Walkthrough of Max Payne. Max Payne: Walkthrough Walkthrough Max Payne 1

Part 1. Prologue.

Max rushes home. His friend Alex invites him to work, but Max has no time for it: he is in a hurry to go home to his wife and child.

He comes home and what does he see? Nobody meets him! And on the wall on the left is some kind of charcoal drawing strange symbol(click on it with “action” - get information). Max is coming further into the room, and there - complete destruction! Here, suspecting something was wrong, he takes out a pistol, his “service weapon.” He goes to the phone to contact 911, and then... well, click and watch the comic.

In the closet on the right you can get a Pump Gun (hurray! We are already well armed!). We go to another room, and then take the stairs to the second floor. Let's watch the video. After this, you can poke into the locked door from the bathroom, and then point the Pump Gun at the door to the room on the right: after the film, we immediately shoot at the freak who invaded our house, and then, after a split second, we wait for him to appear in the same place one more, and send it after the first.

We move on, collecting Berrets along the way. In front of the closed door to the bedroom, we jump forward with a combo slowdown (otherwise we risk getting shot 100%) and hit the third and last scoundrel standing straight ahead.

Max, full of tragedy, approaches his wife’s bed...

Part 1. Chapter 1.

Chapter 1: Roscoe Metro Station
After getting off the train, Max will find himself at the Roscoe metro station.
the notorious New York district of the Bronx. Exit from the station
is closed, so there is only one way - through the door with the inscription: “Only for
personnel." There Max will find the body of a guard and get
"Beretta". If you look around the room, you can easily replenish
Max's luggage with a couple of painkillers and several magazines for
"Berettas" - all this is located in cabinets. Now exit the station
is open, and a couple of belligerent men are waiting for you near it
scoundrels. When Max goes through the door "Only for
staff,” the guys will stand with their backs to you. So as not to waste
waste your health, go into slow mode and kill both.
As you head towards the stairs, be sure to pick up the clips from their weapons.
There are two more standing around the corner up the stairs. Jump around the corner
Roll and kill them both in slow motion. At the end
their friend is standing behind bars in the corridor - be sure to kill him,
otherwise you will get a treacherous shot in the back. Going down to
platform, go left and go through the door in the bars. Please pay
pay attention to the iron doors with a combination lock - this is the entrance to
station control rooms. Max won't be able to enter there until
recognizes the code.
There are two people standing on the platform. Once you've dealt with one of the
them, the second one will run to the staff room. They will be waiting for Max there
two serious-looking guys. Shoot in slow motion
gas cylinders - there will be no trace of the guys left. Having examined everything
drawers and cabinets in the room, return to the platform.
Now follow the direction of the yellow train - there will be more on the left
one door “For staff only.” When you open it, you will see
terrorist holding a subway worker at gunpoint. Shoot
immediately to the bastard's head. Now lead the metro employee to
door from the control room, he will dial the code and the door will open.
The guy will be killed, you go into the room. Behind the second doors of you
Four serious terrorists are waiting, deal with them
in slow motion.
Enter the door on the right. On the main remote control, press the yellow button,
located under line two. On the monitor on the right you will see that in
The lights on the train standing on the platform turned on. Come back
to the platform. Get on the train and turn the steering wheel. The train will go and
will break through the wall. Get out from under the rubble and aim for the gas
cylinders, so as not to waste time on individual reprisals against
each of the four terrorists waiting for you on the tracks. Having passed
further along the tunnel, turn left through the door.

Part 1. Chapter 2.


Try not to hesitate: ahead, around the corner on the left, two thugs will start moving in your direction, albeit from afar. We run forward, turn left; peeking around the corner, we assess the situation. We wait for them to get close enough and quickly use the pump gun to kill both of them.

Another one is waiting for us behind the door. This one is easier: he immediately starts somersaulting backwards and Max can hit him during this somersault. A little lower, around the corner on the left, there is another one. If you don’t put him down right away, he will start to run away, and killing him later will be much more difficult. Having finished with this difficulty, we run along the drainage ditch to the right.

There, a little further, on a hill on the right, there are three more. One of them can be taken down without delay: while they do not see Max, he has his back turned. Two remain. Pump or Eagle are the weapons of choice for this fight. In the established silence, you can arm yourself with a crowbar and destroy the wooden boxes around - suddenly you find something.

We go up to the room above - only rats. If you kill one of them, the others will arm themselves with Berrets and start shooting at you. Do you need it?

We run up the next flight of stairs. Here you need to quickly finish off two. They notice Max still on the stairs, despite the boxes, and one of them will try to hide on the stairs to the left. We extinguish them on the fly. Then you can find something in wooden boxes.

We go down, past the door hung with TNT bombs - we don’t have detonators. There are two people already waiting for us there. Then into the gap, illuminated by lanterns.

Both on! Yes, these guys broke through the wall at the Bank! And in the next room there are four of them. Fortunately, one of them is still standing with his back turned, and you can quickly take him down. So, on the left there is one with two Berrets, on the right also with a pistol and in the same place with a pump-action gun. This last one is very dangerous. Be careful not to get hit by a volley from his gun, it’s very simple: he shoots through the entrance space.

Having finished here and having reinforced ourselves, we open the door to the next room. Here the arrangement is approximately the same as before: one is at the door with his back, we quickly remove him; one on the left, one with a pump gun on the right and also shooting through the entrance, and the fourth hurries on the left to take cover behind the barrier straight ahead. Having jumped back, we hide in another room: they themselves will run towards Max, and we will need to try to shoot them quickly.

Having collected weapons and first aid kits, we go behind the counter to talk on the phone. Then we approach the computer in the center and activate it. We go through the door on the right, read the leaves on the table. Then back to the computer, and now through the door on the left behind the detonators. Once again we disturb the computer and leave this tomb of wicked souls.

Behind the room with the lanterns, before going up the stairs, gather yourself: three people are waiting for Max at the top, and one of them will try to throw a grenade. We need to quickly send them to the next world while they are crowding above. We rush forward and shoot this herd.

Then we use detonators at the door and hurry to take cover behind the boxes on the right.

Ahead of us is a conversation with Alex, and his untimely death from someone’s very familiar hand to Max.

As soon as the video ends (reload your weapon before using detonators), we turn to the right and meet three guests rushing to Max from the top of the stairs.

Having decided with them, you can take first aid kits from the kiosk.

We go upstairs, collecting weapons along the way. Around the corner to the left, a solemn meeting awaits Max: four idiots. One of them with grenades. You must either immediately nail him down, prevent him from making a throw, or hide from the explosion around the corner. You will see three directly in front of you, and the fourth is hiding in the tunnel on the left. Ammunition alone is not enough here anyway: you will have to reload. Constant movement and luck are the key to maintaining health. Then we’ll take the first aid kits from the stall and open the door with the switch, setting it to the “open” position.

We run out into the fresh air. (Before this, reload your weapon, it will come in handy on the next level).

Part 1. Chapter 3.


Max infiltrates the hotel where he believes Lupino is hiding. But he is identified by a pair of brothers. To Max’s question: “Where is Lupino?”, he was rightly told that Lupino does not go to his cheap hotel.

So, immediately start moving and shooting. Or jump to the side with a slowdown combo: killer bullets from a pump-action gun and a sawed-off shotgun are flying at Max! He is opposed by two who, although not very tough, are Bosses, who require much more hits to kill than a simple fighter.

Having finished with them, you can read the papers that are on the table. Yes, there are other thugs banging on the door, but Max has time. Then wait for visitors. As a rule, there are three of them and they appear in turns, not quite figuring out where to shoot. So you have the opportunity to finish off this gang of bodyguards without losses for Max. You can use a table turned over by one of the brothers as cover - an excellent firing point! Enemies often don't even see Max crouched there.

Then you can take a first aid kit from the safe. We go down the stairs and in the bathroom on the left we find more health restorers. In the room, in a nook, you can listen to the radio. There is nothing to do here, so we break the window glass with a sawn-off shotgun and go out onto the balcony. We move along it to the left, there is further a door, and behind it are a trio of idiots. You can stand on the balcony: they will come out to meet Max, or you can quickly jump to the door and shoot from a pump-action gun at the valve of one of the two cylinders. Then hastily retreat, and after the explosion, collect weapons and ammunition from already broken boxes.

We open the door and go down the stairs. The corridor is empty, but ahead and to the left is the door to room 301, there is a fat-bellied bandit without a weapon. We kill him, and then we take a pump-action gun from the closet, which he never managed to get to.

We move further along the corridor. Behind room 302 there is an alcove in which a bored guard is watching TV. There's not a damn thing in the room itself. We choose a weapon as if for a fight, finish the fat belly in the alcove and see that two more are rushing towards Max from the other end of the corridor. Let's finish these too. In the toilet on the right you can get a first aid kit and finish the drug addict in order to fuck Berreta.

We go through the double doors. We immediately turn left and come face to face with a crazy bandit. While he is loading the sawn-off shotgun, we kill him and turn 180°: another “friend” with Berreta is expected to appear from the door. There is nothing in the rooms themselves, so we shoot the lock on the door and go to the next room.

Behind it is another, and in it on the right is a couple of careless bandits, standing with their backs to Max. We quickly kill them (on the move!), and turn to the other end of the corridor: one fat belly each jumped out from the nearest room and from the end of the corridor. We send them to the next world.

In the room on the right you can watch TV and find out that the police are already looking for Max for the murder of Alex. And also take Berreta cartridges on the shelf and a first aid kit in the closet.

We move further along the corridor. Oops! Another drug addict, and on the shelf are Berreta cartridges (if you are too compassionate, you can spare the drug addicts, but keep in mind: as soon as the firefight starts, these creatures take out their Berretas and start firing at Max - this is the “fifth column” in Max’s rear and It’s better to eliminate them immediately).

Outside the door we immediately turn right: Max is waiting new fight. One guy is behind a pillar and three more run up from the doorway on the left. Moving in slow combo will allow you to shoot them without any problems. The door behind the column is closed for now, but we will return to it later.

And here is room 313. We run into it and immediately take a left: the counterweight is activated by a pump directed towards the door. There are cartridges here, but most importantly there are papers on the table that Max can read. There is a suitcase on the bed, and in the suitcase there is a sawn-off shotgun.

Opposite the door, which Max breaks with shots. We run into a room with an inclined beam, from there, through the broken glass, onto the cornice, and along it to the right. There is also a boarded up window, breaking which Max gets into a room with a corpse and a lot of useful things.

We return the same way to the room with a column in the center. Two people appear from behind a recently closed door. There is no need to explain what to do with them. We shoot from a sawn-off shotgun at a metal cauldron, and it falls down, breaking through the floor.

Max jumps down, and there he will have a showdown with three guys: one on the right, the second will appear straight from the opening, and the third hid behind a box on the left. Fast and accurate shooting, and the area is cleared of the bandit element. There is also a drug addict...

We go into room 216. You can read the notes on the table, and by opening the cabinet doors, go into the secret room from which the filming was carried out with a hidden camera. You can find out how this happened by clicking on the camera. There are a lot of useful things on the shelves, and another door opens into the corridor.

Having gone out into the corridor, we quickly reach the turn to the left and let ourselves be seen by the bandit wandering there (if you start shooting at him, much less killing him, the others will never leave their position, and it will be very difficult to smoke them out). Five seconds later, the whole valiant trio runs in a group towards Max and all he can do is shoot into this crowd, where every pellet finds a target.

Having figured it out, we go to the appendix from where this valiant army jumped out, and get into the elevator to go to the next level.

Part 1. Chapter 4.


The old elevator dropped Max to the bottom of Jack Lupino's hotel.

Coming out of it, we hear three people talking behind the shelves. Why go to the trouble of shooting through the racks with unlikely success? We throw a couple of Molotov Cocktails between the aisles in the shelves, and the bandits rushing towards Max burn with terrible screams. And Max goes to listen last news on TV and knock on the boxes on the shelves in order to find something valuable.

As soon as we open the next door, we shoot from a pump-action gun at the valve of the red cylinder in front, and, rushing back, we hide, and the bandits who burst into the room cheerfully fly into the air. Max calmly enters the room and sees many drawers in which useful things are probably hidden. At the same time, he clears the way to a door barricaded with boxes, through which he should proceed further.

Going out into the corridor, immediately to the left we finish off the gaping bandit. And we pick up a bat from the unfortunate corpse and read the newspaper. You can find shotgun shells in the closet.

Having climbed the steps, we hear a conversation and understand: the matter will not end peacefully. We fly into the laboratory and finish off the two scoundrels. But along the corridor to the left a third person is rushing to their aid. Can not get in time. But he makes it to his own funeral. Is not it? Here you can get hold of first aid kits.

There's nothing special behind the next door, but you can hear animated conversation behind the double doors. Max can't pass by. And so he flies into the room and puts four thugs in a row, not at all waiting for his appearance.

On the small table you can take the Bar Key, which Max has yet to go through.

So, Bar. They do interesting things here. But the situation in which Max remains after the comic is unenviable. The best way out is to jump back in the Shooting Trick, and standing at the foot of the stairs, begin to gradually shoot those who hastened to jump out of the Bar after Max. The girl, hiding behind the household appliances, sent all her bullets precisely into these pieces of iron. And it took Max many shots to send her away from the door to the next world.

Then you could follow Rico's old acquaintance into the corridor, kill him with five shots at point-blank range, and pick him up with Ingram.

We move further in the direction of the lattice cabin. There will be two there: one will appear from it on the left, the second will jump out from around the corner on the right. We kill them, take first aid kits from Berreth’s closet, and we can take headphones and chat on the phone. There is also a button in this booth that opens the doors to the street and to another level, but you still need to get to these doors. Therefore, we leave and go up the stairs.

We walk past the slot machine and the toilet, further around the corner one of the bandits plays the machine - we kill him, careless; but another one is running around the corner on the right: be prepared to meet.

We go out through the double doors and break the glass in the hood. We jump down onto the boxes.

It starts here! Two men with Ingram and Berreta are running from behind the double wooden doors, and a couple more thugs with Berreta appear from behind the opened grate. But after a little disassembly, Max can press the button in the booth and rush through the opened door.

Part 1. Chapter 5.


Max continues his search for Lupino.

We run forward, behind the car, on the left side there is a slightly open door. As we run into the room, two people on the left are talking. We send them to their forefathers.

Now you can take cartridges on the shelf, and in the second room, by breaking the glass of the display case, you can get an engram.

We head down to the basement. A very hot meeting of four people awaits us there. And one of them hurries to take a very convenient position in order to kill Max with a sawn-off shotgun. First, throw a grenade there and run away. Take the pump in your hands. As a rule, only our friend with the sawn-off shotgun on the right remains there. We fly into the room with a side shooting trick, a couple of shots, and we can collect replenishments for our arsenal.

We go behind the wooden door. There you can walk around the rooms and shoot two drug addicts. As soon as we turn the corner to the right, everything explodes behind us, and in front of us is a locked door.

We step back, shoot at the valve of one of the cylinders on the left, and immediately hide around the corner: one of the exploded cylinders will knock down the door, from behind which a guy with a pistol will appear. We kill him and move on.

In the next room you can shoot a couple more drug addicts and take first aid kits. Do not rush into a room with lattice partitions. If one of the bandits notices you, they will hide and it will be very difficult to smoke them out. Wait a little behind the door frame: one of them will head towards you. Now turn it off and wait for the second one to appear. The road has been cleared.

On the way up the stairs, someone shoots from an engram: we wait for him to appear and kill him. There's not a damn thing in the room with the boxes except Eagle cartridges. You can chat on the phone in the hallway. But behind the next door, two very seriously armed guys are waiting for us behind the columns. Don't try to run to the left: the flight of stairs above will collapse. Our direction is to the right.

Let's go to open door. We shoot the lock on the door. First, we take the weapon, first aid kit and key on the rack, and only then read the piece of paper on the counter: after this, the police will immediately appear hunting for Max.

We run out into the hall with columns and run straight to the door. Get ready: an enemy will run out from around the corner. Then, higher up, another miracle with a grenade will try to hide, then a grenade will fly at Max. In short, surprises await Max around every corner. Then the stairs on the left will explode, and Max will need to jump over the collapsed floor. Behind the doorway we run to the right: the room behind us explodes.

We open the door to the room: there are two guys right ahead. We shoot at them while moving back. Another one will appear on the left with a pump-action gun, we kill him too (for this it is better to use berrets). And there will be one more left, popping up on the right.

We collect weapons, check the lockers, and jump out the window.

Part 1. Chapter 6.


Max is standing on the balcony. We jump down through the opening in the floor and admire the drug addicts warming themselves by the barrel. They can be killed, or they can be left alive.

We run into the next building and move along the corridor: the camera will draw Max’s attention to the locked door, to which he will have to return.

We go out into the street and cross the yard towards the door ahead on the left. Behind it on the right there will be a storage room, where you can take some ammunition on the shelves. But then new troubles await Max. There are drug addicts in the corner, and bandits are moving around the bend towards the stairs. Two. Throw a grenade into the crowd of drug addicts and leave. If you quit successfully, both drug addicts and bandits will be fine. If unsuccessful, all this surviving crowd will rush to deal with Max, and then only a double engram will help him.

We begin to climb the stairs. Around every turn, an action movie awaits Max.

Before the blown up span, go into the room and use the bandit whining in front of Max.

Return downstairs to the other building to the door that Max needs to open. The boy will persuade his accomplices behind the door to open it, but (get ready for a fight) he will immediately scream who he brought. Kill him, and the other two in the room. True, one of them may have time to hide in the next room. Don’t rush straight after him: another one will tumble out from behind the door on the right as soon as Max enters the room with washing machines.

In the next room you can take a pump and first aid kits. Then take the elevator and go up. We walk along the corridor to the open door, take the engram on the table, and knock on the toilet: soon a bandit will appear from there, and he will need to be killed quickly.

We are watching TV. We take the cartridges in the locker. And we jump out the window. We turn left and go to the last window on this side. We jump onto the glass and find ourselves in a room full of pump-action pumps.

Now you can get out of it, go to the edge of the roof, and jump onto the pipes. Get to the window behind which the TV is on, and, jumping into the room, kill three bandits: two on the left, the third will run into the room through the opening in front.

In the next room, in the closet, you can take cartridges for the engram.

We jump out the window. We run through the pipes and run through the door straight ahead. Be careful, the flight of stairs ahead will explode. We run out onto the balcony and run to the right. Take a break in the corridor: ahead, two idiots will tinker with explosives and explode themselves; Don't get caught in the blast wave.

We run to the door, burst into it: the wall falls. We run forward, until there is a hole in the ceiling and a kind of overpass: bandits will begin to descend from above, and they can be shot in the back. The four little men lay down as one.

We go upstairs and go out onto the balcony. Attention! A man with a pump-action gun appears from the opposite side. After killing him, we go through the door ahead on the right. In the next room we collect ammunition, and, taking engrams in our hands, we approach the door from behind which we can hear the market, all show-off.

Get ready to shoot. Max will put a bullet in Vinny Gogniti, and he will run away and leave you alone with three thugs armed to the teeth. Get them wet!

Collect your weapons, read the paper on the table, and go to the open window. The chase for Vinnie begins. We jump out the window and run through the pipes. In the room where we already killed three, go through the open door on the right, go up the stairs, and go through the door on the right.

All that remains is to jump down after Vinnie onto the roof of the rushing metro train. It’s better to do this from the very edge of the roof and without delay - the train is short.

Part 1. Chapter 8.


First, we go into the guard's room on the left and take the pump gun from the locker. Then we run to the right to the ticket office and activate the switch there. A door will open behind Max. One guard is already approaching, the second is at the end of the room behind the barrels. We take down the first, then the second. We read the book on the table, collect ammunition.

As soon as we open the next door, we shoot at the person standing in front with his back turned, and turn to the left: there another asshole will try to throw a grenade at Max. Then we turn our gaze upward: from there another cretin shoots at Max - take him down! We are in no hurry to go out into the open space: there is another balcony above Max’s head, from which bottles of gasoline are flying. Backing away, we see the thrower and kill him.

There are four metal doors behind the stage, go through the second of them. A small empty room, but behind it...

We fly out the door in a shooting trick, facing to the right. There are two of us at the ready. Then a third one with engrams will come running from afar on the left.

We cross the stage and go to the Bar. No one on the right, three on the left. You can hide behind a column. We kill everyone, collect weapons, read the book on the table.

We open the door, and, starting to move, we kill the fool who has tumbled around the corner. We go up the stairs. A warm welcome awaits Max outside the door: one on the left, the other, opposite, on the balcony. First, without leaving the door, we sentence the one opposite, then we jump out and deal with the left one. Having crossed the metal structure to the other side, we will find many useful things.

There is no one behind the first door, but it is better to fly into the second in a shooting trick, turning to face to the right, and kill the one standing on the right first: he hits with a pump-action gun. And how it hits! You can take a first aid kit from the dashboard, and by activating the switch, you can launch decorative flashes on the stage.

There is no one behind the next door. We go up the stairs: three people are talking behind the open door. Having been illuminated by them, we hide behind the door and wait for the approach of two of them. As soon as they get into the shooting zone, we extinguish them. The third one will hide behind the table, and be careful not to expose yourself to his shotgun shot. You can get it with the Desert Eagle. But that's not all! After killing him, three more will attack from behind the racks of wine barrels, and they will also have to be smoked out. I hope everything works out for you. On the shelves around you can find ammunition, weapons and first aid kits.

Behind the barrels there is a passage to another area. As soon as Max steps into it, an eccentric will appear on the left, and then on the steps ahead. There will be two more on these steps, so I advise you to climb them with your back to the wall and face up in order to extinguish these degenerates as soon as you notice even the edge of their ear.

At the very top there is a door through which Max will go out into the snow and wind. And on the right is an opening, at the very bottom of which you need to throw a grenade: there is a bad person shooting at Max. We move along the beams to another opening, there we turn to the right and along other beams we run across to the far door.

As soon as you approach her, get ready for a fight. Having run there, with the body turned to the left, we kill the lonely boy. Then we move forward along the railing, and position ourselves so that the person climbing the stairs has his back to us, and the railing itself does not interfere with shooting from the Eagle or pump gun. And without much hassle, we put two more in a row running up the stairs.

We go downstairs and open the door. Directly ahead is a man in need of death. There's another flight of stairs down. Don't relax! Three more are rushing downstairs! Go down lower and stand so that when you rise, their back is to Max, and place them in a row.

At the very top of the staircase corridor, opposite the front door, get hold of first aid kits.

Go down to the drums. Climb the stairs to the devices and click on them: the partition on the left will begin to rise. Let's run to her. First on the left, then on the right a scumbag will appear. We kill the first, then the second.

We run to the right and go up to the levers. We raise those that are lowered. Behind the raised panels, on the opposite side there is a staircase to the top, and at the very bottom of it, an asshole with a grenade is waiting for Max. Try to kill him before he takes active action. Or throw a grenade towards the stairs: if successful, he will go to heaven, marking this with a death cry.

Now all that remains is to climb to the very top of the stairs, run along the cracked boards and approach the door.

Part 1. Chapter 9.


Here Max has only one contraction. But what! He finally reached Lupino.

From the very beginning, read books and papers on the sofa, on the table, on the music stand. Then up the stairs, open the door there and enter the place of the future battle. Collect weapons, first aid kits, get ready.

When you go out into the open, if you are facing the stage, a Molotov Cocktail Thrower will appear at the top right. After his death there will be another one. There will be no more enemies from this direction. They will fall on the left side closer to the stage and at the hatch under the box, and there will be a lot of them.

When Max kills them all, Lupino the Alligator will appear with a pack of his dogs. As soon as the video ends, jump and run somewhere to the side: bullets are flying at Max.

Try to kill Lupino himself first: after his death everything ends, and Max will meet a charming girl. Don't worry about weapons: at the next level Max won't have a damn thing and he'll have to start all over again. Think about Max's life!

Part 2. Prologue.

Max relaxed, his hormones surged, he drank some wine from the hands of an unfamiliar girl, and it didn’t even turn out to be clonidine, but something much worse!!! So I was captured not only by my nightmares...

We walk in the labyrinth, always sticking to the right wall, following all the turns until we come out into the room. There, up the stairs and through the white door, we go out to a bloody path. Let's follow it.

We pass the first opportunity to jump to the left, and at the second we jump. We run further, following all the twists and turns, until the opportunity again arises to jump onto another path. Let's jump. Let's run.

We pass the branch to the right and go straight. At the next fork we turn right. At the end of the long path we reach the entrance to the tunnel, and then we find ourselves in the children's room. There we go through the white door on the left. Another tunnel, roller, door, roller.

Part 2. Chapter 1.


They gave Max a hard time, for his utter stupidity, with a bat on the head. They beat him brutally, but he found the strength to free himself and pick up a bat.

We knock down the lock from the locker with a bat and take the first aid kits in it. We go out through the door opposite the locker: two goats are moving away from the right along the corridor. We press ourselves against the right wall and approach the corner: a guy with a berreta is approaching from the right. We hit him on the head with a bat, take away the berreta, and tick back: heaps of bandits are piling up on both the left and the right. Here you can only rely on luck: there are only five cartridges in the berret. Kill others, pick up weapons, and kill others again. I hope Max in your person is lucky and he is still breathing. We collect the weapons of the dead.

There is a room in the center with drawers in it. And in the boxes... In the left corridor there is also a door to a room with weapons. And in the right corridor behind the door there are two: right with a pump-action gun, and on the left with a berreta. Well, you can also read a newspaper on the floor there and take something from the drawers.

We get into the elevator, and remember that we will have to get out through the door on the opposite side from the entrance. There are already two people walking below: straight ahead and to the left. We extinguish them.

When Max starts running from the exit of this room to the entrance to another, a grenade will fly at him. We run back and hide behind the wall on the right. After the explosion, we try to catch a glimpse of the peasant opposite the entrance, behind the scales. He must be killed first. There are two left on the right, behind the boxes. We fly in there with a side shooting trick and extinguish the one with the sawn-off shotgun first. We collect weapons, take first aid kits.

In the next room, against the far wall on the left, there is another one. He can run out into the street, but then he will still come back and run into Max’s bullet.

That's it. We run out into the street and run along it to the entrance to the hotel, where Max and I had already fought.

Three people are waiting for Max behind the door on the right. The first one can be killed from the top of the stairs, and the rest will have to go down: they are in a hurry to take cover in another room. Use engram. Moreover, these guys have cartridges for it on the table. There you can listen to the radio and read literature.

Then to the toilet. In the last booth, finish the bandit in patriotic shorts with lightning speed, and go to the Bar. A bullfight with a lot of bulls awaits Max there again.

After the comic, begin to slowly retreat back: two bandits will run towards Max, and one of them will thus come under fire from his boss. And hit the second one with a pump gun. Now there are two people in the Bar: the Boss himself, and his six behind the counter. Well, this creature can only be reached with a grenade, after which the Boss leaves his position and runs towards Max. Shove the full charge of the double engram into him! As soon as he comes to his senses, Max will feel very bad. Therefore, we kill him. Let's kill!

Maybe we’ll still have time to collect some weapons.

Part 2. Chapter 2.


Max goes to the docks.

First of all, we go to the checkpoint and kill the guard. We activate the panel by the door and collect ammunition.

Two more guys are walking around behind the opened gate. You can be exposed to them, retreat back, and as soon as they run out into the killing field, get out.

We go up to the metal gate on the left and press the button: the gate creeps up. Behind her are two below (one hurries to take cover behind the boxes - the first bullet to him), and one runs from above. Either tick or don't let him throw the grenade.

Then you can jump onto the boxes, and from them onto the collapsed stairs. There are a lot of useful things up there.

We go through the door from the warehouse. A gunman is walking behind her in the distance. Without going outside, shoot the barrel on the other side when he gets closest to it. But when you come out into the air, keep in mind: another one with engrams will appear from the van door on the left. So you can jump there straight away in a shooting stunt.

We open another light blind. In the warehouse there is a guy upstairs with an engram. Let's take him down. We stand straight on the platform and climb to the top. At the end of the balcony we take a mountain of first aid kits and activate the switch: the crane beam will remove the boxes from the door. But two people are already running through the gate. Take them down from above (if they managed to run close to the barrels, blow them up).

We go down on the same platform and go through the door. A security guard walks behind her. It's good that they are so careless! Let's take him down.

As soon as Max starts moving towards the crane, one appears from behind it on the right (extinguish it), and then two more from the left. Here we take cover either around the corner or behind the crane.

Behind the crane, at the far end on the left, there is another tent with weapons.

We arm ourselves with the Eagle and jump into the crane cabin to press the switch: the crane boom will lift the container, and Max will be able to move on. Immediately after this we fall back and turn to the warehouse behind us: the devil is running there. We take it off and turn in the other direction: two more will appear from the opened passage.

We run for the containers. Another one will pop up on the left.

So, on the left the passage is blocked by a container, and on the right there is a giant forklift. We run to the right: the loader starts moving, and we jump into the open container on the left. We take the ammunition and wait until the loader returns with a terrible roar, smashing everything around.

At the exit, two people are waiting for us on the right. Let's swing the pendulum. We extinguish both. We collect the supplies that have fallen from them.

Around the next corner is a weirdo with a grenade.

And behind the next one, on the right, is a loader with a bandit on top. We arm ourselves with Eagle or Berreta, try to hide from his bullets behind the box, and remove him from his perch. Upon his death, the loader container rises up, and two people run towards Max from the opened passage. Let's deal with them.

As you approach the corner, another crazy person will jump out from behind it, on the left. And then there will be two more. There are two more around the next corner. So save yourself and go for it.

Max didn’t have time: the bridge was raised.

Around the next corner, on the right, we see the back of a retreating militant. You can remove it with a sniper rifle, or, taking out the berrets, we run towards him, shooting as we go. The second one will either run out to meet you or take a defensive position around the corner. In general, he must be killed.

In that nook we knock the lock off the grate and take supplies. Then we knock out a shoe from under the van behind the bars with a sawn-off shotgun: the van moves and the bridge lowers.

Let's run back. It can be different here too. Behind the walkway, from behind the containers, one will either already jump out, or will appear when Max approaches. Then another one will pop up. And around the corner there will be three more of them: one right with engrams, the second on the left with a berreta, the third on the right with a sawn-off shotgun.

We walk along the fallen bridge. As you approach the van, one will jump out of the door on the right (behind that door is the medicine cabinet). From the far door, straight ahead, another one. Having decided our affairs here, we go through this door.

Part 2. Chapter 3.


First of all, we shoot the guy in front on the boxes. Between the boxes, another one will appear below.

We go around the boxes and see ahead, in the depths, a rack with supplies. When moving towards him, one will appear behind him, and a second one with grenades will appear on top. You have to kill quickly. One by one.

Straight stairs to the top. There is one behind her, and a second one on the left. After clearing, this room is yours. Look for supplies on the shelves around.

We go up the stairs. To the left of the box is a door. One will jump out from there. Killing him on the move is not possible. We move along the flooring, we will see him: he is running towards us.

Behind the door, a platform with a shooting gunman will move toward Max: be careful not to get hit by a bullet. We stand aside until she gets closer, and then we jump forward and kill the shooter.

On the platform we select berrets, a sniper rifle, and supplies. In the distance there is a tower with a guard, we kill him.

There are switches on four sides of this platform. Let's move forward. Then we direct the platform to the left. From behind the containers, on the left, a tower with a guard will appear. We remove him before he disappears behind the containers again.

On the right hand, ahead, there is another tower. Remove the guard. To the right, far away, is another one. And this guard can be reached.

Now you can go to all these towers and collect some things from them. But keep in mind, as soon as Max is on the tower, two or three guys appear below, shooting at him. So crouch down and shoot them with a sniper rifle: extra practice won’t hurt.

We get to the door opposite the one from which Max came out. Let's go in.

First of all, we kill the guy below. Then the second one on the opposite side a little to the left. Upon his death, two more will jump out from behind the door on the left. We deal with them, take cartridges for the Eagle on the boxes.

In the far right corner of this warehouse, behind bars, is a fully armed bandit. Before going upstairs, it must be removed. It's better to jump out from behind the boxes and take it off while jumping.

We go upstairs and head to the door from which the last two jumped out. Another one will run out from there. Gasim.

In the little room, through the window, we film the sentry on the ship. We press the button at the door: the grate below opens. A boy jumps out from behind her. But there will be two of them, and they are already running to Max. You can wait for them in the room, or you can meet them outside.

Behind the opened door we collect ammunition and go out into the air.

There are two on the left.

We board the ship. We go to the opposite side, turn left. The first one runs towards us, we take him down. A second one appears from above, right there. When you turn left there will be a third one. The fourth one remains in the wheelhouse. We kill him through the glass.

In the control room we talk on the phone with Angelo Puncinelo, take first aid kits. Having prepared the grenade, open the hatch with the valve and immediately throw it down. After the explosion, taking the shotgun, we go downstairs. One will appear at the bottom of the stairs, and a second one will appear around the next turn. For some time they remain incomprehensible, so it is relatively easy to kill them.

We look down from around the corner: there are two people below with guns at the ready. We throw a grenade there.

We go down and approach the right door. Let's open it. Max meets with the ship's captain.

Right after the comic, we jump back: bullets, bullets, bullets all around. There's still a pack of mongrels there. You can run up the stairs, but only one will run out after Max. You'll have to go downstairs for the rest.

The captain hangs around the gas cylinders all the time: shoot at them, it won’t kill him, but it will make it easier for Max to kill him. Put all your double engram ammo in it.

There are cartridges behind the generator, to the right of the entrance. Then we go to the opposite end of the engine room and open the door, behind which we take a bunch of all kinds of weapons. We leave the engine room and go to the door opposite to finish the level.

Part 2. Chapter 4.


So, as soon as Max starts moving, he will be trapped: everything around him will begin to explode.

Therefore, we quickly run forward to the double door to the right of the course. We cross the next room and also run out through a similar door. Behind the door we turn sharply to the right, jump over the fallen shelves, and run out into the corridor. We turn right again, run to the end of the corridor, left, another left (just go around the partition). Into the passage, there along the corridor to the left. Then straight through the tables (or to the side of them). We run into another corridor. Up the stairs to the brown door on the left. We run into the room and run to its far right corner, there is a door.

We turn left and jump over the falling shelves. Go into the passage on the left, and again jump over the fallen shelves. Through the double door. Behind her is a fighter. You can grab him, or you can let him run away: Max will have one more enemy below him.

We take ammunition, first aid kits, and go down a little lower. There are three (two) in ambush here. We take engrams in our hands and jump out on them, pouring a flurry of fire.

We reach a hatch in the floor. Let's jump into it. Here Max is also in for a hot encounter: shoot right away, there is an enemy in front of Max, and several more are rushing to his aid. Move along the walkways over the fetid slurry. Enemies lie in wait for Max around every corner; on the bridge and in the puddle. We reach the door at the opposite end of the room, finish off the last bandits, and finish the level.

Part 2. Chapter 5.


Here Max needs to take down three “Big Brothers” and the little ones guarding them.

We go into the door on the left. We can pick up the Desert Eagle and admire the deceased.

In the room with the canisters there is a rack with ammunition. We replenish.

We go to the end of the corridor.. There is a door on the left. Behind it there are a couple of first aid kits, but they are guarded by a dude with a sawed-off shotgun. We jump into the room sideways, facing left: a shot of shot flies over Max’s head. Now we direct our feet to another branch. There a man with engrams will try to hide. If he succeeds, in the next room Max will have three enemies: one from the door directly, in the depths; and two on the left. There, from where he ran out, there was a rack with cartridges. We deal with the first one, then with the remaining two.

We go up the stairs and go through the white door: someone is running away from Max. Let's let him escape: it will be more difficult for Max further. Those behind this door hid behind an overturned table and are not going to come out. Moreover, one of them is the Boss, and it is more difficult to kill him than the others. Try to throw a few grenades there. Well, I won’t even talk about the fact that there are a lot of weapons around Max. Look at the pictures on the table.

As soon as the Boss is dealt with, several more people will come running into this room. Be ready. We run back to the room with the photos: the door opened there.

Behind this door, on the left, is a handsome guy with berrets. Pay attention to him. Another one will run away from the upstairs balcony opposite, don’t worry about him. And then carefully back away to the middle of the room: there is another one on the balcony above Max’s head. Turn it off, because it can’t reach Max: we’re in the “dead zone.”

Behind the next door, a handsome guy with a pump-action gun is waiting for Max on the left, behind a green tree. Get him down.

Next door. There are two people behind the bar. Black stands, red begins to somersault. Take down the black one first: he throws a grenade. Then pet the red one. There's a great stock of supplies behind the counter.

Next door. Pay attention to the middle of the stairs: there, from behind a vase, a goat is firing engrams. We kill him. There is also a second one: it is behind the stairs.

We go up the stairs and go right. There, behind the door, Max is waiting for the second of the Bosses, with two guards. Do not spare them engram cartridges: they themselves are armed with them, and there is a supply on the table.

We leave the room. On the opposite side, yelling “Max Payne!” the freak runs away (it is noteworthy that they all know Max by sight).

We approach this door, knock, and run away: a shot from an M79 blows it to pieces. When Max breaks through this door, another grenade will fly at him, and this (even if it hits the railing behind him) is certain death. Therefore, we do not rush there, but, moving to the railing (the field of activity is wider), we throw a grenade closer to the shooter standing opposite the door. Immediately run to the side and grab the pump: one of the three, if it is not torn apart, will run towards Max.

Then we throw another grenade into the room. It seems like the grenade launcher is screwed. Let's go to the room. There is a third one on the right, behind the partition and the bed. We select a new weapon and go through the door on the left. (Don't hold it in your hands, take something lighter).

As the door opens, slightly to the right, there is a fighter with engrams. But instead of shooting, he begins to spread his arms. And it costs him his life. Don't relax: another one will jump out from behind the door opposite. And if he doesn’t jump out, then he’ll be waiting in the room.

We take first aid kits and go to the room. Approach the woman's body on the bed. Find out information.

We open the door and shoot at the man on the other side of the balcony: he is trying to escape. By the way, this is the third Boss himself: Vince Boniano. And behind the door are two of his mongrels, to whom he did not have time to reach.

Before going through the next door, arm yourself with engrams. Max got to Punchinello himself. After a conversation with him, help called by Punchinello comes running and sends him to his forefathers. And after the video, Max will have to urgently fall back, pouring fire at point-blank range on three strong guys with Colt Commando in their hands.

After the battle, we go back to be tied up by a crowd of thugs, led by some granny.

Part 3. Prologue.

Max is drugged, and he is again in the grip of nightmares.

We run diagonally through the open door. There is only one way: you can’t go wrong. Then along the corridor. In the room, go up the stairs. In the door. Past the crib and through the door again.

And so we run to the door with a bloody stain. After the video, in the room on fire, talk on the phone. Run to the door. You will find yourself again in this room, and talk on the phone again. We run to the exit.

Then through the rooms, up the stairs, and past four candles to another bloody path.

We run straight along it. From the blámba at the end, we jump to the right onto the blámba visible below. We run until the next bump. There we jump straight and run to the blimp at the opposite end. We jump onto the path below on the right. We run along it, to the right, to the very end. We jump over to the island with the baby's cradle, and find ourselves in the room with Max's wife and Max himself.

We quickly kill the other Max: he has one pistol, and we have two. And we happily finish the level.

Part 3. Chapter 1.


“Oak, walnut or bast... Let's start all over again.”

Having vomited, we go to fight. Max's weapon is again only a berreta.

We break the glass and jump down onto the boxes. There are lasers at the exit from the room. Hiding around the corner so that Max is not damaged by the explosion, we shoot at the black plaques from which these lasers come out. We go out into the corridor and enter the room. We take a sniper rifle and some supplies. We listen to the radio.

Behind the next door we immediately shoot at the barrel at the bottom right: there is a riot policeman there: -)))). And we turn our gaze to the left: another one will appear. We put bullet after bullet into him from above.

We go down and pick up weapons. In the right container (darker) sits another fan of the masquerade. We open it and kill the enemy. We take supplies. There are also a lot of useful things in the room with glass, but don’t get carried away: as soon as you run up to the shelves, turn around and run back; an enemy agent with a pump-action gun has appeared in the room. He came running from behind the blinds on the left. But after his death, you can go collect ammunition. (There is a first aid kit in the container opposite the gate).

We open the gate and shoot at the riot police behind it. The second one will somersault towards us through the door on the right. We put that in too. We move further through this door, having previously shot the laser.

As soon as we find ourselves in the middle of the room, a grenade will fly at Max. Therefore, with all possible speed we fly behind the door from where it flew out, kill the freak who threw it, while moving away from the place where this grenade will explode.

We open another metal gate. Behind them are two at the bottom (you can hide behind the boxes behind Max), and one at the top: he will then come running down. There are first aid kits at the top, and ammunition down here and on the other side.

On the opposite side to the right is a gate, and behind it is a stench. Therefore, we go through the door on the left. As soon as you open it, shoot: there are two riot police ahead. Try to blow up the lasers, this will help send them to the next world. There is a room on the right, and there, in the closet, is a pump. We go through the light door on the left.

There are two people on the platform on the left. They run away. We hit the last one. At the same time, moving away from the barrels near the door and hiding from the second one who ran away behind the columns. Having finished with the first, we hit the second from the Eagle.

Having risen to the platform, we activate the button: the platform for the transition extends. And after Max starts moving along it, one will appear from the door behind, and the second will run from the balcony and shoot at Max. There are no problems with the first one: we shoot at the barrels (if they haven’t been blown up before). But you need to hit the second one by shooting with anticipation (I hope you understood at the beginning of the game that you always need to shoot with anticipation).

We take supplies for the Colt and go upstairs. We go to the left door. We move along the corridor. At the end, around the right turn, a mask will pop out. We kill her. When we turn, there will be another one with a grenade. And at the next turn there’s another one. These grenade launchers must be taken down immediately, without allowing them to throw grenades.

Behind the next door on the left there are two: one will run below, the second will jump onto the box. You can remove them without problems. We go through the door at the opposite end of the room.

There is a room with a window on the left side. There are two people in the room. Throw a grenade there and jump out the door. If she doesn't kill both of them, it will save Max's life. We take the Colt and go to finish off the survivors. (Or run at them straight away with a Colt).

In the room we select ammunition, listen to the walkie-talkie on the table, and go to the end of the corridor to finish the level.

Part 3. Chapter 2.


Here, Max will have two enemies at the very beginning, so it is better to finish the previous level either with the Desert Eagle or with a Colt in his hands; and with a full magazine. We immediately move to the door opposite, but do not go into it: one will jump out from behind the door on the left, and the second will shoot from behind the glass. We put the first one down and turn towards the door: the second one will run through it.

We take supplies from the rack in the corridor, there is also one in the room, and you can read papers there too.

Behind the next door on the right is one mask. We extinguish it. Then we shoot into another room: the laser beam is clearly visible. A stream of fire appears. There is a valve on the right, by turning which we will remove it. Go ahead.

As soon as they started moving across the bridge, one riot policeman will run away below, and the second will run on a course parallel to Max. We shoot at him and kill him. In the room with lasers, we press ourselves against the wall and shoot either at the lasers or at the barrel. After everything burns down, take a grenade on the left and go out through the next door. There are two people waiting for Max: upstairs and downstairs. You can try to get them with a sniper rifle.

We run further along the bridge. There you will need to open the door slightly, hit the lasers, and jump to the side. After the explosion, we pass between the fiery jets, and around the corner to the right we kill the klutz sitting in ambush. We take the engram on the boxes. We shoot at the control panel in the room to open the door to it.

We jump over the fence and enter the room. On the shelf we take ammunition, a sniper rifle, and turn the valve to stop the fiery jets that prevent us from passing further.

We just open the next door and immediately move back: now everything there will explode. Then we carefully look out and shoot the riot policeman on the far side in the window with a sniper rifle. We jump through the hole in the grate down onto the forklift box, then onto the ground. We go to the bridge to press the button.

From here you can immediately shoot at the barrels on the forklift on the other side to clear the passage to the door. When we start moving along the walkway, a goat in a mask will jump out of the container in the far left corner. We remove it and take supplies from the container. We go through the door and immediately jump back: some idiot is exploding there. But another one immediately jumps up on the right, and now he must be killed. Go ahead.

Something explodes up there and two people are running around on top. One of them, standing in front of the front door, will throw a grenade. Well, here you can hide behind a box and shoot them. At least from a sniper rifle.

We jump onto the boxes, then run to the other side to rummage through the boxes. We jump onto the blown up stairs: another face with a grenade will run out of the door. If you run along the beams to the ammo rack in the far corner, another one will appear from the door below.

Behind the door, on the left behind bars, there are two. You can jump over to the boxes opposite, and then, jumping out from behind them, fill them with fire. There is a first aid kit in a wooden box near the grate. The room is also full of ammunition. There we activate the switch to open the grate to the elevator somewhere very far away and the grate nearby. We immediately turn around and kill the one who comes running.

We're going to jail. Then out the door. Below are two guys who need to be killed quickly.

At the top there is a rack with ammunition. Let's go down. We collect ammunition and activate the switch on the control unit: the truck crane will ram the gate.

We stand behind the slabs, use bullets to knock out the passage at the point of impact, and when armed guys run in there, we launch a couple of M79 grenades into the opening. Let's move on calmly.

Behind the next door, immediately to the left, there is one in ambush behind the boxes. You need to kill him, but you also need to blow up the lasers in order to profit from all sorts of useful things that he has laid out around him. There is a first aid kit in the drawer.

We continue moving. Max and I went to the blast furnace. Before jumping into the trolley, we blow up the nearest lasers. When the furnace door covers the flame, we jump into the trolley and squat there. We activate the lever and start moving. As he progresses, we blow up the lasers in front so that they don’t blow up Max. When we almost reach the gate, it will open, and we will need to kill two, and then immediately jump out of the trolley to the right, since they will shoot from the left, and another trolley with a log will hit from there.

In the metal container at the top you can take ammo for the berrete.

We open the gate where the enemy trolley came from and kill two guys: one below, the second above. There you can replenish ammunition, and, by activating the lever, turn off the flame in the room where Max rode the trolley. Returning here, Max will find a sniper and supplies for it. Then we go through the door, in the room where the trolleys collided.

There's a guy waiting for Max on the left.

Then another one will pop up. We detonate lasers from afar and go through the door, behind which two people are waiting for Max: one is at the top left, the second will run out onto the destroyed bridge in the middle. While he is running, we take out the one at the top, and then send the second one after him.

On the right is a small cornice. We jump onto the box, then onto the ledge, and run across to the other side. We select the weapon of the dead man. We open the gate, because of which a bad person begins to throw grenades at Max. We kill him, simultaneously running away from his “lemons”.

So we got to the elevator. We call him: the alarm is raised. And some time later, an elevator arrives with two thugs inside. Therefore, as soon as the doors begin to diverge, fill its insides with fire from an engram or Colt.

We get into the elevator and go to the next level.

Part 3. Chapter 3.


Here two very respectable guys killed a security guard, and then decided to take care of Max.

We immediately run back behind the boxes: they don’t see Max anymore. And then, running between the boxes, we put bullets from a Colt, Eagle or Engram through the doors into them.

We open the doors. We jump to the killed guard. We watch comics. Then we go to the door through which these two cool guys never left. We open it and immediately run forward: three riot policemen will try to hide there. Along the way, you can shoot at the cylinders above. Let's remove this trio. There are no enemies expected in the near future.

From the place where we met the riot police, we go straight, then left. We see the body of a laboratory assistant in a white coat, because of which the door cannot close. From here we head right, then through the door on the left, where it says “Laboratory”. Then straight ahead. We approach three computers.

From the one on the left we can learn that we cannot cope on our own, and from the one on the right we can get a PIN Code.

Now let's go back. Open the next door and go left, to where it says “TEST SUBJECT CELLS”. We use the received code at the computer and get into the elevator. Having arrived, we open the door to the room with cameras. And somewhere in the middle we find a cell with a scientist, whom we free. We run after him to the elevator. Let's go. Then there will be another door through which you go out before the scientist, and run forward: there two freaks will try to kill him. Therefore, Max must take them down earlier, otherwise he will not get out of here.

We run with the scientist to the computers where we received the code. He works on the computer, and we go into the decontamination booth. Then we exit through another door. On the left, behind the glass, two riot police kill the scientist, but Max and I run to the door on the right. We go around the jets of flame to the left, and get into the elevator, which says “Laboratory 2”. We don't go out. This room is full of lasers. We shoot them from the elevator until the room is cleared. We run to the computer on the right to get the information that interests Max.

We are moving into the right turn. We get into the elevator, which takes us to the place where riot police killed the scientist. We open the door. Let's go in.

Now everything needs to be done clearly and quickly. On the left is a large glass with a window sill. Let's jump on it. We shoot through the glass at the laser bulb (you can wait until the glass bursts). After the explosion, the door will open. We run to the green panel to open the door. Behind it we immediately turn right, and there we get into the elevator. Let's go. In the elevator we stand near the door, but not on the grate in the center (it will fall through). All. Max escaped from the exploding laboratory.

Part 3. Chapter 4.


Max finds Alex's killer, corrupt police officer V.V. And now he will chase him through the entire level to give him what he deserves.

As soon as the video ends, gather yourselves: two people are running towards Max straight ahead. You can hide around the corner of the garage ahead on the right, and then, when one of the attackers is near the barrels, blow them up. Then finish off the second one.

Two more are running ahead on the right. Let's figure it out. Where they ran out from is the entrance to the parking lot where Max will have to fight. Without looking there, we can jump onto the barrels to the right of the entrance, from them to the air conditioner, and from it to the roof of the garage. There is a light panel immediately to the right that you can shoot at or hit with a bat, it will fall. And having jumped down, we will find a sniper and cartridges for it, and we can listen to the radio.

We get out and start going down. There, a guy with a berreta will jump out immediately to the right, and then another one with an engram. If you go down to them, two more people will fire at Max from behind the bars on the right. Therefore, we do not fuss and do not go out into new open spaces without prior preparation. These two are behind bars, it’s best to calm them down with a couple of grenades or an M79, if you don’t mind. We collect cartridges on the boxes.

As soon as Max enters the bars, a van appears on the right, from which fire is fired at him (we take cover behind one of the columns). And two people appear on the sides of this van: on the left and on the right. The one on the right will hide behind the car. When the van leaves, we will need to get these two. That's it, there will be no more opponents on this site. We can go to the corner opposite the gate to a metal container, and, jumping into it, take cartridges for the Colt Commando.

Note: entrances and exits to the tiers are built according to the letter P principle.

We go to the other end of this letter, to where the van went. One of the bandits was hiding around the corner on the left ahead, and another one on the right (in these places and on the lower tiers of the parking lot, one or two will always jump out on the right when Max approaches). We move, hide, take cover, figure it out (I can’t give recipes for killing every militant :-)))).

Then another one will come running from below, and another will sit down below. And there will be fire coming from the van. Don't lean out: the van will collide with someone else's car, and the one below will die. The van drives away, and we take the cartridges on the left and go downstairs.

There are two behind the gate. Moreover, the one on the right throws a grenade at Max. We try not to get caught in the explosion. They can be removed from a sniper rifle (we take it in our hands, set the sight as it zooms in, and begin to move quickly in open space, trying to catch the enemy in the crosshairs).

Having finished with them, we approach the gate: a car will explode on the right, and another hunter for Max’s head will come running. The van Max is chasing drives away. We go straight (we go around P around the perimeter). Around the second turn to the right, a dude in black is waiting for Max. We put him to bed. Ahead we see a van with ammunition in it.

We are approaching the passage to the next descent. Two people run out to the right, and another one will appear at the bottom of the slope. We remove this obstacle and go down.

Oops! The gate is closed, and the goat crouches behind it. We run along the gate, shooting at him, and then at the castle. We open the right door and go in.

We run along the corridor created by fences. On the right, a Mercedes passes by with our sworn enemy, and then a van from which Max is sprayed with fire. On the left, near the one we killed earlier, you can take cartridges for Ingram and Eagle, or return for them later. Because around the corner to the right, a very serious man is waiting for Max. But we’re not in a hurry to jump out at him: when Max lights up in that area, in addition to the first one around the corner, two more will run out from behind the van, and two more will be added from around the far corner. Ingrams will be very useful.

As Max approaches the next corner, four more will come running, but the first will be the grenade thrower. There are four first aid kits in the left nook. We are restoring our seriously damaged health. So we passed the third level of the parking lot. There are two more to go. We move towards the passage to the second.

Opposite the jeep, around the corner on the right, an asshole is in ambush (another one may come running to his aid from around the downhill turn). Where this asshole was sitting, in the elevator there is an ammunition warehouse, and with M79!!! We take it and listen to the radio.

No, we haven't killed everyone yet! There, around the corner, when turning downhill, they are waiting for us. Plus another nasty face below. We kill, we go down.

There a van explodes and overturns, taking two of our potential opponents with it to the next world. We go to the second level of the parking lot. “It just started here, you can’t describe it in words,” as Volodya Vysotsky sang. Two shooters on the right, one behind the car, the second near the elevator shaft, and one appeared near the exploded jeep. In a word, Max falls under crossfire. There is nowhere to hide: everything is under fire. All that remains is to run and shoot.

When we go to the right, take the cartridges on the hood of the car, two people will attack Max behind the gate to the descent to the next level, and at this time another one will materialize behind him, so it is better to continue moving along the perimeter. Behind the exploded jeep, you can take ammunition from the van nearby (we jump onto its hood, then onto its roof). Then the one that could be in Max’s rear will be immediately further around the corner.

God bless! There's no one around the corner here. We calmly go down the slope. Two people are already waiting outside the gate. We destroy brutally.

There is a third one behind the column on the right. We approach the metal containers immediately outside the gate. The Mercedes explodes, our counterpart runs into the corner opposite the entrance gate (he will be armed with a Jackhammer), and Max finds himself face to face with his two associates, and to begin with, a grenade flies at him.

We kill these two. We go to the blown up cars. Behind the barrier in the room on the right you can take ammunition. Now we are looking for our friend.

As you approach the green van, behind the exploded cars, three people armed with strikers and engrams will jump out from behind it. And when Max reaches the final line, our last asshole Boss will blow up the car and run away. We run through his soul with engrams in our hands (the main thing is not to give him the opportunity to shoot at Max). Let's not go where he ran (this slippery creature will go where Max won't go). We stand behind the overturned car and wait for him from the side of the green van: he ran to Max’s rear. This nit can start throwing grenades, so we shoot at him before he sends Max himself to the next world. Even one double engram charge may not be enough for this carrion, and he will immediately start shooting and throwing grenades while Max is reloading the weapon. So don't get hit by a bullet or explosion.

After we kill him, we go to collect all the ammunition possible on this site, and first aid kits in the nook. Only after this do we approach the telephones near the elevator shaft in order to finish the level after chatting.

Part 3. Chapter 5.


Max visiting Alfred Wooden. He tells him a lot of interesting things, probably using him for his own purposes. But then very bad guys appear, and Max jumps out the window, but he will return...

We run diagonally to the opposite end of the yard. We jump into the open hatch of the basement. We walk along the corridor. From around the corner we shoot at the laser plaque. We stand, wait for the show mask to appear, and beat it in the air. We move further along the corridor.

When turning right a second time, two people will be waiting for Max at the top of the stairs behind a shelving unit. We shoot at them. We take supplies for the Colt on the shelf and go up the stairs. We go through the brown door.

We immediately turn right. We see a laser. There's a mask up there. Let's take it off. We reach the end of the corridor and go through the door on the right with a green light on the panel. Here we can find out something, but do not forget that at any moment the second door will open, and two special forces will be behind it (have you forgotten about the ammunition around?).

We kill these two guys and go along the corridor to the right. In the middle fork there will be a door with a green light on the left. But don’t relax: a riot policeman will start firing at us from the end of the corridor, all attention to him. Only then through the door.

Shoot immediately: opposite her is a Molotov Cocktail Thrower. When moving up the stairs to the left, the elevator doors will open. There will be a riot policeman there. And another goat when climbing the stairs. Gasim.

We begin to climb the stairs: when we exit to the next floor, there is a riot policeman. Opposite the elevator doors will open, and there will be a first aid kit in it. We run away from her: now a grenade will fall there, and then a riot policeman will jump out. We kill him, take the first aid kit. We continue climbing the stairs. As soon as you step on it, a grenade flies from above. We run back around the corner to the left, and after the explosion immediately back: a riot policeman comes down, but we kill him, relaxed.

Now we calmly go upstairs and go through the door on the left with the green panel. We immediately turn left. We jump over the laser, sticking to the left wall of the narrow corridor: the partition ahead will fall, and the mask will start firing right in front of us (and Max is not there!). We kill him from the side. At the next turn to the right, another riot policeman will run out. He is the last one in this room. We listen to the radio.

We immediately turn right: one mask will pop up on the left in front, and a second one at the end of the corridor on the right. We reach the end of the corridor and go through the door on the left. There are three rooms here without any carnage.

In the first one, on the nearest table we take the video cassette. In the second, we read the papers on the table and watch TV. In the third (if you want), we shoot the picture behind the table on the left, and press the button that appears there: a sofa has risen on the right, and under it there is a secret passage into a room with all sorts of sadomasochistic devices.

From the third room we go through the door with a burning green panel. Immediately opposite her, on the other side of the balcony, there are two riot police: one in front, the second on the floor below. After shooting, we go through the door opposite. We start going down the stairs: a riot policeman will appear around the corner. We go down below: opposite the stairs a door will open, behind which there are a couple more devils. Then you can go through this door and pick up a Colt at the farthest end of the corridor. Let's go back. Next to it is another door with a green panel, and on the left there is a descent down.

Behind this door there is one riot policeman directly, the second below, under the balcony (you don’t have to go here). The one on the contrary is easy to remove. And we throw a grenade at the bottom one. We go down the stairs. Two more doors. Behind the right is the one we killed from above (if we entered a similar door at the top). And on the left there is a descent down and two riot police around the corner. And then a gray door with a guy in civilian clothes. We kill him, shoot the laser (the blob between the wall and the boxes), and move on.

There are several more stripes of lasers ahead, and at the end there is a gray door to the next level.

Part 3. Chapter 6.


As soon as the game has loaded, we move to the right: there is one person in the corridor. Let's beat him. We turn to the left, shoot at the laser plaques: the cabinets fall, and we shoot at the two muzzle gates that appeared from the right corridor.

Then we read the papers on the table. Before you start climbing the fallen cabinets, you can walk along the right corridor and shoot two people on the balcony above. Or fire at them while jumping on cabinets. In general, we jump over the fallen cabinets to the upper balcony. Another riot policeman will jump out of the door.

As we go from the balcony into the passage to the stairs, there will be a guy with a grenade standing at the top left, you need to get ahead of his throw with a fatal shot. We go up the stairs and go through the door with the green panel.

We enter the library: three people in masks are descending on ropes from above, another one is already below. You can try to shoot these guys while still in the air (I’ve never succeeded in more than two), then we finish off the rest. Sometimes, in the event of a laser explosion, the stairs to the top may collapse, then we climb up the column.

At the top we go through the door with the green panel. In the next corridor, when Max begins to move towards the door at the opposite end, the door next to it will open, and two people in cloaks will appear from there. Nasty faces. We break them with shots. Go ahead.

We run into the assembly hall, where there is nothing to take except the sniper rifle, which lies on the table diagonally from the front door, and immediately turn right into the passage nearby. We take a position opposite the double doors: now two will run from here to Max, then a third will come running. At the entrance you will meet them, warm.

We prepare a sniper rifle and carefully go out onto the circular balcony. We look out from behind the stone wall on the left. On our tier there is one man to the left of Max. You can shoot him with a sniper rifle, or he will come running himself when he realizes that he cannot hit Max: he sees, but the bullets do not hit the target. He’ll probably run to beat us, but he’ll run into a bullet himself.

Another tier below. We will see it when we run a quarter radius forward from the front door. We're filming. We run around the balcony in a circle, take the ammunition on the bench, and go through the door with the green panel.

On the right there is a descent down. We prepare a rapid-fire weapon: Max begins the descent, and two masked men descend from above on the ropes. We hit them in the air like game. Let's go down. There's a door there.

On the left is the railing. Behind them is a guy with a grenade. We move out sideways and don’t let him make a throw. We reach the end of the corridor. The panel in front of Max lights up green. We don’t go there (ambush), but turn left and move there with our backs, facing the door we didn’t go through: now he’ll come out of here like a fool in a mask. Let's beat him.

Now to the next door. We don’t go straight there, everything is very far away, and Max will be under crossfire: the first is in front, the second is on the balcony above in front on the left, the third is on our balcony on the left. From the room we hit the one opposite, the rest - through sniper scope(they themselves fall into the columns).

Again we run in a circle, collecting ammunition from benches and corpses, and then go through the door with the green panel. There, down the stairs, to a door with an open door. Behind her, two people, with their backs to Max, are having a conversation. We bring them down. Let's get acquainted with the contents of the laptop.

Do you understand who Max’s main enemy is? This is the grandmother. Now we need to get to her and gnaw her throat out.

Let's go through the next door. There are enemies everywhere, this is the final fight of this level, so have your M79 ready before you go through that door. Enemies are running towards Max from afar, so we shoot and move. 4-5 shots is usually enough. Everyone is dead except Max. We collect ammunition around and go to the exit, behind the head of the old vixen.

Part 3. Chapter 7.


We go to the headquarters of AESIR CORPORATION. We pass through the frames of metal detectors, and the alarm raised drives three guards towards us (they will appear in front on the left).

Behind the wall is the next corridor (from where the guards came running), but it’s better not to foolishly meddle into it: three more tramps will begin to shower Max with grenades from the M79, and there is nowhere to hide from them in this corridor; they cover the entire space. Therefore, before we are noticed, we quickly run forward, trying to get into the “dead zone”. At the end, two people in civilian clothes will run out towards us. We kill them. Phew! We broke through!

We begin to climb the stairs “a la escalator”. You can detonate the first laser from afar or jump over it while walking along the curb. Before us is a double laser. We jump onto the curb, and from it onto the second staircase, we explode the laser ahead. When we rise, there will be a dude in front of us, a dude will come running from behind, from the corridor to the right... In total, there will be five of them. All of the engram's ammunition will be consumed by the infections.

We go to the stairs leading up. Next to it is a door, and behind it are those guys with grenade launchers who couldn’t blow us up below. When they start shooting at Max, they will blow themselves up: dangerous weapon these M79. We collect it and go higher, having previously detonated the lasers. We rise, turn around, and walk along the corridor. A civilian will jump out to the right (that's where we need to go), but first go left, pick up another M79.

We are standing in front of moving lasers. We begin to jump over them, it is better to do this when they go down. We don't get carried away with watching them. After the second or third, a brother will jump out in front, you will have to kill him. We reach the end, two more will jump out on the right. We destroy. We approach the elevator with a green call button, check our weapons for automaticity and that the magazine is full. We press the button.

Bah! What a meeting! Mona Punchinello herself! But she won't live long.

We turn around sharply and meet a couple of unexpected guests. We kill them and call the elevator again. There is no corpse. We get into the elevator and go upstairs. The mine is full of lasers. Either crouch (you'll survive if you're lucky) or shoot the incoming lasers.

We reach the top. Let's go out. There are two on the bottom left. There are two more on the left on the balcony. We first remove those below, then hide behind the column and reload the weapon. The top ones ran in different directions. We do one thing first, then another.

Having collected the weapons, we go into one of the doors to the right of the elevator: there is another little man in the middle of the room. Desert Eagle is enough here. We take a couple of first aid kits and “use” them twice at the button. First we open the glass, then press the button. One of the elevators opposite was activated.

Now we are preparing for the fight. As soon as we start moving back to the doors, the blinds will open, and this entire room will be shot through. Max will be confronted by three people. We fight and win. (You can sit at the controls opposite the window: they will still burst into the room. Or you can run out to meet them).

We go to the open elevator door. Let's go down. We stand as we stood. A helicopter begins firing at Max. Glass breaks in front of him. Immediately (!) we jump forward onto another elevator. We break the glass under our feet. Let's get inside. Let's go on it. We arrived and stopped. We leave right away (if you hesitate, the three of them will run to Max). On the left along the corridor there are two people with their backs turned. We destroy it, and sharply turn 180°: another one has appeared there. We go into a large room. One at the bottom, the other at the top. We're ruining it.

No one. We smash the blue panels. Several more warriors will arrive. We break everything: an elevator will appear, and there will be a guard in it. We kill the guard, and we ourselves get into the elevator and go up.

We exit the elevator and go straight. To the right is the staircase. One will begin to descend along it, then the second. But there is also a third one. We begin to rise. Behind Max is a room upstairs. There are three people in this room: they are shooting through the blinds. When Max gets to the top, they will run towards him along the right and left sides, covering him from both sides. We are fighting. So what to do?!

In addition to the room from which these three jumped out, opposite it there is a door to another room. But there is nothing in it except a man who needs to be killed. We go to the room with the computer. We read the information.

We go right to the elevator to proceed to the last level.

Part 3. Chapter 8. Finale.


A very hot meeting was prepared for Max. There is nothing to advise here, we must fight.

I hope you and Max are alive. But they sent a helicopter on us. To some extent, we can hide from his machine-gun fire behind an abstract sculpture, where we crouch.

When the helicopter flies away, two more will appear from the doors, so don’t fuss, but stand behind the sculpture facing the direction from where your first opponents jumped out. So that you can see the double sliding door. Kill the new arrivals!

Now we go to the door from where they came out. There is a small door on the right, and a closed elevator on the left. We walk through the door with our backs: an unfortunate man appears from the elevator, whom Max is in a hurry to kill. Through the glass door we go out onto a small balcony, and without hesitation we jump onto the narrow ledge along the wall, which starts on the left (if you hesitate, you are more likely to come under helicopter fire when you run along the ledge). We run along the ledge. A helicopter appears. You can sit down: it helped me once: the bullets passed over my head. We reach the end of the cornice and jump onto another balcony. We go through the glass door.

Then into a retractable metal one. To the right is the staircase. We are standing at the foot: a guy appears from above, around the corner, and goes to heaven.

We carefully begin our ascent. The top of the stairs is well shot by two types. Just as we finished with them, two people jumped out of the elevator on the far side. Max managed to jump around the corner, but they were not fools either: they disappeared behind the elevator. I had to go to them and kill them point blank. As soon as we dealt with these, the door behind us opened and another one jumped out.

We go to the room where he came from. On the contrary, there are two behind the barricade. We pour fire, we finish. As soon as we figured it out, the door opens and another one jumps out. We extinguish this fire too.

We go through the door on the left. It’s better not to go there just like that: there are two on the left hand behind the barricade; It's better to throw a grenade there. Or a couple.

From this room we go through the small door with a green light. No one seems to be there. The room is empty. We head to the stairs ahead. But a man tumbles out from behind the elevator shaft. We kill and turn around: another creature appears from the door on the side. God's.

Having collected weapons, confessed, written a will and solved all the minor everyday problems on this sinful earth, we go up the stairs.

As you approach the gray room ahead, wait for a dangerous type of panel to appear on the right. Let's take him down. There are three more on the left. We somersault, we shoot, we kill. I can’t even believe that you can come out of this massacre without losses! But they came out alive. And grandma ran away.

We take the sniper rifle in our hands and press the red button on the end of the tabletop.

A door opens on the left, and Max and I run up the long stairs very, very quickly. Because the grandmother from above shoots from the engram and throws a grenade, but you need to run away from the explosion.

Grandma still made it to the helicopter. And Max turns left and shoots with a sniper rifle at the cable bracket holding the metal spire.

He immediately takes out an M79 (or other automatic weapon) and hastily (since the countdown has begun) shoots the bandits running towards him. After running a little to where they came from, Max sees another cable. He jumps onto the roof ledge and kills him with another well-aimed shot. He immediately grabs the M79, and, turning to the left, shoots upward into the now unheld spire, which falls onto the helicopter. The evil grandmother will never dream of anything again.

And Max, peaceful, calmly looks at the fruits of his work.

And his revenge.

Finita la comedy...

If you are having problems with passing Games Max Payne, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Max Payne. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Max Payne read on our website.

Part I. Castle in the Air.

Chapter 1. Roscoe Street Station.

Max arrives at Rocko Street Station to meet with his informant Alex. However, the platform is too deserted. Our fears are confirmed when we find a couple of corpses in the “Staff Only” room. The station was captured by bandits. And they don’t need extra witnesses. We need to turn on the electricity supply, which can only be done from the control room. It's not that hard to find, just look for the massive door that requires a passcode. We, of course, don’t know him, but a transit service employee taken hostage will help us in this matter. Turn left from the control room, go down the stairs, and the comrade we need will be in the room to our left. Now we return to the door with a combination lock and find ourselves in the control room, where a serious group of opponents will be waiting for us. We kill them and press the "Maintenance Work" button on the terminal. On the side of it you can take 4 painkillers, which will greatly help in the future. Now we go back and get on the train. At the end we will be met by another impressive group of opponents, and this is where Chapter 1 ends.

Chapter 2. From the crime scene.

After the sewer passages, we find ourselves in more or less clean corridors. Almost immediately we will come across a tightly welded door, already mined, all that is missing is a detonator. We will find it on the lower premises, which are the bank's vault. So that's why there are so many bandits here. We kill all the bandits and look for the terminal, with which we open first door C, and then A. Now you can calmly take the detonator and blow up the previously seen door. That's all, watch the scene of the meeting between Max and Alex, kill a couple more enemies and go outside.

Chapter 3. Adventurer.

Max gets on the trail of Lupino, and his search leads him to a hotel, or rather a brothel and a den of drug addicts. Lupine himself is not here, but instead we are met by the Finito brothers. This is true, small gangsters, and they are clearly aware of the latest events, and these guys are extremely unfriendly. We'll have to remove two scumbags. You can slow down time and jump from side to side, or you can hide around the corner and eliminate one target at a time. Then search the room, and in particular, look in the safe. Now you can turn your attention to the table with papers. There, Max will find a letter indicating a new target - Rico Muerte, number 313. Don't be in too much of a hurry to leave the room, as voices are already coming from behind the door, and if you open it first, you will get a fair amount of shot between the eyes. We go down the stairs and break the window onto the balcony. Next there will be a room with a glass window through which you can see four bandits. The best scenario is to scare them (for example, shoot at the door) and throw a grenade at them. Our unexpected gift and a large number of gas cylinders will do the dirty work. Now we find ourselves in a corridor with a bunch of rooms, we need to find a passage in one of the rooms leading to another corridor of the hotel. When you come across a door with a lock, just shoot at it. You can go to room 313. Again, do not rush into it - there is a trap there. You need to quickly open the door and also quickly jump to the side. We read Muerte’s letter and go to the next room with a large pit. We shoot him until he collapses. Thanks to this you can go down to the lower floors. We are looking for room 216, there is a closet there, and in the closet there is a secret door. That's all, you can move to the elevator, which is guarded by three very stuffy bandits. We call the elevator.

Chapter 4. The hot spots of New York.

Taking the elevator down, we find ourselves in the laundry room. Local bandits do not yet know about our presence, therefore, after listening to their conversation, you can suddenly jump out from around the corner and kill the reptiles with a burst or, say, throw a Molotov cocktail at them, which will also be very effective. We take the pills and cartridges and move on. Don’t forget to break the boxes, which not only contain various little things, but also block some doors. In the boiler room, you need to pick up a baseball bat next to a dead guy tied to a chair. Now we climb up the metal stairs and go through the door. After killing a bunch more enemies and going through a couple of corridors, we have to disrupt a major drug deal. 4 bandits, a case with money, a case with a Valkyrin, everything is clear and so. It is best to rush into the room, immediately slowing down time in order to pump your opponents full of lead before they begin to respond with their own fire. Here we take the key from coffee table. This is the key to the bar, and our path lies there. Who do we meet there! Rico Muerte himself with his girlfriend Candy Dawn himself. As soon as he sees us, Rico runs into the back room, leaving us with his lady and four guards. The thugs can be lured out one at a time, but dealing with Candy one-on-one is not so difficult. In the lobby at the reception, fenced off with bars, you need to press a button. In fact, this will not give us anything, but we need to do it. We go up the stairs to the club, then to the roof, and, having broken the glass, we fall down, where a very hot showdown awaits us. All that remains is to press the button again and you can leave this place.

Chapter 5. Let the trunks speak.

Before starting the main task, stop by the second-hand store "Pawn Shop", and, having calmed all the thieves, confiscate the cartridges and painkillers. Our main goal is the Lupino Hotel, which can be accessed through the basement. You will find it on the right around the bend as you exit the Pawn Shop. You can lure out the local guards by shooting at a parked pickup truck near the entrance. At long distances these guys are less dangerous than in narrow corridors. Once inside, you will find a small corridor in which there are gas cylinders on one side and a locked door on the other. Logically we combine the first with the second, shooting at the cylinders from a safe distance. We go up the stairs and answer the phone call. Now you need to look into the room next to it, where the key to the stairs lies. The path to the top is open, but I strongly recommend saving first, so that a grenade flying around the corner or the floor collapsing under your feet does not become a very unpleasant surprise. On the third floor, it will become clear that you can’t go up any further, and you need to walk along the remains of the room along its perimeter, jumping over a giant hole. Finally, we will be met by three or four thugs with gunshots, and after them we go into the kitchen and jump out the window.

Chapter 6. On the wings of fear.

We need to get to the roof of the Lupino Hotel using the elevator, which is located right behind the laundry room. Everything would be simple if not for the harsh New York gangsters. These guys don't want to let anyone into the laundry room, and the massive iron door helps them a lot with this. We'll have to look for someone who can help us cross this cordon. We move to the building opposite the hotel. This is a den full of drug addicts and murderers, another breeding ground for the Valkyrin. We go up to the third floor, and in one of the rooms we find a drug addict who is ready to help us “get a visa” to the laundry. As soon as he fulfills his main purpose, you can finish him off right away. The phrase "Ambush! It's Payne!" - the last thing he is destined to say. Now you can move to the elevator, clearing the space from enemies, of course. Going up to the top floor, we need a room with an open window. It is easy to find by the whistle, which belongs to the bandit holed up in the toilet. We jump out the window, and after running through the pipes, we jump into the neighboring building. Here we will be “very warmly” greeted by a company of thugs who set up something like an ambush. From this room we again jump out of another window, and again through the pipes we move to another building. After a rather funny scene involving two idiots deciding which wire to cut in order to defuse a bomb, we climb up the collapsed part of the floor to the second floor and find ourselves in Vinny Gognit's office. Vinnie himself complains about life in the next room and does not yet suspect anything. Time to pay this guy a visit. As expected, Gogniti was not very happy about our arrival, for which he took a bullet in the belly, but managed to escape, throwing his guards at us. Dealing with these guys is not so easy, but it is quite possible; it is important to kill several enemies at once during the first time slowdown. We read the letter on the table and go in pursuit of Vinny. The bastard will still have time to escape by jumping on a passing train. We will also have to repeat this trick, and I advise you to save before doing this, since you can allow an imprudent failure.

Chapter 7. Police brutality.

We continue to pursue Vinny. First we have to jump on the rooftops. Do this from special openings rather than from curbs, as this is much more convenient and safer. Then, when the helicopter arrives, Max runs after Vinny into the building. And here we are faced with a rather difficult shootout with three bandits. The most dangerous of them is the one running in front, the less important target is on the left, and the right enemy can be left for dessert. Then we continue the pursuit of Gognit, but you should not encounter anything more difficult than crowds of enemies. Don't forget to break the boxes, as there may be problems with ammo. At the end we will have a battle with Vinny himself. First, demolish all the usual thugs, and then take on the main target. Vinnie himself does not do much damage, but has quite a lot of health.

Chapter 8. Ragna Rock.

To get into the secret rooms of the Ragna Rock brothel, you need to pull the switch in the ticket booth, opposite which the security post is located. After a couple of bars and dance floors, you should come across a staircase that will lead you to the second floor. Now look for a room with a giant control panel for all the pyrotechnics on stage. After successfully completing the search, turn in the opposite direction from the remote control, and there will be the door we need. We rise even higher and hear the bandits talking about Lupino. It’s better to throw a grenade at this company right away, and then deal with the rest. Then we overcome another flight of stairs, which is guarded by four enemies. The easiest way is to deal with them one by one. Well, we find ourselves on the roofs, where Max, showing miracles of acrobatics, must jump along the beams in the hope of finding an open door to another part of the building. If you followed the right path, then you will have to get behind the stage, into a room with a drum kit and a guitar. At one end there are two terminals. One of them lifts the wall behind the reels, revealing a secret passage further ahead. There the last puzzle, more of a logical type, awaits us. You need a terminal with four levers. We pull the first, second and fourth, if you look from left to right. We go further and go up the stairs.

Chapter 9. Evil Empire.

Finally we meet Lupino himself! Although this old dog has completely lost his mind, he is still the same enemy. He will make you die over and over again. First, Jack will send more than a dozen of his minions at us, and then he will appear himself, healthy as a boar. Here are my tips for fighting him:

  • Don't feel sorry for the paarons and first aid kits. After this chapter everything will reset to zero.
  • Do not stand in plain sight in the center of the hall with the bowl. Try to roll between the columns, going to the center only for ammo if there is a shortage of it.
  • Do not use time dilation on ordinary enemies, wait for Lupino to arrive.
  • Try to neutralize the enemies on the upper floors as quickly as possible, otherwise they will simply throw Molotov cocktails at you.
  • Lupino can take a lot of bullets, so try to shoot him in the head.

Part II. Cold day.

To be continued...

Part I: The American Dream

Chapter I: #Roscoe Metro Station#

After getting off the train, Max will find himself at the #Roscoe # subway station in the notorious Bronx district of New York. The exit from the station is closed, so the only way is through the door with the sign: #For staff only#. There Max will find the body of a guard and take out his #beretta#. If you look around the room, you can easily replenish Max's luggage with a couple of painkillers and several Beretta clips, all of which are located in the cabinets.

Now the exit from the station is open, and a couple of belligerent scoundrels are waiting for you near it. When Max leaves through the #Staff Only# door, the guys will have their backs to you. To avoid wasting your health, enter slow mode and take out both of them. As you head towards the stairs, be sure to pick up the clips from their weapons. There are two more standing around the corner up the stairs. Jump around the corner with a somersault and kill them both in slow motion. At the end of the corridor, their friend is standing behind bars. Be sure to kill him, otherwise you will receive a treacherous shot in the back. After going down to the platform, go left and go through the door in the bars. Pay attention to the iron doors with a combination lock - this is the entrance to the control rooms of the station. Max won't be able to enter there until he knows the code.

There are two people standing on the platform. As soon as you deal with one of them, the second will run into the staff room. Two serious-looking guys will be waiting for Max there. In slow motion, shoot at the gas cylinders and there will be no trace left of the guys. After examining all the drawers and cabinets in the room, return to the platform. Now follow the direction of the yellow train and on the left there will be another door #Staff Only#. Opening it, you will see a terrorist holding a subway worker at gunpoint. Shoot the bastard in the head immediately. Now lead the subway employee to the door from the control room, he will dial the code and the door will open. The guy will be killed, you go into the room. Four serious-minded terrorists are waiting for you behind the second doors; deal with them in slow motion.

Enter the door on the right. On the main remote control, press the yellow button located under line two. On the monitor on the right you will see that the lights on the train standing on the platform have turned on. Return to the platform. Get on the train and turn the steering wheel. The train will go and break through the wall. Get out from under the rubble and aim at the gas cylinders so as not to waste time individually dealing with each of the four terrorists waiting for you on the tracks. After going further along the tunnel, turn left through the door.

Chapter II: From the Crime Scene

Max found himself in an abandoned New York subway station. At every turn of the tunnel, a couple of villains await you. In the first room you can get ammo by breaking one of several boxes. After walking along the rails, climb onto the platform where three terrorists await you. Break boxes to replenish your ammunition supplies. Going down into the tunnel, you will hear a dialogue between two sappers. If you wait until their bickering is over, you'll only have to fight one of them.

There is a bomb on the door on the right, but there is no detonator. You need to blow up this door. Go down the passage on the left and you will find yourself in the premises of the #Aesir# bank, filled with well-armed terrorists. To deal with them without significant losses to health, wait until they come close to you and shoot them.

Once in the control room, answer the phone call and go to the control computer. Three letters should appear on the monitor indicating the compartments: A, B, C. Only one compartment can be opened at a time. Open them one by one; one of them contains a detonator. After receiving the detonator, return upstairs to the door lined with bombs. Enemy reinforcements will be waiting for you there. After installing the detonator, move away from the door.

Next, Max will have a meeting with his friend Alex. After your friend is shot, go up the stairs. There are several painkillers lost in the booth intended for selling tickets. After walking through the metro tunnels and finding yourself near another similar booth, go into it and press the button. The gate will open and you can go outside.

Chapter III: Playing Bogart

First of all, local killers, the Finito brothers, will want to grind you into powder. Save and then jump for cover. Shoot the bastards from cover and take out the first brother. The second one can be shot point-blank in slow motion. You have a little time before three more gangsters burst into the room, so you must, at a waltz pace, collect all the things scattered around the room and reload the guns. After dealing with the help, take out the ammo and painkiller from the safe. After reading the letter on Finitos' desk, Max learns his next target - Rico Muerte. You should find his room in hotel Ch 313.

Go down the stairs and, breaking the window, go out onto the roof of the hotel. A couple of scumbags are waiting for you behind the next door. Now go through the corridor and all the open rooms. In one of them you will find a passage to the adjacent hotel corridor, in which room 313 is located. There is a trap in it, so open the door carefully. Once triggered, the trap will attract two killers located at the end of the corridor. Having dealt with them, go into the room and read Rico's letter.

In the next room there is a huge pit. Shoot him until he collapses and clears the way to the lower floor. The three guards below will be scared, so take advantage of the moment and shoot them.

Chapter IV: Bloody Veins of New York

Coming out of the elevator, Max finds himself in the laundry room. The three guards are talking about the old days and don't hear how death has come for them, so just jump out and destroy all three with a machine gun burst. After breaking the boxes, take the painkiller and ammo.

In the room with the stove, pick up the baseball bat and go through the door above the metal stairs. Behind her, two guards are talking about the problems of vampires and their living space, so it will not be difficult to take them by surprise.

In the next room, deal with the guards and break the boxes blocking the doorway on the right. Next you will find yourself in a large room with a bunch of doors and neon signs. You need a bar. To get the key to it, you will have to shoot four terrorists in the conference room. To deal with the four painlessly, detonate a Molotov cocktail next to the doors and the killers will run out and fry right on the spot. Take the key and head to the bar.

Rico Muerte, Candy Dawn and four guards are there. Rico will disappear immediately, and you will have to deal with the militant five. Lure the guards out of the bar and shoot them one by one, while Candy should be destroyed from a medium distance with a long burst of two #Berettas#.

After stocking up on health in the bathroom, run out of the bar and follow Rico. Another hot fight awaits you there. It’s best to throw a couple of Molotov cocktails. In the room with the bars there is an Exit button. But now this will not give you anything, since the exit is blocked by bars. Climb the stairs to the club and from there to the roof, then break the glass and jump down. You have to deal with four sickly killers. Once they are dead, run to the room with the #Exit# button, press it and go outside.

Chapter V: Let the Guns Talk

Go to a second-hand store (#Pawn Shop#) and deal with thieves cleaning out the shops. After that, rob the store yourself. Extraction Ch painkiller and cartridges for #ingrem#. Around the bend on the right there is a staircase leading to the basement of the Lupino Hotel. After dealing with a couple of thugs, collect unused grenades and Molotov cocktails. After walking along the corridors, you will find a small hall, at one end there are gas cylinders, at the other there is a door that cannot be opened naturally. Take Max to a safe distance and shoot at the cylinders; the explosion will blow off the door.

After going up the stairs, answer the phone call and pick up the key to the stairs from the shop next door. On the way up you will be given a grenade, so don't forget to save before going up. Having reached the third floor, you will find that the way up is blocked, so leave the stairs and walk along the rubble of the floor around the perimeter of the room. When you reach a hole in the floor, jump over it and quickly move on, as some of the debris will immediately fall down. Three killers are waiting for you behind the only door. Having dealt with the guys, head to the kitchen and jump out the window.

Max Payne
The main character of this whole story is imbued with charisma and
signature superhero grin. Super Max is not about flying or
infinite strength, like Superman, and not all kinds of lightning from the eyes,
like other "supers". Super Max is slow motion, in
in which he can cut down a dozen killers at a time. Max Payne
driven by revenge for a murdered family. Your task is to finish the job.
And no happy endings.

Average killer with a crooked face, inhabitant
New York slums and basements of mafia hotels. At the start of the game
killers are more resourceful and cinematic, as they have
less firepower. By the end of the game, armed with grenades and
"Ingrams", they push right through. The only effective way
struggle - slow motion.

A mysterious girl who, like Max, operates alone and
pursues its own goals, which we will never be able to find out. She
he will leave his traces everywhere - Max is the second to follow this path.
However, she is not destined to reach the end: in the skyscraper "Aesir"
death will befall her.

Frank Lupino
The head of one of the largest mafia clans in New York, a madman
a fanatic obsessed with Satanism and occult gossip based on
hallucinations from the drug Valkyre. As the game progresses, it turns out that he
just a pawn against the background of the pieces truly responsible for
drug distribution and murder of Max's family.

Frank Niagara
Mr. Baseball Bat, a crazy killer obsessed with
comics about a boy with a baseball bat, this mafia degenerate
He'll give Max a good whack on the head with his signature weapon. His destiny
- death, like everyone who gets in the way of Payne's revenge. However, he
has enormous strength, he will not have enough of three clips of double

A Russian mafioso in New York drives a black Mercedes with a license plate
"Vodka" sign. Oddly enough, it was Vladimir, who turned out to be
Max's friend, will be the only person who will remain in
alive. Apparently, he is destined for a special role in Max Payne 2:
Don Punchinello
Don Punchinello, New York's biggest mafioso, the highest authority
dirty deeds. Max goes to Punchinello for clarification about
the death of his family. It turns out that he too is just a pawn in
an insidious game of super-high authorities. Punchinello will not be killed
Max, and his boss.

Nicole Horn
Old witch, head of the largest corporation in New York, Aesir,
- the culprit of everything that happened to Max’s family and the population
New York. She participated in the creation of the drug Valkyre and
earned money to build a skyscraper, which Max will demolish in
fluff and dust in the last two chapters of the game.

The crowbar is used exclusively for opening locks and breaking
boxes without creating unnecessary noise and wasting ammo. Like a weapon
against manpower - useless.

Baseball bat
More aesthetically pleasing than a crowbar, but generally serves the same purposes. However,
in one place of the game - in the first chapter of the second part - you can
use it as a weapon of mass destruction that will destroy
almost a dozen enemies (see walkthrough).

"Beretta" - 9 mm weapon for beginners or very advanced
gamers, at a speed of eighteen bullets per second is
an excellent weapon for hitting long-range targets with little
cartridge consumption. The double Beretta is very dangerous for enemies, but in
in this combination it should be used if there are no cartridges for

"Desert Eagle"
King of mid-range battles, excellent point-to-point weapon
shots to the head. True, it fires less quickly than the Beretta,
and has only twelve bullets in a series, so its use in
big battles inevitably end in death. Yours.

Pump-action shotgun
This weapon should be used in the early stages of the game, when
A headshot is enough to kill enemies. Pump-action shotgun
practically useless for attack - it should be used when
single shots from around the corner at short distances.

Sawed-off shotgun
A real shotgun, a descendant of the first shotgun from old man DOOM,
only suitable for shooting one strong killer,
since it only allows you to fire two shots before reloading.
Not bad for killing initial bosses if you jump out at the same time
from the corner.

A twelve-round military shotgun, knocking out of a fragile
weapon balance in Max Payne. It's practically flawless -
rapid-fire, powerful, does not require precise aiming. However,
There is still one minus: you won’t even have time to blink an eye, but
your twelve rounds of ammunition had already disappeared into a group of enemies, and then you
could suffer a worse fate.

"Ingram" alone is not very strong; two "ingrams" - a parable
tongues wagging, Max Payne's calling card, all-destructive weapons with
supersonic rate of fire. Each "ingram" contains
50 rounds, which is enough to completely destroy three
security guards. Just don't forget about BulletTime, without enough
quantities of which "ingrems" are almost useless.

Colt Commando
Colt has a slower rate of fire and is more demanding on aiming accuracy,
than "Ingram", and is excellent for taking out targets from a long distance
distances. Before reloading you will be able to spend thirty bullets
without stopping - and this is enough to kill half a dozen guards
average lousiness.

Molotov cocktail
Quite a rare weapon in the game, but damn effective
and spectacular. The Molotov cocktail is best used as
mines - light a bottle at the doorway, and then watch how
one by one, a whole army of mafia bastards are burning, running out,
to deal with you.

A magnificent weapon, reliable and effective. Favorite feature
guards - throw grenades at your feet as you climb
stairs We must pay tribute - this method really
effective. One grenade can kill three killers with
ease. Its damage radius is sufficient to cause loss of health
it was almost impossible to avoid. Use grenades often and
with taste.

M79 grenade launcher
Personal grenade thrower, monstrous weapon, real monster,
which usually, at the same time as killing a bunch of enemies, takes away
half of Max's life. The radius of destruction is huge, in no way
In any event, do not use this weapon at close range. To yourself
it will be more expensive.

Sniper rifle
A sniper rifle can take out almost any enemy with
one shot - one of the few weapons in the game that can
on this. Allows you to use an optical sight to
increase accuracy by squatting. Works on any size
distances - in general, ideal for calm and accurate shooting
remote targets. Fires five bullets before reloading.
A significant disadvantage is that you cannot carry a lot of ammunition with you.
rifle, so use it carefully.

Part I: The American Dream
Chapter I: Roscoe Metro Station
After getting off the train, Max will find himself at the Roscoe metro station.
the notorious New York district of the Bronx. Exit from the station
is closed, so there is only one way - through the door with the inscription: "Only for
personnel." There Max will find the body of a guard and get
"Beretta". If you look around the room, you can easily replenish
Max's luggage with a couple of painkillers and several magazines for
"Berettas" - all this is located in the cabinets. Now exit the station
is open, and a couple of belligerent men are waiting for you near it
scoundrels. When Max comes out through the door "Only for
staff", the guys will stand with their backs to you. In order not to waste
waste your health, go into slow mode and kill both.
As you head towards the stairs, be sure to pick up the clips from their weapons.
There are two more standing around the corner up the stairs. Jump around the corner
Roll and kill them both in slow motion. At the end
their friend is standing behind bars in the corridor - be sure to kill him,
otherwise you will get a treacherous shot in the back. Going down to
platform, go left and go through the door in the bars. Please pay
pay attention to the iron doors with a combination lock - this is the entrance to
station control rooms. Max won't be able to enter there until
recognizes the code.
There are two people standing on the platform. Once you've dealt with one of the
them, the second one will run to the staff room. They will be waiting for Max there
two serious-looking guys. Shoot in slow motion
gas cylinders - there will be no trace of the guys left. Having examined everything
drawers and cabinets in the room, return to the platform.
Now follow the direction of the yellow train - there will be more on the left
one door "Staff Only". When you open it, you will see
terrorist holding a subway worker at gunpoint. Shoot
immediately to the bastard's head. Now lead the metro employee to
door from the control room, he will dial the code and the door will open.
The guy will be killed, you go into the room. Behind the second doors of you
Four serious terrorists are waiting, deal with them
in slow motion.
Enter the door on the right. On the main remote control, press the yellow button,
located under line two. On the monitor on the right you will see that in
The lights on the train standing on the platform turned on. Come back
to the platform. Get on the train and turn the steering wheel. The train will go and
will break through the wall. Get out from under the rubble and aim for the gas
cylinders, so as not to waste time on individual reprisals against
each of the four terrorists waiting for you on the tracks. Having passed
further along the tunnel, turn left through the door.
Chapter II: From the Crime Scene
Max found himself in an abandoned New York subway station. Behind
At every turn of the tunnel, a couple of villains await you. In the first
room you can get ammo by breaking one of several
boxes After walking along the rails, climb onto the platform - there you will be
Three terrorists are waiting. Break boxes to replenish
ammunition supplies. Going down into the tunnel, you will hear a dialogue between two
sappers. If you wait until their squabble is over, you will have to
fight just one of them.
There is a bomb on the door on the right, but there is no detonator. You need
blow up this door. Go down the passage on the left - you will find yourself in
Aesir Bank premises filled with heavily armed
terrorists. To deal with them without significant losses
for your health, wait until they get close to you and
shoot them.
Once in the control room, answer the phone call and
go to the control computer - the monitor should show
Three letters indicating the compartments will appear: A, B, C.
Only one compartment can be open at a time. Open them by
queues - in one of them there is a detonator.
After receiving the detonator, return upstairs to the bomb-lined
doors. Enemy reinforcements will be waiting for you there. Having installed
detonator, move away from the door.
Next, Max will have a meeting with his friend Alex. After
friend will be shot, go up the stairs - in the booth,
intended for ticket sales, several
painkillers. Having walked through the metro tunnels and found ourselves near another
one similar booth, go into it and press the button. Gates
will open and you can go outside.
Chapter III: Playing Bogart
First of all, the local killers will want to grind you into powder.
meanings - Finito brothers. Save and then jump for cover.
Shoot the bastards from cover and take out the first brother.
The second one can be shot point-blank in slow motion. U
you have a little time before three more gangsters
will burst into the room, so you must collect everything at a waltz pace
things laid out around the room and reload the guns.
After dealing with the help, take out the ammo and painkiller from
safe. After reading the letter on Finitos' desk, Max recognizes his
the next target is Rico Muerte. You must find his hotel room -
Go down the stairs and, breaking the window, go out onto the roof
hotel. A couple of scumbags are waiting for you behind the next door. Now
go through the corridor and all the open rooms - in one of them you
you will find a passage into the adjacent corridor of the hotel, in which it is located
number 313. There is a trap in it, so open the door
carefully. Once triggered, the trap will attract two killers located
at the end of the corridor. Having dealt with them, go into the room and
read Rico's letter.
In the next room there is a huge pit. Shoot at
him until he collapses and clears the passage to the lower floor.
The three guards below will be scared - take advantage of the moment and
shoot them.
Moving further, you will find yourself in Candy Dawn's room. After reading it
diary, you will find a passage to another part of the hotel - it is located
in the toilet. After walking along the corridor, find the elevator and call it.
Chapter IV: Bloody Veins of New York
Coming out of the elevator, Max finds himself in the laundry room. Three guards
talking about the old days and not hearing how she came for them
death, so just jump out and destroy all three
machine gun burst. After breaking the boxes, take the painkiller and
In the room with the stove, pick up the baseball bat and go through
door above the metal stairs. There are two guards behind her
talk about the problems of vampires and their living space, so they
It won't be hard to take him by surprise.
In the next room, deal with the guards and break the boxes,
closing the doorway on the right. Next you will find yourself in a large
a room with a bunch of doors and neon signs. You need a bar.
To get the key to it, you will have to shoot four
terrorists in the conference room. To deal with the four
painlessly, detonate a Molotov cocktail next to the doors -
the killers will run out and fry on the spot. Take the key and
head towards the bar.
Rico Muerte, Candy Dawn and four guards are there. Rico
will be washed off immediately, and you will have to deal with the militant five.
Lure the guards out of the bar and shoot them one by one, and Candy
should be destroyed from a medium distance with a long burst of two
After stocking up on health in the bathroom, run out of the bar and follow
Rico. Another hot fight awaits you there - best of all
throw around a couple of Molotov cocktails.
In the room with the bars there is an Exit button. But now it means nothing to you
Yes, since the exit is blocked by a grate. Climb the stairs
to the club and from there to the roof, then break the glass and jump
down. You have to deal with four sickly killers.
Once they are dead, run to the room with the "Exit" button,
press it and go outside.
Chapter V: Let the Guns Talk
Go to the second-hand store ("Pawn Shop") and deal with the thieves,
cleaning shops. After that, rob the store yourself. Production
- painkiller and cartridges for Ingram.
Around the bend on the right there is a staircase leading to the hotel basement
Lupino. Having dealt with a couple of thugs, collect
unused grenades and Molotov cocktails. Walking through the corridors,
you will find a small hall with cylinders at one end
with gas, in the other there is a door that cannot be opened naturally
way. Take Max to a safe distance and shoot at
cylinders - the explosion will blow off the door.
After going up the stairs, answer the phone and pick up the
the shop next door has the key to the stairs. On the way up you will be given
grenade, so don't forget to save before going up.
Once you reach the third floor, you will find that the way up
is blocked, so leave the stairs and follow the debris of the floor along
the perimeter of the room. When you reach the hole in the floor,
jump over it and quickly move on, as part of the debris
will immediately fall down. Three killers are waiting for you behind the only door.
Having dealt with the guys, head to the kitchen and jump out the window.
Chapter VI: Fear That Gives Wings
The first task is to go down to the ground without losing half your health.
Don't rush to jump down, go down to the asphalt through the fire
exit. Now is the time for more global tasks - to rise to the top
floor of the Lupino Hotel. You need to find the elevator - it is located behind
laundry. In a state of emergency, who is included?
laundries, of course, are not allowed, so Max must find
accompanying person
Head to the building opposite the hotel. This hole is just crawling
drug addicts and terrorists - you need to get to the third
floors, and five killers will be waiting for you along the way. Stock up
health and ammunition.
Once you reach the third floor, look for a door hidden in the dark
corner, and pull the accompanying person out of the room. With him
go downstairs and go to the laundry room. Your escort is unclean
hand and, as soon as the laundry door opens, he yells, warning
security guards. So while he's talking to the mafia, stand up
from the side and, as soon as the door opens, put a bullet in his forehead. Then
deal with the couple of thugs inside and follow to the elevator.
After wandering around the top floor, you will find yourself in a room with an open
window. Wait until the person whistling in the toilet comes out
room, and deal with him, otherwise you will get a bullet in the back. By
pipes, move to the window opposite - four people are waiting for you there
armed thugs. After passing the second room, get out to
next pipe. Having discovered the passage inside the building, you will stumble upon
two guards deciding how to cut the wires to the bomb.
They will make the wrong decision, as a result of which the wall will be covered
cracks. To bring her down completely, knock on the door,
located right here. Climbing up the rubble of the floor in the dark part
building, you will be taken to Vinny Gognit's office. In the next room
Screams are heard - it’s Vinny complaining about life. Collect painkillers
and all the weapons you can find, save and go in
into the room.
After the scene you will have a fight with four well-armed
scum, and this fight will have to be repeated more than once. After that,
After you deal with the killers, run after Vinny Gognit. Co
next roof the mafia boss will jump onto the train - you will have to
repeat his jump, but it is by no means as easy as this
shown in films - so before traveling by train, do not
forget to save.
Chapter VII: Police Brutality
Max continues to pursue Gogniti. The first difficulty is to jump
from roof to roof. Don't try to jump off the curb, but look for it
the place on the roof where it ends is something like an opening - and
jump off it. You should be greeted by crowds of Winnie's messengers,
so save after every successful shot. When Max
will go down the stairs, he will be met by three killers - first
kill the first one with a headshot, then finish off the one standing
on the right is the scoundrel. The last terrorist has a weak weapon, and
smashing it to pieces will not be a problem for Max.
Pursue Gogniti. After watching the scene where Vinny climbs the
elevator, run to the minibus and take grenades and painkillers.
Then call the elevator and follow him up. In room
break all the boxes - you will get enough ammo to
continue the fight. There will be a lot of enemies further, and there will be a fight
serious. Save after every successful shot. Save
health. Look for gas cylinders to deal with killers
on a large scale. When you see the last scene where Gogniti knocks
at the door, a real raid awaits you. Use ranged weapons
actions and deal with enemies one by one with headshots.
When it comes to Gognit himself, his shots are rare
They hit Max, but they’ll have to put a lot of bullets into Vinny.
Chapter VIII: Ragna Rock
Find the booth where tickets are sold, and there is a lever in it. Pulling on
him, Max will discover a secret passage to the club. In the first room
there are quite a lot of useful things, like cartridges and
painkiller. The next room is a dance floor and a bar, and in the corners
Four killers with powerful weapons hid. Having resolved them, through
double doors, move on. Climbing to the very top - floor
with chairs and a control panel that controls pyrotechnics,
go through the opposite door. There you will hear the guards
they're talking about Jack Lupino. Give them a grenade and go out to
another pile of stairs. Four guards waiting
It’s better to shoot you there one by one. Once on the roof, break
glass and jump down to deal with the drug dealers. Further -
up again, jumping on the roofs. Having jumped over all the beams,
go into the illuminated passage.
Carefully move along the beams under the ceiling, go through the door
on the left and shoot three killers. Next you will get behind the stage -
into a room with a drum kit and a remote control above the stairs.
Go to the remote control and press the button - in the wall above the reels
a passage will open. Jump there and move on,
firing back at Jack Lupino's men.
In the next room you will find another remote control. There are four on it
lever: you must pull each one once in order to
the curtains parted and the passage further was clear. Hide behind
pillars and shoot the enemies one at a time, as there will be
a lot. After climbing up the stairs, carefully walk along
boards to the door in the corner - the entrance to Jack Lupino's hideout.
Chapter IX: Evil Empire
This guy has problems with his head. He shouts something absurd, and
while he is busy with this matter, collect everything you can in the next
room. There are two things to remember before a fight: first, everything
existing weapons and painkillers will disappear in the next level,
so use everything you have to the fullest. Second -
around the main passage with the bowl are laid out tons of cartridges and
painkiller, therefore, rolling from one side to the other,
constantly select new resources to continue the battle. well and
now, fingers crossed, enter the main hall - for the main
First you will be greeted by a dozen killers. Don't stand in one place
hide under the awnings along the edges of the hall. There is a hole under the canopy on the left,
through which the killers descend into the room above - you can
stand under it and shoot the reptiles as soon as they appear.
This way you can destroy half of the killers. Second half
will throw Molotov cocktails at you, so the only one
the way to escape is to hide behind the pillars and shoot at them from there,
constantly rolling from one to another. Save yours
BulletTime for the final showdown.
Having dealt with Lupino's assistants, run to the stairs leading to
curtain, and stand on the side of the stairs. When the curtain opens you
you can almost immediately shoot two of Lupino’s guards and
take care of the old man himself. Lupino has a lot of health, plus he has
there are grenades and Molotov cocktails, so take a steam bath with it
it will take quite a bit. However, two seconds of continuous shooting at
a head from Ingram will be made without any problems.
Part II: A Cold Day in Hell
Max will have to travel through his own nightmares, which
consist of labyrinths and the screams of a murdered family. So that without problems
to complete this part of his adventure, you must arm yourself with a pair
good speakers or headphones - it is very important how well you
distinguish sound sources in space. You'll have to go on
the cries of the wife and child to escape the labyrinths of delirium.
The first labyrinth is completed like this: at the first two intersections
turn left, go through the next fork, then
turn right. You will come to Max's living room. Further
go up the stairs to the nursery. Instead of a nursery you
go through the corridor and find yourself in a void speckled with bloody
lines. Don't go with bloody lines, otherwise Max will fall into nowhere.
Go right first, jump to the next line when
the first one will end, and continue to follow the child’s cry. If you
you hear that the scream fades away - go back and look for another
path. There is only one path that Max can take,
without falling into the void, so it won't take much time to find him.
Chapter I: Baseball Bat
Waking up, Max discovers that he is not averse to dealing with him
a guy named Frank Niagara. When he goes to the bar for a drink
beer, pick up a baseball bat and look around the room to
find a decent weapon. Break the boxes on the floor with a bat - you will find
painkiller and ammunition.
There are a lot of killers around, so I suggest a good and painless one
way to start the level. Approach the only one that opens
door (behind the stove) and start hitting it with a baseball bat.
All the guards - and there are about seven of them - will run to Max and receive
hit in the forehead, without even having time to fire a shot. You will get
a bunch of ammunition and weapons.
Walk through the nearby rooms, cleared of security,
collect additional cartridges, of which there are many, and
head to the next room. It's still a couple
hulks that Max won't be able to take out with his brand new weapon
Taking the elevator, Max will have to deal with a crowd of killers.
Hide behind the meat pieces hanging in large quantities in
indoors. Having killed everyone in the area, go outside and
head to the front entrance of the hotel.
Breaking through the yellow police tape blocking the entrance to the hotel,
which Max cleared almost from the first to the last floor,
head to the only open room - the living room. There
there are three not very dangerous terrorists, and there are problems with them
should not arise. However, you can't keep Mr. waiting
Baseball Bat. Head to the bar.
Three drinking buddies are sitting at the bar with Frank Niagara. How
as soon as the non-interactive scene ends, stand to the side of
doorway and take out two killers who will run out immediately.
Next, try to deal with the third one standing behind the bar
resistant. Leave Frank for a snack: he has the best
health than Jack Lupino himself, and he doesn’t have one Ingram clip
enough. Use strafes to run around Niagara without stopping
stream of bullets. As soon as the clip runs out, run out and
recharge, then repeat. On the second clip from Ingram
Niagara will fall.
Chapter II: An Offer You Can't Refuse
Max Payne fraternized with the Russian mafia! Russian mafia represented
superman named Vladimir drives around in a black Mercedes with
"Vodka" numbers. Nevertheless, Vladimir gave Max a task -
infiltrate the ship and kill Boris Dime, at the same time cleaning up
hands a ton of weapons for the upcoming battle with Don Punchinello.
In the control booth, kill the guard and press the button that opens
gates. Next, make your way through the warehouses - in each
three or four killers await you, some of whom are located
above. Therefore, once in the warehouse, hide behind the pillars and
First of all, shoot targets from above.
Once outside, head to the large crane and climb into it
cabin Press the button - the crane will lift the huge box, releasing
thereby the passage to the barge. Having passed through it and taken out a couple along the way
terrorists, you will find yourself in a corridor whose walls consist of
giant boxes. In the middle is the carrier - as soon as
the guy on it will notice you, the carrier will start moving towards your
side. In one of the boxes there is a room with weapons and painkillers
- wait out the advance of the giant machine in it. At the other end
corridor you can go out into another similar corridor with the same
carrier. Find another hole in the box and stock up on weapons -
sniper rifle. When the carrier stops, head
to a small barge on the other side of the stinking stream.
Having knocked down the lock on the grate, Max will stock up on many additional
cartridges and weapons. Now approach the grate behind which stands
truck, take out your sniper rifle and aim at the stand,
standing under one of the truck wheels. With a well-aimed shot
the stand will fly out and the truck will roll down merrily.
Now go back to where the bridge was raised. Offers
serious-looking guys with guns, so be prepared for the worst.
Enter the building - in the room on the right there are several grenades and
four painkillers, take them all before your visit
main room. There are two guards there with very powerful
weapons: to take them out, hide behind the weights and shoot
with rare but well-aimed bursts from around the corner.
Chapter III: Rats and Oily Water
The warehouse through which Max will have to make his way is simply teeming with
guards hiding behind fences and calling for help. IN
in general, this place must be passed as carefully and quietly as possible,
otherwise, after the deceased, more guards will come running with a loud noise
five. And behind each of the five - the same number.
When you go “outside”, climb onto the mobile platform. on her
four levers on the four sides of the platform to move to the left,
go to the left lever, etc. There are towers with
security guards. To get rid of them without unnecessary noise, turn on
scope of a sniper rifle and take them out from afar with one
shot. With a sensible approach, the guys will not do a single thing
shot in your direction.
Drive forward, then left. Every turret with someone you killed
It's worth visiting the guard to get painkillers and ammo.
Three killers will notice you from the ground and will shoot from below, but
due to the fact that Max is fifteen meters higher,
It won't be difficult to take them out.
At the end of your journey you should arrive at a new warehouse.
Go down the bridge, turn on slow motion mode
when any living creature appears in the field of view, then
climb up the other bridge and go into the small room
with a window overlooking the pier and the barge that you will have to
clean up There's a great target on it - get rid of this little guy
right now. Press the button to open the grille covering
exit from the warehouse.
Once on the ship, arm yourself with two "ingrems" and head to
captain's cabin. Having dealt with several guards,
talk to Don Punchinello and go downstairs, straight to Boris
Daimu and his weapons cache.
Dime has three assistants: kill the first one with a grenade,
then, climbing back onto the stairs, shoot the other two.
As for Boris Dime himself, blow up the cylinders next to him,
to reduce his health to half. Don't come close to him, so
how he will treat you to a Molotov cocktail. As soon as he starts
recharge your "ingrams", treat him with a queue of the same ones, and
the guy will die.
Chapter IV: Extinguish my flame with gasoline
It's going to be hot now. The entire Punchinello restaurant is full of bombs, Max
you will have to make your way through the loopholes in the all-consuming flame.
Run along the right wall to the double doors at the end of the room -
to the right of the bar. Without stopping for a second, move towards
next double doors opposite. Entering them, quickly
turn right and run through the row of shelves before
they will start falling, and open the door on the right. In the next corridor
run straight down the middle, then turn right. Run
through the center of the room and turn left once the room
will start to burn. Carefully turn around and walk along the wall along
corridor towards the next room.
As soon as the fire appears, run headlong to the opposite
unlit wall. Jump over the rubble and turn around - you
you will see a passage further. You will also find several steps to
another room, but it's a dead end.
As you go up the stairs, you will see two exits from the corridor.
Head to the left, once in the room, turn right and
go down the next corridor. Go to a dead end where there is a cylinder with
gas is about to explode. Step back and follow
along walls that don't burn. When you hear another explosion, go through
back and turn left towards the hole. Jumping over the shelves
go through the double doors. The fire is over.
Next, the guards are waiting for you. A lot of. Choose a painkiller and
prepare the pomegranates. As soon as you see an enemy, throw it. Coming out of
premises, take out the "ingrems" and shoot the killers on the way to
Chapter V: Angel of Death
The time has come to deal with Don Punchinello. Along with his guards
Max's mansion awaits the legendary Trio - three professional
highly qualified killer. In a word, you have to work.
In the basement of the mansion you will find several corpses - apparently
Max's girlfriend, Mona, tried to escape. Clear the corridor and collect
various weapons. In the room on the left you will find a painkiller
and a killer who will put a bullet in Max's forehead as soon as he opens
door. Therefore, it is better to burst into the room, turning on slow motion
mode. As you move along the corridor to the right, you will come across
several guards (one of them with two "ingrems"), and to this
the fight needs to be prepared. When you go up the stairs, you
you will find yourself in a kitchen with a bunch of interesting objects and places. Inspect and
collect everything you can, because in the next room you
One of the trio of killers is waiting.
Besides Big Brother, there are two guards in this room. All in all,
you'll have to take them by cunning: prepare a grenade, open
door and throw it at the table where three killers are sitting, then
strafe away from the passage. Most likely, during this time Big
Brother will put half his clip into you, so the painkiller,
found in the kitchen won't hurt. The grenade will deal with the assistants
Big Brother and halve his health. Now end it
old man - a matter of technique. Please be aware that once Big
Brother will be killed, two more killers will burst into the room, so
don't yawn.
After making my way through the piano room and killing a few brats,
you will find yourself in the main hall of the mansion with a staircase leading up to two
wing of the building. As soon as Max gets here, the guards will run after
for help - call another of the trinity. There's only two here
guards, one of whom almost always gets wet with his “ingrems”
stair railing and fails to hit Max. Head over
to the room on the right.
There's another bastard named Joe waiting for you here. Along with Joe there are two more
not weak guys. Plus, they are located in the room so that
It will be extremely difficult to launch a grenade. The only way out is
filled to the brim hourglass with BulletTime and several clips
for double "ingrams". All three are on the right, so
break into the room in slow motion and release into the mafia
All the cartridges are from "Ingrams" that are available. If you don't have enough
slow motion time, you are a corpse.
The last guy from Trinity will still have to be hunted.
Head to the door to the left of the stairs, it's still closed,
stand at a distance from her - the guy with the M79 will blow her up. How
only this happens, you will be able to bear it with the help
a sniper rifle, he won’t even notice you. After passing the bathroom and
a couple more rooms, answer the phone and get ready for
fight with the last member of the trinity. Use a grenade as in the case
with Big Brother, and a clip or two from Ingram, he and his friends will
enough. Behind the next door is Don Punchinello himself.
After the scene you immediately find yourself in battle, turn on slow motion
mode and try to shoot three of Punchinello's guards while
they had not yet had time to run away. You may have to use them
spend all your weapons. Not scary. There will be no more fights. Before
Max will line up two dozen mercenaries - continue to fight
Part III: A Little Closer to Heaven
Max again found himself in nightmares, this time fueled by drugs
Valkyre. You are back in his house. Having returned to the place a couple of times, with
which you started, head to the nursery and go out to the already
familiar bloody trails. Now they are located on different
height, so it will take a long time to jump. However, the path itself will be
much shorter.
Go right and jump onto the path below, then continue
go down and to the right. Soon you will reach the playground with the children's
crib. The screen will go dark, and at this time it is better not to touch the mouse,
nor the keyboard - otherwise you might accidentally die without understanding
from what. After that, shoot another Max Payne and
return from nightmares to reality, no less nightmarish.
Chapter I: Take me to cold steel
As in any normal action movie, main character in the final must
find yourself in a factory, preferably abandoned. That's how Max ended up
factory, but not yet completely abandoned - it is about to be assembled
raze to the ground, destroying the truth about the origin of the drug
Break the glass roof and jump down. Rays crossing
walls - light bombs. To get rid of them, you need to move away
sufficient distance and shoot at the emitters attached to
wall. In the room on the right you will find a sniper rifle and ammo.
The first couple of enemies are waiting for you in the room behind the door.
After going through the garage door and taking out a couple of killers, you will come across
to another room with laser beams. Open the door leading to
her, and use your rifle to detonate the bombs from the doorway. How
as soon as you pass the place where the rays were, you will be immediately treated to a treat
grenade from around the corner - so make a feint maneuver,
running up to the turn, and immediately back.
Behind the next garage door a trio of killers awaits you, one of
which has a grenade in reserve, which it will launch at you if you
don't deal with him.
There are two doors along the wall: one leads to a room with
cartridges and painkillers, the other for a laser bomb and two
killers, who can be dealt with using banal
grenades. Visit both rooms and you'll feel much better afterwards.
provided with weapons and health.
The next room is a steel rolling shop, in which you will be completely
They may treat you to a grenade. Take out each killer individually with
using a rifle. When you see new ones running into the room
terrorists, blow up the barrels near the door.
After walking along the corridors, you will find yourself in a room with killers,
equipped with a bunch of grenades. These guys need to be taken out right away, and nothing
"Ingram" will not help in this matter. Launch a grenade at
next hall. Two guys talking in a room with a window
suspect that there is no glass in this window, so make it
Chapter II: The Hidden Truth
There is a lot of useful food in the room with two guards, but the first
we need to deal with the guys. Use a rifle to clear
corridor and turn the wheel on the pipe to stop the leak
deadly gas. After passing through one more workshop, you will find yourself in a very
dangerous room, with many lasers and explosive barrels. Plus
Moreover, killers constantly look into the room - in conditions
maneuvering between lasers is very dangerous. Logical solution
- kill two birds with one stone: blow up all this pyrotechnics and at the same time
finish off the killers. Go into the room and throw a grenade, then
come out quickly. As soon as you appear in the room, the killers
They will rush there and stumble upon a remarkable thermonuclear explosion.
Max's goal is to find the elevator marked "D6". After walking a few more
workshops and explosive rooms, you must get into the security room
and move the corresponding lever. You will see on the monitor how
The grate in front of the elevator with the inscription "D6" opens. Along with this
another grate will open next to the security room, through which
A killer will be heading towards you - it’s better not to waste time.
Take out the Ingrams and head through the garage door to the
hot from the factory workshops - fire bursts out from almost everywhere.
Stand in the center of the workshop and climb into the small rail cart,
which will take you to another part of the workshop. At the end of the road - laser
bombs, so while you are still in the cart, shoot with
"ingremov" forward to detonate the bombs. Immediately after this you
will be met by three killers, and the M79 will help deal with them.
There are half a dozen more killers waiting for you on the way to the elevator, so don't
hurry up and put away the M79. But even when you press the elevator call button,
hoping that now another scene will start and you will be transferred to
next level, you need to be alert. Three people will jump out of the elevator
guys in masks - the last shot from the M79, and you guys are gone
disturbed. We descend to depth six.
Chapter III: Deep Six
Two guys in suits and dark glasses want to kill you - here
surprised! A grenade or a couple of shots from the M79 will be enough for them.
The only unlocked door in the hall is Processing. Heading
there, you will hear three killers planning, as if from here
get out. Deprive them of this opportunity with the help of M79, then
head to the labs.
In the laboratories you should find a computer with a three-digit
PIN code on the monitor. Once you have found it, return to
the main corridor and look for the door next to which there is a corpse lying
scientist, and three features are displayed on the monitor, hinting that instead
they need to enter a code. Enter the opened elevator and go down to
a room converted into a prison with only one
prisoners. You should look after this guy like the apple of your eye - he
takes you into the heart of the V-project. Taking the elevator back up
to the laboratory, where two killers will try to deal with you -
you must destroy them very quickly before they shoot at
Follow the egghead as he guides you through the protective
corridor. As soon as you enter it, several soldiers
they will shoot the scientist and attack you, so you must
further move away from the window.
Go into the room, jump over the flames over the collapsed
shelves and head into the elevator, which will take you to the heart of
military base. Throw a grenade while you're still in the elevator,
to get rid of the most dangerous laser bombs, and head to
computer with the V logo to find out the truth. Once you recognize her, come in
into the freight elevator and come back.
After you get into the corridor that the professor opened,
The countdown begins before the explosion. The exit from the corridor is closed,
The only solution is to take good aim at the laser bombs
outside and shoot through the window. Run to the nearby elevator -
Once inside, stay away from the grate in the center.
Chapter IV: Bastards Shooting from Behind
The meeting with Max's ex-boss, as always, ends in shooting.
On the roof you will be met by a lot of shooters with good weapons, so
Don't forget to save at the beginning of the mission. Get out the Colt or
"desert eagle" and start shooting enemies, hiding behind
many buildings on the roof of the garage.
The path to the lower floor of the garage is on the right. they will try you
stop the guys with pistols and Ingrams, there will be
drive around a truck with remarkable firepower. Not far from the entrance
on the ground floor there is a medical office with four
This way you will go through several floors until you reach
the lowest one - the entrance to it will be closed by a grille. Shoot through
lock and hide behind the boxes on the right - you will get the opportunity
take out several guards with a sniper rifle without
risk of being hit. Now it's time to pull out the M79 and run.
Shoot every corner of the garage to make sure your path
cleared of enemies. Collect ammo and painkillers that
laid out in a white van, and head to final fight With
boss and twelve guys equipped with Jackhammers and
other unpleasant toys.
Before you start the fight, keep in mind that to the left is
medical office with four painkillers, and on the right
- additional cartridges. The boss will throw a grenade at you and run away,
when a few guys equipped with Jackhammers come out to you
towards. Shoot from the M79 and run away so that the grenade does not
hit you hard. The remaining killers retreat around the corner and
will represent an excellent target for some time
Chapter V: In the Land of the Blind
Jumping out of the window, go down to the basement. Wandering through the corridors,
go into the security room and turn to face the door - towards you
guests will come. Then look at the monitor and make sure that,
despite the clip inserted into the old body, Alfred Wooden
more than alive.
Leave a grenade near the elevator and stairs as soon as you hear him
squeaking. Climb the stairs and, after making your way through a small
office maze, head to Alfred Wooden's personal office.
Look through and read everything you find in his apartment. Further
Several snipers are waiting for you on the balcony. The scene will work and you
you will see two killers rushing straight at you. They are worthy
a good grenade or Molotov cocktail.
Go down the stairs and run through two unlocked doors - behind
with them you will find nothing but possible Max death. Door
below will lead you to a room where two guards are chatting about
movie. Give them a pomegranate and see how much they like it
ending. There are several laser bombs on your way -
by pressing yourself against the wall, you will not be harmed by their explosions, even while standing
quite close to them.
Chapter VI: Power Play
It is better to take out a pack that is aiming at you from around the corner from a large distance.
distances with a sniper rifle. Shoot the laser bombs to
go upstairs - the shelves will collapse, forming a staircase.
The only door in the next room will lead you straight to
to the guy with the grenade, so as you run out the door, pull out the double
"ingrems" and keep shooting, breaking through the killer.
This way you can save your health.
Once in the library, take out the M79 and shoot enemies in batches
- this is exactly the quantity they will appear in the temple of knowledge.
Once in the press hall, do not rush through the unlocked door
at the other end of the room. Open the door with M79 and blow it up
two killers who will come running to see the explosion. Having gone down
up the stairs and hearing shouts of “Go, go!”, quickly return
back and destroy new enemy reinforcements with the same
In the next room you will have the final battle - a bunch of
mercenaries, superbly armed and serious-minded. One of
ways to move to the next level - rolling on the floor,
get to the left side of the room and, without ceasing to shoot at
all sides, break through to the doors at the end of the hall. Some of the guys
will survive, but what difference does it make? There will be more on Max's way
a lot of killers:
Chapter VII: Nothing to Lose
The assault on the Aesir skyscraper should begin like this: drop it
grenade to the end of the hall. The three guards will be pleasantly surprised.
Next, take out a sniper rifle and go on a long and
bloody path.
With guards armed with grenades and standing at the top, it's difficult
something to do. First of all, shoot the top one and
stick to the wall to take minimal damage.
To avoid laser bombs on escalators, climb them
side parts. But the corridor, all dotted with lasers, is easy
will not be able to pass: measure the frequency of the first rays to
slip past them, but through the rest it is quite possible
jump over. As long as you are no further than the middle of the corridor,
shoot the rifle at its end to deal with the guy,
waiting for you there. If you accidentally hit a laser bomb, the entire
the corridor will explode.
After a short scene with Mona, three more guards will run into the hall -
just the job for grenades. Get into the elevator and look up
And at the top there are several laser bombs that need to be shot
right in the direction of the elevator. Look for emitters at each of the beams
or use M79. In any case, for the right
while aiming, you will have to rush around the entire cabin.
Find the security room and press the button that opens access to
elevators. After this, three people will start shooting at you through the window of the room.
security guards. Run out the right door and take out two at once
"ingrems", after which the latter will no longer be so scary.
The elevator ride will be enhanced by an Aesir helicopter. To avoid it
fire, sit down and move to the left side of the elevator. When the elevator
stops, jump over to the adjacent one and break it
glass roof.
Once in the room with the mainframe, take out the four guards with
using M79 and break the bluish crystals representing
computers. As soon as you are notified that you have gained access to
office, take three guards out of the opened elevator and
go up to the presidential office.
Crush three adversaries who will run out to you with “ingrems”
towards you, go up the stairs, take turns dealing with
three guards, shooting from around the corner, and head to the side
door of the room with the president's computer "Aesir".
Chapter VIII: Pain and Suffering
The last chapter of Max's adventures will begin, as always
not easy: four of Nicole Horne's best guards will turn
attention to Max. Shoot them in pairs in slow motion,
using "ingrams". It will be difficult, but it is possible. To you
you'll probably have to practice this fight at least half a dozen times,
to achieve perfection. To avoid being harmed by a helicopter
shooting, stand behind the steel statue in the center of the office and wait
for about a minute until the helicopter gives up.
Once in the library, go out onto the balcony and run along the ledge in the building
until the next one - if you move fast enough,
the helicopter won't be able to hit you.
Climb the stairs and shoot enemies one by one while hiding
around the corner is one of the few ways to survive this fight.
After passing another room, go to the roof.
Immediately fire a couple of shots from the M79 at the communications tower. From
six security guards will run out of the office, most of them
If they get blown up by their own grenade, you should wait on a hill
on the side of the doors and finish off the rest with a couple of shots. Further
shoot at the mount that holds the rope. As soon as the rope
comes off, run to the lattice door to the right of the glass doors and
aim at the second mount with your sniper rifle.

Believe me, it's possible! Well, you win. Max was taken. All

Max Payne
The main character of this whole story is imbued with charisma and
signature superhero grin. Super Max H is not about flying or
infinite strength, like Superman, and not all kinds of lightning from the eyes,
like other “supers”. Super Max H is slow motion, in
in which he can cut down a dozen killers at a time. Max Payne
driven by revenge for a murdered family. Your task is to finish the job.
And no happy endings.
Average killer with a crooked face, inhabitant
New York slums and basements of mafia hotels. At the start of the game
killers are more resourceful and cinematic, as they have
less firepower. By the end of the game, armed with grenades and
“Ingrams”, they push right through. The only effective way
fight in slow motion mode.

A mysterious girl who, like Max, operates alone and
pursues its own goals, which we will never be able to find out. She
he will leave his traces everywhere. Max is the second to follow this path.
However, she is not destined to reach the end: in the Aesir skyscraper
death will befall her.

Frank Lupino
The head of one of the largest mafia clans in New York, a madman
a fanatic obsessed with Satanism and occult gossip based on
hallucinations from the drug Valkyre. As the game progresses, it turns out that he
just a pawn against the background of the pieces truly responsible for
drug distribution and murder of Max's family.
Frank Niagara
Mr. Baseball Bat, a crazy killer obsessed with
comics about a boy with a baseball bat, this mafia degenerate
He'll give Max a good whack on the head with his signature weapon. His destiny
Death, like everyone who gets in the way of Payne's revenge. However, he
has enormous strength, he will not have enough of three clips of double

A Russian mafioso in New York drives a black Mercedes with a license plate
sign "Vodka". Oddly enough, it was Vladimir, who turned out to be
Max's friend, will be the only person who will remain in
alive. Apparently, he is destined for a special role in Max Payne 2E

Don Punchinello
Don Punchinello, New York's biggest mafioso, the highest authority
dirty deeds. Max goes to Punchinello for clarification about
the death of his family. It turns out that he too is just a pawn in
an insidious game of super-high authorities. Punchinello will not be killed
Max, and his boss.

Nicole Horn
Old witch, head of the largest corporation in New York, Aesir,
She is the culprit of everything that happened to Max’s family and the population
New York. She participated in the creation of the drug Valkyre and
earned money to build a skyscraper, which Max will demolish in
fluff and dust in the last two chapters of the game.
The crowbar is used exclusively for opening locks and breaking
boxes without creating unnecessary noise and wasting ammo. Like a weapon
against manpower it is useless.
Baseball bat
More aesthetically pleasing than a crowbar, but generally serves the same purposes. However,
in one place of the game Ch in the first chapter of the second part of Ch you can
use it as a weapon of mass destruction that will destroy
almost a dozen enemies (see walkthrough).
"Beretta" 9mm weapon for beginners or very advanced
gamers, at a speed of eighteen bullets per second is
an excellent weapon for hitting long-range targets with little
cartridge consumption. The double Beretta is very dangerous for enemies, but in
in this combination it should be used if there are no cartridges for
"Desert Eagle"
King of mid-range battles, excellent point-to-point weapon
shots to the head. True, it fires less quickly than the Beretta,
and has only twelve bullets in a series, so its use in
big battles inevitably end in death. Yours.
This weapon should be used in the early stages of the game, when
A headshot is enough to kill enemies. Pump-action shotgun
practically useless for attack; it should be used when
single shots from around the corner at short distances.
Sawed-off shotgun
A real shotgun, a descendant of the first shotgun from the old man DOOM,
only suitable for shooting one strong killer,
since it only allows you to fire two shots before reloading.
Not bad for killing initial bosses if you jump out at the same time
from the corner.
A twelve-round military shotgun, knocking out of a fragile
weapon balance in Max Payne. He's practically flawless
rapid-fire, powerful, does not require precise aiming. However,
There is still one minus: you won’t even have time to blink an eye, but
your twelve rounds of ammunition had already disappeared into a group of enemies, and then you
could suffer a worse fate.
"Ingram" alone is not very strong; two "ingrams" - a parable
tongues wagging, Max Payne's calling card, all-destructive weapons with
supersonic rate of fire. Each “ingram” contains
50 rounds, which is enough to completely destroy three
security guards. Just don't forget about BulletTime, without enough
quantities of which “ingrems” are almost useless.
Colt Commando
Colt has a slower rate of fire and is more demanding on aiming accuracy,
than the Ingram, and is excellent for taking out targets from a distance
distances. Before reloading you will be able to spend thirty bullets
without stopping, that's enough to take out half a dozen guards
average lousiness.
Molotov cocktail
Quite a rare weapon in the game, but damn effective
and spectacular. The Molotov cocktail is best used as
mines H light a bottle at the doorway, and then watch how
one by one, a whole army of mafia bastards are burning, running out,
to deal with you.
A magnificent weapon, reliable and effective. Favorite feature
guards will throw grenades at your feet as you climb
stairs We must pay tribute to the fact that this method really
effective. One grenade can kill three killers with
ease. Its damage radius is sufficient to cause loss of health
it was almost impossible to avoid. Use grenades often and
with taste.
M79 grenade launcher
Personal grenade thrower, monstrous weapon, real monster,
which usually, at the same time as killing a bunch of enemies, takes away
half of Max's life. The radius of destruction is huge, in no way
In any event, do not use this weapon at close range. To yourself
it will be more expensive.
Sniper rifle
A sniper rifle can take out almost any enemy with
one shot - one of the few weapons in the game that can
on this. Allows you to use an optical sight to
increase accuracy by squatting. Works on any size
distance H in general, ideal for calm and accurate shooting
remote targets. Fires five bullets before reloading.
A significant disadvantage is that you cannot carry a lot of ammunition with you.
rifle, so use it carefully.
Part I: The American Dream
Chapter I: Roscoe Metro Station
After getting off the train, Max will find himself at the Roscoe metro station.
the notorious New York district of the Bronx. Exit from the station
is closed, so the only way is through the door with the inscription: “Only for
personnel." There Max will find the body of a guard and get
"Beretta". If you look around the room, you can easily replenish
Max's luggage with a couple of painkillers and several magazines for
Berettas - all this is located in cabinets. Now exit the station
is open, and a couple of belligerent men are waiting for you near it
scoundrels. When Max goes through the door "Only for
staff,” the guys will stand with their backs to you. So as not to waste
waste your health, go into slow mode and kill both.
As you head towards the stairs, be sure to pick up the clips from their weapons.
There are two more standing around the corner up the stairs. Jump around the corner
Roll and kill them both in slow motion. At the end
their friend is standing behind bars in the corridor, be sure to kill him,
otherwise you will get a treacherous shot in the back. Going down to
platform, go left and go through the door in the bars. Please pay
attention to the iron doors with a combination lock - this is the entrance to
station control rooms. Max won't be able to enter there until
recognizes the code.
There are two people standing on the platform. Once you've dealt with one of the
them, the second one will run to the staff room. They will be waiting for Max there
two serious-looking guys. Shoot in slow motion
There will be no trace of gas cylinders left from the guys. Having examined everything
drawers and cabinets in the room, return to the platform.
Now follow the direction of the yellow train and there will be more on the left
one door “For staff only.” When you open it, you will see
terrorist holding a subway worker at gunpoint. Shoot
immediately to the bastard's head. Now lead the metro employee to
door from the control room, he will dial the code and the door will open.
The guy will be killed, you go into the room. Behind the second doors of you
Four serious terrorists are waiting, deal with them
in slow motion.
Enter the door on the right. On the main remote control, press the yellow button,
located under line two. On the monitor on the right you will see that in
The lights on the train standing on the platform turned on. Come back
to the platform. Get on the train and turn the steering wheel. The train will go and
will break through the wall. Get out from under the rubble and aim for the gas
cylinders, so as not to waste time on individual reprisals against
each of the four terrorists waiting for you on the tracks. Having passed
further along the tunnel, turn left through the door.
Chapter II: From the Crime Scene
Max found himself in an abandoned New York subway station. Behind
At every turn of the tunnel, a couple of villains await you. In the first
room you can get ammo by breaking one of several
boxes After walking along the rails, climb onto the platform where you will be
Three terrorists are waiting. Break boxes to replenish
ammunition supplies. Going down into the tunnel, you will hear a dialogue between two
sappers. If you wait until their squabble is over, you will have to
fight just one of them.
There is a bomb on the door on the right, but there is no detonator. You need
blow up this door. Go down the passage on the left and you will find yourself in
Aesir Bank premises filled with heavily armed
terrorists. To deal with them without significant losses
for your health, wait until they get close to you and
shoot them.
Once in the control room, answer the phone call and
go to the control computer and the monitor should show
Three letters indicating the compartments will appear: A, B, C.
Only one compartment can be open at a time. Open them by
queue Ch there is a detonator in one of them.
After receiving the detonator, return upstairs to the bomb-lined
doors. Enemy reinforcements will be waiting for you there. Having installed
detonator, move away from the door.
Next, Max will have a meeting with his friend Alex. After
friend will be shot, go up the stairs in the booth,
intended for ticket sales, several
painkillers. Having walked through the metro tunnels and found ourselves near another
one similar booth, go into it and press the button. Gates
will open and you can go outside.
Chapter III: Playing Bogart
First of all, the local killers will want to grind you into powder.
meanings of the Finito brothers. Save and then jump for cover.
Shoot the bastards from cover and take out the first brother.
The second one can be shot point-blank in slow motion. U
you have a little time before three more gangsters
will burst into the room, so you must collect everything at a waltz pace
things laid out around the room and reload the guns.
After dealing with the help, take out the ammo and painkiller from
safe. After reading the letter on Finitos' desk, Max recognizes his
Rico Muerte's next target. You must find his hotel room
Go down the stairs and, breaking the window, go out onto the roof
hotel. A couple of scumbags are waiting for you behind the next door. Now
go through the corridor and all the open rooms - in one of them you
you will find a passage into the adjacent corridor of the hotel, in which it is located
number 313. There is a trap in it, so open the door
carefully. Once triggered, the trap will attract two killers located
at the end of the corridor. Having dealt with them, go into the room and
read Rico's letter.
In the next room there is a huge pit. Shoot at
him until he collapses and clears the passage to the lower floor.
The three guards below will be scared. Take this moment and
shoot them.
Moving further, you will find yourself in Candy Dawn's room. After reading it
diary, you will find a passage to another part of the hotel where it is located
in the toilet. After walking along the corridor, find the elevator and call it.
Chapter IV: Bloody Veins of New York
Coming out of the elevator, Max finds himself in the laundry room. Three guards
talking about the old days and not hearing how she came for them
death, so just jump out and destroy all three
machine gun burst. After breaking the boxes, take the painkiller and
In the room with the stove, pick up the baseball bat and go through
door above the metal stairs. There are two guards behind her
talk about the problems of vampires and their living space, so they
It won't be hard to take him by surprise.
In the next room, deal with the guards and break the boxes,
closing the doorway on the right. Next you will find yourself in a large
a room with a bunch of doors and neon signs. You need a bar.
To get the key to it, you will have to shoot four
terrorists in the conference room. To deal with the four
painless, detonate a Molotov cocktail next to the doors
the killers will run out and fry on the spot. Take the key and
head towards the bar.
Rico Muerte, Candy Dawn and four guards are there. Rico
will be washed off immediately, and you will have to deal with the militant five.
Lure the guards out of the bar and shoot them one by one, and Candy
should be destroyed from a medium distance with a long burst of two
After stocking up on health in the bathroom, run out of the bar and follow
Rico. Another hot fight awaits you there, best of all
throw around a couple of Molotov cocktails.
In the room with the bars there is an Exit button. But now it means nothing to you
Yes, since the exit is blocked by a grate. Climb the stairs
to the club and from there to the roof, then break the glass and jump
down. You have to deal with four sickly killers.
Once they are dead, run to the room with the "Exit" button,
press it and go outside.
Chapter V: Let the Guns Talk
Go to a second-hand store (“Pawn Shop”) and deal with thieves,
cleaning shops. After that, rob the store yourself. Production
H painkiller and cartridges for Ingram.
Around the bend on the right there is a staircase leading to the hotel basement
Lupino. Having dealt with a couple of thugs, collect
unused grenades and Molotov cocktails. Walking through the corridors,
you will find a small hall with cylinders at one end
with gas, in another - a door that cannot be opened naturally
way. Take Max to a safe distance and shoot at
cylinders the explosion will blow off the door.
After going up the stairs, answer the phone and pick up the
the shop next door has the key to the stairs. On the way up you will be given
grenade, so don't forget to save before going up.
Once you reach the third floor, you will find that the way up
is blocked, so leave the stairs and follow the debris of the floor along
the perimeter of the room. When you reach the hole in the floor,
jump over it and quickly move on, as part of the debris
will immediately fall down. Three killers are waiting for you behind the only door.
Having dealt with the guys, head to the kitchen and jump out the window.
Chapter VI: Fear That Gives Wings
The first task is to descend to the ground without losing half of your health.
Don't rush to jump down, go down to the asphalt through the fire
exit. Now is the time for more global tasks to rise to the top
floor of the Lupino Hotel. We need to find the elevator, it's located behind
laundry. In a state of emergency, who is included?
laundries, of course, are not allowed, so Max must find
accompanying person
Head to the building opposite the hotel. This hole is just crawling
drug addicts and terrorists - you need to get to the third
floors, and five killers will be waiting for you along the way. Stock up
health and ammunition.
Once you reach the third floor, look for a door hidden in the dark
corner, and pull the accompanying person out of the room. With him
go downstairs and go to the laundry room. Your escort is unclean
hand and, as soon as the laundry door opens, he yells, warning
security guards. So while he's talking to the mafia, stand up
from the side and, as soon as the door opens, put a bullet in his forehead. Then
deal with the couple of thugs inside and follow to the elevator.
After wandering around the top floor, you will find yourself in a room with an open
window. Wait until the person whistling in the toilet comes out
room, and deal with him, otherwise you will get a bullet in the back. By
pipes, move to the window opposite - four people are waiting for you there, okay
armed thugs. After passing the second room, get out to
next pipe. Having discovered the passage inside the building, you will stumble upon
two guards deciding how to cut the wires to the bomb.
They will make the wrong decision, as a result of which the wall will be covered
cracks. To bring her down completely, knock on the door,
located right here. Climbing up the rubble of the floor in the dark part
building, you will be taken to Vinny Gognit's office. In the next room
Screams can be heard - it’s Vinny complaining about life. Collect painkillers
and all the weapons you can find, save and go in
into the room.
After the scene you will have a fight with four well-armed
scum, and this fight will have to be repeated more than once. After that,
After you deal with the killers, run after Vinny Gognit. Co
next roof the mafia boss will jump on the train and you will have to
repeat his jump, but it is by no means as easy as this
shown in films, so before traveling by train do not
forget to save.
Chapter VII: Police Brutality
Max continues to pursue Gogniti. The first difficulty is to jump
from roof to roof. Don't try to jump off the curb, but look for it
the place on the roof where it ends, something like an opening H and
jump off it. You should be greeted by crowds of Winnie's messengers,
so save after every successful shot. When Max
will go down the stairs, he will be met by three killers H first
kill the first one with a headshot, then finish off the one standing
on the right is the scoundrel. The last terrorist has a weak weapon, and
smashing it to pieces will not be a problem for Max.
Pursue Gogniti. After watching the scene where Vinny climbs the
elevator, run to the minibus and take grenades and painkillers.
Then call the elevator and follow him up. In room
break all the boxes and you will get enough ammo to
continue the fight. There will be a lot of enemies further, and there will be a fight
serious. Save after every successful shot. Save
health. Look for gas cylinders to deal with killers
on a large scale. When you see the last scene where Gogniti knocks
at the door, a real raid awaits you. Use ranged weapons
actions and deal with enemies one by one with headshots.
When it comes to Gognit himself, his shots are rare
They hit Max, but they’ll have to put a lot of bullets into Vinny.
Chapter VIII: Ragna Rock
Find the booth where tickets are sold, and there is a lever in it. Pulling on
him, Max will discover a secret passage to the club. In the first room
there are quite a lot of useful things, like cartridges and
painkiller. The next room has a dance floor and a bar, and in the corners
Four killers with powerful weapons hid. Having resolved them, through
double doors, move on. Climbing to the very top of the floor
with chairs and a control panel that controls pyrotechnics,
go through the opposite door. There you will hear the guards
they're talking about Jack Lupino. Give them a grenade and go out to
another pile of stairs. Four guards waiting
It’s better to shoot you there one by one. Once on the roof, break
glass and jump down to deal with the drug dealers. Next H
up again, jumping on the roofs. Having jumped over all the beams,
go into the illuminated passage.
Carefully move along the beams under the ceiling, go through the door
on the left and shoot three killers. Next you will be taken behind the stage
into a room with a drum kit and a remote control above the stairs.
Go to the remote control and press the Ch button in the wall above the reels
a passage will open. Jump there and move on,
firing back at Jack Lupino's men.
In the next room you will find another remote control. There are four on it
lever: you must pull each one once in order to
the curtains parted and the passage further was clear. Hide behind
pillars and shoot the enemies one at a time, as there will be
a lot. After climbing up the stairs, carefully walk along
boards to the door in the corner - the entrance to Jack Lupino's hideout.
Chapter IX: Evil Empire
This guy has problems with his head. He shouts something absurd, and
while he is busy with this matter, collect everything you can in the next
room. There are two things to remember before a fight: first, everything
existing weapons and painkillers will disappear in the next level,
so use everything you have to the fullest. Second H
around the main passage with the bowl are laid out tons of cartridges and
painkiller, therefore, rolling from one side to the other,
constantly select new resources to continue the battle. well and
now, fingers crossed, enter the main hall H for the main
First you will be greeted by a dozen killers. Don't stand in one place
hide under the awnings along the edges of the hall. There is a hole under the canopy on the left,
through which the killers descend into the room above, you can
stand under it and shoot the reptiles as soon as they appear.
This way you can destroy half of the killers. Second half
will throw Molotov cocktails at you, so the only one
way to escape is to hide behind pillars and shoot at them from there,
constantly rolling from one to another. Save yours
BulletTime for the final showdown.
Having dealt with Lupino's assistants, run to the stairs leading to
curtain, and stand on the side of the stairs. When the curtain opens you
you can almost immediately shoot two of Lupino’s guards and
take care of the old man himself. Lupino has a lot of health, plus he has
there are grenades and Molotov cocktails, so take a steam bath with it
it will take quite a bit. However, two seconds of continuous shooting at
a head from Ingram will be made without any problems.

Part II: A Cold Day in Hell
Max will have to travel through his own nightmares, which
consist of labyrinths and the screams of a murdered family. So that without problems
to complete this part of his adventure, you must arm yourself with a pair
good speakers or headphones - it is very important how well you
distinguish sound sources in space. You'll have to go on
the cries of the wife and child to escape the labyrinths of delirium.
The first labyrinth is completed like this: at the first two intersections
turn left, go through the next fork, then
turn right. You will come to Max's living room. Further
go up the stairs to the nursery. Instead of a nursery you
go through the corridor and find yourself in a void speckled with bloody
lines. Don't step off the bloody lines, otherwise Max will fall into nowhere.
Go right first, jump to the next line when
the first one will end, and continue to follow the child’s cry. If you
you hear that the scream fades away, go back and look for another
path. There is only one path that Max can take,
without falling into the void, so it won't take much time to find him.
Chapter I: Baseball Bat
Waking up, Max discovers that he is not averse to dealing with him
a guy named Frank Niagara. When he goes to the bar for a drink
beer, pick up a baseball bat and look around the room to
find a decent weapon. Break the boxes on the floor with a bat and you will find
painkiller and ammunition.
There are a lot of killers around, so I suggest a good and painless one
way to start the level. Approach the only one that opens
door (behind the stove) and start hitting it with a baseball bat.
All the guards, and there are about seven of them, will run to Max and receive
hit in the forehead, without even having time to fire a shot. You will get
a bunch of ammunition and weapons.
Walk through the nearby rooms, cleared of security,
collect additional cartridges, of which there are many, and
head to the next room. There's still a couple in it
hulks that Max won't be able to take out with his brand new weapon
Taking the elevator, Max will have to deal with a crowd of killers.
Hide behind the meat pieces hanging in large quantities in
indoors. Having killed everyone in the area, go outside and
head to the front entrance of the hotel.
Breaking through the yellow police tape blocking the entrance to the hotel,
which Max cleared almost from the first to the last floor,
head to the only open room - the living room. There
there are three not very dangerous terrorists, and there are problems with them
should not arise. However, you can't keep Mr. waiting
Baseball Bat. Head to the bar.
Three drinking buddies are sitting at the bar with Frank Niagara. How
as soon as the non-interactive scene ends, stand to the side of
doorway and take out two killers who will run out immediately.
Next, try to deal with the third one standing behind the bar
resistant. Leave Frank for a snack: he has the best
health than Jack Lupino himself, and he doesn’t have one Ingram clip
enough. Use strafes to run around Niagara without stopping
stream of bullets. As soon as the clip runs out, run out and
recharge, then repeat. On the second clip from Ingram
Niagara will fall.
Chapter II: An Offer You Can't Refuse
Max Payne fraternized with the Russian mafia! Russian mafia represented
superman named Vladimir drives around in a black Mercedes with
"Vodka" numbers. Nevertheless, Vladimir gave Max the task
infiltrate the ship and kill Boris Dime, at the same time cleaning up
hands a ton of weapons for the upcoming battle with Don Punchinello.
In the control booth, kill the guard and press the button that opens
gates. Next, make your way through the storage rooms in each of
three or four killers await you, some of whom are located
above. Therefore, once in the warehouse, hide behind the pillars and
First of all, shoot targets from above.
Once outside, head to the large crane and climb into it
cabin Press the button and the crane will lift the huge box, releasing
thereby the passage to the barge. Having passed through it and taken out a couple along the way
terrorists, you will find yourself in a corridor whose walls consist of
giant boxes. In the middle is the carrier H as soon as
the guy on it will notice you, the carrier will start moving towards your
side. In one of the boxes there is a room with weapons and painkillers
Wait out the advance of the giant machine in it. At the other end
corridor you can go out into another similar corridor with the same
carrier. Find another hole in the box and stock up on weapons
sniper rifle. When the carrier stops, head
to a small barge on the other side of the stinking stream.
Having knocked down the lock on the grate, Max will stock up on many additional
cartridges and weapons. Now approach the grate behind which stands
truck, take out your sniper rifle and aim at the stand,
standing under one of the truck wheels. With a well-aimed shot
the stand will fly out and the truck will roll down merrily.
Now go back to where the bridge was raised. Offers
serious-looking guys with guns, so be prepared for the worst.
Go into the building. In the room on the right there are several grenades and
four painkillers, take them all before your visit
main room. There are two guards there with very powerful
weapons: to take them out, hide behind the weights and shoot
with rare but well-aimed bursts from around the corner.

Chapter III: Rats and Oily Water
The warehouse through which Max will have to make his way is simply teeming with
guards hiding behind fences and calling for help. IN
in general, this place must be passed as carefully and quietly as possible,
otherwise, after the deceased, more guards will come running with a loud noise
five. And behind each of the five there are as many more.
When you go “outside”, climb onto the mobile platform. on her
four levers on the four sides of the platform to move to the left,
go to the left lever, etc. There are towers with
security guards. To get rid of them without unnecessary noise, turn on
scope of a sniper rifle and take them out from afar with one
shot. With a sensible approach, the guys will not do a single thing
shot in your direction.
Drive forward, then left. Every turret with someone you killed
It's worth visiting the guard to get painkillers and ammo.
Three killers will notice you from the ground and will shoot from below, but
due to the fact that Max is fifteen meters higher,
It won't be difficult to take them out.
At the end of your journey you should arrive at a new warehouse.
Go down the bridge, turn on slow motion mode
when any living creature appears in the field of view, then
climb up the other bridge and go into the small room
with a window overlooking the pier and the barge that you will have to
clean up There's a great target on it. Get rid of that little guy.
right now. Press the button to open the grille covering
exit from the warehouse.
Once on the ship, arm yourself with two “ingrems” and head to
captain's cabin. Having dealt with several guards,
talk to Don Punchinello and go downstairs, straight to Boris
Daimu and his weapons cache.
Dime has three assistants: kill the first one with a grenade,
then, climbing back onto the stairs, shoot the other two.
As for Boris Dime himself, blow up the cylinders next to him,
to reduce his health to half. Don't come close to him, so
how he will treat you to a Molotov cocktail. As soon as he starts
recharge your “ingrams”, treat him with a queue of the same ones, and
the guy will die.
Chapter IV: Extinguish my flame with gasoline
It's going to be hot now. The entire Punchinello restaurant is full of bombs, Max
you will have to make your way through the loopholes in the all-consuming flame.
Run along the right wall to the double doors at the end of the room.
to the right of the bar. Without stopping for a second, move towards
next double doors opposite. Entering them, quickly
turn right and run through the row of shelves before
they will start falling, and open the door on the right. In the next corridor
run straight down the middle, then turn right. Run
through the center of the room and turn left once the room
will start to burn. Carefully turn around and walk along the wall along
corridor towards the next room.
As soon as the fire appears, run headlong to the opposite
unlit wall. Jump over the rubble and turn around
you will see a passage further. You will also find several steps to
another room, but it's a dead end.
As you go up the stairs, you will see two exits from the corridor.
Head to the left, once in the room, turn right and
go down the next corridor. Go to a dead end where there is a cylinder with
gas is about to explode. Step back and follow
along walls that don't burn. When you hear another explosion, go through
back and turn left towards the hole. Jumping over the shelves
go through the double doors. The fire is over.
Next, the guards are waiting for you. A lot of. Choose a painkiller and
prepare the pomegranates. As soon as you see an enemy, throw it. Coming out of
premises, take out the “ingrems” and shoot the killers on the way to

Chapter V: Angel of Death
The time has come to deal with Don Punchinello. Along with his guards
Max's mansion awaits the legendary Trio, three professional
highly qualified killer. In a word, you have to work.
In the basement of the mansion you will find several corpses, apparently
Max's girlfriend, Mona, tried to escape. Clear the corridor and collect
various weapons. In the room on the left you will find a painkiller
and a killer who will put a bullet in Max's forehead as soon as he opens
door. Therefore, it is better to burst into the room, turning on slow motion
mode. As you move along the corridor to the right, you will come across
several guards (one of them with two “ingrems”), and to this
the fight needs to be prepared. When you go up the stairs, you
you will find yourself in a kitchen with a bunch of interesting objects and places. Inspect and
collect everything you can, because in the next room you
One of the trio of killers is waiting.
Besides Big Brother, there are two guards in this room. All in all,
you'll have to take them by cunning: prepare a grenade, open
door and throw it at the table where three killers are sitting, then
strafe away from the passage. Most likely, during this time Big
Brother will put half his clip into you, so the painkiller,
found in the kitchen won't hurt. The grenade will deal with the assistants
Big Brother and halve his health. Now end it
old man - a matter of technology. Please be aware that once Big
Brother will be killed, two more killers will burst into the room, so
don't yawn.
After making my way through the piano room and killing a few brats,
you will find yourself in the main hall of the mansion with a staircase leading up to two
wing of the building. As soon as Max gets here, the guards will run after
Call another of the trio for help. There's only two here
guards, one of whom almost always gets wet with his “ingrems”
stair railing and fails to hit Max. Head over
to the room on the right.
There's another bastard named Joe waiting for you here. Along with Joe there are two more
not weak guys. Plus, they are located in the room so that
It will be extremely difficult to launch a grenade. The only way out
a brimming hourglass with BulletTime and several clips
for double ingrams. All three are on the right, so
break into the room in slow motion and release into the mafia
All the cartridges are from Ingrams that are available. If you don't have enough
time in slow motion, you are dead.
The last guy from Trinity will still have to be hunted.
Head to the door to the left of the stairs, it's still closed,
stand at a distance from her and the guy with the M79 will blow her up. How
only this happens, you will be able to bear it with the help
a sniper rifle, he won’t even notice you. After passing the bathroom and
a couple more rooms, answer the phone and get ready for
fight with the last member of the trinity. Use a grenade as in the case
with Big Brother, and a clip or two from Ingram, he and his friends will
enough. Behind the next door is Don Punchinello himself.
After the scene you immediately find yourself in battle, turn on slow motion
mode and try to shoot three of Punchinello's guards while
they had not yet had time to run away. You may have to use them
spend all your weapons. Not scary. There will be no more fights. Before
Max will line up two dozen mercenaries to continue fighting