Mass effect 3 passage in the laboratory. Story line. Aria: "Blood Flock"

As the developers promised from the very beginning of the trilogy, all important decisions from the past parts of the game will be taken into account and influence the plot of Mass Effect 3. It's time to summarize. Important decisions from the first part include: the question of the genophage, the fate of Queen Rachni, the Council on the Citadel, Kaiden, Ashley, Rex, Kirraha. The important decisions from the second part include: the additions Arrival, the Overlord, questions about the geth-heretics, Melon's data on the genophage, and also everything and the outcome. All decisions have, to varying degrees, impact on the final amount of military resources and attitude towards Shepard. For example, if the Council was saved, then the strength of the Alliance fleet will decrease, but some of the lost resources will be reimbursed by the Asari dreadnought Path of Destiny. If Rex dies, Rachni will compensate for his absence (in case of rescue). There are no particularly unprofitable decisions, something will still be compensated for with a correct calculation.

Decisions made in Mass Effect 1 affecting the plot of Mass Effect 3:

  • Dr. Chloe Michelle(Doctor Michel) - if you help the doctor get rid of the blackmailers in ME1, who have learned about her past and are trying to spoil her, she will certainly make herself felt in ME2 by sending a letter to the commander's personal terminal. In ME3, she can be found in the Guerta Hospital in the Patient Lounge. The lines of a hero or a renegade will help convince her to join the ship's crew. In this case, Karin Chakwas will remain working in the laboratory, replenishing the amount of combat resources. Garrus will also not go to waste, having received a box of turian chocolates from an old acquaintance.
  • Jenna(Jenna) - If you convince Chellick, a detective from CBC, to remove Rita's sister from execution secret mission C-Sec's security service to track down arms dealers, she will appear in ME3 and save Konrad Werner's life during the takeover of the Citadel by Cerberus. Otherwise, Shepard's admirer will be killed.
  • Elkoss Harvester License(Elkoss Combine License) - if you buy Elkoss Combine licenses from an Expat, a volus from the upper market of the administrative district of the Citadel, or from Delan, a Hanar from the Presidium, or Opold, a Hanar from Noveria, they will be useful in a quest with Konrad Werner.
  • Gavin Hossl(Gavin Hossle) - If you agree to find and then return data from the planet Feros Hossle, a scientist who works for the Exo-Geni Corporation. They will be useful to Konrad Werner in his dissertation work.
  • Michael and Rebecca(Michael and Rebekah) - If you help them in ME1, they will spawn near Sirte's store in ME2, and then at the Apollo Cafe on the Presidium Community level in the Citadel in ME3. In this case, you can get an increase in reputation from them by five units. If you do not contact them in ME1, they will still appear in ME3, but not under their own names, but as a "disputing couple", and will increase the reputation by only two units.
  • Death from heaven(Bring Down the Sky) - If you let the Batarian Terrorist escape, he will return to ME3 on a Disarm mission. Shepard can either kill him or persuade him to join the intergalactic war against the Reapers. In the latter case, military resources are replenished with the remnants of the batarian fleet. If you try to kill Balak, he will still appear in ME3, only the dialogues and the degree of stubbornness will change. It will take more effort to persuade him not to do stupid things and join everyone. If the DLC was not completed, by default Shepard let the batarian leave.
  • Rex's clan armor(Wrex "s Family Armor) - if you help Rex regain his armor, and in ME3 betray him by refusing, then at the moment of collision with him additional dialogues will appear.
  • Admiral Mikhailovich(Rear Admiral Mikhailovich) - if the council is saved at the end of ME1, the Alliance fleet will suffer heavy losses in battle, the number of ships will be reduced by a third, despite this, the remnants of the fleet will still take part in the battle for Earth in ME3, but there will be no military resources the admiral himself is listed, so you can not count on an increase of twenty-five units.
  • Captain Kirrahe(Captain Kirrahe) - If Kirrahe survives the assault on Saren's base on Vermire, in ME3 he will appear on Sur "Kesh and offer his help in the fight against the Reapers, and at the same time for Earth. If Thane Krios dies during the final suicide mission in ME2, Kirrahe save the Consul at the Citadel in ME3 instead.
  • (UNC: Asari Writings) - If you collect all the ancient records of the Asari Matriarch in ME1, they will help in the quest with Konrad Werner in ME3.
  • Rana Tanoptis(Rana Thanoptis) - If you spare the Asari Scientist when you first meet in Vermire, where she will work to restore the krogan population, you can get data from her about the influence of the Overlord on the test subjects. In ME2, she can be found on Corlus, at the time of recruiting Okir (Grünt). If this time too, let her go in peace, in ME3, Shepard's personal terminal will receive a news report about the explosion at the Asari research center on Thessia, the culprit of which will be an old acquaintance. She will be arrested and then she will commit suicide.

Decisions made in Mass Effect 2 affecting the plot of Mass Effect 3:

  • (Squadmate Loyalty Missions) - completing personal tasks in ME2 increases not only the chance of survival of companions during a suicide mission, but also affects their survival in ME3, as well as dialogues.
  • Konrad Werner(Conrad Verner) - an ardent fan of Shepard, with a fortunate coincidence, can appear in all three parts of the game. To do this, in ME1 you need to give him an autograph, in the second part he will appear in the bar "Eternity" on Illium; welcome it. Thanks to his ability to pry into other people's affairs, Shepard will have to save Konrad from the "employer". Events will force him to leave the planet, and later on the news will slip a message about the creation of a new charitable foundation for refugees and orphans. If you "send" Konrad at the first meeting, he will die. In ME3, you can meet him at the location "Docks: storage area" on the Citadel at the time of repairing medical stations. He will be located not far from Avina, recruiting recruits for Cerberus, motivating his action by the fact that his hero recently worked for this organization. Shepard manages to convince the fool to abandon the crazy idea, then Konrad will talk about his dissertation on dark energy, in which he used the data of Hossl, the ancient records of the asari matriarch and the Elkoss Combine license, which allowed him to receive an additional bonus. If you do not stop there and periodically visit a friend with questions, he will tell you in detail about the affairs in the orphanage and the reason for the flight, about his family and much more. Each of side quests ME1 will add one military resource for a total of five. As a result, a long history of relationships may end with the death of Konrad Werner at the hands of a Cerberus agent who will try to kill Shepard, or the salvation of both, if Jenna is helped in ME1.
  • Brandy "Serrice Ice"(Serrice Ice Brandy) - if you fulfill the request of Dr. Karin Chakwas and have a drink with her in ME2, and in ME3 offer to return to the ship, she will remind you of this promise, and this time the feast will be held at her expense.
  • (Kelly / Prejek Paddle Fish) - if in the course of the plot in ME2 you perform several actions: agree to have dinner with the secretary in the captain's cabin, entrust her with taking care of the fish, and quickly rescue the kidnapped team from the captivity of the Collectors, then the girl can be found in ME3 in location "Docks: storage area" of the Citadel. She will tell about recent events in her life and return the fish, after which Liara will have the Predzhek Paddlefish upgrade at the research terminal.
  • The wreck of the "Normandy"(Normandy Crash Site) - If you complete a task from the downloadable add-on and erect a monument to the fallen crew members of the former Normandy, a memorial wall with the names of the victims will be installed on the living deck in ME3, where new names will gradually be added.
  • Illium's blue rose(Blue Rose of Illium) - If you persuade the asari to Ereba, a souvenir seller on Illium, to reciprocate the courtship of the krogan Charr, then during the mission to clear the rahni lair in ME3, you can find a farewell message that must be returned to Erebe.
  • (Normandy Upgrades) - if you install all the upgrades on the Normandy, they will not disappear over time, but will add additional military resource points to ME3.
  • Kalissa al-Jilani(Khalisah al-Jilani) - If you spar at each meeting with a journalist, and refrain from assault in the last meeting on the Citadel, she will add five units of military resources. If you constantly restrain yourself and not bring the matter to a fight, giving her the opportunity to ask sharp questions, then the combat power of the army will increase by ten military resources.
  • (Minerals / Resources) - the more minerals and resources will be collected in ME2 using planetary scanning, the higher the chance of getting one hundred additional units of military resources in ME3; the emphasis should be on platinum.
  • Hope Zhu(Zhu "s Hope) - If you keep Shiale alive in the Feros colony, where she is exposed to an ancient plant that will give her the Prothean Cipher, then in ME2 she can be found in the transport department on Illium, where she will arrive to make a deal with a medical company Baria Frontiers The deal will not go smoothly and Shepard will have a chance to make peace with Erinia, a company spokesman. The attempt will be successful, Shiala will try to thank her hero, but this will only happen if the colonists were rescued on Feros and the commander at the time of the meeting is not burdened with a romantic relationship.The last message from Shiala will be received in ME3, when a letter from Feros arrives at the personal terminal, which will tell about the struggle between the colonists and the Reapers.
  • Matriarch Etita(Matriarch Aethyta) - If you talk to Matriarch Aethyta at the Eternity Bar on Illium, in ME3 she will arrive at the Citadel and get a job at the Apollo Cafe at the Presidium Community level. This will not bring much dividends - there will be an opportunity to contemplate the complex relationship between Etita and Aria.
  • Lord(Overlord Pack) - If you save David Archer's life while completing the assignment, he will once again meet on Shepard's path at Grissom Academy in ME3, while evacuating the students. As a token of gratitude, he will open an armory, where all other trifles will lie. The amount of combat resources received as a reward depends on how you deal with it. If rescued, then when meeting with Gavin Archer, David's brother, in the task of evacuating the former scientists of "Cerberus", the latter will join the construction of the Forge (+25 BP).
  • Lair of the Shadow Broker(Lair of the shadow Broker) - if you complete the addition, then the result of an exciting adventure can be the rescue of Drell Feron, an information merchant and mercenary, from the clutches of the Gray Broker, as well as a partial change in Aria's dialogues. Moreover, the reconnaissance terminal will receive an additional upgrade "Armor Modification Kit", delivered to the "Normandy" by special order of Feron.
  • Kasumi / Zayed(Kasumi / Zaeed) - If you complete missions for loyalty companions in ME2, then in ME3 they will help you avoid problems in missions with ambassadors of volus and hanars on the Citadel. Without them, you will have to rely on your strengths, and be content with a satisfactory result, and not the maximum. If you save the black box in Kasumi's personal assignment, then in the case of combining organics and synthetics in the downloadable "Extended Cut" add-on, the thief will reunite with his beloved Keiji.
  • Arrival(Arrival) - if you do not complete the expansion, the relay will be destroyed along with part of the Alliance fleet, and military resources will decrease by 50 units. The events that have taken place will also affect the dialogue between the characters, slightly changing them.

Mass Effect 3 ending... What is she like? Should we expect a different ending to the game? I will answer these questions in this thread, I will try to answer briefly, but informatively. In the near future, a large number of articles on various topics on the game Mass Effect 3 will be published. This will include the passage of missions, a description of the game, impressions and much, much more.

Mass Effect 3 endings

In the game Mass Effect 3 there are only 3 - and the endings, all three endings end with the death of our main character - Shepard. Why is this happening? And everything happens like this, because the developers of the game said from the very beginning that Shepard's story would end in the third part of the ME game. Why in this particular part, and why it will end. The thing is that many events have already taken place in the galaxy, where the main actor was our favorite hero. We have already managed to save the galaxy from the geth, defending many worlds and throwing them back to the border. And they managed to either save the council, or save our comrades, leaving the council to die, so I did. In the game, we managed to get a lot of information about the attack of the reapers on our galaxy.

And in the final part of Shepard's story, that's right, it's the hero, not the game itself, we managed to save everyone, but we sacrificed ourselves.

There are three Mass Effect 3 endings... By the way, it may or may not be a coincidence, but the number of endings is 3, which reflects all three parts of the game. Each ending has its own name in the community of players, red, green, and blue. In one case, we destroy all the reapers and save the world, for this we need to go to the right in the game and destroy the battery. At the other end, we subject our body to ionization by jumping into a beam of energy. In this ending, people and robots will unite into one, machines become more alive, and people become robotic, a kind of fusion takes place. For this ending, you need to go straight. And there is also a third ending, in which we are split into smallest particles, but then we can control the army of reapers. In my opinion, it is in this case that at least a particle of the mind of our hero Shepard remains. But in all the videos about the end of the game, our team manages to escape from the destructive rays, and as a result, in all three cases, they end up on an uninhabited planet. I would also like to add that in any ending, all repeaters explode, allowing you to travel between worlds. And, in the end, only in one ending, the central one, in the videos among the wreckage, we are shown the broken armor of the captain, which moves from a possible breath resulting from the expansion of the lungs of a biological creature.

I didn't like the ending, because I would like to see the continuation of the story, where I thought I would live on my home planet Tali, but in the end my hero died anyway. Players are already collecting petitions against these endings and demanding from the developers a new completion of the beloved Mass Effect 3 game. part of the game that has not yet been announced, but will definitely be in a couple of years. I advise you to go through the game 3 times and feel all three Mass Effect 3 endings... Personally, I am going to do this two more times, because I have already completed the game once.

In March, namely on March 21 and 23, Mass Effect: Andromeda is released, where the events take place 600 years after the events of ME3. This suggests that regardless of whether Shepard survived or not, we will not see him again in this wonderful game. Awaits us new story, a new hero and new friends who will help us defend the right to live in a colony in Mass Effect 2017. We look forward and hope for a new exciting storyline and gameplay.

How will Mass Effect 3 endings affect Andromeda's gameplay?

There is no exact information, but we can assume that before the start of the game we will be given the opportunity to recreate our own picture of events, as it was in Dragon age in the form of a mosaic, which, at least partially, but influenced our events in the game. We hope that references to Shepard will be found in the game and we will hear again about our favorite game hero, Captain Shepard, who died in the third part of the game.

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In Mass Effect 3, the third installment in the popular Bioware series, the fate of all of humanity is at stake. The Reapers launched a large-scale attack on planet Earth. As Captain Shepard, you have to lead and coordinate the response of the earthlings to this impending threat to their existence. Like the previous installments of the series, Mass Effect 3 follows all the laws of Hollywood: with intense action, gripping cutscenes and the fate of the world in the hands of a lone hero. But, unlike films, you will be able to control everything that happens on the screen and, perhaps, even save humanity.

While the game hasn't undergone significant changes, there have been a variety of changes in graphics and gameplay. In particular, you now have more options for how to play: ME3 can offer you a deep storyline with extended RPG elements or more action - all depending on your personal preference. On top of that, you can import a saved character from Mass Effect 2 and play the multiplayer that crowns this great set.

In creating this guide, we had two main goals in mind. First, to allow you to better understand and put into practice all the configuration options offered in Mass Effect 3, and second, to provide you with some advanced settings to enhance the full experience of the game.

Before proceeding, let's make sure your system satisfies minimum requirements for this game (recommended requirements are indicated in brackets):

  • Processor: 1.8 GHz (2.4 GHz) dual core CPU
  • RAM: 1GB (2GB) RAM for Windows XP / 2GB (4GB) RAM for Windows Vista and Windows 7
    Hard Drive: At least 15GB of free space
  • Graphics: Pixel Shader 3.0 Compatible (NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT or higher recommended)
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
  • Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7

In this guide, you will go through full descriptions for all the settings available in the various Mass Effect 3 options menus, as well as how to use the configuration utility. In those places where there is a need to emphasize the impact of changing these settings on the quality of the game picture, we have posted comparative screenshots. Performance information will also be provided for each installation. However, do not forget that the exact impact on your system will depend on the specifications of its components, as well as game and system settings... Here we have tried to organize as much information as possible so that you can make an informed choice (which settings to enable and which not) that provides the optimal balance of image quality and performance according to your preferences.

General system optimization

Just as important as any purely game setting is the correctness of the configuration and installation of Windows. Slowing down of the game, freezing or even complete "ejection" from the game can be caused precisely by the internal settings of Windows and some outdated or incorrectly configured drivers. Use our dedicated Gaming PC Customization Guide to get your PC in top shape for your ME3 game needs. Or at least make sure your graphics drivers have been updated to the latest version available.

performance measurement

To successfully implement all the changes, you will need some kind of tool to objectively measure your system's performance in FPS (Frames Per Second). The most in a simple way to make such measurements is to use the FRAPS utility. Download, install and run this program even before launching the game itself. After that, you will see a yellow FPS counter in the corner of the screen. Keep an eye on his readings, paying special attention to scenes that are heavily involved in graphics, such as during large-scale battles. If at the same time your FPS level drops to the lowest values ​​or constantly "floats", then this is a sure sign that you need to adjust the appropriate settings. Your best bet is to raise the minimum FPS to at least 25 units (or more), or simply stabilize the frame rate to prevent unpleasant visual effects.

Remember: In Mass Effect 3, vertical sync (VSync) is enabled by default and cannot be disabled via the in-game settings or the configuration utility. Moreover, the game has a compulsory limitation of the frame rate equal to 62 points. How to turn off vertical sync and how to change / remove the upper limit of the frameret will be discussed in the Advanced Settings section of this manual.

General settings

Before diving into the many graphics-related parameters (which have the greatest impact on gaming performance and image quality), let's look at other settings. In order to find yourself in the game settings, you need to start ME3, press "Extra" in the main game menu, and then - "Options". You can also do this if you press the ESC button during the game, and then select "Options". The video settings will be covered on the next few pages, but first we'll look at the general settings for gameplay, controllers, and audio.

The parameters discussed below do not have any tangible effect on gaming performance.


Combat Difficulty: This setting determines what level of difficulty your battles will be. The options available (in ascending order) are Narrative, Casual, Normal, Hardcore and Insanity. The higher this indicator is set, the more aggressive, stronger and smarter your enemies will appear. At low difficulty levels, they will be weak and have little initiative, and you, in turn, will be able to inflict more damage on them. You can set the desired difficulty for battles at any moment of the game convenient for you.

Auto Level-Up: This setting affects how the level up of your character and his squad will occur when they have accumulated the appropriate amount of experience points to move to the next level. If the setting is not enabled (selected Off), then you need to press ESC during the game, select the "Squad" option and manually distribute the available points between the different abilities for yourself and each member of your squad: this way the most accurate control over development is achieved character and squad in ME3. If the "Squad Only" option is selected, then although you have to manually level up the character, the points will be distributed automatically among all team members according to the strengths. When the Squad & Player option is selected, both the main character and his teammates will receive points automatically allocated at each level up without the need for your direct participation in the process.

Squadmate Power Use: This option determines how your current teammates use their powers. When it is On, your teammates can use both offensive and defensive abilities. If turned off (Off) - then only protective plus amplification of cartridges. Disabling this option is recommended only in those cases when you are going to actively manage the distribution of forces among your teammates during the battle, as otherwise it can lead to less effective use of their abilities by the squad members.

Autosave: if this option is enabled, the game will save your progress at a certain frequency in a special slot called Autosave. It is unrelated to the slots where you manually save games and the Quick Save slots. However, every time an autosave game occurs, it is overwritten with the previous save in the Autosave slot. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you activate this option, since in this case the game on its own will often make saves before important events or decisions. This means you always have a way to escape in case you forget to save manually.

Hints: When active (On), a variety of text hints and tips will appear on the screen during the game. When inactive (Off), the prompts will disappear. It is recommended that you initially activate this option (at least until you are fully accustomed to the game), or turn it on every time before you have questions about a specific game situation. Remember also that some hints at the very beginning of the game will still appear regardless of whether this option is enabled or not.

Action Icons: when this option is enabled (On), then the screen will display possible graphic options for your future actions. For example, when you are in ambush behind a wall, a blue arrow may appear, indicating that you can jump from your current cover to an equally safe location nearby. Likewise, when you approach a wide gap (between buildings, fences, etc.) that can be jumped over from a run, this arrow will highlight your jump trajectory. These indicators can mainly be useful for beginners who are not yet quite comfortable with all the actions available in the game. Disabling this option (Off) removes such prompts from the screen.


Conversation Mode: This setting determines whether or not you will have the ability to choose responses during conversations. When "Full Decisions" is enabled, then whenever possible in a conversation, you will need to choose your answer from the list below. When "No Decisions" is enabled, all answer options will be automatically selected for you, and you will not be able to influence them.

Subtitles: if enabled (On), subtitles will be displayed at the bottom of the screen during calls. Disabling this option (Off) removes subtitles from the screen.

Shepard's Helmet: This setting affects the appearance of Shepard during dialogues. By default, your hero will wear a helmet (if he has one) during most dialogues and cutscenes. If you select "Off in Conversations", then Shepard will not have a helmet on his head when he is talking to someone. This will allow you to follow the facial expressions and changes in the facial expression of the captain.

Squadmate Helmets: Similar to the above setting, this determines whether team members wear helmets on their heads during dialogues or cutscenes. "Default Off" means that in the vast majority of all game situations, there will be no helmets. With "Default On" they will be dressed in most cases. And if the "Off in Conversations" choice is selected, then your allies will be without hats only during dialogues.

VO Language, Text Language: These options allow you to select the language of the voice-over or the displayed text (if subtitles are enabled).

Mouse and keyboard settings

You can customize the keyboard to suit your needs on the Key Bindings tab of the Options menu. The following options can be used to customize the mouse:

Invert Mouse: when this option is turned off (Off), the hero raises his head when moving the mouse forward, and lowers it when moving back. If this option is enabled (On), then everything happens the other way around: moving the mouse forward, the hero will lower his head; and moving backwards - to raise.

Mouse Dampening: This setting acts as a kind of mouse accelerator. It shortens the response time for fast manipulator movements and lengthens the response time for slower / shorter movements. In theory, this can improve the accuracy of your shots, giving you the ability to aim accurately when the mouse is moving slowly. However, some players may experience the opposite effect, resulting in an ambiguous gaming experience due to unpredictable mouse movements. If you do not need such acceleration, then disable this option (Off).

Mouse Sensitivity: This slider controls how sensitive the mouse is to your movements. The closer to the right edge its position is, the more sensitive the mouse will be. But remember that if the mouse movements remain "jerky" even after increasing the mouse sensitivity level, then the first thing you need to do is check the frame rate. If its level steadily drops below the 25-30 FPS mark, then you need to adjust the settings to increase the minimum FPS level and thus ensure a sensitive mouse operation. Do not forget about the effect of the Mouse Dampening setting on the mouse sensitivity. And since Mass Effect 3 has VSync turned on by default, this can also cause decreased mouse response. How to disable VSync will be discussed in detail in the Advanced Settings section of this guide.

Sound settings

Music, Sound Effects, Dialog Volume: These slides are responsible respectively for the volume of music, sound effects and dialogues during the game. Install them solely according to personal preference, since they do not have any effect on performance.

Dynamic Range: This option determines how in-game audio will be processed. The High setting provides a wide sound range and is intended for high quality headphones or multi-channel sound systems that are capable of reproducing that range with high fidelity without distortion or loss of sound. The Low setting works well for cheaper headphones and small desktop (built-in) speakers.

Voice Mode: While playing Mass Effect 3 in multiplayer mode, you can use the microphone to communicate with other players. This setting sets in which mode your communication will take place. "Push to Talk" means that every time before you say something, you will need to press the talk key (by default, this is Tab or B). "Always On" means that your conversation channel is always open to the air: therefore, everything you say (as well as the noises surrounding you) will be constantly broadcast on the air. “No Voice” completely disables voice chat.

Force Voice Chat Audio: if enabled (On), then this setting will constantly broadcast sounds from the voice chat, even if the game is minimized to the system tray.

Voice Chat Volume: This slider determines the overall audio level for voice chat. Customize it to your liking.

Voice Chat Input Device: This setting shows the name of the Windows recorder. Usually displayed as a "microphone" with an indication of the manufacturer sound card... If this box is empty or incorrect data is displayed in it, then you do not have the opportunity to voice communication in multiplayer.

Voice Chat Output Device: This setting shows the name of the Windows playback device. As a rule, this is the name of the headphones or speakers with the indication of the manufacturer of the sound card. If it is not displayed properly, then you will not hear any sounds at all while playing ME3.

If you want to diagnose problems with any of the above options, or better yet adjust everything related to sound in ME3, then you should do it using Windows audio settings.


Upload Gameplay Feedback: If this option is enabled, feedback will be automatically uploaded to BioWare, providing them with details of all the bugs that you have encountered and giving an understanding of the general style of gameplay and your interaction with the game. This will help the developers to further improve the game. If you do not need this function, you can disable it.

Graphic settings

A complete list of graphics-related settings will be available when you run the Mass Effect 3 configuration utility (MassEffect3Config.exe) that ships with the game. It is located in the Program Files (x86) \ Origin Games \ Mass Effect 3 \ Binaries directory. Run the utility, and after it has scanned your system, select "Video" in the left pane to open a list of all available video related settings for ME3. Some of these settings can also be adjusted while the game is already running: to do this, you need to press ESC, select "Options" and then - "Graphics".

In this section, we'll take a look at each of the graphics settings and examine exactly how they affect the performance and quality of the game image.

We'll start the performance graph for each of the settings described below with a "baseline" where all settings are set to maximum values, full screen is enabled, and vertical sync and frame rate counter are disabled. From this baseline, we varied specific settings to measure the effect they had on performance and image quality.

The parameters of the system on which the game was tested:

  • GeForce GTX 560 1GB
  • Intel Core i7 940
  • 3GB RAM
  • Win7 64-bit
  • NVIDIA 295.73 WHQL Drivers


A comprehensive list of graphical settings that can be changed using the Mass Effect 3 Configuration Utility is located in the \ Program Files (x86) \ Origin Games \ Mass Effect 3 \ Binaries folder. All these settings will be discussed in detail in this section of the manual.

Windowed: By default, Mass Effect 3 runs in full screen mode. It occupies the entire working area of ​​the monitor and is recommended. If you want ME3 to run in a small window on your desktop, then enable this option. The window size will depend on your monitor's resolution settings. Running the game in small window mode is a good solution when you want to lower your screen resolution in order to improve performance without compromising on image quality.

Window Mode: If you are going to play in window mode, then using this setting, you can set the game window frame or not.

Aspect Ratio: This setting determines the aspect ratio of your monitor, and also affects what options are available to you in the resolution settings. To avoid distorted images, you should choose a value that properly matches the aspect ratio of your monitor: for modern widescreen models, this value is usually 16: 9 or 16:10. The correct ratio is usually set automatically, but if you are not sure about this, then just pay attention to whether the round objects in the game are displayed as round (correct) or oval (incorrect). Please also note that even if you choose 16:10, some cutscenes will still be displayed in 16: 9 aspect ratio with black bars at the top and bottom of the screen - this is normal.

Resolution: this option is responsible for the resolution of the game image. It is measured by the number of pixels vertically and horizontally (for example, 1920 x 1080 pixels). The number of available values ​​is limited by the capabilities of both your video card and monitor. It also depends on the Aspect Ratio setting described above. The higher the resolution you choose, the more detailed the screen will appear during gameplay. However, high values ​​of this parameter can place a significant load on your system (especially on the video card), and therefore reduce the overall level of performance. The impact on performance can sometimes be very significant, so if it does not increase after adjusting other parameters, then you should reduce the resolution. To obtain the highest quality image on LCD-monitors, you can select the maximum value of the resolution within this option (the so-called "native" resolution of the monitor). If you choose a resolution below the maximum level, then select the value "Windowed" of the setting of the same name, described above.

The graph shows the dependence of gaming performance on changing this setting:

From the graph above, you can see that at higher resolutions, the FPS level will decrease. Therefore, resolution is one of the critical settings that affects overall performance in Mass Effect 3.

Anti-Aliasing & Motion Blur

Anti-Aliasing: When this option is active, an effective form of post-processing Antialiasing (AA), also known as FXAA, is used to smooth the edges of jagged lines and reduce their flickering and crawling during dynamic scenes. ... While FXAA can cause general blurring in some games, using this effect in Mass Effect 3 works very well if you want to smooth out sharp edges of lines while keeping images sharp.

The screenshots above show the difference between antialiasing enabled and disabled in ME3. In the left picture, where AA is off, you can see the jagged edges. They are most noticeable on the frame of the glass balcony railing, on the tiles on the floor, as well as on the top and bottom of the windows. When anti-aliasing is turned on, then, despite the fact that some jaggedness still remains, most of the lines have become noticeably smoother. The difference is even more noticeable during the game, because as you move, the jagged lines become even more noticeable. If you activate anti-aliasing, then they will become much smoother. Also, when using FXAA, the overall picture becomes slightly blurry. But, as noted before, this is almost imperceptible during the game.

If you would like to apply more effective forms of anti-aliasing for even better image quality and clarity, see the description of the Improved Antialiasing setting in the Advanced Settings section of this manual.

How this setting affects gaming performance is shown below:

The graph clearly shows that despite the fairly effective changes that the setting brings to the game, its impact on performance in ME3 is not so significant. And, of course, it is not as large as that provided by more efficient, but also more resource-intensive forms of anti-aliasing: MSAA (Multi-Sample AA) or SSAA (Super Sample AA), which we will talk about later. This makes this setting the best solution for those players who want to reduce jagged lines without inflicting FPS damage. However, if every unit of frame rate is critical to you, then anti-aliasing is one of the first settings to turn off: the game image will be passable even if it is not activated.

Motion Blur: When this setting is On, the motion blur effect is used. Its essence is that any sharp movements will be blurred, as it were, thus stimulating the effect of fast movement. Using this effect improves the perception of smooth motion at low frame rates, and also gives the overall picture a cinematic touch. However, its opposite effect can be expressed in "jerky" movements, especially during sharp turns.

These screenshots were taken as Captain Shepard was quickly turning right. When the motion blur effect is off, the scene looks absolutely crisp and clear. When the effect is turned on, the outlines of Shepard are still quite clear, while the surrounding area becomes blurred and a sense of rapid movement is created against its background. The amount of blur also depends on how fast you move the mouse.

The performance dependence on changing this parameter is presented below:

Generally speaking, motion blur has a minimal impact on performance, so its use comes down primarily to personal preference. But it is still worth turning it off if you notice constant "freezing" of the game image while making sudden movements.

Dynamic Shadows: This setting is whether animated objects in the game will cast shadows (both on themselves and on other surfaces) or not. When disabled, the above objects will not cast dynamic shadows, however, this does not disable all shadows in the game, since many of the objects are static. When enabled, dynamic shadows will be present both on the characters themselves and on the objects around them. Using this setting can cause significant performance degradation, especially in scenes with a lot of characters.

In the images above, you can see that even when this setting is disabled, the game scene is still replete with static shadows. However, if you turn it on, then additional shadows appear, which are noticeable mainly on the faces and bodies of the characters. The characters also cast shadows on the surface of the earth, which adds even more realism to the overall picture. Therefore, it would be logical to conclude that using this setting will make the game even richer and more realistic. To learn how to manually adjust the appearance of dynamic shadows, see the Advanced Settings section of this manual.

The performance dependence of changing this setting is shown below:

The graph highlights the significant performance impact of this setup. Along with the resolution, this is one of the most resource-intensive settings in the game. Despite the fact that disabling dynamic shadows can significantly reduce the realism of the game, nevertheless, if you are experiencing a lack of performance, and especially if you feel "slowdown" during battles, then this setting should be disabled. If, however, you adamantly stand in the position of keeping this setting enabled, but at the same time do not mind improving the performance, then as an option you can reduce the resolution of the shadows. How to do this will be discussed in the "Advanced Settings" section of this manual.

Number of Cinematic Lights: This setting determines the total amount of light that will be simultaneously used in scenes such as dialogues. There are options for 1, 2 or 3 light sources to choose from: the more there are, the more realistic the backlight and shadows will be in the scenes, but the performance is lower. If you still find that the characters in the "cinematic" effects are too shaded, then increase the value of this setting.

In the screenshots above, we can see the difference from applying three different levels of this setting during one of Shepard's dialogues. When only one light source is on, the captain's face is illuminated only in red and mostly on the right side. When two sources are already on, one more white light is added to the overall picture, illuminating the left side of his face and shoulder - this adds depth to the scene. When all three sources are on, another subtle beam illuminates the right side of Shepard's face, thus further increasing the realism of the picture.

The effect of this effect on game performance is shown below:

Although enabling this option does not go unnoticed for performance, the visual effect it provides is really noticeable. With one light source turned on, the overall picture is still very dark. The “middle ground” recommended for most systems is “2”. With three sources of illumination, the maximum realism of the picture will be accompanied by an additional "sagging" of the frame rate, although during dialogues at FPS, in fact, you can not pay attention at all.

Use Spherical Harmonic Lighting: Spherical Harmonic Lighting (SHL) is a technique that adjusts the distribution of natural lighting in shadows. If this option is enabled during gameplay, the SHL will mainly be used to create more subtle and realistic dynamic shadows (provided the Dynamic Shadows setting is enabled along with it).

In the images above, you can see that when the harmonic spherical lighting is turned off, then Shepard has almost all of her face and body in shadow due to the fact that the Dynamic Shadows setting is active. If you turn on SHL, then the first thing that catches your eye is the sudden general predominance of red. This is because it is in this particular scene that there is a source of red light in front of Shepard (he is watching Normandy from the bridge of his ship). The fact that SHL accurately reproduces the red tint in this situation is only part of the positive change this setting brings. Less noticeable, but still visible on closer inspection, is that the shadows are generally softer: look at Shepard's face and forearm. Notice also that the lighting in the rest of the picture hasn't changed.

The graph shows the changes in the FPS value depending on the enabled / disabled SHL:

This setting has no discernible effect on gaming performance, but it will largely depend on ambient lighting. SHL is not the most critical setting, without which the game will not "go". And if your system can handle Dynamic Shadows normally, then the minimum performance changes from SHL activation should go unnoticed for it. But there is (literally and figuratively) a significant improvement in the visual picture.

Anisotropic Filtering: Anisotropic Filtering (AF) is a technique for filtering textures. In particular, it can significantly improve the clarity of textures that cover the ground. Available options: "off" (Off), 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x. The higher the value is used, the more distinguishable and crisp surfaces will appear, both near and far from the character.

Comparative screenshots show that even when switching from Off to 2x AF, textures on the ground surface change noticeably: being blurry and indistinct at first, they become noticeably clearer. Using 4x AF makes them even clearer (especially at medium distances), and 8x AF adds even more detail. There is no significant difference between 8x AF and 16x AF, except that only in the far left, the textures on the ground are slightly better visible.

Please note that although you can change AF using the video card control panel instead of using purely game functionality, this does not make any difference for image quality. However, you should still check the AF settings on your graphics card control panel to make sure you are using the highest level of texture filtering. For NVIDIA graphics card owners, go to the "Program Settings" tab in the NVIDIA Control Panel, select the "Mass Effect III" profile there, and set the "Texture filtering - Quality" parameter to "High Quality".

The effect of changing this setting on gaming performance is shown in the graph below:

Anisotropic filtering has almost no effect on the performance of most modern video cards. For this reason and in view of the fact that thanks to it there is a significant improvement appearance textures, it is recommended that even on the weakest configurations of the system, at least 2x AF is used as the minimum. On more powerful assemblies, it is recommended to set at least 8x AF, since this will significantly change the game picture, and the performance will not decrease.

Advanced settings

With the configuration utility described earlier in Mass Effect 3, players have a wide range of options for debugging various graphical settings. But apart from this, ME3 also provides additional options for adjusting settings that affect image quality and gameplay, in accordance with the personal tastes of everyone. In this section, we will talk about these features.

Improved Anti-Aliasing

In Mass Effect 3, you can only apply FXAA using the in-game Anti-Aliasing setting as described earlier in this guide. It's fast and effective method anti-aliasing, showing very good results. However, it also introduces some blur to the game picture, and does not always completely remove the "jaggedness" of the lines. If you want ME3 to look significantly cleaner and sharper, you can try increasing the anti-aliasing effects in the game using the "Antialiasing" settings in your graphics card's control panel. You will experimentally see which of the suggested anti-aliasing modes will work best in ME3 when using this method.

For NVIDIA graphics card owners, there is a more efficient method that is guaranteed to work. Plus, it provides many more customization options. This is using the free NVIDIA Inspector utility. Follow this sequence of actions:

  • download and install NVIDIA Inspector. Important: You must have the latest video drivers installed as NVIDIA Inspector requires a Mass Effect 3 profile with the latest drivers to run.
  • Launch NVIDIA Inspector and click the small Driver Profile Settings button (with a crossed wrench and screwdriver icon) next to the Driver Version box.
  • in the window that opens, click on the drop-down box "Profiles" and select "Mass Effect III". If you did not find this profile there, then carefully read step 1 again.
  • edit the "Antialiasing Compatibility" setting by selecting "0x080100C5 (Mass Effect, Mass Effect II)" from the drop-down box.
  • in the Antialiasing section, select None for the Antialiasing - Behavior Flags subsection.
  • in the subsection "Antialiasing - Mode" select "Override any application setting".
  • in the line "Antialiasing - Setting" determine the appropriate anti-aliasing multiplicity mode. Multisampling is considered to be a good compromise for keeping both performance and efficiency high. Therefore, we advise you to choose "4x" first.
  • if you don't have performance problems, you can also activate transparency anti-aliasing (TRAA - Transparency Anti-Aliasing). This setting reduces the "jaggedness" on transparent textures, such as those with bright edges, or through parts of them. Turn on the "Antialiasing - Transparency Multisampling" setting for the less resource-consuming and hence less efficient TRAA shape. Or, use one of the multiplicity modes available in the "Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling" line if you want to increase the anti-aliasing efficiency (and, as a consequence, reduce the performance).
  • click the "Apply changes" button in the upper right corner of the window to save your settings. You can then close NVIDIA Inspector as it does not need to be active for your settings to work.
  • start Mass Effect 3 to see the changes made. It is highly recommended to completely disable the game anti-aliasing setting in order to avoid possible conflicts in the game and remove blurring.

To undo anything you've done, click on the little green NVIDIA logo at the top of the NVIDIA Inspector Profiles screen. This will reset the Mass Effect III profile to its default values.

In the first of the above images, we can see that all anti-aliasing (AA) settings are turned off: it is easy to see a lot of jagged lines, especially along the balcony in the distance. In the next picture, Multisampling AA (MSAA) has been applied using the NVIDIA Inspector utility: compared to the previous screenshot, all the edges have become much softer, and the teeth have begun to align (there are no blurred edges). Further, along with 4x MSAA, Multisampling TRAA was also included, but there are no noticeable improvements compared to the previous image. Finally, we combine 4xMSAA with 4x Sparse Grid Supersampling TRAA to make the picture perfectly sharp. As you can see for yourself, the results are truly impressive: there are no jagged lines left at all, and the overall visual experience of the scene is much more pleasant. However, the impact on performance has increased significantly, significantly reducing the FPS level. Therefore, this combination of these techniques is only recommended for the latest generation video cards and installations with multiple GPUs.

Changing the viewing angle

Field of View (FOV) determines how much of the game world you can see on the screen at once. The default value in Mass Effect 3 is 70 degrees, and this value cannot be changed using the in-game settings. However, there is a very quick and easy way to do this using the Widescreen Fixer utility. The latest version (r398) comes with a profile for Mass Effect 3. To use it, follow these steps:

  • download and unzip Widescreen Fixer.
  • make sure both ME3 and Origin are closed.
  • run the Widescreen Fixer.exe file for the utility to work.
  • from the drop-down box "Select Game" select "Mass Effect 3".
  • click on the gear image next to the "Select Game" box. Here you can select a new value for the ME3 viewing angle using the "Vertical Field-of-View in Degrees" slider. Click the Save Settings button and then Close Window.
  • on the Settings tab, you can select a key to manipulate the FOV value. By default, this is the multiplication sign (*) on the Numpad keypad.
  • let Widescreen Fixer run in the background.
  • Launch Mass Effect 3 and make sure that you can now change the angle of view with the key you selected in step 6 (this can be done even while the BioWare logo is on the screen).

The Widescreen Fixer is the best tool out there for adjusting the FOV in Mass Effect 3 as other methods can be used with numerous glitches. Remember also that you cannot try to adjust the angle of view while playing multiplayer, as this may result in a ban on you.

In the next section, we'll take a closer look at how to manually configure Mass Effect 3.

configuration file

The main configuration file, which contains all the settings for Mass Effect 3, is located in the \ Users \\ My Documents \ BioWare \ Mass Effect 3 \ BIOGame \ Config directory. This file is called GamerSettings.ini and is used by the game to store your settings. Then, every time the game is started, this file is "read" and all settings work in accordance with the parameters specified there. You should back up this file before trying to make any changes to it. You can edit the file using any text editor (for example, Windows Notepad). All settings that can be changed in this file are duplicated with those that you can change through the in-game options menu and the ME3 configuration utility. Therefore, it makes little sense to change them here.

However, there are several additional opportunities, applied in this file will provide very interesting improvements. We will describe the most useful ones below. Remember that none of the variables described here exist by default in the GamerSettings.ini file; those variables that you want to use must be written in the lower part of the section of the above configuration file.

  • SmoothFrameRate = False
  • UseVSync = False

To limit the maximum frame rate to around 60-62 FPS, Mass Effect 3 has two simultaneous factors. The first is the frame rate smoothing system, which sets the maximum FPS level to achieve stable performance. It is controlled by the SmoothFrameRate variable. The second is vertical sync (VSync), which is controlled by the UseVSync variable. By default, both of these factors are active, so in ME3 you will never witness an excess of 60-62 FPS due to the fact that your system was initially configured this way. If you want to get rid of this delimiter completely, then you just need to set both of these variables to = False, as shown above. This will provide you with even better performance due to the absence of framerate restrictions (of course, if only your system can handle such a load).

Disabling VSync not only improves performance and increases mouse sensitivity, but it can also cause tearing, where portions of the image may shift relative to the main picture. This does not significantly harm your system, but it can be very annoying. We would advise you not to disable VSync, but leave it enabled. And in order to neutralize the negative impact of this setting, you can enable Triple Buffering. However, remember that if VSync is active, then there will be a frame rate limitation in the game.

  • MaxSmoothedFrameRate = 62

Regardless of whether you have VSync enabled or disabled, you can leave the SmoothFrameRate variable at its default value of True, and experiment with the maximum frame rate it will use. This becomes possible by adding the MaxSmoothedFrameRate variable: you can assign it any value (corresponding to the maximum FPS value) that you want. Thus, the advantages of the system of "smoothing" the frame rate are preserved, jumps in FPS are prevented and the number of all kinds of braking and jerking of the image is reduced. However, do not forget that if VSync is active, then the maximum FPS level will still be limited by the monitor refresh rate, which for most devices is 60 Hz (= 60 FPS). Therefore, if you want to assign a high value to MaxSmoothedFrameRate, then you will need to disable VSync.

In general, it is recommended for most people to leave both framerate smoothing and VSync enabled. If you need to increase performance or are experiencing mouse lags, then enable Triple Buffering: this will almost completely fix the above problems. There is no reason to set very high FPS values ​​in Mass Effect 3, as this will only lead to framerate instability, which in turn will result in decreased mouse responsiveness and lag.

  • MaxShadowResolution = 2048

This variable controls the value of the maximum resolution of dynamic shadows in the game. The lower the value, the more jagged and rough the shadows become. With an increase in its parameters, the shadows cast by the characters on themselves and on the surrounding objects become more clear and detailed. Such an improvement visual effects comes at the expense of gaming performance.

The above images clearly illustrate the difference between two diametrically opposite levels of this parameter from the default value of 512. Look closely at the shadow on the ground that Shepard casts. At the minimum value of 64, it is indistinct and its edges are blurred. When 64 changes to 512, the shadows become much clearer, but their edges still "float", and when you move them, scars become clearly visible. To get rid of all these negative effects, try higher values ​​(1024, 2048, 4096, or even 8192).

In testing, we settled on 1024 because there was a positive change from the default: the jagged edges became even, and there was no big drop in performance. With a value of 2048, as shown in the image above, the edges of most of the shadows are very crisp, and they themselves are clear. A further change in this parameter (upward from 2048) does not have significant visible changes. Therefore, as a reasonable compromise (if high performance is important to you and do not want to completely disable dynamic shadows), then you can stop at values ​​of 64 or 128. If you want completely clear shadows, then try 1024 or 2048.

There is also the MinShadowResolution variable that you can also use. But there is no need to change its default value to 64, as this can cause instability in the display of shadows.

  • ShadowFilterRadius = 2.000000

This variable controls how "soft" the edges of the dynamic shadows will be. Higher values ​​will blur the edges of the shadows, while lower values ​​will make them sharper and clearer. By default, this variable is set to 2. You can use it in conjunction with MaxShadowResolution to fine tune the appearance of shadows in the game. For example, try increasing the MaxShadowResolution to 2048 (this will provide high detail in the shadows), and also raise the ShadowFilterRadius to 3.5 to make the sharp edges of the shadows slightly softer without losing detail.

Comparative screenshots show the difference at two opposite values ​​of this variable. Take a look at the shadow Shepard casts on the ground: in the left image (1), it is quite clear, and in the right (10), its edges have become much more blurred.

  • DepthOfField = False

This parameter controls the Depth of Field (DoF) effect, which affects the display of objects, depending on whether they come into focus or not. Objects that are out of focus become clearer, and those that fall into focus are slightly blurred. This effect is enabled by default in the game, however you can set the variable to False to disable it. Thus, you can improve performance and get rid of the DoF effect, which is most often manifested when aiming at something through a telescopic sight, as well as in a variety of cutscenes. However, disabling DoF also turns off diffuse lighting and lowers color saturation, making game world much less bright.

  • Distortion = False

This variable adjusts the "heat" effect that is most often seen around the barrel of your weapon when firing or reloading (when spent cartridges fly out). If you lack performance during battles, then you can set this variable to False, disabling this effect and slightly increasing the FPS.

  • DynamicDecals = False

This parameter is responsible for dynamic decals, which are marks (traces) that characters leave on surrounding objects (for example, bullet holes). If you really need to improve the level of game performance during battles, you can disable such effects by setting this parameter to False. But this will negatively affect the realism of the game.

  • LensFlares = False

This parameter affects the blue flare effect that is characteristic of the entire length of the game. It can be disabled if set to False. However, the negative side of such a shutdown is that along with the glare, you will not be able to see some important objects, such as consoles and hints. Therefore, try to disable this option only when you want to record a video or take a screenshot.

In the comparison images above, you can clearly see the difference between enabled (default) and disabled: blue glow disappears.

Before adding any of these variables to your configuration file, see what changes it makes and how it affects your system. It is not recommended to just copy someone else's settings into your GamerSettings.ini file. If you "screwed up" the configuration file and you do not have a backup copy of it, then simply delete it: the next time you start the game, this file will be created automatically with the default values ​​inside.

Please do not forget that we have described in this guide only those settings that actually work, are useful, or make a noticeable change in the quality of the game image. Many popular settings from the first and second parts of Mass Effect do not apply to Mass Effect 3, or are already built into the game by default from the very beginning. Any other methods involving the introduction of changes to the key files of the game may carry a high risk, and therefore are highly discouraged by us. Although they can be used to influence some parameters of the gameplay, they do not affect the quality of the game picture, and on top of that, you can get a ban for using them during multiplayer.


Mass Effect 3 is one of the favorite sci-fi games, and we find it hard to believe the journey is coming to an end. Since in terms of both gameplay and appearance, this part of the series can be considered the best, then we will have only positive emotions from this journey.

By and large, even immediately after installation, the game looks very good and requires nothing more than a few minor tweaks to run perfectly. If you do not have enough system power to ensure the proper level of performance, then turning off Dynamic Shadows can help, along with reducing the resolution, of course. On the other hand, if your computer has hidden reserves, then you can significantly improve the game graphics by cleverly using Anti-Aliasing, increasing the shadow resolution, or even changing the FOV if you so desire.

So, we start the game by choosing our background. This walkthrough will be with the following settings:

Race (personal): Astronaut
Reputation: War Hero
Class: Scout
Additional skills: Armor-piercing cartridges
Lost in battle: Ashley Williams

Saves from previous parts were not used. In the walkthrough, we consider only the priority tasks necessary to reach the end of the game. Don't forget to visit the Normandy's lower deck to upgrade your armor and weapons, as well as access shops. The mail can be read in the captain's cabin, or at the map of the universe.

You can load the save from MassEffect2 if you place it in the folder "... My Documents \ BioWare \ Mass Effect 2 \ Save"

Mass Effect 2 ended in victory over the Collectors. In the "suicide" mission, Shepard saved or destroyed their lair and went into retirement. However, an even greater threat forces humanity to turn to the only one who faced the Reapers. Shepard has been reinstated into the ranks of the Alliance and will try with all his might to protect the galaxy.


We are watching the introductory video - we are called by the advice, the Reapers are attacking the Earth and they are already here. Everything explodes, and we run after Anderson, remembering to press the "space" to accelerate, jump over the abyss and climb over the obstacle.

We will meet the first Husks soon, they are very safe, if you run out of cartridges, hit manually "F". Having gone down the stairs and having dealt with the enemies, an explosion will occur, opening us a further way.

We pass to the locked door - Husk gets out, killing him you can open the damaged door. The next video is about a boy, he will go away anyway, and we move on, take cartridges. Another explosion - we roll down, we meet the Cannibals and, having dealt with them, we speak with two surviving people. Now you need to get to the radio on the downed ship.

We go forward along the lowered beam, kill several Cannibals, find a radio (and next to a rifle)

The signal has been given, you need to hold out until the evacuation. Using shelters, we destroy enemies before the arrival of the "Normandy". Anderson remains, and we fly off the Earth. On the ship, Admiral Hackett contacts us and sends us to Mars, for Prothean data.

Priority: Mars

Having landed, we go to the right of the solar panels, we go down, we find a couple of corpses, and a little further we see how the "Cerberus" squad is executing the people of the alliance.

Having dealt with the villains, we pass forward - another detachment, we go into the complex, we activate the elevator. Going down, we meet Liara, she will tell you about the blueprints of the Prothean weapon, which must be taken from this base before the Cerberus.

After the conversation, the stormtroopers will attack from the balcony, having finished with them, we raise a small elevator at the boxes upstairs, climb onto it and go into the “green” door.

We pass to the room with the control panel - activate the console, open the door. Once on fresh air we observe the cars and go downstairs. We have only one way, we find ourselves in a room without light and air. Going down the stairs, we knock out the windows, arranging a surprise for the detachment of Cerberus. On the right will be the climate control.

We go into the left door and we break through with a fight to the room with sterilization turned on. Turn off the beam so that there is a passage to the stairs and go to the right door.

The path will lead us to the turret, which must be bypassed running from cover to cover.

Finally, once in the control room, turn off the weapon and watch a small video. Having deceived "Cerberus", we called a carriage that will take us to the archives. On the way, our rail is blown up, but recklessly sending another squad of murderers, they also provide new transport.

Having reached the destination, we suppress the enemy forces and go to the archives. There we meet with the projection of the Ghost, (chapter "Cerberus") we talk, we notice that someone is deleting the data. One of the companions discovers Dr. Eve and she flees. We run after her using the spacebar, it's useless to shoot.

Eventually she will board the shuttle, but James will run him over. Eve, being far from human, will try to kill one of her partners, in my case Kaiden.

We send her to another world and watch videos in "Normandy". Now our path lies in the Citadel - to take Kaiden to the hospital and talk to the Council.

Priority: Citadel

Arriving at the Citadel, we find ourselves in the dock of the "Normandy", go to the right to the checkpoint and use the elevator to get to the Embassies. Immediately to the right there will be a staircase - we go up, we go into the first right door (Udina's office).

A meeting with the council takes place, we are denied direct assistance, but the turian advisor gives a clue, and also restores Shepard to the rank of Specter.

Priority: Palaven

We go back to the dock, in the recreation area you can pick up on board the reporter Diana Allers. We return to the Normandy and see a dream about a boy.

The boy runs through the forest, we follow him. After waking up, we speak with Liarra, Trainor and Hacket. We go through the small hall to the doors, we pass into the command hall. Fly to Palaven's moon to rescue the turian primarch Fedorian. To do this, select the Apian cross system on the galaxy map, fly up to the Menae satellite, press "Orbit", "Landing".

Landing, we clear the place from the Haskov. We ask the soldier, he says how to get to the camp.

We go right and straight, we meet the general. We learn that Fedorian is dead, and to find out who is now the primarch, we need to fix the radio tower. There will be doors straight ahead and to the left, behind them there will be a tower on the right.

Having reached it, we use the panel - we send one of the satellites to fix it, and together with the second we fight off the Husks. We return back to the general. We meet Garrus, we learn that we need to find Victus, we go to defend the take-off field (on the left).

If you are confused where to go, you can press "V". After shooting the attackers, we go back, past the general and to the barricade.

We fight off the Huskies from the weapon, then the "creature" appears and throws us off the wall.

It is not so difficult to kill her, and we continue on foot to Victus. Following Garrus, we will reach the soldiers, then follow the mark ourselves. We will get to the camp, which will need to be cleaned. There will be three "critters" and other attackers. Having reached General Victus, we convince him of the need to leave the battlefield and convene a council.

Priority: Sur'Kesh

We are on the Normandy talking to the Azari representative. On the way to the command room, we are asked to go down to deck 3. We use the elevator and go to the medical compartment.

There we meet EDI in a new guise - the body of Dr. Eva. She is now a member of the team. Back to galactic map, use the repeater and fly to the Annos Basin. There will be ships of diplomats - we are doing the docking.

At the meeting, we learn about the requirements of the krogan, they want to heal the genophage and know how to do it. Having persuaded the advisor of the salarians in the need for action, we find out where the female krogan who survived the experiments are kept. We fly for females to Sur'Kesh.

Landing on Sur'Kesh was not without problems, the salarians took too long to get permission. As a result, our krogan stayed with the shuttle, and we moved to the elevator.

Having received admission to the lower level, we go down, but here, as usual, we cannot do without Cerberus. An attack was made on the base and now it is necessary to urgently take the female away.

We go back to the elevator, there is a bomb, we run into the opposite door - an emergency exit. We run through the corridors destroying enemies, opening one of the doors we will see a monster from the laboratory, there is open fire - you need to go around to the left and then jump over the pit.

We reach the first checkpoint, press the button. "Cerberus" blows up the wall, we kill two on the shuttle and go into the hole formed.

Soon we will meet engineers, they are placing turrets, so it is better to get rid of them as soon as possible. Behind them there will be a closed door, next to the terminal - you need to log in and the passage will be open.

Further there is a room with a ladder, we rise to the top, we clean the territory. There will be a door, it is "red", but you just need to break it open, go up and press the "space". We go forward, past the checkpoint2 to the "power connector", activate it.

We return, activate the checkpoint2.

Having dealt with him and several attack aircraft, we finally free the kroganshu.

Hackett contacts us aboard the Normandy, informs about the beginning of the construction of the Prothean weapon. Then Reeve and Victus will ask us for a personal conversation.

Priority: Tuchanka

We speak with the Primarch of Palaven, he asks us to land on Tuchanka and help the turian squad in the fight against the Reapers.

It turns out that the detachment is headed by his son - Tarquin Victus. Having landed, we rush to the aid of Victus, catching the enemies by surprise. Coming in from behind, we destroy several Haskov and cannibals. Soon there will be a cliff, and on the other side the Collector - we shoot him at a distance.

On the right is the staircase, go up, run to the hole, jump. New enemies and another Collector. After him to the right into the corridor. Soon there will be a room with the last battle, enemies will appear for a while, we will meet the Creature, and at the end the Collector will arrive.

As usual, with the help of shelters we deal with everyone and move on to the lieutenant. After meeting, we learn about their goal - to defuse the bomb on Tuchanka.

We return to the Normandy, talk to Hackett and the Primarch, then Mordin will talk about the method of spreading the cure for the genophage.

We fly to Tuchanka to heal the genophage. On the way, Dalatresa contacts us and offers to deceive the krogan so that the healing effect is minimal. To do this, you need not talk about a breakdown in the veil that will spread the medicine.

After landing, we find ourselves in the hall, where you need to shoot Haskov to protect Eve. This will not last long, and soon the two clans of krogan will start an argument, which the prudent Eva will end.

We leave for the veil, but on the way we run into an obstacle. We approach the krogan scout, which is on the right, we are interested in what is the matter. Meanwhile, the turians attack the Reaper, thereby endangering our convoy. The krogan are leaving, and our path lies through the catacombs. We go back to the wall and we jump to the tunnel.

There will be a passage on the left - we jump there. On the opposite wall, the right passage is another room, also into the right passage. Further along the tunnel, we find the dead rahni and go out into the white light.

Once in the ruins, we meet enemies, among them a couple of Devastators. We jump over the bridge, there are several Cannibals and the Creature. We go further, we make our way to the large bridge, there they should pick us up, but then the Thresher appears.

We jump over the bridge, go around the wall and find ourselves in the monument to the fallen krogan. We shoot off the attackers and go to the left, we go down to the ground. We climb into the car and drive closer to the curtain.

Now you need to remove the reaper. We beat back the road to the stairs, having risen, we go across the bridge, but the Reaper throws Shepard down. Next, you should activate two hammers. They will summon Kalros and distract the Reaper. We run to the Reaper, using shelters, in the end we need to be in the middle.

The turian attack will distract the Reaper and we will push through. There will be a lot of Beasts, it is not necessary to kill everyone, you just need to run to the hammers on the left and right.

It remains to launch the medicine. I chose the krogan trick here for additional support from the salarians. In this case, Eva dies, and Mordin had to be stopped personally - he did not survive.

Next scene of Eve's funeral. The krogan will honor her as a saint, and will remain silent about the deceased salarian.

If you report Dalatressa's proposal, then Eve will remain alive. Mordin is still not lucky, he will valiantly go up the tower to fix the malfunction and die for eliminating the genophage.

Then we return to the "Normandy", speak with the primarch and Hacket. The turians will now provide aid to Earth.

Shepard goes to bed and again has a dream about a boy.

Mass Effect 3 is the third installment of a fantastic action RPG about the adventures of Captain Shepard. We bring to your attention a description of the passage of the main story missions of the game.

In 2157, mankind began conquering space and met other intelligent races in the galaxy. Thirty years later, it took its rightful place among dozens of other intelligent races. And only the memory of the Reapers, intelligent machines that destroy all intelligent life in the galaxy every 50,000 years, darkened the future. The time for the Reapers' return was approaching. Only Captain Shepard is capable of stopping total destruction.

The game begins with a conversation between Admiral Anderson and Hackett. They discuss the appearance of the Reapers approaching the Salt relay. Hackett orders the fleet to be mobilized.

After that, we find ourselves in Vancouver, where Shepard reports to the security committee about the appearance of the Reapers. During the meeting, a report on visual contact with the enemy arrives and information begins to arrive that the Reapers have spread throughout the Earth.

Immediately after this, the building where the meeting took place is attacked by the Reaper, everyone present is killed, except for Shepard and Anderson. Anderson gives Shepard a gun and tells him to go.

From this moment the game begins. You will be taught how to control the camera, run, jump, climb stairs. Then a small shooting range will follow, where you will need to shoot Husks crawling along the walls. We go down the stairs, shoot the husks again. After the cartridges run out, we finish them off manually.

After the battle, the Reaper again shoots at the building and a new passage opens in front of us. We select the first aid kit and move on. Husk is hiding behind the door and we are offered to kill him strong blow... Then a short cut-scene follows and we continue to move.

Then Anderson saves Shepard from falling off a cliff, after which you can pick up ammunition and move after Anderson. Then follows the price at which the dreadnought explodes and the heroes are knocked down by the shock wave. After a short dialogue, we again take up arms. The fight is pretty simple, you just need to sit in cover and shoot enemies one by one. But keep in mind that enemies can pierce your shields even through cover.

After a short skirmish, we move on. You won't be able to go right through the enemies, best tactic- shoot them from cover. After we have dealt with all the cannibals, we move on. We are watching another cut-scene in which the admiral is trying to restore communication, but it turns out that the Reapers are using powerful jammers. Then we shoot another batch of cannibals. Enemies respawn endlessly, our task is not to die and shoot all the cartridges. At this moment, another cut-scene begins, Normandy appears, fires shells at the cannibals. We're leaving Earth.

Priority: Mars

Our first mission will be a flight to Mars, where some secret Prothean weapon is hidden, capable of destroying the Reapers. You won't be able to walk around Normandy yet.

After arriving on Mars, we need to hurry as a sandstorm is approaching. We quickly run to the ledge and jump down. On the right you will find a sniper rifle. After you pick it up, you will be offered to change your equipment, we agree. After that, you need to decide on a set of weapons. We recommend leaving no more than three units - when overloaded, the recovery of skills begins to slow down. We recommend choosing an assault rifle and a sniper rifle. Equipped, we move on.

Cerberus soldiers appear ahead and we will be offered to use the review button to find out what is happening. During a short cutscene, we see Cerberus soldiers killing Alliance soldiers. We enter the battle, we shoot enemies from the shelter. Then we move to their cars. An ambush awaits us at the next parking lot, so we advise you to reload your weapon in advance.

It is best to use an assault rifle and take out enemies from cover. After that, we approach the elevator and Ashley begins to ask us about Cerberus's plans.

Then we meet Liara, who appeared from ventilation shaft and again we enter the battle. This time we will be asked to use Liara's "Singularity" skill, thanks to which we quickly destroy opponents.

Now you need to find the console that controls the container, lower it and climb up the stairs. After jumping on the boxes, we get to the door. Carefully open it, hide in the shelter and move to the right corner. There is an enemy who can be quickly knocked out of cover, and then we actively use our abilities and the abilities of the rest of the team. After cleaning the security point, we open the door. There is a room with dead personnel who died after the people of Cerberus cut off the supply of oxygen and energy to the room. Further, the protective partitions are removed and the heroes turn off the flashlights. Enemies are in a bunch, so you can use Liara's singularity, and preferably aim directly at the center.

Having cleared the area, we go to the next point of protection, where you can find an archive of videos of Dr. Eva, an agent of Cerberus, who organized the sabotage. Next, we follow the marker and find a workshop where you can update the equipment, but the installation of the improvement is not yet available.

After climbing the stairs, we use a sniper, hit a bunch of enemies with a Singularity and shoot the Guardians who are heading from the other end of the corridor. At a high level of difficulty, it is better not to let them come close, but if they nevertheless come nearer, use Stasis and Singularity.

Further we find ourselves in a long corridor, which we clean using the same tactics. But the sniper rifle cartridges are best kept until the Guardians appear. Cerberus sealed up the main entrance to buy time, so we have to tinker with two consoles and open another passage. We follow to the marker. A huge automatic turret awaits us at the next door. We follow Ashley, repeat everything she does. You will not be able to run ahead.

Having reached the door, be patient and a panacea - you will face a serious battle with enemies. We shoot from cover, first of all we destroy the Centurions. Then comes the cut-price and Ashley offers to use the enemy's radio.

Then we arrange the party members in positions and wait for the platform to arrive. We shoot enemies from a sniper rifle, but we leave cartridges for two Guardians. As soon as you are loaded into the car, immediately take cover. Your carriage breaks down and another carriage with enemies approaches it. After destroying all enemies, we go to another carriage. On the other side, they are already waiting for us. Retreat behind the column and shoot back from there. Remember to throw the enemy over cover. When the enemy runs up and sits near the carriage, you can choose the right moment and throw it over the cover.

This is followed by another cut-scene with the Ghost, in which he reveals his plans: control over the Reapers. Further, it turns out that inside this room the data from their archive is being downloaded. Ashley finds Dr. Eve, who knocks her out. Now we have to catch the doctor. Run after her and don't get distracted. Note that it will launch drones at you. After a long chase, the doctor jumps into the shuttle. Shepard tries to call for help, but a sandstorm drowns the connection. At this time, a shuttle under the control of James appears and rams the enemy ship, which as a result falls.

James reports that Normandy is coming soon. As Ashley helps Liara up, a robot emerges from the wreckage of the doctor's shuttle, controlled by the artificial intelligence EVA. She attacks Ashley and manages to finish her well before we destroy her. Normandy arrives shortly, and you are informed that the Reapers have appeared in the system. Your ship leaves the planet in a hurry.

Priority: Citadel

After returning to Normandy, Shepard sends Ashley to the infirmary. Liara says that they urgently need to get out of the solar system and fly to the Citadel.

After docking at dock D24, you will be greeted by Commander Bailey and the medical team. We can go to the hospital or to the council. In this variant of the passage, we will go to the hospital.

There we will meet our old friend - Dr. Chakwas. We can buy flowers and sweets for Ashley and visit her room and wish her a speedy recovery.

After that, you can go to Udina's office, where his assistant is waiting for us to take us to the tower of the Citadel. At the council, we again find ourselves in a bunch of bureaucrats. At the council, we show Horn's plans and propose to merge the fleets. But the council rejects this proposal, arguing that their worlds are also under attack and sending fleets to Earth would leave their worlds unprotected.

After the meeting, an advisor of the Turians will come up to us and tell us that if you save the turian primarch from one of the moons of Palaven, the turians will help in the battle against the Reapers.

It was time to return to Normandy. At the dock, near the plaque, you will meet the war reporter Diana Allers, who can be taken to the crew of the Normandy.

Liara will come to your cabin and report that the data on the device has been transferred to the turian advisor. Then Samantha Traynor will tell you about the new modernizations of Normandy: instead of a laboratory, there is a checkpoint and a negotiation table, the communications center has turned into a command center, the armory has been replaced by a video communications room. As Traynor said, the idea to turn Normandy into a mobile headquarters belonged to Admiral Anderson.

Changes have been made to the shuttle hangar and the main weapon compartment, in which Garrus is constantly on duty. But since the ship was forced to leave the solar system in a hurry, they did not have time to completely finish it - ragged walls are visible everywhere, wires sticking out, everything is filled with boxes. But your fish were taken away, your models were scattered throughout all the compartments, and if you thoroughly search the engineering compartment, you can catch a space hamster.

Priority: Palaven

Before arriving on Palaven, you can pick up your weapons and finally upgrade them. Power up your weapons to your liking and get ready for the next mission.

After arriving on Menai, we will be shown a cutscene in which a fierce battle takes place between the Reapers and the Turians. You have to clear the landing zone by shooting Husks from the shuttle.

After landing and finishing off the surviving Huskies, we go to the camp. There we talk to General Corinthus, who will report that the primarch died during the breakout from Palaven.

Our task is to find General Victus and repair the communications tower. This is quite simple to do, the main thing is not to let the Husks get too close. Having restored the connection, you can immediately go to the camp, ignoring the Husks.

After returning to the camp, we will meet Vakarian, a longtime acquaintance of Garrus, who now holds the position of Consulting General. We need to find Victus, who has been chosen as the new Primarch. After a short conversation, the camp is attacked again. We must repel the attack of the enemy forces. This time you will have to deal with a new kind of Huskies - the Raiders. Try to destroy them first, remembering to use cover. Along the way, we shoot other attackers. As soon as the attack on the camp is repulsed, we will be sent to the stationary turret on the main barricade.

The truth will almost immediately knock us off the barricade Beast, which will need to be killed. To do this, keep a safe distance from her and use a sniper rifle. Huskies will interfere with us, they will constantly get confused under our feet. After the destruction of the Creature, you can run to the camp, not paying attention to the remaining Husks.

Raiders and cannibals are already waiting for us in the camp. Kill the raiders first, as they make the cannibals more resilient and strong. Then some cannibals and one more Beast await us. First we kill the cannibals, and then from sniper rifle shoot the Creature.

Further, the situation becomes even more heated. Raiders and two more Beasts await again. We advise you to run to the exit from the camp where we came from. There, near the bunker, you can find the "Black Star". We take it and shoot between the creatures when they come closer. Then we finish off the remaining hasks.

After that, we go to General Vicutus and inform him that he is now the new primarch of Palaven. Now you can return to Normandy and leave this star system.

Priority: Sur "Kesh

After a short political debate, we are heading to Sur "Kesh, to free the female krogan, who are immune to the genophage. We recommend taking Liara as a companion and pumping her stasis skills.

Our arrival does not please the locals and Rex is making a real show. After that, information comes in that the forces of Cerberus are approaching the base and we need to immediately go to the laboratory, where Mordin Solus is waiting for us.

Solus, along with the Kogan woman, gets into the capsule, and we head to the elevator, near which an unpleasant surprise awaits us. We need to look for alternate escape routes. Having reached the first deck, we will have to engage in battle with the soldiers of Cerberus. The tactic is simple - we sit in cover and shoot back. After destroying the opponents, we try to open the doors. The doors will not open immediately, and we will have to fight the soldiers of Cerberus again. We recommend immediately after you unsuccessfully tried to open the doors, run away from the door and sit in the shelter.

Having dealt with the wave of enemies, we head towards the door. A new Gray Broker awaits us outside the door. Then again you have to fight with another detachment of Cerberus, but there are many shelters on the battlefield, so the battle will be pretty easy.

We continue to move on and destroy the oncoming enemies. Here we will start to come across engineers. Kill them first, because destroying the turrets without killing the engineer is pointless. Liara can help to destroy the engineers faster, since the engineers do not sit still, and their turrets get in the way. We are waiting until the engineer comes out into the open, we imprison him in stasis and shoot him in the head with a sniper rifle. To destroy the turrets, you need to correctly calculate the time when they shoot the ammunition and start reloading. At this time we shoot them from the shelter. An effective weapon for this purpose will be the "Black Widow".

Once you get to the flight deck, you should be careful, as there was no checkpoint yet. Try to stay in cover and shoot in the head the soldiers who will attack the capsule at this time. After clearing the deck, we will have to face another unpleasant surprise - Atlas.

It is better to shoot him through the windshield with a sniper rifle and stay away from him. You also need to be wary of his missiles and a cannon, which can pierce all the character's shields with one shot. In this case, you need to remember about the soldiers of Cerberus and take care of the safety of the capsule. But at the same time, priority should be given to the destruction of the Atlas. The position should be chosen farther from the Cerberus soldiers and with the ability to retreat if a grenade arrives at you.

After the victory, we return to Normandy and instruct Mordin to start synthesizing the funds from the genophage.

Priority: Tuchanka

While Mordin is busy making the medicine, Primarch Victus asks you to save his son, who is on the wrecked ship.

We land on Tuchanka, which is not much different from what was in Mass Effect 2. We move along the corridor and stumble upon a group of Husks, which can be destroyed by New or Singularity. After climbing the stairs, we get the task to protect the Turians from the cannibals who throw grenades and devour each other. Here we will face a new enemy - the Collector. The tactics are standard, we sit in cover and shoot enemies. After the skirmish, the Collector is driven away.

Then we go up the stairs again, fight with the husky and the collector, which again flies away. This continues several times. Approaching the fallen ship, we again engage in battle with the Collector, who is landing several cannibals, raiders and creatures. First of all, we deal with the Collector so that he does not drop new enemies.

Having destroyed all the enemies, we return to our ship.

There we learn that the medicine is almost ready, but to distribute it, we need to reach the Veil. Dalatressa at this time invites Shepard to stop Mordin from distributing the medicine.

Returning to Tuchanka to destroy the genophage, we can tell Rex about the sabotage of the salarians, but this will not be done right away due to the push. Immediately after landing, a detachment of Husks will attack us. We destroy them from a distance. After the battle, we will regroup and begin a massive attack on the Reapers.

We now have the ability to warn Rex and Eve of the sabotage. At this moment, we will have to make a responsible choice - to save the krogan or to meet the salarians. The choice is difficult, in this variant of the passage we decided to save the krogan.

Due to the bad road, the convoy does not fit into the schedule and the Artimek fighter squad engages in battle with the Reapers. One fighter is shot down and it crashes right at you. Sheperad commands to continue moving, and he himself heads into the depths of the catacombs.

In the catacombs, we learn that the krogan once had a developed culture, which the krogan themselves destroyed. There we also learn about Carlos - the ancestor of the threshers, which is already several thousand years old. After getting out of the catacombs, we find the corpse of a rahni husky, a devastator and plants.

It was once a blooming planet that was turned into a lifeless desert in a nuclear war, started by the krogan for their love of battle. You will not have time to admire the city, the devastators attack you.

Stay away from them and don't let them aim at you. It is best to aim it through the eyepiece. Be careful, the devastators will release small scout bugs at you. And among other things, cannibals will be released on you. The tactics here are simple - we run to the very end of the map and shoot them with a sniper rifle.

First, we destroy the ravagers, while keeping in mind that after death they release toxin. Then three more cannibals will be waiting for you. We kill them and carefully go forward along the right edge, as soon as a cannibal jumps out from around the corner, we again run into cover.

After killing the cannibals, we go forward and from around the same corner appear several helmets and the Creature. In this case, we run to the bridge over which we jumped and while your comrades distract the Creature, we slowly destroy it with a sniper rifle. We do the same with the second Creature.

At the exit, a crowd of Husks, two devastators and four cannibals are waiting for us. We follow the old tactics. It makes sense to retreat back to where we came from. Further, standing on the bridge, we see Carlos, but there is no time to be distracted by her.

At the convoy, a bunch of Husks, two raiders and four cannibals are waiting for us. It is impossible to bypass them because of the script. The easiest way is to send the Raiders into stasis and deal with them with a few headshots. Next, you need to deal with the cannibals and run to the hammers, without being distracted by trifles. At the same time, look at the shadows on the ground - if you are not careful, you can simply be crushed by the Reaper's leg.

After activating two hammers, we will be shown an epic scene in which the thresher drives the Reaper underground. Then we will be shown how Mordin makes his way to the veil, deciding to sacrifice himself to spray the medicine. Shepard says goodbye to him, after spraying the medicine, the Veil explodes and Mordin is killed. But we destroyed the genophage and the Cronans and Turians provide us with their support.

Priority: Citadel

We have a dream about a little boy who died on Earth, after which the advisor of the salarian summons us and asks for help in investigating Udina's plans.

We fly up to the Citadel and try to contact her, but to no avail. Suddenly, over an encrypted channel, a message comes from Thane, which says that the Citadel has captured Cerberus. It should be noted here that although the Citadel seems to be the center of the galactic community, it is constantly captured by anyone.

We disembark on a shuttle to the office of the SBC and observe how Commander Bailey is wounded. The fight is not difficult, we just sit in cover and shoot the Cerberus soldiers. First of all, destroy the engineers, then the centurions, and lastly the turrets and attack aircraft. The injured Bailey will open the door for you and help you through the console.

There are two stormtroopers behind the door, they can be destroyed by the Singularity. Then the guards appear on the stairs. Since you will have to fight with them at a short distance, try to deprive them of their shields with the help of the singularity. It's best to take a sniper rifle and shoot the enemies that appear, instead of running further down the stairs. Then we move along the route, destroy enemies from cover with the help of a sniper rifle, use stasis and singularity.

When we reach the offices, we find the bodies of the director and his salarian bodyguards. Then we see a salarian advisor creep out from under the table and the assassin suddenly appears. In the ensuing battle Thane does not allow the assassin to finish off the adviser, but he is pierced by the enemy's sword.

We pursue the enemy, but he will line up our transport, and we fall. Here the most dangerous enemies await us: avengers and phantoms. This is where the really tough fight begins. Above all, concentrate on phantoms - keep them as far away from you as possible and stay in hiding places, going out into open space is to die. Take advantage of stasis and try to do headshots, we also deal with the avengers. After that, we stumble upon locked doors and are forced to look for another route.

On the way, we will stumble upon the Atlas, but here you can do more cunningly - just run around it and immediately go to the elevator. Here we will meet with a killer and several phantoms. We need to jump into the elevator shaft and block the killer's elevator. We will meet enemies, it is better to immediately shoot at the power circuits - this way you disable the elevator and the enemies will fall with it.

Once you reach the council, you will have to listen to Udine's accusations of being involved in the Cerberus attack. If you follow the path of the hero, you have the saves of the first two parts of the game, and you have completed all the quests, then you can convince Ashley that this is Udina as Cerberus agent and you will be offered to execute him. You can do it yourself or leave this job to Ashley. If you follow the path of the renegade and do not bother with side quests, you will have to kill Ashley, or your party member will do it.

After that, Bailey appears and reports that the killer managed to escape.

In the finale, you will be shown a conversation between the Ghost and the killer, in which the Ghost says that he has other operations being prepared and that he is not surprised that Shepherd managed to defeat the killers.

Priority: Veil of Perseus

After returning to D24 dock, we are met by Ashley, who asks to re-enroll her in the team. After that, between Anderson, Hackett and you there is a conversation about the betrayal of Udina. Anderson reports to the name of the killer we encountered in the Citadel - Kai Len and that he once shot him in both legs, but the Ghost cured him. He also reveals that Kai Len has appeared on Omega and has become even stronger than he was.

Our next task will be to get support from the quarians, who have built the largest space fleet in the galaxy. But they decided to recapture their home planet Rannoch and are now gathering all their forces. We need to go to the Dolen system to meet with the admirals. After the conversation, you find out that the quarians have trapped the geth in the home system, where the geth receive the signal from the Reapers. You have to destroy the Geth Dreadnought, which surpasses all ships of the Quarian fleet in parameters. After that we will meet another character familiar from previous parts- Tali.

Priority: Geth Dreadnought

This is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks in the game. We need to get into the geth dreadnought through a dilapidated tunnel and let the boarding team through the airlock. After that, Tali will tell you that the war with the geth is not a good idea, which can cause the destruction of all quarians. After activating the bridge, the geth sirens go off, but we can't hear anything as the sirens are ringing on the geth internal LAN.

In the beginning it is quite easy to kill geth, the main thing is to stay in cover. Destroy the Geth Rocketmen first. After you descend the stairs, increase your vigilance - the geth have mined the corridors, so watch your step. Most of the mines are located in heaps of wires. After we find the control room, the geth will attack us. Kill geth hunters first, use stasis for that, as their shields are blocking the singularity.

Further our path lies to the center of the core, but the geth are waiting for us again. We destroy them from shelters. Be careful, geth hunters can sneak up behind them in stealth mode. Then we have to crack the bell and go down the stairs several times.

As a result, we find ourselves near the main weapon. Here you should be careful and constantly be in cover, since energy waves will constantly fall on us.

Now the hardest part of the quest will begin. As soon as the first geth appear, run back and hide behind cover. Destroy the hunters first. The main thing is not to rush and be careful - the checkpoints are quite complicated here. After moving to another corridor, we apply the same tactics.

Having finished with the geth, we go upstairs, open the door and head straight to the core. It turns out later that the signal of the Reapers was picked up by our old acquaintance of the Geth - the Legion. After disconnecting it from the transmitter, the entire quarian fleet attacks the dreadnought and begins to bombard the dreadnought. Looks like it's time for us to choose. On the way we meet the Prime - extremely tenacious creatures. Here you can use a trick: after killing ordinary geth, we simply run around the Prime and go down to the Legion. Then we follow him to the hangar and get into the geth fighter to leave the dreadnought.

Priority: Rannoch

Back on board the Normandy, we sort things out with Admiral Gerrel, who, instead of retreating, taking advantage of the given chance, began to fire at the dreadnought while you were on board.

Now we are offered to go to Rannoch, taking advantage of the fact that the quarians are calculating the source of the Reapers' signal. We advise you to choose a mission to disable the geth servers, during which you will not encounter enemies and learn the history of the geth.

We enter the capsule and connect to the geth servers. It makes no sense to describe the task, we just go and destroy the viruses. After only the network of gates will be cleared of the Reaper virus, the Prime will join you.

After returning to Normandy, we learn that a Reaper base has been discovered, which must be destroyed before their signal is updated. This is how the Battle of Rannoch begins.

Immediately after landing, we will be greeted by a squad of Geths. The usual algorithm is cover, stasis, headshot. Above you will be waited by rocket men, with whom you need to be extremely careful - they turned on stasis, made a headshot and hid back into the shelter. You should not constantly look out of cover - there are a lot of geth and a lot of rockets will fly to you at once, which hit very painfully. Before going forward, make sure that all enemy forces are destroyed. Further on, you will encounter common geth soldiers. Do not relax your vigilance - a little later a get-rocketman will appear on the balcony again.

We try to survive by activating the gate. We immediately run to the doors from which we came, we fight off the missilemen and soldiers. Then a new enemy appears - a flamethrower. Stasis does not work on flamethrowers, so you will have to cope with it yourself.

After activating the second console, an elevator descends to us. It will contain two rocket men and one prime. First, we deal with the missilemen, and then we take on the prime. You can use drones to slow down its movement. It will not work to bypass the prime and immediately get into the elevator - the script will not allow it. After taking the elevator upstairs, we immediately look for shelter.

Three more primes await us there. True, here, to cope with the primes, you will be given a Whirlwind - a special weapon of the geth. You need to know how to use a whirlwind, otherwise there will be little sense from it. A whirlwind is something like a minigun, the rate of fire of which accelerates gradually. To kill primes well, you need to accelerate the rate of fire of the machine gun to the maximum. In this case, you need to be careful and choose the right time and place for the attack - if they hit you, you will have to overclock the machine gun again, and in the store at the Whirlwind there are only 200 rounds.

This is followed by another famous scene - the battle with the Reaper. After aiming the laser at the transmitter, the Normandy opens fire, Shepard falls down and it becomes clear that this station is nothing more than the Reaper. The Legion on the corvette is keeping pace with us and we attack the Reaper. Alas, bullets do not take him, but the Variants' combat weapons manage to hit the Reaper in the charging chamber and knock the Reaper to the ground. Next, we are engaged in aiming the laser at the Reaper.

It's quite simple, you need to move either to the right or to the left and roll away from the reaper's beam. Then time dilation turns on, when we need to precisely aim the laser sight at the Reaper and from orbit it is destroyed by the quarian fleet.

Mass Effect 3 video walkthrough of the battle with the Reaper:

In the finale, the Reaper will turn to Shepard and say that the Harbinger warned the Reapers about Shepard and that any of your actions are completely useless. After that, he touches on the most important secret - cycles. The Reaper says that peace is impossible between organics and synthetics, which is confirmed by the battle on Rannoch and that the Reapers represent order in the galaxy, and you represent chaos, after which it turns off.

Next, you have to make a very difficult choice. If you have only done story missions, you will have to choose between quarians and geth. However, if you went through additional quests and pumped up the hero / renegade scale, you can reconcile both sides. In this case, the Legion sacrifices itself to free its people from the control of the Reapers.

Priority: Citadel

Priority: Thessia

After reaching Thessia, we see that the Reapers have landed on the planet and learn that the artifact, which is housed in the Temple of Atame, is funded by a closed government source. After that, we will have to sit behind the barricade and repel the attack of creatures and Husks who are trying to destroy the Azari barriers.

After repelling the attack, we immediately go to the temple. On the way, we will be hindered by raiders and cannibals. We hide behind shelters and first we shoot the raiders, then the cannibals. You need to be careful in the yard. First, we hide in cover and remain in place, shoot the raiders and cannibals. Then from the sniper rifle we shoot all the cocoons. After that, we slowly and carefully move forward. Basically we will come across cannibals and only occasionally raiders. But you should not run forward - a very dangerous enemy awaits you ahead.

We carefully move forward, constantly keep close to shelters. And as soon as the Banshee appears - the most dangerous enemy in the game, we immediately hide for cover. Here you can cheat a little - if you have no desire to measure your strength with her, you can wait until she moves away from the entrance, and after that we quickly run inside.

After that, we head to the asari sniper position, where we will find the M-98 "Widow" sniper rifle, but if you already have the "Black Widow", it is better to leave everything as it is. Now your task is to destroy the enemies below. After that, we go down and head to the Taikis outpost. As soon as we get close to the outpost, we will have another meeting with the Banshee, which we will not be able to avoid this time.

We advise you to stay in cover and shoot her with all available weapons, using all available abilities that will slow her down a little. The Banshee is a very dangerous foe that can teleport, use the biotic field, and shoot biotic balls. The main thing is not to let her come close, if she does not kill you with her abilities, then she will definitely pierce her with her hand.

After that, we destroy the devastators and raiders, which now do not present any difficulty. Having dealt with them, we move forward, shoot the husks and cocoons, and as soon as the collector appears in the sky, we immediately hide in the shelter. You will have to fight with two collectors, two devastators and two raiders at once. First, you must destroy the power unit that supplies energy to all the barriers and is located between the two collectors. After destroying the node, we fire at the ravagers and collectors. The collectors will fly away after a while.

Having dealt with the devastators, we go to the temple, in which we will find the Prothean lighthouse and learn that thanks to this lighthouse, the asari outstripped all other civilizations in development.

Then we have to face Kai Len. The best tactic against him would be to simply move quickly around the room and try to stay away from him, dodging the biotic waves. After Kai Len begins to restore the shields, the Cerberus flyer will open fire on you, then you need to immediately run for cover. After a short battle, Kai Len with the help of the flyer will destroy the columns of the hall, and we will barely avoid falling into the abyss. Liara will not save, but alas, Kai Len managed to download the data and leave Thessia. In the final videos, we will be shown the fall of the Asari civilization.

Priority: Horizon

After a brief meeting aboard the ship, Shepard decides to deal with Cerberus once and for all. EDI was able to track Kai Len's shuttle to the Lera system, which houses a huge refugee camp - the Sanctuary.

After arriving on Horizon, it turns out that the Sanctuary is not at all what it seems and that Miranda's sister is there. At the exit from the shuttle, we are immediately attacked by one avenger and two phantoms. We keep our distance from them, use stasis on the phantom and try to do headshots. We deal with the avengers in the same way.

We go downstairs, we deal with a detachment of attack aircraft. Then, from Miranda's message, it turns out that the Sanctuary is a secret Cerberus research center run by her father, Henry Lawson, and not a refugee camp. It is here that Cerberus makes Huskies out of refugees. From the video, we learn that Miranda is in mortal danger because of Kai Len.

Going downstairs again, we come across Husks. Deal with them right at the entrance. Next, a rather difficult battle begins. As soon as we enter, the doors will close behind us and ravagers, raiders and banshees will attack us. First of all, destroy the banshee - use every opportunity to slow her down and not let her come close to you.

Having finished with the banshee, we switch to the Ravagers, and then to the raiders, using the proven tactics - stasis + headshot. Move on. Near the next terminal we find out that the Ghost is trying to get the intoxicating technology of the Reapers. A whole crowd of cannibals and several raiders are waiting for us in the corridor. We find shelter and use a sniper rifle to destroy them. Then we connect the terminal and find out that Cerberus has learned to control the army of the Reapers and the Ghost decided to use the technology of stupefaction to control the Reapers themselves. However, the Reapers learned of his actions and attacked the Sanctuary themselves. At the end of the video, we will be shown how Kai Len attacked Miranda.

Then we go up the career ladder. Raiders, devastators and cannibals await us upstairs. Until the barrier generators are destroyed, it is pointless to kill them. After destroying the barriers, we deal with them with the help of a sniper rifle.

After that, we sit down in the elevator and head to the tower. On the way, you will have to deal with two Creatures - we run, jump and shoot. Don't run too far, as the banshee and another Thing will appear further. First, deal with the Creatures, then get down to banshees, especially since there is enough free space and the banshee is not as dangerous as in tight spaces.

Upon entering the tower, you will see a scene that can vary depending on how thoroughly you went through the game. In our case, Miranda threw her father from the tower and said that she had installed a bug on Kai Lena. How you played the game will determine whether Miranda dies or not.

Priority: Cerberus Headquarters

Now we have come to the point of no return. Normandy, together with the Fifth Fleet, is ready to attack the station "Kronos" - the base of the Ghost.

If you have an affair with someone during the game, then a romantic scene awaits you before the flight.

Arriving at the destination, we rush into hangar-16, in which a difficult battle awaits. In this place, you can use the following tactics - use stasis and bring down stormtroopers and centurions with headshots, and after the appearance of Atlas, climb the stairs up to where the avenger was and from there shoot Atlas. Since Atlas cannot climb stairs, it will not be difficult to deal with him.

Having reached the control center, EDI prevents the hangar from depressurizing, but after the end of the cutscene, immediately hide for cover - the doors will suddenly open and you will meet a squad of centurions, guards, avengers and stormtroopers. Cast a singularity on them and shoot them while they are in the air.

In the next control center, turn the fighter and go down the stairs. Directly in front of us will be a panel that controls the launch of fighters. We launch the deployed fighter directly into the wall, behind which we will again have to collide with the Atlas. Shoot him at the glass with a sniper rifle. Since it is far enough away and moves in a straight line, it is not particularly dangerous. After descending, we will have to deal with a squad of stormtroopers, avengers and centurions, but it will not be difficult.

Breaking into the base, we can get information about the "Lazar" project. Further we move along the corridor in which engineers are waiting for us. Try to destroy them before they place the turrets. At the same time, do not forget to destroy the shield generators. Going upstairs, you can get information about the creation of EDI and Eve. You will also learn that the VI you fought at the Lunar Base in the first part of the game is EDI. There you can also watch videos of the conversations between Kai Len and the Phantom.

Jumping down, you can find the head of the Protjetz, but this is possible only if you have not destroyed the collectors base. On the way, you will encounter avengers and phantoms, and if you completed the game quickly, without side missions, you will have to fight Jack, who was turned into a phantom. The stasis + headshot tactic does not fail even in this case. Then we go up the stairs and in front of the entrance to the base control center, we can again view the video recordings, which tells about how the soldiers of Cerberus and the Ghost himself were improved with the Reapers' implants.

Again we go along the corridor and enter the empty hall. As soon as Shepard sits in the chair, a Ghost hologram will appear behind him. Through a conversation from the Prothean VI, we learn that the Citadel is the catalyst. After that, we will face Kai Len again.

From this moment the most difficult part of the task begins. The tactics of fighting for an attack aircraft are as follows - we run a lot and change cover. When Kai Len is heading towards you, we hide for cover and shoot back, when he is distracted by the party members, we use a biotic charge and a new one, after which we again hide in a shelter.

When Kai Len goes to restore the shields, we hide in the shelter and shoot the stormtroopers from the sniper rifle. The next time we use stasis on the avenger and shoot him with headshots, then we destroy the stormtroopers, you can immediately use the singularity. On the third run, we again hide in the shelter, use stasis on the phantoms and destroy them with headshots. After that, you can fully concentrate on Lena. Try to tread carefully and save as much panaceline as possible by the third wave. Don't let Kai Len come close to you. After the destruction of Len we return to Normandy.

Priority: Earth

Ahead of us awaits the most difficult mission of the entire trilogy - the battle for the Earth and all the intelligent races of the galaxy.

The mission will begin with General Hackett boarding the Normandy and delivering a speech. After that, Shepard, Hackett and Andersen will discuss the tactics of the battle. After that, a video will be shown, which will differ depending on how many combat-ready troops you collect.

Having broken through to the Earth, we in a shuttle descend to the surface of the planet. After opening the shuttle doors, without wasting time shooting, immediately jump into the cover (inside the shuttle). It will be a very difficult fight, with a lot of improved cannibals, raiders and critters. The main tactic is standard - stasis + headshot. Your task is to constantly be in cover and take your time.

After clearing the area, we move forward very carefully. The cannibals will again be waiting for you near the ascent. This will be followed by a scene in which Cortez is beaten. Whether he survives or not depends on how completely you completed the game.

Now you need to stock up on cartridges to the maximum. We rise to the roof and deal with the cannibals. Then we take the M-920 "Cain" and shoot at the "Hades" gun.

Then a very difficult place will begin, you will not have to survive until the shuttle appears, and it does not appear until we destroy the banshee. In addition, there is an endless respawn of the cannibals. A little trick can help here - if he goes down to where you came from, the banshee will not be able to go down after you, and you can calmly shoot her. In this case, you need to be careful - cannibals will shoot in your back, in addition, they like to throw grenades.

After that, we move to the shuttle. Having reached the shuttle, we will meet Anderson again and fly to the headquarters. On the way to the command center, you will have to take a place behind the turret and defend the headquarters from the Husks. After that, several fighters will launch a bombing raid.

After we occupy the command center, Admiral Anderson will share the plan of attack, and after Shepard makes a pretentious speech, all the troops will head towards the beam. And we will find ourselves behind enemy lines.

Again, we use the proven stasis + headshot tactic. We go after Makko. The collector blocks the road, we hide in the shelter and destroy it, after that we deal with the rest of the enemies. After the appearance of the banshee, we lure her into an open space and shoot her, running and jumping around her, dodging biotic balls.

At the parking lot, we will meet creatures and huskies, if there is no desire to fight, lure the creatures away from the stairs and climb up it. Several raiders and cannibals, as well as a ravager, await you behind the wall. We kill them with stasis, singularity and a sniper rifle. As soon as we get close to the door, huskies will appear from behind it.

On the street there is a huge number of raiders, we buzz them, then we move forward, deal with the ravager and other raiders, then we fight the husky and the creature. Then we run down the street, shoot at everything that moves. We go to the store and clean it from cannibals and raiders (stasis + headshot). Then we head to the cafe, but be careful, the cafe is filled with cannibals and raiders. The easiest way is to sit in the shelter near the window and from there destroy all enemies.

We approach the door, open it and immediately run to the shelter behind the cash register. Do not stand in the doorway, as soon as the door opens, raiders and cannibals will open fire on you. We go inside, hide behind a table and from there we shoot enemies.

Then we go out into the alley, there we are attacked by the creature, while it moves along the corridor, we just shoot it. It will be more difficult further. As soon as we approach the exit, two creatures break through the wall. We retreat to the table and shoot them from a sniper rifle. If they get too close, step back.

That's all. Opening the door, we watch a cut-scene in which our troops are trying to unsuccessfully destroy the Reaper. Now we need to fight off the rocket battery. After that, the most difficult part of the mission will begin, which will make you sweat. To the right of the battery is a room in which you can sit down at the cash register and shoot enemies from there.

After some time, the forces of the Reapers will break through the left flank and with the appearance of the Banshee, the situation will quickly escalate. In the building opposite, against the wall, you can find the M-560 "Hydra" launcher. We take it and shoot at the banshee. It will not work to kill her, but she will be wounded quite badly. After killing the first banshee, the second will appear, and we will have to run around the location, shooting back at it, as we have done before. At the same time, try not to run near cannibals and raiders. After destroying the second Banshee and Husks, be sure to collect ammo and first aid kits, and then launch the rockets.

The missile salvo was wasted, because of the high interference, the missiles miss the Reaper, you need to lure the Reaper closer. This fight will be a little easier than the previous ones, fifteen critters will simply be dropped on you. We have to run well across the map and destroy them. Then the collector will appear, which also needs to be destroyed. Then there will be a checkpoint and two banshees and a whole crowd of raiders will be released on us at once.

We run to the left flank to the barricades for cover. We will have to shoot back at the enemies until the missiles are ready for launch. Then we need to quickly get to the launch point using the panatselin.

After destroying the Destroyer, we need to head towards the beam. Hackett brings the Horn to the solar system. But as soon as you get to the beam, the Harbinger appears and starts shooting beams. Let's run forward. Your comrades can stop halfway and survive or run after you and die, it depends on the level of combat readiness.

After approaching the beam, the Harbinger will hit you and fly away after you wake up. Bleeding we move forward, the will of the ray again wounds the raider, but we manage to be transported to the citadel.

Return to the Citadel - Final

You find yourself in a corridor littered with bodies. The general contacts Shepard, in the dialogue with whom you can earn additional Hero or Renegade points.

We go straight, at the end of the corridor a passage opens through which you can get to the site on which Admiral Andersen is located near the control panel. It is controlled by the Ghost. Then the Ghost enters the room and Shepard's body also refuses to obey him.

The leader of Cerberus wants to gain control over the Reapers, but in reality he himself has long been under the control of someone else's mind.

It should be noted here that the more morale points you have earned during the game, the more dialogue options will be available to you. There can be four dialogue options in total: two standard and two additional.

If you use the special blue dialogue of the Hero four times in a row, then you can convince the Ghost that he is under the control of the Priests and he will commit suicide as a result.

If you use the Renegade's special red dialogue four times in a row, the Ghost will start threatening Shepard with a pistol. During the dialogue, an interrupt icon will appear on the screen, if you do not use it, then at the end of the dialogue, the Ghost will shoot Shepard.

If you are not available additional options dialogs, you will have to use the standard functions of the Hero / Renegade. If you use the standard variant of a Hero or Renegade four times, the Ghost will take the pistol from Admiral Andersen and take aim at him. During the scene, an interrupt sign will appear, the use of which will allow you to kill the Ghost before he pulls the trigger, otherwise he will kill the admiral. After that, you will need to use the interrupt button again so that the Ghost does not kill the captain.

Depending on the dialogue option you choose, you will see Shepard and Anderson (Hero) or Shepard and Ghost (Renegade) looking at the Earth from the Citadel window.

After the Ghost or Andersen dies, Hackett will contact you and say that the Horn docked with the Citadel is not firing. Shepard must find a reason on his side.

He tries to get to the control console, but loses consciousness on the way. Then you will be shown a video in which the captain's body is lifted up on the platform. There he is greeted by an energy clot in the form of a child, which Shepard constantly dreams about. It is the spirit of the Citadel that commands the Reapers.

According to him, once one powerful civilization decided that the final stage of evolution would be the synthesis of organic matter and synthetics. Therefore, every 50 thousand years, this process is triggered artificially - DNA of higher organic forms is collected throughout the galaxy and stored in the synthetic form of the Reapers. Thus, organics get to the top of evolution.

Then two standard dialogue options will appear. Regardless of which option you choose, the spirit will offer you options for action, which will depend on the level of combat readiness of the galaxy.

In front of Shepard is a device with a beam directed from its center. The left side of the device glows blue - this is the control panel that allows you to control the Reapers. The right side glows red - if you shoot it with a pistol, the Citadel will be blown up, and the Reapers will be destroyed. The central ray will allow you to merge organic life with synthetic.

Less than 1750 points. You can only destroy the Reapers. In this case, Shepard and Normandy die, the Earth is destroyed.

1750-2050 points. There are two choices: control - Shepard dies, Earth is destroyed, Normandy remains intact; destruction - Shepard is killed, the Earth is destroyed, the Normandy team remains alive.

2050-2350 points. Available: control - the team survives, the Earth suffered but not destroyed, Shepard dies; destruction is the same result.

2350-2650 points. Destruction Option - The Earth is devastated, but not destroyed, Shepard dies, the team survives. Option Control - The earth and the life of the team are saved, Shepard dies.

2650-2800 points. Again, only two options: destruction and control. In both cases, the Earth survived, the team is alive, Shepard dies.

2800-4000 points. There are three options for the development of events. Control and Destruction will allow the Normandy team to save the Earth and survive, Shepard dies. With Synthesis, the Earth remains intact, the team survives, but turns into semi-synthetics, Shepard dies.

From 4000 points. You can save lives for everyone, including Shepard. To do this, you should choose the option of destroying the Reapers. If you choose Control or Synthesis, the Earth will survive, the team will survive, but become synthetics, Shepard will die.