The rapid covenant passage. Passing additional Pillars of Eternity tasks. In the process of passing the quest "Radric Fortress" at the main goal there will be a door for hacking which is needed high skill. I do not have such characters. What to do in this

Netinal covenant in Pillars of Eternity is minor quest Axol-related vision. One of them will appear the tower in a rich area near the cemetery. Under this description, the cherished hill in the bay of inconsistencies is perfect.


To get an official invitation here, you need to start the task of missing guards from Vial in the fortress of Horn. In this case, it's quite difficult to enter the tower, because if you go to the West to her, then on the way there is a decent squad of undead.

Now you need to go up to the top of the tower, passing up inside the undead and collecting the diaries of the animancers. After that, rising to the roof, you will find that there is a strange mechanism, which could already be seen during awakening in the ruins of Silant Liis. Here you will meet Aldehelm, who is engaged in studying it.

Netinal covenant in Pillars of Eternity

Next, the player finds out that you need to learn an ancient language to understand what. Let's go down from the tower and follow the Itacana house in the west of the district - we get to talk to her full description how the device works.

Also, here you can find a description of the passage and other side kvthats, such as or.

After the start of the game, go to the West and find a bush behind the wolf. Now go across the bridge to the bag with water in the south and when you get into the ambush, spread the enemies and go to the camp. By defeating the aborigines in the camp, you will find yourself in the dungeon. Explore it carefully. From shining symbols, i.e. traps, to the right there will be a false wall, like on the left along the corridor. If you go left, then you will go to the cache, where you need to wash the face of the statue with water, and then insert a crystal previously found from one hum. The release from the level will go through the trap with symbols, or through the wall to the right of them. By the way, if you light the pillars to the right of the trap, in the room, then non-hazardous characters are highlighted. The exit will be spiders. Leave the level.

Useful: If you do not want to miss anything important, then more often go in power mode and highlight the environment on Tab.

After a short plot insert, you can leave the location of Sillant Liss, following the account - "Weilwood". Going to her, do not hurry to clean the district, because You are still a bound of colleagues and cannot overcome almost anyone along the path, to the southern exit from the location. It is also worth talking with a person that grabs the bridge and tell that his friend killed a bear. We go to location "Gold Plated Valley".

Useful: If you see that the characters came out of his strength and they hang deba to fatigue on them, then it is worth relaxing with the help of a camp or spend the night in a destined place.

Gold plated valley

Arriving into a gilded valley, start collecting tasks and information. It is also recommended to hire assistants.

\u003e Mother's prayers.

This task is given from the house in the north-west location. She will ask to find the priestess, who should help make a potion. This task is performed so. You go south, through Migranovo crossroads in the "Compass annestaig" location. Find the camp from the coast, the shaman is hiding there. Speaking with her, you will be sent to perform additional. Tasks. The first will be cleaned the camp in the east of the location. Nothing hard. Then we will be asked to get disputes that are in the cave a little higher camp. Inside kill at least one fungus and assemble the material. Tip: If you have few people and you can't kill everyone, just wait until one mushroom go down. It can be without everyone else. Carry the Magiche and she shook something there. After, the Customer received by the customer and decide how to say that it really is.

\u003e Failed to dinner.

This task can be taken in the tavern in the innkeeper. She will ask for her chefs who was lost. I need to look for a poor fellow in Weilwood. It is located in the northeast of the gangsters. You need to repel it with force and as soon as all the enemies die, chat with the cook, and it will return back to the tavern. Complete task you need from the restaurant.

Tip: Do not press money for good night. Bonus for sleep in the rooms is given very good.

\u003e Break secrets.

This task can be obtained if you go down to the catacombs according to the location, the guy, which is lying on the floor. He will ask to find the remains of the fallen and penetrate into the depths of the catacomb for two levels. The task will require a lot of people, because Enemies will be quite strong and often large groups. By interrupting all, go to the bells. There you need to lose the ringing in a certain sequence. To find out the melody, you need to take a book from the shelves right behind the bells. If too lazy to read, then the combination: right, central, left, right.

The lower floor will be harder to clean up, but it is not necessary to kill everyone. Get to the hall, where there is a wheel, twist it, and then take the key with the mantle, where the water was lowered. After unlock the door with the lock. Now penetrate the right room that in the south of the location. You can open the door with a hidden chopper in the wall. We collect the remains and go further, there will be a way out of the subway to the first level, the truth is guaranteed by evil scar. At the exit, issue the remains to the employer and at the same time decide the fate.

\u003e Revenge of the dead man.

This task can be obtained in Weilwood, in a cave with a bear, after you killed him and talked to the Spirit. Now it is necessary to proceed to the city and find a house in the northeast, (straight next to the tree of corpses) where two people are hurry. They killed this man, and then threw away to die in the cave. Judge them, as you consider the desired and the task will end.

\u003e Food war.

This quest automatically takes at the mill on the location of the gilded valley. It is performed elementary. Go to the mill and talk to a man. After when the task is updated, go to the restaurant and find Swimera. Cook his beer, chat peacefully or progress, and when he agrees to stop Boch, go back to the Melnik. Immediately after this task, the following quest will die.

\u003e Lord Paste.

To get the quest you need to go through the "Food War". After a conversation with a stranger, go to the eastern road and go to the location of Esterwund. It does not have almost nothing remarkable on it, but I still need to clean it. After and there will be a fortress of radar. You can enter it from three sides. In the center - with the battle, on the left - also with the fight, but already on the walls, and on the right through the sewer, which is almost the safest (more by stealth). In general, I wandered through the sewer.

Inside there will be many traps and enemies, so it is better to walk strictly on the karachets. The first floor can be cleaned, anyone try to go north, where there is an exit to the room of the castle, from where it will be easier to walk to Lord without too much bloodshed. Do not forget to free the guy, which is sitting in the cells. His release will be a condition for further quiet passage. (The key from the camera at the witch, if there are no mechanics on 5).

Going out from Loki, go even higher and in the boxes at the stairs, dress the robes of the monks (as on the screens above). Having done this, go to the right and do not fall apart by the guard, which goes from the first corridor. Next, there will be another guards that can also be avoided. If there is a decisiveness of 12, then you can smooth and make it better with the second. After, go along the wall in the temple on the left and the skulls are drowning for the eyes. A secret door opens. Behind her, a monk that will give the door to the door (if you saved the boys in the dungeon) and will allow you to rest. Now go through the door below and in the rooms in the north-west will enter the hall. Next will be two options: a) you will kill the rarica, b) help him suppress the uprising. (I killed).

Tip: To defeat Radric and his whistle, do not start the battle in the hall in the environment. This is not at all profitable. Better try to press it near the door, having lured the shooter or who else.

Great for the destruction of mass magic, and shooting heavy fighters from armor-piercing thing, while the tank closes the passage to his body. After the victory, you can quietly lick the castle and leave.

\u003e Carry for forge:

In this quest, which is obtained by the blacksmith in the first town, you need to find a cargo. To do this, go to Magnovo crossroads, from where to the East and on the road on the LOCA "Black Mead". If you go along the path to the north, then sooner or later you will hug on the gangsters, and the cargo will be rooted in boxes and barrels. Take the load back and the quest will end.

Everything, with this quests is finished, you can move on. Next stop - Magranovo crossroads. And now it's east from him on the road, that the result will lead us to a black meadow. From the south, go to the MadmR Bridge. There are tasks on location.

\u003e Lost cargo:

One girl who is standing in the center of location. She will ask to bring the load and kill the gangsters. They are straight just below, where the break. Decide their fate and the task will end.

I did not find more on the locations of the tasks, so I went to scene Quest "Vision and whisper". To do this, visit the center of the village and talk to the Spirit of the Gnomomy, it will shine with purple light. After the dialogue, go to the "Black meadow" and go from location to the east along the road to Caeda Nua. After arriving at the place, take a person in a detachment that she grabbed and let go deep into the fortress. In the building in the north you will find a statue of the throne, she will tell (and show) where to go in search of the right person.

Go down to the subway and start to nail spiders. There are a lot of them, but it is almost not enough for HP, but against the scarabs will have to find something heavier, they have good armor. After you have cleaned the level and descended even lower, right to the left of the exit you will see the door, it leads to that man. If there is no ability to break the locks, then go around and kill the marauders, and then find the hidden chip from the wall, which will freeze the door. Drive the dialogue and decide the fate of the madness, and then return to the throne, after having interrupted everyone at the level. After dialogue, quails will be updated and a couple of options will appear.

Tip: Do not forget to build and improve the fortress. Now she is yours and only from your team can change something. You can be built at any time of the game.

Study (passing) of the dungeons "OD NUA"

Note: Since the "OD NUU" dungeons are very large and complex, pass is simply impossible to pass them, mainly due to the difference in the level of monsters and bosses. I will write separately the passage of the dungeon and all quests with it related. Of course, the dungeon of several goals was studied, so do not attempt immediately to clean it all. From the first time I managed to descend somewhere on 12 levels, then some unbelobrical hell went and I left the main task. When I soldered my soldiers to 10-ke, I tried again and had already reached the last bossBut judging by his damage to come yet too early.

\u003e Time and wave

In this task you need to continue traveling deep into the catacombs. Go to the magic barrier (after the dialogue with the throne and the transfer of the fortress in possession). Clean the subway and go to the third level. There you will meet OGR, which will give the task of "desperate measures." After this task, you search for seals to go further, and this quest "Printing endless ways." After you decide it, you will find yourself at 7 level where you are at the door and there is a randering. The key to the room in one of the premises on the corpse at the same level.

\u003e Desperate measures

The quest is taken to the ribbons in the dungeons "OD NUA" at the third level. In the task you will be asked to bring a necklace from the neck of the shaman. It is at the same level, but under serious security. You can pass in two ways: jump into the abyss at the second level and get around in the end, or go to the forehead, with a fight, straight through the bridge. The key to victory is in the sequence, with what you will pull out enemies. It's not necessary to attack at all right away, in turn, take the Druid and Warrior (Filly Attacks), and then let Slander. We carry the necklace and get a reward.

\u003e Block of endless ways

This task is happening if you find at least one part of the sword. The first is immediately behind the barrier, (infinite paths level 2) on the first location in the house of lizards (handle). On 12 damage in the south of the map you will find the sphere from the kit. She will be spiders. Another piece of sword lies at 9 levels. In the hallway after a room with spikes, there is a secret switch in the form of a circular disc on the wall. Located in Stelce, opens a secret door on the contrary, there and lies a piece. (Need a mechanic) The last piece on the 5th level in the treasury of the dragon. (Need a mechanic) To cross the sword, go to the blacksmiths in the fortress of Horn. The award will be - two-way, ignored deduction of damage 5, the speed of attack X1.2, the accuracy of the ally when attacking the same target +10, and excellent quality (accuracy +12, damage x1.45), 11/12 Almost Max is enchanted.

\u003e Master in depths

This task gives a statue after stripping the fortress. To start it, descend to the pit, which is at the second level "OD NUA", behind the barrier. To do this, pass all five levels. On the fifth killing the dragon and hitting the sixth level. Tip: Dragon beat hard, but if you lure into a narrow corridor, it will be much easier. Go down on and finish the task "Seal of endless ways" to deepen in the catacombs. To pass the 7th level, you will need to find the pyramids for each statuette in the circular room. After that, the protection in the central entrance, where the ghost is still worth it, it will be less than less and you can pass. 8 level will be even tougher, but except for the battles while do nothing to do here. Migrate in 9, killing the guard.

Tip: In order not to suffer, use bridges in the hall to fight not surrounded.

Going to the 9th level, it is necessary to prepare for battle thoroughly. Many beetles and slugs will stand at every step. The room with stakes is as follows: in the cells find the key that unlocks one of the cells, in which there is a door from the bottom. Further fights with enemies, and then go to level 10. He is short enough, after which the staircase lets on 11, where you can find a way to top, or continue the path.

12 level even tougher, but again without mysteries. If enough forces, then make it easy. 13 They will have to not only be cleaned, but also open the door with the mystery. To do this, first visit the door itself, and then chat with the Spirit in the north of the location, he will tell an oath to go inside. Behind the door will be a solid security, which beats you can go by 14 levels. 14 This is another strong enemy and a whole argument of a whim. The benefit of them can be lured into a narrow passage and destroy in turn. 15 Level - Final scramble with a huge dragon.

Kill the creature is difficult, but there is one way that almost 100% guarantees victory. Try to make a lizard getting up between you and the dragon. If you manage to catch it in such a position, then the dragon helplessly dangle behind him back and forth and you can shoot it. Of course, keeping the lizard need correctly, without applying a lot of damage and not launching in the catchy.

Characteristics of the adrono dragon:

Extr.Info: "With the dragon, everything must be agreed. Even if you decide to kill, it is better to do this after dialogue with Falaned. There are two important reasons for this, the first is the resulting ski "scratching crusher", the second - to kill it becomes a little simpler, as it gives a chance before an attack to move away from him to a decent distance and take a suit, and then paralysis and shoot. "

\u003e Printing endless ways

This quest goes to the load while printing with the remnants of records of past adventures. One is in the box at the fourth level, in the south of the location in the box. The second is on the sixth level, in the tomb in the West. The third and the latter also lies on the sixth level in the East. After you collect everything, go to the sixth level to the north, to the door with seals. On the backs of each print there is a symbol, enter them as indicated in the picture at the wall. Then jerk the door. From this point on, the task has been completed and the owner in depths continues on the seventh level.

As soon as we get tired of climbing in the floor and wants to continue the adventure, leave the fortress and keep it over the new way that in the south-east. The new track will lead you to the location of the rural plains. We clean the LOCA if you need to take a partner with a wolf and go to the left, to the bridge of Edelvan and go to the city.

Passage of bay of non-closeness

\u003e Talked engagement

This quest can be taken in the tavern "Goose and Fox" of the city, the girl on the right at the table from the restaurant. Go to the north and find the house (Totton). Talk to Purnis inside. You can give a ring, and then keep to the second floor. The guard will skip for 100 coins. On the second floor we beat the guard and speak from beaten by the original poinnis. Further let down and "persuade the magician" to stop the Balagan. Having finished, go first to the guy, and then to the girl and decide the fate of this couple.

The building takes a little higher than the catacomm in a man, behind the bridge. He will ask to go to the catacombs. Entrance to the south-east. Inside in the West, you will find a person who knows where the girl is, but he will tell it only after you help him take revenge and return the book. Go to the hospital in Breavenbury. At the second level, find a person outside the door and output the information about the book. Now we go back, in the sewer. We kill the deceiver and take the amulet. It needs to be given to the customer.

\u003e Unmarked

The task takes place in the sewage from the person behind the locked door in the south. Decide his fate by himself, giving the duke, killing or letting him go, while giving money on the track.

In the same dungeon at the second level, you will find novices who have a lead key information (plot task). There are a pair of options, how to pass. The first: to assure the novice, finding a mask at the first level. Come to the soldiers, give a bribe and go to the hall. To answer the questions, before the hall in a person in the library, that the tray tag, you can learn questions. Second: kill everyone and prove the essence. Then the task "Always near the Queen" will be completed, new: "waiting", "the nettical covenant" and "through the gates of death".

But at first additional quests from the city.

\u003e Parable about Wale

This quest is taken in the city of Copperlain in the hidden secrets hall in the cooked-west. We will be asked to find a scroll, stolen from monks with some thieves. You can find thieves in the "rural plains" near the only house. By killing them and taking a scroll, you will hear the voice that will ask to hide the scroll in the "black meadow". It is necessary to hide it in a dragon, more precisely in the bones, which lie in the oriental exit from the location. Now share your tenant.

\u003e Two-storey work

The task can be obtained if you enter the house behind the market in Coperley, which is right. The door on the map is not marked. Inside there will be a couple of thieves who are discussing how to heat one one for some kind gemstone. We kill them and put into the Brenceduri area to the house of Domaselov. You will be asked to steal the thing. Consolidate or refuse and fight. (I refused).

Also there is an option to bring it nearby Lord itself. Of course, you can not give up theft and paint that they are asking directly through the window to the left of the entrance to the mansion.

\u003e Knight-robber

The quest takes the head in the guild of warriors, which is in the north Coperley. He will ask to bring a breastplate and at the same time to sew one person. Reaching the fortress, you must talk to the person himself and he will tell that your customer allegedly lies. Now you need to find a characteristic. She is in the next room to the right of Penhelm. Take it to a person in Hadred House (or give Penhelma). If you attribute to the Nanomavitel, then at the exit you will be met by the same hand and you can kill him and pick up the breastplate. If you give it to Penhelma himself, he will also give a breastplate.

\u003e Glowing corners of faith

The quest can be obtained in the Palace of the Duke, to the right of the entrance of the nun. Now go to the "Ememes' Rainbear", which is located in the city. The main thing in the hall will receive information and go to the room in the East location, where the card is removed from the goal location. Go to the "rural plains" from there south to "scorching waterfalls." Find a cave on the location that in the north, and kill inside the dragon. Burning a spark take the customer.

\u003e Missing guards

This quest can be taken in the "Thunder Fortres", which is in the "first fire". Go to the northeast and find the tomb. Inside you need to kill the ghost and the remaining guard. Report the employer and take their gold.

\u003e Weightful feeling

The task takes place in the house of domainels on the second floor of the girl. She will ask to beat the guy in the Dar Ontara district. It is located in the house in the north of "Colter". Decide the fate and read the tenant.

\u003e Made on conscience

The task is taken from the commander in the fortress of Horn. Go to the blacksmith there, and then in the Coperleyne area to the writings. There you have a local sticking with the info about the desired maiden and you will be guided in "Dor Ondra". Find an abandoned house in the north and kill the girl's guard and, after talking, go to the blacksmith in the mountain fortress.

\u003e Away from home

In the tavern of Brecenbury you will meet (right at the entrance) of a person who will ask to remove the Amulet from the Kurtisani. Go to the brothel on the "gift of Ondra" and find Syril. The truth for the audience with this whore will have to pay the hostess. After "pulling out" the amulet from the girl and give the tenant.

\u003e Last Act

The task is taken from Carren in Brecenburi. By press, find all three characters at the specified places. And only the third will be in the center behind, right after you leave. After interrogation, go to the woman named Lamdala, it is in the Copperlene at the amphitheater in the center of the location. After writing to the Lamdala house in the north and speak with a person. He will tell about the hidden theater and stop the door to the left. Downstairs will be an ambush. Warm or agree. (I turned) and put back to the tenant.

\u003e Demand and offer

Quest is taken to the "gift of Ondra" in the brothel "Salt Mast." The mistress of a brothel asks you to find and punish gangsters attackers on her visitors. Go to the left of the brothel and above and stumble upon trouble. By killing your enemies, you will get the key. Now go to the Old House and talk to "Bandits". They can be killed, or convince the mistress of a brothel to reduce prices. In any case, the choice is yours.

\u003e Any price

In this task, what is taken from the Wailian trading company, you need to deliver the cargo to the Coperley Tavern. After delivery there will be a dialogue and you are free to "fit out" disassembly or remove it. After returning to the employer, there will be another battle, of course, if you yourself support it. At the exit you wait for a girl who does not mind joining the company.

\u003e Secret cargo

The task takes place on the pier at the old man in the "gift of Ontra". Severe in water from below and find three parts, and then "Take" the last of the tenant. Next, go to the psychos in Brecenburi and chat with NAS. Depending on the skills, get a reward.

\u003e "Pondgram Theorem"

The task is taken from the mental hospital, right around the entrance from one of the brains. After receiving, go to the tune room to the main and the task will be performed. Or refer to manually texts for the customer (this is already theft).

\u003e Child five suns

The task will appear after attaching the plan to the group (watch the quest above). Go to the Embassy and take further instructions. After Visit Hartsong and discuss trade privileges.

\u003e Whistle to the top

The task takes away from the sailor, which is right on the pier. He will ask to find a chest, who has been stolen with some unknown. The chest should be sought in the eastern part of the pier, almost at the very edge. Decide yourself how to do you with the find.

\u003e Brave derrin

The quest is taken to the soul, which lies in the water next to the trading company in Dar Ondra. The killer of the boy is in the west of the cliff. And mom's mother in the house of Odda.

\u003e Watching Bashi.

This quest takes at the pier, next to the girl's lighthouse. She will ask to penetrate the lighthouse. Inside kill ghosts and rising to the top, find the ghost of Lily. There are a pair of options: just kill, or find evidence and so on. To finish through the search for evidence, you need to talk to the magazine to search with the ghost, more precisely inspect. If you find a magazine before (on the same floor), the quest will not be able to update and will only have to kill. (This is clearly a bug, but it can fix it in the renovation).

We continue the journey to the main task. The first on the list is "waiting." Start in the hospital Breavenburi and talk to the statue. Now go down and tip about the experiments from each anemarans. After go back to the statue and then you will open the passage at the lowest level. Next, rest in search of south until you meet the AZO itself. We persuade to give a key from the northern branch and keep up. There will be a battle. As soon as you talk to the last Zack, it will begin. Drop and leave the AZO. After dialogue, go to the statue and decide the fate of the AZO.

At the exit of the hospital you will meet the messenger. And the new plot task will begin - "Herwick of the House of Hoodie." Inside, on the second floor, you will find a woman who will ask to cooperate. She needs to merge information about your investigations. Immediately you can tell about the mental hospital and about events.

Further concentrate on " Netty Testament"And we go to the location of the" cherished temple ", storming the tower. At the top there will be a madman who will tell that we need words for the functioning of the tower. Go down and go to the house of the jackets. Talk to her and pacifying her pride to get knowledge, and then return to the mechanism on the roof. We interact with the machine and (or reboot, or "complete"), I completed, as a result, the machine stalled.


In Quest, "Nelinal Testament" also has a third option, namely absorb souls from the car. For this, after the dialogue with the jacket, which will tell you the language, we go back to the tower, talk to Aldhelm, but only once it is important! A quest will be updated, Aldechelma requires a victim. To do this, we run back to the house to the Iqante, and there in the back room we find several people, only if you do not let them go to the first meeting, send them to the tower. We return to Aldechhelmu and find out the third option from him - send the car to himself. After that, we get the passive talent of the "gift from the car", which gives us 1 strength and X1.05 of maximum endurance.

Now you can complete the task of "Reliable Asylum".

Reliable refuge

The task takes place in the mansion on the location "cherished temple". Inside kill enemies and dangle in the room to objects, as well as find the testament in the boxes. After leaving the street and go to the Waltas scrap. Inside there will be a girl you are convinced that everything is over and she can leave.

\u003e Steel Vera

The building is taken from the Commander in the fortress of Horn and most likely after all major events. He will ask to go to the "Compass of Ansept". At the pier there will be a skirmish. After return back and get ready to clean the fortress from the enemies. At the end of the battle, talk with the boss.

We present to your attention the passage of additional / side tasks of the game. Information that is described below also has a variety of tricks and tactics. All tasks that are in the game will be described below. The text will be constantly updated, so we recommend that you constantly monitor the updates of the game.

Passage of Prology tasks

Mother's prayers

This task gives you a character named from the name. The girl's house is located in the northwestern Location "Gold Plated Valley". So, she asks you to find some kind of priestess who can help her prepare some kind of potion. Go in the southern direction and pass through the place called "Migranovo crossroads" and move to the location called "Aneleslet Compass". In this place, find a small camp near the coast. It is in this camp that is a priestess / shaman.

Talking with this lady, you are given a job. So, first, you will need to cleanse the place (camp), which is located in the eastern part of this location. There will be nothing difficult. If you have a small and weak group, then just wait for you to go down the fungus and after, kill one and take the materials. You can kill one opponent and without the help of all your heroes, so there is nothing complicated. In general, how to take the necessary items, then go back to the prieste / shaman. From what you brought her, she shook something. Now you can only go and talk to your customer.

Lady to dinner

The task takes place in the tavern in the innovative workers there. The girl will ask you to find one cook, which it turns out, hidden. In general, the search for this chef is needed in Weilwood. Located there it will be in the northeastern part near the bandits. Get ready for what you need to take it by force, respectively, without a fight can not do. How to overcome all enemies, then talk to the cook and then he will return back to his tavern. The task ends already at the restaurant, so come back to it.

The note: Try not to greee money when it comes to overnight, as you will be given a very good bonus from sleep!

Big secrets

The task you can get in the event if descend into the catacombs that are in the middle of the location (near the man, which will be lying on the ground). In general, he will ask you to find the remains of the fallen, thereby penetrating the catacombs into two levels below. Prepare to the fact that the task will not be simple and in general in passing you will need quite a few heroes, since all your future opponents will be very strong and will mainly hold large groups.

As soon as you interrupt everyone, go to the bells. Here you have to play a little ring, but not anyhow, but in a certain sequence! In order to find out the right melody, you need to find on the shelves, which are located behind the bells - a book. If you are too lazy to read, then here's the correct combination for the melody: 1 - right, 2 - central, 3 - left, 4 - again right.

Floor down to clear will be much harder, but also you will not need to kill everything. Enough only that you get to the hall where the wheel is located. How to get to the wheel, then turn it out and after, remove the key that will be on the mantle (southern part of the location). You can unlock the doors with the help of a hidden switter, which is located on the wall.

Going all the remains and go further. Soon you will get to the exit from this place, which will lead you to the first level, but keep in mind that the path to the exit is blocking a very angry and frozen scar. How to choose from these catacombs, then transmit the remains to your employer and in the end, solve it further fate. This task is over.

Revenge of dead man

Task you can take in Weilwood, or rather in the cave in which the Bear lives. In general, after you kill the bear, then talk to the Spirit that will appear here. After a small conversation with the Spirit, you will have to go back to the city and find the house there, which is located in the northeastern part of the city (near the tree of corpses). You need to learn about how quickly two people are going. It turns out that it was these people who killed that man and after, threw him into a cave. You will have to judge them at your discretion, but how do it, then the task E will be executed.

War Food

Task You can take automatically around the mill, which is located in location called "Gold Plated Valley". The task is performed simply elementary! Go to the mill and chat there with one person. As a task, your update will be updated, then go to the restaurant and find the character named Swanar there. How to find it, then it will be necessary to treat it with a mug of beer. After that, you can treat him and talk peacefully. In the end, when he wants to stop his boach, then go back to Melnik and immediately after this task, you get the following task.

Lord Pusty

To get this task, you first need to task the "War of Food". After you chat with a stranger, go to the Eastern Road and find the location called "Esterwund" there. There will be nothing interesting here, but you still have to clean it. After her, you will arrive at the Radric Fortress. Log in this place you can with one of the three existing parties. If you try to go through the center - prepare for battle if on the left side - again get ready for battle (on the walls), well, and if on the right side you will go to the sewage (the safest and more stealth path). In general, our choice fell on the sewer.

Inside, it turned out to be traps and the enemy, so I had to constantly wade crawling. The floor on the right side you can freely clean it or just go to the northern part where you can find the passage to the rooms of this fortress. It is from these premises that will be easiest to get to the Lord itself, besides safer, since it is not necessary to shed too much blood. By the way, do not forget to free the guy who will sit in one of the cells. The liberation of this guy contributes to further quiet passage. The key from the camera of this guy is in the witch, unless of course you have a 5th level mechanic with you.

As soon as you choose from location, then move higher and in the boxes near the stairs are the robes of local monks. How to do it, go to the right side and try not to fall into the eyes of a local guard, who will wander near the very first corridor. In the future, you will meet another guards that we also recommend to avoid.

If you have a hero with a decisiveness of level 12, then we recommend that you manage the first guard, and after and the second. In general, then you need to go along the temple wall on the left side. How to find yourself near the skull, pull the eye and eventually, you opens a secret door. Behind this door will be a monk that will give you the key from the doors (provided that you saved the boy once in the dungeon). In addition, he will give you the opportunity to stay. After a small rest, leave this place through the doors, which are located below and a little further indoors in the north-western part you can find finally entering the hall! Now you have a choice of two options for the development of events: 1 - kill Lord Reddy, 2 - help him suppress the local uprising. We decided to finish him.

The note: To defend the Lord Reddy, along with his minions, try not to start the battle in the hall if you are surrounded. You will find yourself in a disadvantage, so it is best to try to press Lord and his soldiers to the doors, along the way, luring all the arrows or anyone else.

Here you will undoubtedly help the magic of mass lesion, as well as shelling hard soldiers from armor-piercing pieces while your tank in the meantime will block the passage to its carcass. After the battle is over, you can quietly inspect and search for this fortress, then leave this place.

Cargo for forge

Task You can take from the blacksmith back in the first city. The essence of the task is simple - to find the cargo. So, to find the load you need, go to the place called "Magnoy Crimea" and from this place go to the right side to the eastern part. From here, move along the road to location called "Black meadow". If you pass along the path to the northern part, then in the end, you stumble on the gangs of gangsters together with the stolen cargo! Kill all enemies, take the load and return back to your employer.

On this task will be completed and you can continue to travel on. The next one will be the familiar place "Magnoy crossroads". From this place to go in the east direction on the road, which in the end leads to the "black meadow" back. From here in the south, go to the "Madmr Bridge" and here you can take a new task.

Lost cargo

Task you can take the girl who will stand in the very center of this location. The girl will ask you to return the stolen load and at the same time kill all the gangsters that did it. Located gangsters will be slightly below the cliff. Decide the fate of these Marauders and the task will be completed.

Passage of targets of the dungeons of OD NUU

The note: Get ready, since the dungeon of Od Nu is just a huge and very complex. Based on this, you can not get this place right away with this place. The main problem of this dungeon is that there is a huge difference in the levels of bosses and general monsters. Each task will be described separately and generally as complexity increases, so you can navigate in passage.

Time and wave

In this task you need to continue your passage of catacombs. Move up to the magic barrier (after the dialogue with the throne and the transfer of the fortress to you). In general, clean the dungeon and move to the third level of the dungeon. In the end, the limit is encountered, which in turn gives the quest called "Desperate Measures".

Next, you need to search for some of the seals so that you can go further on the task "Printing endless ways." As soon as you perform this task, you immediately find yourself at the seventh level. Behind the doors you will be able to find the rip out of the riddles. You can find the key from the room in one of the rooms on the corpse, which will be here (the same level).

Desperate measures

The task is taken by the rib, which you will meet in the dungeon "OD NUA" (the third level of the dungeon). In this task you are asked to bring the necklace of one shaman (which is on her neck). Shamanka will be at the same level (third), but note that it is not so simple with it, since she has serious guards. You can pass this task in two ways: 1 - jump into the abyss, which is located at the 2nd level, after which to get around; 2 - just move in forehead, respectively break through the battle on the bridge.

Victory you won just if you are making right sequenceAt which you can hide all the enemies here. In addition, it is extremely recommended to attack the entire group of enemies. It is best to lure for the beginning of the Druid along with the warrior (provoke them with your long-range attacks), and after kill, finally and Zlya. How to beat everyone, then take a key necklace finally and get your decent remuneration.

Blade of endless paths

Task You will receive if you find at least one part of one special sword. You will be able to find the first part of this sword immediately at one barrier (at the second level of endless ways), the handle of this sword can you find in the first location in the lizard house. The following part can be found at 12 levels in the southern part of the map (it will be the sphere that refers to the same set). Please note that the sphere will have to pick up the packs of spiders.

You can find another piece of sword at the ninth level immediately after the corridor and spikes rooms. There, at the end there is a switch (it has a circular disk) and it is located on the wall. You can find it in "Intelligence" mode. By activating the switch, the door will open and behind the doors will lie a piece of sword.

Host in depths

The task gives you a statue, but after you clean the fortress. To start performing this task, first descend to the pit, which will be at the second level of the catacombs of OD NUA (behind the barrier there). In general, you will have to go around five levels. On the fifth it will be necessary to fill the dragon. How to kill him, you can notice the passage for it to the sixth level.

The note: The dragon will kill extremely hard, but if you can lure him into a fairly narrow corridor, then you will kill without any problems.

Go down below and soon finish the task called "Printing Infinite Tracts". After that, you can deepen even more in these catacombs. In order to go through the seventh level of catacombs, you will need to find the statuettes of the pyramids for each statue that will stand in the round-shaped room. As a result of your actions, the once-standing security in the central pass just disappears and you can already get back to the eighth level of this dungeon. Please note that the eighth level will be much harder than previous ones, so get ready. You are waiting for a lot of battle, but if you handle, then you can go to the ninth level (pre-killing the guards).

The note: In order not to get into the critical situation, use the bridges in the hall that will allow you not to be clamped surrounded by enemies.

How to find yourself at the ninth level, then get ready for this battle, and not just a skirmish. You will meet the hordes of slugs and beetles! Who does not know what to do in a room with stoles, then read this: in the cell, find the key that you can unlock another cell, and in an open cell you can find another key that will already open the doors to you, which are located at the bottom. On the way to the door, you are waiting for new clashes with enemies, but if you survive these fights, then find yourself at the tenth level! And by the way, he will be very short. After passing it literally in a couple of minutes, you can find a staircase that will last for the eleventh level. This level is interesting in that it has access to the beginning, but if you do not need to stop the journey, then we move to the twelfth level.

The twelfth level is not easier, but has no mysteries. If you have enough strength, then make it easy, try, move to the thirteenth level. At the thirteenth level there will already be riddles, the lighted enemies by the way are moving away from the twelfth. So, about the riddles: first, pay your attention to the doors, then go to the northern part of this location and talk there with the Spirit that will tell you about the oath (which will help you go further inside). Having passed for the door, you are encountered very impressive security (guard), whom you can go to the fourteenth level. The next level is a strong enemy (boss) and his Horde of minions. The level is convenient because all these marzot you can lure into one enough narrow passage and bury there.

And now, the fifteenth level, the final battle with an incredibly large dragon! The creature is very heavy, but even against him we have one very effective way, which 100% guarantees you to win! Try to do so that the lizard gets up between you and the dragon, if you succeed, then the dragon helplessly and harm must go from side to side, and in the meantime you can kill him. And the most important thing is that the lizards can not be disturbed, that is, beat and shift his position, because if the passage opens, then the dragon will not miss this opportunity and attack you.

Printing endless paths

The task is issued as a load at the time when you find remnants of records from past adventure crawls. You can find one entry in the box, which will be on the fourth level of OD NUA (southern part of the location). You will already be able to find the second entry on the sixth level of OD NUU closer to the tomb (western part of the location). The third and latest record will be on the sixth level of OD NUA (the eastern part of the location). After you collect all the records, go to the sixth level (northern location) up to the doors with seals. Each printing will have a special character - you need to enter these characters in such a way as it was indicated in the figure, which is depicted on the wall. After that, twirl the doors. At this stage, the task goes to the performed and continues further as the task of the "host in depths", which continues at the seventh level the catacombs of OD NUA.

Passing the tasks of the bay of inconsistency

Outfunted engagement

Task you can take in the tavern called "Goose and Fox". In the tavern, pass to the girl, which will sit at the table on the right side of the restaurant. Go to the northern part of the city and find one house there, or rather the local junk. In general, inside chat with a character named Purnis.

Give him a ring and after, go to the second floor. There will be a guard that will miss you further only with the amount of 100 gold! How to pass, then beat the guard here and talk already with this Purney. After that, go down and convince the local magician to stop the Balagan, which is happening. As you finish, then go to the guy and after passing to the girl. Now you have to solve their fate, after which the task will be completed.

Task You can take a little higher catacomb from one man, behind the bridge. In general, he asks you to go deep into the catacombs. The entrance to this place will be located in the southeastern part.

How to find yourself inside, then in the western part you will be able to find one person who will be aware of where the girl is located, but he will tell you the location of this lady only if you help him make revenge and bring him a book.

It's time to go to the hospital called Breavenbury. How to find yourself inside, then climb to the second level and find the person there behind one doors and find out everything you can do about the lost book. After conversation, you can go back to sewage. Here kill the deceiver and take his amulet from him. This item you will need to give to your customer, after which the task will be performed.


Task You can take in sewage from the character, which will be behind locked doors in the southern part. You have to solve it with fate: pass the duke, kill or let go at all, giving a couple of coins on the road.

In the same place, descending to the second level. Here you can find a couple of servants who can find out about lead vein. So, there are several options for the passage of this task. The first way: You can assume the same servant if you find the mask that will lie on the first level of this place. How will come up to a soldier, then you will need to give them a bribe to go to the hall. In order to correctly answer the questions asked, then before the hall in the library there will be a character who brings something, having learned his questions you can easily answer them. The second way: you can simply kill everyone and forgive the entity. As a result, a task called "Always near the Queen" will be completed and get just three new additional tasks: "waiting", "through the Gate of Death" and "Netinal Testament."

Parable about Vale

Task you can take to the town called "Coperley". In the city, go to the hall of the hidden secrets, which is located in the northwestern part. So, you will be asked to find some kind of scroll, which was stolen from the monks themselves by unknown thieves. You can find these thieves in the place called "rural plains" near the only house. As soon as you kill them and take the scroll, immediately hear the voice that will ask you to hide this scroll in the already familiar "black meadow". Hide the scroll will have inside the dragon (in the bones), which will lie near the exit in the east location. After that, you can go back to your employer.

Two-storey work

You can get this task if you go to the house that there is a rear of the Coperen city market (right side). Doors on your card will not be labeled. As soon as you enter, let's meet a couple of thieves who will discuss the plan for the deception of rich proprietors to an unknown gem. In general, kill these guys and go to the area called "Brenkduri", and there already go to the domaineel house.

So, inside you will be asked to steal one thing. You have to choose: agree or refuse. We chose the option - refuse and we had to fight in turn. But you can and agree, then you will have to steal what these characters ask you. Make it will need to be through the window on the left side of the entrance to the house.


The task you can take in the guild of warriors, which is located in the northern part of Coperleyne. So, you will be asked to bring a breastplate, but also the task does not end, as one character is also asked to kill you.

In general, go to the task. How to get to the fortress, then talk to a person and he will tell you that your employer is lying everything. Now you have to find the characteristic. It will be located in the room next to the right side called "Pennel." How to take the characteristic, then take it to the Hadred House, which is already in Brecuri. Immediately at the exit you are familiar with a liar about which and there was a speech, so you can kill it and take the specified bib. How to take the necessary item, you can finally return to the customer.

Glowing corners of faith

Task you can take in the castle of the duke, on the right side of the entrance from the local nun. Talking to her, go to the place called "Admin Nemes", which will be located in the city. At the main hall you can get information. After that, go to the room in the eastern part of this location. Here will be a chest, and inside the card on which your goal will be.

Now go to the "rural plains", and already from there, pass in the southern direction to the place called "Falling Waterfalls". Here, find the cave (located in the north) and inside the cave will have to kill the dragon. As soon as you get a flaming spark, then go back to your customer.

Missing guards

The task takes place in the place called "Thunder Fortress", which will be located in the "first fire". Pass in the northeast direction and find the tomb there. In the tomb, you will need to fill one ghost and the remaining guards here. After that, we tell your employer about everything and get your own remuneration.

Vulnerable feeling

Task you can take in the house of domainels. On the second floor of this house, refer to the girl. Girl ask you to beat one man in the area called "House Ondara". Your goal will be inside this house in the northern part of "Colter". In general, decide the fate of this guy and after, tell all your tenant.

Made on conscience

Quest You can take from the commander, which is located in the place called "Mountain Fortress". Go to the Blacksmith in this place, and after the Coper Detain area to local instances. In this place, talk to the local barbell and find out about him about one girl. From the information received it turns out, you need to go to the house of Ondra. In the northern part, look for an abandoned house and kill all the guards of this girl. After talking to her, you can go to the blacksmith back to the fortress of Horn.

Away from home

In the tavern that you can meet a person immediately at the entrance immediately at the entrance, which will ask you to pick up amulet from one curtain. Go to the brothel called "Dar Ondra" and find inside the girl named Syril inside there. So that you come to meet with this whore, you will have to turn her hostess. As soon as you meet with her (curtesan), then try to pick up amulet from her. Taking the amulet, go back to your customer.

Last Akt.

Task You can take from Carren, which is in Brecenburi. You will give a tip on some people and you will have to get around a couple of places for this tip. As soon as they spend the interrogation, go to the girl named Lamdala, which will be in the town called "Coperleyne" (located near the local amphitheater, which is in the center of this location). Soon (below) you stumble upon an ambush. You can agree with the attackers and kill them all. We killed them, after which they quietly returned back to the customer.

Supply and demand

Task you can take in the "Gift of Ondra", a brothel called "Salt Mast". The hostess of this brothel will ask you to find and then punish some gangsters that attack the local visitors. As soon as you kill all your enemies, you get the key. From this key, go to the old house and talk there with bandits. You can kill these alleged gangsters, or to talk with the mistress of a brothel to lower our prices. As soon as you decide on the choice, the task will be executed.

At any cost

This task you can take from the Wailian trading company. The task is that you need to deliver the cargo to the Coperley Tavern. As soon as you deliver the cargo, a dialogue will occur, after which you can like to get into local disassembly and stay away.

How come back to your tenant, then a new thing will happen, of course, if you support this slaughter. In general, at the exit you will be expected a girl who will be very happy to join your group.


Task you can take on the pier at the local old man in the "Dara Ondra". Carefully catch the water below and find there three subjects there. As soon as everyone finds everything, go to the local mental hospital, which is in Brecenbury and talk there already with NAS. Depending on your skills, the reward is different.

"Pondgram Theorem"

This task you can take in a mental hospital, which is in Brechenburi, immediately near the entrance from one of the Mozgopravov. After that. How do you get a task, go to the Tynen Hall and go there to the main thing where the task will be executed. Also you can try to find texts for your employer with your work, but you have to steal for this.

Child five suns

The task becomes available immediately after the plating will join you. Move to the embassy and take further instructions there. Next, go to "Hartsongu" and talk there about trade privileges.

All hands on deck

Task You can take from one sailor, which will stand straight on the pier. In general, he asks you to find the chest, who stole an unknown person. Turning the chest you should search in the eastern part of this pier, almost near his edge itself. As soon as they find the chest, then how to come on, solve only you.

Brave derrin

Task You can take the soul that will lie near the trading company in the "Gift of Ondra". You will be able to find the killer on the western part of the cliff. The mother of the deceased boy is in the domince of Odda.

Playing bishi.

Task you can take at the pier, which is around the lighthouse. In general, there will be a girl who will ask you to penetrate this lighthouse, and inside kill the ghost, which is at the very top. At the top you will meet the ghost Lily. There are several options for passing: kill, find evidence and other options. It turns out to be killed by the simplest option, since we could not find hooks.

Reliable shelter

The task you can take in the mansion that will be located in location called the "cherished temple". Inside it will be necessary to kill all enemies and shock after objects indoors. You need to poke not just like that - find the testament in the boxes in the task. As soon as you find a note, then go back to the forest and move to the swelts. Inside this crypt, you can find a girl who will have to convince that everything ended. After that, you can leave here.

Steel Vera

The task you can take from the Commander, which is in the Mountain Fortress (most likely it becomes available after all events pass). So, he asks you to go to the place called "Compass Analytte". A slaughter awaits you on the berth. As soon as you figure it away with everyone, get ready back to the fortress of Horn and deal with all the enemies that will be inside. As soon as the defense is completed with success, then talk to your employer.

Passage of tasks of the village Dirfort


You can take this task in the village of Dirfort. You are asked to find one person who committed a terrible crime - killed kids. Task You can take right at the entrance to this location. Go to the tavern, go to the second floor and near the first you caught the doors, you can find the desired character. You can only solve his fate: lubricating it into the arranged trap or pointing out the way to salvation.

Blood heritage

The task you can take from the guardian who will stand on the bridge near the village of Dirfort. At first, visit the tavern and find the Lord there. He will tell you about some details (very interesting). After a conversation with Lord, it will be necessary to go to the ride, which lives in his cave in location called "Cross Dirfork". In general, OGR will tell you that there is nothing at all knows about the girl. As a result, "Threads" lead you back to Trigil. It's time to insist and check the basement of this asshole.

In general, as it is not surprising: a girl sits in the basement, near the bloody ritual ... you remains to be solved as the fate of this unfortunate girl and the fate of your tenants. As usual, everything will be quite simple. After the girl, go back to the tenant and decide it.

Egg from the nest

In the village of Dirfort, chat with the merchant, which will stand on the street. She will ask you to drag to her some egg. The egg will be located in the location, which is located near the place called "Crossing Dirfork". Go to the eastern direction and how to meet the gangsters, then you will find yourself practically from your goal. Click above (what a hook helps you) and find the right thing, then return back to your employer.

Passage of tasks award for a head

The task is becoming available to you after you build a wagon in your castle. We recommend that you recommend them only if the levels of your heroes correspond to the level of enemies. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to check it in any way, so you have to constantly find out during the battle.

Sad kidler

A group of bandits supported by magicians with priests. If you have time to fill up a quick support line, then you should not have further problems. A group of bandits will be located near the crystals.

Laying wise

A group of very evil and very large types! They will be how to beat you with your clubs, so apply all sorts of spells on you (it will be very and very painful for you). To kill them you need almost maximum level And very good DPS. These kind guys will be located in the location called "Elshore" (in a cave, which is located in the northern part of the location).

Passage of tasks of knuckle twins

Sealed Message

Task you can take a monk who dies. There is a dying monk in the northeastern part of the location called "Elshimore". The monk will ask to convey his letter to the "Heavenly Saplings", which are located in location called "Storesong".

Complete up to the main thing in "Stastonge" and ask to allow you to go further. As soon as you find yourself in a place called "Elmrich", then find the guards and the passage through which a very strange opponent passed. As a result, your task is updated and develops into new two tasks called the "Board Council" and "Court of Sinners".

Sacrificial blood

Go to the place called "Elmich" (which is located in the northwestern part of the map) and find the house there. Inside the main you can get this task and immediately at the exit you will meet the child. You will have to decide how to do with this boy. There are several ways to solve this situation: to put your tenant, bring the boy or just kill everyone. The decision remains yours, but note that you will need agility in the current dialogue. Otherwise, he simply swallows poison and die.

Bad bargain

The task you can take from a merchant who was thrown in the southern part of the location called "Storesong" immediately at the entrance to the place called "Heaven Saplings". Go to the market to get information there (to the market in Krestonge). After talking, then go to the hut, which is located a bit above this market. Talk to the girl and after, go back to your tenant. Note that the task is solved in different ways, but it is better not to try to annoy the local population and do not spoil your reputation. Based on this, we recommend that you either kill the scoundrel or drive it.

Hero Beras

In the tavern called "Heavenly Saplings", chat with a very frightened peasant. He will tell you that Raverik returned back. Well, you have to come back and finish your work. Please note that the task will not be out of lungs, so all your heroes will be tested for the quality and mechanics of the battle. If you fail to win them, then a reasonable option will be hammered in the corner and try to fill all enemies with a mass magic. How to kill everyone, the task will be executed.

The mercy of the tribe

This task is as well as the previous one you can take in the tavern "Heaven Saplings". How to find yourself inside, then go to the girl, which will stand in a distant room on the bridge. She will ask you to warn exploration that hunters are approaching. Rather, go to the location called "Nordweld" and after, go to the right side. Practically at the very border of this location, you can meet another girl who will tell you about the current situation. It turns out that her friends surrounded. You will have to either help her friends, or help attackers to finish the friends of the girl. Solve only to you. Most the best option It will be: Catch the tigers that will be in the northern part so that people can leave. After saving people, you can go back to your tenant.

Songs of wild lands

Task you can take in locations called "Olderg" at the local merchant. So you have to find birds. You can find the first to find about the foot of the Dragon Nest (use the passage of the task / quest "nest under the clouds"). Bird will be on the right side near the stairs. The second bird is near the nest itself.

Old Queen and New King

Task you can get to the cave called "Oldsong". You will have to make a decision who is worthy to become the strongest. The task is not too difficult, so there is a solution to you: Choose someone who decent to become the strongest, then kill the competitor of another. In order not to arise any problems, select the right arguments that will be available on the talents of the GG so that the barbarians do not protect the beast.

Ice prison

Task you can take in the cave called "Older". You will be asked to return one girl who was allegedly captured. She will be in an ice cave in captivity. As soon as you get to her and clean this place, then tell her to run. You do not need to try to go through the stealth, since most likely you and the poor girl will just kill.

Nest under the clouds

Task You are the same as the previous ones will be able to take in "Oldsonge". This time you have to defeat a huge dragon, which will be located in a place called "Nordweld". Climb to this nest you can on the left of the north. As soon as the dragon kill or simply agree with him, then go back to your employer. You can now pour the goddess on the altar, which is in the place called "Teir-Avron". Once you utter a prayer, then perfume the spirits that you kill which you can talk to the goddess about the souls. After that, the task is completed and the road to the "Break of Island" opens.

« Pillars of Eternity."- isometric role-playing game from the American Studio " Obsidian Entertainment.", The publisher spoke by the Swedish company" Paradox interactive." The project announcement took place 14/09/2012 , the game got the name " Project Eternity."At the same time, the" Kickstarter "service was launched to collect funds for implementation. All promises given to players during the company to collect money, the studio fulfilled in full to the joy of all true fans of classic computer games.

Act 2.

Project "PILLARS OF ETERNITY" Makes focus on the variability of solving various tasks, which is why this cycle of articles should be treated as the notes of the Etho world researcher, but not as accurate leadership for action. Experiment and explore game worldGood luck!

Always near the queen

Task: go to the temple of the war

Merwald mentioned that members Lead key worship Wariewhile the managerial reported on the temple of the Vochair in Bay of non-closeness. Go to the area First lights And in the south of the location, we find the ruins of an abandoned temple, over the years the staircase has become unusable, but the ghost of the minister reports about another entrance to the underground sanctuary (in the catacombs). Go to the area Copperlane And go down to the catacombs, the entrance to the temple will be located in the west of the location (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Nekromanta Logova).

Task: explore the guidelines

We move to the West and meet mercenaries, the keeper can destroy the protection of the sanctuary, or for a small fee pass by. In one of the rooms you can detect nEOVOVIMEDwhere the keeper will receive a mask (like everyone who visits meetings in the Temple of Voirka).
Passing past all the protection posts, go to the central hall in the northwest. Further, using the mask of the neglected and information about the correct answers, we pass the ritual acolt and complete the execution of the plot task.

Netty Testament

In one of the visions, the acrolite appears in a rich area near the cemetery, the area of \u200b\u200bthe bay of incontestation is suitable for this description Cherished hill.

Task: enter the tower in the cherished hill

To obtain a legitimate pass to the closed area (the hill area was fenced with Knights of Mountain due to the invasion of undead) it is necessary to take an order from the Vaila from the fortress of the mountain (task Missing guards). The entrance to the tower is located in the west of the location, before entering the detachment to defeat the impressive grouping of undead.

Task: go up top tower in the cherished hill

In the course of studying several levels of the unusual tower, the main characters will meet the resistance of undead. In addition, you can find the diaries of the animancers that were attracted to work.

Task: Find out how the car works in the cherished hill

On the roof of the keeper tower, we find a mechanism similar to that used during Awakening (Ruins Silant Liis). Near the adver pillar the main character Meets ADHELMA (Animanser was studying the mysterious machine).

Task: Spack the Ikant

Aldhelm reports that an ancient language must be studied to use the mechanism, which in turn knows Jacanta From the cherished hill. The house of the Jackets is located in the West of the District, the NPC will very detail describe the mysterious machine ( Tayir Naunes.). According to the hiking, its main task is to hold the shower outside the world cycle and moving them into other similar mechanisms.

Task: deal with the Engvitan car

In a conversation with a jacket, it is necessary to recall that all studies on the ancient runes will be lost after death. The keeper will receive the knowledge of the Dead Envitan language and will be able to manage Teir-Naunes. The main character will have to make a decision - to destroy the car and with her all souls of the inhabitants of the cherished hill, or return the souls in the world cycle, disabling Tayir Naunes..

In one of the visions, the Akolith appears the agent ("voluntary prisoner"), which is located in the "place of suffering and madness" in one of the rich area of \u200b\u200bthe city.

Under such a description, the Needance of Brekenburi is suitable, inside the building, we talk with a caretaker with an euteller to organize the search for a lead-key agent in the hospital.

Task: ask for an animation about suspicious activities

The caretaker Ettelmer asks the Guardian to talk with all the animeters in the hospital for suspicious behavior of patients. Animaneser Kadman Azo There will be no on the spot, his assistant Ripple reports that its head in the patient office, access to which is possible only in Kadman and Ethelomer.

Task: explore the department for patients

After the caretaker learns about Kadman's experiments, the keeper gets free access to the closed hospital sector, the entrance to which is located on the lower floor of the building.

Task: ask Graham in the Northern Office

Patient Freiol mentioned a man over which AZO often set various experiments. Access to the Northern Office can only be given to Kadman, it is possible to find it in the laboratory in the south of the location. After talking with Kadman, we go to the northern branch and study the soul Graham (Third door on the north side).

Task: talk to the patient at the end of the corridor

Graham's Soul Study reveals a very unusual behavior of a patient from the chamber at the end of the corridor. Taos from Arkannon takes control of the teenager's body and comes into contact with the keeper, the lead key master intends to use the patients of the hospital to influence research Kadman Azo. Taos leaves the patient's body and takes control of the protection of the hospital, the main characters will have to break through to the exit, in addition to that the keeper needs to be solved by the fate of the AZO and its research.

Through the gates of death

In one of the visions, the acoly shows the keeper of the ruins on the outskirts of the village of Dirford. For unknown reasons, the lead key is engaged in the search for these ruins, the village is located in the east relative to rural plains.

Task: get to Kiaban Riga

In the temple of Beras, talk with Bayiodmar, who reports the location of the ancient ruins (we also learn that the lead key members have already visited the temple). You can penetrate into the ruins in two ways - to attack the tribe of the glambatant and use the central entrance, or bypassing and use the destroyed bridge (there is also a skirmish with marauders).

Task: Find tracks lead key in Kiaban Riga

Reaching the ruins, the custodian will have to find information about the activities of the lead key. In the course of studying the first level of Ruins, we move to the east to the destroyed bridge, then turn to the south and in a large room with disputes we discover the descent to the next level.

In the second level of the ruins Kiaban Rylag In a small battlement in the north it is worth paying attention to the Engvita keythat allows you to unlock the door in the central hall.
Further, the keeper and his detachment again fall on the first level of the ruins, but turn out to be over the other side of the abyss. The main character discovers another instance of the machine Tayir Naunes. And the soul of a lead key member who participated in its activation. The thoughts of one of the members of the cult showed that all newborns in the district would be born without soul on the intention of the cult.

Hermit House Hadretty

Task: talk with Lady Webb in the House of Hadretche

After completing the task Netty Testament The keeper is asked to appear in the House of Hadrette (Brckenburi district). Lady Webb. reveals the identity of a person in a mask, which is involved in the awakening of the main character - Taos from Arkannon, Great lead key master. Taos is very unusual, according to the available information at the House of Hardine Magistra has repeatedly reborn, keeping knowledge and experience of previous lives. There are also cases when Taos took control of other people's souls by manipulating consciousness. To fulfill the quest, you must complete other plot tasks ( Netinal covenant, waiting, through the gates of death) And inform Lady Webb about the activities of the lead key in the Broschenbury hospital, in the tower of the cherished hill and in the ruins of Kiaban Rilag. The lead key used an ancient envitan technology to create Vaidwen heritageTo blame the Animation in the future in the future, thereby not giving it to develop.

Task: Get an invitation to one of the delegations to hearings

In the Palace of the Duke hosts a hearing of animation case, the keeper must enlist the support of one of the three groups ( House Domasel, Knights Horn, Dozen) And get to the court session. To obtain an invitation, it is necessary to earn a reputation in the appropriate grouping.

Task: Visit the hearings in the Ducal Palace

Near First lights We go to the Duke Palace, the alignment of the forces is next - House Domasel Performing the development of animations, Dozens Take a diametrically opposite position. Knights Gorna Also doubted the possibilities of animations, however, as you know, the Order of the Knights is in conflict with a dozen. As a result of the discussions, the keeper reveals the conspiracy of the lead key and expresses sentences about the verdict.

Task: Return to Brackenburi and tell Lady Webb about what happened

As soon as Animanzer Ramir is trying to pronounce the last speech, he enters the hall Taos from Arkannon And takes control of the body of the speaker. Master of the lead key in front of everyone kills the duke with the hands of Animaneser. On the streets of the bay of inconsistency, people arrange a riot, the keeper must go to Lady Webb. And tell about what happened. In Danrid Row, the main character reveals the body of Lady Webb, which was killed by Taos. Before the death of NPC managed to find out where the master lead key went exactly and now the keeper should go into pursuit.

Keywords: Pillars of Eternity, Keeper, Soul, Etho world, Description, Handborn, Open World, Always near Queen, Temple of Woader, Covenancy Bay, First lights, Copperlane, Catacombs, New-Prompless, Lead Key Cult, Axolist, Netinal Testament, Cepete Hill, Tower, Aldhelm, Animation, Icanta, Teir-Naanesy, Waiting, Bobrovolovol Prisoner, Place of suffering and madness, the hospital of Brekenburi, Ettelmer, Kadman Azo, Graham, Agent, Through the Gate of Death, Kiaban Riga, Dirford, Teir-Naurn, Hadretche's household , Lady Webb, Court, Duke, Lead Master