Saints Row The Third gamerity. Sauints Row game Review: The Third. ENTER THERE DOMINATRIX

Long time we did not twist something like that, well, GTA-shaped. It seems to be the demand, and the proposal is somehow lame. Configure: about 10 months have passed since the second "mafia". During this time, not a single normal computer Game With a large city, fast cars and the possibility of fun and with a twinkle to roll down pedestrians on asphalt. And, most likely, it will not come out. Until autumn. But by the end of the year, Driver: San Francisco and very promising continuation are waiting for us. Saints Row.. First Saints Row. Never went out on PC, but a launch of 360 was popular.

Sicvel got to computers six months after the console release in a completely indecent form. Neither normal management, no hints for engine optimization. It's a shame, because Saints Row 2. Sometimes even more fun was played than GTA 4 - largely due to the stalk jokes and the general absurdity of what is happening. Saints Row: The Third. It will be released at the same time on PCs and consoles - such a lifting of things instills a timid hope that the RS version will not play on the nerves of buyers. Any exclusive feed, of course, are unlikely. The VOLITION team does not hide as externally, and by the number of content different version of The. Third will be as identical as possible.

Under the press of circumstances
After the destruction of the mega corporation "Ultrator", the city of Stillwater moved by the sub-controlling of the gang of "Saints from the Third Street", the most Saints. Police are inactive, competitors rest in the cemetery. Purple (Color Gang) Bandits very quickly include taste and forget about problems, until events take an unpleasant turn: during the planned robbery of the bank, the tip of the gang (the main character and his primary) arrests the police. Already in a monkey, it turns out that a major criminal organization with an unequivocal name "Syndicate" became interested in the city. The head of this group is bribed Kolov and transports the leaders of "saints" for a private aircraft. In the air, mafiosi makes an offer from which it is difficult to refuse. Either Syndicate receives 2/3 of the "Saints" Empire, or the former owners of the stylother are waiting for serious, poorly compatible problems with the life. Of course, our awesome heroes choose the most difficult way and staring straight on board the airliner. Approximately from here and the action begins. The hero is enough of one of Mordovotov, it moves into an oakha with it in the cargo compartment and opens the loading hatch. After a second, expensive cars and half of the passengers are rapidly falling on the ground. The process continues the shootout and delerating parachutes. Trinity from the stylother safely and gently lands on the ground. Saints Row 2. It was desperate, but so powerful game-plated scenes we do not remember there. So, the path in the hometown is closed. There, the "Syndicate" commands puzzled. IN Saints Row: The Third "Saints" storm a completely new megalopolis - Stilport.

Respect Is Everything.
Stilport controls three groupings, supreme "syndicate". "Diggers" are engaged in crimes in the field of high technologies. "Fighters" forgive drugs and contain gambling establishments. Business "Morning Star" - Bord and selling weapons. The systematic destruction of these gangs and will be the main goal of the game. For the first time in history Saints Row. The new part will appear a non-linear story and mission. Actions against one gang will necessarily be aware of the relationship on the other. Plus, to solve many problems there will be several options. The enemy brothel can be uncomfortable. And you can carefully clean and get a profitable business at your disposal. For the mission committed, the hero will receive money and points "respect." Money is needed to buy weapons, machines, clothes, enhancements for gang and residence. Of course, all sorts of upgrades also cost money. "Respect" - an analogue of experience in RPG. Here we are talking about pumping attributes and choosing abilities.

Clowns remained
The Third is a game of contrasts. On the one hand, at our disposal will be the gang in costumes and on expensive cars. The developers emphasize that the mission of the courier and the pizza spacing will not definitely definitely. They say, not to become serious people to engage in such nonsense. On the other hand, nothing hurts a serious gangster to press the costume of the cosmonaut or the maid, armed with the bat and go fun to muturating the townsmen. What is the bit? Adaptations are expected and abruptly. Game arsenal will be significantly updated. Moreover, both by serious technology and simply objects for the passion of the public. So, the hero will have a laser target design for combat aviation. Now the heads of competitors can be discarded by tons of nallum, without getting out of a safe shelter. Another interesting gadget - bug, allowing to remotely manage any technique from small-caps to tanks. From other weapons, grenade launchers are promised with controlled rockets and phalimitator of the size of XXXL. By the way, the game will definitely be able to improve not only cars, but also cannons. Long live silencers and three-range shotguns! Saints Row: The Third continues to move along the trail with which the GTA ran San Andreas.. More black humor, more ridiculous situations, more aimless walking in the city. And it is right. While Rockstar is trying to tell primitive stories on serious gestures, the Volition is ingenious and ridiculously joking, as well as the palette of all guns. The fact that the third will pay attention is not even discussed. It truly worries only one thing: whether the developers will be able to once abreparable Saints Row 2., Make a normal PC version?

Studio VOLITION, recently signed his red Martian child and barely recovered from such a loss, twisted the world of the second child. With a hefty golden on her neck, in wide pants, frightened by cannons and on the pumped by "I can not" a wheelbarrow of unknown production. At first glance, a real gangsta. If there were no treacherous wrinkles on the challenge face, and barely catchy stares of elderly sharpness, would take a second son for the center in the area, although he walks with visible effort. Yes, and we saw him already somewhere ...


Since the end of the second part, the saints seriously rose: there is an advertisement for various junk with a symbols of gang on TV, the own network of Planet Saints stores is flourishing, and the purple themselves encouraged so much that the bank robes in masks depicting one of the gang members. Brought enchanting, with a fire, distribution of autographs fans, flights on a helicopter and a special forces genocide. That's just the bank was under the roof of the syndicate - a new powerful group, pulling his rumbling paws to the stylveter, the native city of purple. Do not bother such a rudeness, Syndicate quickly dealt with the swollen fat and relaxed saints, reset their accounts and took control over all the movements of the long-suffering metropolis. And the Trinity of the key members of the gang as a result of a certain incident with the participation of the aircraft and one Belgian, was in the neighboring town called Stillery, from where their difficult way to go home.

Success to success

This path is true, it differs little from the one we have already been done twice in previous games of the series. Taking a frisky start, the story is quickly blown away and spreads to dozens and hundreds of small side missions, in the intervals between which we give a piece of history. Crazy setting and scope that demonstrates us the beginning of the game will pamper your appearance far from as often as I would like.

However, there is nothing unusual in this, most of the sandbox games use the same controversial approach. The trouble Saints Row 3 is that the vast majority of these side missions we have already seen in the second part. They covered the partner from the helicopter, they shot out from competing gangs until the defeated raster delivered a fool in points, rushed under the vehicles in order to receive compensation. In most of these tasks, only minor details were changed, and the process itself remained at exactly the same. Of course, there are new things. For example, you can now participate in a bloody reality show, where you have to run through a labyrinth, polished traps and shoot enemies in bizarre costumes.

With plot tasks, things are better. Other missions are difficult to even describe - they need to see them. As you, for example, escape from the BDSM Club, on the carts in which the slaves tightened into Latex are harnessed. And although such a passion and sodomy is going on far from every mission, nevertheless, at times the authors give their unhealthy fantasy to raise the full coil. For this, a particular series can be considered a compliment.

Enemies contribute in general madness in general madness. Gangs in Saints Row were always always, to put it mildly, colorful and in the third part the authors did not change themselves. Three groupings are included in the syndicate and only one of them is less pulling on the usual, but only by the standards of the game. The other two are, this is a kind of petitioned Mexican wrestlers and a parody of cyberpre.

For sale everything

To fight equal to such enemies, you need to prepare well. Character development is perhaps the most interesting thing that is in the third part. The fact is that the game is even on the average level of complexity, quite a view, and earned later and especially blood is needed here literally on everything. By full, by receiving at the next side assignment, you start convulsively to estimate what it is better to spend the remaining kilobaksees. Take increased firearms resistance or accelerated health regeneration? Or can buy an opportunity to carry a helper with me? Or a new trunk is helpful, and also to profite it? And you can suffer and buy some shop or auto repair shop, which will bring a certain amount of money per hour, and even increase the sphere of the influence of the gang. But I also want to have a risen mold Mordorota and like the right one, and it's a wheelbarrow, and everything needs a buzz of money. In general, captures this process is not a joke. And most importantly, there are practically no unnecessary upgrades. Everything, one way or another, contributes to increasing the chances of survival in this cruel world, separately taken Gopnik.

The second and half

Hand-to-hand battles were seriously modernized, they became much entertaining, and some techniques would have made honor and other inflated ridges from WWE. It is a pity only that they are not enough, these techniques. But the firearms did not undertook any improvements, although they are definitely needed there. So all shootouts, as before, are reduced to the running around the stupid dull enemies and watering them with fire with periodic races for the corner of health. Shoot is not interested at all. By the way, too, because the management of the technique and its physics as a whole, were also not subject to change: that a gigantic truck, which was a tricky sports car, as they were triggers that differ only at speed and turning, so they remained.

But rented a picture, and it is very successful, so that Saints Row 3 can be called beautiful game And do not lie at the same time. I was pleased with the soundtrack, first of all diversity: eight radio stations give music in the range from Dat-Metal to the classics.

If you summarize the foregoing, it will turn out that Saints Row 3 is not changing from the first part of the mechanic with all its sores, plus a solid piece of side tasks from the second, plus some, more cosmetic refinement and improvements. You can play this and enjoy fun, and with all the shortcomings, the language does not turn to call Saints Row 3 bad playingBut, at the same time, it felt that the series trample on the spot. Increasing the degree of absurdity and madness further pointlessly, the series needs overhaul. But hardly the VOLITION couple with THQ will go this way, especially if you consider that rumors about the fourth part are already running on the Internet and it may very much that follow Red FACTION In the ground will fall and this series.

Saints Row Series is such a Grand Theft AUTO. on steroids. Where Rockstar Game Heroes did serious faces and tried to comprehend the harsh truth of criminal life, SR characters arrange a crazy clownish, and where the GTA gangster was already started to fly on jetpacks and waving rubber self-configurations, our guys are already completely flying from the coils and create Something completely processed. The game brakes do not get completely released - spilled with the root.

In the phantasmagoric world, SR bandits are such very cool pop stars that combine real robbers of banks and disassembly with advertising on TV and release of designer clothes named after their grouping. Oversally entering the wheels intenseed by our ambiguous idols, the manifolds sincerely love, when twenty-thirty people will be granted in a busy street in a busy street with automatons and arrange a bloody bath with explosions and random victims.

Way to success

By the beginning of the third series of this madness of the Holy GDG "Saints" already managed to come to success - along with the main militants, the actors going to be filmed in the coming blockbuster based on criminal exploits, and the police were long bought, and even if the next flight ragged, our cool The guys will come out with dry out of the water, the main thing in the confusion does not catch an extra bullet and do not break away from somewhere hassle on something aspalled. And everything would be good, if sacraments would be some such smart on the whole earth. In the soul, the money and real estate of the "saints" came the steep guys, overnight overcoming the alignment of the strength. After an unsuccessful case, the main characters lost positively all - authority, associates, ligaments, soil under their feet. But, as it is not difficult to guess, they are going to return it all.


For which the first thing will arrange a shootout on the plane and pon the winding of such air tricks that the head of the overdose of the madness and the overall atmosphere is falling off her head. The game can be loved by one prologue. Even slightly pity that he is preceded by the generation of the character. Osay gives out the nature of the upcoming act with his head: already from the threshold speech of the hero can be replaced by an inseparable bouffaging zombie, as a ridicule over the enemies to put an actress etude called "Haduchen", and as a victorious gesture to choose a fragment from the concert choreography of the immortal Michael Jackson. Meanwhile, the resulting zombie Ryujekson will be much better fit into the reality of SR balancing on the verge of schizophrenia than a standard boring steep guy (which, however, can also be assembled without any problems in the game designer).

After the administrative act, the Geima is thrown into not the most expressive from a visual point of view, but immediately a large city sandbox, all the kulichiki in which you need to have a positive look for yourself. Methods are standard - we buy real estate and business, we have rushing with competing gangs and the police, thunder in the tanks, we collect boxes with rubber sex dolls, we take pictures ... While the sacreds showed air acrobatics, in the city captured the power of three gangster fractions - Militarist clowns , Emo Hipster and actually the main villains. The guys patrol their districts are not worse than the notorious police and how they can beat their good - although the mutual executioner from representatives of different gangs is established badly, each individual grouping has a considerable person, ready to push the Poliorca, just to make a breaking competitor from the case ahead of his legs.

One of the characters of the prologue did not lie about the "ultrapostmodern". The whole game lives on bright and not very references to the mass culture, which you could already guide the paragraphs above. Cinema, Music, Cultural and Political Events, Games, Fashion, Persons - Everything is mixed, shakingly and poured to the hellish skillet. Of course, for the right perception of more scattered through the streets of Saints Row The Third easter eggs, parodies and references, it is necessary to be deep enough immersed in the Western (and more American) cultural and information context. If once again, the paroded entry from the "Star Wars" should recognize each first, then here are some wrestler techniques of the main character (well, or a heroine, depending on whom the avatar is blinding a gamer) will appreciate not all our compatriots will appreciate . By the way, how many years have passed after the commentary perfects of Nicholas Fomenko?

At first, to resist strange youths will not be easy - let the health of the hero are quickly reenogated (by the word - working in 90% of the games the fifth wheel regeneration in Saints Row is used very even to the place), in order to feel confident in any shootout, you need First spend a lot of money for pumping, and these money still need to make money in one way or another. But it is worth buying a dozen other income points, the cash will begin to enter your account, and resources will immediately appear and for the purchase of cartridges, and for pumping, and on new investments in the business. In general, the most difficult in SR3 is to start to rock the event boat, well, and then it will be possible without brakes to rush through the American slide prepared for us.

In the first hours of stay in the city of "Saints", the same trap lies as in Elder scrolls. V: Skyrim. With incomparable overall scales of "sandboxes", get lost at the start easily and there, and there. And get lost before the completion of a very important introductory part. "Saints" without penthouse, collectors of rubber dolls and real estate for $ 100 - this is Skyrim without Fus-Ro-Dah. And therefore - do not turn with and so barely noticeable main paths at least the first three hours.

This shop is now our.

I'm lovin 'it

In Saints Row The Third, we will be worn through the same sandbox streets, which were used in essence in the GTA 3, to shoot all in a row from the same weapons, perform the same missions and shoot down the same pedestrians of the statis; Under the purple moon of criminal cities and the truth is nothing new. The indisputable advantage of the game is the overall high level of "basic" things, like a traditional large city, ride and flights on a variety of vehicles, shootouts and other things. Roughly speaking, for connecting around the city as such, you can already confidently put the "six" - we know this gameplay and we love what to be shy, this gameplay, it does not need to be changed, the main thing is to properly decompose the facade (see Red Dead Redemption) . The whole clown of "saints" just goes on this category, for the sake of her essentially and it is worth putting the client of the game to the computer.

Special thanks to the developers worth saying for sound support and soundtrack, traditionally broadcast from the stolen cars on the radio. Again, so historically it happened that the GTA-like with music has always been wonderful, but still - with such a scope for maneuver! Of course, the main pop hits of all times and peoples for each first game are not boiling, but to the selection of suitable tracks, the developer team approached with a definitely right side - if Mitol is really hard, with constant passages on bass barrels and animal roar (and They also inserted into the game of the Strapping Young Lad themselves, go crazy!), And if rap, then about severe street life. No less happy and acting work: Obviously, the smaller pathos and more clowns, the easier it is to work as a team of voice acting. What is only one the main character (His "Do You're Know Who You're Fucking WITH?" - In general, masterpiece)! The rest of the characters also hold the brand, from time to time causing almost to slap it.

Formula Games

Almost everything that happens in, you can characterize the word madness. Ensure that it is simply - the game is playing online statistics, from which you can learn a lot of curious. For example, more than two million people were scored to death with a huge purple dildo, and from the flamethrower, players were roasted six hundred fifty people in hot dog costumes. In addition, in some way or another in the box, forty-four million sadomasochists, pimps and prostitutes played. Impressive, isn't it?

This mad world

Previously, such things could be imagined in the series Grand Theft. AUTO. - Press the ranks of Elvis's imitators or arrange field tests of the fire truck with a built-in flamethrower was there ordinary things. However, from stories about frostbitten toxicomicians, Rednek and insane scientists gTA Series Smoothly switched to dramatic plots about immigrants and residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods, the problems of controlling gay clubs and wolf gnawed inside a separate biker clan. At the same time, there was no frivolous sages in the game, and any debacious caused the conscience rather than a fayful feeling of fun.

But in Saints Row: The Third Madness returns! Here in the order of things to take an autograph from a criminal who has just shot two dozen people on your eyes, or to participate in the TV show with a tire, where the murder of living people is encouraged, but for each hit in a cardboard panda, it is not fingered for each inlet panda. On the screen, something unimaginable, the buffonad with the participation of popular movie stars, zombies, black puzzles, and even Rapper Kanye West in the soundtrack is quite appropriate and emphasizes the absurdity of what is happening.

The hero is not a nudist, just drove it and sold into sexual slavery.

Men in Triko

Saints Row: The Third looks no longer on GTA, but on Crackdown.: There is also an emphasis on shootouts and neighboring battles, but there are no fashionable seekers for shelters. The sandbox city is divided into many areas that hold competing gangs. For the right to possess the city just and will have to fight. Given the local specifics, it will not work out in meaningful affairs. The most adequate occupation here is a methodical purchase of urban real estate, as in GTA: Vice City. . Celebrated money can always be spent with benefit: improve the characteristics of the character or put a couple of rings on a favorite gun. Local social network SaintsBook regularly throws minor tasks like custom murders or hijacking machines, which also brings money. Having arranged an erratic shooting, the character attracts not only the police, but also a gang that holds the area, and the road to local groups is often much more dangerous - snipers on helicopters and grenadecers are not on the side of the law.

Cosplayers-custodes are sent to the office to the PR.

In general, in Saints Row: The Third is always something to do. Wide character setup options allow for hours to experiment with it external species. Here, even the most perverted fantasies can be embodied: for example, push the aristocratic cylinder, glasses, and then scolding NPC with your unaczzle.

But when you, having played in the "sandbox", are taken for scene missionsIn Saints Row: The Third is found a large spoon of tar.

Gangsta-clones were put on hermetic pink costumes and are ready to conquer Mars.

Tiger's Eye

Cheerful start of the game with a bold kidnapping of a bank safe for some reason, for some reason, is replaced by inexpressive side tasks, which can not be missed. Imagine for a minute that in Grand Theft Auto 4 after the mission I would have ever taken to a pizza on the scooter. A huge number of side quests in the middle of the game causes bewilderment, because of them the pace of narrative is very shot down. Even, it would seem, unusual occupations like auto racing with a tiger in the car contrast with powerful and inventive story scenes. Yes, and engage in the escort of prostitutes is much more boring than to pass text Quest In cyberspace or fly on the tank.

We do not even know what is amazing: the presence of a clothing store for emo or sale of jets and laser weapons.

Some love jogging

Saints Row: The Third can offer attractions for the most demanding taste: Mexican wrestling using chainsaws, chase on exploding rickshams, cosplay with kidnepping and even a zombie apocalypse - and this is not full list. Here it is not forbidden to sit behind the steering wheel of an experimental fighter or drive through the streets of the city on the TRON movies.

The best Saints Row: The Third characterizes the scene when the hero is turning into a rubber inflatable woman. VOLITION, INC. They got into all the grave and in this three times surpassed Rockstar. IN GTA: San AndreasOf course, too, it was also possible to beat passersby dildos, but in Saints Row: The Third it is still more.

Publication date: 12/28/2011

Game rating: 8.3

You can with a great deal of confidence to say that half of the "fans" of the series Grand.Theft.AUTO. Never reached the final titles and threw the passage of the plot of about twenty. Such a share of players prefers to arrange in virtual citieswho are lining with such love and attention Rockstar, Real hell! Cheats for immortality, "endless" armor, invulnerable vehicles And much, more, it allowed to turn off from everyday problems and feel like a certain negative superhero, which without shuddering a heart alone eliminates half of the current army in twenty minutes and soullessly rub the old men and children with chainsaw. But knowledgeable players know that the company VOLITion. Inc.. (authors of the deceased series RedFACTION) have long created such ourselves Grand.Theft.AUTO. For madness and for the third time they allow us to make fun of the moral implications of our time.

Let The Madness ...

Published in 2006 the first part Saints.Row I noticed few people, since she was an exclusive for the X-Box 360 console, which just gained momentum and waited for his star hour in the face of exit Halo 3.. Then October 2008 was marked by the release of Sicvel, who saw the light already on all three major playing platforms of the current generation. By the way, few people know that the PC version Saints.Row2 helped to develop (more precisely port) guys from CD Projekt.. And finally, after exactly three years later, in the hands of the devotees of the series of the series (I suspect that these perverts are revealed) as well as all the admirers of sandboxes fall Saints Row: The Third.

... Begin.

In the third part of the series Banda "Saints" is no longer a chance of small thieves and criminals, but a certain elite VIP-fraternity, the fame of which was separated by tens of miles around. Under the brand " The Saints."We produce energy drinks, clothes and the like. If during, for example, the public beating a giant purple fooloimitator to you will suit you a pimpical student of younger classes and ask for an autograph, then do not think about this situation as an editorial. Space on the paper shred and continue to beat the minister. Law enforcement, he still had whole teeth. But everything is good ever ends and at one fine moment "saints" displaces from the stylotter (the place of action of the past two parts) in the town of Stilport, resembling a modern New York. A large criminal dies on such arrogance Organization called "Syndicate". In turn, "Syndicate" is divided into three groups smaller: "Deckers" (The Deckers), which manages the youngster-psychopath Matt Miller; Lucador (Luchadores) under the government of the Giant Westlera Killbox; "Morning Star "(Morning Star) - the most elite division of" syliscate ", on the guard of which it is worth the Belgian, or French Philip Lauren. This Philip itself has two sexual helpers Viola Devinter and Kiki Devin. Both of them perform the role of girls on blisters in Lauren and the author of these lines could not not not be noted that Viola was voiced by the former porn actress Sasha Gray. To achieve a maximum respectfulness and to win the city from "Syndicate" "Saints" will have to end up with all the three "tentacles" corporation of evil, as well as to give the fifth point by the Commander-in-Chief of the Stag Military Unit (Special Tactical Anti-Gang) by Sairus Templo. Total in total.

Tooty trip

Well, now it's time to give you a show gameplay, because those who have never seen Saints.Row , torments one question - what the game differs from Grand.Theft.AUTO. , Mafia. Or any other sandbox, because in such games if there is ingenuity, you can also create crazy things. You just have an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bmadness, guys. Let's draw a clear analogy with the "Corwear". Private mission from Vice.City. : The Limousine Rock Group "Fist of Love" lates a bomb that detonates if the speed is reduced below allowed. Crashed, unsuccessfully turned - Bach! IN Saints Row: The Third There is a similar task ... In a colorful wheelbarrow with an open top drive, you are driving you, and on the passenger seat to the right of you sits a tiger. Yes, the usual such tiger, what many times you teased in the zoo. Only a tiger is not just sitting, but it rushes on you every time you reduce the speed of movement of your car, again, below given. And all this punishment takes place under the thirteenth serenade of Mozart. It seems that the levels of the brain of the brain of the guys from Rockstar and their colleagues from Illinois you felt. The very first mission immediately asks the game the necessary pace. You, with colleagues on a gang, rob the bank. At the same time, of course, you, as professional criminals, do not forget to hide your true faces under masks. The only difference from the standard robbery scheme is that the masks are on you in the form of the head of the "saints" leader. And the fact that then you tie the safe to the ropes, which in turn are fixed on the helicopter, and pull it out through the whole building - it is so, little things. After such an epic start, the plot is a bit "provistent" - your partners introduce you to non-zeisted sidew quests, to which you can return if you want to add "greens". It is not clear why all this is necessary, because for the plot missions, the huge baryrs fall apart.

Sin City

Money B. Saints Row: The Third You can spend on buying real estate and for pumping characters. It is possible to develop your character (and gang members), you can endurance, speed of movement, arms damage, and so on, and the like is a standard scheme. Real estate meant all kinds of clothing stores, weapons warehouses, plastic surgery clinics, tattoos salons, garages and all other points in the style with which the player, that is, you can interact. Special attention should be paid to the editor of the characters. His protagonist to play in Saints Row: The Third It was possible to create and demonstrate the public even before the release of the game. Approximately a month before the release in the Digital Distribution Service Steam appeared a free "Initiation Station" characters. After a day, Youtube just cracked on the seams from hundreds of video, in which the players shared the process of creating their hero. It was something to laugh, because the editor was really multifunctional. And it is still weakly said! As a result of the movements of the sliders and regulators on the screen, anything could appear. From the metrosexual in gold shoes and luxuriously falling to the belt with hair to the pink trolleys with a voice of a zombie, who and the voice will not call: so, bullkins. Of course, you can play for quite a pretty brunette or blue-eyed guy, but I want to create something like that, that if you try to shake from laughing, watching the fruit of your work in the catscenes and serious tragic productions. The surrounding characters are all too much charismatic and memorable. Take at least a man named Zaymos. This type is not enough that the pimp and the owner of his personal brothel, so still suffers from the tracheostomy and communicates exclusively by singing charges in the microphone distorting his voice. Another unique of their team is Oleg Kirillov. He is artificially grown holkopodnoye thunder, characterized by good intelligence and beautiful manners. It makes no sense to spill the plot and further about the missions, since the feelings caused by each task are unique and you will still remember how, for example, jumping out of the helicopter on the city, hit the cargo liner breaking through the windshield, then sat down in Dean from transported to board tanks and quietly "; left" in the night void.

The power of iron

With the technical side Saints Row: The Third everything is wonderful. VOLITION, INC did not use their remarkable GEO MOD technology in the game, and used the CTG Engine engine. Data, who is the author of this miracle - is unknown, but if you expected to see in Saints Row: The Third Total destruction like in RedFACTION You can relax: it is possible to destroy in the game only transport and the little things of the environment. By the way about transport: for the first time, it seems, in the game industry, the tank has learned to fully "subside" for himself other cars, and not just shoot down everything on your way. The physics is answered by the physical engine Havok, to which, alas, there are complaints. It is not uncommon in the game there are situations when the garbage truck can tight in your motorcycle, and the physical model of machines (not damage - everything is fine - and the behavior on the road) is simply disgusting. The difference between passenger cars and large-sized not felt at all. But you can be sure that you will not need a four-core processor and a bunch of two top video cards to start the game on medium settings. With voice acting and music in the game, everything is as needed. The character's votes are ideal for them, and you will be driving around the city under a set of tracks of a wide variety of styles from local radio stations. So I want to shake the developers for the presence of frequency with classical works, because the shooting of prostitutes under Bach or Chopin brings unforgettable aesthetic satisfaction.


Saints Row: The Third - a great remedy for depression and a real find for people in whom somewhere deeply sits a particle of a madman and a long time to ask for freedom. The ideal sandbox game is not called. In terms of the plot, she absolutely loses the same Grand Theft AUTO 4but in terms of originality and the number of absurd ideas Saints Row: The Third No equal among competitors.