Rules game Bura Goat. Card game "Bura": Rules and strategies. Rules of the game Goat in Maps Captured Pants

Fore game everyone player puts on kon. Certain amount Money, for example, 5 kopecks. Players from 2 to 6 people. The deck is 32 or 36 sheets. Three cards are surreated. Upper map The decks remaining after delivery opens and put on the table with a shirt down - this is a trump card. The first move belong player, sitting on the left of the passing, follow-up - with a bribe. You can walk with one or more kart one masty. Players throw turns throw their cards On the cards from which the player goes. If a player Beat cards The previous player, then they are put in the open, if not - in the closed (shirt up). Cards thrown by players should be exactly as much as in the course, i.e. if player I went from two cards, then everyone put two cards. It is impossible to miss. Seniority kart In the deck: ace — 11 points, ten -10 (beats only ace, older king, ladies, etc.), King - 4, lady - 3, curren - 2, other points Do not have senior sense. The trump card beats any unique card. The player has the right to put any of his cards on the map, regardless of masty etc. player Has the right to quit in the "closed" any card. For example, a player who thrust to the unique dozen trumps The currencies in the open, takes a bribe, in the closed - no. If one is players Interrupted the cards from which the partner went, then others in order to take a bribe, are obliged to kill his cards. After all players put cards that took bribe begins, the rest of the clockwise moves cards From the deck (one to three). The bribe holds each player Near yourself so that closed cards did not turn over, the player, taking a bribe, has the right to "reveal" - that is, to a good kart To count glasses In his bribes. At the same time, the cards obtained by it in the closed, turn over and consider on a par with open. If the "revealed" has 31 points or more, then he gains a con, if not, delivers a con, that is, puts so much money as they were at the time of autopsy. Having delivered con, it becomes passing. Maps are taped, and a second draw is similar to the first. Player having three cards one masty "Young", walks not in line. This rule is disputed by some players, so usually stipulates before starting games: "Youth" in line or out of turn. Three aces have an advantage. The move is then done not in the queue (if one player "is young", and the other is three aces, then three aces go). If in several players - "youth", then he goes the move before. Three trumps cards On one hand is called "Bura". A player who declared a boor showing his cards And takes the con. If a bura At the same time in several players or one - buraAnd the other is three aces, then a player who has a course of his opponent goes. If the second player can kill the exhausted cards, then it bura Older and he wins, if not, loses. If a cards in degree ended and none of players did not revealed (the so-called "jar"), then everyone deliver con and the game continues, but with a double horse.

How to play the Card game "Goat"? Rules and options for this game.

A card game called "Goat" has existed for a long time. Invented it in Germany, and over time she reached Russia. In our country, it is very fond of this game and from the earliest years he is fond of.

Next, we will tell you about what kind of variations in this game and we describe their rules. If you want to play the Card game "Goat", then be sure to try a few of her species. We will tell you how to play a "goat" together, threesome, with a distribution of four cards, six cards and more about several options.

Rules of the game goat 4 cards

The rules say that in this species of the game in the "goat", all players are provided with 4 cards, and the rest are put in a deck in the table of the table. The uppermost card opens with the front side and put under the deck, but so that it is visible to half. This is the so-called trump card.

The meaning of the game is to earn 60 points as soon as possible. If there are a lot of playing, then 60 points in some cases are generally absolutely difficult, so you can discuss in advance and the set number of points of the relevant winning. So, the cards are distributed, and the first one who was determined by the lot. The move is performed along the clockwise arrow.

Six of a 36-card deck should be thrown away and before the game is not allowed. It is necessary that you have a deck in 32 cards. Seniority cards in the deck for this games goes In the following sequence: seven (the smallest card), eight, nine, currency, lady, king, ten, ace (the most big map).

The meaning is to try to throw away from your hands as many cards as possible, which are the most unprofitable points, and yourself take cards that correspond to more points.

In general, the points in relation to the cards are distributed as follows: the seven, the eight and the nine correspond to 0 points, they receive 2 points for the currencies, they give 3 points for the ladies, for kings - 4 points are given for dozens of 10 points, and for dozens Aces most of all - 11 points.

Kaltam in this game attitude is special. Peak currency will beat trumps and red currencies. Wormy currencies will beat the trumps and a bubble currency. Valleny Bubay, in turn, will only beat the trump cards. This needs to be remembered.

As soon as you have less than 4 cards in your hands, you will need to take the missing number of cards from the general deck. If you can not beat the card that you rushed, then it should be in hand. Wins the one who has the first points from the first glasses. When counting points, those cards that have passed through your hands are taken into account, that is, those that you beat and took yourself.

If there are a lot of players, then for 60 points you will dial it difficult. In general, the whole deck of cards includes 120 points, as it is not difficult to guess. If you play big companyMore than 2 people, then you can agree that you will play until one thing when someone does not pick up, say, 20 or 30 points.

Card Card 6 Rules

The card game of this species involves the distribution of 6 cards to each playing. The deck should be 32 cards, as in the first case. Cards in this game begin with seven. The correspondence of the scores is the same as in the game in the "goat" with four cards.

Wins in variations with six cards one who first drops 60 points. This is if they play two. If the players are more, the number of points can be installed another, less than 60. If you decide to play the four-way, for example, or a guide, you can divide the teams.

When command Game, the team wins, which first drops 60 points. It is most convenient to play in this game six card variations four of us. There will be two teams two for two people, each of them you need to distribute 6 cards and 8 more pieces remain in the general deck, then they will understand the players, who first will be in their hands less than six cards.

If there will be a deceit among the players, the team in which he played is recognized by the losers immediately. In the "goat" should not bluff, it is necessary to play honestly, so as not to bring their partners in the game.

Goat 24 Card Rules

In this variation, the game will be used a deck of cards in which all cards are missing, except for nine, a dozen, currencies, ladies, kings and aces. You have 24 cards.

Matching cards in this species game is the same as in the version with 32 cards. This means that nine correspond to 0 points, for the valets you will receive 2 points, for the ladies there is an opportunity to get 3 points, for kings - 4 points, 10 points will be credited for dozens, and more than 11 points will be more accrued .

Here there is a distribution of 4 cards. You can play in this variation of the "goat" together, and it will be more convenient for the four or also a guide. If the company is gathered from six people, then the whole deck is distributed, 4 cards each playing, and last map. Before returning, it is shown - this will be a trump card.

The same game itself occurs according to the same rules as in the case of 32 cards. If playing a couple, then you can continue to play until someone gets 60 points and more. If you are gathered more, then you can play a persuasion to a smaller number of points.

Boer goat game card rules

The game "Burkozel" will require you thoughtfulness and developed intuition. It does not pass quickly, so this game will need to release the time in your graph. Especially large excitement in this kind of card game "Goat" is not here.

In "Burkozla" it is most convenient to play together or four of us. The deck for this game is used familiar, out of 36 cards. Points are not charged for six, seven, eight and nine. For the rest of the cards provide accrual of glasses.

The largest number of points you get for the aces - as many as 11 pieces. A little less accrued glasses for dozens - 10. For the kings you can get 4 points, for the ladies - 3 points, well, and least for the currencies - 2 points.

Pyrus defines the one who will distribute the cards. For this, each of the players takes out of the deck on the same map and one has the largest card, based on the number of points accrued for it, is assigned to the handout card. The first makes the move that playing, which is located on the left hand from the map distributor.

Each player needs to provide 4 cards, but you need to distribute them one, and not at a time. Cards are distributed clockwise. That card that will be the first in the remaining deck will be considered a trump card. It should be shown to all playing to remember that this is a trump card, and then remove back to the deck.

Go to the side of the next player need from more small maps, it is better to get rid of them first. You can walk by one card or a few, if only they were one table. For example, you can throw a six and seven at once, if they belong to one suit, say, to the Cherv.

That playing who threw the cards should cover them with the corresponding number of cards. They should be larger in accordance with accrued points. You can also cover trumps, if it is impossible to cover the cards of the corresponding masty.

If the "beaten" cards, then the player takes this bribe that these cards and wings. The bribe is not taken in hand, but put on next to the player. Then, when calculating points, these cards will be taken into account. If the cards could not cover the cards and did not find the cards of a greater nominal in his hands, then the card takes the player who threw these cards.

After a bribe, all players must take themselves cards from a common deck. Their number in each hand should be four. The first takes the one who took a bribe. The course also makes the player who took a bribe before that. For convenience, you can play with a handle and a piece of paper where you can immediately write the number of points of each of the players.

The game should be continued until one of the players do not accumulate 61 or more points or while one of them does not turn out to be in the hands of the Bura combination. This combination consists of four cards that are trumps.

Comments on the rules of the game "Burkozel":

  1. If someone from the players mistakenly said that he had 60 and more points, it was considered to be a loser and the game is no longer allowed. Also, the player who took the fifth card is also considered the loser.
  2. If two players have immediately turned out to be a combination of the "Bura" combination, then the player who has older cards is considered the winner.
  3. To declare that you scored 60 and more points allowed only during your turn.
  4. The amount of points of the relevant win can be changed by agreement in a large or smaller side.
  5. If there is such a combination in the hands of one of the players as "youth", "Moscow" or "four ends", then the right of turn is transmitted to him.
  6. The combination of "youth" is four cards in one and the same suit. The combination "Moscow" is three aces along with the trump card in one hands. The combination of "four end" is four dozen or four aces in one hands.

Goat game in the map Rules together

If you decide to play a goat together, then it is best to do with a deck of 24 cards. All six, seven and eight thrust away, and with the remaining cards boldly start the game by giving each of you 4 cards.

You can play until one of you drop 60 or more points. The compliance of points cards here is the same as in the standard version of the game in the goat. The principle of the game itself, too, as in the above described above (the first) option.

Try first to get rid of small cards. The number of points from bribes Record immediately on a piece of paper, it will be easier to count points in the game.

Goat Rules in Maps on Troy

To play in the "goat" threesome you need a deck of 32 cards. Each player is issued for 10 cards, and 2 remain in the bona. Bubi is considered permanent trumps in this game, as well as all ladies and currencies are considered trump cards and they can be bought by any card of a smaller nominal.

Absolutely all sixters are removed from the deck. The compliance of points in the game of this type is the same as in the variations of the Card game "Kozel described above. In other words, seven, eights and nines carry 0 points, for the aces you will get already at 11 points, for dozens, 10 points are given, behind the kings of 4 points, for the ladies of 3 points, for the currencies of 2 points.

The one who in his hands will be the best combination of cards, that is, the greatest points, he takes 2 cards from the bunch of themselves. Then he looks at what 2 cards can be removed into Bito and discard them to the side, near themselves, they will also be taken into account when calculating points.

Then this player starts the game against the other remaining players. If he wins, then the rest is attributed to one additional point. This is if the opponents scored from 31 to 59 points. If they scored up to 31 points, they are attributed to 2 additional points.

If the bunch was not taken by anyone, then playing "into smaller". If the playing did not take anything in a bonape and scored less than 31 points per batch, then 0 points are charged. If it is from 31 to 60 points, then 2 points are accrued. If more than 60 points were scored by a player, then it is given 4 points. The game continues until one of the players will not be scored 12 points. He will be considered a goat.

Rules of the game Goat in Maps Captured Pants

In this variation of the Card game "Goat" participation will take 32 cards. In this version of the game in the "goat" from the deck, seven are thrown out. The player who has fallen out of honor to make a move first, can "boil", that is, to say how to distribute the cards. It can also refuse to be "praising", then the deck is heard of 8 cards to each playing. 4 people can participate in the game.

The trumps in this game are considered to be all the cards of the Buby, as well as constant trumps are ladies and currencies. The seniority of the masters in the ladies and the currencies go in the following order: the cross (the highest), peaks, cereals and beabies. Samoa big card The six is \u200b\u200bcounted. She can beat completely all cards, including absolutely all trump cards, ladies and currencies.

Lady Cross is a little less large than the cross six. Behind her is peak lady, then the worm lady, then bubnova Dama. After the ladies go Vnets. The oldest is the crusade, then goes jack of spadesthen the worm currency is well and concludes this circle a tambourine currency.

Clapraki are several species. Today we will talk about chenbank called "Pants". During such a game, the pardon takes one card from the deck from the deck of cards from below, looks at them, but the other does not show. If trumps or aces come, he has the right to postpone them and ask for more cards.

Cards from the general deck pounding can take until he is so-called bad cards. It may not be trump-eyed eights and nines, which by points are zero cards. The first card, which is not neither a trump card, either ace praising and makes the first goal, but he does it in the square, that is, the players do not see which card I went praising.

If he is pupping pulls 8 good cards, he may be given the opportunity to gain the same maps for the next player sitting in the neighborhood, but he may well do this. The second player can choose the cards from the deck on the same principle as praising. The first card, which is neither ace, neither the trump card he also lays out and makes a move.

The rest of the players are also taken on one map from above and from the bottom of the deck, but their move is done already in the open. After the occasion is performed, the cards of the first two players opens and will already become clear who belongs to the bribe and who scored more points. The game is more convenient to make a team. Which team will be 60 and more points, it is recognized as the winner.

Now you know how to play a "goat" card game in several ways and we hope that your leisure you can brighten up this activity and be satisfied.

Rules of the game

Number of participants: Preferably two or three. Although the number of players is limited only by the number of cards in the deck, however, with more players, the game is significantly losing attractiveness, since in this case the result is fully determined by the initial layout of the cards during delivery.

Deck: 36 sheets.

Having determined by lot at the beginning of the game; In the future, the card gives the won. Each player receives 3 cards that give up one to each player, in several circles. Then reveals the card determining the trump card. The first move makes the seating from the left of the passing, with the following surrender - the one who took the last bribe.

Seniority and dignity of cards:

  • ace - 11 points;
  • 10 - 10 points (with a dozen older than the king, ladies and currencies);
  • king - 4 points, lady - 3, currens - 2.
  • 9, 8, 7, 6 - 0 points.

The combination of 3 cards of one suit is called "youth" or "letter", a combination of 3 trumps is called "Bura".

You can walk from one card, while the partner must also put one card; From two cards of one suit or with three one, the same - the same in turns are made all the players (reset "according to suit" is optional). If the cards of the partner are cards, bribe takes a partner, if at least one card does not break, the bribe takes the victim. If the cards of what is killed, the next (with a game of more than 2 players) to take a bribe should beat the map of the last interrupted player.

Maps get from a deck players for one after another. The first takes a bribe, he is first and walks.

Who first scored 31 points, he wins. You can declare this only on your go. If the player turned out to be a "bora", he wins the party regardless of the glasses. If the player announced the end of the game, without typing 31 points, it is considered to be a loser. The player who took the cards from the deck is not recognized by the loser. This reception is called "someone else's rise." "Double lifting" - a good two cards simultaneously and raising an excess card - also punishable by the loss of the party.

Most common, almost canonical additional conditions:

  • If a partner was unable to beat your entry, he has the right reset cards to put a shirt up. You do not have right to open them before declare the end of the game (usually in a word: "I reveal!"). An attempt to turn them to equate to the pronouncement of this word.
  • Announcing the end of the game, but not scored 31 points - loses doubly.
  • The game is maintained until a certain number of won surrenders (most often it is "Robber" - 21 delivery - or "Small Robber" - 11 surrender), and the specified number of victories must be achieved with the difference in the score of 2 victories or more. In another hand, the one who won the previous one passes. There is another common option for determining the winner: 2 penalty points are accrued to each loser, with a set of 12 points - the party is played.
  • If the player in his hands there is "young man" with someone else's course, he has the right (but not obliged) to declare it with the word "stop!" And get out with all three cards. But if at the same time the opponent was on the hands of "Bura", "Moscow" or "Small Moscow" (see below), this rule does not work.
  • Additional combinations - "Moscow" (three aces, option: one of the three aces of trump card) and "Small Moscow" - three sisters with the trump card (Option: three dozen). Wrong "Moscow" immediately wins even with the presence of "borants" at the opponent. Having a "small Moscow" has the right to declare it (in short: "Stop!") And to go out into all three cards, even if the opponent "youth".
  • If "Bura" met at the same time from both players, he wins the one who has the advantage of the top card. If both players met "youth", the progress queue is preserved for those who had to walk.
  • If one of the combinations ("bora", "youth", "Moscow", "Small Moscow") met immediately with the distribution of cards, the party is relocated without any consequences.


Burkets - a type of game in the boor. Basically, the rules are similar to the rules of the game in Buru.

Burkets play together, threesome, or four of them - steam pair.

When playing Burkets, four cards are distributed, and, unlike the bora, all the cards of the deck are usually played. During the course, with the impossibility of taking a bribe, the cards are reset either into open, or there may be a player who took a bribe (but not after the last map will be taken from the table).

Four cards of one suit give the right to an extraordinary course, four trumps form "Buru" (immediate winnings), four aces ("Moscow") give immediate a triple win. Usually wins the passing one who scored more points. If the player scored less than 31 points when playing together (four times) or less than 21 points when playing threesome, then he is counted double losing. Also, the loss doubles in a situation where the previous delivery ended with a draw (60 points with the game together or 40 when the threesome game). Thus, with a particularly successful game, a party win in one or two surrender is possible.

IN game Plan There are certain differences between the brown and burgozl: the first is more excitted, it depends more on the sampling of cards and is focused on quick win, the second is the game is relatively thoughtful and exhausted.

A frequent variety - when playing a couple to a couple - in the drawing of 32 cards, from 7 to t, the sixes are given to two couples and fold with shirts outwards. They are considered glasses. 31 - "Own eyes" - the upper card shifts and opens two points. 61 - four. More than six - the top turns over the shirt down and opens points on the bottom, so until 12 when the game ends. For the lack of glasses at the opponent, if there are bribes (empty, some foams) - 6 points, for a complete missile break - 8. SWARA (both pairs took at 60) - nothing, the bank doubles, and according to the results of the next draw glasses are written in a double size. Two Swaders in a row - fourth, etc. Another small detail that is negotiated before. Usually, "youth" (four single cars) are waiting for their turn - without a queue in the classics there are either "bora", or "Red Moscow". But if the trump card at the delivery was opened "End" (a dozen or ace), then the youth go out of turn ("youth as a bora"). The end is mixed in a deck and get another card, determining the trump card, not 10 and not by T. Sometimes, by agreement, a set of 40 points and above (4 dozen or dozens in combination with the aces) go without a queue along with a buroy. In my memory there was a case when a fortification of 4 dozen was covered with Krasnaya Moscow (four aces).

Not yet mentioned about the "newasted". You can go with two or three-four cards of one dignity, asking permission from a partner to the left: "Two (three, four) non-scales?", Without opening their nominal. "It may seem advantageous to him that, and if he permits, you throw him some two unnecessary eights, or, on the contrary, three aces, including trumps.

In culture

Varlam Shalmov in their story "Zhulnic Blood" (1959) writes about Bure: The second game is the first prevalence - the "bora" is called "thirty-one" by Boltarami. Similar to the "Point", the Bura remained the game of the thyough world. In the "Point" thieves do not play among themselves.

In the song "In this city" of the group "Billy" S Band "there are the following lines:

Remember the one that played with guys in the boor
He married a janitor and fell into the Neva.


  • Children shouted Hurray! - Pope came Bura.


  • Popular Card Games / Sost. V. D. Kazmin. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2005. ISBN 5-17-008687-3 (AST Publishing LLC), ISBN 5-271-00216-1 (Astrel Publishing House)


  • Bura (Burkozel) - Rules of the game in the library of the Card Games Konyukov Alexander.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Bura (game)" in other dictionaries:

    Bura card game From the category of commercial games (see commercial games). Another name is thirty one. It is preferable to play a boor together, but you can play threesome or four times. The deck is used in 36 or 32 sheets. Ace is estimated at ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Play for two, three or four people. In play a deck of 36 cards.

Each player receives 4 cards that give up one to each player, in several circles. Then reveals the card determining the trump card. The first move makes the seating from the left of the passing, and with the following surrender - the one who took the last bribe.

Seniority and dignity of cards

11 points

10 points (at the same time, dozen older king, ladies and currencies)

4 points

3 points

2 points

Purpose of the game

You can walk from one card, while the partner should also put one card, from two cards of one suit or from three cards of one suit, the same take turns all players (relief "on suit" is optional). If the bits of the partner cards, the partner takes the bribe, if at least one card does not break, which takes the bribe. If the cards of what is killed, the next (with a game of more than 2 players) to take a bribe should beat the map of the last interrupted player. Maps get from a deck players for one after another. The first takes a bribe, he is first and walks.

Combinations of cards

  • The combination of 4 trumps is called "Bura".
  • The combination of 4 cards of one suit is called "youth".
  • A combination of 3 aces, including trumps called "Moscow".
  • A combination of 4 dozen or aces, including the trumping ace or a dozen called "4 end".
  • "Bura", "youth", "Moscow", "4ndies" can be posted out of turn, until the player's move starting at the time of the player.

Mukhlezh and Antimukhlezh

The possibility of fluffy adds to the game even more lives excite as in a real game with people.

To be smooth, you need to click on the "Mukhlezh" button and you can beat or translate any card, without any restrictions.

Remember that as in a live game with real rivals, any fluff can be revealed.

If you think that you have revealed a fluff, then until the end of the current round, click the "Antimukhlezh" button, near the avatar of that player who seems to you, muffles. If the player turned out to be honest, you make the possibility of disclosing a player fluff to the end of the round.

Burra online game

The essence of the game Bura

Many people know that this game has become popular due to the fact that it is one of his beloved passion among prisoners. Although the game has its own fans on freedom. The essence of the game itself is that it is possible to make a move from several cards (only that they have the same one).

For this games will suit The simplest deck in 36 cards. 2-6 people play it. The challenge of the game is that you first need to collect 31 points.

Beginning of the game

Before you start the game, all players add to the overall bank equal amount of money. Next, everyone takes until one map until each of the players will have three cards. And only then a trump card opens in the game. If you want to play a few people, then the game should be started in a circle, on the left side of the one who gives. And if you play only two, then the player who does not learn will begin. You can make the move absolutely from any card, you can even enter with two cards at the same time, but under one condition, they must be equal suit. Other players are chosen by their cards. They beat off the map of the same suit, but on the rank of higher, and naturally beaten by trumps. In case the player cannot beat the card, he must pick them up.

For example, you need to beat off two or three cards, who went. Card need to beat each separately. To do this, choose the one that is higher for advice and put upstairs. If the player does not have a trump card or appropriate cards or he does not want to give a trump card, then the player knocks back the cards, who went out, but only the cards below in rank and they all go to the one who made the move.

Bura: Completion of the game

Next, when someone won a bribe, she laid out before who won. After that, the game continues everything. All players on the principle of the clock arrow disassemble the remaining cards. The player who took a bribe will go first. When the moment of the fact that the cards in the deck are over - the game will play the cards remaining at the players. The game will go until someone from the players will drop 31 points. But they do not have the right to count the glasses between each party. They should consider how much glasses for the won bribe are gaining. When the player declares that he won his cards will count. If he is right, he will get the entire bank, and in case of an error, it is mandatory doubles the bank. When there is no winner and the cards ended in the deck, the game will begin again. Also remains the one who gives cards and the bank is filled with the same amounts from each player.

Counting glasses in the online gaming of the bora

Combinations that will help become the leader

  1. The first - you have three trumps, it is a bora.
  2. The second is the winning, successful, these are three aces.
  3. The third - you have three cards on your hands the same suit, it is young.

You are lucky and you have at least one combination of listed ones. Then there is a great option to catch up with an opponent who has already been able to take not one bribe. If suddenly a successful combination turned out to be still someone, then the one whose queue is clockwise. Who has discovered a bora, he definitely won the party. But it happens that anyone else has, the first combination appears, then everyone lay out the cards and look at whom the combination is stronger. When several people play this game, they can unite against someone. Be careful and careful if the big company is played.

Multiple game options

  • This game has several options. For example, many players do not want to take the third combination of "youth". Or the winnings consider when three aces fall out and at the same time not the "borants" itself.
  • Another option is closed cards. That is, those cards that beat or enter are open. All other cards are closed. Even those cards that have a great advantage will not have their own strength if they are closed. Maps are allowed to open only when at least one player declares that he has 31 points. You start to count your bonuses, do not hurry, as the risk of error increases.
  • The following option is when there is a deck in 32 cards (there are no sixters)

The borants have a variety, such as the game "Goat". In the game goat, each player will receive four cards, and the number can be up to five people. The one who comes can use from one to three cards, but the same suit. The bank removes one who has four aces or a combination of a bora. If there is no winner, the game will continue until the whole deck is over. Then everyone considers glasses, and who scored the most, he won. It happens that someone has the same number of points, the bank will be divided between them equally.

Successful to you games in the boor!

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