Nikitin games: "Fruit. Methods of early development of the family of nikitin how to make the fracted of multicolored circles

On the role of educational games for the early development of the child's intellect. How to develop a child through the game.

Nikitin Not without reason believed that toys, games, anyway, "simulate life itself." It was in the game that various directions of the child are manifested, many intellectual and emotional needs are being implemented, there is a character.

For example, what is most often bought for daughters? All sorts of dolls, dishes, toy furniture, needlework, doll sewing and washing machines - reduced models of the family life, with which a woman will have to deal in the future. No one will argue that such preparation is good. It is bad that most often a circle of games for girls is limited.

According to Nikitin, boys have more opportunities more: managed and inertial machines, guns, guns, aircraft, but in addition to this, and prefabricated models, all kinds of designers who contribute to mental development, etc.

Of course, all the games must match the age and more complicate. For this, Nikitin has developed a number of games that can be interesting to both the 2-3-year-old baby, and the 16th teenager, and some may be difficult even for adults. It turns out that these games can play all my life since the diaper. What are they good? A wide range of difficulties (from simple to complex), various ways of filing information, which allows the child to go ahead and improve themselves.

In addition to the advanced conditions of development, which was discussed above, Nikitin has developed a number of educational games for the guys of any age. No specific child learning program is imposed. He plunges into the world of the game, in which the waven itself choose the sphere of activity. No one explains the baby new rules, he is simply involved in the game, imitating the eldest, participating in collective games.

As a rule, the active participation of adults or senior brothers and sisters is first required, but then the baby can do it alone. So quite naturally, the crumb performs a number of tasks that are gradually complicated. It is not recommended to prompt him - better if he is thinking himself. If the child can not cope with the task, then it is necessary to return to already mastered tasks or temporarily leave this game. If it is noticeable that the baby has reached the limit of its capabilities or has lost interest in the game, it is better to postpone it for a while.

This technique allows the child to independently look for solutions to the tasks unknown to him, create a new, which contributes to the development creative abilities. Each game Nikitina is a set of tasks that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares from wood or plastic, details of the constructor, etc. The tasks are given in different shape - in the form of a model, flat pattern, drawing in the isotore, drawing , written or oral instruction, etc. - and thus get acquainted with everyone possible methods Information transfer.

❧ Toys, games - one of the strongest educational means in the hands of society. The game is made called the main activity of the child. It is in the game that various sides of his personality are manifested and developing, many intellectual and emotional needs are satisfied, there is a character. Do you think just buy a toy? No, you design a human personality at the same time! (B. Nikitin)

In all these tasks, a wide range of difficulties: from the sometimes available 2-3-year-old kids to supervised. The gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks in Nikitina games allows the child to develop creativity, unlike traditional learning, where everything is explained and where only performing qualities in the child are formed. Therefore, therefore, it is impossible to explain to him the way and the procedure for solving problems and prompt - in a word, gesture, look. Building a model by solving almost, the child learns to take everything from reality. It is impossible to require that the child from the first attempt solve the task. He perhaps not yet Doros, did not ripen, and it is better to wait a day, a week, a month or even more.

The decision appears before the child not in the abstract form of a response of the mathematical problem, but in the form of a pattern, pattern or constructions from cubes, bricks, details of the designer, i.e. visible and tangible things. This allows you to clearly compare the task with the solution and to check the accuracy of its execution.

Most of Nikitin's creative educational games are not exhausted by the proposed tasks, and allow children and parents to draw up new tasks options and even invent new educational games, i.e., to engage in the creative activity of a higher order.

All this allows you to decide in the game at once several problems related to the development of creative abilities:

➣ Nikitina games can stimulate the development of creative abilities from early age;

➣ Tasks - "Stairs" of games always create conditions, leading the development of abilities;

➣ The child develops most successfully if he is independently trying to solve the most difficult tasks for him;

➣ Nikitina games can be very diverse in its content, and, moreover, like any games, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity;

➣ Playing with a child, moms and dads are unnoticed for themselves, a very important skill is acquired - to hold back, do not interfere with the baby to independently meditate and make decisions, do not do for him what he can and should do himself.

These five items correspond to all five basic conditions for the development of abilities. It is thanks to this, Nikitin's games create a kind of microclimate for the development of human creative sides. Wherein different games Develop different intellectual qualities: Attention, memory, especially visual, the ability to find dependencies and patterns, classify and systematize the material, the ability to combine. In addition, they allow you to create new combinations of existing elements, details, items, form the ability to find errors and disadvantages, develop a spatial representation and imagination, the ability to foresee their results.

In the aggregate, these qualities apparently make up what is called awareness, ingenuity, creative warehouse of thinking.

The main thing is that the developing games of nikitins differ from numerous fakes and games referred to as "developing" - their multifunctionality and unlimited space for creativity. "These games," Nikitin wrote, "games for the whole family." Adult and young can play in them. Age is defined only by the degree of complexity of tasks.

Montessori Frames and Inserts. The purpose of these games that Nikitin offers for the smallest, is formulated as follows: "The development of the technique of possession of a pencil, the ability to circle and paint, acquaintance with geometric shapes." The game is 16 frames of one color and the same inserts to them another. The set includes simple geometric shapes: steep, square, etc.

But before proceeding to the tasks, you need to introduce and interest the game itself. Acquaintance should be started with two or three frames prepared in advance. For the start, the circle, ellipse and square are suitable - as the simplest figures. In front of the child, the frames are laid out with liners for them and at the same time the invented fairy tale is simultaneously described, for example: "there were cool, ellipses and a square (along the way, the child figurines are shown). The square in the housekeeper houses were square. I went the square to walk and worn. What should he do? Let's help the square find his house. Once - and we are trying to put a square into a round hole ... But it was not here: it's not his house. Let's go further look for his house ... And here he is! Look, as he is good in his house. "

First, all actions and comments make an adult, attracting the attention of the baby, and that at this time can go through the proposed details, play them, etc. After several demonstrations, you can do these actions by the baby handle and be sure to praise it to consolidate the positive emotional attitude in it. on the game.

You can play on the contrary: the liner is inserted into the appropriate hole, and the child takes it out. Adult comments: "This is a circle, it is a square. Well done! Pulled out a circle! Okay! Opened a square! " This is acquainted with geometric shapes, geometric terminology, and mutual fun.

After that, you can add another set or replace it one of the available. So gradually masters the game with all geometric figures. It is possible that at some stage the child will lose interest in the game. Then you can remove it on a clearly prominent, but inaccessible to the child place and return to it in a month or two.

And then you can already and diversify the classes: to circle the contours of figures by the frames, complicating the task, do it on the liners, create a double circuit, hatching and paint the resulting image, draw figures to the account (three mugs, two squares), draw them, create plot drawings (For example, of three anoseced triangles, you can draw a Christmas tree, from a circle - the sun, etc.). Or lay out ornaments, play a magic bag (folded a few figures in the bag and to the touch to determine which figurine came across). You can play games for attention (put 3-4 figures on the table, then either remove one of them, or change places and ask what has changed). If you start with a small number of figures, you can attract a child to the game already at 10-12 months.

Pattern. The game consists of 16 identical cubes. All six faces of each cube are painted in four colors. This allows one, two, three, and even four-color patterns in any quantity of options from them. The patterns themselves resemble contours various items, paintings that children love to give names.

In the game with cubes, children perform three different types Tasks. First, they learn from the settings of the tasks to fold the exact same pattern of cubes. Then put inverse task: Looking at the cubes, make the pattern of the pattern that they form. Finally, the third is to invent new patterns of nine or 16 cubes, which is not yet in the book, that is, to perform creative work. Using a different number of cubes and different color not only in color, but also in shape (squares and triangles) painting cubes, you can change the complexity of tasks in a rather wide range.

In this game, the ability of children to the mental operations and the ability to combine is well developing. The simplest settings of the tasks are made up of four cubes, they can be given to kids starting from 1-1.5 years. The complication of patterns occurs gradually, but this gradation is, of course, relative, and the transition from one-color faces to the two-color is another level in the difficulty level.

"Unicub". These universal cubes introduce the kid into the world of three-dimensional space. The development of spatial thinking will allow the child to master the child in the future, stereometry, descriptive geometry.

A wide range of "Unicubes" tasks may pass children 2-15 years old. The game gives tremendous opportunities for the development of the child, in particular the ability to analyze the patterns of painting cubes. The first impression is that there are no equally painted cubes, all 27 are different, although only three colors are used, and the grains of a cube are six. Then it turns out that there are eight triads, according to the number of edges of each color, but do they have in terms of relative position?

The game teaches clarity, care, accuracy, accuracy. To offer this game to the child, the parents need to imagine whether the baby distinguishes the kid whether they can find a cube with two faces of the same color, whether the "Train" and "Tower" cubes are folded, can lay the "platform", to build a "house" or "Lestenka".

Tasks in the "Unicuba" are very difficult and require high time and strength, so it is necessary to calculate the mental and physical possibilities of the child. Sometimes one task is enough, less often - two, three, depending on the kid's capabilities.

Tasks Children can be given both using the drawing and orally. Figure Children understand first better than a verbal explanation, but this does not mean that we must agree with such one-sidedness. Where the task can be given verbally, it must be used. Only when we see that the baby can fold and "small blue cube" (of eight "blue three"), and "big red cube" (out of 27 cubes) on one verbal task, you can decide how to specify it: orally or graphically. In other words, it is necessary to bring a child to such a position when it equally well perceives the tasks both orally and in the form of a picture.

And as always in educational games, we mainly observe how the kid builds a model from cubes, as it compares the drawing and its construction, as it believes how many cubes need to take for the model, and how it decides, this cube is suitable for her or not. All his work is on his own, without explaining from the senior. But the adult is also interested in success, like the baby. True, it is difficult to wait for the child himself will find a solution, but you have to gain patience and be sure to praise him. And remember: sometimes adult tip is equivalent to disappointment. It is also desirable to record the achievements of the child: what tasks performed and how much time spent on them, what tasks caused difficulties.

"Mass Square." This game originated from a puzzle, in which it was required of several pieces of various shapes to fold the square. This is a rather difficult puzzle, so Nikitin decided to make a number of simpler tasks, which gradually summarize to solve complex. It turned out a game for children from two years.

Cubes for all. The game teaches to think with spatial images, be able to combine them and is much more difficult than games with ordinary cubes. It also develops the skills of combinatorics and spatial thinking, teaches to think in bulk figures. The game helps to master graphic literacy, understand the plan, card, drawing already before school. Figures for the game provide almost inexhaustible possibilities for various combinations and allow great amount Different models or different options The same model. For example, put all the seven figures in the cube can be several dozen ways! These rules of the game are similar to the rules of the game in "Unicub".

❧ There are no strictly limited and completed tasks in the game "Legging Square" as in other games. The main task of adults is to proceed from the level of development of the child. It is necessary to start with knowingly light and sink tasks so that the kid can be praised and approved. Start new game It must be associated with pleasant experiences for the child, if we want the games to be fascinated. (B. Nikitin)

Classes begin with the fact that, putting a drawing-task before the baby, the adult suggests it to build a picture model from the figures. Buing one, it proceeds to the next, more complex. In fact, the baby has to solve two tasks at the same time: first, to choose from seven figures only two or three (or more, if the model is complex), which are necessary for building a model, secondly, To give these figures then the position that they occupy in the model, i.e. to connect them and put in the model. The first part is, thus, a mental analysis of the drawing-tasks - on which figures it can be disdable, and the second - synthesis, first mental, and then the subject.

But the main creative work begins from the moment when the child begins to invent and fold new models, which is not in the book. By the way, according to many parents, this game is too complicated for children. However, the child is gradually fond of inventing new models, and then the preparation of tasks for adults.

Drobi.. Children are constantly faced with the concepts of the whole / part in everyday life, from birth. We cut pies, divide pizza and apples, look at the clock, pour a certain amount of liquid into a measuring cup. What is not a reason to tell the baby, what is a fraction?! You can also introduce a child with fractions using special benefits. For the warm-up, you can take an orange and divide it, accompanying the process of famous poething:

We divided the orange.

A lot of us, and he is alone!

This slicing is for hedgehog!

This slicker is for reading!

This slicker is for duck!

This slicing is for kittens!

This slicing is for beaver!

And for the wolf - the skin!

He is angry with us - trouble!

Spare who is where!

Game "Drobi Nikitina" Consists of twelve multi-colored circles. One circle is a whole, the rest are divided into parts: for two, three, four, five, six and so to twelve. "Using in the game as a whole cool and its parts," Nikitin wrote, "the kids acquire many ideas about the fractions, about their relationships, although the school retracts for some reason their assimilation for 5-6 years - by 3-4 class."

There is no clear alternation of tasks, as in other games. Each time all 78 pieces need to be poured onto the table or on the floor, and then re-lay in the box with circles, if in the game, of course, use the Wooden Assava's manual. In this case, nikitin determines the first task:

➣ Pour fractions on the table or on the floor;

➣ flip them up with a painted side up;

➣ decompose fraraty pile so as to collect together equally painted;

➣ Fold from each bunch of the circle of one color;

➣ Stop mugs into the frame.

What are the parts of the circles? For small, this task can stretch out for days, weeks and even months, considered Nikitin. It is not necessary to force events, you can only appeal if some child will call at once: "Green Quarter", "Yellow Half", etc. Children who know how to count to 100, this task is solved quite easily. The names of parts should be given not only by household, but also mathematical: one second, one third, one fourth, one fifth.

Put in a row for one part of all colors:

➣ in order: the first to put the largest part, then smaller, less - and so to the smallest thing that each next was smaller than previous;

➣ Squeeze the same parts, but a stack. At the bottom I put the biggest, and at the top is the smallest.

What part is more? One fifth or one fourth? How to check it? Yes, it is easy to impose a smaller one, and everything will be "Ocho-visible", as Nikolai Zaitsev loves to speak.

The tasks of this kind can be given as long as it becomes clear that the baby understood the principle of definition: "The larger number of parts is divided into a circle, the less part." By the way, how to write down that 1/4 is more than 1/5 mathematically? This is where the signs "more" and "less" will emerge.

How many parts are placed? Sample questions Tasks: How many fourth parts are placed on one half? How many sixth, eighth, tenths, twelfth parts? How many times one two is more than one fourth? one sixth? What parts and how much will fit exactly on one third? and on the floor of Evine? How many times one sixth is less than one third? Is it possible to fold a whole circle from parts of different colors? What parts do you need to take it? How many multi-colored circles can be folded from the game "Dutch Nikitina"?

Do it yourself. In the book Nikitina is given detailed instructionsHow to make benefits yourself, for example, polystyrene foam. Sheets need to be placed with a circulation, divide into parts and cut with scissors or a sharp knife for paper, and then move to the actual games. In general, they are like classic games With plywood purchased benefit. But there are differences associated with the lack of wooden frames.

To begin with, get a whole circle, show that this is a whole. I ask what it looks like: on the apple, on the moon, on the wheel? Then take the second steep, we will show that it is cleared on two halves. We ask to give half the second circle, we applied it to a whole circle, etc.

Circles can be circled with felt-tumb, then draw colored face face. From half, if it is obliged, you can make an umbrella or mushroom. With the help of parts of the circle, you can talk about such concepts as the same, different, the same, not the same. Ask unexpected questions: What is more - one second or one third? And then show, give children the opportunity to select parts independently.

Lower the details in a row from the smallest to the largest. To walk along each circle, calling the parts. If there are two parts, then one will be called one second or half. If there are three parts of three, and if twelve is one twelfth. Let the child be the whole set of the game "Troby Nikitina", i.e. all 78 parts. Now ask to give one sixth, two sixth, six sixth. From what different parts Can you make a whole? Is it possible to divide the circle into two parts? And three? How to make a circle using only red and yellow parts? Is it possible in principle?

The fraci is a difficult topic, it is better to approach her from different sides, inventing all new tasks. Share four slices of a green circle consisting of eight parts. Ask how much lacks. Go with this question in all circles. Playing, focusing on the following definitions: divided into equal parts, integer, half, in half, one of two, one second, one twelfth, part.

It is advisable to make acquaintance with these games to remember the child forever so that the attitude towards them was special and the child wanted to play for a long time. It is very important to the first impression of the game. Not at all indifferent, as the first time lay out the cubes on the table. If the lid was immediately opened in front of the child, all the cubes were poured and scattered and scattered on the sides, it was not surprising that the most favorite class of the child was exactly the same removal of cubes from the box, and not folding trains and towers.

It is worth repeating again: Nikita games are designed for joint game Children and parents. The degree of their variability is high, i.e. they can be adjusted to themselves, under their level and interests. Each game, according to the author, provides the opportunity to think about how to expand it, what new tasks to add to it, how to improve it. Such a variability of tasks is provided in advance, and the transition to creative work on the games themselves will be the more successful, the higher the level of the child's creative abilities.

Game description

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe fraction, as part of the whole, can form at the kid early. After all, in life, he sees both half an apple or even a quartet, gives off or blends half of the candy, cookies, sugar market. On equal parts, you can cut the cake or round cake.

To split or crush the whole circle turned out to be convenient for both games. And using the game with a whole circle and its parts, the kids acquire many ideas about the fractions, about their relations, although the school moves for some reason their assimilation for 5-6 years - to the 3-4th class.

How to make play

To play, you need to find or cut out of cardboard, plastic, plywood or similar materials 12 identical circles with a diameter of approximately

200 mm, thickness of 1-2 mm. Mugs to paint on one side in 12 different colors so that they easily distinguish. Paints take technical - nitrocracies or oil. You can, of course, restrict ourselves to pasting circles with colored paper, but then they are quickly wear out.

Each circle to accurately place and divide into equal parts:

The 1st circle remains the whole;

The 2nd circle is divided into 2 parts by diameter;

3rd - on 3 parts by radius;

4th - by 4 parts, etc. up to 12 parts, as shown in Fig. 55.

On the reverse side of the whole mug, write a large number 1, and on parts, respectively, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc. up to 1/12.

For stacking fractions, a durable square box is needed with a lid where all the fractions laid in entire mugs would be placed, like shown in Fig. 54. This box it is easy to bend out of thin tin skillful dad. Make sure that the cover of the child can open himself.

Fig. 54.

Fig. 55.

How to play

As in other games, it depends on the age and level of child's development, i.e. his forces, the ability to consider, intelligence. If the kid did not see how you made the game, then show him a closed box and, of course, make it in question: "What is hidden in the box?" And "Did you open it?" You can even shake her and listen that there is noise there.

Well, if the baby managed to discover himself that the cover would open here not as the cardboard boxes, but shifts aside as in the school penalty. If you had to help and show how to open the lid, it means that the child did not acquire something important, you did not allow him to make one micro-cycle.

In this game, there is no such clear alternation of tasks as in other games; And every time all 78 parts need to be poured out of the box on the table or on the floor, and then, at the end, lay them again with circles in the box. therefore task number 1.for the kid will be folded from several parts:

a) open the lid of the box;

b) pour out all the fractions on the table or on the floor;

c) turn them over with the painted side up, because when you rash out of the box, many can fall the back side up; d) decompose fraraty with bunchs so as to collect together the same painted (like the task in the "Spear Square");

e) fold from each bunch of a circle of one color;

e) after the shot put games into the box and close the lid.

In the first task, the mugs can be folded in any way, it is important that a circle came out, and the parts firmly fit to each other.

If the elders feel that 78 parts immediately - this is too much and the baby will not cope with the laying of everyone, then it is necessary to put into the box only a few first, for example, 1-5th, where only 15 pieces, and the following days gradually increase their number.

Task number 2. What is the name of parts of circles?

For small, this task can stretch on days, weeks and even months. And you do not need to forcing it, only refer to, if some will call at once: "Pink half" or "Orange Quarter".

Name parts Let's not only their own, family, domestic, but also mathematically correct: "one second", "one third", "one quarter", "one fifth", etc.

Task number 3. Place in a row One part of all colors: a) in order: First place the largest part, then smaller and less, and so to the smallest thing that each next was less than previous; b) Squeeze the same parts, but a stack.

Currently lifeline-like, Avop-Self-Male. Fold so that the stack is beautiful (for example, the "ladder" or "steps" on the one hand, on both sides, etc.).

Task number 4. What part is more: One fifth or one fourth? How to check it? (Impose a smaller on the big one.)

The tasks, which is more or less, can be given a variety of even until it becomes clear that the baby grabbed the principle of definition: "The larger number of parts is divided into a circle, the smaller the part."

How to write down that 1/4 more 1/5 mathematically? (1/4\u003e 1/5). How to write down that 1/5 less1/4 mathematically? (1/5< 1/4).

Task number 5. how many Fourth parts are placed on one half? How many sixth, eighth, tenths, twelfth parts?

In what time Once one second more fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth, twelfth?

Task number 6. What kind Parts I. how much They will fit exactly one-third (sixth, ninth, twelfth)?

How many times Sixth (ninth, twelfth) less one third?

Task number 7. Is it possible from parts different color fold whole a circle (Two-color, tricolor, four-color)?

What parts for this need to take?

Task number 8. How many whole multicolored circles can be folded from the game "Froy"? (What is the greatest number?)

Task number 9. Is it possible to fold 12 multicolored circles from all 78 parts?

Come up with new tasks from the game "Druly".


"Fruobi" Nikitina is one of the best mathematical games, enshrining the child's concept of fractions as part of a whole. The set of 1st category (economy) consists of three matrices, in each of which circles of different colors are invested: a whole and divided by 2-6 equal parts.

In the game with multi-colored circles, with the help of tactile sensations, the base is laid for the assimilation of a complex mathematical material (fractional numbers, relationships and dependencies in dividing a whole object), the ability to synthesis and analysis develops, logical thinking.

Collecting circles not within, and on the plane, the child develops accuracy and perfection, improves small motor Hands.

The tasks are designed so that the child itself chooses the difficulty level of difficulty, developing its creative abilities.

This unique developing gaming allowance was developed by Nikitin teachers, which were not the development of performing skills in the head of the corner, but learning to think independently, to invent, create. The child performs a clear task and at the same time chooses the path that needs to be solved.

You can proceed to the game by removing the existing parts from the framework and sorting them in color. Turning the details on the front, color side, the child should figure out how to make a circle. In the process games goes Acquaintance with the ratio of part and a whole, shape, color, size.

The set includes a circle sample (whole). First, show the child a whole circle, then get the second - "broken" in half, and suggest the baby to make it a whole again. Then fasten the material, asking him to call round and semicircular items - in the house or on the street. It is worth starting the game from the first four circles, gradually adding to them more complex and on the basis of parts from different circles, a baby's acquaintance with the concepts "the same / different", "big / small". Gradually proceed from these concepts to quite mathematical "more / less", "equal."

Kids from three years can be started to acquaint with the composition of the number: if turning the circles up the unpainted side, he will see that two are one and one, and five are three and two or four and one. Gradually, enter a record, acquaintance of a child with mathematical signs, the simplest examples of addition and subtraction, inequalities.

When this material is absorbed, you can move to fractions: Tell us how the parts of the whole (one third, one fifth) are called, ask for one or another part of the circle. To facilitate the explanation, turn the details of the unpainted side. "Look, three pieces of five are not painted. Now let's consider how much painted, and let's call them the right name. "

The game allows you to master not only the fraction, but also to acquaint the child with the concept of an angle, its varieties (straight, stupid, sharp, deployed) and such a degree. And using the pairs of the same parts, the young mathematician will win symmetry and can lay out multicolor symmetric compositions.

Now your child has even more opportunities to study mathematics, playing!

Game - Drobi.

The child constantly faces the concept of an integer in everyday life from birth. We cut pies, divide pizza and oranges, look at the clock, pour a certain amount of fluid into a measured cup. What is not a reason to tell the baby, what is a fraction. You can also introduce a child with fractions using special benefits. For heating it is worth taking ordinary orange, and divide it, accompanying the adviser to famous poething:

We divided the orange,
Many of us - and he is alone!
This slicing is for hedgehog!
This slicker is for reading!
This slicker is for duck!
This slicing is for kittens!
This slicing is for beaver!
And for the wolf - the skin!
She is angry with us - trouble!
Spare who is where!

The game "Drobi Nikitina" consists of twelve multicolored circles. One circle is a whole, the rest are divided into parts: for two, three, four, five, six and so to twelve. "Taking advantage of the game with a whole circle and its parts," Nikitin believed, "the kids acquire many ideas about the fractions, about their relations, although the school retracts for some reason their assimilation for 5-6 years - to the 3-4th class." In the game "Drobi Nikitina" there is no clear alternation of tasks, as in other games. Each time all 78 parts need to be poured onto the table or on the floor, and then put on the box to the box again, if you, of course, use the Wooden Auxava benefit. In this case, nikitin determines the first task:

a) pour fractions on the table or on the floor
b) flip them over the painted side up
c) the fraction to decompose in groups so as to bring together the same colored
d) folded from each bunch of one color circle
d) lay mugs into the frame.

What are the parts of the circles? For small, this task can stretch on days, weeks and even months, Nikitin believes. No need to boost events, only refer to if some kind of child will call at once: "Green Quarter", "Yellow Half", etc. For those who know how to count to 100, this task is solved in one sitting. The names of parts should be given not only by household, but also mathematical: one second, one third, one fourth, one fifth.

Put in a row Put in a row on one part of all colors: a) in order: the first to put the largest part, then smaller and less, and so to the smallest thing that each next there was less than previous ones. b) Squeeze the same parts, but a stack. At the bottom I put the biggest, and at the top is the smallest.

What part is more One fifth or one fourth? How to check it? Yes, it is easy to impose a smaller one, and everything will be apparent as N. Zaitsy loves. The tasks of this kind can be given until you become clear that the baby grabbed the principle of definition: "The larger number of parts is divided, the less part." By the way, how to write down that 1/4 is more than 1/5 mathematically? Here the software "more" and the "less" sign will pop up.

How many parts are placed? How many fourth parts is placed on one half? How many sixth, eighth, tenths, twelfth parts? How many times one two is more than one fourth? One sixth? Which parts and how much will fit exactly on one third, and at half? How many times one sixth is less than one third? Is it possible to fold a whole circle from parts of different colors? What parts do you need to take it? How many multi-colored circles can be folded from the game "fractions Nikitina"? What is the largest number?

Do it yourself In Nikitin's book, detailed instructions are given, how to make a manual yourself, therefore, if for some reason finished gameIt can be easily cut out of Polystartrolol. Sheets need to be placed with a circulation, divide into parts and cut with scissors or a sharp paper knife. And then move to the actual games. In general, they are similar to classic games with plywood purchased benefits. But there are differences associated with the lack of wooden frames.

To begin with, get a whole circle, show that this is a whole. I ask what it looks like? On the apple, on the moon, on the wheel? Then take the second round, we show that it is cleared on two halves. We ask to give half the second circle, put it to a whole circle, etc. Circles can be circled with felt-tumb, then draw colored face face. From half, if it is obliged, you can make an umbrella or mushroom. With the help of parts of the circle, you can talk about such concepts as "the same", "different", "the same", "not the same". Asking questions on filling "is greater, the one-half or one-third." And then show, give children the opportunity to select parts independently. Lower the details in a row from the smallest to the largest. To walk along each circle, calling the parts. If the two parts, one to be called one or the other half. If parts are three, then one third, and if twelve, then one twelfth. Let the child be the whole set of the game "Troba Nikitina", that is, all 78 details. Now ask to give one sixth, two sixth, six sixth? What different parts can be compiled? Is it possible to divide the circle into two parts? And three? How to make a circle using only red and yellow parts? Is it possible in principle? Let in your classes will be as much as possible kinestics, let the kids skip everything through their hands. Shot - a complex topic, it is better to approach from different directions, thinking all new jobs. Arrange four slices of green circle consisting of eight parts. Ask how much lacks. Complete with this question in all circles. Playing, emphasize the following expressions: "divide into equal parts", "whole", "half", "in half", "one of two", "one second", "one twelfth", "part".

Boris Pavlovich and Lena Alekseevna Nikitin, many call the classics of domestic pedagogy. On the example of its own large family, in Soviet times, they demonstrated how, breaking well-established stereotypes in education, to help the child to turn into an independent, harmoniously developed personality.

For the first time, Nikitin family was spoken at the end of the 50s of the 20th century. Moscow region Village Bolshevo, where teachers lived, was shocked by how young spouses raise their children. The local community surprised the fact that Nikita children running barefoot in the snow and capable of performing dizzying gymnastic exercises, they simply boiled health and hit their intellect. By three-four years, these kids have already mastered the reading and assholes of mathematics, with the passion played in her father invented logic gamesAnd barely started to study at school, led across the class.

It was then, in the I960-1970s, Nikitin laid the foundations of Russian parental pedagogy, which are used to this day.

Basic principles of education "Nikitinsky"

According to Nikitin, traditionally, adults allow two extremes with a child. The first is truganization. That is, sustainable care and continuous classes, entertainment, games. The child has no time for independent activities.

The second extreme is abandonment Child. This means that communication with the baby comes down only to its maintenance (feed, drink, go to bed). Such an approach leads to deprivation (psychological starvation), hospitalism (delay in emotional and mental Development) And, as a result, to mental retardation.

Nikitin system is based on, first of all, labor, naturalness, proximity to nature and creativity. Guys - the owners of themselves, his actions and regulations. Parents do not forced them to do anything, only help to understand complex life and philosophical problems. Adults pushing, and not ahead of children, come with them into the dialogue. The main task of education, according to Nikitin, is the maximum development creative abilities the younger man and his preparation for life.

Firstly, Freedom of creativity of children in classes. No special training, charging, lessons. Children do how much they want, combining sports with all other activities.

Secondly, lightweight clothes and sports atmosphere in the house: sports shells enter the daily life of the guys from the earliest childhood, they become a natural habitat, along with furniture and other domestic things.

Thirdly, Parental non-equilibration to the fact that both kids work, the participation of adults in children's games, competitions, and in general - in the life of children.

Parents should have only one goal: do not interfere with the development of a child, and help him, do not put pressure on children in accordance with some kind of hands, but to create conditions for their further development, focusing on the well-being and desire of the guys.

Lena Alekseevna and Boris Pavlovich did not put on behalf of the initially to teach their kids to everything as early as possible. They noticed that the guys earlier develop those aspects of intelligence for which the corresponding "advanced" conditions were created. Suppose the child just started talking, and he already had cubes with letters, split alphabet, plastic letters and numbers among toys.

How to call in the child a desire to do?

So, the conditions for development should be ahead of this process. So they need to be prepared in advance. That is, on the walls of the children's room, you need to hang a hemisphey map, hundreds and thousands, printed and uppercase letters, measuring instruments, books. And the first impressions may involuntarily arouse the interest of the child to some kind of knowledge and even develop certain abilities. The overall work or work near is mandatory interest in the labor process, and to its results from each other, and at the same time, and the reason for the conversation, the exchange of opinions. It should be paid attention to one very important point: you should never do for the kid, what he can cope with himself, and not decide for him what he can solve himself. In any occupations, adults should try to encourage creativity, without imposing their opinions, and not in a hurry to prevent a mistake or immediately point to it. And in the event of failure - not to reproach and not be ashamed of the child. But success should be noted necessarily and do not bother to praise. The main thing is that adults never remain indifferent to what guys do that they turn out.

Physical development

Children should be ready to perceive knowledge not only mentally, but also physically. The body of the child is tool in itself. Not overloaded with excessive clothes, not burdened with supercoalion food, it is easy and willingly "goes to meet" the requirements of mental order. Sporting shells almost from infancy should enter childhood. Nikitin's special attention was paid to hardening. And their experience showed that this an effective way Fight a child from most colds.

Nikitin intellectual games


In addition to the advanced conditions for the development, which was discussed above, Nikitin has developed a number of educational games for the guys of any age. No specific child learning program is imposed. He plunges into the world of the game, in which the waven itself choose the sphere of activity. No one explains the baby to the new rules, he is simply involved in the game with a fairy tale, imitating the eldest, participating in collective games. As a rule, the active participation of adults or senior brothers and sisters is first required, but then the child can do it alone. So naturally pipsqueak performs a number of tasks, which gradually become more complex. At the same time, the baby can not be suggested. He needs to provide an opportunity to think independently. If the child can not cope with the task, you need to return to the easy, already mastered tasks, or temporarily leave this game. If it is noticeable that Kroch reached the ceiling of its capabilities or has lost interest in the game, it is better to postpone it.

This technique allows the child to independently seek the decision of the tasks unknown to him, create a new one, that is, leads to the development of his creative abilities.

Features Nikitinsky Games

The main difference - is a multifunctional games and unlimited scope for creativity. They may interest and captivate all family members. Games are taught children, moving from simple from more difficult tasks, to receive joy and satisfaction from mental activity, think, sometimes suffer, but be sure to achieve the goal.

Each game is a set of tasks that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares, details of the mechanic designer. The tasks are offered to the baby in various shape: in the form of a model, a flat pattern, drawing in isometric, drawing, writing or oral instruction, and thus introduce it with different ways to transfer information. Tasks are located from simple to complex.

Difficulty levels are several: from available two-year-old to unbearable for the middle adult, so games can excite interest for many years. And the gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks allows the child to be improved independently, that is, to develop creative abilities.

Using the Nikitinsky educational games in the child classes, should follow certain principles.

  1. It is impossible to explain to the child the method and order of solving problems and can not be prompted by a word, nor a gesture or a look. By implementing the solution in practice, the baby learns to take everything you need from the surrounding reality yourself.
  2. It is impossible to demand and seek the child to solve the task with the first attempt. He may not have yet Doros, and it is necessary to wait a day, a week, a month or even more.
  3. The problem of the problem appears before the baby in the form of a pattern, pattern or facilities from cubes, bricks, details of the designer, that is, visible and tangible things. This allows the child to check the accuracy of the task itself.
  4. Most educational games are not exhausted by the proposed tasks, but allows children and parents to compile new options and even invent new games, that is, to engage in creative activities.

So, main feature The developing games of Nikitin - the fact that they managed to unite one of the basic principles of training - from simple to complex - with a very important condition of creative activity - to do everything on their own.

Developing games developed by Boris Nikitin are described by them in the book, which is called - " Mind games". Here are just a few examples of the most popular of them.

Frames and liners

This game is available to the smallest. It is 16 frames with liners in the form geometric figures: Circle, Square, Triangle, Ellipse (Oval), Rectangle and so on. Start better with the showing of the liners. Take a circle, oval, square, equilateral triangle and, calling, showing them to the baby. At the same time, it is better not to keep them in your hands, but lay out on a monophonic surface (not on a color tablecloth or carpet, but at least on a sheet of paper). Showing one figurine, you can give them a baby for independent actions - let it looks at and plays. It will be appropriate to offer him at the same time a box or a jar in which he can put it all, and then pour back. Gradually, Karapuz will get acquainted with all the 16 pieces of the kit. If you start with a small number of figures, you can attract crumb to the game, starting from 10-12 months. When the child is growing, you can complicate the tasks: to circuit out the contours of the figures with a pencil, first by the frames, then - by inserts (it is more difficult), to make a double circuit, hatch the resulting image, draw figures to the account (three mugs, two squares), create plot drawings ( Christmas tree of three isced triangles).


This game is 16 wooden cubes With an edge of 3 cm in size, where each face has a definite color. Cubes must be laid in a wooden or cardboard box (its presence). Nikitin advises to start the game with them from one and a half years. At the beginning (especially with the smallest) you just need to sit next to the child and look at the cubes: "Look what beautiful cubes! Here I took 4 cubes: one, two, three, four. Look, this is a blue side, and it is yellow . What a beautiful blue walking path turned out! Let's take a hare, you see how he likes to ride it? And now the track has become multicolored: blue, yellow, blue, yellow. " Perhaps the baby no longer listens and looks around. So, acquaintance with cubes needed to finish several minutes earlier. The game should not bother the child. And yet: her, like any other, it is advisable to keep in such a place so that the baby see, but he could not get it himself. When Krochi will have a desire to play, he can say or show the box if he does not know how to talk yet. These cubes contribute to "the development of spatial imagination, accuracy, attention, graphic abilities, ability to analyze, synthesize and combine."

Mass Svadrat.

This game originated from a puzzle, in which it was required of several pieces of various shapes to fold the square. It was a rather difficult puzzle, so Nikitin decided to make a number of simpler tasks. It turned out a game for children from two years. It has three categories of complexity. Every 12 multi-colored squares included. All 12 squares are located on the plywood size with the landscape sheet and as if inserted into the windows. For children, 2 years old and younger need to leave the 4 most simple squares. Let it be a whole square, a square of two rectangles, of two triangles and - cut into two parts by a broken line. Now you can start the game with the child. Details need to be either decomposed on piles (each - part of the same color), or show how the whole square is obtained from two halves. Further, the child is given the opportunity to act. Gradually, the kid will win this level and goes to a more complex one. According to Nikitin, this game contributes to the development of the color, the assimilation of the ratio of the whole and part, the formation of logical thinking and the ability to break complex task A few simple.


Age for the start of this game is specified different, from up to 5 years. It is a set of three plywood sizes with a landscape sheet. Each of them is located 4 circles. All of them have the same size, but different colors. The first circle is whole, the second is cut into two equal parts, the third to three, and so on, up to 12 "poles". First, for the game, only the first plywood with four circles leave. With their help, you can repeat the colors, calculate the pieces invested, compare them with each other. With their help, you can repeat the colors to calculate the pieces of the pieces, compare them with each other. Thus, the child meets mathematical terminology. You can try to make a multicolored circle. It is very interesting to build a ladder: downstairs - a whole circle, then half, then a third. With it, it can be clearly understood why one second is more than one third.


These are universal cubes that enter the kid into the world of three-dimensional space. The development of spatial thinking will allow the child to master the child in the future, stereometry, descriptive geometry. The game teaches clarity, care, accuracy, accuracy.

"Unicub" is 27 small wooden cubes. The faces of each cube are painted in this way (only three colors) so that this combination of the faces is rare, if not unique. That is why it is not easy to perform tasks according to the proposed schemes. Nikitin offers 60 tasks for "unicub". The first of them the author was performed with children of 1.5-3 years, and the most difficult are far from all adults.

About Nikitin Methods told their daughter Anna Ermakova


Hello, dear writing ... I, in fact, I do not have a direct relationship to discussions ... I just write about Nikitin ... Please write if anyone has such an opportunity, write any links on the topic .. . Thank you in advance.

12/13/2008 22:40:07, Natasha

And why should a child be a genius ???? The mainly formed man, and the Nobel laureate he or the Olympic champion, what business to? For me, the main thing is that the child is healthy and raised ...

05/25/2008 20:28:46, Tatiana

Taken from here:
"Alexey, the eldest son of Nikitin, now lives in London and with relatives practically does not communicate"
"The second son Anton became a talented chemist. He graduated from the MSU Himfak, manages the laboratory."
"Olya, the eldest daughter, works by a lawyer, heads the department of the Moscow Registration Chamber. Another daughter, Anya, - Nurse and Mom of four kids."
"Julia - Tourism Manager."
"The penultimate child in the family is Ivan. It was experimented on it. For example, it was not taught to read in three years. And, probably, because he is the only one now wears glasses."

"Lyuba, the youngest and most familiar, raising its five. Motherhood is her profession and vocation."
"And almost all Nikitins (now not only Nikitin, but and the daughter-in-law, the son-in-law) live in the old father's house. When I asked how many people live at the same time under the roof of the Byshevsky house, no one was able to answer ..."

alexander from 11/16/07
uv.Lexandra, looking at your link, I must disappoint you, because Nikitins who will be there are artists and singers, Tatiana and Sergey. And, as far as I know, Boris Nikitin is no longer with us, alive only his wife remained. By the way, the question of Oksana dated 23.8.2005 Does Nikitin site also interests me. So far, unfortunately, he did not find him.

11/18/2007 03:07:46, tania_luxembourg 11/06/2007 21:15:56, Alexandra

I am 22, my parents brought me up by the method of nikitin, but more focused on physical development (hardening, swimming, mining clothes and more movements from the first days of life). I can say with confidence that I am a happy and harmonious personality, I had a wonderful childhood and I adore my parents. Now I have 2 higher education, knowing the 2nd languages \u200b\u200b(I received one education in English). Now also learn in absentia. All my life I am engaged in sports. But the main thing is not this, but it is important to zeal to new knowledge and achievements with which not everyone is born, but which can be developed (according to the Nikitin technique). And yet, I never did nothing from under the stick, everything myself (parents simply created the conditions). My child is 3 months old, no diaper, more movements and of course hardening, which he loves. In the family, complete harmony and love, which was transferred to me from my parents, from my childhood. Nikitin technique is great, thanks to them in our hospital, a joint stay in the House of Mom and Newborns is now.

07/16/2007 07:21:00, Alina

It is strange that some consider early development with something harmful.
He knew the alphabet of 1.5, read from 2.8, to the theater my parents were drove me with 3 (not forced, but I liked, and me, and me). The result is quite modest. Member of the Union of Writers from 18, (at the same time he became a happy wife), 2 education, while only the Cand. Form Sciences, laureate of several all-Ukrainian poetic contests, musician (violin, guitar), 3 Badminton discharge.
Geniya, as you have already seen, did not come out of me, however, it was not raised. They raised educated and healthy person - perhaps something happened. Emotionally poor people are usually not called, soon the opposite problem :)

I adore parents, I will try to repeat their system with your children.
And I really want to remember about the children of nikitin, they just ... did not hurt in childhood. At all. Few?

05/01/2007 00:12:13, Mara

My son is 19 months. Single Square 1 Ur collects half. Of course, it develops mathematical and logical comprehensive and TP. I believe that the most important thing for the child is the love and caress of parents, and all the rest (developing programs) at the discretion of parents.

03/01/2007 22:49:54, Julia

I can tell about myself:

Nobody taught me personally, just my sister is 1.5 years old, the diagnosis was to lag in development, and my mother began to overcome the symptoms corresponding to the diagnosis.
I spinning next to boredom.

On the wall above the dining table hung big letters, because the sister had problems with diction
Then appeared numbers
As a result of the fairy tale for 3 years I myself read myself ...

Well ... graduated from the institute, graduate school,
everything is modest - I work as a programmer, lead the group.
(For more and motivation, there is no)

Until 2006, I lived in P.Barabash Primorsky Krai, in December 1987 I gave birth to Sasha's son, in a year gave birth to Tanya's daughter, during the pregnancy on the radio heard the method of raising children and about Nikitin's books. In 1988, I found the book of Nikitin, in the future years the raising of children tried to follow the advice of nikitin. I think that our family's books were very helpful in raising children, they rose, erudite, smart, healthy. Now they study students on the budget department are both honors. Thank you for books.

01/10/2007 05:41:16, Victoria

Sonchka year and three months, waiting for the second. We use different techniques - dynamic gymnastics, flooded 4 months in the sea, we harde in real, apply early development techniques (Doman). We can not otherwise, and it is interesting for yourself, and the boy is growing rising.
About nikitin. Yes, imagine yourself in their place! Seven children, Nishchen income, and after all, parents have already been not quite young, as far as I know. Well, how many they needed efforts to make their children just somehow took place, survived in our society. As far as I know, all children of nikitins are successful people, not oligarchs, not Nobel laureates, but in case, socially significant. Such a result is quite expecting for more or less conscientious parents of one child - but here, dear, children as seven! Still, their work, I believe, brought a good result.

11/29/2006 13:14:21, Natasha