The game in 1000 together the rules. Rules of the game in a thousand, recommendations. Game glasses - the value of cards

How to play a "thousand" - this question is asked by many lovers of card games. Indeed, the rules are not so simple, but the game itself requires from the participants of the mind, the skills of analysis and skills at the right moment to risk, and in unnecessary - to press the horses.

Fundamental rules

In the "thousand" play a company in 2-4 people, but the most optimal will do it in three. For the game only cards from nine to the ace, which are located for seniority - nine, currencies, lady, king, ten, ace. The main goal of the game is to gain a thousand glasses, and the one who will do it first becomes the winner.

Each "stroke" or "party" is divided into four consecutive stages - the delivery of all cards from the deck, trading with the announcement of bets, draw cards from hand and directly counting points, which in the end remained at the players in their hands.

Delivery of maps

We describe how to play a "thousand" threesome.

The first surrender determines the player chosen by the draw, in the future the pass will make a participant sitting on the left hand from the first passing, and so on. The deck is thoroughly tasuat, then the player to the left of the passing removes the upper half of the deck and puts it down.

After the rating looks, which card in the deck is located below, and if it is a nine, it shows it to everyone, and then the left player again removes the deck. If three times, when the left player took off the deck, there was a nine from below, then he was a penalty of 120 points. If the bottom turns out of the bottom, then the deck removes the manifold itself, but only once.

After these complex manipulations begins the game "Thousand", play in which everyone will be with seven cards. The remaining three cards need to be put back into the center of the table - it will be a bona.


At this stage, the participants actually begin to play "thousand". How it's done? Very simple, bidding begins. All players compete with each other for the right to put and pick up glasses from this rate. The bet is most often called "order". First order makes a serve. He makes it necessarily the size of a hundred points. Further rate makes a player sitting on the left hand. He either raises the order, or says "PAS", and misses trade in this round. Raise the rate you need at least 5 points.

If the player does not have a couple of king and ladies of one revenge (Mareja), then he cannot bargain above a hundred and twenty points. Also, the amount of points on which he trades will never be above one hundred and twenty glasses + glasses for Mariazh, or Majai.

Card glasses are considered as:

  • ace - 11 points;
  • dozen - 10 points;
  • king - 4 points;
  • lady - 3 points;
  • valts - 2 points;
  • nine - 0 points.

Glasses for Mariazhi a little more:

  • mariazh at peaks - four dozen points;
  • on Trephah - six dozen points;
  • on the bubs - eight dozen points;
  • on the Cherry - hundred points, maximum.

That is how you need to play a "thousand". As obviously, the rules are complex, but quite affordable for understanding. Players are traded until two players from three will be saved. After that, it takes all three cards from the bite, open and give the winner. This player takes two unnecessary cards and gives one to each opponent.

How to play a "thousand" card further? The defeating player announces his final bet. It is impossible to lower it, but you can increase. Even after taking the cards, the player will see that along with a bonus he cannot get the amount of points announced at the rate, the only thing that he can do is "ripping a deck". "Schedule of the deck" is happening - the participant loses the number of points that he set, and its rivals get 60 points. Cards are surrendered again, and trade is new.


If you want to play a "thousand", how to draw pranks? In fact, quite simple. The first move at this stage makes it possible. He puts any card from his hand on the table. The next clockwork player puts on top of the card to the same suit, or trump card, or any suit. It is precisely in the specified sequence. That of the three participants who put the card, the maximum for seniority, takes all the cards and in the next step of the draw in the same move goes first. Remember that the top ten is the most eldest, above it is only ace!

If the player has a Maryazh on his hands, and he took the last bribe, he could go with one of Majaja cards, ladies either a king, and make this trump card. There is no visor doom on the first move. Sometimes, when declaring Mareja, Slang is used - after the word Marezh is added:

  • "Dad", "Father" or "He", if a king is put on.
  • "Mom", "Mother" or "She", if the lady.
  • "It", if you play with a Tow Marezhn and put the Ace. Tougy Marezh means that four aces different masters Majai make up.

A total of eight draws are held.

Counting points

When all the cards are played, this procedure begins as a score. If some player for the whole draw never took a bribe, he gets a "bolt". After receiving the third "bolt" there is a fine of 120 points.

The glasses are counted simply - the sum of all cards in the hands is considered, and the king and lady of one suit are considered to be Majaja. The winner will be a player who, according to the last rounds in the amount, will pick up a thousand.

However, the instruction, how to play a "thousand" in the card, would be incomplete if we were not told about "barrel". As soon as the player picks 880 points or more, he sits on the "barrel". His points are lowered to 880, and he needs to do the following:

  • Put more than 120 points in the bet.
  • Win trade.
  • Score 120 points in the draw.

All this needs to be done in one move. The player will have three attempts, and if nothing comes out, then his glasses will fall to zero.

Maps, "Thousand": Play together

Let's look at this option. Frequently, people are wondering how to play a "thousand" together? Is it possible? Actually quite, and simple enough. At the beginning, each player receives 10 cards, and in the bonus it remains 4: two closed stacks for two cards. Then everything goes classically - first bargaining. It wins his player who will declare maximum points. This participant gets the right to open one stack lying on the table, show it to the second player and put cards to yourself. Then two any cards are put on this player on the table in a closed stack. Then finally the next stage begins - the drawing described above. If the player fails to gain those glasses that he said at the rates, he takes them away from his points if he succeeds - then he adds everything that he received. The "barrels" in the game one against one is usually not, however, it can be discussed by the participants separately - it all depends on their desires.

The game is "thousand". Play with a computer too can

In the "thousand" do not necessarily play with people. If you can not find companion, and the fun attracts you, it is quite possible to play with the computer. There are many sites for this. They offer online options on a flush, as well as various gamesthat can be installed on your computer. You can play both with virtual opponents - bots, and with friends or people from the Internet. How to play "thousand" in cards with a computer? Very convenient, because he himself will calculate the glasses. However, the computer may be a very smart opponent, so be careful.

Individual agreements

To be fascinating game "Thousand", to play it with individual agreements. These arrangements can be easily simplified and complicated. Here are examples of such rules:

If at the time when trading began, the player has already spent 120 points, he is obliged to pass.

If there is less than 5 points in the bite of cards, then the receipt of it may require it if it has been passing and put 100 automatically.

During the draw, you can declare a trump card in the first way of Majazhmy anywhere.

Rule "Golden Kona" - in the first three parties scored and unabiliated with players, glasses are multiplied by two. At the same time, in the first three parties, each of the players should take at least 120 points. If no one takes 120 points, the game begins again.

Agent Mareja. When a player has four aces in his hands, then if he puts the first to the table in the draw, then will automatically receive 200 points, and the trump card will be the Acetnia. In the following draws, he is obliged to start drawing from the ace.

The game with bed martyr - lady and currens, having the same suit, make up a mini-marketage and cost 50 percent of the value of the usual.

If the player has four nines in his hands, then laying out the first table, it receives 360 or 200 points. Also with 4 nines, the participant may at wish to decline the cards.

All these agreements are optional, and are negotiated by players in front of the party individually.

Rules of the game in 1000:

The game involves a reduced deck of 24 cards, from nine to the ace. The seniority of cards is determined by the points that the player gets for them when bribe. So, the nine does not give glasses at all, the curren stands 2 points, the lady - 3, the king - 4. Most of all there is a dozen - 10 and ace - 11 points.

Thus, the maximum amount of bribes without markets is equal to one hundred and twenty. When calcifies at the auction it is useful to know that the amount of cards of one suit is 30 points.

At the heart of each round there is a desire to open one of the markets (the king and lady of one suit), which are traditionally four. The most eldest - the worm gives 100 points, the tambourine - 80, Trephic - 60, Vini - 40. Some players use an alternative system at which the maximum is a trephic marketing, and the lowest - tube.

Each round begins with distribution, the order of distribution varies on the left hand. The manifold is obliged to give a partner to the right card each time. After the shift, he is obliged to look at the bottom of the deck, there is his last map.

If after the shift was nine, then the procedure is repeated. If the visa deck visa is "marrying", it consists in the center of the deck.

With a shift player, you can write down 120 points if 3 nines fell in a row.

Maps are distributed strictly one. The last one should always go to the distributing. With standard threesome game, the bite consists of 3 cards.

It is important that when distributing it has not been the three first or three last cards.

Also, the rules provide for several options for negative. First, if one of the players in the hands came all nine. Three nines will give the opportunity to relocate the player on the left hand from the passing. Return will happen if one of the players has less than 15 points.

Also, the requested bite may ask for reliabli if it turned out less than 5 points. It is worth emphasizing that you can always refuse to relocate on the initiative of the player's interested. Stroke Game

Before the start of trading at the three-time version, three cards should remain in the bonape, the remaining equally distributed between the players.

The player who is on the left hand from the passing automatically says "100", which means in the case of other players, he must gain this amount. Bidding go clockwise in a step of five points. The player at any time can get out of the competition, saying pass.

It is important that without markets, the trading cannot go more than 120 points, because it will be deception. Also, the player has no right to raise more than the amount of all glasses with Mariage in his hands. The bite is closed by the last person who remained at a bid.

The player noticed in dishonesty at bargains is punishable by a fine. The bunch is shown "in the open" to all players. Exception from this rule is only one thing - if the player took the card to "hundred".

After winning the council, the player who won the auction counts the amount of the points he plans to dial. He must declare how much points he will play. This amount should not be less than it was stated at the auction.

So that all players have an equal number of cards on their hands, the one who took the bite, distributes to its rivals on one map.

In case the player understands that he will not be able to gain the stated amount, then once for the game he can paint. It will not lose points, and its rivals will be accrued with 60 points. The round is considered to be played and in the event that the winning in the auction writes off.

Suppose he sees that he cannot dial the declared 120 and declares that this round will not play. It is written off 120 points, and rivals also get 60 points.

After the Round Raunt is directly starting. Players walk on the same map, takes the one whose stronger. Announcement of Mareja takes place at any time by a player who has at least one bribe. Announced glasses of Marejaja plunge, and this suit becomes a trump card.

You can beat the trump card only when there is no map of the same suit that on the table. Only a player who declared Maryazh can start starting a trump card.

After each round, glasses are calculated. Earned points - this is the sum of all cards in accordance with their face value. If managing was declared, then he plunges to the general glasses of the player.

A player who climbs a bite receives an announced amount of points. If he did not score her, she is written off from his account. The mixture is recorded by the number of points in fact. In the event that one of the players did not take a single bribe, then he "draws a bolt."

Three consecutive bolts lead to 120 glasses.

Special rules begin to be applied when someone from the players is gaining 880 points. This means that he sat on the barrel. Now he must, with all the truths and inconsistencies, to gain 120 points per round, he is given three attempts.

At the same time, he must win bidding and pick up the bite. Thus, an accident element is added. If the player is not lucky all three times, he flies on 760 points and begins to rise again.

In the event that the player rose three times and flew from the barrel, then all his glasses are reset. We'll have to climb uphill again.

It is worth noting that only one player can sit on the barrel. In the event that someone is already sitting, and 880 at the same time gains another player, the first is fined to 120.

Alternative rules 1000.

Some players are introduced by agreement an additional aceginger. If one of the hands playing four aces, then he can open them during the game and get 200 points. Opening of the aces is possible only with the presence of one bribe.

At the time of "praise", all 4 aces should be at the player in the hands.

To limit the plums of opponents, in most cases the players agree on the prohibition of trading for a person whose account is more minus 120 points. When trading it automatically leaves.

When adding the rules of the "dump truck" the player in the middle of the path to victory can wait for an unpleasant trap. If after some round it will be found that the sum of its glasses is 555, it flies on zero.

Some players love to use dark games. In this case, no later than the moment when someone watches the cards, one of the players announces that it will drop 120. In case of good luck, his glasses will double. If the hopes exceeded expectations, the player is deprived of 240 points.

It is impossible to raise higher level 120.

There is also a "Golden Kona" rule. With it, the first three rounds players are forcibly negotiated to play 120 automatically. Points double.

Thousands can be played together, then some nuances appear. First, there are two types of bake three cards. Winning in auction, only one of them takes to choose from.

In the second bite there is one any map. The second bite takes the player who managed to take the last bribe.

When playing, four will always be resting. He is recorded by the sum of the bite glasses. In the event that it lies a whole marketing, the player receives its value to his account.

Some players record the solutions of Majaja, if only one half in the bonape.

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For a bribe game 1000, an incomplete deck of 24 cards, starting with nine. The game is designed for three participants, before each of which is worth the goal to earn as much glasses as possible. The first one who scored 1000 gets all the glasses standing on the horse, the second player does not acquire anything, and the third goes in minus for the amount of "Bank" points.

Nominal cards

A player having a lady and the king of one suit, possesses marketing. A trump cards also bring glasses to player.

The cost of Majazhi

Main Mareja Cost

Rules of the game

The game starts winning a player's bid. Other players add one map on one map, the game is clockwise. The case of the maps during the course should coincide with the MASTY laid out by the first player card. If a player has no cards such a suit, he must play a trump card if there is no trump card or a player does not have a player suitable cardHe puts out any card in his choice. The player who took a bribe receives the right of the next move.

After receiving the move, the participant of the game has the ability to "take the Marezh". At the end of the horse, glasses are counted.


When a bribe, a player takes several rival cards to yourself if his card is stronger. The cost of all bribes is recorded at the expense of the player who has fallen.

  • A bribe takes the older map of the master with whom the first participant of the game came, if the visor did not participate in the game.
  • If several trump cards are among the cards, the participant who went to the oldest one receives a bribe.
  • Master's card other than the first cannot pick up a bribe (if it is not a trump card).


Each horse game begins without a trump card. The owner of Mareja has the opportunity to play it, declaring a trump cardion, which can change another player. To do this, he must "capture" a new marketage, changing the trump cardion.

Trump Marezh

The player who got a lady and the king equal suit, It is the owner of a trump market. Mariage can be obtained when distributing, the winner of the trading sometimes gets it in a bona. When demolishing maps, the winner of the trading can be the owner of the lady or the king, which will complement the map of the map in his arms.

It is profitable to possess the market, since when he announced, the participant receives glasses (equal cost), and Mariage maps become trumps.

Glasses for all Majahs, announced by the player during the Conma, are summed up with glasses obtained for bribes.

To "intercepting" marketing and declare a new trump card, another player must go to a dozen or ace of trumps, taking yourself a Majaja Dam. At the same time, the visor of the game changes to the new one.

Tow Marezh

If the owner of four aces, having received a bribe, walks ace, then it is written 200 points.


The player who did not receive a single bribe for the con, is written "bolt" (the figure is made in the column). After receiving three bolts, the participant of the game loses 120 points, after which the bolt account is reset and can be started again.


Having received the cards on the hands, the participants weigh their chances and make bets, declaring how much they plan to get for the next con. The minimum bid for the first application is 100 points. The rates are declared clockwise, each participant has the right to refuse to participate in the auction by clicking on "PAS". Saved, the player loses the right to bid during the entire Kona. The minimum trading step is 5 points, the winner of the auction goes first and must take no less for the entire con. If it does not succeed, the amount of the bet is written off his account. In case of success - adds to all accumulated points.

If, after the first bet, the bargaining does not occur, the bite remains closed and the first player receives it. The winner of the auction "orders the game," saying how much he will take points for it.

During trade, the following restrictions apply:

The number of points for the rate is summed depending on the number of markets in the hands.

How to count the glasses at the end of the horse

When counting points at the end of the horse, the rates of cards are summed up, and the whole amount is rounded to a multiple of five to a smaller side for 2 points and in large for 3.

Example: 12 points \u003d 10; 13 points \u003d 15.

However, if the winner of the trading failed to score the desired number of points, its result is not rounded into the biggest.

The total amount of points is added and the price of markets, "captured" during the game.

Rules of the game when someone "sat on the barrel"

It is believed that the player "sat on the barrel" if he earned 880 points.

To win the game, he is enough to dial 1000, so he can win without mojaja, taking off all bribes.

Such a player is given three opportunities to win. If after the cards were distributed three times, this does not happen, it loses 120 points. There can be no more than one player on the barrel, so if another participant of the game climbed it, he spokes the predecessor.


If, after the announcement of the bet, the player realized that she would not be able to score her, he had the opportunity to "paint the game". He loses his glasses, and his rivals receive half from the rates made them.

Dump truck

If a player receives 555 points or has a debt to this amount, then his account becomes zero.


Removing cards is possible at the beginning of trade on the initiative of any participant of the game. You can click on the "Remember" button if:

  • the amount of the rating card numbers is less than 13;
  • he got three nines;
  • the player has four currencies.

The winner of the auction can reckon if it turned out to be:

  • three currencies;
  • cards, the sum of the denominations of which are less than 5 points;
  • two nine.

Calculation of glasses when playing with "Golden Kon"

At the beginning of the game, you can choose the "Golden Con" option. Then at the first rates, the number of which is equal to the number of participants of the game, all players must declare a bid 120, when it comes to them.

All received and lost glasses are doubled, including those received for Marezhi, but if no one gains 120 points on their bite, the results are written off and the game begins on the usual rules.

Description gambling card game 1000 (thousand)
Card game 1000. in lately gained enormous popularity. The advantage of the card game in 1000 is that its rules are simple and easy to remember, and the game itself is very fascinating.

In the "thousand" play a deck in 24 cards. From the playing cloda, all cards are thrown in advantage below the nine, and the remaining from the ace before the nine during the calculation of points is considered as follows:
Ace \u003d 11 points.
King \u003d 4 points.
Lady \u003d 3.
Valts \u003d 2 points.
Ten \u003d 10 points.
Nine \u003d 0.

Mariazh (lady and king of one suit), if you are able to capture it (go to the king or lady), it is estimated:
Mariazh peak - 40 points.
Mareja Trefin - 60 points.
Mariazh Tuben - 80 points.
Mariazh worm - 100 points,

The whole suit in the amount gives 30 points, all cards in the amount - 120 points (the so-called "ribe"). Maximum for the game you can earn 220 points - a riser with two moays (worm and a bubnov). It is sometimes easier to consider the glasses that you give. So, for example, the last bribe is the maximum of 32 points (ace, ace, ten), in the realities - you need to look at the map you give. Sometimes in a thousand it is possible to lift the "obligatory" of 100 points with the return of nine to two dozen.

The number of 1000 players is from two to 4 people. When playing in 1000, the pumping player sits on the bite and active actions in the game does not accept. The rating can also write to its score points \u003d the amount of points in the bona. If the bonuit is Majaja (the king with a lady of one suit), then the nominal value of this "hivlyanka" is also recorded.

Purpose of card game 1000: first score a thousand glasses. Join the analyzing options of the game of a thousand, slightly differing rules and fines (so-called "agreements").

General rules of the game in 1000

Switching is determined by the lot. At the beginning of each subsequent game, the delivery passes to the one who sits on the left hand from the passing.
After thorough mixing of cards, the digit player is obliged to make the player's cards sitting on the right hand from it. Having a player has the right to watch last map In the ate (when distributing it gets to him). In case the last map is nine, then the having to have the right to ask to "forward". In the case of a threefold fallout of the nine, the shift in the player is written fine. Fine size \u003d 120 points. If the last card in the a breeze drops the currency, then the rating can put it in the middle of the deck - to shift after that it is prohibited.
Consignment with cards in this card game is carried out on one map. The first card gets the player sitting on the left hand from the passing. During the distribution, three cards are needed in a bunch. It is forbidden to lie down the first and last three cards.
If during the distribution at least one card turned out to be opened (be it for negligence or specially), then the penalty in the amount of 120 points and the cards go to the next player for re-passing.
The player sitting on the left hand from the passing always "is obliged to gain 100 points in the party (" mandatory hundred or obligatory "), if none of the opponents pouched this right.
After distributing the cards, it is recommended to build cards on masters to avoid errors in further game.

When a thousand players reviewed their cards begins for the right to pick up a bite. The trading step is strictly limited to 5 points, and no dependence on how good your cards are or bad. Bargaining starts player sitting on the right hand from passing. If the cards are bad, then he says "PAS". If the player sees that it is capable of gaining more than 100 points, then says "five", which means a statement of a game of 105 points. Further trade in a thousand occurs clockwise. It should be noted that the player once saying "PAS" no longer has the right to bargain in this draw.
The bite gets the player who suggested the highest price. Taking a bunch, the player builds his cards and gives two anyone (usually the most unnecessary) opponents.
It should be noted that it is forbidden to offer at the auction of the price over 120 points without having a moaijah (it is often called praises in the family circle).
The sum of all cards in the game (excluding the value of Marejaj) - 120 points.
The player who won bidding and taking a bite can rebuild the cost of the game, but only in the most side. This often happens when it comes in a bonape good card or Mariazh. It is important to note that the presence of Mareja in his arms does not guarantee the recording player of these glasses. In order for goggles from Mariaja, he needs to be announced. The declared marketing automatically becomes a trump card.

Trump announcement rules Simple:
You can declare Marezh (trump card) only after the player will be taken first bribe. Therefore, the first move is usually done from the ace. There are cases when a player having three moaijah in his hands, not a single point is dialing in the draw.
During the draw, the first one who took the previous bribe. It is important to remember that if the enemy caresses the move he can reload the trump card, if he also has a moaijah.

Priority of the moves of the card game 1000

The first course when playing 1000 always makes a player on the left hand from passing. After the first move players must lay the cards in the suit. In the event that such a doasta is not in your arms, then be sure to beat the goat, if such has already been announced. If the trump card has not yet been declared or on the hands of the trump card, you can put a map of any suit. A bribe takes a player who put the most senior card. Heart seniority in 1000 Next (in descending order):
After all the draws are completed and the players will not have cards, everyone considers their bribes that are recorded in the table. If Majahi was announced in one or more players, then the cost of Mareja is added to bribes. Points are recorded not only by the player who won the bargaining, and without exception.
In case the player has not fulfilled the ordered game, he is charged a penalty in the amount of the announced game.
If, for example, a player, the host game ordered a game of 170 points, and promised 220, then "surplus" in 50 points is not taken into account and the amount of 170 points is introduced into the table.
Achieving one or several players of the amount of 880 points (in some variants of the game 900) is called "barrel". When playing "on the barrel" there are some features.

The player located on the "barrel" receives a bunch without bargaining.
- The player located on the "barrel" is obliged to gain 121 points.
- The player located on the "barrel" has three attempts to play 121 points. At the same time, with two unsuccessful attempts, penalty glasses are not charged. If the third attempt did not succeed, the player flies with the "barrels" and it is written 120 penalty points, i.e. Table 880 - 120 \u003d 760 points.
When playing a thousand is found such a thing as a stick. It is written by the player if the one did not score a single point for the draw (there is a vertical feature in the table). The player is fined for 120 points for each third typed stick.
When playing 1000, two bakes are created together, 2 cards in each. The winning bargain chooses at random one of the bibs, and the second bite gets the player to pick up the last bribe in the draw.
When playing in 1000, the coming player sits on a bonape and watches the game. The rating can also write to its score points \u003d the amount of points in the bona. If the bonus is MARYAZ, then the nominal value of the pragaging of this Mareja is also recorded.

Card game Thousand - Rules

The number of players in a thousand - from 2 to 4 people. The whole meaning of a thousand card game is to try to type such a number of points through bribes, so that it exceeds 1000. Whoever reaches the total amount of glasses equal to 1000 or more, that is the winner in the game.

How can you play this game:

Card game Thousand - Rules of the game

In the game 24 cards, 4 doasta, 6 cards in suit in ascending order of seniority: nine, currencies, lady, king, ten, ace.

When counting points in bribes, rates are used: nine - 0 points, currens - 2 points, lady - 3 points, king - 4 points, dozen - 10 points, ace - 11 glasses. The sum of the denominations of all maps participating in the game 120 points. The sum of the card denominations in one suit is 30 points. For one round (con) it is possible to take from 0 to 300 points.

Nominal margins (lady and king):

  • Worm - 100 points
  • Bubnov - 80 points
  • Cross - 60 points
  • Peak - 40 points

The first distributor is determined by the lot. At the beginning of each next round, the delivery passes to the one who sits on the left hand from the passing. After mixing the cards, the giving player is obliged to give to move the cards to the player sitting on the right hand from it. The rating player has the right to see the last map in the deck (when distributing it goes to him): If this is a nine, then having to have the right to ask "to translate" (in the case of a three-time falling out of the nine, shifting the player is recorded fine 120 points); If it is a currency, then it can put it in the middle of the deck - it is prohibited after that.

Distribution is carried out on one map. The first card gets the player sitting on the left hand from the passing. During the distribution, three cards are needed in a bunch. It is forbidden to put the first and last three cards.

In case the player has 4 nines (3 nines on the "hundred") or less than 14 points, the player may ask for partners about the relocation of cards. Also, the relief occurs if there is less than 5 points in the bonape.

Trade and running game

At the beginning of the round, each player is heard of 7 cards, three cards remain in the bona. Next begin trading for the bite.
A thousand, sitting on the left hand from passing always "obliged to gain 100 points in the party (" Sitting on a hundred "), if none of the opponents pouched this right. The bite taken "on the hundred" is not shown to the other players.

The first player has the first to "sit on the hundred", clockwise. The player can either raise the bid, or say "PAS", refusing further trade. A trading step must be a multiple of 5 points. The maximum possible rate of the player may not exceed the amount of all the points of the cards (120) and all the moores on his hand. The maximum possible value of the rates of 300 points. The player who appointed the maximum rate among all participants, wins the auction (the rest said Pip), receives the right of the first turn and takes the bunch.

  • If a player at this stage sees that it cannot dial the bid specified when trading, he can paint the game, having received a fine in the amount of the bet being made during the trading; Opponents get 60 points.

After evaluating 10 cards that are at the player in the hands, the player is obliged to give each opponent to him one unnecessary map. After transferring cards to opponents, the player who ordered the game has the right to raise the bid (often it makes sense, because after a successful draw, he will only receive an ordered number of points, and not recruited) and make the first move.

Announcement of Mareja is possible only at its progress, starting from the second, i.e. Mareja can be announced, having at least one bribe on the hands. At the same time, the reaches glasses in accordance with the Nominal Majaja and establishes the visor of the appropriate suit. The first move immediately with one of the MARJAGE cards forms, but the ads of Mareja and the Trump does not occur. Announcement of Mareja also does not happen if the player threw one of the Majaja cards before the announcement.

  • The priority of the moves of vasta players: in the suit, in the trump card, any card.

After 3 players laid the cards, a bribe takes the player who posted the most elder card, and the right move passes to him. After the round there is a counting points for each player. The glasses are made up of card denominations that the player took over the round, and the denominations declared by the Majazy player. The player who ordered the game receives the amount of points equal to the amount of the order: with a plus in case of its execution, with a minus in case of challenge. Vilatables are obtained by the actual number of points. The player who did not take a single bribe, receives a "bolt"; If the player scored three bolts, then it is fine for 120 points.

When the total amount of the player's glasses reaches 880 points, the accrual of subsequent glasses stops him, the player sits on the "barrel". The player located on the "barrel" is obliged to gain more than 120 points at once to exceed 1000. There are three attempts (three rounds). You can win the game only if ordering (winning a bargaining) and ordering for the amount of more than 120 points (in some varieties of rules, it is enough to dial 120 points). If all three attempts have not achieved a goal, the player flies from the "barrels", it receives a fine of 120 points and an entry of one unsigned barrel. Three unreacted barrels reset the glasses of this player.

If another player climbs on the "barrel", then sitting on the barrel is reset from her with a fine of 120 points. If several players simultaneously fall on a barrel, then all of them roll with a fine of 120 points.

Additional options for a thousand game rules

The game may act a Tougal Marezh (4th ace), a denomination of 200 points. The rules of ordinary Mareja are applied to this market, i.e. It can not be announced in the first progress.

There are options for the game when it is stipulated by the condition of trade in negative glasses from the player. In this case, if the player scored smoke glasses less than stipulated (for example, below -120), then automatically says the PAS during trade until it gets more than this limit.

When any player is reached after the next round of 555 points, his glasses are reset.

At the stage of trading, you can place the order in the square, without looking into your cards. The winning trade in the dark does not show a bonus partners. The result of this delivery is doubled.

The first three rounds of players must forcibly to make an order 120. At the same time, the entire account of these parties is multiplied by two, similar to the game in the dark.

Thousand together

When playing a thousand together two types of bake are created. The winning bargain chooses at random one of the bibs, and the second bite gets the player to pick up the last bribe in the draw.

The second feature of thousands on three is one of the discounted cards are coming In the remaining bunch.

Thousands four

When playing in the four-time, the gaming player sits on a bonape and watches the game. In the total Round invoice, he records points for its account, equal to the amount of points in the bona (if there is a marketing. It also records its nominal value).