Do-it-yourself speech therapy aids for preschoolers. Do-it-yourself speech therapy guide for kindergarten. Master class with a photo. "Who lives in the house?"

Tamara Okhlopkova

1. "Guess the picture"

The game is a box with replaceable pictures inside, covered with some kind of cereal. Children rake the rump with their fingers and guess the whole image from the released fragments of the picture. As help (in case of difficulties) on the table in front of the child, lay out several pictures, among which there is the desired one.

Use cases games.

1. Activation of the dictionary on lexical topics.

2. Automation of sounds.

3. Find a pair: there are several pictures on the table. A child, raking a croup in a box, must recognize the picture and find the same one among those offered.

2. "Dexterous fingers"

Small pictures are drawn on sheets of paper 10 by 10 cm in size so that the child can place his fingers on them. Pictures refer to different lexical topics (you can draw pictures with a docked sound).

Exercise: "hide" bunnies ("collect" berries, mushrooms, leaves, vegetables "catch" butterflies, etc., that is, close the drawings with our fingers. accompanying: name the color, which tree the leaf is from, etc.

Related publications:

Didactic game "Collect a bouquet"; Didactic game "Plant a beetle on a flower"; Didactic game "Dress the Christmas tree"; Didactic game.

DIY didactic games. Tablet "Houses" The tablet includes houses of different colors, with different locks. Opening the door, children.

An alternative to expensive didactic games is DIY games. Each time you go over the old cubes, the hand does not rise.

1. Game "Domestic and Wild Animals". 2 pictures are pasted on the cardboard: a forest and a village, holes are made and screw necks are inserted.

One of the leading aspects of a preschooler's development is the development fine motor skills, and coordination of movements of the fingers. Proven that development.

Correct speech breathing is necessary for the development of speech, since the respiratory system is nothing more than an energy base for speech.

After wandering around the Internet, I decided to do a few board games for your kids. I printed out the pictures, colored and pasted them.

Creativity in the work of a teacher-defectologist is an integral factor in the success of correctional work.

Probably, in any profession, a creative approach to work is desirable, but in the work of a teacher-defectologist, it is simply necessary. Children with whom the teacher-defectologist of the correctional-pedagogical assistance point of the institution works preschool education, due to their age, they do not understand why a speech therapist takes them to classes.

In addition, in addition to speech impairment, they may have features of attention, memory, thinking, children may not have enough fine motor skills. Just like all children, they can be active, restless or passive, absent-minded. And the teacher must find an approach to everyone, because the result of his correctional work depends on this.

Special attentionteacher-defectologist must pay attention to visibility and games.

The didactic material used by the teacher-defectologist (games, exercises) should be colorful and interesting for the child.

The preschooler wants to play - let him play, and the teacher must organize his work so that the main task in the game is to correct the existing violation.

Each teacher-defectologist has in his arsenal his own set of games and exercises - computer or paper, purchased or made by hand. There are a lot of games.

But no matter how many manuals and didactic games are published, each defectologist in the arsenal will have something of his own, made with his own hands, some original game unlike other games. And if he also owns a computer, the possibilities of which are simply endless, then there is a lot of room for imagination.

I suggest some samples simple games made with the help of a computer, which can be used in work with children with speech disorders for the automation and differentiation of sounds, the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, correction of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, the ability to compose simple and complex (complex) sentences.

I compose games in a program for composing Power Point presentations: I insert the selected background image (track, snail, snake, caterpillar, table, etc.) and overlay pictures with the desired sound on it. It is better to make the background of pictures transparent.

This can be done in Adobe Photoshop, or some other program - the one owned by the teacher. Further, if desired, you can make the background of the manual.

The plot of a speech therapy game is a matter of the speech therapist's imagination.

Speech therapy walkers

Production of the manual. Choose an adventure picture, overlay pictures with the desired sound on it, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game:

The course of the game.

The child "walks" with his fingers along the path, clearly pronouncing the fixed or differentiated sounds.

Game options (this and subsequent):

1. Invite the child to find more objects with a given sound in the picture and count them: one tree, two trees, three trees, four trees, five trees. In this case, the child learns to coordinate numbers with nouns. To exercise in aligning adjectives with nouns, we add a sign - a green tree. The child will need to say: one green tree, two green trees, ... five green trees.

2. Invite the child to choose five pictures he liked (for example, a bicycle, a fish) and make sentences with them (“Mom bought a bicycle”, “A fish is swimming in the river”).

3. Invite the child to choose five pictures he liked and play the game "Greedy": "My bike, my pig, my hat", etc. Or the game "Not greedy": "I gave everything to you, and now I have no bike, no pig, no hat." So we train the child in the correct use of the case endings of nouns.

4. Invite the child to choose five pictures he liked and play the game "One-Many": a tree - Christmas trees, a pig - pigs, a bicycle - bicycles.

On the basis of one picture of the proposed games, many variants of games can be realized, realizing the main goal - the correction of speech disorders.

Speech therapy labyrinths

Production of the manual.

Choose a labyrinth picture, insert it into the presentation slide, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange the background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

The course of the game.

The child calls the pictures of the labyrinth, clearly pronouncing the sounds.

This game can be played by a child with a speech therapist, or you can organize it with a subgroup of children who have the same sound being automated. In this case, you need a dice and chips. The players roll the die. How many points fell, the player can make moves, clearly pronouncing words with a fixed sound (or with differentiated sounds). In this game, there is a danger of going into a dead end, so the child needs to be careful and make sure that this does not happen. In addition to automating sounds, visual attention also develops in this game, and by answering the question-name of the game, the child learns to make sentences with prepositions.

In addition to fixing sounds, in the games of this series and in the games presented below, you can also offer the same options for correcting the lexical and grammatical side of speech as in the games-walkers.

Speech therapy caterpillars

Production of the manual. Select a caterpillar picture, insert it into the slide, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange the background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

The course of the game.

The child moves the chip along the caterpillar, clearly articulating the sounds.

On this material, in addition to consolidating sounds, you can also work out the coordination of numerals and adjectives with nouns, singular and plural nouns, the ability to make sentences.

Speech therapy tracks

Production of the manual. In the "Insert" function, select "Shapes", insert a suitable shape, duplicate it and make a path out of it. Then add pictures with the desired sound to the track, and, if necessary, arrange the background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

The course of the game.

The child "walks" with his fingers along the path, clearly articulating the sound. Then the child, answering the question (for example, "Who is the goat calling?"), Makes a simple sentence ("The goat is calling the kid").

On the material of the games of this series, you can also work out the coordination of words in a sentence, the selection of signs for an object, singular and plural nouns, etc.

Speech therapy collectors

Production of the manual. Insert a picture into the file (for example, a mushroom, strawberries), multiply it and make a track out of it (you can take pictures of different mushrooms), then overlay pictures with the desired sound on them, and, if necessary, arrange a background. You will need a die and chips.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

The course of the game.

The players take turns throwing the dice - how many points fell on the dice, for so many pictures you need to move the chip, clearly pronouncing the name of the pictures.

Speech therapy snakes

Production of the manual. Choose a snake picture, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

The course of the game.

The players take turns throwing the dice - how many points fell on the dice, as many moves the player can make, clearly naming the words with a fixed sound. And here you can also choose three to five pictures, make sentences with them, count them, agreeing the numbers with nouns. Then you can close or remove the pictures and give the child the task: "Remember what pictures were on this snake" (development of visual memory).

Speech therapy dominoes

Production of the manual. In the "Insert" function, select a table, insert it into the slide, fill the table with the color you like, overlay pictures with the desired sound.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds.

Cut the picture material horizontally, then vertically between the same pictures (you can laminate) and play like a regular domino. The only difference is that instead of dots on dominoes there are pictures, and you need to name them, agreeing the numeral with the noun.

Speech therapy snails

Production of the manual. Choose a snail picture, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

You will need a dice and chips to play. A child can play with a speech therapist, or you can organize a game with a subgroup of children with whom the pronunciation of the same sound is reinforced.

The course of the game.

Players take turns throwing a dice - how many dots have dropped out, the player can make moves, clearly naming words with a fixed sound.

The goal of the game for a child is to get to the prize (it can be a chip, a picture, a sticker or some other prize), and for a speech therapist - to fix the set sound in the child.

The options for using the game in this series may be the same as in the games of other series, or there may be your own - here it is a matter of the teacher's imagination.

To develop a steady interest in classes, to accelerate the achievement of a positive result, I have developed a multifunctional, mobile didactic manual "Zvukotsvetik", for the development of all components of oral speech, which consists of 12 pages of the book.

The manual promotes the activation of the activity of preschoolers, the individualization of teaching and upbringing, has a developmental, teaching and educational value. It can be used in joint and self-corrective - educational activities with kids.

First page to consolidate the rule of self-control over the pronunciation of sounds, to form an acoustic - articulatory image of sound. E.A. Ivanova. I hear, see, feel - I speak correctly!

Second page for fusion of sounds into syllables, consolidation of acoustic - articulatory images of sounds. Children guess the sound, talk about correct articulation, read syllables.

V.M. Akimenko. New speech therapy technologies.

Third page to consolidate the pronunciation of sound in syllables, the development of auditory attention, memory, rhythm, fine motor skills.

Children memorize syllables (words) with their fingers, show each syllable (word) and pronounce, relying on the footprints of animals. You can come up with any rhythmic pattern

Fourth and fifth pages for the development of melodic and intonational expressiveness of speech. Ability to change the strength of the voice, pitch, rhythm, tempo.

Techniques for working on each rhythm :

1. To sing according to the scheme, showing the symbol of the spoken sound with a pointer.

2. Sing along the pattern, slamming the rhythm.

3. Sing from memory, slamming the rhythm.

4. Play the rhythm of a "song" with different vowels.

When working on the rhythm on the fifth page we develop in children auditory perception, auditory memory, teach to reproduce the rhythm according to the model, to come up with our own rhythmic patterns.

T.V. Alexandrova. Live sounds or Phonetics for preschoolers.

Sixth page « Sound tracks " are used in the automation of sounds in words, the development of phonemic perception, the skills of sound analysis of a word, the development of lexical and grammatical representations, coherent speech, attention and memory.

Tasks are offered:

1. Remember how to pronounce the sound correctly. Choose a track. Run your finger along the path, calling the words. Remember to pronounce the sound correctly.

2. Walk along the path, naming words that begin with a sound ...

3. Walk along the path and name the words that answer the question WHO?; walk along the path and name the words that answer the question WHAT?

4. Walk along the paths, naming words with adjectives.

5. Say the word, divide it into syllables, highlight the percussive one.

6. Remember the words that you said and remembered.

7. Come up with sentences with the words you memorized.

8. All tracks come from (...). Choose which path will go (…) and where he will come.

9. Come up with a little story about what will happen to (…) if but (she) meets (…), (…), (…).

10. Tell about your adventures (...) to your mom and your friends.

Seventh page "Three-storey house" to consolidate the correct pronunciation of a sound, to develop the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis. We learn to pronounce the sound correctly, to determine the position of the sound in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end).

The eighth and ninth pages of "Locomotives" to improve the syllable structure of a word, develop the skill to determine the number of syllables in a word, the ability to determine the stressed syllable, and designate with a diagram.

Four engines are offered with different numbers of windows. Children should clap and put pictures with different numbers of syllables into the corresponding trains. Determine the stressed syllable in each word. Put or show a diagram of a word, indicating the stressed syllable.

The tenth page "Two dolls" used at the stage of differentiation of correctly pronounced sounds. For children tasks are offered:

  • Recall the acoustic - articulatory image of sound. Pronounce it correctly. What do they have in common? What is the difference between differentiated sounds?
  • "Give the dolls with different names pictures" with the appropriate sound.
  • Locate the location of the sound.
  • Count the number of syllables.
  • Come up with a proposal. Count the number of words in the sentence.

Eleventh page used when familiarizing with prepositions.

Tasks are offered:

  • Follow the instructions.
  • Answer the question: "What have you done?"
  • What little word?
  • Acquaintance with the preposition scheme.
  • Find the scheme on the page "Speech flowers", come up with a sentence.
  • Count the number of words in the sentence, determine the place of the small word.
  • Write down the proposal outline.

To determine the preposition, an additional cube with schemes of "small" words is offered.

Z.E. Agranovia To help speech therapists and parents. A collection of homework assignments for overcoming the underdevelopment of the phonemic side of speech in older preschoolers.

Twelfth page for acquaintance and consolidation of the rules of speech:

  • The text consists of sentences.
  • Sentences are made up of words.
  • Words are small and large.
  • Each word is spelled separately.
  • The first word is capitalized.
  • Proper names are written with a capital letter.
  • A full stop is put at the end of the sentence.
  • Words are made up of syllables.
  • Syllables are made up of sounds.
  • Sounds are vowels (Sing, there is no barrier, girls).
  • Consonants, pronounced with an obstruction in the mouth, boys. (Angry, hard and affectionate, soft).
  • Without vowel sounds, a syllable (song) will not work.
  • How many vowels there are in a word, so many syllables.

G.A. Vanyukhin "Rechetsvetik"

Strengthening pronunciation in combination with the development of phonetic analysis develops the thinking abilities of children, directs their attention to the sound side of speech. It teaches to observe and compare, that is, it forms generalized phonemic representations, which, in turn, become an incentive for improving articulation. This is also facilitated by the ability of children to qualitatively assess their speech and the speech of others, that is, self-control. The connection between the formation of the phonetic-phonemic system with the development of the lexical-grammatical structure of speech, forms the correct communication skills, affects the quality preparation of children for school.

Structural unit "Kindergarten" Rainbow "combined type" MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 11 combined type"

Ruzaevsky municipal district

"House with games"

(do-it-yourself multifunctional speech therapy manual)

O. V. Kulakova

Teacher speech therapist

Ruzayevka 2016

Possession of competent speech and the ability to express one's thoughts are essential skills for future schoolchildren, the basis for their successful study.
An important point in preparing for school is the choice of teaching methods. Most effective method- the use of didactic, educational games, as one of the forms of educational influence of an adult on a child and at the same time - the main type of activity of a preschooler.
Thus, at didactic game two goals: one of them is teaching, which is pursued by the teacher, and the other is play, for the sake of which the child acts. It is necessary that these goals complement each other and provide speech recovery.

I work in a kindergartenteacher-logopedist with children with speech impairments.In my work I use different games andbenefitswhich I do myself. I likemultifunctional manuals, therefore madeallowance, with which you can solve several problems at once.Benefit« House with games » mobile and easy to use.It has an attractive appearance and arouses the interest of repeated play with it.

Description: this didactic manual is made of wood, made in the form of a "house". The walls of the "house" are removable, fastened with Velcro. Attached to the manual various materials, which are conveniently placed inside the "house".

The purpose of the multifunctional didactic manual:

Comprehensive development speech of preschool children.

This manual helps to solve many problems: to develop the ability to classify, find unnecessary things, enrich vocabulary, develop speech, develop logical thinking, develop attention, memory, automate sounds, conduct a speech therapy examination, etc. Let's take a closer look at the games with this tutorial:


Target: creating game motivation when performing articulation exercises.

"Geometric figures" - Teaching and acquainting a child with geometric shapes is not only important, but also very interesting! It is necessary to show imagination, come up with games and tasks for children. For example, "Sorter" -this is one of the first educational toys for a kid, allowing you to learn about the properties of different shapes. Its essence lies in the fact that for a certain hole you need to pick up a toy of the appropriate shape (ball, cube, and others). The child very quickly begins to understand what's what, such a toy not only teaches the child to quickly distinguish figures of different geometric shapes, but also trains fine motor skills of the fingers, and also develops logical thinking.

"Mood board" - drawn up at the beginning and at the end of any lesson. Here, the guys reflect their mood in the form of a pictogram.

    Target: Learn to recognize and convey emotional manifestations using facial expressions.

    Enrich children's vocabulary by using words for various emotions and feelings.

    Foster respect for each other.


What games can you think of with flannelegraph? Here the scope of imagination is unlimited. With flannelograph we study colors, shapes, sizes, numbers, learn to read, group, compare, arrange various theaters and much more.And most importantly:

    Formation of children's ability to self-study.

    The development of skills not only to technically perform the role, but also to convey their attitude towards it.

But the most favorite pastime of children is to hang and take pictures from the flannelegraph independently, according to their own script, and do it repeatedly.

"Shadow Theater" - a very amazing and spectacular kind of theatrical art. Shadow performances are widely known, in which various animals and people are depicted with the help of palms. This technique can be safely used in shadow theater. With the help of the theater, we actively support children's striving for beauty. We try to involve children in an interesting and creative process, where they are liberated and revealed as little artists.

"Pick by color"


    develop an interest in the mathematical side.

    promote the manifestation and development of specific elements of mathematical abilities

    cultivate a desire to learn new things.

"Magnetic board"

Target: creating conditions for familiarizing children with the properties of a magnet. Development of creative activity, imagination, cognitive abilities.


I use experience and best practices in speech therapy classes music director... After articulatory gymnastics, I conduct a musical warm-up in order to repeat the correct pronunciation of the automated sound, and prepare children for more complex speech material. For this I use pictures with the image musical instruments or the instruments themselves (both real and dummies). Children sing syllables (open, closed, with a confluence of consonants, direct, reverse) to a simple melody, depicting playing these instruments. If real instruments are used in the lesson, we sing and play. During this warm-up, children sing softly and loudly, slowly and quickly, smoothly and abruptly, in chorus and individually, in an "orchestra" (everyone sings, but everyone sings his own syllable). Tasks depend on the individual characteristics of the child. Instruments and speech material changes.


With the help of an elastic band, the guys create different kinds, the shape of the cobwebs.

Target this game: the development of imagination, the acquisition of skills of independence playing independent play activities and communication.


Children already in preschool age it is vitally important to learn how to navigate in time: to determine, measure time (correctly denoting in speech), feel its duration (in order to regulate and plan activities in time), change the pace and rhythm of your actions depending on the availability of time. The ability to regulate and plan activities in time creates the basis for the development of personality traits such as organization, concentration, purposefulness, and accuracy, which are necessary for a child in school and in everyday life.

Target : The development of temporal representations in preschoolers in the older group.

"Magic muff"

With this game, guys cangreet each other by putting your hands through the holes on both sides and finding your other hand, shake it. You can also play the game "Wonderful Bag".


"Geokont" is an original game aimed at the logical and mathematical development of preschoolers, their acquaintance with the objective world, the formation of design skills and solving creative problems


    mastering the names and structure of geometric shapes, their size;

    develop the ability to build symmetrical, asymmetrical shapes, patterns, navigate in space; distinguishing the colors of the rainbow;

    develop the ability to construct figures according to a diagram, a picture, a verbal algorithm and your own idea; attention, memory, elements of logical thinking; imagination, Creative skills; finger and wrist hand motility.

    we form the ability of children to learn for themselves, as well as interest in school, social readiness for it

    we develop the ability not only to technically fulfill the role of a student, schoolboy, but also to convey our attitude towards it;

    promote the development of imagination, creative manifestations of children, interest in participating in play and artistic activities with elements of creativity, joy, from the realization of their ideas and desires.

How to play.

The game is placed on the board. The child pulls elastic bands on the carnations and creates object silhouettes, geometric figures, patterns, numbers, letters according to the sample, the verbal algorithm and your own idea. With the help of one game, you can solve a large number of educational problems. Unbeknownst to himself, the baby learns numbers and letters; recognizes and remembers color, shape; trains fine motor skills of the hands; improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination. Versatility in relation to educational programs.

"We are artists, creators!"


    stimulate and maintain the desire to independently acquire knowledge in the process of available activities

    develop interest in visual activities, including joint ones, maintain interest in its specific types

    develop the visual skills and giftedness of children

    to contribute to the enrichment of the visual experience of children in creating an artistic image at a level accessible to them

    develop creativity, imagination, cognitive ability visual arts

    arouse interest in school, social readiness for it

    cultivate the desire to fantasize and draw invented on a piece of paper

"My fingers are my helpers"

    Lacing "Carnation"


    Tactile board "Kind palms"

    "Multi-colored corks"


    develop the child's imagination,

    attention, fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements,

    develop children's interest in cooperation, skills of verbal and active communication with adults and peers, enrich the experience of "play communication"

    contribute to the development of imagination, creative manifestations of children, interest in participating in play and artistic activities with elements of creativity, joy, from the realization of their ideas and desires.

    form the ability of children for self-learning.

    develop the ability not only to play a role technically, but also to convey their attitude towards it;

    foster a desire to help, empathize with the character, and take care of them and others. Bring up friendly attitude children to the environment, emotional responsiveness to the state of other people, good feelings.

The ideas of a multifunctional guide are not unlimited. The content of the games can be varied (everything will depend on the teacher, his imagination and the tasks solved in the games). These can be games for development: fine motor skills, logical thinking, coherent speech, as well as games for automating and differentiating various sounds.

Annotation: This article tells about what games for speech therapy classes you can do with your own hands and how to change them depending on the tasks.

It's no secret that classes with a speech therapist for a child are a lot of work. If this is a preschooler, then, coming to the speech therapist's office, it is not always easy for him to switch from play to educational activities.

If we are talking about a student, then, as a rule, classes begin after the child has served half a day at the desk. Therefore, you need to try to make sure that the atmosphere in the classroom is still more playful in nature. And games are the first assistants in this.

Adventure games

In my classes, I actively use adventure games.

You can use ready-made cards, but they will have to replace fines, for example, by gluing a picture with the sound necessary for this child for automation. And it turns out that instead of returning several moves, he will say "sa-sa-sa" or "la-la-la" ...

Each speech therapist will choose the options himself. And yet, I prefer do-it-yourself adventure cards, and toys from "kinder eggs" will be perceived as chips much more interesting.


Another game I use to automate sounds is spinning top.

A hexagon is cut out of cardboard and shaped in accordance with the tasks set.

If we automate a group of whistling sounds, then on the edges of the top there should be images that include these sounds (sleigh, dog ...), if we automate a group of sonorous sounds, other pictures.

Maybe the child is old enough and able to identify the lettering image? This means that the top will have letters denoting the sound we need.

To make the top spin, put a toothpick in the center and spin it! Stopped on the edge, pronounce what is depicted on it.

I have a lot of tops: for different groups of sounds, for different periods of automation (from sound to syllable, word, sentence ...)

Game "Magic Bag"

One of the most beloved for the guys is the game " Magic pouch»!

The principle is well known to everyone - there is something inside an opaque (preferably rag) bag. The child puts his hand inside and tries to describe by touch what is in his hand.

The contents of the pouch may vary depending on the training objectives.

For example, we want to enrich the vocabulary with adjectives, which means we put small toys inside, here again kinder - eggs - will come to the rescue.

The child holds a toy in his hand and tells how it is - hard or soft, smooth or rough, in some cases it will be possible to describe the shape ... And when he gets it, he adds color.

For older children who are familiar with letters, I put plastic letters in a bag - with pleasure they try to determine what letter they got and name the sound.

Game "Lost"

And another one speech play, which replenishes the vocabulary with prepositions and develops attention very well - "Lost".

On the A-3 format, an illustration is drawn or pasted (rooms, forests, meadows, etc.), then an object is selected that will be “lost” in the picture, in the amount of five to seven pieces.

For example, a mushroom or a maple leaf or a squirrel may be lost in the "forest". This option is the most successful, since it can be UNDER the tree and ON the tree and NEAR the tree ...

A hat, sock, etc. can be "lost" in the room. The child finds each "lost" item and tells where it was.

Speech is the main form of human interaction with the outside world. Our task is to help the child master this form perfectly. Learning for children should not be boring, otherwise there will be little sense from it. Games help the child to learn with interest and not get tired.

Tyulyagina N.A.,
teacher speech therapist