Passage of side missions game Batman: Arkham Knight

Your employees are tired. They look depressed and overworn. They even began to do the work independently and lost their orientation to the mission company. And you are so close to achieving your next goal.

You just need motivation, and in the shortest possible time. At the same time, you know that a couple of words and a slight change in the image of thinking of your employees can change the situation.

So, the solution: Find a good quote. Send the right quote in the right time, and it will be able to drastically change the whole day of your staff. Here are 17 quotes that you can use to motivate your team and, perhaps yourself, when you need to quickly restore unity.

1. "Individual obligation to group effort: this is what makes the team, a company, society and civilization" - Wincel Lombardi work

The legendary football coach Vints Lombardi was aware of the importance teamwork. He understood that the success of the team depends on the work of each individual member for a common goal. That is why his team won the first two Super Cup in the history of NFL. It is important to draw the attention of all team members to the fact that every role, regardless of how insignificant it seems valuable for the general success of the team.

2. "None of us is so smart as we all together" - Ken Blanchar

Another excellent expression worthy of the category "Each of us is important." No separately taken member of the team does not have the same knowledge and experience as the whole team as a whole. Therefore, it is important that members of the team listened to the opinions of others, studied from their colleagues and respected each other.

3. "Alone we can so little; Together we can minimize the mountains "- Helen Keller

Excellent quote for "single" in your team. It is important that the team members are not separated from the group and did not follow their own principles, based on the fact that they themselves consider the best. Instead, they should work on the success of the team as a whole.

4. "Teamwork is the ability to move together to a single vision. This is the ability to manage individual talents for organizational purposes. This is a fuel that allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results "- Andrew Carnegie

If you want to know how to become successful, there is nothing better than to listen to the advice of one of the founders of the industrial revolution. Some entrepreneurs are known for the launch of companies, Andrew Carnegie helped run the whole industry (steel industry). He could not do it alone. He needed a team. In this quote, he suggests how teams combined a certain goal can reach extraordinary results. Taking into account the fact that he sold his steel company Holding J.p. Morgan approximately 370 billion US dollars translated into today's money (as a percentage of GDP), we can safely say that he has confirmed what he preached.

5. "Talent wins in games, teamwork and intelligence win in championships" - Michael Jordan

To this day, many consider Michael Jordan the best basketball player in the history of sports. However, he also knew about the importance of team work.

Any team can win in the "game". That is, she can pass certain frontiers and achieve certain purposes. On the other hand, the Great Team can win in the "Championships". It is able to create a business at the level with Amazon, Airbnb or Uber.

6. "Teamwork is so important that it is practically impossible to achieve the heights of your abilities or earn the desired money without reaching the team" - Brian Tracy

The motivational speaker Brian Tracy spoke perfectly about teamwork in the quotation given above: success is practically impossible without teamwork. This is a great quote for employees after achieving a certain reference point, as it strengthens the concept of what goals can be achieved only when teamwork team.

7. "In teamwork, silence is not gold, silence is death" - Mark Sanborn

In order for the team to work effectively, open communication channels should be available. If the team members do not feel that they can express their doubts, disagreement or contribute - this is a sign that something is wrong with the team. Make sure that every member of your team understands that the dialogue is always welcome.

8. "If you can have fun together, you can and work together" - Robert Orben

In teamwork, not everything should be reduced exclusively to business. Command members who can spend well with each other free time will also better work on achieving the company's goals. Provide a joint pastime of your team, be something sports competitions, informal communication or any other social events.

9. "The Speed \u200b\u200bof the Chief - the Speed \u200b\u200bof the Team" - Lee Yakokka

Lee Yakokka was one of the outstanding business leaders of the 20th century. This is partly due to the fact that he understood the importance of manual based on a personal example.

What kind of "speed" are you moving towards the goals of your team? At the same speed, your team is moving. Do not wait for the members of your team more commitment to success than you yourself. Most often, their commitment will be similar to yours.

10. "The power of the team in each individual member. The power of each individual member in the team "- Phil Jackson

Fil Jackson's basketball coach understood that there were mutually beneficial relations between the team and its members. Of course, it is important that individual team members worked for a common goal. However, it is also important that the team must, if necessary, supported individual members. When a team member feels depressed or disappointed, the rest of the members should be supported by him. When the team member reaches something significant, the rest of the members should praise it.

11. "Members of a successful team do not keep anything. They are not afraid to display their "dirty underwear." They take their mistakes, their own weak sides and doubts without fear of condemnation "- Patrick Lensioni

Quintessence of this quotation - transparency. Team members must be open with each other, they must be able to read their teammates as a book. It is important that each team member refers to those who made a mistake without condemning and with support. It is also important that members of the team readily recognize their shortcomings and opportunities for development. Thus, the tasks can be distributed, based on the strengths of the team members.

12. "You need to know what others do, highly appreciate their efforts, recognize their successes and support them in endeavors. When we all help each other, we all win "- Jim Stovall

The Jim Stalls Motivational Speaker Council is not only for team leaders, it is also for individual team members. The essence of this Council is that not only the team leader must provide positive support to team members when they reach their goals. It is important that each express praise to his teammates, code they achieve significant results. Such a business culture will create a powerful command.

13. "There are no people who have achieved success with their own forces. You can achieve your goals only with the help of others. "George Shinn

The owner of the basketball team Charlotte Hornets easily recognizes that he did not himself. He achieved success with others.

It may seem that this quote applies only to the leaders. However, it is important that all team members understand that the success of each individual member is directly connected with the success of the team as a whole. If they understand it, they will be able to work a little diligent to make the team successful.

14. "If you want to build a ship, do not call people to collect a forest, divide the work and give orders, instead first teach to raise on the huge and endless sea" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

This quote is deep and very important for awareness. Team members should not have only a short-sided approach to the team's goals. In other words, they should not receive tasks, not really realizing how the work performed by them will lead to the success of the organization. Instead, team members should fully realize the "whole picture" and understand how their individual responsibilities fit into a common business strategy.

Do not learn team members to pinch the boards. Talk to them on the ocean.

15. "There is nothing better in the world than that someone in the team makes something well, and everyone is going around him to pat him on the shoulder" - Billy Martin

Tip from the former manager of the New York Yankees club, people who are part of the team: do not forget to praise their teammates when they do something right. If you are the leader of the team, then it is important that you cultivate the culture of praise in your organization.

16. "It doesn't matter how genious is your mind or strategy - if you play alone, you will always lose those who play the team" - Reed Hoffman

Co-founder of the LinkedIn network Reed Hoffman something knows about success. Here he says that he was not alone created LinkedIn. It is important that the team members realize that the achievements of the organization's goals is almost impossible without cohesive teamwork.

17. "If we all decide to play the first violin, we will not get an ensemble. Therefore, it is necessary to respect each musician in his place. "- Robert Schuman

This quotation of the German composer Robert Shuman is the perfect option if you need to make all team members feel their value. Naturally, some team members will have duties that seek more important than others. This may cause a certain indignation or chagrin among other members. However, it is important to focus on the fact that every member of the team plays his party, and no one can be more important than someone else.

Timbilding (TeamBuilding) - Literally "Team Building" is an active corporate vacation aimed at cohesion the team through various games and tasks. Timbilding quickly and at times improves mutual understanding in the team and its effectiveness. Helps to identify hidden talents and leadership qualities of employees. Irina Evdokimenko from TeamSpirits spoke about the main types of thymbynding and ready-made games on team education from professionals.

One of the most efficient and popular types of thymbynding. All participants are equally involved, no one is sitting in a quiet in the corner. Active tymbliding requires large training, Multiple options, look for the one that is suitable for you. Costs do not have to be big, there are many contests with a minimum props, but still it should be taken care of the scenario and requisition. Can be carried out at pre-prepared sites (sports stadium). Such events are a great way to rest and charge energy.

2. Sports Timbilding

Everything is clear here. This competition. Employees are divided into teams, they have to compete in overcoming obstacles. It can be adult "funny starts", and team games like football, volleyball, or something more serious, for example, Olympic Games, Triathlon. And the hit of sports teams - racing. On racing cards, on quad bikes and, most interesting, on improvised transport, built with your own hands.

3. Timbilding Quest

Actual and popular area among commander-forming programs. In Quest, situations are simulated in which the skills needed in the work of the team are used: joint decision-making, mutual motivation. This is a real adventure. Participants will need logic and intuition. Often, to pass the quest, you need to apply a non-standard approach, take responsibility for yourself and the team, it was bold. But all this takes place easily and easily as part of the game, in the non-working atmosphere.

4. Timbilding in nature

Take off from the workplace, move to a completely new situation is best in nature. Positioning in unusual conditions, away from the office, the team issues hidden sympathies, unwittingly determines informal leaders and outsiders. Pension, country camps, lawn in the forest, island near the river are chosen by the venue for natural tymbliding. In the process of performing joint tasks and competitions between teams, the team becomes more cohesive and friendly.

5. Woolen Timbilding

Each participant gets a tangle of a certain color. The task here is the transformation of the tangle to any other participant. During the throw, it is necessary to hold onto the thread. After some time, all participants will be embarrassed by the threads, and each movement will feel the whole group. The company's employees participating in the training will acquire a sense of community and raise their mood. Training will create a positive psychological installation and will introduce a group to the state of Euphoria. Woolen Timbilding in just a couple of minutes will perform the main function of the team building(It can be done both in summer and in winter).

This type of building team attracts employers and employees by the fact that it does not take a lot of time, saves money, is in the usual to all participants. In the walls of the native office you can spend sports activities, funny movable and board games, solve charaks and perform theatrical productions. Office Timbilding is suitable for large collectives, numbering more than a hundred people. Command games will help employees closer to learn each other, get positive emotions and get rid of negative energy, practically without interrupting workflow.

7. Timbilding in the office

In order to strengthen links between employees, board games, "Mafia" use board games. Mini-football, table hockey, Domino - on these games spend tournaments. It will be useful to arrange a tote, so that none of the staff wanted to sit aside. To train employees, the game "Mafia" will have to invite a facilitator. This is a person who controls the course of the meeting and ensuring compliance with its rules and procedures, which allows the Meeting participants to concentrate for the purposes and content of the meeting. He will create a gambling atmosphere, distribute participants of the warrant camps, organizes cohesion after the game. The leader of the game can be the leader of the working group. The lessons of games in the cabinets will be suitable for organizing changes in the work of the team.

8. Intellectual Timbilding

Everyone knows the television intelligent games "What? Where? When? "," Cat in a bag "," 100 to one ". In such format, intelligent thymbynding teams are carried out. Such skills are allowed to reveal their personal qualities, demonstrate their personal qualities, demonstrate their erudition, to show themselves as a leader or team activist. Intelligent events can be carried out in any room all year round. Details, "black" boxes, video listings create a gambling atmosphere, increase the pace of the game. Nobody remains indifferent.

9. Creative Timbilding

Unusual training that combines the development of creative thinking, unification of the collective, identifying creative employees. Joint creativity is the way to know each other and yourself. The achievement of common goals and the formation of creative ideas improves relationships in the team, strengthens the motivation to joint activities in working mode. There are several options for creative events. This is a musical concert with karaoke and dressing up, theatrical production, a competition of dance, holding an exhibition of art teamwork after a painting master class.

In the cold season, employees are missing, become sleepy and sluggish. How to cheer up? Of course, organizing an active event on fresh air. Skates, skiing and sanka - the inventory required for this. The influx of energy and forces, new and vivid impressions harmonize the coordinated and productive activities of the company. An excellent option for physical and emotional unloading is sports orienteering. Showing the smelting, the ability of the leader and demonstrating physical abilities, employees raise self-esteem, get up to the next step in the team hierarchy.

11. Summer Timbilding

Command cohesion in the summer is better carried out in the fresh air. Opens wide selection Places for recreation and entertainment. The weather does not spoil the mood to the participants of the active recreation. Relay, rowing competitions, Neptune Day is just a small list of events. Do not necessarily hold sports competitions. Employees can have fun with the whole team at the same time. For example, ride water skiing, play foam football. Combining them will be positive emotions and excellent mood.

12. Corporate Quest

New type of timbing. The game organized by the storyline captures the whole team. Participants pass special tests where you need to show physical training, smelting, logic, search abilities. Teams get tasks individually, solve rebuses and riddles, moving towards the goal on the map. It is better to carry out such an event on a specially trained platform, although it is also possible to use the walls of the native office. After the quest, the relationship in the team becomes more trustees, the hidden potential of employees is revealed.

13. Quest in the city

Bind the quest to a specific place is quite difficult, so it is most often spent on the streets of the city. Participants receive instructions from leading with gadgets. Instantly react to teams, move along the way to achieve a cherished goal. Park structures, refined areas, address of stores and institutions use as orientation. After passing the tests, and they can be passed only in the team, employees improve labor productivity at times, because they developed a team spirit and confidence in the decisions made.

Perfect option for a young team. Employees have the opportunity to gain skills to build work in a team, efficient communication. The low course is at an altitude of up to 2 meters, high - up to 15. At low height, participants are moving with high rates, but only in the team. Simultaneously with the passage of obstacles, learn to accept instant decisions. At a high level - team members must support each other, solving the internal problems of personal growth. All tasks develop confidence in their own power.

15. Costume Timbilding

Parties in the costumes of the favorite heroes of all famous cartoons and films contribute to the way of office life ease and fun. Employees participate in improvised scenes, perform unique tasks in a relaxed atmosphere. Communication between colleagues is easy and fast, they relax from the routine, forgetting about tomorrow. Professional actors, make-upractions and scripts are involved in the organization of the game. Before the event you can rehearse.

The need for creative expression is implemented in practice when creating objects with their own hands. The topic is chosen collectively. Weight options, from the construction of all famous attractions in human growth, to the fiction teams of objects. Time for the game is limited. Materials for work: cardboard, boxes, glue, scissors, tape and others. Cardboard thymbynding is carried out in a large room or on the street.
The purpose of the event is to train personnel in joint activities, the desire to be the best.

17. Timbilding with the construction of neolmpic facilities

Active storyline, consists of 2 parts. The first is sports, the opening of neolympic games with all accompanying ceremonies. In competitions, not only strong, but also gambling teams with a good sense of humor can be defended. The second is the construction of art objects. Teams can build sports complexes, and then show everyone as they can be used in action. The choice of the object is carried out by lot.

18. Fort Boyard "7 keys"

One of the most popular and interesting games On the topic of an eternal story: a battle with an invincible garrison of an impregnable fort. Extremely difficult task, but the reward is worth spent effort - the winners is waiting for access to the treasury! But not everything is so simple: the chest is closed for seven keys. Participants will have to pass a lot of adventures, work in a team and get so many keys as they can. Only some of them will dispense the chest with the cherished treasure.

19. Game "5th Element"

Atmospheric team game with quest elements. Participants are combined into teams. At certain stages of the game team, moving along different routes, intersect with rivals and become participants in the original contests. Participants are waiting for physical and intellectual tasks, as well as checking on the logic of the smell. Whatever your team is, each participant will be able to make an equal contribution to the victory, regardless of age, the physical condition and level of knowledge. From the very beginning, participants are unknown what to do with such a number of requisites, but knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics will help you to come to a logical solution, use every attribute and at the very end to achieve a cherished goal - to find such a mysterious fifth element

20. Around the light in 80 minutes

This is a quest in which guests will have to think about the preparation of the card, and design their own vehicle, and get out of the room with an incredible props. One of the secrets of success is carefully selected props and costumes of heroes. The selection of the site for the event is also very important. Excellent choice for young, little familiar team. The game will help to identify leaders among you, to liberate closed, introduce and rally employees, raise the team spirit. Animators and playbacks will help you plunge into an exciting world tour, and not for 80 days, and in 80 minutes! Italy and the falling tower, France and the impregnable Bastille, biathlon in Alaska and embalming in Egypt - everywhere you need to have time and return on time! The task is not from the lungs, but experienced travelers will be able to pass this winding path, and responsive instructors will help you with this.

21. Game "Omerta - Mafia Law"

To identify secrets and achieve the mafia clan - here is a worthy task for elite secret police agents. The detective story will travel the participants along the trail of the most famous mafia world. Each criminal must focus the death punishment, and not one police agent should not be captured. But the bosses of the mafia are strong rivals, and "Omerta" - the "law of silence" - reliably keep their secrets. Good luck in the investigation! An neurouge of the 20s will break your team into an unforgettable whirlpool of the events of the past time. "Omerta - Mafia Law" - Psychological Team role-playing game With a detective story, simulating the struggle informed about each other of members of an organized minority with an inorganized majority. This is a game with quite simple rulesBut the most interesting gaming process. Corporate Timbilding "Omerta - the Mafia Law" reveals on participants talent beliefs, speaking skills, leadership qualities, logic, intuition, ability to manipulate and reflect manipulation, feel lies, and most importantly, teaches work in a team.

22. Game "Find and neutralize"

On Konu - every second! The bomb is started and is about to explode! In the terrible conditions of temporary restriction, participants will have to make decisions quickly and correctly - any error or delay will lead to an explosion of the bomb. Each crumb knowledge is important, each will need speed, cutter, and a team feeling. Brainstorming, intensive knowledge sharing and ability to express their thoughts briefly and clearly help you prevent a disaster and neutralize a bomb. In this dynamic team-forming game, all the attention of the participants is concentrated on to neutralize the bomb with the hourly mechanism. Therefore, the team is practically no time for meditation: all the decisions need to be taken quickly. Any error can deal with the failure of the operation. It is in this quest, the tasks are chosen in such a way as to emphasize the value of each second teamwork, full-fledged brainstorming and responsibility for each decision.

23. The richness of Krasok

Teambilding takes place in several stages. At first, the teams pass a lot of tests and earn the paints of the holi of their color. Then, from the proposed material, the participants will have to build the most beautiful cities on this planet. And after the rivals can contemplate the miracle of the architectural thought of each other - to protect them with their own body! Teams are dressing white T-shirts and should save the most of the paint from their creations. The cleaner will remain the cities - the higher the chances of the victory. It is possible to finish this "Festival of Australia" can only friendship, good and peace. And the colorful group photos of the company will leave a long memory in the hearts of all participants.

24. Big races

Timbilding "Large Racing" is a game team building, based on the famous world gaming TV shows "Big Racing", "Brutal Games" and "Takeshi Kestl". Committrices, complex tasks, overcoming difficulties, fighting for fear - all this and much more will have to go through participants of the exciting and well-adapted remake of the world's popular program in the world invented by the Charlem de Galer himself! Each participant will be able to try himself in a wide variety of complex disciplines, to show itself as a person and contribute to the overall success. Be alert, laid out on the complete - here is the key to your victory. Keep good luck for the tail, and do not relax for a second! Tide drive and adrenaline are guaranteed.

25. In pursuit of luck

26. Game "Machine of desires"

Participants work in the teams, manages the game assistant attached to a separate group having fun. The venue is chosen by the country boarding house, the park. The goal of the game: Collect the car destroyed by villains. Task Game: Find all the details of the mechanism. Team members fall on the forbidden territory, where the fragments of the desires are lost. Search - here is the main task of the contestants. Overcoming obstacles will be the main test for the power of the Spirit. In the process of the game, the leaders are detected, the team spirit is being formed, colleagues are emotionally come together with each other.

Even at the most cohesive team, difficulties may arise, disagreements, misunderstanding and disabilities. Timbilding, in essence, is a model of possible difficulties. It is good both for the disclosure of the abilities of the participants of the young team, and for the prevention of the "combat mood" of people already cohesive. Improving labor productivity, the creation of a comfortable psychological climate, trust, mutual understanding and mutual execution, the high motivation of employees, reducing frames of personnel, attracting the best qualified specialists - these are the main objectives of the teams of tymblilding. Combining the game and training helps young people feel part of the team, and residents - relax and reset the accumulated negative. In addition, it's just fun and exciting for people of various ages.

The scenery of the heralds of the storm is dedicated to the command game. The passage of one or another task is not only your merit, but also comrades on the team \u003d)

1 Task: Pre-regulatory mission

Destroy 2/3/4 of the tower before your opponent destroys at least one.
For this purpose, the heroes of the Pashers will be better suitable for this, in order to make the enemy towers as quickly as possible, before they begin to demolish yours. Recommended Heroes: Nature`s Prophet, Shadow Shaman, Lycan, Meepo, Brodmother, Chen, Chaos Knight, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer.

2 Task: For all fronts

Destroy 2 enemy towers with a break in no more than 90/60/30 seconds to 30:00
This task is also better to pass by the heroes-guns. Recommended Heroes: Nature`s Prophet, Shadow Shaman, Lycan, Meepo, Brodmother, Chen, Chaos Knight, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma ,.

3 Task: give the mooring

You and your team should neutralize enemy heroes for 250/350/450 seconds.
In this task, we need to hang a camp or sleep on enemy heroes. Recommended Heroes: Bane, Tidehunter, Enigma, Outworld Devouourer

4 Task: whistle all upstairs

Help with your team in murder 25/35/45 times until 25:00
For this task, we only need to participate in Ganges more often to receive assists. So the assists are summed up with other players of your team. Recommended heroes:,

5 Task: in a healthy team ...

You with your team must heal each other 10000/15000 / 20000 health.
For this task, we need heroes who can grave allies or subject. Also, this task is not necessary to go over 1 time you can play a few rink. Recommended Heroes: Oracle, Omniknight, Lycan, Wraith King, Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Necrophos ,.

6 Task: Fog occurs

After using Smoker of Deceit, together with 2 allies, kill the enemy hero 1 / 2/3 times.
We buy, take 2 allies and go to kill enemies. The first gang can be arranged on the first second of the game when the enemies are waiting for the Rune Gold. Recommended Heroes: Any

7 Task: Battle Cup Bucker

Win the match of the fighting cup 1 / 2/3 times!
For this task, we need to create your group of 5 people (or will join the existing) in the combat Cup and start searching for an opponent. Get to the final and win. Recommended Heroes: Any

8 Task: Points

Your team should shed first blood, first destroy the tower and kill the first Roshan.
For this task, the hero is better suitable, which early game Can kill Roshan, as well as not bad to poison towers and of course make the "first blood" \u003d) Recommended heroes:, Troll Warlord

9 task: prisoners do not take

Your team must take 10/12/14 killings until 15:00
This task summarizes the murders of all the participants of your team. Recommended heroes: any kerry, ganggers heroes.

10 Task: All on boarding

Together with the team, apply enemy heroes of 20,000 / 40000/60000 or more physical damage.
For this task, heroes are needed with a good hand damage. Recommended Heroes:, Wraith King, Troll Warlord

11 Task: Rune Armada

Together with your team, pick up or place a bottle 20/30 / 40 runes until 30:00
To do this, the task must be running and collecting all runes on the map. Runes can be placed in. All collected runes team will be summed up. Recommended heroes: any

12 Task: Aura Putting Wind

Create your team at once 6/9/12 at once.
You can get auras in 3 ways: from items, from heroes and from neutral crips.
Aura from items: The following items give the aura -, or.
Aura from heroes: , Luna, Outworld Devouourer, & Wraith King ,.
Aura from Cryps: The leader of wolves (Aura damage), Centaur-invader (Aura Attack Speed), Satir-Pochitel (Health Aura), Society-Ripper (Aura Armor), Kobold Starin (Aura Movement Speed), Troll-Priest (Aura Manya).

The options for adding AUR set, here everyone chooses for itself:

13 Task: Day at the helm

Win in CAPTAINS MODE 1/2/3 mode (a).
For this task, we need to win in the CAPTAINS MODE game mode by any hero.

Reward for this path

After performing this path, you get a set on the SLARDAR hero, in water theme. Also, receiving more than 34 stars in tasks, you get 2 style for this set.

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Batman: Arkham Knight - Single Missions "Especially Dangerous"

Island Blake

This is the very first fireman you will need to save at the moment when the mission becomes available. Follow the marker, which will lead you to Panesha Studios. The fireman is inside the building, under the crane. You can use Batman's hook to climb the crane, after which the opponents are attacked from the air, breaking the glass on the roof of the building. Win all the gangsters and free fire.

Below, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the locations of the rest of the firefighters on the island of Blake:

1. Described above.
2. North-Western Corner Chinatown, in Lane.
3. Chinese Quarter, the back of the building, located to the north-west of the police department.
4. Chinese Quarter, district center.
5. Northeastern Falcone Shipping Antenna's yard.
6. Upstairs the crane.

The location of all stolen firefighters on the island of Blake.

Move these locations, enter the detective mode and easily find each of the stolen firefighters.

Island Miagani

Below is the location of each of the stolen firefighters and moving to Miagani:

1. Under the bridge connecting the islands of Blake and Miagani (enemies will be armed with firearms).
2. Not far from Grand Avenue, on the upper ledges of the "Gotham Heratd" building. You need to get to the Ferris point on the right at the top to see the gangsters and the firefighter.
3. Grand Avenue Station, surrounded by turrets. There is no ventilation mines or sewage RVA, which would help you deal with the gangsters one by one. You have to fight "in the open", but at the same time be in the blind zone of visibility zone. Bandits will not be weapons. Use smoke bombsTo disorient the enemies while you are able to deal with turons. A special danger represents the turret in the center. The task will be much simplified if your hacking device is improved. So you can turn off the optics of turvers for a while, which will help you get closer and destroy them.
4. Southeast Angle of Wayne Tower.

Location of all stolen firefighters on Miagani Island.

Founder Island

Below is the location of each of the stolen firefighters and moving to the island of the founders:

1. Building in the center of the Adams port.
2. Urbaraail Station in Height Ricker. There are three louds and a cache here, from where they will take weapons. First of all, using the disintegrator, turn off their armament.
3. On the elevation to the north-west of Wayne International Plaza. Not far there is a cache. First, disperse with the cache, after which you will defeat the gangsters.
4. Lighthouse to the northeast of the airship. The detective mode in this area cannot be activated. On the lighthouse there is a sniper. First kill the sniper, then disperse with the rest of the opponents.
5. The last firefighter is difficult to find more than others. First, you have to find Killinger Dept Store. Before it will be a wall that can be moved by means of a batmobile. The exact location is shown in the screenshot below. Take a profitable position and disperse two armed gangsters. If you have improved your reception of a multi-hit, you can cope at a time at a minimum, with five rivals.

The location of all the stolen firefighters on the island of the founders.

After saving the last fireman, you will need to save their boss. Its location will be marked on the map. Move to the specified location - CityVision Construction. Location will be filled with gangsters, but you have freedom in action. When you figure it out with all the enemies, then find the head of the fire station and free it. Next go along with him in police DepartmentTo close the case and complete the mission.

Mission 2. Perfect Crime

Immediately soon after taking additional mission You will find the first sacrifice. Go to the "shopping bridge" and inspect the body. After analyzing the blood of the victim, you must use a special scanner. Scan the skin of the victim, hold the button to get evidence. Switch the scanner to the "Muscle" mode and check the sacrifice thin intestine to find the ring. Re-scan again.

Finally, switch the scanner to the "bone" mode and check the left hip victim. The crime scene will be completed. As soon as you unlock the next Gotam area, a new part of the mission will be available.

One of the tel is in the upper part of "Gotham Herald", on the roof just below the tower. Use the scanner to find abrasions or other evidence on the sacrifice body:

"Leather" mode: Scar on the left hand;
Mode Muscle: Left side of the chest;
Mode "Bone": deformed bones on the left knee.

The third sacrifice is located on the roof of the Heavenly building on Miagani Island. Use the scanner to find abrasions or other evidence on the sacrifice body:

Leather mode: Breast Mountain;
Muscle mode: bullet in the right biceps;
The "bone" mode: the missing fingers on the left leg.

You can find the fourth sacrifice after assisting a poisonous Ivy with its plant, which contributed to the neutralization of the toxins frightened. The victim on the top of a small building to the northeast of the children's shelter, where else there is railway. Use the scanner to find abrasions or other evidence on the sacrifice body:

Leather mode: scar from bite on the left side of the victim;
Muscle mode: prosthesis instead of the right eye;
"Bone" mode: fracture of the right hand.

The fifth dead body is located on the lower streets southeast of the second airship of Stangga. Use the scanner to find abrasions or other evidence on the sacrifice body:

Leather mode: chemical burns on the left thigh;
Muscle mode: Voice Box on the throat;
The "bone" mode: the sixth finger on the left hand (WTF?).

The last corpse can be detected on the wall near the springboard, not far from the church. Use the scanner to find abrasions or other evidence on the sacrifice body:

"Leather" mode: wound from remote tattoo on the right thigh;
Muscle Mode: Remote Right Kidney;
"Bone" mode: tantacional plate on the victim skull.

The location of all corpses from the mission "Perfect Crime".

After studying the last body, Alfred will inform you the location of the killer. Move the Pretty Dolls salon marked on your card. Enter the inside (in addition, inside there is a trophy of a migratory). Sense under the floor through the grille and explode the gel of the cracked wall.

Return back and go through the entrance door to the operating room. Continue moving forward and you will set the killer with polishing. Come closer and see the cat scene. You need to leave the killer minions as long as possible on the ground, because they do not feel pain. Use combo strikes. When Pig will call all his minions, he will stand at his "workplace". Close to it, and will take the corner. When you figure it out with all the enemies, and the last enemy needs to defeat a special technique, go to the peer and destroy his workplace.

After beating Piga, break the electrical box nearby to free the people in the cage. Talk to them, escort Piga to Batmobile and go to the police department.

Mission 3. Disarmament

This mission is entirely devoted to the safety on the roads of Gotam. Bandits laid at some points of the bomb and you need to neutralize them.

Mission becomes available almost from the very beginning scene line "City of fear." At the same time, it is not possible to pass it away from the beginning and to the end. To find all the bombs you, at least, you will need to access all Gotam Islands. As always, carefully examine locations using a detective mode.

At a certain point, in the course of the main story mission, Alfred will send Batman to checkpointwhere you need to dismantle the bomb. In order to turn off the bomb, you need to look at the big red object. Turn the batmobile in combat mode and use a powerful drive (winch).

Exactly the location of all bombs

Below are the coordinates of all points where bombs are:

Bomb number 1: visits in the course of the main plot - X: 2105 and Y: 2920;
Bomb number 2: Blake Island - X: 1790 and Y: 2420;
Bomb number 3: Blake Island - X: 1920 and Y: 2680;
Bomb number 4: Blake Island - X: 2370 and Y: 2910;
Bomb number 5: Founder Island - X: 2150 and Y: 1915;
Bomb number 6: Founder Island - X: 2050 and Y: 1570;
Bomb number 7: Founder Island - X: 2270 and Y: 1540;
Bomb number 8: Founder Island - X: 2745 and Y: 1739;
Bomb number 9: Founder Island - X: 2939 and Y: 1449;
Bomb number 10: Miagani Island - X: 3269 and Y: 2109;
Bomb number 11: Miagan Island - X: 2999 and Y: 2299;
Bomb number 12: Miagani Island - X: 2899 and Y: 2729;
Bomb number 13: Miagan Island - X: 3049 and Y: 2919;
Bomb number 14: Miagani Island - X: 3159 and Y: 2729.

Mission 4. Kings roads

The first checkpoints of the Arkham Knight's soldiers are on the island of the founders. Checkpoints are usually installed on the walls, about which there are several guards. The barrier around the gearbox (checkpoints) cannot be destroyed, even with the help of Batmobile guns. You must move and destroy all the guards. After the victory, find the commander using a detective mode. Then destroy the checkpoint to remove the barricade.

Founder Island

1. It is located in the western direction from the "died" bridge.
2. Located in the western direction from the "repentance" bridge.
3. It is located in the coastal strip between the bridges of "repentance" and "salvation". There are fewer guards, but there are two puzzle with weapons and two with shock batons.
4. This checkpoint is located south of the "Dissoli" (curses) bridge in the eastern part of the founding island. There are two armed soldiers here. Use the disintegrator to turn off their weapons, then descend to the ground.
5. This checkpoint is inside the Campound building. Use the Batmobile winch to pull the gate to the north-west of Checkpoint. Understand turbors and security using batmobile combat mode.
6. Checkpoint becomes affordable after a collision with Harley Quinn in a plot mission. There are several guard drones. Well, if you have improved the disintegrator, which will help destroy the drone.
7. On the top platform. Use Batmobile to enhance fire power.
8. The checkpoint is at the crossroads near the Church.
9. Checkpoint will become affordable only after you save Barbara (Oracle) and received the second batmobile. This is at one of the buildings at a construction site in the middle of the northern part of the island. Inside there is a drone drone. Try to capture drone control and deal with opponents. You can also use the ventilation shaft and attack enemies by multi-blow. Nearby there is a switch that opens a gate for batmobile.

The location of all the set of militia on the island of Blake.

Island Miagani

1. Checkpoint is near the Hospital "Eliott".
2. Checkpoint is located on Urbaraail Station in Bristol, east of the "salvation" bridge. You can take advantage of Batmobil to kill the militias from the outpost.
3. Checkpoint will be available after the incident with Harley Quinn as plot missions pass. It is located near the building previously used by Pingguin as a cache for weapons. Next, you still destroyed the guard tower on the previous task "Gotam's Occupation".
4. Checkpoint will be available after the incident with Harley Quinn as plot missions pass. It is located inside Ranelagh Ferry Terminal. There are several drones that can be blinded using a device for remote hacking. Install the explosive on the lower balcony of the station and hide the enemies there. You need to lure the outpost commander, after which you can get its controller. Please note that the drone after that is not turned off, so leave the area so that you are not shot.
5. Checkpoint will be available after the incident with Harley Quinn as plot missions pass. It is located in the front of the theater.
6. The outpost is near the "Gotham Glood" building.
7. This outpost (Checkpoint) will be available after you save Barbara (Oracle) and get the second batmobile. Located in the Botanical Garden. Use Batmobile, drive to the protrusions and fly by car directly to the outpost.
8. At the top level of the Hospital "Eliott". You can use Batmobil using a neighboring span.

The location of all the set of militia on Miagani Island.

Island Blake

1. This checkpoint will be available after you save Barbara (Oracle) and get a new batmobile. After you destroy one more outpost, Destroke will call you.
2. Checkpoint is in the Chinese quarter. There are turret here (near the entrance) and infantrymen. From above, you can perform a multi-hit. With the battle on the ground, avoid the visibility zones.
3. This checkpoint is located near asylum frightened in the Chinese quarter. There are turret and one gangster. Take up one of the turons, then disconnect the other when it turns to the side.
4. Near the bridge "died" (curses). Win the guards outside or simply use the device for hacking to crack the switch near the door. Inside the building will be the commander. Go through the side door and complete the multi-hit while being on the ledge.
5. Checkpoint is located near the clock tower. There are two drone drones here, but they should not be a problem for you if you updated the disintegrator. Use it so that the drones self-esteem. The drone explosion will lead to serious damage from ordinary soldiers.

The location of all the set of militia on the island of the founders.

Mission 5. Occupation Gotem

This mission will be available as soon as you get to the island of founders. You must neutralize the tower of the militia on the roofs of the buildings in each of the areas of Gotam. First you need to deal with all the guards, after which the explosive gel on the terminal attached to the buildings. Finally, do not forget to blow up the gel.

Island Miagani

1. Look for the roof of the building, not far from Heavenly. Destroy the protection outside the visibility of turture installed on another building.
2. On the roof of the hospital. There are several guards and two terminals. One of the terminals will be without guard. Destroy it first that part of the turvers themselves fail. Inspect the site and see two rigid and gangsters with shock batons.
3. On the wing connecting two buildings at the intersection of Grand Avenue. There are no guards, only turret. First, print the tower.
4. Next to Bridge Mingland, northeast of Wayne Tower. There are two terminals that you need to destroy. One of them is on the roof, without guard. This terminal is responsible for the functioning of turrets on the walls. About two towers, located on the rest, the guards are not enough, so start from there.
5. To the northeast of the children's shelter, on the banks of the river.
6. The terminal will be available after meeting with Harley Quinn in plot missions. The terminal is at the Gotama Bank.
7. The terminal will be available after meeting with Harley Quinn in plot missions. The terminal is located on the top of the building previously used by the penguin as a cache of weapons. Chekpoint is almost near.
8. The terminal will be available after reflecting the attack on the police office. It is under the tower near the Botanical Garden. Protected by one drone and several bandits.

The location of all the guard towers of the militia on the island of Miagani.

Founder Island

1. On the roof of the building near the church and the bridge.
2. Not far from the "Curse" bridge and Ricker Heights.
3. On the building to the northeast of the Adams port and north-west of the "salvation" bridge. Use the device for hacking to download security codes in the drone, after which they also destroy the security of the object.
4. The terminal is located south of Wayne International Plaza, which is also not far from the airship. Disconnect the caches with weapons using the disintegrator so that the security can not be armed.
5. Watchtower to the north of the port of Adams. Right near the terminal will be the burning fire station Otisburg.
6. The terminal will be available after meeting with Harley Quinn in plot missions. It is located on the top of the building in the center of construction. This location is unprotected, so it will be enough to destroy the watchdog tower.
7. The terminal will be available after reflecting the attack on the police office. It is located on the top of the building under construction.

Location of all the guard towers of the militia on the island of the founders.

Island Blake

1. The only way to get to the terminal is to smash the window with your legs. Plan on the raincoat and disperse with two enemies, after which you can easily destroy the watchtower.
2. This watchdog tower is located near the docks, north of the "repentance" bridge on the island of the founders. The console is located at the ground level. There are no ventilation holes here, so it is almost impossible to deal with opponents, without raising noise.
3. This watchtower will become affordable after Harley Quinn appears in the plot. Hid in a train in the Chinatown area. Nearby there will be two drones and several militias.
4. It becomes available after reflecting the attack on the police plot game. It is northeast of the police department building.
5. It becomes available only after reflecting the attack on the police department and is directly north of the police department. The top will be a turret complicating the task. Use Batmobile to destroy all the soldiers.

The location of all the guard towers of the militia on the island of Blake.

Battle with Destor

When you go through the last three missions (disarmament, kings of roads, the occupation of Gotem), you can fight with a disormer. It will happen not earlier than in you plunge the tank of the Knight Arkham "Skvalny Shore". After that, the command of the army will take away Destor.

Battle with a deserver.

So, provided that you have passed the last three tasks, the battle with the disormercy will begin. Focus first on the "Cobra" drones. When all five "Kob" will be destroyed, then begin to deal with the deserver itself. Adhere to the distance, avoiding its homing rockets, and then direct the energy shot on it and your rockets. When the disserter is defeated, the mission will end.

Mission 6. Gotham on fire

The mission will become available after the plot chapter, where you will move in the footsteps of the car of the Arkham knight's associates, in which the stolen Barbara (Oracle) was taken away. You will find yourself on the place of the crash and pick up the scrambler, who has been thrown by Barbara. Move to the fire station and use the Batmobile winch to activate fire extinguishing systems.

Flame crashes a firefly. Pursue it. Rather from the flame walls that the firefly will leave on the ground. Persoading until the firefly end fuel. Catch it in the air.

In the course of the game you will get a lot of additional information about the latest "achievements" Firefly. Move to the next burning fire station and repeat the process of catching the firefly. The last fire station, which the villain will post, is located in Otisburg, on the island of the founders. You will need to come here on Batmobile, so you can complete the final stage of the additional mission only after the destroying of the rocket installation, which will be mostly the plot of the game. As before, pursue a firefly until the stock of his fuel does not run. Catch and nourish it. Take it to the police management and complete the mission.

Mission 7. Heir to the knight

The mission will become available after the plot chapter, where you will move in the footsteps of the car of the Arkham knight's associates, in which the stolen Barbara (Oracle) was taken away. You will find yourself on the place of the crash and pick up the scrambler, who has been thrown by Barbara. Follow the roof to see the flaming symbol of the "bat". Talk to Azrail and you will manage it in the battle with the crowd of bandits. Complete successfully a call without receiving injuries to prove that Azrail is worthy.

The following location of Azraul is the island of the founders, north of the port of Adams. As before, you need to defeat all enemies without getting damage. Use the same combo and skills as Batman himself. Understand with small opponents, and then defeat the loud.

The following location of Azraul - Chinatown. In this challenge you will have to face the physician and other rebels. Avoid tacts of electrified enemies. Use the bet to turn them off. Observe the physician as quickly as possible.

The next part of the mission will become available only after Harley Quinn appears in the history. Move to the statue of "Lady Gotama" on a small island in the center of the whole card and climb to the top to see the "bat". To go through this test, you need to deal with the fighters of the Arkham knight.

According to the next part of the mission, you need to return to the clock tower and with the help of a Betcomer to analyze the unusual cerebral activities of Azrail. After the games with the memory of Azrail, rewind the frames and read the items with strange symbolsTo complete and reconstruct the real message.

Azrail will appear inside the clock tower, and you can control it. You will need to get a sword lying on the top of the cabinet. Make a choice: either try to kill Batman, or throw away the sword. In the second case, break the sword and leave the clock tower on the elevator to complete the mission.

Mission 8. Night Letun

You may encounter this creature on the roofs of Miagani Island. Catch up this monster in the air. It is difficult to notice, and even more difficult to catch up. The creature sometimes outlies sounds, which will help you determine its approximate location, as well as the direction in which it moves. Just catch up a bat and get a sample of her blood.

Next, go to Chinatown to find Dr. Langstrom's laboratory. It is located in the alley. Go there and go down on the elevator down. Enter the laboratory and inspect the lying body. Get access to the computer nearby on which you have to find (create) an antidote. Rotate the DNA chain so as to restore it to the end. Incorrectly tension reduces the integrity of the chain. After you have a pure DNA sample, you will complete part of the mission.


Go to Blake Island, move to the roofs in search of a volatile mouse. You can activate a detective mode that helps you recognize the desired being. As you find a creature, then follow it and close, as close as possible to introduce an antidote. Nevertheless, as it seems, the dose of the antidote is insufficient. Wait until you know new information about the location of the Flying Being.

At the end of the nightlet will soar in the sky over the island of the founders. He will definitely appear after passing the story mission with Harley Quinn. Reggording it again and enter the medicine. Deliver the creature into police management to complete the mission.

Mission 9. Book book and very dangerous

You will receive this mission after installing the second improvement on Batmobile after the main story mission on Miagani Island in the tunnels. Areas will patrol Arkham Knight's armored personnel carriers. They can be drone. After the destruction of the armored vehicles, you will have to wait until another appears. Check the screen with mission from time to time.

For the destruction of each armored person, you will earn "Tech Points" to update. Please note that the armored vehicles will go accompanied. You need to shy away from the homing rockets. With each new stage of armored vehicles will be strengthened.

To find armored vehicles on the island of the founders, you will need to start destroying the rocket installation.

Mission 10. Smuggard weapons

In the plot of the missions you need to find and destroy all the caches with the weapons of the old Penguin's arms. Nigving will provide you with data on all van with a penguin weapon. Go to this place, track the van and intimidate the gangsters. When they try to tear away from you, then take the roof and watches the van. Hold on to them until they get to Sionis Industries near Falcone Shipping Antenna on Blake Island.

Sign in the building through the side door and hack the console on the wall on the other side. Use for this device for remote hacking, which will help to open the main gate. Switch to Batmobile and deal with all turbors. Find the grille at which you can climb above, use the switch to open the roof passage.

Move on the roof and break the windows. After you descend below, you will defeat the thugs along with Nigving. Apply explosive gel on the boxes with weapons inside the repository, then blow it off.

The second storage with weapons will be available after you destroy the rocket installation based on the plot mission on the airships, on the island of the founders. Move to the place where the van is worth, and start attacking it. Lead to the truck or call Batmobile to scare enemies. Move for them, moving along the roofs until they lead you to one of the caches with a penguin weapon.

Observe the guards outside the building and go through the door. Enter ventilation nearby and get to the wall with a crack. Use explosive gel, but do not blast it. After return to ventilation. When the walls have two enemies, then blow the very gel. Observe the rest.

Use your bet to pull the lattice closing the hole under the ceiling. Move through this hole, use the disintegrator to disable the box with weapons and deal with two armored soldiers near him. Well here is a reception of a multi-blow. Bring the storage with weapons to complete part of the mission.

This storage becomes available only after Harley Quinn appears in the story mission. Move to the marked site, where there is a van on the map, then intimidate enemies by Batmobil or knock on the door. Persoad them on the roofs until they get to the place of the cache at the water filtration plant, which is on the island of Blake. Look at the gate where the truck drove, after which Alfred will help you get into the tunnel.

Move forward along the path leading to the sewer. There are several armed opponents, therefore it will be easier to kill them with the help of Batmobile. Go to the room above to find an electrical box that controls the barrier below. Pull the lever, and from the table, if desired, take the trophy of the puddle.

Sit into Batmobile and use a powerful winch to raise a heavy gate. Source to enemies and use a multi-hit. At the top there are three lattices through which you can get through. Inside there are armed enemies.

After you eliminate the guards inside, install explosives (gel) on the boxes with weapons and close the door to the storage. Slight later blow it away. In this case, the cat scene is activated, and you will see that Nigving is captured by Penguin. Go to the location of the Penguin's deployment to save it.

Climb the roof and check the location. Here you cannot use a detective mode, because there is no interference from one of the guards. If you manage to deal with a gangster wearing a backpack, the interference will disappear. First, pick up the observation point and disperse with a sniper. After eliminating all the guards on the roof, get access to boxing fuses to open the elevator door. Run down until you see the gangsters surrounded by Nytving.

You need to get inside and attack enemies unexpectedly. The wall has a hole through which you can crawl. In the corridor there will be a turret. Disconnect it using the hacking device, then destroy. Open the ventilation grille and enjoy through the mine. Sense through the hole. As a result, you should be at the cracked wall, on the other hand there is National and bandits.

Meeting with a penguin at the end of the mission "smuggling weapons."

Bring the wall and defeat all opponents. Next, install the explosive and close the door of the last storage. Penguin will take hostage of Nigiving. Command double punch And blow explosive. The last storage is blown up, so you can safely deliver a penguin into a police office.

Mission 11. Double Bandit

Move to Gotam's Bank and go inside. Alarm will be included, so we are completely optional to crawl past the gangsters. While they do not see you, you can catch them by surprise, not attracting the attention of neighboring thugs. After you destroy the first enemy wave, other opponents will appear. Just deal with them all to achieve the goal of the mission. It unlocks new challenges. Drysher district is located on the island of the founders.

After you read the branch in the Dresher area, you will need to move to Kingston. This is the largest bank and therefore you will have to face a lot of bandits. There will also be two vehicles. Use techniques, combo and your gadgets.

Two-mounted gangster will try to rob all Gotam's banks.

After the destruction of the last enemy in the bank will arrive two-limited suite. Use a multi-hit. In the detection mode, be careful because there is an elite specialist in the enemy group. Use the disintegrator to turn off the weapon. This also applies to a double gangster, which in the hands there will be a firearm.

Finally, defeating all the enemies, fight a double and take it to the police office.

Mission 12. Friend in trouble

This mission will become available after the incident with Harley Quinn during the story chapter. Move to Wane Tower on Miagani Island to start the mission. Get access to the elevator on underground parking (pass from the south-east side from the Gotama Bank), go to the computer and use the scanning of the retina.

Hash took the hostage Lucius Fox.

When you manage the real Batman, then come to the door and view the cat-scene in which you identify the violator. Follow the office to deal with it. Save Lucius by clicking on the button that appeared on the screen (key). When Hash turns the weapon into your direction, then click on the button to disarm it.

Mission 13. Sacrificial Lamb

You will get this mission after stripping the clock tower and restoring bubaria (Oracle). Move to the statue of "Lady Gotama" on the island in the city center. You will find yourself in a cage with a crazy crowd. Observe all, use the remote charge to disable generators. After that, it will be necessary to get out of the cell.

Mission 14. Revenge of the Mystery

In Batman: Arkham Knight Edward Enigma, famous for you, nicknamed the migrate, went all the joke. There are about 240 different mysteries scattered by Edward throughout Gotham. You will have to look for trophies of a mystery, save victims, solve riddles and destroy various objects.

However, in order to plunge a mystery and save a woman, you need to pass 10 tests marked on your card.

P.S. 10 passed tests will allow you to fight the first time with a mystery and his robots. But if you want once and permanently commit to the villain and take it into police department, you will have to collect all the trophies and solve all the riddles scattered by Gotham.

Between the Mission "Revenge of the Mystery" Batman must take a necklace with a bomb from the neck of a female cat.

First test

First of all, sit down in Batmobile and move to the first marker. Drive to the garage of the mysterious man. In the basement, you must rush in a circle and cross around various obstacles. With each new round, the number of obstacles will increase. If you do not finish the circle for the allotted time, you will need to repeat the attempt again. Follow the road and click on the B button (circle) to remove the obstacles of the mystery when you encounter them.

After you complete 3 circles, you will manage a cat woman. You need to access, entering the correct key. While you will move on Batmobile, you will see the green light on the wall surrounded by red lights. The same thing that the woman sees a cat. If you play on normal level Difficulties, the green key will be located in the fourth line and the third column. In " A new game + »Look for the key in the first row and the third column.

Second test

You need to follow the plant "Ace Kemikals" and roll up to the bridge on the left side. A little further will be the door with the inscription Balancing Act. Follow it, the second test will begin. You need to climb on the frame and leave Batmobile. Become on the switch, switch to Batmobile and go to the balancing platform. This will allow you to activate the first block and open the path further.

For red and green platforms, you need to use immobilizer. Place on the second balance platform, then use colored blocks to get to the very end. We need foresage to jump over the abyss. To activate the platform, you need to go around the lift in a circle and use the winch on the right. Press the gas pedal while holding the arrow in the orange zone.

For a normal game mode, the key is on the last line and in the second column. For the "New Game +" mode, you look at the fourth line of the first column.

Third test

Move pinkni's shelter on Miagani Island, where the puzzle is waiting for you. There will be three question signs here. Throw into each of these signs managed Batarang. Align the circles to get a question mark of them. After that, stand up so that your reflection in the mirror has become a dot for this question mark. Scan the entire sign entirely. Go to the room Numeracy, Batman go to the right switch, and a cat woman to the left switch. Now you need to hit the question mark in such a way: 3-1-4-5-2 Batman and 1-3-5-2-4 female cat. Fight will begin.

Fourth test

Follow the hospital in Bristol on Miagani Island, go through the door with the inscription Crushonator. Kill enemies and go to the third cave. Make three circles, passing obstacles and stacked in the allotted time. At a normal complexity level, the key is on the last line and in the fourth column. When passing in the "New Game +" mode, look for the key on the third line and in the last column.

Fifth test

Move in the Kingston area on Miagani Island. Go down to the garage of the flight school to find the fourth cave. You need to achieve air concentration, which will help get to three platforms. From the first time, this test will be quite difficult. At the normal level of complexity, the key is in the fifth row and the fourth column. At the difficulty level of "New Game +", look for the second line and in the third column.

Sixth test

Again visit Pinkni's shelter on Miagani Island, where you are waiting for a new puzzle. Go through the door with the inscription "Physics". To solve the puzzle, you need to leave the Batarang to a question mark on the wall on the left and stand on the left switch. Next, the cat cat should stand on another switch, and Batman must be moved to the third switch. After that, output Batman. Stand up Batman on the second site, and a cat in the cat in the first place. When the discharge passes, then go to the first platform near the cat. To get the key, you must jump in the role of Batman to the site on the right side. Woman cat pick a key.

Seventh test

Follow the Otisburg area on the island of the founders, towards the church. Go down to the garage with the inscription Drain Pain in the Church and get access to the cave. You need to use the winch, after which they crawl down the wall down, to the blades. Move on the right until you see that there is a gap in the wall. Place on the platform to lower the water level, and follow the second number on the right.

Again shoot the winch and go down to the water. Follow the left side until you see a hole on a weak wall, which is destroyed by a gun shot. Leave Batmobile and move to the hole to get up on the platform and remove water. Return to Batmobile and follow forward to the blades. Move on the wall and find the third number. Go down with the winch, rotate on the wall and climb upstairs. Leave Batmobile and pick up the hole. Use the platform, and then destroy the turret using Batmobile. Place on the platform at the bottom of the pit and take the key.

At the normal level of complexity, the key is in the third line and the fourth column, and at the difficulty level "New Game +" - the third line and the fifth column.

Eighth test

Stand up Batman on a trap located on the right side. The cat's cat should climb the ceiling and stand on the panel in the next room. The scoreboard will be light reflecting movements. If the character gets to the correct panel, the amount of light will increase. Move to the right place. Point at the question mark - the beginning of the way. Control then one, then another character, until you reach the panel, equalizing opponents. Kill red and blue opponents and get the key.

Ninth test

The new cave will be the same race as before. You need to drive three circles with obstacles for the allotted time. You will need an immobilizer to remove obstacles. At the normal level of complexity, the key is in the second row of the fourth column. At the difficulty level, the "New Game +" key is looking for in the fourth line and in the last column.

Tenth test

Go through the door of the shelter "Final Exam". Follow the second room and see the platform from the cells 5x5 inside. At the end of each row of platforms there is a generator. Use the device for a shot of an electrical charge and get into the generator near the open space. This will make attractions or push the platform. You can not become on these platforms and should jump from the ceiling, driving a woman-cat. If the cat cat will stand on the platform, then this will prevent the movement of other platforms located behind it. An empty square should be in the place where the red beam falls. This is the meaning of the riddles. When this happens, you need to jump into a cat in the ceiling to avoid spikes.

The ray with an empty square should be built three times. When you do, go to the previous room to get the key, after which try to leave the shelter. When you try to leave, a mystery will appear with your robots. This time the robots randomly change the color from red to blue. Batman must attack blue robots, and a cat woman - red.

Mad a mystery, the name of which Edward Enigma.

Destroy all robots to finish the first round of the battle with a mystery. The mission has not yet been completed. Collect all the trophies of the mysterious and decide all the puzzles of the mysterious place housed on all Gotham. After that, return to the shelter to fight the mystery for the second time.

Get access to the panel with a question mark and disperse with a mystery and robots. First, robots will be almost all blue, but at the end you will find several red enemies. A device for a shot with an electric charge will help you scare red robots. When a female cat is about them, then switch to it and defeat the red robots.

The migrate will hit the ground using its mechanical hand. The color of the fist indicates who can attack a mystery. We remind you that the red color is a cat, and Blue Batman. If the fist is green, then the mystery can attack any of your characters. Continue to attack the first fist of the puddle, until you figure it out with all the reserve of HP. Next, take the puzzle in the site and complete the mission.

When you first enter the casino, you can try to realize the label of eloquence with Frant and enter the weapon. Next, if you can use eloquence skill and save weapons, pass by the first tables, through the casino and go straight to Benny. He will immediately unfold and welcome you. After that, you will touch him a conversation. You will have several options at the beginning of the conversation, you can take a passive position, listen to his answers and make it so that it gives you the key from the Suite number and asked to wait for it in the room.

Another option is to immediately attack it. He will call 4 of his guards to the rescue. For two guards there will be guns-machine guns with silencers, two others have pistols 22 caliber, and Benny will have a 9-mm gun "Maria". After that, collect your trophies from the corpses and go to the suite.

If you choose a passive option, get up immediately into the presidential suite. Once you find yourself in the room, check the keys, grab any items that you may need, and come back to the door. Benny will communicate with you on the internal communication, you can convince him if you speak correctly. Otherwise, you will have to threaten him, after which his guards will appear and attack you.

Find a safe place behind the rack and take it as soon as it is necessary. Jes Maine will appear before you, talk to him to activate another quest.

After you entered Penthouse Lucky 38, find the terminal on the wall next to Mr. House. This terminal will allow you to open a hidden door leading to Mr. House's room. To open the terminal, you will need one of the following items:

  • skill of science 75.
  • VIP-key varnishes 38 from the Eich-end-Eich Tulz plant (upper floor) or from the written table of the Khanlon commander in his office (inside the main building at the Golf Course).
  • Platinum chip

After opening the door, the call will ring, securitrons will look at you hostile. They can be easily killed by a pulsed gun, or if you have a stealth battle, use it to go unnoticed by hostile robots. You can also just run past them and go straight to the terminal. The closed door is another terminal and a few more securitrons that will attack you as soon as they see. Activate it to go to the control room.

Once you find yourself in the checkpoint, find the last terminal. Activate it to release Mr. House from the insulating room and expose it to the outside world. You can talk to him, and he will tell you: "Project vanity is doomed to failure." After that, you can resolve his fate, returning to the terminal and choosing to kill it (this can also be done using the sterilization of the room) or leave it a devil, both options will lead to loss of karma. Please note that the insulating room was open no matter how you have decided the fate of Mr. House, and he will die over the course of the year from the effects of external pollutants.

To go through the first terminal, you can choose between passing a difficult test or execute the cancellation of the administrator and get a password to the terminal from the Eich and Eich Tulz plant or at the hotel at the Golf Course.

If you decide to kill Mr. Howers, you will receive a note with the following content: "The tragedy has suffered all of humanity," after which the mission "House has grown!" Quickly starts and ended with failure.

After you kill Mr. House, return the Benny number to the tops casino to meet with Yeshn: he is in a room behind his bed. Talk to him, and he will agree to meet you in Lucky 38.

Sometimes Jes Man disappears after the murder of Bill, if you leave the Benny Room and return later. It can be found at the entrance to the tops casino. Tell me to meet you from Lucky 38, and you will not get a fine. After you meet him in Penthouse Lucky 38, where the Haus Avatar was talked to you for the first time, the installation of the event with Yes, Maine will start. Two missions will be launched - "Beware of Caesar's wrath!" And "Do not be a bear!". You can make sure that working with Yes-Many, you will not be able to work with other gangs.

After installing Jes-Mena, in the main screen of Lucky 38, he will demonstrate the update of securitrons in the basement of Lucky 38.

You can resolve Yes Mane to wait for you in Lucky 38 until you finish most of other missions with a new California Republic And the Legion of Caesar and will not be ready to continue.

You need to talk with the following organizations:

  • Bombists in the air base Nellis
  • Brotherhood of Steel in Hidden Valley
  • Great Khans in the Red Rock Canyon
  • Omert in Gomorra Casino
  • Society White Glove in Casino Ultra-Lux

All these organizations can be visited in any order, and get the associated quests. If you say Jes-Men about what they decided to ignore any organization, you do not have to fulfill her quests to complete "make your bets", but keep in mind that most of the organizations can support you in the battle for the Hoover dam, if you Perform a chain of related side quests. Even if you told Jes-Men that you are going to ignore any organization if you later managed to enlist its support, you can return and change everything through the corresponding point of the dialogue.

Essentially, this quest is just a pointer to other organizations in order to enlist their support or solve their problems. You will need to perform side Queststhat usually improve your reputation in the relevant organizations and sometimes give some special advantages.

Brotherhood of Steel

On the fraternity began there are two solutions:

  • Destroy Hidden Vaeley. Hack a self-destruction terminal on the second floor (very complex) or check out 3 key cards from Pockets (among the elder McNamara, Senior Palladine Hardin and Senior Screw Taggat) with which you can generate a self-destruction password. After you activate the self-destruction procedure, the entire base will be hostile to you. You will help hacking the console of the turmoil management console in the Palladine Ramos room, which will give the opportunity to reconfigure the target designation of turners on the members of the brotherhood of steel.
  • To convince the brotherhood began to support the NKR. Follow the Quest line of the NKR until you reach the republic, part 2. Colonel Moore will ask you to exterminate Brotherhood and you can start a dialogue with the elder brotherhood. Elder McNamaru can be convinced to maintain the NKR to avoid conflict. However, if you help senior palladium Hardina to become an elder, he will not allow the Union of Brotherhood and NKR under any circumstances. You can tell Yes-Men and not Colonel Moore


To solve the problem of bombers you need to fulfill the quest in the sky! - It will bring you their support in the battle for the Hoover dam (will arrive a pre-war heavy bomber) and the possibility of free access to Nellis airbase

Great Khans

You can convince Great Khans or help you, or leave Mojave in search better place For life (by completing the quest dad). Either they can be completely destroyed. You can also convince Hanov to undermine ourselves on the Hoover dam during the final battle, using eloquence of 75 in a conversation with Pope Khan after you destroy his alliance with the Caesar legion

Society White Glove

Having understood with the problem of cannibalism in the society of a white glove during the quest food for gourmets, you can tell Jes-Mela about the passage of this part of the quest.


In Gomorra, you can take the quest as we know little. If you can help Kacino to break the plans of his bosses, you can report it to Jes-Men.

When all the restrictions are ignored or their side quests are made, you can simply talk to Yesh - and close the quest.

EOT Quest perhaps the longest in the game, if only because it consists of five parts, each of which is a chain of 2-7 subvests.

Option 1:

You will receive this quest after you finish Joker: Make your rates obtained by Jes-Men. It will require a control chip at the Eldorado substation controlled by the NKR. The additional task of the quest is to save the President of the Cimbol when he arrives to say. If you want to save the president, talk to Ranger Grant and he will ask for help, if you are friendly to the NKR. He will ask you to organize the search for suspicious, but this is not necessary. Get out, wait for Ranger Grant and talk to him. Immediately after that, he will arrive with the president on board. The killer will be on the tower closest to the information center of the Hoover dam, in which you are. Close to the roof, asking the security guard to inspect the coils (it will take eloquence 50, in order to convince him to say "yes"). Once at the top, inspect the coils. Get down to Ranger Grant and tell him that the rollers was mined. He will interrupt speech, and the president will fly away to the coils. After the president's salvation, you will become idol in the NKR.

Option 2:

Turn the face to the layouts, in which the president Kimball says and you will see the tower. When the president starts speech, you can notice two pieces on top of the tower. One of the figures will suit the other, and you will see how one of them falls from the tower. Studdered towards the tower and take the stairs. At the top of the tower "Ranger NKR" will speak with you. Dialog options will either contact the radio or go down and check. Select the option from the radio twice. "Ranger NKR" will say that you should not bother and attack you. After you destroy the killer, you can go to Ranger Grant and he will interrupt the speech of the president ahead of time. When the Ranger NKR comes to the president with a message, one of the engineers will try to stitch it. If you kill the engineer after the attack on the president (make it on the stage), then get 105 oo. If earlier - when he snatches the knife and rush to the frames - 30 oo. If you do not take anything, the protection of the president will kill the engineer, and the president Kimball rushes to the coalcast and flies.

Option 3:

Near the president will be two engineers. One of them will have a knife (see option 2) and the other is a detonator. You can make them and go to Ranger Grant report. He again, interrupted by the speech of the president and the quest will be completed.

  • Note: If you have neutralized the bomb and killed a sniper, you can say anything to the grant and finish the quest. If you tell the gran on any of the detected threats, he will interrupt speech before, but the engineer will try to kill the president with a knife only if you talk about sniper.

The bulk of the quest is very simple. Go to the Eldorado substation and install the control chip in the terminal located inside the terminal. In the premises of the substation there will be several NKR soldiers, so it will be going to shoot without warning well, or try to bother with a stelter if you succeed. But the best will be put on the NKR armor, then the security will not attack you. If you have completed an additional goal of the mission, the murder of soldiers at the substation will not affect your reputation, because you already adore.

Extras: Yes-Men will ask you to convince the followers of the Apocalypse to provide advanced help from New Vegas; Just go and talk to Julia Farkas. She most likely will not refuse, so come back to Lucky 38 and complete the quest by receiving the appropriate achievement.


  • If you are not disguised, dress up armor, NKR, Boon will leave you if you are with you at the time of installing the control chip on the substation. (Without resorting to the disguise, you can solve the problem, simply leaving the bun outside, so he will not witness the installation of the chip and will remain with you)
  • While doing additional task 1 quest Joker: Finishing the touch and you will feel the approach you get a minor increase in good fame instead of obtaining the "idol" reputation
  • If you are already idol at the NKR, you fail the quest you will feel the approach if you first go to the Eldorado substation. Even being dressed in the Armor of the NKR, with a secrecy 100, stealth and a bog outside. First, complete you feel the approach, and then go to the substation as a result. Finish the quest with neutral to the NKR reputation.

There will be three different attempts at the attempt:

  1. Sniper, dressed as the Ranger NKR will appear on the watchdog tower behind the stage constructed to utter speech.
  2. The engineer will establish a bomb on the presidential coils.
  3. The legion soldier, dressed as an engineer rushes to the president and tries to hit him with a knife.

If you want to perform an additional goal - check security, you need to find two things:

  • Blood stain in the road, which is at the far end of the lobby of the information center (perception is required 6).
    • Note: (Additionally) Talk to Alison Valentine (it is at the top level of the information center) She will talk about the engineer whose blood is flooded, but in principle there is no need
  • Recently implemented unauthorized access to the computer terminal in the information center (science 50 is required). Take in the cabinet room the overalls of the NKR engineer. Now you can tell Ranger Grant that you are ready. You can also talk to the Nkrovka outside. He can provide you with a dog to verify security if you have the ability of a friend of animals, but will refuse you if you are accompanied by Rex.

If you got a quest from Yes-Mena or Mr. Hower, you will not be allowed to the roof of the information center, where the presidential coils land, if you are not idol in the NKR. You can also access if you are disguised under the Nkrovka (here it is just useful to the overalls of the NKR engineer from the office space) or with the help of eloquence 55. If you can get to the roof and you have an explosive skill or repair at least 50, you can neutralize bomb. Wait for the Wincast and the president will leave it, after which the "activate" the coils, and you will receive a message offering it for a bomb. Another way to neutralize a bomb, search engineers' pockets until you find a person with a detonator. (You can climb the ladder to the platform. If you set next to the grant and look at the platform, the staircase will be on the left side confirmed on PC and PS3 only for neutral clothes.)

You have neutralized a bomb or not, you need to stop the killer on the watchdog. You will see how he resets a real guard from the tower and takes his place (it is pretty a noticeable scripted event that happens if you are not on this tower when the killer appears - in this case, it will immediately attack on you and on this sniper). Destroy the killer. You can neutralize a bomb and in time to have a tower on time, but this is not the most reliable method. The easiest thing is to neutralize the bomb and then run to a large anti-aircraft gun (but do not rise to the layout, otherwise everyone will be hostile to you). When you see the ranger, falling from the tower, know - it's time to eliminate the killer, using your favorite weapon. If you are a good sniper, you can destroy the killer directly from the structure, the roof of which the coils sits down. (Note) If Rex is your companion, it can determine the legionnaire in the engineers group. After you talk to the engineer (you can only talk with one of them), he will be hostile, after which it is possible to eliminate it or give Ranger to make this work for you.

Another variant: After you figure it out with a sniper, clean the Legionnaire's pockets, disguised as an engineer and take a spare emergency detonator. Take it to Ranger Granta, which will cause the stage in which the Rangers intercept the Legioneer at the time when the president escapes.

The simplest way to deal with sniper does not require any fighting skills, leave the place where you need to deal with the engineer also do not need. Just pick up the tower before taking the quest and put the explosive of the C-4 in front of the table. She will lie there and then when the quest starts. Need a bomb on the rollers and look at the tower when the president starts to pronounce. You will see how the killer kills Ranger and throws his body through the railing. Take out the detonator and Bach! You will see the explosion and the killer will be destroyed.

Another way to complete the mission is to go straight on the sightseeing platform and talk to Ranger Grant. Close to the helicopter platform and wait for the arrival of the presidential coil. An engineer will appear and mines the screws. Interact with the screw and select "View" to find a bomb. Need a bomb or make a detonator from the engineer's pocket. Run down and report grant. He will interrupt the speech of the president, wakes up and gets in the ranger. After that, the president rushes to the coalcast and flies. This is the easiest way to get battle armor Rangers NKR. (Note: If you want to rise to the platform and remove the armor from the Body of the Ranger before the presidential coils will fly away, they will have to use stealth battle, otherwise the Rangers on the platform will become hostile.)

The alternative method of fulfilling the quest is not to neutralize the bomb - (it is necessary for example, in the case when your appearance on the roof of the information center makes the NKR hostile or if you have an insufficient level of explosives or repair) and wait at the top of the watchdog in which the killer should appear on top of the watchtown. Destroy the killer when it appears from the hatch in the corner, and then use the radio station on the table to contact the grant. If you let him know about trying to attempt, he will interrupt and examine the territory again, as a result, the bomb will be found and neutralized. After you have radiated the grant, go back to the platform and see the engineers, one of which rushes to the president. Kill him when he does it. President saved.

If Rex is your companion at the time of taking a quest, there is another alternative. Talk to Ranger Grant and tell me what you need full access in the territory. This will allow you to freely get to the roof of the information center after passing one or two bivalve doors leading to the dam. After you find yourself outside, tell me a grant about what finished checking, and go to the roof. You will see the technique next to the door on the stairs. Speak with him and select the option associated with Rex. After invite him to go with you. The technician will be hostile and you can kill it without loss of reputation (or allow Ranger to kill it). Remove the alarm detonator from the body and come back to the grant. Quest is fulfilled.

In the simplest alternative method, the fact that engineers do not have cannons with themselves, it is also required that you should wear the engineer's overalls from the technical room. First, make a detonator at a false engineer on the landing site. When the rollers landed - catch up the weapons and the Rangers will be hostile to you. Remove the weapon and they will again become non-aggressive, and the presidential coilry will fly away, without landing anyone, the quest is completed.


Survey the territory in search of evidence.

  • On the second floor of the information center, you can talk to Ellison Valentin, who is looking for his friend-engineer who is late for the speech of the president. From him left blood stain in the office of the information center.
  • Survey (perception of 6) blood stain on the floor in the surgery of the information center.
  • Hack the terminal in the information center and find the ID of unauthorized access (serge. Makovich)

If Boon is among your satellites when you rise to the ramp outside the center to Ranger Grant, he will say something about what he chose a position for shooting at the site of a sniper. He will point you three points - the ridge of the hill to the left of the road, the tower behind the stage and the roof of the information center. What about the last two he will not be mistaken.

To get a maximum and take a hunter carabiner or a 12.7-mm gun, as well as armor / Ranger helmet, take advantage the following instructions. First, rise to the landing site, steal the detonator and detect the bomb. Then use binoculars to see how the Ranger will relieve from the sniper platform. As soon as it happened, Ranger Grant say that they found a bomb on the rollers, after which the Ranger on the platform will receive a bullet in the head. Use Stelsbo to steal Ranger's jams and head to sniper tips. By climbing up. You must find the new-promoted Sniper of the Legion, and also on top (although it can fall down) the side wall will be lying to the first Ranger carbine.

In the leg lanma camp, you can shoot with few defenders with the support of satellites and enclave fighters from among the remaining (if you have passed the doctor of the doctor from the Camp of the Apocalypse followers), but your goal is the commander-in-chief of the Legion of Laines. He initially not hostile to you and starts a dialogue, where it justifies that the Legion has all the power of the East, and it will easily break the NKR (although the number of legion fighters that you meet during the whole game, hardly enough to kill one protagonist without support). If you have an eloquence skill pumped to hundreds, you persuade it to finish the world and the whole legion will become neutral to you). At the outlet, the gate will be exploded and the General NKR Oliver will be released to you (and several Rangers in the power armor, which does not require the skill of use power armor). If you choose the connection of additional power to the fort for you will be released by an army of securitrons, the general will be worried and starts to call. However, during eloquence 100, you can also persuade it to retreat. At the same time, if you personally do not like General Oliver, you can ask Yes to throw it from the dam. It will not affect the further development of events and the final video.


  • Lania has a unique "sword of the East" and a nominal helmet, and Oliver has a nominal magnum and a suit.