Starcraft 2 we play as a zerg. Starcraft II Strategy and tactics. Stop, what about our Overseers?

What is a build?
A build (or Build Order) in StarCraft 2 is a certain order of actions (building and creating units) that you use at the beginning of the game to implement a certain strategy. For example, you can destroy the enemy in the first few minutes of the game, completely forgetting about the economy (rush with 6 zerglings) or, on the contrary, develop the economy, preparing for battles in the middle stage of the game (First hive).

What are the benefits of StarCraft 2 builds?
- Time. By using a clear construction order, you save precious seconds and use resources as efficiently as possible;
- Strategy. As we already wrote above, using a build makes it possible to maximize your chosen strategy for the game;
- Intelligence service. If you know exactly what you will do next, then you have more time to figure out what the enemy is planning to do.

What are the disadvantages of builds?
- Lack of versatility. There is no such build in StarCraft that would allow you to defend against absolutely any enemy action. There are as close as possible and covering most of the possible attacks, but completely universal - no and never will be. Therefore, intelligence plays a critical role.
- Weak adaptability. If you not professional player, then it will take you a lot of time to adjust the used build to the actions of the enemy.

How do I read the Build Order?
Almost all StarCraft 2 build orders are written as a Number - Action combination, for example:
6 - Whirlpool of birth
7 - 6 zerglings
The number on the left side characterizes the number of units of the consumed supply (you can see it in the upper right corner of the screen during the game).
The right side shows the action that you must take. For a beginner, this, of course, does not mean anything, but after playing at least a few games for each race, you will quickly understand what it is about. In our article, under:
6 - Whirlpool of birth
will mean
"When you use 6 supply units, create a Swamp of Birth."

Please note that in all builds, the creation of workers is skipped, as a matter of course. In other words, you have to do the workers almost all the time. For example, the above build should look like this more extensively:
6 - Whirlpool of birth
5 - Drone
6 - Drone
7 - 6 zerglings

Why is it important to know the base builds of other races?
It's very simple, you need to know what your opponent can do and how to defend against him. By the order and type of buildings alone, you can understand what awaits you in the next few minutes.

StarCraft 2 Protoss Base Builds and Strategies

1.Four gates.
This build is the base build for any protoss. It can be used in most game development scenarios and gives you the easiest path to counter. This build is strong against almost any beginning of the game, except for the 6th whirlpool and is neutral against massive Marines and Marauders.
9 - Pylon;
10 - 2 Probes (crafted with acceleration by the Nexus)

13 - 2 samples;
13 - First Assimilator (after creation, immediately 3 samples);
16 - Second pylon;
16 - Zealot (if you are playing against a zerg), if not - wait until the stalker;
18 - Cybernetic core (after construction, immediately start developing the "Warp Gate" under acceleration);

19/20 - Stalker (Terran or Protoss) / Zealot (Zealot);
22 - Second gate;

24/25 - Third pylon;
26 - Warp Gate research ends. Transform your gate into a warp gate and build pylons 4 and 5. Now you will use 1 pylon for 1 call of troops (4 units * 2 supplies = 8 supplies), so plan the construction of pylons in advance.
26+ - Summon the first set of troops, for example, sentry, zealot, 2 stalkers. Do not get carried away by the sentries, two is the optimal amount.

After the second invocation of troops, you should have about 42-45 supply units (10 - 12 units of troops). Take a sample and move across the map. Create a pylon near the enemy base. Send your troops there. Summon a third wave near your base and direct it to join the army. If you are confident in your abilities, start the attack. No - wait for the 4th wave to call to the newly built pylon and attack.

2 early dark templars
This strategy of the game is initially completely symmetrical to 4 gates, but the main attacking force changes. The dark templar build is very effective against all races, but its success depends very much on whether the enemy has detectors. Plus, it can be very effective as a defensive strategy against Terrans, as multiple Dark Templars will destroy many Marines / Marauders (but then you have to sacrifice a surprise attack).
9 - Pylon;
10 - 2 samples (acceleration);
12 - Gate (for 150 minerals);
12 - 2 samples (acceleration);
13 - First assimilator (3 samples immediately);
16 - Second pylon;
16- Zealot (if you play against a zerg), if not - a stalker;
18 - Cybernetic Core (after construction, immediately start developing the "Warp Gate" under acceleration);
18/19 - Second assimilator (2 samples);
20 - The Twilight Council;
20 - Stalker (Terran or Protoss) / Zealot (Zerg);
22 - Second gate;
23 - Third and fourth gates;
24/25 - Third pylon;
25/26 -Dark sanctuary;
26 - The Warp Gate research ends. Transform your gate into a warp gate and build a 4 pylon. Summon the first set: sentry, zealot and 2 stalkers. You now have the foundation to defend the base while the dark sanctuary is not yet ready;
34 - Craft a set of 4 Dark Templars. You can leave one at the base for additional protection, and send the rest to destroy the enemy base. If he doesn't have detectors, enjoy an easy victory.

3 photon cannon attack
This technique is considered to be very dirty, and if all goes well, your opponent will be simply beside himself with anger. Very good against Terrans and Protoss, but often difficult to execute against Zerg due to their slime. This strategy in StarCraft 2 will only succeed if your opponent is not good at scouting.
9 - Pylon, on your ramp (narrow aisle in front of the base). Send your sample to the enemy base, to some secret place;
10 - 2 samples (on acceleration);
12 - Forge (at your base);
12 - 2 acceleration tests;
15/16 - Set up a pylon at the enemy's base, out of his field of vision or on a lowland (note that the range of the pylon does not depend on heights);
16/17 - Place another pylon on your ramp to tightly seal the exit from the base;
17/18 - Cannon at the enemy base (if you placed the pylon on the lowland, then the cannon must be placed directly on the enemy base);
* 18/19 - Cannon at your base (if you want to stop an early attack of the enemy);
19/20 - Install 2 cannons at the same time at the enemy base. Make sure they are within range of the first cannon so that it can protect them;
20/21 - Place another cannon and a pylon behind it (preferably near the two previous cannons);
22/23 and beyond - more guns, plus a couple at your base;
23+ - most likely a victory.

4 void emitters attack
This build of StarCraft 2 is quite popular due to its ease of execution and exceptional effectiveness against Zerg and Protoss. Against Terrans, this strategy is quite ineffective, as it is quickly reflected with the help of 3-4 marines.
9 - Pylon;
10 - 2 samples (on acceleration);
12 - Gate (for 150 minerals);
12 - 2 samples (on acceleration);
13 - First assimilator (3 samples at once);
14/15 - Second assimilator (2-3 samples);
16 - Second pylon;
16 - Stalker (Terran or Protoss) / Zealot (Zerg);
18- Cybernetic Core (after construction, start the study of the warp gate, but do not speed it up);
20 - Stargate;
22 - Second Pylon (Void Emitters require 3 supply units, so do not forget to place pylons in time);
23/24 - Void Emitter # 1 (on acceleration) - attack if you have good microcontrol);
23/24 - Transform the gate;
27/28 - Void Emitter No. 2 (on acceleration). It's time to attack;
29/30 - Gate 2 and, if you can afford it, Gate 3
30 - Gate 4. After this you can start building for the middle stage of the game. If, of course, the enemy somehow miraculously survived the attack by the emptiness emitters.

Major Terran Builds and Strategies in StarCraft 2:

Build 1/1/1
This build order is the most versatile and allows the player to choose from as many options and strategies as possible per game. The name 1-1-1 comes from the main buildings that are built in this build: the barrack, factory, and spaceport.
The order itself is as follows:
10 - Storage 1;
12 - Processing plant 1;
13 - Barracks;
16 - Factory;

16 - Marine;
17 - Storage 2;
17 - Extension "Reactor" to the barracks;
18 - Recycling Plant 2 if you are going to develop invisibility;
19 - Hellion;
22 - Spaceport;
22 - Storage 3
23 - Technical laboratory (either at the Plant or at Cosport);
23 - Marine or Hellion;
26/28 - Banshee or madivak;

Now that the build order has been completed, you can use almost any type of attack and defense - depending on the data of the reconnaissance carried out during the construction.

Fur build order:
Mech (short for "mechanic") is a very popular strategy in StarCraft 2, effective against all races. It allows the use of siege tanks, tori, hellyons, marines and / or air units.
10- Storage 1;
12 - Barracks;
13 - Processing plant 1;
15- Marine;
16 - Factory;
16 - Improvement "Tracking station";
17 - Processing plant 2;
18 - Storage 2;
19 - Factory 2

This build of StarCraft 2 is written for those cases if you want to immediately produce mechanical units, for example, for early pushing with tanks. In the further development, you can build a third factory (against zerg) or a spaceport (against terran and protoss) - it all depends on whether you want to gain control over the airspace.

MMM timing push
This is a modification of the general strategy of MMM (marines, marauders, madivaks), which carries only one goal - at 8 minutes, with the help of 2 medivaks, arrange a drop of 8 marines and 4 marauders straight to the enemy base.
10 - Storage 1;
11 - Barracks 1;
13 - Processing plant;
15 - Improvement "Tracking station";
15 - Marines (up to 3 pieces);
16 - Storage 2;
19 - Factory;
22 - Barracks (2);
23 - Processing plant 2;
23 - Storage 2;
23 - "Laboratory" annex to the barracks;
24- Spaceport;
- reactor at the factory;
- constant production of marauders and marines;
- to develop "Stimulants";
After building 100% of the Spaceport:
- install the reactor;
- create 2 madivacs.

After that, it remains only to make a drop.

Zerg strategies in StarCraft 2

6 pool
This StarCraft 2 build is without a doubt the most popular cheat (trick) in the entire game. However, it is only effective against low and mid-level players, at higher levels of the game - using this build is pure defeat.
6 - Whirlpool of birth
5 - Drone
6- As soon as the whirlpool is finished - 3 pairs of zerglings;
The next larva 1 - another pair of zerglings and from one worker create an extractor (make room for the zerglings);
The next larva 2 is another pair of zerglings;
Next Larva 3 is another pair of zerglings, cancel the extractor;
11 - Overseer;
11 - Continue to build zerglings and destroy the enemy.

Hatchery First
This build allows the zerg to create the most efficient economy possible, but will require high skills games and unit creation. This build order is rather defensive and is intended for the middle stage of the game with a significant economic advantage over the opponent.
9 - Overseer;
9 - Drone scout to the enemy base;
15 - Beehive at the second deposit;
15 - Whirlpool of birth;
15- Extractor;
17 - Overseer;
Upon completion of the construction of the whirlpool of birth - create 2 queens and 4 zerglings, develop "Accelerated metabolism"
21 - Bailing Nest
23 - Overseer

Note to experts: the article below is primarily intended for starcrafters from lower leagues, which means that, firstly, the text focuses on things that are obvious to experienced gamers, and secondly, the debut offered to novice zerg is unlikely to work when playing in the "diamond" and higher, but at the same time it is able to clearly show what exactly and why it is necessary to do against terrans in order to achieve victory, and also serves as a good "blank", which can be improved over time to an acceptable competitive build through mutalisks in TvZ.

That is, not to offer three huts to the layer and so on. Early.

It's time to take a closer look at our bronze match-ups that we find ourselves in whenever we hit the Find Match button. We have already carried out short overviews all three races, and I admit they lack depth. Hopefully the next few articles will provide some insight into the state of affairs for my Bronze League brothers and sisters.

As newbies, we need to understand that we need to stick to the correct timing tactics, but we can't just think about time and forget about everything else. First of all, we must understand what is the purpose of the tactics we have chosen, and only then think about timing (and use it). Well, stop chatting, looking for a match!

Wonderful, we clicked "find a match" and got into a battle of zerg versus terrans. Let's stop for a second to refresh our memory of what we will have to face ...

  • It is necessary to anticipate the fencing, that is, early reconnaissance is MANDATORY
  • We will face an enemy with very strong defenses
  • Hellions
  • Flexible
  • Expands need to be built
  • Spreading mucus can save the game


Let's start with my favorite (at the moment) tactic - 2-base motes. To be honest, in my version there are still flaws that need to be fixed, but at this level everything seems to work fine. First things first, build the first worker and send him out to scout as soon as he hatches, and send the first overseer to the straight.

After that, our goal is to get about to bring the supply of resources to 12 and at the same time throw off the maelstrom of birth and the extractor. While they are being built, we continue to create workers. As soon as the opportunity arises, take the building to create the queen and send three workers to the extraction of gas. As soon as you get a chance, build a second building for gas production, you will need it very soon.

At this point, your worker should already find the enemy base. The enemy, most likely, has already fenced off (let's hope you won't be late), now we need to find out how many barracks he is building and whether he is producing gas. If you see a lot of barracks, and especially if you manage to see that the enemy is building reactors, you should wait for a bunch of marines.

If we see all this, then we need to build zerglings and prepare to use them as protection. If the enemy has not yet built a bunch of barracks, then we have a little time for a breather, but we need to be ready for Hellions or some other type of attack. Accept the fact that your worker will be killed, try to use it as long as possible to better understand what your terran opponent is going to do.

Get ready: your first big tactical decision is coming. At the moment when the production reaches 15-20 (but not later than 25, although it is already quite late), turn your incubator into a den and as soon as you can (and best of all at the same moment) start building your second incubator. If you wish, build 3 or 4 Zergling squads and send them in pairs to the Xel-Naga Tower.

You also need to take care of installing a breeding ground for cockroaches. For muta tactics, you need to build expansions and you need to extract gas, that's a fact. If you are going to build some cockroaches to bolster your defenses, you will need gas.

My main concern will be what buildings I see in the terran maine. If there are a lot of barracks there, I will focus on ordering the zerglings (it would be nice to research increasing the speed for the zerglings as well), and also try to build the spire as soon as possible. If there are no barracks, then it is worth assuming that there will be a lot of Hellions, then I will focus on cockroaches and again I will build a spire.

Another option (though not the best one) is to build Lashers instead of cockroaches or zerglings. They never hurt, but you shouldn't count on these buildings as the main defense force.
Let's start building zerglings. They are multifunctional (as soon as you have a Banelings nest, which is sure to appear, and better sooner rather than later). I prefer to build one or two zerglings for every three to four workers.

Remember, you need to build the maximum number of workers, fill the base to the maximum. Muts require tons of resources. At the very beginning of the construction of the zerglings, our main has already mutated into a lair and is collecting resources to capture the natural, which will give us both the necessary gas fields.

Stop, what about our Overseers?

Yep, you noticed that I didn't mention when to build or what to do with the overseers. I prefer to build no more than two of them at a time (on this moment) when the resource store is nearly full. You ask: why? Overseers are built for ETERNITY, and you do not want to be left without resources by building more than you need. If you build just before the storage runs out of space, you will have more resources left to spend on building other units / buildings.

So what I had to think about was what to do with the overseers. DO NOT COLLECT THEM TOGETHER OR PLACE THEM IN A CORNER! Think about it, if your enemy finds them, then he will have the ability to block you very quickly. Overseers move slowly and are therefore vulnerable to attacks.

What to do with them? I like to give trouble to my opponent, I like to send the overseers out as far as possible and start pouring goo. What for? Your opponent can't build anything on slime!

This will give you an idea of ​​when and where they are building new bases. At the same time, the first thing to remember is that your overseer will be attacked / killed when your opponent is ready to put up an additional base (consider this as a built-in bell). As soon as you hear: "Our units are under attack", build an overseer to replace the one you lose.


Let's go back to the game! We have already captured our naturals, are producing gas, building a spire, the zerglings are on alert ... What's next? We need to start distracting the enemy from the game, that is, harass him. As soon as the spire is ready, we begin to build the mut.

Zergling production has slowed down (perhaps one egg with zerglings, two with mutations, but still building workers), but now we have mutalisks. Let's dispatch them to interfere with the Terran's supply line. You won't have enough units to turn this attack into a full-fledged push, you just need to prevent him from receiving his income and, if possible, destroy the resource store (or two), but don't be greedy! Try to save as many of your mutts as possible. There is no point in sacrificing these units if there is no such need.

Something to keep in mind when launching your attack: You open up to the enemy. He will know that you have an air force. If he has not yet scouted you and figured out what your tactics are, now he will definitely understand it! Be prepared to deflect a blow from his side. Now good time to start building a breeding ground for cockroaches (if you don't have one yet, if you have one, do upgrades!) and even a Banelings nest.

When you have these two buildings, you should be ready to expand to the third base, as resources on the maine will become scarce. Get some workers out of the maine and send them to build the next incubator and both extractors. Also start building the infestation pit and (as soon as you complete it) the hive.

Where do we go after this?

So, we got to the point where we got lucky, and we planned everything right. We inflicted damage on the enemy, and also withstood his attacks. If we wait a little longer, then we will have to fight with a strong defensive unit. Let's try and get it over with, ok?

First, let's take a look at the composition of our army. We have zerglings (with the ability to turn them into banelings), cockroaches and mutts (and a few baneers if you expect your opponent to build a spaceport). Now turn some (probably half) of your Zerglings into Banelings.

Also make sure their attacking buildings are active, you need to quickly break through the enemy wall. When your Banelings hatch, be ready to build more Zerglings and send them to the enemy base. Remember, zerglings are cheap and build quickly. Their strongest advantage is their number, you can quickly attack the enemy and outnumber him.
Well, here I can assume that we will win. We thought about what we can and should expect from the enemy, as well as what we can build to be ready for his attacks. I admit that this plan is not perfect, but that is how you can deal with the Terrans. We know that the Terran is a defensive foe, and letting it dig in is to greatly strengthen it. You need to use the speed of the zerg and their flexibility to find weaknesses in the enemy and turn them against him.

Hope you found these tips useful. As usual, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to email them here or email me. And now - play the march step!

Hello, friends! I want to present my guide to Starcraft, for people who have been playing for a long time this will not bring any profit, since it is focused on those who have recently bought the game and are sitting at the bottom of the bronze. in this guide, only 1v1 battles will be considered, of course, the information gleaned here will not be useless in team matches. In this guide, I will describe the buildings and give a brief description of the units, at the first stage they will be zerg, if people like the guide, I will do it for therans and protos. besides, there will be a couple of useful tips to help you win.

Zerg is a completely biological race, even buildings are of the "biological" type, all buildings and units regenerate health over time, a large number of producing buildings is not required to build units, you just need to "discover technology" by building one building. Given the required number of resources, the zerg can stop the limit in a matter of seconds, which is very problematic for terrans and protoss, in modern Starcraft the main thing is to "freeze" the zerg. in the beginning to rebuild a good economy, which is not so problematic, because it is very, very difficult to punish a zerg for a freebie, if a zerg has 4 bases and has built more than eight pack masters, then the enemy has very little chance of winning.
Zerg simply must have one more base than the enemy (unless, of course, he is also not a zerg)
A fully rocked base is exactly 24 slaves, 18 on minerals and 6 on gas, you can more (to transfer to another, recently built base), but not less.
Do not build early gas, there is no sense from it and you will lag far behind the enemy

If your opponent is not a zerg, or a zerg who does not build an early maelstrom of birth (he has 6 - 9 workers and a maelstrom is being built), then build slaves up to the limit of 15 (adjusting overseers along the way) and then build a maelstrom, and then another base. this is the standard. if the enemy (not a zerg) builds a second base, place a third.
Reconnaissance is our everything, especially in the early stages, after we sent the slaves to extract minerals and ordered one drone, send the overlord to the supposed enemy base. keep a couple of dogs near the zelnaga tower, knowing when the enemy is attacking is very important, because while the enemy is sitting at the base, you can build slaves, but do not get carried away, leave the limit for the army, 80-90 slaves are no longer desirable.
Also, to increase understanding of the game, you can and should watch streams, for example, the same mtwDimaga, he often streams in Russian

Incubator(hatcheri, hut)

Zerg main building.
to build an incubator, 300 minerals and 1 drone are required (total 350, for other races 400)
Hatchery eventually produces larvae from which then practically units of zerg are created. One hatchery over time creates up to three larvae, but this number can be increased with the help of the queen (quina), but more on that later.
The incubator also serves as a "warehouse of resources", it is in it that workers carry minerals and gas. after construction, the incubator surrounds itself with mucus or creep, on which you can build other buildings, also zerg units on it move faster faster (except for workers)
The Zerg have adopted the mechanics of the main buildings from the third warcraft, so the incubator has two degrees of improvement. lair(leer) and hive(hive).


To upgrade to a lair, 150 minerals and 100 gas are required, as well as a built whirlpool of birth (pool)
larval production does not stop during improvement
The lair gives access to new upgrades and buildings
Available upgrades
Allows all zerg ground troops to use the burrow ability. Buried units lose the ability to attack and become invisible to the enemy if he does not use detectors or detecting effects.
Lightweight carapace
Increases the movement speed of overseers and overlords.
Abdominal sacs
Allows overseers to transport units.


To upgrade to a hive, 200 minerals are required 100 gas, this is the last stage of the evolution of the main building, having a lair you will get access to the most powerful units of the zerg.


This is a building that can only be built on a gas field, of which there are always two, gas is almost useless at the beginning of the match and is extremely necessary in the protracted stage.

Evolution chamber(evolved)

Allows you to upgrade Zerg ground units
Available upgrades:
melee attack, 3 levels
Upgrades attack, zerglings, flockmaster symbionts, ulralisks and banelings
ranged attack, 3 levels
Improves the attack of the queen, cockroach, hydralisk and infected marine
Carapaces of ground forces
I don't think it needs any explanation.

Creeping sporeweed(sporka, cannon air)

Evolution camera required.
The main structure of the air defense. Can dig up and move, while losing the ability to attack. To take root, the sporozoan must be on mucus.

Creeping Lasher(sledge)

A maelstrom of birth is required.
Ground defensive structure. Can dig and move, losing the ability to attack. The Lasher must be on the slime to take root.

Whirlpool of birth(pool)

Gives access to the Zerglings (dogs) and the queen.
The pool gives access to the following upgrades:
Accelerated metabolism(wings)
Increases the movement speed of Zerglings.
Adrenal glands
Increases Zergling Attack Speed ​​by 20%.

Cockroach breeding ground(roach varen, rochatnya)

Gives access to cockroaches (rochas), requires a maelstrom of birth.
Available upgrades:
Gliacental restoration
Increases the movement speed of cockroaches.
Digger claws
Allows cockroaches to move while buried and increases the rate of regeneration in it.

Banelings nest(bailing nest)

Gives access to gpiblings (bailings)
Available upgrades:
Circular hooks
Increases the movement speed of Banelings.

Hydralisk's Den

A handrail is required for construction.
Allows you to produce Hydralisks.
Available upgrades:
Tubular spine
Increases the attack range of Hydralisks.


A handrail is required for construction.
Allows you to build mutalisks (muta) and corruptors, also serves to improve the zerg air army
Can be upgraded to a Great Spire.

Great spire

Hive required.
Gives access to the owners of the pack (broods)

Ultralisk cave
Hive required.
Gives access to the construction of ultralisks (elephants).
Available improvements.
Chitinous Carapace
Increases Ultralisk armor.


Almost all units of the zerg are built from the larva.

Drone(worker, slave)

The main working unit. Extracts minerals and Vespenes. Can mutate into structures.


Provides support by increasing the maximum number of troops in the army. Can mutate into a lord. They can also serve as good early reconnaissance and transport troops (with appropriate improvement).


The fastest and cheapest unit in the game, with a price of 50 minerals for two, works wonders, if you manage to lead the dogs to the enemy's base and send the workers, then the enemy will have a hard time, most likely after this he will simply leave the game. You should not build dogs against helions, zealots and roaches, in addition, dogs quickly die from protoss colossus and tanks under the cover of marinos (but here my grandmother said in two, if the dogs reached the tanks, then the tanks fall apart in seconds).

A support unit, standing in a leier, requires a maelstrom of birth, the number of queens should not be less than the number of bases, ideally + 1 or +2 queens. The Queen has several unique abilities
- injection, cast on the hatchery, after forty seconds (about 20 real ones) we get 4 larvae to the three that the hut produces, ideally the injections should be done nonstop.
- create a creep tumor, creates a plaque that begins to spread fusion, can only be built on mucus, a creep turmor can put one of its copies in a small radius from itself and so it can continue indefinitely.
- healer, restores 125 hp to any unit or building, rarely used, but very useful when the enemy destroys your base.
in addition, the queen is a good DD, she repels early aggression well both on the ground and in the air, all the mucus is terribly slow.


In modern reality, it is practically useless, unless the enemy is playing in the air.


Zerglings also mutate.
A living bomb, extremely effective against enemy workers and small light units such as marines, zealots and dogs, excellently breaks into enemy buildings, ineffective for other purposes.


Mutates from overseer, requires rail.
A scout, can "freeze" other people's buildings, discovers hidden units, is very useful, having 2-3 such units in the army is very useful.


Almost universal unit, except that it does not shoot in the air, a large number of cockroaches will cut out anything, be afraid of terran marauders and protoss colossi


A fast flying unit designed for quick raids on an enemy base and destroying its workers, a very fast and mobile unit. Each shot of the mutalisk inflicts reduced damage to neighboring targets; it is afraid of protoss phoenixes, protoss stalkers and archons, Viking marines and Teran's tori, infestations, corruptors and other, more numerous muta.


An anti-air unit, also effective against protoss colossi. Able to mutate into the host of the pack.
Available opportunity:
Coats the target with acid, which causes them to take 20% more damage.

Host of the pack Brood, broodlord

Here is the Zerg imba, the ultimate unit. Broodlord is a very slow unit and without cover is destroyed in seconds, so that this does not happen, you need to adjust the dogs and infestations, as well as having several corruptors as a result, we get an ultra-powerful bundle, and the MAIN THING, do not let them gather in a small pile, otherwise it will be enough to destroy your army simply.
Brood Lord is also dangerous in that as an attack he "drops" symbionts, which, when hitting a target, cause damage, and they do not die immediately, but continue to damage for a while.


A living armored tank, inflicting significant damage in the area in front of it, is now practically not used, but I think it will still show itself in the hots, the only plus is to build quickly.

Copying the guide to other sites will be considered plagiarism and punishable by folding

In this article, I will return to simple things and tell you useful tips for newbies.

Basic discovery for beginners. Newbies often have trouble learning a bunch of builds for different matchups. I will talk about a safe and reliable opening that works in all three matchups. This build will allow you to make a good economy and quickly develop up to three bases. After that, you can create any army and go to whatever.

Beginners need to focus on learning the basics of macroeconomics: constant construction of workers, waste of resources, lack of saplay blocks. I went into detail on this in Daily # 16:

Build: Basic Zerg Opening

  • 17 Pool
  • 17 Hut
  • 17 Gas
  • @ 100% Pool: Queen (1) +6 Lings
  • @ 100% Queen: Queen (2)
  • @ 100% Hata: Queen (3)
  • @ 100% Gas: Lingam speed
  • 36 Defense Technology (Roachvarren or Banelings Nest of your choice)
  • 44 3: 30-4: 00 3-Base
  • 50 Lair, Evo, +2 Gas

After that, you can select grades and technologies. At this stage, learn how to develop the economy and enjoy figuring out many new details that will turn you into a great player!

Tips to Improve Your Game:

  • Information is one of the most important resources in the game. Send Lings to track your opponent (remember to watch what the Lings are scouting) and control the towers. This will allow you to see your opponent's attacks and strategy in advance.
  • Learn to control your first two overs. They must fly to the enemy and scout the area around his base. Focus on finding his technology, which usually takes up to 4 minutes. Make sure that the overs don't die, so that there is no saplay block and you don't sink into the macro.
  • Learn to place overs correctly. Find good hills near his base to see the buildings in the wall and the troops leaving.
  • Place overs near your base. This can sometimes save you from catastrophic damage to drones.
  • Don't mindlessly build drones. If you see, attack with troops! But do not forget to mackerel when injecting the larvae.
  • Extra attention and APM should be spent on spreading creep, not spam binds.

Intelligence service:

  • At low levels, you don't need to expect your opponent to have clear and smooth strategies like the pros. Timings can be very different, but there are a few basic things to look out for.
  • 3:00 - If your opponent doesn't base, then he probably shoves 1-base all-in. Stop building drones and make an army.
  • 4:00 - By this time, the enemy will choose their technology and army composition. Donate an over to find out about his plans.
  • Always keep the linga close to the enemy. You can feel how many troops he has and react in the right way.
  • As a beginner, you don't have to try to do something tricky based on intelligence. At this level, you need to understand when to make drones, and when to make an army. Learn to control the map and scout as much as possible.
  • If you are constantly afraid of flying or invisible units, then just do spores in every game at 4:00. This is the earliest timing when something tech might come to you, so try not to be in constant fear. You can later order sporoviks if you have reconnoitred and understood what the enemy is doing.

Remember, there is no perfect guide to teach you how to win every game. Your opponents are also using their brains to defeat you. Always look for places to improve your game, always try to understand and experiment with new units, styles or ideas. If you maintain this critical thinking and focus on learning, you will fall in love with Starcraft very quickly. Good luck in learning by yourself difficult game in the world!

Are you sitting and wondering how to play for the Zerg? Which building to build first? Thinking about how many dogs to build? Then you are here. I will tell you as briefly as possible about initial game for the zerg, so that you know the base and can bend over, and not break the clave after each GG-shech, we all know this :)

Basic opening for zerg

In this article, I will not delve into the jungle of builds for the zerg, but will tell you about the basic development, which will allow you to reach 3 bases and create a good economy. This build is convenient and allows you to go to any technology.

How do we start playing for the Zerg?

12 drones 1 overlord 1 incubator

The basic opening for the Zerg looks like this:

  1. We save 100 units minerals and build over
  2. Before 17 limit builds drones
  3. On 17 limit building a pool
    + hut + gas
  4. As soon as ready pool ordering the queen + 6 lings
  5. How ready is the first Queen we order the second
  6. How ready hut we order another queen
  7. As soon as ready gas we order the speed of the lingam in the pool
  8. On 36 limit we go out into protective technologies or Roachi or Bailings, respectively, we build or Roachvaren or Baylingnest
  9. On 44 limit building the 3rd hut
  10. On 50 limit building a lair + Evolution
    + 2 gas

Throughout the implementation of the entire basic build, do not forget to build workers (drones).

Further development at your discretion. In general, further development will depend on the build of the enemy.

Points to remember when playing as StarCraft 2 LOTV Zerg

Creep (aka slime): creep affects the speed of movement of zerg, so pull the creep (this is done by queens with the help of tumors) as far as possible from the base so that the units are mobile and you can control neighboring bases, quickly transferring units to defense.

Intelligence: no intelligence strong rival you can't win, and often you can't even win against a computer. Information is our everything, there is no information - we do not know which units to mass up and vice versa, we know the information - we know how to counter the enemy.

Practice: you can know all the builds of the game for zerg and all other races, but using them very rarely they will not bring results, as a result of this we remember the rule we do not teach 1000 builds, but learn one build a thousand times... By working out the build to automatism, new ideas for the development of the game are automatically opened, so bring the standards to automatism and do not grab onto clever builds for professionals.

That's all for now, in the next articles I will tell you how to play as Zerg in StarCraft 2 using other builds. Finally, a video with the implementation of the build described above.

How to Play Zerg in StarCraft 2 LOTV (Video)