Secret game poker. Secrets of poker. Subtleties and secrets online games

Secrets cease to be secrets if they are known more than one person. At the same time, they remain so for people who are not known about them. In the article we will tell you about all the poker secrets known to us, which can be successfully used at the tables.

Secret of poker number 1 - awareness of itself and reality

It is important to know where you are, what and what you do. In life, success is achieved only well aware of the reality of people. This is manifested in:

  • strict compliance with the strategy game at the table;
  • ability to comply with bankroll management;
  • preserving resistance to "black stripes";
  • the ability is not to fall into the tilt.

Play only when you have confidence that you are in great shape, and do a pause when it is not. In any case, you should like what you are doing.

Secret poker number 2 - luck usually accompanies losers

Fortune factor has weighing only in a certain distribution, everything is determined by the skill. Therefore, you need to leave good luck to losers. No matter how strange it sounds, but in poker it really is. It is important that your actions relieved on mathematics so that they carry a positive mathematical expectation for you, and the opponent is the opponent. Thus, if you throw a coin, it is desirable to put one bill against 1.5 opponent. In reality it will not work, however, this is real in poker. Just someone assesses its capabilities in the distribution better.

Secret poker number 3 - work as a basis for success

Poker is not a fairy tale, so there will be no money without actions. Labor B. poker game - It is both practice, and theory. The easier you are given the first, the less you need in the second. In addition, it is difficult to find high-quality training materials - they quickly become obsolete, successful players store secrets, and unfortunately try to make money on students. All distributions should be analyzed, follow the game of other users, and understanding will come guaranteed. The main idea is to understand when you bet, and when to discard, use poker techniques and realize what is an opponent.

Secret poker number 4 - Leaning attitude

Winning can occur on the money that you mistakenly put in a losing situation. In fact, each player sets itself the main task consisting in saving funds, which means that you should not join the game with something. The second challenge is to make the enemy give his blood. This desire implies that you should bet with a certain degree of risk, and your goal is to minimize the risk and in order to act "for sure."

Secret poker number 5 - do not provide them with information

You can not spend time talking in the chat of the poker program and are generally distracted from gameplay. In any case, as long as your actions are unmistakable. It is unacceptable to demonstrate the opponents of the card when you can not do this. You have to open only in case of winning when someone drops, that is, it is necessary that the maps remain incognito.

Secret poker number 6 - use programs

Programs for collecting statistical information and output to the display, such as Holdem Manager and Poker Tracker, help players in understanding the game, in making decisions and gaining winnings. In particular, they allow you to learn about the activity of users, and on it can already be judged with what cards they play.

Secret of poker number 7 - in competitions to play more profitable

The bottom line is that the room charges the Commission, and if during the cache game it goes from all the hand, then in case of participation in the competition - only once during the payment of the starting fee. In particular, the tournament for $ 11 has a formula of 10 + 1 dollars, which means that ten dollars goes to prize FoundationAnd one dollar is a fee of the organizers. As a result, you can almost free to play for hours. It happens that player contributions do not cover a guaranteed prize fund, and it may happen that for participation in the room users pays poker room itself. For a slight understanding of the said, you need to remember freerolls, when there are no contributions at all, and there is a prize fund, and each poker player plays for free. It is also necessary to consider that in competitions with a large number of players, many of them will always represent a detachment detachment, and if you decide to sit down for the standard money table, there will be the opposite situation.

Secret poker number 8 - Poker is a lot of games

In fact, the poker is not one game, but almost dozens, which, possessing common principles, still have significant differences. It is important to get acquainted with them gradually, which may help you find exactly the one that more likes and is suitable for you, or it will help to better develop your understanding.

A few words in conclusion

You must produce your own style, game strategy, find suitable game And do not forget that lucky players possess their personal secrets that they do not disclose any condition. Poker secrets help beginners to become successful and experienced poker guru.

Players who still do not know how to play on the strategy, I would like to know the secrets of Poker Hold'em, who would help them win money. Indeed, there are some secrets that begin to know to play successfully. Of course, each of them is one of the complex aspects of the game strategy, which needs to be thoroughly learned to apply in practice. Consider some secrets of the game in Poker Texas Hold'em, which many newbies will open their eyes to something, without which it is impossible to play with a stable profit.

You can determine the likelihood of your winnings in each situation.

Many saw movies where the heroes calculated the cards in the blackjack game and won huge amounts in casinos. It would seem that these are simply films, but in reality there is such a blackjack game strategy that allows you to play profitably. It is not based on chairs, but on the use of the theory of probability. So here this theory also applies to Texas Hold'em ! It can be used to increase profits from the game!

The player initially knows how many cards in the deck of each nominal and suit, as well as the total number of cards. In the process of the game, it becomes known as part of the cards - his pocket and common from the board. Using this information, the poker can calculate - how many cards are left in the deck (auto), which allow you to make a winning combination. Knowing the number of auto and the total number of remaining cards in the deck can be calculated the likelihood of whether this map or not. Knowing a percentage indicator of the probability of a winning hand, a player can make a decision - whether to invest in the bank to see the next card or the solution will be risky and unprofitable.

Learn to count the outages and probabilities, and you can stay in the hand when it is profitable and discarding cards if the situation is not in your favor. You can play profitably, learning also the rest of the secrets of Poker Texas Hold'em!

Long-term perspective

The secrets of Texas Hold'em are closely related to the blackjack strategy, which was mentioned above. Regarding Blackjek - the player can not know exactly what kind of brief card will open next. After all, the probability is never equal to 100%. Therefore, some distributions he loses. Despite this, waking up a large number of distributions, the player comes out due to the table in the plus - with winning.

The fact is that the theory of probability allows the player to increase the number of distributions that he wins. For example, it loses 40% of the distribution, but wins 60%. It turns out that he managed to play all the losses and make a profit. But for this you need to make a large number of rates. Consider its strategy for example:

Player played 10 hand and won only 3 of them, he ended in his chips and he left the game in the minus. Another player who has a bigger stock of chips, played 10 rates and won only 3 of them, continued to play and implemented its mathematical expectation. By increasing the number of distributions, it reduced the dispersion - compared the percentage of winnings, calculated on the theory of probability with real. The more he will play distributions, the more the result will coincide with the calculations.

A similar rule applies to Hold'em! The secrets of Texas Hold'em are that need to play more and more to make a profit . For example, you can enter the auction in the distribution, having a high probability that falls out needed Map.. But in a specific distribution, the card may not come. But it is not worth considering the loss, because when playing in the same way in hundreds of such distributions, you will receive your percentage of the likelihood that will bring profit. The overall result for all distributions will be positive!

Do not wait for poker that you will win in all distribution. Unfortunately, the secrets of poker Hold'em do not allow. However, if you learn to implement a mathematical expectation, you will make a profit in the long run!

Sufficient investment

Let's remember the player in Blackjack, who could not realize the mathematical expectation, since he did not have enough chips. He went bankrupt and therefore did not receive the expected profit, since he had nothing to play next. It turns out that the secrets of Texas Holdham affect not only the likelihood and long-term perspective, but also poker accounting!

Those money that you invest in the game should be considered as an investment. . In order for them to work, you have to have sufficient stock. By analogy with the blackjack player, you must calculate that your poker capital is not enough for 10 handpackers, and for example - for three hundred.

It is important that your poker capital will end before you can realize your mathematical expectation! Examine bankroll management to learn how to manage your poker capital competently, as well as pick up the tables for the size of bets.

Choosing tables

No matter how well you played poker, a rival can be found, which will be stronger than you. Moreover, several strong rivals may be at one table. If you immediately did not understand this and did not have time to leave, the game may be unprofitable for you. Incorrect table selection can pour into large losses! For example, all in one hand you can lose the entire stack.

Do not be lazy or regret the time to choose the table. Some pros even use a paid software that allows you to select optimal tables for the game. However, the selection of the table can be made without auxiliary programs, through observations of the game of those who are already playing. Choosing the best tables allow and notes about players that need to be constantly (popular poker rooms are allowed - there is a special functionality). Thanks to him, you will immediately see that at the table there is a strong opponent or a lousy player whose money can be easily pick up!


Poker Ruma allow not only to play poker, but also to get different bonuses. Of course, these promotion players receive not from the pocket of the Poker Room owners, but from their own. We are talking about a loyalty program that allows you to rise by VIP-levels and return part of the rack - the institution commissions. It turns out that a small part of your winning constantly goes into the Poker Room income, but with thousands of playful banks, this amount may be impressive. So, you can return it part in the form of bonuses that are paid to players. The more your VIP-level, the more commission you return.

Reykbeck - Commission Return, also constitutes a part of the player's profits. Counting your profits, also take into account the money you can return as bonuses. Perhaps you played the session in the minus, but still remained in the plus, thanks to the bonus points.


If you want to receive money, playing in poker room, you will need not just get to know the secrets of the game in Poker Texas Hold'em, but also learn to use them in practice. Starting their study, you will learn many other secrets, whose knowledge will help you more often make faithful solutions in the game that will make a profit. Do not regret learning time - read the theory, listen to audiobooks, see the training video, train at low rates and with the help of special programs!

It is possible that the secrets of Texas Hold'em were not impressed with you, as they require the study and use of complex tools - psychology, mathematics, the use of which is conjugate again with long-term theoretical learning. However, you will not be able to succeed in the game if you rely only for practice and good luck.

Online poker got in lately Very widespread. Millions of people around the world play poker daily. But according to statistics, only five percent of them wins, the rest are played in minus. What is sixet. successful game in online poker ? Why only a few earn poker while everyone else pay for their hobby? In our opinion, secrets of poker They are to combine certain personal qualities of a person and its approach to the game, the expected result. The most important components of success are knowledge, distances, concentration and purposefulness. The secret is that only the combination of all these qualities will allow you to win poker. But let's consider all the small secrets of poker in order.


As in any case, in poker for a successful game you need to have a certain set of knowledge. Those who do not want or cannot learn, inevitably lose. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that some of your time you have to spend "above textbooks" - reading articles on the strategy of poker, studying the secrets of skill, discussing controversial situations with colleagues in various forums and so on. Do not think that the improvement of your game is new to the newcomers. It's not like that at all. Everything professional players In online poker, a large amount of time is given to the analysis of your game. This is the first secret of poker: always learn, do not stop there, always strive for an ideal game.


Continues our heading "Secrets of Poker Games" section Distance. Do not be surprised, but very many players expect from poker instant returns. Unfortunately, this does not happen. Playing only a couple of hands and putting everything on a con kinder, as they usually show in feature films, you will not win anything, except a penny, which will definitely lose a few hands. Professionals know that the secret of playing poker Hold'em lies in mathematically right game On a long distance, for thousands of hands. The whole secret is to play every hand with a positive waiting for winning. Even if it seems to you that the victory is impossible, and probability theory gives you 52% for success, you need to continue drawing hands. Then, however, having played ten thousand hands. You will receive a net income of 4% * 10000 * x, where X is the average income from the won. Let on average for the victory in the draw you get $ 5 income. According to the above formula, $ 2,000 pure profits are obtained. This is one of the main secrets of poker: less drama, pragmatic science. No need to put everything on the card and rely in case. It will correctly play mathematically and guaranteed to take your money on a long distance.

Concentration and discipline

As you understand, everything described above is not so easy to perform. Sometimes I want to make a beautiful gesture, put more or try to try. Therefore, in the third place of our list of secrets of the poker game, we set concentration and discipline. Playing with the calculation to win, you need every hand playing in the right way. If you made a mistake or decided to try happiness, it is minus to your future state. Even if in a happy chance this time you will be lucky, the next time the random will take much more than gave. The secret of Poker is that the game is most profitable when all your decisions are made in a plus probability of winning. All professional players seek to this. Therefore, when playing poker cannot be lost concentration. It is necessary to constantly monitor itself, their feelings, emotional and physical condition and noted everything that can lead to an error. Remember, you play for money, and every error is your loss.


Undoubtedly, to implement everything described above is possible only if there is an appropriate goal. Think what you want to achieve playing and winning poker. Put yourself a tempting goal that will give you strength and patience, which will help not lose concentrations and always play right. Perhaps this is the main secret of the game poker - purposefulness that allows you to win. Someone seeks a new car of a prestigious model, someone considers Thailand to be a good place for the construction of cottage. The choice is yours. Find your motorbish, your own little secretAnd move to the goal.

Many pokerists wondered: how to start winning poker? After all, according to statistics, only 5-10% of poker players play in a plus on a long distant. It means to make money on poker you need to be able to play better than 90% of players. Given such tough conditions, it is clear that daily practice is needed to achieve the desired result. But for effective practice, it is necessary to have the right direction vector. This article describes the secrets of online poker games that will ensure success.

Secrets games online poker for practice game

The famous poker player and the author of numerous books on poker theory, David Slans, at one time brought the randation of the question earlier. He conducted a hypothetical experiment in which two players play against each other in the open.

Knowing the cards of your opponent, each of the players can accurately calculate all probability outcomes of the draw and take the most optimal solution. In the long run, you will make a profit from the opponent only if it does not take the same decision in the game, whatever he accepts if you knew your cards.

Accepting, not the most optimal solution, he makes a mistake due to which the money loses. The same applies to your opponent's profit. From this we can conclude that profit poker player Consists of mistakes made by his opponent during the game.

It does not matter which cards you received on your hands or against whom lead the game, even no matter what limits there is a game, the formula for success will always be this: to make as many mistakes as possible and make money as much as possible on the mistakes of opponents. This principle is a fundamental poker theorem that needs to be used throughout his career.

The rule sounds simply, but the question arises immediately: how to use it in practice? Of course, not enough practice will be required to recognize their mistakes and mistakes of their opponents, but most of the players repeat the same incorrect solutions:

Error №1: Draw a too large number of starting hands. As you know, very little good starting hands. Accordingly, they will not be so often. If your opponent play hands too often, then they make a mistake.

Error number 2: Players act too passively. That is, it is included in the distribution of the subject or constantly call the BET or raise.

Error №3: Do not reset your pocket cards, even if they have lost their value in the distribution. For example, if you received in the hands of ♦ A, and on the flop there are 5 ♠ 6 ♠ K ♠. The value of the aces on the preflop and the flop in this case is significantly different. Because the opponent can easily find a flash and you will be far behind with your overparo.

Error №4: newcomers are very often bluffing, without knowing how to choose the right situation.

Error number 5: neglect by its position at the table. Position One of the main elements when choosing tactics, and it also affects the strength of the hand. Thus, K ♣ Q in the UTG is considered a garbage hand, but the same maps with the war of the blinds are considered valuable and reset it on the preflop will be incorrectly.

Error №6: inept management by its bankroll. Very often, inexperienced players underestimate the value of bankroll management and play immediately to all their money that is in the account. At the same time, players understand that they risk losing all their money right away. This presses psychologically and negatively affects decision-making.

In order to use these errors in their favor, you need to be simple, to act absolutely opposite:

  1. Pick up started hands To participate in the draw.
  2. Play aggressively. If you think that the game should be continued, then you need to play raise, and not call.
  3. If the hand is depreciated, then it needs to be discarded, no matter how beautiful it looks.
  4. Bluffing is rare, while studying suitable moments for bluff.
  5. Plan your action only with the position in which you are.
  6. Maintain the right bankroll management.

Adhering to these basic rules, you are guaranteed a plus game. After all, without making mistakes, you earn the mistakes of your rivals.

Secrets games online poker to maximize profits

Let's start with the secrets of the online poker game that will help get the maximum win. When playing online poker, players are not able to see each other. It prevents to collect the necessary information about your opponent, but at the same time the online poker game has a significant plus: the ability to connect programs for collecting poker statistics. Very often beginners neglect using this software.

But the harsh realities of modern online poker are such that most of the pixists who play in a plus are constantly using poker statistics for collecting poker statistics for while playing at low limits. Playing without poker programs, you at the very beginning will be delivered in unequal conditions. Poker in most cases play immediately against several rivals. When using this software, it will be possible not only to calculate weak players, but also to find their vulnerable places, which allow you to make optimal solutions.

What kind poker programs Must have every player who seeks to maximize his winnings:

  1. Holdem Manager 2. This software output a huge number of statistical indicators right during the poker game. The program is paid, but there is a trial free period. It lasts 30 days with it is available all the functions that the program can offer. The license is given to two computers, so you can divide with someone's purchase costs.
  2. The analogue of this program is Poketracker 4. Soft has almost the same opportunities, but somewhat inferior in popularity Holdem Manager.

The main features of the Holdem Manager 2 and Poketracker 4:

The main function of these programs is to remove statistics right behind the playing table. This is possible thanks to the built-in Heds-Up Display or HUD program. IN online mode The player receives almost all the necessary statistical information that is needed to evaluate opponents and the ratio of this data with its game. HUD items can be configured independently and choose to count the indicators that you consider the most important.

Principle of operation of Holdem Manager 2 and Poketracker 4:

Information about players strokes is saved in the program database upon completion of each distribution. These data are later outlined in the form of statistics. The more distributors were played, the more detailed analysis of opponents you can get.

Additional features of statistics programs:

An equally important feature of these programs is a statistical analysis of the game. At the same time, you can evaluate how your chances and chances of our opponents. The required information can be easily displayed using filters. Filters are also configured to themselves.

It gives it possible to get answers to a variety of questions: if you often lose with the aces on the preflop, how efficiently you play in late positions. But to get a complete picture, it is also necessary to learn the game of your opponents. Than more you analyze the rates statistics, the less errors will allow in the future, which will significantly increase your wins.

In order to find out the number of retains won and calculate your Warreitus to allow repleeer hands. This extension performs step-by-step analysis.

Additional programs to Holdem Manager 2:

  • NoteCaddy is a fully automated extension, the function of which is to make notes on their opponents, when analyzing their games.
  • Tableninja. Expansion for playing at the same time behind several tables.
  • LEAKBUSTER. A program that identifies problem moments in the game.
  • TiltBreacker. The expansion that indicates the unfavorable outcome of the game so that the player can stop the game on time.
  • The Spinngo Wizard. Specialized expansion for dismissing distributions in Site end Gow game mode. Well suited for Push-Fold practice.
  • Table Scaner. The extension that helps find the table with the largest number of weak players.


As you can see, the secrets of the online poker games are not complicated at all. The most important thing to consolidate them in practice. Only the transformation of the knowledge gained from this article or any other sources in the skills using practice will be able to give the necessary result.

Another secret poker are programs for collecting poker statistics. This poker pro is not neglecting a single opportunity that will help maximize his winnings.

It's no secret that poker is not only entertainment and source of strong emotions, but also a good means of earnings. Income is often comparable to the income of a small enterprise, and in some cases a small state. However, the majority of beginners and middling poker are played in minus, not receiving any profit from their classes. Why is the main source of income for some poker, and for others, is a solid disappointment financially? The fact is that successful players know some poker secrets and have knowledge and skills necessary for profitable games.

The following qualities of successful pokerist are the poker secrets applied in the game.

Secret poker, incomprehensible beginners and tilt players - this game Not gone, but rather logical. Of course, there is a certain proportion of risk and chance in poker, but in the long run, all these little things simply lose meaning. Understanding the meaning of the future perspective is the basis of a profitable game. Only a patient player can continue to play correctly after several rigid feet or during a downstream. He knows that at the distance will certainly come in plus thanks to.

The next secret of poker is discipline

Discipline is no less important for a successful game. Multiple sessions are tired, and it becomes more difficult to play correctly. The disciplined player knows when he needs to leave because of the table, and this will not be any difficulty. Some pokerists even make up their schedule of the game, painting it in detail its duration and number of sessions. Also, discipline will help to avoid. The disciplined player can give itself an indication to get out of the game after losing a certain number of Bay-Yeov.

Target installation

In addition to patience and discipline, it is also necessary for philosophically to look at things. Loss and winnings, in essence, do not mean anything for an experienced player, only profit is important to him. The game "In Plus" does not imply a constant smooth increase, because the player per week can lose everything, make a deposit again and win even more than it was. This is this secret of poker - calm, due to a clear goal of reaching profits.

Analytical thinking

If you have an analytical warehouse of the mind, you can achieve great success on poker Niva, because you have almost mastered a very effective secret of poker - a permanent analysis. Otherwise, the ability to analytics needs to be developed, of course, if you want to get an advantage. Supplemented attentive, analysis of the game opponents will help you with a high probability to predict the action of rivals and will open you their cards.

Ability and desire for learning

"We study the eyelids - a century of a century" - this wisdom is valid for all aspects of a person's life, and, of course, no exception. Without a good theoretical base, practice becomes ineffective and unprofitable, so turn on your poker horizons as much as possible good books and articles. It is worth noting that simple to read the material will not bring you any benefit. It is necessary to work with books and articles, understanding, applying and modifying the knowledge gained.

The above qualities should have any penist, who wants to become a successful player and. In poker, as in life, you need to constantly improve your knowledge and skills, replenish your theoretical and practical base, and never retreat from the intended purpose - this is the most important secret of poker games.

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