Zombie game field in the house. Zombies in the house. Behind the canister and the key. A fun but action-packed adventure

Zombie in the house.

You were a little mistaken in the address and arrived at a house in the forest, where various ghouls are swarming right there. Run around the house, look for useful things, hammer windows and doors, eat first aid kits and, most importantly, kill ...

Description of the board game Zombies in the house:

We present to your attention a board game Zombie in the house.

You were a little mistaken in the address and arrived at a house in the forest, where various ghouls are swarming right there. Run around the house, look for useful things, hammer windows and doors, eat first aid kits and, most importantly, kill the damn zombies. The task is to get to the car and leave. Preferably alive.

Who is this game for:

  • For fans of zombie movies.
  • For connoisseurs of simple and beautiful tactical games.
  • For family games with dad (the author originally made this game for his son).
  • For the road, cafe or summer cottage.
  • For evening games with friends.
  • For connoisseurs of good, high-quality board games.

The most important:

  • You can play with children. The game, of course, is about zombies, but not scary and not bloody. And in general, here you have to think, not maniac.
  • Players don't crash: if you are eaten, you just start controlling monsters. Great, isn't it?
  • There are boards here! Well, where else can you nail up a room, full of monsters?
  • It's very simple: in 5 minutes you will already be beating zombies with the whole company and having fun escape from the house.

Complete set of board game Zombies in the House:

  • Large playing field.
  • 28 monster cards.
  • 11 weapon cards.
  • 16 item cards.
  • 5 player cards.
  • 35 chips-hearts.
  • Special spinner.
  • Rules.

Features of the board game Zombies in the House:

  • Game author: Evgeny Kolodin.
  • Artist: P. Nesterova.
  • Size: 26x26x8 cm
  • Age: from 12 years old
  • Number of players: 2-5 people
  • Part: 30 to 60 minutes

Please note that product specifications are subject to change by the manufacturer without prior notice. The price of the goods can also be changed by the time the order is shipped.

House on a hill for children

Now many children for some reason are very fond of zombies, let alone their parents. But adult zombie games are usually bloody. And the children of the author of this game very much asked their dad for something about the greenish lovers of the human brain, so he sat down and did. "Zombies in the house" is absolutely child's play, you won't be picky, but adults cannot tear themselves away from it.

Zombies are real but cute

You and your friends make the wrong turn (you probably played words on the road), you come to the forest, darkness falls, gasoline runs out, and suddenly you see a residential-looking mansion. Naively enter it, like heroes of classic horror films, and there are zombies, angry dogs, poisonous spiders and a complete mess. And it began! Run around the house, look for useful things, hammer windows and doors, eat first aid kits and, most importantly, kill the damn zombies.


It was lucky that among my friends there are fast, strong, educated (not a philologist, but a nurse, of course) and even armed. There is a chance to defeat all the evil spirits and their swamp boss, find a can of gasoline, the keys to the truck in the backyard, and escape from this forest. In addition to enemies, there are also useful things in the house: weapons, first aid kits, boards for nailing windows and doors.

Wow, a tabletop where you can nail up windows!

Yes, just like in the movies. Moreover, a zombie can try to break through such a door, and you yourself will have to break the boards if you need to return to some room. So nail it up wisely. This, by the way, is not the only one cool feature"Zombies in the House":

  • Each character has unique properties who help him and the whole team. For example, a police girl has her own pistol, she does not need to look for a weapon for you in the house.
  • Even in this game, no one dies completely. If your hero is eaten by a monster, you become an undead and play as some kind of zombie. With your help, zombies can chase living characters, block their access to rooms or some other things.
  • The rules are very simple: you have characters who walk around the house and open a bunch of closed cards, on which there may be enemies, or there may be useful things. The outcome of all encounters with monsters is decided by a spinner with an arrow - they will devour you, or you will have a chance to escape, or you will have to shoot back.
  • Quite cool, you can transfer things to each other - stand on neighboring cells and exchange.

Who is this game for:

  • For fans of zombie movies.
  • For connoisseurs of simple and beautiful tactical games.
  • For family games with dad (the author originally made this game for his son).
  • For the road, cafe or summer cottage.
  • For evening games with friends.
  • For connoisseurs of good, high-quality board games.

The composition of this small "abode of evil":

  • Cardboard playing field with a mansion;
  • 28 cards of monsters that can meet on the way to the truck;
  • 11 weapon cards - they must be found and used against monsters;
  • 16 cards of useful things;
  • 5 player cards;
  • 35 chips-hearts;
  • Special spinner;

The game is interesting, an obvious plus that we smash zombies with a friendly team. Ideal for children from 10-12 years old.

Sergey Pyzhikov, head of the online store

There is such a thing with author's games, with them it is immediately clear whether this is a complete slag or something worthwhile. This was one of the few that made it immediately clear that she would come. And now she is number two in sales in Mosigra. The concept of good zombies is captivating, because kids love anything scary, but only moderately scary. This game solves this problem. There is loot, there is exploration. You open the tiles and you don't know what awaits you.

Maxim Polovtsev, developer

Highly cool game, children go crazy over her. The trick is that we start playing against zombies, but if someone is eaten, he starts playing against his former team. Cool setting, simple rules, fast games, high replay value.

Dmitry Kibkalo, developer, founder of Mosigra

Bribes that it is cooperative and at the same time not. There you can try to win alone or team up with someone and throw the rest. It's more fun when you lose and start playing as all the zombies against your friends. This is much cooler. I usually try to cut myself right away and not let anyone win.

Ivan Maslikhin, Moscow Coordinator

Evgeny Kolodin talks about how the game "Zombies in the House" was created

The idea to create a board game "about zombies" came to me a long time ago - back in the mid-1990s. Then all this "monster mania" was just beginning in game world... With friends, we were playing the first computer "Resident Evil", but it upset that only one was sitting with a joystick, and the rest were just watching. “And it would be great for everyone to fight the monsters together,” I thought. Then he took a Whatman paper - lined it into cells, drew big house, came up with the rules of movement and combat. When friends came and we played a game - the verdict was "cool!" Even then, the guys told me: “It would be nice if you published it!”. But then, in the mid-1990s, it was difficult to do it. And I postponed the project until "better times". Here they are!

Perhaps, thanks to my children - my daughter and son, I remembered this game almost 20 years later! Today there are a lot of all kinds of games about monsters, so I once said: “But I had Cool game! Do you want to draw? " They were, of course, interested. And I recreated the game from memory, since that first version was lost a long time ago. And, of course, he introduced whole line innovations. Firstly, I made the game not scary, but rather funny. Secondly, characters similar to us and our family became heroes. The son, for example, chose the youngest, but quickest hero, the daughter played a girl who effectively uses first-aid kits, I - a guy with a knife, his wife - a girl with a pistol. That is to say, in order to better get used to the atmosphere. Of course, it was interesting for the children to play. In what other game can you, for example, save your sister and your parents from zombies? Or, conversely, control a whole crowd of monsters? At the same time, there is nothing terrible and there is no cruelty there.

The author with his family

For example, drawing a map of a house and a street. Have you noticed there are many different details? In the house there is a curtain in the bathroom, a hanger with clothes, various furniture, on the street there is a bench, a swing, a bicycle, garbage cans, a dug hole, and so on. This is to make the hole cards more fun for players to open. Who is hiding behind the curtain? You open it - there are zombies. You can find a grenade in the refrigerator, and car keys in the trash can. That is, imagination and fantasy are included in the game. Coming up with these details was fun. Enemies also needed to be created different. Zombies alone would be boring. Therefore, there are mutant spiders that move faster and devil dogs, from which it is generally very difficult to escape and, of course, the boss is Swamp Horror ...

I wanted the game to be unpredictable, so that every time it was played in a new way. But how to do this with a static map? And then the decision came to use upside-down cards so that the players really didn't know what awaited them in the scary house! And, indeed, the parties can be completely different. Lucky - and you will immediately pick up weapons and first-aid kits, or maybe quickly bite to death and then you will control the monsters. Another difficulty in the process of creating a game is the arrangement of rooms, doors, windows in the house. It was necessary to do this in such a way that it would be interesting to run away from monsters, to be able to knock on doors behind you, but so that zombies could surround you. In a word, provide for tactical moves.

At the last moment, I figured out that if you play, for example, three of us - the remaining cards of the two heroes can be turned over - mixed with the cards of things and enemies and also put on the map, and then if you find them - you can save them. This increases the chances of survival if there are few players.

When I sent in the rules and pictures of my Magellan game, of course, I hoped for success. And when the manager replied that they were interested in the project, he was happy as a child. It's great that thousands of people can play your game - give them emotions of joy and fun. I came to the company and played. Then there was focus group testing - everything is fine. And then the production process dragged on for exactly two years ... But I was not discouraged, I believed that the game would still come out. And the expectations were justified - I liked the design, everything turned out as it should.

Board game

Number of players
2 to 5

Party time
30 to 60 minutes

Difficulty of the game

fun game for children and adults. In the game you find yourself with your friends in an unusual house with zombies. But that's not all, you are running out of gas. You will have to run all over the house, look for the necessary inventory, run away and kill zombies.

Board Game Rules Zombies in the House

Preparatory stage

Each player takes a character card without looking, or the participants agree on which character each of them plays.

Heart-shaped chips - extra life for the player. All players should have 3, and Bori should have 5. When a player is bitten by a zombie, one token is removed from him, using a first-aid kit is added. The player whose hearts run out is considered defeated and is eliminated from the game.
Prepare the field for the game by placing the overturned cards on different cells of the field.

Player movement across the playing field

The moves of the players are carried out alternately clockwise. Any character can start the game

The player rotates the spinner arrow and moves the character card for as many moves as the pointer showed him.

  • movement is carried out in any direction, but you can only walk straight, diagonal movement is prohibited;
  • the player can go through the window or through the door. It is forbidden to pass through the wall;
  • when a card that has not been turned over before appears on your cell, you can bypass it or open it. If you open a card, then your turn on this cell ends. Even if the number of moves is 4, and the card was already on the third square, then you need to stop exactly on this sector;
  • you cannot stand on the same square with another player, you can only pass through them;
  • on the open card of the monster, you must stop in order to fight with it.

If you hit the sector with a card, then turn it over:

  • a card on which you take an item for yourself;
  • fight the monster if it gets in your way (for more details, see the “Battle” section below);
  • then you must pass the move to the next player.

Fighting monsters

If while moving along playing field a card with a monster is on your way, then they immediately try to bite you and you must fight or run away! With the arrow on the turntable in motion, see what it showed you:

  • if crossed swords fell on the spinner: having a crossbow, knife or ax in your possession, kill the enemy;
  • if a target falls out, then if you have a shotgun, pistol or machine gun in your arsenal, shoot the monster;
  • when the arrow points to the jaw: a monster bites you - you lose one life. In this case, you put your heart token in the discard, or use the first aid kit, if available. The used card with the first-aid kit must also be removed to the discard.
  • when the spinner arrow points to a running person: you can run away from the monster. Then the card with the monster will remain on the same square. You twist the arrow and go back the indicated number of steps across the playing field. In case of repeated contact with new card, open it.
  • in a situation where you do not have a weapon, turn the spinner arrow again until you run away from the monster, defeat it, or die;
  • if you have a grenade, activate it by saying: "I'm throwing a grenade!" You killed a monster! To destroy the Swamp Horror, you can only use the grenade launcher, while saying: "I'm using the grenade launcher!" When you destroy a monster, remove the used weapon card from the playing field. The monster only has one life.

If the monster is killed, discard the card. If you lose all lives, discard your counter. And all the items and weapons you find will have to be left on the sector where your character was killed by the monster. All trophies you got (first aid kit, board, canister, weapon and key) go to the player who stood on this cell during the game. The monster that ate you remains on the same cage and guards the cards with things.

The situation when you were killed by a monster

Do not give up! Now you can continue the game, but on the side of the dark forces (control the leader of monsters, zombies, mutant spiders and devil dogs). Play against other players who are still alive. All characters eaten by monsters can play as the dark side.

Rules for becoming a zombie:

  • Choosing for yourself a card with any free monster - attack the surviving characters by rotating the arrow and moving only in a straight line in any direction. You cannot open cards. You have the right to go through a cell occupied by another monster, but you are not allowed to end your turn on a cell occupied by a monster.
  • Catch up with the player you want to eat and cover him with your card. Stop on the cell with this character, even if you have more steps. The battle takes place according to the above rules.

Attention! One monster can only be controlled by one killed player!

Finale in the board game Zombies in the House

Get to the red car on the other side of the house. You can get into the car and leave only with the "Canister" and "Key" cards, which can be brought by one or several players. The player who has reached the finish line and at the same time has the necessary cards can leave, wait for friends, or return to their rescue. This decision is made by the player himself. Optionally, you can put a card on the machine before starting the game. In this case, the player turns the card over and if he finds a monster there, he fights with it.

Now many children for some reason are very fond of zombies, let alone their parents. But adult zombie games are usually bloody. And the children of the author of this game very much asked their dad for something about the greenish lovers of the human brain, so he sat down and did. "Zombies in the house" is absolutely child's play, you won't be picky, but adults cannot tear themselves away from it.

You and your friends make the wrong turn (you probably played words on the road), you come to the forest, darkness falls, gasoline runs out, and suddenly there is a residential-looking mansion in front of you. Naively enter it, like the heroes of classic horror films, and there are zombies, evil dogs, poisonous spiders and a complete mess. And it began! Run around the house, look for useful things, hammer windows and doors, eat first aid kits and, most importantly, kill the damn zombies.

It was lucky that among my friends there are fast, strong, educated (not a philologist, but a nurse, of course) and even armed. There is a chance to defeat all the evil spirits and their swamp boss, find a can of gasoline, the keys to the truck in the backyard, and escape from this forest. In addition to enemies, there are also useful things in the house: weapons, first aid kits, boards for nailing windows and doors.


  • a cardboard playing field with a mansion;
  • 28 cards of monsters that can meet on the way to the truck;
  • 11 weapon cards - they must be found and used against monsters;
  • 16 cards of useful things;
  • 5 player cards;
  • 35 chips-hearts;
  • special turntable;
  • rules of the game.
  • Video for the board game Zombies in the house

  • Have everyone at least once watched the films where a terrible virus created the living dead from people, the only purpose of which is to feast on the brains of the survivors? Each viewer is sure that he would be the person who would not get infected and save humanity. But nobody would like to check it in reality. Now you can find out your chances of surviving the zombie apocalypse and saving the planet. Zombies in the House is a board game that is as close as possible to the real confrontation between the infected and the survivors.

    The set will put you in a difficult situation. Usually, games and films on this theme take place on the street, and buildings are considered a good way to hide from those who want to taste a piece of your brain. The entertainment invites the participants to think: "What if there are zombies in the house? Where to hide and how not to become dinner?"

    The game is a confrontation between the infected and the survivors

    Description of the game

    The board game Zombies in the House is aimed at children: despite the love of green "people" for brains, you will not see cruelty, bloodlust and other things that you do not want to show to the younger generation. The entertainment was developed by a father whose children are madly in love with this theme. He wanted to create something really interesting, but not as scary as the "zombie" films. The author succeeded! The set turned out to be interesting for everyone and, moreover, it is also decorated in a bright, beautiful style.

    The plot begins when a group of friends are left alone in a dark forest. The tank of the car has run out of gasoline, and they are afraid to walk at night. A small mansion comes to the rescue, which is conveniently close by. They decide to spend the night in it, then continue on their way to find help. going inside, They realize that the solution was not as good as it seemed to them.

    The house is inhabited by various scary creatures: angry Hungry Zombies, huge poisonous spiders, angry guard dogs and other unfriendly creatures. To survive, you will have to board up all kinds of doors and windows, remaining in the only room that these creatures have not yet reached. rescue them will be helped by various useful items and first-aid kits that can be found in the house.

    Of course, the zombies in the game are not real, but card ones. Therefore, there is no danger for the players, unless you are afraid of losing. Although the game is designed for children, it cannot be called too simple. It is interesting to play it, because thoughtlessly throwing the dice is not enough to win.

    The rules are simple and straightforward, but not so easy to deal with.

    Brainsiii !!

    In the board game Zombies in the House, you will play as one of five characters, each with their own strengths. Some of them are distinguished by intelligence, others by dexterity, and still others by strength. Use their skills wisely and correctly distribute tasks between the characters to survive in a difficult fight against the brutal infected. Intelligence and weaponry can greatly increase your chances of survival in this dangerous home.

    Use the materials at hand to fight dangerous creatures. For example, a can of gasoline will help you deal with a terrible boss. The first aid kit will allow you to quickly heal wounds received in battles with monsters. Find the keys to the truck in the backyard to get out of this creepy place and escape from the zombies.

    The game can be played as one of five characters, each of which has its own strengths

    Wow, a tabletop where you can nail up the windows!

    Remember how characters in the movies clog windows and doors with boards to prevent hungry zombies from breaking through. In the game, you will have to do exactly the same. This can save you from the walking dead, but it can also cause problems for you: if you need to return to the room, and it is boarded up, players will have to break boards. It is at this moment that the most physically strong character will be able to prove himself.

    • Each character in the game has their own skills that will help a group of friends get out of a dangerous house. For example, a police officer should not look for a weapon, because she initially has it.
    • A player cannot be eliminated even if eaten by a zombie. In this case, it simply turns into walking dead and begins to stalk his friends in order to profit from their brains.
    • The game has interesting implementation of the interaction between the characters. You can exchange first aid kits, weapons and other useful items. The game is cooperative, so helping each other is in the first place here.

    The game will have to hammer windows and doors with boards so that hungry zombies do not break inside

    Where do zombie legs grow from?

    In the game you will meet completely different monsters, even cubic ones. All of them are depicted on tiles that you will turn over during the game. If one of the participants comes across a monster, he will have to fight. Fights with monsters are described in detail in the rules in the corresponding section.

    There are completely different monsters in the game, even cubic

    Will they give you a weapon?

    There is no store or weapon bank in the game, but you can find it by exploring the scary house. By turning over tiles on the playing field, players will be able to discover various objects, including those used for self-defense when meeting a zombie. Weapons can be shared. This rule will especially help when you have already formed a combat reserve, and we are carrying a friend to defend in case of an unexpected attack. Remember that you are playing together and not competing for survival.

    Weapons against zombies can be found by exploring the scary house

    Rules and course of the game

    The task of the participants of the board game Zombies in the House is to get out of the creepy mansion without becoming vicious brain eaters. There is only one way to get out of this ill-fated place: get the keys to the truck and fill it with gasoline. Then you can go as far away from the creepy house as possible.

    Character features

    • Sasha knows how to fight. He is well versed in martial arts and always carries a knife with him. You can use melee weapons at any time, even if there is no card on hand.
    • Nastya has studied medicine, so all the first-aid kits used by this character have a double effect.
    • Max is the youngest and smartest among friends. He can always take one step more than others.
    • Nadia serves in the ranks of the police, so from the very beginning of the game she has a loaded pistol. Even if the player does not have a pistol card, he can still use it.
    • Boris is the strongest and most resilient. Unlike other characters, he has not three, but five units of health.

    The task of the participants in the game Zombies in the house is to get out of the creepy mansion without becoming angry brain eaters

    A practical guide to saving from the zombie apocalypse

    In the game you will find a whole set for a zombie apocalypse. It includes items that are needed to fight opponents and escape from a creepy house:

    • The first aid kit heals characters for one life.
    • Boards make it possible to clog windows and doors. To do this, simply place the appropriate card on the door you need. From that moment on, it is considered boarded up.
    • A can of gasoline is useful for refueling a car, because it has an empty tank.
    • You will need your car keys to start the car and leave the house full of zombies.

    Preparatory stage

    To start the game in Zombies in the House and find out which of your friends will be saved, you need to complete the preparatory steps:

    • All participants blindly draw out one sheet of characters. It is permissible to discuss your choice, but if you are not playing for the first time, it will be more interesting to diversify your "personality" with a random choice.
    • Give each participant tokens with hearts, which should be equal to the character's health. Everyone gets three, and Boris takes five. his health is more than the rest by two units. You need to remove these tokens when your character takes damage, and take them back if someone heals you.
    • Place all participant tokens at the start. This square shows a yellow car that broke down and forced the players to go to the creepy house.
    • Shuffle all the cards and place randomly one face down on each square of the board. Distribute them rationally across the playing field, because there are fewer cards than cells. You can place them in interesting places: near the house, in the closet, under the bed, in the bath. There are many options, you decide for yourself.

    Player movement in the game software liu

    Before starting the game, decide who will be the first to walk. This can be done by agreement, or by throwing dice for zombies. Whoever gets the highest number will go first. When it's your turn to move around the map:

    Fighting monsters

    When you turn over a face-down card on the playing field and find a monster on it, he immediately attacks you. Unscrew the arrow on the turntable. What to do next explain the icons she will point to.

    If crossed swords fell out, you can use melee weapons. It includes a sharpened knife, a sharp ax, and a crossbow with arrows. If any of this is in your arsenal, you immediately kill the monster. When the player does not have the right weapon in his hand, he needs to turn the spinner again.

    The scope works the same way as swords, but requires that you have a pistol, submachine gun or shotgun in your hands. If there is no weapon that turned up earlier, spin the turntable again.

    The teeth symbol means that you have been hit by a zombie and have lost one life.

    If a running person falls out, the character manages to escape from the battle and she leaves for another cell. Spin the turntable to find out how far you can move. The monster remains undefeated in the cage and waits for the next guest in this place.

    You can use a grenade if you have one in your arsenal. Just tell me you are using it. The zombie will be destroyed and the grenade will be dropped. The same mechanic works with the grenade launcher.

    The situation when you were killed by a monster

    Zombies are terribly bloodthirsty, so they can eat you in battle. This happens when a character with one unit of health gets into battle and a jaw with teeth falls out. Then the player starts playing for another team: he becomes one of the monsters on the map. When a monster has killed you, just select one of the monsters. It can be a zombie, a spider, a hellhound, and even a terrible Boss. This happens with every player who dies.

    Zombie rules

    When the player becomes a zombie, he begins to move around the playing field as before. Now monsters not only wait for the remaining participants in different places on the map, but also run after them in an attempt to bite. The main difference is that you can no longer open cards. Zombies simply step over them or stop at the same place.

    Each monster has its own movement characteristics:

    The final

    The only way to escape from the scary house is to get as far as possible from the ill-fated place in a car that is parked in the backyard. You need to find a canister and a key to start the car. The number of survivors can be any: all players or only one can reach the finish line. If a car with all the necessary attributes turned out to be one of the characters, while the others are still just going to their goal, you yourself decide to wait for them or leave in splendid isolation. Due to this specificity of the game, participants must treat their friends with respect. Helping them through the house, you can be sure that your friend will not leave you if he gets to the car first.

    At the stage of laying out cards, you can put one on the machine. In this case, before leaving home, players will have to reveal the card. If it turns out to be a zombie, you must fight it. So the participant can reach the very end and die on it.

    When the players fail to get to the car, the team loses. This happens if they are all turned into monsters. It doesn't matter if you were bitten by an ordinary zombie or by a monster that was once your friend.

    What's in the set?

    In the set of the board game Zombies in the House you will find:

    Who will like it?

    The board game Zombie in the House is designed for children from twelve years old. Two to five people can participate in it at the same time. Although the entertainment is designed for the younger generation, fighting and trying to get out of the house will be interesting even for adults. One batch of such an adventure takes an average of thirty to sixty minutes, so the game will be relevant on long weekend evenings and as a quick weekday entertainment.

    The original mechanics and stylish design make the game a good birthday present. Since it is designed for a group of people, you can immediately unpack it and try it out during a holiday party.

    Video review

    If you liked the description of the board game Zombies in the House, watch the video review and see what hungry zombies look like and how to escape from them.