Why collective cards Steam. Steam collectible cards - why they are needed and how to get them. Paid methods pumping

In the section on the question why do Steam cards need? For what? What can you do with them? Posted by the author Fenriz. The best answer is After collecting a certain range of cards, they can be screaming and in the end it will turn out 3 awards: 1 discount on the game or a random card 2 background games of which you collected 3 emoticons cards. Cards are divided into iron and ordinary, as well as mystical (there are no longer) Iron is the most expensive from 0.90 $ and ordinary on 0.04 $ there are also sets of cards. Also, the cards give a level in Steam which gives the "capabilities", with each 10 level there is a showcase, in it you can place your files that is. (Skinshotes, addons) Your progress, achives and. etc.
maybe (collectible) card or icon level?

Answer from 22 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why do you need Steam cards? For what? What can you do with them?

Answer from Pavel Makeev[newcomer]
my answer for Steam card per game can sell it or make gems and create card sets

Answer from Makar Stanian[newcomer]
These cards can be turned into gems (Gems), of which card sets are created.

Answer from Ivan Ivanov[guru]
Collect icons to get bonuses, such as: a discount on the game (chosen by chance), experience (windows open at 10 level), profile backgrounds, emoticons for chat.
Or they can be sold on the trading platform.

Answer from Ronnie[guru]
print and show classmates.

Answer from Vladislav Tereshchenko[guru]

Answer from Vain[guru]
Cards are needed for icons, each icon is made from a certain co-fish of cards, icons raise the stima level, and still seem to give backgrounds for the profile (I don't know exactly). Well, the skews are exached.

Editor's Choice

Steam cards: How to farm and sell?

With the widespread development of digital technologies, the concept of "paid" entertainment was inevitable. And it seems that the content is offered completely free.

It's easy enough to download the installation, and now on the contented user leads its character in the unknown world.

But on this, free entertainment most often end.

Buyers of official programs, almost always receive several free collectible cards. This is a gratitude to the purchase platform.

What are these cards? Why do they need them? And why is so appreciated? Is it possible to earn on this? We will try to find answers to these questions during our review.

What is the steam cards?

Collectible cards are kind of unique virtual decorations.

Most often, these are images of characters or items of the fiction world.

At first, they are distributed free through the Steam service. The developers came up with them as a bonus.

That is for each steam games Designers create a special set of cards based on a concrete plot.

Application creators are waiting for designers to specifically draw several backgrounds for user portfolio.

In addition, they develop characteristic graphic emoticons. They can be used when corresponding in text chat.

Without these requirements, the developer is not allowed to sell through Steam Channel.

That is, on the channel you will not meet a single franchise, in which there will be no own backgrounds, smiles and at least basic set Cards.

But, in any rule there are exceptions. If even on the channel and occurs without the "necessary card base", this means that the digital distributor bought it from another platform.

For example, it was assumed that sales would go to Origin or Uplay. But let's return to our decorations.

The value of a set of bonuses is that the player will never fall out for free.

Maximum that can be obtained is half. And the backgrounds and emoticons are generally absent in free content.

Well, and since users are mostly gambling, then the pursuit of these most special privileges turns into a real test.

To begin with, we figure out why you need cards, backgrounds and smiles in Steam.

The answer is obvious - in order for them to decorate your game profile, in order to stand out from the mass of other inhabitants of the online world.

In order to assert themselves. How is it implemented? Each registered stima participant has its own open profile.

Achievements are added to the main page. The participant can change the background of his own profile (the one that is not available in free access) and communicate in the chat with other players.

Steam Store, previously formerly defective and little Counter-Strike functional process.

For dozens of years, it has grown to a huge market, so productive that its sales cannot be calculated.

It turned out that this is a rather good investment, if you guess in time, which of the lots after only a few months will take off at the cost of the skies ...

Methods of mining or earnings multiplied as mushrooms after the rain.

The special popularity of the game platform brought a financial aspect.

In the game you can make money. Not physical bills, of course, but still.

You cannot withdraw them, but you can spend on other games, to improve your characters, to buy exclusive backgrounds and unimaginable smiles. It is possible to do everything only with bonuses.

That was how the movement called "Farming". This is a flow production.

Farming Cards Steam

The most important thing that needs to be understood is, none of the game cannot fall enough cards to assemble the icon.

Usually, the limit is somewhere half the required amount. Worse than the fallen samples may repeat!

The remaining objects can be purchased on the trading platform. This is a fairly cheap pleasure.

The standard unit is not expensive than 5-6 cents, and rarely in which game you need more than four additional units. So such a pleasure can afford any schoolboy.

Moreover, this is a real market. After all, you can not only buy objects of interest, you can sell repetitions or those that are no longer needed.

The trading platform takes the commission from each transaction. Usually the percentage is 2 cents.

Each user like a seller or buyer is formed, based on the number of successfully completed transactions.

To sell your lots quickly and profitably, users should not set the price much higher than the average market.

Of course, if you do not take into account that the player accidentally became the owner of this masterpiece, which, for one reason or another, he does not need.

Many users, realizing that it was not profitable to buy constantly, rebuilt into fountain. This is a kind of "mining" of valuable samples.

For this process you need to install software. It is it, actually, and will knock out bonuses on an industrial scale.

Farming with Idlemaster

One example of a successful extraction application - Idlemaster. This is not the only program, but at the moment it is the most stable.

This is a free open source program, and for its normal functionality only the presence of the established latest version.

When installing, you will need to turn off the firewall and.

The program works only if Steam is running on the computer and the authorization procedure is passed.

Also, the program does not work if the account is blocked for any violations.

This plan pleases the fact that the playing platform supports the development of the IdleMaster.

Farming in Idle Master

Thus, if there is a stable connection to the Internet, the program automatically causes the game platform to share with the user.

Moreover, the software creates emulation that several games work at the same time.

At the same time, the hardware filling of the computer does not suffer at all, since the program is not demanding to resources.

The games will not even be installed on the computer and will not take place. After all, very little likely that you will play all games at the same time.

Real gamers rarely calm down, without passing one game to the end. Just achieving the final victory, they switch to a new project!

Now more. Why at the moment the IdleMaster is considered the most stable version for the pharmine?

Because of the only phrase, the "program is supported by Steam. That is, it is practically official.

It is not prohibited by the developer of the trading platform and even has its own group.

Users at the official forum openly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of IDlemaster!

From this flows at least the reliability of its use and the durability of the user account! At the same time, the developers set one limit.

It cannot be used with VAC antihatt - in this case, the user account will most likely be blocked.

How to use Idlemaster

In the course of operation of the program, an error sometimes occurs.

Does not see the running stream of steam. In this case, the user will not help either reboot or reinstall the program.

In this case, the output is simple: you need to run a program with administrator rights. This is a familiar problem most users.

Operating system increasingly sure that the user is rarely rarely allowed to be allowed.

Perhaps the pharmine process is unlikely to seem complicated and confusing to someone. Knowledge it does not require, the power of the computer does not consume.

And the cherished improvements regularly find themselves in the player's piggy bank.

Making money on these unique exhibits is also simply how to extract them. You get cards by pharmine, sell them in the market and invest in new games.

The trick is to act quickly, because now, thanks Steam Sale, the trading market of cards collapses as a house of the same name.

Quickly got, they sold quickly, they were quickly invested. Do not wait until the cost of your assets will grow. In the near future, this miracle will not happen.

You can get from three to five cards from each purchased game. Also, a small number of cards will be in your piggy bank, if you constantly play them.

If you do not know which of your games support collectible cards, Go to the 'icons' section on Steam.

There is constantly updated a list of relevant games in which you can get covenant bonuses.

In the upper right corner of each game there should be a little message. Something like "you can get 4 more cards."

You can continue to play this game while the text does not change. And you will learn that " more cards There will be no fall in the game. "

In fact, you can not even play, enough so that the application remains launched in the background. Sooner or later, the remaining maps will fall into your gaming wallet,

The only exception is free games that are awarded for the progress.

Considering that the lots are usually sold for several cents, you should not purchase game items.

But, if you bought the inventory before you decide to earn, it is worth trying to use it to achieve the desired acquisitions faster.


After you got all the regular cards, you get the right to booster.

Each package contains three casual maps, including a small chance to find a premium card, which is worth dozens of times more.

Boosters are accrued in random order, you don't even need to play games to get it, you just have to enter at least once a week in your own.

Regularly your chances of getting a booster increase. In addition, the chance increases when you increase game level in Steam.

Every ten levels your chance to find a unique booster increases by 20%.

Unfortunately, progress suffers from decreasing returns. Each ten levels, the number of experience required to transition to the next step up is increasing by 100 points.

With each new twist of your career development, the transition will continue to cost you more efforts.

If you are finally stuck in the style system, then these difficulties will bring you only pleasure.

Summer cards

This is a special kind of bonuses created specifically for the summer sales.

You can get them in three ways: you can exchange one summer card for 9 ordinary. Given that the main goal to earn is an unequal exchange.

You can buy summer cards on $ 10 per piece. But, probably, then you can sell them much cheaper.

Earlier in this article, we have already talked about the fact that you should not invest additional funds in receiving cards, if the ultimate goal is to sell them.

You can buy them only if you are an avid collector. And you need cards for personal use.

Purchase and Trade

The final method of obtaining new cards is the most obvious, you buy them in the market or exchange them with friends.

Trading is the most profitable option. Cards are very different in price.

If you can handle the train cards from friends, you can sell them on the trading platform, you can earn a reasonable profit.

Just be prepared to lose some friends if they find out that you traded what they took from them.

The icon is a small icon located in the upper right corner of your Steam community profile. They recognize your membership, participation in the community and participate in the game. Earning icons increases your Steam level. In turn, it can unlock showcases, emoticons, coupons and background profile images. Collect one icon or collect them.

How to create an icon?

Click on the "icons" link in your profile at the top of the right column or select "Icons" in the drop-down menu with your name. On the page that opens in the "Status of Icons" tab, you will see which icons can already be created. Click "Ready Icon" to open the details of it, and then click on the Blue button "Create Icon".

Event icons

Receive events, participating in summer, winter or other community events. Often it requires you to perform tasks or achievements. Visit Steam Newspage and Discussion Forums to learn about the upcoming events. Such icons, for example, include icons, or "Pins" with cybersport championships, which are often attached to bandwidth.

This object with a promotional code could unlock players bought Pin Blind Box in the store THE INTERNATIONAL. 2017. It is identical to a physical badge, and has the quality of Genuine

Games icons

Steam collectible cards are virtual cards that fall out during the game in Steam. Card sets can be transformed into game icons and exchange items of the Steam community.

Get game icons by creating shopping cards from selected games. You can automatically receive up to half general maps games. Then traded with friends or view Steam Market to complete the card set. Go to the page of your profile to turn the set of cards in the icon.

In addition to the game icon, you will also get:

  • Random smile from the game that can be used in chat or in discussions
  • Random background from the game you can decorate your community profile
  • Chance to get a discount coupon for another game or additional content
  • 100 experience points that will help you increase your level Steam

Metal icons

They can be obtained by creating card cards from selected games. As soon as your Steam level is 10 or more, you can take and get a rare metal card. In order to turn them into a "foil" icon, a complete set of such cards is needed. Unlike gaming icons that have five levels, metal have only one level.

But the main thing is that it is worth knowing these special icons - this is that in fact they do not differ from ordinary, with the exception of their status and rarity receipt.

Exclusive icons

These extremely rare badges are provided to members who contribute to Steam, the development of games, or community.


Released in May 2013 is the most elite of all icons. For those who did all this possible. Gives 1000 experience.

Moderator communitySteam

Released in May 2013. It is issued to the Steam-Sheriff moderator who follows the order. Gives 500 experience.

StamWorks developer

Released in May 2013. Issued by members of the community, which are also developers of games. Gives 500 experience.

Translator in the Steam Community

Released in December 2012. Responsible to those who made a significant contribution to the efforts to transfer Steam, which makes it a great place for everyone, regardless of the language.

Ordinary icons

Get the usual badges, just becoming a member of the Steam community, buying at least one CD key or product or performing various community tasks.

In other words, if you exit all the above written: we collect cards, collect their sets, turn into badges, boast friends and get new level For our account in Steam.

Experience and levels Steam

We have already written above that, for receiving those or other cards, the user receives experience in Steam. But why is it needed? With raising level you get things that cannot be exchanged: showcases for profile, more space in the list of friends and so on. Moreover, by default you have a zero level, which does not allow you to even add friends in the same Dota 2.

What do we get with raising levels?

  1. We can add even more friends to our frantist. From the first installation Steam, your account can accommodate about 250 records of other friends, which often lacks more active players. With the increase in your level of all per unit, you will get another 5 "places" for new friends.
  2. You are always in the top of all lists. In other words: the more you have the level of "Stima", the higher you will be displayed in the lists of your friends, and if any of them wants to play not yourself - then you will become the first to write. Only 6 seats are issued to each account for friends with the highest priority, so pump out and become one of these 6.
  3. Of course, the All Community Steam reminds greater game social network, with the possibility of buying games and simultaneous contact with friends, and other users. Having a ledger account is first of all prestigious, not to mention that communicating with an unfamiliar person, your abundance of cards and badges inspires him confidence in you. This is often used when you need to make trading operations in online stores and so on, because Other players will not easily come to contact with the account whose level is 1, or 2.
  4. Get different emoticons, boot screens, backgrounds in Steam, for receiving those or other icons. In rare cases, you can get a special coupon - a ticket for which you get a purchase discount different gamesor in-game items.
  5. Showcases. Who don't want to get shopked windows? Very comfortable and very difficult accumulated. You will need 10 levels to get the first, and then you will receive for each decade of Levelov another one. In them, you can place items, sort them on a specific feature, or, be honest, just boast other community users about their achievements and hobbies
  6. Edit appearance Icon! Its color, shape, framing - all this is subject to you only. By this you can decorate your profile according to your taste and your desires. But you will get this feature only to achieve 100 (hundredth, carl), level.

Free methods pumping

It is logical that in order to raise the desired LEVEL - you need more experience, it is the usual logic of all computer games. But Steam has a very specific system for obtaining experience. Perhaps you have already encountered somewhere somewhere: its essence is that the farther you go on the level stairs, the more time and effort, and even money will have to put in order to come further.

In most cases, the icon is given for every 100 points. The overwhelming number of icons is given for collecting one set of cards from any game. The maximum number of experience points for one icon is set in the amount of 500. That is, for each game you can collect five identical sets of cards and create an icon with an impact of 500 experience points, thereby increasing your own level or bringing it to the pumping at higher levels. You can start collecting cards absolutely for any games, and not just those that you have. To do this, just enter the trading platform and dial the name of the game in the search. Collection or acquisition of cards, followed by the creation of the icon, is the main method for pumping the level in Steam.

All methods of level pumping can be divided into two types: free and paid. Using free ways, you can hardly go up above 30 levels on objective reasons and restrictions. There will be no charge of any restrictions.

To accessible to all methods:

Of course, it is necessary to fulfill all the quests in the community. They are about 30 and they are primarily called upon to familiarize the player with such a service as Steam. Do not think that this is something complicated: send a smiley to a friend, post a video on your wall and similar to it. In total, you can lift up to five levels for your account.

  1. Participation in Steam Events from Valve. In this small offer, there is a lot of meaning, which depends on how many games you have bought, how many tasks completed, for example, buying a game on a discount in the sale, or achievement during participation in community and many other tasks. Usually no more than a hundred "Exppass" you will receive for such quests, but even they are not constant.
  2. Old good begging, according to the means of which, you can purchase the necessary cards, or other objects of the game inventory, which is very valued on the trading platform. So you "out of nothing" launch your turnover, buying others for the things you got. From the world on a penny - naked shirt. This proverb is about this method. Come in the group, find local "Major" and swear they have different values \u200b\u200bunnecessary.
  3. Exchange - an excellent way to pump out. The case is elementary - when you play games, you drop out a variety of thematic things for which you can replace the same cards.
  4. As a special case of the previous point - Trade in the ad. Steam, a special authorized community has been created, in which 1,500,000 users are annoying. Of course, most of the market inhabitants are English, but this problem is solved by the translator, or learn himself. Getting rid of the language barrier, you can leave the announcements about the cards you need. If the language remained notable - try searching for other, unofficial Russian community communities in which you will be much easier.

Paid methods pumping

The Steam Platter Pumping includes two ways:

  1. About twice a week, games sold with huge discounts appear in the Steam store. Their price is minimal, so you can buy a game for a few rubles without problems. Also several times a year, Steam arranges ambitious sales, where the number of such discount games is increased at times. In order to take advantage of these games, after which you will use the IdleMaster program, which allows you to get cards from these games without playing them and not even installing! It falls from each game of 3-4 cards, which can then be either exchanged, or sell and purchase the necessary.
  2. Acquisition of cards on the trading platform. This is the most important and fast way Level pumping for those who have money, and who does not want to slowly engage in pumping. Just replenish the balance wallet Steam, go to the shopping area, find and purchase a set of cards right game. You can buy immediately on five cards of one species, because the icon can be maximized to the fifth level.

It remains only to wish our persistence readers and of course, good luck in search and receiving cherished cards and badges. The main thing is to remember to be "in the community" - it is absolutely not necessary to invest in the program, it is enough to go for a street with friends, they are also "community".

Many style games have a special feature - collectible cards. These items are images from the game and dust in the inventory menu.

What gives collectible cards:

1) Icons. By collecting a certain number of cards, you can scratch the icon. For example, for the craft icon in the CS: it is necessary to collect five unique cards. The icon is needed to get thematic emoticons, profile design and other goodies that will allow you to make an account more unique. For each game there is a specific icon and corresponding bonuses. In addition, creating an icon, you will receive additional experience points for raising a level in Steam;

2) Additional income. Cards can be sold, receiving money on games and objects. The cost of the card may vary from one cent to several tens of dollars;

How to get Collectible Steam Cards

To get collectible cards, you should just play the game from which they can fall out. No clear conditions of the dragon does not exist - the card can fall out after five minutes of the game, and sometimes it may be necessary for about an hour. Maintaining more depends on your good luck and perseverance. Perform any achievement does not make sense. You can just go to the game, minimize it and engage in other things. Sooner or later, the cards will drop out anyway. However, there are several tricks that will simplify the task:

1) If you are aimed to assemble a set of cards from some specific game, and on the rest do not care, then you can smash unnecessary or repeated cards for gems. To do this, simply select a card and click on the "Turn into Gems ..." button, after which gems will appear in your inventory. Select gems, and then click "Create a set of cards". In the menu that appears, you can choose the game for which you want to create a set. Please note that for each game the number of required gems to create a set of cards is sharply different. For example, for the same COP: it needs to collect 1200 gems to scream three cards. In addition, the kit created includes only half of those cards that are required for the icon craft.

2) Collectible cards can be bought on a shopping areae. To do this, select a card from the inventory to the inventory menu, click "Progress Icon". In the menu that appears, you will see all existing and missing cards. To buy a card, click "Search on a trading platform", after which you will reinforce you on the store page, where you can purchase the desired object.

3) Exchange cards with users Steam. It often happens when you have a card that your friend wants, and he has what you need. In the icon section, you can view whether your friends have the missing card for creating a set. Even if your friends do not have it, you can try good luck on the exchange forum. To do this, in front of the card, click "Visit the Sharing Forum", then choose any suitable theme where you can discuss the details of the transaction.

4) Using third-party programs. If you are too lazy to play the game to get cards, then you can use the special Idle Master program. Just open the program, log in through your profile Steam, after which it will do everything for you. Of all the games in your library in a few minutes (10-30 minutes) all possible cards will fall.

Idlemaster Steam

The easiest way to snapar cards and get free 500 rubles - Steam IDDLE Master program. IDDLE Master allows you to knock out cards: 1 card every 30 minutes in the background standby. You can download this software on the site: http://steamidlemaster.com/.

To start working with Steam IDDLE, we unzip the downloaded archive. Then launch the Setup file from the folder, following all installation instructions.

After installation, open the program and go to Files - BlackList

After that, you need to fill the App ID field figures that are listed in the above:

Then Zhmem. Add. and Save..

Click the Sign In button, then log in in the stima using your username and password.

After the entry, the program automatically starts the cards for all your incentives. You can only sit and wait.

After parsing cards, sell them on the trading platform. The price of one card is about 2-3 cents, but you can get 120-130 rubles for a set of cards.

You can also go to Steam Store - all discounts and filter all products on cards, with inexpensive. Then buy the cheapest price at no more than 7 rubles. Launch the IDLE-Master for these games and get a bunch of cards that can be sold. Total spending about 120 rubles, you will earn 500 rubles!

How to find out whether the game supports collective cards

Everything is very simple. Go to the game page in Steam, and then on the right side of the screen over the section with the languages \u200b\u200bcarefully read everything that is written there. If the list of features is a string "Collectible Cards", the game supports this chip.

Important facts about collectible cards

  • Each game has a number of collectible cards may differ;
  • Playing you can get only half of the cards from the entire set. The remaining cards for a set will have to search on the trading platform or on the exchange forums;
  • Collectible cards are not supported in all games;
  • FROM free games, like Dota 2, collectible cards will fall only when you spend money in the game (make a purchase of some kind of subject, etc.);
  • If you sold or smashed cards to gems, then they will no longer fall again;
  • In addition to ordinary, there are special cards (FOIL), which are characterized by silver edges and higher cost. You can get them in the same way as the usual, though the chance of the Dropya is much lower - about 0.1-5%;
  • If you have already received all possible games cards, then there is a chance that you will fall out a set of booster pack. It contains three random cards. The chance to get such a miracle is very small, but there is a way to increase the likelihood of a drop. To do this, pump your profile level in Steam, as for every ten levelas you will increase the chance of the booster paka loss by 20%;
  • After creating the icon, the cards of this game will disappear from the inventory menu;
  • Exchange and trade of cards can only occur on accounts with a level above zero and which are active more than three months. This is done to reduce the number of fraudsters;
  • The cost of the collective card does not depend on the cost of the game.


All liked it? Tell your friends!

In the overwhelming number of games, the player may fall apart by a half of the full set of cards. For example, in half-Life game 2 There are eight cards, respectively, you can only get four. The second half can be collected using other community players: you have to search for beta testing discussions, in the topics that are dedicated to the community; You can also exchange cards with friends in Steam.

If the player bought something before the start of beta testing cards, or acquired the game, for example, Team Fortress before it became "Freeware", then in this case he can get from four to five cards. And for every $ 9 spent on the purchase in Steam, the player will be able to receive on the card.

Set of cards in Steam

If the player falls out all available cards, he will be able to collect a set of them - a set of simple or rare quality. The sets are distributed in the event that someone from the community decides to create an icon; They are randomly distributed between all the players who have the opportunity to receive them. Important: If you want to collect a set, go to Steam at least every week that will give the right to get a set.

By the way, the level in Steam allows you to increase the chances of receiving cards:

  • 10 level increases the chance of 20% loss;
  • 20 level increases the chance of loss by 40%;
  • 30 level increases the chance of loss by 60%;
  • 40 level increases the chance of loss by 80%;
  • 50 level increases the chance of 100% dropping;
  • etc.

To find out if you can get cards, then go to the page "How can I get more cards?", Where the total number of cards already received will be shown. There will also be indicated how to get them even more, and if you have the opportunity to receive sets. The image below shows how you can unpack the set of received cards.

What friends can make card sharing in steam

You can find out which cards you have already received, you can on the "Status of Icons" page. You can also find out how much you can get how much you need for a set. If you click on an unfinished icon, you will see a list of friends who have cards that you need for a set. In the same window, there is an opportunity to contact these friends and offer them to exchange some.

What will happen after creating a card icon in Steam

In addition to the icon you will receive:

  • randomly selected smile background from the game, which the player will be able to use in discussions or chat;
  • randomly chosen background that you can decorate the profile;
  • the ability to receive a coupon that gives a discount on the purchase of games or other content;
  • 100 points of experience that increase the level in Steam.

Also when receiving a limit icon to the maximum number of friends will be increased by five; The player can also get the opportunity to issue a profile by showcases.

Whether cards for achievements in Steam

Today, the loss of cards is associated with the number of time spent in games, and does not depend on any advances in the player. Steam employees promised to consider in the future options thanks to which they will fall out, but today there are problems that impede it. Partly, this is due to the fact that many even modern games Have achievements, the receipt of which does not bring any pleasure, and Steam wants to make the receiving process to be cheerful to all players, besides, the developers do not want to push gamers to the use of cheats that in the root will depreciate the achievements.