready to play?

  • Dog, cow, cat? (Animals)
  • Doll, ball and accordion? (Toys)
  • Onions, radishes, cucumbers? (Vegetables)
  • Hammer, axe, tongs? (Tools)
  • Dress, skirt and shirt? (Cloth)
  • Tank, glass, pan, cup? (Dishes)
  • Cornflower, chamomile, rose? (Flowers)
  • Wind, rain and frost? (Natural phenomena)

Pick more names

  • Vegetables, clothes, fabrics,
  • Fruits, furniture, flowers,
  • Streets, rivers, cities.

(The first part of the game is played orally, the second - in writing).

This game develops vocabulary well and helps to master the structure of the language, because... only nouns are called, develops the ability to analyze and synthesize .

Topic: "Animate and inanimate nouns"

Game "Who? and What?"

The teacher calls animate nouns, and the students form inanimate ones with the same root and vice versa.

For example:

In this game, you need to pay attention to the fact that for the same root word denoting an inanimate object, you can choose a word denoting an animate object, i.e. two conditions must be met.

The children themselves noticed that in the new words they added the same part of the word in the first column.

Topic: "Gender of nouns."

Game "Fold notebooks".

On the board there are tablets in the form of notebooks with words.

The task of the players is to arrange the notebooks (words) into portfolios (by gender). Taking into account the psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren, and they are mostly kinesthetic, it should be noted that in this game students can “feel” gender and independently conclude that there are plural nouns for which it is impossible to determine gender without converting them to singular number.

You can also use common nouns in this game.

For example: bully, bully, crybaby and so on.

Game "Collect bouquets".

Collect “flowers” ​​(words similar in meaning, synonyms) into bouquets and arrange flower words in your vases.

First, the guys look for synonyms, then arrange them in vases.

Kindness is sincerity, work is occupation, homeland is fatherland, battle is battle.

In this game, you need to lead students to the conclusion that synonymous nouns do not necessarily belong to the same gender.

Here, the semantic and grammatical layers of language are brought together and separated, and children must switch from one to the other; the structuring of consciousness occurs.

Topic: "Noun". Reinforcing the material covered.

Find words in combinations of letters and underline them.



Write down the words according to their grammatical features.

1) Proper noun, animate, female form, singular. (Anna)

2) Common noun, inanimate, middle name, singular. (Place)

3) Proper noun, animate, m.p., singular. (Gennady)

4) Common noun, animate, m.p., singular. (Sir)

This game is interesting because you don’t just have to find words, but write down the words according to their grammatical features. Usually we do the opposite, indicating the characteristics of a given word. The same task requires students to take a different approach; forms structure in consciousness, in the perception of words.

The child here moves from the general, abstract (grammatical category) to the particular (word). He must keep in mind, impose grammatical categories one after another and only then draw a conclusion.

Topic: "Adjective."

Game "Who thought of what?"

Interesting work with the lexical meaning of ambiguous adjectives.

The teacher names an adjective. Students select nouns that have the appropriate meaning.

For example: gold - leaves, rings, teeth, glasses, earrings, hair, jewelry, watches, coins.

Nobody said the word "hands".

Conclusion: to understand what is being said, the adjective must be attached to the noun.

Topic: "Parts of a word."

Game "Body".

The teacher takes the basket and, handing it to the child, says:

Here's a body for you, put all the words that start with "-ok" in it, if you say anything, you'll give the deposit.

The basket is passed one by one to each other with the words:

I'll put a ball in the box.

And I'm a scarf.

And the snow. Etc

You can use other suffixes for the game.

This game helps you master the structure of the Russian language.

Topic: "Prepositions".

The preposition translated from Greek means “before the word.”

Prepositions have no semantic meaning. So maybe you can do without them? To answer this question, we try to read and understand the meaning of each pair of words in the column. Children conclude that without a pretext, the meaning is lost.

Game "Necessary Pretext"

Take from the basket the necessary prepositions that are used with these nouns.

(from, at, to, without, from)

left. . . moms

called. . . cities

arrived. . . villages

came. . . notebooks

stood. . . roads

came out. . . trains

Conclusion: a preposition is placed after the verb before the noun.

This is interesting: In some languages, prepositions appear after the words they refer to. For example, in the language of the Komi peoples the Russian expression on road sounds like this: “tui vylyn” - on the road .

There is a formation of lexical thinking, an understanding that the Russian language is one of many languages ​​that exist in the world, and each language lives according to its own laws.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following:

  • Linguistic games form and improve a child’s speech activity.
  • Linguistic games are aimed at developing various types speech activity (dialogue, monologue, oral and written).

The main rule of organizing a linguistic game: A CHILD SHOULD BE INTERESTING AND COMFORTABLE!

And then at any stage of the lesson the child becomes an active participant in the educational process.

Game "Letter Got Lost"

Target: learn to distinguish consonant sounds and letters by ear and writing, develop attention, wit, and resourcefulness.

Description. Before the teacher begins to read the poem, he asks the children to listen carefully to all the words and, where an error is made, pronounce the correct word in unison.

It is unknown how it happened

Only the letter got lost:

Dropped into someone's house

And he rules it.

But I barely got there

Naughty letter

Stranger Things

Things started to happen.

The hunter shouted: “Oh!

D Believe me, they’re chasing me!”

In front of the kids

Kry With The painters are painting.

Throwing the doll out of my hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

There's green creeping there l uk

With a long mustache!

They say one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river,

But then he

Got hooked d ohm

Look at this, guys:

R they grew up in the garden!

The snow is melting, the stream is flowing,

The branches are full V crabs.

We collected cornflowers -

On our heads sch enki.

Old Grandpa Pakhom

On ko h e rode on horseback.

Bug boo d I didn’t finish it:

Reluctantly, tired of it.

On yellowed leaves

Drops le V your foliage.

Mom with b I went with glasses

On the road along the village.

Misha didn’t cut the wood,

stove To he drowned with epoxy.

The sea turns blue before us,

They fly m aiki over the waves.

L. Shibaev

Game "Typography"

Goals: expand children's vocabulary; develop ingenuity, thinking, erudition.

Note. The teacher can offer children anything keyword in letter composition and interpretation, corresponding to a particular age of children.

Description. Two teams of 8 people each take part in the game. For the participants in the game, you need to prepare two sets of cards with letters that form the word “literate”. The cards of one set differ from the other in color. The teams line up one against the other, each player has a card with a letter that he must remember. The teacher names one after another the words that can be made from the letters included in the word “letter”. For example: hero, sea, theme, thunder, atom, company, March, mountain, grotto, volume, mouth, din, magician, bargaining and others. Team members whose letters are included in the word called by the teacher take a step forward and line up so that each word can be read. The team whose representatives “form the word” faster is awarded a point. Then the players return to their seats and wait for the next word to be called. The team with the most points wins.

To make cards, you can choose other words in which all the letters are different. For example, from the word “file” you can make the following words: drops, paws, packs, sticky. From the word “tributary” - portico, tropic and others. For each class, words are selected that correspond in level of difficulty to the age of the students.

Game "Words on the topic"

Goals: to develop logical speech and thinking of students, to contribute to the creation of a favorable climate for collective and competitive work of children.

Note. With each age category, the given topics become more complex by the teacher.

Description. The teacher asks the children to choose words related to a specific topic, for example: “The house where I live”, “Our school”, “A walk in the forest”, “At the grocery store”. The one who starts the game names all the words that he can remember (words that are not related to the topic are not written down). Then the teacher invites other children to add to this list. When all the additions have been made, the teacher invites someone to name at least one more word related to the topic that has not been named before. The winner is the one who named the most words, as well as the one who added the last one to the already named words.

After this, the players begin to select words for another topic.

Game of Fives

Goals: learn to combine words into a general topic, develop the ability to interact with team members.

Description. 25-30 people can participate in the game. According to the number of participants, it is necessary to prepare cards with words (or drawings) on certain topics: “Plants”, “ Animal world", "School supplies", " Vehicles" and others. For each topic, 5 words or pictures are selected. The cards are shuffled and distributed to the players. The tasks of the players: unite in groups of 5 people, so that in each group everyone has cards on the same topic. Find among all playing holders of cards with in the right words(or pictures) is not at all easy. The first five, who correctly selected the words (pictures) and came to the teacher, receive six points, the second - five points, etc.

The teacher can announce the topics on which the A's should unite when all the cards have been distributed. But you don’t have to name the topics - let the guys guess for themselves. The game will be more difficult, but more interesting.

Game "Let's Play Words"

Target: expand the vocabulary and speech of students, their understanding of the richness of their native language, the possibility of composing (adding) many words from the same word.

1. Guess the word that needs to be entered in the cells to get new words:

2. Guess the word that needs to be entered into the cells to get new ones

Answers. 1) fox; 2) chalk; 3) onion; 4) port; 5) goal; 6) anthem.

Note: You can offer assignments to teams, you can use this form for individual work by students.

Game "Parade of Literacy"

Exercise: determine whether everything in these statements is correct; put all the sentences in order.

The cat ran quickly on one leg.

She was so frightened that she fainted.

The painting depicts a middle-aged student.

His right cheek smiled cheerfully.

My father was walking towards me. The girl and the dog barked joyfully.

The younger sister wore a scarf on her head, the older sister wore boots.

He mounted his horse and rode off on foot.

He went to bed and slept as hard as he could.

When my friend was drowning, I rushed to save him because he was wearing my swimming trunks.

My friend has a snub nose that blends smoothly into his neck.

Some monkeys hang upside down in trees.

When the fog cleared, the prince saw the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

The hunter closed his eyes wide and fired.

We slept, but we couldn't sleep.

Repin walked along the banks of the Neva and saw barge haulers on the Volga.

The boy licked his lips to his ears.

My favorite corner of nature is the sun.

There were a lot of pigeons on the roof, about forty people.

During breaks we rode along the railings from the first to the third floor.

Shyly smiling with only his eyes, he sniffed with one nose.

Misha looked in the mirror for a long time until he recognized his face.

He wanted to say something, but his tongue was dumbfounded.

A shot rang out and he was wounded in the right head.

A boy and a girl entered the class; they were brothers.

The Northern Ocean is very icy.

Darwin worked on his theory like a beast.

His face was oval, like a right angle.

I felt at home in my boots.

Vova has a black eye, which suits him very well.

He had a sword with one cartridge.

Sister loves to help her sister Tanya when she eats chocolate.

I love books so much that I even read them.

Finally we saw a birch grove where there were only oak trees.

Various ideas came to my mind, but the best ones settled on a jar of strawberry jam.

He was very scared, and his soul went into his shoes.

I quickly stood in one place.

Behind the numerous freckles on his face, it was impossible to discern his character traits.

His white teeth peeked out from under his black curls.

Suddenly he heard someone's gaze.

Olya ate a bagel with the dog running next to her.

And then he took a knife and shot himself.

There was something blue behind the bush.

He recognized her by the mole on her right nose.

Having fallen asleep, sitting on a horse, Sergei merrily sang a song.

His ears stick out in all directions.

His favorite time of the year was the holidays.

Thoughts, as luck would have it, did not want to think.

I was so cold that I was sweating.

On the left the forest is sparse but dense.

At first his forehead began to sweat, and then a lump appeared.

A thought struck me.

Seryozha’s hands itched on his knees.

Sasha left to the loud mooing of the entire class.

He hit his head hard and limped for a long time.

Game "Collect words"

Exercise: connect the words in the columns so that new words appear.

Problems with letters and words “Down the stairs”

Exercise: select words as their letter number increases (that is, the steps of the ladder increase) and get a vocabulary ladder.










social activist






enemy fortification

Game "Friendly Family"

Goals: consolidate the concept of parts of speech, practice composing examples (words) denoting all parts of speech.

Description.“Friendly family” is ten parts of speech. The presenter calls a word consisting of 10 letters. For example, literature. You need to write it down vertically and select a word (part of speech) for each letter.

L- whether - particle.

AND- or - union.

T- three hundred is a numeral.

E- go - verb.

R- joyfully - adverb.

A- a - union.

T- that is a pronoun.

U- u - preposition.

R- pink - adjective.

A- ah - interjection.

Another example with the word is hard work.

T- you are a pronoun.

R- is it a particle?

U- to be surprised is a verb.

D- ten is a numeral.

ABOUT- oh - interjection.

L- easy - adverb.

YU- spinning top - noun.

B- without - preposition.

AND- or - union.

E- unctuous - adjective.

Game "Find the numbers"

Exercise: read funny poems by Wanda Khotomskaya. Indicate the numerals: how many are there, in which words are they found?

We have three ses three tsy.

Don't you know them?

How would I like your ears three there is

Talk about three.

The one in C three jove,

I lived above the window with three and.

WITH three whose craftswoman she is -

Come see her, baby!

The other one, in Us three tsakh,

No mustache three no,

But then three Well

Served for lunch!

And the third, in Bys three tse,

Bys three on on the river,

And they frolic three tones

At night on the sand.

About one hundred th watchman -

Not about one hundred city ​​house:

Cha one hundred there's a centipede in it

Wanders under one hundred scrap.

Treasured one hundred leg

Chi one hundred toe legs

AND one hundred personal polish

Cleans one hundred boot.

Together one hundred two are not easy

Clean everything one hundred,

Straightaway one hundred only shoes

Nobody wore it!

About one hundred th one hundred legs

One hundred let's stand,

You can have one hundred legs

Learn from experience!

Translation by L. Kondratenko

Game “Who can make up the most words?”

Goals: expand vocabulary, develop observation, attentiveness, thinking.

Guys! Help me read the words that have been composed. I guess that there was a fox here, she wagged her fluffy tail and mixed up all the words. It’s not for nothing that people say about a fox: “It wags its tail and covers all its tracks.”

In this game, the one who composes the most words wins.

(Words: perch, cat, whale, movie, window, note, etc.)