Checkers count "count" in Russian checkers. Download video and cut mp3 - it's easy with us

1.c3-d4 (or 1.c3-b4) 1 ... b6-a5 2.d4-c5 (or 2.b4-c5) 2 ... d6: b4 3.a3: c5.
Often the "stake" is called the "grandfather" of all beginnings. V checkers game it is known from time immemorial. The name of the old beginning is associated with the placement of a code checker on the c5 square on the second move. The white code piece stands on this field for a long time, holding back the enemy's forces. Attempts to eliminate it by means of attacks lead Black to a great weakening of his right flank and often lead to the loss of the game. It is most correct not to pay attention to the stake, develop the checkers of your left flank and try to surround White's stake formation on both sides. And if the environment did not work out, then at a convenient moment eliminate the stake by exchanging. Only this method of defense leads to an equal game.

Case study

1.c3-b4 b6-a5 2.b4-c5 d6: b4 3.a3: c5 f6-g5 4.b2-c3 g5-h4 5.c3-b4 (5.g3-f4 or 5.a1 -b2) 5 ... a5: c3 6.d2: b4 g7-f6 7.a1-b2 f6-g5 8.b2-a3 c7-b6? 9.b4-a5! b6: d4 10.e3: c5 h8-g7 11.c5-b6 a7: c5 12.g3-f4 g5: e3 13.f2: b6 (White used Black's mistake on the eighth move and began an attack on the opponent's right flank.) 13 ... g7-f6 14.e1-f2 f6-e5 15.a3-b4e5-f4 16.c1-d2 h6-g5 17.d2-c3 f8-g7 18.b6-a7 d8-c7? (Black does not allow White to play 19.a5-b6, but does not notice the combination.) (Diagram 1.)

19.a5-b6! c7: a5 20.f2-e3 f4: d2 21.c3: e1 a5: c3 22.e1-d2! c3: e1 23.g1-f2 e1: g3 24.h2: d6. The black ones were on their way. (Part M. Rakhunov - A. Marutyan.)


1.c3-b4f6-e5 2.g3-h4 e5-f4 3.e3: g5 h6: f4.
In a “reverse stake,” the parties switch roles. Now Black is attacking, while White is trying to eliminate his attack on the right flank by encircling Black's position. You have to play very carefully in this opening. The slightest mistake can lead both White and Black to an unexpected defeat.

Case study

1.g3-h4 d6-e5 (more often play 1 ... f6-e5) 2.c3-b4 e5-f4 3.e3: g5 h6: f4 4.b4-a5 b6-c5 5.B2-c3 c7- d6 6.a1-b2 d6-e5 7.a5-b6? (Chart 2.)

After this erroneous move, Black breaks into the kings with the help of a combination. White counted on the continuation 7 ... c5-d4, then 8.h2-g3 f4: h2 9.c3-b4а7: c5 10.b4: f4, and the black checker on the d4 square is surrounded. But it suddenly followed ...
7 ... e5-d4! 8.c3: g3 e7-d6 9.b6: d4 f6-g5 10.h4: f6 g7: a1, and Black won. (Part S. Danilin - P. Slezkin.)


Checkers is a very famous board game for two players. Only a few know how to play checkers, and even fewer people are aware of the ways to ensure a guaranteed victory in any game. Although her rules are simple, their knowledge is not enough to constantly be a winner. To do this, you need to practice a few tricks.

Checkers rules

You need to play this board game on a standard field with 8x8 cells. The total number of game pieces for two is 24, i.e. they are distributed to one participant 12. Before placing them, you need to turn the board so that in the lower left corner in front of the participant playing for the white checkers there is a black square. Only dark fields are used - opponents place figures on them.

The main goal is to completely remove all the opponent's pieces or block them so that he cannot “move” further and he has no available moves. You need to play as follows:

  • The player with the white pieces moves first.
  • Participants move only to the black squares, that is, diagonally, and move forward - this method of movement is called "quiet".
  • To beat the opponent, they also move diagonally, "jumping" over the adjacent "enemy" piece, if the next square on the same diagonal is free - this type of move is called "combat".
  • The checker, with which the opponent's piece is beaten, stands on the cage behind it, and the beaten piece is removed from the field.
  • A piece that has reached the opposite edge of the board becomes a king (it is turned over or a second is placed on top to distinguish the “queen” from simple pieces).
  • The queen gets the right to move any number of squares forward or backward (but only diagonally), and during the battle she can stand on a free square behind the attacked piece, if there are several of them.

Novice players often wonder if it is possible to kick back by playing simple pieces, not kings. It all depends on the type of checkers: some versions assume that pieces can move and beat only forward, while others - in two directions, besides, the opportunities differ for pawns of different status. For beginners, the simplest, Russian version is best suited. After a little practice, the participant, if desired, will be able to move to a difficult level, having learned to play other varieties of checkers.


This variation is based on simple rules described above. As for whether it is possible to move backward in checkers, the Russian version assumes such a possibility - simple pieces are allowed to move forward and hit in any direction. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the number of pawns captured at once. In one move, a participant can remove two, three and, if possible, a larger number of opponent's pieces.


How to play this type of checkers? For them, a field is provided that looks like a six-pointed star, with from 6 to 10 figures on the tops. They play Chinese checkers both together and with a large number of participants, up to six people. The goal is to move your pieces to the opposite end of the field. The first to go is the one to whom the brightest in color figures are handed out, and the rest make moves after him clockwise.

In one move, the player has the opportunity to move one piece in any direction. At the same time, he can jump over other people's figures when there is a free field behind them. If there is another piece behind the empty square, it is allowed to beat it in the same move. The winner is the one who gets to the opposite end of the field first, and the other participants, if they wish, distribute the second, third and subsequent places among themselves.


Knowing all the basic rules standard game, it is easy to understand how to play English checkers. They need a regular chessboard and 12 chips for each opponent. They are placed in the same way as in the regular version of the game, filling the black cells of the first three rows from each edge of the field. The first move is made by the player with black chips. Simple pieces can only move and beat forward, and only the king is allowed backward and only one square.


This type of game is played on a regular 8x8 board. Each participant has 9 chips. They are placed in a 3x3 square in the first corner of the field closest to the player. How to play corners? The pieces must be moved to adjacent cells vertically or horizontally, and it is also allowed to jump over the opponent's pieces that are on free squares, if the space behind them is free. The goal of the game is to be the first to take the corner of the enemy.


The rules of this game are similar to those in the more familiar Russian version, but the goal is different. The player needs to force the opponent to beat all his pieces or block them, that is, deliberately expose himself to the blow. Each participant must necessarily beat all the opponent's game pieces available for this action, even when in one move he can beat several pieces at once. The winner is the one who is the first to free himself from all his pieces.

Checkers Chapaev

They are played on a regular board, and each participant at the beginning of the game has eight pieces. They are placed in horizontal rows on opposite ends of the field, but players can agree on any other initial arrangement if they wish. The goal of each is to knock out all other people's chips from the board, and this must be done by clicking on your checker. When a player fails to knock out any of the opponent's pieces or if he loses his piece, the move is passed to the opponent.

This board game is played in several rounds. After the first game, the winner moves first and places his line of pieces on the field one square forward. When the checkers are close to each other, the loser of the last game retreats one line back. The final winner will be the one who manages to beat all the opponent's checkers in this round.


The board for playing Japanese checkers has a size of 19x19. Initially, the players have an unequal number of chips - one gets 181 pieces. black, and the other gets 180 pieces. white. The goal of the game is to capture and control the territory of the field. The one who occupies a larger area than the enemy will be the winner. To make a move, the chip is moved to the intersection of the lines, which is called a point.

Black makes the first move. There must be at least one free point next to each chip vertically or horizontally. When a pawn or group is completely surrounded by the opponent's stones, they are considered captured and removed from the field. For each captured figurine and free point, one point is counted, and the winner is determined by calculating these points.

How to learn to play checkers well

To quickly learn the rules of the game, it is recommended to practice on computer simulators. On the Internet, it is easy to find a suitable look for your taste: classic, simplified versions for beginners, simulators with a choice of difficulty level and the ability to place bets for money, and even those where the role of an opponent is played by an animated girl with whom the players are invited to play strip.

It is advisable to choose game simulators where it is possible to play with a computer and play with people online without registration. The first view will help you understand what general tactics applied to achieve victory and how to win a game using logical thinking. Batches with real members will provide the necessary real practice.

How can you learn to play checkers so well that you can emerge victorious, if not all, then most of the games? This requires your own strategy. To develop your personal victory plan and consistently win with its help, you need to rely on the following recommendations from experienced players:

  • Practice mentally changing the position of the pieces on the field based on the planned move, thereby calculating the development of events several moves ahead.
  • Try to keep your pieces closer to the center of the board - this position is most beneficial for moving forward and helps to play without blocking.
  • Try to quickly make your pieces kings by moving them to those zones playing field where the opponent has fewer chips or they are more vulnerable.
  • As far as possible, do not move the pieces of the last row from their original place for a long time - this will not allow the opponent to quickly make his pieces kings.
  • Try to move the pieces in pairs and in compact groups to make it harder for your opponent to capture them.

How to teach a child this most interesting board game? To do this, it is important to captivate him with the process and then he will easily master the rules and very soon become a full-fledged rival who will always be happy to play even with an experienced adult player. To do this, show your child different variants how to win quickly, allowing you to win and maintaining the spirit of competition. So he will feel the taste of the championship, will certainly be interested in the process and will play with enthusiasm.

If you are planning serious training that will allow your child to successfully participate in specialized tournaments and win, then he should be taught using a different, more responsible approach. You need to do it right, from the very beginning explaining the names of moves and combinations, play regularly, examining in detail all the tricks and features, by all means using a good self-instruction manual.

Video: the secrets of the game of checkers

Anyone who is interested in how to learn how to play checkers should watch the training videos that clearly explain all the subtleties. gameplay... The video will help you quickly understand the rules of this most popular board entertainment, learn common game tactics and learn about winning strategies that will make it easier to win.

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After familiarizing yourself with the rules of the game of checkers, which are detailed on this page, you can safely play classic Russian checkers and giveaways. The rules of the game of checkers are very simple, after reading them once, you will learn how to play them for life.

Game board and checkers

Checkers are played on the same board as chess, it is not difficult to buy it, it is sold in souvenir or sports shops. By the way, you can make the board and checkers yourself at home. The board can be drawn on paper, cardboard or thin plywood, and figures (checkers) can be cut from thick cardboard, rubber, plywood, or use coins. Just turn on your fantasy :)

How many cells and rows are there on the checkers board?

Russian and English checkers are played on a board with 64 squares (8x8 rows) of exactly both black and white squares. On the left side of the board opposite the cells there is a digital markup from 1 to 8, and below the cells there is an alphabetical markup A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, all these numbers and letters are needed to write down moves in checkers and chess.

How many checkers are there in checkers?

To play Russian checkers, the set must contain exactly 24 checkers, 12 white and 12 dark.

Before starting the game, you need to correctly place the board on the table. It should lie so that the corner field is dark at the bottom left of the player's side. Checkers are placed on the three nearest rows with dark fields.

Who goes first in checkers?

White pieces move first. To determine who is playing with which checkers, one of the players takes one checker, white and dark, in each hand, mixes them behind his back and stretches his hands with checkers clenched in fists to the second player, who must choose a hand with a checker. What color of checkers will be played by those.

How checkers go and hit

Checkers move one square per move and only along the black squares that are adjacent diagonally and checkers move only forward, checkers do not move back. The image below shows that the white checker has two options for where to go.

In Russian checkers, checkers can be hit both forward and backward.

The checker can hit back and forth

In one move, a checker can beat as many enemy pieces as possible. For example, the bottom image shows how a checker beats two enemy pieces at once in one move.

Is it obligatory to hit checkers?

Yes, hitting an enemy checker is mandatory, if there are several options for capturing enemy checkers, the player himself determines which checker to hit him. It so happens that the player does not see that he needs to hit, then the opponent must necessarily show him where he should hit.

How does the king in checkers move and beat?

The queen is the strongest piece in checkers, in order to get it, a simple checker must reach the last black cell on the opponent's side, then the checker is turned over to designate it as a king. When a simple checker becomes a king, it continues to move according to the rules of a king. A player can have 12 pieces of a dam. Their number depends on how many simple checkers the player can bring to the last row of the opponent.

The queen moves and shoots diagonally at any distance. Below is an example of how a king beats two opponent's pieces at once.

What to do if there is nowhere to go in checkers?

The player who cannot be similar has lost. Often there are situations when there are still checkers on the board, but they cannot walk or beat, since they are blocked by the opponent's checkers, in such situations the one who cannot make his move loses.

How to play Giveaway?

Giveaways are Russian checkers only the other way around, this means that the rules in giveaways are like in Russian checkers, only the one who first surrenders his checkers to the opponent or blocks them wins. Giveaway is interesting to play and for their simplicity and fast games, they are very popular on the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

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