Dragon Age Inquisition Relationship with Hyde satellites. Dragon Age: Inquisition - Passage: Comraders - recruitment. Do not gaming characters

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One of key features Almost all games BioWare. are coloric and memorable characterswhich can be found along the game. Some can be yours satellites, and someone will just wait for you on the way. In this article we will try to bring information about all key characters Dragon Age.: Inquisition!


Satellite: not

What do you need a Chernovole witch? Influence under the imperial throne? Or her ideas much more sinister? No one knows. The witch from wild lands unexpectedly arrived in Orel three years ago and received the place of "advisor" in Empress Selina. For those interested in the magic of the Empress Morrigan I became a real storehouse of knowledge, not inspired by religious dogma. However, it is rumored that Morrigan wakes rope from Selina and secretly teaches her forbidden dark arts.

A little more O. Morrigan:
Morrigan: Past and present


Satellite: Yes

Vivien Call "Iron Lady" - "Madame de Fer", and she fully justifies this nickname. This formidable woman, the head of the magicians and the official magician of the imperial courtyard, reached his position in cunning and a skillful political game. Vivien Does not tolerate those who stand on her way: Neither those who see in it an ambitious attractive, nor those who try to limit its influence, nor comrades-magicians, who westing the uprising, which she resolutely does not support. Vivien Trying to return the order to the world that was crazy ... Not forgetting, of course, to stay among the first, when everything comes back to the circles.

Cassandra Pentagast.

Satellite: Yes

Being noble origin Cassandra Pentagast.Nevertheless, willingly changed the secular life at the order of the truth seekers. High powers of this ancient Order provided by the Church help to track abuse and magical threats. Rather, it was so before, until the Order did not stop his activities in response to the revolt of magicians ... Cassandra He did not support his comrades by the Order, but remained faithful to the Supreme Priestess Justinia, who wanted to restore order in the face of Chaos. She is grabs and piousness, and purposefulness, she is a sword in the right hand of the Supreme Priestess, and justice for her - above all.

Varric Tetras

Satellite: Yes

Mix one part of adventurism, one part of the abuse and three parts of trouble - and will Varric Tetras.. Barrick Born on the surface and not very stretching to his conifers. His ties with Dwarves are limited to the trading guild, but also its intrigues Warrick Do not like. However, he perfectly burned in ground world, starting dating both in secular circles and among the most accurate beggars. Nothing manites him as fresh gossip ... although those who know him better say otherwise. BarrickThey say, they are all deeper felt in big troubles of the big world - those who do not always have a good suspended language.


Satellite: Yes

Gray guards carry their watch away from restless peace, ready to endure deprivation and sacrificing themselves to protect the world from evil that do not exist to destroy. Few people will voluntarily sign up for all this - burden, loneliness and the inevitability of terrible death. But the path of the guard is also the path of valor. Those who have taken upon themselves this task receive a reward to the consciousness that they are now higher than before. Blackwall - One of those few guards who voluntarily and enthusiastically chose such a share. He believes with all his heart into noble ideals Gray Guards And would not trade this life on any other.

Iron Bull

Satellite: Yes

About the kunari in the tedas know approximately the following: these are harsh giants, sailing from the north so that neither a lot to conquer the continent. They adhere to the ascetic philosophy of the kun, and in life it is implemented by the hands of their secret police and spy service - Ben-Hazrat. One agent of this service caught spies, rebels and deserters, while suddenly did not feel that he could no longer do it anymore. In order not to lose a good employee, the bosses sent him to Orel for observation and intelligence. So born Iron Bull.

Now "Battle Bulls" is the famous mercenarious detachment devotees to their commander-kunari, which with the same enthusiasm heads them and in attacks, and in hikes in the Kabaks. Iron Bull Still still sends reports to Ben-Hazrat, but years of life away from the Kunari orders already forced him to think about who he and what he needed. But whatever the answer, he likes to fight in the ranks of the Inquisition, kill demons and receive a fee for it.


Satellite: Yes

Sulfur Impulsten and knows how to enjoy the moment. She is interested in not so much the question "What will be right?", How much is the question "what will be right now?". Together with the "Friends of Red Jenny" she was posted to know and enjoyed it. Now it is not only wishes, but also blind. War, demons, torn sky: it does not just worry - it terrifies. Fortunately, Sulfur With my "friends" also knows how to scatter, and if to give common to sigh calfly, you need to put an arrow into some kind of scounding, she will do it. Sulfur Fights for those who fell between two lights, but she, like everyone, needs order in the world. The world should become normal so that she can compete in it.


Satellite: Yes

He is a ghost in the shadows that runs unnoticed through the crowd. He can cut the enemy's throat before he realizes that Cole Here and disappear unnoticed forever. Those few who notice him will soon forget that he existed at all ... and Cole I'm not sure that he really exists. He is a spirit, incomprehensiblely caught between the intangible world of the shadow and the confusing reality of our physical world. But does it do it real? Does this make him a man or a demonic impostor, as some believe?

The only one in what Cole I am sure this is that the world is full of pain and he must find his place in it. Those who wish to restore order and help defenseless, will find a strange, but unshakable ally. The same who uses their strength from selfish motivation can never see Cowala - If they remember that he was with them.


Satellite: Yes

Being a descendant of proud tevininsky kind is quite profitable: Dorian Born with a magical gift, which caused envy from his peers. He is charming and confident in himself, his mind is sharp, like a blade, and, if someone considers him a bold, this can be explained by the fact that he is a powerful magician from the country where Mages rule. Indeed, Dorian Could be the pride of his family if he had not opposed the principles of his homeland. He wears the labels "Rejoiced" and "Izgoy" with honor, knowing that the views of the empire Tevinter will not change until someone with his abilities will change it.


Satellite: not

She has many names. It is familiar to many as the "Solovy's sister" or the "left hand of the Supreme Priestess." For the few friends she just Leliana. They say she gained faith in the midst of the darkness, and her love for the creator is comparable only with her devotion to his mentor and the savior - the Supreme Priestess Justinia V. Top, on whose side she does not find a comrade more reliable. But the enemies of the Supreme Priestess are better to yearn, for Leliana - Terrible shadow behind the sunny throne. Patient and sorrifying, she strikes when the victim is already waiting for this.


Satellite: not

Cullenu I happened to see magic from the bad side. Enrolling in the Order of the Temples in his youth, he spent more than half of life in it. He saw the Feldominsky Circle during Mora, and then watched the conflict of magicians with the temples turns into a closer to Kirkoll. Exactly Cullen Rollipating the remaining temples of Kirkvolla to bring order in the destroyed city. His commanded abilities attracted the attention of Cassandra Pentagast, who immediately understood how much this person would be needed in the Inquisition. Now the world finally plunged into chaos. Cullenu Tired of waiting until others start to act. He is determined to guide the world in Tedas forces inquisition.


Satellite: not

The influence of the Inquisition is not absolutely: it only has to take its place among the parties involved in the conflict. Sister Leliana understands it well, and therefore called the old girlfriend - Lady Josephine Montille - Represent the inquisition to important persons. Josephine - The eldest daughter of the famous antivan family and the rising star of diplomacy, who knows how to establish relationships and well-thought-out concessions to establish relationships with anyone. As an excellent strategist, she understands that the revival of the Inquisition will require support and approval by influential persons. Fortunately, she is a lesson in the soul. She sincerely believes that the inquisition is the best way to stop madness that swept the tedas.


Satellite: Yes

All ones life Solas was an apostate. He lived in secluded places, away from the civilized world, full potential persecutors and dispensers. He mastered the magic without any assistance, exploring the world of perfume in the shadows. In the inhabitants of this world, he eventually began to understand how few people managed earlier. It would be more willing to sleep somewhere in the ancient ruins, collecting the grains of the memories and knowledge of the memories and knowledge, but the gap in the sky threatens to all the lives.

When all other magicians are hidden, Solas, with a risk for his freedom, it appeared as if it was north anywhere and offered help to fighters with chaos. He could not stay aside, realizing that his knowledge could be so small that he separated salvation from universal defeat.

All of them were nine. The detachment was colorable: there is a quick wizard, and a good-natured car for murder, and political intrigan. Judging by the stories of developers, the relationship within the party will be the most diverse - xenophobia, warm friendship, cooperation to unwittingly and so on. Editorial GMBox chose the most interesting Facts About the characters of the game, with whom you can go on the salvation of the world.

Cole (Cole)

The demon who gained human shape. Although in the world of Dragon Age, demons are evil beings that feed on emotions and desires of people, Cole is trying to help you get into trouble. He feels pain and suffering around himself and tries to restore justice. Cole first appeared in the book Dragon Age: Asunder. According to the developers, if a player adopters a daemon in the party, strange things will begin to occur. " Not all allies with a welcome will meet this creation.

Soles (SOLAS)

Elf magician who developed his skills without controlling a circle - an organization serving and a prison, and a graduate for wizards. Soles - self-taught, so there are accessible techniques that traditional magicians do not possess. He is able to leave his body in certain locations, which allows him to restore the history of these places. After joining the Soles Party quickly make friends with Cole.

Iron Bull (Iron Bull)

Warrior from race kunari, drunkard, womanizer, mercenary. So many times was on the edge of the death, which took the rule to enjoy every moment of life. Enters the inquisition to spy in favor of your people, and does not hide it. Despite the impressive strength, the iron bull is almost always calm, friendly and honest. Over time, he understands that in the ranks of the Inquisition, he can not only spy, but also to change the world, eliminating him from demons. Often conflicts with Warrik, which negatively refers to the kunari after the events of Dragon Age 2.

Sulfur (sera)

Elf robber, which prefers in battle to use onions and arrows. Since the sulfur expelled her people, she does not trust anyone. Enters the inquisition to get answers to turning her questions. What kind of secret. While this is one of the most mysterious characters inquisition.

Blackwall (Blackwall)

Gray Guard - like the main character Original Dragon Age. He dedicated his life to the fight against evil, but what reasons forced it to do it, does not reveal. Blackwall is ready for early death, because he, like the rest of the gray guards, strongly reduced the life of the initiation rite. It uses a two-handed sword and heavy armor, always assembled and larch.

Varric (Varric)

Dwarf Crosscher, who was one of the central characters Dragon. Age 2. It was he who told Cassandra the story of Hawk, the chief hero of the second part. Although Varrick and Cassandra do not like each other much, they stood at the origins of the Inquisition.


The fanatical protector of the order, which seeks to restore the balance between the Templars and Magicians in the world of Dragon Age. It will be one of the first allies of the main character in the fight against the invasion of demons. She was trained as a warrior-Templar, so that it is effective in battle against magicians.

Dorian (Dorian)

The wizard, succeeded in the study of the magic elements, as well as necromancy. About him GMBox wrote. According to the Creator of the character, David Gaider, Dorian became the first "full gay" in the history of the series. Chief hero Can build a romantic relationship with him. The developers describe it as a sarcastic exile, who wants to make the world better.

Vivienne (Vivienne)

The head of the magicians and an approximate empire approximate to the throne. Vivienus reached this position not only thanks to outstanding magical abilities, but also due to political intrigues, manipulations and conspiracy. It enters into the inquisition to protect their achievements and a place at the throne - in the case of the next apocalypse, its merit will not cost anything.

With the participation...

Several heroes from the past parts of the series, which will return to Inquisition, but not as combat allies.


The mysterious witch, in the "warm" company of which it was possible to undergo the original Dragon Age. The developers are transparently hinting that one of the main intrigues of the game will be connected with it.


Another old familiar from the first Dragon Age. In the new game, she will lead the separation of spies and special agents of the Inquisition. Religious and is dedicated to his work to the last.


Gray Guard from Dragon Age, who could become both the king of Ferlandene and a simple drunkard. Its role in the Inquisition is not yet revealed, but according to BioWare, meeting with the main hero new game inevitable.

Cassandra, Warrick and Solas join you in the Prologue. You will not have the opportunity to abandon their company.

Unlike this Trinity, you can refuse to recruit any of the following associates.


After the scene with the Lucius Lucius Loader in the Danger Process in the Danger, the Messenger of the Made Circle will appear in the summer market, which will give you an invitation to a party on behalf of a certain sorceress Vivien. This will give you the quest "Imperial Correce." Go to the specified place (you need to go to the world map for this). After you browse the video and decide what to do with your opponent, Vivien will offer you their services.

Iron Bull

Quest "Captain Bykov" will appear in your journal after returning from Val Ruayo and conversation with your advisers. Get out of the church and talk to the messenger of mercenaries - cream. He will invite you to a meeting with the leader of their group, Iron Bull. The iron bull is located on the storm coast at all close to your first camp. Talk to him and you will be able to recruit it in colleagues, and the rest of his mercenaries will join the inquisition as an additional military detachment.


After you become a witness to a strange meeting of the Lucius Lucius and St. Mother of Evary, following the quest "Danger did not pass,", just a few minutes later, at the survey of the summer market, you will have an arrow with a mysterious message under your nose. This activates the quest "Friend of Red Jenny."

In accordance with the message, look for "red shutters" on the market, on the pier and in the tavern. Go to the marked places and open the red handkerchief on the floor - for this you need to activate the search button. It is not so hard, as it seems - the right place is marked with a quest marker, so you will always have an idea where it is starting to search. In addition, the red scarf is sufficiently born and attracts attention. (But you still need to press the search button to activate it.) The tavern and the pier are located at the same level, but the desired market is - on the top - exit the card to move to the right place (the card levels can be changed in the upper right corner ). After you find all three messages, you will get the key and a new place that you can visit by opening the world map. Go there, watch the roller, cross the opponents that have appeared and make a decision, take it or not to take a surprise satellite to an unexpected alliance.


After your return from Val, Ruayo Leliana will share with you his alarms about the strange disappearance of gray guards in Ferlden and Eagle. This will give you the Quest "Lonely Guard". Go to the place labeled on the map and help the gray guard with his "recruits" to fight off the attackers. After that, you will have the opportunity to get it in the colleagues.


Cool you meet during the quest "Defenders of Justice", although at the stage of this quest he will not join you. Cole himself will find you after completing the quest and you will get the opportunity to recruit it into your group.
If you did not go through the temples and chose the quest "Teptice whisper" instead, then Cole will find you when you begin the next story quest, curses you what happened with the temples, and will offer your services.


Dorian's recruitment is almost no different from the recruitment of Cool, except that you have to go through magicians and choose the quest "Temporary whisper" to meet him. (Theoretically, you can meet him and still choose the temples, as you can visit the Rarcliff and talk to the magicians before you come to the "point of no return." The point of no return for these two quests is the moment when they both become available on your Map of military operations.)

If you chose the quest "Temporary whisper", Dorian will accompany you during this task, and after it you will get the opportunity to recruit him. If you chose the quest "Defenders of Justice", then, like Cole, Dorian will appear in shelter himself at the beginning of your next scene Quest, Tell, what happened to the magicians in the Redclifece, and will offer its services.

In the game of Dragon Age: Inquisition, we will be given to the load for another 3 poor people, which the whole game will be prevented by us under your feet and lead soul-speaking conversations. In fact, at the start, it turns out that we go to the load to the already balanced group. Judge for yourself: the magician of the Shielder is, there is a tank, archer and Damager is. We can only duplicate the existing type ... We will understand more specifically with whom we will have to be friends with the whole game ...

Cassandra Pentagast.

Description: Cassandra was born in the wonderful genus of Pentagas from Nevarra. This type is famous for its poachers, namely, hunting on the dragons, Li's joke - Kassandra's brother - Anthony was considered one of the best. At the same time, Cassandra did not work out with the magicians - when the warrior still went on foot under the table, in her house The blood magicians appeared. They see if, for some rituals, the fresh blood of the dragons was urgently needed, which they demanded from the Pentagast family. Having received a refusal, the magicians did not have ceremony for a long time - they killed her brother and Uncle Cassandra. After that, Cassandra no longer distinguished magicians on party accessories and began to hate everyone, without exception. In the second part of the game was noticed attempting, on behalf of the Church, Gnome Warric ...

In the Order of the seekers of the truth she fell by chance, but there won the respect for military skills. During the preparation of Cassandra mastered the special style of battle, a certain warrior and robber alloy. It can fight, long sword and shield or with two swords. Give us Cassandra at the very beginning of the game and the role of the tank is provided to her.

Varric Tetras

Race Gnome
Floor Male
Class Robber
Activity Trader, spy
Title Trade Prince

Description: Varrica's family, oddly enough, was noble origin (he is the younger son of the Tetras family) until the moment they had to leave Ozammar to the surface. Varric himself gave birth to be born in Kirkolly and never in his life was under Earth. The tricky and cunning warrick before the events in the game only pretending to the slacker, in fact, he leads the whole network of spies and diagrams, and its main task is to provide information from his family and, if possible, solve some family problems.

From the special accepts from Warrica - his favorite crossbow bianca, to which he is very attached and in the inquisition to change him onions does not want principal. Solving the dwarf that he was so attached to this weapon until it was possible to anyone ... Warrick was born on the surface and does not particularly want to be like a warrior. His relationships with the ancestors are limited to the trade guild, but even their intrigues are not soul.

In the inquisition, we are given Varrica practically at the start and in the early stages of the game, he is a fairly valuable participant, if you have to dig it as a damager, then the power of his beloved Bianchi goes down ...


Description: This groove is also issued at the beginning of the game, I would advise not to wise and immediately make a shield from it. Solus - incomprehensible and mysterious comrade. He some incomprehensible way managed to be an apart and with the forces of the church did not come across. Again, without mentors, teachers and leadership managed to master the magic and even explore the world of perfume in the shadows under certain limits, and the knowledge of him in this area is very deep. On the stage it makes it makes a spill and at the time when other magicians simply felt, Solas went on the war path, even with the risk to be captured. As Solus himself says, he could not stand aside when the life of all living things on the map.

Dorian Pavos

Description: But this comrade will be trapped by a little later. Dorian is a tevinter magazine apostate. From the birth of a gifted magician, he also managed to urod in a rich family. Naturally, all this could not not affect the nature of Dorian, this buddy is arrogant, sometimes competing and independent. Because of this nature, he strongly rejected all the plans and ideas not only by the family, but also the state and came in the tramp. He nailed to the Inquisitors, considering them by force equal to and promising, it is hoping that he will be able to introduce its ideas of equality and fraternity ...


Description: If nothing is clear with Solas (as he mastered his own magic and the shadow studied), then nothing is clear with Cole. This comrade lived, lived on the lower tiers of white spiers and one of the wonderful moment wanted to help the inquisition, so suddenly.

Being essentially a ghost, he skillfully uses it - walks unnoticed in a crowd, cuts enemies from the shadows and erases his memory after dating. Cole himself is not fully sure who he is such and where he came from, being stuck between the worlds. That in it more: a person or demon is not clear to anyone. As for me, I just have badly worked out in the story of the character ...

In battle it is assumed to use Cool as invisible with 2 blades, but I did not particularly like it, too pale character.


Race Human
Floor Female
Class Mag
Title Senior sorcere
Activity Sorceress at the Imperial Yard Yard

Description: Madame Vivien nodes from a free brand and her riverian roots. It is a major magician of the Orlesian circle of magicians. Vivien was one of the main candidates for the first sorcerer in Montsimmar, but the conflict between the magicians and the temples did not give her to officially join this position, and civil War In Orel, it did not contribute to it. Vivien is also often called the "Iron Lady" - Madame de Fer, this formidable Magiche reached his position in cunning and a skillful political game.

Vivien proud and does not make it when something or someone is trying to limit it. Joining the Inquisition, Vivien first is trying to return order into the world, not forgetting his beloved. Permanent rewinds with Solas, who passed along the exact opposite path and achieved the result, entertainly entertained, although in battle Vivien constantly flies forward the tank and nothing special helps a group, unlike Solax.


Race Human
Floor Male
Class Warrior
Title Guardian-constable
Activity Gray guard

Description: Comrade Blokwall is the guardian-constable of the Orlesh city Val Chevin. Blackwall is one of the few guards who have voluntarily and enthusiastically chose his way. He fully believes in the noble goals of gray guards and would not exchange this life on any other. However, the game does not think much for a long time when goals coincide with the objectives of the Inquisition and enters into our slender ranks. As for me, so the second tank in the gift team is not needed, the magazine has a lot more opportunity, although I can be mistaken.

Iron Bull

Description: Iron Bull Representative Kunari. About these most kunari in Tedas know a bit, it is believed that these are harsh horny giants, sailing from the north to conquer the continent. They adhere to the ascetic philosophy of the kun, and in life it is implemented by the hands of their secret police and spy service - Ben-Hazrat. Iron Bull - one of the agents of this service, he successfully caught spies, rebels and deserters, until suddenly felt that he could no longer do it anymore. In order not to lose a good employee, the bosses sent him to Orel for observation and intelligence. Scout, I must say, from the bull mediatory, at the first meeting he reveals all the cards. By and large, he still can fight with whom - the main thing is to pay.

The group seems to be a bull should fit perfectly - heavy armor and two-handed weapons provide protection and damage, but as I did not try, the warrior from it turns out a strange - not such a high damage and not so much good defense - This deer falls like a rag.


Race Elf
Floor Female
Class Robber

Description: Madame is an elf-lunch, an alternative to Varrica. It is pretty impulsive and lives the current moment. Seres got used to fighting for those who got between two lights, but she, like everyone, needs order in the world. The world should become normal so that she can live and have fun in it.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Satellites Was Last Modified: December 23, 2014 by admin.

The new "leak of information" happened at EA./BioWare.As always, anyone from the developers is not confirmed and not refuted. This time we are talking about next Dragon Age..

Yesterday the user published several screenshots of the marketing survey on the official forum. next game Dragon Age. (Part of them is currently mysteriously removed), and there were still people who "also passed it". The purpose of the survey was to identify the "attractiveness" of certain aspects of the plot canvas and the biography of satellite characters, as well as the gameplay preferences of the experimental responding. That is, there has been information about the plot and descriptions of the heroes. All this looked rather unconvincing until the screenshots of the concepts that are quite similar to creation BioWare..

Time will show how much this information is true (especially if it is put on a survey - it can change both partially, such as names, and completely). For now - Possible [Possible!] Spoilers Dragon Age 3..

In your plot new character It will be a member of the rebel from the ashes of the Inquisition, and will be engaged in collecting the unclear world. In Orleai - Civil War, Ferlden - still recovering Mora, circles - broke, magicians - rebelled, the temples - came out of the church and at all reached. Well, who read Dragon Age: Asunder - I know. As stated in the passage, "as if someone or something specially faces the world in chaos." Especially considering that a kind of "magic explosion destroyed the top of the church during a meeting to discuss the world." Naturally, no one will figure with you without you, you will have to "establish connections, increase the power to explore forgotten corners, disclose the ancient secrets and destroy those who tear the cloth of the universe." Well, who knows English - read yourself.

And about satellites. On the forum it is reported on possible four (maybe they seem EA especially controversial, or become DLC objects? ..). This is the Tevinister Master-ogoo Dorian Pavos, not quite typical of his country and wishing to change it for the better. Elf-thief sulfur (sera), something like nihi Neverwinter Nights. 2 . Drove-Tal-Wheel-Horses-Mercenaries Iron Bull (The Iron Bull, MDA) - in general, for the light will be. And the fourth ... Fourth - Cole (Cole), not quite ordinary character book Asunder..

In addition, "survey participants" determined that they are more important - "good emphasis", "good plot" or "interesting satellites". They also voted for the name of the following Dragon Age.. From options: Dragon Age: The Breach, Dragon Age: Exarch, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age: Inquisitor and Dragon Age: Apocrypha.