Pictures on the topic insects. Game: "Who is moving?". Insects. Games, benefits, layouts - Russian folk games "flock" and "bees and swallows"

Dear Colleagues!

The games proposed to your attention contribute to the development of speech, replenish and activate the dictionary, form a proper sound; develop a coherent speech, the ability to accurately express thoughts, improve the grammar system for the speech of children.

1.Igra "What are we talking about today?"

Purpose: Development of the process of thinking, generalizations, proper pronunciation.

(Meadow Picture is displayed.)

Look at the summer meadow,

Close carefully

You will understand that life around

Very entertaining.

And green picture

Immediately comes to life:

Sat down a grasshopper on Kravinku,

Butterfly flies,

Striped bumblebee buzzing

Joyfully and sound ...

All day Here life is boiling,

It's not boring here.

Name in one word those depicted in the picture. (These are insects.) List insects known to you. Do you know where they live? (Dragonfly lives next to reservoirs. Butterflies live in the meadows. The cockroach lives in the house next to the person, etc.)

Speech therapist: But something I do not see insects. They will appear when you guess them.

2. Insects about insects.

Moved at the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it

He felt and flew away.


Jumps spring-

Green back

With herbs on the epic

From the branch on the path.


All day flies,

Everyone anniversary,

Night comes

Then stops.

Household Mistress

Flies over the lawn.

Putting over the flower

He will share a naked.

What a girl:

In the belt thin,

Huge eyes.



Not a beast, not a bird,

Nose as needles.

Flies - beeps

Sumits - silent.

Who are they? Where? Whose?

Black streams flow:

Friendly small points

Build a house on a noche.


Fashionable winged

Striped dress.

Tighter though crumb

Bite will be bad.

All day he is not sleeping.

But the night will come,

Soothing his bow.

Musician call ...


Not a buzz when I sit,

Not a buzz when the creep

If in the air is circling,

That is widowed.

What a cow, tell me

No one else gave milk?


Who were the riddles?

3. Agra "Guess Who?"

Purpose: Selection to the verb name of the noun, suitable in meaning.

It is carried out using the displayed picture material.

Flies (who?) - .... (Butterfly)

Jumps (who?) - ... (grasshopper)

Anniversary, collects honey, stamping, shoes, rings, bites, crawls, buzzing, flies

Speech therapist: Guys! It seems to me that there are very few insects on our clearing. Let's make it so much. But how to do it? I will call one insect, and you will answer as if there are a lot of them.

4.Iigra "one - a lot"

Purpose: Education of nouns in the form of a plural.

Butterfly, and a lot ... (butterflies)

Grasshopper, and a lot ... (grasshoppers)

Fly, bee, dragonfly, mosquito, ant, wasp, beetle, ladybug.

Speech therapist: What do insects do on the clearing? Now we will find out about it.

5. Agra: "What does what do?"

Purpose: The formation of the shape of the plural number of verbs.
Butterfly flies, and butterflies ... (flutter.)

Bee honey collects, and bees honey ... (collect.)

Osa Jalith, and wasps ... (sting.)

Beetle buzzes, and beetles ... (buzzing.)

Komar Rings, and mosquitoes ... (ring.)

Dragonfly dies, and dragonflies ... (shy.)

Fly in the house flies, and flies ... (flying.)

Grasshopper jumps, and grasshoppers ... (jump.)

Spider web Website, and spiders ... (Tkut.)

Ant Muraney builds, and ants ... (stand.)

6.Iigra "pick a sign"

Purpose: Visual actualization. To form the ability to select words-signs, coordinate nouns with adjectives.

Butterfly (what?) - Beautiful, multicolored, useful, large.

Komar (what?) - Bloodstock, harmful.

Ants (what?) - Useful, hardworking, small.

Fly (what?) - Harmful, annoying, big, small, annoying.

Bee (what?) - useful, hardworking, honey (honey wears).

7.Gag "Nazis Laskovo"

Purpose: Improving the grammatical system of speech. Education of nouns with diminishing suffixes.

Komar - Komarik, Dragonfly - Dragonfly, Bee - Bee, Beetle - Bug, Ant - Muravichko.

8.Iigra "On the Polyanka"

Purpose: Expansion of the vocabulary stock. Improving the grammatical system of speech (using prepositions in, on, by, s, under) .

There is a big picture with the image of a bell and cobwebs and six substantive pictures (beetle, ant, spider, butterfly, dragonfly, caterpillar). In order for children to use different prepositions, it is recommended to glue the "velcro" above the bell, in a cup, bell, on the stem of the bell, under the sheet, on a web.

The speech therapist asks for children to say where insects are located.

Beetle on the bell.

Butterfly over the bell.

Spider under the leaves.

Ant runs along the blade.

Dragonfly in a bowl of the bell.

Caterpillar on the stem of the bell.

Now play games:

9 . "Who did not?", "What has changed?", "Who appeared?"

Purpose: Development of visual attention.

(Using the same visibility).

10.Igra "in the meadow"
Purpose: Teach children to independently change the verbs in terms of numbers and persons.

The speech therapist informs children: "I will tell the poem, and you help me - add needed word».

For example:
Butterflies in the sky ... (fly),
Wings ... (Mashe),
We are amused.
I'm not in the sky ... (I fly),
On the rope I ... (Sight)
In classics ... (I play)
Unless want
Like a grasshopper ... (jump)
In the grass sits ... (grasshopper)
Green cucumber
Only the wind Zasheel
Our grasshopper ... (flew)
Jumps and ... (jumps)
Never ... (crying)

11. Their "happens - does not happen»

Purpose: understanding of logic-grammatical structures.

The girl catches a butterfly. The girl caught a butterfly. Butterfly caught a girl.

Butterfly catches the girl. The girl caught a butterfly. Butterfly caught a girl.

12.Igra: "Who is moving?"

Purpose: drawing up complex proposals with the meaning of opposition.

Ant crawls, and butterfly ...

The caterpillar crashes, and the grasshopper ...

The beetle crashes, and dragonfly ...

The wasp flies, and the caterpillar ...

Spider crashes, and bee ...

Grasshopper jumps, and a mosquito ...

The cockroach crawls, and dragonfly ...

Butterfly flies, and fly ...

13.Iigra "Insect-Giant"

Purpose: Using words with magnifying shades.

This is not a spider, but a pachishche.

This is not a beetle, but cheek.

This is not an ant, but an ant.

This is not a mosquito, but a mosquito.

This is not a bumblebee, but a bumblebee.

This is not a cockroach, but cockroach.

14. Fallen gymnastics "insects"

Friendly fingers considered

Insects call.

(Compress and squeeze your fingers)

Butterfly, grasshopper, flies,

This is a beetle with a green belly.

(Alternately bend fingers into the cam, starting with a big one)

Who does it ring?

Oh, here Komar flies!

(Rotate the little finger)


(Hands behind the back)

15 . Fizminutka Exercise for coordination of movements with speech.

This is what dragonfly is very round eyes.

(Hands on the sides, then circular movements of cams at eye level)

Split like a helicopter:

Right, left, back, forward

(Hands on the sides, movement around their axis, then hands on the belt, slopes)

Raise her shoulders

Jump grasshoppers.

Jump, jump

Sat down, sat down, the herballe was attempted,

Silence listened.

16. The game "How many insects on the flower"

Purpose: matching numerical with nouns.

Each child has a picture with an insect image.

The speech therapist shows the number (from 1 to 5). The child must compile a proposal: "On the flower 3 ants."

17. The game "My story about insect"

Purpose: making a story according to the scheme, the development of a connected speech, the expansion of the vocabulary stock.

Instruction: "Look carefully on the scheme" to answer questions:

1. Who is it?

2. Is this insect, amphibian, reptile or fish?

3. What parts of the body does he have?

4. Where does it live?

5. What is his home called?

6. How is it developing?

7. What role does the surrounding world play?

On an example of an insect: bee.

18. The game "Who flew from the clearing?"

It's time for us to go back, and insects also fly away from the clearing.

The speech therapist removes one insect from a poster, and the children tell who flew away from the clearing. (From the forest clearing flew bee and so on.)

Potapova Lyudmila Mikhailovna

Didactic game Using educational constructors "World of Insects"

Author's development of educators of the municipal budget pre-school educational institution " Kindergarten Combined View No. 1 "G.O.Samara
Developed teachers: Chuvayeva Larisa Vladimirovna, Konovov Natalia Alexandrovna, Karpova Larisa Ivanovna.
Purpose. Fasten the ability to classify and call insects; Develop oral speech, memory, attention, creative potential, constructive and communicative skills.
Equipment: Presentation "Insects", constructor Robo -Kids; Details of the designer LEGO, plasticine, colored paper, leaning material (cardboard, plastic cups, etc.), glue, scissors, construction schemes.

Children become a circle, the lead calls insect (for example: fly), takes a detail of the designer from the container. The next child calls another insect (for example: Komar) and takes the detail of the designer etc. Who does not call the insect - it turns out. The participant wins, who at the end of the game is the most details of the LEGO designer. At the end of the game, the winner designed insect (new) from his parts, comes up with him the name, connects with the construction of the Robo -KIDS designer, programms the Robo -P. The rest of the children get acquainted with the presentation of "insects", guess insect riddles, participate in the collective applique of "Forest Polyana".
Tell me, what kind of bug?

Catching crawling

It's not a bee, but jam.
Honey, jam adores.
There is a strip on the poulter.
Who is she, tell me? (Wasp)

Knife adults and children -
Thin weaves it network,
Muham enemy he, not a friend.
What is his name? (Spider)

Here is a bug-worker.
All day to work is glad.
I wear on my back
Quickly drag ... (ant)

What a guest with a hungry belly
Do you rings over our ear?
From the colors do not drink nectar,
Mooses us ... (Komar)

Who flies in every home
Together with the Summer draft?
Who buzzes deafness over the frame?
Annoying ... (fly)

At night he lit in the grass
Your flashlight light.
As a full beacon,
We will be shown ... (Firefly)

All day in the flowers buzzes
With honey in a hive in a hurry.
Many honey stacked
For a winter ... (bee)

What a miracle helicopter
Moshkare does not give sleep?
Only dry dew
Cleans ... (dragonfly)

In the meadow in cornflowers
He practiced in jumps.
It is a pity, breakfasts to them the chick.
Who was it? (Grasshopper)

Shender and shaggy,
Motor Motor Winged.
Flowing a blooming hop
Arriving failed ... (bumblebee)

The group is drawn up with the eco-zone "Forest Polyana", the winner places the Robo -Nax in the eco-zone and demonstrates its flight.
Then children are invited to independently play in the ecological zone "Forest Polyana", create lego-owners, plants, bees, etc. Using educational designers, colored paper, plasticine, cast material, etc.

Didactic game "Robo Riddles - Loving"

Purpose: Fasten knowledge about the protection of nature objects;, develop oral speech, memory, attention, creative potential, constructive and communicative skills.
Equipment: Building from the Robo -KIDS constructor; Details of the Designer LEGO, Presentation "Forest"
Game traffic:
He is not a beast, not a man,
And in the forest lives the whole century.
Nature is faithful to his friend.
Who is he? (Lesovka)

Today, Robo came to visit us.
Medium of forests, swamp bumps
Coverts a house on Poto -
Out of the pipe shall smoke
The door hangs a call.
In the house pure and light,
And cozy, and warm.
Who gives guests there,
Does tea with honey treats?
Our favorite old man -
An old lever.
He and day and at night
Guards the forest of native
So that the trees are not broken
And the beasts were not offended.
He will fill you Lukukhko
And mushrooms and cloudberries,
Void in summer
Rodnikovo water,
His cute animals
Play hide and seek
Spiders wreath ween
Birds Song sleep.
Here is our old man -
An old man - a loving.

An old man - the Lesovka decided to figure out whether you know guys that it is not by chance that the forest gathered his inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are connected with each other. They will not be able to do without each other. And prepared questions for you. But first we will deal with two teams.
Reached the meadow of the Belchat
Bear, Barschat.
On green on the meadow
Go out and you, my friend. (Children are divided into teams and occupy places in two tables)
The presenter offers teams to go to a virtual journey and take a walk through the forest. (Showing a presentation or video "Forest"). After viewing the presentation, the presenter demonstrates the Slide "Forest Kingdom", with the image of plants, birds, animals, man, sun, water, etc. and then removes one of the pictures, and children (two teams) must tell what happens with the remaining alive objects, if there is no remote object on Earth. (For example: what would happen to the rest of the inhabitants, if the birds disappeared? And if the berries were missing? And if there were no mushrooms? And if you were gone from the forest of the hare? Etc.) the team that first answers correctly, Gets a detail of the designer.
The team wins the larger of the LEGO-details. Designer Details The winners team exchange cards and programps Robo - Loving.

Didactic game "Magic Robo - Train"

Purpose.Secure and systematize the ideas of children about beasts, birds, insects, amphibians. Develop oral speech, memory, attention, creative potential, constructive and communicative skills.
Equipment: Two Robo - Trains; Card-riddles with the image of animals, birds, insects, amphibians; Details of the LEGO designer; Fagings for programming Robo - Trains.
The course of the game.
The presenter invites children to smack two teams. Captains choose cards with riddles (two about animals, birds, insects, amphibians). The educator reads the riddles to the players.
There are no burgoots,
He does not need Nora.
Feet saved from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Kosolapy and big
He sleeps in Berlog in winter.
Loves bumps, loves honey,
Well, who will call?

Redhead bird
The chicken coop came
Of all chickens locked
And with me carried.
(A fox)

Gray, scary and toothy
All animals fled.
Scared attending those ...

And sing does not sing
And fly does not fly ...
What then
His bird is considered?

Ice circle, and these birds
Do not be afraid to catch cold.

Very proud of him and boast
Because the tail is beautiful.
He admires himself
And shows us.

All night flies -
Mice mined.
And it will be light -
Sleep flies in the hollow.

The water has a fluther
And hiding so cleverly
What poor fellow flies, midges
Do not get away from this crumb. (Frog.)

On the river floats the log.
Oh and frowning it!
Those who got in the river
The nose will break off ... (crocodile)

Who lives in the river sand, go back to the back?
I wear home
From enemies, I hide in it.

Tell me, what kind of bug?
On it in black shirt points,
Catching crawling
By the leafy of God ... (cow)

It's not a bee, but jam.
Honey, jam adores.
There is a strip on the poulter.
Who is she, tell me? (Wasp)

Knife adults and children -
Thin weaves it network,
Muham enemy he, not a friend.
What is his name? (Spider)

Command members are guessing the riddles and design the deposits (by plan) from LEGO-Constructor (Can use plasticography on the details of the designer)

The team that the first will create its lego animals will program its Robo - the train and delivers them to the ecological corner of the group (the first on Robo - the train are delivered by the animals, then the birds, third-owners and the last-amphibians), wins this game.
The children then continue to play in an ecological corner, design the habitat for lego animals, using colored paper, plasticine, cast material, etc.

Analysis of the work on this system of environmental education of children: the use of didactic games with the inclusion of educational designers allows us to draw conclusions about the positive results of the work done. In class cognitive development Children became more attentive. They are listening to the stories about animals and plants with interest, ask many additional questions, design, program, communicate with each other. We learned to logically think, to conjugate, compare, compare, allocate the essential signs of objects and objects of nature.

We read fairy tales and stories about insects:
"Ant and dragonfly" in. Bianki.

"Muha-Cocotuha" K. Chukovsky.
"Forest choirs." M. Mikhailov.
"How the ant was in a hurry home." V. Bianki.
"Happy bug." G. Strvitsky.
"Three butterflies." Estonian fairy tale.
"Monkeys and butterflies." Story
"Brave ant". Story
"He is alive and glow." V. Dragunsky.
"Tale about the goat". D. Mimin-Sibiryak.
"Let there be a nightingale and a beetle." V. Sukhomlinsky.
"Swallow". G. Snegolev.
"What recognized the rain worm." From the book "Underground Traveler" N. Romanova
"Soak to all over the world" - stories with beautiful illustrations

P. G. "Insects"

Flew to us yesterday
Striped bee
Mashed hands up - down.

And for her bumblebee - Schmek
And cheerful moths
Two bug and dragonfly,
Pronouncing the name of insects, bend
one finger on both hands.

Like lanterns eyes
Make "glasses" from fingers.

Flying, Flying
Mashed hands up - down.

From fatigue fell.
Throw hands down, clapping themselves on the sides.


Lexical theme
demonstration material (12 cards)
sets of thematic occupations
table: Insects: fly / do not fly, our houses
insects in pictures
cards with names and task Find the same insect among others
insects photo
Photo exhibition dedicated to the patronage color of some insects
My collection of ideas for classes and crafts
big collection of ideas for classes
Package of tasks
did. game "Who is how to arrange"
Fourth Excess game

Coloring with samples and short sentences
crossword and task
Domana cards

Crafts and drawing
Stencils butterflies
Bukashki- Very beautiful children's coloring with samples
Tasks on the topic of the notebook "Welcome to the ecology!"
- Collection of ideas including the crafts with pasta "Life cycle of butterfly"
symmetrical drawing with butterfly paints
Ideas for crafts
appliques "Insects"

Our crafts:

Outdoor games
Game "Caterpillar"
"Caterpile with balloons"
For the game you will need chalk. Adult draws on the site the circle of such a magnitude so that all participants can accommodate freely around the circumference. One of the players is prescribed by lead, he gets up in the center of the circle. The remaining players - grasshoppers - get up at the very feature of the circle. At the command of the leading grasshoppers begin to jump inside the circle, and then - jump out of it. Drinking tries to catch someone from the participants at the moment when the latter is inside the circle. The caught player becomes leading, and driven - the grasshopper, after which the game is repeated.
The game can be complicated by changing its rules: to jump, and also jump on one leg or jump only after cotton in your hands.
Game "Moth"(
Moth-witted, (children move in a circle, smoothly waving their hands, like wings) bring us a breeze:
From the gate - turn, (stop, rotate and run in the opposite direction) to drive a boat in the handle.
- Wei, Wei, breeze, (stop, take turns stretching behind the stretched up - to hand)
Stretch sail
Gony chips
From the west to the east, (not in a hurry, run in a circle with an inlet step) (folk song)

Mathematics and logic
Download game "Catch the beetle!"

8 CL

Generalizing lesson-game on the topic "Class insects"

The purpose of the lesson: To summarize and systematize students' knowledge on the topic: "Insect class".

Tasks lesson:

    develop cognitive interest through game elements,

    contribute to the formation of the skills of work in the group,

    systematize knowledge of students on the main detachments of insects.

Type of lesson: generalization and systematization of knowledge (lesson-game).

Equipment: plates with command numbers, computer presentation (2), multimedia projector, cards with tasks.

Preliminary preparation: The class is divided into 3 teams, tokens are preparing for playing, children prepare messages on topics: "Rare and endangered types of insects" and " interesting Facts About insects. "

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Viewpresentations.

Guys, tell me, please, what unites animals you just saw on slides? (children's responses: they belong to the class of insects, a little general characteristics of the insect class).

Today we will conduct a generalizing lesson on the topic "Insects", will focus the knowledge gained on this topic in the form of the game. To do this, you shared for 3 teams (distribute plate plates: 1,2 and 3 teams), for the right answers you will receive tokens, the result of the game we will sum up at the end of the lesson.

Insects are amazing creatures. Someone they seem to be beautiful, someone's scary, but all our small neighbors are interesting without exception. But are they small? There are insects-giants. The largest beetle in the world is an African Goliath, the length of his body reaches 11 cm, and it weighs up to 100g. The South American Hercules beetle reaches a length of 19 cm, however, most of this length falls on his horn (2 slides).

Insects are the most numerous class of animal kingdom. The most numerous detachments of the insect class: beetles - 250 thousand species, butterflies - 140 thousand species, refigulation-80 thousand species (3 slides).

Let's start our game.

First task : (4-5 slides)you need to distribute insects by detachments. (2 tokens for 2 correct detachments, 1 - for 1 correct 0 - for 0) (check start from 1 g).

1 gr.

    Flock, Cricket, Medveda, Grasshopper - straight blue.

    Blood, heap, mosquito, rooster - dug.

2 gr.

    Plavnets, Goliath, Scarab, Ladybug - Beetles (Tough).

    Bee, a sawmaker, a rider, bumblebee - refilled.

3 gr.

    Shchinger, watermark, glades, harmful turtle - bugs (half-rope).

    Leminison, Admiral, Apollo, a taut silkwear - butterflies (scratched).

Next task (6 slide) need to guess insect (With 1 tips gave - 3 tokens, from 2 - 2, from 3 - 1 tokens, one attempt is given, not guess or mistaken, the move goes to another command) (check start from 2 g).

1 gr.

    It feeds with blood, rotting machine piercing-sucking.

    Outless insect.

    Jumps 50 cm long and 30 cm up. (Flea)

2 gr.

    Mostly night animals.

    Love moisture and warmth.

    Can damage paper, binding books, leather products. (Cockroaches).

3 gr.

    Have 2 pairs of wings.

    Eggs are laying into the water.

    Adults do not eat. (Layers).

And now we will check your homework (7 slide) interesting facts about insects, representatives are published, read 5-7 facts (MAK 3 of the token).

For the next contest, I need 1 representative from each team: pull out one question - answer, get a token, if they can not answer, then first their team, and then rivals)

    What is the name of a special body for capturing the production of dragonfly larvae? (mask).

    Which insect is the eggland longer torso? (rider)

    How many grams of nectar can bring a bee at a time in Poskik? (0.06g.)

For the next our contest, you must first make the name of the insect, then determine which of 3 representatives excess and why? (8-9 slide) (Mas 2 points, if they made up and identified anyone and why - 2 points, only amounted to - 1Ball). (Start checking from 3g).

1 gr.

    Peal, Wamraye, Apernzi. Bee, ant - refamped, replica-butterfly.

2 gr.

    Amkor, OLKP, AhMU. Komar, Klop - Rot.P. The piercing-sucking, fly - literacy.

    Neupenda, firm, Aarkan. Penka, dragonfly -2 pairs of wings, cockroach - no wings.

3 gr.

    Lachpe, Rocheft, Kresteoaz. Bee, silkworm-domesticated, dragonfly is not domesticated.

    Pseeln, Dovyovo, Ruweyma. Slept, heap - double, ants-refamped.

There is a large number in nature, including about insects, I now offer you create and explain it.

(10 slide) (the words of the rupture, in order to collected - MAK 2 tokens) (start checking from 1 g).

    Spider weaves network - to dry weather.

    Ants are hiding in an anthill - to bad weather.

    Many midges - prepare Lukoshko.

Despite the fact that insects are the most numerous class in the kingdom of animals, among them there are a large number of rarest species, which may soon completely disappear from the face of the Earth. I would like to tell us about some of them now. It was your home. Task (mah 3 tokens).

And at the end of our lesson, I would like you to answer my questions: (11 slide)

    what is the value of insects in nature and in a person's life? (positive and negative role)

    if there were no insects, life would be possible on earth?

Total lesson

(12 slide) the value of insects in the nature and life of a person.

How to successfully use familiar images of bees, ladybugs, ants and other insects when creating homemade games, visual benefits, layouts, tells and shown in the useful publications of this section. Didactic, educational games; Original accessories for mobile games; homemade designers; Layouts depicting insects in their natural habitat. As well as: speech games, comparative stories about insects, speech therapy manualIn which somehow, the characters from the "Little World" appear.

Insects in the service of children's development

Contained in sections:

Publications 1-10 of 697 are shown.
All sections | Insects. Games, manuals, layouts

Developing children's fingers, we help the child learn how to own their own hands. We continue to cray games do it yourself. Games The development of speech in a child (the brain zones responsible for the small movements of the fingers are closely connected with the brain zones that are responsible ...

The syllable is one sound or several sounds uttered by one exhaling jig air: Due, on-U-ka. The consonants are incomplete. When pronunciation of words, consonant sounds "Pull" To vowels, forming a syllable together with vowels. I present to your attention ...

Insects. Games, manuals, layouts - Movement folder for parents and benefits "Mathematical Crawler"

Relaxation game "Butterfly" for children of senior preschool age The goal of the game: to achieve relaxation through the alternation of strong voltage and rapid relaxation, through respiratory techniques. Video series: Flying butterflies Music row: Celtic Spirit, Air Song. Latvian folk ...

Insects. Games, benefits, layouts - Russian folk games "flock" and "bees and swallows"

Russian folk game "Herd" task. To acquaint children with a new Russian folk game. Learn to pronounce chorus in one pace. Educate exposure, attention. Organization of the game: Playing choose the shepherd and wolf, and all the rest are sheep. House Wolf in the Forest, and sheep has two houses on ...

Educator 1 category - Amirov Khalid Shamilievna. In the process of perennial creative experiments, I did games and toys from many types of materials. These were cardboard, and paper, and different kinds Fabrics, and plywood, and leather, wooden hemps, even foam. This time I ...