Black Desert: Hyde Pets (Buffes, Crossing, etc.). Titles in Black Desert Black Desert Desert Fox

IN Black Desert. A fairly large number of titles that can be obtained by completing certain tasks or by performing specific conditions. Look full list Titles, you can use the [P] key (eng.) - Tab [Titles]:

Description of the title and its installation in BDO I can also find out information about the titles already received by the character. Such titles will be allocated in the overall list. You can change titles 1 time per minute. For a certain amount of titles received, the character gets gain, valid on all account characters. Strengthening affects the performance of good luck, energy, endurance and experience gained.

Number of titles Effect
Luck Max. energy Experience, % Endurance
50 1
60 2
70 2 1
80 2 2
90 2 3
100 2 3 3
150 3 3 3
200 3 4 3
300 3 4 6 50
400 3 5 6 50
500 3 5 9 50
600 3 5 9 100
700 3 6 9 100
800 3 6 9 150
900 3 6 12 150
1000 3 7 12 150
1500 3 8 12 150
2000 3 8 12 200

Titles by type of receipt are divided into 4 groups: ,, and. Since it is quite a lot of titles - for a faster search you can use the possibilities of the browser: + [F].

Table in the fill process. You have information on titles, or you have found a mistake - you can write in the comments - it will help to fill in the table for a shorter period.



Terms of receipt

In Oleole, understanding

"Knowledge is power. Ignorant never reach this "

In the haloel knowledge

"Very soon, no one can ignore me"

Human encyclopedia

"I see a lot, I hear a lot. And I will not stop in my research "

Under the sign of all-lasting

"You have knowledge and there are gaps. I can help to fill them, I can tell about everything "

Under the sign of awakening "Awakening after all. What is complex here? " Knowledge:
Sage Knowledge:
Confidence through the region "What's the matter? Failures only give me confidence " Good gain: ~ 30 +
Under the blessing of Ellian "Not everyone is given to achieve it. Hahaha Good strengthening: ~ 50-60
Sad soul "Such days are also there, nothing special ... just a little sad ..." Unsuccessful Equipment Strengthening: 7
In the hatch of the black spirit "Aaaaa ..." Unsuccessful Equipment Strengthening: 10
Beginner traveler

"It seems now I know how deep the rabbit Nora"

Detection of the new territory: 10+

Experienced traveler

"I am tormented by vague doubts. It is necessary to get rid of the darkness that inside me ... "

Detection of the new territory: 30+


"It is felt by the presence of energy emitted only by travelers"

Detection of the new territory: 40+

Beginner researcher

"I'm not traveling anymore. I decided on the choice of the path "

Detection of the new territory: 80+

An experienced researcher

"In the process of research, you can find a lot of people. They probably just like me, discovered a lot of new "

Detection of the new territory: 130+


"Darkness is scattered, and small lights begin to illuminate the path"

Detection of the new territory: 250+

Earth Exterior Detection of the new territory: 360+
Desert Guide Detection of the new territory: 425+
In Oleole Light Detection of the new territory: 600+
Waiting for anxiety "This world is too huge, in it too much. I can not judge everything, I can only go to my way. " 11 Character level
In search of the road "What would do what craft to try? Now I will lay my path in this world. " 24 Character level
In search of yourself "In search of the truth of this world, I go on a journey. Full cases that can be done in the world. " 36 character level
With diligence "There is still a little bit, so that no one doubt my diligence. To give the gorge to hand! " 42 Character level
Monarch "My hands are subject to everything. I can become a fair monarch of this world. " 50 Character level
In the rule of pride "No one can stand with me at the same level! They will have to bow their heads and put on her knees! " 51 character level
The creator of the new faith "There are people who follow my thoughts. Yes, I am an influential face in this world. " 52 Character level
Without willow to life "I leave this place for a century and go there, where there is no case in the afternoon. This is my new world, my fate. " 53 character level
In step from divinity 54 Character level
Equal to God 55 Character level

"I feel joy from charity. It's not bad? Not easy, but worthy lesson! "

Influence glasses:

Charming creation

"Many help me. I will not forget it! "

Influence glasses:

With charity in the heart

"They do not need to recognize my contribution. I just share my efforts "

Influence glasses: 21

His among others

"Haha, residents do not remain in debt. Always treat something "

Influence glasses: 34

Recognized personality

"In each region, residents are gossipped. A shame to engage in such matters "

Influence glasses: 44

Recognizable personality

"The rest of the travelers will also recognize me"

Influence glasses: 51

Well-known personality

"I feel that I don't wonder I helped everyone else. Yes, this is my road! "

Influence glasses: 67

Confidant Lord

"Lords lands are happy to meet me. I always know what is interesting to such people. "

Influence glasses: 79


"Advanced. Definitely not yet achieved this value ... Does everyone make an indicated series of actions to achieve their goal? "

Influence glasses: 85

Creator of good

"If I need someone, I will not make waiting and I'll go there to"

Influence glasses: 112

In finding knowledge

"You already know something, but this is just the beginning"

Knowledge: 40.

Thirst for knowledge

"Even if knowledge is confused by their grandinality, it is necessary to continue to go ahead"

From formed

"Now I can speak not only with a rustic cushion, but also to know and aristocrats"

With a wide range

"I have a big luggage knowledge that allows me to talk with anyone."

From civilized world

"I entered the civilization. Now I have no salary left. "

Forward, for knowledge!

"If you could fill your body with knowledge instead of food, I would not take a gram in my mouth, only knowledge."

From higher spheres

"Ha ... So you do not get angry after me. Whatever I say, you will not understand me. "

Stray poet

"You know so much about travel and battles ... It's time for you to become a stray poet."

With a book instead of sweets

"I don't need sweets. The highest good knowledge, they can be mined in books. "

I want to know everything

"More, even more needs to know. What is the principle of this?! I'm still hungry. "

Rhythmic personality

"Well? How do you dance? If I did not like, go to learn. "

Friend Annaliza

"Annalya believes that books are better than friends ... It seems, now I understand it. Glad to meet, buddy. "

Trapped knowledge

"I can't just stop like that. Thirst for knowledge is not deleted. "

Sorry for the fact that I am smart "There are those who envy me. If you are smart - a crime, I am ready to bring punishment for it. " Knowledge:
Fate "Need to be able to fight? My fate is a doctrine! " Knowledge:
With zeal to knowledge "I'm still heated. My hunger is not satisfied in knowledge. " Knowledge:
Three steps from all "Fools! You don't even know that! And I know everything! " Knowledge:
Cool person "If a whole day read the book, it seems, your brain began to work faster." Knowledge:
Comprehensively developed personality "Wherever I go, everywhere will take me and be happy." Knowledge:
smart ass "It is not sin to pretend to be smart. Why? Yes, because I can not pretend! " Knowledge:
With overseas education "And in Sereland I was, and in the calf ... it turns out, I have learning experience abroad. Is not it? Something is wrong?" Knowledge:
Master for all questions "I would imagine to hear that I was a narrow profile specialist. I prefer when they say that I am special in everything. " Knowledge:
Recognized sage Knowledge:
Librarian Knowledge:
Scientist Knowledge:
Light of Light in the Kingdom of Darkness Knowledge:
Brighter sun Knowledge:
Speaker Knowledge Knowledge:
Historical person Knowledge:
Philosopher Knowledge:
Faster wind "If there is something that I can do for the city, I will not stop and run." Influence glasses: 130
Showful wealth "On the view a lot, and in fact still little ... you need." Influence glasses: 150
Order Kallis "Callis parliamentary parliament acknowledged my merits and rewarded me with the Order." Influence glasses: 180
Stop feeding me! "IN lately Often I speak this phrase: "Thank you, it was very tasty!". Like this!" Influence glasses: 220
Important guest "Do not choose words to express my happiness. There is nothing prestigious in the world! Now everyone will know me. I'm a superstar." Influence glasses: 250

"It was certainly not easy, but now the picture of Hidel before my eyes."

Completion of the chain of quests [Hidel Politics]

With knowledge of Danat

"The sad story of Danat ... I understand the sadness of Glisha, he was a good old-year."

Completion of the chain of quests about Danate in Glisha (~ 30 ur.)

Traveling personality "Hero of peasants? Award for me is most important. " Choice by Quest: Al Rundi murder (~ 20 ur.)
Hope of peasants

"I fully divide the Bun Al Rundi. Their army is not going to make a compromise, bowing his head. "

Choice by Quest: Al Rundi Rescue (~ 20 UR.)

Head of punisher

"No need to understand the past of biragics. Descendants of those who lived here - dirty robbers who are creating fruitful things. "

Quests commander of the punisher detachment (Biragi Lair, ~ 35 Ur.)

With the thought of the resurrection of the Spirit

"Resurrection of the Lord of the Darkness of the Spirit. I worry about the wounded Edana. You need to find it rather "

Completion of the chain of quests [Resurrection of Spirit] (~ 33 ur.)

Examing the exam Margaret

"Garpia do not attack for no reason. Apparently, Margaret holds a test. "

Completion of quests [Exam Margaret # 1,2] from the chain of quests [Master of Orden Delpe] (~ 35 UR.)

Gontel Hiruto

"I will help Kalznofu and Elgraphine successfully suppressed Siruto."

Quests chain [Hiruto Conquerors] (~ 35 Ur.)

Enemy trolls "I was able to stop the attack of a huge troll, jointly created by Zhardin and Olmor. Indeed, terrible creature. " Quests chain [Calpone Giant Troll] (~ 38 +)
In meeting with a kingphon

"With the help of Ellian's society, I slowly get acquainted with a kingphon."

Completion of chains of quests [Calpone family] and [Basian family] in the calf

Sponsor of children's choir "Warm deeds that will be able to preserve the enthusiasm of the children's choir, and to merge him for further development." Completion of the first quest from the chain of quests [Help Hercules] (Calpone Capital, NPC Conductor)
Calfone's Guardian Angel "The collapse of the republic, the inequality of the population, the beggars ... I always lead those who are difficult in this world." Completion of the chain of 5 quests [Accurate location] (Calpone's capital, Nipus Danil was a verse - the leader of the uprising)
Cold look "The kemplane suffers from petition. But Lord hides this fact and prevents that there are no problems. " Chain quests [What happened to the miner Keplen] (~ 42)
Hero Keplana "I was able to protect the cap from a terrible threat, to drive the giants from here. I would be glad if I was called the hero. " Chain quests [attack giants] (~ 45)
Friend Barizio Third "I help the latest King Media Baria Third. Someday he will reward me ... " Chain quests
Brother's friend and sisters Tiny "Nafi, assigned to a closed mine, is waiting for Brother Chorio ... They want to meet in Altina." Chain quests
The embodiment of revenge "Broulum from the village of Tariff passionately wants to take revenge on his wife." Chain quests
Assistant on the ruins "These are workers who again arrived on the excavations of the ruins. I told Ron, Totton and Bulli about what we are doing here. " Chain quests
Guide on ruins "I was in every corner of Ruins, it seems to me, I can already work as a guide in this place." Chain quests
Defender of an ancient cleft "Gnome Ain Greed, who keeps an ancient crevice, appointed me by her defender" Chain quests
Pursuer "Giant Tantu, who keeps the mausoleum of the head of the tribe, appointed me the main pursuer" Chain quests
Follower of Kamasylva "I imbued with Camashion" Chain quests
After sleep "Finally, the Black Spirit under control, my will is moving forward"
In captivity of love "What I do is hard, what others do, easily. So it seems from the side "
Sad lonely soul "Died without fame and honors. No need to talk about how unhappy and lonely they were "
Hero of the Order of Trina
I will help solve problems
With beautiful mind
Skillful fingers "Gain? Yes, for me it is easier for a steam turnip! "
With the friendliness of the Black Spirit "I hope we will no longer feel awkward ..." Good Equipment Strengthening:
Hooray! "Another success was not to wait! Hooray!" Good Equipment Strengthening:
Handsome black spirit "At first it seemed to me that you were extremely ugly. And now there is no. You are the most beautiful in the world. " Good Equipment Strengthening:
In the rays of glory "And you thought only my equipment shines?" Good Equipment Strengthening:
Breakthrough magician "If you get your potential to develop your potential with all your heart, the universe will certainly help you." Good Equipment Strengthening:
Divine Light "The divine light comes from my equipment. Unfortunately! " Good Equipment Strengthening:
Steel wings "Quickly like wind." Good Equipment Strengthening:
Butler "All roads converge into one." Good Equipment Strengthening: ~ 200
Son Butler "I thought I achieved perfection, but before that it was far away." Good Equipment Strengthening: ~ 300
And how much else? "Gain? Do not make me laugh. Everything can be bought for money. Is not it?! How many do you need? Well, how much? " Strengthening equipment:
New contract with black spirit "When I woke up, the contract was already concluded ... How could this happen?"
Potential development
Master Unsuccessful Strength Unsuccessful enhancing equipment:
Fascinated by black stone Strengthening equipment:
Suspicious black spirit
Sophisticated black spirit
Everything goes according to plan
Loves Fortune
Choosing Fate
Merchant Katana
a great warrior
This city?
Ancient defender
Descendant of Edan
Double agent
Pioneer "The first who joined the lands of the Black Desert!" Owning a set of early access

"It's nice, of course, but for the larvae of these creatures and the broken penny will not give ..."

"Well, this opponent is also on the shoulder!"

Collector Poles

"What beautiful shells! Can start collecting them? "

Thunderstorm Zhukov

"How the sound of the frightening beetle is pleasant. Sound, familiar from childhood "

Victim of barbus

"I knew that on the tail wool ... But the fact that under the coat of spikes, I did not guessed ..."

Ferrices: ~ 50

Dexterity ferret

"Ferrices are very clever and agile animals. I think, watching them, you can improve the battlecraft! "

Fur lover "Fur and ferrets are universal ingredients in various areas of Alchemy" Ferrets: Family of red fur

"This red fur just amazes! Shins brighter fire! "

Red foxes:

Lisys Dance "We'll get down in the dance of the fight and see who will win. Award will serve my fur " Red foxes: Fox thunderstorm "How many fasteners were ruined for fur, was it worth it?" Red Fox: ~ 900 Wolf charm "How proudly looks these animals, they say rather strong blood bonds" Wolves: ~ 50 + In dance with wolves "The dance of wolves - the dance of the fang and steel. Only skill and sober calculation, no emotions " Wolves: ~ 400 Panciree researcher

"It is said that on the islands, items made from the shelves are in fashion"

Under the cover of the night "At this time, you begin to understand the real danger of wild animals. Beetles: ~ 1000 Predatory avalanche "The reproduction rate exceeds all possible limits. For the sake of villagers, I have to save the world from these creatures. " Beetles: ~ 1800 Seduced shell

"The cooked shell was not so bad. Maybe still try? "

"Oh, what is it nasty! SMRAG from their bodies is equivalent to hate them around! "

Thunderstorm demons "At first glance, they can even cause lunizing, but they still need to get rid of them" Beams: ~ 100 Researcher demons "How does the stench of these creatures come from? Is it really impossible to stop him at least? " Beams: ~ 300 Demons "Only my hatred for demon. Doesn't anyone need to drive them from here? " Beams: ~ 1650 Having anger of the Red Nose "I don't need a lot of time to force the red nose from folding the weapon." Beams: ~ 2800 Researcher of steel demons "They are stronger than ordinary demons, but I don't think much. Well called steel and what is it? Such stupid creations " Steel demons: ~ 320 Steel "What is the steel? Scraps of paper and only " Steel demons: ~ 1240 Iron Man "I will soon become the ruler of steel demons!" Steel demons: ~ 5000 Bear "At first I was so straightened, I ran away ... In fact, he killed dozens of man" Bears: ~ 55 Bear Hunter Bears: ~ 500 Stone crossing

"I can not understand, for this you need to knock with pickle or another tool"

Young stone workers: ~ 50-80 (?) Can be found in the demons of the altar Agris.

Meadow crossing "Haha, now I can distinguish a boulder from a stone crab." Young Konnekrabs: ~ 300 (Stone mining from each killed stone slaughter reduces the number of monsters required for the title 2 times?) Connoisseur gray wool "In the lunar radiance, gray wool changes its color to silver" Gray foxes: Fighter fox "It seems a little more, and the fox will begin to hate me" Gray foxes: In pursuit of gray fur "The fur raised at night at the light of the moon is dazzling. The color is simply great. " Gray foxes: In halo silver "I'm tired of running for foxes, enough. Need to leave them alone. " Gray foxes: ~ 1500 Stone fist. "If you think so, then crumbling the stones are quite fun." Weak Konneckrabs: ~ 20 (subject to ore preemring) COMMENDER "I am going on my business. Stone taled me the road. I have to split it " Weak Konneckrabs: ~ 700-800 In blood goblins

"Usually here everyone finishes preparing before going to Hidel ..."

Goblins: ~ 130-140

He studied hierarchy Goblins "If you stay with goblins for a long time, you begin to understand that they also have their own hierarchy" Goblins: Explorer Culture Goblins "Thanks to wall drawings in the caves, we understand that in addition to us there were other civilizations" Goblins: ~ 500 Fighter Goblins Goblins: ~ 1500 Reaper shower goblins Goblins: ~ 3000 + Kinded the presence of the spirit "I thought it was a tree with an ax. It turned out that this is ancient ... " Ancients: ~ 135 Woodcutter "The wood here is not to get, even if you cut them" Ancient: ~ 600 Ancient fighter "Ancients fall one after another. Work with an ax makes me stronger with every blow " Ancient: ~ 2000 Charming Spirit Ancient: ~ 2670 + Threat for proveman "Sticky Great! I need just a wild healing grass! " Psychrofitis: ~ 75 Thunderstorm Provecks Psycho: ~ 750 Fighter Sulzhets Psycho: ~ 1750 Researcher Altar "Maybe these losers will become victims, the main thing is that it will take me!" Altar demons: ~ Reconstructor Ruins Altar demons: ~ Savior Zara Lynch Altar demons: ~ Zadira demons Altar demons: ~ Thunderstorm scary "The scarecrow comes to life and moves. On the one hand, it is impurious to imagine anything, but on the other, even interesting. " Pugala (ferretti plantation): ~ 1000 Atheist "This is how it happens if you believe in all sorts of heresy" Sectants: ~ 450 Under the larger sectant "Ripples! It is not visible a trace of improvement. They would not hurt some literacy to rush. " Sectants: ~ 980 Diece of blind faith "It seems I need to leave here, people don't really like it when someone undermines the foundations of their faith" Sectants: ~ 1750 Innovator "My faith gradually acquires confidence among people." Sectants: ~ 4200 Messiah Sectants: ~ 10,000 the Punisher "The crime must be punished. No one deserves pity " Sectants: Trouble-free "The peasants asked me ... asked ..." Rebels Al Rundi: ~ 470 Laborer "I hope now the peasants are satisfied. It seems that they also have no strength at all ... Honestly, I'm completely exhaled. " Rebels Al Rundi: ~ 1340 Killer Hope Rebels Al Rundi: ~ 6700 Hunter rebel Rebels Al Rundi: ~ 12000 Peasant trainer "I inspired the peasants that when working with agricultural equipment is not important, but technique." Al Rundi Bodyguards: ~ 555 Researcher of Foganov

"% && $? What does it mean??"

Fogans: ~ 400

Translator Foganov "I caught Fogan, but what he says is absolutely incomprehensible to me a set of sounds. But I can repeat him. " Fogans: ~ 2300 #$%%^ "Fogian # $ %% ^ means" hello "." Fogans: ~ 5200 #$%^&%^$ "Fogian # $% ^ &% ^ $ means -" I hate Nag "." Fogans: ~ 8600 Philosopher Foganov "You do not need to look into the future in order to understand that we are building the life yourself." Fogana-shamans: ~ 700 Taking Life "These fogans laid eggs? Let's cut them out! " Foganov Eggs: ~ 1000 In pursuit of tail "Just escaped? Then you need to catch up and finish. This is a simple principle - survives the strongest. " Lizards (Northwestern Gate): ~ 85 Wick Games "Usually, when someone runs away, he wants to catch up. Is not it?" Lizards (Northwest Gate): ~ 120 Kontper cluster

"I would like to shoot down these harpings on the summer, as the master Clastor ... Wow

Garpia: ~ 115

Harpi wings collector "There are plenty of space to use the wings of these creatures!" GARPIA: ~ 630 Hunter for harpi "It seems only now I begin to catch the essence. I understand what principles do these creatures live " Garpia: ~ 1280 Knight Order Delpe "Master Claspor recognizes me. Oh, I will not hunt for harp ... " Garpia: ~ 3500 Collector all sorts of hard "I gathered all sorts of things, none of them came in handy." Old golemas: Arachnophob

"Eight legs, say ... how is it possible?"

"Smash the huge boulder is for me! Well, how, I do not seem strong? "

Altari demons:


"Talisman, say ... demons, enough to believe in all sorts of stupid baubles, finally, in yourself!"

Talismans (totems) demons:

Trainer Guardia Guardian expert Luxury troops Steel - not a hindrance Enemy common sense Faster Waller glance holder Murderer merimians Elite mercenary Steel hoofs Elite warrior Liquidator Powerful hand Perfect Warrior Savage Field commander In the power of destruction Conqueror of rebel Boy in the lid. Girl in the lid. With immunity to negative Winner of alcoholic duel Schlondos Total steel In fear of double Steel rod Connoisseur Bulava Small and sharp peppers The taste of the hammer Hurricane hammer Combat force Tugu Tin Golem Bulk strength Bandit Adherent chaos Champion among Ratam Head of Ratam Field fighter With enemy heart in hand Thunderstorm looking Thunderstorm Sonyl Killer Sonyl Commander savage Executioner Head of workers Chapter Tuga Faster all Brigadier Vladyka Chaos Head of Region Vladyka thunder Vladyka Liary Free Personality "Having destroyed the closed mine, he freed these unfortunate from the shackles" Warming parent Artist death Stone yarn Punching stones With coolness Under Krab's shell Heavy tread In harmony with stone Stone head Durable bone In search of a shell Warrior armor Stray armor With a tamed dragon Crab lover with sauce Head of Crab Impulsive person Oh my God... Chudak Throwing stones Rhinoceros With needles in the body Researcher of the battleship Male Inventive woman Lone Beyond "The missing things are creating laity. Everyone must pay for it. " Without worry Man without problems "Man without problems. Maybe he was crazy? You need to punish it. " Deity Vandal "We look at these barbaric antics, and blood and veins freezes." In the hobby of religion Flashland "For sure! These scoundrels are heresy, heresy! " Fighter hereticov Gentle nature "With people from the Ellic Temple, something is wrong. All of them are very delicate. " Thirst endion Liteznodenther In harmony with wind The enemy of the mage of the elements With love for a fight Warrior Wanderer Strong Volia "I can't tolerate when someone else remained. Doing Punishment - My Work ยป Thunderstorm thorough With a bit of ukus "A trace of bite is still visible on the back of the nose. You can consider it wound courage" Hyena (camp Ghart): ~ 500 (?) Merezavtsy Bad guy "Bad guys should deal with bad guys" Leader "I'm not homeless, but they call me a leader" Apart "When these fools looked up, I realized that I had an insurmountable desire to break them into a flock" In search of a worthy enemy Without mercy Foldlessness above all Challenge accepted Huge Warrior. Rough child "These are real booms! Also do as well, do not choose in front and rear, but just pushed aside. " Cute face Animal "Someone said:" Before you hunt a beast, you need to become a beast. "" Tashchi tribe: ~ 500 Crunch "After the battle with the warrior of the Magher clan, I feel pain in the joint of the finger. Will have to fix it yourself Tashchi tribe: ~ 1000 Elite hunter Right from hell Soul Reaper Armed gangster With broken bones Penniless Death management Crumbling turtles Sword soul Death Knight In harmony with fire "I hunted in hot places on hot creatures, I am not afraid of fire." Fire extinguisher Fighter golems Without pity in the heart Do not cease to destroy Thirst for obsidion "All the forces of Obsidian have not yet been joined, but there are many those who wish them to acquire." Keeper of sacred fire "I do not wear fire with me, but when you meet with Chimera, anyone can turn into a sacred torch" Here is "Well, this is sometimes obtained as a result of experiments ..." Mutant "When you win Sonyl, it seems that you yourself became a mutant as they are." Crazy scientist "I learned the marine worldview. This is the worldview of the insane scientist " Mechanical man "I won a lot of mutated creatures, now it seems to me that I became a mechanical person" Secret weapon number 12 "If Marnya saw my merits, he would give me the name" number 12 ". Because "number 11" is already there. " Blood harvest "They expelled a little monster from a closed mine, whom everyone is afraid. He is famous for drinking blood. " Defender Media. "You are the defender of Media, who was able to stop a plot against Illezras." Fire fist Rogues from the desert Invincible husband Invincible lady Chapter of the Dead "The ruler of all skeletons, the leader who manages the border between life and death." Fraudster Commander attack Warper Poppong Under the sound of the battle Pirates punisher Ruler of the Red Island Sea fighter Cook Winking girl Winking boy Captain Hir. Pirate Pianchuga Treasure hunter Spy Hahaha Roma Fairy Ocean Defender Admiral Creator Tungrad Opponent of ancient weapons Archaeologist Weapons of modernity Dazzling civilization Palace for Tuga Persistent Warrior. Persian cramp Blood ears


Title Description Condition of receipt
Kamenek. "My hand has become much rude than before. Soon she will turn into a kirk at all. " Get stones: ~ 200
Iron supplier "I wanted to tell a friend. If all the iron ore, which I got, melted, you can make a whole river that floods a calfone. " Get iron ore: ~ 10000
Mednick "If I continuously melting the iron, it seems that the spirit of fire is hindered nearby" Treatment with heating of iron ore: ~ 1000 (?)
In search of silver

"What can be done from silver? I remember my first mined silver ore

Getting the first silver ore collection

Silver DLN Get silver ore: ~ 2000
In search of gold

"This is the golden ore!"

Getting a collection of first gold ore

Golden hand Get gold ore: ~ 3500
Looking for platinum Get platinum ore: ~ 7000
On the threshold of success Pure platinum ingot: 1+
In haloe success Get a pure platinum ingot: ~ 1500
In search of Rubin

"He radiates a strong red radiance, but despite this, he is delightful. He belongs to me "

Obtaining the first ruby \u200b\u200bharvest or by treating [grinding] 5 coarse rubies.

In ruby \u200b\u200blight "The rest also publish this red shine. We need to do it. " Get 50 rubies with a collection or by treating [grinding] 5 coarse rubies.
With a light of blood Get 150 rubies with a collection either by treating [grinding] 5 coarse rubies.
In search of sapphire

"I was twisen wonderful blue light, and, without understanding, I looked around to still look at him."

Obtaining the first sapphire fee or using processing [grinding] 5 coarse sapphires.

In sapphire light "I will not share this adorable blue light, I seek the ocean in the hands" Get 50 sapphires with a collection or using processing [grinding] 5 coarse sapphires.
With heaven in life Get 150 sapphires fee or using processing [grinding] 5 coarse sapphires.
In search of Topaza

"This gemstone Call topaz. He is full of secrets, like a black desert, and his light can conquer anyone "

Obtaining the first topaz collection either by treating [grinding] 5 coarse topaz.

In the light of Topaza "I can feel to distinguish real stones from the fake, I can also say how valuable one or another copy is." Get 50 topaz collecting either by treating [grinding] 5 coarse topaz.
With the sun in the heart Get 150 topaz collection either by treating [grinding] 5 coarse topaz.
In search of Emerald

"Rare green gemstone, emerald. I found him"

Obtaining the first emerald collecting either by treating [grinding] 5 coarse emeralds.

In the light of Emeraldov Get 50 emeralds to collect either by treating [grinding] 5 coarse emeralds.
With nature in thoughts Get 150 emeralds fee or using processing [grinding] 5 coarse emeralds.
In search of Almaz

"Maybe this water frozen? Are there any stones with such beautiful? "

Preparation of the first diamond collector or by treating [grinding] 5 coarse diamonds.

A pure soul Get 50 diamonds to collect either by treating [chopping] 5 coarse diamonds.
With purity in thoughts Get 150 diamonds fee or using processing [grinding] 5 coarse diamonds.
In Oleolela flame "Now I know the real image of the ruby! I feel the heat of this bright light. " Get / Make [Rare Ruby].
Flame soul Create [Special Rubin]
Light truth "Up to this point, I considered blue color." Get / make [rare sapphire].
Spirit of water Create [Special Sapphire]
Demon Topaza "I can't drop from this stone. Someone even called me a demon of Topaz. " Get / Make [Rare Topaz].
Hope "When I take this topaz in my hands, an unknown energy gives me hope. Such a feeling can spread to others. " Create [Special Topaz]
Free spirit "Green thick forest spread out in front of me. My spirit and my body is free. I am his part. " Get / make [rare emerald].
Forest defender Create [Special Emerald]
Loving soul "Place without color and smell. But my feelings are clearly distinguished and color and flavor. " Get / make [rare diamond].
Night star Create [special diamond]
In captivity of beauty Abrasive??
Professional tree processing "Spiny and sawdust, which are dug into my skin, make me closer to the forest" Creating sawn timber (???): ~ 100
In captivity of black Creating a black stone powder (???): ~ 1000
Acute taste
Amateur sharp
Sharpness - not a hindrance
Creator of black stone
Amateur black stone
Stone creation master
Pupil in collecting

"So far, it is still hard, but a little more zeal, and I will learn at first glance to distinguish everything that can be collected among the branches"

Newbie 10 (100%) -\u003e Student 1

Pupil in the manufacture

"Hmm ... if it connects this so, will it work out? Need to record all the information "

Newbie 10 (100%) -\u003e Student 1

Pupil in cooking

"We need time to achieve the perfection of taste"

Newbie 10 (100%) -\u003e Student 1

Pupil in Taming

"Alien minds are not easy to train"

Newbie 10 (100%) -\u003e Student 1

Student in alchemy "The old alustine says alchemy is a simple thing. But I'm far from this statement " Newbie 10 (100%) -\u003e Student 1
Pupil in fishing "Sometimes the day of luck will come and gets cool!" Newbie 10 (100%) -\u003e Student 1
Pupil in hunt "A little hand did not flinch ... And so I would cry out!" Newbie 10 (100%) -\u003e Student 1
Pupil in trade "Not so many nodes and communication channels between the villages. Therefore, opening one such, you can find a golden core " Newbie 10 (100%) -\u003e Student 1
Professional collection

"Now I can easily distinguish a stone from the wood. Sometimes of course confused a little "

Student 10 (100%) -\u003e Professional 1

Professional processing "I just look at my notebook to feel pride and satisfaction" Student 10 (100%) -\u003e Professional 1
Professional cooking "The taste is unconditionally important, but it is worth paying attention to the individual features of each dish!" Student 10 (100%) -\u003e Professional 1
Professional training "When you experience mutual sympathy with animals, you can feel like they get closer. So let's go to search for the beast! " Student 10 (100%) -\u003e Professional 1
Professional Alchemy "Alchemy is a type of activity with the prospects of infinite self-improvement, which requires a lot of effort, physical and mental." Student 10 (100%) -\u003e Professional 1
Professional fishing "Definitely, this makes sense. You need to be able to wait ... Oh, how good! " Student 10 (100%) -\u003e Professional 1
Professional hunt Student 10 (100%) -\u003e Professional 1
Professional trading "It seems, revenue begins to appear. You need to work twice as much as the money flows to me the river! " Student 10 (100%) -\u003e Professional 1
Gardening professional Student 10 (100%) -\u003e Professional 1
Expert collection "Now I am different to look at the landscape. Oking the surroundings in one glance, it is immediately clear that you can collect, and what - no! " Professional 10 (100%) -\u003e Expert 1
Expert Processing "When I complete these records, in my hands there will be an incredible power." Professional 10 (100%) -\u003e Expert 1
Expert cooking "There is - nice! Cook - nice! Working with food can delight everyone around. " Professional 10 (100%) -\u003e Expert 1
Expert Training Professional 10 (100%) -\u003e Expert 1
Expert Alchemy "Old man alustine rights. Alchemy, really, simple thing! " Professional 10 (100%) -\u003e Expert 1
Expert fishing "Sparkling scales under the light of the morning ... The sounds of current water, falling droplets - all this makes fishing incomparable pleasure." Professional 10 (100%) -\u003e Expert 1
Expert hunting Professional 10 (100%) -\u003e Expert 1
Expert Trade "Haha, this is money! I'm on the way to wealth! It remains only to be attentive on transitions, fear of robbers. " Professional 10 (100%) -\u003e Expert 1
Expert Horticulture Professional 10 (100%) -\u003e Expert 1
Gathering supplier "There is no need to check the stone crossing. This is harmony with nature. " Expert 10 (100%) -\u003e Master 1
Master processing "If you collect my records and notes, you will get a whole encyclopedia about the processing process." Expert 10 (100%) -\u003e Master 1
Master cooking "The taste is taste, the volume is the volume. Let's present the food as a consumer wants to see her. " Expert 10 (100%) -\u003e Master 1
Master Training Expert 10 (100%) -\u003e Master 1
Master Alchemy "Enough already worry about style. It's time to open up new substances and connections! " Expert 10 (100%) -\u003e Master 1
Master fishing Expert 10 (100%) -\u003e Master 1
Master of Hunting Expert 10 (100%) -\u003e Master 1
Master of Trade Expert 10 (100%) -\u003e Master 1
Wizard gardening Expert 10 (100%) -\u003e Master 1
Perspective novice
Hero Balenos.
With dreadlocks in life
In violast power
In protective boots
With the blessing of Calfean
Best cook "There is something to congratulate. Now Fredidas considers me the best culinary. " Completion of the quest "Best Cook" for the manufacture of Calfone lunch in the calf
Mountain Alchemist "No one stepped on this path. But you passed it with pride. " Completion of the quest for the manufacture of stone for inlay [Malachite] in Olivia
Creator "Dedicated to those who are engaged in manufacturing. Of course, in a good sense. " Mastery [Making]: mixing, grinding, wood treatment, etc. by the list.
I am a vegetarian

"To concentrate on the collection, you need to say with confidence:" I am a herbivorny, I am a vegetarian "

Run the quest from the Rate rate associated with the problems of the northern field of wheat.

Creator Costumes Warrior Start the creation of the [Costume of the Nobleman: Warrior] in the Calfice. The recipe can be purchased from the meabe of a calf.
Warrior Costume Master
Creator of costumes of Varvara "I remember well that day when I first picked up a needle ..." Start the creation of the [nobleman costume: Barbarian] in the calf. The recipe can be purchased from the meabe of a calf.
Varvara Costume Master
Creator of sorduny costumes "I remember well that day when I first picked up a needle ..." Start the creation of the [Nobleman Suit: Witch] in the Calpone. The recipe can be purchased from the meabe of a calf.
Witch Costume Master
Creator of suits Lien "I remember well that day when I first picked up a needle ..." Start the creation of the [Nobleman Suit: Lien] in the Calpone. The recipe can be purchased from the meabe of a calf.
Master of costumes Lien
Creator of suits Mystic "I remember well that day when I first picked up a needle ..." Start the creation of the [Noblest Suite: Mystic] in the calf. The recipe can be purchased from the meabe of a calf.
Mistika costume expert
Creator of costumes Ronin. "I remember well that day when I first picked up a needle ..."
Ronin Costume Master
Moby Dick
Master of Blue Whales
Marine Lord
Blue Whale Hunter


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Pets are small animals that run for you and perform various useful features. At the moment, cats and dogs are available on Russian servers. But soon the assortment of pets will be much larger. In this guide we will tell about all key points relating to the pets in Black Desert.

1. Where to get a pet?

At the moment, pets can be obtained in two ways:

Purchase at auction: The auction can be found in any of the major cities. To do this, you can click on the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the game interface and click on the auction icon. Opening the auction, go to the Pets tab. The price of pets starts from about 3500,000 silver.

Purchase in a game store for real money: To go to the game store, press F3 or on the appropriate button at the bottom right part of the game interface. Next, go to the "Pet" section. The price of pets varies within 300-400 rubles. The more expensive pet, the more effective. This is mainly related to the time of the rap collection speed.

Attention! At the auction you can buy or sell only the first rank pets.

After you bought a pet, open your inventory and go to the Premium tab. There will be a scroll to call a pet. Click on it right-click and enter the name of the pet. After that, you must appear icon in the form of a paw in the upper left corner of the game interface:

Click it and get into the pet management window:

This window has three different buttons for control:

  • View pet information
  • Hide pets
  • Loose pets

In addition, you can hide all pets in this window by clicking "Hide everyone" or go to the crossing by clicking "Exchange".

At the same time, you can call on three pets.

After the call of the pet, the icons of each pet will appear in the interface, and the interaction functions are available.

2. Ranks and Pet Levels

At the moment there are 4 rank (grades) of pets. The rank of the pet affects the presence of passive abilities (bafts) and their indicator, as well as at the rate of production. Pets of the first rank can be like a special. Abilities, so without them.

In addition to ranks, the pet has a level. Total levels 10. The level affects only the rate of production fees. Pet level rises all the time when it is released.

3. Buffes and pet abilities

Pets may have active and passive abilities. The main ability of the pet is the collection of mining. All pets have this ability immediately after purchase.

In addition to collecting production, cats are able to aggregate additional mobs and look for useful resources. These abilities cats can only get in the crossing process.

Passive pets of pets:

  • Increased recovery of 3%, 5% or 7% - increases the speed of recovery of health and you
  • Combat experience 3%, 5% or 7% - increases the obtained combat experience;
  • Harvest experience 3%, 5% or 7% - increases experience in class;
  • Penalty of death 4% or 7% - reduces the penalty of experience after the death of the character;
  • Good luck +1. - improves good luck;
  • Fishing +1. - increases fishing speed;
  • Collection +1. - increases the rate of collection;

Important! If you have the same passive abilities from pets, they will not develop. The maximum performance of the ability of all your pets is taken.

4. Crossing pets

Crossing pets - This is a kind of exchange of two pets per more efficient. Only with the help of the crossing you can get the pets of rank 2 and above. To start crossing, make sure that you have at least 2 pets. Open the Pet Management window and click "Exchange":

Then right-click on the desired pets and they will fall into the sharing window. To complete the crossing, click OK. You lose two crossed pets and acquire one new one.

There is an opinion that it is better to cross the Cats 10 levels to get a better result. I did not find an official confirmation of any refutation of this information.

Below is a table that shows the result of crossing for various options for pets.

It follows from this that to obtain one of the third grade cat, you will need from 3 to 6 purchased cats.

5. Pet feed

In order for pets to constantly fulfill their functions, they need to be regularly feeding. For this there is a special feed for pets. You can get such food in three ways:

  • Make yourself
  • Buy at auction
  • Buy in premium shop - Sold in the "Pets" section

Kraft feed for pets:

At the moment there are two types of pet feed:

  • Good feed - Restores satiety by 40
  • Organic feed - Restores satiety by 70

Ingredients for cooking feed:

  • Good feed - 6 x meat, 1 x any raw fish, 3 x water for cooking, 4 x flour;
  • Organic feed{!LANG-4ade36521cbe3311358e032c1fb6c882!}
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