Batman: Arkham Knight Side Missions Walkthrough

Small tips for completing quests battle pass The International 2017 (Battle Pass) in the Dota 2 client.

Immediately, we note that the so-called compendium or Dota 2 battle pass is purchased in the game client and provides a lot of additional content. A part of it are missions, for the completion of which points are awarded that increase the level of your Battle Pass.

Path of the Navigator (
Path of the Navigator)

Mind magic - Win 1/3/5 of Intelligence Hero games.
A very simple task. Just choose any heroes with the intelligence attribute and win.

Deep roots - Root 10/20/30 enemy heroes
Impose on enemies the effect "Root" (daze - approx. edition)... This effect has Crystal Maiden, Treant Protector, Underlord, Ember Spirit, Meepo, Naga Siren, and Techies. You can also use the Rod of Atos item for this.

Fatal Mirage - Deal 1500/3000/4500 damage while under the effect of a Glimmer Cape.
Use Glimmer Cape on yourself and deal damage. Pairs perfectly with Crystal Maiden's ultimate.

Change attack - Either way, turn an enemy into an animal for 20/30/40 seconds.
The heroes Lion and Shadow Shaman are excellent choices for this quest. Or use a Scythe of Vyse item.

Like Swimming - Slow enemy heroes for 30/60/90 seconds with Shiva's Guard.
Buy a Shiva's Guard item and use it on enemies.

Forward looking - Install 20/40/60 ObserverWard for your team.
Choose any support and place wards frantically.

Muffler - Kill or help kill 2/4/6 enemy heroes stunned by you.
The main thing is to choose a hero who has a stun. Heroes such as Lion, Wraith King, Chaos Knight, Gyrocopter, Kunkka, Lina, Magnus, Mirana, Earthshaker, Sand King, Tidehunter and Slardar would be a great choice to complete this task.

Can't escape the noose - Deal 1000/3000/5000 damage to enemy heroes in ethereal form.
Morphling and Pugna will help you complete this task. You can also buy an Ethereal Blade item and actively use it.

There is no profit without prey - Earn 4000/8000/10000 gold for your team.
Just collect 10,000 gold. Alchemist will be the best choice for this mission.

Sudden gybe - Stun 8/12/16 enemy heroes after using Blink Dagger.
Choose any hero with a stun and buy a Blink Dagger. Earthshaker, Sand King, Sven, Lion, Wraith King, Tidehunter, Slardar and Centaur Warrunner would be a great choice.

Evasive Action - Absorb 3/6/9 enemy abilities withLinken's Sphere orLotus Orb.
Buy Linken's Sphere or Lotus Orb and get more involved in fights.

Dry powder - Deal 2000/4000/6000 or more pure damage to enemy heroes.
Ax, Bloodseeker, Invoker, Pudge, Omniknight, Timbersaw, Tinker and Templar Assasin help you in Complete this task.

There is a plug in every barrel - Use Mekanism to heal three allies at the same time 3/6/9 times.
Buy Mekanism and use about three allied heroes. At the same time, it is advisable to play for a support, for example, for Omniknight .

Press-Gang - Hit three or more heroes with a single spell 10/30/50 times.
Spells with a large area of ​​application will be good here. Spells LegionCommander, Jakiro, Zeus, Queen of PainShadow Shaman, Meepo and Underlord will help you.

Sailor's Fortune - Hit an enemy hero with your club 50/100/150 times and trigger the jackpot with Fireblast or Ignite on enemies 10/20/30 times.
Choose Ogre Magi and attack enemy heroes. Try to use your Fireblast and Ignite abilities on enemies more often.

Path of the Wave Breaker

Master-At-Arms - Win 1/3/5 as a Strength hero.
It's simple: choose any heroes with the attribute strength and win.

Boardman - Win 1/3/5 games of Dexterity.
And here everything is very simple: choose any heroes with the attribute agility and win matches.

Unsinkable - Die before the end of the game 5/3/1 times.
Just try not to die. Choose heroes with invisibility, for example, Riki.

You have a gap - Keep enemies under the effect of Medallion Of Courage or Solar Crest for 30/60/90 seconds.
Buy Medallion Of Courage or Solar Crest as soon as possible and use on enemies.

Lubber's Fate - Kill the same enemy 2/3/4 times.
Choose Riki or Bounty Hunter and hunt down the target you want.

Rum punch - Attack an enemy Hero 12/24/36 stuns.
The Skull Basher and Monkey King Bar items will assist you in this quest. Best Heroes for the passage: Alchemist, Troll Warlord and Antimage.

Body triple - Clean up 5/10/15 effects with Manta Style.
Buy Manta Style and use it after the enemy hero has thrown his effect on you. This quest can also be completed using the Manta Style after receiving the Root from the Ancient Moroder Shaman Creep.

Submariner - Kill or help kill 3/6/9 enemy heroes protected by your tower.
Try to kill enemies near someone else's tower. Try to do this with the support of your creeps.

Riverview gusher - Deal 2000/4000/6000 damage with critical attacks.
PhantomAssasin, Juggernaut and Bounty Hunter Critical Attacks will help you with this.

Full speed - Use Moon Shard on yourself or your allies 2/4/6 times.
Buy the Moon Shard item and use it on yourself or your allies.

Chum inthe water - Dial15/20/25 chargesBloodstone.
Buy a Bloodstone item and kill enemy heroes, gaining item charges. This item looks good on many heroes such as Death Prophet, Timbersaw and Lina.

Burial at BKB - Get 2/4/6 kills or help on enemy heroes after using BlackKing Bar.
Just use the Black King Bar in team battles.

Loyal crew - Deal 2000/4000/6000 damage to controlled creatures.
Heroes that can summon creatures are suitable: Visage, Invoker, Chen, Lone Druid, Shadow Shaman, Nature`sProphet, Enchantress... Or buy Helm of theDominator, use it on creeps and damage enemies with them.

Freeboot haul - Reach 7500/10000/12500 of the current gold before 25:00 minutes.
Choose Alchemist and go to the middle lane. Problems with the passage should not arise.

Night watch - Use Lucent Beam on an enemy hero in any way 20/40/60 times and kill 10/15/20 creeps in 30 seconds.
Choose Luna and use Lucent Beam skills of enemy heroes 20/40/60 times. Ask the supports to make you stacks of creeps and farm them calmly, or wait for a large number of enemy creeps to gather on the lane.

Arcana draw of your choice - click the link

Path of the Rising Tide

Let's make a reservation right away that the tasks of this path imply the right game the whole team. Some of them cannot be passed alone. Try to complete the tasks of this path with friends.

Pre-dawn mission - Destroy 2/3/4 towers before your opponent destroys at least one.
Choose heroes who can quickly destroy towers: Nature`sProphet, Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, ChaosKnight, Clinkz, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer, Tinker, Shadow Shaman.

On all fronts - Destroy 2 enemy towers with a gap of 90/60/30 seconds or less before 30:00.
In this task, you also need to choose heroes who are good at breaking structures. Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, ChaosKnight, Clinkz, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer,Nature`sProphet, Tinker and Shadow Shaman would be a great choice.

Give up the mooring lines - You and your team must neutralize enemy heroes for 250/350/450 seconds.
Choose Bane, Sven, Tiny, Tidehunter, Enigma, Mirana, Outworld Devourer and defuse as often as possible.

all hands on deck - With your team, help in the assassination 25/35/45 times until 25:00.
Try to provoke and win team fights from the very beginning of the game. Heroes like Zeus and Specter are easiest to complete this quest.

In a healthy team ... - You and your team must heal each other for 10000/15000/20000 health.
Choose from Healing Heroes: Oracle, Omniknight, Lycan, Wraith King, Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Necrophos, Pugna, Treant Protector... You can also use the Urn of Shadows item and heal allied heroes with it.

The fog is coming - After using Smoker of Deceit with 2 allies, kill an enemy hero 1/2/3 times.
Use Smoker of Deceit and attack enemies.

Battle Cup Buccaneer - Win a Battle Cup match 1/2/3 times.
Create a group of five or join the existing one in the Battle Cup and just win.

Pioneers - Your team must spill first blood, destroy the tower first and kill the first Roshan.
This quest can be completed alone by choosing Ursa or Troll Warlord.

Take no prisoners - Your team must get 10/12/14 kills before 15:00.
Try to provoke and win team fights from the very beginning of the game. To complete this task, it is better to take a carry with good damage at the beginning of the game, for example: Phantom assassin, Ursa, Bounty Hunter, Wraith King, Troll Warlord.

All to board - Work with your team to deal 20,000/40000/60000 or more Physical damage to enemy Heroes.
One of the easiest tasks in this path. Easy to play if the match lasts 40 minutes or more. PhantomAssassin, Ursa, Bounty Hunter, Wraith King and Troll Warlord will help you with this.

Rune Armada - With your team, pick up or place 20/30/40 Runes in the bottle before 30:00.
Ask your teammates to buy a Bottle item and collect runes. The same task that cannot be completed without friends.

Tailwind Aura - Find yourself under the influence of 6/9/12 auras of your team at once.
There are many different auras in the game, being under the effect of which you can go through this building.
Aura from items: Vladmir'sOffering, Helm of the Dominator, Pipe of Insight, Mekansm, Headress, Ring of Basillus or Ring of Aquilla , AssaultCuirass, Drums of Endurance, Guardian Greaves.
Aura from heroes: Luna, Outworld Devourer, Vengeful Spirit & Wraith King, CentaurWarrunner, Crystal Maiden, Drow Ranger. It is important that your teammates choose these heroes.
Aura from creeps: Centaur (Attack Speed ​​Aura), Satyr (Health Regeneration Aura), Wolf Leader (Damage Aura), Ripper Owl (Armor Aura), Elder Kobold (Movement Speed ​​Aura), Troll Priest (Mana Regeneration Aura).

Day at the helm - Win Captains Mode 1/2/3 times.
Just win in Captains Mode.

Your employees are tired. They appear depressed and overworked. They even started doing the work on their own and lost their focus on the mission of the company. And you are so close to achieving your next goal.

You just need motivation, and as soon as possible. At the same time, you know that a few words and a slight change in the mindset of your employees can make a difference.

So the solution is: find good quote... Submit the right quote at the right time and it can revolutionize your staff's entire day. Here are 17 quotes you can use to motivate your team and perhaps yourself when you need to quickly restore unity.

1. "Individual commitment to group effort: this is what makes the team, company, society and civilization work" - Vince Lombardi

Legendary football coach Vince Lombardi recognized the importance of teamwork. He understood that the success of a team depends on the work of each individual member of the team towards a common goal. This is why his team won the first two Super Bowls in NFL history. It is important to draw the attention of all team members to the fact that each role, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is valuable to the overall success of the team.

2. "None of us are as smart as we are all together" - Ken Blanchard

Another great expression worthy of the “each of us is important” category. No single team member has the same knowledge and experience as the entire team. Therefore, it is important that team members listen to the opinions of others, learn from their peers, and respect each other.

3. “Alone, we can do so little; together we can move mountains "- Helen Keller

A great quote for the "loners" on your team. It is important that team members do not separate from the group and follow their own principles based on what they think is best. Instead, they must work for the success of the team as a whole.

4. “Teamwork is the ability to move together towards a shared vision. It is the ability to manage individual talents for organizational purposes. It is the fuel that enables ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results. ”- Andrew Carnegie

If you want to learn how to become successful, there is nothing better than heeding the advice of one of the founders of the Industrial Revolution. Some entrepreneurs are famous for starting companies, Andrew Carnegie helped launch an entire industry (the steel industry). He couldn't do it alone. He needed a command. In this quote, he talks about how teams united by a specific goal can achieve extraordinary results. Given that he sold his steel company to J.P. Morgan, at an estimated $ 370 billion in today's money (as a percentage of GDP), can safely be said to have confirmed what he preached in practice.

5. "Talent wins games, teamwork and intelligence wins championships" - Michael Jordan

To this day, Michael Jordan is considered by many to be the best basketball player in the history of the sport. However, he was also aware of the importance of teamwork.

Any team can win the game. That is, it can go through certain milestones and achieve certain goals. On the other hand, a great team can win “championships”. She is able to create a business on a par with Amazon, AirBnB or Uber.

6. “Teamwork is so important that it’s almost impossible to achieve the heights of your ability or make the money you want without achieving success as a team.” - Brian Tracy

Motivational Speaker Brian Tracy spoke excellently about teamwork in the quote above: Success is nearly impossible without teamwork. This is a great quote for employees after reaching a certain milestone, as it reinforces the concept that goals can only be achieved through teamwork.

7. "In teamwork, silence is not gold, silence is death" - Mark Sanborn

For a team to work effectively, open communication channels must be available. If team members don't feel like they can voice their doubts, disagreements, or make suggestions, this is a sign that something is wrong with the team. Make sure everyone on your team understands that dialogue is always welcome.

8. “If you can have fun together, you can work together” - Robert Orben

In teamwork, not everything should be limited to business. Team members who can have a good time with each other will also work better towards achieving the company's goals. Ensure that your team is spending time together, be it sports, socializing, or any other social event.

9. "The speed of the boss - the speed of the team" - Lee Iacocca

Lee Iacocca was one of the prominent business leaders of the 20th century. This is partly due to the fact that he understood the importance of leading by example.

At what “speed” are you moving towards achieving your team's goals? Your team is moving at the same speed. Don't expect your team members to be more committed to success than you do yourself. More often than not, their commitment will be similar to yours.

10. “The strength of the team is in each individual member. The strength of each individual member of the team "- Phil Jackson

Basketball coach Phil Jackson understood that there was a mutually beneficial relationship between the team and its members. Of course, it's important that individual team members work towards a common goal. However, it is also important for the team to support individual members as needed. When a team member feels depressed or discouraged, the rest of the team should support him. When a team member achieves something meaningful, the rest of the team should praise him.

11. “Members of a successful team have nothing to hold onto. They are not afraid to display their dirty laundry. They accept their mistakes, theirs weaknesses and doubt without fear of judgment ”- Patrick Lencioni

The essence of this quote is transparency. Team members need to be open with each other, they need to be able to read their teammates like a book. It is important that every team member treats those who made a mistake without judgment and with support. It is also important that team members readily acknowledge their weaknesses and opportunities for development. Thus, tasks can be distributed based on the strengths of the team members.

12. “You need to know what others are doing, appreciate their efforts, acknowledge their successes and support them in their endeavors. When we all help each other, we all win. "- Jim Stovall

Motivational Speaker Jim Stovall's advice isn't just for team leaders, it's also for individual team members. The point of this advice is that the team leader is not alone in providing positive support to team members as they achieve their goals. It is important that everyone praises their teammates as they achieve meaningful results. This business culture will create a powerful team.

13. “There are no people who have achieved success on their own. You can only achieve your goals with the help of others. ”- George Shinn

Basketball owner Charlotte Hornets easily admits that he didn't make himself. He succeeded with the help of others.

It might seem that this quote only applies to leaders. However, it is important that all team members understand that the success of each individual member is directly related to the success of the team as a whole. If they understand this, they can work a little harder to make the team successful.

14. "If you want to build a ship, do not call people to collect timber, share labor and give orders, instead teach first to yearn for the vast and endless sea" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

This quote is profound and very important to understand. Team members should not have only a short-sighted approach to team goals. In other words, they should not receive tasks without really realizing how the work they do will lead to the success of the organization. Instead, team members need to be fully aware of the “big picture” and understand how their individual responsibilities fit into the overall business strategy.

Don't teach team members how to make boards. Talk to them about the ocean.

15. “There is nothing better in the world than when someone on the team does something well and everyone gathers around him to pat him on the shoulder.” - Billy Martin

A tip from a former New York Yankees manager to people who are part of the team: Remember to praise your teammates when they do something right. If you are a team leader, then it is important that you cultivate a culture of praise in your organization.

16. “It doesn't matter how ingenious your mind or strategy is - if you play alone, you always lose to those who play in the team.” - Reed Hoffman

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman knows a thing or two about success. Here he says that he did not create LinkedIn alone. It is important for team members to understand that achieving organizational goals is nearly impossible without strong teamwork.

17. “If we all decide to play first violin, we will not be an ensemble. Therefore, it is necessary to respect every musician in his place. ”- Robert Schumann

This quote from German composer Robert Schumann is ideal if you need to make everyone on your team feel valued. Naturally, some team members will have responsibilities that seem more important than others. This can cause some resentment or grief among other members. However, it is important to focus on the fact that each team member plays his own part, and no one can be more important than someone else.

Quick tips for completing The International 2017 Battle Pass quests in the Dota 2 client.

Path of the Navigator (
Path of the Navigator)

Mind magic - Win 1/3/5 games as Intelligence heroes.

A very simple task. Just choose any heroes with the intelligence attribute and win.

Deep roots
- Root 10/20/30 enemy heroes

Impose on enemies the effect "Root" (daze - approx. edition)... This effect has Crystal Maiden, Treant Protector, Underlord, Ember Spirit, Meepo, Naga Siren, Techies. You can also use the Rod of Atos item for this.

Fatal Mirage
- Deal 1500/3000/4500 damage while under the effect of Glimmer Cape.

Use Glimmer Cape on yourself and deal damage. Pairs perfectly with Crystal Maiden's ultimate.

Change attack
- Use any method to transform an enemy into an animal for 20/30/40 seconds.

Heroes Lion or Shadow Shaman are excellent choices for this quest. Or use a Scythe of Vyse item.

Like Swimming - Slow enemy heroes for 30/60/90 seconds with Shiva's Guard.

Buy a Shiva's Guard item and just use it on enemies.

Forward looking
- Set up a 20/40/60 Observer Ward for your team.

Choose any support and place wards frantically.

- Kill or help kill 2/4/6 enemy heroes stunned by you.

The main thing is to choose a hero who has a stun and actively use it. Heroes such as Lion, Wraith King, Chaos Knight, Gyrocopter, Kunkka, Lina, Magnus, Mirana, Earthshaker, Sand King, Tidehunter and Slardar would be a great choice to complete this task.

Can't escape the noose - Deal 1000/3000/5000 damage to enemy heroes in ethereal form.

Only Morphling and Pugna will help you complete this task. You can also buy the Ethereal Blade item and actively use it.

There is no profit without prey
- Earn 4000/8000/10000 gold for your team.

Just collect 10,000 gold. Alchemist will be the best choice for this mission.

Sudden gybe - Stun 8/12/16 enemy heroes after using Blink Dagger.

Choose any hero with a stun and buy a Blink Dagger. Earthshaker, Sand King, Sven, Lion, Wraith King, Tidehunter, Slardar, Centaur Warrunner, would be a great choice.

Evasive Action
- Absorb 3/6/9 enemy abilities withLinken's Sphere orLotus Orb.

Buy Linken's Sphere or Lotus Orb and participate in more batching.

Dry powder
- Deal 2000/4000/6000 or more pure damage to enemy heroes.

Ax, Bloodseeker, Invoker, Pudge, Omniknight, Timbersaw, Tinker, Templar Assasin help you in Complete this task.

There is a plug in every barrel
- Use Mekanism to heal three allies at the same time 3/6/9 times.

Buy Mekanism and use about three allied heroes. At the same time, it is advisable to play for a support, for example, for Omniknight .

- Hit three or more enemy heroes with a single spell 10/30/50 times.

Spells with a large area of ​​application will be good here. For example, Legion Commander, Jakiro, Zeus, Queen of Pain Shadow Shaman, Meepo, Underlord .

Sailor's Fortune
- Hit an enemy hero with your club 50/100/150 times and trigger the jackpot with Fireblast or Ignite abilities on enemies 10/20/30 times.

Choose Ogre Magi and attack enemy heroes. Also try to use Fireblast or Ignite skills on enemies more often.

Path of the Wave Breaker

Master-At-Arms - Win 1/3/5 games as a Strength Hero.

It's simple: choose any heroes with the attribute strength and win.

- Win 1/3/5 games as an agility hero.

And here everything is very simple: choose any heroes with the agility attribute.

- Die at most 5/3/1 times before the end of the game.

Just try not to die. Choose heroes with invisibility. For example, Ricky.

You have a gap
- Keep enemies under the effect of Medallion Of Courage or Solar Crest for 30/60/90 seconds.

Buy Medallion Of Courage or Solar Crest as soon as possible and use it on enemies.

Lubber's Fate - Kill the same enemy 2/3/4 times.

Choose Ricky and track down the target you want.

Rum punch - Attack an enemy hero 12/24/36 stuns.

The Skull Basher and Monkey King Bar items will assist you in this quest. The best heroes to complete are: Alchemist, Troll and Anti-Mage.

Body triple
- Clean up 5/10/15 effects with Manta Style.

Buy Manta Style and use it after the enemy hero has thrown his effect on you. Also, this quest can be completed using Manta Style after receiving rootedness from the ancient creep of the Moroder Shaman.

Submariner - Kill or help kill 3/6/9 enemy heroes protected by your tower.

Try to kill enemies near someone else's tower. The main thing is to do this with the support of your creeps, so that the fire of the enemy tower does not kill you before you are the enemy hero.

Riverview gusher - Deal 2000/4000/6000 damage with critical attacks.

It's simple: take heroes with critical attacks, swing them, buy items that increase damage and beat enemy heroes. Phantom Assasin, Juggernaut, Bounty Hunter will help you with this.

Full speed - Use Moon Shard on either yourself or your allies 2/4/6 times.

Buy a Moon Shard item and use on yourself or allies.

Chum in the water - Dial15/20/25 chargesBloodstone.

Buy a Bloodstone item and kill enemy heroes, gaining item charges. This item looks good on many heroes, for example, Death Prophet, Timbersaw, Lina.

Burial at BKB - Get 2/4/6 kill or help on enemy heroes after using Black King Bar.

Just use the Black King Bar in team battles.

Loyal crew - Deal 2000/4000/6000 damage to controlled creatures.

Heroes that can summon creatures are suitable: Visage, Invoker, Chen, Lone Druid, Shadow Shaman, Nature`s Prophet, Enchantress would be a great choice. Or buy Helm of the Dominator, use it on creeps and damage enemies with them.

Freeboot haul - Reach 7500/10000/12500 current gold before 25:00 minutes.

Go to the middle lane, choose Alchemist and there should be no problems with the passage.

Night watch
- Use Lucent Beam on an enemy hero in any way 20/40/60 times and kill 10/15/20 creeps in 30 seconds.

Choose Luna and use Lucent Beam skills 20/40/60 times on enemy heroes. Ask your supports to make stacks of creeps for you and farm them calmly, or wait for more enemy creeps to gather on the lane.

Path of the Rising Tide

Let's make a reservation right away that the tasks of this path imply the correct play of the whole team. Some of them cannot be played alone. Therefore, try to complete the tasks of this path while playing with your friends.

Pre-dawn mission - Destroy 2/3/4 towers before your opponent destroys at least one.

Heroes who can quickly destroy towers: Nature`s Prophet, Tinker, Shadow Shaman, Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, Chaos Knight, Clinkz, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer will help you with this.

On all fronts - Destroy 2 enemy towers with a gap of 90/60/30 seconds or less before 30:00.

In this task, you also need to choose heroes who are good at breaking structures. Nature`s Prophet, Tinker, Shadow Shaman, Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, Chaos Knight, Clinkz, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer would be a great choice.

Give up the mooring lines - You and your team must neutralize enemy heroes for 250/350/450 seconds.

Choose Bane, Sven, Tiny, Tidehunter, Enigma, Mirana, Outworld Devourer and defuse as often as possible.

all hands on deck - With your team, help in the assassination 25/35/45 times until 25:00.

Try to provoke and win team fights from the very beginning of the game. With heroes like Zeus, Specter is easiest to complete this quest.

In a healthy team ... - You and your team must heal each other for 10,000/15,000/20000 health.

Healing Heroes: Oracle, Omniknight, Lycan, Wraith King, Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Necrophos, Pugna, Treant Protector would be a great choice. You can also use the Urn of Shadows item.

The fog is coming - After using Smoker of Deceit with 2 allies, kill an enemy hero 1/2/3 times.

Buy the Smoker of Deceit item and, while under invisibility, attack unsuspecting enemies.

Battle Cup Buccaneer - Win a Battle Cup match 1/2/3 times.

Create a group of five or join an existing one in the Battle Cup and just win.

Pioneers - Your team must shed first blood, destroy the tower first and kill the first Roshan.

You can do it all alone if you choose Ursa or Troll Warlord and play it right.

Take no prisoners - Your team must get 10/12/14 kills before 15:00.

Try to provoke and win team fights from the very beginning of the game. To complete this task, it is better to take heroes-carries with good damage at the beginning of the game, for example Lina or Windranger.

All to board - Work with your team to deal 20,000/40000/60000 or more Physical damage to enemy Heroes.

One of the easiest tasks in this path. Easy to play if the match lasts 40 minutes or more. Phantom Assassin, Ursa, Bounty Hunter, Wraith King, Troll Warlord will help you with this.

Rune Armada - Together with your team, pick up or place 20/30/40 Runes in the bottle until 30:00.

Ask your teammates to buy a Bottle item and collect runes. The same task that cannot be completed without friends.

Tailwind Aura - Find yourself immediately affected by 6/9/12 auras of your team.

Aura from items : Assault Cuirass, Drums of Endurance, Guardian Greaves, Vladmir’s Offering, Helm of the Dominator, Pipe of Insight, Mekansm, Headress, Ring of Basillus or Ring of Aquilla.

Aura from heroes : Crystal Maiden, Drow Ranger, Luna, Outworld Devourer, Vengeful Spirit & Wraith King, Centaur Warrunner. It is important that your teammates choose these heroes.

Creep Aura: Wolf Leader (Damage Aura), Centaur Invader (Attack Speed ​​Aura), Satyr Tormentor (Health Regeneration Aura), Owl-Ripper (Armor Aura), Kobold Foreman (Movement Speed ​​Aura), Troll Priest ( aura of mana).

Day at the helm
- Win Captains Mode 1/2/3 times.

Just win in Captains Mode.

Now I'm going to talk about how to complete the Heralds of the Storm quests. After completing them, you will be able to pump your compendium. the International 2017 Battle Pass for 10 levels and get a mythical set for Slardar Spines Of The Sunken Gaoler.

So, the first task is called "Pre-Dawn Mission". Here you need to destroy from two to four towers before your opponent destroys at least one. To do this, your team needs to take a peak that is dangerous for the structure. Choose heroes like Bruda, Beast Master, Luna, Wenga, Lycan. And you also need a support that will heal everyone. A tandem of Ax and Sniper is also good. The first one cuts creeps, and the second one shoots at the towers.

To complete the next mission "On all fronts", you must use exactly the same strategy as in the previous mission. Just keep in mind that after the destruction of the first tower, the timer will turn on. Therefore, you need to hurry up to demolish the second one.

The next quest is called "Hand over the mooring lines". Your team needs to choose characters with a massive camp to stun enemies. These are Vich Doctor, Wright King, Lyon, Shaker, Tide and others.

The task "Whistle all up" can also be done very simply. To do this, you need to help your team to commit 25 to 45 kills before the 25th minute. Choose heroes who can destroy opponents at the early stage of the game. This is Mortra, Ursa, Amber.

The next test, which is called "The fog is coming", will already be quite difficult. It will require a very well-coordinated team to complete it. You need to kill the enemy hero while under the smoke, with two allies. Choose a bunch of the following characters Life Stiller and Bara or Shadow Demon and Mirana.

Let's go further. Mission "Discoverers". Your team will have to shed first blood, be the first to destroy the tower and kill the first Roshan. For this, Ursa is best suited. Try to destroy Roshan as quickly as possible, and then, taking the Aegis, go to demolish the tower.

The next test is called "Take no prisoners." Here, your team must kill 10 to 14 enemy heroes in 15 minutes. Choose characters who can commit murders early in the game. These are Pooj, Ursa, Night Stalker, Bara.

To complete the next task, which is called Tailwind Aura, you just need to choose heroes who have passive auras. These are Kristalka, Wenga, Beast Master and others. Or you can simply collect the following items: Vladimirka, Meka, Shiva, Breastplate, Aquilla.

The rune armada quest is also very easy to accomplish. You need to buy a bottle and collect from 20 to 40 runes in half an hour. For this, roamers in the enemy forest or rune controllers are well suited. For example, you can choose Weaver, Bounty Hunter or Slark.

To complete the mission "All to board" your team needs to inflict up to 60 thousand physical damage to enemies. Magnus is a good fit for this.

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The Stormbringer class is dedicated to team play. The passage of this or that task is not only your merit, but also your teammates =)

Quest 1: Pre-Dawn Mission

Destroy 2/3/4 towers before your opponent destroys at least one.
For this task, pusher heroes are better suited to demolish enemy towers as quickly as possible, before they begin to demolish yours. Recommended Heroes: Nature`s Prophet, Shadow Shaman, Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, Chaos Knight, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer.

Quest 2: On All Fronts

Destroy 2 enemy towers with a gap of no more than 90/60/30 seconds before 30:00
This quest is also best done with pusher heroes. Recommended Heroes: Nature`s Prophet, Shadow Shaman, Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, Chaos Knight, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma,.

Task 3: Give up the mooring lines

You and your team must neutralize enemy heroes for 250/350/450 seconds.
In this task, we need to hang a camp or a dream on enemy heroes. Recommended Heroes: Bane, Tidehunter, Enigma, Outworld Devourer

4 Task: Whistle everyone upstairs

With your team, help in the assassination 25/35/45 times before 25:00
For this task, we only need to participate in ganks more often by getting assists. This is how the assists stack up with other players on your team. Recommended Heroes:.

5 Task: In a healthy team ...

You and your team must heal each other for 10,000 / 15,000 / 20,000 health.
For this task, we need heroes who can heal allies or an item. Also, this task does not have to be completed at once, you can play several skating rinks. Recommended Heroes: Oracle, Omniknight, Lycan, Wraith King, Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Necrophos,.

6 Quest: The Fog Comes

After using Smoker of Deceit with 2 allies, kill an enemy hero 1/2/3 times.
We buy, take 2 allies and go to kill enemies. The first gang can be arranged in the first second of the game, when the enemies are waiting for the gold rune. Recommended Heroes: Any

Quest 7: Battle Cup Buccaneer

Win a Battle Cup match 1/2/3 times!
For this task, we need to create our own group of 5 people (or join the existing one) in the Battle Cup and start looking for an opponent. Reach the final and win. Recommended Heroes: Any

8 Quest: Discoverers

Your team must shed first blood, destroy the tower first and kill the first Roshan.
For this task, a hero who is in early game will be able to kill roshan, as well as not bad to push towers and of course make "first blood" =) Recommended heroes:, Troll Warlord

9 Task: Do not take prisoners

Your team must get 10/12/14 kills before 15:00
This task summarizes the kills of all members of your team. Recommended heroes: any carries, gankers heroes.

10 Quest: Everyone to Board

Work with your team to deal 20,000 / 40,000 / 60,000 or more Physical damage to enemy heroes.
This quest requires heroes with good hand damage. Recommended Heroes:, Wraith King, Troll Warlord

Quest 11: Rune Armada

Together with your team, pick up or place 20/30/40 runes in the bottle until 30:00
To do this, you need to run and collect all the runes on the map. Runes can be placed in. All the runes collected by the team will be summed up. Recommended Heroes: Any

Quest 12: Tailwind Aura

Find yourself immediately affected by 6/9/12 auras of your team.
You can get auras in 3 ways: from items, from heroes and from neutral creeps.
Aura from items: The following items give an aura -, or.
Aura from heroes:, Luna, Outworld Devourer, & Wraith King,.
Aura from creeps: Wolf Leader (Damage Aura), Centaur Invader (Attack Speed ​​Aura), Satyr Tormentor (Health Regeneration Aura), Ripper Owl (Armor Aura), Kobold Chief (Movement Speed ​​Aura), Troll Priest (Mana Aura).

There are many options for adding auras, here everyone chooses for himself =)

13 Quest: A Day at the Wheel

Win Captains Mode 1/2/3 times.
For this task, we need to win in Captains Mode with any hero.

Reward for this path

After completing this path, you get a set for the hero Slardar, in the water theme. Also, having received more than 34 stars in tasks, you get 2 style for this set.