Programs for poker. Poker software. Overview of prohibited poker programs. Prohibited Poker Auxiliary Programs

There are many types of auxiliary poker Soft. However, some programs cannot be used when the poker client is running. Installing others is prohibited by poker rooms at all. Prohibited poker programs can cause account lock! At the same time, the money won can remain on the account in the poker room, and they can not be outlined.

Online rooms do not welcome the use of programs that give a player advantage over rivals - perform a number of functions that allow it to play more effectively. True, Poker Ruma does not completely prohibit the poker software, but introduced restrictions on its use. At the same time, each room has its own rules regarding supporting applications. When choosing a program, you should specify regarding each online room the possibility of using it to avoid blocking.

Prohibited Poker Programs for Functionality

In all poker rooms, the user agreement describes what programs can be used, and which are not. Most rooms except PokerStars do not provide an accurate list of applications. However, the rules indicate the general criteria for which the player must determine - can be used or not. If the poker is difficult to do this or doubt his conclusions, he can clarify the opinion of poker room for each specific application through technical support. You risk being blocked in most poker rooms if you use the following programs:

  • Poker calculators And analyzers that show your chances of distribution for specific cards, including manual data entry. Some applications from this category are allowed to use - with simpler functions. For example, auxiliary software for newcomers to help determine the type of combination, but not the likelihood of its winning;
  • Applications giving recommendations for the adoption of game solutions . Here you can select two types of applications. The first is the prohibited poker programs that recommend specific game solutions to the player, for example, you need to make a fitch or increase. The second - provide a player a number of indicators, on the basis of which it can make a right decision, but these indicators are required from it to be analyzed (some are permitted);
  • Opponent data analyzers - Collect statistics on opponents, analyze them, and provide the player this information in the form of various coefficients. Customized bases can also be used, including data from games in which the poker is not involved. Even the program does not analyze the data, but collects them - it is also prohibited. Applications that collect statistics on the player himself are allowed, as it is needed by a poker in order to analyze his game;
  • Bots - replace in a fully or partially player at the table, thanks to the ability to make gaming solutions for it, choose tables, register, etc.;
  • Automatic table selection - It is prohibited regarding those applications that choose tables on rivals, for example, tracked "fish". However, the player can use the software that finds tables by type of discipline, limit, format of the game, the average can, etc. This software simply simplifies the use of a poker client, but does not provide advantage of the player.
  • Analysis and calculation of ISM - determines the value of chips in the tournament in real time or with manually entering data by the player;
  • Programs, allowing two players will automatically share information about pocket maps . For example, two poker players playing at one table from different cities, automatically or using a simple tool receive information about maps of each other. Such a program can be attributed to Skype, allowing to see the desktops of the interlocutors, but this Poker Rooma application cannot be banned, in view of its popularity and other main purpose.

These criteria are relative! Forbidden software for poker in the same room can be successfully used in another. So, Hold'em manager and poker tracker 4 theoretically fall under the ban in most online rooms. However, almost all popular poker rooms are allowed to use this software. Poker Stars leads full listwhich marked prohibited poker programs:

rules 888Poker Simply describe the criteria of applications that cannot be used:

Also PokerMatch :

Some applications cannot be used while the poker client is running, even if you do not use them for calculations. Due to the fact that the prohibited program works with the poker application, you can earn a warning or account blocking. For example, poker client PokerStars. instantly detects open on a computer calculator PokerStove - a letter from the security service comes within a few minutes by mail, specified during registration - if it does not answer on time, you can lose the game profile and money forever:

Use auxiliary software - recommended! It can serve for training, analyzing his own game, setting up a poker client, obtaining statistical data or pursuit of the lane rivals behind the tables. However, find out the position of the poker room in relation to each application. Forbidden software for poker may not help you, but harvest, cause the loss of game account and poker capital.

With the development of industry online poker There was a great demand for the auxiliary software of the widest destination. This led to the fact that more experienced and enterprising players received a huge advantage Over less experienced and informed in terms of similar development rivals. Many experts adhere to the opinions that the use of various poker calculators, analyzers and poker bots simply kills the spirit of competition and the very essence of the game.

In the last, many poker Ruma took into account the malicious action of the software of this kind, so in almost every room there is a list of specific programs prohibited for use simultaneously with the poker client, or listed categories of software, subject to prohibition without specification..

For violation of the user's rules, there are sanctions of varying degrees of rigor: from warning to a ban and life imprisonment to continue the game in the online room.

What programs come under the ban

In a User Agreement, which is obliged to take each penist when registering registration, there is an item relating to the use of auxiliary software. At this point should pay attention to avoid troubles. In the event of a doubt, the most correct decision will appeal to the question of a specific tool in the Sapporto Division Poker Room. To the prohibition of most online rooms include the following categories of auxiliary instruments:

Poker calculators. Immediately it should be noted that not all calculators are prohibited programs for adoption. The simplest on functionality intended for beginner players is allowed. However, the developments that determine the likelihood of obtaining the winnings and give specific recommendations for playing a game in one way or another are prohibited. One of these tools is Advanced Poker Calculator. Despite the rather modest name, the program is inherently an advanced robot, with the help of which the user significantly increases its chances of a successful game.

Information Exchange Tools. They are all well-known Skype, TeamViewer, ICQ and others. To trace their use in order to collusion between players poker room can not. Security Service Bases its Suspicions on Analysis game sessions customers, detecting suspicious actions.

Software for calculation iS.M.. Such programs determine the value of chips at any stage of the tournament in the current time mode, thereby give an advantage to one participants over others.

Statistical analyzers for players. Poker Romans have nothing against that their customers collect and analyze information on rivals, with whom they directly play or played at one table, but the collection of information on strangers is not welcomed. CARDANALYZER and POKEREDGE are used to draw up profiles of pixer not only for their own use, but also sales of the received statistics.

Poker bots. These tools can partially or completely replace the player in the distribution. They are often used during a multi-sided game. They are able to analyze the situation and style of the opponents' game, choosing the most suitable action, and even create new accounts. Forbidden programs for poker of this type are sufficient distributed and presented to a wide list of development: ICM-Bot, Advanced Poker Bot, WinHoldem and others.

Table selection programs. Users are allowed to apply tools that search for a suitable table according to the specified parameters. However, under the ban falls a software that makes the desk in opponents. Some players purposefully search for tables, followed by weak players. Such actions are not welcomed by poker rooms.


Using prohibited poker programs, the player can benefit one or a couple of times, but it should be remembered by applying such tools that for poker rooms, the issue of identification of violators is of fundamental importance. Therefore, sooner or later, unlawful actions will be seen and stopped throughout the rigor.

Computer technologies allowed to transfer many Internet classes. Without getting up because of the table, you can "visit" almost anywhere. Not bypassed this innovation and poker. Previously, to spend the game, the players needed to look for a "free zone" and sometimes getting very far away. Now the poker fan can play without leaving home In comfortable conditions for him and time.

But together with the transition to the Internet space, the poker acquired and the software whose task is to simplify the game. The progress of software was not stood and not standing in place, and for this reason, this or that program enters the black list. Fully prohibit the use of auxiliary prog would be unwise - they make the game process as convenient that poker becomes attractive for even more people. At the same time, allowing absolutely everything would be no less destructive. Instead of its level of game and analytical abilities, players would start measuring the circle of programs in their arsenal.

It happens that the newcomer, who just came to this or that room, wants to quickly get sick and enhance his WINRIT. But, alas, it does not have sufficient knowledge and experience for this. The simplest solution that can come to the newcomer to the mind is use special programs Do all for him. However, soon after the arms, he is most and most useful, in his opinion, the progs, he receives a yellow card, and then receives a ban. Although at the same time, his opponents can use the same programs or their analogues. Why is this happening, what poker programs are prohibited, And what functions of permitted programs can be bothering?

What types of programs come under the ban

Now there are many programs that greatly simplify the game. Allow you to collect the statistics of the hands played, analyze and search for errors, identify your weak and strengths, Take notes about opponents. Of course, it allows you to improve your skills, take into account the features of the game of this or that opponent, especially in tournament competitions. However, with all the convenience in the use of additional software a lot of pitfalls. Let's figure out which forbid poker programs can get caught in the displacement of the network.


Under the prohibition of programs that give the player to the prompt about choosing one or another move. These are the so-called calculators and analyzers. Despite the fact that most of them are still given green light for use, some of them can give a player specific prompts How best to enroll in a particular situation. It is such programs that some rumas prohibit use.

This also includes calculators of the probability of loss of a particular card, the range of opponent cards and calculations of the chances of winning. However, not all calculators fall under the ban. Some of their functions are still allowed for use (for example, determining the type of combination dropped).

Examples: Poker Calculator Pro, Online Holdem Inspector, Poker Hound, Sngegt, Sss Calculator.

Analyzers of opponents

The use of software for analyzing information about opponents can also be punishable. We are talking about ready-made databases about players, and not about independently collected indicators and their use in your own game. Especially risky to use the software that, on the basis of the data of the opponent, will give specific advice on how to behave, and what tactics to choose.

With caution, it is worth even just watching someone's game in Poker clients if you use such a software, as it may be regarded by Rum as a violation.

Examples: Spadeeye, Poker Crusher, Handhq, Poker User, Table Finder, Poker Edge, Intleminer, Lobby Edge.

Scanners Tables

Some Ruma prohibit the use of software that scanned and pick out suitable tables for the player. The program analyzes the level of the game of the gathered players and thereby helps the user to pick up the table beyond which chances to win significantly increase.

However, this is a controversial question, whether this type is prohibited or not, since many programs have the function of the table selection not only in the number of "fish", but also on the style of the game, the bank, limits and other parameters that it can be installed manually. There are Ruma, who have found a solution to this problem automatic distribution of players in the tables, instead of manual choice.

Means of communication

The same controversial question and programs allowing players to carry out correspondence, broadcast, communicate by voice. These are not special poker programs, but ordinary messengers - Skype, ICQ, TeamViewer And they are similar.

Why is that? There are often cases when the players who gathered at the table are notifying each other about his set of cards, they are advised of what time it is better to do and in general is not honest, already command game. The system used in the rooms determines the use of software for communication on the obviously illogical moves of players, Nevertheless, lead to a winning result.


Completes the list, perhaps, unconditionally prohibited in all Rums, the Soft - bots. The most "smart" forbidden programs for poker, which are capable not only to analyze the situation on the table and make decisions, but also lead the game instead of the player. Including on multiple tables at once. The presence of the "host" for the bot is not even necessarily. Software works from your user account and is able to even create new accounts.

Examples of the most common bots: Advanced Poker Calculator, Poker Android, Openholdem, WinHoldem, ICM-Bot.

What are the penalties of Ruma

Each Room has a list of rules containing a list of prohibited poker programs by names, or by the functions that they perform. Perhaps such that some kind of prog does not fall into the list of name, but there are some of its possibilities in the list of prohibited. Then using software will be at your own risk, But the best solution will appeal with this question for the technical support of Room.

Of course, no room will no attention to the use of software from "Black List"But what exactly can be confident, so this is that the punishment will not make himself wait.

The severity of the punishment will depend on which programs are used, and how often the player has been exploring the use of forbidden software.

If a player is suspected of using fraudulent software, Rum will first make a warning (if this software was the analyzer, calculator or scanner), in which he will notify his suspicion about player activity And about your reinforced attention to it.

If the situation after the warning is repeated (and repeatedly), then the account will follow the confiscation of listed accounting funds and, perhaps, even a lifetime ban on registration on the site. The most severe, of course, is punishment for botreat. In the case of bots, Rum can send a player in the ban without the "last Chinese".


As you can see, a universal list of programs that will be unambiguously prohibited in all rooms, it is impossible to draw up. You can guarantee except that the bots will definitely be in them. All other names and functions of individual programs each room will define separately.

Before purchasing or downloading some kind of software or an addition to it, be sure check out the rules of all the rules of interest.In order not to spend on the forbidden software for poker. In the worst case, you just climb the road there.

Most specialists, discussing the advantages of the iPhone, remember the main plus system - optimization. That is, any application installed from the store App Store. Guaranteed to work without lags and other jambs. But is it? Today, consider the top 10 forbidden in the App Store applications.

Apps from the App Store brand store are already proven and 100% are ideal for iphone. Such a policy often plays an evil joke with iPhone users - you buy a favorite application in the online store, and after some time we discover that it fell under the ban. About such applications today and will be discussed.

Top 10 forbidden in App Store Apps

I M Rich

The IM RICH app was different from all the rest of the fact that it did not have absolutely no content, but its cost was $ 999 ... Before the aple deleted it without any explanation, this application managed to download 8 users, thinking that you pay only 99 cents. Such programs as I M Rich can only expect anything else.

Video Strip Poker.

Did not go around the developers of applications and such folk funas a game of stripping cards. The essence of the game video Strip Poker ( Video Strip Poker.) - After each successful stroke, beauty on the screen was deprived of the next part of his outfit. The game existed quite a long time, until the epipals are gathered to clean the App Store from erotic content.

Steve Jobs himself, with a famous timing of trolling, commented on the removal of Video Strip Poker so:

"We are confident that not to let pornography on the iPhone - our moral debt. Those who need pornography, let them buy android. "

Find out what programs for smartphones are included with.

Girls Around Me.

Under the scope of liquidators and the Russian application Girls Around Me.With which you could see all the girls nearby for your iPhone. The application scanned social networks And the photo and other available personal data of representatives of the beautiful part of mankind appeared on the smartphone screen.

It would seem that the application as an application, but it was worth the journalists to name the Girls Around ME app for maniacs, the APP Store moderators immediately got rid of the program creating a negative PR for the company.


Quite often, the prohibition comes from programs violating Apple technical policy. So under the knife iDOS applicationwhich allowed to run on the iPhone computer games 90s.

It turns out the emulator of old platforms did not pass censorship due to the fact that he violated the rule prohibiting code execution officially not approved by the Company. Thus, lovers of the old good doom remained at the broken trough.

VLC Media Player.

Popular and practical omnivorous VLC Media Player. Fal victim of the evil co-author of the developer, despite the fact that the player is distributed on the open source network. The fact is that one of the Points of the App Store policy is absolute compliance with copyright.

According to the author, who filed a complaint, the application store violated the license requirement without asking permission to use the program from him, like the co-author. The company responded on the complaint the most correct way - removed the player from the store.

Auxiliary programs

Even iOS is not as absolutely as I would like to users. Because of this, the program's demand simplifying access to those or other menu items. But often these "simplifier programs" also fall under the ban of the App Store due to numerous limitations.

In particular, the ban on the use of non-documented programming interfaces solved the fate of the application that allowed to include and disable bluetooth with one touch of a button. True a little later, Apple themselves added such a function in ARS.

Phone Story.

Most of you know what is manufactured at the factories in China, but few know about the hard, practically the slave position of workers at Apple plants.

Open eyes to the state of affairs decided a group of activists by creating the game Phone Story.In which it is necessary to force the African miners to miner minerals for the production of iPhone, and then catch Chinese telephone collectors who jump from the roof of the assembly shop trying to commit suicide. It is not clear why, but this game did not inspire the APP Store moderators and was ruthlessly eliminated.

Continuing a speech about censorship in the application store should be remembered, which allowed users to receive messages about each battle operation of American drones in the Middle East.

Although, perhaps this application was removed at the request of the Pentagon.

Obama Trampoline.

In this case, the application application Obama Trampoline. It was probably excluded from the store at the request of the White House. Although there is no, if you carefully re-read the rules of the application store, then there you can find a item that prohibits mocking celebrities.

Most likely, the developers of the Apple censorship department decided that caricatures on American battle politicians on a trampoline and knocking balls with their heads not covered mockery of live politicians. Because of this, a ban on adaptation for the company's devices was imposed.

Baby Shaker.

Probably the most understandable and reasonable solution - the removal of the program Baby Shaker.. It is difficult to imagine that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a program could generally come to anyone, nevertheless, it was created.

The application launched a baby on the screen and, if you shake the phone well - the child died. The paradox is that this game was originally approved and included in the App Store store, and only after some time, the Eiplovers had a certain ability to remove this abomination.

With the help of auxiliary poker software, the player can increase the performance of the game and facilitate the task of mathematical computing. Today, programs are able to analyze distribution and identify errors, keep notes on opponents, give advice on optimal travel and much more. Obviously, the demand for such a product is very high. However, it is worth understanding that not every development is encouraged by Rumami, a row is strictly prohibited for use, for this you can get ban and lose money on the account without the right of their conclusion.

It is necessary to make a reservation that the poker programs prohibited in one institution can be welcomed in the other, and vice versa. For information, it is better to apply to the technical support of rooms. There is also a software that cannot be integrated into any room, we will consider them in more detail.

Prohibited Poker Programs

The following programs are prohibited in the overwhelming majority of institutions.

  1. Software for sharing information. These programs allow you to rewrite players during the competition. That is, they can exchange information about maps and enter the collusion. Obviously, this is strictly prohibited.
  2. Calculators. They know how to calculate the fallout of a certain combination, the chances of the bank, the Equity and many other probabilities. So, the player will be able to correctly analyze the distribution and build a profitable game based on mathematics. Only some establishments are allowed such a software, and that with limited functionality, for example, only to identify a potential combination.
  3. Programs for countingISM. They know how to identify the value of chips at each stage of the tournament. And this puts not in equal terms of players, so it is prohibited in all rooms without exception.
  4. Counterfeit programs. Such software analyzes many indicators in the game and based on them gives advice on the next move, which will be the most optimal in the current situation. Strikes are prohibited, the exception is made only for those who simply displays statistical indicators, the player will have to make a decision independently.
  5. Table scanners. These programs in real time scanning thousands of tables simultaneously in several rubles. Their goal is to find "Fish" and specify the user to them. As a result, experienced pokerers are easily played by weak opponents and replenish the bill.
  6. Bots. Special softwarethat imitate a living player. They play him and can even register. Launcing robots in several establishments, the player can well replenish a bankroll, as it easily easily replacing inexperienced peckers.
  7. Entricious Information Collector. These programs collect information about all opponents, they reveal their weak and strengths, save information about each in the database. Ruma does not approve the use of such software. Only in some it is allowed to use such programs, and then it is possible to keep statistics only about yourself.

These are only the main programs that are one hundred percent forbidden in establishments. Software permission depends on the policy of Room, in some it is impossible to use any kind of auxiliary instruments of any kind.

Examples of prohibitions in some rooms

This is what the list of prohibited programs looks like in the largest PokerStars planet room.

But not all Ruma exhibit specific lists about the prohibited software, they only ask to look at the general formulations presented in the rules of use. That's how it looks at 888Poker.

In PokerMatch, the following rules say the following.

Before risking to use forbidden programs, you need to know what the rumas are punishable in the most severe way. The client will fall under the ban and, most likely, his account will freeze, depriving all the money.