Infinite summer harem ending how to get. "Infinite Summer": passage of the game. Switching off censorship in settings

In the image, everything is shown

2. Reply. (one)

5. Take the keys / not touch.

8. Go for cards from Slavva. (one)

9. Do not argue with Alice.

10. Any result on the tournament, then go to the bus stop. (one)

14. Help glory. (one)

15. Felt. (one)

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

19. Do not ask. (one)

21. Eat the apple / not.

22. I went with Slavva.

23. Elections on the map are unimportant.

24. Go with Slavva. (one)

25. This is all thanks to the help of girls. (one)

26. Elections on the map are unimportant.

27. Try to grab the book from Alice / do nothing.

28. Do not do anything, just sit.

29. Try to find Slav (critical choice for Slavsi).

30. I want to take food for Slavs. (one)

31. I have nothing to justify. (one)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

2. Do not answer her / answer.

3. Run behind it / nothing.

4. Try to take away the cutlet / do nothing.

5. Take the keys / not touch.

6. Praise the book. (one)

7. Map: Go for lunch / Do not go for lunch.

9. Do not argue with Alice. (one)

10. Play Lena, go to a football field. (one)

11. Sorry, but I have already agreed with Lena. (one)

12. Good, I will come. (one)

13. What is the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Perhaps I will help glory / I think I will help the guys in the construction of gigantic robots / Well, I will help the sports club.

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. It seems to me that you would have looked great. (one)

18. Probably stolen candies smoked? / In the dining room, poisoned?

20. Give Alice coal / not give her coal.

21. Eat the apple / not.

22. Gone with Lena.

23. Elections on the map are unimportant.

24. Go with Lena and not to say a leader that went to look for a shurk. (2 + 1)

27. Try to find out what Alice and Lena argue about. (Critical choice for Lena)

28. Help Alice. (one)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

2. Do not answer her / answer.

3. Run behind it / nothing.

4. Try to take away the cutlet. (one)

5. Take the keys / not touch.

6. Praise the book / say nothing.

7. Map: Go for lunch. (one)

8. Go for maps from Slavve / to go alone.

9. Having argue with Alice / not arguing with Alice.

10. Play Ulyana to the card and go to the scene. (one)

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Well, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. What is the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Help the sports club (1)

15. Stay and help her get out. (one)

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. It seems to me that you would have looked great / yes just like that.

18. I poisoned in the dining room? (one)

19. Ask for this / not to ask.

20. Give Alice coal / not give her coal.

21. Eat the apple / not.

22. Gone with Ulyana.

23. Map: Mugs, then "refuse". (one)

24. Go with Lena / Go from Slavva.

25. Yes, I tried / this is all thanks to the help of girls.

26. Try to grab the book from Alice / do nothing.

27. Do not do anything, just sit.

28. Go to Ulyana. (Critical choice for Ulyana)

29. Try to stop words. (one)

30. All this is my wines. (2)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

2. Do not answer her / answer.

3. Do not do anything. (one)

4. Try to take away the cutlet / do nothing.

5. Take the keys / not touch.

6. Praise the book / say nothing.

7. Map: Go for lunch / Do not go for lunch.

8. Go for maps from Slavve / to go alone.

9. Hold up with Alice. (2)

10. Win the tournament. (2)

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Well, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. It is worth going to see. (one)

14. Good, I will come. (one)

15. Run / stay and help Ulyan to get out.

16. Come up with another justification. (one)

17. Elections on the map are unimportant.

18. It seems to me that you would have looked great / yes just like that.

19. Probably stolen candies smoked? / In the dining room, poisoned?

20. Ask what it is / not to ask.

21. Give Alice Coal. (one)

22. Eat the apple / not.

23. I went with Alice.

24. Elections on the map are unimportant.

25. Go with Lena / Go from Slavva.

26. Yes, I tried / all thanks to helping girls.

27. Do not do anything. (one)

28. Try to find out what Alice and Lena argue about. (Critical choice for Alice)

"Infinite Summer" is an ambiguous game that appeared in 2013. In "Steeme" it became available only a year later. It is a visualized novel, which has the characteristics of Japanese erotic games, although this moment is quite controversial.


The game "Infinite Summer", the passage of which is already available to all users, was originally not even conceived as a commercial project for which money could be taken. Its creation was engaged in a group of enthusiasts, which settled on the image of Arichast.

The guys began their activities in 2008, and the basis for their project was the work of Project.Namae, which ended, without starting. In addition, the game is available on the PC, it is also due to the free Ren'py engine can run on operating systems Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS or Android.

Of course, we can say that the "endless summer" is a certain plagiarism, which was previously implemented in Katawa Shoujo. The latter was also designed by activists from the image, had the same engine and narrated five heroes.


We are talking about the young man who sits on the bus in winter, and comes to an unknown camp in the summer. Of course, Semen is frightened and is in a shock, but he, like any hero, begins to live according to the rules that the developers offered.

The essence of his time travel is to sort it yourself, understand what he wants from life, get answers to many questions. In addition, learn the relationship with the opposite sex. Since this is a game with erotic elements, "Steam" cut out all such scenes, but for those who have 18, a patch that opens all adult details.


Those who decided to plunge into the passage of the game "Infinite Summer" are obliged to know that there are 13 endings in the game. This is due to the fact that Semen can affect six girls, and if he chooses loneliness, then two endings are also waiting for it.

This visual Novella Bring a lot of surprises, especially everything will depend on the choice of player. Some options for completion may not just surprise, but at all shock. Therefore, it is further waiting for solid spoilers.


Speaking about the game "Infinite Summer", the passage of all the endings should be started from the main character. Gamer goes on them only when all relationships with the girls failed. It is believed to go to this root easier. Semenu need to just sail downstream, ignore any interactions with heroes.

It is worth saying that on this path he meets a certain mythical pioneer who daughters over him, all the time eats. He is also seed, but from another reality. He fell into the camp "Council" only 7 days, but they looked around, and now he has to live here forever.

Later it turns out that with our seed, the same thing happens, but every time on the first day he loses his memory, so he does not remember that all the time lives the same life. On the 7th day, when Semyon goes on the bus to leave the camp, his calls the mysterious voice from the forest.

Here the player will have two scene development options. Or he ignores it and returns to his reality, although all the same player is waiting for a surprise. Or he goes to the forest, and there he loses consciousness, and the gamer sees final titles. According to the screenwriter, it is at that moment Semyon becomes a pioneer.


It makes no sense to describe what heroine is. One thing is only worth saying that at the beginning of the history of Alice is the alleged girlfriend of Lena, another girl in the camp. But that, with enough bloated selfhood, believes that Semyon will choose it. But after the night spent together, Alice and Semyon remain in the camp together.

The guys decide to leave him and get to the district center on foot. On the way, they have a conflict, and the player is also waiting for a choice. Or he is recognized by Alice in his feelings, and everything ends well: he returns to his reality, but later meets a girl like Alisa. Either he is silent about his feelings and returns home one.


The game "Infinite Summer", the passage of which will bring a lot of surprises, also prepared two endings with Lena. This story is perhaps the most dramatic and confusing. Lena is always jealous of the guy to Alice. The last conflict leads to the fact that the girl hits a rival. Semeno dreams incomprehensible sleep, but after the end of the shift, he leaves with everyone. Lena finishes studies, he works and children appear. Here the player will not be able to fully understand what happened, but this ending is good, in contrast to another option.

If for the whole game the main character It was not enough to pay attention to Lena, then after a series of events, they decide to leave together, Semyon is waiting for a girl, but because of the fact that she does not come long, he goes behind her and finds the dead. It turns out that Lena revealed veins. Semyon goes on the bus, falls asleep, and waking up at home, it does not stand up and does the same.


Glory also was able to turn his head to the main hero. At the end of the player's change, there are two endings. In a good final, Semyon is still recognized as glory in the feelings, he says that he arrived from another time, but he does not believe him. Yet they sit together on the bus and fall asleep. When Semen wakes up at home, he later meets glory on the street, and everything becomes good.

The bad ending of this story is not such a tragic. Semyon says nothing to the glory about his time travel. They get to the bus, but in their world, the young man does not meet glory.

True Path

Next, the game "Infinite Summer", the passage of which is very atmospheric, leads us to the girl Ulyana. She is here with a benchmark of decency. Never hints a guy and is generally far from adult relationships. Nevertheless, it enters the seeds. If he supports it to the end, they are sitting on the bus together, and in their world the guy is restored at the institute, learns well and, of course, meets Ulyana.

If at one moment he spits on the girl, after her home arrest, it goes to do his own business, then she remains in the camp, and the guy himself leaves home. Although he is still restored at the institute, he does not meet Ulyana.


As mentioned earlier, it is not known what the passage will lead to the "Infinite Summer" game. Mika - the heroine of the game with which one of the variations of the ending, which does not make any sense at all. The essence of this story: sleep in a dream. Sometimes it seems that the scripts are so all confused that they themselves can hardly guess what makes sense.

In short, then Semyon turns out to be in the camp, there he is looking for a Shurik, falls asleep in the forest and wakes up on the bus, as part of the film crew. Mika, which Masha's name is his former girl. What she does in a filmmaker, it is difficult to understand. The couple goes to swim, but, returning, it turns out in the present pioneer camp.

Impact events are going around around. Someone was killed, someone hanged himself, somewhere go zombies. Anyway, everything later turns out to be a dream, the screenwriter Semyon understands what is valid by Micah, and decides to resume relations.

Wonders puzzle

Julia is an ambiguous character. The player will again have to face the lack of logic of the game developers. Inquired events begin to occur. Nevertheless, before the main character, it will still be a choice, which will lead it to either a good ending, or to alternative.

If the guy returns to the camp, a series of events will lead to the fact that he will remain pleased with his life, but the screenwriter games still indicates that the hero will settle in the "artificial" world that embodies his idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal life.

If he refuses to return to the camp, it will lead to alternative ending. He will join the bus again, return home. But there they flashed all the memories that are connected with each heroine. All five girls who admit that were also hostage to the "time loop" hostage. Semyon will remember July and together with the rest of the girls will deal with this difficult puzzle.

It is believed that such an ending is the most correct and real.

Other options

This game has great amount Mods and additional scenarios. For most, you need to install special files. Among the most popular there are "Infinite Summer: 7 Days of Summer." The passage of this user scenario has even more ending. There are also 3 variants of prologues, there are 6 ruts. In addition, a new heroine appears - Olga.

The next mod is "Infinite Summer: Samantha". The passage of this story takes approximately the same time as original game. She narrates about Samanth, who became a prototype of a really existing American schoolgirl. This mod also received its logical continuation.

Some minor elections are omitted (anyone can do if the option is not specified). In brackets indicated the number of points accrued by CHANS for each selection. To access Ruth-chan in 6 and 7, the bottom you need to dial 6 points. For a good ending - 9 or more. For a bad ending, you need to dial less than 9 points.



Day 1.

2. Reply. (+1)

5. Take the keys.

Day 2.

8. Go for cards from Slavva. (+1)

9. Do not argue with Alice. (If you argue with Alice, then you can not get to the bus stop.)

10. Any result on the tournament, then go to the bus stop. (+1)

Day 3.

(Without it, it is impossible to help glory to fit on the square.)

14. Cleaning with Slavve on the square. (+1)

15. Felt. (+1)

Day 4.

16. First boot station, then stay at home.

19. Do not ask. (+1)

21. Eat the apple / not.

22. I went with Slavva.

Day 5.

23. Election on the map is not important.

24. Go with Slavva. (+1)

25. This is all thanks to the help of girls. (+1)

26. Elections on the map are not important.

27. Try to grab the book from Alice / do nothing. (Nothing changes.)

28. Do not do anything, just sit. (Without it, it is impossible to find Slav.)

29. Try to find Slav. (Critical choice for glory. The ending depends on this.)

Day 6.

30. I want to take food for Slavs. (+1)

31. I have nothing to justify. (+1)



1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

Day 1.

2. Reply.

3. Run behind it / nothing.

4. Try to take away the cutlet / do nothing.

5. Take the keys / not touch.

6. Praise the book. (+1)

Day 2.

7. Map: Go for lunch / Do not go for lunch.

9. Do not argue with Alice. (+1)

10. Play Lena. (+1.

Day 3.

11. Sorry, but I have already agreed with Lena. (+1)

12. Good, I will come. (+1)

13. What is the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Perhaps I will help glory / I think I will help the guys in the construction of gigantic robots / Well, I will help the sports club.

Day 4.

16. Elections on the map are not important.

17. It seems to me that you would have looked great. (+1)

18. Probably stolen candies smoked? / In the dining room, poisoned?

20. Give Alice coal / not give her coal.

21. Eat the apple / not.

22. I went with Lena and tell the courteous that one walked. (+1).

Day 5.

23. Election on the map is not important.

24. Go with Lena (+1).

25. Yes, I tried / this is all thanks to the help of girls.

26. Try to grab the book from Alice / do nothing.

27. Try to find out what Alice and Lena argue about. (Critical choice for Lena. The ending depends on it.)

Day 6.

28. Help Alice. (+1)



1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

Day 1.

2. Do not answer her / answer.

3. Run behind it / nothing.

4. Try to take away the cutlet. (+1)

5. Take the keys / not touch.

6. Praise the book / say nothing.

Day 2.

7. Map: Go for lunch. (+1)

8. Go for maps from Slavve / to go alone.

9. Do not argue with Alice.

10. Play Ulyana to the card and go to the scene. (+1)

Day 3.

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Well, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. What is the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Help the sports club (+1)

15. Stay and help her get out. (+1)

Day 4.

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. It seems to me that you would have looked great / yes just like that.

18. I poisoned in the dining room? (+1)

19. Ask for this / not to ask.

20. Give Alice coal / not give her coal.

21. Eat the apple / not.

22. Gone with Ulyana.

Day 5.

23. Go with Lena / Go from Slavva.

24. Yes, I tried / all thanks to the help of girls.

25. Try to grab the book from Alice / do nothing.

26. Do not do anything, just sit. (Without it, it is impossible to go to Ulyana.)

27. Go to Ulyana. (Critical choice for Ulyana. The ending depends on this.)

Day 6.

28. Try to stop words. (+1)

Day 7.

30. All this is my wines. (+2)



1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

Day 1.

2. Do not answer her / answer.

3. Do not do anything. (+1)

4. Try to take away the cutlet / do nothing.

5. Take the keys / not touch.

6. Praise the book / say nothing.

Day 2.

7. Map: Go for lunch / Do not go for lunch.

8. Go for maps from Slavve / to go alone.

9. Hold up with Alice. (+2)

10. Win the tournament. (+2)

Day 3.

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Well, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. It is worth going to see. (+1)

14. Okay, I will come. (+1)

15. Run / stay and help Ulyan to get out.

16. Go to Alice.

17. Come up with another justification. (+1)

Day 4.

18. Elections on the map are unimportant.

19. It seems to me that you would have looked great / yes just like that.

20. Probably stolen candies smoked? / In the dining room, poisoned?

21. Ask what it is / not to ask.

22. Give Alice Coal. (+1)

23. Eat the apple / not.

24. Go with Alice.

Day 5.

25. Elections on the map are unimportant.

26. Go with Lena / Go with Slavva.

27. Yes, I tried / all thanks to the help of girls.

28. Care. (+1)

29. Try to find out what Alice and Lena argue about. (Critical choice for Alice. The ending depends on this.)


The option of passing the seed is:

1. Sit five days, not to show any relationships and on the campaign just sit.


(Opens after any root.)

1. No, I will stay here. (Prologue.)

2. Take the keys. (At the end of the first day.)

3. Go for cards one. (Second day.)

4. Go to the bus stop (search for a Shurika), then "agree" to help Miku with a song.

5. Do not eat an apple in the medpark.

6. Go alone (in search of Shurik at night).

Yuvao / Julia

(Opens after the passage of all good endings, including Miku and Semen Ruth, that is, Main-root):

1. I will go with you. (Prologue.)

2. Do not take keys

3. I think I will help the guys in the construction of gigantic robots. (The third day.)

4. Stay on dancing one. (The third day.)

5. Eat an apple (in the medpark.)

6. Go one in search of Shurik at night.

7. Go Back (Critical Choice for Yuvao Tian)

Harem ending

1. Go to the JUVAO RUT

The appearance of Slavov corresponds to her name - a beautiful blue-eyed girl with white hair braided into two long braids. The kind, responsible, actually fulfills the role of a leader's helper. Enjoy the confidence of the camp workers, and sometimes it takes for their own purposes. However, the controversial end of the root, the scene in the forest after the card tournament and the initiative manifested in the hentai scene give reason to doubt her sincerity. Rezoved, absolutely no shy or shame in front of the main hero. Loves swimming, and sometimes it works at night.

Full description

Girl whose whole childhood has passed in the village big family, with people who value tradition and knowing what in this life is worth it. There she was grafted by love for work, the right views on the world. She learned to love everyone in this world. In short, very correct, the shittomaty Slavic girl. Her big mystery is that she is not the one for whom he gives out. In the village she lives only a few years, in reliable people, under the fictional name - Slavs. From birth, her older sister, Russia-Oneesama (Lieutenant Security Service, Curator of the Homeland project), which is one of the best and most consistent secret agents in the world, from the few competitors of Mr. Bond (do not take too seriously). Speeding since childhood lived in the KGB specialist (special school), therefore, he is trained in martial arts and military craft, sports and at the right moments of extremely cold-blooded and rarely.
Good, all-simply, all-friendly. Indements. A typical girl-Slavs in the best sense of the word, one hundred and two years ago on such a very willingly married. Fearless, extremely honest, never lying. An ideal girl, in one word, although not everyone likes such. Very correct, someone even says that too correct - just it is so raised. Nothing is afraid and almost nothing is shy. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

The very case when the girl needs to conquer. She needs the best guy, at all, it is unlikely to agree: to love to guard to help. In fact, it is very independent, but the two good people are always better than one! Most likely, he never fell in love with real, although he loves the whole world. But if you really fall in love - then hard and forever, be sure.

Power, judgment. In the critical situation is instantly going and knows what to do. He loves to work and loves to help others. Do not mind to prepare something tasty and treat everyone. Moderate enthusiasm participates in tricks, but always saves a clear, cold head and clearly knows what it is possible, and what is impossible.


Following your image, trying to maintain good relationship with all the characters. Because of its correctness, sometimes problems with Alice and Ulyana. It is a neighbor Zhenya.

Script Comment

Specification personifies with an ultimative nurse. There were no such in life, but I would like. Something more specifically, it is difficult to write in more detail - she does not care about your problems, it will always be nursing. Frosty Winter At Night You will meet her at the bus stop and she will not run away with shouts and the police, but he is talking to you, and everything will be nyashno. The image of a certain ideal is not even my abstract, in which everyone will be able to attach those features that he likes in Tian, \u200b\u200bbecause she will never stop you, and if something becomes and what you want to see it.

Getting a good ending

The rest of the elections are not important
1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

2. Reply.

3. Run behind it / nothing.

4. Try to take away the cutlet / do nothing.

5. Take the keys / not touch.

6. Praise the book / say nothing.

7. Map: Go for lunch / Do not go for lunch.

8. Go for cards from Slavva.

9. Do not argue with Alice.

10. Any result on the tournament, then go to the bus stop.

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Well, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. What is the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Help glory.

15. Felt.

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. It seems to me that you would have looked great / yes just like that.

18. Probably stolen candies smoked? / In the dining room, poisoned?

19. Do not ask.

20. Give Alice coal / not give her coal.

21. Eat the apple / not.

22. I went with Slavva.

23. Elections on the map are unimportant.

24. Go with Slavva.

25. This is all thanks to the help of girls.

26. Elections on the map are unimportant.

27. Try to grab the book from Alice / do nothing.

28. Do not do anything, just sit.

29. Try to find Slav.

30. I want to take food for Slava.

31.Mnnet nothing to justify.

History and ending (!!! Caution Spoiler !!!)

Special is the first person who seed meets in the camp, and it is she who introduces him to the case. A solid part of the time in developing relationships occupies a joint work on the camp. At the end of the root, the main character leaves the camp and, having resigned, returns to his ordinary life. In a good ending, Semen meets a girl at the bus stop, like Slav and invites her to his home.

The visual novel of the infinite summer consists not only from beautiful, summer pictures and excellent music, but also offers a player more than a dozen outcome. In the game without a small 13 ending, and the ability to download various custom fashion And at all make the game even more exciting, and in essence really endless.

All game events are constant and non-random - i.e., everything that happens completely depends on the choice of the player. In the game there are four "typical" endings - Lena, Alice, Slav, Ulyana. To get it, you need to earn points, and they have two versions - good and bad. Also, if in the end, the seed with anyone specifically "got close to", then there is a fifth ending - seed, also with two versions. After the passage of any ending, it is possible to get the ending with Miku, and after passing all five possible good endings and the ending of the Miku opens The ability to fully go through the game - with two finals options, where everything depends only on the choice at the very end.

Below you will find full passage All ruts Everlasting Summer. Some minor elections are omitted (anyone can do if the option is not specified). During the game, you are gaining conditional "points" passing, i.e. "Points" attitudes of characters to the player. In brackets indicated the number of points accrued by CHANS for each selection. If the points are recruited more than 6, then on the fifth day you can make a choice in favor of the character, and as a result, the ending will be obtained with this character at the end of the game - good or bad, depending on whether more than 9 points scored by the end of the game or not .

Also you can view the passage in the graphic version - by one picture: just click on the link!

2. Reply. (one)

5. Take the keys / not touch.

8. Go for cards from Slavva. (one)
9. Do not argue with Alice.
10. Any result on the tournament, then go to the bus stop. (one)

14. Help glory. (one)
15. Felt. (one)
16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

19. Do not ask. (one)

21. Eat the apple / not.
22. I went with Slavva.
23. Elections on the map are unimportant.
24. Go with Slavva. (one)
25. This is all thanks to the help of girls. (one)
26. Elections on the map are unimportant.
27. Try to grab the book from Alice / do nothing.
28. Do not do anything, just sit.
29. Try to find Slav. (Critical choice for Slavsi)
30. I want to take food for Slavs. (one)
31. I have nothing to justify. (one)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

3. Run behind it / nothing.
4. Try to take away the cutlet / do nothing.
5. Take the keys / not touch.
6. Praise the book. (one)
7. Map: Go for lunch / Do not go for lunch.

9. Do not argue with Alice. (one)
10. Play Lena, go to a football field. (one)
11. Sorry, but I have already agreed with Lena. (one)
12. Good, I will come. (one)
13. What is the difference? We must continue to look for answers.
14. Perhaps I will help glory / I think I will help the guys in the construction of gigantic robots / Well, I will help the sports club.
15. Run / stay and help Ulyan to get out.
16. Elections on the map are unimportant.
17. It seems to me that you would have looked great. (one)
18. Probably stolen candies smoked? / In the dining room poisoned?

20. Give Alice coal / not give her coal.
21. Eat the apple / not.
22. Gone with Lena and not to speak the leader that I went to look for Syric. (2 + 1)
23. Elections on the map are unimportant.
24. Go with Lena. (one)

27. Try to find out what Alice and Lena argue about. (Critical choice for Lena)
28. Help Alice. (one)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.
2. Do not answer her / answer.
3. Run behind it / nothing.
4. Try to take away the cutlet. (one)
5. Take the keys / not touch.
6. Praise the book / say nothing.
7. Map: Go for lunch. (one)
8. Go for maps from Slavve / to go alone.
9. Having argue with Alice / not arguing with Alice.
10. Play Ulyana to the card and go to the scene. (one)
11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Well, wait a minute.
12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.
13. What is the difference? We must continue to look for answers.
14. Help the sports club. (one)
15. Stay and help her get out. (one)
16. Elections on the map are unimportant.
17. It seems to me that you would have looked great / yes just like that.
18. I poisoned in the dining room? (one)
19. Ask for this / not to ask.
20. Give Alice coal / not give her coal.
21. Eat the apple / not.
22. Gone with Ulyana.
23. Map: Mugs, then "refuse". (one)
24. Go with Lena / Go from Slavva.
25. Yes, I tried / this is all thanks to the help of girls.
26. Try to grab the book from Alice / do nothing.
27. Do not do anything, just sit.
28. Go to Ulyana. (Critical choice for Ulyana)
29. Try to stop words. (one)
30. All this is my wines. (2)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.
2. Do not answer her / answer.
3. Do not do anything. (one)
4. Try to take away the cutlet / do nothing.
5. Take the keys / not touch.
6. Praise the book / say nothing.
7. Map: Go for lunch / Do not go for lunch.
8. Go for maps from Slavve / to go alone.
9. Hold up with Alice. (2)
10. Win the tournament. (2)
11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Well, wait a minute.
12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.
13. It is worth going to see. (one)
14. Okay, I will come. (one)
15. Run / stay and help Ulyan to get out.
16. Come up with another justification. (one)
17. Elections on the map are unimportant.
18. It seems to me that you would have looked great / yes just like that.
19. Probably stolen candies smoked? / In the dining room poisoned?
20. Ask what it is / not to ask.
21. Give Alice Coal. (one)
22. Eat the apple / not.
23. Go with Alice.
24. Elections on the map are unimportant.
25. Go with Lena / Go from Slavva.
26. Yes, I tried / all thanks to helping girls.
27. Do not do anything. (one)
28. Try to find out what Alice and Lena argue about. (Critical choice for Alice)

Main (Semyon):

1. Do not do anything, just sit (5 days, hike)
2. Do not do anything (5 day, hike).
Good / Bad: Do not go for voice / go for a voice

Miku (only critical elections, the rest are unimportant, opens only after any Main Ruta):

1. No, I will stay here (Prolog, the very beginning).
2. Take the keys (end of the first day).
3. Go for cards one.
4. Go to the bus stop (search for a Shurik), then "agree" (help Miku with the song).
5. Not there (apple).
6. Go alone (in search of Shurik at night).

YUVAO (opens only after passing all Goods, Miku and Main Ruta):

1. I will go with you (in prologue).
2. Do not take the keys (end of the first day).
3. In the third day, stay alone on dancing.
4. Eat an apple.
5. Go alone (in search of Shurik at night).

Hoping ending: