Russian folk games and fun for adults. Russian folk games for preschoolers. Hares in the forest

Natalya Melnikova
Russians folk games- a means of familiarizing the child with the traditions of the Russian people

Topic: « Russian folk games - a means of familiarizing the child with the traditions of the Russian people».

Target: Update parents' ideas about Russian folk games as a means of familiarizing the child with the traditions of the Russian people».


1 Introduce parents to Russian folk games, show their accessibility for children preschool age.

2 Involve parents in organizing and conducting Russian folk games.

3 Foster love and respect for traditions of the Russian people.

General education plan

1 Introduction.

« Russian folk games»

2 Performance music director "The Importance of Music in Russian folk games»

3 Practical part (play with parents in Russian folk games)

4. Final part.

The course of general education

Dear parents. Today our general education will be dedicated to Russian folk games, how a means of introducing the child to the traditions of the Russian people.

Russian folk games have a long history, they have been preserved and have come down to our days from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, incorporating the best national traditions. Both the old and the young gathered on the street. Children of different ages played together, so they knew how to take into account the interests and opinions of their playmates, and fairly resolve disputes. And in holidays adults arranged competitions. Many games - round dances Russian people spent during folk holidays , ceremonies Part games in traditional folk culture were dancing, walking to songs, pranks, fun, entertainment, moving games. Song Games, dancing games, round dance games, scene games have always been created in Russian holiday atmosphere of joy and fun.

Folk games relevant and interesting at the present time, despite the fact that there are a fairly large number of temptations in our technical age. Russian folk games for children they also have pedagogical value, have a great influence on the education of the mind, character, will, develop moral feelings, physically strengthen the child, create a certain spiritual mood, interest in folk art. All in content folk games are very concise expressive and accessible to kid. In the game, children actively think and reflect, learn about the surrounding reality, expand their horizons. The game concentrates in itself the totality of expressive Russian language and provides to kid the opportunity to naturally experience a rich culture Russian people.

Games contribute to the education of conscious discipline, will, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, teach children to be honest and truthful, respectful of the older generation, honor traditions his family and his country. Children learn to display such qualities as: kindness, nobility, mutual assistance, self-sacrifice for the sake of others. Thus, the transition of the child's organism to a higher stage of development takes place. That is why the game is recognized as the leading activity preschool child.

Quiz "Troubles from a barrel": (parents pull out questions and answer)

What attributes are used in Russian folk games? (stick, handkerchief, splinter, pebble, ball, toy)

Main role in folk game? (leader)

What determines the whole course games regulates the actions and behavior of children? (regulations games)

Why do you need a rhyme in the game? (to choose a driver)

What activities are used Russian folk games? (in the organization of holidays, matinees, entertainment, walks)

Name the toys of our ancestors (whistles, straw dolls, amulet dolls, rag dolls, wooden Toys)

What is the doll - Maslenitsa used for? (this doll is not for games, an attribute of the holiday, the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa symbolizes the transition from one season to another)

Name the genres of folklore ( Russians folk tales , songs, proverbs, sentences, jokes, incantations, pestles, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles)

What is a riddle? (a brief allegorical description of an object or phenomenon that needs to be unraveled).

V kindergarten introducing children to the Russian folk culture begins almost from the very early age. Properly organized education and learning process child experience of social life, is a necessary condition for the active knowledge of the preschooler of the social reality surrounding him, is of decisive importance in the formation of the foundations of the personality and its further development.

Organize folk games are not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Folk games are universal, since their holding, depending on weather conditions, is possible both inside the kindergarten and on the sports ground. The main condition for successful implementation folk games in the life of a preschooler is a deep knowledge and fluency in an extensive game repertoire, as well as a method of pedagogical guidance. Creatively using the game as an emotional-figurative means of influencing children, the teacher arouses their interest, imagination, achieving active performance of game actions.

Folk games with singing - games which are passed down from generation to generation, have deep historical roots and do not change over the years ( "Boyars", "Burn- burn bright» , "Cap", "Arina"). Most often they are used at folklore holidays and on walks.

Russian folk game"Cap" (with music)

Children stand in a circle. "Cap"- inside the circle.

Russian folk game"Arina"

The players stand in a circle, in the middle of Arina, she is blindfolded.

Everybody sing:

Dear Arina, rise above the barn,

Fold your hands, whose name indicate!

(Arina walks, singing)

“I walk, I walk along the loaf,

Along the loaf, I'll find out who I find!

(Then, touching one of the players, he tries to guess his name. Whose name guesses, he becomes in a circle)

So, folk games in combination with other educational means represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed, active personality.

Russian folk game"At the bear in the forest"

Russian folk game"Burners".

Russian folk game"Cat and Mouse".

The players stand in two rows facing each other, join hands, forming a small passage - a hole. Cats are in one row, mice are in the other. The first pair starts the game: the cat catches the mouse, and she runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in the corridor formed by the clasped hands of the players. As soon as the cat has caught the mouse, the players line up. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats catch all the mice.

Rules games. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice should not run far from the hole.

Russian folk game"Zarnitsa".

Children stand in a circle, hands are held behind their backs, and one of the players - dawn - walks behind with a tape and says:


red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined rings,

Went for water!

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a dawn. The game is repeated.

Rules games. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.

Russian folk game Udochka(Fish, Fishing)

All players form a circle. One driver is selected, who becomes the center of the circle. The driver is given a rope. An adult can also be the driver. The leader begins to spin the rope. The task of all the players in the circle is to jump over it and not be caught. Development Options games 2-va.

Russian folk game"Golden Gate"

Russian folk game"Ring-Ring".

And I would like to conclude by saying that Russian folk outdoor games should not be forgotten. They will give positive results when they fulfill their main purpose - they will give children pleasure and joy, and will not be a learning activity.

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Card file of Russian folk games

for children 5-7 years old

"Burn Clear"

Target: to exercise children in the ability to independently change the direction of movement with a change in the timbre of the music. Cultivate organization, develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the middle is a child with a handkerchief in his hand.

All children go to the right in a circle, the driver waves a handkerchief.

Children stop and clap their hands. The driver jumps inside the circle. When the music ends, he stops and stands in front of two children standing in a circle.

The choir players sing a rhyme:

"Burn, burn bright,

To not go out

One two Three!"

To the words "One, two, three!" They clap their hands 3 times, and the leader waves his handkerchief. After that, the selected children turn their backs to each other and run around the circle. Everyone strives to run first, take a handkerchief from the driver and raise it high.


Target: move in accordance with the dance character of the music and convey the content of the lyrics of the song. Be able to expand and narrow the circle. Work out the fractional step and a variety of familiar dance movements.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle. One child is selected in advance, representing a "crow". (He stands in a circle with everyone)

Oh guys, ta-ra-ra!

There is a mountain on the mountain

And on that mountain there is an oak tree,

And on the oak funnel.

Raven in red boots

With gilded earrings.

Black raven on oak

He plays the trumpet.

Turned pipe,


The pipe is fine

The song is complex.

With the end of the song, "Raven" runs out of the circle, everyone closes their eyes, the "raven" runs around the circle, touches someone's back, and he himself becomes in a circle.

"The sun"

Target: act according to the lyrics. Walk in a circle, holding hands, with a calm, round dance step. Be able to expand and narrow the circle. Learn to run fast.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the "sun" is a child.

Burn the sun brighter- Children walk

Summer will be hotter.- round.

I'm warmer in winter - They go to the center.

And spring is sweeter - From the center back.

And the winter is warmer, - To the center.

And spring is sweeter. - Back.

After the words "sun" (trap) catches children.


Target: to develop in children the ability to convey in movement the content of a musical work. Cultivate endurance, expressiveness of game images.

Game progress:

Children stand holding hands in a circle. Pre-selected "animals" - Mouse, Frog, Chanterelle, Bunny and Bear.

Children ("teremok") go along

Circle and sing.

Here is a field, a field a mouse runs,The mouse runs around.

The children stop.

“Who, who lives in the little house?The mouse knocks, sings,

Runs into a circle.

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.Children ("teremok") go along

He is not low, not high, not high. circle and sing.

Here is a frog running across the field,The frog jumps around.

She stopped at the door and knocked:The children stop.

“Who, who lives in the little house?The frog knocks and sings.

Who, who does not live in a high place?

Mouse. "I am a mouse - norushka, and who are you?"

Frog. "And I am a frog - a frog"

Mouse. "Come live with me!"

In the same way, "Chanterelle" and "Bunny" enter the circle. When the "Bear" approaches the tower, he says: "I'm a Bear - a trap for everyone" - all the animals scatter, and the Bear catches them.


Target: to develop in children the ability to expressively convey the image of the game. Learn to move easily, freely. Cultivate endurance, attention. Show creativity.

Game progress:

One of the players depicts an "owl", the rest - mice. The owl calls out: "Morning!" Immediately, the mice begin to run, jump, and make various body movements. The owl calls: "Day!" The mice keep moving. The owl says: “Evening1” The mice stand in a circle, walk around the owl and sing:

Oh you, owl - owl,

Golden head.

That you don't sleep at night

Are you all looking at us?

The owl says: "Night!" With this word, the mice instantly freeze, not moving. The owl approaches each of the players and, with various movements and cheerful grimaces, tries to make any movement, and leaves the game.


Target: educate organization, develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress:

The players choose two children. One is blindfolded with a handkerchief, the other is given a tambourine (or a bell); then they lead a round dance around them and sing:

Bells, bells,

The bastards called.

Digi digi digi dong

Guess where the call is from?

After these words, the player with a tambourine begins to call and walk in a circle, and the blind man's blind man tries to catch him.

As soon as the blind man's blind man catches him, other players change them. The game continues.

"Baba Yaga"

Target: continue to teach fast running, develop creativity, conveying a game image.

Game progress:

The players choose Baba Yaga. She is in the center of the circle. Children walk in a circle and sing:

Baba Yaga, bone leg,- Children walk

She fell off the stove and broke her leg.- round.

Went to the garden, frightened the people.- Go to the center.

I ran to the bath- From the circle back.

Scared the bunny.

After the song, the children scatter, Baba Yaga catches the children.


Target: develop an emotional attitude to the game. Build patience in children. Continue to teach fast running.

Game progress:

At the bear in the forest,

Mushrooms, I take berries.

The bear doesn't sleep

Everything is looking at us.

And then how it roars

And he will run after us.

"Guess who's calling?"

Target: to develop in children timbre hearing. Exercise in the ability to independently start a movement and finish it.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle. In the center, the driver is a “bear”.

Children walk in a circle and sing:

The bear closes his eyes. The adult offers (pointing to the child) to call the bear. The child who was chosen says: "Bear", "Bear" tries to guess the one who called him.


Target: continue to teach a calm, round dance step and easy running. Cultivate endurance, expressiveness of the game

Game progress:

One of the children portrays a bear. He pretends to be asleep. Children gather mushrooms and berries, sing:

At the bear in the forest,

Mushrooms, I take berries.

The bear doesn't sleep

Everything is looking at us.

And then how it roars

And he will run after us.

The bear gets up and starts chasing the children.


Target: to improve the ability of children to walk with a spring step, raising their legs high, to run easily, to walk with a stomping step. Movement to convey in the nature of the music

Game progress:

Children stand with each other and sing:

There was a centipede

On a dry track.

Suddenly it started to rain: drip!

Oh, forty paws get wet!

Easy run.

I don't need a runny nose

I'll go around the puddles.

I will not bring dirt into the house,

I shake every paw.

They walk with their feet high

Standing, shake the right leg

Left foot

There was a centipede

On a dry track

And then sank

Oh, what a thunder from the paws!

They walk like a “train” with a spring step.

They walk with a stomping step


Target: expressively convey the content of the music. Independently start the movement after the entry. Respond quickly to register changes, movements. Exercise in jumping, light running and a simple step. To cultivate endurance, the ability to obey the rules of the game, to strengthen friendly, benevolent relationships.

Game progress:

The players stand in a circle, in different places of which 5-6 children choose. They are given colored handkerchiefs. Everyone is standing in a circle.

Children walk in a circle and sing:

Stop. Children with handkerchiefs go to the middle of the circle, move inside it with a light jump. Those standing in a circle clap their hands.

standing in a circle

"Run the Circle"

Target: learn to move in a calm step in a circle. Cultivate attention, endurance.

Game progress:

Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle. They go in a circle and sing a folk rhyme:

Voditsa, vodka,

cold quick,

run around,

Water our meadow!

The teacher names two children standing next to each other. Children turn their backs and run in different directions. Everyone tries to run to their place first.


Target: to consolidate the skills of performing light jumps with advancement and light fast running.

Game progress:

A child in a mouse cap sits on a chair to the side. Opposite him are a group of children. The hands of the players are on the belt. Children perform a joke:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end.

Light jumps move towards the "trap". They stop, threaten the “trap” with a finger with the words:

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

The mouse runs after the guys, trying to catch up with them.

"Who's good with us?"

Target: to consolidate a calm step, the ability to gallop in a circle, to use familiar dance movements.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle. In the center "Vanechka". Children walk in a circle and sing a folk song:

Who is good for us?

Who is handsome?

Vanya is good,

Vanya is pretty.

Vanya performs a spring with a turn.

Sits on a horse -

The horse will be happy.

Wave with a whip -

The horse will dance under him.

He waves his whip, walks high raising his legs.

Goes past the garden -

The garden is green

Flowers are blooming

The birds are singing.

Moves in a circle at a gallop.

Drives up to the house

Gets off the horse

Gets off the horse -

Olechka meets.

Chooses a girl.

Dancing Vanechka with a girl. The rest of the children clap their hands.

"Two grouse"

Target: To improve a calm step in a circle, easy running, expressiveness of hands.

Game progress:

The players stand in a circle holding hands. Behind the circle are two children depicting black grouse and a child - a "hunter".

Children walk in a circle and sing:

As in our meadow

Worth a cup of cottage cheese..

They stop, raise their clasped hands up. Black grouse "take off" on the words:

Two black grouse arrived

Pecked - Black grouse peck

They flew away ... - They fly away.

Sh-sh-sh-sh -

Children imitate the movements of twigs rustling in the wind of trees.

"Hunter" is catching up with "black grouse".



Game progress:

Children - "bugs" stand in a circle (scattered). In the center, the driver is an adult or a child. The leader sings:

With the end of the song, the adult “catches” the bugs. If the “trap” is a child, he is reminded: “Olenka, catch the bugs.”

"Vaska the cat"


Game progress:

From among the players, “Cat Vaska” is selected and several children “mouse”. All children stand in a circle. "Cat Vaska" goes to the middle of the circle, and the children - "mice" - behind the circle.

Vaska walks gray

Fluffy white tail

Vaska the cat is walking.

Children walk in a circle to the right.

Vaska - to the left.

Sit, wash

Washes with a paw

Sings songs.

Children narrow the circle, watch Vaska wash his face. With the end of the verse, the circle is expanded.

The house will silently go around

Vaska the cat lurks,

Gray mice are waiting.

The children go to the right, the cat goes to the left.

Children make a "gate". The children of the "mouse" run through the "gate", then into the circle, then out of the circle, and the "cat Vaska" tries to catch them.

"Raise your palms"

Target: to develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the song, to convey expressive movements for the hands; cultivate attention.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle and sing:

Raise your palms up

And fold over your head.

What happened?

The roof came out

And under the roof we are with you!

Children fold their arms over their heads.

Raise your palms up

And then fold it in an arc.

Who came out?

Geese came out - here is one, and the second is another.

Children bend their elbows in front of them, alternately lowering their hands.

Raise your palms up

And put it in front of you.

What happened? The bridge came out

The bridge is strong and straight.

Children fold their hands in front of them one on top of the other in a “stripe”.

"At aunt Natalia"

Target: consolidate the ability to perform movements according to the text of the song. Expressively convey musical and game images.

Game progress:

Aunt Natalia's

Had seven chicks 2 times

Wee-wee, wee-wee-wee!

So they scream. 2 times

Children go in a circle.

They sit down, squeezing into a ball, their heads are raised up.

Aunt Natalia's

There were seven ducklings 2 times

Quack-quack, quack-quack-quack!

So they scream. 2 times

Children fish in a circle.

The hand is pulled back, shaking them like wings, slightly tilting the body forward.

Aunt Natalia's

There were seven goslings 2 times

Ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!

So they scream. 2 times

Children go in a circle.

Standing in place facing in a circle, show “beaks” with the help of hands

Aunt Natalia's

There were seven kittens 2 times

Meow-meow, meow-meow-meow!

So they scream. 2 times

Children go in a circle.

Stepping springily from foot to foot, the children stretch forward one or the other hand, depicting soft paws.

Aunt Natalia's

There were seven kids 2 times

Be-be, be-be-be!

So they scream. 2 times

Standing facing in a circle, depict horns (the index fingers of both hands are brought to the head)

Aunt Natalia's

Had seven puppies 2 times

Woof-woof, woof-woof-woof!

So they scream. 2 times

Hands show “ears” near the head.

Aunt Natalia's

Had seven grandchildren 2 times

La la la la la!

So they scream. 2 times

Children clap their hands.

"Jump - jump"

Target: consolidate the skills of performing light jumps moving forward, soft spring step, narrowing and expanding the circle.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle with their hands clasped behind their backs, palm to palm, imitating a “tail”.


Target: consolidate the ability to expressively convey the image of the game, easily jump on 2 legs, easily, quickly run.

Game progress:

Adult: Someone scared the bunny.

The children run away.

"Geese, you geese"


Game progress:

Children are divided into two groups: children and "geese". They stand in lines facing each other.

"Wolf" and "gosling" are watching aside.


Geese, you are geese

Gray geese.

Go to the geese - 4 steps.

Step back - 4 steps


Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.

Go to the children - 4 steps

Go back - 4 steps


Where have you been

Who did you take away?

Go ahead

Go back


Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.

Go ahead

Go back


We saw a wolf

He was carrying a gosling.

Going forward "Wolf with a caterpillar" run past the children. They go back.


Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.

Go ahead

Go back


Pinch the wolf

Save the gosling.

Go ahead

Go back


Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.

mimic the movements of children

With the end of the song, "Geese" run after the "wolf" and rescue the "catsling".

"Hen and cockerel"


Game progress:


Like ours at the gate

Rooster pecks grains - 2 times

He calls the chickens.

The “Cockerel” leaves the house, waving its “wings” - walks around the hall with its hands, then stops (found a grain) and says:


You are pestrushechki, you are khokhlushechki,

I found a nut for you

I'll split the nut for everyone

By grain, by eight.


"Chicken" waving "wings" easily run on toes to the "cockerel" and run around it. Then everyone squats and clasping their hands (palms) “peck” the grains. "Cockerel" gets up and shouts:



The hens get up and go home with the cockerel. With the end of the music, they sit on the perch.

"Guess who's calling?"

Target: learn to walk in a calm step in a circle, expressively convey the image of the game. Develop timbre.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle. In the center is a leading "bear". Children walk in a circle and sing:

Bear closes his eyes.

An adult offers (shows) one of the children to call a “bear”. The chosen child says: Bear!

"Bear" tries to guess the one who called him.


Target: consolidate the ability to walk in a circle, recognize your comrades, develop attention.

Game progress:

The driver is selected, he is blindfolded. The players walk around the leader, standing in the middle and sing:

Get in a circle

Touch someone

Hurry up guess.

The players stop, and the driver feels the children and tries to guess and name someone.

The one whom he correctly calls by name goes into a circle, becomes the leader.

"Golden Gate"

Target: improve easy running, develop agility.

Game progress:

The participants in the game are divided into those who stand in a circle, raising their hands together. And those who run through these gates in a chain (or one at a time).

Those standing sing:

Golden Gate

Not always missed:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

The "gates" close and "catch" the one who remained in them. Caught inside the circle, join hands with those forming a circle, increasing the "gate".


Target: to improve walking with a calm step in a circle, easy rapid running.

Game progress:

A "grandfather" is chosen, he sits on a chair in the center of the circle. All the players walk in a circle and sing:

You are a gray-haired grandfather

Why are you sitting underwater?

Look out for a minute.

Look at least a little.

We came to you for an hour

Come on, try us.

"Grandfather" gets up and starts to catch the players who run away to their places.

"Cap" (spider)


Game progress:

A leader is chosen who squats in the center of the circle. The rest of the players walk around him, holding hands, and sing:

The driver chooses someone without opening his eyes, and changes places with him.

"Baba Yaga"

Target: consolidate the ability to walk in a circle with a calm step. Lead to the ability to expressively convey the image of the game. Consolidate a swift easy run. Cultivate endurance.

Game progress:

Children form a circle. In the center of "Baba Yaga". Children go in a circle, sing:

Baba Yaga:

Arrow, arrow, turn around.

And then stop.

Baba Yaga stands with her back to the one pointed by the arrow. On command: 1,2,3. Run! Run around the circle and return to the place.

MBU DO "Center for Children's Creativity" No. 1 of the city of Orel "

Methodical development

Prepared by:

teacher additional education

Demicheva Victoria Igorevna


Advice for parents

Russian folk outdoor games for children.

Play with us"

Outside the 21st century. Age of technology and progress. In an effort to keep up with the times, we begin to forget our native traditions. Many parents, giving preference to computers and foreign languages, do not at all attach importance to patriotic education, rooted in the traditions and history of their native people.

V Lately special attention is paid to the traditions and history of Russia in kindergartens and schools. For example, introducing a child to Russian folk outdoor games, we:

    we develop in children interest and emotional responsiveness to folk art;

    expand and enrich game actions children;

    we develop motor activity;

    we improve the health of children;

    enrich the vocabulary.

Dear parents, we bring to your attention options for Russian folk outdoor games for children of middle preschool age, which can be played not only in kindergarten, but also at home and in the yard.

1. Round dance game "Ay, gugu!"

Children stand in a circle. The facilitator leads the children behind him and says the words:

Ay, gugu, gugu, gugu,

Does not circle in the meadow.

In the meadow - a puddle,

The head will spin.

Oh water! Oh water!

That's the trouble, that's the trouble!

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

Jumped, jumped and jumped,

Hit it right in the puddle!

2. The game "Handkerchief"

Children sit on chairs. The leader in the center of the circle shows a handkerchief.

Here's my handkerchief

Go, dance, Katenka, my friend (ties up),

I will show Katenka to all the guys (shows).

Here - here, here is how Katenka goes,

He sings a cheerful song to us.

Can you dance? - I'll see.

I will praise Katenka to mom and dad (children clap, Katya is dancing).

More fun, Katenka, dance,

We clap heartily.

3. The game "Raven"

Before the start of the game, birds are selected (for example, sparrows) whose voice the children can imitate. Raven is chosen. Birds fly and scream. A raven flies out of the nest and shouts: "Karrr!" Birds hide in the house, the raven tries to catch them.

We hope you enjoy playing with the kids and this will become your good tradition! Good luck!

Questionnaire for parents

"Russian folk outdoor games"

Dear parents!

Please take part in the survey and answer the questions in the survey. Answers will be used in aggregated form.

You don't have to give your last name.

Thanks in advance.

    What games does your child like to play the most?

    What Russian folk outdoor games do you know?



    Did you play Russian folk outdoor games as a child? If "Yes", in what?


    Do you play Russian folk outdoor games with your children? If "Yes", in what?


    Do you and your children have favorite Russian folk outdoor games? Name them.



    What positive character traits do Russian folk outdoor games bring up in a child?




"Journey to the Land of Russian Folk Games"


teaching children Russian folk outdoor games and the formation of positive motivation for the development of children's dynamic activity.


Arouse in children an interest in Russian folk games, a desire to play them.

Exercise in performing basic types of movements through game tasks.

Bring joy to children.

To develop the ability to act in a team, to follow the rules in games.

preliminary work:

learning counting rhymes


Glove doll Parsley

Baba Yaga costume

Broom for Baba Yaga

Bear's Den (box, basket, log)

Sticks for choosing a driver

Leisure course

A conversation about Russian folk games

Let's remember Russian folk games today.

Who will tell me if it is possible to live without the game? (You can, but nothing good will come of it)

That's why people play different games since the beginning of mankind.

What Russian folk games do you know?

Why are they called Russian folk games?

Russian folk games for children have always been popular among small, groovy fidgets. Fun is interesting not only for children, but also for some adults. Games have been played since ancient times and today they play with mothers, and with grandmothers, and with friends, and at mass holidays, fun events, folk festivals.

Leading: Guys, I invite you to go to the country of Russian folk games!

And who will help us in this, we will now find out. Listen to the riddle:

He is a bully toy

Clown, mischievous, prankster!

Amuse, make laugh

Laugh heartily

He is with a bell in his hand

In a blue and red hat

He is a fun toy

And his name is ... (Petrushka)

The host takes out a puppet-glove "Parsley" from the bag.

Parsley: "Hello guys! And here I am, you know all my friends! Yes, guys, I'm Petrushka, a mischievous and fun toy! Do you want to play with me?

And to find out what game we are going to play now, guess the riddle:

Who sleeps there in the winter in a lair,

And he doesn't walk on the road.

He eats raspberries and honey.

In a warm coat all year round ... (Bear)

The game "At the bear in the forest"

The players choose a bear using a rhyme. Determine the place of his lair and his house. Children go to the forest for mushrooms, berries and sing a song:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries!

The bear doesn't sleep

Everyone is looking at us.

The bear wakes up, leaves the den, slowly walks across the clearing. He quickly runs after the players and tries to catch someone. Caught becomes a bear.


1. The bear leaves the den only after the children sing a song.

2. Children, depending on the behavior of the bear, may not immediately run to their house, but repeat the song, provoke it.


It is better to place the bear's den at the other end of the site. The bear must get out of the den (climb over the log, get out of the box, basket).

Parsley: “What all the good fellows! Children, and I also like to play Dudar. Do you know how to play it?"

Game "Dudar"

With the help of a counting rhyme, children choose Dudar. He becomes in a circle. Around him there is a round dance and sings a song:

Dudar, Dudar, Dudarishche

Old, old old man.

His under the deck, his under the damp, his under the rotten.

Dudar, Dudar, what hurts?

Dudar shows and names what hurts him (arm, head, back, knee, etc.), everyone puts their hands on this place and again begins to walk in a circle with the song. Dudar, Dudar, old Dudarishche, old old man. etc.

When he gets tired of playing, Dudar says: “I recovered!”

Parsley: “Oh, what fun it is to play with you! Listen to another riddle:

In the deep forest in his hut

The old lady lives all alone.

She does not sweep the floor with a broom

Broom - an old woman's plane ... (Baba Yaga)

Petrushka left to look for Baba Yaga. After that, she flies on a broomstick. Starts playing with children.

The game "Grandma - Ezhka"

The driver stands in the middle of the circle - Grandmother-Ezhka, in her hands is a “broomstick”. Players run around and tease her:

Grandmother Ezhka

Bone Leg

Fell off the stove

I broke my leg

And then he says:

My leg hurts.

Grandmother-Ezhka jumps on one leg and tries to touch someone with a “broom”. Whoever touches - he freezes.

Petrushka offers to play another Russian folk game.

Game "Uncle Tryphon"

Children stand in a circle, hold hands. In the center is the leader, who was chosen with the help of sticks, and the players walk in a circle and sing the words:

“And uncle Tryphon

There were seven children

seven sons

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

They looked at each other.

They did it together like me!”

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best of all becomes the new leader, and the old leader turns into an ordinary player.

Parsley thanks the guys and says goodbye to them.

Questionnaire for educators

"Russian folk outdoor games"

Target: find out what kind of work on the use of Russian folk outdoor games is carried out by kindergarten teachers.


    What outdoor games do you play indoors?

    What games do you play with your children while walking?

    Favorite outdoor games of the children of the group?


    What Russian folk outdoor games do you play with children?


    What outdoor games have you mastered lately?


    What games do you plan to learn with children and what is the reason for the choice?


Game planning scheme

When planning games, it is necessary to take into account the duration of each game, the amount of textual material that children must remember. The number of planned games in one lesson also depends on the level of preparedness of children, on the degree of intensity of the game, on the game plot.

At the beginning of each lesson, it is planned to introduce the children to a new game.




Number of games in class

3 – 4


5 - 6 times

New game

2 - 3 lessons



with the game

repeat through

1 - 2 lessons


6 – 8 min

Approximate distribution of new games by motor material





Diagnostic table

Criteria for evaluation

Average age

Game development

as an activity





1. The ability to consciously follow the rules

1. Manifestation positive emotions and friendships in the game

1. Showing interest in folk games and oral folk art

2. Ability to coordinate movements

with text

2. Desire to participate in joint games

2. The ability to convey the image in accordance with the plot

3. Ability to navigate in space

3. Ability to organize a familiar game with a small group of peers

4. Ability to perform a massive role

5. Ability to play a leading role

6. Ability to use attributes correctly



Average age

Russian folk games with running

1. Owl and birds

2. Scarf

3. Chickens

4. Shepherd and flock

5. Bears with a chain

6. Baskets

7. I catch birds on the fly

8. Grandfather Rozhok

9. Zarya-Zarnitsa

10. Gray wolf

11. Grandmother Pykhteiha

12. Gardener and sparrow

13. Spinning wheel

14. Pots

15. Duck and drake

16. Arina

17. Cap and wand

18. Gardener

19. Hares in the garden

20. Grandfather Yegor

21. Goat

22. Rooster

24. Frog

25. Distillation

26. Bees and swallows

27. Sorcerers

28. Nut

Russian folk games with jumping

1. Toad

2. Buy a bull

3. Baby showers

Russian folk ball games

1. Shaker

2. Stand

3. Onlooker

4. Kick the ball out of the circle

5. Protect the city

6. Dashing

7. Bunny

8. Meeting

9. Governor

10. Candles

Russian folk games of low mobility




    sun and moon


    I sit and sit



    Who is with us


    little ring

    Ritual round dance games

Autumn Winter Spring

1. Lenok 1. Marvelous pike 1. Calls

2. Reapers 2. Spinning wheel 2. Willow-willow

3. Cabbage 3. Princess 3. Poppies 4. Mill 4. Wattle 4. Sunny

5. Snake

round dance games

1. Millet was sown 5. Sparrow

2. We grow poppy 6. Wattle (option)

3. Cap 7. Hare

4. I walk with loach 8. Utenya

Zhmurki Fanta

1. Zhmurka-postman 1. Birds fly

2. Frolka and Fomka 2. Pull-let

3. Yasha and Masha 3. Syllables

4. Blind master 4. Elements

5. Blind goat

6. Tube

7. It's time, grandmother, to feast

8. Crooked rooster

9. Thorns

Card file of Russian folk games

for children 4-5 years old

"Burn Clear"

Target: to exercise children in the ability to independently change the direction of movement with a change in the timbre of the music. Cultivate organization, develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the middle is a child with a handkerchief in his hand.

All children go to the right in a circle, the driver waves a handkerchief.

Children stop and clap their hands. The driver jumps inside the circle. When the music ends, he stops and stands in front of two children standing in a circle.

The choir players sing a rhyme:

"Burn, burn bright,

To not go out

One two Three!"

To the words "One, two, three!" They clap their hands 3 times, and the leader waves his handkerchief. After that, the selected children turn their backs to each other and run around the circle. Everyone strives to run first, take a handkerchief from the driver and raise it high.


Target: to develop in children the ability to expressively convey the image of the game. Learn to move easily, freely. Cultivate endurance, attention. Show creativity.

Game progress:

One of the players depicts an "owl", the rest - mice. The owl calls out: "Morning!" Immediately, the mice begin to run, jump, and make various body movements. The owl calls: "Day!" The mice keep moving. The owl says: "Evening!" The mice stand in a circle, walk around the owl and sing:

Oh you, owl - owl,

Golden head.

That you don't sleep at night

Are you all looking at us?

The owl says: "Night!" With this word, the mice instantly freeze, not moving. The owl approaches each of the players and, with various movements and cheerful grimaces, tries to make any movement, and leaves the game.


Target: educate organization, develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress:

The players choose two children. One is blindfolded with a handkerchief, the other is given a tambourine (or a bell); then they lead a round dance around them and sing:

Bells, bells,

The bastards called.

Digi digi digi dong

Guess where the call is from?

After these words, the player with a tambourine begins to call and walk in a circle, and the blind man's blind man tries to catch him.

As soon as the blind man's blind man catches him, other players change them. The game continues.


Target: to consolidate the skills of performing light jumps with advancement and light fast running.

Game progress:

A child in a mouse cap sits on a chair to the side. Opposite him are a group of children. The hands of the players are on the belt. Children perform a joke:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end.

Light jumps move towards the "trap". They stop, threaten the “trap” with a finger with the words:

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

The mouse runs after the guys, trying to catch up with them.

"Vaska the cat"

Game progress:

From among the players, “Cat Vaska” is selected and several children “mouse”. All children stand in a circle. "Cat Vaska" goes to the middle of the circle, and the children - "mice" - behind the circle.

Vaska walks gray

Fluffy white tail

Vaska the cat is walking.

Children walk in a circle to the right.

Vaska - to the left.

Sit, wash

Washes with a paw

Sings songs.

Children narrow the circle, watch Vaska wash his face. With the end of the verse, the circle is expanded.

The house will silently go around

Vaska the cat lurks,

Gray mice are waiting.

The children go to the right, the cat goes to the left.

Children make a "gate". The children of the "mouse" run through the "gate", then into the circle, then out of the circle, and the "cat Vaska" tries to catch them.

"Jump - jump"

Target: consolidate the skills of performing light jumps moving forward, soft spring step, narrowing and expanding the circle.

Game progress:

Jump - jump, jump,

Young Thrush.

Move forward by jumping.

Went to the water

Found a young lady.

They walk softly.


Not big.

Narrow the circle.

Itself with tops,

Head with a pot.

They sit down. Expand the circle with a brisk step.

Children stand in a circle with their hands clasped behind their backs, palm to palm, imitating a “tail”.

"Golden Gate"

Target: improve easy running, develop agility.

Game progress:

The participants in the game are divided into those who stand in a circle, raising their hands together. And those who run through these gates in a chain (or one at a time).

Those standing sing:

Golden Gate

Not always missed:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

The "gates" close and "catch" the one who remained in them. Caught inside the circle, join hands with those forming a circle, increasing"Gates".


There was a ram...

Shel ram
Over the steep mountains
Pulled out the grass
He put it on the bench.
Who will take it
He will go out.

A goat was walking along the bridge...
(Russian folk rhyme)

A goat walked along the bridge

And wagged her tail.
Caught on the railing
Went straight into the river.
Who does not believe - it is he,
Get out of the circle!

Russian folk outdoor games in kindergarten

"Empty place"
The "Empty Place" is played by children of all ages (on their own), from 6 to 40 people.
Description. The players, except the driver, stand in a circle, the driver behind the circle. Everyone puts their hands behind their backs or just puts them down. The driver walks around the circle and touches someone, touching the back or hands. This means it calls this player for the competition. Having touched, the driver runs in any direction around the circle, and the called one runs in the opposite direction in a circle. Having met, they either simply go around the friend's circle or greet (crouching, bowing, etc.) and continue to run faster in a circle to take the vacant seat. Whoever takes it stays there, and the one who is left without a place becomes the driver.
The driver does not have the right to hit the called. He can only touch it.
The driver can 1C immediately rush to run in one direction or another. The summoned follows him and, as soon as he sees in which direction he is running, rushes in the opposite direction in a circle.
At the meeting, they perform various tasks (by agreement). Who does not comply, he becomes the leader.

"Third wheel"
The number of participants - from 8 to 40 people.
Description. The players become in a circle in pairs, facing its center so that one of the pair is in front and the other is behind it. The distance between pairs is 1-2 m. Two drivers take a place behind the circle. One of them runs away and the other catches him. Fleeing from the chase, the evader can get ahead of any pair. Then the one standing behind turns out to be “the third wheel”. He must run away from the second driver. If the chasing catches (touches, touches) the escaping, then they change roles. Thus, the drivers change all the time.
This game, well-known and loved by young people, becomes even more interesting if it is supplemented with the following: when the escaping person is in front of any pair, then the “third extra”, who is behind, does not flee from the chasing one, but begins to pursue him.
Game types:
- the players stand in pairs facing each other and hold hands. The escaping, escaping, stands under the arms with his back to someone. To whom he will turn his back, that "third extra", who must run away;
- The game is played to music. The players walk in pairs, holding hands, and put their free hands on their belts. The escaping, escaping from persecution, can at any moment take one of the walking arm in arm. Then the couple standing on the other side become the runaway.
Rule. The one who is escaping from persecution must not be interfered with.

"Golden Gate"
In countless varieties and variations, this game exists in almost all peoples. Among Russians, the following varieties are most common.
6-20 people play, more often preschoolers, younger schoolchildren, and sometimes teenagers, boys, and youth.
Description. Choose two stronger players. They step aside a little and agree which of them will be the “sun” and which will be the “moon” (“month”). Those who have chosen the roles of the moon and the sun become facing each other, join hands and raise them, as if forming a gate. The rest of the players take up the Hands and go through the "gate" in a string. They often sing their favorite songs. When the last of those walking through the “gate” passes, they “close”: raised hands fall, and the Last one is between them. The detainee is quietly asked which side he would like to take: behind the "moon" or "sun". He chooses and stands behind the respective player. The rest again go through the "gate", and again the last one falls into the "moon" or "sun" group. When everyone is distributed, the groups arrange a tug-of-war, holding hands or using a rope, stick, etc.
A variation of this game (which has become more common in recent decades than the one described above) is that those walking through the “gate” do not sing, but the players depicting the “gate” speak in recitative:
The Golden Gate is not always passed: The first time is forgiven, The second is forbidden, And the third time We will not let you through!
The “gates” close at the last word and “catch” the one who is in them. In order not to be caught, those walking involuntarily speed up their steps, sometimes they switch to running, and those who catch, in turn, change the speed of the recitative. The game becomes more mobile and fun. It also ends with a pull.
Another variation is that there are two “gates”. The players depicting them pronounce the rhyme at the same time (in tune). Those caught do not choose where to stand, but are immediately included in the team of the “gates” that caught them. Depicting gates compete in who will catch the most players. The competition ends with a pull.
A player who has to pass through the "gate" must not stop in front of it (for fear that it will close). Stopped considered caught.
Walking or running can not disengage hands, you must hold hands with at least one player. Whoever runs without holding hands with anyone is considered to be caught.
You can lower your hands (“close the gate”) only on the last word of the recitative.

Kick on the rope
To play, you need a rope closed in a circle. Players take the rope from the outside with both hands. One driver is selected, which should be in the center of the circle formed by the rope. The goal of the driver is to salt, i.e. hit the hand of one of the players located on the outside of the circle. Those who are on the outside of the circle, during the attack of the driver, can release only one hand from the rope. If the player releases two hands from the rope or the driver hits one of them, then it is he who becomes the circle and the game continues on.

big ball
A game in which you need to form a circle. Children hold hands, and one driver is chosen, who becomes the center of the circle and there is a large ball near his feet. The task of the player in the center is to push the ball out of the circle by kicking the ball. The player who misses the ball goes out of the circle, and the one who hit takes his place. At the same time, everyone turns their backs to the center of the circle and tries not to miss the ball already in the center of the circle. An important condition is that the ball cannot be picked up during the entire game.

Ball in the hole
A game with many varieties. To play in the ground, a shallow hole is dug into which a ball is placed. All players must carry straight sticks about a meter long. The performer is chosen by lot - the player who will guard the ball. All other players move beyond the conditional line, at a certain distance from the hole and start throwing sticks in the order of the established queue, trying to hit the ball. For all those who threw past, the sticks remain in place.
If no one hits, then the performer rolls the ball with his stick in the direction closest to him, trying to hit it. If he succeeds, he runs behind the starting line for throws, also called the home. The performer is the one whose stick hit the ball. If, during the game, someone manages to knock the ball out of the hole, at the same moment, those players whose sticks are in the field run to pick them up, and the performer must set the ball in place. Thus, players get the opportunity to make an additional throw. When throwing sticks, it is recommended that the performer stay slightly away from the ball to avoid hitting the stick.

The game is played outdoors. Of all the players, one hunter is selected, all the rest portray hares, trying to jump on two legs. The task of the hunter is to catch the most agile hare by slapping it with his hand. But there is one important condition in the game, the hunter does not have the right to catch a hare if it is on a "tree". In the context of this game, any chip or stump will be a tree. This condition greatly complicates the hunter's life, which often causes him to become indignant during the game. However, as soon as one of the hares manages to be touched, he immediately becomes a hunter, taking on the unenviable duty of catching hares.

Jumping with tied legs
All participants are tied with a thick wide rope or scarf. After that, everyone stands near the starting line and, on a signal, begin to jump towards the finish line. The winner is the one who covered the distance the fastest. The distance should not be too large, as it is quite difficult to jump with tied legs.

Salt without salt
For this game, two drivers are selected, who sit on the ground opposite each other, so that the soles of their feet are in contact with each other. Drivers are blindfolded with a thick cloth bandage. The hands of the leaders are behind their backs. All the rest are players in the field. The field players, approaching the drivers one by one from one side, shout "Without salt" and freely jump over their legs. On the way back it is necessary to shout "Salt" and try to jump over the legs of the drivers again. The only difference is that the drivers try to catch the jumpers with their hands. If they succeed, then the driver changes. The one who was caught sits in the place of the one who caught him, and his eyes are already blindfolded.

Children participating in this game stand in one row, join hands, thereby forming a chain. On the right side of the chain, a leader is assigned, who, on command, starts running with a change of direction, and the entire chain begins to follow him. However, no one except the leader knows the direction of movement, so it is quite difficult to maintain balance and not disconnect the chain. The further the player is from the leader, the more difficult it is for him to maintain balance, not fall or break the chain.

Burners (Ogaryshi, Pillar, Pairs)
For this game, a driver is needed, and he is chosen before the start of the game. All the rest form pairs, mostly a boy - a girl, and if adults also take part in the game, then a man - a woman. The pairs stand one after another, and the driver with his back to the first pair at a certain distance and it is strictly forbidden for him to look back. After that, one or all together begin to say: "Burn, burn clearly! So that it does not go out. Look at the sky, birds are flying there!" (There are also other rhymes). After that, the driver looks into the sky. After that, the back pair runs through the sides forward, one person through the right side, the other through the left side. The task of the back pair is to try to stand in front of the driver, holding hands. The driver tries to catch or at least knock one of the moving pair. If this happens, the one who was taunted becomes the driver, and the "old" driver takes his place in the pair. The game continues until the players lose interest or become tired.

At the bear in the forest
Game for the little ones. Of all the participants in the game, one driver is chosen, who is designated the "bear". 2 circles are drawn on the playground. The 1st circle is the bear's lair, the 2nd is the house for all other participants in the game.
The game begins, and the children leave the house with the words:
At the bear in the forest
Mushrooms, I take berries.
The bear doesn't sleep
And growls at us.
After the children pronounce these words, the "bear" runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. If someone does not have time to escape into the house and the "bear" catches him, then he himself becomes a "bear" and goes to the den.

Wild Beast Tamer
On the playground, stumps are placed in a circle or soft rugs, if it is a hall. Hemp (rugs) are placed in a circle, but one less than the players taking part in the game. The one who does not have hemp is the tamer of animals, and all the rest are animals. Before the game begins, children choose who will be the wolf, who will be the fox, and who will be the hare. Animals sit on stumps. The animal tamer walks in a circle from the outside and calls one of the animals. The one who has been named gets up and follows the tamer. And so the tamer can name several animals, they get up and follow the leader. As soon as the tamer says: "Attention, hunters," the animals and the tamer try to sit on a free stump. The one for whom there is no free place becomes a tamer and the game continues.

Very interesting game, which has become widespread in different regions and has several modifications. All the players are close to each other (on the lawn, in the yard, in the field) and dig small holes, each for himself. Then they stand with one foot in the hole. With the exception of the driver, who has a meter-long stick and a ball (ball) in his hands. All "outfield" players also have sticks. The driver hits the ball with a stick and tries to fall into the rest of the players. As soon as the players in the field see that the ball is rolling in their direction, they try to hit the ball by throwing a stick at it. If the player does not hit, then his comrades can help him. As soon as the ball is beaten off, the driver runs after the ball, touches it and tries to take the place of the one who threw the stick and must pick it up. If the driver manages to take " empty place", a hole whose player ran away for a stick, then the driver changes.

In leg
Folk Cossack game, which became widespread in the 19th century. The game requires the manifestation of accuracy and dexterity from its participants. Children are divided into 2 equal teams. Along one of the lines, circles with a diameter of about 30 centimeters are drawn, according to the number of players on one team. After that, the players of one team are built in a line along the line, placing one foot in the drawn circle. Players of the opposing team stand opposite, at a certain, predetermined distance. Their task is to hit the players of the opposing team with soft balls. The game lasts according to the number of set shots (for example, 5), after which the teams change places. Points can be awarded for each hit. The team with the most points wins. During the game, it is forbidden to throw the ball in the face, and the players in the circles to tear off the foot in the circle from the ground.

Children are divided into 2 teams. A circle is drawn in the center of the site. Players, one from a team, go into a circle, raise their left leg back, grab it with their hand, and stretch their right hand forward. On a signal, the players begin to push with the palms of outstretched arms. The winner is the player who manages to push the opponent out of the circle or if the opponent stands on both feet. The team with the most individual victories wins.

cock fight
The game is played according to almost the same rules as the Geese game. The main difference is that the players, jumping on one leg, lay their hands behind their backs and push not with their palms, but shoulder to shoulder. The winner is the player who manages to push the opponent out of the circle or if the opponent stands on both feet. The team with the most individual victories wins.

All children who participate in this game are divided into 2 teams equal in number. One person is invited from each team. In the center of the site lies a meter stick. The participants who came out grab the stick each from their side and, on command, begin to pull the stick, each in their own direction. The one who pulls the opponent to his side wins. Further, the following team members go to the center of the site. The team with the most individual victories wins.

Wolves in the ditch
This game will require "wolves", no more than 2, 3 people, and all other children are assigned "hares". A corridor with a width of about 1 meter (ditch) is drawn in the center of the site. "Wolves" occupy the space inside the corridor (ditch). The task of the "hares" is to jump over the ditch and not be touched by one of the "wolves". If the "bunny" was taunted and he comes across, he should leave the game. If during the jump the "hare" stepped on the territory of the moat with his foot, then he failed and also leaves the game.

moving horse
Both adults and children can successfully take part in the game, especially during mass holidays. All participants are divided into two teams: one - "horses", others - "riders". "Riders" sit on "horses" and form a circle. One of the riders is given the ball. "Riders" pass the ball in a circle in one direction or another, for example, to the right. And you need the ball to go through several circles, by agreement before the game. After that, the teams change places, but, as a rule, the game develops differently. If during the transfer of the ball it is on the ground, then the teams instantly change places: the “horses” become “riders”, and the “riders” become “horses”.

12 sticks
12 sticks is a game that a large number of children can take part in. An important condition for its implementation is the area on which it is carried out. There should be plenty of bushes, trees, or other cover so that you can hide. All players must know each other by name. To play, you will need a board about 50-80 centimeters long, 12 short sticks (about 15 centimeters long) and a round log. The board is placed on a log, and the sticks are placed on one edge of the board. It turns out a design similar to a swing.
Of all the players, the driver is selected. He closes his eyes, counts, for example, to 20. All other players must hide. The sticks lie on a log. The driver must find the players, but not forgetting the sticks. As soon as he finds someone, he must name the player’s name, run up to the board and kick the end opposite from the sticks, so that they scatter, after which he can hide, and the one who is found becomes the driver. The game continues on.
If the driver has gone far from the board with sticks, then one of those who is hiding can run up and hit the board so that the sticks scatter. In this case, the driver must collect the sticks and only then go look for other areas of the game.

Fishing Rod (Fish, Catch a Fish)
All players form a circle. One driver is selected, who becomes the center of the circle. The driver is given a rope. An adult can also be the driver. The leader begins to spin the rope. The task of all the players in the circle is to jump over it and not be caught. There are two options for developing the game.
1st option: without changing the driver (adult). In this case, those who fell for the bait are out of the game and go out of the circle. The game is played until the most dexterous and jumping children (3-4 people) remain in the circle.
2nd option: with a change of driver. That "fish" that falls for the bait, takes a place in the center of the circle and becomes a "fisherman".

mother hen and kite
Before the start of the game, 2 of the strongest are selected from all its participants: one is appointed as a kite, the other is appointed as a mother hen. All the rest are chickens. The kite is on the sidelines and, according to the old Russian rules, digs a small hole. Behind the mother hen, one after another, chickens stand and take each other by the waist. After that, the uterus with chickens approach the kite, and the uterus begins to say: "Kite! What are you doing?" - "Dig a hole." - "Why do you need a dimple?" - I'm looking for money. - "Why do you need money?" - Buy a needle. - "Why do you need a needle?" - "Sew a bag." - "Why the bag?" - "Put pebbles." - "Why pebbles?" - "In your children rustle-murmur." - "For what?" - "They climb into my garden." – “You would make the fence higher, but if you don’t know how, then catch them. After that, the kite tries to catch the last chicken. continues until the kite catches everyone.The game can be played and the run of the sentence of the mother hen.

This, one might say, is a classic of the genre. Players are arranged in pairs, holding hands and forming a column. The driver is in front. All in unison loudly say or sing:
Burn, burn bright
To not go out.
Burn, burn bright
To not go out.
Look at the sky
The birds are flying.
The bells are ringing!
One, two, three - run!

Another variant:
Burn, burn clear
To not go out.
And one, and two, and three.
Last couple, run!
In any case, at the word “run”, those in the last pair open their hands and rush to the beginning of the column, running around it from different sides (one on the left, the other on the right), and the driver tries to catch one of them before the pair, when they meet, they join hands again.
If this succeeds, then together with the caught player, the driver stands in the first pair of the column, and the one who was not caught becomes the driver.

Frost - Red nose
Along the edges playground the boundaries of the two "houses" are outlined. In one of them the players gather.
Leading, i.e. Frost - Red Nose, stands in the middle of the site and says:
I am Frost - Red nose,
I freeze everyone indiscriminately.
I'll deal with everyone soon
Who decides now
Go on a long journey!
The players chant in response:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost!
And then they run to the opposite "house". Frost is trying to catch up with them and "freeze": those whom he manages to touch with his hand freeze in place.
At the end of the run they are either out of the game or remain in a "frozen" position for subsequent rounds. In this case, the winner is the one who remains the last to escape the touch of Frost.

Malechina - kalechina
Putting the wand on a finger, palm, leg, etc., you need to keep it in balance while saying the words: "Malechina-kalechina, how many hours until evening?"
One, two... ten.
Golden Gate
A pair of players stand facing each other and raise their hands up - this is the gate. The rest of the players take each other so that a chain is obtained.
The gate players say a rhyme, and the chain must quickly pass between them.
Golden Gate
They don't always miss.
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second one is prohibited.
And for the third time
We won't miss you!
With these words, hands fall, the gates slam shut. Those that are caught become additional gates. Gates win if they manage to catch all the players.

Along the edges of the playground there are two "houses", in one of which the players - "geese" gather. Selected for the role of "wolf" is placed in a circle, symbolizing his lair. The host goes to an empty "house" and starts a dialogue with the "geese":
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
So fly home!
- We are not allowed:
Gray wolf under the mountain
He won't let us go home!
- Well, fly as you like,
Just take care of your wings!
"Geese", flapping their wings, try to cross to another house, and "the wolf catches them." The caught player becomes a "wolf".

Game "Guide"
This is more than just a game. This is the acquaintance of souls when such factors as appearance and look.
In the inner circle, facing the center of the circle, men stand, hold hands and close their eyes. In the outer circle, girls dance in a round dance to the music. After some time, at the signal of the leader, a clap or whistle, the girls begin to disassemble the guys - any of those they like that are closer. They take the guy by the hand and lead him in a circle, the guy goes all this time with eyes closed. It is desirable that the number of girls and boys match so that no one is left standing alone in the inner circle.
At the signal of the leader, the girls carefully line up the guys again in the inner circle, and they themselves go further in a round dance. This is repeated three times. When, after the third time, the guys are again placed in the inner circle, the leader gives a signal - "You can open your eyes." The hack starts. The guys describe their feelings, name which of the three girls they liked, whom they would like to see. Girls are usually happy to confess and show themselves.
Then the girls stand in the inner circle with their eyes closed, and the guys in the outer one and everything repeats.

This game is the most ancient (as pointed out by academician B.A. Rybakov, and also mentioned by V.Ya. Propp).
The driver - Yasha (i.e. the Lizard - the owner of the underwater and underworld, one of the incarnations of Veles) sits in the center of the circle formed by the rest of the participants in the game. Holding hands, they move in a round dance, singing:
Sit-sit Yasha
Under the walnut bush.
Gnawing-gnawing Yasha
roasted nuts,
Gifted to dear...
This is followed by a dialogue:
- What does Yasha want?
- I want to get married.
- Get yourself a girl
Which one you want.
The participants in the round dance scatter, and “Yasha” catches someone: if he catches a girl, he kisses her, if a guy, he becomes the leader.

Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands - this is a mousetrap. One or two are "mice". They are outside the circle. Holding hands and raising them up, they move in a circle with the words:
Oh, how tired the mice are,
Everyone ate, everyone ate!
Beware, cheaters
We'll get to you!
Let's close the mousetrap
And we'll catch you right away!
During the pronunciation of the text, "mice" run in and out of the circle. With the last word "the mousetrap slams" - they lower their hands and squat down. The "mice" that did not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught and stand in a circle. Other mice are selected.

"Salki" ("Pyatnashki", "Traps", "Traps", "Lapki", "Lepki", "Dumplings", "Salo", etc.)
This game has different names and rules, but the main content is preserved: one or more drivers catch other players and, if caught, change roles with them.
The game can be played in the most various conditions: indoors, outdoors, children of all ages, youth and adults. The number of participants - from 3 to 40 people. The game does not require leaders, judges.
By lot or by rhyme, one driver is chosen - "salka". The boundaries of the playing area are conditionally established. Everyone scatters within this area. The driver announces: "I am a salka!" - and begins to catch those playing within the established limits of the site. Whomever he catches up and touches (touches), he becomes a "feed" and announces, raising his hand up: "I am a tag!" He begins to catch the players, and the former "trail" runs away with everyone. The game has no definite end.
Varieties of "Salok"
- "Salki with the house." For those who run away, a “house” is drawn on the site, in which they can escape from the “tag”, but they do not have the right to stay there for a long time.
- Salki "Feet from the ground". Fleeing from the "tag", the players must take their feet off the ground (floor). To this end, they climb on any object or sit down, lie down, raising their legs up. In this position, the "salka" has no right to salt them.
- Salki "Give a hand." In this game, the person running away from the "trail" shouts: "Give me your hand!" If one of the comrades takes his hand with him, then the driver does not have the right to touch them. If, on the other hand, another player joins, i.e. there will be three of them, the driver has the right to send any winger.
- "Legs-crossings". Runners can help each other out by crossing the road between the chasing tag and the one who is running away. As soon as someone crosses the road, "Salka" must catch him. Here again, someone seeks to rescue a comrade and runs across the road, the "trail" begins to catch him, and so everyone strives to save the comrade, whom the "trail" is running after. The driver ("salka") must quickly switch and catch a new player who has crossed the road.

Children gather, up to 16 or more, in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room and cast lots among themselves. The one chosen by lot represents the hawk. The rest of the children join hands and become pairs, forming several rows.
A hawk is placed in front of everyone, which can only look ahead and does not dare to look back. At this signal, the pairs suddenly separate from each other and rush in a run in different directions, at this time the hawk catches up with them, trying to catch someone.
The victim, i.e., found himself in the claws of a hawk, changes roles with him.
Children while running tend to throw a handkerchief or a folded tourniquet at the hawk - if they fall into it, it is considered killed and another from among the children is chosen to take its place.

Cats and mice
The best place for this game is a spacious outdoor area.
The participants in this game, up to 25 or more, without distinction of gender, nominate one of their peers as a mouse and the other two as cats.
The rest of the children take each other's hands and form an open circle, in one place of which two neighboring participants lower one of their hands, thus forming a kind of open "gate", while cats are allowed to enter the circle exclusively through these "gates" , the mouse, in addition, even through all the other gaps formed between the children.
This game is based on the fact that cats strive at all costs to catch a mouse; as soon as this happens, these three most active participants join hands and adjoin the others to form the same circle, with a new mouse and cats moving forward to replace them, etc. until all the children have been in these roles.
With this game, children are given ample opportunity to frolic and run in the open air, which is of great importance for the development and strengthening of their physical strength.

Fifteen games take place outdoors, where children gather in any number, from 4-5 to 25 or more.
Having gathered, the children from their midst choose one, and give him the nickname Fifteen; his role is that he carefully follows the children running in different directions and tries at all costs to catch one and stain him, that is, touch him with his hand.
The one caught is lingered in this way and turned into a "fifteen," while his name is spoken aloud so that the comrades know whom they should beware of.
As soon as he, in turn, catches one of the participants, he immediately transfers his role to him, moving himself into a group of children fleeing.
This game should be continued until the children retain a keen interest in it and do not feel tired.
Fifteen games are based primarily on movement; they can, however, be diversified by introducing various elements, such as throwing a ball and the like.

Wolf in a circle
The number of participants can be arbitrarily large. Children gather in the spacious yard.
A circle is drawn on the floor or ground and, having chosen a wolf by lot from its midst, they place it inside the outlined circle.
The children participating in the game break into the circle and try to run out of it without being spotted by the wolf, who tries his best to spot them.
The victim changes roles with the wolf and takes his place in the circle. This game is not difficult, giving children great entertainment. The main element included in it is running.

Children, in any number, up to 30 or more, take with them an ordinary ball, of medium size, and go to the yard.
The children taking part in the game, all except one, are installed in a circle, turning their faces to the center of the circle. They fold their hands behind their backs, thus passing each other the ball, which in this case serves as a bunny.
One of the participants, located in the circle itself, seeks to capture it when passing the ball from hand to hand, and he has the right to require each participant to show him his hands.
As soon as he notices someone has a ball or one of the children drops it out of distraction, he picks up the ball and takes the place of the victim, and he enters the circle, changing roles with him.
The one in the circle is called "leader"; as soon as he finds himself with his back to one of the participants who took possession of the ball, he has the right to touch the back of the “leader”, that is, to stain him, and staining is allowed only in the back, and not in any other place.
The stained one picks up the ball and rushes after the one who stained it; with great dexterity, he takes revenge, that is, he also tries to tarnish him; on success, they switch roles.
In the event that he fails to overtake the enemy, he again goes to the middle of the circle and continues to be the leader.
In this game, in addition to running, throwing a ball is an important element - both of these conditions are extremely useful for children, as they give them the opportunity to develop the maximum of their musculoskeletal energy; with prolonged running and throwing, muscles develop and become stronger, respiratory movements become frequent and deep, the chest develops and blood circulation improves significantly.
The game should be suspended as soon as fatigue becomes noticeable.

The number of players can be arbitrarily large.
The participants in the game by lot choose from among their midst one comrade who is entrusted with the role of a bear, and supply each with bundles - the latter are easy to make by folding handkerchiefs accordingly.
On one of the sides of the space allotted for the game, a small place is arranged or, rather, limited by the line, serving as a den for the bear.
At this signal, the children rush from one end of the yard to the opposite, and the bear, not armed with a tourniquet, rushes at them, trying to touch one of them with his hand, that is, to stain him.
The tainted one also becomes a bear and is led into a lair. The game continues in this order until there are more bears than the remaining participants in the game.
As the number of the bear's assistants increases, they all go out with him to prey, are installed in a row, and only those on the edges have the right to catch the players. The main element of the game is running.

Children gather in a spacious place. It is most convenient to start this game as soon as dusk begins to approach.
Participants choose from their midst one who is distinguished by dexterity and agility, and entrust him with the role of a cat. The cat carefully hides behind a tree or a bush, trying to remain unnoticed by his comrades.
The latter, at the signal of one of the elders, rush in all directions to search for the cat; the cat, on the other hand, meows from time to time, letting you know about its presence, and quickly hides so as not to be open.
The game is continued until the cat is found, then another cat is chosen by lot and the game is played until the children get tired or lose interest in it.

lame fox
The number of participating children can be arbitrarily large. Having gathered in a spacious courtyard or in a large room, they choose one of the participants, who is given the nickname lame fox.
At the place chosen for the game, a rather large circle is drawn, which includes all the children, except for the lame fox. At this signal, the children rush in a circle, and at that time the lame fox jumps on one leg and tries at all costs to tarnish one of the runners, that is, to touch him with his hand.
As soon as she succeeds, she enters the circle and joins the rest of the fleeing comrades, while the victim takes on the role of a lame fox.
The children play until everyone is the lame fox; the game, however, can be stopped earlier, at the first appearance of signs of fatigue.
For the correct conduct of the game, the following conditions must be observed: the children who entered the circle must run only in it and not go beyond the outlined line, in addition, the participant chosen by the lame fox must run only on one leg. The main elements of this game are running and jumping.

Children often and willingly play hide-and-seek, especially young ones, since this game is very simple. A large, spacious room or a clean courtyard is chosen as a place for her.
Children choose one from their midst, put a blindfold on his eyes, using a clean handkerchief or the like. At this signal, the participants in the game rush in different directions, and a boy with a blindfold, standing in the middle of the yard or room, tries to catch someone any of the fugitives.
The one who gets caught changes roles with him, that is, he is blindfolded and he, in turn, also tries to catch one of his comrades.
Children must, while running, still make sure that the one who is blindfolded does not stumble upon any object; at the sight of danger, they warn with a cry: "fire"!

The tube resembles a blind man's buff, only it is of much greater interest to children.
There can be any number of participants - children gather in a large room or in a clean yard. One of them gets the nickname "Blind Man's Buff", they put a handkerchief over his eyes and tie him up, and give him a tube of folded paper in his hands. The blind man's blind man stands in the middle of the room, and the rest of the participants take each other's hands, forming a circle, in the center of which the blind man's blind man is placed. At this signal, the children walk around the blind man's blind man 2-3 times, after which the latter approaches one of them and calls him some word or asks: who are you?
The person asked should mumble something indistinctly in response, and the blind man's blind man, hitting him with a tube, should name his comrade. If successful, they switch roles. The main element that comes into play is walking, and if it is on fresh air, then the benefits of it are obvious, since walking serves as the best gymnastic exercise for the body.

Children gather in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room, squat down, hands on their sides and vying with each other, overtaking each other, trying to jump to the opposite end of the place designated for the game.
Which of the children will be the first to reach the designated place in this way is considered the winner, and the one who stumbles along the road is punished by excluding him from the number of players. This simple game gives children great pleasure and develops their physical strength.

Games of any nation, and especially Russian folk games (names and rules, as well as songs, dances, fairy tales), clearly reflect the culture of people. Reveal the most important character traits.

In the game and on the road people will be recognized

By the way people behave in games, you can get an impression of what kind of people are in life, everyday life, relationships with others. For a long time in Russia - from early spring to the first autumn showers, and then in the snowy winter - people gathered on all national and Christian holidays to celebrate the celebration together. These celebrations never did without games. The folk games of the Russian people reflect the age-old experience of people - this is entertainment and training at the same time. It is fun, noisy, with songs, dances, round dances. This is joy and pleasure, it is wide, as the soul of the Slavs is wide. Meanwhile, any game always requires intelligence, develops ingenuity, resourcefulness, speed of reaction. Russian folk gathered and are gathering crowded teams competing in strength, dexterity, and endurance. And at the same time, team cohesion, mutual assistance, support in difficult moments reigns between the players. Competitions are held in the fresh air and therefore strengthen health, train the body, and contribute to the development of endurance.

Unity in Diversity

The names of the folk games of the Russian people are capacious, concise, memorable. They were invented by people themselves: wise, observant, inventive, quick-witted. Each individual game, when it was played in different regions of Russia, added its own nuances, its own local flavor. Such games were accompanied by songs and playing on local musical instruments. Therefore, the name of Russian folk games in different places could also differ.

Spiritual man is a strong man

Almost all Russian folk outdoor games are rooted in religion, reminiscent of ancient pagan rites in their colorfulness. In the culture of Russia there were no priests and sacrifices, but there was worship of the earth and the sun, water and fire. And in everyday life there was cruel exploitation and hard peasant labor. All this was transferred to folk art and was reflected in the name of Russian folk games. Echoes of rituals can be seen even now in the rites and games for Shrovetide, Christmas, Trinity, etc. On the night after the longest summer day, boys and girls converged on the banks of the rivers. They burned bonfires, competed in jumping over the fire, bathed in order to meet the rising sun in purity. The girls wove wreaths and let them float down the river. And the guys took out a wreath of their betrothed from the water. And what kind of folk game appeared from the old Russian rite, where the guys sang: “It’s not the fire that burns, it’s not the resin that boils, it’s the heart that boils and burns for the red maiden”? It's a Burner game.

In the game, in the field

Without hunting - and the man is a blockhead

Before involving children in the game, adults must definitely love it themselves sincerely. Moreover, without knowing the name of Russian folk games, the history of the appearance of one or another of them, if you do not take into account the color and features, you will not achieve an educational moment. Not to achieve a full and capacious manifestation of talents. Children, if the fun is interesting for them, play enthusiastically, sometimes to the point of complete fatigue. But at the same time, they experience joy from communication and victories, and sometimes just grief from defeat. And you need to be able to make sure that these strong emotions are only for the benefit of the child. Russian folk games for children are an example of the high skill of educators and teachers. One of the goals facing teachers is to develop the imagination and ingenuity of the child. It is important that children do not just memorize the rules, but be able to improvise, compose them themselves. Encouragement of independence in games and at the same time a sense of comradeship and solidarity can hardly be overestimated. Children from junior to senior love the Fanta game, which has a wide field for developing and demonstrating talents. Up to five participants can play. First, the leaders are chosen, there should be two of them. The hosts collect forfeits from all participants. It can be any small items, it is important that they are different and accurately identify the owner. Collecting forfeits is already fun and exciting. If there are few participants, you can collect more than one forfeit from each. And then one of the presenters is blindfolded, and the other selectively takes out forfeits and asks: “What should this phantom do?” And here it is important that the second presenter be inventive and have a good one. You can specify in advance the possible range of tasks, there are no restrictions on humor. When all the forfeits are returned to the participants, a whole performance begins with songs, dances, and humor.

It's not a duck, it's a white swan

The little ones especially enjoy role-playing games. Russian folk games for preschool children are based on copying family relationships, tender and trusting. While playing, children absorb warmth and love. So, in the Russian folk game "Duck" a bright and affectionate image of the duck's mother is created. The leader, to a gentle song, shows simple movements that the smallest ones try to repeat. There are also varieties of such a game when they show the characteristic movements of different pets, and the children guess and repeat. Remember poems about these animals. The winner is the one who more accurately shows his favorite animal, tells a rhyme, and maybe sings a song about him.

"I was born a gardener"

For long winter evenings there are Russian folk games indoors. The names of the most beloved and fascinating are known to many. This is for the most part Mind games requiring knowledge, skills and experience. Children's games are "Edible - not edible" or "I was born a gardener." It's also a whole bunch board games, starting with "Spikers", where strength of character, skill and perseverance are important. Sticks of the same size are chosen as spillikins. They pour them into a slide on the table, and then take turns trying to take out as many sticks as possible without breaking the slide. The turn passes to the next player at the slightest violation of the hill. The winner is the one who has the most sticks after parsing the entire slide. The game is made more difficult by pulling out the sticks with one hand, or with a hanging hand, or with a stick, and not with your fingers.

Money and the game will not bring to good

Any nation has games where money is put on the line as a win. Russians are no exception gambling. These are games for adults. And folk experience confirms that they do not end well.