Where to take the Essence of the Black Spirit. Black Spirit in Black Desert. - Blacksmith Altinov -

The basis of the combat system of the game is the skills of the character, thanks to which you can damage by hostile players and monsters. In addition, some of the hero's abilities allow you to get useful effects or even evade enemy attacks. Consider distinctive features skills in the game Black Desert..

  • Study skills

To master any ability, a sufficient amount of skill glasses need to get them, you need to destroy monsters or perform certain tasks.

  • There are two ways to study skills.:

1. Independent. You can open the skills menu anywhere. gaming Mira via
keys "k" and choose the ability that you want to learn. On this you will spend 3 units
2. With coach. Almost in any major settlement you can contact NPC
Trainer\u003e, which will also help you explore the skills, but it will not be consumed
energy. You can find such a NPC using a special icon on a global map.
or through the search system.

If all relevant conditions are met to study any skill, then a special symbol appears in the upper left corner of the screen and the sword. The number on the symbol displays the number of skills for which the study conditions are satisfied.

To access the study of some skills, in addition to a certain level and a sufficient number of skill points, some scene tasks are also necessary.

  • Types of skills

All skills are divided into two main types: active and passive.

Passive skills give you additional parameters and act all the time since the study. Active skills can be used using special keys (combinations and shortcuts of keys), which are indicated in the ability description, as well as using a special panel to which you can put the skill you are interested in.

It is worth considering that it is possible to use some abilities only after you have previously applied other skills. Thus, a bunch of certain abilities forms combo receivers. Such skills cannot be dragged in the quick access menu and they are activated only with the keys. About how to apply bonds of abilities is indicated in their description.

Some techniques can be used when driving, if you equip the horse stirrups. Also, most of them have an additional effect, which is indicated in blue in the skill description.

  • Effects of skills

Combat black system Desert provides several options for enhancing a basic attack. One of them is the use of special effects in combat, such as "attack from the back", which causes additional damage.

The main combat effects are:

- Attack from the back: When attacking enemy heroes from the back, you will increase your basic damage. At attack
from the back of the monsters you will apply more damage than characters.
- Counterattack: Some abilities can interrupt an enemy attack and apply an increased damage.
- Attack at the bottom: The attack of a monster or enemy hero hit the foot or enemy hero will apply additional damage.
- Attack in the air: Your damage will increase if you attack the enemy, designed in the air.
- High-speed attack: A series of rapid blows that are increasing damage.

In addition, the game also has additional skills effects that help create conditions for the activation of the main. These include:
- Knockdown: Knocks down the enemy from the legs for a few seconds, allowing you to apply additional damage.
- Tipping: Similar to the usual knockdown, however the goal almost immediately rises to the feet and
continues the battle.
- Stunning: Disorientation of the enemy, because of which it cannot for a few seconds
- Oven: Makes the enemy to measure for a short time.
- Reference: Takes up the enemy into the air, making it defenseless.
- Capture: Allows you to take an opponent in the capture, after which it can be thrown, applying
additional damage, or make your allies vulnerable to attacks.
- Repulsion during knockdown: Discarded the enemy lying on the ground.
- Turning during flight: When this effect is triggered, the enemy in
air will be discarded.
- Turn: Allows you to turn the enemy to your back to apply additional damage.
- Attraction: Attracts all opponents to the hero, on which the impact

  • Skills Study Tips

It is recommended to plan the study of abilities in advance. At the same time, it is not necessary to strive to explore them all, spending precious glasses skills on the skills that you will not use either PVP or in PVE battles. For example, if you decide to turn your missile to a fighter of an exceptionally long-range battle, then there is no need to spend money on pumping the drove of the skills of melee. It will correctly save skills points to study new abilities, according to the selected direction of development.

Awakening skills

The Black Desert has a special system that allows you to strengthen the ability of characters by hanging out them with any additional effect. Upon reaching 48 levels, refer to the Black Spirit to start the first awakening. After that, at each level you can awaken one of your abilities. Effects from awakening can be both instantaneous and operating for a period of time. For example, it is possible to obtain HP regeneration when attacking or increasing the amount of experience gained for a certain period. Considering this, it is recommended to awaken the frequently used skills to fully use all the advantages of awakening.

  • Reset Awakening

However, sometimes it can happen that the resulting effect will not arrange you, and you wish to change it to another. This requires the item "Reset the Awakening Skill". To reset the awakening, call the black spirit, click the "Awakening Skill" button, and then go to the "Reset Skills" tab. Select the necessary ability, and click the "Reset Knowledge" button.

After that, the skill can be awakened again and, perhaps, to get another effect.

Anger of black spirit

Anger of the Black Spirit - the ability to automatically receive at 30 levels. Using it, you will significantly increase the damage of some spells that can require 100 or 200% charge for your application.

The current charge level of anger can be found thanks to a special indicator, which is located to the right of the character status bands. The accumulation of charges occurs during the battle: one charge for the destruction of the enemy and two - for obtaining damage.

Strengthening skills that can be filtered with anger of the Black Spirit occurs after the accumulation of the necessary stock of rage, while the accumulated charge is spent. Otherwise, skill inflicts standard damage. The maximum number of anger that one player can accumulate is 100%, and therefore the accumulation of 200% charge requires the help of other players. The charge can be transmitted to another player consisting of you in one group using the 'X' button.

It should be borne in mind that when transmitting 100% charge, another player receives only 50%. Therefore, this function must be used twice to increase the charge from 100% to 200%.

Also, sometimes the charge can be absorbed, amplifying some skills. To absorb, press the 'Z' key.

Strengthening equipment

After the Black Spirit acquires the second form (at the end of the quest "Foots of Edan"), you will be available to enhance the equipment with the energy of black stones, so that its basic characteristics will increase significantly.

  • Normal amplification

To enhance weapons and armor, appropriate types of black stones are needed. Strengthening stones can be obtained for performing some tasks, pick up a killed monster from carcasses, as well as create with alchemy.

The gain process is as follows.:
1. We place the necessary object of equipment in the inventory.
2. We call on the black spirit using the '/' key, and in a conversation with it click on the "Strengthen" button,
to go to the enhancement interface of equipment.
3. Next, click the PCM on the equipment that we want to strengthen, and the necessary stone to
transfer them to the strengthen window.
4. Click on the "Strengthest" button.

In this way, it is guaranteed to enhance equipment to a certain limit (+7 for weapons and +5 for armor). With further strengthening, there is a possibility of failure, and if this happens, then the black stone will disappear, and the maximum strength of the subject will decrease by 5 points. A kind of consolation with unsuccessful gain is that you will get an increased probability of success for the following improvement (this bonus is reset after successful strengthening). After a series of unsuccessful gain, it is recommended to restore the maximum strength of the subject by repairing.

  • Accurate amplification

After overcoming the guaranteed "barrier" of the enhancement of equipment, another way of its improvement becomes available, which is called "Safe Strength". A feature here is that the object of equipment is enhanced with 100% probability, however this action Consumes a significant number of ferrous stones, and also reduces the maximum strength of the subject. The higher the level of amplification, the greater the reserve of maximum strength will lose the subject.

  • Strengthening jewelry

The process of enhancing jewelry differs from the enhancement of other equipment. For this type of improvement, there is no need for black stones - another, completely similar decoration, is used as a resource.
After strengthening the subject, you can return all or part of the spent stones to take advantage of them again. To do this, refer to the NPC. However, when removing the point itself, the subject together with all the gain disappears. It should be remembered that in the event of your character's death, its equipment can lose one or more levels of amplification.


You will significantly strengthen your equipment if you build gems in it, adding new characteristics to it. This opportunity opens when the Black Spirit acquires its second form, after the task of the "Footage of Edan".

  • Process of Inlay

Incruitment of stones will not cause any difficulties. It is enough to find equipment with the necessary amount of empty slots, and a suitable stone (from the type of stone depends on the type of equipment into which it can be inserted). After that, call the black spirit (default key "/") and click on the "Inlay" button.

Choose equipment with a free slot for inlay and a suitable crystal. A confirmation window will appear, in which you want to confirm what you want to insert a stone into an equipper. After that, the crystal will immediately take its slot.

To remove a gem from equipment, you must put it in the inlay field and click on it with the right mouse button. In this case, the crystal will be destroyed, however, you can save it using the appropriate service for the nearest blacksmith.

Important: Do not forget that when death, the crystal can be destroyed.

Transfer of amplification

IN black game DESERT With the help of a blacksmith, you can partially or fully restore the resources spent on the improvement of equipment. This can be used to move the strengthening to more powerful equipment.

  • Extract black stones

Black stones are one of the most valuable resources in Black Desert, which is necessary to improve equipment. However, it may happen that you will need to get them back to strengthen another subject. To do this, contact the blacksmith, click the Removal button and select "Black Stone". Next, a special window will open in which you need to put improved equipment, and then click "Extract".

Extraction of black stones has a number of features:
- Return is subject to all spent on improving stones if the level of amplification is less or
equal to safe (+7 for weapons and +5 for armor);
- if the subject is improved above the safe level, then you get only part of the stones,
- The subject from which black stones are extracted, collapsed.

  • Extraction of inlaid stones

When removing stones with the help of black spirit, the stone is destroyed. So that this does not happen, you can buy in a premium store "Essence of the Black Spirit" and use the help of a blacksmith.

Turning to the blacksmith, click the Removal button and select "Inlay". Insert the object from which the stone needs to be removed, and the Essence of the Black Spirit (for this, click the PCM on their icons in the inventory). Then click the "Record" button to make the equipment and the extracted stone you have.


Spore, which cannot be resolved by negotiations, you can always solve the battle! The cause of the battle is unimportant: the capture of the castle during the siege, holding the guild wars, the battle of the arena for honor and glory or simply the need to adhere to any player - only victory is important.
Upon reaching 30 level, you can activate PvP mode, which will allow you to attack other players. An exception is only the holding of the guild wars in which all players participate, regardless of the level.

  • Activating PVP mode

To make the ability to attack players, click the 'Alt + C' key, or click on a special icon located near the screen at the bottom of the screen. The icon will change its appearance, allowing you to determine if your PVP mode is enabled. Also during the activation / deactivation of the mode, you will see the appropriate notification.

When attacking a player near your family and name, a special icon (flag) will appear, which shows other players your readiness for the battle:

  • PVP fines

If in open world You will kill another player without the PVP mode enabled, then it will lose experience, as well as with a low share of probability, inlaid stones. You, in turn, lose a certain amount of karma. With a negative karma value, you are assigned the status of "PK", which makes you the desired goal for other players, because in case of death you will incur additional losses about which is described in the relevant manual.

ATTENTION: Black Desert has certain zones (for example, arena), in which fines there are no fines and negative karma for killing other players is not charged.

Fines at death

The world of the game is full of dangers emanating not only from monsters, but also from other heroes encountered by you on the path of adventure. Sometimes, if circumstances are stronger than you, then such collisions can end with death, which is fraught with certain fines: loss of experience, the destruction of inlaid stones, decrease in the level of increasing equipment and many others.

It is worth remembering that most fines are relevant only for the free world, and therefore in zones where death from other players is inevitable (for example, arena or the siege zone), death penalties do not act.

  • Place of resurrection

After death, you will be asked to choose the place of rebirth. If you do not make it within one minute, then you will automatically revive in the near city. There are several options for the resurrection:

Here and now
Immediate resurrection on site of death with 20% HP. To use a special item is needed - "Tears of Ellian". It is worth considering that when using this option on duelles arena, tears are not needed. In addition, this option is impossible to apply this version of the resurrection in the areas of the Opad.

Nearest city
Allows you to move to the nearest city in which you visited. It should be borne in mind that players with negative karma are not reborn directly in the city. Instead, they appear not far from him.

Nearest knot
Allows you to move to the nearest open node. If there are no studied nodes near the place of death, this feature will not be available to you, and you will resurrect in the city.

Command post
The option is available only in the zone of the siege and allows you to move to your command item.

  • Fines at death

Losses due to the death of the character depend on the level of his karma, which decreases in the event of the murder of other players, horses or during theft of items from NPC.

  • Losses

Depending on Karma, with death you can lose experience, stones inlaid, as well as one or more levels of amplification of the subject. The lower the level of karma, the big losses will incur a player in the event of death. It is important to take into account that simultaneously losing the inlaid stones and the level of amplification is impossible, but the experience you always lose.

  • Loss and destruction of objects

Depending on how low your karma is, you can lose one or more not tied items in the event of death. However, you will have a chance to return the supposed items if you hurry to the place of death and pick them up. It should be extremely careful with trading loads: they fall out or destroy regardless of the karma value. In addition, smuggling goods are always destroyed.

  • Resurrection

Low karma characters are not reborn directly in the city. Instead, they appear not far from it.

  • Guardies

If you commit unlawful actions, you should be prepared for the fact that you will be attacked by the guards that protect major cities and settlements, and can also be met in border areas.


Arena - The place where players are going to fully enjoy the PVP component of the game, while not afraid of fines in the form of loss of experience, reduce the strength and levels of enhancing objects. You can find the arena under the walls of almost anyone. major city. To start a battle, it is enough to agree with your opponent, and after going with him into a fenced area. Then you are free to do everything you wish!

Accrual Karma

Karma is one of the main characteristics of your character, which shows your attitude to the inhabitants of the world Black Desert. Your reputation will be stained if you kill peaceful heroes (not activated PVP mode), wild and tamed horses, as well as if you fall on theft.

The player attacked by another player will receive a special status (flag), which shows his readiness for the battle. At the same time, the model of his character will be painted in red, and a special character in the form of crossed swords will appear near his name.

The murder of peaceful characters takes 60,000 units of karma, but it is worth considering that this rule does not act on self-defense, allowing you to fight the offender even without switching on the PVP mode. The maximum value of karma is 300,000 units, which accumulates by destroying monsters.

With a negative value of Karma, you are assigned a special status, framing the model of the hero in red. Death in this case faces you additional fines that you can read here.

IN lately In almost every MMO - the game you can meet satellites, and their presence has long ceased to amaze players. Pets can perform various functions: help in battle, harvesting, enhancing the owner and allies in a group or raid by various effects, others can be used as a vehicle. Many satellites perform similar functions and it is difficult to come up with something new and unusual, but the developers were able to create something new to the Black Desert.

At the very beginning, you will get to know the satellite - the Black Spirit, it will become your guide to the mysterious world of Black Desert. Strange black tucca with red lights instead of eyes throughout the game will develop with you maximum levelwhere the quest chain ends. The Spirit will begin to train you and give various tasks for murdering monsters, bosses and studies of artifacts, thanks to which the black spirit becomes more powerful.

Special tasks will help you know the history of the world. You can get your first driving animal at the level 16 for the quest from the Black Spirit. Good equipment kits and a certain amount of experience for performing tasks will be a pleasant additions to an interesting scene line. Received for quests Equipment is not very bad and deserves until you choose unique armor Or weapons from elite bosses, or do not make these things themselves.

As the satellite increases, the satellite will become stronger and passing several stages of transformation from a small mysterious black tucca will not remain and the trace, it will find a different form.

The Black Spirit will periodically give assignments to the murder of elite bosses. Performing these tasks will require you a good knowledge of the character and tactics of fighting. The resulting skills will be useful to you in further game In collaborated with other players campaigns on raid bosses.

Strengthening and increment

When the first artifact is found and explored, the black spirit will change the form and you will open two useful features: Inlay precious stones and enhancing equipment due to the energy of black stones ("sharpening").

To enhance equipment, it is enough to put the desired thing in the inventory, call the spirit (key "/"), click on "Strengthening" (Sword Icon), find the right object and black stone (to enhance armor and weapons you need different types of stones), after which Press the "Strengthen" button.

In order to enlarge the stones, you must use the green button on which the glowing stone is depicted.

Strengthening skills

As the level of the possibility of the Black Spirit will expand and thereby increase your combat capability. After 48 levels and each new level You can improve one of the existing skills by hanging it with a random effect - both positive and negative. If the new property does not suit you, it can be removed with the help of relics that are knocked out from call bosses, or a special item from a gaming store for 60 pearls.

Effects may strengthen the characteristics of the character:

  • increase critical damage;
  • strengthen the attack of the near or long battle;
  • reduce all types of adversary attack;
  • slow down the enemy;
  • slow down the attack speed of the enemy;
  • instantly restore HP / MP / FP;
  • reduce the chance of a critical strike of the enemy;
  • reduce burn damage;
  • increase the speed of the attack by 10%;
  • reduce bleeding damage;
  • bonuses for obtaining experience.

The Black Spirit remains a mystery throughout the game. In many tasks, the history of the Spirit is told about how people learn to control it. Often the idea is creepy that the satellite lives in you and you are a vessel for him. What will help curb the spirit? What connects the character with him? Will he be another or enemy? Folding the mysters of the world Black Desert will have answers to all these questions.

The names of black spirits players will be able to give themselves alone, which makes each satellite unique.

Online conducts a character throughout the game. You can consider all quests from it - the main you need to do first in view of their profitability. Up to 50 level of the Spirit will hold a character on the main zones of hunting, and will introduce bosses. For the murder of each boss, he gives the cell inventory, so it is advisable to complete all his quests up to level 50. (It is not necessary to paint in detail, they are elementary simple).

- Quest to get fairy -

quest will give you a black spirit, and after passing the very first, you can take a repeated quest. In repeatable to obtain a new fairie, only 2 petals will be needed. Fairy is your satellite, and may acquire very useful skills.

- 51. Black shadow over media -

quests chain through the storyline. It should be done at least for the sake of the injury in extras. Weapons worth 9 million, and gives you +5 attacks and +100 HP. In addition, you will get a lot of knowledge (if it is the first character) and titles \u003d) Quests lungs

- 55. Valencia. The history of the kingdom of sands -

long chain, description of quests under the spoiler.

After completing the quest, you will get access to the task on the boss feutum.

The chain is very useful if you do not open the lands for Altinova - you will pass a tour of the main nodes and hunting zones, open Valencia and wander around the desert.Also get a very good amount of points of influence, knowledge and titles. Consider that you need to run to Vasilisk, you need protection for a 180+ character. Level - 56, awaken. There would also be a camel or elephant by the way.

- Quests for knowledge and energy -

Throughout the game, you will receive quests from the Black Spirit associated with the accumulation of your knowledge and influence points. Rewards for quests are very good:

Quests for knowledge and energy

Knowledge rules world II

Performance: accumulate 100 energy points

Reward: Gold ink 1 g (100 000) * 5 pcs., Knowledge "Mysterious World II"

Knowledge rules world III

Performance: accumulate 140 energy points

Reward: Gold Brochka 10 g (1 000 000), Knowledge "Mysterious World III"

Knowledge rules world IV

Performance: accumulate 180 energy points

Reward: Gold Cock 10 g x 3 pcs. (3,000,000), knowledge "Mysterious World IV"

Knowledge rules world VIII

Performance: accumulate 340 energy points

Reward: Gold ink 100 g (10 000 000), knowledge "Mysterious World of VIII"

Influential personality III

Performance: accumulate 100 influence points

Reward: Gold ingot 10 g (1,000,000).

Influential personality IV

Performance: accumulate 140 points of influence

Reward: Gold ingot 10 g * 3 pcs (3 000 000).

Influential personality V.

Performance: Accumulate 180 points of influence

Reward: Gold ingot 10 g * 5 pcs (5,000,000).

Influential personality VIII

Performance: accumulate 300 points of influence

Reward: Gold ingot 10 g * 3 pcs (30 000 000).

- Bastio strengthen -

quests under the spoiler

NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Black Spirit will give weapons Bastio and 1 black stone to enhance weapons. It is necessary to sharpen weapons and dress it.

Reward: Points of influence 50.

Extraction of black stone

NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Now you need to remove the black stone from the bastic weapon. Any blacksmith menu has an extraction - black stone. To take the quest in the castle of the knights delta.

Reward: Bastio limit weapons, grenade 1 (accuracy) x 2, grenade 1 (attack strength) x 2.

[Exchange] Enhanced Weapon

NPC - Black Spirit

A task: The Black Spirit offers you to exchange the limit weapon Bastio, reinforced by +7, on the weapon is better. It is necessary to sharpen the stay of the Bastio limit to +7 and send the Master Canobasu.

Reward: Weapons Pares +7, black stone (weapon) 5 pcs.

- Strengthening armor # 1-4 -

several quests for the receipt of armor of magical power - they will use only beginners, then it is worth buying something better. Quest is better to do, otherwise the black spirit will constantly dispense you. Fully you can do it at 56 levels.

Armor do not throw away - only if they are already reinforced to "magic power." If you lost the twirl charger - it can be taken from the NPS Grandos (a trader armor near the warehouse) in the calfone for 2 characters of the promise (signs can be obtained by Quest from the Black Spirit on the countryside)

NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Meet Mabo Mojanan in Altine and exchange dull armor to improved.

Reward: Armor of magical relic / protection 60, accuracy 20, HP +50, 2 slots for stones /

- Peligue gain # 1 and 2-

several quests for additional weapons of "magical relics" - it is also just for newcomers, then it is worth buying something better. Quest is better to do, otherwise the black spirit will constantly dispense you. Fully you can do it at 56 levels.

Extra. Weapons also do not dispose - only if it is already reinforced to "magical power." If you lost weapons of dull spell - it can be taken from the NPS Ronazi in the calfone for 2 signs of the promise (signs can be obtained by the Quest from the Black Spirit on the countryside

quests under the spoiler

NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Meet Sinai on the forest watchdog post and exchange dim weapons on the improved.

Reward: extra. Weapon sealed char. (2 slots)

- Strengthening Drug # 3 -

NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Transfer the Date Burudatu weapon of sealed char

Reward: extra. Weapons of constancy.

Pellet gain # 4 -

NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Transfer Wartana Lanzo (on TUGU) Constancy Weapons

Reward: extra. Magic weapons.

- faith on the verge of madness -

Meaningless quest.

NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Get knowledge about Miryanin Ellic, about the Warrior-sectance Ellik, about the follower of Ellic, about Mage - Sectant Ellic.

Reward: Skills glasses. 56 LVL - 0.04.

- Blacksmith Altinov -

Available after waking up the character. Perfect once per account. Award - Black Stones Char (Weapon) 2 pcs and simple stones for sharpening.

quests under the spoiler

Awakening - Blacksmith Altinov

NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Talk to the blacksmith Mabo Muranan in Altina. It is worth not far from the warehouse and alchemist.

Reward: Black stone weapon - 12 pcs.

Awakening - more forces!

A task: Strengthen the awakened weapon to +11. I had a +10 weapon in my inventory, which was given for awakening, the quest was fulfilled.

Reward: Black stone weapon - 10 pcs., Knowledge "Strengthening Awakened Weapon."

Awakening - maximum strength

Altinova, NPC - Blacksmith Mabo Muranan

A task: To talk to the gunsmith Tulleom, which is 5 meters from the blacksmith.

Reward: Black stone Char / weapon / - 2 pcs.

NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Speak with coach Abdul Caum in Altinov.


NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Speak with Varatan Lance in Tugu camp.


NPC - Black Spirit

A task: Talk with Ansoboy in the tomb of the ruler.