Board game Dungeon Raiders. Board game Dungeon Raiders Board game Dungeon Raiders

"Dungeon Raiders" invites you to go to an exciting and action-packed adventure in the dungeons in search of treasures! Five brave heroes: Explorer, Knight, Warrior, Thief and Wizard - challenge fate and enter the path of adventurers! They pursue one goal - to profit from treasures. Where can I get them? Of course, in old and abandoned dungeons full of dangers, terrible monsters, deadly traps and cunning caches!

All the heroes go to the keep together, but together they fight the monsters - after all, it's not enough just to find the chests with gold, it would be necessary to get out alive ... But you should lean on your neighbor's shoulder with an eye, because everyone pursues only their own interests! Who will cheat in the battle with monsters? How will the found treasures be distributed? Who will set you up in the trap room? You can't trust anyone! Test your cunning, courage and courage with the "Dungeon Raiders"!

Game process

At the beginning of the game, each player gets a character, each of whom is unique and starts with a different set of cards and characteristics: the number of health points, treasures and a set of special cards. If the character's health drops to zero, the player is eliminated from the competition.

The goal of the game is to go through all five floors of the dungeon, each of which consists of five rooms, and take out as much treasure as possible. At the very end, an epic dungeon boss encounter awaits you! Most of the rooms are initially hidden, and you cannot know what awaits you.

The gameplay is quite simple and is divided into four phases:

  1. Entering the room - players move along the row of map rooms and get acquainted with the situation;
  2. Playing Power Cards is the heart of the game! In each room, players will place closed bets using power cards with a denomination from 1 to 5. It turns out that for one floor of the dungeon you will just spend your set, and then restore it on the next floor. If you live ... The higher the denomination, the higher its power and effect. You have to think in advance where and what bets will bring the greatest benefit! Here it is necessary to show composure and a sharp mind;
  3. The effect of the room is triggered - the players look at the result of their bets, which will depend on which room it happened in;
  4. Resetting the room - the played dungeon card is discarded, and the party moves further deeper into the dungeon until it reaches the boss!

Among the rooms, four types of rooms can be found:

Treasury - Here the player with the highest value on the power card receives treasures! Chests are of different values, there can be several of them, then the fight goes for different chests. In a dispute, players will have to share the treasures among themselves;

  • Room with a monster - all players try to defeat the monster, for which they add up the strength of their cards. If the sum of the cards is greater than or equal to the monster's health, then it will be defeated. If there is less, then the monster attacks the player who played the card with the lowest value. This player takes the damage indicated on the monster card. In a dispute, multiple players will take this damage;
  • Trap Room - There are four types of traps: magnetic, cobblestone, lava, and spike. Some traps only harm the players with the maximum amount of treasure or health points, while others harm everyone at once! Whether the trap works or not depends on which cards were played in that room. For example, if in a lava trap smallest card is a three, then everyone loses one treasure. If two, then two treasures, and if one, then three!
  • Stash - These rooms are very useful and make the game easier. Allows you to get treasures, improve health, or purchase Torch, Crystal Ball, Key or Sword cards. The torch allows you to see the face-down cards of the rooms, and the rest of the items are valued as a card with a face value of 5, but only in certain rooms, for example, a sword only in a room with a monster.

Players always know what cards and who has spent, assess their chances of winning in the auction, plan actions depending on the types of rooms, try to make the most effective moves and, of course, hope for luck a little!

Who has won?

The game continues until you reach the boss and defeat him, or all but one player will die. In the first case, the player with the most treasures wins, and the player with the least hit points does not take part in the calculation at all, that is, he is out of the game! Try to be healthy as well as rich.

Features of the game

This is easy to learn and crazy interesting game about conquering dungeons with exciting mechanics at the rates! Among other things, the game offers you a setting of the difficulty level, the ability to play together (with a slight edit basic rules), as well as special tactical rules that will completely change the gameplay and add even more calculation to it!

Dungeon Raiders is a card board game about adventures of heroes, battles with monsters and the search for wealth in a multi-level location. The five-story dungeon conceals many rooms with artifacts and gold, traps and monsters. Plunging deeper into the darkness for treasures, players try to calculate the moves of their opponents and return alive and rich.

Prestigious awards and nominations

  • 2013 Boardgames Australia Awards- 1 place
  • 2012
  • 2011 laureate in the nomination Best Filler

A simple short dungeon game

Despite the scale of the location (5 rooms on each of the 5 floors) and the random construction of the dungeon (light / dark rooms), the Dungeon Raiders game is distinguished by ease of rules and variability of mechanics: you can discard cards secretly or openly. Fast but addicting game for 2-4 adventurers will not get bored soon, and each of the adventures promises to be rich and bright.

Addictive filler

The always redesigned dungeon includes 4 types of rooms:

  • treasures (1 or 2 chests);
  • monsters (with different strength indicators);
  • trap (magnetic, cobblestone, lava, with spikes);
  • cache (torch, ball, key, sword).

The adventure is not limited to finding traps and treasures. At the end of the 5th room of the 5th floor of the dungeon, the surviving heroes await none other than the boss! The main monster card has its own unique advantages. You will not be bored!

Rules of the game

Like any game about dungeons and monsters, "Dungeon raiders" requires preparation: create a deck of dungeons, distribute a number of floors, choose a character, picking up power and item cards.

Having descended into a dark labyrinth, the heroes pass room by room, in which they:

  • Strength cards are played (the higher the strength indicator, the better, because the strongest will take the treasure, and the weak damage will take).
  • Play the effect of a room (treasure, monster, trap or cache).
  • Leave the room (discard card).

At the end of the campaign, the player with the lowest life indicator is eliminated, and the most persistent and richest player is considered the winner.

Who will like

"Dungeon Raiders" will interest lovers of sentimental walks through the dungeons, lovers of strategic adventure games and all those who do not like long rules and challenging training. You can play an exciting card filler with friends or with your family (from 8 years old).

Today in the board game Dungeon Raiders we will go into a dungeon full of treacherous traps, hungry monsters and other dangers.

Up to five people can play and it is desirable that the number of players is at least four, otherwise the feeling of competition and enthusiasm disappears. For more detailed rules of the game, see the corresponding section.

Dungeon Raiders is a simple and fun underground adventure game for up to five people, which will take an average of 20 minutes to play. Not it is worth expecting depth and complexity from it. It is intended rather for a fun get-together with friends. Graphic design of a board game for an amateur. Illustrations cannot decide whether to be a full-fledged parody or not.

Dungeon robbers managed to get the title of the best board game in Australia in 2013. In general, she clearly lacks stars from the sky, but she will bring you several funny and memorable games.

Dungeon Raiders Board Game Rules


As you can see from the cover, the game is pretty stereotypical and a bit parody. Each player chooses or gets a private character of the game: warrior, thief, wizard, knight and explorer. By the way, this is the second edition of this board game, and in comparison with the first, the design in it is not so stubborn.

Preparing to play takes three of thirteen pages of rules, including detailed examples and illustrations.

A dungeon deck is being formed, often which will be open, and part of it will be closed. One random boss is placed under the deck. This deck is divided into five stacks, closed by doors. All other items are sorted by type.

Each character has a certain amount of health. There may be starting items, and he also has a starting amount of gold, which is displayed here in an interesting way using two cards. Also, each player is entitled to five strength cards from one to five.

Dungeon entrance

Once everyone is ready, it's time to enter the dungeon. The first door opens and all the cards from under it are placed in a row, as they were. Something is visible immediately, but something is not. In game terminology, this is called the Level Row, which consists of five rooms.

Players will go through the dungeon through the levels, and each level sequentially opens room by room. If you have a closed card in front of you, opening it you can find both useful items and terrible goblins!

Depending on what is there, players choose one of the cards from their hand and put it face down in front of them. Then they, as it is not difficult to guess, open and then it all depends on the type of room. In the treasure room, the player with the greatest value receives treasures from the most valuable chest and divides it in case of a tie.

  • If there is a second chest in the room, its contents will be pocketed by the runners-up, etc.
  • If there is a monster in the room, the players add up their strength and add it to the monster's strength, depending on the number of players.
  • If there are few heroes in the dungeon, then the monster begins to succumb. If the heroes have enough strength to defeat the monster, it becomes defeated and you can move on.

If not, the monster attacks the hero who inflicted the least damage on him, and then happily rushes off, apparently he is not afraid to get back from such a weakling.


Rooms with traps have separate rules, which can pose a danger to the richest, most tenacious, or generally to all heroes. But they still work on the basis of the cards played by all, so be prepared for the fact that someone will definitely activate a trap that can harm you.

In the caches, the participants receive what is indicated under the number of the card they played.

Difficulty of choice

In the game, everything is very simple, although there are also difficulties. Five rooms on each floor, five cards in hand each round. Play five for a guaranteed victory over the monster, or get it in the face, but save a powerful card in case of a treasure split - it's up to you.

Special cards will come to the rescue, which not only are added to the base five, but also have special useful properties. But they, like all good things, end quickly.


Once players have completed the entire level, they return all five cards to their hand, and then reveal the next one. As in any self-respecting role-playing dungeon, in the very last room last level the boss is waiting for the participants. There are as many as 11 of them here, and each of them, in addition to great strength, also has a special property, most often unpleasant.

Defeated the boss - check your health, because the weakest player loses consciousness and is eliminated from the game. However, the characters risk not even living up to the boss fight, having received enough damage earlier.

Determining the winner

Then, as it should be, everyone counts gold. Whoever got the most out of the dungeon won.

At the end of the book there is not very interesting rules for two players, after all, the game offers a noisy companionable mood, and not meditative gatherings in pairs.

The tactical option seems to be more interesting. In this case, the players will not play cards face down, but openly and in turn, which will really add tactics. And the game is felt in a completely different way.

Photo board game

A little about my acquaintance with the game .

With this game, but under the foreign name "Dungeon raiders", I have known for a long time. I bought the first edition on the German Amazon with a different design, which you can judge from the photo from

The artwork was pretty simple and cartoonish. Some liked it, some didn't, but on average it was rated as normal.

Partly gameplay Again, the reviews were moderate, no one offered the second batch immediately after the first. Personally, I sin on cards with English text, the properties of which only I knew for sure (although I was constantly translating them aloud).

It was because of the moderation in the assessments of my game partners that the game had to be sold (and I advise everyone to do so - keep only the best in the collection).

But back to the second edition ...

What's inside?

The box has doubled in size compared to the first edition. The first change that catches your eye is the introduction of life tokens. Very tight and comfortable, by the way.

The general style has changed, as they say, categorically. Beauty rushing from every card. Undoubtedly, this is how the game looks richer and tastier (again, according to a survey of players).

The method of counting gold has not changed since the first version. There are two cards: "Ladder" and "Pouch". With the help of the second card, cover the first one so that the last one can see the number of coins that the hero currently owns. If there are more than 10 coins, then we turn over the card with the bag, and there is already "+10" drawn. It's simple.

Heroes in their properties from each other in the game will not differ, but everyone has different starter kit: someone has more money, someone has lives, and someone is given additional one-time action cards.

A standard set of action cards for each player. The number on the card shows the strength of the hero's action.

Disposable action cards. The torch allows you to view dark cards, the sword can be played in battle with a monster, the key is played when dividing treasures, and the crystal ball allows you to predict the actions of other heroes.

This is the set that the player gets before the start of the game: the character and the lives on it, a bag of money and action cards in his hand.

The photo above shows the maps of the rooms that our heroes will face. There are traps, chests, monsters, and useful warehouses. It is not known what and when will be caught. Sometimes, you will be able to find out about the contents of the room when you have already entered it.

But these cards were not in the first edition. Here are the boss cards. One such boss is chosen for each party, which adds variety to the game. The strength of the bosses varies from outrageous to quite standard, however unique properties will not let you relax.

How to play?

Adventure players will have an unforgettable experience in the late land. =) The main task of each of them is to collect as much treasure as possible without perishing. In one game, you will have to go through 5 levels, each of which will have 5 rooms.

Some of the rooms will be open, some will be turned over. Hidden rooms will open when the heroes reach it, not earlier. For the curious, there is a way to peep the room in advance (play a torch card at any time during the game). We will enter the rooms sequentially, from left to right. As you can see in the example, the first one to meet us is a chest with 4 treasures.

To take the treasure for yourself, you must play an action card with the highest value possible from your hand. The players play the action cards at the same time - they put them face down on the table, and then one-two-three and turn them over (this is how the cards are played for all (!) Rooms). In this photo example, the player who played the five counts 4 treasures for himself.
Important: Played cards do not return to your hand until the next level.

When dividing treasures, you can use a special key card (if you have one). It is disposable, but it is a five and saves a card in hand. In the example, two adventurers need to split the contents of a large chest in half between themselves, and the player who played one takes one treasure from the small chest without hindrance.

If there is a creature or monster in the room, then the adventurers will have to fight with it. To win, you need to make a certain amount of effort, expressed in action cards. In this example, it is necessary that 3 players in total gain 8 strength, but they did not succeed, so the snake stings for 3 lives of the one who gave it the least (who put one).

During the battle, you can play a sword card from your hand, it replaces the five. There is also such a tricky card as a crystal ball. It allows you to see what other players have played, and then put what you want. For example, in the example above, we can save a five by playing a four and defeating a monster.

In dungeons, there are also caches where you can replenish lives, get some treasures or get hold of special items (item cards). It doesn't matter who takes what, if there are cards in stock, then there will be enough for everyone.

The most violent rooms in this game are trap cards. Here the richest lose money, the hardiest lose their lives, and sometimes all together lose something. Action cards are a prerequisite for successful activation. Basically, the condition looks like this: "For the trap to work and take something away from someone, you need at least one played ... (one, two, three, etc.)". Moreover, the degree of damage depends on the smallest or largest played card. Here's an example - a spike trap. If at least someone plays a three, then all players will lose one life, a two - 2 lives, one - half of their lives.

At the end of the path, the boss is waiting for us. You can play two cards on it at once. Each boss has its own properties (for example, you can successfully play against the Sphinx crystal balls). The rest is no different from monsters.

After the players have passed all 5 levels, they start scoring. But first, you have to exclude the weakest adventurer (who has the least lives) from the calculation. So whether you are at least three times rich, but weak, this is obviously a loss. The richest survivor wins.

"We are walking together, but we will count the gold separately." Under this slogan is the game party in "Dungeon Raiders". =) You wander in the company of enemies who strive to do you dirty tricks and won't even cry if you don't get to the finish line. The battle with the monsters goes on like this, so as not to heal himself. The author of the game came up with an excellent rule that the monster beats the laziest. =) For me, it is more logical to interpret a meeting with a monster as follows: whoever ran away faster was not touched. And the slow one was caught and beaten.

Grab some gold or save strong card to the battle? There is no definite answer, you need to maintain a balance. There are only 5 cards per level, but each turn is a serious dilemma for the player. Be as healthy and as rich as possible. Believe me, the healthiest and richest will succeed in exceptional cases. And even if it works out, there are so many cards to change this status that you won't have to relax.

Excitement, an approximate calculation of the situation, the constant adoption of vital decisions - this is the key to the success of "Dungeon Raiders". In my company of work colleagues, the game went off with a bang. Some of them like to do dirty tricks, some really consider the risks ... I just don't know if the players feel the atmosphere of the game? For example, I perceive the situation on the field very vividly and my fantasy works very vividly when someone underexposed a trap or missed a snake. It's a little difficult to fantasize about how force is used when dividing the contents of chests (although if you rewrite the rules and convert the key into a speed potion ...), but this is not a problem in the game. =)

For a gamer (I am silent about roleplayers), the theme of the game is, one might say, pop, although for non-gamers the topic is normal. All the raisins in game mechanics, which you will not find in the classic representatives of the genre "take a walk in the dungeons, check out what is there." I frankly trudge from this mechanic, the author can be proud.

In one evening it may seem to you that one batch is not enough (for example, this is the case here) and this is quite normal if we take into account that knowing the rules the party takes 30 minutes.

In total, I can say that the new edition is more beautiful, more interesting due to the bosses, and at least this time it received support from my game partners.

You can buy the game on, be in time before the New Year's table, which is essentially best time for tabletops.

A little about my acquaintance with the game .

With this game, but under the foreign name "Dungeon raiders", I have known for a long time. I bought the first edition on the German Amazon with a different design, which you can judge from the photo from

The artwork was pretty simple and cartoonish. Some liked it, some didn't, but on average it was rated as normal.

As for the gameplay, again, the reviews were moderate, no one offered the second batch immediately after the first. Personally, I sin on cards with English text, the properties of which only I knew for sure (although I constantly translated them aloud to them).

It was because of the moderation in the assessments of my game partners that the game had to be sold (and I advise everyone to do so - keep only the best in the collection).

But back to the second edition ...

What's inside?

The box has doubled in size compared to the first edition. The first change that catches your eye is the introduction of life tokens. Very tight and comfortable, by the way.

The general style has changed, as they say, categorically. Beauty rushing from every card. Undoubtedly, this is how the game looks richer and tastier (again, according to a survey of players).

The method of counting gold has not changed since the first version. There are two cards: "Ladder" and "Pouch". With the help of the second card, cover the first one so that the last one can see the number of coins that the hero currently owns. If there are more than 10 coins, then we turn over the card with the bag, and there is already "+10" drawn. It's simple.

The heroes will not differ in their properties from each other in the game, but everyone has a different starting set: some have more money, some have more lives, and some are given additional one-time action cards.

A standard set of action cards for each player. The number on the card shows the strength of the hero's action.

Disposable action cards. The torch allows you to view dark cards, the sword can be played in battle with a monster, the key is played when dividing treasures, and the crystal ball allows you to predict the actions of other heroes.

This is the set that the player gets before the start of the game: the character and the lives on it, a bag of money and action cards in his hand.

The photo above shows the maps of the rooms that our heroes will face. There are traps, chests, monsters, and useful warehouses. It is not known what and when will be caught. Sometimes, you will be able to find out about the contents of the room when you have already entered it.

But these cards were not in the first edition. Here are the boss cards. One such boss is chosen for each party, which adds variety to the game. The powers of the bosses vary from beyond to quite standard, but the unique properties will not let you relax.

How to play?

Adventure players will have an unforgettable experience in the late land. =) The main task of each of them is to collect as much treasure as possible without perishing. In one game, you will have to go through 5 levels, each of which will have 5 rooms.

Some of the rooms will be open, some will be turned over. Hidden rooms will open when the heroes reach it, not earlier. For the curious, there is a way to peep the room in advance (play a torch card at any time during the game). We will enter the rooms sequentially, from left to right. As you can see in the example, the first one to meet us is a chest with 4 treasures.

To take the treasure for yourself, you must play an action card with the highest value possible from your hand. The players play the action cards at the same time - they put them face down on the table, and then one-two-three and turn them over (this is how the cards are played for all (!) Rooms). In this photo example, the player who played the five counts 4 treasures for himself.
Important: Played cards do not return to your hand until the next level.

When dividing treasures, you can use a special key card (if you have one). It is disposable, but it is a five and saves a card in hand. In the example, two adventurers need to split the contents of a large chest in half between themselves, and the player who played one takes one treasure from the small chest without hindrance.

If there is a creature or monster in the room, then the adventurers will have to fight with it. To win, you need to make a certain amount of effort, expressed in action cards. In this example, it is necessary that 3 players in total gain 8 strength, but they did not succeed, so the snake stings for 3 lives of the one who gave it the least (who put one).

During the battle, you can play a sword card from your hand, it replaces the five. There is also such a tricky card as a crystal ball. It allows you to see what other players have played, and then put what you want. For example, in the example above, we can save a five by playing a four and defeating a monster.

In dungeons, there are also caches where you can replenish lives, get some treasures or get hold of special items (item cards). It doesn't matter who takes what, if there are cards in stock, then there will be enough for everyone.

The most violent rooms in this game are trap cards. Here the richest lose money, the hardiest lose their lives, and sometimes all together lose something. Action cards are a prerequisite for successful activation. Basically, the condition looks like this: "For the trap to work and take something away from someone, you need at least one played ... (one, two, three, etc.)". Moreover, the degree of damage depends on the smallest or largest played card. Here's an example - a spike trap. If at least someone plays a three, then all players will lose one life, a two - 2 lives, one - half of their lives.

At the end of the path, the boss is waiting for us. You can play two cards on it at once. Each boss has its own properties (for example, crystal balls can be successfully played against the Sphinx). The rest is no different from monsters.

After the players have passed all 5 levels, they start scoring. But first, you have to exclude the weakest adventurer (who has the least lives) from the calculation. So whether you are at least three times rich, but weak, this is obviously a loss. The richest survivor wins.

"We are walking together, but we will count the gold separately." Under this slogan is the game party in "Dungeon Raiders". =) You wander in the company of enemies who strive to do you dirty tricks and won't even cry if you don't get to the finish line. The battle with the monsters goes on like this, so as not to heal himself. The author of the game came up with an excellent rule that the monster beats the laziest. =) For me, it is more logical to interpret a meeting with a monster as follows: whoever ran away faster was not touched. And the slow one was caught and beaten.

Grab some gold or save a strong card for battle? There is no definite answer, you need to maintain a balance. There are only 5 cards per level, but each turn is a serious dilemma for the player. Be as healthy and as rich as possible. Believe me, the healthiest and richest will succeed in exceptional cases. And even if it works out, there are so many cards to change this status that you won't have to relax.

Excitement, an approximate calculation of the situation, the constant adoption of vital decisions - this is the key to the success of "Dungeon Raiders". In my company of work colleagues, the game went off with a bang. Some of them like to do dirty tricks, some really consider the risks ... I just don't know if the players feel the atmosphere of the game? For example, I perceive the situation on the field very vividly and my fantasy works very vividly when someone underexposed a trap or missed a snake. It's a little difficult to fantasize about how force is used when dividing the contents of chests (although if you rewrite the rules and convert the key into a speed potion ...), but this is not a problem in the game. =)

For a gamer (I am silent about roleplayers), the theme of the game is, one might say, pop, although for non-gamers the topic is normal. All the raisins in the game mechanics, which you will not find in the classic representatives of the genre "take a walk in the dungeons, check out what's there." I frankly trudge from this mechanic, the author can be proud.

In one evening it may seem to you that one game is not enough (in our country, for example, this is so) and this is quite normal, if we take into account that with those who know the rules, the game takes place in 30 minutes.

In total, I can say that the new edition is more beautiful, more interesting due to the bosses, and at least this time it received support from my game partners.

You can buy the game at, be in time before the New Year's table, which is essentially the best time for board games.