Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: Walkthrough. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Guide - Deus ex mankind divided beginner's guide remote access

Warning about possible harm to health of video games

Epileptic seizures associated with increased sensitivity to light

A small percentage of people are prone to seizures from exposure visual effects such as flickering lights or images that may appear in video games. People who have not experienced such seizures before and do not suffer from epilepsy may not be aware of their illness, which can provoke epileptic seizures associated with increased sensitivity to light.

Symptoms of these seizures can vary: dizziness, visual distortion, facial muscle cramps, tics, twitching or trembling of hands or feet, disorientation, confusion, or short-term blurred consciousness. Seizures can also be accompanied by loss of consciousness or convulsions, as a result of which you can fall or hit against nearby objects and get injured.

If you experience any of these symptoms, stop playing immediately and consult your doctor. Parents should monitor their children and ask them if they have any of the above symptoms, as children and adolescents are more susceptible to these seizures than adults. The risk of light-sensitive epileptic seizures can be reduced by taking the following measures: Sitting as far away from the screen as possible, using a smaller screen, playing in a well-lit room, and not playing when sleepy or tired. If you or your family members have seizures or epilepsy, be sure to check with your doctor before playing.

Precautions while playing

  • Always sit at a sufficient distance from the monitor.
  • Do not play if you are tired or have not had enough sleep.
  • The room you are playing in must be well lit.
  • Take breaks of 10-15 minutes every hour while playing.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided © 2016 Square Enix Ltd. All rights reserved. The product was developed by Eidos-Montréal. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Eidos-Montréal, and the EIDOS logo are trademarks of Square Enix Ltd. SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. Nixxes and the Nixxes logo are trademarks of Nixxes Software B.V. Developed and published for Linux by Feral Interactive Ltd. Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Feral and the Feral logo are trademarks of Feral Interactive Ltd. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided observes the most important of the commandments of the series: play as you want, go wherever you want. Here it is difficult to screw up the passage with the wrong development of the hero. The harm of unsuccessful pumping is that you have to adjust the style of play to it. With our recommendations, you will avoid a similar fate.

Universal implants

Social implant. This implant scans the speech of the interlocutor, capturing the manifestations of a particular personality model: Alpha, Beta and Omega. The more flashes are noticed in a psychotype, the higher the likelihood that the corresponding replica will be successful.

IN Human revolution the social corrector at times let down - or we let ourselves down by misinterpreting the indicators. In any case, without him, Mankind Divided is far from being so interesting. The ability to chat up everyone oncoming and cross and avoid a fight is useful not only for the stealth, but also for the desperate fighter, so as not to waste time.

Icarus system. As in Human Revolution, Icarus protects Jensen when dropped from a height. There are not so many practical benefits: some time saving when falling or a quick escape. The add-on to "Icarus", which allows you to stun everyone around you upon landing, is also not quoted: it is too loud for a quiet passage, and not lethal enough for a loud one. But spectacular!

If you appreciate the pretentious "going on stage" - take it and rejoice. And then run away from reinforcements.

Energy converter. The further you improve, the longer the "battery" lasts, which means that the augmentation works longer. The thing is necessary for those who rely on their implants in everything, both quiet people and fighters. It is not suitable only for those who like to climb the bottom of the barrel: hacking, high jumps, Herculean strength and similar features do not waste energy. Only hand-to-hand techniques consume it - and this should be watched. With an empty strip of energy, the strength is enough for only one knockout, the second will have to wait a few agonizing seconds.

"Penetration" implants

In this category we include all augmentations that help to penetrate and / or escape from a dangerous place. Should I take everything at once? In no case, at least two roads lead to almost any place, and a complete set of "bugbears" is simply superfluous. Augmentations are ranked by decreasing their usefulness, from the most necessary to the most worthless.

Remote hacking. This is an experimental augmentation, and you have to sacrifice something for it. And for what! Jensen gains access to dozens of hidden staircases, bridges, and passages that you won't even notice otherwise, much less activate. If you love to climb secluded corners and walk around, then take it immediately! In addition, the modification de-energizes turrets, laser barriers and other unpleasant things - for a few seconds, but without hassle.

Hacking improvements. Here I will include all the hacker gadgets that exist in the game, because although they were divided into three branches, they are of little use without each other.

Burglary levels - access to more difficult locks opens. If you are not ready to knock out doors with shots or are too lazy to look for a detour, swing right to the ceiling.

Increased stealth means less chance of detection when hacked. Even if the percentages of the probability were calculated in the game according to an algorithm similar to the algorithm in XCOM (45% is an almost inevitable alarm), the thing is still necessary for an intelligent hacker. It is advisable to pump more or less synchronously with the new levels of locks, otherwise the increase in the security of the systems will overtake the growth of your secrecy.

Increased fortification - nodes captured and fortified by your virus resist the antivirus longer, granting valuable time. In principle, this is not so necessary if you have properly developed secrecy: then by the time of detection the enemy will not have time to stop you.

Separately, I will note the hacking of turrets and robots - remember that their "flashing" will entail a monstrous mess with mountains of corpses and a completely screwed up achievement for pacifism. Download if your Adam Jensen is a bloodthirsty butcher with an unexpected talent for hacking.

Augmentation of the legs. At first, you barely climbed into the trash, and now you take off, as if on a spring, to the roof of a two-story building. Of all the "penetration" implants, it is perhaps the most highly specialized: not every location is generally capable of a sufficiently strong difference in heights.

Hand augmentation. There are three varieties in total.

Three-level increase in inventory - not so necessary if you immediately decide which weapon to take with you and which not to touch at all. "Plyushkin" like the author of this manual is strictly necessary.

Blow through the wall- a valuable option! Weak areas, ready to break through, are common and almost always help to cut the road or avoid trouble. Well, the enemy can be eliminated if someone turns out to be on the other side: this function is less useful due to the acute dependence on the coincidence of circumstances. A good agent to himself is a circumstance!

Finally, lifting weights - now Jensen carries around not only fire extinguishers and printers, but entire refrigerators. In Mankind Divided - a sea of ​​large and small openings, blocked by large junk, and every time you sincerely thank your past self for choosing a power augmentation! True, in some cases, unnecessary furniture can be pushed aside, crawling squatting near it

Jerk. Another experimental augmentation. Allows you to overcome a certain distance in a split second, and after improvement - take off to low ledges and balconies. Not the most necessary skill, because Adam can climb higher in another way. True, the dash is useful in battle as well - when Jensen is surrounded and prepared to beat, he will gracefully wave to the top. If he has time to aim and is not distracted by shooting.

Artificial lungs. Insurance in case the only convenient way for you to enter the protected area is covered with clouds of poisonous gas. There are not many such moments in the game, and even the most curious agent will do without new lungs.

Stealth implants

It's simple: if you want to play quietly - maybe even without stunning techniques - then you desperately need these augmentations.

"Tesla". An invaluable gift for a burglar thief. Releases a shock that "lulls" the target with one hit. Suppose Jensen already has a lot of tools for quiet elimination, but the improved "Tesla" cut down as many as four enemies at once! However, in practice, two or three simultaneous charges are enough.

Prerequisites: when capturing targets, you need to lean out of cover, so choose a point from where you will not be immediately noticed. In addition, one target must not cover the other, otherwise Tesla will hit the same target twice. Well, make sure that there are no onlookers around who will see either your attack or the body. Or shock them too - who will stop you?

Built-in radar. Interesting not by itself, but only by its improvement: the visibility zones and the radius of the noise you make will be drawn directly on the radar. Knowing the exact boundaries of what is permitted, Jensen is capable of a form of insanity: for example, to slip into a narrow gap formed between two "cones". And know exactly where the patrolman will look, and where not.

Reflex enhancer. The action is simple - instead of one silent attack from the back, Jensen allows himself to overturn two enemies at once. If you prefer this path - sneaking up and hitting, then an amplifier is a must. If not, then it still does not hurt to acquire it: it can help you out if you overlooked and allowed a couple of enemies to approach you.

P.E.P.S... Unleashes a wave of energy that knocks everyone in its path down like a Jedi push. As before, it is more fun than good. It raises a lot of noise, but the same effect is easily achieved differently.

Invisibility. Augmentation is of average utility, because the levels are almost always built in such a way that clusters of enemies can be bypassed. But how it saves time cannot be described in words: to slip through in a few seconds the route that you would have to either bypass or break through with a fight. True, together with undisturbed enemies, this level will keep all the secrets and all the delicious junk that you want to take away with you. If desired, Mankind Divided can be easily completed without invisibility, but its help is still valuable.

Supervision. This skill will also not be a star of the first magnitude. Objects and places where you can put your hand are well visible anyway. The silhouettes of the enemies duplicate the already clear readings of the radar (and if you pump it, it will also show cones of visibility, which cannot be said about super vision).

Combat Implants

Tired of hiding in the closets? So you've decided to turn the brooding stealth action game into an action movie. Deus Ex has something to offer in this regard, since the shooting in the new part was brought to mind as sensibly as the "quiet" part.

Sight stabilization. An invaluable augmentation for the shooter, even more valuable than increasing durability. The barrel will stop wobbling like a drunken one, reloading will be faster, and recoil will decrease. Boring, routine percentage improvements, but they'll make your life a lot easier by helping you hit headshots one by one.

"Typhoon". Still the best response to aggressive harassment. It works the same way as in Human Revolution: rush into the crowd, press a button, and Jensen pours buckshot on all living things. The difference is that the Typhoon now has a non-lethal poison gas modification. But if you have chosen the path of a fighter, then pacifism is alien to you. When using the Typhoon, make sure that no one survives after the shelling, otherwise the defenseless Adam Jensen - you got out of hiding! - will immediately be filled with lead.

"Titanium". The most famous experimental augmentation you've seen in trailers and pre-release pieces of gameplay. This is a liquid armor that hardens under the action of a discharge and allows you to live for some time under heavy fire. True, it consumes energy very quickly. Generally speaking, if it came to activating the Titan, it means that you are not fighting very correctly and carefully. So you're playing Rambo. However, this does not detract from the benefits of modification: is it worth giving up insurance, especially if it is stronger than the strongest?

Skin armor. Migrated from the previous part. You don't need to activate it - as it was improved, it protects Jensen. True, far from one hundred percent, but the battery does not plant. This is its plus: without special costs, you increase the chances of survival, although this does not correlate with the shooting skill.

Improvements to health... It is worth taking for the same reason as armor. The importance is far from paramount, but if you feel that you are loading too often after unsuccessful attacks on enemy positions, then a solid bonus to HP and its recovery speed will help bring statistics to a plus.

Nanoblade. Has ceased to be the eternal companion of the silent butcher: now the free shooter will find a use for him. Experimental augmentation allows you to throw the blade like a crossbow bolt (somewhere in his capsule, JC Denton's little one hiccuped). The consequences are appropriate: the enemy is nailed to the wall - or the blade will bang no worse than a grenade, if you have improved such an ability. An ideal tool when either the cartridges ran out, or someone jumped out from around the corner, or the weapon in the hands is not right. The main thing is to dispatch hotkey under this case, to shoot without thinking.

Attaching markers - a tribute to modernity, but in the conditions of Deus Ex it is absolutely necessary. Aim at enemies (a second of gaze through the front sight is enough), and labels appear over their heads. Why is this better for the fighter? Markers are placed at a considerable distance, at which the stealth is dangerous only with a tranquilizer rifle, and he cannot remove the body that has settled on the floor. In addition, the quiet one already monitors the radar, because you do not need to look around and shoot. Finally, markers help distinguish opponents: they often merge with the landscape, and if you had to set low graphics settings, double the relevance.

Slowing down time - another highly anticipated modification. You won't be able to use it all the time, otherwise you will go broke on cell batteries. Therefore, like many other new augmentations, it is applied pointwise, at a critical moment. Perhaps the most powerful drawback of this slo-mo is the need to sacrifice a different augmentation like other experimental implants. Only the slowdown is much more dependent on the skills of the player.

Basic information about the game and additions to it, as well as answers to the main gameplay and story questions

Deus Ex: Mankind Dividedrole-playing game developed by Eidos Montreal and released by Square Enix in August 2016 for PC, PS4 and Xbox one.

This guide will help you answer the main gameplay and story questions about Mankind Divided, as well as explain the construction of the local open world.

Location and time of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

The game takes place two years after the completion of the previous part - Deus Ex: Human Revolution, - i.e. in 2029. The plot of Mankind Divided is divided into 17 main and 12 side missions, which will take about 20 hours to complete.

The location of the project is the Czech city of Prague, however, during his adventures, the main character Adam Jensen will also have time to visit Dubai, London and a geological complex near the Swiss Alps. True, this will happen only within the framework of specific tasks.

New game +

Be careful: the contents of the cache in Jensen's apartment are not transferred to NG +, and the inventory is not transferred

After completing the main game, the user has access to the " New game +". By selecting it, you can start the storyline campaign anew with all the previously accumulated money, unused praxis kits and unlocked augmentations.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Expansions

Two DLCs have been released for Mankind Divided - “ System crash"(September 2016) and" Criminal past"(February 2017). To access them (in addition to purchasing), you must select the appropriate item in the main menu. No more DLC for the project to release will not.

What is Breach in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

On PS4 and Xbox One, Breach is still part of the main game.

Breach- formerly built into the computer version of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and now distributed free of charge. In it, the player gets the role of a hacker in the virtual space, where you need to hack servers and extract information from them.

Difficulty levels

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided features four difficulty levels:

  1. Tell a Story (Low) - For those who don't want to be distracted from the plot.
  2. I Want Adventure (Medium) - For those who don't want to bother with stealth.
  3. The real Deus Ex (high) is for those familiar with the genre. Enemies become more cautious and more dangerous, and health and energy regeneration is slowed down.
  4. I did not ask anyone about this (very high) - it opens after the first pass. The same as the previous one, but only one life is given for the whole game.

How to choose a weapon

Having decided on the level of difficulty (or even better before that), you should figure out exactly how you will play: stealthily or noisy. This decision will determine not only the average life expectancy of Jensen (in an open battle he does not last long), but also the choice of weapons.

You can hide the weapon using the combination "square" (X) + L2 (LT)

The louder the route, the more cannon you need. In fact, the arsenal in Mankind Divided plays a secondary role, because they decide, as they say, all the augmentations (more on them later). At the start, we advise you to take a tranquilizer rifle - later it will be much more difficult for her to get hold of - and otherwise follow the call of your inner cyborg.

How to upgrade weapons

You can buy a silencer (1200 credits) and cartridges for most types of weapons in the apartment of Hlavni, 33

Upgrade weapons in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided there are two ways:

  1. With the help of special mod kits (laser sight, etc.) that are scattered throughout the game.
  2. With the help of details that improve the characteristics of the selected "barrel" (rate of fire, maximum ammunition, etc.).

These parts are scattered literally on every corner and are purchased from some merchants. If you have the add-on " Tactical set"Then Jensen will have augmentation" Microassembler", Which allows you to disassemble the items at hand into their component parts.

Where to find the paralyzing pistol

The most common type of non-lethal weapon is paralyzing gun, or, if you like, stun gun, - can be obtained upon arrival in Prague in three places at once:

  1. Koller's office - behind the photo on the shelf by the door.
  2. The trunk of the truck is opposite the exit from the Palisade subway station.
  3. Tech Noir store in the north of town - Sells for 2,900 credits.

Where to buy praxis kits

Praxis kits(unless you decide to invest real money in the game) - the item in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is quite rare, but there is a place in Prague where you can still buy it. This is a store on the second floor of the main character's house - a merchant named Tars will have at least one upgrade pack in his inventory every time you visit the city - 10,000 credits apiece.

Where to Buy Cell Batteries

Cell batteries can be created from spare parts yourself - you need 120 for one device

Cell batteries(used to restore energy and activate mechanisms) is no longer such an exotic, but still in short supply. You can buy it in the following stores:

  • Tarsus on the second floor of Jensen's house - 200 credits apiece;

The seller in Tek Noir can automatically reset all accumulated during the Breach program

  • Tek Noir - 200 credits apiece;
  • Tubhouse Electronics - 450 credits per five units (ie 90 units each).

What items can be sold

The same three merchants can sell things from your inventory - weapons are valued above all. Decide on your style of play and dump anything that doesn't suit you to local entrepreneurs, including unnecessary gun ammo and a variety of schemes.

Where to store items

If after that Adam not enough space in inventory, then he has a cache in his apartment where you can put all the items you need, but have not yet found their use.

Most useful augmentations

In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, you can make life much easier for both yourself and Adam Jensen through various augmentations. Some are similar to those in Human Revolution, others are radically different. At the end of the prologue, the hero will lose almost all active skills, and the player will have to develop his character almost from the very beginning.

After completing the task " Get yourself in better shape", Jensen will have full access to the augmentation system and, in addition, several sets of praxis, allowing you to acquire new skills and improve existing ones. Try to plan your first purchase so that you do not have to regret the spent ability points later.

Useful augmentations:

  • For communication and research- "Social Corrector", "Remote Hacking", "Rebreathing Implant" (allows breathing in inappropriate places), "EMP Protection", "Wall Breaking", "Optimized Muscles" (allows you to lift weights), "Landing System" Icarus "", "Antelope" (allows you to jump higher), "Supervision" (allows you to see through walls)

Before eliminating (i.e. finishing off) armored police officers, they must first be stunned (with an EMP grenade or a paralyzing pistol, etc.)

  • For stealth- hacker implants (capture, stealth, control of turrets, robots and cameras), foot silencers, "Masking System" (allows you to become invisible for a while), "Reflex Enhancer" (allows you to quietly eliminate two enemies at the same time)

The Typhoon system can be used to both kill and stun enemies

  • For an aggressive playstyle- explosive system "Typhoon" (allows you to get rid of entire groups of enemies), "Cybernetic weapon handling" (reduces recoil and simplifies aiming), control system "Sentinel RX" (increases health), "Carrying capacity" (allows you to increase inventory capacity) , Skin Carapace "Rhino" (reduces damage taken).

Before completing the mission " Fix"(And even earlier -" Calibrator») Adam will not be able to use all the benefits of modern technologies at the same time - experimental implants overload the hero's system, and therefore, to maintain its stability, some kind of augmentation will have to disable... If, for example, you are a stealth lover, then in the first hours you can probably do without sight stabilizers or recoil compensators.

How the protagonist's system overload works

Each experimental modification destabilizes the Adam system by 50% ("healthy" value is 100%). As long as you do not overload the hero by at least 400%, there will be no big problems from this - except for small visual bugs. However, for reaching 450%, you can already be deprived of one random (including pumped) augmentation.

Remote hacking

In the world of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, everyone has something to hide, and usually it is something stored under a digital lock, which can most often be hacked. The game provides two ways to feel like a hacker: remote and personal. Let's start with the first one, as it is simpler.

Access your computer or terminal with remote hacking cannot, however, it will be possible to unlock previously inaccessible stairs or open iron shutters, and after improvement, it will also be possible to temporarily disable robots, turrets or cameras. The hacking process itself is a kind of reflex test - the player only needs to press the button indicated on the screen when the slider is over the noisy area.

Normal hack

WITH traditional hacking the situation is more complicated. Before proceeding with the virtual autopsy, make sure that no one is looking at it (the guards will immediately open fire on the hero) and that your level of access (augmentation " Hack: capture») Is high enough for business. Otherwise, no one will just let Jensen look inside the next terminal. Electronic lockpicks can help, but they are expensive and not so easy to find.

The hacking process is a mini-game in which you need to capture a green registry (sometimes several) or a red "diagnostics" (often impossible). Before occupying your target, you need to get to it by occupying directories / nodes along the way.

During the capture or fortification of any point, the system can detect the hero and raise the alarm. To reduce the likelihood of disclosure, improve the augmentation branch " Hack: stealth". In case of detection, security mechanisms will try to seize your positions - to counter this, download the modifications " Hacking: strengthening". The loss is counted in case of loss of the starting point - the I / O port.

If this happens, you will lose all the software that facilitates the process used during the mini-game, the bonuses you earned, and you will not receive experience points. The location of directories, traps and registries is always the same for each particular hack, so you can try different tactics without a twinge of conscience before going all-in.

How to save Singh

M1: "Buy on the black market" - to save Singh and stop the helicopter, it is enough just to pull out from vehicle battery. It is located in the bow, on the right (if you approach from the front) side. Use the Icarus Landing System and Supervision to speed up your descent and make it easier to find your target.

Where to find Koller

M3: "Get in the best shape" - Koller took refuge in the basement of his bookstore in the southern part of Prague. To get to it, you will have to, firstly, overcome the checkpoint initially occupied by the pretense police (this can be done through the balcony above the checkpoint), and then (preferably on the roofs) move to the entrance to the institution itself.

How to register passes

SM01: Golden Ticket - Edward, one of the candidates for the "golden ticket", works in a mini-market near the metro entrance (first location). To register passes, you need to hack the computer (level 1) or enter a password samithedog.

How to arrest Rooker

M7: "Rooker's Delivery" - to win a verbal duel with Talos Rooker, select the options "Drive in", "Speak condescendingly", "Justify", "Drive over" in the dialog.

Bank or Allison

M10: "In the face of the riddle" - the choice between " Meeting with a terrorist" and " By robbery"Depends solely on your wishes. If you want to get a unique rifle, save Miller and be able to collect all the e-books, go to the bank. Otherwise, Allison is worth helping.

How to get the best ending

M16: "Stop Marchenko" and M17: "Protecting the future": to get the best ending , give Miller the antidote obtained during the "Robbery", then save the delegates and stop Marchenko. It is better to do this quickly (after meeting with Miller, a hidden timer will start working) and quietly, otherwise the operatives will start killing civilians. You will have 10 minutes for everything.

Dmitry Rud

Dubai, 2029

- Cut off access to the atrium.
- (Optional) Mute the signal amplifier.

Choose a difficulty level and run new game... The briefing will begin. The commander will tell you about the mission. In short, a meeting between Sheppard and Singh is to take place at the unfinished Desert Jewel Hotel in Dubai. Sheppard is an arms dealer (terrorist) while Singh is an undercover agent. Jensen's job is to prevent the Genies, Sheppard's militants, from getting out of the penthouse and into the atrium.

Briefing from Miller.

Passing option:

- Not fatal.
- Tranquilizer Rifle (Long Range).

Go forward and right. Jump down and look in the opposite direction. There is a ventilation grill here. Open it, bend down by pressing the C key, and follow inside. Search the corpse, and also pick up the triangular code lying nearby. After downloading the application for Android or iOS Deus Ex Universe, you can use it to scan the found code. What will it give? You will be able to watch an exclusive video of the developers!

Keep moving on. Open another ventilation, move through the shaft on the right, breaking down the grate along the way. Climb up the stairs. Do not hurry! Jump down to the tier below where the corpse is lying around. Search the corpse. You will find a pocket secretary - Quasim Mir, "Everyone's gone crazy!" Read the information and find out that the code for the vault on the roof is 4801.

Climb up and onto the ledge in front. To reach the higher ledge, simply hold down the Spacebar. Go down to the room with the corpse. Press F3 (or another key that you have assigned to this function) to activate super vision. In this mode, you see which objects you can interact with. In this case, you need to pay attention to weakness walls. Walk up and interact with her to destroy it.

Go to the premises. The game tells you to open the door on the right. But don't be in a hurry! A little further, near the left wall, there is a corpse pressed down by a metal structure. Search the builder's corpse to find a pocket secretary - Conner Banks, “Shall We Meet?” From Vares Nuri. There is no code here, just a collector's note.

Go to the panel by the door.

Target. Restore power to the panel.

Follow to where the builder's corpse is, pinned down by a metal structure. There is a small opening to the adjacent room. Climb up there and look to the right. There is a switch on the transformer. Lower it to apply power to the panel. At the same time, there is water and bare wires in the passage through which you came here. You need to climb onto the transformer, and from there - even higher. This will help you get out of the room without getting hurt.

Hacking panels

Approach the panel. You can enter the code if you know it. But since we do not have the code, press the Q key. Briefly about the hack: you start from a blue I / O device. Click on the closest block to start cracking (either press the C key when selecting it, or click on the “Crack” icon again). Follow the closest path to the registry - the green icon. Once the registry is taken over, the hack will end in luck. If you're running out of time, it's best to disconnect.

Further, it will be possible to agree to training in stealth. When one enemy leaves, sneak up on another and attack by pressing the Q key. This will neutralize him. If you hold down the Q key and hold, you will kill the person. Drag the body back. You don't have to go directly: on the right side there is a room with a builder's body. There is also a staircase. Using this staircase, you can climb the concrete floors under the roof and be above two enemies. Try to neutralize them - attack one when the other cannot see.

Remember that code 4801? So here is a metal fence with a door and a panel. Open the panel and enter this code to gain access to the vault without hacking. Once inside, search all the lockers and the corpse. There is a weak part of the wall behind the wooden crate on the right. Destroy it, climb over and jump down the shaft from the elevator. The skill "Icarus Fall" is triggered every time you land, thus you do not lose health points.

But it is better to return to the elevator, open it with the green button and choose the direction "Penthouses". Disarm the nearest enemy. You can do the same with the distant one, since they are turned away from you. Go to the room on the right. You see a dangling grate at the top. When you get close, it will fall off. Approach the wall and hold down the "Space" to jump into the ventilation. Climb to the very end and get out through the opening on the left.

Drive uphill. Disarm the nearest enemy. The next enemy will enter the room to the right by opening the door. He's there alone - deal with him. Go down the stairs (from this room) and deal with two opponents. On the table in this room, find the pocket secretary - Bark Demian, “This Place Belongs to the Dead,” from Faiz Baddur.

Return upstairs to the penthouse. Find the passage to the technical room. There are still clouds of poisoned gas below. Jump down and immediately climb into the vent. Climb over it. Once in the new part of the room, deal with the nearest Djinn. Climb up the stairs to neutralize the terrorist who is looking at everyone from above. Before reaching it, go to the right. Find the vent. Climb up there and follow to the right. On the way, you will need to break the grate. You will see the second part of the penthouse shortly. This is where the Genie Signal Booster is hidden. You will see two people guarding it. As soon as they disperse, deal with them and interact with the amplifier to turn it off.

Use the computer next to it to get information - two e-mail records. Go further, use ventilation to avoid enemies. Be careful: there are two enemies near the doors. You can bypass them through the ventilation, but one of them will enter the very room where you need to hack the panel. Deal with it, and then hack the access panel. Open the door and watch the cut-scene.

After an unknown group appears, the task will be updated.

- Prevent the helicopter from leaving.
- (Optional) Protect Singh.

Jump down. The most important thing here is to understand that Singh, as such, does not need to be protected. You just have to ensure that the helicopter doesn't go anywhere as quickly as possible. And for this you need to approach the helicopter and open the hatch on its side, rear part. Remove the battery and the cut-scene will start.

Prague, a week later

Watch a lengthy cut-scene.

Mission 2. Morning came too early

Prague, 30 hours after the explosion at the train station

- Prepare before leaving.

As soon as control returns to you, look under your feet. There is a cache in the floor (can be seen with super vision). Open it, get the pocket secretary out of there - [email protected], "No topic", from [email protected] There is also a triangle code and an e-book "How to prevent yourself from being killed."

Go to the hall and take from the table another e-book about the Juggernauts collective. Go outside through the front door. Adam will automatically talk to the commander, and then - Dr. Vaclav Koller.

Mission 4. Checking OG29


- Go to the Chista area.

Go outside from a multi-storey building. You can, by the way, jump out of some window.


Go to the place where the marker is pointing. The guy with the gun will refuse to let you through.

Side Mission 00. Neon Nights

A new drug has appeared in Prague called Neon. As it turned out, he is already well known on the black market. There are many places where you might first hear about the drug. You can take the quest under different circumstances, depending on what you heard.

The quest, as far as I remember, began in a small courtyard northeast of the apartment complex where Adam Jensen resides. In this shady area, you should hear two homeless people talking about a drug called Neon. If you go higher, you will see a dealer named Bonbon and auga looking for neuroposin. The cache is located behind her, in a limited guarded area. There is an electric field on the right side. Here you can jump onto the windowsill above the gate and jump down from the other side. Sneak past the guard when he turns his back on you. You will find a locked safe that contains money, neuropozin, and a pocket secretary. You will find out the door access code - 0310.

If you have the appropriate upgrade that allows you to break walls, then near the safe you can find a weak wall. She will lead you to the area of ​​the attendants with a dead body and a disturbing entry in the pocket secretary. Find out why Neon is not meant for the augmented.

Flower trade

Go up to the second floor of the Zelen residential complex, to apartment 22. On the map you will see that this place is with limited access... The person inside will attack you as soon as they see you. However, you can get inside through the grate in the entrance. Eavesdrop on a conversation about selling a neon drug and collaborating with the Dvali gang. On a small table outside the kitchen, you can find a pocket secretary with the access code for a laptop in the kitchen. Study the information to get the first goal.

Duncan McReady.

Target. Find out who is distributing drugs.

Behind our backs

The emails referred to an apartment complex known as Neon Nights, located in apartment 202 in the Main apartment. When entering the courtyard, look to the left, on the second floor. There is a window here that you must go through. Either use the experimental remote hacking augmentation and open the terminal of the second level of difficulty, or go to the next room and find the grate above the main room. Ventilation will lead you to another room.

As it turns out, the Smart Home system is installed here, which recognizes that you do not have access to the apartment. It won't be long before the police are called. You can hack into the first level system on your laptop and reconfigure the Smart Home that recognizes you.

The clue (evidence) you need is on the edge of the bathroom. There will be a pocket secretary that mentions a different location. Climb up the stairs to the victim of an obvious overdose, who will have another pocket secretary.

A party

Move to the courtyard Louis and find a low wall in order to jump over it into a small park area. A door in the corner leads to the party, but you need a key card. If you have multiple augmentations and a lot of painkillers, you can walk around the door, look to the left and see heavy dumpsters. There is a weak wall behind them that can be destroyed with the appropriate skill. There will be a canal with electricity behind the wall.

If you do not have the necessary augmentation, then use another method. Some letters and notes refer to "cleaners". Reuse the laptop in the apartment and call the cleaning staff. A confirmation email should be sent as to when the cleaners will show up. Leave the house, take the subway. When you return, the apartment will be clean. There will be no body, and on the bed you can find the key card you need.

At the party, you will find drug addicts dancing. If you go to the left, then you will overhear the conversation of two people at the locked door. They will tell you about the lost person. Apparently, all the augmented ones who took Neon die. When they leave, break open the door of the first level and find the body. Read the victim's pocket secretary for information on vendors. You must visit the laundry near Pilgrim Station.

Door of perception

Move to the Pilgrim station area and enter the Libuše apartments, the door to which is on the second floor. The same symbol will be here. You can get inside in different ways. Either pry open the second level door or use the remote hack to open the window shutters. Or move through ventilation shaft through an open cabinet.

Unlock your laptop and examine the data. Examine the pocket secretary in the bedroom. Keep exploring the area until you see a fake wall in the kitchen. Check the spray bottle on the right to open the secret cabinet (or move through the grate behind the memory block below). There will be a safe of the fourth difficulty level. Hack it or use the multi-tool to open it. Inside there will be money, a multitool and another pocket secretary. The next cache is in the laboratory. It's somewhere in the sewers under Jensen's house.

Where all colors come from

Return to your neighborhood, leave the Zelen Residential Complex and head south to find the sewer grate and head down into the sewers. Move forward into a large room. There is a locked door on the right side that leads to a rotating turret on the other side. You can sneak over it by following to the left of the door and using augmentation to nullify the effect of electricity. You will climb the second tier, to another locked door overlooking the turret. If you turn off the electricity downstairs, the door break panel will also turn off.

If you can, then hack into the third-level laptop that controls the turret. Or try to dash to a small safe on the couch, near the turret. Inside is a pocket secretary with an access code and money.

Climb up the stairs from the turret and you will find a terminal with the fifth level of access. Alternatively, you can climb higher and jump from a height to get to another location (if you can move heavy containers).

There are six armed bandits in the underground laboratory. Two are outside the lab, three are inside, and one is upstairs, with a laptop in the corner disabling security. There are several scientists in the lab, one of them in the far right corner. You can get to the security laptop from above using pipes. Hacking a laptop requires a third skill level. It can be disabled with the same security code as the turret. The laptop also disables the alarms and laser grilles of the mixture vat in the far corner.

If we talk about the far corner, then you can go down from the top floor and talk to the scientist. Counteract it by offering evidence gathered earlier. If you do this, the doctor will relent and open the door allowing you to shut down the reactors and complete the quest.

If she does not, or you choose the wrong options, then you will have to act on your own. This can mean: either you turn off the laser tension and jump from above, or use the remote hacking of the stairs, or hacking the third level security door (on the table, behind the girl there is a multi-tool). Once inside, turn off the reactors yourself, using two cell batteries under each capacity. Then turn on the power using the first level terminal.

You can also go through the main laboratory, but you have to deal with all the guards and make sure that the scientists do not raise the alarm. Both laboratory entrances have switches.

Golden Ticket

Target. Meet with the clerk.

A little to the left there is a police checkpoint with red lasers. Chat with the person who won't let you pass. Play along with him and agree to visit the clerk.

There is a marker on the map, de there is a clerk, in blue. Move there along the street, it's not far. The clerk stands to the right of the guard at the entrance. Chat with him about everything. Tell him that Dragomir promised a free pass. Finally, choose a bluff - no pass is needed yet.

Target. Interrogate the forger.

Climb over the fence and jump across the rooftops. Downstairs, in the courtyard, two guards - neutralize. Enter the house and move past the lasers. There is a guard upstairs. Disarm him and search him to find the pocket secretary - Mikhail Trefil, Konitski's Legacy, from Franz Trefil. In the message you will learn the code from the security node - 1980.

Another pocket secretary can be obtained from the clerk. One way or another, inside the house you need to go upstairs. You can jailbreak your laptop to disable all lasers and security cameras. Meet the girl and find out what's going on here.

As it turns out, Dragomir is to blame for everything. Go to him and talk. Dealing with him will not work that way. If you threaten, he will attack you. Give it back - the rest of the cops will attack. Dilemma.

For now, we need to give two passes to Irenka and Edward. Follow the nearest marker. The girl is in the basement, inside the house. As for Edward, inside his store it will be necessary to neutralize the bandit with a machine gun with the Q key. After giving the passes to both, go to the station.

Going down in the metro, choose the direction - the station "Monument". After arriving at the place, go up from the metro to the surface and turn the corner to the left. Go to the registration desk. You can't just enter here - this is a restricted area. Wait for the guard to move away, and go inside on your haunches. Move through the doors. The next door will need to be opened by entering the access code on the terminal. Proceed further and find yourself in a room with a computer.

Hack your computer. Disable both cameras, but enable the checkpoint. Go quickly to one of the two working terminals and interact with it. Next, you will need to decide whose pass to activate - Irenka or Edward. The decision is yours! Take the metro back to the Czapek Fountain station.

Go to Dragomir. There are three police officers to the left of the checkpoint. Talk to the woman (officer), tell about Dragomir. Select:

- Hand over Dragomir.

- Extortion and counterfeiting.

Wait until the police have killed all enemies. Also, be sure to wait for the alarm to pass (percent in the upper right corner of the screen). Quest completed!

Mission 3. Get yourself in better shape


- Find Koller in the bookstore.

As soon as you deal with Dragomir (more precisely, the police will do it on your tip), then go forward through the place where the old checkpoint was. Follow to the very end. It is advisable to wait until the "Search" procedure from the police is completed (percent in the upper right corner of the screen). You can turn into an alley, but here you will need to hack a difficult panel. The best way is to climb onto the cargo lift and press the button. You will rise higher.

Move to the balcony and enter the apartment. Climb through the vent to find yourself in the restricted area. Move to the left along the visor. Climb onto the concrete chimney and jump onto the adjacent roof to the left.

Vaclav Koller.

Move along the visors to the left. At the end of the building, jump down and climb to the top of the scaffolding across the street. Walk along the windows. One of them can be opened. Inside, on the second floor, there are three opponents. You can bypass them, or you can neutralize them. You need to go into the corridor a little further than the enemy standing still, near the stairs. Climb under the bookshelves and enter Koller's office. Pull the red book on the shelf, call the elevator and go downstairs. Walk towards Koller. Watch the cut-scene.

After checking, activate one of the hidden augmentations. In order for the system to stabilize, turn off, for example, leg augmentation. Select deactivation.

Continue your conversation with Koller. Agree to everything to get side quests.

Target. Interrogate Sharif in my apartment.

Just head back to Jensen's apartment, follow the marker. Inside, you will need to go to the table, interact with the remote control and select the connection with Sharif. Chat about everything.

Sharif will promise to track down Vadim Orlov. Thus, the task will not be completed, but you can continue it after a while. We'll come back later!

Side Mission 04. Calibrator

Target. Go to the Chista area.

This is side quest and the main plot coincide in the place of execution. Go to the subway and move to the Palisade station.

Follow the blue marker, climb over the fence and find the hatch. Get down into the sewer. Go to the underground casino and chat about everything with Otar. Speak the truth, agree to a favor. Climb the steps and take the calibrator from the table. The task is completed. After a while, Otar should contact you and ask for a favor. Which one? We'll find out later!

Side Mission 02. Cult of Personality

Side mission "Cult of Personality" is taken in Prague, in the sewers under the residential complex "Zelen", where Adam Jensen lives.

While exploring the sewers south of your Green housing estate, which may be in Neon Nights Zero Side Mission, you may encounter two women looking for their lost brother and warning of a mysterious cult nearby. Follow them, you will meet a strange person named Viznik who cannot properly explain what happened. You will learn that there is a dangerous man named Richard who preaches a cult.

Target. Infiltrate the restricted area and meet with Richard.

As you stand facing the screen with Richard, you will find that your mind gradually becomes distracted. In the end, you will be forced to agree with the stranger. He will let you stay in this utopian world

Target. Find a way to expose Richard.

You will not have access to super vision, so you will have to look around the area as usual. Look at Richard's people. Good people do what they say. Good people don't ask why. Good people have no doubts. Good people don't bother Richard. Good people don't die. Most importantly, good people don't go upstairs.

Keep this in mind as you continue to gather evidence. Go to the back of the utopia to find another poster with a hypnotist named Richard. Another face and name have been crossed out. Search the generators in another corner to reveal a crumpled piece of paper - a true poster with Richard's partner named Libero.

Target. Find Libero.

Further within Deus walkthrough Ex: Mankind Divided to the site leave utopia, move to another area and find a magic shop. In a conversation with Libero, you will learn what he and Richard used additional version hypnosis to create an alternate reality, but after the incident, it stopped when Richard tried to go too far. You will have two options. Either you find Richard's room from where he is broadcasting and neutralize him, or you use Libero jammers that will cut the broadcast frequency and bring people back to reality.

Target. Install mufflers.

Return to Richard's world, head up the stairs and get ready to play cat and mouse with turrets and cameras. You are looking for signal arrays. One is in the corner where two corridors meet. But be careful with the still camera at the far end. In order to get to the other two arrays, go back, down, and move to the opposite wall, where there is a giant screen staircase. Find the platform above. Jump further using the box and sneak up behind the stationary turret to install the next silencer. The last one is behind the turret chamber, near Richard's door, against the far wall.

Target. Expose Richard to the people.

Once all the mufflers are installed, return to the main room and use the microphone to confront Richard one last time. There are several options to expose the preacher's lies and show people that they have been tricked into believing. If you want to take the advice of the Libero, to complete the task calmly and without consequences, then sympathize with Richard, and then choose softer expressions. He realizes his mistakes and you will get the best ending of the mission.

As the lost souls regain their minds, they will turn their backs on Richard. In the end, he will be left alone. Do not hesitate - enter his room and see a man. Collect useful items.

Target. (Optional) Neutralize Richard.

If you do not want to complete this mission with a good ending, you can simply try to find Richard in his room without using the silencers. This is much more difficult to do, since you will not be able to use weapons and most augmentations. You will have to break open the door with the fifth level lock (you will find yourself behind the turret) or try to break open the second level door, but you will find yourself in front of the turret.

Once inside, if Richard is facing the door, you can distract him by throwing an object or using remote access on TVs in front of him. Click on the switch at the back of the room to disable turrets and other electronics. People will be free.

Mission 4. Checking OG29


- Go to the Chista area.

Go to Task Force 29 Headquarters. To do this, move the picture in the store and click on the button to take the elevator down. Go forward and up the stairs.

An important object. Shooting gallery

Upstairs, you will automatically chat with Aria. She will give you a keycard to Tyr. Go downstairs and head towards the exit. On the right will be the entrance to the shooting gallery, around the corner. Enter there to fix an important object.

Target. Install the snitch chip.

Go back up the steps and take the information room on the right. At this end of the room will be Peter Chan looking at the computer. Chat with him to take additional task.

Exit to the stairs and find ventilation here. Remove the grate and climb inside. Jump over tension. Do you see the switch ahead? Turn off the electricity with it. After that, get out through another ventilation and find yourself in the room in front of the server NPC.

There will be a panel with a hack level 2. If you have such a hack level (you need to spend a Praxis point), then try to hack. Otherwise, go to the room on the other side of the second floor, where you talked with Chan. There is a desk with Selina Carter's computer next to the passage to Chan. Hack your computer and read the access password 7734 in one of the letters.

Return to the panel and enter the access password. Go to the server, open it and install the snitch chip.

Go to Miller's office, which is nearby. Talk about everything and agree to the task.

Side mission 05. "Samizdat"

Target. Find the source of the hack

Move to the indicated building, go up to the third floor and go to the door. There will be a panel that needs to be hacked. Hacking level 2.

Or if you have augmentation that breaks through walls with cracks, you can find such a wall between the second and third floors. Inside the apartment, go to the right room and hack into the laptop. Go to the messenger and chat with an unknown person. You have to choose the options on the left side. Bluff by claiming that you forgot where to go. You will find out where the meeting will take place, as well as the password for the panel.

Target. Find "Samizdat" in the area of ​​Dawn.

Target. Prevent Samizdat from exposing OG29.

Move along the marker, go downstairs into the sewer. When you get to the place where the fire escape leads down (there is still a woman and three monitors on which the news is shown), then climb onto the box on the right. There is no need to climb down. Jump onto the black pipe and climb over it to the left. Walk down and to the right. Talk to Samizdat.

Target. Find incriminating evidence in the president's office.

If you agree to help the man, the task will be updated.

When I first went to Bank Palisade and talked to the administrator in front of the entrance (you have to wait until he is free), the answer to the question about the personal manager was the same - everyone is busy.

The next time I returned to the bank after (SPOILER) found Vadim Orlov dead in an apartment near the headquarters of Operation Group-29. With him you will find the key card for the account in the bank "Palisade". Perhaps it has something to do with what happened next. When visiting the bank after these events, the administrator will say that the manager Romanek is waiting for us.

Walk down the hall and enter the room on the left. Inside it will be empty (no code required). Find the pocket secretary on the table, which indicates the access code for the door of the lower level. Go downstairs, go to the elevator and on the side of it hack the panel using the same code. Go to the premises. Here you can find the key card to the Palisade elevator level 3.

You can find it in another way - there is a red barrel on the side of the elevator on the main floor of the bank. Move it and climb into the ventilation. Ventilation will provide access to Romanek's office. The manager sits at the table. To the right of him, on the shelf, is the same key card.

Take the elevator to the third floor. Immediately, without approaching the lasers, enter the room to the left. Do you see the computer? Wait for the guard to leave, then hack the computer. You will learn the password from another computer. By the way, he is not particularly needed for the quest.

Go to the left of the table with the computer, climb the steps and carefully stand under the surveillance camera. When she just turns away from the door on the left, start breaking. Uncomplicated panel. Inside the office, go to the table on the right, where there are two monitors at once. On one of them, you can turn off surveillance cameras, alarms and lasers. Having done this, examine the shelves inside the table to find a note with the results of drinking water analyzes. The task will be updated.

But don't be in a hurry! Find another piece of dirt right away. There is a puzzle of three shapes between two tables with computers. To rotate the shapes, hold down the E key. To change their height, just click on the same key. It should look like the screenshot below.

Solving the puzzle at the Palisade Bank.

Inside the secret room, remove the painting on the right. Break into the safe, which is not difficult to do. Inside the safe will be information about Flight 451.

Target. Take the dirt to Kay at The Peak.

Return to the Samizdat Lair and talk to the guy named Kay. He will ask you to complete another assignment.

Target. Take over control of the city info center.

Move to the indicated location. The point to be hacked is on the roof. Find a lift near the building. It requires one cell battery to operate. If you have it, then insert it into the lift. Jump on it and press the key. Once on the roof, remove the cover on the node and hack it (first level) ..

Mission 5. Claims to jurisdiction

Target. Go to Ruzicka.

Target. Meet Smiley at the Ruzicka station.

After talking with Miller or a little later, go to any metro station. Miller will tell you that it is enough to select the station "Ruzicka" on the map. Do so.

After talking with Smiley, you will find out how he is doing.

Target. Find evidence.

Go up the stairs, you will be stopped by a policeman. There are doors on the left and right. Walk left and pick the lock on the door. Inside the pantry, you must find the key card for the Ruzicka station. Take this key card and return to the corridor. Go to the opposite door. There is a small keycard reader. Use it as you already have the required key card.

Disarm the guard nearby, search him and find the code in the pocket secretary. The code refers to a door located nearby. When the camera turns away, interact with the panel and open the door. This will allow you to access the computer room.

Go back to the checkpoint. You can try to break into the booth nearby. There is a generator remote control inside. If you turn it off, then immediately run out. One guard will come running, who can be easily neutralized.

There are two more guards ahead, next to the stairs. Go to the room (storeroom), where you found the key card of the station "Ruzicka". Remove the large drawer from the shelf and you will see ventilation. After lifting the grate, move through the ventilation to the very end. You will find yourself at the top of the stairs, which are guarded by two policemen. But there will be two more opponents here. Wait for the right moment, get out of the ventilation and go to another staircase on the right. Go through the door.

If you can move heavy objects (bought augmentation), then move the large box immediately to the right of the door. There will be ventilation behind it. She will lead you to an adjacent room, next to where the DCD media with the picture is. Get there carefully by moving along the walls. Take the carrier and return back the same way.

Travel to the OG29 headquarters and talk to Smiley to complete the quest.

Side mission 06: 01011000

Side mission "01011000" starts in Prague.

This mission starts with "Important site in Prague". An explosion should occur after the second visit to Prague, you will see a glitch on the screen. Walk up to the ad panel with failing impressions and you will hear a voice. Examine the sign and a voice will ask Adam to come to the building in the Prekazhk area. Next to the time machine.

You will see laptops, all of which will be unlocked. Everyone will be allowed to exchange messages with an unknown entity named Hell. The creature is looking for part of its memory, data, and asks for help to restore it all. You can ask for more details, but it won't work. If you agree to help, then Hell will tell you the location of the package, which contains the data. It is next to the old tourist center. You will find out the code for the room - 1591. While you are here, do not hesitate to collect all the loot you need.

Target. Get the Hell package.

Walk down the street to the old toy store, look for the tourist information sign. The door is boarded up, but there are several ways to get inside. You can jump to the second floor, to the window from where there will be good overview... Alternatively, go to the service personnel area on the side of the building. Here you can break a weak wall or go through the electric floor to the door with the fourth level of access. This will walk you around a small armory and find yourself at the back of the tourist shop.

Inside, three mercenaries are trying to find the same thing as you. There is a panel on the door on the left side, but no power. There is a switch in the corner that can supply electricity to the floor in front. So you will kill the mercenaries, but if you want to complete the mission not lethally, then do not do it. The mercenaries have a pocket secretary with orders from Mr. Everett, CEO of The Peak, a member of the Illuminati Councils. When you open the door, Hell will energize the lock, and you can enter the access code to go inside and pick up the disc.

Target. Find a reader.

Move to the Pilgrim area and find an antique shop nearby to speak to the overly joyful clerk who invited you into the future. Learn about the disc reader. It is quite difficult to buy it. Several things could happen now. If a comment about another client caught your attention, then you go to the basement, where the device is supposedly there. When you go there, you will find a tied body and a lot of explosives. At this point, the clerk will aim his pistol at you.

You are trapped by him. There are EMP mines here that disable your augmentations. Above there is a smoke mine blinding you. There are also several laser arrays attached to the explosives. In the corner there is a guy with explosives that will explode in 45 seconds. To neutralize it, you need level 5 hacking skills. This will open the door and press the button to disable the countdown.

There are two ways to escape the death trap. One of them is to use the pocket secretary previously found from the mercenaries.

Target. Activate data.

You will resolve the conflict, take the reader and return back to the "Green" apartment, where Hell will not find you. Go to the table in front of the TV to install and use the disc. Hell will appear on the TV screen.

Further events will be interesting. Hell is a fragment of the general consciousness. Find out everything.

Whatever your decision, Everett's men will come to the apartment. Deal with them.

Mission 6. Putting things in order

Target. Meet with Dr. Ozen.

This task will become available immediately after you leave the station "Ruzicka" according to the previous task.

The doctor is at the headquarters of OG29. Just talk to her in one of the rooms.

Alex will contact you when you return to the OG29 headquarters after obtaining information at the Ruzicka station. Move from the OG29 headquarters towards the Protez polyclinic. Go downstairs. Adam knows the access codes. Talk to Alex about everything.

Alex Vega of the Juggernauts Corporation.

After that, the task will be updated.

Move where the marker is pointing. Talk about everything with Miller, and then - the pilot. Watch the cut-scene.

Mission 7. Delivery of the Rooker

Target. Visit Sokol's apartment.

Go to the indicated place, enter the apartment and talk to the girl.

Target. Find Tibor in the Gorge.

Move towards the marker and go downstairs to the police station. Bribe a cop for 1000 credits to interrogate Tibor. Chat with him. He will refuse the deal.

Target. (Optional) Free Dushan.

Let's start with the last goal. Do not leave the police station, but go deep into it from the cameras. There will be a staircase here. But be careful - there is a camera at the top. Go downstairs. On the lower floor there is a room in which a policeman beats Dushan. If you deal with a police officer or neutralize any other cop, then a new task will appear.

Target. (Optional) Neutralize the cops (0/4).

So there are a total of four cops downstairs. Until you neutralize them, Dushan will not be released. To do this, you can neutralize three of them in close combat. As for the cop who is equipped in a mechanized suit, then he can be shot several times from a tranquilizer rifle.

When you have dealt with everyone, then release Dushan. Two goals will be achieved, but a new one will appear.

Target. "Optional) Talk to Lyubosh.

The password that Dushan told you must be told to Lubos, who is guarding the elevator on the first floor of the checkpoint.

Target. Talk to Lius Galois.

Return to Tibor's Detention Cell. Where you went down the stairs (to free Dushan), there is a door. Go through it, but carefully - there are two patrolmen behind it and another cop periodically moves here. Hide behind the boxes on the left. Disarm the nearest cop by moving him behind the boxes so that the other does not notice it. Get out of the site by climbing over the boxes and turning left. You will leave the restricted area.

Follow the only path and go up the steps. This is the market. Galois is to be found here.

Target. (Optional) Get rid of Galois.

If you took a part, the necessary technique from Otar Botkoveli, he will call you and ask you to kill Luis Galois. If you still decide to get rid of it, then when you meet, first talk about the CPA.

Otar Botkoveli from Dvali.

When you enter the market, take a few steps forward and turn right. Climb the stairs at the very end. Go inside the store indicated by the marker. Talk to Galois.

Objective (Optional) Retrieve Tibor's keycard.

Go downstairs. Remember the steps you climbed from the police station? From them you left to the right. But if you go ahead, you'll find an alley behind which the bald cop decided to take a piss. Stun him, search him and take the KPA key card stolen from Tibor.

Target. Go to the territory of the KPA.

There are several ways to get there. You can talk to Galois and not kill him. After that, you can go through the back door of his store and go up the stairs.

The second way - if you found the KPA pass card, which you took away from Tibor, then go down to the first floor of the market (the tier where you got after the police station) and find an elevator here. Use the found key card on the elevator panel, and then go upstairs.

The third way - without using the KPA key card, talk to the guard at the elevator. His name is Lubosh. This is the only way to complete the additional task! If you have already applied the key card to the elevator panel, then you will not be able to achieve the additional goal.

Either way, go through the door above. Watch the cut-scene. Talk to Marchenko about everything.

After talking with Miller, go towards the marker. Before passing with lasers, look around. There is a utility room on the left side. Pick the first level lock. This is done easily. Inside, on the shelf, find the pocket secretary of the CPA_ALL " New code to the bridge "from Max. Read and know the code 3354.

Jim Miller.

Now you need to overcome the lasers. It is necessary to move the heavy box to the right. This is done only if you have acquired the appropriate skill. Pushing back, make your way through the hole in the fence. Exit through the door ahead.

You have entered a large tunnel. There is a control panel in front. To hack it, you need just the same code 3354. Enter it, select the "Push" option. A bridge will appear. Go to the other side, knock the lock off the door and go inside. Use the KPA key card to call the elevator. Rise higher on it.

Shoot down the lock and go forward. After talking with your partner, go up the steps and go through the door. Watch the cut-scene with Tibor.

Follow Tibor into the room, avoiding the attention of others. If you approach it imperceptibly, a cut-scene will start. In the process of talking with Tibor, tell them that you are ready to help his family. If the cut-scene does not start, then simply neutralize the enemy.

Go deeper into the room through the corridor, climb up the bags and see the enemy. Disarm it. There is a hole in the floor on the left side. Jump down to get into the shower room. Go further and from around the corner listen to the conversation of two opponents. Wait for one of them to go to check the shower. Go back and watch him there. Deal with the second enemy. There is a computer where they stood. Use it to turn off the surveillance cameras and the laser array.

Jump out through the window and find the ventilation grate under the camera on the opposite wall. Move the drawer and climb inside the ventilation. Move to the very end.

Target. Find an elevator.

Go around the corner and deal with the enemy. There will be two women ahead. You can run up and neutralize at the same time if you have acquired the appropriate skill. In front of them on the right side there is a construction of boxes and other items. On it, as on the stairs, go upstairs. Open the grate on the wall in front and get through the sewers to the distant room.

Do not eliminate enemies from below. Follow the room ahead. There is a camera here. When she turns away, go to the table on the right, which is closer to the camera. When the camera turns away again, jump over the table and go under it. Eliminate the woman and go to the room on the right. In the back room, open the window and get out. Go right, get over the barrier.

There is a place ahead where you can jump down. If you want to turn off the surveillance cameras, then do so. Jumping down, climb through the window. Immediately after the turn there will be another - get out into the corridor of the lower tier. From here, go to the adjacent room, where there are two guards. Deal with them so that the enemy does not notice in another part of the corridor. One of the guards will have a pocket secretary with a computer access code on the side. This computer will disable all surveillance cameras.

Leave the room and find a staircase nearby. Climb up to return to the place where you jumped down, into the shaft with a window. Look in the opposite direction from this descent. You can jump down. On the left side there is a parapet that took you here. There is a room on the right side. There is also a door with burglary level "2". You can hack, or you can jump onto the parapet to the left of this room. There is a window here that takes you inside.

Exit through the other door and eliminate the lone guard. Go to the window, behind which there is a room with two enemies. Deal with them if you have the skill of neutralizing two opponents at the same time. If not, then wait until the conversation ends so that the enemies disperse.

Exit through the door, run across to the other side of the corridor so as not to get under the turrets. Climb out the window. Here it remains to deal with two enemies, then reach the marker and call the elevator. Click on the button to take the elevator higher.

Target. Interrogate Talos Rooker.

Go through the door in front and talk about everything with Rooker. It's up to you how to communicate. Eventually, you will see a cut-scene.

Talos Rooker.

Target. Get to the evacuation point.

There is a weak point in the adjacent room - a curved ventilation grill. You can break it if you have the appropriate skill. In general, first look under Rooker's desk, remove the bottle of alcohol and find Rooker's key card behind it. Use it to get into the room next to it. Inside, on the table, find the pocket secretary with the evidence that Rooker has collected. Refill ammo for your tranquilizer rifle. Wait.

When two enemies appear in the previous room, carefully neutralize them. When you leave the room, there will be another one. Understand. A little further - the fourth. The drone will fly outside all the time. Beware of him, do not raise the alarm.

Follow forward and in a place that looks like a greenhouse, deal with 4-5 opponents. You don't need to stun everyone. The main thing for you is to find a grate in the far right corner of this room without a roof. Move through ventilation. Behind her, either jump down, if you have a skill, or carefully jump along the side ledges.

At the bottom, go around the floor in a circle and click on the button. When the gate rises, run forward along the corridor until the video starts.

Mission 8. Tracking down real terrorists

Target. Meet Smiley in his office.

Just head back to the Task Force 29 office and talk to Smiley, who is indicated by the marker. The task will be updated.

Target. Find Nomad Stanek.

Move to the indicated location. Go to the courtyard and go up to the third floor. Enter the apartment - the door will be broken open.

Target. Search Stanek's apartment.

Go to the bedroom forward through the kitchen. There is also an antique clock hanging here. Interact with the clock near the table to reveal a secret room. Inside, hack the computer with the first level of difficulty and read all the letters. Watch the video message on the screen.

Target. Get out of the Dvali trap.

If you don't hurry now, you will die of poison. There is a ventilation grill under the table on which the jailbroken computer is located. To get to it, you have to remove a few cardboard boxes. Move through the ventilation and leave Stanek's apartment. The task will be updated.

Target. Interrogate Stanek.

Go to the indicated bar, go downstairs and talk about everything with Stanek to find out about his daughter Alison.

Mission 9. Who is in charge here?

Target. Search Miller's apartment.

Move to the indicated location. Go to the end of the building and go up to the second floor. Break open the access panel to Miller's apartment (third level), or look for another way to get inside.

Inside the apartment, go up to the second floor and hit the blue punching bag. This will open up a secret room. Inside this room, pick up Jim Miller's keycard from the table.

Target. Meet Vega at OG-29.

Return to the headquarters of Operation Group-29, climb over the fence and talk about everything with Vega. Give her the evidence you found in the poisoned Rooker's lair. You might not find it at all!

Target. Use an NPC device.

Return to the headquarters, go upstairs and enter Miller's meeting room using his keycard.

Once downloaded, you will find yourself in virtual reality... Go in a circle and turn into the passage on the left, behind the screen. There will be a purple glowing area and a triangular hole. Stand on it to move to another part.

Target. Hack data towers (0/5).

On the floor there will be an inscription TASKFORCE 29. In front of the glass you can see the data tower. Go along the left passage, hack the block to punch the way further. To do this, press the E key. You will see a slider. You need to click on E again so that the slider coincides with the part of the diagram where there is a beam of large amplitudes. There are three attempts. If unsuccessful, then the hacking will have to be repeated after a while. Hack the block on the right, turn up the ventilation and load the first data tower (1/5).

Go to the next hall. It is not worth going forward on the bridge, because there are laser beams. Go down to the left and go into the room, avoiding the surveillance camera. There will already be two chambers inside. Lift the data blocks so that you can hide behind them. Do you see a ventilation grill near one of them? Open it and move to the very end of the ventilation. There will be another camera here. There is a data block on the ceiling. Hack it to block the view of the surveillance camera. Go up the stairs and hack the second data tower (2/5).

Return to that bridge, on which you can go to the center. But first, go down the stairs, but to the right. See the data tower up? You can't just jump onto the ledge. There are two data blocks further down the wall. Hack them to make ledges. Climb back up and go along the bridge to the center of the room. But don't cross the lasers! Move around the perimeter to the right. Take a running jump onto the extended ledges from the data block. From here, jump onto the ledge with the data tower. Download information (3/5).

Go downstairs. There is one more passage left on this floor. This is where the laser beams travel. Overcome three doorways with lasers, and then climb up the stairs. See the pillar? Walk up to him and look up. There will be a point to crack the data block. Hack it. This time you will need to combine the slider with two beams. A staircase will appear. Go upstairs, climb through the ventilation shaft and hack the data tower (4/5).

Finally, when this tower disappears, two protrusions will appear on the left and right. Pull out the other tabs on the shape in the center. Climb over them like a bridge to the center. Climb the glass roof and jump down to the last tower. Hack it. Review the records, mission completed.

Side Mission 03. Mysterious Augmentations

Upon arrival in Prague, after the seventh mission, Sharif will contact you and say that Vadim Orlov is in Prague. You will find out the address!

Target. Examine the scientist's apartment.

Move to the headquarters of Task Force-29. Just to the left of the entrance there is a gate into the courtyard. Jump over it. The marker points to the apartment above. How to get there? You need to open at least one of the garages opposite. From one of them (the left one) I had an access code. Enter the access code, the garage door will open. Move the trash can to it, climb from it to the open garage door, and from there - to the roof. By the way, in the right garage (storage) you can find a stone in the wall. Move it, take out the pocket secretary and find out the code for the safe.

So, you climbed to the roof of the garages. Move along the parapet to the balcony of Orlov's apartment. Go inside and search the scientist's corpse. There is a safe on the left. Enter the code that you read in the pocket secretary hidden in the niche of the right storage (garage). You will find a confidential medical report here.

In the next room or in the pockets of the scientist, you can find the key card for the account at the Palisade Bank. Perhaps she is needed for the Samizdat quest and a pass to a personal manager.

Important objects. Last service

Again, upon returning to Prague after the seventh mission, Otar Botkoveli will contact you and ask you to provide him with the last service. I need to talk to the owner of the Red Queen.

When you meet at a restaurant with Masa Kadlekova, who is sitting on the second floor in the manager's office, then talk to her about everything. It will be necessary to make a decision - to help the woman or not. Agree to start the side quest.

Side Mission 09. Family Matters

Target. Infiltrate Dvali's hideout.

Go outside the Red Queen bar and go left. The people of Dvali will not let you into the lane. Proceed past the Irish bar, at the bottom of which you could interrogate Stanek based on the eighth story mission... Further there will be a lane. Turn there. Here you can either hack the panel and open the door, or break the weak spot in the wall to the right. It all depends on your skills. One way or another, you will find yourself in the yard. Find a lift here, climb onto it and press the button.

Climb over to the window, open it and climb inside the house. Here you will need to go to the kitchen and wait for the two people to disperse. After that, neutralize both of them.

Target. (Optional) Find a control center.

To complete this task and turn off the surveillance cameras, you must exit that apartment into the courtyard. Go up one floor, but be careful. You will have to wait for the camera to turn away. After you get up, if the camera turns towards apartment no. 96, then step aside and wait for the right moment. There is a security guard inside the apartment. If you neutralize him, then you can find a pocket secretary with a code for apartment no. 95. This apartment is located on the same floor. You need it in it!

By the way, there is an enemy on the floor, which it is desirable to neutralize. Having received the access code, enter it on the panel and make your way to apartment no. 95. The access code is 0666. Go to the TV. To the right of it there is a bedside table with an e-book. Bend down to peer under the top of the nightstand. Click on the button. Turn around and see that a secret passage has opened. Go inside. There will be a computer here. Hack it using Level 3 Hacking Skills. The password could not be found. Disable cameras and alarm. Additional goal achieved!

Target. Find and neutralize Dominic.

Get down to the very bottom. Disarm two enemies standing next to each other. If you have a skill, then attack at the same time. Otherwise, you should wait for them to finish the conversation and disperse. Dominik will also be here below, in the next building. Stun him and drag the body the same way you got here. Go up to the second floor, enter room # 86 and open the balcony. Climb with your body onto the lift and lower it. Below, in the small courtyard, drag the body into the vault. Close the storage door. The task is completed!

Side Mission 07. Going into the Dark

Target. Search Vince Black's office.

Just go to the office indicated by the marker and hack Vince Black's computer (second level). Read both letters, Adam will contact Delara Ozen himself.

Target. Meet with Vince Black's informant.

Go to the Red Queen bar and go up to the top floor, where there is a minibar. You must determine which of the visitors or employees of the bar is Vince Black's informant. Dobromila Novakova is the informant, a girl with short-cut blonde hair. Talk to her. Agree to continue the conversation elsewhere.

Target. Go to Prekazhka.

Go to the Czapek Fountain station. Go to the indicated courtyard and watch the cut-scene.

Target. Wait for Dobromil.

Target. Get information from Dobromila.

Talk to a woman about everything. She will offer information in exchange for 350 credits. Agree. You will find out where the warehouse of Vlasta, Dobromila's husband and a member of the Dvali gang is located. Also, the woman will give you the password for the warehouse where the contraband is located.

Target. View the map.

Go to the Palisade station after looking in your inventory for the map that Dobromila gave you. So, you need to find a smuggling warehouse. Go to the bank. Go down the right side and turn right. There will be two vaults here. Open the left one. This is where the marker should point. You can open it using the code received from Dobromila. Remove the painting on the left and pull the lever. A passage leading downward will open.

Go down below and talk to Olivi Devos. You will find out what she wants. It will be up to you whether to help her or catch Vlasta.

Target. Find Vince Black's apartment.

Follow to the indicated place, enter the building and go down to the basement. There is a shower stall on the left. Next to her lies a pocket secretary with an access code to Vince's safe, which is located at the headquarters of OG-29. A useful thing, because to break a safe you need a fifth skill level. Here you will also find Vince's corpse. Search him. There is a pocket secretary under it.

Important objects. Cache

Alex will contact you and inform you about the next story mission - the tenth in a row. At the same time, the girl will say that she hid information on Marchenko in a cache. Move to the indicated point, go down to the station. Go down only one flight. There are two trash cans by the wall here. A check mark has been drawn over one of them in chalk. Search and find the Pocket Secretary.

Mission 10. In the face of the riddle

Target. Meet Janus.

Go to the point marked on the map. Get inside the building through broken window... Break open the door (first level) and on the right side climb into the ventilation shaft. Follow further, go down the stairs and climb into the opening. Go to the room on the right and talk to Janus.

Target. Elude the drones.

Move to the indicated place, avoiding meeting with drones. Although, you can run ahead if you know the route. If there is a disguise, then it will be generally simple. As soon as you get to the surface, Nomad Stanek will contact you and ask for help. A new mission will begin.

Mission 11. Meeting with a terrorist

As soon as you go down the subway, you will be contacted by Alex Vega. She will say that you need to rob the bank, otherwise information about the poison "Orchid" will be lost. You will have to make a decision - to save Alison or go to the bank robbery.

Important. If you decide to save Alison, you will not be able to complete the next mission "Robbery". But on the other hand, you can pick up a signal jammer from Alison, which allows you to fulfill one of two conditions for a good ending at the end of the game. On the other hand, you will have no antidote and Miller will die from the Orchid. You decide.

But if you go to the robbery, then Alison will die and you will not receive the signal jammer.

Target. Meet with Nomad Stanek.

You will have a talk with the master on clock mechanisms, go through the door which is located behind him.

Target. Save Alison Stanekova.

You will find yourself among the augmented people. Go to the courtyard, go up to the roof of the outbuilding nearby. From here, move down to the cornice and follow it to the next structure. There will be two mines here, proceed carefully. Squat down to them and then deactivate. You will soon find yourself on the other side of the building.

Find a weak wall and destroy it. Once inside, follow through the ventilation at the ceiling. Follow the pipes to the next ventilation, at the very end of the passage. Try not to fall down where the electricity will kill you.

You will be taken to the restroom. Remove the ventilation grate and deal with the enemy using the tranquilizer. Follow the girl on the couch and climb to the stairs. Hide behind the railing and wait until the two opponents finish the conversation. One of them will go to the computer.

Watch the camera. Move across the bridge to the window and wait for the girl to turn away. Deal with it, go under the surveillance camera to the next room and make your way through the ventilation. You will find yourself on the stairs. Climb higher, open the door and talk to Alison.

The received signal jammer is stored in the inventory. Going through the rest of the missions, do not accidentally throw it somewhere.

Mission 12. Robbery

Target. Get to the bank.

Go to the side of the bank after you decide to rob it before rescuing Alison. Vega will contact you.

Target. Climb up the Vega package.

Get downstairs to the parking lot. You can either pick the fourth level lock, or move the trash cans on the right side and break the weak wall. According to the second option, after breaking the wall, climb inside the room. Open the ventilation and move through it to the left. After jumping into the parking lot, follow the wall, hiding behind the cars, into the storage room. Inside the pantry, move another container and climb into the next ventilation.

When you leave it, then go to the right and enter the room with two guards. Here you can turn off the surveillance cameras. First, deal with two guards, when the third goes away. After that, close the windows by clicking on the red button to the left of the entrance. Next, enter the Security computer and turn off the cameras, open the door, turn off the alarm. Neutralize the last guard in the parking lot, then find the Janus package in one of the cars. This car will not be connected to the alarm - the car is blue.

Target. Get access to the terminal.

Go to Bank Palisade. If you do not know how to get into the office on the third floor, then read the walkthrough additional mission"Samizdat". The biometric keycard encoder that you need for the current mission is on the same table under which you found the dirt on President Peak. Once you get to the right place and break the door, encrypt the Janus card.

At this moment Stanek will contact you and say that his daughter has died. The mission will fail.

Target. Take the elevator to the corporate vault. In the office where you encrypted the key card, there is a figure of three objects. This is a puzzle. You need to rotate it as shown in the screenshot in the chapter describing the passage of the Samizdat mission. You will open a secret passage. There is a ventilation grill inside. Make your way into the ventilation and go downstairs. You will find yourself in the lobby of the first floor, in the corridor where the guard did not let you in. Call the elevator, use the encrypted key card inside and go down to the corporate vault.

Walk forward. You will need to break open the door on the left with a lock of the third difficulty level. Having done this, climb one flight, jump upward using the container. Climb inside the ventilation and move right and immediately to the right. You will find yourself in the technical area. Insert the cage battery to see the turret in front of the TV. Now you can turn off the turrets using the computer, but if you have the appropriate skill.

Make your way a little further and jump into the server room. There will be a computer here. Turn off cameras and laser beams. If you have a skill, then neutralize the robots. Go back upstairs and into the ventilation by which you got here. Turn right along the ventilation and jump into the toilet.

Neutralize the guard on the couch, then move through the door in the far corner. Go forward to the room where the guards are. You need to go to the left. When the turret turns to the right, then move to the left. In the corner you will find a hatch. Get down and move through the ventilation to the desired corridor. Walk around the security camera ahead and enter the vault. Call the Versalife repository.

Target. Get out of the bank.

Watch the video inside the vault. Make sure to hack the terminal on the side to gain access to the safe. Inside it you will find the Orchid Neutralizer.

Exit the vault and climb the stairs to the side. Click on the button to make the storage go up. Don't get off it. After rising, move to the platform on the side to where there is a button on the wall. Press the button to open the hatch upward. Climb up the structures above. Follow the fire escape, go around the perimeter tunnel and hack the terminal to push the Belltower vault. You won't be able to open it, but the point is different - go up to the vault in order to climb even higher from its roof. Head up the other stairs, get to the door. Then follow the marker, turn off the fan and get out through the parking lot. Jensen will contact Miller.

Target. Meet Miller at the helipad.

Go to the meeting place, chat about everything. If you are ready, then inform Chikana about the beginning of the mission.

Elias Chicane.

Side Mission 08. Repair

When you move to the meeting point with Miller after the robbery of the Palisade Bank (or Alison's help), Valcav Koller will contact you. He will say that he is ready to fix Jensen's augmentations.

Target. Go to Prekazhka.

Move to the meeting point, go down to Koller's basement and talk about everything. It will repair all augmentations, after which you can purchase any without worrying about system failures.

Important objects in Prague. Too close to home

When you move to Koller, Aria will contact you and tell you that one of the augmented ones was killed near Jensen's house. Follow there, chat about everything with a girl named Daria Mouse.

Side Mission 10. The Reaper

Agree to help the girl to start this quest.

Target. Talk to Montag.

Chat with the investigator standing nearby.

Target. (Optional) Inspect the crime scene.

Target. Go to the station Dawn.

When completing an optional task, you will need to find seven clues. First, pick up the EM Cartridge fragment in the middle of the intersection (1/7).

Target. (Optional) Take a close look at all the evidence (1/7).

Examine the corpse of the deceased woman - bruises on the neck (2/7), marks on the shoulders (3/7), the needle in the right shoulder (4/7). Pick up the ID card (5/7) from the floor, not far from Daria Mouse, closer to the exit from the location. Broken glasses are lying a little further (6/7). Also, return to the corpse and find pieces of augmentation on the wall with blood (7/7). The additional goal has been achieved.

Take the metro to Pilgrim Station.

Target. Talk to Johnny Gunn.

Go to the courtyard, go up to the second floor and enter the apartment. Chat about everything with Johnny.

Target. (Optional) Find convincing evidence.

This is an optional quest, but you can still look around Johnny Gunn's apartment. Stand with your back to the front door through which you got here. Look to the right. Do you see a white cabinet with drawers in the near corner? To her left is a square envelope. Take it away - this is a referral to a doctor.

Target. Go to Prekazhka.

Take the metro back to the Čapek Fountain station. Talk about everything with Karl Montag, the detective. Do not select the Finish option.

Target. (Optional) Travel to Monument Station.

Go to the metro and go to the Monument station. Go inside the police station indicated by the marker.

Target. (Optional) Examine Smolinski's notes.

A new task will appear. When the policeman just comes out, break into the computer on the table to get the code from the letters 0010. Enter this code on the panel at the next door. Go downstairs to the basement. Go to the back. There are several vertical locker rooms here. Open the one with the Smolinski inscription. You will need to knock down the lock. Inside the locker, you will find the case you need.

Drive back to the Czapek Fountain station.

Target. Report to Montag.

Do not hurry! Of course, you can complete the quest by accusing or acquitting Johnny Gunn, and then by saying you don't know who the killer is, or by accusing the impersonator.

But you need to interrogate another suspect - Radko Perry. You will learn about it after you talk at the crime scene with the character looking at the phone. He is signed as a "gossip". Then talk to Detective Montag again about the case, after which the goal will appear.

Target. (Optional) Talk to Radko Perry.

Go to the indicated location, you will see Radko Perry wiping his poster on the wall of the house. Talk to him.

Target. (Optional) Find convincing evidence.

Go inside the building and go downstairs. The guard will follow you. Neutralize him, search and read the information in the pocket secretary. Find out the code. Go downstairs and hack the computer. Examine letters and chat about everything with an unknown girl in the chat.

Return back to Montag and talk to him. Select the "Complete" option and acquit both suspects. The mission will end, but that's not all.

If you acquitted both suspects, then after you leave Montag, Daria will contact you. She will contact you later if something goes wrong.

Mission 13. Garm

Target. Penetrate the complex.

Go forward, break open the access panel of the first level and try to open the door. Watch the cut-scene.

After waking up, choose who you want to contact - Vega or Miller. In our case, the first option.

Target. Leave the complex.

Find the stairs on the right side. Climb it and jump along the ledges, and then enter the building. Go through the door on the left and deal with two enemies at the same time (you need a skill). Go down the stairs. You need to get to the right opposite corner. Do this using skills, and then pick the lock and go through the door. Disarm opponents in the corridor. You can jump to the right and walk past the laser beams through the ventilation on your left hand.

A blue pipe runs along the corridor. Use it to get to the next part of the complex. It is dangerous to go through the door. To get into the pipe, you need to find a door approximately in the middle. But before you get in there, find a switch on the pipe, turn off the electricity.

The electricity will not completely disappear, but you will have time to overcome the traps. Eventually, you will find yourself in a room. Close the windows by clicking on the red button. After that, leave if there is no one outside the door. Go left. Hide behind the curbstone. There is a floor hatch on the right. Wait for the enemy to turn away, then jump into the hatch.

Move along the hatch to the very end. Enter the building ahead and neutralize the enemy. Get out of the building through the side window on the right. You need to go along the object with a turret at the top, while paying attention to the camera turning in the distance. When she turns away, go around the object and climb the stairs to the top. Enter the room and immediately open the double door on the right.

Go through the other doors, go into the room opposite. Three opponents are walking around the room. Disarm them. Get into the room where the camera is installed on the outer wall. There is a computer inside. By hacking it, you can disable the camera. Call the elevator using the button opposite the camera. Take the lift higher. Chikane will contact you.

Mission 14. In Search of the Last Leads

Target. Meet Vega at the Protez Clinic.

Just leave the helipad and the building. Watch the cut-scene, at the end of which you will have a talk with Vega.

Target. Meet Miller in his office.

Talk to Miller in his office to learn more about the assignment.

Target. Enter the territory of Dvali.

First, you must reach the Red Light District by moving past the police barricades. If you are using a lethal method, make sure you have the necessary upgrades and ammunition. When you find yourself in the territory of Dvali, try to act stealthily as the area is well guarded. Move to the northern part of the courtyard to find an open window and get inside the apartment. Miller will contact you and inform you about the territorial status.

Target. Find Radic's office.

Inside the building, move forward to the marker. Walk through the theater patrolled by the Dvali guards. Your main task is to sneak into Radic's office and hack into the computer on the first floor. Prepare to resist as the guards are on high alert. If you raise the alarm, then the whole gang will be ready to destroy you. Just move through cover, neutralize opponents one by one.

Radich Nikoladze, head of the Georgian criminal organization Dvali.

Target. Find Radic's security room.

You should return back to the balcony when you deal with the enemies, and continue to move to the marked point. When you go downstairs to the northern part of the building, you will see a couple of robots. Use EMP projectiles to disarm them, and then interact with the computer to disable opponents.

Finally, you will meet Radic and Otar at the office (if they are alive). Deal with them and hack into Radic's computer to find out about the next terrorist attack. Inform Alex and Miller about everything, after which you will need to leave the building. You can act carefully, or you can leave the building straight ahead.

Target. Get to Jensen's apartment.

After leaving the Dvali area, take the metro to get to the south station of Prague, where Jensen's apartment is located. Talk to Vega and report on the next terrorist attack in London. Wait until Miller contacts you again and specifies where you should fly. Return to the street and go to Chikana. Mission completed, the next story mission begins.

Side Mission 03. Mysterious Augmentations

When you move to OG-29 to meet with Miller, David Sharif will contact you (if, of course, you have completed previous part quest).

Target. Connect with Sharif using home TV.

Go to the Czapek Fountain station. True, Jensen will not go, but will walk along the metro lines. After getting out, get to your yard, go up to the apartment and contact Sharif using the TV remote control.

Side Mission 11. The Last Harvest

When you move to the Samizdat point, Daria Myshka will contact you. This mission is the continuation and finale of the story that began in the "Reaper" mission.

Move to the Czapek Fountain station, towards Jensen's house. Daria lives on the floor below. Approach the door near which the detective is standing. Talk to him about everything, and then hack the terminal to get inside.

Target. Find evidence related to Daria.

Go to the room ahead and examine the bear rug on the floor. Examine the cat collar on the figurine located on the cabinet on the right side in the same room. Take Daria Mouse's diary from the bed. Exit the hall and go to the kitchen. Enter the back room on the left and take the accessory lying on the pedestal. In the bathroom opposite you can find injection needles.

Hack Daria's computer in the bedroom and discover that she has undergone some sort of medical procedure. You need to find Doctor Cyprus at the local pharmacy in the Dawn district

Target. (Optional) Travel to the Dawn area.

Target. (Optional) Find Doctor Cyprus.

Both tasks are about the same. Move to Pilgrim station via metro lines.

Go back.

Target. On the trail.

Go down the drain and find a brick pipe. Move through it, and then go to Daria. Interrogate her, do not get close. The battle will begin - all you need is to get close to the enemy and stun him. Mission complete..

Important objects. Samizdat submits SOS

On your return to Prague, you will learn about the alarm signal that comes from the Samizdat headquarters. Move to the indicated place at the Czapek Fountain station. Go down to the basement and find Samizdat. Talk to Line K. Agree to complete the task.

Side mission 12. "K" means everyone

Target. Go to the station "Monument".

Target. Infiltrate the station.

Go to the Monument station, enter the police station building to the north of the entrance. It is located nearby, you don't have to go far.

Target. Find a way to open the cage.

When you go down to the basement, you will see a portable cage in which journalists are imprisoned. Go to the lockers and find the terminal between them and the cage. Easy to hack - the first level of difficulty. When you unlock the terminal, just open the cell.

When you talk to Kay, you will have three options:

- Kay and Bones will put on the police uniform and go to the meeting point. This is the safest option.

“Three will go outside and wreak havoc, but then pain can be inflicted.

“You can tell them to wait here until you clear the way.

Target. Meet with Samizdat.

If you chose the first option, then you don't have to worry about men. They will reach their destination without risk. Just go there and you, and then talk to Kay. Mission complete.

Mission 15. Security at the conference

After meeting Chikane, you fly to London to meet Mr. Brown. After the cutscene, you can talk to Brown. Go to Liam Slater, Head of Tavros Security. Take the elevator down and talk to the guard. Jensen learns about the staff. Talk to Miller, learn from him about the new goal.

Nathaniel Brown.

Target. Get to Slater's office.

Hack the security room, and then deal with every enemy that stands in your way to Slater's office. He is dead, Marchenko already has his own plan. It is necessary to destroy everyone so that the guests do not die. Once inside Slater's office, activate the security system.

Note. The guards are armed, so be sure to use ventilation.

Target. Find the key card to the service area.

In accordance with Miller's words, one of Marchenko's guards carries a key card to the service area. You need to hurry there and find him before anything happens to Mr. Brown.

Find the necessary guard with a key card, neutralize him and take him away.

Target. (Optional) Neutralize the guards (0/10).

Everything is clear here.

Target. Explore the service area.

When you have your key card, go to the service area. To do this, go forward to the marker. You need to go to the restroom and find a vent that you need to use. Jump and use the ladder to get to the roof and walk to the entrance to the service area. Use the key card, deal with the enemies before exploring the location.

Enter the kitchen for the cut-scene. Miller is seriously wounded, Marchenko's guards mixed poison into the champagne of the guests (politicians). Marchenko will contact you and ask you to meet with him as soon as possible, or he will blow up the residential complex.

Now you have to make a choice - either stop Marchenko or save the politicians.

Mission 16. Stop Marchenko

Run north from the starting position and get to the exhibition area. If you have a silencer from Alison in mission 11, then you will have 10 minutes to get to Marchenko. If 10 minutes is not enough for you, you will not be able to defuse the bomb. On the way to the showroom, you will meet opponents. Deal with them or use the vent to get past.

Target. Defeat Marchenko.

After the cut-scene, the duel will begin. The square is littered with turrets, laser beams and unmanned drones. We recommend that you climb as high as possible to find cover. From here, you can easily deal with unmanned drones and turrets. Avoid mines and laser beams from above.

Note. Avoid melee battles as he has a strong mechanical arm.

Move objects, collect ammunition from different rooms. For a non-lethal outcome, you will need to shoot at Marchenko from a tranquilizer rifle.

Victor Marchenko.

Mission 17. Protecting the future

After deciding to save the politicians and Mr. Brown, head south to the restricted area. Leave the kitchen and explore the newly unlocked level. Run towards the south elevator. The time is the same - you need to do it in 10 minutes, or the politicians will get poisoned and they need additional help (antidote, if you have completed the "Robbery" mission and did not cure Miller with it).

Use the same invisibility to sneak past enemies. Destroy the turrets or guards if necessary. When you get to the stairs, hide and you can destroy enemies by throwing grenades. Reach the elevator after a serious battle and use the code 2202 to enter the VIP sector and rescue the politicians.

After that, you can try to stop Marchenko and save the innocents from the bomb explosion.

How to get a bad ending:

Try to stop Marchenko before the politicians.

Destroy it when all delegates in the VIP room are dead.

In the news, you will learn about the attack of the augmented terrorists.

How to get a good ending:

Save the delegates and Mr. Brown.

Fight Viktor Marchenko.

Use a silencer to stop the bomb.

Destroy Marchenko and everything will end well.

On the news, Eliza will say that Mr. Brown is grateful to Interpol for preventing the attack.

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Hacking is one of the key pillars of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. You have to hack a lot of computers, terminals and panels during your passage, especially if you are going through a stealthy way. Because of this, it's worth taking a little time to figure out how to hack Mankind Divided effectively.


Hot Combination / A Heated Combination

Achievement is an easter egg. The first panel opens the first door after the switch is turned on. Door code 0451.

Data Detective

Description: BREACH: Go through the Darknet file.

Data Disciple

Description: BREACH: Complete all servers in level 1.

Data Expert

Description: BREACH: Complete all servers in level 2.

Data Master

Description: BREACH: Complete all servers in level 3.

Hacking Software

The game includes various software that can be used during hacking, simplifying this process. Considering the fact that two hacks of the same level can differ significantly in the structure and strength of the nodes - nodes, the use of software will become critically important in the hacking process.

Different software has its own strengths and weaknesses but some stand out especially and are best used regularly. Stealth allows you to hijack a node without danger of detection, and with stealth you can go through firewalls without automatically activating tracking. Obviously, you should use it before activating the trace. In the end, you can always launch bombs - they have a 100% risk of being detected, but capturing nodes is much faster.

Overclocking software (overclocking) is quite rare - it accelerates the speed of hacking without increasing the risk of detection. This software should be used on especially complex networks.

The opening software is very useful. Its peculiarity is to open a better path to the registries, so that you do not need to go down two paths at once. Best used on heavy, high-end computers or terminals where you have little to try.

API and Databases

The APIs provide small bonuses to help you along the path to registries, but otherwise their help is limited. Transfer APIs are significantly more useful, as they allow you to lower the nearest nodes by two points ... if you're lucky, because they can also bring them up! The benefits of spam end the moment you realize that it is being detected 100% of the time. Other APIs only reveal hidden data stores, which makes them not very useful.

Databases, on the other hand, are much more interesting. Some will reward you with credits, which is cute. But their main value is that they make up for your software. Capturing multiple data points allows you to use viruses more often, since you just have more of it.

Attention, it is worth capturing the database in the first place only if it is on the way. Wait or move to the base until you are at the roster capture position. After that, you can attack the base - if the trace is activated, just close the registry. Please note that you do not need to capture all the bases, but when possible, they will really come in handy. Especially when breaking into high-level systems.


Strengthening the captured point plays an important role: it slows down the tracing process on the way to blocking your access to the system. However, keep in mind that it is worth strengthening the nodes only if they are in the path of the trace - you should not rush to strengthen everything. Priority on IO ports that slow down the trace - but other nodes should also be in the way.

The hardening process has the danger of being discovered, so it’s worth waiting until you get close to the ledger or encounter a strong node. Note that nodes with zero level can be fortified without danger of detection.

Electronic Lock Picks

The electronic lock pick is another extremely useful thing for the hacker Adam. One such device is assembled using 120 pieces of weapons and hacks the terminal for you, the lazy hacker does not need to do anything at all.

Unfortunately, the electronic lockpick is extremely disposable, so it's best to save it for really quick hacking of very important terminals. On the other hand, early on in the game, you can use an electronic lock pick to break into level 4-5 terminals, which are likely to have something interesting behind them.

In short, use electronic lock picks based on your situation.