How to make beautiful cards. Custom Styles on Google Maps - Customize Google Maps. What do we have to do

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a 3D map in Photoshop using various 2D and 3D models such as cars, trees, road, clouds. You can get creative and make your own 3D island in Photoshop. I used grass and water textures for this tutorial, but you can choose a different type of texture. You can also change the shape of the card. Use 3D Action to make the whole process easier.

Step 1

First of all, we will create a 2D base for the map. Activate the tool Lasso(Lasso Tool), paint the surface of the map and fill it with gray. Also, to create a map shape, you can use the tool Feather(Pen Tool). Or, as a third option, you can use a silhouette real card(vector shape). Let's call this layer "Map".

Step 2

Now let's add a grass texture to our surface. Copy the texture from the source materials and open it in a new PSD file. Next go to Editing> Define Pattern(Edit> Define Pattern).

Return to the working paper with the map. Double-click the left mouse button on the "Map" layer. This will bring you to the "Layer style" menu. Select the tab " Embossing "(Bevel and Emboss) and set the values ​​as shown in the image below. After, go to " Pattern overlay "(Pattern Overlay) and from the presets menu select the grass texture pattern we created earlier.

Translator's note: the colors I used; black - # 000000

Your stock now looks like this:

Create a new layer above the "Map" layer. Create a selection along the contour of your blank island (press Ctrl + click on the "Map" layer thumbnail). Set the foreground color to white and the background color to black. Next go to Filter> Rendering> Clouds(Filter> Render> Clouds). Change the Blend Mode of the new layer to Overlapping(Overlay), and opacity(opacity) set - 65 %.

Step 3

In this step we will add a lake to the map. Open the water texture. Make, in any way convenient for you, one or more selections in the form of a lake. Transfer the "lakes" to the working document and scale them to the size of the map. Name the new layer "Water Surface".

Open the Water Surface Layer Styles and add Inner shadow(Inner Shadow) and Embossing(Bevel and Emboss).

You can add any other simple surface element to this map (for example, a road). When you're done designing the plane, select all the layers (except the background layer) and merge them. Name the new layer "Surface 1".

Step 4

I will now use one of my 3D Photoshop actions to create a 3D image. So download this free 3D action, load it into Photoshop and apply it to the "Surface 1" layer.

Translator's note:

Check out this helpful article on how to load an action into Photoshop. If you are having trouble using an action, you can create the volume yourself. To do this, select the "Surface 1" layer and go to "Edit - Transform - Perspective".

Transform the surface so that it "lies" on the plane. Then duplicate the modified surface 7-10 times. Using the Move tool, move each copy (except the top one) 2-4 points down. When you are happy with the volume, merge all copies (except for the top one).Further actions of the lesson will not change (but you do not need to use "Clear Layer Style").

You will have a layer diagram like the picture above. Next, you need to clear the layer styles of both last layers(go to layer, right click and from the submenu select " Clear Layer Style"(Clear Layer Style). Name the first layer" Grass "and the second" Surface of the ground ".

Go to the "Ground Surface" layer and apply the "Dirt" texture to it (you can use other textures - ground, stone, rock, etc.). After applying the texture, change its position and size as you wish. Add an effect Inner shadow(Inner Shadow) to make the island more voluminous.

Step 5

Duplicate the "Earth's surface" layer and make a selection of the duplicate layer (press Ctrl + click on the "Earth's surface copy" layer). Using the tool Moving(Move Tool) Drag the duplicate a little higher. Activate the tool Eraser(Eraser Tool) and erase the excess part of the surface that goes beyond the boundaries of the grass. You now have two layers with the base of the island. Add an adjustment layer to the "Ground Surface Copy" Brightness \ Contrast(Brightness / Contrast) with these settings:

Also add the effect Shadow(Drop Shadow) for both layers with ground surface as shown in the picture below:

Step 6

It's time to add a background for our 3D map. Create a new layer of any color (above the background layer) and name it "Gradient". Go to Layer style and activate the tab " Gradient overlay"(Gradient Overlay), gradient type - Linear(Linear Gradient); colors - from white to # 559abf.

Create another layer above the "Gradient" layer and name it "Ocean". Place an image on this layer, from the source materials, with the same name. Scale the ocean image so that it looks harmonious (based on the size of your document). When you're happy with the result, change the Blend Mode of the "Ocean" layer to Overlapping(Overlay), and opacity(opacity) lower to 50 %.

Step 7

Now our task is to connect the background and the island.
Go to the "Grass" layer and add a layer style Inner shadow(Inner Shadow):

Go to the "Ground Surface" layer and adjust the style values Shadow(Drop Shadow):

Above the "Ground Surface Copy" layer, create a new layer and name it "Waves". Activate the tool Brush(Brush Tool). Pick a standard white, round, soft brush from the list and paint the foam around the edges of the island.

Step 8

Let's add details. Create a new layer above all the others. Open the tree image and place it on a new layer. Scale the tree and place it on the map. Duplicate the tree layer several times. Resize the copies and their position - create your own park on the island. Please be guided by the image below:

Each tree (or group of trees) must cast a shadow. Use a soft black brush and paint on a new layer the shadows of the plants (guided by the main lighting). Change the blend mode of the shadow layer to Overlapping(Overlay), experiment with the opacity level (opacity) of this layer.

Translator's note : The shadow layer should be under the tree group.

Create a new layer on top of the others and paint clouds over the map using the Clouds brushes. Don't forget to add shadows for the clouds (paint them using the same method you used to add shadows for the trees).

Step 9

In order to tie all the parts together, I added a nice yellow tint using an adjustment layer. Photo filter(Photo Filter).

Step 10

Add more elements to your work such as: car, road, plane, ship, house, etc. Be careful when choosing additional objects - try not to use images with the correct perspective (follow our viewing angle on the map).

The second idea is to use 3D icons and icons for this job. The kit also includes some interesting flags, plaques and map markings, you may decide to add these.

Translator's note : Add new elements under the Photo Filter adjustment layer.

You can find other interesting icons or even 3D models on the internet.
My end result looks like this:

I hope you managed to create a unique 3D map!

When you need to indicate on the map the real location of the office or some object, then the service Google maps provides you with a very wide range of possibilities. It is very often that the style of the map that is inserted into the site does not match the style and color scheme. But this service allows you to change the standard view of the map, adjust the saturation, brightness, add your own marker icon to the map, and so on.

Below are the articles where you can choose interesting effects when scrolling your landing page:


Practical implementation

Stage 1. Structure

Here you only need one common container in which the map itself will be placed, the increase / decrease buttons and the line with the address:

Stage 2. Get the API Key

Go to this page and get the API key - Get API Key.

Then we insert the given API key into HTML instead of words "YOUR_API_KEY":

To get the longitude and latitude, you need to right-click in the right place on the Google map, and then click "What's here?" Below you will see a pop-up window where longitude and latitude will be indicated. You need to transfer them to this file.


Just by changing the values, experiment and find the kind of card that suits you.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 var style = [( // Hide road markings on the map featureType: "road.highway", elementType: "labels", stylers: [(visibility: "off")]), (featureType: "road.highway", elementType: "geometry.fill", stylers: [(hue: main_color), (visibility: "on"), (lightness: brightness_value), (saturation: saturation_value)])

A complete list of all properties is found here - Google Maps JavaScript API V3.

Beautiful and effective mixing of cards allows you to surprise the audience even before the start of the illusion show or the game. Every trick will become even more exciting if you perform unusual actions with cards. Do you want to become a successful illusionist? Be sure to figure out how to beautifully shuffle the cards.

Faro - spectacular and interesting

New cards are required to complete the shuffle. If done correctly, a kind of frame of pictures and their beautiful drop from one hand to another .

Faro looks like a waterfall. This effect is not difficult to achieve.

Like a waterfall, the cards should shimmer, creating a disturbing picture. How to do something so difficult? Easy peasy!

You will need:

  1. Take the deck in your left hand.
  2. Hold exactly half the deck with your right hand.
  3. The two parts of the pack should be properly aligned and placed vertically, placing one on top of the other, applying light pressure.
  4. Slightly loosen the grip, after which the cards will begin to diverge.

After painstaking training, you can achieve perfection. Careful preparation will help you mix the deck quickly and in an original way, creating unusual waterfall... The main thing to remember is that the quality of the feint performance depends on the number of repetitions and your efforts.


Flipping is a fairly simple way of mixing. At the moment of execution of the florish all fingers involved ... The stack should be well fixed. Stirring by swiping looks extraordinary. So it is possible to mix the stack not only before the start of the focus, but also before the usual ones.

All fingers must be used to flip

Would you like to learn a new way? Repeat each step:

  • Use your right thumb to split the pack in half.
  • Flip through both sides effectively so that the cards lay on top of one another. Pictures from both packs should flash alternately.
  • Bend the bundle into a "C" shape and loosen your fingers. This simple movement will allow the cards to easily enter a new pile.

For a successful florish better to take a new pack. Cards in good condition are easy to trick. Old cards are not malleable enough to do the shuffling nicely and easily.

Beautiful volt

Volts is a special shuffling method based on the high-speed movement of individual stacks of the deck in your hands. Volt from the side looks how juggling... It looks very good, but it is quite easy to learn.

Volt is similar to juggling, but much easier to implement

What do we have to do:

  • The stack here will need to be divided by three roughly equal parts .
  • Hold the bundle in your left hand with three fingers for the parts that are shorter - the large one on the outer edge, the middle and index - on the inner.
  • Then, with your index finger, you raise a third of the cards, take them to the side.
  • The index finger with the left is fixed on the outer edge of this half, on the inner edge you put the same finger with the right and lead it in the opposite direction from the handle.
  • The foot rotates on two fingers, rotates 180 degrees and falls into the right handle.
  • Further from what's left you bend your index part, holding the big .
  • Put your right thumb on the outside and twist the half on the two thumbs.
  • And then put your index right next to your left thumb and twist the last part on two fingers in the same way.

The most important thing in volts is speed of movement. Of course, you won't be able to do it right away. You will most likely have to spend more than one day to make the feint look beautiful, although it all depends on your efforts.

It is worth noting that if the two previous methods really mix the cards well, then the volt is more likely aimed at making an impression on others. You are unlikely to succeed in stirring the deck qualitatively in this way.

All three are the simplest shuffle methods... There are really many effective ways to interfere with cards. Train your fingers, develop dexterity, and then any method will become subject to you.

Video tutorials will help to teach you how to shuffle cards beautifully:

Good afternoon everyone. Today I got up and since I haven't written anything for a long time, I decided to write an article in which I want to talk about the methods of shuffling cards.

Players who play simple games at home may not even think about how to shuffle the cards, because they usually shuffle in the classical way and this is enough for them.

Let me remind you that the classic shuffle is when the deck is in the left hand, and the right hand picks it up and begins to move up and down, periodically dropping small piles in the left hand. When shuffling in the classical way, such tricks are used as jogging, injog, and peeling. This method is common at home among people who play folk games like "", "Drunkard", etc. Although those who like to play poker at home buy themselves shuffle machines.

All ways to shuffle cards

What is shuffle?

Shuffle - translated from in English means shuffling or shuffling. That is, in fact, this is any action aimed at shuffling cards before the start of the game.

There are several types of shuffle - overhand, riffle, faro, strip, chemi, weiss and Indian shuffle.

Overhand Shuffle (Classic shuffle) - this is the usual shuffle of the deck, when the piles are simply thrown from one hand to another.

(Faro Shuffle) - the shuffling of cards is perfect and fast, because the cards are mixed one after one. This shuffle appeared thanks to the game of the same name. In this game, it was necessary to collect paired cards, and after the next round they had to be broken. Faro was best suited for this.

(Riffle Shuffle) - This method is also called the "American method" of shuffling, Riffle, Tie-in. It is performed either in the hands or on the table. The shuffling is fast and the cards mix well with each other.

(Strip Shuffle) - a method of block shuffling of the deck. In this type of shuffling, the deck is shuffled in blocks. From 3 and up.

(Chemmy Shuffle) - during such a shuffle, the cards are shuffled randomly. The deck is usually laid out on the table either with a ribbon in two rows, or in the form of the letter "M", or the deck is cut in half, and the packs are placed next to each other and begin to twist, after which the packs are also mixed in a chaotic manner.

There is also a type of shuffle. It is called . The essence of the shuffle is that the cards are also mixed block by block, and they are mixed block by block in the hands, in contrast to the Strip Shuffle, where they are shuffled on the table.

Vice Shuffle - shuffle invented by the famous Daniel Madison. Not for a beginner.

What after the cards are shuffled?

After the completion of the shuffle, the deck must be leveled by the shuffler (dealer) and trimmed. At home, this is usually done by the player to the left of the dealer. In the casino, there is a cut card for this. It is usually red or yellow, but security experts say it is best to use a black trim card.

They are convinced that when good eyesight and with proper lighting, through the yellow or red map, you can see the map adjacent to the undercut.

A cut card is placed under the deck so that the bottom card does not light up, and also serves to divide the deck. In fact, this is the same card, the same size as the cards from the deck, but it is not played with it.

After the procedure with the trimming card, the cards are placed in the "shoe". This is such a special device for distributing cards. From there, cards are dealt during the game. The played ones are added to the side. As soon as the scoring card appears from the “shoe”, the cards are mixed again.

In the casino, special shuffle machines are used to shuffle cards. They automatically reshuffle the deck, thereby completely eliminating the interference of crooks in this process.

Well, that's all friends. I hope the article "How to Shuffle Cards" will be useful to you.


Free wind of a long-awaited or spontaneous journey - what could be better! So that, while spending your weekdays in your apartment, do not forget that behind the walls there is a whole world waiting for curious explorers, place a map on the wall. And it is not at all necessary - a boring physical atlas of the world from the geography office.

A wall-to-wall map is every kid's dream. Perhaps, each of us in childhood explored the seas and lands, drawing a pencil over the pages of thick geographical atlases. Now the whole world can be embraced with one glance.

The wall of a young child's room can be decorated with a bright, stylized card (available for sale for £ 167). For an older baby, you can choose a card that matches the overall color of the room.

Teenagers who are only dreaming of how to run away from home will like this card.

You may well limit yourself to an ordinary physical card, especially if it matches the interior in color. It will also be beneficial - you will learn more about the world without leaving your home.

Place a map of your favorite city on the wall - and you will be even better orientated in it.

And don't be afraid to match the card to the furniture color. You can order a suitable option, for example, on the website

For the scientific approach to everything, we would recommend turning to more rigorous images. Less color, more detail and legend.

If you are interested in the history of a country or city, place your favorite old map on the wall.

We would advise fans of urbanism living here and now to decorate the wall with an aerial photography frame.

A map of city blocks in gray tones will perfectly fit into a loft ...

... well, an image on a black background or something monochrome will adorn the most austere interior.

The bright outlines of the continents may well become a color spot in the interior.

You can draw the map yourself: a jar of gold paint - and a new detail appears in the interior of the lover of gloss. As a role model, you can take this beautiful