Great guide to Prison Architect. Great guide to Prison Architect Adjacent to the room prison architect

1. This is your task list, a summary of what's going on in the prison. As we can see, I need to read the letter, and also that at 8 o'clock in the morning, after 23 hours, 24 prisoners will arrive to me.
2. The day the prison exists and your current balance. Later it will say how much money you will receive at the end of the day (00.00).
3. The most important thing is the clock. It should be remembered that Americans do not have 15:00, instead they have 3 PM. That is, from 00.01 to 12.00 AM, and from 12.01 to 00.00 it is PM. Below you can see the inscription "Shower" (shower), this is what this moment your prisoner must do. If I had prisoners, they would be taking a shower right now.
4. Your panel, from where you will run the prison. Here are the buttons, from left to right:
Foundations - By clicking on this button, you can select the foundation for the future building. No building can be built without a foundation. There is also a bulldozer there.
Materials - Various walls, floor, fence for your prison. It should be noted that some walls or floors are built only in a building or outdoors (Indoor and Outdoor, respectively).
Rooms - Placement of rooms. All the rooms necessary for a prison are present, from cells to offices.
Objects - Beds, toilets, wardrobes, tables, etc.
Staff - Staff. Here you can hire additional workers, security, administration.
Utilities - The panel with which you will install water pumps and generators, as well as conduct pipes and cables.
Bureaurcrasy - With this button, you can explore new professions and add-ons for the prison.
Deployment - Distribution of responsibilities, who will patrol where, and where the prisoners will work.
Emergencies - Is there a fire in the prison, a riot or someone died? These brave guys will help you. It should be remembered that one call costs $100.
Clone - Allows you to clone and reproduce some part of your prison, so as not to suffer from building it all over again.
Planning - Planning. Helps with planning and arranging rooms in your prison.
5. Two buttons in case of emergency.
Lockdown - Closes all doors.
Bangup - Guards herd all the prisoners into their cells.
6. Report. The most important data for your prison.

Where to begin?

1. For starters, with planning. There are a few things to keep in mind here.

  • Save space.
  • The sooner the prisoners can move around the territory, the better.
  • Do not leave unfenced places, they will immediately run through them.
  • Wiring pipes and wires also requires money.
To begin with, we should go to Reports - Prisoners - And put Closed everywhere. Thus, prisoners will not come to you until you put Open. Then the planning itself begins.
I chose a medium sized map and on the screenshot you can see how I planned everything.
It should be noted that I simply do not have enough money for such a Napoleonic plan, so let's move on to the second point.

2. Go to Reports - Grants and click on all 4 buttons.

After that, our balance becomes 90,000.

3. We start building. Press Foundations and select areas for the foundation.
We select only the most important compartments for the prison, since some are not yet needed and there is not enough money. You can be guided by some of your thoughts and build a prison in your own way. The inscription Requires Entrance means that an entrance is needed. On the main directions we put double iron doors, at the entrances to the rooms - ordinary ones. It should be the following.
Rotate objects with the R button. After the builders have finished building, go to the next section.

4. Now we show the NPS what we have and where it is located. Click Rooms and select the rooms, guided by the screenshot above.

Now we are going to equip the prison.

Water and electricity. Arrangement of the prison.

To begin with, we build a generator with a water pump. It is built in Utilities. After that, we put 3 Capacitora near the generator, they increase its power. After we have done this, we can conduct wires to various parts of the prison. When you have done this (you can look at the screenshot to see how it is), you need to bring pipes to the future places of the toilets and to the shower room.

P.S. It should be noted that the length of the wire is unlimited, however, the length to which water will flow through small pipes is 32 meters, and through large pipes - 750.

Now, through Materials, draw the walls according to the drawing.

And now, through Objects, we begin the arrangement. I made only one row of cameras (14 pieces), since the second is not needed yet. Next to the tables in the dining room, I put benches "Bench". It is necessary to put metal detectors at the exits from the dining room, because. Prisoners dig everything they can. (Once, in my memory, a rake was burned through a metal detector. How? HOW HE HID THEM?!) You need to run wires to it. In the kitchen we put a refrigerator, stove and sink. If you hover over a room, you'll see what's missing in it.

staff and research.

Click the Staff button on the bottom panel. From here you can hire any character you need for your prison. First, hire Varden - Overseer. It must be crammed into one of the offices. After that, the research panel opens.

Explore Finance, Health, Mental. The accountant will show us the level of income-expenditure, the doctor will (unexpectedly) treat patients, and the psychiatrist will show us what the prisoners need at the moment. A psychiatrist and an accountant also need their own offices. When all these characters are researched, we can build a medical bay and get 10,000, which is very good. Then you need to explore more Foreman and the head of the guard. Everyone needs their own office. The head of the guard will show the degree of danger in the prison (the likelihood of a riot), and Foreman allows you to conduct research, thanks to which the prisoners will work for you. The head of the guard can study Deployment - Distribution of posts (Placement). The guards will stand where you put them or patrol what you assign, and not run randomly throughout the prison.

A little more about Placement - the word Placement itself says a lot, but the meaning in it is not big in this tab, we can not do much...

  • Distribute convicts to work.
  • Assign guards to posts.
  • Distribute zones where guards and convicts can be located, and where not.
  • Distribute guard patrols.
Two more cooks should be hired. You don't need much security, I had 6 guards for 60 people. We have enough for four.

Prisoners and work.

If you did everything like me, then through the Reports tab, open a set of prisoners.

Regardless of the degree of danger, for each prisoner will be given 100 dollars, minus food. The prisoners arrive at 8 am, after which free guards will push them into their cells. But before all this, we need to configure their mode. To do this, go to Reports - Regime.

There it will be necessary to scatter their sleep, food, work, free time, etc. You can see how I did. After - All central freetime, I will transfer to work, but so far it is not there. Now you will have a fully functioning prison. Increase the number of prisoners, build new cells. If you add beds to the bullpen, then it will be possible to cram another 10 people there.

Now you have such a situation, the prison is ready, but there is no profit from it and there are no places for prisoners either ... what to do?
In the Research tab - Prison Labaor (Working Labor), you will need to research it in order for the prisoners to plow, but in order for us to place our worker prisoners, you need to research Deployment (Placement) - with this research, you will have access to the bottom tab Placing, by clicking on it, you can safely place your convicts on jobs.
A little about jobs: your convicts can only work at 3 jobs, that is, you get 1 convict - 1 job, 1 convict cannot work at 3 jobs at the same time. Jobs are of 3 types:

  • Help in the kitchen.
  • Laundry work.
  • Work on machines.
Now I explain everything in a language you understand ...
1) Help in the kitchen - does not carry any actual benefit, except that your convicts with cooks will cook food faster, but they will not bring money, they will only help save money.
2) Work in the Laundry (It needs a separate room) - This is actually the main consumption of your prisoners, clean clothes are the key to a proper and clean prison ...
3) Work on machines. (How to arrange it, you can see on the very first screenshot)
Machine tools will be our main income. In order for them to work, you need at least one machine and one press. The closer they are, the faster the prisoners will carry the materials, the faster the work will go. You also need a table where they will put the products. One person per machine and per press.
This is the best and fastest income. The money comes from the sale of finished products, which takes place at 00:00.

This concludes my guide. Of course, it will be supplemented, improved, and with the advent of updates, new topics will appear in it. Point out errors, suggest what you need to pay attention to and add to the guide. Thanks for reading. I hope all goes well with your prison. Separately, I want to thank this person who helped with writing some articles:

Guide to the passage of the game Prison Architect: buildings, materials, rooms, the purpose of the rooms.

Buildings and materials

It takes a lot of resources to build buildings, so before building, you need to check all the necessary materials and their quantity. Of course, at the start, you are unlikely to be able to build a whole prison with all the blocks, but Moscow was not built right away. You start slowly, at first small but important buildings, and then expand and expand. It is important to know that when building an extension to a small building, the wall between them can be removed. You can build buildings from two materials - brick or concrete, and this only affects the exterior. Actually, there are no differences even in the strength of the materials, so it doesn’t matter which blocks to build, choose the one that you personally like.

There are two types of cover - the one you install indoors (floor) and the one you install outside your prison (road). Flooring, like road, affects the speed of movement of units on the map. Accordingly, outside the prison, it is most advantageous to lay out a cover, due to which the units move slowly. So, when escaping, the prisoners will not be able to go far, and you will have time to react. If you lay out a concrete slab, you will get a surface that you can quickly move on. Such a plate is used in the construction of paths for patrolmen - both for dogs and for ordinary ones. Also, tiles are perfect inside buildings, so that prisoners can quickly move between cells, rooms, etc. Do not forget about decorative things, because some blocks are perfect for decorating the perimeter of the prison.

The walls are also of two types - brick and concrete. Accordingly, as it was written before, the difference between them is only visual. In addition, blocks can be used to sort buildings and rooms. For example, entertainment and recreation rooms are built of brick, and more strict rooms like cells, showers, etc. are built of concrete. A matter of taste, however. But there are also fortified walls that block the path of any prisoner who wants to escape. The thing is that an ordinary wall can be dug faster, while fortified ones will have to be dug for a very long time, which makes the chance of escape lower. The fortified wall is very expensive in terms of resources, so it is usually installed around the paved blocks of the prison. But such walls also have a clear disadvantage - electricity and plumbing cannot be carried through them, and when you change an ordinary wall to a reinforced one, the installed wires and pipes are automatically removed.

When some prisoner was lucky enough to dig a wall after escaping from prison, you should immediately fill up the dug passage. To do this, select a worker and assign a backfill command to it. After that, you will receive information about the entire tunnel - length, shape - accordingly, it will all have to be filled up.

Rooms and their purpose

The cell is a single room 2x3 with bars. In such rooms, there must be a bed and a toilet. This is the most standard set in the cell. In addition, if you are concerned about the quality of living for each prisoner, then it is in your power to equip the cell better. You can expand the chamber, as well as put in it a table, shower, chairs, radio and other amenities. The quality of the cells is a parameter that shows what a particular prisoner needs. For details, you can refer to the section Logistics or Bureaucracy. In order not to expand the chamber in vain and not build a whole block, you can fit a shower, a bookshelf and even a radio in standard sizes. The dissatisfaction and the degree of tension created by the prisoner will immediately decrease.

General cell - many prisoners are usually temporarily in it. For example, people were brought to your prison, but the rooms have not yet been rebuilt, it is in the general cells that they will be until you send them to solitary. In the common cell there are beds, shops, telephones, showers and toilets. You can also install other amenities.

Family cell - it serves as a refuge exclusively for female prisoners. Such a camera is almost twice as large - 4x4. Children and women who gave birth in prison live in family cells. There is only one family in one cell. You can install the same amenities as in other cameras.

The children's room is also located in the women's prison, but is needed for children. Children stay in the children's room for a while, where they can eat and play. Accordingly, it is best to build a children's room near the kitchen, and install a distribution table in it.

The punishment cell is an important room into which you throw delinquent prisoners. As soon as the prisoner leaves the punishment cell, he will be in a depressed state, due to which he will not be able to start escapes and sabotage. The punishment cell is always 1x1 in size, and is closed with a special door, or lattice, the difference between which is only in price. You need to build punishment cells as much as you have problem prisoners. Accordingly, the more dangerous and violent prisoners, the more you need to build punishment cells in order to contain the influx of sabotage and escapes.

Multi-seat chamber - it can contain from two people. These cells usually have bunk beds. You can build a chamber for 2-10 people, and the size depends on how many you are going to build. Moreover, the number of beds in the cell does not affect the capacity, because it depends on the size of the cell. Install at least ten beds, but if the dimensions do not meet the standards, then 10 prisoners will live in the cell. The minimum size for 4 prisoners is 6 by 3. Interestingly, multi-bed cells may take up less space than single cells while having the same number of residents, but the needs of prisoners in a multi-bed cell will increase faster. This has a bad effect on the mood in the entire prison, so you need to build multi-seat cells wisely.

Dining room - in it the prisoners eat. As in the movies, the most violent events take place here, skirmishes and riots are not uncommon, because the dining room has the most prisoners interacting with each other. The dining room must be built large, and the aisles between the tables and counters should be made much wider so that the prisoners do not crowd. If the situation is likely to escalate, then you should place patrols in the aisles and in the dining room. There are always skirmishes in the dining room, but if there is no security, then a real riot can begin. If you want to avoid unpleasant situations, then you should connect the dining room with the prison courtyard, and place towers near the entrance, on which snipers will patrol. Thanks to their warning shots, any skirmish comes to naught.

Showers - special cubicles, thanks to which you keep your prisoners clean. In the shower there are watering cans and grates through which water flows. It is necessary to install a shower in the cells, although it is possible to make it common. You can configure this in the Reports - Mode section. Actually, I advise you to put separate showers in the cells, because after the dining room the prisoners will start a fight right next to the shower, accumulating. In addition, you free up a whole hour of work for your people in prison if there is no common shower, otherwise the workers would have to spend time going to the shower and shadowing.

Yard - here the prisoners walk and, accordingly, also accumulate. However, the advantage of the courtyard is that there is an open space, as well as a sea of ​​towers and patrols. The yard can be decorated with trees, put benches and exercise equipment in it. In addition, there are telephone booths in the yard so that prisoners can keep in touch with the outside world.

Warehouse - where you store remote objects. You can safely place the warehouse both inside the prison and in the yard. Still, there is one piece of advice - set up a warehouse outside the prison area. Thus, you will block the path for smugglers inside the prison (section Intelligence - Risk Zones). Thanks to the warehouse, you can get rid of unnecessary blocks in order to clear space.

Delivery - best located near the main entrance to the prison. Transport arrives at this point, delivering food, building materials and other household items to the prison.

Garbage chute - it is worth building near the road so that workers can easily clear the area and immediately throw everything away. The building is only 4 by 6 in size.

Execution room - it is only needed when prisoners who have been sentenced to death arrive in your prison. By the way, remember that suicide bombers do not arrive at once, but only one. If you want death row inmates to arrive in your prison from time to time, then go to the Placement - Zones section. There you need to select a special block in which suicide bombers should arrive. Carrying out the death penalty is a whole ceremony that you can look at.

Workshop - where prisoners can work. The worker tells everyone about the craft of a carpenter so that they do not injure their limbs. Thanks to the workshop, prisoners can provide the prison with beds, license plates and more. The prison will profit from this. If you go to the Reports - Grants section, you can get approval for prisoners to conduct scientific activities. For the good performance of the workshop, you need to install a generator, because it consumes a lot of electricity. The workshop, unfortunately, is a breeding ground for smuggling - weapons and tools. To avoid this, build a detector next to the entrance.

Security room - all security gathers in it. There may be unoccupied guards who are watching what is happening in the prison. Actually, in the rooms there are control panels for doors and cameras. If you fork out, you can install a listening system.

Cabinet - in a regular prison there must be at least 6 cabinets. Offices are needed for - the head of the prison, security, accountant, foreman, psychologist and lawyer.

Infirmary - here you treat injured or sick prisoners and prison workers. In the infirmary, you can fight drug addiction, for which you need one bed. The infirmary can be a breeding ground for contraband - drugs that are used to make drugs, as well as sharp objects. A metal detector at the entrance will ensure security. A patrol dog can be an extra precaution.

Morgue - temporarily deceased employees or prisoners stay here, who should soon be taken to the district morgue and buried afterwards. It is better to build next to the infirmary, separating them with a wall.

Recreation room - prisoners gather here to relax and have fun. In addition, the room can be useful, because it provides therapy for alcoholism or psychotherapy sessions. When the prison becomes large, then more such rooms should be built.

Laundry room - thanks to the room you keep clean by ironing and washing clothes. Laundries are equipped with plumbing, electricity and washing machines. Prisoners can work in it.

Visiting room - prisoners and people from the outside world contact here. I advise you to build this room large and spacious so that many people fit and there is no crowding. Also, a room should be built near the main entrance to the prison, so that visitors do not walk around the territory, bumping into trouble. You should also go for a little trick - put another door in front of the entrance, creating a pocket so that the prisoner, when trying to escape, falls into a trap. In addition, the visiting room is an excellent breeding ground for smuggling - it needs layers of protection such as surveillance, detectors, patrols and dogs.

Storage room - chemical waste and hazardous substances are stored here. As expected, well suited for smuggling. You can put a guard next to the door.

Kennel - Patrolmen with dogs rest here. In principle, dogs are not that picky, so you can build fewer cages, while dogs have more. While one patrols, the other rests in a cage, and then a shift.

The Armory is an important room, thanks to which you can hire guards and snipers with weapons. There should be a cabinet with weapons in the room. The number of cabinets affects the number of guards and snipers that can be hired.

The staff room is a small room in which a prison worker can rest.

Library - here the prisoners rest, and can also work, but if they have been trained.

Sawmill - here you get firewood for the workshop. The sawmill should be fenced off, and a detector should be placed in it to cut off the option of smuggling, because there are various tools and weapons on the territory.

Class - here the prisoners study. In addition, guards can learn how to use stun guns and other items. Set up several classes to share the educational process.

Dispatch of Goods - All manufactured goods in the workshop come out into the world thanks to this piece of land under the open sky.

Chapel - many prisoners are deeply religious. In the chapel, they will be able to pray to reduce the need for prayer. Prayer will require benches and rugs.

Parole room - prisoners on parole are kept here.

The reception area is a source of contraband, so you should put a detector and a patrol with a dog here. In the waiting room there are only arrived prisoners.

Post office - prisoners work here. You need room to contact the outside world and maintain the Family indicator.

Shop - only prisoners work here. They acquire some goods, thanks to which the treasury of the prison is replenished.

Amusement parks, hospitals, restaurants are all businesses for soft-hearted people who are not ready to deal with real danger. Another thing is real prisons, in which killers and rapists languish, robbers and teenagers who accidentally posted an intolerant tweet. Great contingent, isn't it? But life develops in such a way that few people want to be behind bars or keep prisoners under control. The psyche of people placed in a prison environment (no matter which side of the law) often undergoes major changes. Don't believe? Think back to the Stanford experiment. Prison Architect lets you feel like you're in charge of a prison in a virtual world. Why not make a small Butyrka, groom and cherish the kindly provided prisoners?

But this strategy is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Prison Architect is still in alpha so many game elements are simply not available. Despite the lack of tasks, you can show your talents in the "sandbox". A short tutorial will hardly be able to teach anything to a novice player - immediately after it you will find yourself in the middle of a wasteland, on which you will have to lay the foundation of the prison. Where to start and how not to get lost in the world of Prison Architect? This mini-guide will answer your questions and help you prepare for your first batch of high-risk prisoners.

Making a plan
It's not for nothing that the game contains the word Architect in its name. Only by carefully planning each action, you can not break out of the budget and build your own mini-Bastille. The Planning tool will save you unnecessary suffering and allow you to quickly outline the contours of the institution. If you wish, you can erase everything and start the process again - no one will charge you a cent for experiments. But for this you will have to decide on the necessary rooms (Rooms) and allocate the necessary area for them. Almost every room requires a certain minimum of "square meters". And you do not have to make spacious cells for prisoners and offices for administration - everyone will be happy with the minimum dimensions. Plan how many "clients" you want to have in your prison - this will have to build on during the planning and walling phase. For now, let's stop at a modest figure of 20 seats, so as not to bother ourselves unnecessarily. Moreover, at the very beginning, you will hardly have enough money to maintain a huge prison. Of course, no one limits the flight of your imagination, but it will be useful to know a few elementary principles. What exactly will you need to have inside to accommodate guests?

Cameras (Cell)

With this, everything is simple. To accommodate one seat, 2x3 cells are required. Of course, it’s better not to scatter them all over the territory - it’s better to organize several blocks (in our case, two are enough). This will somewhat reduce the unrest in the criminal collective - the rebels support the screaming neighbor and begin to express discontent. In the future, this division will help you with the separation especially dangerous comrades from their more peaceful cellmates. It would be better if you place the prisoners away from the administration and important objects - you never know what comes into their heads. A bed (Bed) and a toilet bowl (Toilet) must be installed inside the cell. It is advisable not to forget about the prison door (Jail Door). For the mental health of customers, it would be nice to install a bookcase (Bookshelf) and a TV (TV), but in the debut of the game you should not splurge on luxury cameras. And do not forget to “fill in” the camera with the corresponding item from the Rooms menu.

Bullpen (Holding Cell)

It is unlikely that you will need it with the selected version of the game. A 5x5 cell room was created for newly arrived prisoners, who will then be separated into cells. You can use them, but it's easier to immediately resettle your comrades. There is one "but" - the bullpen will have to be marked with the appropriate fill to fulfill one of the grants (more on them below). This room requires one bench (Bench) and one toilet (Toilet).

Carcer (Solitary)

An extremely useful penitentiary that turns lifelong rebels into quiet sheep. Guilty prisoners will be sent to it not without the help of guards. Do not forget to put strong doors and ... that's it. Why entertain something violators of the regime? For 20 prisoners, 2-3 punishment cells will be required.

Shower room

Prisoners shouldn't stink. This irritates you and the prisoners themselves. To get rid of the daily portion of dirt, the wards must take a shower daily. The size of the room is unlimited - just try to provide the prisoners with a sufficient number of showers (Shower Head). If there are too few of them, there will be a brawl at the entrance. Everyone loves to wash. It would be nice to put a few drain grates (Drain) so that the accumulated water quickly leaves and has no chance to get to the nearest electrical appliance. A short circuit is a, ahem, unpleasant thing.

Walking yard (Yard)

A joy that no prisoner in his right mind would refuse. Wander around it in your free time, go in for sports, chat with friends - and psychological relaxation is guaranteed. Only 5x5 squares are required for construction. You can put some exercise machines (Weight Bench) and telephone sets (Phone Booth) in the courtyard so that those serving time can communicate with family and friends.


A sacred place for any prisoner. It is here that they give out pasta with stew, it is here that knives, spoons and forks are stuffed into pockets. You will need to clearly calculate the dimensions for the required number of convicts and leave space if you are waiting for replenishment. At one table (Table) fit 8 people, if you put benches (Bench) near it. There must also be at least one Serving Table in the dining room. A little advice - it is advisable to put a Metal Detector at the exit to catch hidden cutlery immediately after dinner. Remember - even one knife can seriously ruin your playing career.


There is no sense from the dining room without a full-fledged kitchen. Therefore, it is desirable to place it as close as possible to the dining room. You won’t have to allocate a huge place for it, but there is a nuance. The kitchen requires a stove (Cooker), a refrigerator (Fridge) and a sink (Sink) to operate. For starters, a double set is enough for you. But it is better to place the sink away from electrical appliances so that water does not have a chance to get to them in the event of an emergency breakdown. Otherwise, you will have to eat fried cooks for lunch.


In this room, workers will drag parts, construction material and everything-everything-everything that will be accepted from passing trucks. It is advisable to put it closer to the entrance so that employees do not have to waste precious time.


Important figures live in these premises - the administration of our prison. In total, six rooms of 4x4 cells will be required. It is advisable to combine them into one block and place them away from the cameras (it is possible in general in a separate building). In order for people to start working, they will need one office desk (Office Desk), a chair (Chair) and a filing cabinet (Filing Cabinet).

Infirmary (Infirmary; after learning Health)

Another necessary room. To stretch their hands, the prisoners arrange fights and pierce the guards with knives. Conflicts must be nipped in the bud, but there will be victims anyway. And they will need an infirmary with kind doctors who are always happy to inject some rubbish into the patient. There must be at least one bed. But it’s better not to be greedy and fork out at least two. Still, fights in prison are not uncommon. Well, if one of the inhabitants of the prison, without removing the robe, flies into a personal Valhalla, you will have to put a morgue (Morgue) side by side.

There are many other rooms, some of which you will need later. For example, a visiting room (Visitation) or laundry (Laundry). Some are completely useless at this stage - like the execution room (Execution). But the minimum set must be in any prison that plans to last longer than one week of game time.

Building and infrastructure
Okay, now you have a plan for the jail, but ... Before the arrival of the first batch of prisoners, there are 24 hours left, there is still nothing in the wasteland, and 10,000 dollars are lying around in the treasury. Yes, this money is not enough even for the Ford Focus, and we are going to build our own colony. The Reports button in the lower right corner of the screen is designed to solve both problems. In the Prisoners tab, we see that our prison has open slots for normal prisoners (Normal Risk). It is enough just to transfer it to the Closed state in order to calmly start building. Only later, when we complete the first preparations, it will be possible to order prisoners. Of course, you can immediately deal with an endless stream of prisoners, but you can hardly achieve an acceptable result.

To earn money for good purposes, you will have to go to the Grants tab. There we can accept original tasks, but in fact - to fulfill an order for the construction of a prison with a capacity of 15 people. A list of required buildings and hired workers is attached. With the help of the government, we will get hold of $ 90,000, which is enough for a prison. entry level. But do not rush to spend all the money - making money in the early stages is not easy. Therefore, minimize the area. Use free tools like Fence. Surround her in prison - no one will demand money from you.

After that, it remains to lay the foundation and conduct communications. It is advisable to do this at a stage until you have filled the entire prison with walls and gates. In total, two resources are required for the life of an institution - electricity and water. Under the Utilities button you will find everything you need. For small prison enough one pump (Water Pump Station) with a divorced water supply network. And with electricity, everything is a little more complicated. One substation (Power Station) will not be enough - one pump only consumes energy in three throats. Therefore, you can plant several capacitors (Capacitor) close to the substation or build a second substation at the other end of the building. This option is more profitable, but requires careful handling. First, lines radiating from substations should not cross. Otherwise, the whole prison will lose its light. Secondly, you will have to accurately calculate when creating new outbuildings or rooms - they also require their own dose of energy. And the substation can simply not withstand the number of electrical appliances and turn off. But you have a trump card in your pocket - the switch (Power Switch). It is located on the cables and allows you to quickly turn off a certain section of the line, saving electricity. This forced measure can come in handy at any time of the day - the prisoners can do their dirty deeds in the dark.

After placing communications, it makes sense to start building rooms. You need to immediately build one office and storage. The Office will allow you to hire a Warden, and it's best to do it as soon as possible - he will provide invaluable help in the debut. After these two strategically important objects, the order can be arbitrary. But make sure that you have enough money for a full development. Completing two grants will add $20,000 to the account, but this will be the last major handout from the government. In the future, money will come only for the maintenance of staff and prisoners, and you will have to earn it on your own.

Personnel and development tree
The starting eight of workers is an excellent bid for victory, but such a set will not be enough for a prison. Therefore, as we build, we will have to stock up on staff. Remember that hiring everyone will not be free, and no one has canceled the daily salary. In any case, the first candidate will be the commandant (Warden). It is he who knows how to open "technologies" from the Bureaucracy tree, which will be needed throughout the game. It will also require at least 4-5 guards (Guard) to restore order among two dozen prisoners. Also, at the start, you should hire two chefs (Chef) - this is necessary to fulfill the grant, and a lone cook can hardly feed a whole horde.

A Psychologist will settle in one of the offices and help to see the morale of the prisoners, as well as their needs. An Accountant will help with accounting and will be required to complete one of the grants - this lady also prefers to settle in a separate office. The chief of security (Chief) is obliged to settle in the neighborhood - he opens access to the study of deployment (Deployment), and the scale of the anger of prisoners appears in the interface. Doctor (Doctor) prefers to live in the infirmary and treats the sick both independently and on your direct orders. One health worker is enough to start with, then you can hire another one to complete the grant and earn money. The rest can be safely hired after the opening, when your prison finally gets on its feet.

Before the arrival of the first batch, you should have time to study several technologies from Bureaucracy. Otherwise, all efforts will go to waste. The main thing is to decide on the order. To begin with, it is better to make the priority on protection (Security). This technology gives access to the head of security and, more importantly, to further study of the deployment (Deployment). Other priority areas are health (Heath, unlocks the medic), mental health (Mental Health, unlocks the psychologist) and finances (Finance, unlocks the accountant). Of course, it's nice to have everything at once, but you can hardly have the patience to study for several days before opening the prison.

Dislocation is worth mentioning separately. This useful tool will allow you to constantly keep the situation under control. Without it, the guards are just lazy dreamers who prefer to smoke during a mass brawl. And the prisoners can safely break through all the cordons and exit the main gate while your subordinates catch butterflies in their mouths. The planning screen allows you to assign a certain number of guards to any room. So, one can be on duty in the shower room, one in the dining room, and two can walk around the block with cameras. The second tool indicates patrol routes, which is especially useful in long rows between cameras. So the guards will not be able to miss a single act of disobedience. The Jobs tool forces prisoners to work in certain rooms. For example, in the laundry room or in the kitchen. The multi-colored squares are also indispensable, although in the opening you only need to mark the “Staff Only” zones so that negligent prisoners do not crawl around the prison.

This concludes the first stage of the game - your prison has been built and is already waiting for its first visitors. Even if you have taken every precaution and created an ingenious maximum security colony, this does not give you any guarantees. You will have to expand, monitor the morale of the prisoners, follow their schedule, conduct searches and try not to kill each other during the riot. The information is current for Architect Prison version Alpha 11, so major changes may follow in the future. Finally - two cheating methods used by the laziest builders.

Q: How to increase the amount of starting money? I want to rebuild MegaShawshank, but I don't have enough dough.

A: To do this, you will have to fix the saved game file. Start the game, save and exit it. After that, go to C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/Data/Saves. Open savename.prison file and open it with notepad. We use the search (Ctrl + F), we are looking for the word Balance. We change the value in the line from 10000 to any value not more than 999999 dollars. Preserving, closing, building a dream prison.

Q: How to open all technologies in Bureaucracy? I am building a prison for the tenth time and I'm tired of waiting for all this to open.

A: The path has not changed, again we crawl into the save, but this time we are looking for the word Health or the name of any other technology. In the Progress 0.00000 line, change the first zero to one. Voila! Technologies are open, you can no longer bother with them. The path is cheating, but for the tenth attempt it will do.

Hey Igrozor!

Before we start, let me tell you a little about the game itself:

Prison Architect(Prison Architect) - a wonderful economic strategy with sandbox elements from British developers Introversion Software.

Prison Architect it's a prison simulator, with guards, bars and prisoners that you have to build. But before you start building, the player will be offered to go through several stories, along the way teaching the basic principles of the game.

Though Prison Architect the majority belong to economic strategies, I would not say so, since there are not so many economic moments in the game, but there are more than enough elements of the sandbox. Well, let's start the sandbox:

Create a new prison

Select the gender of the prisoner
Managing a men's or women's prison has several features, for example: in a women's prison, you will need additional cells for prisoners with children and children's rooms.

Fog of war
Hides parts of the prison that are out of reach of video cameras and guards. Without the Fog of War mode, video surveillance becomes a futile exercise.
Forests, lakes, buildings generator
At the beginning of the game, forests, lakes and buildings will be randomly generated on the map.
Defeat conditions
Includes additional defeat conditions in the game.
In prison, some prisoners will belong to gangs that will be in conflict with each other.
Introduces additional incidents into the game (fires, floods, destruction of walls, etc.).
Weather and temperature
Adds heating equipment to the game and includes changes weather conditions(rain, snow).
Unlimited funds
Allows you to build a prison and not pay attention to the personal account.
Allow the use of tools and cheat codes
A kind of developer mode in which you can install any elements that exist in the game.


1. Buildings

Buildings are perhaps one of the most expensive buildings in the game. Before you start building a new hull or block, make sure you have enough budget to upgrade it. At the beginning of the game, it is best to start with small buildings and gradually add the necessary areas to existing buildings. By the way, if you create an extension to the building, then the bordering wall can be removed so keep that in mind. Buildings can be brick and concrete, but besides the appearance, they have no other features, so about the issue of reliability in Prison Architect brick or concrete, no questions asked. Feel free to choose what will be pleasing to your eye.

2. Materials
- Road or floor covering
Road pavements can be conditionally divided into two types, some pavements can only be installed indoors (offices, cells, etc.), while others can only be installed outdoors (yard, delivery, etc.). The floor covering affects the speed of movement of employees and prisoners of the prison. For instance: Slow movement it is best to use it in dangerous areas of your prison, for example outside it, so that prisoners cannot quickly leave the edge of the map after a successful escape. Or fast travel, for example, a concrete slab, is best used in places where patrols usually go, this can be a dog patrol around the perimeter of the prison or to quickly move prisoners inside the prison, for example between buildings or cells. The road surface is also decorative character and helps to visually separate some blocks in the prison.
- Walls
The walls also have several varieties. Brick and concrete serve for the construction of partitions in buildings and have differences only in appearance. hedge serves to enclose an open area, such as the outer perimeter of a prison or a courtyard.
fortified wall, serves as an excellent protection against the escape of prisoners, since it is very difficult, or rather for a long time, to dig under it, digging happens much less often than with ordinary walls or a fence. fortified wall- an expensive pleasure and is usually installed along the perimeter, around an already formed prison, with an impressive number of prisoners, when escapes become no longer a rare occurrence. Also, keep in mind that it is impossible to conduct electricity or water supply through a fortified wall, and its structure will cut off existing channels.
- Fill up the tunnel
If the prisoners still managed to dig outside the prison, you need to fill in the existing tunnel. To do this, use this button to send 1 worker to backfill, after which you will immediately open the entire path of this tunnel, which you just need to fill up.
2 rooms
- Camera
Solitary cell for a prisoner - a standard 2x3 cell by default, in which a bed and a toilet must be installed. Also, if you care about the comfort of your prisoners, there is a reason to make the room larger and place an office desk, shower, chair, radio, etc. in it. Camera quality affects the needs of comfort and good conditions for prisoners. The quality of the cameras can be viewed in the section Logistics - Evaluation of the quality of the cameras, which is explored in the section "Bureaucracy". In order not to sacrifice space and slightly improve the comfort for prisoners, it is possible to fit a shower, a bookshelf and a radio in a standard 2x3 cell with a bed and a toilet, this will slightly reduce the dissatisfaction of the prisoner and eliminate the need to build an additional block for the shower.

- General camera
The general cell, as a rule, serves for the temporary stay of prisoners, before being sent to other cells, for example, if new cells have not yet been built. You can install beds, benches, telephones, toilets and a shower room in it, comfort objects at your discretion.

- Family Camera
The cell is exclusively for the women's prison. It is slightly larger than a regular camera (min. 4x4) and is necessary to accommodate prisoners with children.

- Children's
The nursery is intended for the women's prison, the so-called children's room. The nursery is best placed next to the kitchen, as a distributing table is installed in it and the cooks will deliver food to it.

- punishment cell
Serves to isolate offenders. After being in the isolation ward, the prisoner will be in depressed state, in which it will be incapable of sabotage. Built exclusively in 1x1 size. The objects have a special door for a punishment cell, but there is no difference between a regular lattice door and a punishment cell door, except for the price. The approximate number of rooms in the punishment cell depends on the number and complexity of the prisoners, if there are many dangerous prisoners in the prison, then more cells under the punishment cell need to be built, since skirmishes and violations will be more frequent.

- Multi-seat camera
Cell for 2 or more prisoners. Especially for such cells there are bunk beds. You can build a cell for 2 prisoners or 10, but I want to warn you that the number of prisoners' capacity is directly proportional to the size of the cell, the number of beds does not play a role here. You can set up beds as much as you like, but if the size of the cell is small, then the capacity of the prison will not increase. For instance minimum size cells for 4 prisoners - 6x3. Multi-occupancy cells in general may take up less space than single cell buildings with the same number of inmates, but in general cells prisoners have an increasing need for seclusion, which negatively affects the general peace in the prison.

- Dining room
A place to feed prisoners. In practice, the most dangerous area, since it has the highest density of prisoners. It is best to build a large dining room with wide aisles and several exits, so as not to create " congestion"in prisoners. In difficult situations, you can put armed patrol and additionally put guards at the entrance. As a rule, the dining room is a constant place of skirmishes among prisoners, in some cases turning into a riot. Most often this happens at the time of entry into the dining room. To avoid large casualties and quickly respond to the situation, the entrance to the dining room can be made through the prison yard, within the radius of the entrance, you can install watchtowers with snipers. Snipers quickly resolve the situation warning shots.

- Shower
Chambers for maintaining cleanliness among prisoners, in which a watering can and a grate are installed (so that puddles). Water is supplied to each watering can. A mass trip to the shower is set in the Reports - Mode section. But as I wrote above, I don’t install a separate shower room for 2 reasons, the first one - it takes extra space and time, and the second - the shower room is almost the second place in density, after the dining room, and such clusters of prisoners should be avoided. Installation of a shower in the chambers eliminates hassles and saves an extra hour in the prisoner's schedule, which allows increase the working day =).

- Yard
A place for prisoners to walk in the open air. In the yard, you can install telephone boxes, plant trees, put up benches and weight training equipment. The yard can be used to mark the entire open area inside the prison so that prisoners can move freely.

- Warehouse
Place for storing uninstalled or dismantled objects. Can be built both indoors and outdoors. It is best to install a warehouse outside the prison in order to once again avoid risks smuggling(see Intelligence - Risk Zones). You can mark the roadside area with sweets. Unnecessary objects cannot be sold, if unnecessary objects have accumulated, feel free to click throw away to free up space.

- Delivery
Place of unloading. Serves for unloading food, building materials, etc. Marked in an open area near the main entrance to the prison.

- Trash
It is installed next to the road, for loading various garbage (black bags) by workers. Doesn't require a lot of space. 4x6 will be enough or even less.

- Execution Room
To be built exclusively in the case of placing prisoners sentenced to death in their prison. More at the same time one no suicide bomber arrives. In order to send a death row inmate to your prison, you need to allocate a small block or cell for this and mark it death row(see Arrangement - Zones). Only after that, the suicide bomber will appear in the list of arrived prisoners. By the way, the death penalty ceremony is very entertaining, I advise you to hold it, who has not done it yet.

- Workshop
Room for work of prisoners. In the workshop, the foreman instructs on carpentry And safety precautions. In the workshop, prisoners make improved beds and license plates, for which the prison makes a small profit. Production of license plates and upgraded beds is also a criterion for a grant (see Reports - Grants). The workbenches in the workshop are electrically demanding, so it is recommended to build a separate generator for the workshop. The workshop is also the source smuggling(tools, weapons), so it is advisable to install a metal detector at the entrance.

- Security room
The guard room serves as a gathering place for the guards. For example, guards are based in it, who are currently not busy with anything. In security rooms, it is usually best to install door control system, monitoring consoles and a wiretapping system to quickly change a tired employee at the console.

- Cabinet
A standard prison will need 6 offices: for the head of the prison, head of security, accountant, psychologist, foreman and lawyer.

- Infirmary
Serves for the treatment of prisoners and prison staff. The infirmary is also needed for the drug addiction treatment program (1 bed - 1 patient). Be built in proportion to the proportions of the prison. The infirmary serves as a source smuggling(sharp objects, drugs), so it is best to put a metal detector and a patrol with a dog at the entrance, which will sniff out all the outgoing prisoners and prevent them from taking out illegal drugs.

- Mortuary
A room for the temporary accommodation of deceased prisoners or employees, before being sent. As a rule, it is placed together with the infirmary in one room, it can be separated by a wall.

- Restroom
The recreation room for prisoners serves not only for entertainment and relaxation, but also for group therapy for alcoholics conducted by a psychiatrist. If the prison is large, then it is best to place several of these rooms, to reduce the need for prisoners to rest.

- Laundry
Laundry and ironing room for prisoners. From the laundry, things are carried to the cells. Prisoners can also work in it. Installed in the laundry washing machines to which it will be necessary to supply water and electricity.

- Meeting room
A special room for communication between visitors and prisoners. It is better to allocate more space under the visiting room to accommodate more guests, as visits reduce the need indicator " family". The room can be placed near the main entrance to the prison so that visitors do not walk around the prison. It is also recommended to install an additional door at the exit (pocket) so as not to tempt prisoners to escape. The visiting room serves as a great place for smuggling so a metal detector along with the dog on the way out of the room would be the best solution.

- Storage room
Serves for storage of various wastes and chemicals. Small area required. Serves as a source of smuggling.

- kennel
Rest room for cynologists with dogs. I try to build according to the principle dog cage = dog, so that there is always a place for dogs to rest, but this is not necessary, you can always take additional dogs as a plus and while some are on duty, others will be able to rest during this time.

- Armory
Armory is for hire armed guards and snipers. To build a weapon room, 1 cabinet with weapons and 1 table is enough, but the number of opportunities to hire armed guards will strictly depend on the number of lockers.

- Staff room
A small recreation area for prison staff.

- Library
Only prisoners who have passed basic course of study.

- Sawmill
Needed for the extraction of firewood, which will be supplied to the workshop. The territory is allocated in the open air and fenced. Serves as a source smuggling(tools, weapons). The sawmill is used only by gardeners and workers, so we mark the territory - only for personnel and put a metal detector at the exit.

- Class
Classes are necessary for the education of prisoners. In the classrooms, guards are also trained to wear shockers. Best of all, put 2 classes at once, as prisoners pass 2 stages of education - basic and basic.

- Sending goods
A small area under the open sky, which is best set along the road. Sending goods, for example, is used to send products made in the workshop license plates and superior beds.

- Chapel
Necessary for prisoners to reduce the need to "pray". Many prisoners hold various spiritual prejudices. So that prisoners can pray, install in the church benches and prayer rugs.

- Parole room
Room for early release of prisoners.

- Reception
The reception room is needed for the initial "processing" of prisoners before their distribution to cells. Before entering the room, it is desirable to install metal detector and dog in order to immediately seize contraband from newly arrived prisoners.

- Mail
Room for receiving and sending letters. Prisoners work at the post office.

- Shop
Room for selling goods to prisoners. Brings insignificant profit to the general treasury of the prison. Only prisoners can work in the shop.

4. Staff
- Workers
They serve for the repair and construction of buildings, the transfer of garbage and backfilling of tunnels (undermining). It is not necessary to maintain many workers, and after the construction of the prison, leave a minimum so that there is enough for repairs and maintenance.
- Guards
They serve to maintain general peace in the prison. Together with shocker and body armor, will be more effective at suppressing especially violent prisoners.
- Armed guard
Armed guards are needed in particularly difficult areas of the prison, where inmate skirmishes can occur. They open fire only when their own lives are at risk. The presence of an armed guard in the room, reduces aggressiveness at the prisoners. In difficult situations, "fire to kill" can quickly calm the crowd.
- Doctor
Doctors are needed for treatment of prisoners and prison employees. No more than 4 doctors will be enough for 100-200 prisoners.
- Cook
The cooks prepare food for the prisoners and also train them to work in the kitchen. The number of cooks can be equated to the number of ovens, for each oven there is a cook.
- Gardener
The gardener takes care of the courtyard and plants trees. On average, 1-2 gardeners are enough for a prison.
- Cleaner
Cleaners are required to maintain cleanliness in the prison premises, as well as cleaners who carry out clean clothes.
- Cynologist
The cynologist works with dogs. Dogs sniff prisoners and staff for contraband (alcohol, drugs, etc.), it is very useful to establish a dog patrol at entrance or exit rooms or in narrow aisles.
- Sniper
Snipers are located on special towers, which must first be installed on the territory of the prison. Great at stopping escapes and possible riots.
- Head of Security, Foreman, Psychiatrist, Accountant, Lawyer and Warden
Principal staff in the prison. Required to open new research in "Bureaucracies". And also to perform some functions. For example, a foreman is needed to train prisoners to work in a workshop, and a psychologist is needed to conduct behavioral therapy, etc.
5. Engineering networks

Engineering networks serve to supply the prison with electricity, water and heating. One point worth noting, the power generators will not be able to work with each other, so there is no need to install them together. If the lines from different generators intersect, then one of the generators will constantly switch off. To increase power, capacitors are installed around the generators (important! 2nd circle of capacitors will not bring additional power to the generator). If you chose the weather mode at the beginning of the game, then a water boiler and a pipe for hot water will additionally appear in the engineering networks. The heating of the chambers can be seen in "Logistics" - "Temperature".

6. Arrangement (zones)
In the placement section, you can place guard patrols and set the number of guards in the premises. If you want to place a guard at one point, for example, at the entrance to the cell, then set the patrol you need at one point and click on it again to install an employee on it. Also in the arrangement, you can divide the prison into zones to prevent the free movement of prisoners. For example, some places can be marked " staff only" to avoid the admission of prisoners to this zone. Zones can also be used to separate dangerous prisoners from calm ones, etc.
P.S. The psychologist's room should not be marked as a personnel area, as this is where behavioral therapy for prisoners takes place.

7. Logistics
In logistics, prisoners are assigned to vacant jobs. And also logistics allows you to see the distribution of the amount of food and the work of the laundry, in order to determine the proportionality of the work of the kitchen and laundry to the number of prisoners. In logistics, you can learn about as cameras and current temperature (see 5. Engineering networks).

8. Intelligence
Shows about the main sources smuggling. In intelligence, you can track exactly how smuggling enters the prison and find its sources. As well as intelligence, it shows additional information about prisoners and helps in recruiting informers (informers).

9. Fast construction

In rapid construction, you can clone finished building (right mouse button) and quickly place the desired room, very convenient when building prison cells. You can also use ready-made templates.

10. Layout

Planning helps to pre-plan future buildings in the prison.

11. Emergency Services

Used in critical situations where additional support is needed, such as fires, riots, etc.


- Shoot to kill
Allows armed guards and snipers to open fire on hits. A few seconds will be enough to quickly calm the crowd. Use carefully, numerous victims in prison can provoke penalties.
- Search
Begins a search in all cells of the prison.
- Door lock
Blocks all available doors.
- In cameras
Sends all prisoners to cells.


- Staff
Displays all prison staff.
- Prisoners
Displays all prisoners in the prison.
- Arrival
Regulates the number and ratio of prisoners who must arrive at the prison. For example, you can completely close the arrival for the general regime and accept only high-security prisoners.

- Works
List of jobs in prison.
- Needs (needs)
Displays the needs of prisoners. Using the needs tab, you can track the general problems of prisoners. Red values ​​in needs affect the overall danger in the prison and affect the amount of unrest.

- Mode
Sets the daily routine for the prisoners.

- Rules
In the rules section, the measures that will be used against prisoners in case of violation of the rules of the prison (smuggling, beatings, etc.) are established. For example, you can set the camera to be searched for each violation, this will slightly increase the overall employment of the guards, but it will be more likely to find tunnels and stop escapes. It is also defined number And food quality for prisoners. In the rules tab, you can use the cell quality classification - this function works in such a way that especially violent prisoners will never be put in good cells, and in case of good behavior, prisoners, on the contrary, will be transferred to good cells. The rules set the threshold for parole.

- Grants
Grants help to significantly reduce the overall cost of building a prison. At the very beginning, you are allowed to take only 2 grants at a time, an additional 3rd grant can be taken after researching in the Bureaucracy - Additional grants. Also in the grant tab, after studying "Loans", you can take loans from the bank.

base prison
All grant requirements must be met: build common camera, shower room, yard, kitchen, dining room and also hire 2 guards And 2 chefs($20,000 advance + $10,000 bonus).
Administrative center
To fulfill the grant, it is necessary to build 2 cabinets, hire warden, open " Finance accountant
Prison Block A, B, C, D, E
A - Increase prison capacity to 15 prisoners ($20,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
B - Increase prison capacity to 30 prisoners ($10,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
B - Increase prison capacity to 100 prisoners ($10,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
D - Increase prison capacity to 200 prisoners ($10,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
D - Increase prison capacity to 500 prisoners ($10,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
Health and welfare of prisoners
infirmary, hire psychologist and no less 2 doctors
Jail maintenance
Maintenance", "Gardening" And " housekeeping" in the Bureaucracy menu, hire foreman, gardener and no less 2 cleaners($10,000 advance + $5,000 bonus).
Right to date
To complete the grant, you must: build meeting room and install at least 3 tables for visitors. Build rest room and install in it a pool table, not less 2x TVs and no less 5 payphones($5.000 advance + $5.000 bonus).
Safeguard Certification
To implement the grant, you must: hire head of security, 10 guards. Open" Patrols" in the Bureaucracy menu and send 3 guards per patrol($10,000 advance + $10,000 bonus).
Employee Wellbeing Program
To complete the grant, you must: build staff room, release from work at least 5 guards and exclude all employees from signs fatigue($10,000 bonus).
State safety rating
To complete the grant, you must: send 2 cynologists And 2 armed guards on patrol ($15,000 advance + $15,000 bonus).
Super Strict Mode
Basic requirements to complete the grant: open " Bulletproof vest" And " shockers" in the Bureaucracy menu. Set monitoring console And video cameras, as well as increase the number of guards ($20,000 advance + $20,000 bonus).
To fulfill the grant, it is necessary to seize all stolen instruments and that's it weapon($20,000 bonus).
P.S. It is very convenient to carry out together with the Anti-Drug Operation grant by starting a full search in all cells of the prison.
Anti-drug operation
To fulfill the grant, it is necessary to withdraw 10 drugs($15,000 bonus).
P.S. Can be completed with the Disarmament grant by starting a full search of all cells in the prison.
Nutrition studies for prisoners
To complete the grant, you need to give two days small amount and low variety of food once a day and on the other two days to give large quantity and high variety of food three times a day($15,000 bonus).
P.S. To fulfill the grant, you need to change the amount of food (see "Reports" - "Rules") and remove (or add) time for meals in the daily routine (see "Reports" - "Mode"). After the changes, you need to wait 2 days, the percentage of completion will serve as a hint.
Reform through educational programs
To complete the grant, you must: open " Education" in the Bureaucracy menu, build Class, install 20 school desks, 10 prisoners must pass basic course training and 1 must pass main course training ($15,000 advance + $40,000 bonus).
P.S. It will take a very long time to complete the grant, since the education of prisoners is a slow process, I advise you to take it last.
Acclimatization and employment of prisoners
To fulfill the grant it is necessary: ​​to arrange 3 prisoners to work in laundry, on the kitchen, in pantry($10,000 advance + $10,000 bonus).
Prison production
30 license plates in the workshop ($20,000 advance + $10,000 bonus).
carpentry training program
To fulfill the grant, you need to do 10 superior beds in the workshop ($10,000 advance + $10,000 bonus).
Short term deposit
You make a deposit for a period of 72 hours (- $5,000 upfront + $16,000 bonus).
Long-term deposit
You make a deposit for a period of 167 hours (- $5,000 upfront + $16,000 bonus).
- Programs
Safety in the workshop - conducts foreman in a workshop.

Safety and hygiene in the kitchen - conducts Cook on the kitchen.

Carpentry - conducts foreman in a workshop.

Basic course of study - conducts teacher in the class.

Basic course of study - conducts teacher in the class.

Behavioral therapy - conducts psychologist in your office.

Drug treatment of drug addiction - conducts doctor in the infirmary.

Group therapy for alcoholics - conducts psychologist in the rest room.

Permission to carry a shocker - conducts head of security in the class.

At the parole hearing - takes place in the parole room.

Spiritual guidance - conducts spiritual mentor in the chapel.

The appeal of the death sentence - takes place in the room on parole.

P.S. Some programs are of particular interest to prisoners
(Example: Parole Hearing) If there are a lot of people in the queue, you can increase the amount of time for the program by pressing the "Start" button again, this will add an extra hour to the program.

- Finance
Using the "Finance" tab, you can find out how much it takes to maintain prisoners and prison staff, as well as find out the total profit.

- Grade
Shows the total cost of the prison. The total cost of the prison comes in handy if you are preparing it for sale and are going to build a new prison with this money.


Warden of the prison- opens the Bureaucracy section.

Psychologist- opens a psychologist.
- Prison Rules - opens the "Rules" tab

Health- Unlocks Doctor, Infirmary and Morgue.

Education- opens the possibility of teaching in the classroom.

Security- opens the head of security.
- Placement - allows you to assign guards to posts.
- Intelligence - opens the "Intelligence" section
- Patrols - allows you to send guards on patrols.
- Watchdogs - unlocks cynologists and watchdogs.
- Surveillance - opens video cameras, surveillance and wiretapping consoles.
- Remote access- opens door control systems.
- Armory - opens the armory and allows you to hire armed guards.
- Shockers - allows armed guards to use shockers.
- Shockers for everyone - allows ordinary guards to use tasers.
- Body armor - allows guards to wear body armor (body armor increases protection by 50%, but reduces mobility by 30%).
- Watchtowers - unlocks watchtowers and snipers.

Finance- opens an accountant.
- Expansion - opens up the possibility of acquiring neighboring plots of land (you can expand your plot indefinitely).
- Additional grant - allows you to take 3 grants at the same time.
- Loans - allows you to take loans from the bank (see Reports - Grants)
- Tax incentives - reduces corporate tax rates by 15%.
- Offshore - lowers the corporate tax rate to 1%.

Micromanagement- opens the "Logistics" section

Maintenance- opens the foreman.
- Cleaning - opens the cleaner.
- Gardening - unlocks the gardener.
- Employment of prisoners - opens a workshop and laundry, and also allows you to employ prisoners.

Advocate- opens a lawyer.
- Legal training - required to open "Legal Protection".
- Legal protection - cancels all current warnings.
- Death row - allows the admission of prisoners sentenced to death to prison.
- Responsibility for the execution of the innocent - reduces the number of appeals and reduces liability in case of error (can be executed without waiting for all hearings).
- Indefinite punishment - allows you to lock prisoners in a cell indefinitely.
- Small cameras - overrides the minimum size for a standard camera.

Q: How much does a multi-seat cell hold?
Answer: The capacity of a multi-seat cell depends primarily on its size, and only then on the number of beds. For example, 4 prisoners can fit into a multi-seat cell 6x3 in size.
Important: If the cell is small, then adding beds to it will not increase the capacity of the prison.

Q: What are family cameras for?
Answer: Family cells are needed for prisoners with children in the women's prison. Prisoners with children arrive at the prison in varying numbers and may not be present on their first arrival.

Q: What is the nursery for?
Answer: Children's room is needed for children in the women's prison. The room is best built next to the dining room.

Question: How to build a shop?
Answer: About the store is written in the guide above, the screen clearly shows how to arrange the shelves.

Question: How to remove the pit?
Answer: To fill the tunnel, you need to select "Backfill the tunnel" in the "Materials" menu at the bottom and select the area of ​​the tunnel with the mouse. Undermining will begin to remove the first freed worker.
Advice: You can reduce the scale of the map and highlight the entire territory of the prison at once.

Question: How to reduce the number of shoots?
Answer: 3 surest ways to reduce the number of shoots:
1. Conduct periodic searches in the cells, and it is best to do it manually, click on the toilet and select "search" - in this case, the chances of detecting a tunnel increase.
2. The construction of fortified walls around the entire perimeter of the prison significantly reduces the number of escapes.
3. Install towers with snipers outside the prison perimeter. If the prisoners, after digging, try to escape, the sniper will open fire and prevent the escape.

Question: How many cameras can be connected to one monitoring station?
Answer: 8 video cameras. If you connect more than 8 cameras to one monitoring station, the cameras will be switched off periodically.

Question: Why don't suicide bombers come?
Answer: Only one suicide bomber can be in prison at a time. To guarantee his arrival, it is necessary to open the "Death Row" in the "Bureocracy", build a cell for the death penalty and a cell for the death row (death row). Mark the territory of the cell as "Zone for death row" in the "Setup" section.

Question: How to recruit an informant?
Answer: To recruit an informant, you need to open the "Intelligence" - "Informants" section and select a suppressed prisoner, but keep in mind, informers are quickly killed.

Question: How to play as a prisoner?
Answer: To enable the game mode for a prisoner, select "Additional" - "Escape" mode in the main menu of the game, select the save you need - you're done! A great way to test your prison and a friend's prison!

From the author:
In this guide, I intentionally did not go into details about logical bridges, sensors and other nuances, since the guide is most of all addressed to beginners. This is my first article and if you find errors or shortcomings, write in a personal message, and also leave your questions in the comments if something is not clear. Thank you for watching.

What kind of games developers do not come up with in order to captivate the gamer and make him part with his hard-earned money. The STEAM gaming service almost daily provides gamers with more and more new games, and each of them finds its fans.

Many have been waiting for the game Prison Architect, because it stands out from the background of many strategies with its idea. You have to build and manage the most secure prison filled with an army of rapists, thieves and murderers.

Even at the testing stage, the game came to our attention, and we naturally wanted to test it. To be honest, then we did not like Prison Architect. The main disadvantage at that time was the lack of the Russian language, but now that we have seen the final release, everything has changed.

We spent enough time in the game to tell you about it in detail. So, Prison Architect is now trading at a 33% discount, and its price is 332 rubles. If you are late to buy it at a reduced price, then then you will have to pay 499 rubles for it, which, in our opinion, is already a bit much.

The game is not demanding on resources and will be quite playable on computers 7 years ago, not to mention modern computers. At least my i7 920 2.6GHz 12GB GF260GTX 2GB handled dynamic prison building with ease.

The final version of Prison Architect is localized for many languages, including Russian, which cannot please.

The beginning of the game immediately immerses you in a company that allows you to comprehend the basics of construction and management in the game. Your first task will be to build a building for the execution room. Yes Yes! You have to execute in the electric chair those who are sentenced to capital punishment and, believe me, you will be imbued with this action. A flashback to the prisoner's past life awaits you, when he was not yet a murderer, and you will understand why he became like that. Perhaps what you see will make you think, and not such a severe punishment threatens him?

In the game, you can find out all the information about each prisoner. Starting from his biography, sentence and ending with his character and mood. You can search him or his cell, punish him by locking him up in a punishment cell for the time you need.

Any changes in the work of the prison necessarily affect the mood of the prisoners. They may approve your reforms, treat the guards worse or better, etc. The combination of all these factors increases or decreases the offender's chances of being corrected. Mood ... hmm, something looks like.

Building when playing in a company will not cause you any difficulties, you just need to select the buildings from the menu and outline their dimensions according to the plan. Workers will do all the rest of the work for you: build walls, install lattice doors, put beds in the cell, etc., if you buy it all.

But building cameras and hiring guards is not enough! You will have to think over and lay light and water to all life support facilities. Going to the engineering menu, you will surely remember how such structures were built in. A generator, a water pumping station is the basis for the construction of a prison, but be careful when designing, because prisoners can escape through large pipes.

Every corner of the prison area must be lit. If you see a dark corner, then something will surely happen there: either a cellmate will be killed or a mine will be dug out. In the game, night follows day, and you will immediately understand where the unlit area is in your prison. Let the guards have flashlights, but sometimes this is not enough.

Prison Architect, like any other, is tied to money. You have to wisely spend your money, which you receive for the maintenance of prisoners. First of all, of course, you must pay due attention to security, because an escaped prisoner is a lost company, and there are plenty of companies in the game.

You have to not only organize places for the prisoners to settle, but also find funds for their leisure, the rest of the guards, fight the riots of the prisoners, put out the fires set during the riots, etc.

If a mafia leader or authority dies during a fire in the cells, then a redistribution of spheres of influence awaits you, which will increase the number of riots and fights.

For those who are cramped within companies and who want to build a prison from scratch, there is a single player mode "Create a new prison". This mode allows you to choose the size of the map, choose the head of the prison, as well as endow the game with certain properties, the most interesting of which is the ability for prisoners to organize themselves into gangs and random events.

For perfectionists who like to build everything smoothly and beautifully, there is a "Planning" button in the menu, it will give you the opportunity to plan the construction of the prison in more detail. Starting the construction planning process, be sure to stop the time, because the time in the game is important, and we do not recommend you to waste it. We stopped time, planned the construction, started time - this is the only way you can meet the time frame.

The first buildings in the Prison Architect game should be: the director's office, reception room, generator room and water pump. It is these buildings that will help you start developing your infrastructure.

After the construction of barracks for prisoners, it is worth thinking about where they will eat. The kitchen and dining area are essential and need to be properly positioned. Prisoners will not leave their cells and will not walk around the prison if the canteen is not located in the same building as the cells.

There are more than 30 objects and 14 personnel units in the game, which is quite enough. Among them there is even a cynologist, a psychologist, a gardener, a lawyer, a doctor, etc.

Each of the built objects needs certain elements of the interior. So for the office of the director, an office table, a chair and a file cabinet are needed. Without them, the office will not function. The kitchen needs a refrigerator, stove and sink. If you think that it is difficult enough to guess what is needed in which room or office, then we will reassure you. When you select a building or office, you will be highlighted what you have to place in it, moreover, when entering the shopping menu, these items will be highlighted for you.

Over 60 items are available to you to improve the interior and exterior of your prison. “Not much,” you say, but we think that for places not so remote, this is enough! You won't build an Olympic swimming pool or a spa, will you? Although sports simulators are present in the game.

Worth a few words about graphics. Everything is cute enough, as much as a prison can be cute, but it seems that the artists cheated on the units. Although in general the game looks quite good and harmonious, given its two-dimensionality and the already forgotten top view.

The sound was not even remembered during the game, they were completely immersed in construction. If you think about it, sound is not the main thing for games of this kind, there is no three-dimensional world and the effect of presence, although few people would like to experience the effect of presence in the game Prison Architect.

Controls - The standard WASD keys and mouse are all you need to know about controls, although we were able to control the game with a single mouse.

In general, the game was a success, not in vain we were waiting for it! The gameplay is addictive, especially during the construction phase. Even more interesting are the stages of eliminating and preventing prisoner escapes and riots.

If you love building strategy, then Prison Architect is a must-have game in your Steam collection. After all, with its idea, it stands out against the background of all other strategies.

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