Speech games for children and adults. Speech games for preschoolers. Game "Who as a voice serves

Rairy Kashkova
Speech games for preschoolers

The child's speech is developing in all activities. The main and leading form is the game.

IN children's garden Groups have many games and benefits for speech development.

But we present to your attention gamesthat do not specifically prepare or acquire, they are in all kindergartens and are always at hand, it is important to have only fantasy and smelting so that ordinary toys become interesting and polyfunctional and maximally contribute to the development of children, namely, the development of children's speech is such games, as "Lotto", Cubes and balls.

A game is offered "Lotto". The pictures are laid out by groups, but at the same time children talk about their actions. For example, the presenter shows a picture and asks: "Who needs a cheese?" Child: "I need a cheerful, because it is a mushroom. I take mushroom and put on the mushroom ". purpose games It may be different - this is the development of the dictionary, the development of a connected speech, this is the exercise in the correct pronunciation of sounds.

The next lotto is didactic game « Speech lotto.» . purpose games: differentiation of sounds, on the screen - these are vowels A, W. You can differentiate other sounds, consonants, for example, p and l, or mild consonant and solid consonant; Accordingly, the picture material and the letter is selected, then exercises in the correct pronunciation of children of these sounds in words, hearing and visual attention, the phonderatic perception, the proper side of speech, articular motility and small motility of the hands are developing.

Next game "Logopedic lotto"

Material games Consists of a piece of paper, divided by nine windows and patterns from the lotto. The game can be used by educators, teachers spent on working with older children preschool age . Variants of this games are numerous, directed by comprehensive development Personality of a child.

Purpose games can be: enrichment of the dictionary, automation and differentiation of sounds, the development of phonderatic perception, the formation of the syllated structure of the word, the skill of sound analysis, the development of mental processes: Cleansing, observation.

Name games May come from goal: for example, the enrichment of the dictionary and sound automation "Name a picture", formation of the syllated structure of the word "find a word with one syllable (with two, etc.)», "Spread on the syllables" - laying pictures on cells, etc.

Tasks may be such:

Development of spatial orientation on a sheet of paper;

Proper use of nouns in the parental case, the only number of appropriate case;

Coordination of adjectives with nouns;

The formation of a syllable structure of the word;

Determining the place of a given sound in words;

Drawing up proposals with these words;

Development of attention, memory;

Development small Motoriki fingers.

Speech games with cubes.

We offer a game with conventional building cubes. The game is called "Whose house is higher?". Children are invited to build floors of the house from words, for example with three sounds - house, poppy, cancer, etc. - floor of three cubes. Who will come up with more words, the house is higher, he wins. Another variant games - Build floors from words with one syllable or with two syllables (complication comes gradually). The following option is "invent the proposals from two (three, four) words "and build floors. You can come up with other options for games with conventional building cubes. Children with enthusiasm playing these gamesMoreover, they are a competitive nature. In the course of this games Children develop all the components of speech (and vocabulary, and grammar, and phonetics, and the spoken side of speech, and a coherent speech, and mental processes: Attention, memory, thinking.

Very interesting and fascinating pass speech games with balls. Their set can be carried out individually, and subgroups, and with the whole group, with a reproach, "Ball in a circle", With a tossing, with felling. for example:

"Deftly me a ball of abandon and animals call", "I know three names of animals (fruit, vegetables, etc.)»,

"I know three names of words with sound (P, L)», "Three names with a certain sound", "The vowel sound will hear the ears, the ball takes off above the painter", "Boy we palm"Knock", repeat the sound ", "It happens - no", "Who does what?", "Who is like moving", "What why?", "Catch, throw, call the days of the week". Games The balls are walking with the balls, aimed at the development of mental, mental and physical abilities of the child.

It is interesting to go "Londer com". It is usually carried out for the automation of sounds, and the phonderatic processes are developing, an active dictionary, memory, thinking, imagination.

It is interesting to go "Londer com". The ball is transmitted in a circle, called words to a certain sound, and all previous words are repeated. This game is usually carried out to automate sounds in words, while developing phonderatic processes, an active dictionary, memory, thinking, imagination.

Thus, provided that the properly organized pedagogical process using gaming technologies, as well as with a properly organized subject-developing environment speech The development of the child will be full and effective.

Publications on the topic:

Speech and intelligent games with senior preschool children Speech newspaper "February No. 7" Specialists advise the release: "Speech and intellectual games with children of senior preschool age" is impossible.

Didactic and speech games for local history (senior preschool age) Didactic games "Determine the similar pattern". Objective: Consider the knowledge of children about birchy products, learning to find similarities in.

Consultation for teachers "Speech Games with Ball" Consultation for teachers Speech games with ball MBOU "SOSH №6" pre-school groups Teacher-speech therapist O. N. Svechnikova G. Yugorsk.

Consultation for teachers "Speech games of preschoolers" Speech games for preschoolers great importance In mental, moral, physical and aesthetic education.

The impact of speech games and exercises on the development of preschoolers

Most preschool children usually show speech violations and signs of underdevelopment of speech. Simultaneously with the speech sphere, emotional and sensory is suffering - the perceptual sphere of the child, the motivational side when performing tasks.
Speech development is a complex, creative process, and therefore it is necessary that children, as early as possible, mastered their native speech, they spoke correctly and beautiful. Consequently, the sooner we teach the child to speak correctly, the freer will feel in the team.
K.D. Shushinsky said that his native word is the basis of all mental development and the treasury of all knowledge. Timely and proper mastering of the child speech is the most important condition for the full mental Development And one of the trends in the pedagogical work of institutions working with preschoolers. Without a well-developed speech there is no real communication, there are no genuine success in teaching.
In the center of extracurricular work of the Soviet district of G. Bryansk, a comprehensive educational program "School of Development of Pre-Schools" Steps "on the preparation of preschoolers for school is being implemented. The main section of the program is - the development of speech. For 2 years in speech development classes, we use a complex of speech games and exercises that are chosen in accordance with the age features of students. In speech games, not only the absorption of training knowledge, skills and skills, but also develop all the mental processes of children, their emotional-volitional sphere, ability and skills. The game develops memory, thinking, attention, speech, is educated independence, the ability to independently produce and apply knowledge is formed curiosity, initiative, creative imagination.

Gaming exercises for children 5 - 6 years old.

I. Education of sound culture speech.
Game "catch sound." Rules of the game: We tell the child that the sound we chose went to walk through the light. And since we can not live without it, we will catch him in words that begin to this sound. As soon as the child hears this sound in the Word, he must slam down. (The sound can go to walk into the forest, in the park, on the meadow, then you can choose words on the thematic principle). For example: I decided the sound "P" to look into the zoo, and there so many animals live. I will call them, and you slap into your hands when hear the sound "P". Panda, parrot, hippopotam, etc.).

The game exercise "Who will see more and call." Equipment: Set of toys (doll, hare, cat). Rules of the game: teacher and children are considering a doll, call items and external view (eyes, hair). Then comes a bunny. They say that he has a gray (soft, fluffy) fur coat, long ears, in one word we can say: the hare is long ... Soots (long legs). And the tail from the hare ... (short), then he is short-cast. The cat is smooth, fluffy, her paws have it white, it means that she ... Whitepay. For the correct answers, the doll gives children flags (ribbons, rings from pyramid, etc.).

Gaming exercise "Find an accurate word." Equipment: Plane Pictures (Apple, Lemon, Snow, Sugar, Crow, Fish, Grasshopper). Rules: Teacher asks children to learn what subject will be speech.
- "Round, ruddy, sweet - what is it?" Items may differ from each other not only to taste, but also in size, color and form. After the children name the subject, one of the children is looking for a teacher on the table the right picture and placed on the board. You can change the form of a question, for example, to supplement in other words. "Snow white, cold .. (what else?); Sugar sweet, and lemon ... (sour). " - "Remember who from animals is moving. Crow .. (flies), fish .. (floats), grasshopper ... (Quacket), Tiger ... (Rug), Mouse ... (Floating), Cow .. (Miley).
IV. Development of connected speech.
The game "What is missing Misha to go for a walk?"
Equipment: pictures with image of winter clothes: boots, mobs, socks, scarf, coat, fur coats, caps of others. Rules of the game: The teacher appeals to children about these words: - "I will tell you the story about two boys. Boys called Tolya and Misha. Misha neat. He has all the winter clothes neatly folded in the cabinet. What winter clothes lie at Misha in the locker? " Children call clothing items. In the course of the name, put the corresponding pictures on the board. If children are not called, show the picture - a hint. - "Misha gathered for a walk. She put on socks, co-rims, boots ... (We list the items of clothing; as we remove the picture from the board). And tolens can not get together. He was inaccurate and always scattered clothes. Tolya found only a scarf and cap. What is missing Tol to go for a walk? " Children call object items, and an adult puts the corresponding pictures on the board. If the child is mistaken, tactfully corrects it. (Lack of socks, boots, etc.)

Gaming exercises for children 6-7 years old.

I. Sound culture speech.
The game "Chain of Words". Equipment: Side pictures (5-8 pieces). Rules of the game: on the table lie pictures. The teacher places one of them on the board and asks to determine the last sound in the word. Next, the guys choose the picture, the name of which begins for this sound, and put it on the board at the first picture. Then the children pick pictures on the principle: the name of the next starts with sound, which ends the name of the previous one.
II. Formation of grammatical system of speech.
The game "Tree of related words". Equipment: image of a tree (or tree twig), leaflets on velcro (on threads). Rules of the game: Teacher tells children. - "The magic tree is growing in Lukomorier. The leaves appear on it only when words are the words - relatives. " Children are invited to choose related words to any given word. With each, word on the tree is attached leaflets. If children are hampered, you can help them by asking leading questions. For example: pick up one-sided words by the word "fish". Questions: "If the fish is small, how can I call it? And if big? What is the name of the soup from fish? What is the name of a person who catches fish? Etc." After the children picked up the words to a given word, "the breeze blows and all words-leaves fall on the ground." It is proposed to return them back to the tree, inventing relative words to another word.
III. Enrichment of the vocabulary stock.
"Word for the word." Rules of the game: The teacher determines the topic, for example: animals on the letter "K". The first child begins: crocodile. The next must repeat this word and add your own, for example: crocodile, cunning. The next child adds his word to the previous one: crocodile, cuckor, cat. Thus, children are playing until someone is missing. Game topics can be: plants, household items, furniture items, dishes, dishes names, etc.
IV. Development of connected speech.
The game on the development of the "body". Equipment: basket. Rules of the game: Children sit in a circle. By reading the one who starts the game is selected. The child is given in the hand basket. He holds her, and the children at this time say the words: here is the body, put in it, which is OK. Threshing - give a deposit. The child answers: "I will put in the body ..." and calls needed word (Castle, knuckle, boxes, boots, shoe, stocking, scallop, etc.) This happens until all children hold the body. He who is mistaken, puts in the basket. After all the children took part, the pledges are played: the basket is covered with a handkerchief, and anyone from the children takes out the collected
one by one, after asking: "Whose pledge will be taken out what to do?" Children under the guidance of the teacher are prescribed to each pupil - some task (call the word with some sound, tell the patter, divide the word to syllables, etc.)

We bring to your attention interesting and entertaining speech games that will contribute to the development of the child's speech while you get to the house.

It is better to develop speech skills in free communication with the child, in creative games. Children who are enthusized with the plan of the game, do not notice what they are studying, although they have to deal with difficulties in solving the tasks set in gaming form. Gaming actions In games and exercises, it always includes a learning task. The solution to this task is an important condition for each child in the game.

These speech games contribute to the development of speech, enriching the dictionary, attention, child's imagination. With such games, a child learn to classify, summarize objects.

1. "Guess the subject by the name of its parts"

Body, cabin, wheels, steering wheel, headlights, doors (truck).

Barrel, branches, bunches, leaves, bark, roots (wood).

Bottom, cover, walls, knobs (saucepan).

Deck, cabin, anchor, feed, nose (ship).

Stales, floor, staircase, apartments, attic (house).

Wings, cabin, tail, motor (aircraft).

Eyes, forehead, nose, mouth, eyebrows, cheeks (face).

Sleeves, collar, cuffs (shirt).

Head, torso, legs, tail, udder (cow).

Paul, walls, ceiling (room).

Window sill, frame, glass (window).

2. "Guess what it is"

Guessing a generalizing word on functional features, in a situation where the subject is most often called this word.

For example:

Groans on the garden in the garden are used in food (vegetables).

Grow on the tree in the garden, very tasty and sweet.

Moves along the roads, water, by air.

3. "Name the unnecessary word"

An adult calls words and offers a child to call the "unnecessary" word, and then explain why this word is "superfluous."

- "Excess" word among nouns names:

doll, sand, yula, bucket, ball;

table, wardrobe, carpet, armchair, sofa;

coat, hat, scarf, boots, hat;

plum, apple, tomato, apricot, pear;

wolf, dog, lynx, fox, hare;

horse, cow, deer, ram, pig;

rose, tulip, beans, vasilek, poppy;

winter, April, Spring, Autumn, Summer;

mom, girlfriend, dad, son, grandmother.

- "Excess" the word among the names of adjectives:

sad, sad, dull, deep;

brave, ringing, bold, brave;

yellow, red, strong, green;

weak, brittle, long, fragile;

strong, distant, durable, reliable;

brave, brave, brave, angry, decisive;

deep, small, high, light, low.

- "Excess" word among verbs:

think, go, think, think;

rushed, listened, rushed, rushed;

arrived, arrived, ran away, rushing;

came, appeared, looked;

ran out, entered, flew, jumped out.

To achieve a positive result,- It is necessary to play daily!

Material prepared


Dragan Lyudmila Ivanovna

Speech from experience

on RMO for educators of junior and medium groups

"Speech games. What is it and how to play them? "


educator MDOU CRR D / C No. 15

Markelova S.Yu.

Marx 2017.

The game is of great importance for children. What does the game give? She gives freedom. The game is not a task, not a debt, not the law. By order, it is impossible to play, only voluntarily. The game gives enthusiasm. It intensively involves the whole person, activates his abilities. It is in the game, as the leading activity of preschoolers, the most favorable prerequisites are created for the development of various mental properties and processes.

Speech games are a method of increasing motivation in the development of speech skills and skills, emotionally painted, causing a living interest in the activities of children. It is games that help develop the ability to correctly pronounce sounds, words, absorb grammatical forms of the native language, overcoming certain difficulties.

Play speech games fun and entertaining. Children compete with each other. As a result of the interests of interest to the games, the sounds are quickly fixed, it becomes grammatically correct, and boring and little interesting exercises on the formation and sound analysis turn into an exciting occupation.

As part of the preparation for the Pedagogical Council, the features of forms, working methods for the development of a coherent speech of preschoolers in the DW at the present stage in ensuring the implementation of the GEF to "in our child development center, a methodological week was held during the competition for the best speech center. Our group received 1st place in this competition. In our center of development, the speech is a large selection of games and benefits, both ready and made by our hands and hands of parents.

In my work, I often have to use speech games that can be applied not only on NOD, but also in joint activities.

All speech games can be conditionally divided into games:

On the formation of proper sound;
- on the development of phrase speech;
- on the formation of word formation skills;
- on the formation of the grammatical system of speech;
- on the formation of a coherent speech.

The purpose of the game for the formation of sound suspension It is to teach the child to correctly pronounce the sound, that is, automate and differentiate it, which is often a long period. It is this problem that consists in a long period of work and repeatedly repetition of the same speech material, tiring the child, puts the use of speech games at the head of the corner. For example, you can bring the most loved children games:

    Game "Speech therapy Domino"(game for automation of consonant sounds)
    The game is carried out on the principle of domino. It can take part 2-4 children. Cards are divided equally between all the players. Select with the help of the one who will start the game. Wins by the one who has before others will not remain any card.

    The game "Wonderful Fishing Fishing".

At the end of the thread, a magnet is attached at a small homemade fishing rod. Owing a fishing rod in a bucket, where there are several pictures, to which metal clamps are attached, the child pulls out a picture and calls that it is depicted on it and makes the sound peculiar to this object, animal

    Game "Flies in a web"(Sound automation g)

Part of the children depicts a web. They form a circle and lower hands. Other children depict flies. They buzz: f ...,wetted in a circle and cracked out of it. According to the tutor's sign, children depicting a web take hands. Those who did not have time to run out of the circle fall into the web and drop out of the game. The game continues until all the flies are caught.

The purpose of the formation of phrase speech is the training of children to allocate in the subject of properties, signs and definition of actions that the subject can perform. This is exactly the basis for building a statement, about any subject. (What is it? What can he do? How does he do it?). In the future, exercising in such buildings, children build statements and start using themselves.

    The game "What is with what?"

Equipment: Any items necessary in everyday life (key, plate, cup, spoon, handkerchief, etc.)

The child is invited to find what soup eat, what do the door open, than you can wipe the nose, etc. The called a child chooses the subject and builds a sentence with him "soup eating from a plate."

    The game "Good - bad" (on lexical topics)

Use pictures

In: eat candy - good. Why?

D: Because it is sweet.

In: eat candy - bad. Why?

D: can get teeth.

That is, questions are asked on the principle: "Something good - why?", "Something bad - why?".

    The game "Chest with fairy tales"

For the game uses a box with necks from bottles, the heroes of fairy tales are drawn on the lids. The child, spinning the lid, describes the action that makes the hero. In the arsenal of the game several fairy tales, each tale is designated by its color.

Work on the formation of a grammatical system of speech It is closely related to work on the word, as in speech the word is used in one or another word form. Wordformes themselves are associated under the laws of grammar. Working in this direction it is important to pay attention to both the connection of the words (coordination, management, adjoining), and to participate in these links of servicewords, including prepositions. Using in their classes in the formation of a grammatical system in their classes, I try to form the ability to properly build children proposed - case-in-room structures, which is of great importance in the preparation of the child to school.

    Smart Ball game

Children become a circle. Lead, throwing the ball with children, calls an animal. I caught the ball throws it to the lead, calling any action of this animal.
For example: Cow - mice, frog - squabs, and the like.
Lead calls any profession. I caught the ball calls what the person does this profession.
For example: doctor - heals, the artist - draws, cook - cooks, etc.
The lead calls the name of the child. Catching the ball calls any action.
For example: Masha plays, Kolya - jumps, lights runs, etc.

    Game "Masha"

Decorations are made using the desktop theater. Used paper doll Masha, which is placed in front of the scenery, then the child blows on the doll and reports what happened, with a doll and where she fell. For example: Masha approached the tree. Masha goes along the path, Masha stands in front of the house, etc.

Games for the formation of a connected speech is the easiest way to start with games - stages in the form of dialogues, because They quickly introduce the child to the image, require him to imitate the voices and animal chants from it, teach to transmit a word and intonation various shades of feelings: joy, surprise, insult, etc. During the stage, the lexical material is repeated, fixed, is activated. Along the way, the word value is specified and the word value is expanding, the idea of \u200b\u200bits figurative value is given.

Especially good speech material helps me work logoskaski. For their production, various types of theaters are suitable using figures on flannelhemph, carpet, on the sand, just on the table (children love to manipulate these characters and with great pleasure recall the content of the dialogue or story). Logoskaski, of course, contribute to the formation of a connected statement, the expansion of the vocabulary, socially - emotional development, as well as bring up love for people, nature, animal world.
Surveillance screenings, mini-layouts can be scenery, didactic benefits: Scene pictures, series of plot pictures, developing board games, cubes with plots fairy tales. Drawing up a story or fairy tales according to a series of plot pictures is one of the first sections in the formation of a coherent speech. The sequence of actions is easily installed on them.
Create a connected story in a storyline is much more difficult. Therefore, first teaching children to consider the picture, mark the details, then I clarify the dictionary on the topic of the proposed picture, forming the concepts, fix the meaning of the words. After that, I send the attention of children to the actions of the characters and try to help them make a story or a fairy tale.

Separately want to stop on thelogo exercises which are also of great interest, both for educators and children. These exercises in the poetic version with concomitant movements can be used in different types Classes, household activities, in the process of observation in nature, as physical attacks. Logo exercises wear a variety of correctional orientation: to normalize the tempo and speech rhythm, for the development of a dictionary, to automate sound-proof. Poems correlate with movement with hands, legs, torso with speech rhythm. In such exercises necessarily there story line and actorThat excludes mechanical movements and brings up in children an understanding of a logical connection between text and movement. Joint actions with peers are removing uncertainty, a climb of a child who is often associated with a speech defect. These exercises contain many verbal forms, which is very useful for children with the underdevelopment of speech, who have the formation of verbal

forms cause certain difficulties.
As an example I will give logo game - exercise"Annoying flies"

Tea fragrant drink, puff:
- UV - UV - UV, UV - UV - UV. (Children rhythmically rub his palm palm)
I drive the flip of flies. (horizontally.)
Fly - flies - flies (2 times rhythmically put on hand.)
And they sat down in jam
Ate - spruce, ate. (Rhythmically tapping with your fingers about the palm).
So we are fuzzled!
We jam quickly ate. (Imitate movement with a spoon.)

And for execution articulating gymnastics We apply a "govery frog", which helps to correctly perform articulate gymnastics, as well as contribute to the increase in the interest of children.

And, of course, the development of the speech of children is directly related to the development of small motility. For these purposes, we use a large number of diverse games. Borders, "entertaining box" and "tracks" one of the new games in our group aimed at the development of small motility.

These are just some of the speech games used to develop speech from preschoolers. All these games will help children make a tedious stage of automation, differentiation, formation of grammatical structures in interesting and fascinating. Children will be happy to participate in games, and therefore will increase the efficiency of work on speech Development.


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Lyasco, E.E. Development of speech from the first sounds to complex phrases / E.E. Lyaso. - SPb.: Speech, 2010.

Ushakova, O.S. Development of the speech of children 3-5 years. Program, CONSP. Sign., Method. Recommendations (according to GEF), addition. / O.S. Ushakov. - M.: TC Sphere, 2015.

Herb, V. V. Development of speech in kindergarten. Second junior group. For classes with children 3-4 years / V. V. Herbova. - Mosaica Synthesis, 2014.



1) Bypassing specialists is valid half a year. Now even analyzes are no longer needed to pass before arrival. Find a half a year away to go to 5 doctors, despite the fact that there are duty officers who take on Saturdays - the horror of what a difficult task. 2) In Ospe, give a printed list of documents. Even a schoolboy is able to collect them on the list, what to talk about adult man. 3) Buy a white shirt and black shorts is the problem of a universal scale? Describe in advance in a closet for one shelf 3 T-shirts, 3 sweaters and 3 pants, plus a couple of panties and 5 pairs of socks will take, probably, a bunch of time. 4) The child is able to keep a spoon in 9 months normally. To sleep in the afternoon - about the mode it was necessary to think 3 years on the ass, not now. You can teach the child to use the paper for 2 years. In 3 years, the child can not name his name? It is not a road to the garden, but to a neurologist and psychologist. 5) If the grandmothers really may have emergency affairs, then the nanny receives a salary. And the price of the one who is asked for every week. A couple of times for the year to agree on the part of the ferut is quite real. 6) Really, very few children who go to the garden without tears on the first day. Only most parents relate to this calmly and normally, and the other earn neurosis. Moreover, first of all, the child is not myself. The normal child is enough of the week so that the tears stop. 7) At the meetings, plasticine and colored paper are not understood. Moreover, this question is not rising and later. The garden provides everything necessary. 8) Mode is set not for a month, but from the first birthday of the child. Night night care hours and morning rise are two starting points that should not be violated for the next 10 years. If the parents did not take care of this at least a year ago, and the child goes to bed then at 9 pm, then at 12, then whine The fact that the sidel cannot be put and raised in the morning. They themselves are to blame. The result is the article - complete nonsense.